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What type of headphones do you guys listen to music with?

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What type of headphones do you guys listen to music with?

Pic related
Beyers because I'm not a flat-cuck
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ath meme40x
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I need to update this since I recently sold my 598s
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m30x here
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Roast me boys :^)
boi u just roasted ya damn self
those look very uncomfortable
Only for the first few days. Then they feel like a cloud :^)
sennheiser hd598's
+ e10k dac/amp
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Sennheiser HD598
How does it feel to get memed
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Sennheiser HD 518 Headphones (Black)
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Pioneer Monitor 10 IIs
The truth is, not even $1000 headphones - more than everyone in this thread makes in a year - come close to my speakers that cost a fraction of the price.

Oh and my speakers don't require a $100 accessory from a snake oil industry (Dac/amp) just to sound "good" either
fidelio x2
good for you
How do you like the oppos? I almost bought them, but I ended up getting b&w p7s.
i use an audio technica m50x.

you're lying
Aune t1 mk2 with He-400 with focuspads at home

Srh 840s with a fiio e17 at work
Beyerdynamic 770 80 ohms and Beyerdynamic 880 250 ohms. With a Fiio preamp.
Ok /mu/ blue pill me on headphones. Are the Ath Meme 50x really the best overall sounding headphones for the under $200 range? Is there a pair to save up for and get instead?
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What would be a very noticeable worthwhile upgrade?

Open back headphones sound better 99% of the time. Tbe oy reason youd get closed back is for work or the bus or whatever.

Just get sennheiser momentum if u want closed
Get some planar hifimans with an amp u poor cuck
The truth is exactly opposite to what you're saying. A $5k headphone setup is going to perform similarly to a $15k+ speaker setup. Oh, and your speakers use a dac and amp too, it's just a different kind of amp. You're retarded.
I was looking in the less than $200 range. I tried out quite a few headphones and went with the DT770s
audio technica meme40x, too lazy to upload a pic

yeah get open back so ur mom can listen to ur porn from the other room
I'll probably be using these until I die.
Right. That's why headphones drop like a rock at 10KHz

Give me a break. All the music you listen to? You know what it's mixed and mastered on? Not headphones that's for sure

Also why'd you have to raise the minimum price of headphones to $5K? :) we all know it's because you can spend a couple hundred and get God tier speakers but you got to spend thousands to get even close to that. And it's still not close
...you need an amp/dac for a good speaker setup too.

Good speakers are just as expensive if not more so than good headphones.

I'm rocking the AKG k240s

I'm pretty damn satisfied with them.
got to spend thousands on headphones*
I'm thinking about selling my M50x just to get these. Those look so damn comfy, and I don't use my M50x as much as I thought I would mainly because of how uncomfortable they are. I even tried replacing the stock pads with velour ones.
Nah plenty of good speakers come with one built in

Even many low ohm headphones still need an amp to sound their best. Like seriously what is up with that? Tiny $150+ things shouldn't need that
What do you suggest for open back headphones?
What's better for your hearing, open or closed back? Assume both are listened to in a quiet room
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these bad boys
adequate for mixing as well as normal listening
held solid for years consistent use
i'm pretty sure in terms of hearing the only thing that matters is the DB level that hits your ears
please correct me if i'm wrong
Right but maybe at the same levels more of the sound reaches your ears in closed back, or in open back you have to turn it up louder?
nigga you got a bluetooth up your arse
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earbuds count?
I have a Sony headphone that looks like that except it's the cheap version.
>implying I ever actually use the bluetooth feature :^)
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well, schiiiiiiiit. coupling this with my HD650s.
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Fostex TH-X00
Magni 2 Uber

not in this pic: Sennheiser HD 25-1, mobile use.
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they truly are fucking beautiful, remind me of my x5's interior.
I just got these. They are really comfy. Why the hate? Sound pretty good I'm no audiophile.
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Skullcandy Crushers. The bass is unbelievable, will make your face shake and you can adjust it to your liking with a switch on the side.
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Very nice OP.

I've got Fidelio X2s. Had them for coming up to two years now and haven't had the desire to upgrade so I think I've reached my peak headphone level. I've previously had ATH M50s, AKG K240s and Grado SR80is, none of them compare.
nice bait
Hows it bait?
>Nah plenty of good speakers come with one built in
fucking kek, you've just shown that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Are you referring to active monitors? No audiophile in his right mind is going to add a set of monitor speakers to his hi-fi system.
i actually refuse to believe anyone that goes on /mu/ would use skullcandy
>wahhh stop liking what i dont like
Skullcandy is shit but i bought these on sale and they actually sound great for the price. Cry more you little cuck
did i violate your safe space
Im not the one getting triggered over a brand of headphones kiddo ;^)
>"i'm not triggered i just resort to name calling xd"
Well when you act so appalled over what brand of headphones i use im gonna call it like it is. Keep crying lil guy ;)
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Not an argument
speaking of planar hifimans, the 400is are on sale for $180 from hifiman's official tabao site - which is a pretty fantastic deal:

Shitty apple-level of earphones that's probably made by a slave in a Chinese factory
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got these for pretty cheat two months ago. really really good for about 100 bucks
are these any good? thinking about getting a pair for 200eurobucks.
You're either lying or have a shit 2.1 system and try to bait in these threads.
Which one does /mu recommend?
I'm looking at
B&W P7
Beyer T1
I literally (not figuratively) got them yesterday.... I'm still getting used to them but so far so good listening to some cozyyy comfyyyy siufjan and im floating nigga!!! :3333
Headphone related sort of.
One of my speakers is significantly quieter than the other. Would this be down to the speaker itself or would the amplifier have an option to boost it?
same. really see no reason to change.
Autistic virgin with moderate-pay programming job. I only spend my money on rent, food, and music gear.

Sennheiser HD 518
HD 800
Audeze LCD-2
HiFiMan HE-400i

$1000 amp and $1000 DAC too. There probably isn't much difference between a $1000 DAC and a $100 one but I figured I might as well since I spent so much on everything else. (Maybe just placebo but I do notice a difference with the expensive DAC vs. cheaper ones. Not sure if it's necessarily "better, but it is different.)
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I don't wanna look like an autist in public and I can't afford two pairs.

I am getting new ones soon, any recs for a pair that doesn't make me look enlighted in public and has better audio?
It's not that there aren't differences, it's that the differences get smaller and smaller with the more you spend.
>I don't wanna look like an autist in public and I can't afford two pairs.
Get decent IEMs for public places. You can't hear people around you, they can't hear your music, and it doesn't even look like you're wearing anything.

Some good ones at https://www.amazon.com/Etymotic-Research/b/ref=bl_dp_s_web_2529393011?ie=UTF8&node=2529393011&field-lbr_brands_browse-bin=Etymotic+Research

For home, get speakers + room treatment. Or if you can't due to neighbors and shitty walls, get good over-ear headphones regardless of how they look.
Yeah I'm aware. I skipped the mid-tier stuff and went straight to max, and I feel it was worth it. I just maxed out and plan on using this amp and DAC for as long as they keep working/I stay alive.
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is it bad that I want these?
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I love them, they sound fantastic for the price. I moved from the M50x to these and the difference was definitely worth it.

I don't know how much better the 598's are but these were so cheap I couldn't say no and I'm glad I got them.
Are you a soccermom?
Should I make the jump from 598's to 650s or 700s?
End goal are 800's but don't know shit about dac/amps so I'm gonna wait it out.

>his speakers dont require an amp

what are you, deaf
no, fuck you
pls post the speakers that sound better than 1000 dollar headphones for a fraction of the price
ugh these look so comfy but I'm terrified of snapping the exposed wires because I'm a clumsy fucker
I have these also but black
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>wearing on-ear/over-ear headphones in public
Got a pair of Sennheiser HD280 Pros and V Moda Crossfade LP's from like 7 years ago that still sound ok
What is your favorite out of those?
I've had these Sennheiser HD 428s for like 7/8 years. The sound is still great, but they're starting to wear out physically and I don't really like the way they look anymore... Can't justify replacing them until they break tho
Literally everyone in this thread is a complete faggot, not including me.
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sup guys
Apple ones like a normal human being. All you fags spending hundreds on this placebo shit are so autistic.
hey retarded normie, how are you?
t. someone who has never used these headphones
what amp/dac are you on? I have the same and I'm using a SMSL M3

Fuck what people think about you in public. If they have a negative opinion about someone that wears headphones outside then those people are fucking worthless.

Seriously, who gives a damn about something as trivial as this? How little must one have going in their lives to even have an opinion on something as benign about this?

Do whatever you want to do, but don't go spending money just for the approval of someone else.
$20 Superlux.
I currently have a pair of Sony MDR-ZX 770BN over-ear headphones. The audio is great, the wire can be detached and the headphones can be used wireless and they have active noise cancelling. All round they are very good and the price is reasonable as well (at least where I bought them from).
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>calls anon a retarded normie
>replies to bait
>implying i wasn't playing along with it
I have those, I like them.
Used to have xb500s which I absolutely loved until they broke and they're discontinued now so no way I'm paying $500 for another pair

Currently using HD 558s
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Please fuck off back to /a/
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Got Grado ps500e
How are the Fostex? I've been looking for closed headphones.
Sennheiser HD600 reporting in
dat velour, ultimate comfy
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am i fucked?
Why would you get the 681 and not the superior 668b?

the time i bought them i didnt even now about those, so...
now its too late, the next headphones i'll buy will be also more expensive
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>ad500xs broke
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Sony MDR 7506's
I like them even if they are a bit tinny at times but the best is their neutral sound.
I got the AT M50s in 2012, what are the equivalent go-to headphones in 2016/2017?
Awesome, got the 325is here. One thing that pisses me off about Grado is that they use the exact same shitty headband in all of their products. I get that they're purists about their sound and that's cool and all, but not being able to upgrade from that terrible squeaky uncomfortable thing is really annoying. That and the colossal cables.
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For home, I use the Philips SHP9500.

I use my ATH-M40x in carpools, public transport, etc.
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I just use these. They fit right when I would go to the skatepark, I didn't get blackheads in my ears like earbuds do, they're cheap and always in stock at stores, what's not to love? $20 for some entry level quality sound.
If I'm alone and sound leakage is ok, I use Grado SR60e.

If I don't want to disturb anyone, I use Etymotic hf5.

Also feel the need to say that etymotic has by far the best customer service of any business I've ever dealt with. They've replaced my earphones for free even when out of warranty and are ridiculously polite and helpful.
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Really can only use these at home bc they look like pilot headphones but theyre quality and customizable as fuck
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How comfy are these? Can you wear these for a couple of hours at a time?
Yeah my left side just broke off the metal adjuster. They still have held up a lot better than my Hifimans
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I use the Akg K7xx with a SMSL SD-793II DAC/Amp
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are my headphones a meme?
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