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Cirquesque CYOA

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Thread replies: 492
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>Catch up on https://www.anonpone.com/cirquesque/
>Previous thread: >>29752315

"What else can you repair?"
"This unit has several redundant mechanisms, but mechanical repairs, which this unit cannot provide, are highly advised. Currently operating at a ten percent efficiency. Currently restoring empathic interface programs."
"The unit will now return to sunlight to recharge its batteries." The drone starts flying off.
"Wait! Why were you turned off?" You rush to say.
"This unit was damaged due to teleportation into the high atmosphere, a magnetic blast, and the subsequent crash into a ship when levitation systems failed."
"Do you have any way to find a way back?"
"This unit was equiped with sensors to detect native Equestrian atmosphere."
"Fine." You sigh. "You can go."
"The unit will be on the ceiling of this building."
You watch it glide out in silence, the sounds of the boats reaching you quietly.
"Hm?" She doesn't turn to you, too focused in shuffling through a book.
"How's your lung?"
"My lung." She stops shuffling for a moment. "I'll be fine when we reach the town and find another medic."
You cringe.
"It's fine." She waits for you to answer and keeps shuffling when you don't. "I am the one who got caught."
"It was a bad situation."
"That it was." She stops shuffling to read.
"Was the blood of that thing... poisonous or something?"
"You might have some diarrhea later." She pauses for a moment, "Although my analysis might be off due to some... impurities on Seaweed's samples."
You cringe again.
"Sleep now, I'll let you off the bed after that."
"How long did I sleep?"
"Not long enough." She says simply.
"But my plants..."
"The parrot and Cas were talking about it earlier." She shrugs. "Sleep."
With a sigh, you shuffle on the bed until you find a more comfortable position. You dream of home.

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The first of them you see when you hop onto your turf is Seaweed, sitting on the roof of her shack and "Staring" onto the sea, her ears twitching every once in a while.
The second is Herb, who isn't shy about posing on your head to give you an upside down look, "Don't die a hero, will you?"
"That it'd be sad for me to be the only Equestrian here, yes? Or for this sorry parrot to be left without a captain."
You start answering, but bear hug makes it into a weak wheeze instead.
"You idiot." Cas grabs you with more strength than a mare her age oughts to have, "Don't run off like that again."

There was user input I left off these posts to keep it from being twice as long, pic related.
Whoa easy, we couldn't let that thing come up under the ship.
S-sorry. Fear makes ponies do things. It's gone right?
Hug Cas back, and apologize. We aren't the type to stand back and let others risk their lives without us at least helping in some way. How have things been since we were out?

Go up to Seaweed and give her a quick and soft hug. Ask her how she is. They only told us she would be fine but nothing else about her current condition.
We'll try. But we can't make any promises. Heh.
I have some issues.

There is no evidence other than his earlier fight with the sea monster that supports Lettuce Leaf being a brave and out going pony, but I agree on the part about helping. Maybe I'm just being not picky.

We still need Dance's permission to leave the bed and know if we have any fractures we need to worry about.

Seaweed if well enough to climb on top of her home, but what about the Dudas? How are they doing?
I don't consider Leaf to be brave either. We're cowardly, but we're willing to look past that if it is necessary to help someone. At least that's what our actions point to.
And yeah, forgot that we still aren't suppose to get up without permission from dance.
Sorry if if my responding post seemed aggressive. I get like that alot.
Nah, your post was fine. It made some good points to take into consideration. I'm curious if Leaf will become more brave in time if dangers are common on the sea.
That will be left to us the players, time, and his exsperience to decide. I wait in baited breath for what becomes of Leaf as he develops.
Ah but that's just the thing, isn't it? True bravery isn't the absence of fear but overcoming of fear. Such as going to help of friend Seaweed despite how dangerous it was.
Fear and Bravery. This is something I will enjoy discussing with you all about.
>>29958101 >>29958128
>>29958131 >>29958163
>>29958219 >>29958251
>>29958272 >>29958300
>>29958366 >>29958526
"Sorry," You try to turn around but she caught you on too tight a sideways hold, so you joke instead. "You'll break something--"
She lets go of you immediately and looks you over, "Are you hurt?" She grabs your face and turns it, searching for any wounds under your mane.
"Dance told me not to use my wings for a bit," You grab her hoof and pull it off your face to chest level, "Cas, calm down. I just overexerted."
She doesn't say anything for a moment, "Don't do that again."
"I couldn't let that thing stay under the ship, couldn't I?" She doesn't answer, so you go for flattery to calm her down, "You were in it."
That seems to bother her, "Or that."
"Put yourself in risk for me."
"I'll try to." You say awkwardly, not knowing how else to answer that. "Uhm, what about that worm? Did it come back?" She shakes her head, "And how's the Dudas?"
"They are in your house now. We didn't know where else to put them." She says weakly. "The big one's been talking with the other one since we brought them here." She pauses. "We took care of your plants."
"That we did, captain my cap'n" Herb flutters off your head to perch on Cas'. "Kept the foals from walking over them."
"Thanks... hey, I'll go see how's Sea and come back in a bit, alright?"
Cas nods, sitting on the grass despiritedly.
It hurts a bit to leave her like that, but you are thankful to have space to think when you walk off.
You hesitate at the now so noticeable difference in heights between your turf and the walkways that surround Sea's shack, but bite down on it and make the jump despite your lack of wings, the weight on your chest slightly lighter when Cas giggles at your scrambling to climb it and not fall onto the sea.
The lack of wings becomes even more noticeable when you have to climb her shack, using the loose hoofholds and ropes that Sea used to climb it when you tied the sails.
"Nimble as a hammer." She says when you reach the roof besides her.
You hug her as an answer. She doesn't resist the hug, but doesn't give into it either.
"Don't go getting ideas, Far away." She says quietly.
"Are you fine?"
"Been worse." She shrugs. "Nothing broken. Didn't sleep for a day and a half like you."
"Worse than that worm?" Damn it, that sounded better in your head.
"Pirates." She says simply. "Got some burns after setting their ship on fire."
"Who do you think I am?" Is that a joking tone? You aren't quite sure.
"You were cool back there, you know."
"You were screeching like a little lady." Her deadpan turns into a near-smile for a moment, "But you did well enough." She's silent for a moment, "Why are you still hugging me, Far away?"
You haven't told me to stop so I decided to continue it until you do or I don't want to anymore. You're pretty nice to hug you know.
Because, hugs are nice and comforting? I let go now if you want.

Did I ever tell you how I never thought I'd help fend off against a giant eldritch abomination of the sea's?

Heh, looks like I won't have to practice drowning with my injuries.....r-right? You wouldn't make we practice with my injuries? Of course you wouldn't.
"Sorry, just relieved to see that you're okay. I know you can take care of yourself, but you know me. Plus, hugs feel nice. You don't like receiving hugs?"

She never said we couldn't try something with her. We might as well try and help her be more comfortable and trusting around us.
>"You were screeching like a little lady."
H-hey? I wasn't screaming like a lady. That was just my, my uhm. Battle cry. Yeah.
>That was just my, my uhm. Battle cry. Yeah.
Truly we are the bravest pony of the high seas! Hurrah!
>>29958650 >>29958670
>>29958702 >>29958780
>>29958820 >>29958153
"Hey, that was my battle cry." You joke lamely, blushing.
"Far away..."
"Right, sorry." You let go of her. "I am just glad you are fine, and you didn't tell me to stop before..."
"Just try not to use your battle shout when you do it." Her deadpan turns into a near-smile for a split second.
"I- I didn't!" You say defensively. "Don't tell me you dislike hugs."
"I don't dislike them." She shrugs, distracted.
You can't help but chuckle, "Sooooo do I get to rest some before practicing my swimming?"
"Oh, that. Thanks for reminding me. Your legs are fine, aren't they?"
There's a moment of silence before you speak slowly, your voice low. "Hey, about before..."
"I though I had been clear enough."
"Yeah, but you know, what if you are, you know..." It takes a moment for you to say the word, "You know, pregnant?"
"I am not." She says plainly. "I am an adult, Far away. I know how to take care of myself."
Oh my god you actually posted those from the cyoa thread. That's kind of neat.

Right. Oh look at the time! I need to uh, check on my water supply and check on the Dudas. Maybe even do some work for the captain. I don't want to get my bandages wet you know?
Sorry about that, I didn't mean to doubt you. Just being conscientious about all this.

As much as I would like to be thrown into the ocean in order to be drown by you, I think it might be best I do some other duties. Rain would be furious at us if I got my bandages wet. She knows what happened by the way obviously. Sorry, but nothing can be done about that now.
Quick! Hobble away before she throws us in the water!
What is she doing here by herself? Meditating?
Whew. Then I guess I was worried for nothing. Now I just have to worry about my financial issues, learning how to swim, learning how to not drown, worrying about possible future encounters with that abomination, figure out how to prevent loss of my home turf, what to do with the Dudas and their lack of belonging and home, being one of the only two Equestrians in this dimension to act as a sort of ambassador, did I mention my garden? More of the damn whales, pirates, dying before I find a way back home.

Was that everything?

Despite all this stress, right now I kind of feel. Good. All things considered. Right now at this very moment. Think that might be an omen. The calming before the storm?
I miss cable TV. I'll especial miss my free health care.

"Sorry, I just wanted to be sure."
"Eh." Her leg twitches.
You hop back on reflex, barely avoiding the hoof that would've pushed you to the water.
"Heeeeey look at the time." You smile awkwardly, stepping back in case she decides to throw you to the water anyway. "Rain Dance'd be furious if the bandages got wet, you know?"
You fall off the ceiling onto the walkway, try to grab a hold with your forelegs, and land on your hindlegs.
"Nimble as a hammer." Repeats Sea, tired. "You'll swim tomorrow."
"Fine, fine." You massage your hips. "What even are you doing up there?"
"If that thing comes here I want to know it."
"You do that." You head back to Cas.
"What was that?" She asks immediately.
"Nothing," You answer just as quickly, glad that she didn't see the fall. "The Dudas are at my place, right?"
"We left them in a room you didn't seem to be using."
"Huh?" You follow her inside and to the now bathubless bathroom, "Oh."
"Hello!" A familiar female voice says cheerfully.
"Unfortunely, during our first meeting my personality files were damaged." What looks like the star with its pieces scrambled walks to you, "I am a sufficiently-complex diplomacy-oriented intelligence, beta zero point three bee, tasked with assisting you. I was designed with autonomy in mind, but it would still be advisable that you found someone capable of repairing my systems soon." Her bright tone doesn't change at any moment.
"If I can interrupt..." The large Duda, with it's smaller... sibling? hiding behind its leg offers you a hand. "I am told you drove a beast away from us."
"I'll don't like to think too much about it." You say honestly, shaking his hand.
"Even still, we are indebted. Our... late captain" He hesitates before calling him that. "Tasked you among others with teaching us, yes? We wouldn't wish to be a bother to you."
You know Seaweed. Where I come from, there were medicines, potions, surgeries that could give you eye sight. And books for the blind. It was made in a language called braille.
Oh. I'm late.
Right uh equestrian machine friend. Dudas. I'm pretty sure I didn't get your names. In that case ill start first. I'm, i'm Lettuce Leaf.
Huh. That's neat. It could make a quasi-pony form.

So if the star is unable to repair itself overtime, we HAVE to find someone capable of fixing it?
Fuck fuxkity fucking fuck. Who out here in the boonies could fix the star? The Did was? Hmmm...maybe.
Are we supposed to teach them everything we know or something specific? Or maybe impart friendship lessons?
It's fine. I'm not sure what I actually can teach you, but I don't mind.
So should we take the device to a magically gifted unicorn or maybe a pony that is interested in technology? Maybe find both so they can work together?
OH GEE. WHO KNOWS. WE SHOULD GO ASK THE TECHNO UNICORN THAT'S CONVENIENTLY RIGHY THERE. Or ask the Dudas seeing as they're made of machines. Gotta know how to fix yourself, am i right?
Should we? Hmmm. That depends on a few things.
A magically gifted unicorn does not guarantee they are knowledgeable in arcanotechnology.
A pony who is interested with technology might want the device for their own gain, but that sounds far fetched. It's the worst case scenario.
Ask the star how much of it's systems it was able to repair on its own and if there's anything else it could repair without the aid of a mechanic.

If your smaller friend remembered the, brief, conversation we had with the captain, then had he by chance told you what he wanted?
He said, 'to teach them to be better,' and 'yo keep them from grief' whatever those two may mean. The I have some idea for the latter, but the former I'm not so sure of. Maybe....do Dudas follow some code or life style?

Wait too many questions. Oh don't worry about it. You two aren't a bother at all. Say. How are you two feeling? How're you doing?
I'd ask if we should go back to retrieve any of your possessions, but I do not know if we're on our way back to our destination or if your ship is gone. Sorry.
Fuck the giant monster. Thinking it's hot shit, trying to take a gift that was ment for us like some giant STD infested blue waffle faced shit head. That's why it only has one eye left. Punk ass bitch. Better be bleeding to death at the bottom of the ocean.
I wonder who's in charge of parties around here.
So what do you two want to do?
Man we really gotta hug seaweed more often. Not too often though. Just once a day. At least.
We really need to. She'll start enjoying them in no time. It's also cute how she's hiding her smiles while around us now. We really need to learn more about her, if she's willing to trust us with her past.
I don't think hugs are necessary. I think she would appreciate a more independent Leaf instead.
That doesn't mean we can't become more independent and give hugs to her if the moment is right. Seaweed seems to close herself off to anyone who approaches her. The fact that she is starting to slightly to express and joke around with us is a good sign to fixing this issue.
But that would make it a chore. Just dole out hugs when socially and situationally appropriate and necessary.

Hide? Her smile? She's blind. She doesn't need to hide anything, and she's only smiled when poking fun at Leaf.
Give it sometime. We'll learn more about her then.

Again. Only when it's appropriate.
>Seaweed seems to close herself off to anyone who approaches her.
I don't see it. Could you give an example, or go into a bit more detail?
We found her living by herself when we came to this world, and she has shown issues with owing debts to anyone and being used by others. This is all just speculation though. Like you said, we need to learn more about her.
I hope none of the CQ fags aren't here to ruin this. Those guys are impatient and don't understand the meaning of privacy.
Hopefully invasion of privacy never happens. Unlike CQ, being caught is not gonna be taken lightly. It's up to Seaweed to open up to us at her own pace if she feels comfortable with it.
Lettuce Leaf's List:
-Get money
-find way back home
-princess twilight robot
-improve garden
-convert floating home turf into a restaurant
-secure turf from falling apart and build a hull
-impregnate more mares
How big is Leaf's wingwong?
We must remember our duty of teaching the magic of friendship to EVERYONE here.
>>29964666 >>29963258 >>29961502 >>29961405
>>29961395 >>29961270 >>29961254 >>29960595
>>29960587 >>29960143 >>29959774 >>29965415
>>29965465 >>29966124 >>29966182 >>29966232
>>29966297 >>29966371 >>29966409
"It's no problem." You say abashedly, "Er, I am Lettuce Leaf."
The Duda shares a look with the smaller one, "That's not a pegasus name we've heard."
"I am not from around here... your names?" You ask, noticing a trend of people never giving them.
"Ah, sorry. This is Nitzan," The Duda moves their leg slightly to uncover the smaller one hiding behind it for a moment, "Ponies usually call me Natan. Where are you from exactly?"
"You've never heard of Equestria or land, haven't you?"
"I've visited Landly briefly." They say after a moment. "But ponies there are not very welcoming."
"Alright," You note it down mentally, remembering Cas mentioned it too. "About your ship..."
"One of the crew recovered some tools I asked them for." They says detachedly, touching the edges of the cracks in their lens, which seem to somehow be smaller and rounder than before. "Our captain ensured we didn't lose much. They gave me... pieces, information passed from captain to captain, when he repaired me."
"And did he give you anything else? Like what I am supposed to teach you?"
"A captain is supposed to learn many lessons from life. We are to be the caretakers, leaders, and servants of our crews." They pause for a moment, looking down at their smaller sibling. "The first thing I learned is that not even the best navigator, or trader, or smuggler, is successful without wisdom."
"So friendship lessons?" You try to joke, only to realize the joke's falling flat on everyone else.
"You could call them that." Concedes Natan.
"Is there any kind of... book you follow? So I can get a better idea of what to do?"
"A book?" The Duda seems confused by the question for a moment. "We aren't particularly religious."
"You aren't?" You regret the words immediately, and between that and Cas' nasty look you can't help blushing some.
"Lettuce leaf is very stressed," Pips in the star immediately, "Please forgive any mistake he might make."
"Sorry." You rush to say. "Er, How are you feeling right now? About your captain?"
There's several clicks from the inside of the Duda before they answer, clearly not sure of their words, "I will admit... I've been too concerned with my younger sibling to think about that."

Queued the questions to the star.
So just wait for your next post if I have nothing else to offer?
We wouldn't mind listening to your thoughts on the subject sometime if you would like to talk about it.
Alright, I'll try my best to care for you both. Do you both need anything right now?
"If you want to talk with me about it..." You say carefully, "I am all ears, y'know?"
"I'll keep it in mind... The Forget Me Not--"
"Herb." You correct the Duda.
"Herb has called you the captain, is that an actual position?"
You think about the answer for a moment, "Nnnot really? We are trying to get to Equestria."
Hah, if Seaweed ever heard you call yourself her captain...
The small Duda, Nitzan pokes the leg of the larger one.
"What'd you need?" You try to approach your face, but they cover further behind the leg, "Is it anything I can help you with?" You ask Natan.
They move the leg Nitzan is covering behind to help them climb, and speak quickly in the quiet language of theirs, "Nitz wants me to check something, if you would..." They walk off the bathroom, Nitz atop Natan's head.
"So..." Cas walks to the star and lowers her head to... her? The voice sounds female, "Since when do you look like this?"
"I was able to access my full program only a few hours ago, miss." The star smiles widely, offers a hoof, and shakes Cas' enthusiastically. "You are a native, right? It's an honor to meet you."
"Er, yes." Cas smiles, thrown off balance by the vehement shakes, "Same to you. What's that about being broken, anyway?"
"Many of my systems were heavily damaged during my arrival, including most batteries. Redundant mechanisms allow me to function, but only barely." She still sounds as cheerful when she says it,
"Aren't you experimental? What if someone took..." You stop yourself from saying 'Science' "Parts from you?"
"That's a risk, yes, but my top priority is to reach peak capabilities." Her bright tone changes to a jokingly conspiratory one for a moment, "You are so stressed, after all, and I should assist you with that."
"So I've got to find a unicorn who can fix you?"
"According to cursory questioning made by my... less charismatic self, dragon technicians might be the best choice here. Oh!" She makes a small jump when she says that, "And while going through my logs, I found that it misspoke about some topics. For one, if we were close to Equestria somehow I would detect it's atmosphere and alert you of it, and there were several units thrown for redundancy's sake. None of them has responded my pings, however."
Oh, so we might be able to take pieces from those and give them to you. Guess we gotta look for them. Not sure if the dragons here are technicians though.
I don't suppose any of you know any nearby dragon technicians around here, huh?
Dammit. We should probably look for those. Oi hate that worm something fierce and rather it not get it's slowly tentacles on one of those.

Next time we see it I'll shoot it's last eye out.
There was that one dragon we meet, but I don't know if he was a technician or not.
Can the star speak dragon?
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817B, 72x29px
"Dragon technicians?" You make a face. "They are technicians here?"
"I think she means tinkerers?" Cas asks her.
"They were also called tinkerers, yes." She sits down with a wide smile, "I was told they are well known for their skills with magic artifacts."
"I did meet a dragon. He was, uhm, pretty big." You say, "I don't have to go back do I."
"Apparently you can find young ones in cities." Says the star.
"Yeah, there's bound to be a few in Arabesco so close to their festival." Cas thinks for a moment, working her jaw, "You might find one who'll do it cheaper if they have enough interest in the..." She gives a vague look to the star, "What were you again?"
"A complex-enough intelligence simulation." She says gladly.
"Simulation?" Cas cringes at the word, "If they find the star interesting enough."

Quick update, will address the rest of the posts tomorrow
So Cas. There a chance you know any dragons in Arabesco?
I can't help but feel nervous. What if I can't find work? What if I can't get the pearls or whatever currency to repair the AI?
Damn, now I'm afraid some unknown abomination might have already gotten some pieces of them already and we're gonna need to hunt them down.
Ask the robot star if it can purify water.
>and there were several units thrown for redundancy's sake. None of them has responded my pings, however.
So they are not necessarily needed, but are they still useful? Do you have any suggestion on how we can find these other units?
Don't worry about it. I bet that giant worm was going to do something stupid like try to bring one of the units deep into the dark abyss. Fucking idiot doesn't know it won't function without juice or sunlight.
Maybe if we just tell the dragon what some of it's capabilities are when it's fully functioning will impress it enough.
We must become the pirate king!
And use the power of friendship to become friends with him! We still need to ask who runs the sea around here though.
The Farmer King! We will own the largest farm in this ocean!
I bet we have the most comfty bed.
We might be able to sell it at a good price now that I think about it. I doubt mattresses are made around here.
>>29971738 >>29971750
>>29972542 >>29972546
>>29972573 >>29972838
>>29973560 >>29973562
>>29974249 >>29976214
>>29976101 >>29976396
"So we'd have to interest them?" You give a closer look to the star, who helps you be levitating with a smile. "What can you do, anyway?"
"My technical capabilities are most certainly enough to impress anyone who can understand them." Is that pride in her voice? "I am equipped with sixth-generation levitation systems, steam-based electric generators, sunlight-based magic generators, stasis-field force appliers which provide a highly adaptable physical configuration, and the most advanced sensor systems Equestrian science could fit in such a small package."
You and Cas only blink at her.
"Of course, I have the technical specs required for the repairs, but I'd still need someone who knew what they are doing, had the tools for the task, and could make several pieces from scratch." She continues after a moment.
"And could you talk with them?"
"Excuse me?" The star's smile losses some of its shine.
"The dragon I met talked another tongue--"
"Adult dragons talk a speech of their own which is extremely complex and beyond current machine translation." She interrupts you. "Young dragons in pony cities surely can talk pony languages, however."
"You don't know any over there, right?" You ask Cas.
"My son might." She says after a moment.
"Right. So I have to get the money for it first. And see what I do with these redundant units."
"The other five were either destroyed during the teleportation or are too far to receive my signals. If they are operating to any capacity they will seek you and each other, though."
"Money?" Asks Cas, "Arabesco's preparing for their sunset celebration, you are bound to find jobs."
>"Young dragons in pony cities surely can talk pony languages, however."
However, and I am capable of communicating in a wide array of languages*
Oh, and it's not that I am avoiding the question about the biggest guy in the sea, is that I never seem to find a moment ot ask it without disrupting the flow of the conversation.
We also might be able to find some things to sell around our home. Survival is more important then luxury if we want to adjust here.
I guess we just gotta find ourselves another job. Which would you suggest Cas?
Well we already spoke about finding work in cooking or farming. We could find something along those lines.
Guess we should relax? Tend to our garden, check on the water filter, maybe some fishing, make some bone meal with a mortar and pestle?
Might as well. We gotta pass the time by helping around if we can.
Also interesting to note that this world also has a sunset celebration despite not having someone similar to Celestia that controls the sun in their tales.
>>29977976 >>29978099 >>29978243
>>29978477 >>29978561
"What kind of jobs?" You ask carefully, wary of what they might involve here.
"Building stalls and making food the the festival..." She cringes, "Far-- Leaf, you'll rest, right?"
"But I've got to work here and learn--"
"Leaf, please," She puts a hoof on your chest, "I've never seen you anything but exhausted, can't you relax some after that thing?"
"I... guess I could water my plants." You concede.
"And I could help you with that?" She adds.
"And check the water filter..." You add distractedly, thinking, "And put the fences, and make bonemeal."
"And you make that with...?"
"Uh, you get dry bones and use a mortar and pestle."
"I'll go find some bones, you water your plants." She says jokingly, heading off the room. "Try not to die."
You try to smile, realize that the joke didn't amuse you, and head out with a sigh. Water the plants...
...find a way to get money fast, build a helm for your turf, think of how will you make this into a restaurant, find out what's that made Sea live alone...
"You are wasting sweetwater." Says the star, startling you.
"Don't do that." You give the star a look, choosing to ignore that you were overwatering the plants.
"Do what?" Asks the star obliviously.
"How fine should I grind it?" Asks Cas, landing near you with a metallic pestle on her hooves.
"If you want to relax, tea would probably be a good idea." Adds the star almost immediately.
That would also be a waste of sweet water. I don't even think we have what's needed to make tea do we? We also can't heat the water. Just some what fine.
Focus on tending our garden for now. Afterwards, we should definitely relax by doing some fishing next to Sea to calm our thoughts down. Best not to push ourselves today.
O-ok. I have some tea I can boil. Cas mind if i use your stove again? And would like some tea too? And as fine as you can grind them.
Maybe the star can water the plants then?
I'd rather not distract her from watching the sea for the monster. Just fish anywhere else.

And thank Cas for the help.
You're forgetting a few things. Our water tank is still dull, and Cas has her dragon stove.
*still full
Looks like we're on page 10.
>>29979779 >>29979821
>>29979956 >>29979980
"Grind it as much as you can." You say distractedly, tea? Just how valuable could your tea be here? Would just drinking it be a waste, and to how much of your food would this apply?
And all the wood furniture... Maybe you could sell something. So long as it's not the bed. You aren't parting from your bed.
"Lettuce Leaf?" The star jerks you off your reverie again.
"Stop doing that!" You snap.
"Would you like me to make tea?" Asks the star, her face having nothing but pure innocence. She herself said to be capable of diplomacy, does that include deception and creative misunderstandings?
Wait, are you seriously wondering this?
"Cas, can we use your stove again?" You ask her.
She leaves the pestle in the mortar and cleans the taste of it off her tongue, "Be my guest. Can you reach it?" She asks the star.
"I can fly." The star's answer somehow doesn't have any snark to it, only her saccharine matter-of-factness.
"Alright then. My house's over there." She points at it.
"And tea's on the left cupboard." You say distractedly, then add just in case, "Make some for her too."
"I'll be back in a jiffy." The star prances away happily.
There's a moment of silence before Cas offers you the mortar, "I don't think I'll get used to that thing anytime soon."
"And there's another five." You joke half heartedly. "Can you imagine all of them together?"
Cas only makes a face, offering you the mortar again, "What's this for anyway?"
"Fertilizer." You throw some on the humid dirt, "I should've mixed it with the soil, but..." You shrug, "You didn't know about bonemeal?"
"I've only seen clay terraces." She says simply. "Nothing like this."

This soil isn't from around here. In fact, It was actually brought with me when I came to this land. Hopefully the soil remains healthy for a good long while.
You will see a lot of things around us for awhile cas.
Spill spaghetti
You haven't? It's just dirt.
Oh right. No one's seen dirt before.
I think I should think of a way to thank those Moonlets for getting back bits of my home. What do you think I should get them?c
Why would you want to spill good spaghetti?
>>29981585 >>29982284
>>29984330 >>29983428
"It's only..." You are quiet for a second, "You haven't seen dirt before, haven't you?"
"The texture's odd." She moves the grass with her hoof.
"Well, I am odd here, and the odd seems to follow me too." You try to smile, not looking at her.
"I don't mind odd." She says, a smile brighter than your own in her voice. "Is dirt normal where you come from? 'Questria?"
"All of land is made of dirt." You say simply, then add. "And rocks, and sand. There's some clay too."
"Then you aren't that far from it, aren't you? You brought more of your home than the building with you."
"I guess." This time you manage a weak smile. "I guess I should thank the moonlets for bringing it back, shouldn't I?"
"Moonlets are sweethearts like that," She says fondly, "They'll probably appreciate it if you cooked them something, I know I would."
"Here is your tea, Leaf." The star levitates to you, again as a star, holding a cup on each of its two large rays.
"Hm?" Cas takes her cup and smells it before taking a sip, "It's... odd."
"It was made with sweetwater." Says the star. "Incoming."
You perk up immediately, nearly spilling the tea you just grabbed, and search for whatever is that's incoming.
"It's only tritons." Cas gestures at several people swimming towards the ship, not looking particularly pleased.
Ask if you should be worried about them. Are they friendly or unfriendly? Then greet them.
Tritons? Oh right the captain said something about them being annoying. They're sea ponies or something?
nb4 Leaf gets his dick in some hot sea ponies. Your just giving us more waifu's Cammy.
Waifus incoming port of the ship
Guess we should greet our new guests as friendly as possible.
Seawweed is the only waifu Leaf needs.
Why stop with one? Gotta fuck am all.

On the chance you dingsongs, want Leaf to have multiple relationships, I suggest you to plan it out and choose carefully. So either get serious or your don't get more then two wiafus, at a time. Go big or go home.

Just sayin.
Didn't Cammy say that's impossible? That will only lead to trouble.
Harems are a no-no, yes.
Yes and no. At first it was no, then he said sure if Leaf gets to watch as Sea and Cas scissor passionately while laughing at him.
And sir. I take my shipping very seriously. I put time and effort when it comes to shipping characters.
O-oh. O-ok then.
Oh shit fish people! Go get the camera so we can get their pictures!
Sorry, you heard him. If we had to pick anyone for Leaf, then it have to pick Seawwed. It seems like a natural relationship that will develop overtime as they through more obstacles together in this adventure. Plus, they're cute together.
Nah. Cas seems like the better choice. She's the most likely to not lead Leaf into possible impending doom, and the least to give him a stroke.
Didn't Seaweed say she was not interested in a relationship?
And also hasn't told him directly that she's not interested twice.
Indeed. Taking Cas would only mean separating her from her family most likely permanently, and we'll almost certainly be heading right into danger to get home. Plus, Sea already agreed to come with us.
Yeah, Seaweed said that to us, but she didn't deny us attempting to pursue a relationship with her. Remember the "Do try to..." line. She might come around to it eventually as she opens up.

As >>29985678 already stated, Cas has a life here, and we're not planning on staying around.
>"Far away, I don't love you or think I could." She says plainly. "Is that clear enough?"
>"Does what you said still apply? 'Bit do try to'?"
>She doesn't answer. There's a moment of silence before you talk again.
I thought she was refering to her falling off the cloud.
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>>29985204 >>29985235
>>29985309 >>29985353
"Tritons? Fish ponies?" You wonder if you should go see if the camera's still working. "The captain said they are..."
"I am sure they aren't bad if you get to know them." Cas tries to keep her smile in place.
"I'll make it easier for the lady, cap," Calls out Herb from the rooftop, "They are a bunch of dicks."
"I advise against using such language on their faces." The star returns to her pony-like form, "It would upset Princess Twilight greatly."
"I'll try to." You leave your tea on the ground, watching the tritons swim close barely under the surface and one of them hop onto your turf like a dolphin.
"Hey, you are new." He says as several skin growths wrap tightly around his legs, "Did you help that chick with the beast?"
"I... am?" You say, unsure of whatcould he want.
"Huh, you aren't all that jacked up. " He gives you a cursory look. "The old stallion paid us to keep an eye on you bunch if the thing appears again," He frowns, "Can't be so dangerous if floating bodies took care of it."
I wouldn't underestimate it. We hurt it pretty bad, but that thing was completely mad. Hard to predict the crazy.
Wow, that's great, we feel safer already. We have to remember to thank the captain.
Floating bodies is what we're called by them, huh? We got lucky with that monster. A bunch of us took a beating just to scare it off.
Nice earrings?
How do you stay underwater for so long?

So you're here to protect us if it comes back? Like you'll engage it in a melee?

>"Huh, you aren't all that jacked up."
H-hey! I was planning on working out. Eventually.

And the thing was huge. As big, if not bigger then a dragon.

making it a guy and bald wont stop me from waifuing him cammy.
>How do you stay underwater for so long?
You're kidding right?
I see everyone here has a serious case of vitamin C deficiency if the pink eye or blood shot eyes were any indication. No wait I'm thinking of yellowing of the eyes, not pink eyes. Must be all the salt water.

Say do you guys have any soil or something on the sea floor or near that I could use for my plants?
Kind of? If he has gills shouldn't he be suffocating on land?
Oops. That's fish. Mammals like whales, dolphins, and I think some seals can last quite a long time. How forgetful of me.
Names Leaf. What's your name?
Damn cammy. I'd stick my dick in that. Slimey all over his body means instant lubrication.
Enjoy you bump
You wouldn't believe the fight it put up. How many of those things are out there?

I have something important to ask of you. Do you see this construct? It's important that I find the other five of them, or the ones are still functional. If you find them in pieces it would be great if you could reassemble, or give them to someone to fix it. Or give them to me?

I don't have anything I think you'd want for compensation, but I'm planning on opening a restaurant soon. Hopefully in less than a month or two. At least sith in the year.
>>29986256 >>29986265
>>29986293 >>29987121
>>29987162 >>29987180
>>29987317 >>29987298
>>29987915 >>29988328
Not all that jacked up to be? You have to bite your tongue, "It's larger than a dragon."
"We can take care of anything you bodies can." He shrugs.
"So you'll fight with it?" It took all of us shooting to scare it off." You show him your bandaged wings, "And I nearly tore a muscle. You can't fly, can't you?" You can't help but snap.
"Flighty schmancy, we don't need to." He gives a look to your small chunk of cultivated soil. "What's it for?"
"Name's Fa-- Lettuce Leaf." You give him the most plastic smile you can manage, too tired for patience.
"What's it for?" He insists.
"Yours?" You insist back. Cas' gaze jumps from one to the other, and she gives the star a healthy knock on the head the instant she opens her flat image of a mouth.
"Fiver." He rolls his eyes, "What's it for?"
"Don't you got farms underwater?"
"Krill doesn't need this. And that?" He points at the star,
"I am a diplomatic--"
You interrupt the star before she starts monologuing again, "It's, uh, a friend."
"Not like anything I've seen." He gives the star a closer look, "You aren't, right?"
"I was in my most efficient configuration during your group's first arrival." She floats higher and arranges her pieces to her starlike shape, the face on her central circle replaced by a single large eye.
"Hey, I heard there's others like it," You talk again, "If you saw one could you send it my way? To Arabesco?" Hopefully it'll be able to make its way from there.
"If one of us is fragmented, a beacon light blinks faster the closer our pieces are." Adds the star. "You just need to get them close enough"
"What's in it for me?"
"IIII'll open a restaurant this year? Hopefully in a few months? I'll have more money then."
Fives thinks about it for a moment and shrugs, "I guess, if it's not much work."

Sorry for the delay, fell asleep on the chair.
Whatever dude. If you think you can take a sea monster then alright. Just don't pussy out when you see it ok?
Thank them and wish them luck in their guard duty. We're gonna need to relax with our after that stressful encounter. Are Triton and Pony relations bad around here or something?
Alright great, thanks.
What a dick
It's going to be very difficult to introduce friendship to this world indeed.
>>29990386 >>29990418
>>29990450 >>29990466
"Thanks for that." You say as honestly as you can. "Good luck at guard duty."
"Eh." He shrugs, "If I needed it I shouldn't be working at this."
He trots to the water, picking up speed, and jumps into it barely making a splash.
"Is a dick." Herb finishes it for you.
"What's up with him?" You ask.
"Something up his ass, methinks." Herb walks to the edge of the roof and perches there. "Same as all the others."
"I am sure Limaos'd be nicer if people was just a bit more patient with them." Cas Pips in uncomfortably, "But they, uhm, don't like ponies much and asking them why is a can of worms." She sips some of her tea, probably to stop talking.
I guess we're not fighting with them at least.
As long as they're not all out hostile they're bearable.
Sure. I guess we can give them the benefit of the doubt.
Hostile, no. Dickish, yes. He just 'seems' overconfident in his abilities.
Time for a 10 bump.
9 bump.
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1MB, 1653x1025px
So back to the tea. What kind of tea did the star pick? Chamomile? Mint? Jasmine? Chrysanthemum? Black? Citrus?
>>29991455 >>29991575
>>29991608 >>29991669
"At least they aren't hostile." You finish watering your plants and just stare at them, wondering if you'll still be here by the time they grow.
Those'd be some depressing cherries.
"Not here, at least." Says Cas quietly, "Er, what's the tea?"
"Citrus. It's made of a small tree..." You pause, "A plant about as high as a pony..." You pause again, "It's made of wood and uhm, has light green leaves?."
"Wood growing from plants?" She sounds skeptical.
"Hey, this is odd for me too."
"And you make tea with the plant?"
"Not the wood, the leaves." She seems to relax some at that, "What's your tea like, anyway?"
"Well..." She sips some of hers, "I like spicy teas. Sweetwater ones aren't that popular."
Ask Cas if she has any of the spicy tea she likes so we can try a sip of it. Also it sounds like there's more sweet water for us to enjoy if it's not that popular. I thought it would be the opposite.
This kind of sucks. We'll have to wait weeks or so before we see some significant improvement.

If Leaf's ever going to run a successful business in these parts, he should really get over his squeamishness over meat and butchering meat himself. But not right now. Lets enjoy the tea, maybe even read a book with Cas if she's interested.
What kind of spicy teas do you like? What are your favorite blends?
>"I like spicy teas. Sweetwater ones aren't that popular."
Is it because it's more expensive then saltwater?
In all due time. Leaf will get over meat as we work in eating and cooking overtime, and Sea is going to teach us how to hunt/fight those monsters and pirates out there. We just need to be patient about him becoming brave.
Maybe. We got the fertilizer down which is great for crop growth. Think we'll get lucky and find some drift fruits and seeds? Coconuts, box fruits, sea bean, sea heart.
There might be a chance we can find some. If not, we may have to purchase some by selling our wooden furniture.
I'd rather hope it won't come to that. Thankfully we will be able to find work thanks to the Son holiday thing and some other work by that gryphon dude in a few days.
>Leaf fucking Herb in the cloaca
Nothing much to do but relax with some tea with Cas. Does she have any questions regarding where we come from? I hope she doesn't decide to come with us with her family. Too dangerous to bring any kids along in a most likely dangerous trip.
I think at least some of them are adults. But yeah, it's not going to be a picnic and I'd rather not end up having to babysit someone in a fight even if I do like them.
We can tell Cas about the story of the two sisters like we did Sea.
>>29995359 >>29995374
>>29995624 >>29995679
>>29995693 >>29995719
>>29995389 >>29995415
>>29995870 >>29995927
"They aren't?"
"You got to clean the water, and most things taste better with salt water... It's just a lot more effort." You leaves her cup on the ground.
"Mind to share some?" You give a look to the tea and, after thinking it, spill near the plants, the edge of the cup at grass level to not ruin the soil. "Not really in the mood for sweet drinks."
"Did you leave any hot water?" Cas asks the star.
"I made exactly enough for two cups." The star smiles back innocently.
"Of course." She stands, shaking her head.
"Hey, want to read a book?" You offer, following her. "Sea said they are rare here?"
"I'd be glad to, see you at my place?" She smiles jokingly.
"I'll bring roses." You smile back, then add. "Er, romantic stuff."
"You do that." She hits your flanks with her tail, and each of you goes in separate ways.
Books, books... you shuffle through your bookcase and, after a moment, decide on the same you read Sea-- the story of the two sisters, its latest edition with the epilogue about Princess' Twilight's ascension.
Cas' door is open just a smidgen, so you invite yourself in and head for the kitchen.
"Cas?" You ask her the moment you see her, "Can I ask you about your family?"
"Hm? What about them?" She asks, searching in her cupboards.
You take an appreciative look at her flanks, "Is any of the kids around here yours?"
She chuckles, "I love my sons, but I am thankful that they aren't kids anymore."
"You don't like them?"

"I don't hate kids." She takes her head off the cupboard with a few flasks on her arms, "It's just that these days I like them to stay at a distance. I got ginseng, trebleleaf, and barnacle poison." She says jokingly.
"Is it really?" You can't help asking. "I'll have what you have."
"You'd need a lot to get poisoned, and it helps you build a resistance." She adds, grabbing two of the flasks to put them back on their shelves, "Gingseng's pretty strong, you sure?"
"I can take spicy. Did you want to read, or...?"
"Go ahead." She offers you a cup.
The tea is bitter and spicy enough as to be almost undrinkable, but you make an effort to swallow it in small sips-- your belly on fire, and a feeling of almost overbearing, yet strangely comfortable warmth coming from it and cocooning your whole body.
Cas seems to thrive in the feeling, slowly but surely snuggling against your side.
"Hm?" She says softly after a few minutes. "Luna was depressed and Celestia just didn't notice?"

I couldn't help but giggle at the idea of Cas taking childs anywhere by her own volition.
It would seem that is the case. I assume they only interacted briefly at the end and beginning of their shifts when they had to raise the sun and moon.
Who can understand the in machinations ofthe mind of an immortal...
>"Luna was depressed and Celestia just didn't notice?"
Yeah. That's how the story goes. It's a really old one though so it's probably been through dozens or edits.
When one feels one isolated, their thoughts drift into thinking no one will understand them. It isn't unlikely that she hid all this from her sister.

Also, careful there Leaf. No matter how nice of a mare she is, it just can't happen no matter what, and it will only cause unnecessary pain in the end.
Perhaps Cas is once again misunderstanding what we're doing here reading with her. We just wanted to relax from our stressful thoughts and nothing more.
"Immortals are weird." It's all you can say, "I've heard Luna was hiding it, and that Celestia was very distant from everyone at the time."
"Have you met any of them?"
"Everyone's met Discord, but he's hard to figure out. Don't you have immortals?"
"There's some dragons, and sirens have their princesses..." She leans more on you. "But no, we don't have that many."
"Cas?" You ask carefully, "Are you sure about this?"
"Nothing wrong with being cozy, is there?"
"Cas, please."
Her tone is slightly more serious than before, but she still sounds glad in spite of what she's saying. "Leaf, there's many things one can regret. Wondering what would've happened if you had done something is the worst of all." She shuffles her wings slightly, "I thought you wanted to see what happened before."
This is never going to work. Leaf has family he has to back to, and they're probably worried sick for him. Cas herself has family herself that she can't just leave behind either. Add this in with confused thoughts regarding Sea, and this isn't a decision that Leaf would take.
Best to apologize to her for accidentally leading her on again. Gently turn her down. We just wanted to relax with so much going on our mind right now. We both know that we'll regret doing anything, because this will only end in us separating in the future.
Are you Anons kidding me? You gays are going to do this again?
2 AM sneaked on me again, paused.
This never stopped you guys from fucking Sea.
I joined late and never got to vote over Sea, but I would of said no at the time. I rather not start a relationship doomed to fail in the end with Cas. Cas is lonely and wants someone with her. That someone isn't us.
There is the chance that Leaf will never return to see his family (there was mentioning of a mother, but I don't recall if there was anyone else).

I've been thinking ever since we found the Star. You guys know how we're in another dimension or universe? What if time of the dimension Leaf is in passes by slower, or Equestria time passes by faster? Like in the movie Interstellar where ever second spent on that one planet is the equivalent of one hour real time?

Sorry for that mess of words. What I'm trying to get at is, how long did it take for Twilight to make these stars? Hmmm.
Please don't mention Sea to her.
>and this isn't a decision that Leaf would take
That's where you're wrong.
That's a very scary thought. Definitely need to ask to ask Star about all this soon if he has any information regarding his creation.
Not only is it a scary though, but it makes me want to watch the movie for a second time.
Bitch I need my coffee.
A straw poll? Boooo.

I'm not voting for either because the Dudas Are the true waifus.
I don't think we should mention Sea either. Though, I am curious, why should we sleep with Cas? We know we can't be with her so why are we trying to?
Remind me why we can't be with her?
She's planning on settling at the destination of this caravan. After we make enough money, and repair Star, we are planning to leave and go to whoever is in charge of sea and possibly find a way home.

The adventure is going to be dangerous, and we aren't planning on going back. Cas is never going to leave everyone she knows behind to come with us.
Little Duda is best waifu.
>whoever is in charge of sea
There was no indication of anyone person being in charge of the Sea. If there was someone like that then we wouldn't have to worry about about the pirates.

>The adventure is going to be dangerous, and we aren't planning on going back
So far we have no clue where to go. We have no clue, no instructions or idea. We'd be wandering aimlessly searching for those stars banking on the chance of finding them in this vast ocean. We were lucky to find the one star in the Duda. Exceedingly lucky, for were it to hit the ocean then would probably be lost to the sea. Or until someone or thing found it. Arabesco's is a kind of a hub of civilization, so there might be some benefits to staying.
Good points. I wonder if there is someone out there who at least has some power to influence the Sea as Cammy indicated. I just assumed that we will be pointed a general direction to find him after our business was done in Arabesco. We're pretty much winging everything so far with all these plans, aren't we?
>I just assumed
And that's where the problem lies.

>to find him
Assuming again.

>as Cammy indicated
Wat. I don't remember this. I must had overlooked something. Could you show me what Cammy indicated?
>Oh, and it's not that I am avoiding the question about the biggest guy in the sea, is that I never seem to find a moment ot ask it without disrupting the flow of the conversation.

My mistake again. It was revolved around asking the question and nothing more. I apologize for that.

Even with all this in mind, I don't think we can just sleep with Cas when we don't even know what we're gonna do. In the end, our goal is still ultimately to leave this world.
But how we go about it is a whole entire different question.
Dip yo dick in that sweet ass milf's honeypot my nigga.
Yeah that's understandable.
What's the argument to sleep with Cas anyway? She isn't high like Sea was, and she's looking to settle down at Arabesco. Are we planning to just have a one night stand?
I wanted you to know what this could be, and what it couldn't.
Don't make a move on Cas because Seaweed is the superior waifu.
Woops. How foolish of me.
Nigga please.
I know. The spelling errors were killing me. And I even somehow managed to forget to remove my trips. Well now you know.
>>29997629 >>29998177 >>29998227 >>29998372
>>29998411 >>29997935 >>30001545 >>30001550
>>29998048 >>29998057 >>29998092 >>29998210
>>29998650 >>29998756 >>29998812 >>30000473
>>30000515 >>30000546 >>30000568 >>30000653
"I don't think... Cas, I don't think this'll work." She grows slightly more rigid. "I won't stay in Arabesco for long,"
She stands upright, no longer leaning on you, "You are going back home."
"And I don't want to pull you from yours either." You add. "It's not you."
"I get it." She sighs, her ears low. "Bad moment and place."
"If I wasn't moving..."
"It's fine." She still doesn't meet your gaze.
"Do you want me to go?" You stand a little, but she answers quickly.
"No, I was just being an old fart." She shakes her head, eyes closed, "You can keep reading. If you want to." She rushes to add.
Dubiously, you grab the book and keep reading it. She's quiet for a long while, but seems to perk up when you mention Twilight for the first time.
"She was a bookworm?" She asks.
"Princess Twilight is a lot of things," You can't help but smile. "Including that. She actually sends everyone books."
"They really must be cheap back there."
"Yeah... We get one on the mail on our tenth birthday." You lift the book a bit. "This was mine."
"No wonder you want back. What did she do then?"
"Oh, Discord had touched all her friends, but Spike -the dragon- and Princess Celestia helped her..." Several minutes pass as you read the rest of her adventures, up to the point where she turns into an alicorn.
"Another alicorn? How many have you got?"

"Equestrians? Three, and there's two more in the crystal kingdom."
"And Princess Celestia and Luna raise the moon and sun." She seems to be deep in thought.
"I've seen them do it." You say before she makes the same questions Sea did.
"And the ones from the kingdom?"
"Princess Cadance protects the crystal heart, and Flurry Heart..." You think about it for a moment, thinking about how to describe it. "Uh, Flurry fights with anything that attacks the kingdom."
"So what does Twilight do?"
"Uhm, Twilight does lots of stuff. It's hard to pin it down."
She nods, unsatisfied, "And the book also said... 'earth' ponies make plants grow and pegasi make weather."
"Uh, yeah?"
"And who runs the water?" She asks jokingly, even if her head is still low.
"Actually, I've heard there's--" The answer seems to surprise her, enough that you stop talking for a moment. "Anything wrong?"
"Leaf, does anything on your home work at all without people making it work?" She asks, worried.
"What's wrong with that?" You answer immediately, before even processing the question.
"Nothing, just..." She shuffles, uncomfortable, "Just that it sounds like everything in your 'Questria is broken."

It's not "broken" we're just making it better. If everything was naturally occurring some ponies days wouldn't be bright and sunny or some things would get too much water or too little water. Controlling everything just optimizes daily life. We only control our kingdom anyway. Not the worlds.
I did always wonder what would happen if the princesses stopped working altogether, but I'm sure the world wouldn't end because of it.

Unfortunately, it might of made us more dependent to them if trouble ever came. It sure didn't prepare me at all. I'm still trying to get over the shock so I can start adjusting.
Long long ago, a lot of these things managed themselves. But without guidance, they were wild. It made life hard, and sometimes cruel. Ponies decided to try bettering their home. It's a lot of work really, but we can sleep easier knowing we're in control.
Woops. Didn't mean to trigger you friend.
What do you mean broken? Doesn't anyone here her control weather? Or have immortals? Like the sisters and brothers in the sky?

Oh and unicorns used to move the celestial bodies before the princesses were here.

That's seems pretty shady.
Explain to me how it's "shady" when it's the honest truth. Why would Leaf ever think that the way equestria operate his entire life would be anything but right?
I apolfor how screwy my schedule's being lately, but my insomnia is killing me. Not literally.
Apologize*. Fuck this phone.
Do your best to fix it. If you don't end up fixing it though keep apologizing.
Pop a stiffy
somewhere in the world, thats some kind of snack. Or you know have Lettuce pop a boner
>>30004690 >>30004748
>>30004753 >>30004807
>>30004894 >>30004913
"What? No, we just make it better. It's-- Don't you got anyone keeping care of things?"
"Nnnot really?" She pulls slightly away from you, visibly uncomfortable. "Things just happen. The sea's too large for any single person to control it."
You try to level your voice some, "What about the the little sisters and brothers?"
"That's just stories we tell foals, like Quesque's. How isn't it broken if you have to make it happen?" She insists.
"No one takes care of it?" Your stomach feels empty, "How do you know you won't have a storm then?"
"We don't." She says simply, the unbothered way she says is bothering you instead.
"You don't?" You gulp, thinking about how many storms could be about unchecked, or that the sun could be about to come crashing down. "But-- We have-- Equestria has controlled things since..." You try to think of any history lesson mentioning them not being controlled and fail to. "Since we stopped being savages!"
"What?" Her ears perk upright suddenly. "Are you saying we are savages?"
I-What-No! Look... Look, has there ever been a storm here. A bad one. A really bad one that cost a life?
I'm saying that you're not able to reach your full potential due to the world being so full of water and it limits you. A savage wouldn't be as nice to us as every pony we've met so far has been.
What? Oh no no. I mean uh, I think somewhere around the unification era. Either during or way before. Here I probably have a history book lying around somewhere.

What's the point your are trying to make?
Might be best to excuse ourselves soon. I don't really trust Leaf not to say something offensive again.
>What's the point your are trying to make?
I would have thought it was obvious.
Not this. Anon. What exactly is a savage to you? Are you assuming the QM will fill in the blanks for you? I hope that's not the case.

And I don't think the water is a direct problem. It might be a lack of proper dieting. Then again, when we were cooking, they had seaweed, eggs, rice, and various meats. Seaweed isn't super nutritious, but it's something. The type of eggs and the birds they came from might give some insight. The rice can grow in clay soil and there had been mentioning of clay or something...
I assume the qm knows what the word "savage" ( a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.) means so I don't expect him to have to fill in any blanks. From leaf's perspective we're just talking to impoverished ponies instead of dumb ones that you can't talk to that go "ooga booga".

If they just had access to better resources, which the water is preventing them from getting, they would be much better off. I wanna see what a city is like. That should be the pinnacle of their civilization.
Well we shouldn't call them impoverish. They just lack things we typically have and vice versa. Plus that's rude.
But that's what they are. They were never taught that they can do certain things or the ways they can work in harmony with nature. But fine, we won't say it to their face.
>>30007579 >>30007602
>>30007609 >>30007600
>>30007626 >>30007658
>>30007604 >>30007957
"What?" You step back, surprised by the sudden steel in her eyes, "I didn't say--" She just stares at you. "You aren't savages, I'd never say that. I am sorry for wording it like that." You lower your gaze, avoiding hers.
"We don't have to control everything." She insists, although she doesn't sound angry anymore.
"Haven't you had a bad storm, though?" You ask her carefully. "One that hurt someone?"
"We deal with them." She says simply.
"But think if you didn't have to? If you could spend that energy building?" She doesn't answer. "I don't think you are savages, Cas. Savages wouldn't be as nice as most people I've met, including you."
"Fine." It's all she says for a moment. "I understand."
"Do you want me to go?" You ask when she doesn't add anything.
It takes her a moment to answer, "I keep overreacting around you like I am a kid. And you don't need all this bull."
It's probably because we're an anomaly. We really aren't like most guys here. I also don't mind some of your "bull"
So we fucking her or not? What is Leaf's dick telling him?
It's culture clash. I guess it should be expected.

Anon pls.
Come on. Isnt it obvious? yes.
Let's make her feel beautiful.
It's alright, we've both grown up in completely different ways. Sometimes we won't both agree that things should be a certain way. Might be best stop here here before another argument pops up.

Nope, that ship has already sailed.
>>30008038 >>30008052
>>30008055 >>30008066
"Hey, I am the one who tells when something's too much for me." You say softly, "Or if it's bull in the first place... I am supposed to be the ambassador here, aren't I? I am the one making a lousy job if I upset you." She doesn't answer. "I am! That star had a message from Princess Twilight that's all like 'I am not saying you should be our ambassador, buuuuut...'" You try to laugh softly.
She tries to say something for a moment, working her jaw, "Leaf, I am supposed to act like an adult. It's fine if you want to go, you don't owe me anything."

Sorry for taking so long, but I wouldn't stop getting interrupted.
Let's make like lettuce and leaf.

I just really wanted to make that joke.
How awkward. Cas certainly has issues she needs to work out without us. Let's get a move on.
That's terrible. You're terrible.
Alright, we'll go. We'll talk to you another time. There are other things we need to do anyway. Like lay in bed and rest.
>>30008826 >>30008841
>>30008881 >>30008903
You close the book, "I... Just tell me if anything pops up."
"It's not that I am... I just feel like an idiot, alright?" She rubs her eyelids, "I am worried and I... I wanted to help you relax and only made it worse."
She pushes you, "Don't do that."
"What?" You try to stop her pushing you.
"Being a worrywart, that's what. Go catch some sleep while I get my head straight."
"But I don't want you to--" She pushes you against the door. "Caaaas."
She hugs you tightly and suddenly, her head on your shoulder. "I am not angry with you, and I'll be fine in a few minutes, Do you understand?"
You nod, shocked by the suddenness of it.
"And I'll get this out of the way already, your wings are really, really hot and you got a giving personality." She grabs you more tightly for a moment and lets go, opening the door behind you. "Now go get some rest."
You step back, blushing, "Are they really--"
She closes the door on your face.
You unfold a wing to have a good look at it. Huh.
The star is floating nearby, on the edge of your turf and close to the catwalks around Cas' home.
"Where you following me?" You ask her.
"It's my work to ensure your well being."
"Yyyeah. How old are you again?"
"Princess Twilight assigned me to this mission a day after your disappearance. Two days later I was sent through the portal, and after another three you reassembled me."
Agh, sorry for taking so long for this but I was getting more and more tired. Paused.
o-oh wow. Our wings our hot?
Huh. Pretty smart for a 5 day year old. Anyway, to our room to rest. Or maybe we can read one of our left over books.
We'll need to get some more opinions, but good to know we look absolutely handsome with our hot wings. All future hugs will be given by wrapping our wings around them from this day forward!

Go home to rest up. Still need to relax from a bunch of stress.
Sleep on the grass.
If we can find all five other drones do you think they can all merge together to become an ultra shiny pony like transformers do?
I think we disappointed her again.
Knock her door and offer no-strings-attached sex
The quest to collect clouds continues.
Why collect when we can figure out how to creat? We must have some info in regards to cloud crafting somewhere.
I hope you anons know that, on the chance we do a way home, Seaweed would want to go on another adventure. Put this time she won't have her super water sight powers. She'll be a normal athletic blind pony....a blind pony with a nice add like holy shit she fine!
But yeah no quiet friendship with her.

And about us searching for the other stars and looking for a way back home. Is Leaf planning to do this for the remainder of his natural born life? No family?
>>30010446 >>30010450
>>30010500 >>30011231
>>30012208 >>30011694
"Huh, you are pretty clever." You return to your turf, shifting your wings even when it produces faint ache on your back. Were they not wrapped in bandaging to prevent you from flying, you'd be preening them.
"...arkle." You realize the Star said something.
"I owe it to Princess Twilight Sparkle." She repeats. "But I don't posses true intelligence the way you know it, as I am a sufficiently-complex archetype. Only a very extensive set of scripts and, theoretically, capacity to learn."
"I don't think that." You smile softly, remembering the pride in her voice when she talked about her systems. "If you can learn you are intelligent, aren't you?"
"The possibility of me developing true intelligence is akin to that of you flying to the moon unassisted." She insists. "Virtually possible but not realistically so."
You lay flat on your belly, finding the grass comfortable under the warm sunlight. "We'll see about that... Are all the others like you?"
"We were made with varying behaviors, as Princess Twilight Sparkle found the idea of creating identical intelligences distasteful and against her principles."
You can't help smiling at that. "And could you... dunno, join in with the others?"
"Several of our systems are designed to work in tandem if necessary, such as our stasis-field force appliers."
"Huh." You fall quiet, your eyes wandering to your wings constantly. Would wing hugs be lewd here somehow?
You fall asleep at some point after that, the grass more comfortable than it oughts to be.
"...great columns!" Herb's voice wakes you up what feels like a few hours later. "But Princess Celestia did not back off." He says more quietly to the foals that surround him.
You sit, apparently prompting the star, who is floating over you, to talk, "He seems to have a passion to tell stories."

"Isn't that what Forget-me-nots do?" You say groggily, cleaning your eyes, "Travel and tell stories?"
"It still is awe inspiring to see it in person. I wonder if we should write a journal of our travels here." She adds.
"And the leviathan kept advancing!" Herb keeps talking, moving his wings as he does, "Princess Celestia had to do something... Oh! Our sleeping beauty awoke!" He exclaims, making some of the kids around him giggle. "You have seen Princess Celestia in person, yes?"
"Uh, a few times at parades?"
"Isn't her mane like flowing sky?" Asks Herb, "And her smile sweet as dandelion wine?"

Yeah, her coat is also as white as a cloud, she's as tall as two ponies on top of each other and her voice is as sweet at honey. But the princess is more then her astounding beauty. She cares for her subjects.
As though she has a natural aura of calm and tranquility.
Say Herb. How old are you?
Do we have a picture in a magazine or something so we can just show them what the princess looks like? Maybe we have a portrait or something because we're religious?
I predict that by the time we get home, Leaf will be strong enough to fight alongside Seaweed against the monsters of Equestria... while also being with that fine pony.

No idea what Leaf plans to do. But first, we should find out if it'seven possible to go home.
Cammy! Tell the story of Pumpkin Panic!

I can imagine a little colt Lettuce Leaf live a bet time story revolving around fighting evil veggies.
Oh definitely. No doubt about it. What Equestrian wouldn't have a picture of one of their great leaders that's as old as the founding of their kingdom?
Show an image representing Celestia in all her glory. I'm sure one of our books has something. I hope Rain doesn't get furious with us removing our bandages to practice swimming today.
Yes. Her mane is like an aurora, ever billowing in an ethereal wind.
But let us not forget abouther sister, princess Luna. Her mane appears as though it we made of a sea of stars, and she is just as regal as Celestia in her own right.
I can't see Leaf ever becoming that strong.

Are you hoping we'll find some McGuffin out somewhere in the sea with all of out answers? Holding some old arcane and occult knowledge that will allow us to go back home in exchange for a get quest?
Meh, perhaps Leaf might never be as strong as Sea but at least strong enough to contribute and provide back-up. We need to be strong enough to survive.

Thinking about it, a McGuffin might be what we need to get home. Magic got us here so it should get us back. Definitely not gonna be a safe at all.
>McGuffin - an object, event, or character in a film or story that serves to set and keep the plot in motion despite usually lacking intrinsic importance
The question where the McGuffin is. The Sea is a pretty big place, and we have no direction to go to so far..
I don't think I like McGuffin.
All up to Cammy in what he will throw at us. We're just pretty much throwing random ideas around for the fun of it.
>>30014028 >>30014037
>>30014053 >>30014061
>>30014097 >>30014044
"And her coat like a cloud, and she's so tall..." A filly giggles, whispering something to another, and you catch yourself up, "Hey, I have photos." You open the story book and shuffle through it until you find one of the largest drawings in it-- a two pages illustration of the alicorns standing side by side- Princess Luna with a starry field behind her, Cadance with the sunrise, Princess Celestia a sunny day, and Princess Twilight with the dusk. "See?"
They bunch together to see it, and Herb takes the chance to flutter to your hat, "So tall, huh."
"Isn't she?" You say jokingly, lifting the book so more foals can see it, "Everyone can have a look, calm down..."
The chatter of the foals only increases, most of them pointing at one of the princess or another.
"And is she really your noble?" Asks one.
"I think that's their leaders." Whispers Herb.
"The Princesses practically made my country. They control the sun, the moon, and protect us from harm."
"Is this Celestia?" One points at her.
"The blue one's prettier." Says a filly.
"Nuh-uh, the purple one has a cooler cutie mark."
"And they forgot about the story." Herb rolls his eyes, the foals ignoring us.
"What about another one?" You ask.
"You had anything in mind?"
"Pumpkin panic?"
"There's lots of stories about that." He replies.
"Then we make up a new one." You say quietly.
"You got the silver tongue for that?"
"Can't be so hard, right?"
He doesn't answer.

"Alright kids," You close the book, to their general displeasure, "What about I tell you a story from my home, Equestria... The story of when all adults -including the princesses!- vanished, and we foals had to get them back."
"Yeah! I woke up in my farm and was alone with my brother and the lettuces and I mean I got lettuce on my mark but I can't exactly wield lettuce or something and it was about the time I realized if you think too much about your mark it doesn't go well..."
The foals are staring at you, their faces blank.
"Weeee woke up and our parents were gone." You smile awkwardly. "There was a witch girl at a nearby barn, so we went to see her--"
"And she was flying away!" Says one cheerfully.
"No no, her cat didn't let them enter!"
"Nooo the barn had assploded!" Adds a third one.
Herb snickers, perched on your back, "So what happened, silver tongue?"

If you want this can be skipped.
Let's skip most of it. But to answer the question she was surrounded by other fillies and colts who were listening to her speaking.
Let's try Pumpkin Panic again. From the top...

>Once upon a time, some decades back, a little witch filly learned that all the adults disappeared! Leaving all the foals to themselves. No good bye note, no indication they were there. Just *poof*.

pause to see if they have any questions, then get back to the story

>Retell how you and your brother had to defend yourselves against the incoming waves of vegetables from the farm. Lettuces, cabbages, carrots. You name it, and how you and your brother were armed with your shears, hoe, and some other farming tools. For the longer we fought, the more territory we lost.

>It wasn't until you and your brother got a hold of the Harvester - a machine used to harvest grain with more sharp blades then a shark has teeth, and as wide as a boat home - That the both of you were able to defeat them all. At the cost of all the crops and a trip to the psychiatrist

>All their screams....

>now back to the story. You and your brother decided to head into town, and that's when you meet with the other foals and the little witch.
You don't necessarily have to keep too tightly to the original story, btw. I read it once like two years ago and only remember the most general details myself.
As always I apologize for the slow tickling on updates, but with my sleeping issues -I think it's my thyroid gland, symptoms point at that and my mother has that issue- I do so in a on-can basis.
Is Pumpkin Panic fiction or nonfiction in your horsey world?
There was a 72 hours period during which all adults (People over 18-20) in Equestria disappeared, and several dozen conflicting groups of creatures, all telling stories of how they'd been the ones to do it, appeared and were thwarted largely due to their lack of intelligence. No one is quite sure of which were the ones who actually did it, if any, or what's that made the adults come back. There's massive amounts of evidence and a lot of it is conflicting and inaccurate. The government's official statement on it was basically a shrug.
Skip most of the story and answer any questions they might have.
Ok. Let's rename it the Veggie Invasion instead of Pumpkin Panic.
>>30015300 >>30015501
>>30015879 >>30015556
>>30015587 >>30015693
You make up a story quickly, sprinkling just enough truth to keep it grounded every once in a while, and they drag it further and further away from what you actually planned to say at an astounding pace, Herb clearly amused and not shy about it.
"They really make you cry?" Asks one.
"Yes, but we were trying to--"
"Why do you eat them then?"
"They taste good. We were trying to climb--"
"Is it like sad stories? My mom likes those."
"No, but we were--"
This time it's not the kids who interrupt you, but a few mares calling their foals for supper, making you notice dusk is falling. The kids start scrambling immediately, but one of them raises her voice, "Boys, what do you say now?"
They stop on their heels, two crashing together, "Thanks Mister Leaf."
You only shake your head and let them go, moving aside when one of the mares walks up to you, "Thanks for keeping them busy, it--"
There is a sound of something breaking. Her eye twitches.
"Thanks for keeping them busy." She repeats before trotting away.
"You see," Says Herb after a moment, "The trick to tell a story like you did is to make them ask the right question."
"Thanks for telling me now." You say as you head inside to put the book in its shelf, rolling your eyes.
"My pleasure." He makes a reverence, extending his wings, then hops off your back to move on his own.
"How old were you again?" You ask sardonically. "And how come you didn't have a name?"
"Old enough." He says simply. "And ponies can't pronounce my real one."
You flicker a switch besides the entrance by reflex and are reminded, once again, that you've got no electricity, "Drat."
We still got that cloud? Lets see if we can try and jurry rig something. I want my electronic devices dammit!
Is it a tweet and a screech?
You mean putting a copper wire into a cloud and hooking it to the fuse box? Maybe it would be better to put a cloud into a jar and then sticking some wires onto it?
Maybe? That might work, but I'm worried about something. Do you think the glass jar might shatter from contact with the cloud when something is constantly siphoning electricity from it? Because I think when no force (or very little) is acting upon the cloud it stays inert, but when a great force (pegasi magic) or siphoning electricity might trigger the cloud?

Maybe I should look it up.
Are we sure we can even use the cloud without overloading our devices? I think we should get a better idea on how to do this.
Device. What device? You mean break the houses electrical? I think there's supposed to be something that prevents that when the power line connects to your home? Maybe the cloud need to be hooked up from the outside?

Or maybe some kind of resistor might help. Gotta figure out the voltage this thing can give off passively.
I think this could work. Maybe if we had a transfer switch.

Hey! We can ask the Star to help.
We making technological progress all up in this sea world.
Going to bed.
Have a good night little ponies.
>"And ponies can't pronounce my real one."
Is it a squawk? Maybe one of those elderitch sounding mind monster names?
Are you trying to be cool or something? because it's working
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>>30016434 >>30016451 >>30016476 >>30016690
>>30016690 >>30016523 >>30016565 >>30019177
"Try me." You tell Herb. "You aren't just trying to look cool, aren't you?"
"Oh, leaf, a bard of my caliber doesn't have to try." He says jokingly, pointing at himself pompously with a wing.
He makes a short whistle-like birdsong, clicking his beak.
"Point taken. Star?" You call out, "Where are you?"
"I was reprocessing and indexing today, Leaf." She glides off the ceiling, her little legs moving as if walking on the air.
"You what?"
"Right. Can you give me some light here?"
"Of course I can." She glides over your shoulder, her tail floating off it's usual place to project a beam of light. "I've been thinking about writing the journal I mentioned earlier, as an addendum to my mission log. Would it be much bother to tell me what happened before you reassembled me?"
"Later," You start walking, the star keeping ahead of you somehow. "Do you have any idea about how to get energy from clouds?"
"That's been out of practice for decades due to it's unpredictability, but it could be viable at such a small scale if you made the necessary stabilizers."
"That comes when I can use the cloud. Don't you make electricity too?"
"Only for some of my processing, which requires extremely low amounts of energy, or for my single weapon, which requires massive amounts generated in bursts. It'd put a strain on my systems and either burn everything you have or or only be able to power a light bulb poorly. Don't you have magical light sources?"
"IIII no." You shake your head.
"Can I ask why?"
"I can't charge them."
"Too crafty to ask unicorns to do it for you?" Asks Herb.
You chose not to answer, instead grabbing entering your basement and starting to rummage it for anything that might be useful. A glass jar is the first thing you find, and you give it a look, then shake your head, "It'd crack."
"Maybe the glass could be made to bear the thermal changes?" Asks the Star.
We must befriend a unicorn that can use a lightning spell so we can fire it at the big tarturus worm.
Anyway maybe a thicker jar would work? How about a clay pot?
>"Maybe the glass could be made to bear the thermal changes?"
Is she suggesting use the glass jar, or that it could be potentially used to bear the charge?
We grew up on a farm. Of course we prefer things we can maintain ourself.
What's with the shield cammy?
I think I prefer her star form. The attempt of trying to look pony is just making me uncomfortable.

Anywho, do we really NEED power? just get some candles or somesuch. What do we need to get done before bed?
Heck yeah we need power. We need it for some sweet hot bath or shower action. And candles will only last for so long. If we're capable of restoring power to our home then I'm all for it.
>>30020714 >>30020818
>>30021071 >>30021089
>>30021103 >>30021154
"Or clay." You keep searching the drawers and chests for electric equipment. "Herb, does anyone here have some?"
"You know how to model?"
"I'll learn." He doesn't answer immediately, "I grew in a farm, Herb. Closest shop was a mile away."
"I'll ask." He hops up the stairs.
"Do you really need power?" Asks the Star after a moment of you rummaging, "You could use candles."
"I'll run out of candles sooner than later." An old model train? Why do you even have this? The transformer might be useful. "And I want a hot bath already."
"If you say so..." She moves to give you better lighting.
A few minutes pass before you talk again. "Could you turn back into a star?"
"Ah?" She seems surprised by the question. "Oh. Uhm, yes." Her pieces rearrange themselves into her first shape. "This, er, is a much more energy-efficient shape anyway." She says uncomfortably.
"Got your clay." Herb descends the stairs with a slab held awkwardly on his back between his wings.
>"This, er, is a much more energy-efficient shape anyway." She says uncomfortably.
Oh. Now I fell bad. Sorry for that. She can turn back if she wants.
Hey Cammy. Is that a clay pot or a wet moist bunch of clay? If it's wet then we'll have a problem. Wet clay needs to be molded, dried, then hi fired, and we don't have to facilities and materials to high fire clay.
Oh I'm sorry. I uh, I just wanted to know if you could. Are there other things you can turn into?
I know clay, I model it for a living. Firing it makes it much more resistant to both water and impacts, but it's not necessary to this use. As long as it's dry when used for it, sudden thermal changes won't be an issue.
Glassed porcelain would be the best, but as you already said we don't have the tools for that.
I guess man. I figured some firing would help with the resilience of the clay. And it gets kind of brittle when it's at the dried stage before firing right?
Ceramic is brittle or not depending on the quality of the material and of the maker. It's more resistant than a lot of people seem to assume it to be, and glassing it is incredibly useful in that aspect- but again, not possible right now, and glassing ceramic is not something I'd have a newbie do, anyway, since it needs a steady hand and a lot of the materials for it have heavy metals like lead, and let's not even start with pigments. There's other factors but they''d throw me into a rant if I touched them.
Raw ceramic is obviously not as hard as fired -to give you an idea think of... cold black chocolate filled with sand would be a good comparison- but it'd do the job.
And cooking has various tiers. White ceramic is cooked at... 1100 C? and red at about 2000, and if you want gresado -further firing that makes it significantly harder- you need between eight hundred and a thousand extra.
Thank Herb and get the clay. It's time to mold a pot with the clay.

Maybe go upstairs to the kitchen and make some space on a clean counter top where you begin molding, and have a bowl of water close by in case you need to wet some parts of the pot. maybe make some slip?
Use whatever form you feel most comfortable in. Thank herb for the clay, where'd he find it?
>Herb, does anyone here have some?
Probably from someone.
>>30021364 >>30021374
>>30021398 >>30021385
>>30021416 >>30021527
>>30021989 >>30022290
Aw damn. "Do you want to turn back into a... uh, pony?"
"I could." She says tentatively.
"I wouldn't mind if you did." You chuckle nervously. "You know, your call and all."
"Yes, right." The pieces shift back into her preferred form.
"What else could you turn into?" You ask her encouragingly.
"Shapes... any, with my levitation systems." She says, still timid but quickly returning to her usual cheerfulness. "Some were preset because they are more efficient for certain tasks."
"So will you use that?" Herb rubs his back and hops to yours in a mess of feathers, almost making you lose your balance.
"Yeah." You look down at the slab on your hooves. "Where did you get it?"
"Keeping kids busy gives one good reputation with their parents. I tell 'em, the kids' that flock to me and I got stories to give, but they always insist in giving me something." He says happily.
You remember what little you know about clay modeling. No air bubbles inside it, that was the first rule...
By the time you have something serviceable, Herb lays asleep on the top of a bookcase -the Dudas are on the sofa, huddled together- and the star still alights you.
"You think this'll work?" You ask dubiously, trying to smooth it's surface.
"I don't see why it shouldn't." The star seems distracted for a moment, "You'd tell me if I was underperforming somehow, wouldn't you?"

"If you were I'd tell you." You say as encouragingly as you can, feeling exhausted. "Can you leave this outside? I need to sleep."
She smiles widely, "I'll be glad to, Leaf."
You smile back at her and clean your hooves with a cloth, then head upstairs for the soft, so soft embrace of your bed.
A tiring day... but not a bad one.
You fall asleep shortly after hearing the star close the front door.
Singing. Splashing.
You wake up to singing and walk to the window slowly, your eyes heavy.
The moonlets are running circles on the water nearby, all singing in tandem and, it seems to you, not a single one not staring at the sky. At the center of the circle a few stand on pieces of wood, their arms open wide as if wanting to embrace the moon. A few ponies are watching them.
You go back to bed, too tired for this, and don't wake up until almost midday.
Nothing seems different from the window, making you wonder if the moonlets were a dream. Sea is sharpening a spear on her hut, and Herb is again surrounded by foals on your lawn. The Dudas are talking at the edge of it, Nitz barely noticeable as it moves constantly on top of Natan's head.

Do we have some old broken appliances somewhere in the hole or shed? Or do we a spare cable we can plug one end into the transformer and the other into the...cloud. Somehow. With Pegasus magic.
Trial and error time.
Today's quest will be trying to get power to the house. If we can make the fridge work then we can stock it.
You turn away from the window and head downstairs, thankful to have a minute to be on your own. Electronics...
You check the pile of mixed electronics that you gathered yesterday, writing down what's on it.
Hrm... enough of this has small transformers that you can, at least, jury rig something that gives normal voltage, but you'll need... some kind of stabilizer? Or buffer? something to keep a reliable output from the cloud-- The exact amount doesn't mater as much as keeping it from spiking constantly and burning the fuses you installed before and after the transformers.
>Broken film projector
>Way too many small pieces of assorted wiring
>Broken flashlight
>Electric engine from the train model
>Multimeter with a busted display
>Assorted circuitry bits, such as transistors and diodes, you collected taking the transformers from things.
>A Pintendo CBC hoofheld console with a stuck button, which you'd rather not tear apart despite the fact that you haven't fixed it after years. You had just gotten a cucharamon.
>Three rechargeable batteries you had forgotten were inside the CBC
>Short circuited power drill
>An elongated, smooth, ball-tipped rubber cylinder approximately twenty centimeters in length and three in circumference, which had a tendency to give electric shocks when used.

Sorry for taking so long for this kind of post, paused.
I'll think of something tomorrow.
Easy as spit. You can rig up a simple voltage regulator with just a resistor and diode because of the logarithmic behavior of voltage across diodes. If we need more precise voltage control we can swap the diode out for a Zenner diode, add a second resistor, and make a simple shunt regulator? No diodes? No problem! Loop some wire, make a solenoid, put a chunk of metal on a spring, add a capacitor and presto, electromechanical voltage regulator.
Ask the star if it think's it's capable of fixing any of this stuff.
>Put this time she won't have her super water sight powers.
*but this time. You wonder how Sea was able to navigate through water?
Why would she miss it?
If she were to travel to Equestria, which has more land, she might feel blind. More so then she already is.
She was aware of Leaf ogling her ass, so I'm fairly sure she's pretty aware of her surroundings above and below the waves.
I still wonder how she manages to do that. Maybe it's a curse placed on her? I can't understand how she knows what's in the water without some form of magic.
She could hear our heart beat going faster like dare devil.
Checking her out, and getting away with it, will forever be impossible. Woe is Leaf.
>>30024064 >>30024228
Maybe... You make a coil, grab a capacitor...
...Suck your tongue for a moment when you hurt it with a nail...
...and glue everything over a wood board, hoping it won't catch fire.
The result is ugly, but functional and solid enough. so you head up for some things and then to the ceiling, where the star is laying flat.
She doesn't wake up until you've pulled the cloud down by its rope, scrambling to pieces for a moment before jerking to her pony-like form.
"Sorry for that." You say distractedly, taking a piece of cloud carefully and putting in the jar. Some puffs away, but several minutes of painstaking movement get it to not hit the walls of the pot.
"I should've been minding my radars." She says when it's obvious that you are done.
"Dreaming again?"
"Er." She doesn't say anything else.
Rolling your eyes you turn back to the cloud and, carefully, lower a wire pair of wires onto it. Are you even supposed to have a positive pole? Better safe than sorry.
The coil reddens almost immediately, producing a smell of ozone.
You glide down to the basement and return with the thickest piece of copper you can find to make a new coil. This time it radiates heat, but doesn't redden.
Now the test of fire. You grab the second wood board, the one with the transformer, and connect it to the regulator with a small prayer.
"You can't scan this or something, can't you?" You ask the star half jokingly to try lightening the mood.
"I am not sure any of my scanners would be of use here." She answers.
"Yyyyeah." Nothing has broken yet, so you connect the transformer to a light bulb, cringing. You don't have many of the things.
It lights up, and and doesn't burn out.
"Hrm. Eureka?" Says the star tentatively.
Give a happy little neigh.
A functions multimeter sure would be useful.

Maybe we could hook it up to star and she can tell us how much electricity this thing can put out? Nah that's too dangerous.
Success! We are making progress. We'll get that hot shower sooner or later.
Does Leaf own an electrical burner?

I can't remember if his stove was electric or gas. Who even uses gas stove tops anymore?

And the oven. Is it gas or electric?
Make some fish and chips thanks to our potatoes (I think we have those). Or oven baked fish. Or steamed.

Man is I could go for some steamed fillet white fish cooked with ginger and spring onions. Maybe cooked in some rice wine and maybe soy sauce.
A tiny celebration is in order! At least right before Sea throws into the ocean to practice drowning.
I use a gas stove, dipshit.

I'm only fooling with you bro.
>>30029186 >>30029323
>>30029374 >>30029486
>>30029583 >>30029616
You make a happy little neigh, grinning widely, and then blush. Adult stallions oughtn't neigh, you remind yourself.
Cooking-- Wait no, you have a gas top.
Why do you have a gas top.
Screw it. Screw all of this. It can't be so hard to make an electric top.
An hour, opening your gas top, and several electric burns later, you have an electric stove top that should work.
Too bad it meant taking some pieces from the water heater, but it'll still work so long as you give it more time to get it's work done.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Asks the star, sitting on the kitchen top. "The cloud can't have that much energy on it."
"I'll be efficient later." You skin one of your last potatos, careful to put their skins in a bag. The things can grow anywhere, after all.
"What are you cooking, then?"
"Uh." You stop, realizing you didn't have any actual plans of what to cook.
"Most people likes fish here." Says the star helpfully.
"Fish?" You remember how it felt in your mouth and make an effort not to think of it.
"Your friend even seems to have no issue with it being raw." She adds.
"Sea?" When did the Star talk with her? "Yeah, she just dries it."
"You could invite natives to have Equestrian seafood." She keeps talking, "Cultivating cultural exchange is at the top of my diplomatic priorities, after all."
Do you know how to cook fish then? I sure don't.
Do we have a cook book on seafood?

Let's catch some fish and fillet them so we can experiment. Frying, steaming, boiling. (Could make a soup if we boil and remove the bones.)
We need to catch some fish first if we want to experiment. Better suck it up and catch some live fish.
Does Sea even like cooked fish? I doubt Leaf has the stomach to eat everything he makes yet, and it will be a waste if no one eats what we cook up.
She doubt it. Not sure if she has anywhere to start a fire. And she'd need some dried seaweed.
Doesn't hurt to offer it to her if we can't eat our food. Though, I think she won't care about it being cooked as long as it is food in the end.
Do we have gems? Any gems at all?
Why do you ask?
Sorry for th radio silrnce, bit shit reached the ceiling for a while today and I couldn't really focus in anything. Will try to have a proper session tonorrow.
Maybe it would be good for trading. Maybe can use it as a magnifying glass.
Trading, maybe. Magnifying glass? No. We know Leaf has bits, but him owning gems are questionable with how relatively common they are in Equestria. With there being no land to mine, gems could be highly sought after making then very valuable to the right people.
>>30030072 >>30030085
>>30030125 >>30030303
>>30030357 >>30031488
>>30031612 >>30032155
"I- I don't know how to cook fish." You say abashedly, "You know, no practice--"
"One of your books has recipes with fish. I indexed them earlier!" She adds cheerfully.
"Do I really." You say uncomfortably, no longer skinning the potato.
"What's wrong?" The Star turns her head like a curious dog.
"I've never cooked fish." You say, feeling inadequate.
"But fish is common in pegasus culture." She says, confused.
"And I didn't grow up in Cloudsdale. I am a farm colt."
"Learned to cook from earth ponies?"
"Oh." She nods, obviously not understanding, then nods again, slowly, "Oooh. Surely you can learn now?"
"Come!" She hops down from the countertop, her small legs clicking against the tiles. "I know I saw a fishing cane, and your friend can give you bait."
You follow her uncomfortably, holding the cane on your mouth and trying not to hit any of the kids around Herb when you head for Seaweed's.
"Far away?" She is sitting on her... would porch be the name for it? without her eyepatches on, blinking quickly.
"Yoou heard my steps?" You say tentatively.
"Graceful as a hammer." She repeats, swinging her spear lazily with her tail. "Take my advise and never use a trident, Far. They are all show."
A moment passes, both you and the star waiting for her to add something. "Mind if I grab something for fishing bait?"
She shrugs, "I gutted some earlier, there must be something left on the table."
It's with a lot of cringing, and encouragment from the Star, that you pierce a chunk of what looks like intestines to the cane's cook, and sit on the porch near Sea.
Ten minutes pass, fifteen, twenty. Sea doesn't say anything much when the Star tries to start conversations.
"Er, shouldn't something have bit by now?" You ask Sea.
"Not if you try to fish near boats that scare the fish."
That makes sense. We need a net and a small boat. That'd be way faster.
I thought we should've been able to catch something on Leaf's turf then?
Could we fish on her porch then? Or should we go fishing on the tub with a done connecting it to our home? Also get a club to beat to fish. Wouldn't want them to flop back into the ocean now.
Be annoyed but mostly amused since we're used to her ways by now.

Couldn't you have told me that earlier?
Guess she wanted us to learn our graceful mistake on our. Amusing of her really.
on our own*.
Ask Star if she's found a book on the production of clouds while cataloging all out books. S-she didn't find our...special books. Did she?

Active things to do:
-improve fishing skills
-adjust jurry rigged electrical system
-learn and improve swimming skill
-learn to gut fish
-learn to cook fish
- find work via Cas / sunset celebration / the griffin when we reach the city
-make a thank you meal for the moonlets

Passive things to do:
-look for clouds
-refill water purifier
-water plants if they need to be
>Star exploring her sexuality and we find her wearing a garter belt and stockings when?
>Leaf puts his dick in Star when?
I know, right? Seaweed's personality is incredibly amusing to me. Always makes me smile.
I hope the Tritons aren't scaring away the fish.
>>30034566 >>30034719
>>30034868 >>30035311
>>30035460 >>30035522
>>30035532 >>30035664
>>30035629 >>30035641
"Whatever I'd do without you." You roll your eyes, reeling the line in.
"I understand she's provided you with guidance." Says the Star helpfully.
"Yes. Thanks." You shake you head, "I'll go see if I can find some other way to fish."
"Get a club." Sea is silent for a moment. "How close to the city are we?"
"Lemme see" You jump off the porch, leaving the cane there, and get some height,
Huh, it's already visible. A few moonlets are already running back and forth.
"Close," You take a moment to check the speed of the caravan, then glide down. "We'll be there in... four-ish hours?"
"Huh," It's all she says, her eyes moving lazily around."
"Can you actually see anything?" You ask carefuly.
"I can tell if I am blind in the dark or blind in light." She blinks quickly and feels the boards around her rump until she finds the patches to put them on.
"You know, Equestria has tools for the blind. Books you could read."
"Lines and dots on a clay sheet?"
"Not quite?"
"I used to have some. Most are religion."
"And medics could help you too."
She shrugs, "No use in thinking about it now."
"We should go fish soon, Leaf." The Star pokes your leg, "Time's a waste!"
"Try not to drown, will you." Says Sea when you are turning away.
"I'll ensure he doesn't." The star smiles at her and walks away.
"I'll try to." You chuckle nervously and follow the star, "Try not to, uh, find a beast."
"Like I wouldn't."
You chuckle and head back inside for the bathtub, pushing it some before moving it to feel it's weight.
You really ought to get or make a proper boat. This'll barely have any buoyancy at all... maybe it can stay in place?
Yeah, that'd work. You get your very last lengths of rope, which are thirty meters long when tied together.
"Hey." You ask while pushing the bathtub outside. "What books did you catalogue?"

"Everything in the first living room's bookshelf, your discography, and I shelved several books that were spread across the house."
You let yourself relax, at least she didn't--
"Some I don't know how to catalogue, though, such as pornography." Adds the star. "Should I--"
"No." You rush to say. "Er, no, you don't need to catalogue it."
"Alright then. You could use a net to fish? And the club."
"A club." You can't help but picture yourself as a thug staring at a fish. "Er, yes, I'll get that too."
Net, net... you trot to a stallion who's readying his boat and call him.
"Hey," You pick up your pace when he turns to you, "Could you lend me a net?"
He looks at you, and then at the bathtub the Star is pushing slowly across the lawn. He raises his eyebrow.
"I am... new to fishing."
He points at a pile of carefully folded and tied nets nearby.
"Thanks for that," You grab one and give a close look to the rope-- each filament seems to have a slightly different color. "What's it made of?"
"Mare braid." He says simply, searching his boat for holes.
"Really? I promise I'll give it back well folded."
"You do that."
You smile at him and head back. Club, club... You might really need one, so you go back inside and grab an umbrella. Oughts to be enough, right?
You put it in the boat and turn around again, starting to be bothered. Water. The water filter needs more by now.
With everything done, you tie an end of the rope to bathtub and the other to your house and, with the help of the star, let down the bathtub on the water carefully.
It does it's job, if only barely. The star chooses to float over it rather than add any weight.
The star pushes you away from the caravan, and after a few minutes the rope starts pulling you. Isn't this how it works? Spreading the net across the water and... catching fish with it by moving?
Oughts to work.
Five minutes pass. Ten. Twenty.
Fish isn't happening.

>Had an internet outage mid writing
>Then a power outage
>Then my internet came back twenty minutes after my power but there were twice as many replies so I had to rewrite
>Then Connection Error While Posting so I had to ask someoen else to post this for me
Well then let's head back. We could go ahead and make a thank you meal for the moonlets.
>Fish isn't happening.
Course not. It's a net. You dump it in the water, then you wait for fish in swim into the net. It's nothing like a fishing rod where you'll notice something taking your bait by pulling your rod.
Maybe there aren't any fish because we're getting close to the city? Check the water for pollution and pull the net in to see if you've caught anything. (Like a husbando?)
Make a meal out of what? How much food do we have?
Man this would be easier if we knew how to swim. Then we could just look underwater for a school of fish and then go back up and swim over them with the net out.
Shit. Cast told us what they like but I forgot. We can always borrow from Cas or Sea.
Tritons in fishnets.

>>30037075 >>30037088
>>30037144 >>30037195
You poke your tongue into the water curiously... salty, but it doesn't taste dirty. So that can't be what's wrong. You should probably be careful with water at the city, still.
This'd be easier to do if you could swim... you pull the net even when it hasn't moved yet, wondering what are you supposed to do if it catches someone.
Cas or Sea in fishnets. Hrm... Rev?
Or Tritons--
You block out that thought immediately, cringing.
"Our very first catch!" Says the star happily, helping you get the fish into the boat.
The three small fish, each ten centimeters long or so, flop around the bottom of the tub.
"We-- Leaf," The star drops from her usual cheerfulness, "Leaf they are dying."
Eating fish requires to die obviously. Make it quick and smack them with the umbrella to end their suffering. Gotta practice gutting them.
Oh crap we should have brought a bucket to put them in. Quick, do we have something bucket like to keep them fresh?
Yes? Do you mean from starvation, lack of oxygen, or is there a sickness in the water?

Oh no. I....do I need to tell you about morality and...
No. We don't. Just the tub. We'd need to fly back.
Oh trust me star i feel the say way. But, I'm still growing my crops and and I don't think I could ask Sea or Cas for some of their food for too long. They wouldn't like that. And seaweed isn't nutriscioys by itself.
Please tell me you know what the food chain is.
We'll need to give that robot a hug soon.
Hug star. She looks like she needs someone to hug her right now.
Would she like us to throw the fish back into the water?
>>30037631 >>30037637
>>30037641 >>30037650
>>30037683 >>30037716
>>30038205 >>30038380
"Yeah, that happens." You say uncomfortably, grabbing the folded umbrella. "Food's not always plants."
"But--! But they die when you eat them!" The star's pieces start shifting from their usual positioning. "I-- I didn't--"
"It's fine." You put a hoof on her back, wondering if she can feel it. "That's why I was nervous."
"I already knew how this works, but..." Her head drops.
"I understand. Uhm, do you want a hug?"
"What for?"
"I'd like to give one." You admit.
She glides lower for you to grab her... Damn she's heavy. And cold.
"Do you think the other stars are faring better?" She asks.
"We'll know when we find them."
"We are just beta models." She says mater of factly. "Princess Twilight only sent us because she didn't have anything better."
"Hey, don't say that. She sent you because she knows you can do the job." You open your arms slightly to let her go, and she moves out-- careful to look like a pony while doing so instead of just scrambling her pieces and reforming, you notice. "Are you feeling any better now?"
"I'll be." She floats a small distance away, focusing her eyes on anything but the weakly flapping fish.
"Do you want me to put them back on the water?"
"You spent so long getting them..."
"Do you want me to?"
She shakes her head.
"You can go back if you want to. I'll pull the rope to go back."
She floats slowly back to the boats, her head low.
Hng... you got to do this now. The tip of the umbrella caves their heads in quickly with wet snaps, hopefully too quickly for them to feel anything much.
You wash your face with sea water and try to distract yourself trying to think of what you'll cook. Potato salad? Maybe... no, the mayo must've gone bad by now.
Suck it up. We have to learn to cook the most common food here if we want to fit in. We can't find work if we don't practice. Try to gut the fish.
Can star help us with instructions?
Just make whatever we have. Mash something together.
If we had any butter or butter substitutes I would have suggested adding a coating flour, then frying in butter. or maybe some oil. Darn.

And the potatoes? Dunno yet.
>>30038896 >>30038905
>>30038975 >>30039242
Pulling the rope and pressing your hooves against the front of the bathtub for traction, you drag the bathtub back to your lawn. It'll stay afloat, so you just make a pair of knots on the rope to shorten it's length.
Now for the actually hard part. Gutting living beings. Well... not living anymore. That's a kindness, said a griffon to you?
Rather warped, that griffon's kindness.
You try to ignore the taste of the fishes' tails when they enter your mouth and take them to Sea's shed, then clean your tongue against your teeth after leaving them on her table.
"Sea?" You call after a moment, looking around for her.
"What is it." She asks from inside.
"I don't know how to gut the fish." You make an effort to not sound plaintive. "I killed fish."
"Then don't waste it."
"But I killed them."
"So use it." She walks out of her shed, opening the door just enough to pass through it, and heads for the table. "Watch me."
She feels for the fish, a knife already on her hoof, and cleans then guts it with swift motions. The second is gutted more slowly and carefully, and the third one even more so.
"Did you get it?" She asks, putting the knife back in it's usual spot.
"I... think?"
"Good, now do something before it goes bad."
"Uh, yeah," You watch the strips of meat, regretting not having gotten a bucket for this. "How do you eat it raw?"
"There's worse than raw."
You consider asking her and decide against it, not wanting to summon further mental images as you grab them in your mouth by the very tip.

You trot faster than it's decent back to your kitchen and drop it on an empty pot, again cleaning your tongue against your teeth. Worse than raw... not a good thing to wonder about.
Do you have any bread left? Griffons do something with that, right?
A few minutes of searching get you a half empty bag of salt biscuits, which you grind into a fine powder and coat the fish with it. Some doesn't stick, but you don't have fresh mayonaise or fresh eggs to correct that. You probably should clean your fridge and... make a compost pile maybe?
An hour and a ruined fish later, you have what you hope is a serviceable fried fish with chips.
Hm... Didn't the Star say this was supposed to be to share?
The Star, who is still avoiding the kitchen. Probably for the best.
And where are the Dudas even?

Sea is a friend, let's share with her. She also has a strong sense of taste due to being blind.
But the food was supposed to be moolets.
I'd say Sea as well. She'll be brutally honest on what we did wrong with the fish, and she did help teach us how to gut a fish after all. But first, let's have ourselves a taste.
I remember Cas, Gille and someone else like specific foods in the fourth thread, but for the moonlets I don't know. It's the gesture that counts. We at least know they can eat fried rice and seaweeds.

>I'd never give food I haven't tested myself first, and if it's bad I throw it.
Well we can't grow it out now. Did Leaf get a little taste of his dish?

I regret not ask how they preserved milk in the barrel without it spoiling.

>Potato salad? Maybe... no, the mayo must've gone bad by now.
Leaving mayonnaise out at room temperature is acceptable as long as it's not contaminated by other food or dirty utensils, but keeping it in the fridge helps extend its shelf life. Especially if it's commercial brand (preservatives).
I forgot to like that >>30042080 to this post.
I don't remember the star menrioning anything about sharing, but I do remember posting Leaf making a thank you meal for the moonlets. Unless we cooked the two remaining fishes, we'll have one uncooked fish left. And the mayo might be good.

We better do something about this food while it's still nice and warm. Maybe share it with Sea?
Share with sea?
No. With the moonlets. Maybe both.
>>30040506 >>30040626
>>30040746 >>30041938
>>30042080 >>30042109
>>30043032 >>30043207
Sea, or the moonlets... You do have two fishes, but it was two moonlets who helped you.
Didn't... what was the minotaur's name, Ian, mention something about them and food?
"Eh." You say aloud. There's two fishes, Sea gets one and the moonlets the other. Not that you could stomach them yourself right now.
Each of them goes to a plate, with it's corresponding half of the puree, and both the plates are put on your rump.
"Herb?" You call him from the front door, "Any moonlet around?"
"They pass by." He says vaguely, pointing at the water, and goes back to telling his stories.
Surely enough, a moment later a moonlet runs by-- seemingly making circles around the ship. You call him too, and when he stops suddenly and snaps rather than turns in your direction you ask for the moonlets that brought you back pieces of your lawn. The pair, one wearing an open mauve shirt and the other a green one, arrive shortly after.
"Hey, I wanted to thank you two." You offer them one of the plates, "You helped me out the other day, remember?"
One takes it and both tear pieces of the fish to use as spoons and taste the puree curiously, their tongues snapping it away.
They like it, if their eating is any indication-- there is a sort of elegance to how they tear the fish to pieces with the tips of their fingers and use it to scoop the rest, the food more or less eroding in the space of a minute.
"So?" You ask them when they return the plate, putting it on your rump again, "What do you think?"
They both give you thumbs up and then have a small conversation, after which they search their pockets quickly and, careful to do slowly, one of them grabs your hoof and put a pair of small, glasslike, green coins on it.
Oh. Thank you, but this was a gift for your help before. You don't have to pay.
Thanks. We're glad you liked it that much. You don't have to always pay for it though.
This. I was thinking the same thing.

Gosh I wish we could understand their language. I'd like to ask them how they're able to run through water so quickly, but alas, we cannot understand them and will most likely have a translator. At least we know our fish dish isn't bad. Maybe there's hope for us after all.

Fucking tired of getting connection errors while posting.,
Ask Rain if she can check the conditions of your wings. When was the last time you had a physical? You've always made sure to keep your wings clean of rot and parasites.

Other then the obvious injury we sustained a day or so ago, how healthy are they wings?
Our attractive wings must be checked out by Dance. We don't anything bad to happen to them. Ask Sea's opinion on our food. Did she like it? Pretty much a thank you for showing us how to gut some fish.
She hasn't eaten any of the fish yet.
Thank Rain and remember to give your wings a good stretch. Maybe rain could pull on one now? Lightly I might add.
Ask Rain about how Sea is. Specifically her eyes. I thought it was kinda odd to see her without the patches but didn't say anything about it.
>>30044163 >>30044129
>>30044102 >>30044039
"Can you give them a checkup?" You extend one, remembering what Cas said. "I preen them regularly, but..."
"Already did." She extends the other one with a sudden, but gentle, pull. "The feather size might be congenital, but that's for you to know. They are fine otherwise."
"Congenital? Sort of?" You turn to Sea, who still hasn't touched the food, "Hey, that's for you."
She nods distractedly, feeling on the plate carefully.
"So?" You ask a moment after she's taken a bite.
"It's food."
"Yes but I can't say that if I am selling it, right?"
She eats another piece before talking again, "There's no bite to it."
"I'll see what I can do. And why do you cover your eyes if you can see, anyway?"
It takes her an instant longer than usual to answer, "I can't even make out something on the tip of my snout, Leaf. They are useless for anything but distracting me."
But Sea, they're oh so pretty to look at. But for real, just how blind is she? I know she said she can tell when it's light or dark. Also give her another hug, she needs her hug practice.
So it's bland? Maybe I should add some lemon zest - oh. I can't, want. Maybe I have some lemon spice. Or I could add chill flakes next time.

I like eating my fried fish with fish sauce. Some fish sauce, sugar, diced garlic, lemon, chili peppers. Probably some other stuff depending on how you make it. Good stuff mate.
Wait I didn't mean by, never mind.
We don't want Sea to suffer any pain for the sake of practicality. Won't the pain be even more distracting anyway if her eyes get infected? She's not immune to it. Leaf won't take a no when it comes to her health.
Rain knows what she's talking about, Sea. An eye infection can get really bad, whether you're using the eye or not.
*nervious horse noises*

We don't need to baby Sea guys. She's a grown ass mare that could kick Leaf's ass ten fold.

But yeah you guys are right. Sea ya gotta listen to the doc. She knows her shit.
Any recommended stretches for us?

Should we go check on the Duda's now? It's been a day.
Sorry if it came off as babying, but if Sea does some obvious bad descicions, then it's up to us talk some reason into her.
>>30044710 >>30044728
>>30045002 >>30045017
>>30045029 >>30045075
>>30045131 >>30045163
"Shouldn't you worry about infections, anyway?" You insist.
"I don't have any infections."
"You are going to a city, filled with people..." Rain leaves it hanging in the air.
"I know how to handle myself at cities."
"And I am doubting that, because it's my job to do so." Rain pulls Sea into a single-arm hug and heads off, "Catch you later. And flex those things, Leaf."
There's a moment or pregnant silence before you speak, "Is it really for practicality?"
"Ever heard of the shadows on the wall, Far away?" She asks, grabbing her patches, "I don't even have the shadows. I am blind for all it maters."
"I am not sure I know the same story you do." You scratch the back of your head uncomfortably, "You really can't see me from there?"
She turns her face to you, the patches on her hoof, and shakes her head.
"I can't lose what I never had, Far away. Stop thinking about it." She says as she puts them on.
"You'll take them off, right?"
"I do when I sleep."
"And tell me if anything's wrong?"
You feel echoes of your talk with the Star, but shrug them off.
"Alright, I'll let you be." You take the plates. "We'll be at the city soon, tell me if anything's wrong at all will you?"
"If." She repeats.
"Thanks," You say honestly, "I'll go see how's the Dudas."
"Don't think I've forgotten about you swimming." She says the moment you turn around.
O-of course not!
Screw it. Swim now then go check on the Dudas. We don't want to practice swimming in the city cuz of that dank water.

You know there was this story about a blind batari.
Looking forward to it.
I'd rather practice swimming before reaching the city. The water will most likely be unsanitory there.
like swimming in shit.
Exhaustion hit me midwriting, paused.
>>30045924 >>30045904
>>30045876 >>30045855

Still getting CEWPs.
I'd imagine he'd have agreed with you.
Shiiit. I don't remember if we have any more food to eat. Maybe more noodles?
Lets get to practicing then getting some food in us later.
Is that an insult?
Continue the tale of the blind batari. How he constantly wandered directly into conflict and closed himself off from anyone who would get to know him because of personal reasons. Despite all that, even if he says otherwise, he tries to do the right thing in the end.
I hope Leaf is capable of freestyle strokes.

head in water. exhale. head to the side out the water. inhale. repeat.

fucking pony anatomy.
>>30051610 >>30051649
>>30051661 >>30051670
>>30051694 >>30052072
"Yeah! My bro a-always said he was a cut ma-marionette. And he t-traveled for years, only he was afraid of letting people near him."
"How quaint."
"B-but he learned h-how to use h-his sword without seeing?" You take a hard turn, noticing her disinterest. "He traveled for years, with no one to help him"
"That happens. I hear talking but no swimming, Far away boy."
"Oh, uhm, yeah." You go completely underwater suddenly, forcing your eyes to stay open. Not like you'll learn to swim blind anytime soon.
...And there's bell-like structures under everyone's homes. Ha! You knew they didn't just let their waste spread around.
All too soon, your lungs run out of air and force you to surface again, gasping with your mouth open.
"He... he could hear the wind and the rustling of clothes and blades swishing. And he returned to Princess Luna's palace, wanting to show her that he could be of use to her, b-but she had turned into Nightmare--"
"Swim." She snaps. "Fill your chest this time."
"Oh, uhm, yeah." You grasp for air, but she talks again immediately.
"Take air with your belly. Fill your lungs as you can, close your mouth, force the air down to your stomach, then grasp for some more."
You do as she says-- forcing air into your chest until it feels like your mouth can barely contain the air and your lower belly hurts.
"Stay down for a minute." She says simply.
You nod and sink again, hanging from the supports under her shack.
Would swimming be like flying, only easier? Floating in endless cold?
You forgot to count the seconds. How long it's been? Ten, twenty? It can't bee that long. Maybe five, for all you know.
The beating of your heart is either stronger or more noticeable than before, making you wonder if that's what drowning is like. It wasn't there in Sea's last lesson, but you were swallowing water that time. Maybe it's different when you have some breath left. Your throat hurts, though.
I was going to comment on how a race of fliers might have a larger lung capacity for oxygen or the ability for their lungs to process oxygen more efficiently, but I might be wrong.

Surface and take a half minute break before we go again.
Try to hold it then. Relax your body.
How clear is the water? Can we see anything below? Any fish?
Relax... Didn't Sea tell you to relax the first time she tried this? Calm your arms, don't waste air being tense.
Now count the seconds and try to enjoy the sight, you tell yourself.
There's what looks like a school of fishes deep below, their shimmering scales barely noticeable.
You look around and see no giant worm. That's a positive.
And this is as far as you'll get for now. You pull up, your lungs aching for air, and take a gasp of air.
"Not so fast." Says Sea.
You keep gasping.
She jumps to the water, swims to you, and forces your mouth closed with her forehooves.
"Control your breathing. Keep it leveled." She says firmly, holding your mouth shut until you nod.
It's hard, but every pegasus has some experience with breathing exercises-- You think back to when you were learning how to fly, and try to remember what the instructor said.
"Level it." Repeats Sea.
At first it hurts, but you start gaining a hold on it by the time that Sea tells you to submerge again.
It must be nearly two hours before Sea lets you climb up again, chilled to the bone. You lean against the wall, trying to get a hold on your breath. In, out, time it...
It only injuries your pride a little when she just sits as stoically as ever, despite having spent easily twice as long as you did underwater.
This is why we should have a towel nearby to dry ourselves. We can just get one now actually.
Nah we're good. Natural pegasi endurance. Now, some food. Gotta figure something out.
Thank her for the lesson and grab some towels to dry both ourselves up.
Oh, and paused.
Come on Sea, aren't you gonna tell me how bad I did? Give me some feedback here.
Anon. If she were to do that we'd be standing here all day and night.
... I'm guessing you don't want to hear the rest of the tales of the batari.
I think she likes action over words.
A shame really. Sea seems to be really similar to the batari. I thought she would of liked to hear tales around action.
I guess the only way to get her to really listen is if we do more dangerous stuff.
I still don't think it's a good idea to make a waifu out of Seaweed. She revels in the opportunity to put herself in situations that might be deemed as danger. The rush is the only way to really bring her out, for a short time.
I'm on the fence on that decision, but I think it's best to wait and see how this friendship develops before deciding. Not like there are many stable options.

It also feels like she still doesn't trust what we have to say. At least, not until we do enough to prove to her that our advice matters. She doesn't like being babied, and we can't just leave her to face danger alone. Leaf is pretty much stuck with Seaweed and her antics.
At the very least she trusts Leaf enough. And you might feel like that's the case since she relies on adrenaline to fuel her emotions.
>we can't just leave her to face danger alone.
Sure we could. She's done it before we came along to know on her door that one fateful night.
I realized that no one has a decent planned suggestion on what we should do. There's 'go out and look for the star's, and that one poster who wanted the McGuffin, but that's meta.
>She's done it before we came along to know on her door that one fateful night.
We could, but I was thinking more in line with Leaf's character. I don't think he can ever leave Sea to do something dangerous by herself in good conscience.
I think he could. He's a bit of a chicken after all.
I thing she agreed to follow us for the adventure and the promise of Equestria, not the 'Leaf will help her.' I can't think at the moment.
Let's, a smart cookie. If the mare can kill sharks and swim fast enough to match a giant Sea monster, then just. WOW.

I guess that means she still needs someone to take care of her.
Shake it off like a dog.
Didn't Leaf already throw himself to fight that worm and promised to help Sea fight in some way, despite being a afraid because we're her friend?

Leaf has shown that he doesn't like being a liability and has the strong desire to help others out, especially friends. I understand that it's the rational thing to do, but Leaf is someone that has a tendency to rely more on his feelings than his head. Plus, we can't rely on Sea to defend us every time danger comes to us, and she isn't invincible.
No I think he asked her to promise him to be careful.
I completely agree.
>"Look, if you keep running at beasts I'll have to help you." You say worriedly, "I may cry and shout, but I'll do it, even if we are only friends."
Is no one going to call me out on this?
I think we were going to go see the Dudas, and figure out what we're going to eat with the food we have stocked.
I mean long term, not short term.
Build a hull to protect our land seems kinda long term. After that is finding the stars I suppose. I feel like we've been over this before but I wonder how much our bits are worth here.
>>30053040 >>30053049 >>30053052
>>30054121 >>30054410 >>30054773
>>30054831 >>30054882 >>30054970
>>30055182 >>30054979 >>30055068
>>30055084 >>30055111 >>30055137
>>30055826 >>30055089
"So," You gulp, "How bad did I do?"
She seems to consider her answer for a moment, "You didn't drown."
You start removing the bandages around your wings- they are heavy with water and would probably do more harm than good.
It does feel good to free your feathers again, too. Your sexy feathers. "Yeah, but other than that?"
"You didn't panic." She adds.
"Alright... Thanks for the lesson, by the way." You extend your wings, ignoring the ache of abused and then stiffened muscles. "Aren't you cold?"
Her answer is shaking like a dog and sitting again. "Not really."
"What about a towel?"
"If you try to dry me..."
"Alright, alright." You can't help but chuckle as you turn around and head for them.
You pause on your way to the bathroom. The Star is in the kitchen, searching for something. You'll probably find out what it is soon enough, you tell yourself as you go for the towels quietly.
Sea grabs the towel and dries herself with short, rapid strokes-- more like a brush than a towel proper.
"Don't you want to hear the rest of the batanari's story?" You ask her, drying your mane and giving a look to your tricorn. Better to give your mane some time to dry before putting it on. "You remind me of him, you know."
She shrugs.
"He returned to Princess Luna and was one of the first to see her turned into Nightmare Moon." You whip your tail to get some water off it, "He didn't know what to do, seeing his mistress act against everything she'd taught him, and even offer to make him one of her generals... you aren't very interested in this, aren't you?"
"You... landers like stories, don't you?"
"You don't?"
"I like making them better."

"I... am not surprised by that." You grab the towel she's offering you. "That still weirds me out."
"What?" She asks, confused.
"How perceptive you are."
She doesn't answer.
"Not in a bad way." You rush to add, half giggling. "it's very, uh, you. To just bypass blindness."
"And it's very you to fret so much." She seems to be slightly amused. "I'd know if you wanted to insult me, Far away."
"You would. I've got to check on some things, see... hear you?" You try.
"Hear you."
Is that... You throw a small punch up on the air, score for friendship!
She punches your shoulder, although not nearly as strongly as last time. Still, Ouch.
The Dudas are sitting on your lawn, watching the star make a hole near your small farmland with the bag of potato skins near her.
"She insisted that it'd let you eat without fishing." Explains Natan, "And said she didn't know how to plant this." He shows you a half rotten onion, with some, diminutive roots growing from it's bottom.
Woo friendship increase with Sea!
>half rotten onion
Fyi guys I don't think it's rotting the way you think it is. It might mean some roots and green sprouts are growing out of it.

We can cut out and eat everything but the base with the roots and the sprouts if we want to plant it.

So too plant it what you'll want to do is remove the leafy parts and keep the center and the roots intact. We can leave the remaining onion flesh in the fridge or in a plastic container.

Later on the onion might grow a flower from which we can harvest the seeds to grow more. Eventually.
Ask the Dudas how they're doing?
We have any sulphur powder or flower of sulfur in the shed for the potato peels?
File: 7HM3y.gif (2MB, 400x212px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 400x212px
We did it!
I don't remember much. I know that if the potatoes have those little bulbs then they're good for planting. Sulfur is to help it grow and prevent bacteria along with retaining moisture, but I don't know too much about it as I've haven't got around planting potatoes...yet. Maybe it's needed, maybe not. This is the land of magic and ponies after all. Perhaps a less technical method will suffice.

Let's bring out the gramophone and help star with planting through the power of music and song. She'll understand where we're getting at, but everyone else will probably not understand.
>>30056523 >>30056587
>>30056612 >>30056642
CEWP again:

YT link to embed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IqORm1uKN0
>"We'll be." He says after a moment, raising a hand for Nitz to jump to. "I have to be, if I am to be a captain."
If you need anyone to talk to, I'll try to be here for you two.
Is there anything that can be done for Nitz's missing leg?
Just tell him if he needs anything I'm here to help.
Oh. Half rotten. Just peel away the rotten flesh and plant the bulb an inch or inch and a half into the ground. Water it.

We were gonna do a compost pile right? We'll need some wet, dry, green and brown compost material and to periodically add a bit of water to the pile, but not too much. To much water and you get a gross we mush. Don't forget to fork the pile with a pitchfork every once in a while to get some oxygen in there.

Oh never mind then. We might not have enough compost then. We can always dig a hole and dump the compost in there. Or do worm composting.

Add some bone meal in that bitch as well when you have the time.
I want to hear Lettuce Leaf's sexy voice singing.
>>30057331 >>30057495
She is indeed mechanical. You three have already been antiquated with each other right?

I wish there was some means to grow all of this faster. I don't know if Leaf can handle an increase to his diet of fish too soon.

Note to self: keep Star away from the meat section of markets.
Yes. She was created by the princess and sent here to help.

Oh! Your captain gave you knowledge or how to repair things? Would it be to much to ask you to check her...components? Is that right? She said she still suffered some damage from her trip to this world. We were going to look for a young dragon with an interest in tinkering, but if you have the skills.... (he may not be able to repair at the moment, but it would be nice to know what's damaged)

Does Leaf have any tools?
Does Leaf have this song on another gramophone record?

Perhaps the Dudas would enjoy our stories more than Sea now that I think about it.
If he's a farm boy he has to have a hammer and at least half a roll of duct tape, maybe some more basic tools.
or this song?
Some screw drivers, pliers, wrenches, maybe a soldering iron, don't forget about the WD-40, a saw?, other misc.

They could enjoy it more then Sea, but she didn't show much interest so the Duda's interest in a story could be so and so. Maybe they will only listen to be polite.

The foals are always up for a story though.
"Yeah! Star? Can you tell him about the Princess?"
"Hm? Oh, yes, Princess Twilight Sparkle designed me."
"She... designed you?"
"Yeah! She was worried that Equestria might need a messenger to be sent to unlivable situations, so she made me for that." She smiles widely, becoming just a little creepier than usual, "A complex-enough intelligence capable of spending several weeks or moons of independent operation." She stops for a moment, then smiles more abashedly. "In theory. This is the first field test and I am just a beta model."
"Complex enough?" Asks Natan curiously.
"It means I am only an imitation of intelligence, not a real one." Says the Star mater of factly, not dropping from her happiness in the least. "I understand the term was coined by Rainbow Dash."
"Twilight Sparkle made you like that? With stunted intellect?"
"Princess Twilight Sparkle." Corrects the Star. "But yes."
"She... She made you incapable of high degrees of reasoning?" Natan sounds horrified.
"What about it?" The Star gives him a curious look.

Had a power outage, hence the delay. Paused.
Also queued storytime command for obvious reasons.
>"She... She made you incapable of high degrees of reasoning?" Natan sounds horrified.
>"What about it?" The Star gives him a curious look.
Why what's the issu-
>Duda's are mechanical intelligent beings capable of intelligence
>Star and duda's can both be made
>However the Star is limited
Oooohhhh.....I still don't understand. She seems pretty Intelligent.
Sounds like a good moment to cut it. Twilight made Star to the best of her abilities. I'm sure it was simply the best she could do.
Maybe the princess didn't give her true intelligence because she didn't know what kind of world she was sending her creation to and didn't want her to needlessly suffer.
Can I have your opinion on this Natan?
On what exactly?
>>30062158 >>30060837
>>30060529 >>30059355
"Natan, we don't know how to do anything better. Just how advanced are you, anyway?" You ask the Star.
"I have six megabits of internal storage!" Chirps the Star.
"Oh." You nod slowly.
"That's a lot." She adds, still happy.
"It us? Uh, right, yeah, I... had seen a few robots before. But they weren't like you." You remember her face when she realized what was happening to the fish. "They were more... like machines."
"I don't understand your point." Says Natan.
"Princess Twilight Sparkle made me to the best of her capacity." Says the Star, "I am just part of a line of development that'll hopefully last more than any of us will live."
Natan doesn't answer, so you speak up. "This is because you are... you are like her, aren't you?"
"I am not entirely sure." Natan is still looking at her, ignoring Nitzan's talking to him. "A full understanding behind my own workings has been lost for ages, while she claims to be made by someone who'd understand such a thing. How many of you are there?" Asks Natan. "This... Twilight Sparkle, how many like you has she made?"
"The beta two point zero tee point zero point three consists of six models sent here to help Leaf."
You rush to talk, "I think it'd be for the best if we stopped talking about this."
Natan is quiet for a moment, "Yes, you are probably right."
"And since we are at this, she got hurt, could you have a look at her later?"
"I don't expect to be able to repair anything."
"Do you have practice in mechanical engineering?" Asks the Star. "And handling of electrochemical circuitry?"
"I... know what electrochemical means." Answers Natan after a moment. "But I have repaired my siblings, yes."
"That should be enough to replace or make some pieces." The Star extends one of its legs to Natan, the metalic casing around it's lower piece opening with loud clicks and each face floating a few centimeters away from the piece. "I can tell you what to do."
Damn. Those guts are Messy with capital M.
"I don't have the tools for this." Says Natan nervously, trying to push the casing back to the leg, "Please, something... an insect could get into you."
The Star smiles back. "Oh, yes, right. But I am sure you could repair me... Give me a moment," She floats up, leaving the now readied onion on the ground, "And we are about to reach the city, too!"
>the metalic casing around it's lower piece opening with loud clicks and each face floating a few centimeters away from the piece
>"I don't have the tools for this." Says Natan nervously, trying to push the casing back to the leg
Damn. I had a funny though. What if that was the mechanical version of a strip tease? It a probably not but yeah. Funny.

Maybe we can go look for someone in the flotilla who might have the tools needed. What would you need Natan?
Are the parts you need something others are willing to part with? Or maybe they wouldn't mind if we asked to use them.
Define "others" anon. Are you referring to the shop home owners of this flotilla or other Dudas? Because if you're referring to the Dudas that probably the equivalent of asking if you could have one of their spare kidneys.
He needs tools, not parts.
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