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init edition

tfw lauren will never touch ur penor
smooth tune, big up
ever thought about how there's thousands of tunes nobody remembers and how many of those are pure bangers
phwoooaaarr have u get an email, we should flesh this out mate im seeing serious potential.....

I mean if you're gonna sell drugs, why wouldn't you invest in some security? get a scary looking dog ffs, a baseball bat(s), I dunno
[email protected] hit me up senpai
a little, sometimes i wonder how many tunes there are out there in the ether that would trump my fav bangers ever, real feels lads
>a scary looking dog
>a baseball at

jesus fucking christ just get a fucking piece you can just load blanks if youre a pussy close range will fuck em up just right anyway FUCKS sake dont give me the excuse that its ilegal where youre at or thats its scary youre dealing fucking drugs for FUCKKKKKKKS SAKE neo-criminals everyone lls
lads why tf isnt there metadata for labels what should i do
post good gabber please
>get a fake piece
>load it with blanks
>brandish it to the real criminals
>"real" criminals get their authentic piece out and shoot you


we're talking about people dealing drugs here in the first place you melon
how much is a first edition authentic piece on discogs?
fuck drugs man, sick of them desu

genuinely thinking of either having a word with my mates or just distancing myself from them entirely, sick of landing in peak situations or just sketchy ones because they're so all so bait. given enough time something will definitely happen like our lad in the last thread, or even worse someone could outright fucking die or sumit.
dealing drugs is harder than you think
the reason that guy got out of the game was because he was a retard and had no plan in case of a stick up, or I'm assuming, not even a deterrent
the ones who manage to deal drugs and make a profit are a lot smarter than you

>m-muh educashun

not as much as the test pressing
why do you even come here anymore you stupid prick

literally everyone hates you lls
oh do shut the fuck up you dumb fuck

lls at your romanticising drug dealing & trying to present it as if its some trade only people of the highest intelligence partake in or understand or can do successfully

no wonder your kind are, have been, and always will be, at the lowest social standing in society because you look up to this kind of shit

Sad! and kys
I'm not "romanticizing" anything you easily triggered yuro, I'm just saying that being able to successfully sell drugs is a lot harder than your yurosheltered might think

>no wonder your kind are, have been, and always will be, at the lowest social standing in society because you look up to this kind of shit

damn you're actually, legitimately ANGRY there, fella
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>i take drugs
Dubman is right. What kind of idiot sells drugs without a plan for if (when) shit hits the fan?
i need to learn to stop regretting missed opportunities with girls at clubs

god, its an awful feeling
if you get them it means there are many more to come
but i'm a fucking moron who fucks it up every time by not knowing what to do or say

no, i dont need any advice, you guys already explained it to me way too many times
Have u tried taking the red pill on women
no, redpill me on it please
>red pill
got any friendly dealer recommendations??

(preferably one without a scary looking dog or baseball bat)
As if s/t would know anything about women
girls go wild in the worta
(my mum used to scold me if I didn't pronounce my ts)
can any man id?
still waiting for s/t to post his boiler room set
t. Feloneezy
yeah ini especially for such a huge umbrella genre. that's sick that you know them lad, haven't heard Some Deep Buds - Mental Blocks is actually the only album of theirs that i've heard, which is odd because it's one of my favourite records of all time lool

figures Why I Hate Women is one ur faves with a title like that ;)) i'm only familiar with The Modern Dance tbqh, very bait. do u like Siouxsie & The Banshees? i used to have a big poster of siouxsie above my bed at uni lls

check out this wave tune
any roadman in lookin 2 cop redpill
ye ill sell u some red pill im in south
would u rather have a 90s twee gf or 80s goth gf?
>tfw u go see ur dealer and u see a new baseball bat in the corner
Literally shaking.
you replying to me from the old thread? we didnt bother with security cos we were literally just students trying to earn a bit of p selling to students, didnt think we'd have local bigman dealers coming to rob us
no sorry i meant south america
no man gonna hit u dumb piece of shit they need u to come back
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>when ur dealer sends u pics of his new labrador
What are the best boiler room sets? I'm here to learn
>tfw my dealer recently upp'd his security, but had to settle for a cricket bat because we live in New Pakistan
Ever since the 'Bin That Bat' programme went into effect, anytime I see a baseball bat, even on the tele, I literally shake
are you trying to talk to me in paki language?
>tfw my dealer has a 'Beware of Dog' sign in front of his council house, but no dog

How should I tell him he needs to increase his security?
dude don't, just don't
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>mfw chav dealers can't even buy plastic knives for security

no wonder you're getting "cucked" by somali gangs lmao

maybe you can try and train one of the queen's corgis to guard your council house
really though
>tfw you tried to buy drugs from the dark web but accidentally hired hitmen to kill your dealer instead

what happened to worker/parasite?
i hope he's okay re: oakland fire
Here is not the place lad and, it should go without saying but, I don't know if it will work but honestly what have you got to lose? I suggest reading strauss' interpretation of Genesis or even nietzsche.
fuck, i remember he lived in cali now

shit nah he's probably fine we would have heard something
whats the big deal with traumprinz

good music senpai
tunes for the soul

if u haven't had a good cry to the metatron this is not mix why even post here

*women's voice* e-e-e-e-ecstasy...
artificial scarcity and "muh feels", but seriously his music is very good but the hype is completely ridiculous
prince of denmark's this is not >>>>

even if just for this tune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtfHvSzW5yo
i just want to thank adtbg for gracing us with his good taste in bleeps this year
i could see why itd b something that really makes sense inna dance. i think this ra thing and the record hype has made me think its bigger than it is tho

There is no longer any need for a fledgling music scene to be concentrated in one geographical location. It remains to be seen, however, whether the radical spirit of the genre will survive as it heads for the mainstream. 'I can see that it might go commercial, like drum'n'bass,' says Loefah. 'But since we started, so many unexpected things have happened that I'm learning not to make predictions. Let's just wait and see.'
If only they knew back then;_;
whats lls?
decided to total it all up...
spent just under 5 figz on records in 2016
Woiii nice tune family. And yeah that is bait lol all of their albums are worth a listen desu art of walking is gr808 too, yeah, I've heard of them and they're p gud. Also senpai you pf all people shpuld know im not an evil wpman hater lmao......nor do I "agree" with every record I like it's just that sometimes things happen in life that make you question the narratives you've been told. And it's easy to historicize niet and others but, for me, there's always that thought in the back of your mind that says "what if they were right?" Eventually it got too loud for me to ignore. I digress though, I don't want to shit up bleep too much anymore. I'm working on a review.of that album though it really affected me a lot, esp considering the timing of when I heard it.
cant stop listening to topper top
help me lads
live life sad?
it could be worse? gl lad
lads like sounds
any1 where i can get mp3s of tunes on the quick not sslk
dude stop help me

lemon likes sour?
laughing like sammy
tfw you cant tell if the car alarm going off outside is part of the choon
>accidentally hired hitmen to kill your dealer instead
i would laugh if you hired me
i'd suggest getting help yeah
nothin better than a good hug
What do u mean
leave traumprinz alone!!
i cant tell if the gun shots outside is part of the choon
iiiii wonder why u cry

Some cunt just threw a brick through my windows.
just threw a brick at some cunt's window lls
laughing like s/t
Live Laugh Love
I will not hesitate to shoot.
im a brick some cunt just threw me lls
left leaning suckas, used to demean sjws and the like
Long Long Spenises
manaman hungry manaman eat
these man cant move to me
manaman tired manaman sleep!!!
just threw a brick at jimmy asquiths gaff lls
ohh ohh ohh, when you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no
>tfw no redpilled bleep gf
looool x'D wheres zakk looool
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only if you're listening to smooth jazz
u mean my man zakk hill the 1st pioneer of anime grime?
Seriously if that was one of you cunts you are in trouble because its a police matter now.
loool that pic of him and h***y last night was the best thing i've ever seen desu senpai
come and find me im behind 7 prairies
no lool i mean z*k aka the brighton memester ;')))

still beggin him to post the pic of the fabric man aka the boss man aka the absolute #ledge that is dan

any man disrespectin dan would get a quick punch to the jaw, no question senpai
sometimes i wish i were in the uk just to laugh at you irl
You mean zakk aka lucas aka dan aka harry aka james aka tyler aka will aka luke aka the northern memesters?????? xd

bare banter in the whatsapp rn

zak and jacob postin bare jokes loooool
looool yeah better scan that brick for fingerprints
absolute #lad
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y u calling out dem banter boys now its almost 1 in the morning
i want to make a choon made up of only gunshots, air horns and reese bass
loooooooooool bare chavs
bare banter and that loooooooooool
this is why man comes to bleep
this has been stuck in my head for ages
finally found it after years trying to find it again
why you postin this here loooooool x'D

waiting on a mall grab edit u kno
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grandad forgot his teeth before he went inna dance
any jackpot 247 man in
that would be dope actually
what do you lads think of timedance
howd it take you years to find lls
You chavs think this is funny?
"bare jokes" when your ass is incarcerated
it's christmas
evrybody eats food everybody drinks wine
it's christmas
more like limedance lls
nah really tho any opinion lls
ayyy pard whassup
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>it's a "chavs think chavposting is epic" thread
i dont eat raisen cake its all hassle
I forgot all the lyrics
Heard it in the shopping center today and googled "push the button"
yhyh frogman where u from?
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what was stuck in your head then lls
evribodi eatsz fud evribodi drinksz vajn
I knew what it sounded like and i knew what the lyrics sounded like, but not what they were actually saying if you know what i mean.
Don't you get that?
if dubs i snort this line of speed
I get you anon, glad u found ur jam :)
cn u lend me a line m8 pls im broke
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>it's an "dubman is posting as anon again" episode because he got ethered for the thousandth time
u some kinda fag m8 pussy nigga the fuck outta here
fuck off
no more mean posts
why be racist when you can just post memes and have bants with the pards?
post some chunz then u faggot
i'll start

peak bants peak tunes peak lads
bare man itt
all rise for the /bleep/ national anthem

>go on rinse fm facebook
>there's a fuckin mosh pit in room 1 minstry of sound

fuckin looooooooooooool x'D
lord, guys.....

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Shouts out
loool post the FB page with that on it
s/t wrote this
Any Pope Pius XIII man in

Important poll lads
Need your opinions...
rec me some good electronic music albums
OPN and apex twin are my favourites so far
you should check out Tim Hecker and Arca, very good electronica artists
jamie xx
"new arca duh"

Who's this gimp with the wonky eye
I dunno but his lips are dry
He's so black
He's so white
That's so fucked but it ain't no lie!
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u guys like burial?
luv him

though is hairline isn't doing too good lately uh
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any complete and utter bad man in????
oiii if u want to peep some badboy stompers u can tune in to kuci.org rn, currently djing

Jock Club what can I say bbbb
woops name was a mistake
can u play Octo Octo - I'm Trying

She is white
But you are black
That don't make sense
ye ill work it in somewhere.

have to play it off of youtube tho dont have the file with me
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Melbourne lads wya?

Thomas P. Heckmann - The Lost Tales Vol. IV
>/beep/ takeover
woiiii lad, nice track
thx G, that was Last Track (Lost Track) by Empfänger
Shazam gave me Väärt - 10-Tal (Empfänger Remix) lol
might b the same thing lmao
loving the electro

keep it up
yea my dude until 10 PM
i ignore music if it comes from:
>anywhere in eastern europe
why on earth would you do that?
are you putting up a track list up afterwards?

really enjoyed your mix
will post on soundcloud my man
nice Flemish chiaroscuro there mate


mom's groovin to this track looool
lol just realized that Jessy Lanza was inspired by this for this track

ye ty, will have today's mixes up by tomorrow!
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I just found out that /mu/ existed and decided to check out what the fuck /bleep/ was only to read about some drug dealer(s) and their obsession with dogs?

>have I found home?
Yeah welcome home /b/ro
do you guys still talk about fat and skinny beato

good night guys :)
fuck off chav
/bleep/ is bout the choons

>Oooga Booga Dooga
wat this monkey mean by this
Sometimes racism is funny but this is not.
traumprinz - the mind
prince of denmark - the body
dj metatron - the soul

He's good. And no, I don't think the hype is ridiculous. It takes a very skilled artist to walk the fine line of soulful, warm yet slightly melancholic bleeps without veering off into cornyness on one side or insincerity on the other. The hype comes from an embrace of the aesthetic of sincerity and the heartfelt in an age where that sort of put-yourself-out-there pose has been rareified. Also I think the image helps: very low key, let the music speak for itself.

Listening to 2bad while dancing with a qt as the sun was dawning at the end of an outdoor rave was one of my bleep moments of the year.

wait wait wait, there was a PoD this is not?
O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space -- were it not that I have bad dreams.
nvm i got it now just downloaded

good lookin' mate
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I know it's not cool to like whp on /bleep/ but nyd is BIG

maybe too big

Any man going
yeeee was lookin at this
If you believe in Jesus I'll crucify
Yo orphan kid
That's what he is
Your dad date raped you as a kid
She was on the floor
She was like "I don't want no more"
So I told the bitch "what, yeah, part 4"
i think the hype is mostly just because giegling makes such bloody good looking records really, their art direction is magnificent, i really wish i had the limited edition of 2 the sky and not just the paper sleeve
taking a girl i met on /soc/ clubbing
This tune is shite lad soz

good morning guys :)
beat is hot tho
Tune of the year hands down


Prove me wrong
>you can't
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any disco man in?

is this dubstep
disco fucking sucks m8

seriously if there's one thing i think we can all take from 2016 it's that being lazy and chucking a few disco tunes in your set because "everyone can love disco!!!!" is awful behaviour and should not be accepted, seen it happen too many times
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what a funny looking man
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>traumprinz - the mind
>prince of denmark - the body
>dj metatron - the soul
maybe you have a problem with out of place bait disco rather than disco itself?

are you really going to dismiss an entire genre?
I liked it better when it was called triple six mafia :v
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>238 posts
>only about 10 are music related
How do i start selling weed to my friends
Tell your friends you're selling weed
w2c lbs tho
Understand that they're not really your friends so make sure to invest into security such as a scary looking dog or a baseball bat
get a Malinois and a Louisville Slugger
don't sell in the ghetto

l***en m***in
my girl just fuckin left me and my car got towed away
wanna leave and go to cali but that shit is far away

any man disrespectin the absolute #LEDGE that is dan is gonna get fucked up i swear

the fabric man aka the big boss man aka top shop man aka DAN is an absolute ledge

don't even fuckin start shit if you don't want to get baxxed in the jaw straight up word is bond
This made me laugh bare hard, m8 Hahaha
listen here you dumb pard

it ain't no laughing matter. any more disrespect about dan and i'm going to go crazy

he is a ledge and should be treated with respect
shut the fuck up
U in the states family?
california, yeah
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any sXe man in
what do you think of early randomer

like most dubstep artist who branch out into techno: later stuff is better. also i dont like his early stuff, too brosteppy
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Wtf just ask around you're in cali...lls. chances are they know someone with weight that or at least they know someone who knows someone. Just don't be a spaz about it. And don't sell to people who aren't friends. Tell them if they tell people u don't know that you'll stop selling to them
call super, willow, and the hessle boys is alri
this should be at least 20 minutes
techno ting
alri lads im gonna kill myself
>>>(this post is dedicated to Carrie Fisher and her family) <<<

we only dance to shit tunes loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Alri :v
too many people not DANCING inna dance
lol lad post what happens pls
find new friends who aren't really your friends

how do i learn to mix tunes properly? i feel like i would def get plays on my tracks if i sent them out, but the're not mixed for shit and sound so weedy on speakers
would pork mc asuka and mc eri would make them clap lls
Lls aurora writing for wire is too jokes desu

mad ting
use a mastering plugin lol
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can someone explain this newfag what /Bleep/ is?
anyone got any good links for flstudio torrents (not the demo crack) ty

failing that any ableton or live torrents
just downloaded their discography inni, along with a whole load of other postpunk, have you heard of Sex Gang Children? pretty cool band
loool i know that, was just messin la. i do agree wholeheartedly with all of what you said though.

are you gonna start that blog then senpai? i would read it for sure, was thinking of doing something similar actually, maybe not a blog but rather just to start writing in general... idk

it's the anime grime general, you'd fit right in mate having posted that cute hamtaro gif
just learn the ins and outs of EQ and compression
Way too many names. Did the curators just think "smash as many big names as possible together"? Obviously but it's fucking stupid. Starting at 5pm ffs.
back once again for the renegade master
D for damager, power to the people
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with the ill behaviour
with the ill behaviour
with the ill behaviour
with the ill behaviour

my mate showed me a naaauugghty bassline remix of this but i can't for the life of me remember what it was called or who it was by
new thread this one is ded lbr

come on mate ur bare early + migrating everyone won't make much of a diff
if u mean in id3 tags well there is one...
hahahah me to good stuff
no mek me haffi take my rocket off
Can't think of a name for a WordPress lad
pick a track title from one of ur favourite records, ez
i queued up for two hours to go see sleep archive in -5 degree centigrade and didn't get let in

true story
remind me which tune this was i'm going nuts
cheers, figured out this is what i was thinking of tho:
Any wake up the man man in

superior version
this is absolute shit mate
Has anyone else noticed the Current 93 sample on Once With A Smile off the new Prince of Denmark?
loooooooooooooool ;')

any l***en m***in man in?
s/t is here 24/7
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