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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 201
Thread images: 74

Part 1 thread: >>109504
Part 2 thread: >>131139
Part 3 thread: >>133229

This is a straw poll to gauge our opinions on making /mlpol/ permanent or allowing this to go by the wayside after April 1.


>Allow boards to split and decline
>Unite the boards and up page count
>Allow the boards to cross-pollinate

>Why MLP is redpilled
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5hQb_71qLk [Embed] [Embed]

Thread theme
Non-shit, more decisive poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/12657582/r
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>On why /mlpol/ is best for /pol/

As a ranking Netizen from the proud /pol/ community of yore, I put forward a motion for the forum to consider keeping /mlp/ and /pol/ as one /mlpol/.

My Little Politics has heartened me, to see the brighter side of humanity's existential degeneration: That, as Schopenhauer notes, aesthetic catharsis can serve as a release valve for stress.

Given the fascistic aesthetic so preferred by /pol/, and the naturalistic caricatures so loved by /mlp/, I find the two aren't wholly incongruous in unity.

Quite the contrary, I find this unity tempers the angry waves of sociopolitical conscience to a beatific calm. I feel jocular and liberated on this board, rather than confined by the strictures of red pill philosophy's impractical dogmatism, thanks to my /mlp/ brethren.

It is in the interest of political discussion and radical ideology to invite /mlp/ with open forelegs. Indeed, it's even been noted in the past that a disintegration of what we /pol/ users know as "the old /pol/" would stand to benefit from a terminal dilution or disintegration of the board, to stir up the conscience necessary for new members (particularly /r/The_Donald refugees) to understand how important our speech platform is.

I could go on as to the enhanced memetic capabilities and cyber force multipliers /mlp/ is capable of delivering /pol/.

Let's not look toward tomorrow as a divided group, as we kindred spirits fork the path and bid adieu, but let's travel with hands holding hooves. Let's keep this integration into the foreseeable future and embrace the great pleasures our handsome marriage can bear.





I've been fending off shills like you all day now and I'm not going to let this one fly in the final hour.
It's IP protected
Don't forget:

>Horsefuckers chase off shills
>Pol chases off bronies
>Everyone wins

I'm very interested to see how this plays out if we merge, and we could observe the effects of two different cultures merging.

Will there be distinct pockets of /mlp/ and /pol/ on the same board, with a small amount of overlap, as happens in real life when two different cultures occupy the same area? Or will an entirely new culture, a mix of the two, emerge as one of the weirdest things 4chan has ever created?
I'm new to actually contacting 4chan staff, where should I direct this to on that page?
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If anything, we have proven today that amicable coexistence can demonstrably occur.

Not only that, but /mlp/ actually enhanced the board in a number of ways. Less shills, less plebbit and CTR, fast integration and good bantz.

Many have observed it is like old /b/.
Go here.
Use drop-down menu.
Do "Feature Suggestion"

Write about why /mlpol/ is a good idea!

You should reference this poll too.
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Can't sweat this enough.

Well, it's 06:15, and i've had the best day on 4chin since the time i went to Scotland to dig up a box in the middle of a muddy forest behind a mental hospital in the middle of the night with a trap.

I sure hope we're still here when i wake up. I feel this could be the beginning of something new and beautiful.

Kek Confirms.
I hope so
This friendship has been magical
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>[Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://cytu dot be/r/mlpwatchesmlp2
Thanks senpai, just send mine in.

I have high hopes for people from both boards.

Right on friend, I remember that thread! Spooped me good just reading it.
do you still have your central nervous system?
Im not gonna vote in the poll.


This is a bad idea. We already have too many slide threads drowning out actual good threads
Your vote is missed.

No problem! :)

Ayyy I mean I've done a lot for this can't do it perfectly.
But at least we know which one is a pony thread and which one is a /pol/ thread. Newfags would take the bait and continue to bump slide threads despite being told not to respond. Ponyfags stay in their threads, and /pol/ stays in theirs.
>There are retards who actually want this shit to be permanent
There's literally been nothing on the front page today except for pony porn, the only people wanting this to stay are horsefuckers who can't post porn on their board.
pretty much this

Do you guys really want to go back to

DRUMPF BTFO xxxxddddd how can white bois compete
I do, friendo.
In fact, I'm going back there this summer.
I just want a nsfw /mlp/ ffs.
Are they any different from the wall of black dick that we see all the fucking time? /cpd/ is up. /trump gen/ is up. /natsoc gen/ is up. /brit pol/ and /eire pol/ is up. Our threads are not the ones being drowned out. It just replaces the usual shit with ponies
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As an ex-ponyfag, this is fucking hilarious

Keep it
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This has been the most fun I have ever had on /pol/ and /mlp/ since the boards were created. Hiro your plan backfired bigtime.

captcha = sharpe horn
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It has been pretty fucking fun.
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Or maybe it worked perfectly?


No no you're one of us weather you like it or not
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Nah famalam, I couldn't bear it anymore
Show's gone down the shitter past season 6, but damn if I don't enjoy the porn

I had my few years as a brony and that's behind me
>Dude let's just trade the occasional shitposting threads to 24/7 pony porn!
Or we could just have better moderation and have those threads deleted instead of being complete retards and trading a tiny amount of cancer for full blown cancer.
>Hijacking the thread with an unoriginal idea

It's not bad but it's been brought up and is in the discussions. Your idea has been analyzed and is not unique. We can talk more but it wasn't included in the poll because it falls under "cross-pollination" as a preferred option really.

Hiroshimoot even said he likes to keep things exciting here.
>occasional shitposting

going on to /pol was before was like having a paid account for BLACKED.com. There is noticeably less shilling and I dont have to see black cocks all day every day forever
I think it would be better to have /pol/ and /mlp/ separate, but to keep /mlpol/ as it's own hidden board, like /qa/
That seems a popular message.

That said, today has been great for both /pol/ and /mlp/ in terms of progress.

I would be very happy with /mlpol/ unlisted thread.
New board
>going on to /pol was before was like having a paid account for BLACKED.com.
This is just absolutely not true. I browse /pol/ almost every day and rarely run into blacked shitposting. Some hours there were a lot, because obviously some fags coordinate when to shitpost it, but for the most part threads were somewhat on topic.
>I don't have to see black cocks
Yeah now you just see horse cocks 24/7. It's not staying this way, and you're a fucking retard if you think there's any chance of it
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ill be honest i never saw this coming.

Tomorrow is going to be all.

BLUMPF BTFO HAHAHA xxxddd cant let him get the nuclear code


Complain for better moderation then. You don't get cancer removed by literally asking for more cancer
This board has been amazing, but if it stays without /pol/ or as a listed board then bronies/ponyfags are going to have to witness ponies get fucked by BBC and watch them become Hilliary supporters or whatever.
not only this
but also double spacing posts(which means reddit)
id rather take the horsecock if it means no newfags,redditors, and shills
>complain for better moderation

The mods are the ones who did this in the first place.
iv never had a reddit
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>My Little /Polny, My Little /Pol/ny
>I used to wonder what the master race could be
>Until superior Alicorns shared their magic with me
>great adventures
>lots of guns
>a beautyful war
>fascist and strong
>shoaing kikeness
>is an easy feat
>and kek magic makes it all complete
>You have my little /pol/nies
>Do you know you're all my very best friends?

PD: the next image has a real IDW official MLP FIM comic panel with a nazi crate. D:
I didn't mean to imply you as a redditor
Oh my mistake
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>Why MLP is redpilled
>equality song
>literally "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut
holy fucking shit I was expecting something stupid when I started that video
>mfw MLP is pre-redpilling children about "equality"
Yes, as a joke, for a holiday that's literally about making bad jokes.
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Nah If you want /mlpol/ song it goes like this:

Hey, hey, everybody
We've got something to say
We may seem as different
As the night is from day
But you look a little deeper
And you will see
That I'm just like you
And you're just like me.
Hey, hey, everybody
We're here to shout
That the magic of autism
Is what it's all about
We thought we were different
As the night is from the day
Until Adolf Hitler
Helped us see another way
So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping /pol/ win the mem-war
So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping /pol/ win the meme-war
Hey, hey hands up now,
We're sending a message
To the boards
Hands wave up
Then come down
We party together
All around

An-cap, tax-free world
Laughter, kindness, loyalty

Adolf helped us each to see

All that we can be!

So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping /pol/ save the world from the kikes
So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping /pol/ winning meme-war!

I'm gonna be myself
No matter what I do
And if we're different yeah
I want you to be true to you
If you follow me
We'll put our differences aside
We'll stick together and
Start working on the white race pride!

Jump up make a sound (Heil!)
Sieg Heil, turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Sieg Heil make a sound (Heil!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Help them win the war!
Sieg Heil make a sound (Heil!)
Raise your fist, turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Heil!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Help them win the war!
Jump up make a sound (Heil!)
Raise your hand, turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Raise your hand, turn around

All goes to this melody:

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14/88 SIEG HEIL !! /)

It ruins the "image" that attracted so many people here during the elections. Aslong as the ponies are here this place is far too autistic for normies. It keeps shills away. It keeps redditors away. It makes news sources add my little pony to hate symbols list. It is hilarious
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>sieg heil
shits on natsocs
Fuck off nigger.
fucking fat assed burger boy

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It's just pure shitposting, plain and simple. I don't give a shit if it deters normies and shills, it deters the actual fucking users of /pol/ because I come here to shitpost about politics and current events, not see horsedicks on the front page every single hour of the day
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Luftwaffe = Pegasi
Wunerwaffe = Unicorns
Wehrmacht = Earth Ponies
Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik = ALICORNS
So youd rather just have the black dicks. /pol/ has been good today. The threads that are up (actual threads) are of good quality
There were minimal black dick threads. Every other thread today as been a pony dick thread.

Are you seriously going to try saying that there was this many blacked threads all day every day before? Because there were not.
Honestly it looks tempting with the increased page count. That would help out against sliding. Not sure how active /mlp/ is but I doubt they have that much relevant discussion these days.
we need to keep together for at least a month to scare of jews and normies
/pol/ fucking needs this
OP here folks.

I won't be able to make a Part 5 thread. Off to hit the hay!

Be sure to spread the poll and contact 4chan feedback with how you want /mlpol/ to be a thing.

Someone else needs to take up the mantle. The organization needs to be passed along.

Good luck.
Yea there fucking were. Today has been productive as fuck.
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There were not, you're lying. Today has not been productive, almost every thread is about pony shit.
You're a goddamn moron if you expect or think the board is staying this way
This, and the pony merge prevents the (((media))) from taking us seriously. Which they were starting to do, there were far too many articles being written about /pol/. No way is Maddow going to run a segment about nazis on /mlpol/ when she can't show any snapshots without horse pussy and damage done to Hasbro.
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The merger is currently hilarious and I seriously enjoyed the momentary cleanse of leddit fags and shills, but this can't be permanent.

Let's be realistic here: we know the CIA are bronies and this is a psyop to get us to merge with them. We already have a tough time with our credibility and we pull through because we have the truth on our side - and we barely get the job done with that.

This is a CIA psyop to adopt the bronie spam and discredit ourselves.

>"Oh you got your info from anime loving, conspiracy peddling BRONIES???"

Yeah good fucking luck explaining that one. The merge is hilarious but must not be made permanent. After the separation we will gladly accept anyone new who wishes to join our ranks to utilize their autism for greatness and friendship.
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it was the plan all along
I want the merger though. At least for a few weeks, so we can have some old /b/ style fun while waiting for the last normalfags to get the hint and leave
We're not supposed to share 4chan or /pol/ IRL anyhow. No one should know that you get your info or opinions from /pol/ regardless of ponies.
Yea they fucking have. I dont even notice the ponies because I just look for the /pol/ threads. There have been discussions about natsoc, the Irish national party, shit blowing up on the chicago police scanner, and the usual trump gen. The only thing thats missing is shills and reddit. And I dont expect anything to happen /pol/ is already not linking mlpol I just think we are better off with out the fucking redditors.
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so you're saying you'd rather see black dick?
I dunno, the news post said to make friends I think it worked pretty well in our case
Zoomed WoRDs!
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i think it has to be a separate board, because altbronies cant post in /opl/ or /mlp/ without being banned.

when i posted about zionist voice actors in the media like in mlp fim hasbro etc i got banned for pony posting wtf. then in /mlp/ if you talk about political views and analogies to european ethnocentric utopia compared to equestria then they kick you out and sent you to /pol/ hahhaha

Also /mlp/ is full of lefty degenerates that sexualize an inoffensive show that has good teachings and redpills .

this is why we need #altrbony
NO anything to stop the cuck posting
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Newfag please, this was 100% more productive than yesterday. Want proof?

pic related is from yesterday, nearly all of them were shill threads or newfag redditors.

/mlp/ has always been with /pol/ ever since its creation. redditors (probably yourself) need to go back.
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ah. Don't mind me just being a retard.
And now the penny is finally starting to drop.
But guess what, faggot? The change IS permanent. We won, your beloved /pol/ belongs to the CIA now and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. We own you.

Tomorrow, we start posting thousands of pre-prepared BLACKED threads, with all your precious ponies getting BLACKED.
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while this might fend off shills in the short-term, i can only see this merger leading to further degeneration of /pol/, /mlp/ is already at that point

These are two subjects which are unrelated and conflicting. You have a group of people who despise degeneracy on one side and you have a group of disgusting larping degenerate shitstains on the other side. This is why this shit mustn't continue after April1st. Get off of my board you autistic sick degenerates.
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This is more of a reason why it should continue. If you prefer a circlejerk, go to reddit.
>Dude a shit ton of pony porn doesn't matter because I sift through it to find the threads that are actually on topic
Okay, so you're just a fucking retard.
>Here's a bunch of shit threads from a certain time yesterday
>Clearly this proves that today with HUNDREDS of pony porn threads was more productive
Seriously, everyone in favor of this shit is a retarded degenerate.
Ever heard about the magnet and how it's opposites are drawing to each other?

We don't have that kind of time there's too many happenings going on.

That's retarded. We have a lot of exposure now. It can't be ignored.

>Tomorrow, we start posting thousands of pre-prepared BLACKED threads, with all your precious ponies getting BLACKED
>checks flag
>nothings changed


This isn't a circlejerk. Merging a rather respectable board such as /pol/ with a bunch of mentally ill larpers ruins its reputation and integrity. It would get ruined. These boards are just not compatible. I'd literally rather have it merged with /int/.
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/mlp/ is filled with lefty degenerates that sexualize an inoffensive show that has good teachings and redpills.

this is why we need #altrbony

Yes Poland but those two situations aren't comparable at all. By your logic, /pol/ might as well merge with Tumblr.
It has been decided for us by Kek himself


What the fuck, if you're a lefty degenerate (brony) how can you be alt-right?
Whoa now Tesla-home, antimatter stuff is restricted for CERN.
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Are you mentally ill.
None of the important threads are being killed by shill threads. and more importantly it is keeping reddit away.

I said rather respectable, and it honestly is. It's home to a lot of smart posters and a lot of good can come out of it.
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Haha, no. Just because the main entree and dessert are great, it doesn't mean they should be combined into one dish.

When I visit /pol/ I expect to see happening threads and unfiltered opinions. When I visit /mlp/ I expect to see comfy horses doing cute things. Mixing them is a terrible idea that's going to dilute the quality and lessen the enjoyment for both parties.

>b-but today went so well

A special once-in-a-year merger that held the attention of non-regulars went better than expected? You don't say. As soon as this becomes routine it's going to degrade sharply in quality.

/mlpol/ should stay the way it is today -- as a once-in-a-while special dessert.

This even though I still despise you bronies
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/mlp/ has lots of lefty degenerates thats why #ALTBRONY doesn´t post there and only in /pol/ without mentioning the show. altbrony like other alt* like altwhoovians, alttrekkies, altwarsies, is against the lefties infecting every fandom

#altbrony is about the apreciation of the show from a ironpilled perspective and analizing volkish characteristics, nothing to do with lefty degeneracy . check #altbrony sources. The mlp fim show is about an athnocentric empire ruled by their superior race alicorns after a 1000 years solar reich. /)

You can appreciate a show without fetishizing it and being obsessed with it. Being so obsessed with a cartoon for children is incredibly degenerate.
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>muh shit redditor threads
>muh /b/ threads
go back to /r/the_donald
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What did Kek mean by this?
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Explain this to me m8 if you've been around here long enough to remember when people were calling for the ban of all the MLP shit do you honestly believe that they were all normies as well?

Do you actually fucking believe that all of 4chan moderation team and 4chan is normie now because WE wanted MLP banned on site? Guess what MLP is banned across all boards never post a single faggot pony or you'll get banned. Guess what posting a random frog or anime or anything else (exclusion to porn) will not. Its specifically MLP trash. I wonder why that is? Normies? ????
You are cancer. Fuck off degenerate.
Explain this to me m8 if you've been around here long enough to remember when people were calling for the ban of all the MLP shit do you honestly believe that they were all normies as well?

Do you actually fucking believe that all of 4chan moderation team and 4chan are normies now because WE wanted MLP banned? Guess what MLP is banned across all boards never post a single faggot pony or you'll get banned. Guess what posting a random frog or anime or anything else (exclusion to porn) will not. Its specifically MLP trash. I wonder why that is? Normies?
>You're cancer for not wanting horsedicks on the front page all day long
Except the important threads are both hidden by horse dicks, and you have people posting horse dicks in the important threads
You do know this song is about celebrating diversity, right?
This episode, that is
Do you know why? MLP shit is banned on site faster then anything else on the board its a site wide fucking rule you fucking tard.

Oh look another shitty fandom cartoon show great

how new are you people? reddit loves this garbage because they think its fucking new hilarious as fuck
the horsecock is the shills m8 they are using it to split the site up. do you think this shit really affects reddit users who fucking deal with shit like this all the time? they are probably mlp retards to begin with
Fuck /mlp/, I'd be okay with getting merged now and then with other boards.

EXACTLY !! thats what some NS friends say and they watch it with their children because is one of the few cartoons that dont have cultural marxism poisoning the childs minds. it also has culture references for the parents so it can be enjoyed by all the family, but lefty degenerates have destroyed something beutiful on internet.
best day on /pol/ since the election ended
you seem to be confused
we don't like the ponies
it just keeps the shills away
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Et tu, /sg/ ?


hey get your facts right. thats the song of the ANTAGONIST and the main characters got to that commie town to save them from equalitarism

thats why >>146642 put it as an example of why the show is very redpilling

Read this article form the federalist about that exact episode:


Alright, but why do you feel the need to express your appreciation like that then? I might like LOTR but I won't call myself a ringy or some shit.
>Actual equals signs on their asses

I don't see what you're getting at
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someone needs to go back to r/the_donald
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some call themselves /pol/aks ... but altbrony was created to gather people and redpill the ones that can be saved. in fact the redpill term is not ok to be used, because we are talking more about ironpill and volkish goals. is different.
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Unite us! Unite the Clans!
Makes me broud to be an American :DDD
stay alert of jewlings pretending to belong
it's pretty fuckin cool lads
we should stay united
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Hans, my boy!
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I was so temped. Never before have I been so moved to make such a bad decision.

Look, you guys can be alright. A lot of the faggotry had died in your ranks. I understand that.

But there are things that can't be undone. Wounds that can't be healed. Natural orders that shouldn't be tampered with. You've earned the respect of some here, and should leave it at that.

There are several reasons why despite the upsides I simply refuse to vote for this measure.

1. The off topic problem is one that can't be properly solved by adding more dilution
2. While external entities will be to an extent purged, with the introduction of the jaded chan elite of /mlp/ saging everything they don't like, it will in the same stride exacerbate the general decline of the /pol/ poster.
3. Porn will begin being posted as it is not policed here. And it will be weird porn.
4. It would be a mark against /pol/ in the eyes of every other board. Some people remember what you people put 4chan through.

However, there are some upsides that I will mention for fairness.

1. It would change the board culture, but also cement it
2. It would be funny and would confuse the left
3. It could reintroduce drawfags to /pol/, and with them, some talent
3.5. Drawfags are great for making memes more acceptable to the average pleb (i.e not esoteric photoshops and MSpaintjobs of questionable quality)
4. It could increase the oldfag count
5. It would increase our net jaded bitterness towards normies
6. It would further separate us from the rest of 4chan
7. It would alienate /r/politics
8. It would be mind bloggingly bizarre to declare a shill war against a place that likes cartoon ponies
9. You're the only other board apart from /k/ and a small part of /lgbt/ that doesn't hate us.
10. More people will be outraged if gookmoot gets rid of us

Make up your own minds. I wouldn't even mind that much. I just can't put my vote behind it.
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Thanks for the thoughtful post, ausbro.

I'm a /pol/ack but pushed for a lot of this after seeing how well everyone got together and pretty much all of your points on "pro"-keeping the group together.

A really popular ideas has been to create a secret board. I like that idea. I like all the options to keep /mlpol/ functioning in some manner, really.
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The problem isn't the ponies, it's the fucking image it's based off that gives me cancer. It's the kind of understanding you get from looking at /pol/ for 30 seconds.
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Very valid concerns, which is why the obvious answer is to have a test run for the board.
Say a month or two, see how things turn out and what gets done.
It'd certainly be an interesting experiment to monitor.
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>that fucking pic


you are right!! because as i said whitin mlp fim fandom there are lots of elements to be purgued.

we can´t control all of them. i think the best option it to have a /mlPol/ board apart from /mlp/ and /pol/ where anyone from the two could go and post.

please stop this.
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leftypol will be struck with terminal braincancer by our combined autism
Last reminder that we need a part 5 thread later tonight FYI.

Someone will need to post it to continue the poll.
MEANWHILE at #altbrony :

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I actually wish that commie cuck would come back just so we could fuck with him.
Commie threads are actually pretty gratifying to post in.
>rainbow dash
>thinking you have an opinion
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leftypol and lefty mlp degenerates are being struck with terminal butthurt
This. In the very least we should keep this experiment going for a little while longer.
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>You're cancer for not wanting horsedicks on the front page all day long

As opposed to dicks from people of the skin colour of Argentinians.
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I actually like both of these ideas.

I could tolerate an indirect approach and a potentially temporary approach.

God's speed.

Problem is that the mods are faggots and don't listen. You won the strawpoll, but I doubt they'll care.

Besides, after seeing this >>153178
I can't be mad at you.
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whats the difference desu?
I don't know. pill posting is autistic and it triggers my autism.
I've taken the entire bottle of infrared pills.
We don't really post that much horse dick.
Horse pussy on the other hand...
Well it's over dudes. Back to the slow decline.
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I really appreciate your words anon

People who have reached such a level of degeneracy cannot be saved.
then again the degenerates have to ruin everything.

this is why we can´t have nice things.

Prepare the ovens !!!
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i am talking about normies that watch the show not about cloppers . those fuckers are beyond salvation.
>you can still access the board by typing in the actual board name in search bar
this isn't needed
Explain moar
This, just leave the merged board up as a separate hidden board and see how we do.
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Really makes me think...
What is at all redpilled about the Equality song in the OP? Equality is a subversive, dysgenic, Jewish lie.
I know Aryanne, but does commie pony have a name?
It's showing the equality as a bad thing. The "equal" society is a cult and the protagonists overthrow it and give the ponies their special talents back. The song just shows how hypnotized the horses are.
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Veronika. She isn't nearly as popular as Aryanne, but she's around.
Noted, thank you.
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I love you guys.
Yeah. Fuck off and die, faggot.

You embody my worries about this arrangement. Don't post that shit and we will get along fine.
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This. This should become a blue board, or at the very least, require a spoiler for porn. We would nto be nice guests if we assaulted our friend's eyes with porn until they hated us, kicked us out, or joined us, and it is wrong to do so. It in and of itself is degenerate, but you could at least hide it. The needs of our people and country is more important than masturbating.
Au Contraire,
Ever see The Simpsons? They explain how Burns survived so long in spite of being beyond decrepit.
If we have pony cancer, it blocks the regular shill cancer, and I think the latter is worse than the former.
more cute posting would be acceptable.

But part of the reason you're tolerable is because there is a vague possibility that BBC will go away. BPC is not a fair replacement.
Maybe have seperate threads for it?


This new order will shatter the normie realm

A reckoning is coming
Seconded, Kek gave us the sign. Now it's our turn to retake what was once ours. /pol/ has experienced to much exposure, /mlpol/'s all what we have for a counter-attack and stealth-bonuses.
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>captchas prevent bots

wow senpai I think the fluoride just kicked in mane.

The alphabets are everywhere senpai. If it werent bronies that were being used to discredit things, itd be something else. The truth is the truth is the truth.
Yes, and the truth is that the board has simply improved for both parties.

Keep /mlpol/ by voting in the poll and writing to 4ch feedback.
Immigrants from reddit and summerchildren from all the news coverage completely destroyed most of it tho.

Even when mixed with /mlp/ horsefuckery the board as it is right now is more homogenous and productive than "Is x white?" or "haha drumpf" shill threads shitting on the catalogue.
That alone is worth the change, don't you think?

Though you need to watch out for those fucking ziggers.
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