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/mlp/ poster here. i was lurking /pol/ just to see the aftereffects

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/mlp/ poster here.
i was lurking /pol/ just to see the aftereffects of the merge, and holy shit. i never realized the state of the board was that bad. you /pol/lacks deal with that all the fucking time? i'm sorry.
Fuck off horse Fucking shill
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Yes we do. Thanks for your help giving us a break for a day.
In a way, being the target of so many interests is actually a compliment for /pol/itically incorrect. But yeah, it's bad.
the war to keep the narrative clear of lies never ends, most of us are pretty tired desu
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Yes, it's really fucking sad.
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It's ironic, everyone makes fun of /pol/ for being a safespace, when it is the exact opposite. A constant, endless battleground.

This board meanwhile is so fucking comfy, I unironically wish it never gets deleted.
its been so long pony anon
you can go back to your pony free safe space on /pol/ at any time.
It is a grim task we face in /pol/, but truth and freedom are not given away - they have to be fought for.
Great respect unto the /mlp/ fans who made m00t bend the knee to them. With enough autism, we can change the world.
God that is fucking true. Its so peaceful here
Fuck you shareblue, ponybros are based af.

Yes, but it's usually worse go back tomorow when reddit and the shills are back in effect and see the true shithole that /pol/ has become.
i hope so too.

i'm glad we got merged. i think it was good for both boards, and i had a lot of fun.
thank you. I don't think I can go back.
Yeah, the closer one gets to victory the heavier the flak gets. Thanks for noticing, it helps to keep up the fight.

And thanks even more for the relief, I can't tell you what a difference this all has made to me personally. I'd forgotten what it's like to laugh this hard and this much.
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for the past five months is been like this . You should've seen it during November the board was almost unusable.
Yeah it is really bad i haven't seen it this bad ever and it just seems to be getting worse.
permanent nightmare vision goggles
I heard your pony thing wont have any more episodes

Its been rough for all of us
This is the first day in several months that I have been able to browse a catalog and not see nigger dick. As a white nationalist that is not what I want to see.
This event itself can be "weaponized" so to speak.
Basically remember how it was here and simply use it to invalidate the shareblue threads.
And at a last resort? just fucking ponypost on the threads.
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8pol is better in some ways. The mods put up with less shit there. They will straight up ban you for botting or posting off topic. I swear to god if I see one more

>you mad white boi?
>pedophelia is great! Let's all fuck baby's

I'm going to choke a nigger I swear
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>isn't aware of where he is posting
and the robots... I think robots were/are like half the problem
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>5 months
Try 2 years. leddit starting coming in during late 2015.
>a fucking leaf
we're actually getting a new season in a couple weeks, and an actual pony movie later this year
What is current shill level at /pol/ right now?
Get your feet wet and join us on the main battlefield of the culture war. Memes are ammo.
Maximum just take a scroll through the catalogue
you're already choking 10 niggers
>this board meanwhile is comfy.
So this is the actual safe space then? Fuck off, faggot..
he's not wrong though
at the level where I'd prefer to hang out with people who fetishize horses
Oh I must have misheard then. Maybe that its not coming to JewFlix or something. I dont care but I wish you well, I guess.
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i really hate to say it but...yeah....i like politics.

i like discussing politics. and current events.

but most threads on /pol/ are not that. i went there for the like, 1 out of maybe 5?7? that are worth it.

at least with pony shitposting its obvious shitposting, and done for fun, while "lol /pol/ btfo" and "lol drumpf" and "this is degenerate" threads do and discuss jack but arent for the fun of the simply idea of trolling but meant to divert attention or just be obnoxious.
More like ever since September it was horrible. October and November were so bad you could barely use the board.
If this board does stay around for awhile, we need comfy happening threads at least
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I agree with you. Everyday since last month I've been spamming (pic related) to keep the shills away but their number is overwhelming. Since almost all of the newfags from /pol/ come from plebbit, they get easily triggered from shill thread, thus adding more flame to the fuel that would eventually destroy our board. If Kek wills the strong to co-exist with the bronies, I'll be fine.
Bronies > Normies
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...its actually not a bad artstyle though huh.....
t. Reddit
>A fucking reddit.
If this is what a safespace looks like I'm fucking glad it is, leaf. After 2+ years of shills, redditors, and every autist on god's green earth shitting up /pol/, I'd rather be called a faggot than have to put up with you sorry fucks for another second.
I've seen worse. Certain regulars aren't currently spamming riced, trannied, and blacked threads. Check back on Monday during working hours.
/v/ got redpilled hard on leaves today.
How is it a safe space? Anyone can post here so long as they're not a cringey redditor who hates ponies.
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/pol/ is literally a shithole. It's infested by normalfags, cancer, /b/tards trying to be ebin trolls, and actual shills that are payed to derail political discussion because of how big of a role /pol/ played in spreading trump memes during the elections.
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Free hugs anyone?

the ponys can stay but theres no point if the politics doesn't happen, and those threads are some of the best for that.
Agree with the Brazilian, if Kek mixed both of these boards, why not add more to our arsenal to counter the constant flak coming from the CIA, ANTIFA, and Shareblue.
It's 2D and not illegal you don't have to explain. Not my taste but neither are ponies. It's not hurting anyone so no one cares.
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thanks. here's a cute pony for your well wishes.
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The tongue necklace made me giggle. Now I'm hungry.

My oldest brother left Rick and Morty to work on that movie

Apparently the work environment is top notch comparatively
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come here Sweden
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/mlpol/ will never be a permanent thing
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I can't go back. It's like >>166811 said, a constant never ending battleground against paid shills and bots.
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yay! <3
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actually i legit dont know how that got on my computer.

i wont lie and say its not something i might download, but i just dont remember downloading it at all or remember seeing it anywhere.

thus admittedly purposeful overreacting but i still just wasn't expecting to post something like that because i didnt know i had it, much less in the folder it was in.

i blame moot for this.
Someone just posted 4chan shouldnt bash r/thedonald so much cuz the real problems is liberals or something like that
I'm pretty sure it will stay. It will likely improve the quality of /pol/ and even /mlp/ over all. Here I can come and actually relax a bit. I don't have to give my self a stroke fighting 4848263849;9273 shills.
its neat yeah but why does that make you hungry?
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>since September
Absolutely wrong. The shills stepped it up during the primaries in 2015. Don't you remember the guy who spammed Carson and all the Cruz shilling? You'd have to have an absolutely shit memory to forget that.
Although, to be fair, it did got pretty bad when you said it did as well.
thats a very nice beetle
On /pol/? r/the_Donald and meme tourists seem to be under the impression that they're united with us and on the same side.
I fucking hope so. These horsefuckers are cancer. They will be dealt with after we have removed the kebab and the filthy Jews.
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i never would have guessed that this would be something that would make me upset.
He's a Burbankfag? I wanna live in Burbank...
it's not. 4chan hiccuped. someone on the site posted a beetle when they meant to post what got posted here.
Yea r/the_donald is damage controlling hard because they got replaced by the pony guys

I was a suicidal /b/tard (2005) who would just casually browse /pol/ I got into politics bigtime in September and I was fucking shocked at how /pol/ was. I had never seen it that bad. But I didn't browse pol that much so yeah.
uh I didnt know that kind of stuff happened. Other guy was probably like wtf is this beetle
It's bad. Worse than usual
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Ignore this guy
r/thedonald is having a literal meltdown since the future of nationalism doesn't includes them
I agree. This board has gone to shit and Hiroshimoot is a cucked faggot.

Cripplechan is way better anyway.
Not when /pol/'s under attack from all sides and we're running out of true /pol/acks and ammunition to fire back at them. This is perhaps our only chance of re-taking /pol/ from the Shareblue, ANTIFA, and Shill menace. Embrace it, for Kek wills it.
yea everyone was a cruz missle lol
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Click on the ads, maybe if this board makes enough shekels for gookmoot well be allowed to stay
Hey I'm not a reddit fan but they are 29483627x better than fucking CTR/DNC just saying.

Also what happened with reddit? Are they raiding us or trying to join? I don't feel like going back to /pol/ tonight.
it's even funnier when it affects a post on /mlp/ and a person on another board unintentionally posts pony and gets banned for it. which does happen.

Go back to /pol/ fucking loser.
Well that's interesting.
you know doing normie stuff
/pol/ would be 10000% better if they would simply ban off topic spam. That is literally all they have to do.
I've visited /pol/ a bunch of times in the last year and it was always shit.
However, now that I witnessed the merge and /pol/ being a total bro, I'm not so sure.
It seems they were right about Redditors shitting up the board.
Not raiding us but they're being like the annoying little brother who follows the older brother around.
like they accuse the ponies and anyone who would rather chill here as being shareblue instead of them just being retarded normies
There's a reason why 8 calls this place cuckchan.

I just go shit up other boards and ban evade 3x a day minimum now. If mods aren't going to do shit about /pol/ then fuck them and this entire site.
Sides? who draws sides. Its all about chaos.
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well they really think that 80% /pol/ is not racist or does not hate niggers and it's all role playing. They will be in a shock when day of the rope comes around finally.
Also they are rooting for "national" jews.
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t_D is fine, problem is they keep responding to obvious bait and clog up the catalog. They can stick to the Reddit front
Isnt infinite chan controled by lefties now?
No shit
Normies always shit up boards because they can't get into anonymity. They MUST conform to society and virtue signal to everyone, whatever their beliefs are.
Yea reddit and slide threads are a potent combo.
They got merged with /int/ and could see the nationality of their posters, and they discovered in the process who was making all the SJW posts.
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Also this. Im tired of hearing about "based black trump supporters"
lol no, its controlled by masons

i guess they didn't lurk enough. I forgot when your new EVERYONE gives you shit.
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lmao thats fucking hilarious. day of the rake soon
This. It's a different meta entirely over there.
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Yes, because Jews control Netflix just like YouTube and Google and the rest of the media from their Jew Hive.
idk I used to check in over there but I stopped for awhile. Then that shit with TRS doxxing happened and I heard it was run by lefties so I had not been back
it's mostly thanks to those e-celebs, as the age polls show majority of people are in the 12-22 age group with out father figures or goals in life so they latch on to these e-celebs and think they are amazing.
we have been trough all of this shit, the sad part is that it will take 2-3 years to get them to wake up and see the real world. Personal experience is the best for that, but until you are in a controlled environment like school you can't really see behind the curtain.
I dont mean literally fagmotron
Dear pony people, this is a new kind of shareblue fag we've been getting lately, they call others shills way out of context, they basically just try to use enough of our words so it looks like they fit in, and divide people, they don't understand why a shill is one so they kind stand out
TRS is a controlled opposition honeypot run by a cuck with a literal marxist jew wife.
did, hotweelz sell infinitychan? Because that little faggot is not a mason,.
thats what I heard
Then what the fuck does Netflix have to do with Jews?
like over a year ago dude, jim watkins took it over shortly after hiro took this site over, they were both involved in shady shit with 2ch, and i think jim still is, not sure though
Jesus fucking christ
His wife runs drag sho and shit like that. That is pretty fucked up
Apparently, the price for freedom is eternal vigilance and horse pussy, who'd've guessed?
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i see, i stayed away from it, because everything that little cripple jew touches turns to shit, good that it's just matter of months now until his spine collapses and he is history.
Aren't you people capable of communicating without using over-used buzz words? Shill this cuck that. Do you even know what a shill is? Holy fucking shit. It's like being back at uni and everyone is just mindlessly spouting words - just they think they're fucking Nazis Crusaders instead of hippy anarchists.
Its just a figure of speech man; they fucking cheat you out of 10 NEET bucks a month and carry like no movies. Im talking about "jew" as a verb here, ponyfag.
While jew are a hostile ethnic group behind many things he was using a board colloquialism. Alcohol is the liquid jew, weed the herbal jew. television the electric jew. So on and so forth. Anthything that can be harmful to you is sortof the jew but not in the literal since
sometimes there's no alternative
Whatever your politics, the capture the flag trolling of Shia has been the funniest thing for a long time, yet I got a ban for posting in a HWNDU thread as it was classed as a 'raid' thread
Are you a Jew? be honest i promise i wont call you JIDF and send you up the chim chiminey
like maybe 5 or 6 right now my dude

>using the reasonable logic jew
That shit was funny. I hope the Finn's give it to him good this next round
He could hardly have picked a better (worse) place. Shia's gonna get SPUROED
Yeah, I'm Jewish. And no I'm not JIDF. If I was, I'd be using my hacking skills to troll liberal celebrities and not interfere with a message board.

I hate all the same liberal shit as /pol/ but it pisses me off when everything gets blamed on Jews as if there's only one kind of Jew in the world. So as much as I want to be part of /pol/ I'm not allowed because you'll immediately assume I'm a hook-nosed monster who hates you. Well I don't hate you, and I honestly wish I wasn't born a Jew because then I'd be able to join in on your fun.
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tfw its been over two years since the republican primary was first starting out with people announcing they were running
Its just a meme you dip
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Oh shit nigger what are you doing
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No one cares how bad a post is dude
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There is only one kind of Jew in the world.
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Better tell God to check those QUADS
You are just an tool for the upcoming blood bath in Israel, if you were a jew you would know this. But you are just useful cattle who thinks he is a jew.
The more redpilled ones know theres 2 jews in the world: The rootless international globalist banker jews that Hitler fought against, and the Zionist Make Israel Great Again jews. The first one is pure cancer.

But both of you guys are always such commie anti-christian missiles its hard to trust any of you.
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has it really been two years? damn.
There's a glitch in the system. When two pics are posted in the same second they often get swapped. Somewhere on another board some anon is staring at a pic of a beetle wondering WTF.
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>2 kind of jews
>does not even mention the Belorussian jews

you know i want to say you are a shill but you probably are some reddit refugee.
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clearly you are from /mlp/ not /pol/.
I cant wait to see that Finn sense of humor
My parents are both Jews. My mom's family was originally from Russia, dad's from Poland. Paternal grandparents met in WWII in a refugee camp. Both were in concentration camps. Grandfather was in Buchenwald or Bergen Belsen - it's been awhile since I asked my dad. I have no idea what my family was before WWII. All Polish and Russian I guess.

I used to be practicing, but I don't anymore because I'm agnostic. I'm pro-Israel because I used to think like a religious Zionist, but now I mostly just want a team to be on, and Islam pisses me off. Israel has been fighting the Arabs for decades, and I'm fine with whoever is fighting the Arabs.

And no, I did not know that Hitler's body guard was Jewish because it probably isn't true. Also yes, I believe there were Jews in the German army in WWII but surely none of their higher ups knew about it.

No I do not believe the Holocaust is a hoax. The six million number may be inflated. I have no idea, but I know the Nazis gave it their best effort because it isn't ancient history, and there are eye witness accounts, survivor accounts, guard accounts, paperwork, pictures of mountains of bodies with Juden patches.

And if (((we))) control everything then I've obviously been skipped over and am not getting my cut of the money.
once again pol is flooded with bait threads and reddit, it will never end.
Yes, we're all ants acting as drones serving a queen. The world really is that simple.
HWNDU threads get deleted instantly, yet paid shills and obvious bots are allowed to spam 24/7.

It is clear that the mods are in on it.
>And at a last resort? just fucking ponypost on the threads.

I like the idea.
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Checked. Come in and out your feet up. Rest for a day or so. Catch your breath. We can go fight monsters soon enough.
thats really jewish lol
still a fucking leaf
It's not letting me save flags like it does in /pol/ dang i was needing an El salvador
Given my personality even if I wasn't Jewish and full-white like the ideal /pol/ack, I'd still find some reason to feel like I didn't belong anywhere.

As it stands though, I'm a minority within a minority within a minority.

>But not left wing
>But Zionist despite not being religious

No matter where I go, I'll have the /pol/acks of the world hating me for being Jewish, the Muslims hating me for being Jewish, the secular Jews for voting Trump, the Zionists for not being religious. I fucking hate it.
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>and a person on another board unintentionally posts pony and gets banned for it
Okay, that sounds fucking hilarious.
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>i was lurking /pol/ just to see the aftereffects of the merge, and holy shit. i never realized the state of the board was that bad. you /pol/lacks deal with that all the fucking time? i'm sorry.
Only 7 out of 19 on the catalog deserve to be deleted. Pretty good. Usually it's more like 12 to 15.
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That's not that bad, it was a lot worse couple hours ago. I don't see nigger dicks and 5 clown trump or whatever threads.
id argue the ANTIFA one is bait too due to its wording if nothing else.
It's more than just a board colloquialism, I have an old English dictionary from 1909, which has the verb "to jew" as "to deceive".

A French dictionary from the same era has -juiverie "Mais quelle juiverie!" for cheating.
That is very interesting. I was unaware
Edit with pegasus pony dropping someone when?
Don't take things personally. Jews have their Homeland you aren't a threat to Nat Soc anymore, well maybe in Anglo countries but that is more our fault than your peoples.
Missed that one. You're absolutely right.
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