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Vinyl Scratch Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 251

Previous Thread: >>30536838

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection- http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo

Vinyl Greens-

Vinyl Scratch x Neon Lights
Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon
Vinyl Takes Anon
Vinyl and Anon date
Stuttering Vinyl
Vinyl and Anon at CHS
Taking Care of Vinyl Scratch
Vinyl kidnaps Anon
Teenage Vinyl makes a deal
Vinyl's Gangbang Bus
Binyl Scratch: Raping anon to perfection
The Other Side (Anon x Scratch)
Canterlot Rape Wars
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Vinyl is a very pretty pony!
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is she dead?
Nah. Just dreaming of tavi teasing her to the core.
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I believe that Vinyl is mute.
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I believe that you're a lousy nigga
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>all those marks on her bedpost
Watta huge slut.
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This pic of her always makes me diamonds for some reason
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Oh no, I've forgotten multiple topics of the day. Quick:
What are Vinyl's hobbies?
What does her voice sound like?
How cute is she?
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>What are Vinyl's hobbies?
I believe Vinyl has a huge, elaborate model train set in her basement that nobody else is allowed into.
>What does her voice sound like?
Like a female Seth Everman
>How cute is she?
>What does her voice sound like?
My headcannon is she's mute
I think keeping this mane up is her hobby.

She will hit you if you ruin it
What's that thing called where you watch a person on the street and try to guess where they're going and why? Vinyl does that as a hobby, as well as make music. It's fairly easy in Ponyville, but gets harder the further she goes for her shows.

Her voice sounds like Pinkie Pie, only maybe a little more high pitched and feminine. I know it's popular to imagine her being really tomboyish, but I like a cute girly mare.

Vinyl is exactly TOP CUTE!

That's also a cool hobby.
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I deserve to be drawn and quartered for posting this

also, bump
God those fat fuckers do pretty decent Vinyl cosplays, Always cool when a gril does an eqg proper.
How dare you make me look at this with my only pair of eyes.

Don't take the picture too personally, I've just been looking for an excuse to post it.
>Sunglasses all the time
>Hard to read face (maybe)

Vinyl's a poker player, and probably damn good

She also probably uses Vocaloid as her voice, that being Hatsune Miku's Version 3 voice bank

(God I'm such a weeb)

Also, she is most kyut, this isn't even a question.
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>Not having backup pairs of eyes

Oh, I didn't realize that we let the poor post here.

>You will never lose a game of strip poker against Vinyl.
>Even though her pony self only wears two pieces of clothing.
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That being the glasses and headphones? Anon please the way she plays she would never have taken them off. She would just be sitting there on her haunches trying to hide the fact that she's increasingly sopping wet every time she gets a pair in her hoof.
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Be honest /vst/, are you good enough at poker to beat your waifu in a game before she accidentally makes the cards too sticky to play?

I'm definitely not.
Nope, I think I've played poker like once ever.

I'd totally wreck her in a game of Egyptian Ratscrew though
I might be able too, but you're looking at this wrongly.

If you lose, you get to be naked in front of Vinyl. That's practically halfway into the bedroom.
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Page 10 wub
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That's a real cutie.
I just realized, how did she get this job?
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Why would she not get the job? Business is guaranteed to improve once she's hired.
>Hire Vinyl
>Two grils walk into the store and have a magical guitar battle
>She makes a sale without saying a word
Sounds about right
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So I've been thinking about Derpy recently, and I want to know: would you still love Vinyl if it turned out that she had a cute little foal like Dinky?
I'd want to get with her more if I knew she cranked out cute babbies.
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Yea, I'd be pretty okay with that. I was just going to give her a foal anyway. The only question now is what Vinyl's kid would be called.
inb4 Dee or Jay. C'mon, we can do better.
M o d u l a r _ w a v e,
all I can hear is nowhacking's voice on vinyl they need to hire her just for the voice work she did in the fan fics.
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But I wanna ruffle her mane
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>Liking Nowacking

Well, there's no accounting for taste.
Bed bump
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What if she had the foal while you were in Equestria?
The term you're looking for is peoplewatching
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Yea, that's the one. Vinyl ponywatches as a hobby.
That pretty girl needs more art.
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God, I hate bodyswap episodes.jpg
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This pretty girl needs some more green.
That Octavia does things to my dick
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I know how you feel. This Octavia makes me want to aggressively face-fuck her.
Just ignore the text, I don't have the textless version. Sorry, you're a real cool dude.
Omg Vinyl stahp talkin.
God she's tall.
Either that, or Flutters is just short.

>Femlets, when will they learn?
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Brothers in arms
i want to be Vinyl Scratch's little spoon
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Vinyl is a fatty!
She ain't fut, bruh...

She just a little thick.
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>Implying thicc

Vinyl is chubby!
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So does Neon Lights have a stage name, or is he just called Neon Lights?
He's just neon lights.
McWish was a fan name for him. On the card he was also known as Rising Star.
hope you die
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I'm looking for a stage name, not the newest item on the McDonald's menu.

What did I do?
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She's here boys
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Once of us really should have told her not to get a full body tattoo of herself.

Looking good anyway, dude.
>Next time on Tattoo Nightmares:
>"What is the story on this?"
"Ah, you know, was DJ-ing at a club, ecstasy and coke going around, next thing I know, I'm pregnant and have a giant tattoo of myself."
>"You're pregnant?"
"Not after the coat hanger. Now are we gonna cover this or not? My girlfriend's gonna be back from tour in three days and I can't let her see this. She already thinks I'm a narcissist."
>"And what exactly am I going to be covering a near pony-sized tattoo with?"
"Here's a picture of my girl, Tavy, you think you can change it ? Just make it gray and plump up the flanks. She'll think it's sweet."
Greens in the strangest places.
Remember to download the game when it comes out, it has Vinyl sections now. She gets to be a big hero until she doesn't and needs to be rescued.
Looks cool, is there somewhere I can follow updates on it?
Unfortunately not. The guy doesn't want to keep any sort of record of the game in case Hasbro looks in his direction and decides to C&D it. The closest you'll get is the occasional picture on Derpi and maybe a post or two in the Octavia thread.
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First thing to do is check those dubs


>She will never hold you protectively like that.
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>Big Hero

She fixes some friendship problems, trolls the villain and runs through a maze.

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What, so exactly what she would realistically do?
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Was hoping for this. The opposite one made my cry.
What, this one?
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Never again
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Would Vinyl go nuts for this ass?
>Implying Vinyl isn't already Octavia's bitch.
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Small update, I've since opened her up and her full body tattoo is only on her left side, so those who don't care for it can display her other side.
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So when are you gonna buy the white paint to fix her up properly? And then maybe work on styling that tail a little. But you can keep the mane long,
you need something to brushie brushie, after all.
I don't really mind the tattoo, it doesn't bother me since I can just face her the other way. I do want to cut the tail though, it's definitely 2long as it is. I'll probably buy another one or two so I can have one for brushie brushie, one to experiment with cutting both her mane and tail, and maybe one to paint. I'm not great at painting though, and it'll be hard making it look right. Definitely not a seasoned fa/tg/uy. I think I'll try lightly sanding off the tattoo first, that'll match much better than paint.
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Just remember to THIN YOUR PAINT!
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This is one of my favourite pictures. What are some of yours?
Why is she so fucking unf?
>Is female
>Is musician
>Likely the the sex symbol of Ponyville.

>Likely the the sex symbol of Ponyville.
Explain? Not disagreeing, just wondering how you came go this conclusion.
She just makes a living doing what she likes while everyone else works their ass off, also her work is always a party.
Pretty nice my headcanon is she is high most of the time and spends multiple hours a day being fugged
You goddamn idiot. I told you this one made my cry.
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That's cool. My headcanon is that Vinyl mans the glory holes in the bathroom after her shows, and everyone knows it, causing lines.
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Would Vinyl dress up in a Rarity wig and fuck Spike if he asked nicely?
I think she would volunteer to do so without being asked, but only on his birthday though, to celebrate his becoming a man.
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Turn It Up.jpg
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What is up with those eye colours?
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Any of my vinylbros get a good view of the eclipse today?
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The what?
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I was at work all day, plus I'm not in a geographic area where I would've gotten a good view of it anyways. I got to watch it live on YouTube though.
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My house was already in the totality path so I just stayed and worked remotely. Drank a lager, read a book, got a bit blind. Would eclipse again.
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Not bad
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>All these new shorts showing the girls having jobs
>not including best working girl.
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True that.
I guess if vinyl is a pushover...I mean, she'd probably just move on ,and I'm sure she'd either of called to police or hit back.
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Think of it this way.
You wouldn't punch Vinyl, right? I'd like to think that everyone here can say they want to protect her and keep her safe. We wouldn't punch Vinyl because we love her. We'd probably even forgive her if she lashed out at us a little.
Same theory applies to her.
I guess since she's vinyle, then yes.
(but real women will fight back these days, not because they don't love their husband but because they know when the man is acting stupid, and if the situations switched the man has double standard and we need to be on the defensive as we should be because men are men..._)
>Implying I wouldn't hit Vinyl

Abuse is my fetish, but only if it's consensual.
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>Vinyl pants
That's my fetish.
Hellow /vst/ it has been a long time. Life took a very serious downturn for a long while. It still is in the gutters kinda seing as how I am homeless. But my love for /mlp/ and Vinyl goes on. (My tulpa of VInyl is doing very well also) I have had a few ideas for a nice greentext story so I hope that you goys are ready for a new adventure between Anon and Vinyl!
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Shit man, have a vinyl for good luck, hope things turn around for you. I'm new enough that I don't know you, but I'm curious about your tulpa. I've attempted to do the same, but gave up. How long did it take you? What's she like? Is she worth the effort/long term?
>Implying she isn't always worth it
>You are Anon.
>And right now you are wondering if you are going to have to worry about permamant hearing loss after this song is over.
>You wanted to hit up the new EDM club in Canterlot, so you grabbed a small bag of bits and came over.
>Supposedly the DJ was some new mare from out of town who was rapidly gaining popularity, but so far you had to put up with some genaric club shit that just gave you a headache because it was much louder than it should be.
>You downed your current glass of Applejack Daniel's Whiskey and stood up, about to head for the door, when the music cut off.
>You look to the stage and see a white coated mare with the most extreme shades of blue in her mane and a pair of dark purple shades that shined in the stage lighting.
>She looked like she was born to be on stage in front of a crowd.
>"What's up party ponies!?!?" she hollered out to the crowed.
>The response was quick and loud, they were probably just happy to have that half-ass music off.
>"That's what I like to hear, lets get started!"
>She proceded to drop a record on her table and then the music started.
>You had not heard of this before, which was good, and the beat was fast and got you pumped up which was even better.
>You sat back down at the bar... leaving suddenly lost all of its allure.
to answer your question, it took me about my tulpa friend, it took me about 2 months of solid working for her to be perfect, she is kinda like an mx up of my personality and how I veiw her but she acts with autonomy. And yes, it was for sure worth it.
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Oh shit, he's back!
>I am homeless
You sure you shouldn't be doing something about that instead of writing green? I mean, not that I mind, but I don't want something to happen to a fellow Vinyl-bro.
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But that's not being the person Vinyl would want you to be.
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You've inspired me to try again. Thanks, Vinylbro
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Vinyl is a pretty pure mare.
The pureest.
>tfw this is octy's fetish
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>All that unicorn resentment turns into submissive arousal
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So lets talk tiddies. Specifically, how big are Vinyl's? We all know she's thicc, but is she rounded?

I guess this is the topic of the day.
Big enough to distract me from the butterface.

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Big D cups! Sometimes she likes to not wear a bra to her shows so that they can bounce around while she jumps up and down to the music.
Damn, that's a smole pony! How do they get that tiny?
>yen sexually punish vinyl for misbehaving
The face in that second panel cracks me up every damn time.
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>searching Vinyl pics
>filter out Octavia
>average image quality increases by 1000^10 percent
Really makes you fucking think...
>the average vinyl fag is a delusional tulpa neckbeard who writes like a retard
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Friend, this is not a place to be mean. It's a place to love Vinyl; please respect.
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I can explain.png
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Trips confirm, be nice to people in the Vinyl thread.
I really miss killryde
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good night sleepy poner
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Remember, Vinyl is a very shleepy pony, and needs to sleep at least 16 hours a day to remain healthy. Take this opportunity for lots of cuddling,
>16 hours
>all this time to hit that ass while she sleeps
Need some good clop about vinyl.
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Vinyl & Octi Sophie.jpg
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It's anthro but it's good.
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>need to be up for work in 4 hours
>can't sleep
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The 'Vinyl Kidnaps Anon' trilogy (consisting of VkA, Vinyl's Gangbang Bus, and Canterlot Rape Wars) in the OP is pretty great!
Desires of a DJ is also some good BDSM, if you're into that.
I also enjoyed Vinyl, Tavi, and the Gang...bang.

Also something I noticed while looking these up: The Vinyl Scratch fanclub on Fimfiction, and the Octavia Melody fanclub, both have exactly the same amount of people in them, even if Vinyl has three hundred less stories.
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The better one.
Thank myou. Good night. I need rest.
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Remember, you love Vinyl, and she would most likely love you too!
>Forgetting the Beach Rape story

I didn't save this thing just so you could ignore it.
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Vinyl is a very important pony!
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wubs from vinyl.png
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What would you do on a date with Vinyl?
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Slip my roofies into her drink.
Pass out when we drink at the same time.
Wake up to realize she roofied my drink.
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Race around some backroads taking turns at the driver seat until we finally decide on what we're doing for the rest of the night. Eat at a steak n dick shake. Drop by a place that does EDM tuesdays to see if anyone decent is playing while trivially teasing her. Later jump out of the shower to find her casually naked with a baggy hoodie on drinking a lager and working on her latest set in her favorite DAW.
Where are you getting these Pyros that I haven't seen before?
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I'd probably do something cringey, embarrass my self and fuck up any chance I might have with her...

Seriously though, which of you niggers did pic related?
Wasn't me but I'm considering making one
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Would you a mermaid Vinyl?
If I could locate the mermavag, if hit that fish.
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I don't own a pool, but I guess I could move closer to the ocean.
Why do all of Minyl's clothes have circles on them though?
>This satisfied my girl's abs fetish
Damn, what I wouldn't give to walk into that scene irl
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Damn, the uncropped version of that is somewhat disappointing, given that face.
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I don't even know what the uncropped version is, I just randomly searched for 'cropped + Vinyl Scratch.'
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Vinyl & Octi4.png
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Vinyl & Octavia Search.jpg
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There's no reason to bend that far down to see if your bow is in a box that small, Octavia is just rubbing her superior Earth Pony thighs in Vinyl's face.
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>5 gunshots from neighbor's house just now
h-hold me /vst/
Where the hell do you live, an inner city ghetto or a trailer park?

If it's the former, someone's probably dieing.

If the latter, the gunfire is probably celebratory.

Either way, stay safe breh.
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Don't worry, everything will be fine! Don't panic!
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Vinyl, that's the pin.png
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>Short hair
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What's the true OTP and why is VinylFire
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Vinylfire? More like, Dumpsterfire.
>Spit wearing that feminine clothing
I like it.
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Is this a vampo?
Can't believe this is still going, and is only at 295 posts.
We keep it alive because we love Vinyl.
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I don't think we've had a thread 404 on us for several months, friend. We're a real staple on the board, for better or worse.
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Waiter, there's a yawn in my ear.png
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Vinyl Vampire.png
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Nope. Not at all. An ordinary unicorn such as herself doesn't have fangs. The very thought of such a thing is perposterous, offensive, and utterly unsubstantiated. All she needs to do is play a busy game of "don't leave any shadow" all day every day until nightfall. Not unless she drank something red, like red herring juice or ketchup.
Just because she has to fulfill a weird fetish of putting grape jelly on your neck and licking it up doesn't mean she's a vampire. What? No.
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>4 seconds
We do it for her.
Do we have a 'do it for her' image yet? And if not, can we get someone talented to work on one?
That was a decent fic. WerePone Octavia for the win.
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Nice, a new wallpaper.

I wasn't a fan of were-Tavi, I enjoyed the beginning where there was the whole question of 'is Octavia right or is she just paranoid,' and it was kinda cool when she found out and had to keep it a secret while wondering if she was in danger, but everything after the werewolf attack and everything to do with the monster hunters just sucked.
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Vinyl Scratch 058.jpg
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That's a big pone!
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For (You)
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The fic is better when you realize it was just making fun of itself in relation to other terrible media.
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Was it? I mean, I can kinda see something like that in the whole 'team vampire, team werewolf, and one fairy' thing, but most of the hunter arc is pretty damn serious, more so since Vinyl is nearly tortured to death. It just doesn't read like a parody.
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>vinyl story
>she talks
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Look, can we at least give a pass to stories that were written pre-Slice of Life? And any stories I write.
>written pre-Slice of Life?
I guess that's fair
Bump with some sexy stuff



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>Vinyl will never fuck you in front of a crowd.
why even live
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Vinyl Sleeping.jpg
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Nighty night.
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Good night, sleepy Anon.
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Anyone here notice this story over on FimFiction?
Just finished it, it's alright. Certainly something that 's a little different, but it is kinda just a guy writing a story about his head canon. Still, it's nice to read about a new interpretation of our dear gal. In a nutshell, Vinyl has a secret that she's been hiding from Octavia, and decides it's time to tell her the truth. She's a ghost. But like, a music ghost.
I'd give it a 6/10, because there's not much to it, but it's an interesting idea.
I want to cuddle musichoers.

Then gradually escalate to rutting her brains out, slamming the headboard of the bed against the wall in time with the music she's got on the nearby speakers
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A bump with more sexy stuff



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>second pic
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God damn, why is Vinyl just MADE of sex?
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>third pic
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New Thread
And only 19 hours away from thirty days.
Wow, it's kind of sad there aren't any greens in this to make it worth archiving with a bump limit.
Poor vinyl has no writer fans.
I would but I hate writing
Thread posts: 336
Thread images: 251

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