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bigotry won post some anti-fascist music to celebrate our

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bigotry won
post some anti-fascist music to celebrate our new president
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>posting rigidly structured songmusic
Anyone else naked right now?
right here brother
>dumb cunt would rather have the authoritarian war monger dictator in the pantsuit vs the non threatening fascist businessman
Wowzers :^) it's like you're trying to take something cool and merge it with your shit opinions are you also apart of antifa too. What's it like to be a gay vegan?
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>notice him in his natural shitposting habitat
>the shitposter has been confronted by another shitposter
>in a state of self defense he delivers a (you) to his opponent
>his opponent types back to him
xDDDlmaoamiright fug da nazees
>he awaits for a response hoping he will take the bait
>only time can tell when he will get his
Hey nigger I'm talking to you
>cunt and meme man were the only options
why are americans so indoctrinated in their cancerous two-party system?
You know you're talking like we're not fixing our invasion problem we just elected the god emperor where the fuck are you guys at besides slobbering over mehmet's knob?
Me desu
you just did what the media told you to - vote for one of the two candidates you're allowed to talk about
Leave please
A rare beast has made its presence in the land known; usually a mistake given its preoccupation with voyeuristic cataloguing.
Witness the internet observer, the message board documentarian, the Jane Goodall of chanland.
What does it announce itself for? Why does it interfere with the natural order of things?
Trump is punker than OP
i thought hillary lost
Why do retards still fall for such obvious bait
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
dk is so fucking gay lmao
more like the Alive Kennedys amirite
>media told us to
They told us not to vote Trump the fuck are you on about have you not seen the media backlash?
Why has /mu/ just turned into leftypol at this point? I'm so fucking tired of all the politics threads all the time.
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>murmuring to itself and smashing it's phallus against the keyboard the shit poster attempts to communicate with us
>noticing us disrupting it's hug box environment it immediately knows the camera crew does not belong
>it awaits to see its (you) before taking another bite of its tendies mother shit poster has provided
I didn't say they told you to vote for him, I said they told you to talk about trump and hillary, and no one else

if they didn't want trump to win, they wouldn't have given him a free 24/7 platform to gain support. they would have ignored him, like they do with all third party and independent candidates they fear

the fact is sensationalist negative trump coverage generates a lot of money. if you think they sincerely cared whether he won or lost, or were serious about getting you to vote for someone else, you are incredibly naive
turns out I did say vote, but I'll reiterate that their aim was to reduce the candidate pool down to two, like always. even if they didn't explicitly tell you to vote for him, they did effectively tell you he was one of only two options
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Are you fucking dumb or just so out of the loop that when an American is telling you what is going on daily in their country your turn your nose up as if we're too ignorant to know what goes on with our political figures yes he got endorsed but 90% of our media was and is still against him. We literally just had a story which was used to slander our God emperor by fucking buzz feed and then had CNN jump on him too saying he's playing our country while aiding the Ruskies as a spy. We have had multiple riots and celebrities encouraging these people to do this shit stating they will be peaceful and they never are. There is so much controversy going on and I see it even with my fellown neighbors. You have no idea what you're talking about dumb eurotrash/thirdworlder/dogfucking chink whatever your snotty ass is.
hang on gimme a sec
Read this the man has had backlash since day one.
>bigotry won
Wait, didnt Hillary lost?
you had him and then you proceeded to shit all over yourself...

amerispergs everyone
I can literally start screenshotting jewbook and prove media has been influencing our youth into a Marxist mindset
>You have no idea what you're talking about dumb eurotrash/thirdworlder/dogfucking chink whatever your snotty ass is.
no i mean this line. this is where you dropped the ball everything before it was fine and then you came off like a squealing manbaby
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>he actually believes Trump won't go to war in Syria
not him, but I do find it funny that you distrust the media when it comes to their (definitely sincere and not at all audience-pandered) opinions on trump, but not when it comes to their coverage of the disastrous aftermath where everyone is rioting

they didn't care if he won or lost, trump-bashing just makes money and if anything spurred more people with a victim complex to vote for him out of spite

24/7 backlash is effectively controlled opposition. if you don't want a candidate to win, you don't cover them. simple as that.

guess what - a reality TV star with no political experience and a (relatively) small campaign budget would never win, unless they got free press, which the media gave trump from day one. again, if you think they sincerely cared about trump vs. hillary, and weren't motivated purely by profit and sustaining the two-party status quo, I don't know what to tell you - other than enjoy the next four years, because based on his cabinet choices it's going to be more of the same with plenty of input from the "cuckservatives" you've conveniently forgotten you hated pre-election
No I dropped it off ironically since his comment was the typical
>you Americand
I felt it was appropriate which it was
Now post pictures of your cock for us unless you're some sort of faggot
>4 years
*8 :^)
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>It's only the leftist part of the msm destroying culture and creating a hostile political atmosphere.
The ONLY American news source that comes off as trying to present news instead of pushing an agenda is the WSJ.

The media has brainwashed you into unironically using "the media" to only mean the media you don't like or disagree with.
I really hope so, a billionaire zionist getting two terms and still being seen as anti-establishment would be kinda funny in a way
>he thinks there are only two options
Double niggers like you are ruining democracy
interesting. you know id be curious to see how these ironical tactics of yours fared in the real world.
No the media is not only pushing the left into an aggressive state but the right as well the includes our government too though and whatever political Agenda has been influencing the youth it's a number of things and we're currently at the tipping point where things start to happen and movements become real and sometimes violent believe it or not most of my views are lean left I believe in freedom and feel that our country has been restricting it our state recently legalized Marijuana but now if you get your card you can't get guns and you know what else you can't get ammunition normally anymore they're restricting ammunition and to boot keep attempting to convince our people that we still have assault rifles on the market even though those were banned. It's like every week or so they're plotting more ways to take and take and disarm until it's just nanny states or drug states.
Pretty well people think I'm funny for the most part I tend to not shit post IRL unless people start the banter
Stein and Johnson were shit choices Vermin Supreme would be good though so you're right the pony economy seems like it could work
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>I can literally start screenshotting jewbook and prove media has been influencing our youth
but not you of course

france is next Le Pen will win faggot
>I tend to not
do you tho?
Yeah he's better than any other candidate we got I approve of him winning better than having a candidate who has good relations with the Saudis
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Yeah I once threw on some Q Lazarus took my pants down did a sneaky tuck and danced to it with friends other times I'll come into friends shit talking Clinton or bringing up weird shit like pizzagate with me giving zero influence. I tend to hide my power level by never bringing it up but participate for chuckles.
Simple nobody appreciated him even though he's an amazing artist
>better than having a candidate who has good relations with the Saudis
that makes a lot of sense anon, because ibn saud was definitely not a zionist

>Yeah he's better than any other candidate we got
better than the one other candidate you were allowed to talk about. that is, functionally identical in practice
Prove they're identical right now you giant faggot
it was your claim that trump was better, and I've already told you why your reasoning was retarded

the jews got you bad this time son
none of that is ironic those are just normal childhood shenanigans
People here seem to think that Trump will be America's Mussolini when he's really more likely to be our Berlusconi (inept, corrupt, populist). Stop larping about fascism.
>you just did what the media told you to
except it was the most important example of that not happening
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>vote for one of the two candidates you're allowed to talk about
are you suggesting that 99% of people did not do this?
>vote for one candidates you're allowed to talk about
>the media told me not to vote for trump
>the media took trump out of the discourse
pick one nigger

>Trump not a warmonger

A /pol/ thread? On my /mu/?
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Bigotry lost you fucking moron. Do you even know what an America is?
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Herbert Jeffrey"Herbie"Hancock(born April 12, 1940) is an American pianist, keyboardist, bandleader, composer and actor.[
Starting his career withDonald Byrd, he shortly thereafter joined theMiles Davis Quintetwhere Hancock helped to redefine the role of a jazzrhythm sectionand was one of the primary architects of thepost-bopsound. He was one of the first jazz musicians to embrace synthesizers andfunkmusic. Hancock's music is often melodic and accessible; he has had many songs "cross over" and achieved success among pop audiences.

Hancock's best-known compositions include "Cantaloupe Island", "Watermelon Man" (later performed by dozens of musicians, including bandleaderMongo Santamaría), "Maiden Voyage", "Chameleon", and the singles "I Thought It Was You" and "Rockit". His 2007tribute albumRiver: The Joni Letterswon the 2008Grammy Award for Album of the Year, only the second jazz album ever to win the award, afterGetz/Gilbertoin 1965.
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>Trumplrinas will defend this
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>all Harvard-educated capitalists with a white supremacist bent who drive nu-male cucks insane
I don't see why I need to defend it, looks pretty fantastic to me
Bigotry never loses, you sheltered fuck.
You sound Reddit as fuck.

PC culture is just a symptom. It is part of a larger effort to eliminate excellence and demonize those who seek it. That culture and motivation is not limited to the politically correct, by the way.

t. /pol/
When was the last time you interacted with a human not online?
Spicy meme lad. A few minutes ago
it is an effort to upend the zombie notions of what excellence even is
What's a zombie notion?
>Harvard educated
>white supremacist

so fascists?
blue boards = bluepilled redditors
shit that people have accepted without thought for generations

so, basically everything
That doesn't really make any sense. The standards of excellence are constantly changing. And how does PC culture do that in any way?
t. trump supporting jewish scum
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You picked the right album for the Trump presidency.

>Kill The Poor
>When You Get Drafted
>Let's Lynch the Landlord
>Police Truck (U.S. version of album)
>Viva Las Vegas

This album is PERFECT for the times but so it the picture posted. (Somehow the song "Selfish Shit seems to fit well into these times)

This picture is also for you and people like you.
When I see pictures like the one you posted I am reminded of the song Suburban Rebels and The Real Enemy both by The Business! How does it feel to know that Nicky Crane was gay?
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I bet you look like this
Hey from one person to the next you seem like a cool guy fuck real Skinheads but Clinton is corrupt and Bernie knew nothing honestly it's better that Trump got elected. Clinton would have taxed the middle class and it would have been shitty.
>be anti-fascist
>still beats and kills people who think differently from you

I'll never understand
This all my friends who are right leaning are doing productive things with their times while all my antifa loving leftie friends are busy participating in riots and doing hard drugs its been really shocking. I've had one say that racism against whites isn't real. I'm hispanic and white so I've always been in both cultures but growing up in a neighborhood predominately filled with hispanics I was constantly bullied for having pale skin. I don't have a problem with lefties just these extremist looking for altercations they're on the same level as terrorists.
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