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/rym/ Rateyourmusic general, Sonemic never

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Thread replies: 201
Thread images: 24

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L "Y" J will be revealed April 2016 edition
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Where were you when overweight virgin embryos got BTFO by this patrician mastermind?
samred will ascend by the year 2018, also check em.
hopefully this shit fucking site won't be around in 2018
t. Boldfaure wannabe.
>psuedo-intellectual idiot who actually likes Liturgy
>anything like a true Patrician
Nah. Boldy gets easily BTFO by others. A true Patrician easily BTFO others.
where were you when /rym/ got "btfo" by the rym esoteric chart?
>Clicks list
>It's a bunch of entry level classical and a few other token picks to make themselves look "sophisticated"

At least Boldfaure has somewhat varied taste.
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Where's based Montie when you need him. We need him to drive out poseurs like this guy like he did with Boldfaure.
>Dude i'll post my super ironic chart and pretend to be better than everybody else despite having basic bitch entry level taste in everything with no variation whatsoever
>video game and TV soundtracks
Rate my 2016 list

Holy embryo.
>listens to lesser known music attempted by dumb amateurs in an attempt to look patrician
Lmao, I wonder why anyone would even do that? Oh yeah, so they can look cool on the internet. Maybe if you actually observed and analyzed music at a high level you would understand.

>expecting the most basic "muh Radiohead" RYMer to do anything about a true genius level intellect Patrician

Anyway I must leave for now. Unlike you guys I actually have a life so I gotta get ready for a busy day.
>having die junst de fuge as a top 10
>shiggy diggy >2012+
>Kek i gave that piece of cr*p a 1 star not even bachs best work H
>Bach.... music that 5th graders learn in their keyboarding class LOL literally childrens music
-facepalm- Were where you when Bach got SAVAGED
explain, and yes, I listened to almost no obscure releases from the past year
>Anyway I must leave for now. Unlike you guys I actually have a life so I gotta get ready for a busy day.

If you did you wouldn't be posting here to begin with you sad little poseur attempting to troll.
>he typed this while listening to video game music
I don't even like Radiohead but they are still better than lot's of the music you pretend to enjoy.
Your taste is literally just a bunch of popular albums, most of which are nothing special. Why post here instead of the rateyourmusic forum, you would fit in better there.
I generally dislike those shitty pleb/patrician, embryo/ploymath dichotomies, but holy fuck. You are pleb, big time

As I explained, I haven't listened to much music from 2016 yet, only the more noteworthy releases.

Feel free to recommend some of your favourite albums
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Ima give this chart a strong 2
I'm not spoon feeding you, part of the fun is finding the releases yourself anyway, and based on your taste you wouldn't like much of what I loved from 2016 anyway.
See, in order to be accepted here, you can't just spout off what places like Pitchfork approve of. No you instead spout off what /RYM/ approves of

That doesn't work either, if you really want to be accepted here, you have to actively search out new interesting music and add it to the database and be the first person to rate and tag it like a true taste maker.
Hossein Mohammed "Iran With Your Money" Sharifi
What the fuck do you even talk about on an rym general? What a retarded idea.
Ask a UHS dev anything
I'm broke and Sharifi promised he would give me a Rym job, but instead the bastard just bent me over and raped my ass.
how much for a 1 month subscription?
whats your favorite rock album?
You can always tell how much of a dickhead somebody is by how much they like the mighty boosh and monty python
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>It's a bunch of entry level classical
>implying is a bad thing by any means
checked XDD
just got done adding the 100 films i downloaded during kg's freeleech as "owned" to my rym account
i'll finish watching them in like 4 years tho, but i least i can pretend i watched them in 2017 lol
because you have adhd and want to be entertained by everyone instead of just entertaining yourself
now let me pretend to steal ice cream
nice cartwheel dude
hey dude... stop backpedaling dude... quit moving the goalposts...
humility when necessary is important for personal growth
now let me steal some ice cream
thanks for playing....
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do you have an argument against anything here or are you going to continue to hide behind passive-aggressiveness into the next 10 threads
Go back to rym and stay there

These threads never hit the bump limit and always 404 prematurely because you have no community here an you're all trash

No one wants you here
Fuck and die
>These threads never hit the bump limit and always 404 prematurely

No they don't
you're a nu-male
kys embryo
he may be an embryo, but at least he isn't a gecko in real life like you
katelynn is definitely a "fuck" tier
Good point. Will add next time.
Are geckos commonly found in the USA? The look cute
Why is jazzthreadguy in ascended? He has 250 ratings, 0 friends, his influence on rym is null.
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Every one of his ratings is reviewed, and he is thoroughly droned. Multiple users wishlist his stuff as soon as it's reviewed. He also adds rare gems on the regular.

Low friend count is because he almost never accepts requests.

Borderline between rising star and ascended, certainly, but his long popularity pre-rym gives him an advantage.
australian, i think

prostagma is bad and neo-rym
nobody remembers you because ur such a loser
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you like video games?
is it really just that one guy with the shitty chart being very passive-aggressive in here?
no exitsense no list
why are you so afraid of yourself?

Definite Titan. Will be on next list.
you do realize it's *literally* the rym esoteric chart, right
t. exitsense
>labeling makes me feel more control of my surroundings. i need this.
keep your self-help shtick to yourself and look up the meaning of the word 'literally'
and while you're at it go to rateyourmusic > charts > esoteric
This is gold
>i need this... phew, i'm safe now.
I'm going to fuck you up you're going to regret all this
I'm going to fuck you up you're going to regret all this
i'm safe now.
god-tier reviews
>tfw not on the list
who keeps deleting that chart...?
shut up and kiss me
this. that bumdiddler is only good at one thing. diddling bums.

>janny actually believes this
somebody make it into an image
china is the new mexico
>Fuck and die
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get out of my way panda.gif
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omg this guy is the biggest avan-teen
hi do you like music
What did I miss? Redpill me on this whole post.
how so
wanna talk about music my nigga
at his young age, he has exhausted and unearthed many obscure gems
what if I love the mighty boosh but I hate monty python?
why are you assuming so much
why are jmarvin, applecat, and bratty rising stars
relax, i was making fun of the dude
he posts his profile here every single time although no one ever talks to him or even acknowledges him
so why are you being rude to them
t. moonlighting scum
i'm a miserable piece of shit
how now brown cow say it with me
thanks sal
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sal is a closeted fag
how does it feel being a worthless black poc?
see >>70414558
Who are the essential Black RYMers? The more radical their beliefs the better
>im black my skin looks like poo
Try Sal
sal is gay and racist

These threads are where the off-site RYM circlejerks congregate. Aren't your neurons stimulated by their interesting and meaningful discussion?
don't forget ugly and sick
have you seen the video of him sticking a banana up his anus 'ironically'?
you forgot esoteric chart dadrock and catkilling
joannajewsom, MarsHottentot
you mean the one from that skype call?
sal in another life https://www.instagram.com/p/BEzJEdoATBh/?taken-by=adrianxpression
tfw lurking one of the rym chats and slowly building up trust with people
tfw holding juicy info on certain individuals
tfw debating whether i should drop it now or keep pretending to be one of them
drop the redbill bomb
the soulseek rym room?
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it's a private chat.
don't do it, they'll btfo you right back in retaliation
just do it.

who cares. let him do it.
do it, keeping up appearances isn't worth it
i don't give a shit, i'm growing bored of rym and they can't do anything over the internet. only trouble is the fuckton of logs i have to go through. also i'd have to decide whether to dump everything in a pastebin or split it up into pictures.
>also i'd have to decide whether to dump everything in a pastebin or split it up into pictures.
why not both
just upload the logs as a whole. who cares?
who are the people you're talking about?
Leak it, the world must know
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Music is my life, and I love rating it. Poseurs BTFO daily here in Montieville.

wow wtf my music taste is so intellectual and developed pls tell me that I am special and interesting

Right here, what seems to be the problem

>I am a basic "muh Radiohead" RYMer.

Top kek.
we hope you kill yourself
LARP (live-action redpill) me on the Star Trek soundtrack.
sal take your absolute baby tier taste in music and shove it right up your arsehole
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sneak preview of the list about to take rym by storm
That is rude
drop it
This jawn could be big...
i can prove that a few of them actively participate in these threads. and no, they haven't been named for it yet.

it would take a while to assemble. and judging by how many of them secretly hate each other, somebody else will probably do it before me. there's already one pastebin with a bunch of rymers' dox that i haven't seen posted yet.
How many people are in there? a lot?
Nah it isnt swear bro
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what is the hot take on this?
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Is it blogchat lmao

cuz I've seen Vye's real name dropped on here and considering everyone in there hates each other
Hot damn
what are some 5 star red flags?
>art angels
hi Bayar
Nothing wrong with having Lemonade as a 5. Solid release.

>Art Angels
Now that's a red flag for sure on the other hand.
>future days
>die kunst der fuge
>string quartet no. 2
>longing for the past
>smile sessions
t. embryo
Those buzzwords sure do mean something, huh?
Lemonade is objectively bad
any album with less than 3000 ratings screams try hard
bout to rate this shit
thank god elmo is kill
remove the emoe scum one step at a time
Which is why all the pop critics are gave it glowing reviews, right?

elmo is still around and kicking. emoe will never die.

Boi He Bout To Do It
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i love the grammys and fantano!
>Which is why all the pop critics are gave it glowing reviews, right?
pop? more like POOP
Of all the things to get hung up with that poorly written sentence, you chose to get mad over a job that people have. Good job.
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emoe lives forever
poop? yeah right.

check out this hot pop jam.

literally who?
k-on fucking sucks.
even your taste in moe is disgusting.
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also thanks for reminding me to rate art angles 5

grimes is the cutest!
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childhood is when you idolize k-on
adulthood is when you realize that yuru yuri makes more sense
this. k-on is good at best, yuru yuri is miles better
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I'm new to anime, so what
fight me
what a jam
moe embryos go back to /a/
im good

i actually only go on /mu/ and /vitagen/
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Bumping this thread with a link to the only place that matters

ama i AM IN HERE
Any big names?
better not be the discord chat nibba
which chat?

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