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This episode mocked every person on this board

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This episode mocked every person on this board
And it was glorious
>Lose interest in pone early in season 4
>Finally come back after 3 years and get up to date
>This is the first episode I watch in a stream after 3 years
It couldn't be funnier to me.
based episode, praise the writer's decision to dig up an old larson script and rewrite it.
Holy shit I laughed my ass off. This episode was ALMOST... ALMOST as good as one of my top fivr favorite episodes.
>Starshit Nigger said manifesto
Praise Papa Larson for coming back and making this as good as it was.
Is this worth watching, or it it just more badly written cringe?

Usually I just watch what people are meming and check out the highlights so I don't have to sit through the whole 22 minute episode.
You need to fuck off from the board, Adler.
I loved it.
The episode directly talked about people skipping episodes they might not like, so yes, you should watch it.
Only the people who take it too seriously. I loved it. Analysis community btfo.
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Which is perfect since S4 are the exact episodes this episode is about.
People are upset because it nailed them and they have a huge fucking victim complex.
Sat through most of it. i suppose it's enjoyable if you like starshit glimmer
No just you.
Good thing roleplaying has completely fucking desensitized me to show continuity and canon.
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Anyone that felt attacked by this episode deserves it.
What if all the butthurt people are the tumblrites we're supposed to hate so much?
i felt my beloved pony show attacked by incompetent butthurt writers
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>Twilight was better before she got wings


She hadn't even started writing in the journal before she had wings. That old hag is senile
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well, mostly everyone.
I don't think anybody feels attacked
It's more like watching a toddler take a shit in a sandbox then pick it up with his bare hand and try to show it to you.
>he didn't buy the Friendship Journal Deluxe Edition which had a copy of Twilight's letters to Celestia

What a fucking casual.
ironically the same people who get assravaged at jim and other writers for not being self aware are also not self aware and refuse to acknowledge there may be some merit to what the writers are saying about their behavior.

it was summed up perfectly when they were all harassing fluttershy for not changing fast enough, then she proved she had changed and then they were all butthurt she changed. some people cant be and dont want to be pleased, they want an excuse to complain.
>I don't think anybody feels attacked
Uh huh. Sure, buddy. Sure.
I think I understand the reactions to this episode a little better now. Seems like there are two camps, (A) the ones who think the episode was a big "fuck you" to the fandom, and (B) the ones saying "if you feel attacked then you're part of the problem".

>they were all harassing fluttershy for not changing fast enough, then she proved she had changed and then they were all butthurt she changed
Certainly there are fans who can't ever be pleased, and making fun of them is fine. Group B sees the episode as mainly poking fun at those unreasonable fans. So, "if you feel attacked" (if you're one of those people who always finds a reason to be upset), "then you're part of the problem".

Group A latches on to the really recognizable lines ("how many times does Fluttershy need to be assertive", "Twilight was better without her wings") and pays less attention to the context. They see criticisms held by large chunks of the fandom (most of whom are reasonable about it) being repeated by characters who are clearly portrayed as wrong and unreasonable. So, to group A, the episode looks like the writers' backlash against criticism in general.
its the same reaction they got from the daring do con episode.
I think the reaction is stronger this time because the episode was more direct. It's easy to ignore Quibble Pants' nitpicking about canon and realism in a fictional book series. But most everyone has at least seen a reasonable argument for the exact claim "Fluttershy should be assertive already", even if they don't personally agree.
in either case im sure their response will be the same.
My main problem with this episode is this : It's not subtle enough.If it wanted to be a middle finger to the fandom such "over the top bullshit that cannot even qualify as satire it's so blatant" is what feels insulting.It was just as bad as the fucking Daring Do bodypillow at that convention scene in Stranger Than Fanfiction...just...just no.
i find it amusing people take them showing how people are really reacting and those people are taking it as an insult. like if someone recorded you being stupid and showed it to someone else, and theyre like "oi, why are you insulting me?"

those people did it to themselves and the fact they think its an insult should make them reflect on their bullshit.
>It was just as bad as the fucking Daring Do bodypillow at that convention scene in Stranger Than Fanfiction
See, I thought the body pillow was fucking hilarious. They didn't make a big deal out of it, just left it in the background as a gentle reminder that the staff know exactly what kind of weirdos we all are.
Then again i just find bodypillows fucking retarded in general, so i ain't afraid to admit that it felt equally if not more shit to look at in the show.

>Showing how people are really reacting.

Except the episode made it look like it's the entire fandom that does that instead of the vocal minority (Looking at you Twitterfags, Tumblrites and "Da proffeshunol kretiks ov jootoob"). It looked like a shitty attempt at strawmanning.
there were so many small details in the background of that episode. my personal favorite was the annoyed pony who was frowning the whole time until they finally left, then she smiled.
>Except the episode made it look like it's the entire fandom that does that
i dont think they showed all of equestria show up at twilights castle. considering the book was in every city in equestria by that point, i dont see how you could make that argument. it was indeed just a vocal minority.
Of course they didn't show the entirety of equestria, they only had 18 something minutes (22 -song, -moral) to show what's going on, and the last third was mostly kept to the castle.Who knows how many were on their way to Ponyville at that point.Also considering they showed ponies ranging from fillies and colts all the way to that old hag (Who said Twi was better before she got wings AFTER reading a book that DIDN'T EXIST before said wings happened.), i'm sure you can see what's being implied here.
>Except the episode made it look like it's the entire fandom that does that instead of the vocal minority
Exactly this. Also don't forget, it's easy to look at a thread saying "episode #123 is shit, fluttershy should be more assertive" and a second thread saying "episode #234 is shit, why is fluttershy being so assertive" and conclude that there's no pleasing /mlp/. When in reality, those posts were made by two entirely separate groups of people. A similar thing probably happens on Twitter, since I doubt the show staff are cross referencing the names of every single person who sends them criticism about the various episodes.

>i dont think they showed all of equestria show up at twilights castle
First, why would you expect the rest of equestria to form different opinions if they're reading the same book? More likely they're not at the castle because they don't want to travel 100 miles just so they can bitch in person.

And second, that's not at all what he meant. The episode made it look like the entire fandom was at fault by giving the lunatic "vocal minority" stand-ins opinions that are actually widely held in the fandom, not only by the vocal minority.
>A sinmilar thing probably happens on Twitter,

Considering all the twitter screencaps and what's in said caps that circulate around /mlp/ whenever ANYTHING happens i'm inclined to say not probably, but exactly.
Not me~
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yeah, because that's MY job
Derpibooru are cucks
every ideology can be written in a manifesto
Breivik had manifesto
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>AFTER reading a book that DIDN'T EXIST before said wings happened
celestia sent back all of her letters during MMC. do you not think its possible she added them to the book?
whats being implied is everyone will form their own opinion despite seeing the same media as everyone else, and it will vary significantly.

>why would you expect the rest of equestria to form different opinions if they're reading the same book?
because thats how the world works? even the small group they showed all had different opinions.
>widely held in the fandom
do you have evidence to support this claim? how do you know the opinion of the target demographic that might not even visit EqD or other sites to vote in brony polls?

just for the hell of it, lets pretend the writers all agree with everything thats shouted at them.
>twilight was better before she got wings
why was she better? what should they do about it? is this opinion strong enough to warrant a 4 season retcon to please your autism? do you honestly think any solutions you have are realistic?
>fluttershy should have learned to be assertive faster!
what can they do about that now? why is it brought up still?

people like being angry and screaming about hindsight, but that doesnt help the future episodes at all. if you actually give a shit then figure out what they can do better in the future and let them know in a respective manner. screaming about events that happened years ago and is outside their control is completely unhelpful, and insinuating writers dont care because theyre not catering to your every whim is a great way to get them to ignore you.
but they showed the criticism as unreasonable
Nothing will ever mock this board as much as this board does.
And some of us know how to take a fucking joke...
some of it was, not to mention its already apples vs oranges since in the show they were criticizing how they behave in their real life.
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Good. You autists fucking deserve it.

>"You're just as funny in real life"
>"You've known me the whole time I've been in Ponyville!"
>fan of the fandumb
Get the fuck out of here cunt
Why is that gif not a perfect loop? It wouldn't have been that hard to do. What a wasted opportunity.
I rated it a 8/10 because no episode is perfect and even then,a "perfect" one would fit in a 9/10 for me

however, as for /mlp/ criticism from the most based writer of the staff,it's a 10/10.It really nailed it (made me laugh several times how triggered autists could get because it really reflects the shitty memes from here)and no show can be THIS meta to a fandom or its watchers.

Hate or blind approval, the "are you not entertained?" meme comes as natural for Larson...and hopefully,he never changes
The reactions on here have me wondering if this place is 4chan or tumblr.
glorious of what
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>/mlp/ got btfo
>Ducktales premiered and was great
>Froppy episode of My Hero Academia
What a great day today turned out to be
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It's not like people here don't deserve to be mocked.

True dat.
I felt like their explanation of fluttershy not immediately learning was spot on.
It's what i've always thought personally, and for me it makes her one of the more realistic characters.
Thank you doctor.
Why did you screencap your own post of reddit mannerism and autistic screeching? It's doesn't even have a punchline or meaning, it's legitimately just 12yr old-tier insults.
Why is that pill green and purple?
>newfag doesn't know what daily dose is
Diltiazem Hydrochloride
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I absolutely lost my shit at that joke.
Anybody notice that the song feels like a mash up soundwise of the songs from Rainbow Rocks?
Where did they parody people who don't give a shit about characterization or whatever and only watch the show to fap?
those people stayed home for those reasons.
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None of the criticisms they highlighted in the episode ever applied to me. And yet I still disliked the episode.
It failed to deliver content that I could enjoy. It was needlessly mean-spirited to both the characters and the audience. The jokes were ham-handed and fandom referential to the point of detriment. The song was lack luster, probably one of Ingram's weakest to date. This was not the quality or content that got me hooked on this show.

Lauren once praised /mlp/ for having insightful criticism of the show. And now we've come to the point that people praise the show for mocking some of the most common criticisms just for the sake of it upsetting others. It's become a parody of schadenfreude as people derive more entertainment from others not liking an episode, rather than enjoying the show itself. It's more disappointing and lethargic than back when the board was full of doompauling coming off of season 3.
>Lauren once praised /mlp/ for having insightful criticism of the show
>And now we've come to the point that people praise the show for mocking some of the most common criticisms
both blind praise and blind criticism is shit and useless. people like to call "its shit" real criticism and claim anyone who says otherwise is a hasdrone hugbox shill. having a lot of negative shit to say doesnt automatically make it valid criticism, and having a lot of positive things to say doesnt make it invalid.

you want to see insightful criticism? make some.
Thanks doc.
I actually thought the episode was alright and not at all mean spirited, nor was the song bad.
Seeing the cancer of mlp being too fucking triggered to even respond to counter arguments is just a bonus.
So I liked the episode, overall an 8/10. It was humorous, and quite frankly it reminisced to me when 4chan could still laugh at itself and knew exactly what it was and relished in that fact, rather than lashing out like petty redditors at every opportunity. People who can't look at something, see that it's ironically mocking them, and laugh at the fact are the same butthurt faggiters that plagued this site after GG and 2016 election who live in a perpetual state of victimization who have a strange need to feel validated 24/7.

In any case, In my opinion, it was a quality episode and continued the trend of S7 being a broad step up from 6, and perhaps the show overall.
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Joke's on them. Unless they mocked people who like both FIM and EqG, they didn't mock me!
I have on a rare few occasions, and again none of the criticisms they highlighted in the episode apply to me. I don't criticize lightly as some who just say "it's shit" do. I still get drowned out as people dismiss even thoughtful criticism as just being butthurt, or call it autistic and to not take the show so seriously.

Gee ok, the entire collective hivemind of /mlp/, when am I allowed to criticize the show if not when I genuinely don't like an episode? I've been around long enough to spot the difference from when there is a lot of blind praise and a lot of blind criticism and most recently I've been noticing a lot more blind praise as if to overcompensate for the handful of faggots that are constantly circlejerking over how much they hate Jim and Vogel.
>as if to overcompensate for the handful of faggots that are constantly circlejerking over how much they hate Jim and Vogel
thats exactly what it is.

i thought being a critic meant trying to get the highest score of most flaws found.
only if youre cinema sins.
My biggest criticism of this children's cartoon is also that there's never a lapdance.
Some of its good but its mostly bad.
No cringe though.

Watch rhe episode fag
Second best joke in the episode
barneyfag: the stealth post
>Can't even have a proper discussion about the episode because it all gets countered by "you are butthurt because it attacked you LOL"
If you can't see the problem with an episode causing this in the first place then you are too retarded to understand why people may dislike it at all.
If you can't see that it was all in good fun and can't handle the banter, you should probably kys. Taking everything SOOPER SRS is what kills communities.
So this episode was criticizing you, the viewer

How will you handle that criticism? You can take criticism, can't you?
if criticism is an extra large chance just call me mr hands.
Yes because I'm not an eternal victim. Also "criticism" seems to be the wrong word to use here. It was more bantz than anything.
If you legit think that this episode was a proxy critical commentary made through spite and snide remarks, you need to check yourself.
And yet there you go basically saying what I said this episode caused, dismissing things under the assumption people were offended by the jabs from it or something. No, I did not care for the "banter". I cared that it was there in the first place at all. That kind of self awareness from this kind of show doesn't come off right.
I liked the episode and the trolling of /mlp/.
As long as you don't start right off the bat with the idea that this episode was an "attack" on the fandom, I'm entirely willing to hear out actual valid concerns and criticisms. I was just throwing that out there preemptively.
Not at all. I just don't like the idea of a show like MLP gaining this much self awareness. I always liked the innocence and light-hearted nature of it, and this was possible mainly because the world it existed in was self contained and separate from the world of the people watching it. Breaking that wall entirely, even if it is for the duration of one episode, did not sit right with me.

And yes, that also means I hate some parts of Slice of Life.
Well that's fine, anon. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. But personally, for me, I thought it was a nice change of pace just for one episode. It was humorous and it truly outlined the evolution (or devolution, depending on asspained perspective) this show has gone through over the course of years.

To me, it was a nice reminiscence, like I stated in an earlier post, of 4chan and how we didn't take ourselves so seriously and had the capability to laugh at ourselves.

But I see your point, man. Some people don't like change like that to that level, and that's fine. I think that as long as this doesn't become a recurring trend (to this level), both you and I will be satisfied eventually.
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Nearly every stupid thing we constantly bitch about on this damn board got brought up in this episode and I nearly died from laughter when all the ponies went right back to bitching after the song ended.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Are you retarded bronies actually this mentally unstable and retarded?
You genuinely enjoy being insulted and you're actually proud of being made of?

My god, you sick fucking animals, oops. Sorry, /fur/ries. You're at least 20 times better than these sick disgusting horsepedophiles. I shiver at the realization that you sick fucks get off on being insulted and derided.

I thought the point of criticism was to have keen insight into work.
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Yes but that's hard.

You sound absolutely buttdevastated.
your posts are far more entertaining to read in a romanian accent.
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>cared enough to post
This is by far one of the best discussion threads we had lately. Good job, guys.

Also whats up with this romanian Anon? Is he the new Lee?
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You deserved every single ban on February the 28th 2011. If I was moot I would have hacked Ponychan to death once I saw that arrogant fursecution circlejerk right after everyone got banned.
vogel fag
No, anon. It slapped (you) with its dick because you're enough of a dumb drone to fall on your knees and start sucking the corporate cock while smiling and taking it as a good thing.

You misunderstood the episode completely, you bloody moron in denial.
Have a cry you pathetic virgin.
Anon are you retarded?
wait a minute. are you the famous hacker known as 4chan?
this board deserved it
ur a fagget
its own board? two stars? /mlpol/? you have to be more specific.
>Homestuck fans in charge of calling people pedophiles
However, the rest of your post is right. Stopped clocks are right twice a day, it seems.
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>it's already been 14 hours since the new episode aired
What the fuck /mlp/, where did the time go?
it was sucked into OPs gaping anus
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> This thread

In all seriousness none of the criticisms apply to me personally.
>Everyone goes back to arguing the moment the song ends
>Episode about to end in generic "we're all good friends" way before Rainbow points out that the main problem hasn't actually been fixed
Can we at least agree that the episode was pretty funny?
>forget hiatus was over and miss episode.

>its probably Larsons last
You realize we enjoy being insulted by this comment too, right?
i was laughing through most of it
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I didn't watch the episode. Just checking to see what people are saying about it and if I should bother. I haven't had much interest in the show since season 6.

But by the time your show is doing at least one episode a season about how the adult fans are wrong, and stupid, and it's them who can't be pleased, don't you guys think maybe there's a problem? With this whole thing, I mean. Maybe FiM is not really a show meant to entertain parents too anymore and those of us with families should just go in the other room and do chores and shit while the kids get zonked out on another mindless cartoon.
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>and those of us with families should just go in the other room and do chores and shit while the kids get zonked out on another mindless cartoon.
Had me until there, I see you Schlomo.
what a strange coincidence. i havent had much interest in your opinion since season 6.
how weird is that?
Yeah, yeah. If the Jews put cartoons on TV so I don't have to spend every moment of my existence watching my five year old so he doesn't pick on the dog, then I'll let them have this victory.

Right now my kid is too young for this kind of cartoon, but I was surprised the show lasted so long that I actually had a kid in its seventh season. There's a point where you'd like to relax, and I was kind of hoping MLP was going to be one of those shows I could relax with, but I don't find the show all that engaging anymore and if I'm going to spend my precious time then my wife really wanted the hedges trimmed and I guess it has to happen eventually. I'll do it while the pony show is on. Or would, if in three or four years it's still on and still this trite about everything.
Eat a snickers, nigger. You're out of your mind.
>i dont watch the show, but let me tell you all about it
uh huh.
Didn't even bother to read lol.
You have thirty minutes to do something. Anything. And you spend it watching a children's show for seven year-olds about magical pony princesses who love each other.

Just remember that.

Waaaay back I remember there being a lot of snark coming out of Twilight. A bit of edge, wit, and vision in the setting. That's was why it wasn't embarrassing to watch it, and why I told other people about it.

You want to feel like you're smarter than people who are sick of the show, but all it is now is a pony princess and her friends teaching another pony, who, let's be honest, is probably going to be a princess or should be since we know it's easy, how to make friends. But all the lessons are really obtuse, naieve, idealistic, and stupid because they work exclusively in a pony princess world where everything is fair and merit-based.

I don't care what the message was. I just know that if the episode was about mocking the adult fans, again, and making a cry for help, again, then that's fucking disappointing and I'm really sorry to hear that.
>You have thirty minutes to do something. Anything. And you spend it watching a children's show for seven year-olds about magical pony princesses who love each other.
Yes, and I also have an hour to spend at the gym, which I do. I don't see your point. What I do in my free time is of my choice and my consequence. You're implying that because I spend 30 minutes to watch a "kids show" I'm incapable of doing other productive things throughout the remaining 23 hours and 30 minutes minus sleep? I've always hated this non-argument, always pedestaled as if it had any real meaning, merit or weight behind it.

As for the rest of your post, that's basically all your opinion, which you're entitled to of course, but many of us here don't seem to share it or care and are willing to adapt, something you don't wish to do which is, again, fine.
I haven't watched an episode since the first one with Maud Pie in season 4. Should I even bother?
Make your own decisions you stupid cunt.
Literally nobody cares if you have or haven't watched X episode or from X Season on or whatever. Decide for yourself and don't act surprised when people call you faggot for opining after coming out with a statement like that.
I want to know if I should waste 30 minutes of my time watching ponies or shitposting.
Yes, you should.
I'll just repost these here again.


And the one that started tradition:

If you took the episode personally as a mean-spirited attack on your criticisms of the show, you're just a salty idiot with no sense of self-aware humor who shouldn't be watching cartoons in the first place.
Nice links. Just goes to show it's a tradition in the animation industry just as much as the "Wilhelm Scream" is a in-joke tradition in Hollywood.
Marginally related but Barneyfag just reminded me of it.

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This is what shitstorming has led us to.
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episode in a nutshell
Congratulations on repeatedly posting the same links of cartoons that aren't My Little Pony throughout the day, however pointing to other shows and saying "look, they do this too! It's a 'tradition'!" is a logical fallacy and not an argument.

The format of this show varies significantly from the shows you have kept posting, nor does the fact that those shows follow such formulaic production reflect how MLP should be run. Just as well it does a disservice to the achievable creativity of the entertainment industry to insist that every show would have to follow such a format.

I have no interest in the fandom or its activities, therefore when the show deviates to involve reference to the fandom and its activities I will be disappointed at the wasted time they could have spent on a more meaningful or entertaining episode. And no, it wasn't attacking any of my criticisms because I have never held any of the criticisms that it was mocking. And before you tell me I'm taking the show too seriously, I'm merely stating my opinion about the latest episode. I'm not the one attacking others for liking the episode, or telling them they're watching cartoons wrong.
It's not about feeling attacked, it's an actual outlash. The whole fandom (where "fan" is an abbreviation of "fanatic", to be clear) was portrayed as cynical and obnoxious. They didn't discriminate between mean-spirited shitposters and simple fans. Not one of these characters was shown some appreciation by being rational, respectful or grateful, aside from the two kids who learned a lesson (and who obviously represent the target audience). If this leaves you cold that's your own choice, but don't think you're any more appreciated than the cynical types.
>I don't want to be included
>complain when something caters to the included
>I will be disappointed at the wasted time they could have spent on a more meaningful or entertaining episode

This is like some reverse-entitlement.
I get if you don't like the format of meta, but it's not valid criticism of the episode, it's more your problem.

Even the idiots taking it personally as an attack/ridiculing them at least look at the episode as it is.
How is it not a valid criticism to not want meta in a show that mostly didn't feature meta, especially when it was done exceptionally heavy-handedly in this episode in particular?

There's looking at the episode as is: most of it wasn't even very good meta. There was nothing subtle about it. Most of the jokes weren't funny because it was just echoing stuff fans have complained about. I was able to enjoy episodes like SoL (even though I expected to dislike it because of pandering) and STFF (even though I thought it was going to be cringy for being based around a depiction of conventions) because they weren't strictly focused on the meta, that took a backseat to the actual story and the stories they told were fun and entertaining. This latest episode was all meta, the story was meta, the jokes were meta, and it wasn't fun because it put the characters through the ringer for the sake of the meta joke. We've had this type of episode twice before and both times it was better executed than this.

>he can't handle legit bantz

Are you some kind of special snowflake?


Good to hear, I didn't catch the premiere.
quads confirm
It was quite good. Respectable as far as reboots go. Has some Gravity Falls atmosphere in it as well (not just because of Mabel's VA), will probably attract a lot of people from that fanbase.
Deepest lore and all that.
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Reminder that Twifags are a mistake.

>Avatar episode
Characters react to the copy of their adventure in various ways, laughing at their friends and also sometimes feeling like the parody is strangely spot on, and even enjoying it or getting some insight on themselves at some point. The dynamic between the caricatural parody and the character is enjoyable overall, and doesn’t mean much to the characters in the end.

>Please, please, please get a life
Fans are caricatured as obnoxious, but also in a quirky and funny way with a lot of original gags. Sure they are mocked, but this is still definitely and animaniacs episode, with the same usual funny antics. And they even show the obnoxious fans being super successful at the end once they got rid of their autism.

>MLP: Fame and Misfortune
Fans are represented as irredeemable autists who plainly hurt the ponies, their antics only being unnuanced copies of actual fandom criticism directed at the staff without any effort to put more of a funny spin to it. Also the main 6 are used as paper shields for the staff to say “Look! You’re just bad, you’re hurting the thing you love!”.
And finally, making an episode directly aimed at the “bad people” to state there’s nothing to gain from responding to them defeats its own purpose.

This was a bad episode, and no amount “LUL SALT, if you didn’t like it you’re just a SALT!” will make me think otherwise. Stranger than fanfiction was the good way to do it as it definitely felt like an actual episode. But here we have characters of the show being used as socks puppets to pass a personal message to the audience with the subtlety of a rhino charging in your butthole.

Stop being so right. ;_; you know everyone will only ignore you and laugh like a bunch of rabid hyenas without an intelligent and benevolent thought in their head.
>this whole thread
>this whole board
Someone should pay Tyrone to say this, at least he knows how English is supposed to sound.
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>All you need to do to enjoy the pony show is adapt
Yeah, and I guess you could adapt to being poisoned by ingesting small quantities of poison every day, but why would the average person go through the struggle to do that? I think in the case for some of us, the show is still being watched because of an incremental resistance to how the setting and characters have changed. Some people have been able to accept Twilight getting wings, a crystal empire appearing from thin air, technology advancing faster than it should, a baby alicorn, Celestia losing every battle, and so on and so forth. But some people really, really wanted the cozy little core of ponyville spiced with the dangerous world outside.

Some of us really liked it when the ponies were frightened of the Everfree explicitly because the animals there lived for themselves and could maul a helpless pony. It meant there were stakes to venturing too far outside pony civilization. It meant that when a dragon arrived, it was a big deal. We've lost a lot of opportunities by befriending the child queen of the dragons when there's no plan from the creative teams as to how that's supposed to fit or work, and that's only one example.

I feel like some anons are used to eating whole gobs of arsenic at this point, but a lot of people can't stomach it. I remember watching the show with my sweetheart back in season six. I hadn't invited her to watch with me because I knew she wouldn't like it; I was just watching it in the living room. She sat through the episode with me and then asked why I watched the show. She thought it was an ironic thing like when I watch "The Room" or whatever.

So then I showed her one of the season one episodes.
"What happened?" she asked me.

I don't fucking know what happened. But the point is, there's a difference between an adult who's gradually grown used to what the show became versus an adult seeing a late season episode and having that be their introduction to MLP.

As someone who's in the process of rewatching the earlier seasons (currently mid S2), I don't know what the fuck happened either.
Aside from the animation (which has all-around improved tremendously as the seasons progress), the difference between episodes is far, far bigger than the difference between seasons. At least in all the immediately tangible ways.
I'd guess you picked a good introductory S1 episode, and a bad S6 episode, because from my experience that's the only way your story makes sense.
It depends on what you watch the show for. In the early seasons, the ponies had functional relationships that worked with each other that worked in a mechanical way.

Pinkie opposed Twilight.
AJ opposed Rarity.
Dash opposed Fluttershy.

And to a lesser extent:
Dash sometimes opposed Twilight by being stupid.
Fluttershy sometimes opposed Rarity by not being bold enough.
Pinkie sometimes opposed everyone by being motherfucking Pinkie.

Those dynamics led to solid character conflict. There was snark, and bickering, but in spite of all being so different the ponies still got things done when there were bigger threats at hand. Small problems often grew bigger because of the dysfunction - and that's the point when your show is built around social behavior - and big problems were meaningful enough on their own.

But by the late seasons you have what a lot of anons like to call "development", where the characters have learned a basic, child-like lesson once, and now that means they have to abandon one of their core personality traits and work with the others more efficiently. Being passive-aggressive is a normal human coping mechanism because it does work, even if in an unhealthy way, and it becomes a habit because it works. But Fluttershy drops that behavioral habit the same way you'd drop a work out routine. She just quits and eventually it's forgotten.

The ponies have changed in a way that doesn't really happen. You don't just become new people because you learn a children's lesson about feelings. We as adults have all learned those lessons and yet we still have plenty of bad social behaviors. But the show has eliminated a lot of the ponies' worst attitudes, and with the loss of those attitudes, we lose crucial character dynamics that were relatable to adults.
Ironically enough, the people that are butthurt about this episode are probably the same people that would outright insult someone and defend it with "It's just a joke! Can't you take a joke?!"
can't wait for all the butthurt reactions ^XDDDD
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