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"We have very good lives, the arenas and stadiums fill up,

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"We have very good lives, the arenas and stadiums fill up, we can go anywhere in the world and we have a ball. It is really, maybe profoundly is the right word, but it's really sad for the new artists. Where's the next Elvis, where's the next Beatles, where's the next Led Zeppelin? They're out there but they don't have a chance. They don't have a chance because once upon a time we had record companies, and they would support you and have point of purchase material and they would give you advances. In other words, they gave you the air to breathe to find yourself and spend the time to learn how to run. And that's what's missing. So the next big band, the next Led Zeppelin, what are they gonna do? Give away their music for free? They're gonna be living in their mom's basement, unfortunately, and they're never gonna get the chance that we did, which is the saddest part of all for the new bands because there should always be a new generation of bands."
Get off your fat Jew ass, Gene. There's loads of exciting young bands out there.
Yep, still an asshole.
If he wants there to be young bands, why doesn't he bring them out on tour with Kiss instead of always touring with Def Leppard and Dokken?
He's too busy being creatively bankrupt and staring in his own reality TV show where he spends his time branding items which have nothing to do with music like snowboards and kitchen appliances and selling them so he can make even more money which he consistently demonstrates is all he cares about really
Did you read the whole thing? He's frustrated with the state of the music industry, which can't provide for up and coming artists in the same way it once could. He's not saying there aren't any talents like Led Zeppelin, rather no one is able to reach those heights of stardom anymore.

Essentially it's become harder to live on record sales today.
The amount of money going into the music industry hasn't changed at all, that's a bullshit statistic. It has simply changed from record sales to tours. There are plenty of successful artists out there living in extravagance on the back of their music income. The real reason there isn't another Elvis, Beatles or Led Zeppelin is because it isn't the 20th fucking century. The "p and coming" artists he's watching out for that will in his senile geriatric brain signal no doubt a return to the "norm" in their reflection of the "good old days" will never appear because rock music, especially that kind of rock music, is on the way out, and has been for decades.
>The "p and coming" artists he's watching out for that will in his senile geriatric brain signal no doubt a return to the "norm" in their reflection of the "good old days" will never appear because rock music, especially that kind of rock music, is on the way out, and has been for decades.

lyl Gene Simmons' idea of a rock star is the fluffy haired kind who poses in music videos in a pool with his stripper girlfriends and 20 years later you see him in one of those VH1 "Where are they now?" shows talking about his rehab, his marriages, and his feuds with bandmates from 20 years ago that he can't get over. Those kind of guys are always staging comebacks with new lineups but nobody goes to their concerts but 40 year old nostalgiafags because their music was just a cheap fad.
I mean, shit. Dee Snider called him out on his bullshit and said there's lots of great young bands nowadays making cutting edge music if you just cared to find them.
Chiam Witz (Gene Simmons to the plebs) might be a gun toting right wing conservative muslim hating Trump supporting money grubbing kike but unfortunately he's right.
what's really sad is thinking any of those meme bands had anything resembling talent, including kiss.
He didn't say those bands didn't exist, he said the modern industry is so concerned with quick profits that bands aren't given the chance to grow and develop. Labels don't want to carry that sort of liability on their roster anymore. You could be the most innovative band in the world, but if you aren't selling records then you're done. It's sad, but he's right.
I dont get the hate Gene gets for this comment. Most people take a piss on him for his senile views on the quality of modern 'rawk' bands, but that is not what he is adressing in this statement. He only claims that it has been a way bigger struggle for an upcoming band to actually earn a normal living with only their musical activities, which is true. Record companies don't have any shit to spend anymore and people here who claim that the money has transferred from the record companies towards the touring industry are right in this regard, but forget that 'touring' for an upcoming band without any external support from let's say a big record company means that you are doomed to play in small venues/bars with really shady owners who know they acn fuck you over in terms of payment as there is always a group living next door who are willing to play for some free beers

Protip: There was only a fluke period in the 60s through the 90s when recorded money was worth $$$. Things have just reset back to the pre-1965 way.
Kiss had a pretty tight groove on the 70s albums.
"Rock star" needn't necessarily mean guitar music, it's an idea more than anything. Madonna and Eminem at their peak were as much "rock stars" as Led Zeppelin.
Madonna maybe not Eminem. Kanye's a rockstar. Maybe Kendrick? his attitude dosen't feel that rockstar like.

That event where Dr Dre and all that gifted him new rap was fucking disgusting. Inspirations are fine but no one should carry on a legacy made by other people.

Really can't listen to Kendrick no more hes too much of a pussy.
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> part of the band who sold out big time
> KISS fucking action figures

>duuurrrr the music industry is fucked

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no one's actually reading what he said they are just reacting to gene the meme
Who gives a shit what Gene "I'm a Jew" Simmons has to say anyways?
how is his religion relevant to the point he's making?
What Gene fails to bear in mind is that the current young musicians have already seen what the music industry does to them- cases like Prince are well known by all. So anyone making music with half a brain will prefer to DIY the shit out of everything before signing with huge megaconglomerates filled to the brim with jackasses
dude before prince died most people on here didn't even know who the fuck he was
I know, that's why I specified "with half a brain", which leaves roughly all of /mu/ out
fair point
Both of them are/were idiots who live in 1985 and have no concept of how the modern world works.
You're saying that like it wasn't true in his time. One way or another sales are always what determined sponsorship.
In his particular case, it sounds really dumb because Kiss never even sold that many albums--they weren't the Eagles. Their bread and butter was always live shows.
Who the fuck didn't know who Prince was? Everybody and their grandma has at least heard Purple Rain, When Doves Cry or 1999.

Arguably the only musician of Prince's generation with a greater reach and scope was Michael Jackson.
I'd argue that most Millenials knew jack-all about Prince except for his Super Bowl halftime show. Not only because he made it impossible to listen to his music, but his style of music is really kinda extinct and nobody does that anymore.
So they;re shit?
Nah, it's just that aside from Beth and Rock and Roll All Night they never had any radio friendly songs. The Eagles from One of These Nights onward were a major Top 40 presence.
I'm pretty well convinced that RRAN is the only Kiss song most normies have heard. Beth was a huge radio hit in the 70s but you never hear that anymore.
>where is Record companies to fabricate a product and sell to the masses
was 'i was made for lovin you' not a hit in other countries? Pretty sure here in germany it's their most popular song by far
I forgot about that. Yeah that was a big radio hit. Shandi was also a big Australian hit of theirs but almost unknown to Americans. Some of their late 80s pop rock stuff might have gotten on the radio too but IDK.
I remember now. Lick It Up was a big European hit that just missed charting here.
Iggy Pop said it's due to the demise of the young working class. Unlike millenials they had extra money to spend on personal mobility and rock concerts.
Is that Tommy Wiseau
Gene Simmons is the living embodiment of that saying, how does it go again?

"Give a man a car and he'll swear he's never walked a single day in his life"? something like that?
Bullcrap. It's because record labels don't want to fund rock acts anymore since pop stars are just easier to develop and produce more immediate returns.
I mean, yeah. Doesn't he remember that they were so poor in the early days they had to live off Bill Aucoin's credit card and borrow his suits for the Dressed to Kill cover?
Oh hi Haim!
But how many young bands exist that would "fit" with Kiss? I mean, their kind of music is pretty well extinct.
Fireband Super Rock.
He's right.
Come on, there's plenty of costumecore metal bands like Necrogoblikon that are their direct descendants and would be a natural fit. There's no reason Kiss couldn't have been touring with these guys over the years other than that Gene and Paul don't try to bill themselves as anything but a family entertainment/nostalgia act now with no connection to anything modern in the rock world.
Nah he's just another out of touch dinosaur. The young working class today simply doesn't look like what he thinks it's supposed to look like.
Yeah, go back to your wood paneled basement and your copy of Exile on Main Street, Iggy, you old f...
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