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>>>/mlpol/ This needs to be permanent

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 240
Thread images: 112

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This needs to be permanent
im enjoying this so fucking much this entire thing is wonderful
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I've had a huge resentment of bronies for years, but i am actually finding this change quite nice.
/pol/ is kind of reminding me of old /b/, just more worksafe, with politics mixed in right now.
And the ponyfags aren't as bad as i thought
All in all, great change
I can't believe this is going to be over soon
These two boards are perfect complements of each other
Pony porn should be banned tho.
Separate the boards as they were but leave this one, that way all the shills and Reddit fags will go to that pol
not liking this at all, all i wanted was quality bait threads and nigger hate threads and then you fucks came along
I agree, we are stronger together, ponyfags scare shills away, we let them have their pony porn.
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It does
That's a very nice meme. Good thing memes are memes.
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This has been endlessly entertaining.

I need more.
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Hey since this a red board does that mean we can go back to porn dumps like old times?
No killjoy
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Colourblind detected.
That's pretty interesting to see how nerves are made
No it fucking doesn't. Every horsefucker should be tortured to death.

What I'd like to see is the two boards unmerge but allow crossposting between both boards, with each being more heavily centred around ponies or nazis respectively
Stupid fingolians should be banned and hanged.
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I don't even mind. Just please purge the /mlp/ mods, every other thread I've clicked here today is getting deleted.
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We love you too!
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Indeed. Because the presence of you bronies is making the shills lose it. If anything, the combined autism of pol and mlp can effectively take the world.

Think about it. Redpills are hard to digest because its painful. Ponies are looked down upon because its too happy and wishy washy.

Combine the two and you have a maximum damage redpill as it is easier to digest and it can appeal to normies because of said ponies.

You guys are welcome here.
/mlp/ was born from /b/ just like /pol/. We are brothers.
Bronies are almost as bad as Jews. Actually, i'd rather hang out with a kike than a brony, they are that bad.

>US flag

how fucking sad are you that you need a VPN to post on 4chan
If only they could limit the number of threads about which pony they would nail. I have no other problem besides the massive amounts of which pony they want to come inside threads.
Nah. It helps traumatize shariablue. If anything, it should be kept as it will make the shill think twice before posting here. And those who can withstand it will be changed forever by the redpills.

Its win-win

Lets make this their Vietnam.
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Ponies would die out or migrate to other site.
as a /mlp/ horsefucker, I agree
completely agree with OP.

Also, hiroshima could combine /b/ with /lit/ and /a/ with /v/
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Yep. Leave it, the shills and MSM cant come here if the (((owners))) will have to pay out for therapy and lawsuits over this shit
>This is a bad thing
It's win win
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that wud work
This is the best idea ever, /mlpol/ can actually make a huge impact and is normie-proof.
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They will flee this board after a week
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OP is a DC pedo, living in an exclusive neighborhood. Not kidding. Check the metadata. It's right there.
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No, I miss my generals too much and this board moves too fast.
Granted it's hilarious have every thread a mix of racism, red pills and ponies, but it'll get old. Fast.
I miss my SPG..

Be nice, he probably comes from a fascist country. Like Germany.
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>/pol/ is embracing the cuteness
This is how it should be
This is how it should always have been
Go ahead, the more discusting degenerate filth to scare off the shills and normies the better.
This. Also, if this stays, all the bronies that migrated to /mlp/ 3 years ago will finally fuck off, and all Redditors who arrived to /pol/ following Trump's campaign will also fuck off. Basically, the people who shouldn't be on 4chan will fuck off back to where they came from.
fuck you pony youve been assimilated and its too late already
That is certainly due to the bump wars that is going on, if that ended it would calm down. But I dont care for the horse vag's everywhere.
Horsefuckers and bronies are two different things.
/mlp/ are not bronies.
>raridash poster trying to draw parallels

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you are literally the same thing.

You may try to distance yourself form the fat neckbearded slobs to try and save face, but you are all the same. at the core in that you both watch the show
Back to Bosnia you go.
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Raridash is litrally the best ship you piece of trash
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those aren't nerves
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Anypony but Fluttershy...
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But most people on /mlp/ don't watch the show, apparently.
A-anyone got some of those l-lewd ponies...?
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I agree. This day has been amazing!
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This day has been just perfect,
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
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you know one day we may send you fags to the gas chambers. But ill be sure to throw another zyklon B tablet, you know so it's not too painful.
Who are you talking to? Do you even understand /mlp/, we love that shit...
You're just saying that anon, you'd never gas your brothers
You may not want to say it, but you love us
What if I'm the only American that knows proper English? Because I am an American citizen.
mlp is our greatest ally, they made the shills, redditors and newfags fuck off.

good job horse fuckers
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I concur. I despise bronies which makes this even more bizarre.
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I love how even though /mlp/ has become a red board, people still aren't posting porn.
I kind of like it this way. If you want porn dumps go to >>>/trash/ or derpibooru
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Yeah, I don't think so...
Dosh and Rara are always so cute together
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/mlp/ despises bronies too lol
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Why ponies tho? it's like for little girls dude, all that friendship stuff? it's for kids,
>Promotes nationalism
>Is anti commie
>Is anti race mixing
How is it for little girls again?
>watch the show
no one does that m8
I say to you what was said to me long ago:
Watch one episode. Just one.
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>How is it for little girls again?
I just want 15 dead. That way, I can finally get some millage out of some pony reaction images.
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It's cute, genuinely entertaining and actually well made
It's a nice bit of peaceful escapism
Much better than reddit, that's for sure, which is all /pol/ has been lately. Anybody who prefers reddit over /mlp/ can go back to /r the_donald.
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those dubs are saying something desu
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kill me
/pol/ here, I agree completely.
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I've been getting a lot of use out of them on this board.
My folder is at like 130 images and I constantly find posts that I don't have a suitable reaction for.
I dn't have with /pol with /mlp style just stop posting horse porn, seriously makes puke but i can stand the other content if they keep it /pol.
what dat?
Honestly? It stops that indescribable feeling of hopelessness you get once you take the redpill, knowing how fucked the world is, it's a nice escape to watch something so genuinely heartfelt and colourful.
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I want ponyfriends to stay an extended period of time because it keeps r/the_donald/ away from my board. Thank you ponyfriends, have a good /s4s/day!
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dude i have a sister. Im not saying it's bad, but it's not bad the same way spongebob is not bad. The demographic is nowhere near you guys, atleast that's what the creators thought.

okay but fapping to cartoon horses is escapism? pic related
If the horsefuckers get to post shit i get to post mai waifu too
Best girl coming through
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A lot of /mlp/ers are sexually frustrated and are taking advantage of the red board.
I'm from /mlp/ and it kinda disgusts me to, but I guess I have an easier time ignoring it.
Anyway have a cute pony.
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ha ha ha cries.png
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>soon it will be all be over
>gookmoot tries to start a civil war
>horsefuckers and nazis interact
>nazis realize horsefuckers are just as nazi
>nazis and horsefuckers become friends
>there are now threads with strawpolls
>/mlpol/ wants to be a thing
>gookmoot tries to undo the damage
>people start a fucking riot
>gookmoot allows /mlpol/

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Absolutely should stay
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Honestly red pill sucks but when you keep going down the rabbit hole you eventually come out on the other side. Watch Jordan B. Peterson His work on archtypes and personality helped me cope and find happiness despite it all.
It isn't full of the SJWism of other nowadays shows like Steven Universe.
I like it, and even I don't want people to just do porn dumps. People seem to be holding fire a lot more than I expected.
You mean too?
I think a lot of the following started with the pop culture references to things like The Big Lebowski and Metal Gear Solid. Even the game is mentioned.
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>How is it for little girls again?
Because little girls needs those messages more than anyone else
Yeah, I'm gonna miss this board. I have to go to bed soon and it will probably be gone tomorrow. Maybe they'll at least keep it going for a little longer.
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Yea my bad.
I have a habit of not looking while I'm typing.
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Don't worry.
It happens to the best of us anon.
you are busy masturbating to horses getting fucked?
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Deep inside we're kindred spirits.
You and I.
History is filled with great accidents.
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I think I'm one of the few on /mlp/ that doesn't.
They're cute, yea, but I've never "clopped".
... when was this taken?

Everyone else looks cheerful, yet Adolf is sad.. why?
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stop lying horsefucker, i am CIA i know what you do in your bedroom when no one is looking, i literally spy on you at all times and i know what kind of horsefucking porn you masturbate to and hour
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yes it reminds me
Where'd you put the camera? Next time I'll pull out my heels and panties and give you a show.

I sleep outside, guy. The house is too hot this time of year so I sleep by my pool.
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The camera is all your mobile devices, we have hacked them all.
We also employ drones to keep an eye on you.
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Same for you friend.
>check this board when the merge just happened
>/pol/ is losing their shit
>come back hours later
>/mlp/ and /pol/ are actually getting along
/pol/ is a board of peace confirmed
You sure do have a lot of money.
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My tablet doesn't have a camera, and I don't have a cell phone. My laptop doesn't have a camera either, soooo.
/mlp/ is back up so I'm going back.

It's been fun, /pol/. I'm sure we've affected you ore than you have us.
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we are the fucking CIA and you are a potential criminal.
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The least the mods can do is let us post pony meme pics outside of /mlp/. I can post this on pic on any other board like /co/ or /sci/ or /a/ and not be banned even though technically it should be on /tv/.
Rauhoitu perkele

desu all the people flipping their shit were newfags. After /pol/-harbor this is legit nothing. We've had worse.
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On a 17 proxies.
Good luck finding this criminal.
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we have already found you.
You cannot hide from us
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>being this subverted by the toy (((merchant)))
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I want to stay with /pol/
I love /pol/ so much
We should get married
I hope it is permanent. Ponies are the new frogs.
I don't want to lose the bronies. But what can we do?
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I've seen crazy digits all night in /mlp.

Clearly kek is mit uns on this one.
Kill yourself
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Pol loves you too /mlp
>Unification when?
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i hope you stay so i can keep posting my waifu
i get a semi from that and i dont know why.
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>This needs to be permanent

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Nice waifu you got there desu.

>Desu vult! \[T]
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GR15 needs to be lifted all together. Ponies keep the normie leddit scum away from our site.
But this was meant to be
need help in >>>120365

i asked for more info on African Americans and theyre trying to "redpill" me
MLP posters are still leagues better then the retarded comie hippies.
Friendly reminder that /pol is board of peace. Behead those who insult /pol.
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God damn you horse fucker you can't even /pol/ right.

You will be marched to the gas chamber right next to a nigger and a kike.
that's a hoof with no outer layer, exposing an intricate network of nerves and cartilage
Everybody needs that message, especially pol
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>God damn you horse fucker you can't even /pol/ right.
Actually this is unironically my first day with the ponies. But hey, when in Rome right?

t. oldfag /Polder OP memeveteran.

also kys.
Who is that artist?
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>Shills hate pony
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
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Search for Hellshock on Sankaku. You will find the pics and the creator/artist.
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I still wanted to make one from this one, but I can't find the template and it's 2nd of april now here.
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Remember way back before /pol/ harbor when /pol/ said they would take over /mlp/ if /pol/ ever got shut down?

Look at us now...
as much as i love both. NO!
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not a permanent thing, just its own separate board.
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Right, now I can die in peace. Or at least get some sleep in.
I do remember.
Holyshit time flies by fast.
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dare I say Friendship is Magic?

/pol/ needed the mlp enema
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please go away, we dont want horse porn
Hell no. Characters are attractive. Actual animals, fuck no.
/mlp/ was born from /co/
3dpd, stop this shit
so this horse fucking shit is from the mods. ap 1st joke is it?

fucking retarded. where is the kek here? where is the outrage in it? has fuck all hemerroid factor to it.

no wonder this board went to shits.
You pony loving kikes make me want to open up Auschwitz again
Kek supports this.
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my pure waifu is stronger than your degenerate horsefucking

>where is the kek here?

He is here: >>>/reddit/

>no wonder this board went to shits.

It wen't to shit because of pepe meme spammers. again: >>>/reddit/

/pol/ is (was) a board for political, cultural and news discussion.
Despite /pol/ being a red board, it still has a board rule that prohibits posting porn.
I agree, shills and newfags don't know what the fuck is going on so they took the day off at reddit. this is some of the highest post quality ive seen on this site in a while.
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it is all over. pol is no more. i quit. fuck this.
>/mlp/ repels normalfags
>colorful images in catalog
>thousands of new weapons-grade autists in our ranks

>it's /mlp/

Overall, I say it's a net gain.
Would you like the merging of /mlp/ and /pol/ (/mlpol/) to be permanent?

>>>> http://www.strawpoll.me/12656593/

>>124735 →
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HA! the horsefucker got the banhammer, serves him right
Saber saves the day again
I love how we aren't really shitting up each others threads as well

Even /ptg/ isn't full of fucking Awoo spam anymore
As a nor/mlp/erson, I wanted that shit gone too.
This makes me wonder how good can this get with regular moderation.

Nah its just that the threads aren't the same 90% bait/meme threads over and over. Quality hasn't really improved its just different content from what we normally got.
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I have to agree. I mean its april fools day, anyone whos been here awhile KNEW something fucky was going to happen.

Only newfags are the ones spazzing out about this. I wouldnt be surprised if the mods kept this format for a couple weeks. I certainly dont want it to be permanent but its having a chemo effect that /pol/ harbor did in repelling newfags.
mlp did nothing wrong
Footfags get out.
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Would you like the merging of /mlp/ and /pol/ (/mlpol/) to be permanent?

>>>> http://www.strawpoll.me/12656593/r

Agreed. I say leave it. We can still have our political discussions just fine. The ponies are no more cringy or autistic than all the anime shit that gets spammed here.
Its a win win really. mlp gets their porn, we get our shill free politics
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Fuck you

No fuck that, we shouldn't merge. Notice how these threads start to get posted more and more? Strangely those "Trump regret" threads and other shillthreads have stopped? Now we got more and more of these "merge threads."

really makes you think.
how about dildo in your ass is permanent you faggot
We technically aren't /pol/ now

Pink Pony since 2008. Rarity.


The shillthreads stopped because all the reddit posters are whining about mlp. They are too busy for their usual shitposting.
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Come on, anon.
Don't you know that everypony is equal?
What anime is that? is that an /o/ anime or just that obligatory episode with cars?
Honestly, this was much more successful then I thought it'd be. Not much porn was dumped, and it cleared the shills and redditors out, if only for a while.

/o/ and /m/ merging to become /mo/ was also pretty successful.
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>i am CIA
Friendship might be magic, but you still don't get to bring friends.
Do it, make /pol/ great again.
>want to prank them anons good
>merge boards that are completely compatible into arguably better boards
How many layers of irony are we on?

I'm just glad something happened that is not the 90% same shitty bait and meme threads as usual.

Bullshit, nowhere in hell could you blame only redditors for that. Those who create this threads are the same shills who did their usual shill threads.

They just saw that bronies and /pol/acks got better along then they thought and now they changed their tactic.
This, I feel like good quality stuff is always there if you look hard enough. It's just buried by constant Reddit maymay threads, and as a result the good stuff never gets any replies. Today is what /pol/ and 4chan should be like every day, except maybe less horse vaginas.
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Oh god, y'all have GOT to stay

Now if only we could get rid of flags... I feel like a decent number of posters use especially Canadian proxies with the sole purpose of appearing to be leftists. No flags was good because you replied to the post not the poster.
No. I want my comfy threads back. /pol/ should go back to normal as well. But we could still drive lebbitors and cuckposters out every now and then, if you want.
You have a point there Danebro.
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>No flags was good because you replied to the post not the poster
I thought the whole purpose of /pol/ was to judge people based on their race, and not based on what they have to say?

Better having bronies posting ponies then Aussies posting black cocks.
>implying a flag signifies a race

The whole point is to have the discussion, not calling someone a cuck and derailing the thread because they have a Canadian or Swedish flag. You don't need flags to talk about race etc.
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I think we should put one rarity for our the opposite sex as well.
I bet OP doesn't even browse either board and is just some shitter who loves the chaos and

That is why we hate you fags
exactly this
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Aww, you just need a hug!
Fluttershy is second best pony "behind applejack), but she needs to stop hanging around that filthy hippie stoner.

Fanon ponies don't count.
That was like two years ago
it would be more sucessful that anyone could believe.
This shouldn't be so funny

What episode is this from?
For the next winter ball can you guys draw the sexiest fucking horse and /pol/ would gladly go with you
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A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
Sweet Hiroshimoot make it permanent please, I'll even buy 4chan gold in bulk.
A realization that his volk would soon be subjected to what he was trying to escape from.
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i didn't think /pol/ could get any better to participate in, and then this happened. fucking love it.
Ah! It's you, ancap! Not even with a proxy can you deceive me!
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I, for one,am heartily enjoying the change. It's so nice to see my two favorite boards working together in harmony. Also, none of the writers in SPG had updates ready anyway.
Don't mind these horsefuckers but not when I'm constantly seeing their shit popping up all over what used to be /pol/ just yesterday, I'm not interested nor do I want to see what sort of backwards rubbish they're into.

Split the boards, it was slightly funny for a day Hiro, don't be a cunt about this.
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Yeah you got me bro. Good game. Fillout said form to collect your prizemoney: https://tips.fbi.gov/
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