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Thread replies: 646
Thread images: 68

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| Current Projects |
>Repairing/protecting Northern Trixie and her banner
>Repairing Fluttershy's banner
>Repairing Rarity's banner
>Repairing FC's banner

>Couch Rarity
>Southern Trixie
>Glimmerboop banner

The void is getting dangerously close to couch Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie. Don't bother redirecting it. Push it back.

| Templates |
Who's in charge of updating this shit? http://imgur.com/a/FY7id
More to follow.

In the last thread we:
>Voted to not use the communist banner below Glimmer
>Decided to add a second eye to the pacman to better match SDLG's logo
>Learned how many chickens to trade a sheep for

See for yourself >>30264597
Link to the action http://pixelcanvas.io/@-122,680

Reminder pixelcanvas mods said they won't erase the NSFW ponies if there's no slit.
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First for fuck commies
What about /vp/'s gift?
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Been working on this and got the mane nearly done. If someone wants to help finish it would be appreciated.

Off to bed, it's 4:30am nearly in the UK, been watching election coverage.
Second for horse pucci

Please post sum
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wall template.png
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Reminder this banner has a second eye on the pacman now, not reflected by the template.

I don't have all the templates that aren't in the album, if anyone wants to help me post the current projects/ ones we're presently defending that'd be great.
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trix is for kids.png
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I believe, hearts and cutie mark aside, this is how northern Trixie is meant to look since that one anon fixed the mane.
Hah, well, what do you know.
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southern trixie.png
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It's on the backlog.
we're working on that new Trixie for Southern Trixie, right?
That dithering still looks off near the horn.
But yea I'm not helping out on that glim glam thing at all.
What is this void you are talking about?
Is there anons working on the spic banner right now?
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couch rarity.png
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Just about done with this one

Black blob in the center, they keep expanding further out slowly. A few tendrils are right above us, likely done by someone looking to attack our ponies.
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the black void.png
355KB, 1031x655px
The void is a big reddit group. Their goal is to consume everything in blackness.

They are rooted to their core, building extensions out like an amoeba. They use black pieces of art as highways to get around the map and consume more things

Pic related is what they looked like before the Moot apocolypse
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Currently working on Couch Rarity.
if I help couch Rarity, could you assist us with Souther Trixie?
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200% Good.jpg
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mlpolitics banner.png
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It should be noted that the people expanding to us likely aren't actually the void, but rather people using the void to attack us. The void tends to expand with thicker tendrils, but the ones they've been using lately are thin and clearly designed to head places fast.
If anyone has a template of the FC banner could you post it please? I don't have that one.
Yea that's been relatively untouched since the last graffiti.
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I need help
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If I missed any relevant templates, especially ones not in the album, help posting them would be appreciated.
So are we building the hat and giving Southern Trixie green eyes still or not?
Check here: >>30267397
The new template has far more than a hat change. >>30267397
I'm helping there too, but it looks like we need more help
Alright, but green eyes to go with the banner right?
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Don't know if this is finished
We could discuss it/vote on it later, but that's not what the template has.

More pressingly, let's try to work on the wall banner. It's under heavy attack.
>That :v
SDLG is at it again.
Also, is antifa fucking around with the banners again?
Yup, the heart is almost gone.
I thought we were going to make a banner for Southern Trixie saying "Totally not a changeling" and give her green eyes, so she's even more different than North Trixie
>tfw I made this after fixing it but nobody gave a fuck
Just 4u anon.
Has anyone noticed we've been raided by the same team all this time? they do the same thing every single time, they always make the horsemask cry
We are so spread out at the moment that we have difficulties keeping up our shits
I know the changeling banner has been a popular idea. Some anons wanted a civil war banner instead, not sure if that's still something people want to have though.

>and give her green eyes, so she's even more different than North Trixie
Personally I don't see the need considering we redid the sprite from the ground up, so there's nothing in common between the two. We need more people to chime in on it though.
This, we shouldn't be building new things until we finish repairing the old.
desu I like >>30267516 idea about the green eyes. And then a "mini" banner under the civil war one with the "Totally not a changeling" one. It makes everyone happy
Exactly, forget about southern Trixie and the two porn ones and focus on defending and finish the rest of the banners.
can we get started on the glimmer banner? Since that's under dispute right now
Why are we even working on stuff during a raid? This has been going on for hours, we should've already been 100% defense.
Yes please. Glimmer banner of glimmer. Fuck that ghetto ass "revolution" banner.
Are we just gonna let them destroy the Aryanne banner?
>tfw no matter what they grief they don't touch the pacman except to make it angry or cry

They seem to be making the bottom half of the banner red in addition to making a pacman emoji - the :v

I'm actually curious to see what they would do to the banner's text if given the chance.

No, fucking defend something.
Someone gets it.
>No, fucking defend something.
I thought we had bots for that?

Are the bot people jerking off or something?

Forget about building and having new ideas that will lead us to 50,000 projects at the same time!
Nigger this shit has been on all fucking day nonstop. They probably have a fucking rotation schedule.
We will eventually reach the point where we have built so much stuff that we won't be able to protect any of it, we can barely keep what we already have together, we need to focus on reparing stuff, not building more
We have bots, but they're being outpaced by having multiple raids from different groups going at once. Plus the wall banner isn't protected by bots yet. We need to fix stuff ourselves too.
>All fucking day nonstop
Can confirm, I've been on repair duty for 18 hours now and they haven't stopped once. I'm fucking off for a while, it can be someone else's problem now.
That's why we have the bots. But apparently the people running them are too stupid to solve this problem
I'm trying to make the RD and Twi images featureless crotches, anyone wanna help?
Can everyone online please divert attetion from building to defending the wall banner and the surrounding pones? The wall banner really triggered the spics.
we're too busy trying to defend all of our shit
We seriously have to stop building right now and be on 100% Defense.
A bot is set to fix that over and over again, don't waste your pixels.
i think it is also the commies who attack this banner
you know because trump slogan and /mlpol/
The bots can't get around the timer, Anon.
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Because we destroyed the circle, made an antagonistic banner and generally trash talk them here. Really, you were all warned that this would happen.
Why are some of you fags so insisting on showing off your shitty political views on here? I just want to draw cute horses
I think the banner was a step in the wrong direction really. Humorous as it may be, it was in poor taste if you wanted to make peace.
Are you really incapable of telling that people might want to make things they don't agree with?
Fuck off, commie.
Maybe because the aryanne/Fluttershy portrait was the first thing we made on there?
I do think the trixie banner could've had a better quote though.
Thank you for helping us in our time of need and for accepting pole refugees our greatest ally.
Expanding west was a step in the wrong direction, we had plenty of room south and now we're paying for our collective need to be the internet tough guy.
That better have been pol and not prole

Speaking of, someone please help me fix this communist banner.
It could be worse, we could've expanded north like that botfag wanted to.
It was worth it, they're only fucking with the banner and not anything else. The rest is the communist's fault.
>people redrawing the horse pussy

its going to be deleted again
who is trying to draw red shit on flutterbats cheek? is this supposed to be a heart?
No, it's not fucking worth it because now we have to defend on two fronts instead of one. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but repairing the damage is starting to become hell and it's delaying us from actually building anything quickly.
Bots are working on it. I wish whoever decided to work on it would put his bot to use defending banners instead.
Looks like the attack on the spic banner stopped, I could be wrong
this, as soon as the voidfags touch the ponies, were fcking doomed
Welp, I moved to a usa vpn and now my cooldown time is only one minute long, I'm keeping this one, btw, spics are sleeping rite now
Well, if it did, we gotta defend and repair Aryanne
They're making a fuckin hammer and sickle.
Pretty much, we're barely defending on two fronts, even though we have the numbers to wipe both the commie and SDLG raids, we'll be slowed down massively when the void reaches us because we'll have to repair that shit around the clock, while repairing damage from raids, and that doesn't leave many people free to build.
I can't even understand what that says
Not a commie, though
That has nothing to do with what I asked
Once we finish fixing the wall we should put almost all our effort into erasing the void to the north of us.
This project was started by mlpol
And what about the /mlpol/ banners? Are we just gonna let r/TheFarLeftSide co-opt it for their own shit?
Does anyone have the link to the reddit thread that's making the void above us? I want to review their strategy.
No, but we can easily come back to those before the night is over. They work on them around the clock, so it's a constant fight between us. I'd rather see the void pushed much further back, eliminate the entire tendril entirely.
There's no point to sitting around meticulously defending something for literally 18 hours a day.

Unless the bots can handle the defense, consider it lost
>attacking apu
too fucking far
What is /mlp/'s obsession with defending the aryanne banner?
we can simply surrender it, make something else and end their fucking raids once and for all, the same applies to SDLG, but no, we're too proud to recognize there is a better choice, instead we are constantly teasing then with this bannes and we have to defend both banners non-stop because both factions are raiding us all the time
What up bros, just getting on
You really think they're going to stop their expansion there? FC's banner had nothing to do with politics whatsoever and they still coopted it. You think they won't do that with our other banners or art projects once they're done?
mlpol is our ally, we aren't teasing or attacking anyone with the banners, they're attacking us and we're defending it
It's pretty clear that the bots are not defending the banners for whatever reason. Probably because the people running them are retards
>end their fucking raids once and for all
hahaha holy shit, the naivety of this guy. Do you seriously believe they'll stop? They will co-opt every single thing we've done for their "purpose". They don't give a fuck. A surrender won't satiate them. In fact it'll just embolden them to fuck up even more of our shit.
Surrendering anything will only encourage further marauding.
Because Aryanne is cute and I protect cute things
You do realize we're Rome, and the barbarians are at our gates.
We don't even have a way to negociate so why bother?
This, They're gonna push as far as they can go on all of our banners.
Is the guy who handles bots in the discord? Can we ask him if they are and to protect them if not?
would we even be here if there was a nice comfy place for making art?
Nobody is going to take over all our murals and banners.
And you want to let them in so they can destroy everything. We want to keep fighting and at least protect some of our other projects.

They've done nothing but attack after attack, and it's NOT just related to our politically oriented banners. They want to change our things to what they want. Are you seriously questioning why we bother protecting things we made, that we want to have there? It's for the same reason they come back every fucking time and remake their shit on top of it.
Glimmys eye is blue
Man, /bant/ is just utterly dead. I don't think we can rely on them anymore. I think they threw in the towel for good.

Fuck, man. What other allies can we approach? Have we gotten any word from the frenchfags?
Frenchfags given up to other french fags as seen by the french flags constructed near the old site.
we'd need to contact them first, but I think they've given up and I think most of /vp/ quit too, if anyone is in their discord they should ask for help just to be sure
Well said
/bant/ has fallen, /b/ joined the void, /vp/ is doing fine on its own, but has no real reason to help us and /mlpol/ isn't even helping to defend the /mlpol/ banners en masse.

Commie attacks were always a given, but we chose to make ourselves a target to SDLG. I think for most people, the novelty of this game has worn off and it's just the most stubborn of factions holding out, SDLG, us, the commies forcing their propaganda and the voidfags.
This just isn't fun anymore, guy's. Like fucking EVERYTHING godDAMNED commies/reddit touches, it gets utterly ruined and nobody but them wants to associate with it anymore.

Is this the end? All of our past raids were hit and runs, but reddit seems utterly devoted and persistent on this. This has been going on all fucking day nonstop and I'm certain at this point they have a rotation schedule and won't stop until we capitulate.

I ask, is it even worth it anymore? We seem to be on permanent defense now.
Trixie and the wall banner look great
As it turns out, Autism can only be defeated by more Autism.
It's still worth it to me.
Ill be fixing our banners, see ya out there
Aryanne's banner is mostly red, we can't possibly let it fall, as it can become an easy SDLG logo placement.
It has a HUGE tactical value
Actually, despite the constant raiding, quite a bit of building got done as well, now if only those fags would help defend, we could actually drive reddit to defeat.
We're not even doing that bad
I understand, but as it seems, they seem to have the greater numbers and general support of reddit, which is huge.

I mean, I'm still doing my part, but this just isn't fun anymore until they leave.
Yeah nice try
Not just that, but an antifa/soviet flag as well, that's why they're busy removing aryanne, they want to put the hammer and sickle up.
Im fixing the wall banner then ill be right over
The solution is to just build new things. Like check out the sweet Zecora banner in the south. Don't lose hope.

Maybe we need the /vp/ gift to motivate them more.
So, this might seem like a dumb question considering what our last few builds have been, but do you guys want to try to ally with SDLG?

I'm pretty sure we all meant for the banner to be taken as a bit of banter, we wouldn't have put their pacman on it if not. We could put a heart between the puppet and the pacman and maybe change the text to say [SDLG] Build the wall [SDLG]

SDLG has massive numbers, if we approached them offering a serious truce and even moreso, offering to help them expand their logo and giving them our banner as a joke/point of base for them in our area. They enjoy edgy things, they'd probably be okay with defending our fascist banners. Hell we could get their input on MLP related things they'd like to see, they're a large community and probably have some people into MLP.

I haven't suggested this before because I figured it'd be more likely to result in a mass attack directly drawing their attention to us, but what do we have to lose? We're being attacked consistently at a slow rate, which is more disheartening than a one off big raid.
We're at an impasse, essentially. We have the numbers, but we're not utilising them. I say again, buildfags need to get to defending for a change.
no, the issue is how divided we are right now. We DO have enough people, but they're too busy building other projects instead of defending what we have
I second this idea
They're going to give up eventually, raiding is only entertaining for so long. Once when they see that we're never going to give up, they'll move on elsewhere. Look at all of the art we have, we were even able to reconstruct Rainbow Dash when she was nearly obliterated by SDLG and were able to build two portraits after doing so. We'll get through this.
After we destroyed their circle logo after accepting a truce from one of their mods, trash talking them in this thread, which their mod saw and making the banner what it was in the first place? No, we've burned that bridge.
Honestly, it's very tempting. 100% truthful here, I'll take spics over communist cunts/antifa cucks every single day of the week.
>we've burned that bridge.
Probably. There's no harm in trying though, what are they going to do if we ask, raid us? So what?
>Once when they see that we're never going to give up, they'll move on elsewhere
It's a high chance they're thinking the exact same thing

>we were even able to reconstruct Rainbow Dash when she was nearly obliterated by SDLG
Yes, but the circumstances were different. That was a hit and run, and the mexifags had/have to go to bed and school for most of the day. We're up against commies. You think they have jobs and important things to do? Fuck no. Just like us they have nothing but time, and they're utilizing it.
Id be wiling to try the sdlg build the wall idea on the wall banner. Maybe they will see that and recongnise that we are not thier enemies.

They get fucked up everyday and people write 4chan all over thier flag, its a wonder they havent really pushed to wipe us out. They no we wont roll over though. They see we will rebuild and defend everday, which is why i can see somewhat of a truce happening.
You know the brick wall design makes it really easy to troll right?
>It's a high chance they're thinking the exact same thing
Then let's play a battle of wits with them. Show them who is stronger. IF anything, we're doing better than them since we've not only defended ourselves but built more stuff inbetween. Look at our portraits and how they're more intact than damaged right now. If anyone is struggling, it's them.
I fully believe SDLG will give up, their attacks have gotten weaker and weaker each time. I don't believe the communists will. If anything their attacks grow with power/length each time. They want our territory and they're determined to muscle us out of it.

SDLG can understand the humor behind our banner I think, and we're in the position of power with them now in that we've shown we're capable of moving them out. If we go to them offering a truce with very good terms (not just not attacking them, but further helping them repair and expand their banner) we could possibly gain a strong alliance out of this.
The journey is not over bro, we fought bravely and both factions seem to gradually lost interest on us, spics are still butthurt, but they will eventually get over it, it wasn't easy, but we managed to keep them at bay, ever since I installed that vpn, I can fix stuff three times faster, right now i'm working on the vuild wall banner and it feels so good, I can finally keep up the pace
Or how about we offer sdlg help taking down the commies?
Take it as a sign of our weakening resolve, right now, we have to stay the course and outlast both of them, SDLG and Reddit know the other is performing raids, that's likely emboldened them into thinking if they keep it up, they can get us to give up entirely.

It's only a matter of time before Reddit comes under attack from the void, I've tried to help it along by starting blobs closer and closer to their flag and the void seems to be taking the bait, they can't resist that enormous area of black and Reddit's response was to start shielding their flag, we just have to hold out until then.

As for SDLG, they're already under attack from the void, always have been. They were getting bored of the whole thing and were on the verge of quitting before the Mootpocalypse and our subsequent attack on the circle logo, that renewed their interest, but the attacks on their main banner and our resistance to their raids ought to wear them out eventually as it did before.

tl;dr, organisation and resistance, get the buildfags off their projects to defend for a bit, we'll be rewarded with faster build times once those two factions pull off to their own projects.

We need to do this before the void reaches critical mass and starts heading our way, if we aren't close to finished when they get to our borders, it's over.
I believe they asked /bant/ for an alliance doing exactly that and were declined.

They seem to view the void and the communists as their biggest enemies (possibly us too now), so joining up would be mutually beneficial.
What happened to Glimglam's mouth?
This, their attacks are getting weaker showing that a grand majority of them have already given up, we were even able to take their SDLG ball as our own. It's only going to be a matter of time before the rest of the spics give up and we have less enemies to deal with.
Trixie magicked it away for her perveted fetishes.
>Take it as a sign of our weakening resolve
I don't believe we have to come at it from a point of weakness. If we beg for their help, yes. But we don't even have to ask for their help. We could talk to them and offer a truce where we no longer need to worry about one another and can take on other, mutual enemies or aid each other.

No harm in drafting up a response to go to them with that allows us to do that, we don't have to show it to them unless we believe it's the right course of action.
I'm very tempted at this point, but I feel that there is some semblance of buried mutual respect SDLG has for us.

I propose that we approach them with a peach offering of truce, for them to help defend against the antifucks, and in turn, we will help them claim the ex-Iron cross flag now turned pile of dogshit as their own.

They can dominate the center while we can be left to our own devices with their backing.
Thats what we should do, someone should reach out to someone in sdlg that has a say in thing. Telling them that we will even help the destroy the void all around thier flag.and further help defend it if it ever get attacks.

I think they would be up for it becasue they really have no one watching thier shit during the day. That should be pointed out to them too to help them say yes.
The more defensive pacts we sign, the further we get stretched out.
Make a banner MLP <3 SDLG in the red banner.
>defensive pacts
/bant/ has tapped out, Frechcucks surrendered, /vp/ doesn't really care.

What defensive pacts? Our alliances have shed.
The best peace offering we can give them is to rebuild their circle closer to their main banner, away from the void, that is.
But it would also mean no more spic attacks. They could even help us out. I think its a great idea.
Are you really suggesting to make friends with the enemy?
All our allies have since stopped existing. Do we have anything to defend in /bant/? Anything for /vp/? Koreus?

Our only work to defend at this point is our own. I think SDLG does have a sort of begrudging respect for 4chan between the giant moot and for /mlp/ too, given we beat back their smaller logo. We defeated a significant portion of them which is something that other factions can't really say.

In a way we're a very powerful faction ourselves, and I think that SDLG would be willing to accept our truce for what it is.
Make a banner MLP <3 SDLG

If someone can make it ill draw it up right now
I don't think we should go that far until we talk to them, that could be interpreted as weakness and desperation. We should contact them directly and gauge interest.
It's an option, outlasting them or forging peace with them, either way we need to reduce the raids so we can pick up the building pace.
no please don't that's awful
Agreed, we are the only ones to fight off and resist sdlg. We have much more complicated art than they do and we protect it ourselves. We dont need another board we need a truce with sdlg.

And i want a mlp <3s sdlg logo plzz so i can draw it
We should just reconstruct their circle near them, I'm sure someone's got some screenshots of what it looked like, if not, we can just recreate it, it was fairly simple and not much bigger than one of our portraits, it'll take a day at most to rebuild it.
We shouldn't do any big projects for them right now. We should negotiate with them and if they agree, we can help repair their main banner. I think that's what they care about the most.
Well we need something to get them off our back. How about like the other anon suggested SDLG BUILD THE WALL in that one banner. What we have now is basically a slap in the face to all non americans lol especially spics
this stopped being comfy so it's a lost cause for me now.
No, I think the more attractive prize is simply taking the Ancom flag for themselves.

I'd rather it say SDLG than display that putrid filth.
We slapped them in the face and backstabbed the moderator, it's gonna take something big.
I agree, also i need help with left mural
>The smallest change can make the greatest disaster
The parallels to this are hilarious
Well something should be done soon. I dont want a war with the mexicans :( when we could be strong allies.
All of you can be friends with the mexican kids later, right now we need to defend the banners, or else we will be giving both antifa and SDLG a ticket to fuck us up.
that's what I've been doing this whole time, and the second I place a pixel, it gets covered up. They're putting an awful lot of effort into destroying this banner
Forocoche's horse is crying again.
Im helping with banners too. Can someone post a template of the red one thats all f d up. Please and thanks
File: possible truce.png (50KB, 626x428px)
possible truce.png
50KB, 626x428px
"Hola SDLG! MLP quiere ofrecer una tregua. Es cierto que eliminamos el logo SDLG más pequeño, pero no nos desagrada.

Nuestros verdaderos enemigos son los comunistas y el vacío negro. Respetamos el tamaño de sus proyectos, y esperamos que usted sienta lo mismo de nosotros.

Si usted está interesado le ayudaríamos a defender su insignia del vacío ya otros, y así usted hace igual para nosotros. ¿Qué piensas?"

I don't know if this is grammatically correct at all but I tried to keep it simple enough to be understood regardless. What do you think about creating an alliance and sending this to them? We definitely shouldn't grovel if they refuse though, we're capable of handling things on our own.

Commies have numbers, not brains.
Decent, but I would say to put in something that makes it worth helping. Perhaps saying we'll help to take the ancom flag and turn it into another SDLG banner.
I feel like it would be best to have those negotiations after the first initial contact. I think that coming across overeager could be mistaken for weakness.
What's there to respect? Their projects are nothing more than shitting their stolen logo all over others peoples works. The only thing about them that's different than the commies is that they don't speak English. Also, the void doesn't give a damn about us.
Yes that should be sent to sdlg. They would make a powerful ally and i think evefyone agrees. ( alot of mlp ) have to be careful with strawpolls, someone who wants to see us crushed could vote 100 times not to join with sdlg.

And i agree if they say no we leave it at that and move on
Why not turn all of our portraits into Bacmen while we're at it?
Are we really committing to a military alliance? We've been neutral for the entire time, at this point, it'd be an active declaration of war.
True. Though, I can't help but feel that this might backfire on us. There might be a temporary alliance, but who's to say they won't just raid us again and destroy us permanently this time once everything is said and done?

I approach this tentatively, but still...I fucking hate commies.
Dont be dramatic, we want whats best for all of us.
That's an outright confession of weakness.
"Hola SDLG! /mlp/ quiere ofrecer una tregua. Es cierto que eliminamos el logo SDLG más pequeño, pero no nos desagradan.

Nuestros verdaderos enemigos son los comunistas y el black void. Respetamos el tamaño de sus proyectos, y esperamos que ustedes sientan lo mismo por nosotros.

Si ustedes están interesados, les ayudaríamos a defender su logo del vacío y otros, y así ustedes hacen lo mismo para nosotros. ¿Qué piensan?"

Grammatically correct version.
Source: i'm mexican
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>the void doesn't give a damn about us
This is a rough approximation of how it looked before we erased a large portion of it, the areas nearest to us are circled.

The votes are split right now. Don't jump the gun. If people think this is the wrong decision then it's the wrong decision. We can revisit it later
To become the bitch of a bunch of 12 year olds?
Honeslty who the hell are the commies? Can someone explain that to me. Is it just the group of fags that made the commie flag up north? And i take it they want us destroyed as well?
That's probably from when SDLG was USING THE VOID TO ATTACK OTHERS!

The bottom line was the line of the boobs...
The whole point is we would be making this truce on equal footing. We do not bow down to SDLG, we do not ask them to bow down to us. We've proven we are strong enough to survive and defend against their attacks based off of the logo we erased. We should not make ourselves their bitches like some anons are suggesting with little gifts strewn about everywhere - and god forbid doing it before we've even talked to them.
Did you know that the void is working WITH the other 4chan boards to attack SDLG?
Wtf what a bunch of faggots seriously
this is true. the last thing we need are more enemies. The act of gaining a single ally doesn't make up for multiple new enemies
Yeah most of b/ is now claiming they are the void, after it destroyed the clovers..
Instead lets work to strengthen our alliances and gain more support to fight against all of these Reddit invaders.
Yes. /b/ is the main part of that, they haven't shown us any semblance of kindness so I'm not terribly concerned about making enemies with /b/. /bant/ has all but abandoned pixelcanvas. Those that haven't seem to have migrated to a small isolated area and have no interest in defending our works further or attacking others, or have made /mlp/ their primary faction.
That means we need the /vp/ portrait up and running.
>lets work to strengthen our alliances
What alliances? Everybody major gave up.
I've heard multiple times from people in the discord that only a few of them still are interested in pixelcanvas. They don't want to do it anymore, a gift for them won't help us.
Shouldnt be hard to rally outsiders to destroy a commie flag honeslty. A few good posts in the right places to trigger normies to come destroy it
That'd backfire given that the swastika would be more likely to be removed then the hammer and sickle.
This, and they'd constantly report it in the discord. Mods or the massive army of kiss-assess in the discord would routinely remove it.
Yes, meanwhile we still have the build wall banner up, this totally doesn't look like a plea for peace because our resolve is failing. I still think we should build something for them near their banner without approaching them first, then propose the truce so they actually know we're sincere about it.
Has anybody tried to contact /mlpol/ at their own chan?
Yeah maybe youre right. I really dont like the morale of mlp right now though. Even though we have stood strong through all this people act like we will get on pixecanvas tomorrow and everythings going to be gone
>Take the banner down because they might dislike it and get mad
Jesus Christ. When you make a truce with someone you don't preempt it by making yourself seem weak and pitiful. If anything we should get the banner in perfect condition BEFORE considering offering a truce.

Show them we are strong and are not going to back down no matter what they accept or do not accept.
Well Aryanne is almost gone.
It'll take even reddit's constant effort days to eradicate everything we've built, but it only takes a few pixels here and there to shit everything up.
I'm not saying we should take it down, but we should offer them an olive branch of some kind before making any kind of proposal.
They have been actively defending the banners. Some have been falling due to exhaustion.
We just pushed them back a little, maybe we can repair it tonight
Guys, i'll go to sleep, I fought as fast as I could, even with vpn I couldn't protect the wall, take care of it while I'm not here, I'm about to fall asleep, good luck bros, starlight is completely messd up btw
Take a look at the banners. It's not the ponies we're worried about, three of our banners have fallen. One more is on the verge of falling. This is night, when we should be at our strongest/cleanest. When despite all the raids, we should be repairing and doing well for ourselves. Instead we're losing more and more ground.

Absolutely not. That is not going to be seen as an olive branch, it'll be seen as a desperate plea for help from one weak faction to a more powerful faction. We are not weak or pitiful and we can stand on equal ground with them. They attacked us, full force. We repaired it quickly and got the shit we had planned done regardless.

They're not oversensitive pansies that can't take a joke, making them a gift isn't going to make up for the fact we destroyed their logo. That is what they're mad at. Not a stupid joke about Mexicans.
Sorry im down on the other end on trixie and the wall banner, if i get caught up ill move over there
Im on the wall bro, later
Freaking Starlight's looking like she hopped up on some spice.
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>Dumb nazi banners getting attacked
>waifus are fine
Wow who gives a fuck
Most of the people who made those waifus. Do you want to lose the people who defend them, build them, and make templates for them?
>inb4 someone "commie scum" this anon
Lol its okay, she will get cleaned up. Promise
commie scum
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The bots aren't drawing the pussies, people are doing it, that's why they're different every time. It's an interesting experiment, if you draw censored porn, someone will always try to complete it.
>56 votes and still going even though consensus has already been reached
>all overwhelmingly for one side even though it was fairly neck in neck at first with a slight lean towards fuck SDLG
What the fuck happened the past 6h?

No mater how bad the raid was, when I woke up everything was fixed usually, but now I still see a bunch of unfixed shit.
Wow really. Glad to hear it
>moderators are okay with commie symbols despite the literal hundred million dead because of them
It's official. (((They))) moderate pixelcanvas
Also the people always trying to start shit, vp gets along just fine without it.
we're more spread out and more people want us dead
The raid hasn't stopped in over 24h, we have not gained ground at all during that time. Four of our banners have been consistently shit up.

SDLG kept attacking the wall until they went to bed, the communists have attacked four of our banners (Rarity's, Fluttershy's, the horsemask, and Trixie's) and the communist's attack have only gotten stronger and stronger over time.
You're glad to hear that people are cheating in a strawpoll?
How many people are fixing shit. Cuz i think im the only one on trixie and the wall banner. Coukd use a hand
Posted it over on /mlpol/ since they deserve a say in any peace treaty talks.
Everyone awake is fixing shit. Absolutely everyone. I've been working for eight hours fixing it, and before that I was working from when I woke up to when I went to work.

No they don't. They have done nothing to defend any of their banners. They aren't willing to help us, why do they deserve a say in our future?

That's the same as one of the other anons posting one of our strawpolls to /bant/. /bant/'s dead. They don't have anything to do with pixelcanvas anymore. Why should their opinion on our shit matter?
Someone started with the gift to /vp/? I thought we didnt decide on what to use yet.

Anyone have the template?
Have you? That's fair then, it seems like you've given up and abandoned them for dead though.
There was a twilight rapidash posted a lot earlier.
We're fighting against numbers. There is no possible way to maintain maximum effort 24/7. We're still only human after all.
Dude these commies really are some lifeless mother fuckers with nothing better to do all day and night than change some banners
the colors dont match that template.
Americans wil be up in a few hours and well fix all this bullshit
they work so fast and in sync too.
It's like they have... autism?
Haha its a stalemate!!!
we've been defending and fighting this raid for a day now. I'm not sure how the day crew will help all that much
Keep the faith my friend, we will be fine
On a side note, why are /vp/'s portrait and banner smaller that standard?
Yeah the Forocoches banner has fallen to them forever now.

Right now we should defend the heartland.
So where do we go from here? If we don't want a truce with SDLG, and we don't want to give up our banners- which we absolutely shouldn't do- then what can we do? We're fighting a losing battle, all of our other allies have quit or abandoned us.

The way I see it we have only a few options:
1. Give up and let the communist shitters win
2. Fight and slowly watch as we all lose interest/ hope and eventually all the banners have communist crap written on them
3. Find someone powerful and active to ally with
4. Find some other solution

If SDLG is off the table, what do we have besides a willingness to keep repairing these until the end of time? The enemy has that too, and the enemy has larger numbers.
Believe it or not this is by far better than it was during the day. SDLG went to bed, it's just the communists fucking us up now. We also managed to partially fix Rarity's banner.
because it was made by a retard that measured it from the end of glimmers tile and forgot theres a verticle strip between them.
Im going to give up, I only don't like that the communists are going to be happy about it but theres hundreds of these retards.
EVERYTHING that reddit touches turns into a fucking piss and shit smoothie.
Everyone stop acting like we have absolutly no chance to keep our art. Ill never give up and will be on here everfay fixing shit all day long if i have to
I'm not giving up. That's why I want to find another solution, the communists attacking us have only gotten more and more powerful and amassed more and more numbers. And it's not a "raid". Raids are hit and runs. This has been a consistent project they've given themselves, the same as we gave ourselves the Sisters project or the north Trixie project. They've set their minds to it and have people working around the clock, and always more people than we do.

If it was a raid we could stand and fight, then rebuild when they go elsewhere. I fucking wish it was a raid. But it's not, so we need to adapt and find a new way to keep our banners intact.
We aren't the only ones fighting these guys. Right now our "allies" are focusing more on SDLG and doing offline tactics like building spy networks and stuff. They are also actively trying to recruit allies and are trying to set up an alliance with the void. All we can do alone, is to keep defending and hope the more aggressive individuals make enough progress to start drawing attackers away from us. We can always try going around and gaining allies on our own though.
Yeah i understand that. Im all for a truce with sdlg, but that wont help us with this. We shoud ask other boards for a hand. And just keep at it. They will give up eventually. Because im not going to
>gaining allies
who though? all that's left is the commies, the Mexicans, and the void.
>going around and gaining allies on our own though
I want to do that, yes. SDLG is not wanted as an ally, so who can we all agree on? What group can we either get as a direct alliance who will help us, or just someone we can convince to attack the communist banner.
Off site. Why are we limiting ourselves only to those actively doing art? We could also try to get more bots set up or get more of our people to set up free VPNs. They have quantity so we either have to match it or respond with quality. Making ever soldier worth 5-10 of theirs.
I might sound like an idiot, but what's that?
For some reason i can do the mobile trick to post faster. I worked all day 2 days ago but hasnt today. Any reason for that?
We need to get more people to make bots then, and to ensure no one shares it. Because anyone could pose as someone 'trustworthy' or just lurk our threads and get some bots for themselves, then share it with the whole of the communist or SDLG group.

We also need to get all our banners into the botfags' templates.

But even then I don't think that'd be enough, we need more help or to find the communists more enemies.
So it seems that Perfidious /mlp/ has finally met its match.All your autism and all your bots cannot defeat the oncoming wave.
Our banners aren't in the bots. If they were we'd probably be in a better position.
It route your connection through a computer in another country, essentially giving it a new temporary IP address allowing you to post again immediately.
oh hey skeley
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First an foremost you've gotta lean what Google is
what's a google? a type of goggle?
How so?
It's short for googleplex. It's a large number you see.
It might be possible to pass them out on long running Discords or sites that don't have as much anonymity.
Actually, those are two different numbers.
We are doing great on thr left side we are making good time repairing. A few more hands on this side could help push and get it done quicker so we can start moving to the right together
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Actually, I want to fucking kill myself because of how retarded this thread is becoming.
Going to go to sleep, been during this for half a day now.
In theory. But you have to realize, anyone could infiltrate us, gain our trust over a long period of time, get the bot, and then share it en masse. Or they could legitimately be a member of us and just not be as discrete with it.

It just takes one shitty person to ruin it. And in addition we'd be killing our threads. /vp/ made their discord with the same plan, a place to talk without holk seeing what they were saying to target them. It worked, but huge amounts of people lost interest because they didn't want a discord and the threads died, people stopped working on pixelcanvas. The discord continued on for a while, but they lost interest too and now there's virtually no one in the /vp/ faction. The discord has become a chat room.
Another option is built in security features like a self destruct timer, encrypted randomly generated password forcing the user to contact the creator, or programming them so they can only possibly do specific templates at specific locations.
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>not wasting your youth forcing yourself to stay awakr to put pixels of ponies on a website that won't exist in five years

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Dude, we need help on the right side, aryanne is almost gone, they want to make a communist flag in it's place.
And filly is fucking dead
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who's doing this cute little trixie? I've been filling in the colors today waiting to see if it was going to be finished or if I would have to finish it myself. but in the last hour or so someone put in that rear leg, which looks awful. is there a plan for this?
I'm sorry guy's. I'm so fucking tired. I have to call it quits now.

On the bright side, couch rarity is nearly finished.
:) 3 AM here fighting thr good fight
I'm trying to help aryanne
Same here, some douche is trying to reverse the improvements that I'm doing to Starlight though.
Ill be over soon as i fix left side murals. Im almost done, give me 10 min tops
I've spoken to /vp/'s programmers and they said it would be comparatively trivial to reverse engineer their bots as opposed to building one. You can't make a program impossible to reverse engineer either, at best you can make it more difficult to do so.

Someone who knows a bit about programming but not enough to build a bot could get the program and find out how it works, then modify the bit of code that 'locks' it to certain templates, change the templates it's locked to, or copy the code but without the bit that creates a password.
Apocalyptically bad ideologies in the ad-space or not, the art is still beautiful and you should be proud
seriously fuck aryanne and anonfille I am fed up with fixing them every single hour of every single day

What is subjective?
Explain yourself.
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What is it about political banners that just set people off? Honestly ANCAP and NSDAP were just ignored like two years ago, but now people get triggered by them like they're a horsefugger in 2012.
Damn, I hate not being good at programming.
Politics has been becoming an increasingly volatile subject.
Minimalism is better
Im proud of you anon :)
>More people than we do
Except they don't, most of the fags working over the past day were building other shit, like the wall banner and raricouch. They were content to let it go to shit with the faith that the bots would clean it up.
Later guys, I'll try to wake up as quickly as I can.
Yeah, but at least raricouch is nearly done. It's something to show.
>we totally didnt raid the commie banner tho
it feels like no one is even trying to defend the /mlpol/ banner, are you all commies or some shit?
Thank you, I'm trying to get rid of her mouth again.
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Broken glasses.png
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I'm doing my best.
Yes, we have a couch, at least we have that. Meanwhile it looks like communist bastards took a fat smelly turd on our doorstep and we do little more than scrape it off the pavement with a stick bit by bit.
Im on the mural above you fixing the left ones eyes. We are all working quick as we can m80 we will get it fixed dont sweat it
Yeah, I stopped caring about the pol banners tbqh because it annoyed and frustrated the fuck out of me to waste hours and hours fixing them while getting absolutely nothing else done myself. I am all for getting rid of them and replacing them with new banners to finally get rid of this constant annoyance.
We need to pick one single banner to defend and all work together on it. We're failing terribly on all four fronts, we don't have the numbers to split our work between building and repairing, and we don't have the numbers to split between repairing four different banners.

When we get one of them perfected we can go to the next one down the line and so on, but we need to be a united front. Which banner should we do?

on a brighter note, some people MUST be listening to some kind of music while you're doing this shit.

What music are you listening to, /mlp/?
I'm tired of placing two pixels to five of theirs for several hours, that's not fun.
Increasing the number of political banners just increases our workload because even more shit is being attacked.
trying to fix the words currently

The only correct choice.
Why can't you shitters know that minimalism for Starlight is better? FFS.
i'm working on it on and off. dunno who put that leg , i'm gonna try and get rid of it
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aryanne banner.png
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It's not conclusive yet but I'm making the switch to defending it anyway.
Build Wall banner under attack again.
See >>30268570
Come help out.

it never ends with these people trying to destroy our banners
eh, I'm about ready to join up with the void at this rate.
I give up, I'm joining the Void.
See you space horsefuckers
Look at aryanne, we're making excellent progress. If we keep up with all four banners this way we might make it.
Remember to attack SDLG and commies
Help me erase Starlight's mouth and shave her eyebrows
VPN clients ftw.
petition to change the jews to commies
Any botfag willing to give very vague steps of how he made the bot?
After this gets fixed, we definitely need to have the banners added to the bots, it baffles me why they weren't added in the first place.
Everything I have helped with is being erased or changed. I need a break

I'm going to expand north with my mobiles and my ip switching.

>Damaging our own things
See this is why we're not getting shit done fast enough
I opened Notepad++ and started writing.
Absolutely take a break, go void if you like. But don't quit forever.
Nice try, Mexico
Thanks Satan I appreciate the advice
gott mit uns!
Hey what are the dimensions of the tile and banner boxes?
Who should we move to next once we finish fixing it? Maybe anonphilly? It's closest to being completed and since they're right next to each other we can see if they start fucking with aryanne while we're working on anonphilly to put a quick end to it
I just want to know if I'm wasting my time trying to deobfuscate the code or not.
One of /vp/'s scripters from /vp/ did that and apparently everyone else did it the easy way. I won't say more though because I don't want to help a possible enemy.
Anonfilly looks mostly fixed already, kudos to the guy who did that.
>that one guy who's still working on Souther Trixie
does he not realize we're using a new template?
Yeah. The raid seems to be slowing down too. I hope they quit and didn't just run out of people who're awake.
It's the commies fucking with us.
>My Little Proles

Fucking hell I hate being a leftie sometimes. Don't worry I'm redpilled and hate the fact the thing I believe in will never actually work irl
/political talk
Someone is fucking with glimmer.
Fug the commies
autism's a hell of a drug
It is after midnight in commiefornia, so that could be it.
You can alternatively just script a griefer bot and set it loose on the commie flag, I think they're easier to do.
Can we borrow your autism for the banners?
No idea anon. 100x100 for the tiles I think
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I feel your pain, Anon. I helped work on it as well by outlining the mane. As much as it pains me too, sometimes you have to let go
Why are the two Os in nor/mlpol/ice different?
Someone please help me fix Glimmers snout and mouth
He's just in anger at the moment. Soon he will beg for help to fix, this is bargaining. Then he will quit for a week, this is depression. Finally acceptance to the changes.

Or they will just spam red dots on everything else while they chimp out more
Jip, that's trivial. I can use the same method to make a bot to build new things, but it can't detect changes for repairs, so I want to make a proper bot
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special eyes.png
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jesus christ, that couch rarity is nearly completed after all that has happened. To whoever's working on it, I'm impressed
I got you but i only have 1 ip working.
Oh wow, awesome! I moved away from it a bit earlier for defense. Nice to see it's goign well.
The side banner on Fluttershy's left has a commie defending it. Just one.
What's it supposed to say normally?
template? I'm not sure what 'font' to use
"You should fuck a horse" I'm pretty sure
you should fuck a horse
Yes. Complete with pink heart afterwards.
HUZZAH good job guys. Fug them jews
>this one faggot who keeps removing Glimmers
kill yourself you fucking sabotage fag >>30268559
more like commies

>Some of them still struggling
Shit, they're just not having it. I may want them to die in the most horrid possible way, but I cannot deny their persistence. It's admirable in its own way.
I wonder why they felt the need to change that. I mean it was not political..
They're like us. I bet they don't have the persistence though. We've been fighting them for more than 24 hours on the losing side. Should we fix fuck a horse before we move to another banner?

Neither was the FC banner.

well done
It doesn't matter to them, have you seen the rules on their reddit? Anyone even remotely involved with """facism""" is immediately banned, no trial.
Guys I'm trying to repair the s in jews, stop fucking with me and check the template
sounds pretty fascist to me
Everything is political these days.
There's only one or two guys repairing it, and it looks like they're faltering now, focus on the more visible stuff for now.
They're not big on common sense, but there's no shortage of irony.
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New Canvas.png
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the template
I'm gonna finish helping fuck this horse and I'll be right over, then FC after- it's been dead way too long
Someone PLEASE tell me the dimensions of the tile square outlines or I am going to just keep going left
100x100, not counting the outlines (so 102x102)

no idea on banners
It's retarded, all they do with rules is like that is force fascists to fester in their own hugboxes.
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here is the Glimmer template
please stop erasing shit I already fixed
by which of course you mean their own, right?
wall griefer I don't know who you are but I sympathize with how you're feeling
Stop giving her a mouth
stop breathing
Just woke up, looks like some major shit just happened kek
Starlight looks bad with a mouth, get rid of it.
Holy shit this Glimmer mouth erasing autist is worse than the Flutterbat teeth remover faggot
Communists have been raiding us for over 24h. Raid is honestly the wrong word, they have "projects" for our banners and more numbers than us. We're just barely edging them out on the autism front but they seem pretty stubborn and autistic too. For the most part the strength of the raid has only grown until recently when they all went to bed.
You look bad with your life, get rid of it.
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better version
Already did
It's as bad as Apple jack Grin anon.
Updated template to reflect one pixel change in the sombrero and the second eye
Good, I will monitor Glimmer now to counter this fag who keeps removing her mouth
Used the VPN power on it. Let's hope it stays now.
You're missing a few eyelashes on one of her eyes, anon. :)
you are a saint
Yeah it's fucking retarded
thanks for telling me, I would have not noticed
good thing that you are dumb
Glimmy's nose is 1 block high
Autism must defeat Autism.
southtrixiefag's autism will win against all, the question is will he ever be able to stop working on it long enough to channel his autism productively?
Follow the template on build the wall logo, stop changing the way we spell the letters plz
It's okay anon, it's okay. We can have a green eyed hat trixie, just make sure you follow this template >>30267397

Breathe. It's okay.
I'm helping to. Got to give my waifu some love after a day of defending
Don't worry, friend, he doesn't mean it. You're a true inspiration.
Your waifu is shit, kill yourself
somene seems to be trying to remove glimmers left eye
requesting assistance
I suggest we use this as the template the black background really helps the green eyes pop
assisting now. This guy really has something against the Glim Glam
thx, occasionaly keep an eye out for her mouth
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changeling template.png
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I'm okay with that, but bring back the left hair's outline like pic related.
You just don't understand my artistic expression.
artistic expression through destruction? are you intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor as well?
Oh, fixed a small thing with the eyes. I'm going to bed but if we want to use this version I'll take a closer look tomorrow and modify the outline even more to work with the background if necessary.

Good job night crew. You're the only group who ever gets shit done.
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antiantifa flag.png
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i posted this on mlpol but the resize came out shitty so here is a good version if anyone wants to piss off some commies
How do you get your grid to look so nice? The only way I can get the grid is by taking a screen shot
We're already doing that with the Aryanne banner and tile. Don't want them to sperg out more
Why does RD have human pussy?
And her eyebrows, he keeps fucking that up too.
Same. I use aseprite though and its grid looks nicer. You can also use a pattern brush in the shape of an L. Also I lied here's the final version. Put a glow around it to prevent the outline being lost, also fixed some shit up.
Nice, great job
Good news!
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whats going on here.png
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what the hell is happening under glim glam?
the commies all quit pixelcanvas?

a banner that we were going to make before it got voted out

This y'all.
>southern trixiefag erased like 10 correct guide pixels for new southern trixie while "completing" her hair
Seems like the communists liked the old one better.
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Glims nostril is 1 pixel too low.
Meant to be like this.
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/mlpol/ banner is being fucked with again
We should make our next OP image be a collage of all the templates that aren't in the album. I'd work on making the picture myself but I'm going to go to bed, good night anons. Good luck defending once the commies and Mexicans wake up.
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Hi /mlp/, /bant/kas (seperate group from the flag ones) reporting wondering how to go about tackling a project we have recently started. Seeing you make all those big impressive portraits made us want to make one, and it's proving... a bit hard. We're maybe 1/6th of the way done after a couple of days and that's after continuous work cycles. How long does it normally take to make one of these?

I suppose your hands are a bit tied to help us directly, but if you did help, I know one guy who has four computers hooked up who has been doing the majority of the pixel dropping whose able to set borders down fast. Most of the the progress so far has been from him, and if you can aid us, maybe we can help you?
Where are you setting this up?
sure, I can help you for a little while. Doesn't hurt to help others while a raid isn't going on.

Though, we need some coordinates
Really long unless there's a lot of help on the project and a very active userbase. We've been raided for more than 24 hours consecutively right now and we're still working on repairs, the raiders are expected to wake up soon so we'll probably be hit again before long. But if we finish the repairs before then I'll give you a hand. Coords?
Coordinates and some promise of assistance in the near future pls
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-539,-732! Thank you very much for helping, I'll be sure to let everyone else know about it! The situation is rather complicated: /bant/ proper isn't really dead, but its split off into a bunch of different groups with different objectives. We're kind of scared to unite together because that brings us under the scrutiny of- them.
I'm still working on dancing Twily
Me too.
and you seem to be doing one hell of a job. keep it up
Keep up the good work!
Either that or the other communists decided to play nice.

Just check out that progress!
He's a big guy now well done
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About the /vp/ gift, I have an idea, this sprites came from a pokemon fangame that took 10 years to finish development and it was cancelled one week after it's release by nintendo itself, the game became really popular because of this, since we're doing a gift to /vp/ why not make the pony portrait also a pokemon one? this little fella is called Minicorn, the black guy is Oblivicorn & the last ones are Kiricorn and it's mega evolution, what do you guys think?
>Pokemon Uranium
I'd stick with Twilight Rapidash
Minicorn a cute.
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I like the third one.


I didn't expect this much help! Again, the coordinates are -539,-732, and I'm trying to get into the discord my friends are organizing so I can tell them the news! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
assisting now. don't expect it for too long, but some help is better than none
Is anyone working on this Vinyl, or is it abandoned?
then fix it, i am still fending off this autist who keeps messing with Glimmer
I will give you guys a few pixels, this things take time and effort, just remember this, finishing the portrait is not the end, it;s just the beggining, you need to monitor it and protect it from being vandalized, raided or wiped out of the map, I'm glad to hear we inspired someone else to create.
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New Glim template!
How about no you spastic turbo autist?
How about yes tho you *insert lame insult here*?
fuck off
How about you you autistic waste of human skin
anyone got the template for the banner under Glimmer?
Don't tell me you're also Apple Jack Grin anon?
>Who's more annoying

There you go.
Persistence and autism, dear Anon, that and cheating the timer by dropping pixels from both your computer and phone connection, assuming they have different IPs, which is what I've been doing.
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Glimmy is under attack again, please help fix
Oh that anon working on Dancing Twily is going to be pissed when he finds out about the boop
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not lewd.jpg
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I'm thinking of changing the un-lewded twilight to this. Too lewd?
I can't help today, not at home. Don't worry, ill be there in a couple of hours.
Found the anon
I wouldn't worry about the pixels on her mouth, that's definitely one of us having a laugh and it won't go overboard.
>having a laugh
that fuck is actually serious>>30269205
Serious indeed.
What's he gonna do, spam more strawpolls?
It's not like he's destroying it, it's like three pixels that can be fixed in a few minutes, focus on real damage.
>being this mad
Those strawpolls weren't me tho.
>being this fucking autistic
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>Someone d
Samefag arguing with yourself. Are you that lonely?
And now we see the weakness inherent in the system!
What portrait is being done left of south trixie?
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>someone disagrees with me and I have no good argument so I'll call them autistic, that means I win
Look at that anon go with the dancing twiggles
>every banner fixed except My Little Poles
seriously guys, if we hate it that much why don't we just make a different one and replace it?
Can we have a bojack banner there?
If we're not making a minicorn portrait, can we at least put her in the banner plz?
oi, you didn't mention people actively trying to defend the art you're drawing over
Looks like the void is on a collision course for the Anarcho-Communists.
Wait, what? Who?
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We agreed not to build this, stop wasting your pixels and build your dancing twi somewhere else
the Lithuanian flutterbat banner was changed, don't see why we can't change the Polish one
I've noticed, at least a few times, when I try to draw over that flag, someone undoes my work

We tried contacting Australia without success. The flag next to them appears to be abandoned, and the Charizard next to us is seems to be held by /vp/, but I can't find their thread to talk to them about it.
Give us the guarantee to transfer to another banner, because the attitude otherwise seems like zero-tolerance.
I see little issue with that banner being placed. In my honest opinion, a double glimmer so close to each other seems a bit weak

I'm not doing the cancerous boop and will deface it if it gets made. I'm helping with Southern Trixie right now and will donate my pixels to help Twiggles
We agreed to build both and that one is already under construction, many pixels have been spent on it, we can't just throw hours of work into the trash and start all over again
Yes, we
We agreed that more of us prefer another glim than that nazi/commie thing
tell that to the Souther Trixie fag
Good Morning everyone, whats the latest? Anyone need help drawing anything? Everything looks in good shape, from hard work im sure. Sdlg flag us under attack again
We also agreed that we would build Trixie on the bottom row though.
I was not even here for that vote. I'm helping the Twiggles it will get the commies of our back
Yes we did, what is your point in that statement?
we could use help with the banner under Glimmer or help with the new Southern Trixie

another board asked for assistance, so giving them a little help wouldn't be out of the question >>30269135
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We need to delete this before it's too late, any volunteers?
What >>30269351 said. Need help with Dancing Twily and New Southern Trixie
Head fake
You mean
Holy shit i thought it was fake. Maybe we should let them build it there. Cool tensions betweem us. We took down thier huge one. Let them keep a little one there. Compromise......anyone agree with me here
very well, but as soon as they go berserk with their expansion, we're going to retaliate
We made a deal to let them have the tiny one
Im right there with you, i dont think they will though. They are getting attacked right now. Let them build their little sign right there showing them its not us. And that we dont want to attack each other. Showing we can live in harmony. Become allys. I say let them build it
I will help you with southern trixie. Leave the sdlg logo alone guys
LET IT GROW PEOPLE this could be a big moment in history. Plus i think its a very wise move
If it's actually them...
Fine, I'll let it grow
What is going on with Trixie's ear?
Same thought went through my head. But its a win win, even if its not them they will see that we arent fucking with it. And that we let them have a little emblem near our stuff. Proving that we can be reasonable and also proving we arent the ones attackinh thier flag. Not saying we need to be friends with them but would be nice if we respected each other stuff, which is all i want
that's a good question
we need help on the fluttershy banner again... fucking commies...
That was probably done in the attack last night. Thats the type of things they were doing. Messing with the murals details.
Build the Wall banner is also fucked again
Im on it
They always target /mlpol/ themed banners, why?
It must trigger a lot of peolle my guess. Plus it looks so beautiful :)
They get triggered
/pol/'s got that badboy reputation.
Idiots the mods nuke swastikas remember
because its about national sozialism
anyone else notice Couch Rarity getting attacked?
Whoever is working on that stop and help rebuild build the wall. It a stalemate right now, need 1 more guy to make progress
Eyes look like swastikas.
Please someone help, this dudes pissing me off, help fix it so he will fuck off
Heads up we may get raided more now because of the nutjob that shot some people and then an hero'ed. He published a manifesto on youtube and it turns out he's a horsefucker so MLP is going to be in a bad light again
Yet they let commies build their mass murder symbol. Go figure.
Omg wtf bbq
Well /co/'s got hit even worse what with him being a Danny Phantom fan.

One's not banned in Germany.
on it
What's the score?
Randy Stair.
(((They))) strike again
Elliot Rodger: The /co/ edition
Score: 3 (-1 for suicide)
Thanks man
That's pretty weak.
Who's Gerald Tarrant?
Can the people chanfing FC banner to some communist nonsense please stop?
Pac man is supposed to have 2 eyes right?
I'm posting the botscript to their pages now.
No ours has 1 becman has 2. Also someone is writjng i love communism in horse head banner
Looks like Reddit is back, and in force.
What is that left subreddit called?
Commie faggots
I believe it's the /farleft/ or something like that. They're the communist/anarchist equivalent of the Void.
Thanks. I have a gift for them
Because bots are lame and you will never stop using them, so the only counter is for everyone to have them.
You learned nothing from the mootpocalypse did you?
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I don't normally come on this board, but you guys are being fucked with hard by leddit's /r/communism and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM boards. Fire up those bots, or the /mlpol/ banner is going to turn into another commie flag.
We only use them to repair, they're going to use them to deface EVERYTHING with their propaganda
Youre giving them a bot to use to fuck our shit up?
>fucked hard right now
We all know that isn't true, And even if it was, it's still bullshit because each person not repairing is an extra person that can be building.
We've been raided near continuously for a long time now, It's London Blitz levels of buisness as usual.
If that's how you choose to look at it. I see it as a means of making our bots irrelevant.
Holy shit! I didn't notice that, wed better get started fixing that

If I'm not mistaken, those types of bots, the kind that directly insert into the websocket were borked when SDLG was caught abusing them.
Okay, well thanks for sharing. Dont know why you would aannouncethat to us
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Looking good so far.
Good thing you're mistaken then
I've fixed the outline of Trixie's ear, if anyone can help filling it it would be nice
Nice job, but we are defending our banners if you havent noticed
Because many have been against the use of bots sand they have only kept increasing in use. It's at the point now tgat they are the only reason our stuff gets repaired faster than destroyed overall.
So let me get this straight, the banners are more important than ponies?
Once again okay. Dont know why youre droning on about them. I personally dont care what anyone does. All i care about is defending the art that we all have put hours on top of hours into
I'll help out with Trixie.
No not at all, but the murals arent getting vandalized. Just banners, so thats what im working on
Looks like the skeletonfag from before, just ignore him. He only keeps repeating his slogans ad infinitum and ignores all arguments.
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Good luck, bronies. I've left them a message at 481,1529, but it won't distract them for long.
That's the point though. Defending them is an achievement, something to be somewhat proud of. It loses all meaning when everyone could stop doing anything, And they'll repair themselves within 12 hours or so anyway.
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It's not bullshit. You even have a proof just a bit to the right of us. Happened overnight yesterday.
Im not skellyfag, im the dentist
Son, the banners aren't protected by bots.
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It's actually /TFLS/ if I recall
What is this supposed to be proving?
Dad, don't comment on things you don't understand
The argument that leftists "deface EVERYTHING with their propaganda", which you countered with "We all know that isn't true".
Our art has lots of right-wing symbols thanks to /mlpol/, and I'm sure we will have more. Left will attack it when they will have the chance.
new thread?
Wait until page 9
Yeah! You don't get it. Someone admitted that they use a bot for something, so we just use bots, fullstop. There can be middle ground.
No, I said that in regards to only using bits to repair. That should've been obvious by the context
Oh, okay. Carry on then, nothing to see here.
There's many more bots than you realise. We were completely denying using them not too long ago until that lie couldn't be held up anymore. Sure there can be a middle ground, but we could also.not use them at all and take full pride in what we make and maintain, but we won't, because weve built too much stuff to possibly maintain without them, but we also wont sacrifice any of that to maintain without bots. So we're now past the point of diminishing returns, but we won't stop building more, so more bots need to be brought online
Lets make a new thread. Some do it!!
Not yet.
cool, someone is building Chen next to Buri-chan :3
I need help with the build the wall banner please
Im on it... adding red pixels now
Or not..
What is the banner resolution without black borders?
so we are doing this commie banner to appease the constantly raiding reds?
No they are attacking our banners
Yes. That's what we do now... someone punches us and we cook them dinner
Ye I guess so
Hi /mlpol/
>Hi /mlpol/
Hi 85% /mlp.
love u fags
thank everyone for the help
Explain how it's wrong?
We just want to make new things and not waste pixels on repairs since the botfags aren't doing their job right
What coords?
-14980 x -17250

5 min a pixel
There's nothing out there

2 hours a pixel
Nvm that im a idiot, i thought you said 300,000
Whoever made the pony on the sofa above the murals it looks fucking awesome.
Jesus look at the anon doing the twily banner. Already done a leg and then some.

Also new thread when?
I dont know i wish someone would now. Tired of scrolling so damn much
New thread
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