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>Meghan replaced evil Alicorn villain Cosmos plotline with

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>Meghan replaced evil Alicorn villain Cosmos plotline with some shitty Tirek 2.0 and a goofy skunk henchman.
>Bronies will eat it up, anyway as the best movie ever made
Why does every new reveal gets worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse?
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For the love of fuck those character look like a mishmash from other cartoons. Only three of seven are "ponies" and that Grubber looks like something out lilo and stitch
i try to withhold judgment until i see the product in question.
You wanted world building
>In the movie
You wanted sea ponies
>In the movie
You wanted to know how a broken horn works
>in the movie
You wanted Tirek back.
>In the movie.

At least wait for a trailer before losing your shit guys.
Not gonna lie, much as I dislike the art direction of this movie I still don't know much about the story. And for the moment, I'll still take it over that evil alicorn fanfiction shit.
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I just want to see the shitstorm.
>Meghan replaced evil Alicorn villain Cosmos plotline with some shitty Tirek 2.0
I believe you faggots keep missing the fact Meghan confirmed Tirek to be a part of a species as opposed to a single six-limbed abomination. It's called "world building" and it's a good fucking thing.

Another reoccurring autistic sperg is directed towards Shadow the Tempest. As you, degenerates, aren't seem to have noticed - the horse is _smiling_. Not grinning, not making an expression of eternal suffering, not trying to look at you like at shit (though, she should) - she's smiling. Which already makes her a possibly interesting character. She easily can fit a role of some nowadays cheerful war veteran that could give children (and hopefully you too, retarded manchildren) a valuable lesson of not giving up and looking forward tomorrow no matter what they went through.
>she's smiling. Which already makes her a possibly interesting character

>someone unironically wrote "she's smiling. Which already makes her a possibly interesting character"
>at this point the standards are so low that it's possible to write something like this
Now I'm fucking terrified.
You don't seem to realize from where the "edgy" meme comes from, what kind of character it ridicules and whether or not that type of character capable of unironically smiling.
There's a difference between having low standards and not being a spergy idiot who jumps to conclusions while knowing literally nothing. Either don't judge by the looks at all or at least bother to do it properly.
Disappointing lack of horsecock so far.
I know what you mean, and yeah, I agree, at least she looks better than, I don't know, Shadowlock. But even if you're right, that doesn't change the fact that I would have preferred if I had never had to read "she's smiling, that makes her an interesting character". There's something inherently wrong in the fact that such sentence had to be used.
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Oops, I forgot to spoiler it.
The only thing I wanted on that list was world building. Couldn't care less about sea ponies, don't give a shit about how horns work and Tirek was always terrible and needs to stay in Tartarus.
>I had never had to read "she's smiling, that makes her an interesting character"
You never had to. There was a "possibly" word in there. To put it simply, her being "a possibly interesting character" because she's smiling already has more credibility and arguments behind it than her being "edgy" because she's purple. I would rather not have to read the latter, to be honest with you.
So we're now up to, what, two literal anthros plus one that could be anthro or could just be a human pose? Out of seven characters.

The show staff does know that human poses are a BAD thing, don't they?
Fair enough. I'm still pretty scared though.
Are you, and the people like you, being retarded intentionally or can you just not help it?
Ever since G1 there have always been anthro and human poses.
It would surprise me more if the movie DIDN'T have any.
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>The show staff does know
do they?
>human poses are a BAD thing
are they?
What if centaur is not a bad guy. Did I miss something that tells he is?
the new mane6 even have a Spike
they are literally getting replaced in this movie
it's Transformers the Movie all over again!

He's black, off course he's evil.
He isn't smiling, anon. He has to be a bad guy.

On a more serious note, though, it would be interesting if wasn't one. Or if the movie didn't had an actual bad guy at all.
>if the movie didn't had an actual bad guy at all
Not gonna happen. But I'd really like something like that, some of my favorite episodes don't have a villain.
he is in a gang
Maybe he is just king of centaurs. They don't seem to be a happy joyful nation.
> Only dumb haters like u would criticrize and dislike a movie that isn't out yet!
> Only wise and mature people like moi will defend and damage control a movie that isn't out yet!

Every autistic shill ever.
I didn't praise the movie for it's story telling I just said wait for the trailer.
It could be better than you think, or more accurately, better than you want it to be.

The possibility of it being shit has been voiced already.
I'm playing devil's advocate here.
Having a couple would be fine. Having literally every character that's not a pony or seapony be at least half-anthro is too much.

Holy shit. And here I was, thinking "neo-/mlp/" was just a meme.

YES, human poses are bad, human technology is bad, and human cities are bad. Those little glimpses of how magical talking ponies live and work in the absence of human flexibility and dexterity were part of what made the earlier seasons so engaging. Remember the two-button typewriter, or the treadmill-powered cider press?
>two-button typewriter
that was season 4
New information, courtesy of a Polish site:
> https://fdb.pl/wiadomosci/26755-my-little-pony-the-movie-sia-zaspiewa-z-kucykami

> Storm King is literally Tirek 2.0
> Steals all the magic in Equestria
> They go to get help from "good pirates" because we all know pirates are goofy fucks who just want to be free and not murderous sociopaths

I bet you anything Tempest Shadow is either
> a "my horn broke, I help villain because if I can't have magic nobody can" villain, learns at the end that friendship is magic even with broken horn (basically glimglam 2.0)
> storm king promises to give her magic again if she helps him steal it all, obviously betrays her at the end for turnaround (basically Discord and Tirek 2.0)

The sheer lack of originality in this is staggering.
Remember that scene from Season 1 episode 9 when Pinkie Pie finishes singing her song about Zecora? Speaking about neo-/mlp/ aren't we, darling?
>gryphon's boobs
This makes you think
>The sheer lack of originality in this is staggering.
EqG has more originality than that
it's like they're forcing us into liking EqG
>At least wait for a trailer before losing your shit guys.
Where do you think you are?
All I can say for now is this.
Shoving multiple new species and art style simultaneously is leaving both new comers and fans behind at the same time, and the only problem that's left about this movie is whether this should be considered canon or not. The quality doesn't matter anymore.
Darling, you are being a degenerate.
Calling it now, Tempest will help the mane 6 because at some point she'll be the only one with magic because Tirek 2.0 couldn't steal it from her because of the broken horn.

She will be that one who was a kinda bad guy back then, got punished, decided to be good and throws bombs around because she cannot use magic.
Capper is a pirate
Nah, he will sell "watches" in a dark alley.
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>If the movie didn't had a bad guy after all
That would be the best scenario. There are too many different species to introduce them properly if they're in different areas. Putting them all together would make the introductions much simpler and would leave more room for actual storytelling.
Which you need to pay for, at which point you've already voted with your wallet as they say.
pretty sure he's talking about seeing the trailer first

I'd go on 5 dollar Tuesday, which is also my normal movie day
> "Yes but I'm still right so i win so u must stop having an opinion I don't like!"

Must be hard to have autism and being completely unable to keep your mouth closed shut and mind your own business.
>I didn't praise the movie for it's story telling I just said wait for the trailer.

Lemme guess, once the trailer is out you will change the disc and say "Wait until you watch the movie" and once the movie is out you will change the disc again to say "Well, this is is a movie for little kids, not for you"

Kill yourself to make the world a less crappy place.
She will get a new horn and wings as her reward for helping out because fuck you, have another alicorn.
2 horns. 1 is not edgy enough.
>every new reveal gets worse and worse
>not liking best Queen
I expected a best post,not a shit taste post
>Schreiber likely would have voiced Tirek instead if Hasbro hadn't murdered the Treebrary.
>We won't get the Celestia reluctantly agree to ransom off the pirates' help with Equestria's rarest treasures to save the world.

And why isn't this its own thread?
To add to this, whinging about "furries" is comical when main series already had diamond dogs, iron will, ember, and half a dozen other bipedal animals. Whiners gotta ineffectually whine, eh?
Suddenly the rejected Sony version do not sound as bad.
it's what they're good at
He is black with fangs and he has a henchman with same symbol as he has. He also has the "KING" in his name. Of course he is evil.
I for one welcome this movie and I truely hope that the Mane7 are nowhere to be seen. Their time in the limelight is over with this movie, The next season will involve...none of them.
>what is pirating
that's not being a good pirate!
was it confirmed to be a skunk? looks more like a badger to me, or even a hyena
It's the MLP version of a gnoll from D&D.
No, if the trailer is shit you have every right to believe the movie is shit.
The point of a trailer is to sell the movie. If it doesn't sell the movie to you, then that's it.

The only good movie with a bad trailer I can think of is pulp fiction.
We are not losing our shit about the movie yet you numbnutz, we are losing our shit about the shit we are seeing before our own eyes; terrible character designs. Also:
>You wanted world building
Yes, and it's good that the movie has world building, but I wanted that in the show too, yet, every time they show has done it they fuck som e major shit up
>You wanted sea ponies
No I did not
>You wanted to know how a broken horn works
Not really, and that still doesn't justify the overall design of the character that only coincidentally could address that subject.
>You wanted Tirek back.
No I didn't. And this guy isn't him anyway.
we are talking about a 3 second gig and somehoe making it equal to 22 minute long episode plots,. Certainly speaking, my little friend.
>evil Alicorn villain Cosmos
I thought he was going to be Discord's brother.
great the barneyfags are getting a movie
>mane seven

Starlight is going to be the star of season 7 onward.
Well, there goes the neighborhood. The remaining collective brain cells of the fandom are close behind.
I'm drawing the line at "Grubber". Hell, I should have drawn the fucking line at the first new character reveal, but I had only assumed there would be few new characters (3 tops).
Who are you to decide when is the moment to "have the right" to believe something, motherfucker?

Seriously, who the fuck do you think you are?
To answer your questions in order:

Not a faggot.

An Okinawan tapestry image board.
I think he's supposed to be a yeti rather than a centaur.
>you wanted to know how a broken horn works
>you wanted Tirek back
Good God, how is it possible for one post to be so absolutely wrong?
as in, "you" the fandom overall
there are a shit ton of OC's with broken horns and plenty of those faggots crying for Tirek's return so they can make female centaur OC's with big breasts
Not that anon, but your post isn't even in argument, it's just the standard damage control that libs use:

>oh my gosh, you seriously are saying that?
>being dumb enough to actually believe this
>there's no way this isn't a joke, where's the cameras

Those are all fair and well, but unless you give him an argument defending your opinion and disproving him, his opinion is more worth hearing.
I literally said "I agree" and "you're right" when the Anon I addressed replied me, but don't let your dreams be dreams, reply to posts in the middle a conversation ignoring the rest of it, it's your constitutional right.
Fair enough, I just saw that and thought to myself "here we go again". Sorry about that.
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No prob. Here's a cute Sweetie for you.
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Have a butt!
"Furry" is a character design. Iron Will etc's character design is pretty far from the traditional furry.
These new character designs? They're almost Don Bluth level of furry.
Wait they originally planned for an evil alicorn but decided to go with not Tirek? Why?
Normally I take the hate with humor, because it seems like everyone on this site nowadays complains about everything... But this time, I can kinda understand it.
I'll have to wait for the trailer, but this looks horrible already.
yet, you will all still complain
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