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Ask a music journalism insider anything pt. 3!

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I'm back again, and here's the previous thread: >>61555274

I don't know how far this thread will go but let's see if we can let the conversation go a little more. Feel free to pick up again here with questions and such.
also i adopted a trip, proof here:

Been following these threads. Good shit my man.
I'll post it again here.

Anyone you know who acts like an SJW in public but is completely different in private?
just answered you in the other thread

thanks. i'm wondering if someone is going to make a collage image of the most noteworthy shit i've been saying. i've already got a few personal contenders to start (i.e. the 9.3 cap thing, the different genre > different genre > token genre > different genre story of p4k's BNM review timeline).
There's most likely some anon compiling shit now, and if there isn't SOMEONE get on that shit. Since you didn't use a trip during the first two threads, there might be a few comments compiled that aren't yours but now because your're using a secure trip it will be easier to compile this stuff.

I mainly find all this stuff fascinating because I'm a musician myself so I just want to prepare myself for the future of this insider shit.
>implying I'll get any recognition for my music
We'll get him to confirm a final thing at the end of this thread.
Awesome, thanks
I like you for giving TMT attention. they always seemed deliciously ironic and cheeky for other review sites. I used to go on Cokemachineglow but then I was not into music that much, then they shut it down. Pity.

Also: I don't really get that genre thing and the 9.3 cap - can you make it more detailed?
You said earlier that everybody in the music industry hates Chris Ott
why is this?
i mean if you screencap those two things i mentioned (9.3 cap, p4k's BNM review timeline groove) and attribute it to the whole thing it should be fine.

but yeah if you want to get yr music out there just reach out to the smaller sites and blogs. i know where you're coming from.
Why are you so mad?

Maybe you should go back to Zergnet
that wasn't me who you were responding to but whatever here it goes:

don't know if you know but aside from calling out every publication, not just p4k, on their BS and just being a sourpuss in general, he's said some pretty sexist/misogynist shit to female writers -- that's more than enough to be universally hated in the music jurno industry.
That was not me. I actually like Chris, for all his assholishness he has good points
I know! I mentioned both TMT and Cokemachine in a previous thread, saying you should check them out. funny.

also did you read the original 9.3 cap post i made?
>but yeah if you want to get yr music out there just reach out to the smaller sites and blogs i know where you're coming from.

Oh yeah, just getting started on finishing my sound and songs. You'll find my stuff one day
Why the fuck do you people believe this fucking shitposter
> that wasn't me who you were responding to
Why you don't start AMA threads like this on 4chan without a trip.
>he's said some pretty sexist/misogynist shit to female writers

youch, didn't know that
fucking newfag
i know i did, but i adopted one like one anon suggested: >>61563781
he's given us high level insights like "pitchfork gets paid off for reviews" and "meredith graves is a cunt" and "other pitchfork reviewers don't like chris ott"
it would truly take an insider to reveal that deep knowledge
I should like, go back to reddit
sorry if this has already been asked.
1. for albums that get decent reviews, like in the 7s, can i expect that to be the writer's real opinion, usually? For example, So It Goes by ratking was released on XXL and got a 7.8. I'm assuming XXL didn't pay for that review.
2. Are there ever bribes that get turned down? What would be a reason for this? ex. Adele didn't get BNM but got a BNT so did they turn down the offer for a BNM for the album?
1) generally, no, the lower scored albums aren't paid but it still plays into p4k's factor of a trendy artist/album timeline that still fits well into their review groove (which i mentioned earlier).
2) like i said, i don't work at p4k, i'm just friends with everybody who works in that industry. so my opinion on that may be a little rusty; i;m not sure.
You should.
Or at least back to /v/.
Grow the fuck up.
> he's said some pretty sexist/misogynist shit to female writers
Examples? I've seen him making fun of Meredith Graves, but I don't think anyone but Graves herself would consider that misogynistic
if anybody here is on twitter you should be tweeting some of the shit he's been saying to individual p4k writers and see what happens; but make sure you don't get the 4chan colors in there because they'll just disregard it.
How old are you?
hes some redditor or some writter attempt to troll yall here a posting there the results... and it kinda worked
I know the guy says he hates Fantano but I think if we sent him this stuff he might make a video about it that could blowup.
you know; music journalists, especially ones who force a "SJW" agenda (which is basically most of them these days), tend to over-exaggerate on a lot of stuff that's been said, so of course they would side with Graves, they always do no matter how ridiculous it is.

read here: http://www.imposemagazine.com/features/chris-ott-shallow-rewards-interview

>Some of Ott's biggest detractors take issue with his supposed sexism, a complaint I raised with him several times, and his feelings on the matter seem convoluted and overtly precious.
This is a good idea

If he was 15 he'd probably be the average age for this board so what does it matter

Honestly I'd rather this be the case than the posts on this board actually being made by adults
What if MJI is Zoe Camp, i'm investigating.
So you're 18 then.
Barely old enough to be here.
Fuck off.
also read this from that Impose interview:

>Unilaterally, you’re not saying anything about male writers and what they’re doing. Think about how difficult it is already for women. It’s hard enough when guys don’t take your music taste seriously, when guys don’t think you know anything about music, and you come into this world, and you’re a young, hopeful, female writer being attacked brutally by some old white dude on the internet. Don’t you see how unsettling that could be?

>That is a completely fair point. The people who have brought up the fact that this is already a boy’s club and ask why I’m singling out a young woman to attack on these charges when there are so many guys doing the same thing, I just went through this. I do feel like they were let in to a number of circumstances for celebratory reasons, and they have not fought hard enough, given how they’ve wrapped themselves in that DIY/punk mentality, on how that experience is now being co-opted by companies that don’t give a fuck about it. That’s the first part. The second part is that if I disagree with something a guy says about a band, I just tell him he’s a fucking idiot. I have no qualms doing that. I don’t treat women that way.

>I disagree with that.

>You’re free to.

>That is inherent sexism. You can’t choose to treat people of different genders in different ways. Why would you not treat the Pelly twins with the same disregard you would treat a male writer if they bothered you? Why attack them with such persistence?

>I don’t want to pile on an already disadvantaged gender. I feel they deserve a little more explanation for why they bother me. A guy doesn’t deserve that. If I’m going to cross the line to suggest the things that I suggested about a totally disadvantaged gender, particularly in music, obviously it’s going to be a little more explicit. I feel like I’m trying to be a little more explicit on my consternation in this situation.
everything can be summarized by "well no shit"

still waiting for something new
tell us more about how awful meredith graves is pls
>I'm still gullible enough to think he's actually telling the truth
nice fucking obvious article
what does that supposed to mean?

bring something relevant to the table you psycho liar
god this is the worst thing I've seen on this board for a while
it's obvious it's just a ton of /v/tards who have GG like beliefs about media

there's a reason m00t left 4chan and it's that the kids/redditors coming on nowadays have ruined the website
i was just answering his question and providing an example for him like he asked why are you acting as if this is the center of what i'm talking about and those past 2 threads chock-full of shit i answered don't exist?
it means that everyone already knows you're a fucking fake.
I mean if you were putting effort into the shitposting I probably wouldn't care, but you can't enable these kids. they'll just feel more validated.
>I'm still gullible enough to think he's actually telling the truth

how did you even get that from my comment you fucking retard
*sigh* just look at this shit if you need convincing:

a different kind of question: me and my musician friend sent our music (different projects) to TinyMixTapes. There was never any kind of response or a mention anywhere - do you know how do they pick things for Chocolate Grinder? there's a lot of low-effort vaporwave spammed there (I like vaporwave but still) but somehow they refuse to mention some more complex and conceptual things? I know the music might not be that good but it's kinda weird for me (the way they pick stuff for chocgrind)
what's the most "holy shit" thing you know about the music journalism scene? something that caught you by surprise the first you heard about it
if that's the best proof you have then lol
you should honestly befriend people like C Monster, Bort, and Ross Devlin on twitter without being overall spammy and maybe they'll check out your shit and post it on Choco Grinder.

it's usually a "whatever" thing with what TMT posts in that section, really.
Are OPN or Arca cliquey or trendy with p4k?
Not OP, but, yes they're linda very strange for this, but they do it for purpose, since they're kinda anonymous. They use nicknames to writting... And they are inclined to basically edgy completely unknows electronic-experimental acts, basic vaporwave and generic trap rap.
the thing about Conde Nast's parent company putting out film trailers and then asking p4k to hype up songs they're going to use in their film trailers.

also the thing about a recurring p4k BNM review timeline groove.
What do you do that pirating an album to listen to it first doesn't do better?
What's the deal with rescoring albums? Like, ITAOTS is an infamous example. Is it just hype? Do you know about that album specifically? How far back does your knowledge go?
Jeremih BNM is egregious, but everyone knows Pitchfork gets paid for BNM anyway.

The BNM list you linked doesn't follow your pattern. How the fuck are Deerhunter and Joanna Newsom not token indie shit? Even if the pattern held true, it would only prove that you read Pitchfork a lot and you're capable of pattern recognition - it doesn't take an insider journalist to recognize a trend in their ratings.
>the thing about Conde Nast's parent company putting out film trailers and then asking p4k to hype up songs they're going to use in their film trailers.
Do you have actual examples of this?
Who is the next big thing in showbiz?
I've actually been talking to a few people in this inner circle who have worked with OPN and are good friends with him so I know more about him than Arca:

OPN was kinda going to go all over the place with doing interviews hyping up the release of G.o.D.: Do you know some kid named Marcel? He did some interview with Deafheaven a while back and then Pitchfork started sharing his blog around a shit-ton. Apparently OPN was going to ditch doing an interview with the big leagues like p4k and Rolling Stone and only do one interview with that Marcel kid where he would reveal shit about the album. I don't know what got in the way of this but OPN did end up doing the big leagues interviews instead. He's kinda free-for-all with that sort of stuff, kinda chillax.
>Do you know some kid named Marcel?
If you all still fucking believe him after this I'm convinced you're underaged.
Did you even read the whole comment you piece of shit?
That wasn't the hole BNM, so the screenshot I took isn't accurate,
I think the Jeremih thing is more proof than anything.
Like why on earth would Jeremih,
get a BNM
This. Guy.
I sure hope they get paid, otherwise they have absolute no music authority.
Do you think Pitchfork gives a shit about Marcel? Fuck off kid. You probably weren't even here in 2013.
Is it evidence that Pitchfork gets paid for BNMs? Sure.
Evidence that OP actually has insider knowledge about Pitchfork? No.
Are you fucking 12 or something
Be honest, how old are you?
>You probably weren't even here in 2013
look at the date of this article: http://www.stereogum.com/1526982/watch-a-kid-blogger-interview-deafheaven/video/
confirmed newfag lmaooo
just shut the fuck up, you don't know shit
i don't think you honestly know anything about what's been happening on twitter
im a zygote
do you really not know about all the p4k writers who tweeted out his blog and the one p4k contributor who fucking interviewed him for their own magazine
>and then Pitchfork started sharing his blog around a shit-ton.
Not fucking stereogum, kid.
>following "what's happening on twitter"
confirmed teenager. Why the fuck do you care?
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>Apparently OPN was going to ditch doing an interview with the big leagues like p4k and Rolling Stone and only do one interview with that Marcel kid where he would reveal shit about the album

>Apparently OPN was going to ditch doing an interview with the big leagues like p4k and Rolling Stone and only do one interview with that Marcel kid where he would reveal shit about the album
holy fuck no way
Im not even that guy but if you're seriously grilling someone for not being brushed up on the details of fucking Marcel drama you need to get a fucking life
>Are OPN or Arca cliquey or trendy with p4k?

can we have a sleepover and braid each others' hair now
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Music Jurno Insider, pls read pic related and stop this Q&A
I'm fucking done with 4chan.
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If you believe on this poster...
who fucking said it was drama
it's really amazing that this 3-part AMA suddenly turned into a Marcel argument somehow

he really does control everything
that's so kawaii
Could someone please give me an update on the marcel situation? I only know he was an autistic blogger, but apparently he got big
read: >>61564655
Hey OP, is the reason that electronic music isn't really hyped up on P4K just due to those kind of artists not paying for reviews?
I mean...you do have your Arcas and OPNs, but in general, P4K's coverage of electronic is fucking laughable and every notable release always gets the convenient 7.5-8.0 score.

is that just due to electronic music not being perceived as trendy as well?
Don't they know that Marcel plagiarizes his reviews?
OP if you're really tight with p4k, can you tell what scores they're going to give to what albums tonight?
He ratted out based devin to pitchfork writers for posting goofy shit here and ruined the fun for everyone
it's due to the fact that publications like TMT and Wire perceive that sort of experimental-electronic music as some "post-modern" statement, and p4k tends to keep a low-profile when it comes to covering anything with a crowdfunded "aesthetic."
i think i heard about this but honestly man; i wouldn't be surprised if they gave him a free pass for that because he's 13 or whatever. it may seem like a big deal to you guys, but unless you're 16+ and doing that shit, publications won't really care and forgive you because "you don't know better." they'll just tell you to stop. i honestly think that's how it went down since i never saw any writers publicly bash him for that; that would make them look kinda bad, doing that to a teenager lol.
i know nothing in advance dude i just know the behind-the-scenes shit that goes on that they keep a secret because it would ruin their reputation as a site.
>doing that to a teenager lol.
I like this dude already
Marcel has decent taste to be honest, even If he copies his reviews
INB4 "Fuck off Marcel" comments.
yeah because all of the writers are like double his age. what i said basically applies to anyone under 16. it would be different if he did that and he was Fantano's age or some shit.
Fuck off Marcel
>it would be different if he did that and he was Fantano's age or some shit

i don't understand why this concept is so hard to grasp to you OCD freaks
go t o bed Marcel
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>These 3 threads
do the Pelly twins suck as much as they seem to
ehh, i mean they're alright. i personally like Liz more than Jenn.

Liz was the p4k contributor who sent out a dude to interview Marcel btw. she also tweeted out his blog.
How do I optimized my chances at getting a BNM?
be a nig woman
you should read the previous two threads for more info
fuck off Fantano
>Why the fuck do you people believe this fucking shitposter
Fuck off and let us make up our own minds you mong. Do you really think the thought never occured to us that he might be lying? It's an interesting thread discussion-wise, let him have his say and we'll decide once he has

Autistic retard.
jesus christ you're new
Actually I've been here for a couple of years.
Hey OP, how about you get verified from some third party sources. I know you said you dislike that Chris Ott guy and Fantano, but maybe if you shoot them an email with some proof they can tweet it out that you're not a liar.
not only do i dislike them, but i was saying that most of the music journalism industry hates them.

what would they verify? i hardly doubt Fantano would know this shit i'm talking about.
To summarize it from the other thread, websites like Pitchfork act like SJW's because they want to be a part of the collective trend of being politically correct. OP can you confirm/deny this?
yeah, i can confirm this. i went into it a bit more in both this thread and the last one. but yea that's essentially true.
if yall really aren't calling bullshit after this >>61564655 comment i dont know what to say. this site has been invaded by fucking idiots
why do you say this? what about that comment is bullshit?
why the fuck would OPN do an interview only with Marcel and nobody else? that's the dumbest shit i've ever heard
i don't know, there's been stuff posted where OPN is a fan of his interviews and maybe he would do that nice gesture as a gift?
Why did deafheavan do an interview with him?
holy fuck dude if you see a teenage boy come up to you and ask if you're down with doing an interview for like 10 mins what do you think you do
actual professional music critic here

ask me about my weiner
and that interview got posted on a bunch of music sites, too.
fuck off this is a serious thread
how big is your weiner
Ask him how the fuck he managed to get inside an 18+ venue.
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Barely old enough to be here is years older than the average age so I don't really see your point
i just feel sorry for marcel desu
think back to when you were 13, and imagine if hundreds of people were reading every retarded post you made & knew your real name and what you looked like
in a couple years he'll grow out of this stuff but all of the embarrassing shit he's done will be immortalized. hopefully no one will care by then
Well, I don't know if you noticed but Fantano did interview Chris Ott:


I'm sure Fantano does know about the stuff you're talking about and knows that many journalists hate him. I'm sure if you showed some proof to him through a private message you'll look a lot more credible.
I listened to top 40 poptism crap when i was 13, so i'm definitely not gonna judge Marcel.
At the same time,
fuck Marcel.
I agree, but the real shame is that he might not even grow out of it because he has people and a following who will reaffirm him and maybe keep him perpetually 13

Kids gonna be a heroin addict desu, calling it now
Pretty sure he means verify who you are but Fantano only knows and says we can trust you.
Do music sites ignore music that isnt in english even though Its good?
wait what? how do you know that the venue Deafheaven played at was an 18+ venue?
venues sometimes allow in underage people if they're either press or on the guest list. so they probably did the interview outside and deafheaven probably got him in dude.
I don't think that ever happens. This great Polish drone-metal act called Stara Rzeka has been getting pretty good coverage. You should check some of their shit out.
dude Marcel has gotten writing jobs at websites and magazines this year i really don't think he's going to "grow out" something that he's clearly passionate about.
>implying MARCEL has connections
>implying MARCEL is press

Dope act, even get's coverage here on /mu/
saw them on a few smaller subreddits as well.
no man, i'm saying that he interviewed deafheaven outside and then deafheaven got him inside. you really don't need connections for a band to do that.
So deafheavan was waiting outside for MARCEL
deafheaven was probably hanging outside the venue and marcel walked up to them and asked to do an interview. thats what i imagine what happened.
fuck off troll. i'm done talking to you. fucking bother somebody else.
damn, when did 9gag get a new interface? It looks so much like 4chan.
not really, p4k gave BNTs and 8.0+ scores to, like, Juana Molina, Carla Morrison, and Christine and the Queens (even though she sings in English as well).
i thought c monster stopped writing for tmt? also i used to be kinda friends with him and i got mentioned once on tmt and never again. i've gotten more publicity thru word of mouth than that site.
i'd say you should become friends with people who write for decoder. super nice and they will listen and give feedback if you're nice in your emails
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Ho. Lee. Shit.

People fell for this fucking meme hook, line, and sinker.
what makes you think C Monster stopped writing for TMT? he gave their latest 5/5 and still does Choco Grinder shit all the time.
also those Decoder Mag people will force you to review shit like the big league publications if you try writing for them -- like i mentioned earlier, praising shit you hate or panning shit you love. i don't trust them for that reason.

fucking LOL

you were baited hard you gullible idiots
i don't understand whats bad about this post
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just go back to your vaporwave threads OP pls
first off nice quads
second i don't read tmt and i saw him make a comment on facebook trashing them? also you have to be shitting me with >>61570034
look at this list and tell me which one of these releases has been written up on p4k or any of the shill sites you've been on about http://www.secretdecoder.net/category/reviews/

also since you keep hyping up tmt a bunch i do want to know how you feel about spf420
>so my opinion on that may be a little rusty; i;m not sure.

Omg shut up you dumbass
i am not OP could you please explain what is bad about that post
oh and by the way fuck you immensely for talking shit on dwight and liz. they are some of the nicest people in this indie scene and don't deserve to be thrown under the bus w/ schreiber and the like
link to the facebook comment of him trashing them? he tends to joke around a lot.

what i said about Decoder has nothing to do with p4k, i'm not talking about them reviewing popular releases, they'll still force you either way.

also spf420 is trash -- the people who run that are complete ego-maniacs.
whoops i got c monster confused with keith rankin. here's the facebook post i was referencing. also in response to your comments on decoder: i used to write for a smallish music blog and guess what, i had to "be forced" to review albums as well. you're really bending the truth here. if it's your job to write about music, how are you being forced to do anything? reviews act mainly as advertisements--people go to these sites and read these publications to know what and what not to check out/buy. if you can't think of anything good to say about an album, you pass it to someone who enjoys it and can write about it. what makes you think that reviewers with actual integrity want to sit around all day and trash artists? even christgau tries to find the good in the bad.
and what you said about spf420 proves that you must be someone very out of the know, or you only know their online personas. both liz and chaz are incredibly compassionate people who go out of their way to help friends and fellow artists. you know nothing
forgot image. sorry, i was really mad
is the Liz from Spf420 the same Liz from Decoder?
liz pavlovic is not liz spf420. are you sure you're an insider
I mean, if Joanna Newsom had no PR and gave no money to p4k they would have still had to give Divers BNM right?
they would most likely cover it, yes, but i'm uncertain on what score they would give.
What is the average amount of unique albums p4k writers have heard? A few thousand?
He said in previous threads that there are Pitchfork writers that just view it as a job and are really not that into music. What the individual writer has heard really seems to have no weight on the reviews and it's all about cash. OP can correct me if I'm wrong
Find out if Bowie Paid for his 8.5 and then make a new thread about it because I can't keep track of this saga.
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