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First pic of Hasbro's booth at SDCC.

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First pic of Hasbro's booth at SDCC.
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Why did I read this as death?
>all this movie shit

Season 8 will be better since it'll just be season 8, nothing overshadowing it.

Too bad it's the last one.

Just wanna make sure, is the panel tomorrow or Friday?
I will give you ten internet bucks if you steal that Sia.

S8 isn't until HasCon.

Hasbro apparently did plan for S8 to be the last unless there was extraordinary demand for an S9; that was a few months back and I'm not sure what the consensus was.
zigga, we havent event finished season 7 and youre already discussing season 9

Has there been a single season where people like you dont start screaming wolf for the ending of the series?
It won't be S9! S8 is the final season!
8 was confirmed, months ago, wtf is wrong with you people?
>That spoiler
>Implying we haven't known the show is going to run for ten season since season 4.
>And maybe even longer.

Hasbro is going to milk this franchise for as long as they can, and anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to you. That is what Hasbro does, it's what it's always done. The only way the show is going to end is if it starts making less money than the previous seasons, which it never will.
I mean, fuck, they didn't change the logo colours for just one season and a movie.

I meant generations, sorry for the confusion.
I agree with you but they clearly changed the logo colors to get more boys to the movie.

>the movie will be crucial

Time to buy a ticket and camrip the movie everywhere. This is our crucial chance to finally kill this show for faust and make her happy again.
>hyping literal nobodies because theyre rich
>pushing shit, as quality

This boat is sinking faster than the titanic
S8 is a test season for glimmer as the central character with her own mane six and the movie is the mane six's finale, and if it doesn't do well they'll can everything and make a new gen!
You keep insisting on pulling theories out of your ass dont you?
>you keep
You seem to be implying I've done that multiple times before.
I'd be okay with a hash up of the new mane six.
It'd be like the suicide squad but more consistent.
It's fun to do something different.
This better not be out the front.
I don't want it marketed almost tottaly on sia
It explains why are they're so shitty.
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Is that Commander Tapdance we see lurking in the corner?
>friendship festival tour
So is the festival a traveling event?
Is trixie also doing a friendship festival tour now that her equestrian apology tour is finished?
Anon thinks you're the "Meghan is a racist!" shitposter.

I personally agree with him. Fuck off.
well, you guys would be wrong. and where the fuck would anyone get the idea that meghan is racist from anyways?!

>also no, I will not fuck off.
hi Glim
>A Nobody
Hot Rod STILL has more personality that Starlight
Her arm looks broken.
I looked her up.
She is a shitty musician with 84 nominations but only got 23?
That's a failing grade.
and yet he'll have far less success than starlight will as a character.
You don't get these numbers by being a nobody
I didn't say nobody, just shitty.
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Does pony Sia have Graves’ disease too and she hides her horrendous face under her mane?
This is why the music videos that use the loli instead of her are far superior.
She used to be a qt ten years ago.
Why did it all go so wrong?
I could barely understand a word she said.
I made out something about getting laid.
Did she even fucking say the word cocaine?
I don't speak Aussie so it's hard for me to understand it too.
I am an aussie and could not understand it.
That said I do kind of like the way it sounds
Wrong! Discord, Trixie, and Starlight will be back to bad guys again in the future.
Sia horse a cute
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are another anon, but I hope you realize you are answering to someone who was arguing with this post >>30557711 , right?
what a jump scare
>not knowing sia
You say this now, but when the movie comes out you know this whole board is going to become sia fans

EqD tour.
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I'mma need some porn art of Pirate Twilight and Applejack post-haste
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What's with all of the store exclusivity shit? What are these, toys or an EA game?
it helps to placate the various retailers and get them to sign on to carry more of your shit.
Is that a flaming sword Spike is holding?
Looks like a flaming sword with his own fire.
And just like with zoot, they're forcing some pop star into the movie, just so they can plaster her name all over the advertising

wew lad
Store-exclusive toys have been a thing longer than store-exclusive vidya content, anon
Are they selling McDonalds toys now?
>Tempest is lined with the princesses
What did they mean by this?
Those mane 6 figures are the blind bags models, you filthy casual.
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Any shots of Tempest on that display?
ah yes, the oh so necessary picture of the ceiling
Shut up, floorfag, ceilings are superior.
i think hes trying to point out the look rarity and capper are giving each other
PufferSpike looks like a naval mine.

Someone should swipe him and set him adrift in the Straits of Hormuz.

I wanna be mad that spikes transformation is not a serious one but I am finding it difficult with this picture.
Unless she steals ingrams award for best original song.
Then we will hate her.
I still don't like glorifying piracy.
I wonder what that thing Spike is holding is.
Have they reveled the ultimate princess celestia yet?
Looks like a flame sword.
The one with armor, sword and shield that is
Well she is covered by armor.
And she is rather strong.
He looks so happy

Fucking confirmed, rarity will be barbed in the movie
The way i see is Rarity smiling while Capper is like "wtf". Which I'm feeling this may be another of her silly crush gags just like blueblood or trenderhoof, ending with rejection (most likely him having someone else and friendzoning rarepone)
I don't know anything about music awards, but that sounds pretty good.
That would be more interesting and admittedly more likely but BARBED is fun to meme about.
>oh spongbob, why
Why do you Jynx it everytime?
>that tempest
GOOD LORD, her face is FUGLY. What the hell, it looks like she got hit with a piece of wood.

Obviously tempest absorbs the storm king's magic and becomes the princess of storms at the end and rules over the lands that storm king used to rule over.
(Jokes aside, she's probably going to end up overseeing the areas storm king used to)
its spike, he's the series buttmonkey, like xander from buffy, His entire purpose, as far as hasbro is concerned, is to be shat on for the amusement of little girls.
They give him breaks sometimes because little boys want him to be cool though.
I expect either an action scene of a fight between him and gruber or an action scene of spike fighting a whole squad of regular minions

Since gruber will likely be useless I expect it will be taking out the squad. Maybe something like the puss in boots scene against the guards at the end of shreck two.
Probably something with his flame sword.
Maybe Gruber will be a master stratagist or something
That would be cool.
Grubber's set up as the Spike analogue though; he's storm king's assistant and was described as an "evil spike" by the IDW people who'd read the script.

I expect him and spike will end up being the ones to go toe to toe with each other in a comical slap fight.
>Unless she steals ingrams award for best original song.
>Then we will hate her.
This. This is my biggest fear, because Ingram really deserves an award. If the movie gets an award and it's for Sia instead of Ingram, I'd be fucking mad.
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I make meem
You got a source for that? I'd reckon that for better or for worse there is no end in sight.
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wtf are you doing?
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"A cat is fine too."
I think capper the one oncrush on her while she is ignoring him
They will introduce first relationnship of rarity that may work and get referenced in tv series
You're actually making me want to get toys, damn you.
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Holy shit, how have I not heard of her? This is so mainstream I'm surprised I haven't heard of her prior to this movie
I think it will end with an erection this time :^)
Do you think Capper will make a reference to that Gen1 cat?
I like that this implies Glimmer is the wrong choice and will expode to death on the junk planet
>oh Twilight, why
"A ceiling is merely a ceiling until you walk on it, then it's a floor." - Spider-Man
>Hasbro's quality assurance
panel when
30 minutes
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not from sdcc but relevant to movie
it begins
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ey b0ss can i hab stram plos
Promo video with actors was shown. Panel starting.
>Mike Vogel takes the stage to introduce the panelists! So he co-wrote the movie with Meghan
Is this news?
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Only if you didn't read the poster, he was credited as writer there.
oh shit trailer time
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>But everyone gets one word.
>"Flushed," said Rarity.
>My Little PonyTM
>Not a single pony in sight
Is this the beginning of the end?
Storm King is a mix of yeti and a goat
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Will we ever see these clips?
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already questions?
literally nothing new
No, because murrifats are pathetic spineless cowards. Fuck you all.
Didn't Hasbro used to release some clips from SDCC?
last year they released the trailer for legend of everfree during the panel and actually before they even showed it
No, that was from random people recording the panels.

That would explain the unfunny jokes from the trailer.
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>Who are your favorite villains?
>Ashleigh - "Trump?"

what did she mean by this?
Vogel IS the joke
It means she loves to hate on Trump
I would say who gives a shit because it's just a VA, but Vogel and Haber have been posting bullshit every day on twitter since the election and haven't let up since. You just know season 8 is going to be absolutely infused with political bullshit.
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Shouldn't come as any surprise, considering they're both liberal Jews. Wouldn't be surprised if they were both pedos, too.
It's basically all media at this point, which gets old fast. I assume there will be a heavy-handed refugee episode and maybe a Filthy Rich=Trump episode, but most episodes will probably be politics free.
Q: What happens if a human crosses the portal into Equestria?
A: Meghan: I need to make sure I'm answering this correctly.
Tara: This is an IRL question. If you went through the portal, would you become a pony?
Meghan: Oh, yes.

AiE fags completely BTFO
So, nothing interesting?
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>Bringing politics into my cartoon horse movie out of the blue
Worst VA, I don't care if it was supposed to be a joke, it really pisses me off when anyone does this kind of shit
>Q: Starlight's element of Harmony?

>Meghan: We talked about this.... we're settling on Forgivene-- glimmerness.
Q: Least favorite pony?

A: Mike: Twilight Sparkle. Oooh, Tara didn't like that. Cathy doesn't have one... so far. Tabitha didn't like "Poopy Pony", but he didn't make it into the series. Liev, as Storm King: "It's hard to choose. I hate them all so much."

Q: Discord in the movie?

A: Meghan: I can't say.

Q: IF you can make up any pony name, what would it be?

A: Ashleigh: "Dude Pony. Tabitha: "Diaphonous Foof." How about yours, kid?

Q: ...

A: RD, to kid in RD costume: "But I think your favorite pony might be Rainbow Dash!"

Q: What's it like hiring all that star power for the movie?

A: Meghan: We had these parts and found the people we thought would bring them to life the best. Everybody really embraced their roles and they had to with the main ladies doing just that.

Daniel was really happy that Emily Blunt was online, Liev mentioned how Brad Pitt read for Spike (hahaha.)

Q: Who's your favorite Crusader?

A: Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Chicken. (Jesus, Andrea.) All of them, says Cathy.

Q: Any plans to keep the movie style going forward? And what's it like working in ToonBoom?

A: Meghan: It's much more expressive than what we're working with in Flash. No answer for the first half of the question, though -- they basically had to build the ToonBoom rigs all from scratch. DHX Vancouver really brought their A-Game.

Q: How did Pinkie Pie get her Pinkie Sense?

A: Pinkie: I've just always had it and it's gonna rain tomorrow.

Spike: You just looked at the forecast.

Pinkie: Sure did!

Q: Starlight's element of Harmony?

Meghan: We talked about this.... we're settling on Forgivene-- glimmerness. But don't hold us to that if we change our minds.

Q: Favorite part of the movie?

A: Mike: "Canterlot blows up forever."

>Q: Least favorite pony?
>A: Mike: Twilight Sparkle.

Great, more fuel for the vogel shitposter
>Q: Why do the ponies have magic?
>RD: Because friendship IS magic.
Really makes you think
Are you guys actually listening to yourselves? In 7 fucking years we have not had ONE political reference, whatsoever. I mean I'm gonna have to assume you're just shitposting because you're bored, but fuck man, go outside some time.
Q: Funny behind-the-scenes moments?

Meghan: Not publically, no. Haha, we've worked together for a very long time - it was like making a movie with your family.

Mike: It got intense -- when you're yelling at each other not because you're angry, but because "Pinkie Pie would never do that in a million years!!"

Q: Who's Pinkie Pie's mom and dad?

Spike: If you guys find out who my mom is, that'd... that'd be awesome. Just wondering. If you came across someone who looked like me a bit...

Q: I'm from Scotland. Any chance Celestia is Sunset Shimmer's mother?

Meghan: There is NOW! We may need you to sign some papers.

Tabitha: Could you ask a few dozen more questions in that accent? We'll give you a job.

Q: Why do the ponies have magic?

RD: Because friendship IS magic.

Q: Favorite fan-story?

God, they can't answer this.

Dear God, that Spike line
>not being complete retards
Anon pls.
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I never really cared about the dude but that's just too fucking much.
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Q: Why doesn't Twilight write to the Princess anymore?

Twilight: She uses email. She's a great texter. I dunno.

Meghan: That's my fault, that we stopped doing that. We felt she evolved as a character and her relationship with Celestia was changing, so she didn't have a need to update her in that way.

Mike: More time to spend with her daughter, Sunset.

Q: What are the challenges of coordinating stories across all the formats?

Meghan: We've really tried to make a concerted effort to do that across the TV show, movies, and comics. So the comic premises are sent to us, and we talk with the comic writers about the movie so that one thing pays off in a different medium. Sharing each other's work and talking it through.

Q: Is there gonna be a new pony?

Mike: Dudebro pony, Poopy pony, Scottish pony...

Meghan: We're always introducing new ponies. We think Tempest is gonna be great, and we've got Songbird Serenade coming up too!
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Relax your sphincter, young man. I never said there would be a political reference in the show. I just wasn't surprised that Vogel and Haber were degenerate progressives.
And for almost all of those years, Obama was president, so the show staff had little to complain about. Basically every other form of media have made clear statements against Trump, so it isn't completely unreasonable that they slip in one reference.
Appreciate the transcripts, too bad there's no stream.
>Tabitha: I thought he said "Rainbow Dash's pants."
Holy shit. She's the best.
Q: Will Discord change if he goes through the portal?

Meghan: Oooh. He would change. That's just science.

Cathy: All his parts would just fall off.

Q: Storm King, what is your command?

Storm King: *laughter* Let's just hang back for now. Let's let this go on peacefully. Talk to me outside. You and me, it's on.

Q: Will we see RD's parents again?

Meghan: ,,, maybe?

Mike: That's the best answer you're gonna get.

Tabitha: I thought he said "Rainbow Dash's pants."

Q: What happened to Starlight Glimmer in the movie?

Meghan: She's at CHS.

Q: [bog standard aspiring VA question] How do I become 20% cooler?

Spike: Did you go to a cool school? I'm kind of looking for one myself.
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>Q: What happened to Starlight Glimmer in the movie?
>Meghan: She's at CHS.
Is this actually happening live?
Yes, almost over. They didn't say anything about S7 or EqG, it was all about the Movie.
Except she was right there right before attack and Twilight didn't go to solve any friendship problems in the meantime...
Yes. But there's no stream because this fandom is fucking beb.
These are some weird-ass questions.
>Q: If there's a human counterpart for everyone in Equestria, where's Sunset's counterpart?
>Mike: She's in a van down by the river...
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These responses twist my stomach. Why should I care about this if all they want to do is take the piss?
>Q: I'm from Scotland. Any chance Celestia is Sunset Shimmer's mother?
>Meghan: There is NOW! We may need you to sign some papers.
>[...] Mike: More time to spend with her daughter, Sunset.

Thank you based scot bro. I don't know if I would actually want this but this WOULD be one fucking hell of a twist. Only would just need one hell of an explanation as to why Celestia is waiting so long to go see her

>Bringing up human counterpart Sunset
hope they explore this
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You shouldn't. Move on with your life.
Q: Favorite MLP season?

Ashleigh: This last one was really good! Lots of backstories and plot twists. Season 13 will be epic.

Spike: Six and one! The first season is when it all happened, right?

Tabitha: Fifty-seven.

Q: Is Sunset ever going back to the pony world?

Meghan: ... yes.

Mike: For a three-day weekend.

Q: Final question, from a kid! Favorite buddy from the show?

Meghan, Thorax, Angel Bunny, Granny Smith, Twilight Sparkle is best pony... Storm King's favorite buddy?

Storm King: ... what? I don't do the whole friendship thing, to be perfectly honest.

Twilight: We can teach you!

Why can't they have some fun? I'm only upset that they didn't bother showing anything from S7 or EqG. Of course, the answers here aren't really definitive because they're just fucking around.
Wouldn't that mean Principal Celestia has a dead daughter somewhere and Sunset took her place?
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>It's over
>Why can't they have some fun?

Well, fine, whatever, but they better be more serious at Hascon.
So this is how feel /v/ with every humble bundle
Panel is over! More was shown than last year, but I doubt we'll ever see it.

Needed Clips:
>VAs/staff talking about their roles intro video
>Storm King talking to Tempest
>Rainbow Dash duet with Celaeno
HasCon is S8. Hasbro intentionally is skeleton crewing SDCC and shilling their own con hard.
Pfft, whatever. I'm not going to that either.

I just want some interesting pony news.
Didn't anyone ask if the movie takes place after season 7?

>fans making important questions

middle of season 7
No, questions like "Who are Pinkie's parents" or "Why do ponies use magic?" are way more important.
Fans did ask some important questions, staff only wanted to take the piss out of them though.

Oddly, the biggest hints were dropped with what Cathy said as Spike.

>Storm king attacks
>Starlight ends up locking herself in the Portal room
>Sunset comes in
>Makes up a shitty excuse about a friendship mission to keep sunset from running around during the attack
>Says "Fuck this world" and escapes into the human world where there's no army running around

Our hero everyone
I feel really bad for the staff of the show. They have to answer some stupid questions.
nah, it would mean that her real daughter is studying abroad
>and god forbid, a molester!

Someone would explain this meme?
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"If you guys find out who my mom is, that'd... that'd be awesome. Just wondering. If you came across someone who looked like me a bit..."- Spike, when there was a question about parents

"Did you go to a cool school? I'm kind of looking for one myself."- Random VA question that somehow became this

"I second that so I can have more friends."- Question about if there will be more male ponies

Why is Cathy so aware that her character's life is suffering? Is she trying to drop hints for S8?
It would at least explain how the fuck sunset was able to survive in the human world; showed up, pretended to be her real daughter returned home, and lived in celestia's house.

Though things would then get awkward when the real sunset would return home and celestia would have to admit not being able to tell her daughter from a clone.
>Be Principal Celestia
>Be stuck working shitty job running a school with grade averages so low you're just barely hanging onto your job and keeping the place from falling apart
>Has to work daily with sister, practically got her the job. NEver got a thank you
>Rich, handsome, supporting husband left you years ago for some hot pink haired floozy. Fleur de something, who gives a shit
>Only light in your life is your daughter you managed to keep custody of, thank god because if you didn't have her you'd put a bullet in your brain years ago
>Just on the verge of coming into your high school, couldn't be more elated for the first time in years
>Then come home one day to find out she's not there
>Think she's out with her friends, you try giving her cell phone a ring
>No answer
>Angry, you've talked about letting you know if she's going to be late
>Wait all evening, no word
>Wake up the next morning worried sick, no response or sign of her
>Put in missing persons' report with police, they start an investigation
At least there was something as opposed to last year absolutely fucking nothing.
Still fucking nothing unless we get recordings.
One more proof that murrifats are worthless cowards who can't even record a fucking video.
>Three days pass, the most they come up with is her reportedly talking with a stranger after school and then not a trace. Tell you after three days the odds of finding her again become minimal
>Take off the week from work, you don't know what the fuck to do. She was everything you had left. You drink yourself into a stupor trying to cope, don't know what the fuck you are living for
>A couple days later you get a phone call from Luna
>"We found her! She's just been spotted at the high school!"
>practically run out of your house to your car looking like total shit, haven't put on make up or even showered in days and reek of alchol
>do 60 in a 25 mph zone to get to the school, race out of your car towards your office
>There's Sunset, your baby, looking no worse for wear and staring at you with a confused look on her face. She's wearing clothes you never seen her wear before and acting like nothing's amiss
>You want to scream at her, completely tear her apart verbally for putting you through this, but all you can do is collapse and pull her into your arms, slowly stroking her hair as you bawl in front of her
>She acts so slowly to respond, how is she not getting what she's put you through?! She eventually relents though, and returns your embrace
>You're going to make life hell for her later, she's practically lost summer vacation for this stunt, but for now? You're just glad beyond relief she was alright in the end...
Stop being new
Stop this autism, eqgtard.

Spike family episode confirmed?

Maybe the S8 will be the last season after all
>Why is Cathy so aware that her character's life is suffering?
Well it a solid half of Spike's dialog these days is him reacting to stupid shit happening to him, so she would be pretty aware of it...
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Shouldn't you be praying to Allah, Eurocuck?
I'm a slavfag you retard. No mudslimes here.
I am not sure if I would ask questions that would be received any better.

Well mainly if they are Equestria Girls related?

Oh, well, in that case -- shouldn't you be ruining CSGO and Dota 2 games for other people? That's all Slavs are good for.
Last time I've played some games was like 5 years ago. Now I prefer to ruin /mlp/ threads for other people.
Its really the last family we have to see, including the Sparkle family. I just hope they don't puss out and not show us his biological parents.

Notice how she also said that S6 was one of her favorite seasons and Thorax was Spikes best friend. She knows.
>hating greentexts
back to b newfag
>liking anything EqG
Literally kill your kay wye ess self.
>not liking humans instead of ponies
I think you need to leave
we already have seen sparkles family though.
Not even giving a (You).
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Get the fuck out, you literal has-shill.
We've seen them but we don't know them.
Not them all interacting, including Spike. The zeppelin episode is about that.
The EqG world is boring.
Wow, stop posting any time.
You're boring.
And so is the EqG world.
your "meme" is utterly stupid
plebbitor hotheads
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>Tabitha: I thought he said "Rainbow Dash's pants."
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This is getting ridiculous. When will we get details for episode 24 and the finale?
HasCon. What episode will we be on the week after American Labor Day?

Aug 5- 12/13
Aug 12- 14
Aug 19- 15
Aug 26- 16
Sep 2- 17
Sep 9 (weekend of HasCon)- 18

So HasCon, probably. Though HasCon was supposed to be all about S8. SDCC was supposed to talk about S7. I seriously think they got sidetracked.

I don't want to wait that long.
Wasn't there meant to be a clip shown?

We need some nor/mlp/eople to go there and call the organisers filthy Hasdrones.
Some people are thinking that they showed an extra movie clip instead of S7.
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Yes, most likely Hascon. We wouldn't get the titles and synopsi from zap2It before halfway september anyway.


Previously aired in kangarooland:
S07E12 - Discordant Harmony (August 5)
When Discord invites Fluttershy to his realm for tea, he worries she won’t be comfortable and begins to change it and himself with disastrous results.
S07E13 - The Perfect Pear (August 5)
The Apple Siblings learn about their parent’s love story and discover that they’re half Pear. Guest stars William Shatner and Felicia Day.

S07E14 - Fame and Misfortune (August 12)
Twilight Sparkle's publishing of the friendship journal has unintended consequences when ponies start to argue over who wrote the best lessons.
S07E15 - Triple Threat (August 19)
Spike accidentally invites Ember and Thorax to Ponyville on the same day. He's sure the two new leaders are not going to get along so he does all he can to keep them apart and cover the fact that the other is there.
S07E16 - Campfire Tales (August 26)
When their sister camping trip is ruined by Fly-ders, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash tell Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo the stories of their favorite legends; inspired by the tales, the girls make the most out of their new situation.
S07E17 - Daring Done
(synopsis unconfirmed) Rainbow Dash's favorite author announces her retirement. Dash convinces Pinkie Pie to find out if the book on Daring Do will be closed forever.
S07E18 - A Health of Information
While helping Fluttershy gather supplies, Zecora comes down with a terrible disease called Swamp Fever; even though a cure has not been discovered, Fluttershy makes it her mission to heal Zecora no matter what it takes.
(reposting this fwiw)
Zap2it changed some of the episode numbers.
To Change a Changeling -> 717
It Isn't the Mane Thing About You -> 719 (there's no 718)
A Health of Information -> 720
Marks and Recreation -> 721
Once Upon a Zeppelin -> unknown
Secrets and Pies -> unknown
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I'll put them back on questionmarks until we get air dates.

S07E??- To Change A Changeling
Starlight Glimmer and Trixie try to get Thorax's brother Pharynx to accept the new way by sharing love and transforming so he doesn't undermine Thorax's leadership, and that the hive will ultimately accept him.
S07E?? - It Isn't The Mane Thing About You
When Rarity's shampoo is accidentally switched with Zecora's magical remover potion, she does everything she can to fix her devastated mane in time for an upcoming photo shoot.
S07E?? - Once Upon A Zeppelin
Twilight is torn when she discovers the cruise she and her family are on is a themed vacation experience in which ponies have paid for the privilege of spending time with her, and she must please both her family and the cruise attendees.
S07E?? - Marks and Recreation
Wanting to help as many blank flanks as possible, the CMCs start a Cutie Mark Day Camp, but are surprised when one of their campers doesn't want a cutie mark.
S07E?? - Secrets and Pies
When Pinkie Pie thinks she sees Rainbow Dash throw away one of her pies, she suspects the worst - that Rainbow Dash secretly hates her pies; Pinkie Pie attempts to catch Rainbow Dash in her web of lies.

-5 songs total (2 more)
-Pony of Shadows
LOOOOL!!!!! Rarijackfags on suicide watch.
I want to hear that full song now.
>Secrets and Pies
>Rainbow Dash hates pies

I have the feeling it will involve Soarin somehow
>not a single fucking image of the new scenes has leaked
Were the people attending the panel held at gunpoint?
Wait till after the con closes tonight, I'm sure there are pics but people are too busy enjoying the rest of the convention to post them yet
Rumor has it is that they've cracked down hard on filming of anything in any panels. Due to movie companies complaing about leaks in the past couple of years. To the point where companies threatened to pull out from ComicCon completely.
i cant believe people are too retarded to turn down the brightness of their iphones and hold them against their shirts while these comic con sneak peaks are happening
even for just audio you can press record and put the phone in your lap
That's retarded shortsighted American mentality for you.
Thats a cute oc, wheres she from?
>implying there is any other correct mentality
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I hope they make Equestria Girls more action packed or comedic in the future
Tweet by Big Jim. https://twitter.com/TheBiggestJim/status/888467354039996416
>thinking word of god means anything
pleb-tier lit crit
>jim goes on autistic rampages anytime people ask him about upcoming episodes or eqg
>tweets about upcoming episode and eqg
he's almost worse at twitter than president trump
McCarthy still sucks and she need to be fired and shut down EqG!
I want to fuck her
>Air previews to the people in a public event.
>Get mad when they're put online to the people.
What's the fucking logic in that?

And how are they supposed to enforce that?
>little to complain about
Obamacare was literally communism
You mean socialism.
The creators have the authority to change anything not explicitly answered by the show itself, and they can retcon events (see: "muffins") that happened in the show.

Word of God (you forgot to capitalize the " G" by the way, you fucking heretic) is a legitimate source for answers.
Marx referred to communism as both socialism and communism throughout the manifesto. The terms were interchangeable.
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>/pol/tards: "hurr durr why are liberuls always shoving politics down everyone's throats?"
>also /pol/tards: *proceed to derail a thread about the SDCC with completely unrelated political shit*
God would you people shut up. Nazi, xenophobia, /pol/ wannabe ponies fly under your radar for months, but god forbid healthcare gets referenced. Like grandma affording medicine is the GREAT evil.

Quit cherry picking shit to get triggered by or shut your trap completely.
You think it is, you think they have that authority. That's your decision, it's not indicative of anything else and prescribing it over other people's own views is arrogant at best.
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>once again, Spike is reduced to being the butt of jokes
shut the fuck up and get the fuck out

This isn't /pol/. Take your bad readings of Marx back to your shithole.
>Bacon in the picture
That's funny, Shimmer is not canon in the show, she Will never make part of the new Mane six.
>trying to disrupt a conversation speaking badly of crown nigger's failing health care bill
fuck off shareblue
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>mfw still no leaks

Beb fandom.
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>you're winning the argument so go to /pol/!

Cannnn doooooo!
Where are the pictures?
>you decide what's canon
No, you don't. What's canon is what is depicted in the media in question, and what is answered by the author's. Ignoring the parts you don't like is dishonest criticism, as it means you're cherry picking what parts of the media are real, and not reviewing it as a whole. That goes into headcanon territory.

If I decide that john galt got beheaded at birth, does that make the events of Atlas Shrugged not canon to Atlas Shrugged? Do I become immune to the need for food if I tell myself people don't need to eat to live? No.Things happen, and pretending they don't when they do is delusional at best. If it's arrogant to tell someone that they're flat out wrong, then I'll take that title and then some, just as I would for calling out trannies for wanting to mutilate themselves to "cure" their mental illness.

Fuck off with your "everything is subjective" nonsense
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Imagine having such a pathetic life that you spend your days on a board about a show you know nothing about, to the point that you can't even use it as example of "canon", and you have to default to the only book you have ever read.
Their attempts to derail every thread are boring, but at least having these retards here gives us something to laugh at. We should be grateful.
Define canon.
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>Canterlot blown up forever
The animation for the movie looks fucking terrible. It's like some advanced form of CGI cell shading but it just looks way off

Never thought I'd see the day where I would prefer Flash
She appears in the devil May cry series
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Give us a fucking warning next time faggot.
Relax. He fucking wishes.
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dat Gummy tho
His "insider source"
China Glaze branded MLP colors?
This is kind of awesome!
Where the fuck is my battlewagon brincess Luna?
>(synopsis unconfirmed) Rainbow Dash's favorite author announces her retirement. Dash convinces Pinkie Pie to find out if the book on Daring Do will be closed forever.

It'd be interesting if Dash convinced Yearling to let her take over her "job"/series, and began both gathering up magical artifacts and writing about them herself-- She could pass for yearling if she dyed herself after all
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slav detected
I'm somewhat upset that there's an exclusive battle Twilight sparkle toy, but no exclusive battle toys for the other 5
It's Megan: the same one who did pincushion Spike, dog Spike, and lead the helm doing the worst Spike episode of all time; and Spike abuse seasons.
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