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New anco EP leaked Kinda Bonkers 7/10 Peacemaker 3/10 (???)

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New anco EP leaked

Kinda Bonkers 7/10
Peacemaker 3/10 (???)
Goalkeeper 5/10
Jimmy Mack 7/10

So they fucked up again.
Peacebone > Peacemaker
link it my dude
gimme a download link i cant rate and hate otherwise
Where's the leak I only see Jimmy Mack
>it's an anco releases an EP the same quality as water curses episode
I love it, much better than Painting With

Literally comes out tomorrow you spazzes

>implying Water Curses isn't beautiful
This. /mu/tant faggots think what they see as getting it the day-before is a leak when it's really just that it's already available due to time zones.
It was a compliment senpai, this shows they still have it in them
>literally leftovers of Painting With Numbers
no thankx dude, PWN was one of the worst caca of 2016
>downloading from Uploaded
how the fuck did this site become the normal one to host albums on?
painting with is good you pleb
animal collective needs to just disband so Deakin can focus on his solo stuff tbqhwyf

ahh nice
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seriously the opening track is just bollywood with american story vocals
Did you mean Panda? Deakin hasn't been with the band since the end of the CHz tour.
Peacemaker is the only bad track and even then it's still better than the majority of PW desu
mad fanboy? your meme faggot releases meme shit and its meme and gay and shit just like everyone thought it´d be

the kind of shit music apple owners have at their mac
le meme meme faggot meme music gay meme shit meme meme meme!!! xD
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cool bread
can someone reupload on mega? I don't want to have to deal with uploaded's garbage on mobile.
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Animal Collective - The Painters (320)
Peacemaker is one of the better hocketing tracks they've done though
it's better than Goalkeeper imo
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>still listening to AnCo

this is so played out now you are like the modern version of those people who swear that disco didn't die

I ain't clicking that shit nigga
if you've never seen a fucking mega link then I don't really know what to say
have fun using uploaded.to I guess
damn they went downhill fast
same guys who made strawberry jam made this crap.
Nobody cares, go away
Peacemaker is clearly the highlight track here though. What the fuck are you idiots on about
this isnt a safe space kid. instead of whining make me see why this is good
it's pretty good but nothing is better than Jimmy Mack
What? It's one of the least creative and most predictable tracks they've ever made, instrumentally and songwriting-wise.
Yeah it isn't a safe space, it also is a discussion board so instead of baiting how about you say why you don't like it.

>opinions are bait meme
Just because you are sincere in your opinion, doesn't mean it's not bait. Anything that's meant to grab replies does.
it is fairly straightforward, but I wouldn't say it lacks creativity and they executed it pretty much perfectly imo. reminds me of Brother Sport quite a bit.
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Kinda felt like killing myself yesterday, good thing I didn;t. I like this EP.
I still think that it's okay, just not as boundary-pushing as I would expect from AnCo
It does a lot with a little, something that has been misssing from their music lately. It's a great performance.
interesting chart. don't agree with some of it and I feel like a bit more emphasis should be placed on album 'cycles,' but I've been meaning to do a comprehensive flowchart for AnCo+side projects for a while.
fair enough. it's certainly not what I'd describe as boundary pushing, it's just very enjoyable to me.
>I've been meaning to do a comprehensive flowchart for AnCo+side projects for a while
Do it. The one I posted it dated, we need an update.
I just noticed that one is missing Young Prayer so now I'm even more inclined to. might have to throw in some of the best live recordings/unreleased tracks as well (assuming I don't just get lazy like I usually do.)
do there happen to be any sites anyone knows of for doing flowcharts and shit, or will I have to do it by hand in an image editor?
Peacemaker = Goalkeeper > Kinda Bonkers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jimmy Mack
Doesn't seem too hard to just do it in paint. Might not look as good, but whatever. Photoshop or Paint.net might also work. Paint.net is free.
I mean, it is a cover. As far as covers go, they killed it.
thanks nigger
damn so close
yeah, I'll probably do it in paint.NET, I just figured I may as well ask since it seems like there has to be something better for flowcharts.
no problemo
So far it's like a bit better version of PW

If PW was 6/10 then this is 6.2/10
Kinda Bonkers felt like a calmer version of Floridada
Peacemaker isn't bad. It has those calming feels to it that should be in the album to balancing the more energetic songs. The vocal effect is still annoying but they done it better than anything they had done in the album.
Goalkeeper is kinda lackluster but thankfully it's short and the background noise can be interesting.
Jimmy Mack is okay.

Overall just like the album, 6 outta 10.
Wait, shit. Jimmy Mack is actually good. 7 outta 10.
After listening to Sleep Cycle vs the rest of their post Centipede material, it's pretty fucking clear where the talent was.

AnCo without Deakin is like the Beatles without George Harrison. He wasn't the focal point of the band, but his presence and musical sense was pretty clearly the thing that held Panda and Avey in check and guided their disparate sounds together towards greatness.
This is much better than PW. Has more energy and less gimmicks (although peacemaker isn't that amazing)
so you're going by one album cycle instead of judging by, say, MPP + Fall Be Kind which also didn't have Deakin? seems a bit one-sided desu
Peacemaker may be the best on the RP for me, though it's hard to choose. Jimmy Mack probably beats it.
Their non Deak material is fine, but yes, he's more important than most give him credit for.
yo Jimmy Mack is fucking great
CHz is better than what people credited for, too.
Jimmy Mack is solidifying itself as a top 5 anco song for me.
is it just me or is anyone hearing the seinfeld baseline in goalkeeper
I hear a bassline but it doesn't sound like the seinfeld bassline
>Today's Supernatural
>Father Time
>Mercury Man
These are all great songs yet people shit on CHz like it's the worse thing they ever put out.
Peacemaker is so good, holy shit.

CHz got shat on because everyone got an impossibly high expectation from it. Ever since Sung Tongs, they kept making better shit on each albums and CHz just dropped so hard from MPP and everyone just felt massively disappointed by it.

I like it. It's actually my most listened Anco album according last.fm, I think. It has some of my favorite Anco songs (Today's Supernatural, Applesauce, Wide Eyed, New Town Burnout). Compared to their other albums it might not as great, but by no means it's a bad album let alone the worst one from them. But then again I liked PW so much and people hated that album too.
>Peacemaker is so good, holy shit.

Redpill me please, it's the most underwhelming track on the ep for me.
Fall Be Kind > The Painters = Water Curses > Prospect Hummer

Debate me
Is it real?
It's genuinely comfy ass shit. It's so much refreshing compared to hectic songs from PW. It's also a return form to their more ambient materials like No More Running and Cuckoo Cuckoo for example.

Currently listening to it. Seems legit.
Just smoked my wake n bake bowl in bed to the FLAC, it's pretty good. No bad tracks, but I didn't dislike Painting With either, and this is definitely a companion piece.
Even though AnCo's current pop phase loses some of the magic through the lack of the distinctive atmosphere and ambience that they achieved with quiet passages and extended track lengths on their older material, they're still tapping into something unique with it. The synthetic production is more lush and polished than anything previous and the sonic palette is definitely all theirs' alone. Sounds like music from the wacky future desu senpai
But all the recent material sounds similar enough to each other (in songwriting and technique) that they will have to evolve yet again for the next phase for it not to be redundant

Yep. I was a bit surprised that it was only 28 MB, but the EP is 13:25 mins long, so it's cool.
I just reuploaded the getleaks.net uploaded.to link (which in turn seems to have been taken from passtheheadphones) to mega. it sounds pretty legit to me.
The instrumentation and melody just work really well together. It feels wonky without actually being too odd in an abrasive or uncomfortable way. It's kind of like Pulleys for me, which in my opinion is one of Animal Collective's best tracks from a very good album.
PW era is probably one of their experimental era. I think Geo once said in the interview that they wanted to make a weird pop album and cut down most of their ambient stuff, which is why the songs are short. Not to mention, I think most of the materials were made in a short time, like a month, something they admit they had never done before.

Hopefully for their next album, they made something a bit more substantial and using all their time just to make a great album. And hopefully Deak come back too.
the great thing album anco is that each album has a completely different sound. even though centipede hz was also kind of disappointing it had a totally different style to painting with and every other anco album.

and yeah, like you said this ep was definitely a companion piece to PW, except I feel like this was the style they were going for but done right.

nevertheless it would be interesting to see what kind of sound they try and capture next. hopefully they'll actually pull it off right this time and not figure it out a year after its release.
Honestly would rather listen to this ripoff anco desu

>>literally leftovers of Painting With Numbers
You say this as if they don't do it with all their LPs.
Doesn't sound too bad. Really obvious purple bottle rip doe.
Oh yeah, it's very surprising they make another companion piece EP again. I thought they stopped doing that after that garbage shit called Monkey Been To Burntown EP.
he didn't even make a good song in ripping them off
Monkey Been To Burntown was all the work of other artists remixing them though. the shittiness wasn't the band's fault.
I don't understand how people can put shit like this out and not be ashamed.
Yeah, but I thought they released a leftover EP for CHz and was greatly disappointed that they released a shitty remixed album instead.
Kinda Bonkers 7.5/10
Peacemaker 6.5/10
Goalkeeper (sounds like a Centipede throwaway) 6/10
Jimmy Mack 8/10

7/10 overall
I like how the vocals is more annoying than Purple Bottle.
yeah, it's kind of amazing how he managed to replicate all the individual elements of The Purple Bottle pretty well and yet none of it ends up sounding good like it did in the original song.
Kinda Bonkers > Goalkeeper > Jimmy Mack > Peacemaker
Only listened to it once so far though.
Starting with Fall Be Kind is really bizarre.
I really like Kinda Bonkers. It sounds like what PW should have been like.
I would of picked Strawberry Jam and Merriweather Post Pavilion desu
Is Kinda Bonkers the first AnCo track to say "fuck"?
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Essplode apparently
Essplode has it in the lyrics and Golden Gal starts with a sample of someone pretty clearly saying it, but I'm not sure if it's any other songs
pretty bland honestly
Kinda Bonkers 3/10
Peacemaker 4/10
Goalkeeper 2/10
Jimmy Mack 3/10

I'm feeling a strong FuckingDiePaintingEraSound on this one, guys.
hey at least you correctly identified the best track
i'm feeling a strong go fuck yourself
>Peacemaker 3/10
best track though
bad ep and I suck anco dick for breakfast
Laughing Hieroglyphic from Down There?
I like it a lot, giving out ratings at this point is just silly. It's obvious the middle two songs are meant to be growers while the bookends are strong singles which immediately leave a strong impression. That being said the vibe on the middle two songs was very cool and I think they should have been included on Painting With to give it just that little bit more room to breathe. Honestly if all these songs had been included on Painting With I feel it would have been an even stronger album, and I already like it quite a bit.
Is this EP actually good? I've heard pretty bonkers and desu its pretty cringe, cant stand the chorus and the lyrics are embarrassing
every song is fairly different to each other. expect a chill Panda/hocketing track, a very upbeat tweet pop track, and Jimmy Mack
also Kinda Bonkers is breddy gud you pleb
*twee, damn it
damn it again. corrected myself though
I saw them live last year

tbqh it wasn't very good
this era is not good for live performance
this era is not good for anyything
Kinda Bonkers 3/10
Peacemaker 6/10
Goalkeeper 8/10 (idk why but I like this one)
Jimmy Mack 5/10
The live albums are great though so I don't believe you
I saw them last year and they were great.
lying in the grass live is their best song since 2009 tbqh
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ChZ Live era called, they want their best live songs title back
ive seen them three times this your. you are wrong.
>Painting With Numbers
Good for you, I've seen them twice this album. Twice during Chz too, and once during MPP. I wish the shows are as good, but their not. They lack the energy that previous era's had, but if you enjoyed them then I can't nor shouldn't take that away from you
not that anon, but every time I listen to live CHz stuff I just think of how much better the songs are on the album. honestly the only thing they did better then were MPP songs.
i'm open to being wrong and I guess it should be a subjective statement...what are your favorite CHz live songs?
They're live shows have always been polarizing as shit.

I think their current tour has been great.
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Goalkeeper's pretty sick, i love that synth and bass sound
Peacemaker's kinda boring, not a fan of the idea of a slowburner in this era
I was at this show, and it was the best one I've been to by far. Opening with What Would I Want Sky?, the ChZ songs were better than on the album (except fuck wide eyed im sorry deak), LION IN A COMA, I think I Can, PEACEBONE every song played this night was amazing. They did a recording and made a live album for the night either after or before this, but I like the tracklist of this day better
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Jimmy Mack > Goalkeeper > Kinda Bonkers > Peacemaker
if Peacemaker was on par with the others this could be an easy 9/10
Jimmy mack chorus sounds just like an old song

it has a female singer, it goes something like "I want my baby back"
you do realize Jimmy Mack is a cover right
haha yea thats why it sounds so familiar, i'm an idiot
I love el Deakinito's solo project but he was in CPHZ and it was terrible, I thinks it's more about the band as a whole
CPHZ was still better than the insipid Painting With.

Calling CPHZ "terrible" because it wasn't another MPP would be like shitting on More Songs About Buildings And Food because it's not another Talking Heads: 77.

meanwhile, Painting With is True Stories.
what are your favorite songs off chz
CHz had:
Today's Supernatural
Rosie Oh
Wide Eyed
Monkey Riches
Mercury Man (amazing song IMO)

Its a great album in comparison to Painting With.
Painting With has:
Hocus Pocus
Lying in the Grass
The Burglars
On Delay
Golden Gal

I really liked FloriDada, Vertical, On Delay, Golden Gal. The rest...I don't know. They were forgettable to me.
Centipde Hz is my favorite AnCo album but man I don't like Pulleys at all and Mercury Man isn't much better.
Mercury Man is awful
Not mentioning Bagels In Kiev
what the fuck? it's just a bunch of pictures of kevin spacey

>It must be somewhere, can't find it nowhere, is it me? I keep calling / it feels like no one is there

I loved Mercury Man quite a bit. Pulleys wasn't the best but it was better than Father Time.
The live version of Pulleys from Live At 9:30 made me like that song.
>stealing in music
>stealing culture
they should've just put mountain game on the ep instead of releasing it standalone
it would've fit pretty well
I saw them and it was incredible, best show I've been to
POST-MPP: best/worst song

best - What Would I Want? Sky
worst - Lying in the Grass

fight me
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came here just to say that OP is fucking stupid

peacemaker is the second track on the album

listen 10 times (like you should to any anco song) and youll see the hocketing is much more refined and its closest to old anco
second best*
You legit think Lying In The Grass is worse than Father Time or Mercury Man?

I actually thought father time was alright, not the best but not the worst, though I tend to hear it a lot due to Wide Eyed being one of my most listened to songs from the album next to maybe Monkey Riches.
Damn man, I'm sorry. I mean I guess it's cool that your tard wrangler lets you have Internet access.

Father Time is actually pretty good, maybe it had just been a while. I just gave it another couple of listens just now.
Nah, I won't.

But can we all agree that No More Runnin is the best track on MPP and possibly the entire 00's AnCo discography.

Such a damn good song. But, In the Flowers makes me feel some kind of way.
Bluish for me.
I can't pick a best but it's definitely not that, and that worst is just shit taste anon
that's easily the worst song on MPP tho
Best MPP track is either Guys Eyes or Taste

Another great pick, though I associate it with my ex-fiance. I think we can all agree that MPP is a great album, regardless.
Summertime clothes is the best MPP song imo, it is even better live.
The Purple Bottle and For Reverend Green are my favorite 00s AnCo songs though.
See, Bluish is like Lion In A Coma for me (AKA a great opportunity to skip forward)

I'm OK with that, I just like the atmosphere in No More Runnin' better. In the Flowers is up there though.

What's you're fav, then?
Where's the love for Safer and Cuckoo Cuckoo?

Lion In A Coma is my other favorite from MPP. Gotta love that didgeridoo.
Samefag here, and I am totally OK calling Taste the best song on the album. I live in Baltimore and NOTHING is better accompaniment to driving through the swampy country of southern Maryland or the Eastern Short on a hot, hazy summer afternoon quite like Taste.
Definitely better than MPP. For Reverend Green is easily the best SJ song.

Do you appreciate the subtleties of tastebuds, friendo?
pretty typical answer, but Brother Sport. Taste is close though, as is Daily Routine.
great Taste, anon :^)
Guys Eyes is my next favorite after the other tracks I listed
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They never come to my country, saw them live for first time last year after seven years being a fan and they only played tracks from fucking PW.

So. Fuking. Disappointed.

They're coming to Charleston on May 7th. I am beyond excited.

Hopefully they won't cancel like Death Grips had to a year or so ago.
Have you listened to the version of Pulleys that they played on some radio station? It's on YouTube somewhere, but it is a superior version and made even like the original more
This is quite good. Anyone else think Avey's vocals are much better on this than PW? Definitely felt like something was missing.

Yeah, that scream.
Painting With would have been so much better if it wasn't for that god awful second track
I prefer CPHZ too, that doesn't make it automatically better, it came before a very long hiatus and right before their best era (imo)

The most frustrating thing about CPHZ is I'm sure they'd have released another 10/10 album if they just took a little bit more time to polish it, I see they had a very ambitious project in mind that was never properly finished
You mean this one? I've listened to the version of Wide Eyed they played but this is my first time listening to this one. Not bad at all.
Lying in the Grass is great, one of the best songs of that album.
most underrated anco songs GO

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>hocus pocus
Yeah that's it, the tone comes across way better in that performance. I dig the Wide Eyed played there as well.
last time anco went to my country was 12 years ago so fuck off
>those dub trips of truth
Trips confirms
Had a white and blackish sheltie, had a name when we first got him. Should of taken better care of him, but he had it ok.
I feel like all the vocals were given more room to breathe. surprising considered the tracks are supposed to be PW outtakes.
I feel like I've never seen anyone particularly dislike Hocus Pocus before. what's so bad about it to you?

DEREK! so damn good
one of my favs
shit son
I love People, dunno why nobody likes it here

also >>71054957 street flash



the hocketing is unbearable for me and it's too slow
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Don't mind me, just one of the best albums/songs from an AnCo member coming through:


Seriously though, this, Tomboy and Sleep Cycle are incredible solo works.
amazing EP, amazing track
Water Curses as a whole is just four 10/10 tracks\

Cobwebs is especially overlooked though

Fuck yes it is.

Gotta say, anons, I listen to a lot of Animal Collective but it feels good to step away and look at how massive and wonderful their library really is.
really? the opener and the two closer tracks are the ones i dislike the most from this album, that practically kills it for me, and I do love three umbrellas, oliver twist, heads hammock, bottom glass boat and ghost of books
I love People too, definitely one of my favourites as well.

Laughing Hieroglyphic helped me get through some tough stuff last year, when I was going through a break-up a week before my wedding. Ghost of Books is mind-blowing.
amazing thread
Kinda Bonkers: 7/10
Peacemaker: 8/10
Goalkeeper: 3/10
Jimmy Mack: 8/10

Overall: I need to listen to it more

Saw them live last year and I thought they were outstanding... so whatever...


Never could get into Tomboy. Down There and Sleep Cycle really are incredible though.

What!? Why!? The opener and closing tracks are the best parts of the album imo.

Surfer's Hymn made Tomboy for me.
Each Anco release really solidifies that fact that /mu/ has entered an era of hating the new music.
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>awful opinions: the post
Kinda Bonkers - 7/10
Peacemaker - 9/10
Goalkeeper - 8/10
Jimmy Mack - 9/10

Unless you're counting Sleep Cycle this is the best AnCo release since Fall Be Kind

>and when I get fucked up, I do my best to make myself not fucked up again

I never had any preference towards profanity in songs, but I tell you what. When Avey does it, I get chills.

Watch this live performance, if just for when Avey screams GHOSTTTSSSS

That is admittedly my favourite track on that album
that and Slow Motion really do make the album. listening to it more helped me get into many of the other tracks though. I'd recommend the single versions of songs too, Sonic Boom really stripped out some of the magic Panda put into some tracks.

Oh yeah. Pre-release Tomboy, Slow Motion and Last Night at the Jetty were fantastic.
The only way to listen to Tomboy IMO
Read the thread next time before posting.
if you didn't know, the special edition vinyl box set version of Tomboy has 'singles' versions of every track on the album, basically what they were like before Sonic Boom put his hands on them. for the most part it's a major improvement imo, the vocals are much more like Person Pitch and it just feels a bit more off-kilter/lo-fi in an appealing way. just a shame it's still never been released digitally.
Thoughts on Alvin Band?

There's An Arrow is definitely one of my favorites. Also Bat you'll fly is extremely underrated
Drove into a thunderstorm in a fishing town last summer listening to Tomboy as the title track came on. That's the only way to listen to Tomboy.

quints confirms
That video, holy shit.

Honestly my major complaint with Tomboy (and even PBVGR) was that the production just felt drab to me. Much prefer the Sonic Boom-less versions of post PP Panda stuff.
I actually prefer the fan mix (Tomboiled) over Tomboy.


I know, right? Just seeing the energy he puts into that song, its hard not to fall in love with it after hearing this iteration.
pretty good, though I feel like he's mostly just compared to AnCo because he has vocal harmonies even though they aren't too similar at all. if anything, his remind me of the Beach Boys more than AnCo. still need to check out his newer stuff released under his own name.
when I first really got into Noah's solo work I felt like he wasn't a very good producer just due to how bland and pristine Tomboy and PBvsGR are overall. I feel like Sonic Boom helped a few songs (particularly on PBvsGR,) but it's really a shame that Panda's production sensibilities have never really been given a chance to shine. the aforementioned single mixes, the unreleased song he did for Atiba during the Tomboy era, and his unused PBvsGR instrumental mix make it obvious he has some great ideas on the instrumental/production side of things.
Tomboiled is pretty nice, but every time a fanmix like that is made the studio and live versions clash too much for me so I tend to just mess around with alternate tracklistings. the only fanmix that's ever really stood out to me was the one somebody did for Transverse Temporal Gyrus that takes the stems from the program and makes them into full-fledged tracks.

Rick Alvin huh? Hadn't heard anything under his actual name. Thanks for the tip.
no problem m80, he's ditched the name Alvin Band entirely for a while now and has a bunch of newer stuff on Bandcamp. just released something recently if I remember correctly.
motherfucker that has been a thing since the 60s
if you don't like it now fuck off

Country Report

Just remembered this absolute gem
it's amazing how this band manages to have such consistently great obscure/live shit
jimmy mack is gr8
share that FLAC homegirl
KB: 7/10
Peacemaker 9/10
Goalkeeper: 7/10
Jimmy Mack: 9/10

Peacemaker's undertone vibe shifting mixed with the hocketing is what PW should have done better. Great EP. The transition from Goalkeeper to Jimmy Mack got me hype as hell breh
fresh and dark
I actually think it's really good, although goalkeeper is kind of a weak point
HAHA dude I was thinking the exact same thing. Kinda made it hard to listen to after I noticed that
I saw them last May and it was fucking incredible. one of the best shows I've been to, and the PW songs sounded better live
they did release applesauce/crimson and honeycomb/gotham, which were fantastic tracks.
Do you actually listen to hindi music? You'd be surprised how much they sound like western music. Really the signature to hindi music is the vocal style which is obviously not what avey's doing
id switch MPP and Fall be kind. Also you could have connected the solo works a lot better to some albums, like down there sounds just like strawberry jam's later tracks. Also Enter the Slasher is no where and should be a branch off of CHz.
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Kinda Bonkers > Peacemaker > Goalkeeper > Jimmy Mack
Jimmy Mack is great though
I'd put Peacemaker last, even though I think it's quite underrated
Pretty good EP desu
double all of those scores at least

Peacemakers one of the best songs they've written since merriweather.
lying in the grass is one of the worst songs they've ever written imo and I really don't think I hear the same song other people do.

Why do "actual" bands release EPs these days? Unless they're free samplers I guess. It's one thing for a bedroom or garage project to do it but it just seems like a waste of time to make something so short, just triple it and you've got another album.
That's nuts. I Iove Lying in the Grass.
All of AnCo's ep's are just tracks that didn't make it on the album
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Kinda Bonkers is pretty damn good. Super cool vocal sample as a melody/rhythm. I really, really don't like the lyrics though. It's like a 6.5

Peacemaker is one of the best songs they've put out since ODDSAC. Definitely the best song from this era, an easy 8.5

Goalie is pretty cool, it kind of reminds me of like the Taste of this generation--stylistically it's sort of the most generic but in the same way it's kind of like the perfect encapsulation of the style. I'd give it a 7.5

Jimmy Mack is fun but it's not super creative soundwise. I'd give it a 7.

Overall this EP is the best AC release since ODDSAC I'd say.
explain how MPP is so great then?
I like this EP, I think it's a good direction for their sound. I hate that weird belchy noise on Jimmy Mack though, hopefully they drop that
Jimmy Mack >= Peacemaker > Kinda Bonkers = Goalkeeper
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