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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 121

i said ioi
let's go together
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Simply K-Pop Line-Up 170203 11AM KST

Mas 0094
BP Rania


wow i didn't know onepiece composed um jung hwa's jam
i don't understand the reason behind all the window photos but i love them
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someone recommend me purepop with actual good songs/choreo
>mfw when I finally like omg
any kpop songs like this?

Lovelyz >>>>>>>>> OMG

Courtesy of Baby Soul Poster
showed my pajeet mom some kpop

>Black Pink: Whistle, Playing with Fire
she hated it, said no one of them looks authentic, after jennie appeared in Whistle she was convinced she talked about how you need to be naturally 'cool and tough' to pull those songs of.

>Red Velvet: Russian Roulette, Rookie
she hated it and said they're like robots and not authentic, songs are empty and nothing of artistic value

>Twice: Ooh Ahh, TT
She hated this group the most, called them talentless and superficial, not good at conveying emotions, everyone could dance better than them

kinda got what she was about and showed her
>Wonder Girls: Why so lonely
Liked this one, they seem authentic, she took them more serious, the song seemed deep and the video more artistic
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Arin posters a best
Pajeet Day
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Luda feeding Seola.webm
3MB, 1280x720px
>2017 is exo's five year anniversary

what the fuck it feels like its been longer than that
>bp rania

they're still promoting?
>integrating uncommon instrumentals effectively into Kpop
OMG is true Kpop innovation
i like these songs
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we can start at LA and head over to newark together
>you've visited this page 2 times
nice false flag
i'm going to need the picture of every single member now thank you
t. sami mansour

Chick on left btfo
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balding useless old woman.webm
3MB, 682x720px
just to check the link, post deleted tho
Our girls
lovelyz is my favorite kpop group to listen to because their relaxing songs don't require me to get up and dance (i am paralyzed from the waist down)
modern kpg poster tiers

the enlioightened, ujung
miracles (that post arin or mimi)
option 8, buddy, pristinposters
other miracles, mrjposters

those guys that pop in every now and then to call kpop gay

once year olds
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ez i'm already in california
i'll do anything just to see ksoo and chen
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>you need to be naturally 'cool and tough' to pull those songs of.

this is how i feel about everything that comes from YG. asian people are simply too effeminate/nerdy to pull off the machismo required for hiphop.
>pajeet mom
I know of a song by Oh My Girl that she'd find absolutely riveting
me on the left
taeyeon is so beautiful
it was already posted here like four times, no one believed it retard
okay so who wants to be my friend
im 29, 6ft 4" and hairy af
arin is a woman now and shes ready
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omo, is that chanmi?
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tfw enlioightened
Effective isn't synonymous with shoehorn, my smelly friend
i wouldnt know im not here 16 hours a day
>luda will never feed you some weird pasty thing
why even live?
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Article: Hyeri, "Started exercising for the first time in my life, the reason I'm trying to lose weight is..."

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+4,358, -135] Probably for comeback

2. [+2,372, -165] Hul, is there finally a comeback in the works??

3. [+1,902, -155] Wow, finally a comeback

4. [+1,481, -140] Finally a comeback!!!!!!

5. [+993, -66] She's working out for the first time...? Then I guess she's always had a toned figure because I always thought she was athletic for how thin she was and her body always looked so toned.

6. [+170, -4] She probably means it's her first time weight training at a gym. Considering all the dieting and dance practice she's done, she's probably done more exercises than the rest of us

7. [+224, -32] Yeah, she probably means it's her first time getting professional training.. fighting on your comeback prep Hyeri, I'll be waiting

8. [+93, -9] Hul!!! She's already only bones! How much more does she have to lose?

9. [+145, -29] Hul, her thighs were natural then? They totally looked so toned

10. [+171, -38] So she hasn't been working out this entire time?!?!?!?!!?!?!
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Dayoung almost left behind.webm
3MB, 576x1024px
being Dayoung is suffering
Not to be rude but your comment/post is off-topic and does not belong in this here music discssion thread. Please delete it immediately, thanks you.
i don't think anyone here is autistic enough that they would have an insatiable desire to dance to to these songs, wheelchair-anon.
hehe cute
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w o r d
perfect i already live in ny so ill fly over there for la and then youll just have to fly home for ny
why not?
Twice song good
mixx are cute

WTF, that is disturbing
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nice but change filename
>6. [+170, -4] She probably means it's her first time weight training at a gym. Considering all the dieting and dance practice she's done, she's probably done more exercises than the rest of us

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that's one smol choa
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arin is pure.webm
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seola honestly looks like the kind of girl whose favorite meal is glue with ketchup
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Luda potato.webm
3MB, 1040x720px
seconding this
List me some shows with WJSN please

Preferably just them and with English subtitles
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>forgetting ugly
get it right mate, seoluggo is love
>sweat smells like curry after eating indian last night

kpop for this feel?
bwahaha sauce on that picture?
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i didnt know luda could be beautiful
what an adorable 60 year old woman
black stink - playing with fire




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that choa is perfect
that's the one
boombayah by blackpink
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wtf are you bowser
Twicegirl looks nice
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see you there
that nose is sea monkey tier
>twice are natty i swear
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Every Choa is perfect
why are there so many choasips in existence? how has one woman sipped this much?

More like twicetroll

She must be really thirsty

Get it?
>Twice is natty
She was so cute back then, FUCK YOU JYP
oh god

even as a twice fan myself i can't shield this
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can't argue with you there, no one can
d r o p p e d
no wonder they turned her into a boy
fuck... my dick is diamonds
i like yooa
Who let twiceboy out of the dungeon
Wait so the babysoul poster is some wheelchair bound Barbados autist?
wtf is wrong with her eye????????
t-wiceboy will look good with long hair i s-swear
are you the same guy that thinks lisa was cute before the ps? lmao
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Post Sohye webms
what's the message behind this post? twiceboy is their token lesbian-demographic idol. wasn't amber's job to carry f(x)'s visuals, nor is it hers.
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there's a law in korea that requires choa to sip at least once every hour
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so she got her nose, eyes, and jaw done

Thank you based Seola chingu
think twiceboy might be my new waifu now.....
when will twice get their own horror movie where they get killed by possessed areum?

angelic forehead
I know of a particular song by Oh My Girl

I believe it's called Closer
d a m a g e c o n t r o l
>i like yoona

are you into plastic monsters or something? was chorong your previous waifu?
imagine Twice when they're able to get their voices done
be nice to chorong anon
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it's just twice haters desperately looking for garbage, especially with knock knock coming to humiliate them once and for all
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How many sponsors has somi received so far
gaypop is hilarious when you really think about it

i wish i had this guys sex drive
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'bout tree fiddy
damage control
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what the fuck
how did we find out about this?
Post mimi armpit
there's something about yuri...
our fair black pearl
gaypop is great when you really think about it
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1MB, 245x268px
seulgi is great when you really think about it
i would trade arin to have jine back
i love miracles
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Why can't everything be red
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Twice is hilarious when you really think about it
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said literally l i t e r a l l y no one ever
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i think nayeon definitely got a surgery but jungyeon's nose is still pretty wide, she looks the same to me dbh
if that's what posting this was about
>gaypop is great when you like taking it in the rear

really? i wouldn't know
more importantly, any kpop songs like this?

jesus fucking christ

she was a 1/10 and now shes a 5/10

proves not even plastic surgery cant help you that much
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jine is already back tho, she regained the strength to take down a great white
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smug dubu.webm
3MB, 1920x1080px
I've already told you guys that the only natty twicers are jihyo,dubu,momo and chewy
me on the left
that's not memer that's carolinapanthersfan
i believe in them
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C3q1CV6UYAABUR1.jpg orig.jpg
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But if everything was red it wouldn't stand out so your favorite Hyuna song wouldn't exist
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lol is this about rookie?
the way those ejaculated particles mingle with her skin, if only the english language had a verb to describe this process, perhaps one beginning with an A.
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There certainly is.
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look at this dog lol
she's actually perfect holy shit

isnt he the same faggot
>tfw haven't slept for 39 hours

kpop for this feel?
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What makes you think it's my favorite?
Twice is for fapping when you mute their song
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my guys
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cuse me doggo.webm
1MB, 640x800px
mina isn't natty?
I love mimi I want to know and see
more about her
no fucking way you are 18 years of age lmao
all of twice is natty

why would jyp lie
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have you seen momos pre debut jaw
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this guy looks like a funking anime character
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36 - pMIpRZz.jpg
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still not gonna watch this 'cause I love yuri
mmmm look at her supple momo's growing
All of twice got fucked by JY
>tfw no muslim gf
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dnno. got it in here
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she's just fat there, thanks for proving shes natty btw
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mrw i listen to apink.gif
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you're not getting a single pit from me
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memer is our barbadian babysoul poster, carolinapanthers is an infamous kpopfap/oh lewdster who writes in blue comic sans when given the chance
That motherfucker laid it down like a boss

No acting slap either, it was straight hand to face
looks more ninja than muslim.
>snsd fan
it's from seolhyun's instagram
this is perfect thanks
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3MB, 200x308px
and she finally meets her idol
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I'm sick and can't quite grasp what you're saying, sorry
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Because you always rank it highest in your Hyuna rankings

That's why he's so dazzling. You would think someone so handsome could only exist in fiction
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3MB, 500x481px
[broadcast: 21.20.KST] JTBC2 "Song JiHyo's Beauty View" (Eunseo, Cheng Xiao)

>Our girls on our noona's show

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*tips fedora*
apink slays me every time :')
you don't deserve to be momo's fan to begin with if you didn't know that
she's so cute
yo just saw this while browsing /mu/ (plz ignore the lack of a new ip). who is this gorgeous qt and what would you say is her level of aptitude in basic korean history?
saved this webm before it even finished playing
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>snsd fan
based. can't wait.
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153KB, 1080x1349px
apink mentioned
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>(plz ignore the lack of a new ip)
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explain to me whats happening in this picture
File: RuiHub.webm (3MB, 1100x618px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1100x618px
friendly reminder that hub's rui is a strong girl
not sure if mashallah or astaghfirallah
apink is nothing but wasted potential
>strong girl
>posts webm that shows speed and not strength
i want to slap yuri

only on her fat ass though
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her name is seolhyun and she's one of korea's top historians
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jesus christ yujus profile is abominable
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sprinting requires strength not stamina you mong
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her entire jaw is fucked
>tfw im the only one in my group of friends who likes the new RV song
Not sure that's actually happened before mmm
YES yes YES yes YES yes
speed is strength

have you never seen the 100m races?
we aren't your friends
some gook just found out the misses is pregnant....oh and some busted uggos lewding for the camera
what do you guys do to deal with the sad feelings when and after fapping?
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you better delete this right now
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i can word this actually
arent we your friends

I'm surprised there's no nipslip from that outfit...
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eat better
she def got her eyelids done
looks like a fucking ape

mijoo type of profile
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what is this thing
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someone kick you in the pussy? why are you so sensitive right now? or are you denying she has a thicc fuckbod
>inserting a flesh-coloured, cylindrical appendage into sinb's sinful face p
yuri is for loving not lewding
Meant to quote
eat, smoke a bowl, and snuggle up with my waifu obv
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1MB, 748x1080px
a sex demon
chorong BUTT
you can fuck my bitch you can have my hoe
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rude and uncalled for
>posting yuri pics from 20 years ago
based living in the past bro
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Well do it right now then! I need to know if I'm wrong
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3MB, 518x920px
really? where?
she looks just as good nowadays, even if she is a little less thick
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thank you for understanding
at least keep those impure thoughts to yourself
god damn it chorong is so fucking cute...
it was posted like 2 threads ago kid. i don't even like snsd lol
post something cheerful or healing
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198KB, 350x345px
the netizens are trying to hurt jiyeon again
yuri only dates athletes and she got rammed hard by that one soccer player
are you yuri posters cucks?
shes a lesbian
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who you got

remember this banger?
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make it a yuri thread
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Are you sure you don't want it to be a mystery?
holy fuck that wendy card is DOABLE
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make it a yuri thread
>make it a yeri thread
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eunseo angry.jpg
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that goy michael jackson bad
irenes and slugs kissu one
I want to touch that...
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all these seulgi previews that will turn into seulgi photos
great time to not have killed yourself
make it a gaypop thread
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1MB, 1280x720px
stop saving your memes you cucks
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3MB, 600x340px
hey thats the outfit she used in the christmas station
i cant fucking wait they all look so good
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make it a Goddess of red blooded, iron willed sons of Europa thread
Wait hmm. It's true one of the things I do like is mystery. I'm conflicted.
I never thought my shitty text would about my mom's opinions would actually lead to someone trying to make a meme out of this
>she was convinced she talked about how
cringe at this typo
File: 1474969340665.jpg (17KB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
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uggo here to end this thread
delete this
i hope a black foreigner rapes raina so she would never wear that shirt anymore
that webm should be reversed, it would make more sense bukkake wise
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