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Shadowbolt Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 462
Thread images: 121

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It's time for the occasional Shadowbolt thread! Post discussion, pics, and greentext about the students and teachers of Crystal Prep here!

Think the Shadowbolts will appear again in the EqG pilots, or if it happens, the series? Talk about it!

Found some new art or feel like making your own? Show us!

Want to write some green? It would be much appreciated!

And of course, show your love for your favorite Crystal Prep character!
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Here's some green to start the thread off.

A Sugarcoated Jacket: http://pastebin.com/gPWsRRU7

>The next day.
>A friday.

>You are Sugarcoat.
>You're sitting in the passenger seat next to your mother, Gumdrop, as she drives you to school.
>"Let's go over this again."
"Must we?"
>"I just want to make sure I haven't missed anything!"
"You're way too excited about this."
>"So, you call me up yesterday out of the blue, saying it was an emergency and that I needed to be ready to pick you up from school."
>"As the good, considerate mother that I am-"
>"I was there waiting as you stepped out."
>"But to my surprise, you're wearing a boy's jacket! And you won't tell me why, or even take it off until you get home! Not to mention you've been in a bad mood ever since."
>You sigh.
>"And here it is, the next day, and you're having me drive you to school, when you normally take the bus. Did I get everything?"
>She asks looking over with a smile.
"You got it."
>You answer annoyed.
>"And yet, I still don't understand what all this is about."
"That would make sense since I haven't told you anything."
>"Well, that could easily be fixed right n-"
"I'm still not going to tell you anything, mom. ...Not yet, anyways."
>"So I have to wait to find out what's going on in my own daughter's life?"
"You have to wait because I'm not even sure what's going on myself."
>Your mother laughs.
"Really, mom?"
>"Don't take it the wrong way! It's just... it all seems more dramatic than it probably is!"
>You scowl.
"Well I'm glad my hardship is able to amuse you."
>"You'll laugh at this too when you look back on it someday."
"I highly doubt that."
>"Let me at least guess what happened."
>You groan and push your glasses up to rub your eyes.
"How far are we from school?"
>"You have a boyfriend."
>She says giddily.
"Why won't this car ride end?!"
>You shout at the roof.
>"And you and him..."
>She takes a dramatic pause.
>"Got frisky at school!"
>"You can tell me! I'll be happy to hear it, really!"
"Then I'm happy to disappoint you! No, I did NOT get 'frisky' with a boy!"
>"I think that's exactly what happened, since you're so afraid of your father finding out. Heaven forbid were he to hear any of this."
>She says childishly with one hand over her mouth.
>Your entire body stiffens and you lean over to point a finger at her.
"NO! Not one word to daddy, mom! Not ONE! You promised!"
>She gently pushes you back to your seat.
>"Yes, yes, I know. I was only teasing, dear."
>The car FINALLY pulls in front of the school.
>She puts the car into park and grabs onto your arm to prevent you from escaping.
>"Now listen."
>Her expression and tone have become more serious.
>"You know I love you, right?"
"Yes, mother."
>You look away as you answer.
>"And you know that you can always come to me about anything?"
"Yes, mother."
>She smiles again.
>"Good. When you're ready, I'll be waiting. Now come here so I kiss you."
>She pulls you over to her and plants a kiss on your forehead.
"Moooom! I told you, not at school!"
>You struggle and break away from her to step out of the car.
>"Don't forget your things!"
"Wasn't going to."
>You open the rear door of mom's sedan to pull out your backpack and a plain, unremarkable bag.
>She lowers the passenger window.
>"Try to have a good day, drama queen! And tell your boyfriend I said hi!"
"Please drive away now."
>She does, but not before giving you one last giddy smile.
>That woman annoys you far more than should be allowed.
>...But after talking to your mom, you do feel better.
>You've made it to school.
>You're wearing your new, spare uniform.
>And in this bag you have Anon's jacket.
>This is the reason you couldn't ride the bus.
>The last thing you want is to be questioned about it.
>You're just going to quickly find Anon and give it back to him.
>The walk across campus is... going fine.
>No one seems to be looking at you.
>You step into the main foyer.
>It's packed with your peers.
>And... everything is okay.
>No staring, no pointing, no laughing.
>It's actually like Indigo said.
>Everyone is over it.
>This is good!
>Now if you can give Anon his jacket back before class starts, it'll all be done with.
>You take your phone out of your skirt pocket and start typing.
[Anon I just got to school and I have your jacket where can we meet]
>While you're waiting for a reply, you may as well get to your locker.
>You begin making your way through the crowd, allowing yourself a small smile.
>Is it because... you'll get to see Anon again?
>Suddenly, someone bumps into you.
"Uff! Watch where you're go-!"
>"Hey there, Trenchcoat!"
>Oh no.
>Not this bitch again.
"I'm not interested in your bullshit today, Suri."
>You try to sidestep her, but she moves along with you, staying in your way.
"Move out of the way!"
>She has a huge grin.
>"But there's so much for us to talk about! Like, for instance, what's in that bag?"
>You feel the straps of the bag being ripped away from your fingers.
>She's taken the bag and stepped back.
"Give that back!"
>You lounge at her, but you're stopped as Upper Crust and Fleur grab onto and hold you back from behind.
>Did they plan this?!
"What the fuck?! Let me go!"
>"This seems really important! I think we should take a look into this, mkay?"
>You struggle, but you're held in place as Suri reaches in and pulls the jacket out.
>The look of delight on her face is sickening.
>"OOOhhhh wow! I was RIGHT! I knew it! HEY EVERYONE!"
>She holds the jacket up higher and starts waving it around to get everyone's attention.
>A crowd was already starting to form, but now you're surrounded.
>"It's like I said! She doesn't have a boyfriend! She's just bringing this jacket to school herself!"
>Some of them start laughing and pointing.
>"So it was a lie!"
>"She just faked the whole thing?"
>"What a loser!"
>Shut up!
>Fleur and Upper have loosened their grip on you from joining in the laughter.
>You use all the strength you can muster and break free of the lackeys hold, rushing towards Suri.
>But she sees you coming, and throws the jacket up and over to Fleur behind you.
"Stop it!"
>You reach to grab it from Fleur, but she throws it to Upper Crust.
>They start laughing again and so does the crowd.
"I said stop it!"
>You go for Upper even faster this time and she barely manges to throw the jacket to another girl.
>Coco Pommel.
>She's nervous though, and isn't prepared to catch it.
>She shrieks as it flies over and lands on top of her head.
>Suri is right there to pull it off her.
>"Watch it, Coco! You almost dropped it!"
>"I-I don't think we should be-"
>"Shut it! Who's helping you get your big break, huh?!"
>Coco looks down.
>This is pointless.
>They're playing monkey in the middle, and everyone's loving it.
"Give it back, Suri! It doesn't belong to you!"
>"It doesn't belong to you either, you pigtailed lier!"
>She shouts back hatefully.
>"You stole this!"
>Why is she taking this so personally?
>You hear someone shouting from outside the crowd.
>"Move it!"
>"Let us through you idiots!"
>It's the girls!
>They're here, but they can't get to you.
>There's even more people than before.
>Feels like half the school is here right now.
"I didn't steal anything!"
>"Then why don't you tell us who gave it to you, mkay?!"
The crowd starts shouting their agreement with her.
>"Stop being a stubborn bitch!"
>"Tell us already!"
>You can't.
>You can't betray Anon like this.
>Suri becomes smug.
>"If you can't tell us, then I guess we'll just have to turn this in to the lost and found. Someone has to claim it, right?"
>You can't let her take Anon's jacket!
>But the whole school is in on this now.
>There's nothing you can do.
>And the girls can't help you.
>You clench your fists.
>Your eyes are getting misty.
>You feel so helpless.
>Damn it.
>Suri holds the jacket up high again.
>"I'll ask you one more time. Who gave this to you?"
>"I did."
>"Who said that?!"
>Suri looks behind her to see...
>You can't believe it.
>He's shown up out of nowhere.
>He places himself between you and Suri.
>The crowd has gone silent.
>All the shouting, all the laughing.
>Dead stop.
>You could hear a pin drop.
>Anon reaches for and easily takes his jacket from Suri, who seems to be in shock.
>"Thanks for holding this for me."
>He says calmly.
>The mood of the entire room has changed.
>Upper, Fleur, and Coco have backed off from you and Anon, along with everyone else.
>Suri angrily points at Anon.
>"That's... that's not your jacket! You're lying!"
>He stares at her for a moment...
>Then he casually, and effortlessly, puts his jacket on.
>"It fits!"
>Coco exclaims.
>"It fits him perfectly! It IS his jacket!"
>The students murmur in agreement.
>Suri's face has dropped.
>All the fun and pleasure she was taking in your dismay.
>There's a feeling of... dread coming from her.
>"But... why? Why would you give your jacket to Sugarcoat?"
>She asks him.
>"Isn't it obvious?"
>He questions, moving to stand right next to you.
>Then, as if it were perfectly normal, he intertwines his hand with yours while looking into your eyes, and says the thing you least expected.
>"Because she's my girlfriend."
>You look up at him in amazement.
>You feel the warmth of his hand, and it travels all the way to your cheeks.
>The crowd surrounding you has erupted into noise, but it seems so distant, you can barely hear it.
>Your vision, all on it's own, drifts over to Suri.
>She looks sad.
>No, that's too simple.
>She's not just sad... she looks... heartbroken?
>Before you can really process this entire situation, Anon starts to lead you.
>"Now, if you guys will excuse us."
>Everyone makes way for the two of you.
>You see your friends as you pass by.
>Sour and Sunny are speechless, while Lemon and Indigo are cheering you on along with some of the other students.
>Indigo shouts.
>"Yeeeah! Git sum, Sugar! Tap dat, Anon!"
>Damn it, Lemon.
>You make it out of the crowd, Anon still pulling you along.
>You're not giving him any resistance, but you're not making any effort to follow either.
>You're allowing yourself to be... whisked away.
>And you're happy about it.
>Because you want to be taken away.
>Taken away from all the laughing, pointing, drama, and stupid questions.
>All the stress, hurt, and anger that Suri has given you in this nightmare!
>Anon was taking you away from all of that.
>The feeling of relief that's overcome you...
>It's like you can breathe again.
>On impulse, you feel the need to look back, but Anon stops you.
>"Don't look back."
>You can't help but ask.
>"They don't deserve it."
>Anon squeezes your hand, and with a smile, you squeeze back.

>You are Sunny Flare.
>And you've just witnessed quite an event to start the day.
>After you and the girls were unable to get to Sugar, Anon stepped in and took care of everything.
>All while claiming to be her boyfriend.
>You're skeptical, to say the least.
>But he did help Sugar, and she does look happy.
>So you'll give them some time to figure this out.
>And if it does work out, your classmates will stop picking on her.
>Things seem to be going that way, since everyone around you is eating this up.
>Well, almost everyone.
>Sour nudges you to call your attention back to Suri.
>She's... crying.
>Her friends are trying to console her, Coco included, until she breaks away from them.
>Coco calls out, but Suri runs outside through the main doors.
>"What do you make of that?"
>Sour asks.
>You rub your chin.
"...I don't know."
>Indigo punches her palm.
>"Should we go over there and give them some payback?"
"No, Anon did enough. Anything more would just stir up trouble."
>"And I don't think we can top how badass Anon was just now."
>Lemon chuckles.
"We should keep our eye on them, though. If they try to ruin this for Sugar, we'll put a stop to it."
>The girls nod.
>As your friends continue to talk about what just happened, you can't help but take note of what's occurring right now.
>On one side, a girl is being led away by a boy who came to her rescue, with the biggest smile you've seen on her face in sometime.
>On the other end, another girl is running away in the opposite direction, alone, and with tears streaming down her face.
>It's amazing how so much can change in just one day...

That's all I've got for now.
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Nice, I was wondering when you'd show up.
Still liking it, hopefully thread won't die
Sunny Flare is best Shadowbolt just letting you know.
Does she even have a voice?
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She has precisely three lines. But at least her name gets said in the movie, unlike Aria Blaze.
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Hyped up for more.
Seconding this.
Go on.
we need more green
These are not shadowbolts.
THIS is a shadowbolt.
I would make an entrance in that flight suit and breed that Pegasus mare.
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Contributing qt shadowbolt girls to the thred
No, THIS is a Shadowbolt.
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here is a angry shadow bolt for you
A sexy angry Shadowbolt
good update
I smell a back story for Suri
Goddamnit why did that have to start quite well, and then to proceed to shit the bed so thoroughly?
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>page 10
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Good update, can't wait for more.
>no lower part of the picture
The pain, it hurts.
The shadowbolts will fall head over heels for undercover government secret agent Ace.
is there more to the pic?
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Thought I'd share some Sugar Coat art I got during this year's Secret Santa. I like how it was made for me by a complete stranger. Christmas faggotry aside, enjoy.

If this shit is sideways I'm gonna kill myself.
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I don't think so.
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Pull over the bus, it's time for a little bit of Indigo.
Nah, she doesn't have hooves
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Well, it's too late for that, I already pulled the emergency brake.
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How does it feel to know that your girl is just a recolored Lightning Dust?
How does it feel knowing your girl wasn't good enough at the audition to get the part that was made specifically for her?
How does it feel that your waifu wasn't better than Rainbow Crash and got thrown out because of it?
I don't remember Indigo getting thrown out of anything.

I only remember Dust getting thrown out.
Quite illegaly, a law anon explained.
Well, it's not like Dust can do anything from a legal standpoint. Dash is friends with Celestia, who probably has control of all the courts.
>implying Equestria has modern age laws
I like to think they have medieval laws and mores.
Wouldn't that still probably make Celestia in control of everything?
Yep. But she probably made a tiny set of general rules and then left the literate to govern the precedents and legal theories.

Now back on topic:

who's the only virgin of them all? Indigo Zap of course.
Not for long.
That's right.
I'm making her a wife. MY wife.
Might be a little too late for that.
Premarital sex is kind of not romantic, dude.
Eh, Romance can easily turn into Passion.
That's what it's for.
Yeah, which is why a good date can lead to it.
You must not be that romantic then
Lust is not romantic
>Implying that's what I claimed
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Wew lads! oh man I've been waiting for an update to this green.
Well now we have an arc for this story. Suri wants that anonydick
>those hips
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BUMP 4 green
>bumping without pictures or other content
Y'all can at least share things you like and explain why you like them.
We gonna get any new green?
How about we make some?
It can't be TOO difficult to think of a little scene, a beggining and an end, something to fill the gap, and trying to display the characters.
>Be Anon, student of Canterlot High.
>You wish you were anywhere but here right now on this Saturday morning.
>It all started when Pinkie and Rainbow called you for a favor as two thoughts went through your mind.
>How did they get my number and why would they call me, we weren't friends or anything like that.
>Just classmates who shared a class or two.
>Anyways long story short, Pinkie and Rainbow decided to spy on the Shadowbolts for the upcoming Friendship games.
>Naturally you just sat there as Pinkie did all these crazy things like wearing pink camo and digging a hole.
>After Rainbow caused the Shadowbolts to find our hiding spot, Pinkie threw a smoke bomb to run away which gave you good news and bad news.
>The good news was that you didn’t have to deal with Pinkie and Rainbow for the rest of the weekend.
>The bad news was that you didn't move once the smoke bomb went off and caused you to get captured by five girls.
>Which was why you were tied up in the same room as the five girls.
>You could literally hear what they were planning to do with you.
> “Let’s kick his ass and use him for our training.”
> “We should get the police here and let them deal with him.”
> “He could give us a bit of info on Canterlot High.”
> “Why don’t we let him go AFTER WE MAKE HIM PAY.”
>This went on for a while and it would've been fine if this green haired girl would stop poking your nose.
> “Boop.”
>For some reason, you knew Pinkie was behind this.

Here's an idea for someone to use
There's no reason we can't have hooved Shadowbolts. Could be a good idea for green actually, about the pony Mane 6 meeting the Equestria Shadowbolt 5.

Did the staff ever give a reason why they replaced Lighting with Indigo? It's pretty clear that was who she was originally going to be.

Good setup. It has a lot of potential, because it can be anything. Slapstick funny, clean, smutty, or even something more serious.

As for ASJ, I'll see if I can get something out late tonight. If not, it'll be tomorrow.
Thanks. I would write it but I'm currently writing a shadowbolt part on the super ponies thread.

I wanted to give an opening for anything. Anon becomes friends with them. He's dating one or even being related to one
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Interesting situation, somebody do something with this
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So hot. I'm picturing a femanon that will resist/give false information to get out of the situation only to be gang banged by all 5 grills in the image. Of course, the femanon here will be teased at first. Now, Lemon Zest would probably be the only one that would not want to hurt femanon by actually being nice and get femanon to talk without being "physical". I'm thinking femanon would be "rewarded" by Lemon Zest some other time in exchange for being cooperative.
Fund it.
Not a bad idea
why ?
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>mfw i thought about writing off of that prompt and using that image.
There really isn't enough stories from a fem!anon perspective.
Who remember Sharkbait?
Why not? It's something different at least.
How about Shadowbolt Race Queens?
How great would it be to find a quiet corner, bend Sunny over, slide up her dress and push aside her underwear (no doubt a thong) then give her the fucking of a lifetime.
I see them all wearing thongs except Sour.
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Sugarcoat is the sexiest. I want her to polish my cockhead.
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Sugarcoat: built for sex, made for breeding.
Sour would definitely be a boyshorts girl
I think Sunny would wear a thong/g-string/something lacy. Indigo would be boyshorts or hipsters. Sour as >>29338893 says. Sugarcoat would be plain old briefs and Lemon would be whatever the hell she wants at the time.
To tell the truth i see Lemon wearing nothing at all under that skirt
Hence the whatever she wants part.

"Hmm I don't feel like underwear today, so I won't bother."
Very true
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>So much for no man left behind.
>You've decided that you've had roughly 96% of your needed daily intake of "people who take high school sports too seriously" and that if you wanted to maintain a health lifestyle you should leave.
>Before saying anything you wonder, do you think they'd follow through with any of the threats they were debating?
>Yeah probably.
>You notice that the girl with shorter purple and pink hair has been looking at you for a while, almost analyzing you.
>You think this is pretty creepy and only serves to further enrich your prospects of getting out of here.
"Hey, so, uh, what are my chances of being let go with a warning?"
>They go quiet and the chick with the big red pony tail and green stripe speaks up.
>"Well lets see here..." she began looking off into the distance and lifting up individual fingers to count. "...and carry the 6, NONE. NOW SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I MAKE THE DECISION ON WHAT WE DO YOU WITH YOU."
>The girl that had been poking your nose finally turns her attention to someone else other than you. "Ayy Sour Sweet chillax. Get in on this with me."
>She continues to poke your nose.
>The one who yelled at you sighs before going back to plotting with her friends.
>Nose poker shrugs her shoulders, gets up, and walks towards the entrance/exit of the room.
>The one who you've determined was the sports captain notices this.
>"Lemon Zest, where are you going? This is important!"
>"I'm going to the bathroom, if you need me to vote on what to do, whatever gets us out of here quickest cuz I'm starving."
>She leaves and it's pretty clear that your captors are going to reach an agreement soon.
>That needed daily intake is at about 98% as of now and you decided that you've tried the diplomacy route.
>You're leaving.
>You begin reaching for your handy dandy red pocket knife in your back pocket to uncut you before you realize that freeing your arms while still in the presence of your captors won't get you anywhere besides back into the same chair.
>They probably won't be as nice to you as they've been too.
>You think and look around for anything that might help you.
>Given your position you have no psychical objects to utilize.
>That girl is still watching you like a hawk though.
>For why, you ponder.
>After looking away from her, you think a bit.
>You've come to the conclusion she's trying to study you, meaning that she is taking note of everything you do.
>You look up at the window and put on your best "Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are here to rescue me!" face. You throw in a couple of head nods and mixed facial expressions.
>Before giving one final false sign of relief, you sink into the chair.
>"The other two are the roof, I saw him giving signals to them!" she yells.
>She took the bait.
>The others trust their friend's impulsive shout.
>"What about him?" blue-white hair asks.
>"Lemon will be back, come on!"
>Before making a mad dash out of the room with her friends, big red green and stripey looks at you.
>"Just know that when we come back, with your friends, or not, you're dead."
>You hear the shuffling of footsteps fade away down the hall as she exits.
>Now is your time to strike.
>You wiggle around in your seat a bit before getting your ass properly lined up with your hands.
>In a not so eloquent or swift motion, you extract your pocket knife and take out the blade.
>Quickly, you cut the rope holding you to this chair.
>You hop out of your chair and do a victory stretch.
>You are free
>Bada Bing, for related terms, see: Bada Boom
>Deciding not to admire the scenery of the small gym you gun it out of there, taking the same route as the girls you brought you there.
>You swiftly turn a corner and swing-
>You are knoucked on the ground and you don't land very well.
>And by that you mean you hit your head.
>"Ow! Watch where-"
>Nose poker stand before you, having steadied herself, unlike you.
>"What do you think you're doing?" she asks, rubbing her head.
"You know... just taking a nap, storing energy."
>Your metaphorical goose has been baked at 450.
>"Hmm I don't feel like underwear today, so I won't bother."
cuz slutty
Poor. What if she's so prudish she's not even lost her virginity yet unlike her friends.
Liking this so far, man. Don't know where it's going and that's always fun.
We better end up fulfilling each of the girls depraved fetishes
Cooked or are we going to be stuffed?
Please go on. It's getting interesting
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>body wakes itself up early cuz I'm super excited to see what the reception of my green was
This is bananas. I'll get to writing mid-after noon today (EST). Currently debating if this should turn into porn or not. Ideas of where y'all think this should go will be taken into consideration.
>Currently debating if this should turn into porn or not. Ideas of where y'all think this should go will be taken into consideration.
As long as it doesn't turn into harem. Not really a fan of "Everyone wants Anon's dick", but that's just me.
Maybe focus on one or two characters to romance or something. Also Sour Sweet as main character, because she is best Shadowbolt ^:)
I'm liking it so far.
Comedy porn would be good e.g. Anon thinks they all want the D, but only one or two actually do
I say go with what this guy says >>29343725
The only thing I would have is that Anon tries to get out of there with some hilarious results. Like Lemon letting him go if he listens to her music but goes deaf for a while.

It's what I would have done
It's good to ask for and take advice/ideas, but you should always write what you'll enjoy writing the most.

I've found that more often than not, when the writefag is having fun, the readers are having fun too.
>You are Anon.
>You're still leading Sugar down the halls.
>She's hasn't protested, probably due to being in shock, but she seems to be getting her bearings back.
>"Anon, we need to talk."
>She speaks up.
"I know."
>"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere we won't be bothered."
>You reach the office you've been heading to and drag Sugar inside, closing the door behind you.
>She takes a quick glance around, and her eyes go wide upon realizing your location.
>"Isn't this Dean Cadence's office?!"
>"We shouldn't be here!"
"Relax, she's out making her morning rounds."
>"But if she comes back-"
"Nothing will happen. If anything, she'll laugh about all of this."
>Which is something you would like to avoid for now, actually.
>Sugar still seems to be nervous.
"Really though, it's perfectly fine to be in here. Trust me."
>You say with as much assurance as you can.
>"If you say so."
>It takes a moment, but she allows herself to lower her guard.
>"First things first, how did you find me?"
>You pull out your phone.
"You texted me to meet up, remember? I kept replying to you, but you wouldn't answer."
>"You did?"
>She pulls out her phone as well to check, and confirms that there's three missed texts from you.
>"I must've not been able to hear the alerts with everything else going on."
"When you wouldn't reply, I started heading for your locker to find you. I heard all the shouting coming from the main hall on the way, and I knew something was up. By the way, how did you get my number?"
>"Dean Cadence gave it to me."
"The Dean?!"
>"Yeah. When she saw me wearing the jacket, she instantly knew it was yours and figured out everything without even asking me. Then she gave me your number in case I needed it."
>You make a fist, turn to the side and shout.
>Sugar raises an eyebrow.
>"Um... excuse me?"
"Huh? Oh! It's nothing, forget it."
>She must think you and Cadence have some kind of weird relationship going on.
>You don't blame her.
>"Anyways, Anon, what you just did out there-"
"You're welcome."
>You smugly interrupt.
>Sugar huffs and lightly stomps her foot.
>"What you SAID out there!"
"What did I say?"
>You ask feigning ignorance.
>Sugar crosses her arms.
>"I don't recall ever agreeing to be your girlfriend. Unless I missed something?"
>You sigh.
"No, you didn't."
>"Then why would you say that?!"
>She shouts, genuinely confused and upset.
>You walk a few steps away from her to look at a picture hanging on the wall.
>It's last year's school photo of all the students.
>Having seen it before, you're easily able to find yourself, Twilight, and Sugarcoat, all in different spots.
"...Doesn't it piss you off? The way everyone was acting and getting a kick out of that whole scene?"
>"Of course it does, but that's just the usual way things go around here."
"And I'm tired of it!"
>You proclaim, turning back to her.
"I'm tired of everyone in this school being assholes and getting away with it because it's expected. Because a situation's turned to what they wanted for their own amusement."
>You walk back over to her.
"They decided something for you on their own, and I shoved it back in their faces. Who says you can't have a boyfriend?"
>She looks at you, surprised by your reasons.
>She probably thought they would be more selfish.
"I'm happy to prove them all wrong. Especially Suri, she NEEDED to be shut up."
>Sugar looks through you for a moment, recalling the reaction Suri had to all this.
>She brings herself back on topic with a shake of her head.
>"But this doesn't fix anything, Anon! You've only made it worse!"
"How could I have possibly made it any worse than what was going on just now?"
>"We're not actually going out! What am I supposed to do? Lie and keep up a charade? I can't. That's not the kind of person I am, Anon."
>She says with the same kind of sincerity she had when she apologized.
>"You said you didn't like what they decided for me, but isn't what you did no better? Isn't it..."
>She hugs herself and looks down at the floor.
>She asks sadly.
"...You're right. It isn't fair to you."
>"Then how are you going to take responsibility for this?"
>You look over to Cadence's empty chair, recall her words to you, and step even closer to Sugar.
"By asking you to go out with me."
>"W-what?! Are you serious?!"
>You hold her hands in yours and smile.
"I am."
>She's taken back by this.
>Her hands tremble, and she begins to blush.
>It deepens as you stare into her eyes, until she can't take it anymore, so she turns her head away from you.
>"B-but we d-don't know each other."
"We'll learn, and have fun in the meantime."
>She looks back at you with glossy eyes.
>"Do you... do you even like me?"
"Well, I've been thinking about you and that smile you gave me since yesterday, so I'm pretty sure I do."
>"Don't tease me!"
"I'm not teasing! I know what you did for me."
>"What I did?"
"You could've avoided this whole thing if you told everyone that it was my jacket, but you kept it secret. Even from your best friends, and just now back there. That means a lot to me."
>It proved to you that she could be trusted AND loyal.
>Finding a girl with one of those qualities is hard, never mind both.
>...Your last girlfriend had them.
>But Cadence was right.
>Sometimes you need to get to know someone better before you pass judgment on them.
>And you definitely want to know Sugarcoat better.
>"I wanted to talk with you about it first."
"We're talking now, and I'm really asking you to be my girlfriend, Sugar."
>She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
>You never thought she could be like this, and it's incredibly cute.
"Fine?! That's it?!"
>Her blush deepens.
>"I mean! Fine, I'll... be your girlfriend."
>She says the last part much quieter.
>You laugh.
"Guess I should be happy you're at least fine with it."
>"I'm not sure about this."
"Heeey, don't be like that. I'm telling you, we'll have fun. In fact, since it's friday, we can go out tonight if you'd like."
>You gently rub the top of her hands with your thumbs.
>This sends her fluster meter over the tolerable levels, so she retracts both her hands free and instantly slaps yours away.
>"W-we don't have time for this!"
>She points at Cadence's wall clock.
>"Classes are about to start!"
"You're right."
>She walks past you and opens the door, then looks back at you.
>"You'd better not make me regret this, Anon!"
>You chuckle.
"I'll try my best, but... no promises."
>You grin at her.
>She huffs and frowns at you, before storming out into the hall.
>You know you shouldn't do such things.
>But for some reason, the more upset she becomes, the cuter she is to you.

That's all for now.
Nice update. I hope the next part shows the others
>Posting bimbo trash
Trepps I thought you were better than that man.
His name spells Sheppart backwards.
He'll need Shadowbolt Applejack for some "sheparding".
Were did you learn to spell?

I do this once in a while
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Voting for Anon's attempt at an absolutely amusing and affectionate adventure, or for short: AAAAAAAAA.
>"B-but we d-don't know each other."
Hasn't she seen his penis?
I think Sugarcoat was just saying the small dick to get a rise out if Anon
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Fregg off page 8.
>Lemon Zest is staring down at you.
>"Get up."
>You attempt to do so but as you try to use your arm to lift yourself up you force your hand down on something sharp.
>You impulsively move your hand and end up falling again.
>"I said, get up!"
>Lemon Zest sends an arm in your direction.
>Looks like she's about to deliver vigilante justice on to you.
>Expecting a punch you throw your hands up in front of your face.
>The punch never comes.
>"Oh, come on!"
>She grabs you and begins getting you on to your feet.
>"Listen, I heard everything. If they're heading to the roof then they'll be there for a bit. So, lets get you out of here."
>She smiles, gently takes your hand, and starts walking.
>You follow.
"You're helping me?"
>"Yup!" she smiles.
>"They take this sport stuff too seriously. Not worth hurting someone else over, even if they are a spy for CHS scum."
>She jokes.
>You think.
"No kidding...anyways, you're Lemon Zest That's what your friends called you?"
>"That's my name! I don't think any of us got yours though."
"Anonymous, Anon for short."
>"Anonymous... Anonymous... AnonEmous."
>She keeps repeating your name, stressing various syllables.
>She says it once more.
>"Anonymous. I like that name."
>A bit weirded out, but you appreciate the compliment.
>You see her smile a little and you think it's adorable.
"Why are your friends... the way they are?"
>"The same reason you and your friends were spying. You also take sports too seriously."
>'cuze you madam.
"No. Nonono. Don't lump me in with those crazies, they just asked a favor. I don't even know them very well. Which is probably why they left me for dead."
>"Left you for dead? Didn't Sunny Flare say they were on the roof? I figured by now you would have told them to abort mission or something."
>You giggle a bit.
"Nope. I pretended I saw them up there and waited for that girl you just mentioned to notice and take a look so that getting out might be a bit easier. Took all your friends with her too. I'm lucky It worked."
>"Woah dude, you're clever. How'd you think of doing that?"
"MacGyver. But now that you mention my "friends" I should ask them something a long the lines of 'Hey guys, why the fuck did you abandon me and let me get kidnapped by a bunch of weirdo sports chicks?"
>"Hey!" Lemon says, feigns taking offence. "But yeah, you should really tell them that what they did was not cool."
"You're right. As a matter of fact I'll do that now, and you get a live play by play."
>"I don't know about that man, we're at the exit."
>She lets go of your hand that you'd forgotten she was holding and extends her arm to the door.
>You pause for a moment and stare at the door.
>You're a bit bummed out that your walk with this girl has come to an end.
>Or, maybe it hasn't.
"Hey, Lemon Zest."
"Wanna ditch this place with me and hang for a bit? You're pretty cool and I'd hate for our conversation to end here."
>You smile.
>She blushes and tries to hide a smile.
>"Wow, really?"
>You give an affirmative mmhm
"If you're serious, uhh,"
>She seems a bit flustered.
>"I'd love to! Those girls need some time to cool off anyways, don't need to be surrounded by those bad vibes y'know?"
"I hear you, anyways I know this sick place that opens kinda late that would be awesome to head to. Is it even open yet though?"
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>You take out your phone.
>Oh, you have some missed texts.
>You give them a quick glance before-
>oh no
>no no no
"We have to go back."
>Lemon Zest is confused.
>You show her your phone.
>634-7715: "Anon we're coming back for you where you at." Received 16 minutes ago
>634-7715: "Anon we're back around the field, it's empty make a run for it if you can." Received 14 minutes ago
>634-7715: "me and pinkie are going into the school don't worry about us I know this place inside out what room are you in? you're in the school right? Received 11 minutes ago.
>634-7715: "Scratch that the doors are locked. we're going to be on the roof. what room are you in I know this place inside out." Received 11 minutes ago."
>634-7715: "Anon check your phone! we hear someone else up here but we can't see them is it you? don't worry we're the only others up here." Received 8 minutes ago.
>pic related
>"Ohhh they're so dead by now. Probably in the same place where you were. They for defs know you've escaped by now. They're probably wondering where I am. Sunny Flare probably knows I'm with you. Oh gosh what do we do?" she says with frantic wide eyes.
"This is ridiculous. It's just sports, why is it necessary for me to launch a counter rescue mission because some girls were caught watching practice? Is it even necessary? Do I have to?"
>Thoughts keep flooding your mind.
>On second thought, it's not like you're obliged to save them.
>They got themselves into this mess.
>No, no that's not right. They came back for you.
>What'll they think if you just run off with some girl from the same group that probably nabbed them?
>Lemon Zest's words bring you back to reality.
>"What should we do? Do we really need to rescue them?"
>You give a sigh.
"I have to. You don't though, you don't even know them. Your friends will be pissed if they catch you helping me, let alone the captain from the rival school."
>Lemon hears you and puts some serious thought in before responding.
>"No man, I'm with you on this."
>Her previous frantic and panic leaves her.
>Annoyed seriousness takes it's place.
>"This is ridiculous. One hostage taking is enough. I know I don't know them, but I don't know you either and I still helped you out."
>You're surprised by her sudden change in emotion.
>You admire her words.
"Okay then. Before anything else though, is there anyone else at this place?"
>"Nope, teachers are gone. Indigo stole a key a while back though, that's how we got in."
"Good, teachers would only make this more complicated than it needs to be."
"Alright, first things first, we need a plan."
>"Any ideas"
"A bit of a rough draft but we don't have much time for planning."
>"Lay it on me."
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That'll conclude what I have for tonight.
It's getting good. you gonna pastebin this?
>you gonna pastebin this?
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Glad you did it. Now keep up the good work
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Lemon Zest is the best.
You spellt Sunny Flare wrong.
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Lemon Zest is such a hot piece of ass.
She is pretty comfy
Out of curiosity, let me ask:

1) Do any of you watch the 4CC?
2) If yes, did you watch the recent /mlp/ Friendship Tests stream?
3) If yes, do any of you consider /sdb/ your main team?

Some of us were wondering whether the Shadowbolts actually have any fans. This seems like a good place to ask.
>Not supporting /pnk/
Trip on PMB
But it's /pnk/'s year anon WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
>/pnk/'s year

/sdb/ wins every time and I doubt it's changed this time. Just give up m8. It's not worth your energy supporting losers constantly.
They look ready to fight
Someone help me out real quick, was it mentioned how often the Friendship Games were held?
Every 4 years
"Well, before anything else actually, those girls, do you consider them your friends?"
>"What do you mean?"
"Are they actually your friends? Or just teammates?"
>"They're my friends and my teammates! We've been together since sophomore year. They've always been like this... but they're not so bad once you get to know them."
>She smiles, reminiscing on thoughts of her past memories with her gang.
>You wonder how someone like her could manage to get jumbled up with them.
> Friendship is magic or something.
"Any chance you could talk them out of it then?"
>She hesitates before looking away.
>"It's not as simple as that Anon. This isn't just some random session your pals were spying on. Again, I don't know how long you've been here but something called the Friendship Games is coming up. Every 4 years Crystal Prep goes up against your school and we're undefeated. Those girls have a reputation to uphold, and they're not gonna let something like that won't go unpunished. But what's your plan?"
>You sigh.
"You're gonna bring me back to that room."
>This time you grab her hand and pick up the pace.
>"Are you crazy! They're probably twice as pissed that you're gone and that I vanished!"
"Which is why you're gonna drag me back in there."
>"Are you joking?!"
"Just think of all the fame, you'll go down as the girl that caught the elusive anonymous and brought him before the court of sports weirdos to face capital punishment for his crimes against the regime. You'll be hailed a hero all through out the land."
>"You're a dork. You're also crazy. Like, they'll rough you up."
"It'll be fine."
>"So is getting recaptured part of your plan?"
"Sorta winging it."
>"You said you had a rough draft!"
"Yeah it's pretty rough."
>You two are outside the door and you hear talking inside.
>It isn't good.
>"Please, don't keep hurting them!" you hear Pinkie scream.
>What the fuck?
>"You peak into the room and you aren't sure what you're seeing.
>Blue hair has a bag that looks like it belongs to Pinkie and there is a non-stop flow of ballons floating out of it at a normal (?) speed.
>She holds it, bewildered.
>As she holds it, Sour Sweet pops them as they exit.
>"All you have to do is talk and it'll stop."
>Sour Sweet smiles.
>"I can't take it, I can't take it!"
>Lemon taps your shoulder.
>"What's happening in there?"
"You're about to find out."
>You turn away from Lemon Zest and put your arms around your back.
>She takes them.
>"You sure you want to do this?"
"No, but at least I'll have a story to tell afterwards."
>Lemon Zest pushes you forward into the room.
>No turning back now.
>"Hey! Look who I found trying to get out."
>Everyone turns their heads to you.
>Oh shit stage fright.
>You still need something cool to say.
"Did you miss me?"
>Yeah that works.
>Halo quotes are pretty g-
>Oh cool Sour Sweet has punched you in the stomach and you're on the ground now.
sorry for short update but thats all i got for now. Also I don't know if I'll be updating this weekend as I won't have much time to write. But pastebin is all caught up so yeah
Not bad and take your time
What the hell is Trender's full name? In fact, what happens to all of the horse-related names when it comes to the human world?
Trender Hoof.
The names don't change.
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>"So is getting recaptured part of your plan?"
I love you
bumping for a jacket
>Trender Hoof
*Trender Hand
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bumping with insensitive Sugar Coat
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Too good.
I can see Lemon doing that
the longer I look at this image the more I laugh.
>Jokes aside this is painful.
>You've never been seriously hit like this.
>Fuck does it hurt.
>This wasn't how it was suppose to go.
>You're gonna take a breather for a bit.

>You are Lemon Zest.
>You just watched Sour Sweet punch Anonymous.
>You knew she was prone to violent attitude changes.
>You knew you she was willing to hurt this guy.
>But actually seeing it made you feel different.
>You obviously felt sorry for Anonymous but but you told him this would happen.
>You avert your attention from him.
>You look at the two girls in the chairs and you recognize them as the ones from earlier.
>Rainbow Dash, Canterlot High's captain of most sports teams.
>Revered for her relentless training and top quality players.
>And some pink girl.
"So where'd you get these two from?"
>You feign ignorance.
>"The roof, trying help this idiot escape." says Indigo.
>Indigo looks at you.
>"Told Sunny Flare to have more faith in you, Lemon."
"W-what do you mean?"
>"She thought you were helping that guy escape after we came back and neither of you were here."
"Well you know Sunny..."
>You let out an awkward laugh.
>You look around the room for Sunny Flare but you don't find her.
"Where is Sunny?"
>"Still on the roof, making sure nobody else tries to interfere with our arrangement here."
>You look over at Sugar Coat who is perplexedly opening and closing this SCP of a handbag.
>She can hardly fit her hand and wrist into the purse but when she opens it balloons flood out.
>You fear the question but you ask it anyways.
>You swallow the knot in your throat.
"So, what are we going to do to them."
>Sour Sweet looks up from a silent Anon to you.
>"Well, I've decided that for those two over there,"
>She motions her head to Rainbow Dash and pink.
>"after they spill the beans on some of their plays and strategies we'll let them go."
>You exhale in relief.
>"But for this guy... you'll see."
>The worry returns to you.
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Conclusion of tonight's update, I'd have put this footnote at the end of the original post but it exceeded the character count. I actually have an idea for where this story is headed now.

And it's hot
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>I actually have an idea for where this story is headed now.
>And it's hot
inb4 he called it >>29343725
>As long as it doesn't turn into harem. Not really a fan of "Everyone wants Anon's dick", but that's just me.
Don't worry it won't be harem.
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Thank you
But do we get that sweet Lemon ass though?
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Lemon Zest is for sexual.
Cool. Can't wait to see what happens
Page 9
Not good
Well bump from page 10 and is it dead?
No. I wont let it.
Been busy again these last few days. Should have some new ASJ green tomorrow.

Still don't know where it's going, but the tension has certainly gone up. The girls seem like the villains so far. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out now that you know where it's going.

Easily one of the best Shadowbolt pictures. I imagine this is what happens in the alternate timeline where Twilight stayed in CPA.
Cool, can't wait
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Oh man, bump for interest
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Indigo Zap is for sexual aswell
They’re all for sexual
Except for Sunny Flare:
Question to all: I know I said I was make the story turn to porn in >>29361650
Would anyone be upset if decided to take it a different way that wasn't smut, at least not yet?
I haven't fully decided yet but I do want to gouge from you guys.
I have no complaints with that. I'd rather have a well written non-smut story rather than a poor quality/generic smut story. I still wouldn't say no to you include smut though.
Sunny Flare is for sexual too. Especially Sunny Flare.
I don’t mind. All i care is that it's written well
page 9 bump
bump for Jacket or Jay
I'm okay with non-smut.
Jacket! Put you story on FiM!
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I just want normies to fregg off the board!
>You stand there for a bit, hoping that these girls confined to chairs will take a while to break so that maybe your pals could cool off and go easier on Anon.
>"Lemon, make yourself useful and bring this dork into the ice room and lock the door. Take his phone too."
>Indigo chucks you the key.
>You snatch it out of the air and look down at Anon who seems to be regaining his composure.
>You hoist him up and start walking out the door to down the hall way.
"Anon, you alright?"
>He coughs and takes a deep breath.
>"Yeah I'm fine. What's an 'ice room'? If it's a straight up freezer please don't put me there because that would literally kill me."
"No it just has an ice machine in it meant for making ice packs."
"Think you could break out of it?"
>"I have no-"
>"Hello Lemon Zest"
>You jump a bit.
>Sunny Flare appears in front of you.
>"Where are you going with him."
"I-ice room, Indigo told me to."
>Sunny Flare hears you and continues her way back to the room to probably join in on the interrogation.
>Once she passes you arrive at the ice room.
>Anon willing hands you his phone, knowing that the girls will expect it.
"Hey, Anon... after this would you still want to get together some time?"
>"I'd love to." he says.
"Sorry in advanced for anything they make me do to you."
>"Don't sweat it. They're gonna be expecting you back soon so lets cut this convo short."
>You sigh as Anon steps in the door and shutting it.
>Anon immediately re-opens it.
>"Wait, Lemon! What time is it?"
>You grab your phone out of your pocket.
>"See you at my place at around... lets say 3:30?" he says with a smile and shutting the door.
Part of the next update, thought I'd give it to you guys now to hold you over till me or Jacket posts more stuff.
Also, sorry if this post seems like a whole lotta nothin', character limit sorta fucked me here.
Better than nothing
Any green is good
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That's my girl!
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Those comfy memories of having gone to a school with uniforms like these
Same here
Fuck i need content.
>You walk into your first class of the day and spot a common sight.
>Twilight sitting at the very front of the class.
>She waves at you excitedly.
>"Anon! I saved you a seat!"
"Oh goody."
>You reply sarcastically before sitting down at the desk next to her.
"Twilight, do we have to sit at the front so early in the morning?"
>"Yes! Otherwise I won't be called on to answer as much!"
>You really worry about this girl.
>"But more importantly, I saw everything that happened."
"You were there, huh?"
>"I can't believe you did that."
"Neither Can I, actually."
>Her eyes widen.
>"You mean to tell me that was a moment of impulse?!"
"Pretty much."
>She shakes herself to help process what you just said, and readjusts her glasses.
>"Anon, yesterday you... you weren't even sure if you did the right thing by getting involved!"
"I know."
>"So what are you doing? Why did you tell the whole school she's your girlfriend?"
>You slump into your seat.
"I don't know."
"It's just... I got upset! When I saw what they were doing to her, and the look on her face..."
>"It was an awful scene. I felt really bad for her."
"And it's because she kept the secret, Twi. She never told anyone, not even her friends."
>"Why would she do that?"
"I'm not sure, but I think we both wanted to see how things could work out between us, and she didn't want any drama getting in the way. So much for that, though."
>"...Wait, if it was a spur of the moment, are you two really going out or... not?"
"We are now. I convinced her to give it a shot after I got her out of there."
>"In Cadence's office, right?"
"Of course."
>"Figured. It is the safest place in school for us, next to the lab of course."
>She says proudly before starting to organize her desk.
>"Well, if you're happy, I'm happy for you."
>She tells you with a smile.
>"I just never thought you'd go out with a girl from our school."
"I wouldn't have, twenty four hours ago. But, after school I'll be taking Sugar on our first date."
>Twilight stops what she's doing to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
>"What do you mean, after school?"
"I mean after school as in today. I don't know what we'll do yet, but... I'm kinda getting excited."
>You smile.
>Her expression becomes serious.
>"Anon, you won't be able to go on a date today."
"Why not?"
>"Don't you know? Every class today is going to have a larger than normal homework assignment."
>Your face drops.
"You're kidding. Please, Twi, tell me you're messing with me?"
>"About homework? When have I ever?"
>You reply disappointed.
"Okay, it's okay."
>You say to yourself more than her.
"If I cram it all tonight and tomorrow morning, I can still take her on a date tomorrow night and sunday."
>Twilight silently shakes her head at you.
"...What? Don't give me that! What else is wrong?!"
>"Have you forgotten about yesterday? You skipped out on half the classes. You'll be getting makeup work from those classes in addition to today's."
>You bury your face in your hands and groan.
"Ooohhh god. I didn't expect I'd have to pay for that like this!"
>That amount of work will take you way too long.
"Twilight! If I come over to your house tonight, could you help me study?"
>"I'm sorry, but I'll be busy this whole weekend working on a project for getting into Everton."
>She says with a guilty tone.
>You sigh and slump into your chair once again.
>"If it weren't for that, I swear I'd-"
"It's alright, Twi, I know you'd help me if you could. And you don't have to apologize for anything, this is all on me."
>"But it's all so sudden, neither of you planned for this. She'll have homework too, along with everyone else. I'm sure if you explain to her, she'll understand if you can't take her out this weekend."
"I hope so."
>You frown.
>It hasn't even been twenty two minutes, the running time of a My Little Kitten episode, since you've gotten your new girlfriend, and things have already gone to shit.
>That has to be some kind of record.

That's all I've got for right now. I'll have more tomorrow. I'm gonna try making smaller updates if I have to so they're not so far apart anymore.
Can't wait to see how Anon will deal with this. Hell i want to see Sugarcoat deal with her friends
I think it's weird that this anon cares this much about homework seeing as how he skipped a bunch of classes the previous day.
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So I don't really play vidya so much anymore, but I remembered some anons said that some of BBSA reminded them of Max Payne and I happened to find a copy for just 6 bucks.

It's been pretty fun so far, the game is simple for what it is but I'm loving Max and the general atmosphere of this crime-infested city so much. The winter storm helps make the place a lot more foreboding and the various gangsters Max fights are a fun bunch.

New BBSA Update coming hopefully this weekend!
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Think you got the wrong thread famalama
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whoops, my mistake
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"And you know at the end of the day it is we who survive"
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dat sour sweet
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Thought that was from a metal gear rising song for a second
Spursweet is the Fkuttershy of SB.
HW counts towards grades
>You grin, going for the lock.
>Anon opens the door again.
"Having fun?"
>"Forgot, you're gonna need my address, gimme your phone."
"Why is that?"
>"You think I'm gonna be here next time they check this room? Also gonna need someone to return my phone."
>You hand him your phone and he types it in.
>He hands it back to you.
>"Okay, for real this time."
>He shuts the door.
>You wait a moment before locking it to make sure he doesn't pop out again.
>You turn on your heel and start walking back.

>You are Anon.
>You stare at the door in front of you.
>There's a sign on it
"Me too, buddy."

>You are Lemon Zest.
>You are walking down the hall back to your friends.
>You enter the room.
>Sour Sweet is back to popping balloons, much to pink girl's dismay.
>Sugar Coat is equally, if not more, confused but the bag than she originally was but continues to hold it open.
>"Dashie, please!! She's hurting them!"
>"Pinkie don't! You can hold out, I believe in you!"
>Pinkie is biting her lip, her eyes are twitching, and she's visibly tearing up.
>"It'll all end once you tell us few plays." Indigo mentions.
>"Dash... please."
>This is a pretty sad sight to see.
>This is some genuine despair.
>You walk over to Indigo and give her back the key.
>"Locked in?"
>"So, was it hard stopping him from escaping?"
>Crap, you need a story or at least something to satisfy Indigo.
"He tried to give me the slip a few times but he ran out of tricks pretty fast. Once I roughed him up a bit, he eventually gave up."
>Indigo looks at you.
>She starts laughing.
>"You mean to tell me YOU actually brought some amount of pain on to another individual and made them listen to you?"
>You never were violent, or very strong, but you're still upset that your friend is mocking you.
>At least she isn't finding it suspicious.
"There's some fight in me."
>You say feign confidence.
>Both you and Indigo's attention is drawn to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie.
>More balloon corpses lay on the ground than before.
>You stare at Rainbow's friend and her face has gone purple and her eyes look like they're about to pop out her head.
>She breaks, spilling out formations and other football stuff you don't understand.
>You're just track.
>Rainbow Dash is clearly angry at her friend.
>"Was that so hard?"
>Sour Sweet takes the bag from Sugar Coat and tosses it to Pinkie, landing on her lap.
>Pinkie smiles a regretful smile.
>Dash is silent.
>Alright, get them outta here. Lemon, be useful and escort these two lovely ladies to the exit. "
>You go behind the two girls and untie them from their respective seats.
>Both start rubbing and grabbing their wrists, the rope no longer constricting them.
"Come on now."
>You begin walking a bit ahead and they follow still rubbing their hurt wrists.
>Once you're in the hallway, you start to talk.
"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened back there. If it were up to me I'd have let you go."
>"Bullshit!" Rainbow Dash yells.
>Pinkie, grasping her bag, lets out small sniffles as she follows.
"Hey, I helped your friend escape, I'd have helped you too.
>"You think we're dumb? We saw you bring him back in!"
"Not quite, once he saw your texts we decided to come back and try to rescue you. You're lucky he's the one you brought, he could have left you if he wanted."
>"What are you talking about?"
"He, no, WE, planned to come back and try and get you outta there. We couldn't just waltz back there in holding hands."
>"And where is Anon now, huh?" she says to you sarcastically.
"They made me lock him in our ice room. He was the one with the plan alright?! He seemed alright with being locked in, I didn't know where to go from there."
>"Yeah, right. I'll believe it when he tells me. I know where the exit is by the way, so you can leave."
>Whatever, fuck this bitch.
>But you still want Anon's friends to know you're trying to help.
"If I'm lying to you then how would I know that you sent Anon texts saying you were gonna try and help him? You told him to make a run for the field, then you said you were coming in but the doors were all locked so went to the roof."
>Rainbow Dash stops walking, Pinkie stops with her.
>She stares at you.
>"Fine, maybe you were helping Anon. But all I know right now is that you let him get sucker punched in the stomach and that he's locked up. We can't do anything, I have to come up with a totally new game plan, and he's alone in a room and your friends are probably already on him. He's your responsibility now little miss double agent, we did out part. Lets go, Pinkie."
>Rainbow Dash stomps off and drags a sad Pinkie behind her.
>They exit the school.
>This whole sports thing must be super important to her if she's willing to go from rescue commando one second to not caring the next.
>Or she has less control over her emotions than Sour Sweet.
>But Anon is your concern now.
>You figure the best thing you can do is stall for time.
>Give him more of a window to escape.
Next update will focus more on trying to Anon escape. With only his wit and the few supplies, how will our hero ever escape icy institution? Find out next episode!
pinkie will remember this as the balloon holocaust.
Good job Jay. keep up the good work
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No problem
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Save Sugarcoat by bumping
i agree
She's afraid of Page 9
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>"It's not like I want to be bumped.."
I'd bump her, if you know what I mean
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She likes it
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Pg 9 bump

>"What the actual fuck, Sugar Coat!"
>"It was in the theater closet! Do you know how hard is to find a costume that fits on short notice?"
>"H-hey, come on, Twilight, she didn't mean anything by it, just calm down."
>"I can't believe you seriously thought it would be ok to wear that. Christ, that was barely 6 months ago."
>"Alright, so it's a bit much, but I can still make this work. Maybe if ditch the horn..."
>"Sugar, no. Just no. Find a different one. Seriously, not cool."
>"There, there. You want some punch?"
>"Okay, let's get you some punch."
This makes me want to hug Twilight
>"There, there. You want some punch?"
>"Okay, let's get you some punch."
>Anon, who has overheard them talking, runs up to Twilight and punches her in the stomach.
>"Come on! Didn't you get the pun?" he asks, as he is dragged off by a baseball bat-wielding Sour Sweet.
Worth it.
I feel this thread is missing out on the Slavic alternative of the Shadowbolts - the Shadowblyats.
Is baseball bat a pun, too?
im not in tune with slavic shitposting but if i was i'd cook something up.
>Is baseball bat a pun, too?
Everything can be a pun if you believe in it
>ywn stick a finger into her cleavage while she's angry
>swn suddenly turn nice and let you grab them
Let's see if we manage to kep it.
Green coming later.
I hope its lots of green because we need it
>The halls are filled as students file out of their classes and head to the cafeteria.
>You make a quick trip to your locker and dump off some notes.
>Same old routine, right?
>Not quite.
>Instead of simply walking into the cafeteria, you're waiting out in the hall for Sugar.
>You haven't seen her since this morning, and it'd be nice to have lunch with your new girlfriend.
>You've already messaged her about it, so she should be here any minute.
>As you look down at your phone, you feel someone tap you on the shoulder.
"Ready to grab some lunch Sug-!"
>You turn your head expecting to see blue and white, but get an eyeful of pink instead.
>"Oh yes, Anon! I can't wait to have a lovey dovey lunch with you!"
>Looks like it's time for Cadence to bug you about this whole thing.
"Well hey then! What are we standing around for? Let's head on in."
>You fire back.
>"Sorry, but I'm not actually your girlfriend."
"No. No you're not, Dean Cadence."
>She giggles.
>"But, you DO have a girlfriend, don't you?"
>She leans in close with a big smile, waiting for your begrudging reply to a question she already knows the answer to.
>She giggles again.
>"I knew it! I knew when you gave your jacket it was about to happen! You've got a girllllfrieeend! You've got a girlllllllfrieeeeenndd!"
>You've seen this side of her before.
>It's like she's become a teenage high school girl.
>"Hey, Anon, hey."
>She's begun to poke you over and over.
>You try to resist and look away.
>But she gleefully continues.
>"Anon, hey, Anoooon, heeeeey."
>She isn't going to stop.
>With a heavy sigh, you finally answer.
"Yes, Dean Cadence?"
>She motions for you to come closer, and reluctantly you do, allowing her to whisper in your ear.
>"Anon, you wanna, like, come with me to Twi's lab to eat lunch? There's gonna be a bunch of cakes and sweets for this special occasion."
>Before you can respond, her eyes go wide as she lightly gasps.
>She yells straight into your hearing canal.
>You side step away, wincing and covering your now ringing drum.
"Gah! C'mon!"
>She has a good laugh.
"Who's the adult here?!"
>"Hush up and let me have my fun! I've been waiting too long for this!"
"You act as if this is more for your benefit than mine."
>"Maybe it is."
>She says with a smug face.
"Please don't live vicariously through me."
>She giggles again.
>"But really, Anon."
>She places a hand on your shoulder with a genuine smile.
>"I'm proud of the way you handled that situation."
"Yeah, well..."
>"I think you and Sugarcoat will really help each other."
>What does she mean by that?
>"Alright, that's enough from me."
>You really didn't want Sugar to see this.
>"Have fun this weekend, Anon. I want a good story by monday."
>She winks.
>With that, she takes her leave.
>You considered asking her for help with your homework problem, but out of respect, you decided not to.
>She's already done so much, you can't ask for more.
>You have to find your own way out of this.
>You hear a voice call behind you.
>This time, you know who you're turning to face.
"Hey, Sugar."
>"Is something wrong? You looked like you were spacing out."
>She asks concerned.
"Nah, I've just been waiting for you. Come on, I'm hungry."
>You motion for her to follow you.
>"Sorry, but I won't be able to have lunch with you."
"Why not?"
>"As you know, I haven't told the girls anything yet, and they really want an explanation."
"Ah, you're gonna tell them during lunch."
>"They're my best friends, and they've been waiting. It's only fair. You're okay with that, right?"
"Yeah, I wouldn't like to keep getting brushed off either. Go ahead and have some girl talk, we'll get plenty of time this weekend anyways."
>"About that. We're getting a fairly large homework assignment this weekend, so I won't be able to go out tonight."
"Yeah, I know. I'm right there with you on that."
>Worse actually, but you don't have it in you to tell her that yet.
>"But we can do something on saturday?"
>She asks hopeful.
"Sure. We'll figure it out later, don't worry."
>"Thanks for understanding."
>She smiles.
>"Yo, Sugar!"
>You both look towards the cafeteria doors, where Sugar's friends are waiting.
>"We're starving! You can suck face with Anon later!"
>Lemon purposely shouts out for everyone to hear.
>Sugar glares at her while blushing.
>"Dammit, Lemon!"
>You have stifle yourself from laughing along with Lemon and Indigo.
>She turns back to you, but also starts back stepping sheepishly with her arms behind her.
>"I'd better sit them down before they do anything worse."
"We'll talk after school."
>Indigo and Lemon creep up and grab hold of her.
>"Come on, lovergirl!"
>Lemon teases.
>"Time to dish out the details!"
>Indigo grins as they both drag Sugar through the doors with Sour and Sunny.
>What now?
>You'd go over to Twi's, but you don't want to get in the way of her project.
>Looks like you'll have to settle for Jet, Trender, and Neon as lunch buddies today.

>You are Sugarcoat.
"And that's how I got Anon's jacket."
>You're sitting at your usual lunch table with the girls, and you've just finished telling them the story everyone was dying to hear.
"After that, I came into the cafeteria, and you know the rest."
>"It's so cool that he saved your glasses!"
>Indigo fist pumps.
>"And he gave you his jacket without hesitation~."
>Sour swoons.
>You conveniently left out the part where Anon was trying to get back at you for the insult on the bus.
>That was between you and him, and you're more than even now.
>"When and how did you dudes decide to go out?"
>Lemon asks.
>"It must have been last night over the phone. Or maybe you even met up with him?!"
>Indigo guesses.
"It was when he took me away this morning."
>Sour, Lemon, and Indigo shout together.
>Sunny doesn't seem surprised.
>Indigo puts her hands up.
>"Whoa, whoa! Are you saying he told the whole school you were going out before you even agreed to it?! That's crazy!"
"I know, right? What kind of person would do something like that?"
>You all give Indigo a stern look.
>She's oblivious for a moment before realizing.
>"OH! Uh... y'know, I think I'm starting to like this Anon guy! Ahhhahahaha ha ha... ha."
>She rubs the back of her head and slinks down into her seat.
>Thankfully, Sunny moves the conversation along.
>"So you let him get away with using that stunt as asking you out? I'm surprised, Sugarcoat."
"No, I didn't!"
>You retort.
>Sour smiles.
>"Oh~? Do tell!"
>"Yeah! Details, details!"
>Lemon excitedly demands.
>"Like, where did he take you anyways?"
"The Dean's office."
>Sour, Lemon, and Indigo shout together.
>"How'd he get away with that?"
>Indigo questions.
>"Anon and Twilight are very close to Dean Cadence. It's how Anon gets away with skipping class so much."
>Sunny answers.
>"Maaan, wish I could get in on that. It's so cool how Anon plays hooky. You gotta admire that."
>Lemon says wistfully.
>You scoff.
>"Never mind that, what did you tell him when you were alone?"
>Sour asks getting back on point.
"I told him I wasn't his girlfriend, and that what he did wasn't fair."
>"And how did he react?"
"He agreed, and properly asked me out."
>The girls are on the edge of their seats.
"He... he walked over to me and..."
>The more you have to describe the harder this is getting.
>You look down and fidget a bit.
"And he held my hands."
>Sour, Lemon, and Indigo squeal together with their hands on their cheeks.
>Sunny seems pessimistic, cupping her chin in her palm.
>"Sugar, do you even like him?"
"I'm not exactly sure how I feel about him yet, but I want to give him a chance."
>You look back up.
"That's why I'm going to ask you girls to go easy on him and be nice."
>You start pointing out each of them.
"Lemon, no stealing or trashing any of Anon's things!"
>"Aye, cap'n."
>She salutes, then goes back to playing with the device she's suddenly holding.
"What is that?"
>"Anon's Gameboy SP I took from his locker."
>You glare at her.
>"What? I was gonna put it back later! ...Ooo! A Farfetch'd!"
>She says with her tongue sticking out as she rapidly presses buttons.
>You shake your head and move on.
"Indigo, no beating up or even threatening him!"
>"I wasn't going to! ...Probably."
"Sour, no sending him creepy ransom notes or making human effigies!"
>"But I'm almost done!"
>She pulls out a disturbing looking letter and a little green doll from her pockets.
"I said NO!"
>She groans and pushes them off to the side.
"And, Sunny, no psychological deconstruction!"
>"You're serious, aren't you?"
>She sighs.
>"Alright, if this is what you want, I'll respect it."
>"I'm with you too, Sugar."
>Lemon says without looking up.
>"Like I said before, Anon is a good guy, and I know we can trust him."
>"If you guys are cool with him, I'm cool with him."
>Indigo says casually.
>Sour crosses her arms.
>"Well I guess I don't have choice."
>She grumbles.
>You smile.
"Good. Thanks girls."
>"No prob, Sug. And don't forget that you can always come to us for advice with this whole dating thing."
>Lemon offers.
>"Yeah! And I've got the best advice when it comes to boys! It's foolproof!"
>Indigo gives you a thumbs up.
>"My advice is don't listen to a word Indigo says."
>Sunny warns deadpanned.
>"Not a one."
>Sour adds.
>Lemon chimes in.
>Indigo slams her fist on the table.
>"Hey! That's not true!"
>"It's three against one, Indigo."
>Sunny points out.
>"Lemon's playing Pokemon! She doesn't count! Right, Lemmy?"
>Lemon looks up.
>"Huh? Well, yeah, I did just catch a Ditto."
>She holds up the gameboy's screen to show everyone.
>"See! Lemon knows how great my relationships have been! She's on my side!"
>Indigo boasts.
>"What? Oh no, your dating advice sucks, Indy. Don't try to turn that shit around."
>"Well screw you guys!"
>As the girls continue to bicker, you look across the cafeteria and spot Anon sitting with another group.
>He notices you staring at him, and he gives a small wave.
>You wave in reply, before you both turn your attention back to your own tables
>And with a small smile, you finish the last bite of your lunch.

That's all for now.
Dis is cute man
very good story
page 10
>Finding a girl with one of those qualities is hard, never mind both.
>...Your last girlfriend had them.
Rainbow Dash?
are there anymore shadowbolt greens? or has this thread not been around for long?
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Did anyone notice upon magical xk-type scenario no nuclear alarms were sounded?
>you will never time your advances just right to do lewd things while she's nice and run away while she isn't
it's been on and off
That might be the best strategy
Probably suri considering how butthurt she was when anon declared he was dating sugar
That's a very good theory and very possible
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I smell something fishy with you
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>I smell something fishy
We need green
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Yesterday I read through a set of Sour Sweet stories by a guy on fimfiction, that sure was a ride.
Do you mean the schizzo depiction?
Probably, it was this one: www.fimfiction.net/story/305553/sour-n-sweet-n-pretty and the 20 sequels
Well shit I think we really need some Sunny green now.
What kind of fallout would there be if Aunt Abbie caught you getting frisky with her little niece Sunny?
She would probably stay in the back where sunny couldnt see yer and hold up a sign that says "I want grandchildren"
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wow i know its normal that one breast is bigger but DAMN! Abbies one tit is twice as big as the other
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Reminder: Young Cinch a cute
Need to impregnate
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>Ywn be sexually assaulted in an abandoned section of CPA by these two at night during a school sponsored event

Where's the rope
How would Cinch react to you impregnating her niece?
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my meat.jpg
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>those faces
muh dick
>they will never blackmail you into it
nein to page 9
Young Cinch is really unfy.
>TFW no green about anon travelling back in time, to bed her in the past so she isn't such an uptight asshole in the future
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There was one
No link
But link
it wasn't saved
Damn you satan!
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>That Indi
>Legs are seriously thicc
>You will never have her thick, muscular legs wrapped around your waist as she tries to squeeze every last drop of baby batter into her hungry womb
>TFW no casual cafe date with Sunny Flare
>She will never give you a stealth handy at that cafe.
>You will never hear her high heels clatter against the floor
>You will never look around to see if anyone noticed but as you're tucked in a corner out of the way nobody did.
>You will never return your gaze back to Sunny who is wearing a neutral smile as if she wasn't aware of what she did.
>You will never feel a stocking covered foot rubbing the crotch of your pants as Sunny's face changes to >>29436429
>She will never maintain casual conversation while rubbing you to the brink.
>She will never "accidentally" knock a spoon off the table and use it as an excuse to scoot next to you.
>She will never free your cock and start stroking you until you cum.
>She will never lean over and take all your load in her mouth then sit up then show you the contents before swallowing and returning to her original seat and continuing the conversation.
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>you will never shyly put a Valentine's letter in her locker.
>You will never turn around and have her look at you.
>You will never freeze in place as she opens her locker and reads out loud your sappy love letter.
>She will never agree to to a date with you.
>You will never enjoy a frozen mocha latte with her at a comfy cafe where you and her are the only ones there.
>You will never look over at her on the other side of the table as she savors and enjoys her drink.
>You will never hear her talk about how she's liked you since freshman year.
>She will never confess how she was never confident that you would ever say yes.
>She will never tell you she has a fear of rejection.
>She will never scooch over next to you and rest her head on your shoulder.
>She will never tell you that none of that matters anymore and she's just happy to finally be with you.
Man she isn't even my waifu but I'm still sad.
I like to think the Shadowbolt 5 have the same problem.

Still was a very cute thing
With rejection?
Yes. I think with their own personalities and lifestyles, they would be afraid of rejection. Mainly Sour
This is why Sunny is my favourite of the 'bolts. Other than being the fashionista/Rarity equivalent of the group she's basically a blank slate; you think she's not hugely confident and afraid of rejections that's fine, you think she's an exhibitionist and enjoys doing sexual things in public, also fine.
You got to admit that Sour could intimidate some people
Oh absolutely
That’s why i see it mainly in Sour, Sugarcoat and Sunny
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I like seeing other's head canons about these girls. Everyone seems to give them their own unique personality traits if asked about it.
Like Sour could be tsundere for a guy
>Jay will never continue the Lemon green.
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>You're walking back to the small gym your friends are in.
>You figure if you can get Sour Sweet to start ranting about she keeps getting paired up with the special ed. kids in her art class that should be a sufficient amount of time.
>As you turn the corner you are greeted by Indigo Zap, who promptly shoves and slams you into an adjacent walls.
>Your back hurts but you muster a response to your hostile friend.
"What are you talking about?!"
>Sugar Coat, Sour Sweet, and Sunny Flare walk into view and proceed towards you.
>They surround you.
>Sunny Flare holds up her phone.
>On it, a video of you, with a smile, pulling Anon by the hand towards the entrance plays.

>You are Anon
>You gotta get outta here.
>For real this time.
>You inspect the room.
>You see a large machine that almost reaches the ceiling.
>It looks some kind of a large dispenser based on the open basin part of it.
>You flick a switch on it and it rumbles to life and starts producing ice.
>You turn it off and wait to consider it's usefulness after inspecting the rest of the room.
>A tan bed that you'd imagine belongs in the nurse's office rests adjacent to the behemoth of a machine.
>There is also a desk with a series of drawers.
>Looking through them all you see is medical supplies for non serious injuries.
>You pull out a wide fat drawer and find something yummy.
>The drawer is full of what seems to be school contraband.
>Why it would be in a room like this you have no idea.
>Other than maybe the principle is smart and hides stuff that she doesn't want stolen back in a place no one would look.
>A mist the spray paint, laser pointers, and lighters you find something that's not like the others.
>Something that just does not belong.
>A paintball gun.
>You smile.
Thanks m8
>Paintball gun
Time to save Lemon and paintball some cunts.
Reposting a horrible incomplete story some random Anon wrote.
Could never find the stomach to finish it.
Apologies in advance.

>You look around the movie theater entrance nervously beginning to sweat profusely.
"Y-you're "Prolapsedbuttwh0re43"?"
>She looks you up and down.
>"Are you "Longschlongjohnson99"?"
>You gulp.
"H-how old are you?"
>"Sixteen. How old are you?"
>You're actually Thirty-Eight.
"A-are you with Dateline?"
>This has to be a trap. The police are probably lying in wait somewhere.
>Fucking Fling.com!
"A-aren't you a little young to be on a website like Fling? It's 18+.."
>She rolls her eyes.
>"That's what all you guys say! Little peckered wimps too afraid to show the goods!"
>Or men who don't want a statutory charge.
>"Look. I'm here for a date, and to get my butthole played with. Are you gonna bitch out, or are we gonna go into this theater, watch starwars, and you shove that lightsaber of yours in me?"
"This can't be real."
>"It is babycakes."
>She narrows her eyes at you, clearly disgusted by your [heavy breathing intensifies].
>"So are we doing this or not? I'm not wearing underwear, and there's a draft flowing through the curtains if you catch my drift."
>Oh sweet raptor hey-soos, you're seriously about to fuck a teenage girl in her anus, in a public setting!
>The question is though, why you?
>You're like..old, and shit. She can't seriously think you're Nineteen!
>She grabs your hand, and pulls you to the ticket vendor.
"H-hey Prolaps-"
>"INDIGO. No online handles here stupid!"
"Right..Indigo..are you sure you wanna do this?"
>She makes a deadpan face at you, and slips your hand under her skirt right then and there.
>You start to panic, hoping no one sees this perverted old fuck, molesting a minor.
>The sensation of smooth, clammy skin brushes on your fingers.
>Like touching a marshmallow covered in a light layer of syrup. Is that healthy for a vagina?
>You tilt your head back making your best uke face.
>"Real enough for you? Now buy the tickets, and let's go!"
>This is amazing.
>You signed up on Fling.com, in hopes of bedding some fat desperate lonely chick, and losing your vir-
>You're not a virgin. You just w-wanted some ass! B-baka..
>Anyway, who could have guessed it'd be some supple, nubile girl with a fetish for anal?
>You buy the tickets, getting odd looks from the vendor man.
>He slides them through his plexiglass booth with a smile.
>"Two tickets for star wars sir. I hope you, and your daughter enjoy!"
>Indigo punches the plexiglass, making him flinch.
>You blush, and look down, as he looks from her to you, with a "is dis bitch for real?" expression.
>Hurrying out of ground zero in tow, Indigo grabs, and latches onto your arm.
>"This is gonna be awesome! I was constipated, so a good Pounding in the mudhut is gonna get all of that out!"
>She continues to hold your arm close, despite all the looks you're getting from other movie-goers.
>She doesn't seriously think you're nineteen does she? Like for real?
>You got wrinkles, and gray hair.
>Maybe you can play this off, like she IS in fact your daughter!
"S-so pumpkin...d-do you want some candy?"
>She looks at you confused.
>"Why? You got a white van waiting for me somewhere also?"
>"Whoa! Calm your tits there sweetcakes. It was just a joke! You know..Pedophiles offer candy, and have white vans..duh."
>Your eyes get wider than a bush baby.
>You start coughing.
>More strange looks, and a few whispers.
>Holy fuckhagen. What do you do if you're confronted about this?
>Think..shit..think..shit..quick put me in the closet.
>Of course! You'll say you brought her here to teach her not to trust people online!
>To mentor her!
>That's all it was. You were just trying to look out for a young person. Not to have sex with them!
>When has that excuse ever failed, right?
>Oh god, please let me remember to delete those chatlogs..
>The two of you enter the dimly lit theater, and inspect the room, only to find it barely occupied.
"Huh..Thought there'd be more people for this."
>"The movie's been out for a few weeks. Its lost its hype. Let's sit in the back."
"Good idea. We don't want anyone to see us do the...the "thing"."
>She slaps your shoulder.
>"Are you stupid? After you plunge my insides out, I'm gonna frost one of those seats like a cake! The ushers will be sooo pissed! OOH! You think someone will sit on it?"
>Boner is seriously confused right now.
>Putting the image of her shitting into a fold up chair in the back of your mind, you make your way down the row, and plop into a couple seats.
>Indigo stretches out, putting one of her legs up on the seat in front of her, giving you a view of her adolescent blossom.
>That sounded a lot better in my head.
>[Heavy breathing intensifies again]
>She smirks.
>"Like what you see, Longschlong? Ready to, in your own words, "murder my dookiemeat"?"
>Oh god. Cringe!!
>Nice line there Amanda Bynes.
"H-heh heh...my names A-Anonymous.."
>She curls an eyebrow at you, with an unamused frown.
>"I like Longschlong better. It's like that cat that says "oolong Johnson" y'know?"
"O-oh yeah! I'm totally aware of what's trendy, and phat nowadays.."
>"Did you just say "phat"?"
"I w-was just teasing! What type of old fart talks like that anyway? h-haha..."
>She looks at you for a while, and shrugs.
>"Whatever. Now let's get this started babycakes. Whip out that beefsteak!"
"I didn't bring any food with me."
>She looks at you in disbelief.
>"....Are you being serious now?"
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>A mist the spray paint, laser pointers, and lighters you find something that's not like the others.
>A mist
>I wrote genuinely wrote "a mist" thinking that was how a respectable human being is suppose to write" amidst"
If someone were to sneak into my house tonight and beat my head in with a hammer I would commend them.
>You gulp.
>She leans forward towards you.
>"Then let's see what you're working with! You didn't wear draws either right?"
>And risk getting skidmarks on your favorite jeans? Bitch please..
"W-well I would, but it's so cold in here, and it'll look weird in this lighting.."
>"You're giving me some bad vibes here Anon. I came to fuck while watching Kylo Ren fuck up people. Not hang out with some beta teenager afraid to get his dong wet."
"You're awfully comfortable with all this.."
>"UGH. I knew this was a mistake!"
>She retracts her leg to stand up, prepared to leave.
>This may be your only chance to get some pussy...er butthole, and you're about to let it go, because you're that guy who runs diamond city radio.
"Wait! Please."
>You grab her wrist, before she can stand up.
>She looks down at your hand, and back at you.
"I was just being silly..! Trying to lighten the mood!"
>"And I'm trying to lighten my and your loads! Are you sure you wanna do this or not?"
"O-of course girl..! I'm gonna make it go "pbbbt", like someone fisting a jar of miracle w-whip.."
>"That's what I'm talking about!"
>She leans on the armrest looking down at your crotch with anticipation.
>Well...here goes..
>You unzip yourself slowly.
>If you go past this line, there's no going back brother.
>You'll officially become a kiddy diddler.
>But, fuck you didn't get your promised wizard powers so it has to go at some point, right?
>Sweat starts forming on your brow, as Indigo starts schlicking eagerly.
>Standing like a proud warrior, Longschlongjohnson flexes for his audience in all his greasy glory.
>"Huh. Thought it'd be bigger."
>Instant deflation.
"I-I told you it was cold in here.."
>She looks you in the eyes, as the lights start to go out, and a few more people enter the room.
>"Then what say we get it hot?"
"Y-yes please."
>"What was that?"
"I said I'm jam it in like a square block into a circle peg woman."
>She licks her lips, or at least you think that's what she did.
>"Time to make some movie theater truffle butter stud."
>Hold up, let me google it.
>.........AW SICK.
>She looks around, and stands up positioning herself over you.
"Wh-what are you doing?"
>"What do you think? How else are you gonna get it inside?"
>Oh shit..
>Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy-
>Cum in your pants already, chicken tenders hot and ready-
>A tremble attack breaks out as her fingers search around for your little soldier.
>"I can't see. Direct me."
"B-but what about foreplay..?"
>"Do I look like I know math?"
>Hm. Indeed.
>Her fingertips grab hold of her objective, and direct them towards what you believe to be her butthole and--
>You stifle a cry of pain as her rugged, flesh sewer hole presses against your erection, bending it like a nike sign.
>Your poor dick bone..
>"Damn it...get in there..!"
>She starts trying to force her dry, cracked jihad trench down repeatedly, bending you more and more into a b8 hook.
>This doesn't feel good at all.
"H-hey..that hurts.."
>You whisper to her, holding her waist.
>"It's because you're not helping to get it in!"
>Someone further down in the seats stands up facing you both. It's dark, and you can't tell if it's a man or a woman.
"I-Indigo..no underwear remember?"
>"Oh snap! You're right..."
>She sits down on your exposed manhood, calming down as the silhouette does the same.
>Is this how sex works?
You can't stop me ;-)
>Also..What's that smell?
>It's like a mixture of Chicken of the sea, and buttermilk.
>She notices your loud sniffing.
>"What's the matter stud?"
"You don't smell that?"
>She sniffs also.
>"Smells pretty awesome if you ask me!"
>Fear starts to set in at the possibility of getting an STD, but fades away as she begins grinding on you.
>Her little hands grip the armrests, as her vaginal secretions smother your pole like gravy.
>Oh god, I'm gonna be sick.
>"Mmm. I'm so ready babycakes. Stir up my insides. I don't wanna walk straight.."
>Unf..that bad santa reference.
>She stands up again, and tries to reattempt her backdoor insertion.
>It'll be like trying to fit a morbidly obese dog through a pinhole you think.
>You feel it press against your shaft again, but this time, are met with little resistance, as the tip makes it in.
>You gulp, and tremble again.
>"Mmnnh..yeah..Almost up in that dookie baby..."
>That is not sexy talk.
>"Play with my bean Anon..Flick it.."
>Flick her bean?
>You know you've heard that phrase somewhere before, but can't recall what it actually means at the moment.
>Dick has taken over any possible cognitive mental processing, and is only repeating the words "Whoop that trick" over and over in your mind.
>You know it does have to do with the vagina though.
>Your hairy dude hands clumsily surf over her /fit/ body, to her mound, where you feel the shape of what could be compared to a smaller version of a penis.
>"Oh yeah! Right there..! Flick that shit!"
>My word. The potty mouth on this youth!
>Going along with her request you put your thumb and forefinger together in an "ok" position and--

And that's all I have. Have fun trying to sleep tonight.
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Although I cannot stop you, I can sit in my bedroom and be upset.
I'll make you a deal:
If you can tell me exactly where the end of this story exists (if the writefag actually finished it), I'll promise you I'll never post any part of this story again.
The only reason I've ever posted this in the past is because not knowing how it ends really irks me and I keep hoping someone would give me a link to what I'm looking for.
I think I was in the thread when that abomination was originally written and I can only recall up to that part and have never seen anyone else post beyond what you did. I'm pretty sure the thing that wrote that ended it there.
Did some archive digging.


Faggot never finished it.

Maybe one stormy night I'll get drunk and finish the job myself.
I believe
We need jam
Will we ever see them again?
I have hope in at least one of the three Specials
That would be nice. I really hope the specials are well received.
Probably not. It'd be better not to ruin them like they ruined Bacon.
I need more Crystal Prep girls
In the next equestrian girls movie along with the Dazzlings and Ace Thruster
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Sorta been neglecting my green, gonna get to work and MAYBE have some stuff before the end of today. if not then tomorrow
>It'd be better not to ruin them like they ruined Bacon.
There's barely anything to ruin though.
bemp 4 green
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>"Bump THIS, losers!"
Sour Sweet would be the most fun to fuck.
>you compliment her butt and its size
>she gets angry
>"Bump this, loser!"
>the school has a strict no-tolerance policy on profanity
>you proceed to bump it
>she gets confused
>she doesn't speak for the rest of the day
>her friends get progressively more worried
>you guess you're the only guy hitting on her
>if it's one of her troupe has guys fleeing from, it's her
How would you guys describe each of the 6 main Shadowbolt in terms or personalities and shit?

Also a mercy bump, 'cause every thread deserves one.
Indigo Zap
Poor sportsman

Lemon Zest
A bit naive
Chilled out

Sour Sweet
Obnoxiously nice (when in 'sweet' phase)

Overly blunt
All round cunt

Sunny Flare
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I know you meant "poetry" but his almost did me in.
Are there good fan fics where the story takes at CPA?
Is there a fan fic base on the pic?
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Continue when you can pls.

Are you ever gonna continue the Adagio story?
Thank you
>Adagio story
Hair and Hugs.

I thought you were the author of those stories.
No sorry, probably written by some kind of better version of me that has bigger muscles and cool sunglasses.

But i am gonna post stuff in an hour or so.
>You take it out to see if it's loaded.
>You remove the magazine to see if there's any ammo.
>There is.
>Seems like whoever got this taken from them managed to fire off five shots before they were apprehended.
>You press your metaphysical F-key to show your respects to your fallen troublemaker brother.
>You place it on the desk and continue looking for items.
>Returning your sights to cabinet you notice more ammo for the gun and take that.
>After scrounging around a bit you find three promising items.
>Promising item number 1: Rope.
>Rope is always useful so you decide to hold on to that.
>Promising item number 2: Ventilation shaft just big enough for you to crawl around in.
>This secures the escape.
>And you were leaving.
>Oh it seems your forgot to mention that third object: A Raspberry Pi.
>You were leaving, but not before leaving a little gift for your gracious and kind hosts.
>You grab the Raspberry Pi, paintball gun, and your pocket knife and get to work.
>You also really hope they don't interrupt you or else plan is aborted and you're just gonna paint ball some cunts and haul ass to the exit.

>You are Lemon Zest.
>And your friends have evidence of you committing high treason.
>"No use in trying to lie, Lemon."
>Sunny Flare says.
>"Just tell us the truth and we'll go easy on you."
>Sour Sweet casually says.
"What do you mean 'go easy on me'? I thought we were friends."
>"So did we, but you tried to help that guy escape."
>Sour Sweet replies.
>"We also thought you cared about our winning at the Friendship Games."
>Indigo, who still very uncomfortably close, says to you.
>Sugar Coat speaks up.
>"We also thought you cared about justice."
>With all these things being slung at you, you try to keep calm and not freak out. You try and answer all three statements at once.
"I do care about us winning! I wouldn't've stayed after school for hours pretty much everyday for months to practice if I didn't care."
>The gang doesn't ease up.
"Indigo, I know how important this is to you especially, but once you girls capture, tie up, and start beating on a guy for just watching us play... that crosses the line!"
>They start showing signs that they're reflecting on their actions.
"I tried to get him out of here because what you're doing is ridiculous, can't you see that?"
>You throw your hands out in front of you.
>Your friends are looking pretty shitty right now.
>"Okay, I'll be the first to admit we have taken this a bit too far, but shouldn't he still-"
"His name is Anon."
>"Shouldn't, Anon, still-"
>Sugar Coat gets interrupted by Sour Sweet.
>"No, we fucked up."
>"But-" Sugar Coat tries to speak again.
>"Whatever it is, no. We sorta need to apologize."
>Sour Sweet begrudgingly says.
>"Oh come on, can't we just let me go? Do we have to apologize?"
>Sugar Coat moans out.
>"Yeah we do..."
>Sunny Flare finally speaks up
>"...we've been shitty."
>Everyone has spoken of their sins aside from Indigo, who everyone is now looking at.
>You all keep looking at her.
>"But he!- Come on he- Ugh! Whatever, fine, but I won't mean it."
>She crosses her arms and looks away.
"You have the honor of unlocking him Indigo, lets go."
>You and your friends proceed to the ice room to unlock Anon
>You pause and remember all the shit you and your friends left in the gym.
>You figure it would be better if they made their own genuine apologies to him without you looming over them.
>If he even still is there.
"Hey, I'm gonna get a head start on fixing up the gym. Can't have teachers know we were in there."
>Sour Sweet says.
>You turn around and quickly make it to the gym.
>You're really happy that you managed to turn your friends around.
>And after all of this you still get to chill with him.
>This excites you.
>A bit more than you think it should.
>You can't wait till you see him walk by.
Oh shit.
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>You are Anon.
>And there are footsteps on fast approach to your location.
>And you weren't done with your gift.
>Which meant that you had to do this the hard way.
>The footsteps stop in front of the door and you hear the key fiddle in the lock.
>You grab the paintball gun from the wires of the rewired Raspberry Pi, that WAS going to be a super cool mini sentry gun.
>You crouch and aim at the door.
>It opens.
>"Hey dude, look, we've been real-"
>You don't even identify the voice before you open fire, shooting the speaker square in the head.
>She screams and falls over.
>You shoot two others, blue hair and purple and pink hair.
>gif related
>They also scream and hit the ground.
>You blow past the girl who that had punched you before, while still firing behind you.
>The hail of bullets prevents them from getting back up.
>You are gone down the hallway and other than your loud footsteps all you can hear are obscenities being flung at you from behind.
>You're pretty sure the stuff you flung at them hurt but what they were saying hurt on the inside.
>You're at the exit and slam into the push bar.
>You are outside and you are gone.
That's all I got for now.
That's one way to wrap it up.
>Ventilation shaft just big enough for you to crawl around in.
And there was I hoping it would turn into Die Hard
bobo thread
lol the story isn't done, he's just out of CPA
>ventilation shaft just big enough for you to crawl around in
I had a hearty chuckle.
This thread is sort of a bump fest, we need discussion of some kind.
How about what the Shadowbolt's hobbies could be?
Goddammit man
I know what i did was shit i saw it was on page 10 and i was playing gaems with friends i had to keep it alive. I promise not to be that shitty ever again
It's cool, was more amused than anything else
Here's an idea.

What are the Shadowbolts perfered valentine plans? What do they do on this day?
They gangrape the hottest guy at their school.
Where is sugarcoated jacket writefag?
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Howdy Shadowbolts General!

A year ago today, I finished writing a story dedicated to a very special girl called Treating Miss Sweet. I'd like to share that story here for all of you.

In it, a psychotherapist named Dr. Anon struggles to help a young patient of his named Sour Sweet. Suffering from a severe mental disorder, Sour Sweet finds herself in Anon's psychiatric hospital where he slowly becomes obsessed with helping her overcome her condition, no matter the cost.

I plan on rereading it again today, and I hope some of you might like it as well. Happy Valentine's Day!

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anyone here spending today with someone from CPA?
If only she was real.

That's a good idea. They're effectively counterparts to the humane five, but the only one that serves as a direct foil to their opposite number is Indigo to Rainbow: all about competition, so into things like sports and video games. Sunny wears those wrist computers (I think that's what they are), so might be into technology or software design as a reflection Rarity's love for fashion design. Lemon's some kind of audiophile. Sour and Sugarcoat are enigmas.

I hope they develop them further in canon, and actually give them more than a few seconds of characterisation. Though, I wonder what role they would take in an ongoing series?
Eyyy i remeber reading this
Good to see you again
Read this yesterday and loved it. I hope to see more green from you.
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Thanks mate, happy to still be around after all this time.
I'm glad to hear it! I don't have many ideas for stories atm, but if this thread is still around later I might have something.
I'd like to see something with Sunny, she's so sorely under represented.
Why no principal Cinch?
Not a shadowbolt; shadowbolt refers to the team where as crystal prep refers to the school.
The only Shadow Bolts that i want to plow is Lemon Zest, Sugar Coat, and Suri.
>not staying faithfully monogamous

>implying you could stay monogamous.
Cuz I am.
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I've had another busy week, but I'm still here. Hoping to have some writing time tomorrow.

I was there for this green, it was a fun time.

Thanks for stopping by. If you've ever got the itch to write again, you're always welcome.

I've always considered the Shadowbolt threads as something for all things Crystal Prep. So of course anything to do with Cinch is on topic here.

That looks comfy. Would Sugarcoat like Macgyver?
>Would Sugarcoat like Macgyver?
Perhaps. Maybe she'd be intrigued or entertained by the macgyverisms but I doubt she'd appreciate the overall old fashioned charm of the show's characters and story telling.
I wanna take cinch on a date and have slow passionate sex
Young Cinch or current Cinch?
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I wouldn't mind that either, it's a shame not too many writers take a crack at her.
Thanks man, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'm often lurking around in any case.

Young Cinch a cute
Is this the start of your green or do you have a pastebin for it?
Technically Jay took my post >>29333876 and added on to it
Yep thats the start.
It isn't fully updated but here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/HGQdqejE

yeah what >>29484039 said
Whhat clubs would the shadowbolts be a part of?
Sour Sweet: Archery
Sugarcoat: Debate
Sunny Flare: Student Council
Indigo Zap: Sports
Lemon Zest: Music

Though all of them are at least decent at sports.
Makes sense
This explains.
dazzlebolt bump
I wanna feed her when her robo hands are broke
That begs the question how did it happen? Car accident?
This reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
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Trying to double-fist Indigo's anus during a thunderstorm.
Particularly close lightning strike frightened Indy.
Her clenching sphincter crushed all ten fingers beyond repair.
"Remember Sunny masturbating too much will make your hands drop off."
tard thread bump
"Jesus Christ, Sunny, that's not what I meant by a quick one off the wrist!"
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nice neck
>How to become a pedophile (if you aren't yet)
cutie pie
Incoming green in a bit.
shadowfilly bump
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>hear german shadowbolts' voices for the first time
>they suck like all the others
don't know what i expected
YWN have a threesome with Lemon and Sugar
>Meanwhile, on the other side of the cafeteria...

>You are Anon.
>Sitting with some of your friends as you eat lunch.
>They've been asking you various questions about your new relationship.
>"So the explanation is... you both just weren't ready for everyone to know?"
>Neon sums up.
"That's it."
>"But why the need for a secret like that?"
>Trender asks.
"She's been shy about it and wanted some time. If it wasn't for what happened this morning, it'd still be under wraps."
>You lie.
>"There's one thing I still don't get."
>Jet says.
"What's that?"
>"If you and Sugarcoat have been interested in each other, what was that whole thing on the bus about?"
"Of course you would remember that, since you got such a kick out of it."
>"It was funny! That monotone voice of hers really nailed it."
>Jet recounts.
>"Yeah! Everyone heard about that later and had a good laugh about it!"
>Trender Chuckles.
>"And since she's your girlfriend, that must mean she can be considered a trusted source on the size issue, eh, Anon?"
>Neon jokes, sending the rest of the guys at your table into laughter.
>You chuckle along with them, since it is funny now with everything that's happened.
>Jet catches his breath to push the question.
>"But really, do you have a problem when it comes to satisfying girls? If so, it's okay. After all, it's not the size that matters, it's what you do with it, right?"
>They all laugh again.
"Look, guys, we haven't even gotten that far yet."
>Sugarcoat seems like the type of girl to get upset about a misunderstanding like that, so it's best to nip it right now.
>"It was just a lovers quarrel, that's all. You know, like how you and Upper Crust have every now and then, Jet."
>You jab at him.
>He chuckles.
>"Ah, I gotcha. Wish I didn't though, that girl can be a pain at times."
>"Speaking of Upper, where is she? I don't see her."
>Trender asks looking around.
>"Upper and her friends are trying to pass over an excuse to Dean Cadence for Suri."
>Jet answers.
>"An excuse?"
>"She's been gone since she ran out of the school. Hasn't shown up to any classes."
>"Wow, she's really taking what happened hard."
>"A little too hard I think."
>Neon joins in.
>"It's weird how obsessed Suri became over Sugarcoat. Things never would have escalated the way they did if it wasn't for her."
>He notes.
>"I was curious about that myself."
>Jet nods.
>"When I asked Upper if she knew why Suri was acting so strange, she simply brushed it off saying nothing was wrong. I've been with Upper long enough to know when she's lying."
>Jet says readjusting his glasses.
>"Maybe she's just trying to call attention to herself? Obsessed girls are in fashion right now."
>Trender grins.
>Neon scoffs.
>"No way, man! Those kinds of girls are the worst! Always better to steer clear of the crazies."
>"What do you make of all this, Anon?"
>Jet asks.
>You feign ignorance with a shrug.
"Dunno, haven't really been paying attention to all that."
>Jet chuckles.
>"I think our boy's brain has been sugarcoated, fellas."
>"He needs to get his DICK sugarcoated and show that girl he isn't lacking!"
>Neon adds.
>The table laughs again.
"Ha ha, very funny."
>You smile.
>"Real talk, what do you see in Sugarcoat anyways? A lot of girls here at school like you."
>Jet rolls his eyes.
>"They're just falling for the 'rebel without a cause' act of him skipping and always wearing a varsity."
"For the record, I'm not trying to be any sort of 'rebel,' act or not."
>"But it's a good act!"
>Trender approves.
>"Bad boy rebels are always in style with girls!"
>"The point is you have options, so why Sugarcoat?"
>Neon questions.
"How about you guys tell me WHY NOT Sugarcoat? I don't get why it's such a big deal for her to be going out with someone."
>They all groan in unison.
>"Look, we don't want you to think we're assholes, Anon. Especially about your girl."
>You smile.
"Don't worry, I already thought of you that way before any of this even started."
>Trender whines in a hurt tone with a frown.
>Neon and Jet chuckle.
>"Fair enough. Alright then, how do I put this?"
>Jet thinks.
>"Sugarcoat has gained a reputation of being... arrogant, standoffish, cold, blunt, very prude... and well..."
>"A bitch."
>Neon finishes.
"But isn't that like every other girl here?"
>"For the most part, yeah. But at least they're willing to put out! And they're more open to having fun. Sugarcoat's always been such a wet blanket."
>"That's why most guys haven't had any interest in her."
>Jet adds.
>"The few that did show interest figured out real quick to abandon ship."
>Neon continues.
>"And that brings us back to you. What do you see in her?"
"I just... think she's cute."
>"Cute?! That's it?!"
>Neon exclaims.
>"Hey, don't knock the cute factor, man! Cute is HUGE in japan!"
>Trender interjects.
>"Goddammit, Trender!"
>"To be fair, that's more than anyone else has been able to get out of Sugarcoat. Maybe she's revealing herself to Anon?"
>Jet suggests.
>"More like, not revealing enough! Am I right, guys?!"
>Another one of the boys at your table, a freshman, shouts and holds out his hand waiting for a high five.
>But everyone just stares at him.
>Neon shakes his head.
>"Dude, we're past that. This is a serious discussion now."
>Jet glares.
>"That was in poor taste, my fellow."
>"Yeah, shut up, freshman!"
>Someone else shouts.
>Shunned, the freshman slowly lowers his hand and slinks into his seat.
>Jet clears his throat.
>"In any case, if Anon can do what no one else has been able to, and that's getting Sugarcoat to warm up to him, then he'll be a hero."
>Neon chuckles.
>"Shit, man, if you can get her to have some fun, you'll be a fucking legend. Just make sure you dip your stick into that pot of sugar this weekend, know what I'm sayin'?!"
>He shouts and puts his hand up.
>Everyone at your table, and even those around it, immediately agree and high five him.
>"Jolly good!"
>"Aww yeah!"
>"Damn straight!"
>As everyone around you joins in, you look over to the freshman, who gives you an expression that says 'what the fuck?'
>All you can do is shrug in response.

>Sometime later, you walk into your first class of the afternoon.
>The good thing about this class is that it has stadium seating, with long, large one piece desks in each rising row.
>It was comfy, and made your preferred seating spot, the very back, even better.
>Sitting at the back of classes gave you a small form of privacy, and you were much less likely to be called on by the teacher.
>With your backpack on, you climb the stairs all the way to the top.
>There's only a few students sitting together on the right side of this last row, so you step to the left and sit in the very middle, claiming the entire side of the row for yourself.
>The teacher isn't here yet, so you might as well relax.
>You drop your backpack onto the floor, lay your head down into your arms on top of the wood desk, and close your eyes.
>With your vision switched off, the sounds of the classroom are heightened.
>You hear your fellow students settling into their seats.
>The unpacking of their supplies.
>Pencils being sharpened.
>Conversations with their friends.
>This is good.
>You needed a moment to yourself where you can forget about your current problems.
>And it's always nice to rest for a bit after eating.
>If you could, you'd fall asleep right here and now.
>Oh well.
>All you can do is enjoy this moment while it lasts.
>Suddenly, you hear quiet footsteps make their way up to your row.
>They're getting closer.
>Fuck off.
>There's plenty of seats on the other side of the row.
>The footsteps are still coming towards you!
>Fuck off!
>At least sit at the edge of the row!
>You don't need to come all the way over here!
>Don't drop your backpack onto the floor!
>Don't take hold of that seat!
>Don't sit-!
>They've sat down.
>Right next to you.
>No, not just next to you.
>CLOSE to you.
>Uncomfortably close.
>Sugarcoat isn't in this class with you.
>Neither is Twilight.
>You have NO friends in this class.
>So who the hell is this?!
>You slowly lift your head and open your eyes to see none other than...
>Sunny Flare.
>Daintily waving her fingers at you.
>With the biggest smile she's ever given you.
"Aw crap."
>You unconsciously say out loud as a reflex.
>Then you bury your head back into your arms and groan.
>"Nice to see you too!"
>She laughs.
>Annnnnd the moment is over.

That's all for now.
Good shit man. Glad to see you back. Now stay here.
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Huh, are these new characters?
We desperately need more pony SBs.
Sunny needs a horn.
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>Sunny needs a horn.
Yeah, the artist seems to have switched Sunny and Lemon
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We're gonna bump you up!
>you will never fuck SF
>you will never receive gratitude from her friends
>you will never fuck her friends
>while she's watching

>Sunny can remotely control her hands (like a pair of Things from Addams Family) to give you the stealthiest handy from up to 100 feet away
>Other than Sugarcoat, Twilight has the shortest skirt.
What the hell kind of school-level competition would require archery, speed skating, and motocross? What sorts of events do you think they would have included in the friendship games if it didn't have to be so toyetic?
>What sorts of events do you think they would have included in the friendship games if it didn't have to be so toyetic?
Mud wrestling?
You know, for the gung-ho attitude Indigo puts on the bus, she sure looks bored out of her mind here.
Anyone else liking their designs more than the mane6?
not to be a downer, you can like whatever you want, but why are you making a thread about a plot device in one of the EQG movies? EVERYTHING about this thread is 100% headcanon, except for the characters, which don't have much characterization anyway.
>you can like whatever you want, but why are you making a thread about a plot device in one of the EQG movies?
you answered the question already

May you also continue Hair and Hugs
New thread?
>Thread hasn't hit bump limit
>Posts anthro
I want neo/mlp/ to leave
>No body but expect neck and head
That could just be a pone with a schoolgirl outfit on.
"Okay, how much do you and the girls hate me?"
>You muffle into the desk.
>"We never hated you, Anon, we just didn't trust you."
>You lift your head again.
"Is that past tense I just heard?"
>You cautiously yet optimistically ask.
>"Sugar asked us to give you a chance, so that's what we'll do."
>That means you don't have to worry about these girls trying to sabotage you.
"That's my girl."
>You smile.
>She raises her hand to point at you.
>"If you do anything to hurt her, I promise you, there will be consequences."
>She threatens with a serious expression and tone.
>You sigh and let your eyes drift onto the giant classroom chalkboard.
"I think I might've already failed on that front."
>She raises an eyebrow.
>"What do you mean?"
>You're not sure if you should tell her, but she is one of Sugar's best friends.
>Maybe she'd be willing to help you come up with an idea out of this.
>You give her a quick run down of your situation.
>After listening closely she gives her first response.
>"...Don't you already have a solution to this?"
"What would that be?"
>"Twilight. She can easily help you."
>You shake your head.
"She's working on an important project, she doesn't have time to help me study."
>"Who said anything about studying? Just have her give you the answers."
>She suggests much too casually.
"She won't do that."
>"Why not?"
"That goes against her principals. She believes in learning, not handing the answers over."
>"Fuckin' nerd! The hell is wrong with her?!"
>She curses as she drags her hand down her face in frustration and disgust.
"Hey, I'd appreciate you not talking about her like that. She's my friend."
>You say sternly.
>She suddenly snaps at you.
>"You're her friend! Probably her only friend! She should be willing to bend her precious beliefs to help you!"
>There's a part of you that doesn't disagree with her.
>It's the part that's felt the same way since Twilight explained why she couldn't help you this morning.
>You hesitate to reply, just to make sure you don't say something you'll regret.
"...It's not her responsibility. She has her own problems to deal with."
>"Yeah, she REALLY has her priorities straight, doesn't she? That's a great friend you've got there."
>Her face and voice are dripping with disdain.
>You never thought you'd ever see Sunny genuinely upset for you.
>She pinches the bridge of her nose before calming herself down with a sigh.
>"Is this even really that much of a problem? Don't you skip class and have makeup work all the time as part of your rebel act?"
"It's not an act!"
>You retort with a sigh.
"And, yeah I do, but I usually get it done over the weekend. I can get away with skipping a few classes-"
>"Thanks to Dean Cadence, right? You sure got it good with her, don't you?"
>She interrupts with a smarmy look.
"I won't deny that she helps me, but I'm not untouchable. If I walk into school on monday empty handed, that's when phone calls by teachers are made to my old man."
>Her demeanor becomes one of interest.
>"Your dad?"
"Normally he doesn't care about what I do and lets me go about my own business. But, he's worked hard to make sure I go to a prestigious school. So, whenever he hears that I've fallen behind on my studies?"
>You give her a serious face to emphasize your point.
"Let's just say it's not a fun time."
>She leans onto the desk with both her elbows, and steeples her hands.
>"Sounds like my father."
>She says while watching the other students vacantly.
"Oh yeah?"
>"He doesn't care about what I do either, as long as appearances are kept up, success is met, and failure isn't even considered. Succeeding is the only thing he wants from me."
"That's a heavy burden to put on you."
>"...In his mind it's a fair one."
>There's a moment of silence between you, until she takes a deep breath.
>"Alright, Anon. I'll help you."
"You will? How?"
>"I'll give you the answers to yesterday's homework, and all my notes on today's."
>"Yes. However! ...You'll owe me a favor."
>She grins.
>You narrow your eyes.
"I don't like the sound of that. What kind of favor?"
>"I dunno. Could be anything, and I might call on it today, or decades from now. Who knows? But, you WILL be in debt to me, and I can guarantee you'll be held to it."
>You motion towards her with a face of disbelief, as if none of this was real.
"What the fuck is this, The Godfather?"
>She makes herself comfortable by crossing her legs and leaning back into her chair with a cocky smile.
>"Joke all you want, this is a very generous offer."
"I wouldn't call it 'generous.' You might want to work on your idea of that."
>"Really? I happen to consider generosity as one of my strong points."
>She says while admiring her perfectly manicured nails.
"We'll have to disagree on that."
>You say bitterly.
>She giggles.
>"Be that as it may, what's your answer to my proposal?"
>Having a vague debt to someone like Sunny is never a good thing.
>But you'd basically be getting a cheat sheet to this entire weekend from the second highest graded student in the school.
"It's not like I have other options. Your offer isn't generous, but it's one I can't refuse."
>You both shake on it.
>Her handshake is firm and confident.
>So is her smile to go along with it.
>"Smart choice."
>At that moment, the teacher enters the classroom and calls for order.
>All at once, the casual atmosphere is replaced by a serious one.
>"We'll talk about the details after this."
>Sunny whispers to you.

>The bell signaling the end of class rings, and you both pack your things.
>Oddly, Sunny didn't move an inch away from you the whole time.
>It's almost as if she liked being next to you.
>While everyone is filing out, she gets you to exchange numbers with her.
>"I'll text you after the last bell so we can meet up somewhere private. We can't exactly be seen doing this, after all."
>She stands up and slings her backpack on.
>"By the way."
>She places a hand on your shoulder.
>"Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes."
>She says stone faced.
>You look up at her in shock, and she proceeds to walk away and start stepping down the stairs.
>But you stop her by calling out.
>She looks back at you.
"How do you know-"
>"It's one of my dad's favorite movies. He quotes it all the time."
>She explains.
"...Sounds like my father."
>You smile.
>She smiles back, and continues on her way.
>After watching her leave the classroom, you look down at your phone's new contact and breathe a sigh of relief.
>Things are looking up again for this weekend.

That's all for now.

You're absolutely right, but I think that's why there's always been a group of anons who like these characters. They're a blank sheet of paper that you can make into anything you want. Every piece of art and green is totally up to it's creator, and whatever they make doesn't have to be bound by as many rules or guidelines as the mane 6 for example.

I'm actually using this story as a way to get back into writing so that I can finish Hair and Hugs.

This thread was a bit of a failure in terms of attracting new content, and was mostly bumps sadly. It was fun, but I won't be making another Shadowbolt thread once this one falls off the board. I don't have enough free time to keep a thread alive by myself.

But I will continue the ASJ story in the pastebin for anyone interested.
>This thread was a bit of a failure in terms of attracting new content, and was mostly bumps sadly.
But how are we gonna attract new content without a thread?
I sure hope the EG specials will feature the Shadowbolts, they're just wasted potential.
Also good green you're writing.
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>It was fun, but I won't be making another Shadowbolt thread once this one falls off the board.
well if there won't be a new thread, at least i won't have a reason to visit this place anymore
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