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Anon in Pony Prison #45: Police Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 482
Thread images: 86

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Welcome to the Equestrian prison system, where you have timeouts instead of solitary and vicious cuddling instead of rape.

And the addition of death, revival, dragons, butts, pudding, and Ices.

Grab that last brush and we can begin counting how many we got today

Previous Thread is : >>28231542


Forget to add
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>Bad Mare Police
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Delicious new bread. Ill do a thing when I'm back from grocery shopping
I'm ill but I want to update too
Might do it tomorrow, is 11:41 a.m and my body is asking for sleep.

...Also played the bird simulator on Steam, pic related.
the smell of the new thread.
>Be later
>Still be Ember Heart, post lunch, continuing the study at the gym, as per Anonymous’ request
>It was understandable, one would expect that to maintain such a… solid, physique as his, one would have to frequent the gym quite often
>You really didn’t mind, he stayed shirtless and the sour smell his body made while exercising was particularly… /alluring/, like a hot and sweat snuggle party
>He’d started with yoga and moved onto weights
>And it was as he spoke to his minotaur friend that he adds every weight plate in the room to his squat bar (Not for pony use)
>A full 245 pounds, the weight of several ponies. He lifts it effortlessly
>And like that your mind is blown by this human again
>Then the remains were burn to ash when he admits to being capable of lifting 330lb
>An amount the gym didn’t even supply
>As such you did the only noble thing, and when the opportunity arose, volunteered yourself as some additional weight for Anon’s squat
>Your decision had nothing to do with getting closer to that sleek body of his and in no way did you take the opportunity to brush up against his back and nuzzle into that short puff of a mane he had
>You're sure nopony noticed you
>Looking at his sweaty body up close reminds you that you need to take some alchemical samples from him later
>That was of some importance, especially knowing he didn’t have any magic associated with him, who knows what effects he could have
>Perhaps unsurprisingly he was capable of lifting up the amount he claimed, his legs straining with effort, muscles bulging out like cables of steel, sweat pouring from his body
>So musky… you felt intoxicated, and so strong! Such a wicked human
>He could restrain you with the slightest effort couldn’t he? You’d be powerless to stop him
>He’d hold you down against your will, force his urges upon your body with those big rough hands, and do the unthinkable
>You shudder with quiet pleasure, launching your eyes open in surprise
>Such vile and lewd thoughts! Why did they, and he, make you feel so bizarre?
>Not once had you imagined such things before meeting Anon, now your mind was just so… Lecherous!
>You’re a bad pony aren’t you?
>Thankfully nopony had noticed your brief moment of ‘agitation’; Anon had claimed the spotlight with his might
>The bar is lowered and you drop down with everypony else
>You’d cast a composure spell by the time your hooves touch the ground. You must stay in control
>Luna wouldn’t like hearing about his unforeseen strength, she already thought of him as a big enough threat
>No doubt that would soon be made worse
>For over the lunch break it had been discussed that at these gym sessions the prisoners held a very tenuous fighting group, kept alive on a technicality in the prison’s club system
>Princess Luna had wanted your small group to assess his potential threat so she’d asked for detailed observation of any fights he was involved in
>They certainly must be gruesome battles
>Nurse Soft Cotton had spoken about how she had to deal with a life threatening wound he sustain to his arm just yesterday
>You’d sneakily checked it out after hearing that, only to find a thin pale scar; it was barely noticeable, would have been painful though
>She must have been exaggerating about the severity, but still…
>With Anon cavorting around with his minotaur friend over his achievement Dr. Witlick goes to ask about the fighting
>He doesn’t seem fazed by the question, but his friend’s eyes light up like beacons at the inquiry
>You’d rather avoid such things, but it looks like you’ll have to watch Anon fight
>How would you feel after seeing him hurt somepony?
>Oh gosh what if /he/ got hurt!?
>Fighting was not your favourite thing

<| º_º |>

>Despite the researchers wishes to view anonymous in battle they had no control over the fight order
>So you were made to watch the brutish sport until his round was called. You were trying your best not to though, averting your eyes from the match as much was seemly without disrespecting the fighters
>As a pony from Marechester you always show proper respect and manners
>The waiting did provide you an opportunity to sit beside Anon
>Soft Cotton was to his other side. She was sitting awfully close too
>But what of it? Two friends could sit together, and those two certainly acted like friends
>You overhear a meaty smack as somepony in the ring gets struck, causing you to flinch and cringe back
>Another thud and you have the same reaction
>As your body involuntarily recoils it rolls back into something hard
>Your head flashes around to see what you hit, but stops mid-way having caught sight of Anon, his arm extended behind you
>You’d jumped back into his awaiting paw, which tentatively starts running along your back
>Oh dear...

More green after dinner
Must be some dinner.
you have no idea
>And like that the outside world vanishes to you
>The sensual feeling provided an unlikely source of distraction, washing away your worries
>His flexible digits dance their way from your withers to loin and back up again
> You couldn’t stop the moan from escaping but thankfully it’s swallowed up by the noise of the room
>The randy paw drifts over to rub your side, fingertips just brushing the edge of your stomach, the semi-contact raising goosebumps over your skin
>Oh my-Ah! Ah~
>It was unbearable! You were on the brink of a belly rub and he was denying you!
>Addressing the situation you lean into his hand as it caresses you, rousing soft tingles of pleasure and desire from your body, drawing as much satisfaction from the limited contact as possible
>Maybe he was magic after all? Because each finger was able to seek out and reveal to you the most delicate parts of your body; Parts that up until now, you didn’t even know about
>The way he could so easily manipulate your body, it was like he knew it better than you did
>The whole thing made you feel like a school filly learning Health and Cuddle Ed. for the first time again
>All awareness of the fighting had left you during his tender strokes
>Until a particularly gruesome sound brings you back to the pains of reality
>Much to your disappointment Anon was grinning at the display, so you fix him with your most dissatisfied of glares
>To his other side you overhear Nurse Soft Cotton telling him off. It was nice knowing there was another reasonable pony around
>Avoiding the dissatisfaction directed at him he starts up a conversation with his minotaur friend which is cut short when one of the combatant gets laid low with a brutal blow
>For the first time Anonymous winces
>Nurse Soft Cotton shoots into the ring fast as lightning, several bandages emerging from the folds of her wings
”Ouch, that looked like it hurt. Soft Cotton are you-
>“She’s already gone.” You interrupt
>Strangely enough the fighter, another minotaur, was actually trying to avoid Soft Cotton’s care, saying something about being as tough as a human
”Have you met Soft Cotton before?” Anon abruptly asks
>“Not personally, but I see her at the university often, she and Dr. Witlick go to classes to stay up to date with modern medicine. She’s a very dedicated pony.”
>Anon’s vague gaze hid whatever he was thinking
>Another fight had begun
>It was between a unicorn and a griffon
>You honestly don’t think it’s wise to have Anonymous this close to active spell usage
>The small unicorn darts around and under the griffon, striking him repeatedly as he slides away
>Your eyes slam shut and hooves rush up to cover them; ears flying back flat at the sound of the pained screech
>You did not like this! Lucky Anon had you covered
>His hand returns to your back, firmly groping, pushing and rubbing in all the right spots
>Thank the heavens everypony was too distracted with the fighting to see the naughty things he was doing to you
>You feel yourself relaxing but you weren’t going to be opening your eyes, not while those two were still fighting
”Remember Ember, they actually want to do this, it’s fun to them, as crazy as that may sound.”
>What? No. What pony likes this? How could they find it fun? It was something you couldn’t comprehend
>Yet they voluntarily got into the ring to beat each other senseless
>Not just once either, they’d do it again and again!
>Which means they’re either all insane, or… They really enjoy it…
>So they’re all insane then?
>One of your eyes slowly peep open to glance at him before snapping shut, spying the unicorn being struck by the griffon’s hind paw in your peripheries
>So what if they liked it? That still doesn’t mean you have to
”If you really don’t like it, we can always try this.”
>Try what?
>From nowhere you feel yourself soaring through the air, still in your chair
>Woah! What was he doing!?
>The sensation was obscenely disorientating with your eyes closed
>Your chair thumps back to the ground and twists around
>Sheesh what was that?
”There, now you can just talk to me and you don’t have to see a thing.” Anon states matter-of-factly
>Hesitantly you open your eyes, afraid of what you may find
>But all you see is Anonymous smile down at you; the ring now facing your back
>You’re unable to stop yourself from smiling back at him; a soft blush surfacing on your cheeks
>“Talk to you? About what Mr. Anonymous?”
”Uh... You’re a unicorn right? You guys are all about magic, let’s talk about that.”
>So he’s interested in magic?
>Good thing that’s one of your favourite subjects!
>“Well, yes I suppose as a unicorn I have a preference for magic based topics, what about it though?”
>He taps a finger against his chin in thought
“Let’s see, magic, magic… are you any good at it?”
>Indeed you were! You push your chest out, for once feeling proud of yourself, but the action, and the previous stimulation from Anon, causes your little chest fluff to puff out
>Pushing your shoulders forward, and retreating back, you successfully hide it away, but not before he’d caught sight
>Ugh! You were so embarrassed! And why’d you have to be so small? Some mares had tuffs that could smother a pony
>You’d really let your inhibitions go today but this was getting ridiculous; you were in public for heaven’s sake!

K now just a little more tomorrow and probs a little more after that
God dammit Zew, don't ball ache me like this, I need more green.
I can never praise you immediately zew because you always post while I'm sleeping. you da best man!
where's the Minotaur prisons?
In Labyrinthia.
Where's Labyrinthia?
You have to find your way in
and out.
Humans, minotaurs and labyrinths can be a dangerous mix.
I want to kiss the cop.
>Before you can stumble through an awkward explanation about it not being what he thinks, he looks away to the fight behind you, completely unphased by the situation
>You could try explaining yourself now, but you doubt he’d care either way
>So you forget about it, and wait patiently for him to look back, which he does after you overhear another thump
>“Am I any good at magic? Well I certainly don’t work at Canterlot Royal University because of my connections!” You boast
>Truth be told though you weren’t magnificent at magic, just better than most, and your mother may or may not have been the old dean
>For whatever reason your prideful boasts cause him to chuckle quietly under his breath
”I’ll take it you’re good then. Good at what exactly though? I know magic comes in a lot of forms here, but are there any particular categories of unicorn magic”
>“If by categories you mean classes then yes. Unicorn magic comes down to 3 major classes.”
>“There is Illusionary magic, considered one of the hardest to master and favoured by Princess Luna, Destructive or Combative, that’s self-explanatory and such spells are very highly regulated, and finally Arcane, raw and pure magic”
>Anon leans forward, an oh so sweet smile upon his flat muzzle
”And you’re a master at all of them I bet.”
>You blush fiercely and bunch up on your seat, letting your mane fall over your face and making yourself as small as possible trying to avoid the awkward embarrassment brought about by Anon’s over the top flattery
>You manage to fumble something from your mouth
>“N-no! I’m good at parts of each, but I’m no Master Mr. Anonymous.”
>“Only the princesses could be considered masters. In actuality I’m only a little better than most.” You reveal to him dejectedly
>If you were thinking of marrying this human you weren’t going to lie to him about who you were
>He crosses his arms, an almost angry look on his features
”That’s just nonsense. If I’ve learnt anything during my time here it’s that you ponies are capable of phenomenal things, and if I’ve learnt anything about you, it’s that you’re a very special pony.”
>His endearing smile returns
“So trust me when I say, if you aren’t a master now, someday you will be, you’ve just got to work at it.”
>You can only stare in admiration at the amazing creature before you
>He was beyond caring and supportive, accepting your insecurities and showing them to be for naught
>You feel with him around you could do anything!
>Your gaze lowers to alleviate the embarrassment he so often caused in you
>“…Thank you Mr. Anonymous.” You finally answer, eyes still locked on the floor
>He reaches out and caresses your cheek with the back of his paw
>It runs down your face and under your chin, gently lifting your gaze back to his own
>Feeling overwhelmed your eyes begin to moisten, sending them twinkling in the light
”You ponies get embarrassed far too easily, and please call me Anon.”
>It was his fault you were embarrassed all the time anyway!
>But… he wants you to call him Anon? By his nickname?
>You couldn’t deal with that kind of informality yet, it hurt your cultural heritage!
“Alright… Mr. Anon.”
>He sighs
”Good enough. But it looks like I’m up. Are you going to watch me?”
>Oh poop. This was the moment you were dreading, as per royal request it was your job to watch his fight
>His eagerness to had you worried
>“Yes. You’re the whole reason we’re here, I have to watch”
>He gets up and makes for the ring
>“Do you actually like fighting Mr. Anon? Like hurting others?”
>He frowns at you unexpectedly, as if what you’d said had caught him off guard
”What? Of course I don’t bloody like hurting others, it pains me to see people, or ponies in distress. But like I said, everyone in the ring is there for fun, the intention isn’t to hurt.”
>You give him your best angry upset glower
>It wasn’t the answer you wanted. You were glad he didn’t like hurting ponies but his instance on fight was now bordering on tedious
>“Yet I’ve heard about what happened to your arm yesterday.”
”Who told you that? I thought it was a secret.”
>It was? Maybe Soft Cotton wasn’t meant to tell you
>You decide to cover for her; you didn’t want to sink their friendship because of her loose lips
>“Nopony told me, everypony around me was just talking about it.”
”In that case allow me correct myself. It is not /my/ intent to hurt.”
>“But it’s fine if you get hurt?” She asks
>That charming grin’s turned maddening again
”Mmm… Yep!”
>He hurries off before you can protest further

Like I said, small update
Why all bongs always have such a stick up their arse, being sticklers for manners and such?
Seriously, you could pound chap's bum with a jackhammer and he'd still drink his bloody tea and say "Golly! 'Tis a noice day 'ndeed, innit mate?" like nothing is happening.
Boggles me bloody mind.
>the interior of a female minotaur's vagina looks like this
>doesn't help birth rates much, that's for sure
>leads to an obsession with them building labyrinths, seeking ever more intimate understanding of how to solve them in the hopes of getting sum fuk
>incidentally, minotaur penises look like the old 3D Pipes screensaver
i want my sides back
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well there go my sides
This is now my headcannon.
>3d pipes
How the hell would they... thrust?
Can you imagine how it must look like having sex with equipment like that? The bull would have to twist and turn so much that it looks like the bull is spinning around like a propeller blade while balancing on top of a cow.
Dammit, the mental image is making me giggle.
They dont have to thrust, they just awkwardly hold each other as the males multi tube penis randomly zooms about. The longer they're together the greater the chance of the maze being solved and conception occuring.
Dolphins have prehensile penises with which they take a hold of the female until copulation has finished.
Groups of young, male dolphins are also known to sometimes commit gang rape upon dolphin females, which sometimes ends in the death of the female if she's particularly young.

Also, ducks and other aquatic birds have penises shaped like corkscrews. This is because their own females have vaginas shaped in the form of spirals to make it much harder for males of their species to rape them. Ducks having cocks shaped as corkscrews is an evolutionary adaptation that evolved explicitly to help them rape their own females.

You can make your own assumptions about minotaurs.
Nature is so fascinating!
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That would explain part of why pone see cuddling as lewd.
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"You ponies are so fucking crazy that it make my head hurt," you tell the little horse in your lap
>Bonbon looked up at you, hunger in those big blue eyes of her's
>"How about I show you WHY you're MY stallion?~" she purred, rubbing her face against yours
"I wonder if I go and live in the forest if everyone will leave me alone? I mean, it'll be a hell of a walk to work everyday but I need the exercise..."
>"I'm going to cuddle you SO hard that you're not going to be able to MOVE tomorrow."
"But then again, I'm not much of an outdoors men, so that probably wouldn't work."
>"I want to hear you say my name, sock slut. I want you to put your face in my tuft and say my name~"
"I wonder what you'd do if I just picked you up and bent you over this table. Do you little horses even have gentiles? Or is cuddling your version of sex?"
>"Oh buck yeah~ You're wearing those socks I like~"
>Fucking dammit...

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This fucker here stole my swastikas
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I love it
You're a stink-ing brat.
>On My little pony, where it's a strong tradition
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I like posting from my phone ok
The real question is how does anon fug the minotaur?
When he get's down to business is it like cutting a hole straight through a hedge maze?
That also brings the question, if a Minotaur has pubes, do they style it like a maze?
Their entire society could be maze based.
>They even eat maize
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but it's pretty much how to escape from pone prison

Is the HMD that stronk? Would it hurt for either for them?
Would the pain be pleasurable?
I know it will be difficult, but there is simply no other choice.
How about the vagina is labyrinth style but still flexible, so when Anon comes in with his jolly todger it just stretches out the whole thing
Rip sides.
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>Do you little horses even have gentiles?
So what's the point of the labyrinth?
All this talk about mino-genitals is really making me want to read a prison-green where Anon gets together with a minotaur girl instead of a pony

Remember when Mythd wrote that story about that Minotaur who wanted to fuck Anon except Anon already had a mare? Remember how her brother hated Anon because he didn't consider him worthy because they were both royalty?
Remember how Mythd ruined the story by not having the Minotaur comfort fuck his sister after Anon rejected her?
Actually, no, I don't remember that. When was this?
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Long time ago. Mythd's first story.
The labyrinth was something evolved for copulation with members of their own species and likely serves some function then, like accommodating the series of tubes that would seem to be the male's genitals. So it does have a point but thats only within their own species. It wouldnt have a function with Anon tho which is why he just plows on through, you know, cuz his dik isnt a 3d tube screensaver
Read the oneshot collab from last thread for vocaroo thread.
This is great. What kind soul narrated this? You really made it come to life!
It is Rat I believe.
Aye, it was me. Was so sleepy this morning forgot to namefag.
You sound adorable. I may or may not have thought of you as some grizzled old man

>Anonymous’ battles were horrifying!
>He was telling the truth when he said it wasn’t his intent to hurt, holding back his attacks
>His fellow combatants did not have the same reservations, leaving Anon taking a beating you’d not wish upon Tirek himself!
>You’d watch mortified as the fighter known as Volt Prancer sticks him with an electrified hoof
>A terrified scream flows from your muzzle, lost in the storm of cheers
>To your disgust even Dr. Witlick had joined with the crowd
>Did nopony care for Anon’s well-being!?
>He certainly didn’t himself, as he enthusiastically dives back into the fray, defeating his opponent by lightly forcing her to the ground
>Like he said, it was not his intent to hurt
>Your nightmare hadn’t ended just yet, Anon was to be fighting nearly everypony at the gym
>That news wasn’t welcome
>But it was when he willingly accepted two opponents at once that your heart was in your throat
>How could he find it fun? He should be in the nurse’s room as is!
>To your honest surprise he takes them on /and/ wins, leaving both enemies unharmed yet again
>Things soon become so surreal you swear you’d entered a dream
>It was around about the same time he, still grinning despite the walloping he’d received, brings a Minotaur [Quartz Fury], diamond dog [Ebony], and pony [Tik Tak] into the ring all at once
>He was mad!
>The moment the bell rang he was pounced upon by the Minotaur, its large fists flailing into the prisoner of your desires
>”Gah! No!”
>Your calls get lost to the general din of the room just as your scream had
>Swift as wind the diamond dog rushes between his legs, sending him falling
>As he struggles around on the floor Tik Tac dives into his Minotaur pals open paws, who then flings the stallion at Anon’s prone form
>A rush of adrenaline enters your bloodstream at the sight, Anon’s doom seemed certain
>Just before impact he rolls out of the way, flooding you with relief
>A relief quickly lost as the small pony leaps back to him as he rolls along, intending to continue the attack
>But neither Tik Tac nor yourself expected his impact with Anon to send him flying away once again, Anon’s sheer size preventing the assault
>Thankfully Tik Tak is grabbed from the air by Quartz Fury and safely tossed to the Ebony
>Anon ends his rolling at Fury’s hooves before stumbling to his feet
>In doing so the top of his head solidly connects with Quartz’s lower jaw
>The Minotaur stumbles a few paces then falls to the ground, knocked out cold
>The room falls silent and Anon looks around, oblivious to what he’d done, until he spots his fallen opponent
>He leans down to Quartz as the Minotaur regains consciousness and throws a clumsy punch his way
>The punch misses miserably and Anon immediately calls an end to the fighting, forcing the guy to see Nurse Soft Cotton
>Anonymous had been nothing but courteous and remorseful over the incident; that hadn’t stopped Quartz heckling him from the sidelines once freed from Cotton’s care, yelling about how unfair it was and that there was no way to beat Anon, that he must be a cheat
>That was something this event did not need, the jeers further whipping the inmates into a frenzy
>The calls of the crowd are overcome by the sudden howls from Ebony
“We can beat Anon guys! There is a way!”
>This cannot be good. You’d watched that poor human get beaten senseless already, he didn’t deserve any more of that
>The only time he’d actually hurt somepony was by complete accident
“Bum-rush the stage!” Yells out Tic Tack, still in Ebony’s arms
>You’d not heard such a phrase before but instinctively you knew something dreadful was about to happen
>At the rally call the frenzied gym members rush into the ring as Anon backs up
>He turns around and makes for a getaway but is pinned to the ground by a trio of Minotaur
>Every other member in the gym dives atop the pile in turn, all the while giggling and laughing, as if they hadn’t just broken every bone in Anon’s body
>You could only make out his head under the mass of bodies
>The only reason you hadn’t levitated them all off of him was because you’d risk catching Anon himself in your magic and having it misfire
”He’s pinned! He’s pinned, somepony count him out!” Volt Prancer yells from the depths of the group
>No! Anon could be dying for all you knew! You couldn’t lose him, he was yours! Your future!
>Anon’s Minotaur friend, Platinum, bounces down and quickly counts him out, declaring everypony, but Anon, the winner
>They’d won, but at what cost? Paralysing one of their fellow inmates?
>Yet beyond all expectation Anon’s head suddenly rolls over to reveal that stupid grin still upon his face
>It would seem what you’d thought to be death spasms was just him laughing, the great weight restricting his actions
>Why was he laughing?! How was he not hurt!?
”Hooray, you win.” He congratulates them all “Now can someone please call /all/ the doctors, because you’re crushing ME!”
>Okay maybe he’s hurt
>Thankfully you spot Nurse Soft Cotton already anxiously pacing around the pile, waiting for them to disband so she could get to him
>Eventually they all disperse and leave Anon dishevelled on the floor, the nurse already checking him for injuries
>He struggles to get up but gets poked in the side by Soft Cotton during her inspection, the action causing him to jump in shock, falling back down
>The two say something you can’t quite hear, but Anon suddenly springs from the ground and stretches out, good as new
>Did he have a reset button on his side you were never told about?
>How could he possibly have endured all that and come out of it like nothing had happened?
>His paws go to his stomach as great booming laughter flows from him
”HAHAH. You guys did it! You beat me!”
“Fantastic method of doing so I may add.” He says with a wink
>The group clustered around begins to laugh once more
>What the Tartarus was wrong with these ponies? With HIM!?
>Maintaining his jovial spirit he practically leaps over to Dr. Witlick, who’d been waiting eagerly to speak with him
>Several other researcher gather around him and begin their own search for injuries
>You had to join them, you needed to know if he truly was fine. It would be miraculous
>But by the time you’d arrived they’d almost finished
”And what the heck are you guys doing?” He asks, watching the ponies milling around his feet
>“Checking for damage.”
>He looks about for you among the group
”No need Ember, I’m perfectly fine.”
“He’s telling the truth.” Says one of your colleagues
“All that and not a single scratch.” Fawns Witlick “You truly are remarkable Anonymous.”
>His words mirrored your exact thoughts
>But another thought was stuck in your mind, drawing you from the conversation
>Before, during the shock of the whole gym assault on Anon, you may not have been thinking straight, but you’d claimed him to be yours, that he was your future
>You may have come to a decision about him without even realising it, even if he was a violence lover
>But how could you truly be sure?
>You pull yourself back to reality and resume listening
”-itly true. But the gym’s closing soon, so is there anything you really need for your research?”
>Well, you needed your samples and to get Anon on his own
>Dr. Witlick of course needed something too
“Yes, I’ve been given a request by Soft Cotton to acquire some DNA samples. Is that okay with you?”
>Your research group had actually requested the blood sample taken from him upon his first medical at the prison, but mid transit it… met its end
”Most certainly.”
“Alright. Ember you can assist. This will require the use of a needle, but Soft Cotton assures me you’re fine with that. Not many are, so we’ll perform this away from the group.”
>You trot to the corner with Witlick
>This worked for you
“Have a seat Anonymous.” Witlick instructs
>You teleport in one of the syringe filled cases the researchers had brought along with a few sample vials for yourself
>Witlick makes an attempt at withdrawing Anon’s blood with the syringe held in his telekinesis, before thinking better of it and switching to using his mouth
>Anon’s crimson blood fills the syringe, something about the whole thing was odd, but you couldn’t quite put your hoof on it
>You commence sorting out your vials

Slap dem tiddies around! What the hell do I write once we've caught back up to the present?
Sheesh, I can't even handle responding to the right posts
>swastikas in name
>Do you little horses even have gentiles
Good stuff.
early morning bump
Late night bump
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European late evening BUMP
New morning bump
What if we gave ideas to writefags bump
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Or we could get a new writefag in. We love those ppl.
Femanon in pone prison.
Make all the Stallions go crazy with accidental lewdness.
Make all the mares go crazy with accidental lewdness.
Make everything and everyone go crazy with accidental lewdness.
>Because she treats every other living being in prison like a cute wittle kitten.
what a god
How about a story with Anon as a guard, or even the warden? I'm sure his 'cruel' methods lead to a high rate of rehabilitation.
Zew, you mah boy.

Be Anonymous
>No! How!
>How could you forget about closing your door? You didn’t thought that anyone, or rather, anypony could open the door and go inside your cell
>Unless they wanted to talk to Pancho or look if you were there… or both, but time is short and you must arrive to your room
>You run, run with various thoughts racing your head… the most important being about the box, did something happen to Pancho?
>You were some doors away from your cell and you rushed it so hard like a Russian would do in Counter Strike
>Until finally… you get there. The door was open and you hoped for the best, for at least the security of those two ghosts that no one can see. Well, maybe you don’t need to worry about them if that’s their forte
>You put your hand on the door and slowly try to take a look at your cell room
>…Only to see the worst you’ve predicted
>In the floor of the room, lying and wide open with various scratches was your friend, your not living friend Pancho. Destroyed, damaged, broken… like a Christmas gift given to a kid who wanted an xbox only to get clothes… the rage of thousand of suns lying here
>You have no words. You kneel down and try to look at Pancho to the eyes, his broken eyes that are scattered on the floor of your room
“You had a good run buddy…” You say while closing your eyes, sorrow in your tone. “I can’t believe I’m feeling bad about a box… but you were like a brother, non living brother to me”
>You grab from the floor what you think is his crayoned drawn mouth and fake his voice, just for the old times
>”D-Don’t you… worry, compadre… I’ll… go to a… better place…” You take a moment to think for something that Pancho could say for you in his last moments. “…I always wanted… to become a professional boxer *cough* guess now… now I can’t do anything… but wait for the worst…”
>You grab what you think is his crayoned drawn right or left eye

“Don’t worry Pancho… I’m here, just… I’m here. Don’t worry, everything will be fine… we can… we can fix you, right? You are more than a box, you are my amigo! My compadre! My mayate!”
>Okay maybe that last one word wasn’t the correct word, but you don’t care either remember what its meaning
>You cough in the name of your dying friend once more, as dramatic as he would want it to be
>”I’m sorry my man… I’m done for; I’ll go to the… box sky, be wrapped and sent to a good place to rest…” You cough again. “This time with you… it felt like… more than a normal week, as if… as if it was a long year…”
>”I’ll… miss you and those adorable ponies”
“They’ll… too…”
>”That crazy pegasus and the giraffe sure will miss me…”
>”Tell the warden… that…”
>You go closer to his mouth to hear him closely, even when you are talking for him
>”That he has a butt…”
>Your mind is fucking feeling awful, even if this wasn’t a living item… for some reason you feel bad about this happening to him…
“Goodbye… Pancho”
>”See you… space… monkey….”
>Your buddy, friend, pal and amigo Pancho, died.
>You put your hand over the parts you’re holding, eyes or not… you think it was his face. You make a slow movement as trying to shut his eyes down
>You take a sigh and sit on the floor as you look at the mess that minutes ago was your box friend
“This can’t get worse…”
>Your ears hear noises behind you… crying… noises…
>Maybe you didn’t had to say that
>You turn your head slightly to see the entrance of your cell room, in there were two crying ponies looking at you in sorrow, pain and all the sadness in the world

>The warden Short Fuse and the nurse, Nurse Redheart were almost standing with the help of one another… weird sight as both can fall or faint at any time. What they see probably is a death body or a very bad injured body, but what you see… is a crime because you noticed something by now…
>Whoever enter in here, he wanted whatever was inside of Pancho… and you are going to search the hell out of this prison until you find the respo-
>Yikes! Too slow to think. Short Fuse quickly tackled you with yet another hug, his tears covering the back of your prison shirt in wet tears and god; even her mane didn’t felt his usual silk
>Nurse Redheart was trying to get the pulse from Pancho, which…… isn’t going to end well at all
>Man this sucks… having not one, but TWO crying ponies and a crime in the room isn’t anything good
>”WAAAAH ANOOOON” And there he goes again… “I’M SO SORRY! PANCHO WAS JUST AN ORDINARY CREATURE! HE SHOULDN’T BE LIKE THAT! WHY IT WASN’T ME! WAAAH” Jeeez, he really feels bad… even when Pancho was just a box
>You /need/ to lie about Pancho’s death or accident. But how? He’s just… wide open to show to anyone that enters this room
>You sigh… this was going to be hard to explain
>…It would be funny to see this scenario where a nurse is trying to revive a box with first aids, but when she is crying… is not that funny
>You inhale some breath and exhale…
“Pancho is okay”
>Well, you simply say that as if nothing happens. The ponies stopped crying, that’s a good thing, but they were now wondering why he was okay
>”B-But… how he’s okay…?” The cuddly warden in your arms says
>”T-This is a medical emergency! This isn’t time for jokes, Anonymous…”

>God damn both had now hiccups for how much they were crying. If someone was going to die, it was you by how much adorable they are sad… not that adorable, still adorable… maybe… UGH, GET UP YOUR MIND, ANON!
“I know this could sound… strange… but Pancho is… changing skin…” Now you’re just treating him like any kind of animal, aren’t you? The two ponies tilt their head at the same time… which makes your heart to miss a beat of how cute that sync was. “You see… one time a year, Pancho changes skin… he goes crazy sometimes and decides to do a scene as you two see… even poor Yarn Feather thought he was hurt, heh”
>Good thing they didn’t hear you when you were saying goodbye
>”But… but we hear how you were sad as he told you farewell… we didn’t wanted to bother and we were almost going to… but… but…”
>If there is a good, please make Shakira come to Equestria so she can sing me some songs as I grab her rumberas… whatever the word was
>Well, that aside… ehh… what to lie, what to lie…
>Just… throw anything to the fire, Anon
“Pancho is always been the dramatic guy, when we were in school, the little guy would do that just to call the attention, the kids thought it was funny, but… not me. He… he always does that so, please… just ignore that, okay? Fuse? Nurse Redheart? He’ll …be fine”
>Short Fuse rests his head on your knee as he looks at what’s left of Pancho, he still had a sad expression and his ears weren’t giving too much of a positive signal, as they were down
>”Then why doesn’t he talk to us…?”
>”And why I can’t feel his pulse…?”
>Tsk, these ponies…

“When he’s changing skin, he… doesn’t speak, for a… while. It could take minutes, days, weeks… but he always come back when nobody expects him.” Just like the Spanish inquisition. “Just don’t worry about him, I’ll take care of him. Is that okay, warden? Nurse?”
>Both look at you with still some tears left from their eyes, they slowly nod and Shorty gets off of your knee
>”W…Well… we’ll be seeing that thing about your vision you had. I’m going to contact some ponies of Saddle Arabia and try getting a team to search. Probably it won’t take too long and we’ll start today the search…”
>Today? Is morning and is almost high noon, weird that he said that, it would meant that they are going to search around the end of the day, which is… not a pony thing to do as they sleep earlier than humans
“Anything I can do to help, just call me.” You give him a smile, which in replies he nods with an even more big smile than yours and steps to the door of your room alongside Nurse Redheart
>”If you need bandages, first aid or care of boo-boos, remember that the nursery is always open!”
>Okay that’s now weird. Did suddenly everyone got a nighty round?
“Even the night?” You ask her out of curiosity
>”Specially the night”
“Why’s that? Don’t you ponies sleep early?”
>Nurse Redheart looks down for a second and then at you before closing the door
>”I got a bat guard to take care off… see ya, Anonymous”
>And she closes the door waving goobye with Short Fuse
>…Right, Lima is the only night guard and right now she must feel really bad… poor girl
>Well, you are finally alone. Time to call the duo of ghosts and ask them what happened here
“Hey, Blue Candle! Red Candle! You guys here?”
>Silence, not a voice replied to your call
“Guys? Are you playing hide and seek? Come out! I need to ask you what happened here!”

>Weird… maybe they weren’t here the moment the thief entered the room, agh, what a bad timing for them
>Well time to inspect if there is anything left… knowing ponies from here; they leave clues just for giggles or trying to give you an opportunity
>You search in the waste that was your squared Mexican friend and find a letter. Well gee, if you did know they’ll be leaving you something
>Or maybe it was from the box and they forgot it… whatever, time to read it
>You just open the letter, in the first page it was… a note. No, no, like… a musical note. And now that you notice, the letter had a… big letter B in the addressee
>…Smug ponies
>In the other side of the page that was the musical note, there was a /real/ note. It said…
“This was just a warning; get your claws out of our business. You don’t want your little two friends to be in problems too, don’t you? We know…”
>As signature there was just a single hoof, a weird hoof signature… why do horses even use their hoof as signatures?
>But what concerns you the most was the “Two friends”… who is this pony and who was he talking about? You have like… too many friends to even know which one he or she was talking about…
>No, wait. Remembering back with that black pony Sombra, he said something about a “She”… so it’s a she whoever is involved with all this
>Someone in this prison is involved with whatever was inside Pancho, the box. Giving that you went to talk to that guy because of yes… tells you that he’ll be able to talk to “her”… and that guy is no good news, neither now that you can’t interrogate him

>And you’ll never know what was inside of that box
>You’ll have to call that detective, Silver Pie here to help you with this scenario. He knows Pancho was just a box and he probably could help you search for clues…
>…Okay, you /could/ do it by yourself, but you don’t have a magnifying glass and you want to talk to someone about this, until Blue and Red appear again…
>Until then… you’ll leave your room and this time with key and go search for Silver Pie
>Let’s hope for the best… this day started bad
>What secrets hides this prison?
>Some cell rooms away, a cheerful Pegasus was singing while walking in the corridor.
>”What a day~ watching from far away~ Spying from above just for this opportunity that I love~” Yarn Feather stops at her own door which was closed, voices could been hear from inside, being from Rock and Gniw. “Hmm hmm~ Now that these two helped The Boss get her crystal back, maybe is time to tell these two the plans”
>With her tail moving to right to left, she opened the door to her cell.

Hey guys, sorry for the innactivity. I promise something big this weekend.
This is tiny, I know, but at least is better than being lazy and not write.
Oh lurd it's been so long!
Thanks, bud. I get that a lot, kek.

Sweet. tfw I've been a bit lazy in the writing department myself. I'll get on it and hopefully have something to update by tomorrow. Which means I'll need to procrastinate other things again.
Pancho should be a ball next lol
Kek, taking notes on that.
then use this for him plz
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Watching that I totally lost the opportunity time ago to make a fat zebra partner for Dindu Muffin or Zakon
lol pancho could be a soccer ball
get it cuz he'll be black and white like a zebra
[Picturing images of Zebras playing soccer]
Now that's just silly
A numbet ten in the corner of the screen doesn't make this thread happy.
Shall we talk about a prison pone topic?
Like what? A pony dropping the soap and Anon moving in?
I just noticed that i'm dumb AND lazy.
Just updated pastebin with 4k that werent there... for like weeks.
Make yourself a schedule and stick to it my man.
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Oh wand u so silly
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>You’ll be getting the standard alchemy samples. Spittle, hair, sweat, all that stuff
>Blood and urine were a no go. One was forbidden to work with and the other was just gross!
”So what are you doing Ember?” Anon asks, interrupting your thoughts
>Oh that’s right! You probably need to tell him what you want
>“I was hoping you’d be kind enough to provide me with some bodily samples, hair, spit, skin and the like, to determine their alchemical properties. It’s standard procedure when studying magical or mythical animals.”
”Wouldn’t be the first time.” He murmurs
>“What do you mean by that?” You ask
”Nothing really, just talking to myself.”
>It’s the only response you get and a clear attempt to deflect your suspicion
>You narrow your eyes at him
>It was obvious he wasn’t going to tell you anything, but if that big galumph had provided anypony else with enough material for a potion you swear to Celestia!
>Not knowing what properties you were working with could be a /very/ bad thing for any alchemist
>You’d learnt that the hard way, after accidentally discovering the explosive properties of phoenix egg shell
>“Okay Mr. Anon.” You finally respond
>Witlick finishes up with him and puts away his equipment
“Do you need a lollipop Anonymous?” He asks “You were a very brave patient.”
”I’ll be fine Doc, I’m just glad to help.”
>You just realised what was so strange about this
>His blood had been taken and he was neither screaming nor unconscious
>After seeing what he’d just been through should that really come as a surprise?
“Alrighty then.” Witlick turns to you, “Will you be requiring any assistance?”
>Your head shakes
>“No, it’s very simple, I should be able to handle it so long as he behaves himself.”
”Heh, no guarantees there.” Anon interjects
>You snort. Certainly there were not
“Yes very funny Mr Anon. Dr. Witlick you may re-join the ‘celebration’.”
>He does so, leaving just you and Anonymous. Perfect
>Something was still bugging you
>A Blood Rose needed magic to work, any kind of magic, from /both/ parties
>From all you’d seen Anon had no magic
>So what would happen to the rose? Did Anonymous know he needed magic for it? Or did he just not know he didn’t have magic until now?
>You’d be finding out sooner rather than later
”I guess we should get this over with, although I’m not sure why you’d want to start in the first place, honestly what do you expect to find?”
>Hmm… Could be anything really…
>“Honestly? Honestly I don’t know. Everything has some kind of alchemical property, from a rock to a Minotaur’s horn. These properties are intrinsically linked to the subject’s innate magic.”
>He nods in vague understanding
”Makes sense… I think.”
>“Good. Now you Mr. Anon? From what we’ve seen you don’t have any magic, like at all. That being the case I’ve no idea what to anticipate. I suppose that means I would expect to find either nothing at all, or anything, probably the former.”
”Nothing or anything, really narrowing your options there. So then what if it’s the latter?”
>“If that’s the case? Well I wouldn’t be able to tell you without knowing what the properties you’ve got actually are, and that’s the exact reason I’m doing this. Could you imagine if you had harmful alchemy? If somepony bad, or anypony for that matter, got their hooves on that it could be a very real problem.”
”Duly noted. Let’s get down to business then.”
>You commence collecting, pulling out several hairs from over his body and safely storing them away

>Giving him a vial and tissue he’s instructed to spit and blow respectively into each
>Next you provide him with cotton buds for ear wax
>All rather boring it was, nothing you’d write about
>It would seem equally mind numbing to Anon, who attempts small talk, as if he wasn’t obsessing over whether or not you’d accept him as your stallion
>Silly human
”So, do anything interesting after I left this morning?”
>“Gosh no. I was far too distracted. Can I get some fingernails?”
>He /bites/ off three and gives them over; you think that would’ve hurt
”Distracted? Ah yes, your big decision. Decided yet?” He asks, leaning down closer to you
>HA! So he was obsessing over it!
>Well you had decided! You’d decided that… that… Oh goodness
>With the moment now upon you, you find yourself overcome with indecision
>This wasn’t something you could just ignore, it had to be addressed now!
>“I’ve been trying. I know you’re anxious so imagine how I feel. It’s a big choice! I mean sure, I’ve been in a rut for the longest time now, then /this/ happened.”
>You ‘poof’ out the Blood Rose and shake it about
>“Needless to say I think it’s exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, but to be so impulsive? Mr. Anon how could you do this to me?” You whine
>You take a timid step closer to him, building your confidence
>You can and you will decide! And he was going to help you
>“I mean; did you even know you weren’t magic when you gave this to me? Mr. Anon I need to know, for one as generous and sweet hearted as yourself; why did you give me this? Truly, honestly, why? I want to decide but I /need/ to know.”
>Anon, please help…
”Fine! If it’ll calm you down.”
>You’re sure it would
“Aside from what I’ve already said about you being adorable, and such a genuine and kind pony…”
>He pauses and thinks a moment
>You were already feeling overwhelmed
”I suppose it was because I could see you were upset, and it was eating away at me, I had to do something, /anything/ to make you happy again, or I wouldn’t have slept soundly tonight…”
>He looks despondently to the ground and sighs
“You’re all too stupidly adorable.”
>He stops again, tears had begun to build up on the edges of your eyes, threatening to roll down your cheeks
>You’d thought it before and you were right. He was yours. He’d given himself to you
>Anon continues
”So I offered you my flower. I thought it might elevate your mood after what I put you through. I just wanted to give you something nice, something special and unique so that it might brighten your day. Something like-
>“Something like you?”
>You didn’t mean to cut in, but he’d provided you the perfect opening
>Oh gosh, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing?!
>You wanted him, but at the back of your mind dark thoughts lurked. What if you were doing this just to use him to get a better life for yourself?
>You think he says something but your panicked and flustered mind was having a hard enough time keeping your own thoughts straight
>Looking upon his face with your huge glistening eyes brings a clarity to your mind
>“I cannot believe I’m going to do this! It’s the most impulsive, rash thing I’ve ever done! I’ve been feeling wrong inside a long time now. Yet when you’re around I feel special again! But I think I’m doing this for selfish reasons...”
>“Argh! What I’m trying to say is I’ve made my decision. Honestly I’m still not sure why you did it. But…”
>You pause and take a deep breath, steadying yourself
>“I accept your offer Mr. An-… /Anon/.” You self-correct
>You were past the point of formality here, if he wanted to be called Anon, that’s what you’d call him
>“I will take your flower, we can bind our magical essence, and then we shall be wed, just as you wanted!”
>As you finish a great wave of relief washes through you. It was done, the burden had been lifted, and it was time to begin a new chapter of your life
>What’s more the Blood Rose had activated itself! The fractal petals flowing with the smoky pink liquid of love’s essence
>The next step is seeing what happens after he eats one of those petals at your wedding
>He didn’t look as excited as you’d think he’d be, if anything he was looking a little sick
>“Are you alright Anon? You look a bit faint.”
>He whispers something that you can barely make out
”Fucking flower.”

Nice to see some tasty green.
lol I haven't updated mine in 4ever

y not?
we need the bit of pony heartbreak followed by a loving make up and addition to the herd
fair donk. But making words appear on the screen is hard sometimes
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I can't stop reading and rereading your story
But then you'll find all the errors and inconsistencies I haven't fix yet
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Zew dangit you always post when I'm asleep, I'm glad we're all caught up on the pov can't wait for more!
>civil service bump
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>Seth is talking about us
JESUS FUCK Short is there
I don't know how to feel about it
Should we care at all? Probs not.
Wow, reee. I hope normies done come to shit threads up.
Probably not. Seth was dumb enough to give the actual link for this thread instead of the mulp or other desustorage link
kek. Do people actually still go to Equestria Daily? I mean, I'm not complaining. Before that was a thing, seth would flarefag all over /tg/. In fact, posting images of Flare on /tg/ was a bannable offence for a time because of it.
I doubt normies use equestria daily
I don't know, it was popular in 2012 but eh, by the time it was like any pony page.
I think only new bronies kids go search in that page.
You are the law
Tried to write today, failed.
Gonna try tomorrow.
Is not a writer block, is just my damn university giving me pressure.

Be Nightly Veil
>Be fighting your inner nightmares, aka the new guy trying to take over your mind
>He might have taken your body… and thoughts… but you still own your mind!
>>No you don’t
>Gah! Stop it!
>Your hooves try to grab your head but fail doing so, whatever is taking your body… is pretty rough
“What’s the matter, can’t handle a little bit of fun? Your body needs some exercise by the way.” Your body starts stretching. “Not even an hour and I’m tired”
>Well, stop that! Is not your body to begin with! I was here first!
“We’re one, Nightly. We share the same thoughts, the same feelings; the same… taste for sugar.” You lick your lips as you remember the tasty taste of sugar
>No, we aren’t the same! You wouldn’t understand me!
>The helmet you are wearing opens slightly, you were smirking even thought you didn’t wanted. There are a lot of things you’ve done without wanting to… starting with the poor doctor that was lying on the floor
>You did want him to get what he deserves… but this is too much… what kind of pony does this to other pony?
“Me, of course”
>Stop trying to reply to me when I’m talking with myself!
“Oh, my bad. Continue talking, I’ll be here, waiting for… wait did Sombra told us how to get out of this place?”
>…Are you asking me?
“Well… who else? The funny accent doctor is knocked out and probably scared for life. I don’t know if there is a timer or we’re trapped in here… also I only receive orders, so…”
>Well, give me my body back! Is an order!
>You start shaking your head
“No, no, Nightly. Not from you. You only listen there as I do the rest”

>You… or him, or both of you… egh, this is so strange to explain. Well, you sit on the floor waiting for something to happen
>In the meantime… you need to think for a way to get your body back… you thought that your memory was going to be erased, but it wasn’t… you still remember your family and friends, even those in the prison… there needs something to-
“You know I can hear you, right?”
>And you know how rude is to interrupt somepony as he is trying to think for a way to get his body back? Give me some space! Geez…
“Yeah, whatever.” From now on, you’re referring to him as ‘he’… or ‘it’. He lied on the floor and closed his eyes with a grumpy expression on his face. “I have a name too, you know? The doctor named me Project Night. So at least try to remember that”
>Will you give me my body back if I call you like that?
“I don’t want a weakling to take over this body. I can jump high enough and get no damage from the fall, as if my hooves were made out of pony feathers. I know this for that tiny training with the black dude. So now, stay quiet and let me think…”
>Can I hear your thoughts…?
>>…Yes, yes you can. But please, do not. I don’t want a little kid disturbing my thoughts
>Wait, are you old?
>>Older than you? Yeah kid
>…How older?
>>…Like 1 year older. Now hush, let me think in quiet
>That’s not /that/ older than me
>The shadows of the place started to fade, the previous basement slowly showing back. You and the Doctor which was still fainted, were back to the place you once were before going to that strange void

>Even the terrorists that were used to summon Sombra are here too
>They look to each other in fear, others in happiness and some were even crying
>”That was scary!”
>”Yes! Let’s not do a cuddly pentagram ever again…!”
>”That was Doctor Karma’s fault…”
>”Where is he anyway?”
>Every terrorist pony in the floor looked for him, only to find him fainted with his tongue out near you
>”Whoa, what happened to him?”
>”I hope he’s okay…”
>”I’d say he got what he deserved… you know? He almost got us… in whatever spooky place was that!”
>”You could say that Doctor Karma is really used to his name… heh”
>”By the looks of it? Not so much, Sandstorm!”
>And now they were laughing at a single joke a terrorist just said, terrorists aren’t so… bad, maybe? Maybe they want to be bad just so other ponies notice them…
>>That’s absurd!
>Is not…
>>It is!
>Maybe you wanted attention too and that’s the reason Doctor Karma placed you to take over my body!
>>That’s illogic Mr. Nightly, because you see… I am nopony else… but you
>>Exactly! I was you all along! I’m your little part of your desire that wants to come out at nights and sneak into your sister’s fridge and take that sweet sugary treat we call muffins!
>>…I think there was a moment and time to say that and this wasn’t the moment
>…But weren’t you saying that you were older than me just a minute ago?
>Internally, you both are discussing and yelling at each other. Externally, the body of Nightly Veil starts to grab its head and move it around, as if Nightly was trying to evade the attack of a wild mosquito

>The terrorists finally approach the still crazy Nightly Veil, which stopped moving as he saw the terrorists noticing him
>”Hey, you okay kid? Doctor Karma didn’t too much to mess with you, did he?” One terrorist pony asked. “Maybe you need some rest after… whatever the hay happened there”
>Between some ponies back this one, you could catch somepony saying something about this pony saying that word… maybe they were complimenting him
“Well I-“
>>Wait a minute; let me take… even more power of the situation.

Be Project Night
“Ah… much better.”
>>I don’t know what you did but… carry on.
>Shut up; let me have my dramatic effects for when I speak with them
>>I’m gonna be in this imaginary corner if you need me anyway…
>Don’t worry, I won’t.
>”What’s… better?” The same terrorist asked
“Nothing, nothing too important. I was just… not so used to this armor the pony that we summoned gift me…” You show up parts of your armor and they look at it in awe. “So… what does the boss want now? I wait for orders”
>”Actually is The Boss, not the boss… last time somepony said that, The Boss didn’t like it…” A terrorist pony that was on your left mentions, some quietly but you could still hear it
>”And about orders… I don’t know what The Boss asked us… but I remember it was something related to the prison in Saddle Arabia that isn’t very far away from here”
>Oooh… you have a feeling you are going to have fun for some reason…!
“Can’t somepony contact… The Boss?” Various ponies approve your use of the word now. “Tell her that… Project Night is waiting for orders”
>You just want to do /any/ order right now, like, is that or talk with Nightly in your mind…

>A terrorist goes for the phone of the basement and others just decide to talk between them. Seems like nopony wanted to talk with you
>Eh… not like you want to. You just want somewhere to run! Somewhere to jump! Somewhere to-
>A voice coming from up the stairs of the basement calls everypony
>”Hey everypony! I have more lemonade!”
>A stampede of terrorists trying to go get their lemonades is quickly made in the basement. Hmm, wonder if it has sugar in it…
>Hey Nightly, what do you say? Lemonade?
>Oh come on don’t tell me you’re sad cause you figured out what I did… come on buddy! Egh… yeah, buddy, whatever. Just talk to me, these terrorists look silly and I rather talk to someone who is as intelligent as me!
>Where or what were you doing?
>>…Trying to sleep. Is pretty hard but I got it when you were talking, seems like everything you say is /boring/ to me
>That’s rude!
>>Oh yeah, now /I’m/ the rude one. Right Mr. I’ll take your body
>…You want… eh… changes sometimes? I mean, I could give you your body back for, I don’t know… 1 minute a day?
>Or when I’m not in duty! How about that?
>>…When did we become so friendly to each other?
>I’m from your mind, Nightly. You are bipolar and love somepony that is a colt, what do you expect?
>>Ehh…. Is true. But come on… isn’t Butter just the cutest colt you’ve ever talked to?
>…*Sigh* yeah… holding his hoof would be better than sugar…
>Your cheeks were suddenly blushing
>O-Okay you get my point. Now let’s go for that lemonade, is going to be a long day…
>>…A weird one too…
>You run and walk up the stairs… but you don’t feel as much faster as when you were back in the void with Sombra
“…Must be a side effect…. Eh, maybe I’ll get my powers back later… now that lemonade is calling me”

Talk about a... Nightly update, imarite?
...1.5k at night, did what i could from my sleepy mind
Replied to a post wrong cause i'm sleepy
here have how Nightly looks with the armor
Also yes, expect a fight between Anon and Nightly.
Hooray! Who could wait til tomorrow anyway?
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and again
>Be S.T.A.L.K.E.R.N.O.N
>be in the FriendChip Gulag
>you done goofed
>but is of beings dumb pink horses fault.
>being of stealing artifacts.
>that heart shaped artifact is of beings yours!
>stupid pink wing horse
>now you are of swinging paper mache pickaxe.
>stupid horse people
>stupid friend chips.
episode day
Cute pone story when? We've been missing your linguistic skills up in here over there.
Page 10? But why?
slow day due to new episode I'm guessing
>be best pink princess of love and snuggles
>or Cadence for short
>or Princess Candy Ass as Shining calls you, he's such a naughty pony...
>even if a bit dense at times...
>silly sexy Shining...


>anyway, some strange monkey thing fell out of the sky few days ago and scared your little ponies
>what more is it also tried to steal the Crystal Heart and though the guards did let it happen, they were not scared enough to let it get away with it

>turns out he, as it was later discovered, had quite a few of the other "artifacts", as he calls it, on him
>they're so shiny and sparkling, the sisters are going to be mad jelly when you show them
>too bad ponies that were handling them called in sick today, hope they'll get better

>you do wonder why the big monkey tried to steal the Heart
>he was saying something like "This artifact is mine!" in broken Equish
>perhaps you could visit him at the old prison, left over from the reign of King Sombra, and talk it out, he could be a nice pony- er, ape-thing, who just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time!

>but first, you should take care of that seductive white stallion milling about in the room, messing with your thought process

pls don't die
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will do senpai
I gleefully await more, comrade.
I would like to make the updates, but the reconciliation of little pony emotions is hard to write.
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bubba edition
Good Edition!
I want to bang police mare.
What would "Bubba" be like in Pone Prison?
Rat, don't you have two stories on hold? When am I gonna get to read more about Anon and that Griffon family from 50 threads ago? Why do you do this to me?
afternoon bump
Post a reply
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even now this movie still hurts
Imagine Snowflake saying "You got a purdy mouth, boy." in a Herbert the Pervert voice.
>Snowflake is assigned as Anon's cellmate.
>Notices the human usually forgets to brush his teeth.
>"You got a purdy mouth, boy."
>Anon doesn't get the hint.
>"Isn't there something you'd like to be doing right about now?"
>Anon just shies away from him now.
>Still no brushing of teeth.
>This will not stand.
>Forcibly brushes Anon's teeth three times a day.
>Is punished by the guards but keeps doing it.
>in changeling prisons, things are a bit more strict
>prisoners are thoroughly shaken down, including body cavity searches
the changelings use large tunneling worms that have been trained to sniff out contraband like a K9
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>Anon goes to pony prison
>Before the tour, the prisoners are told to prepare for a cavity search
>He's sweating bullets due to the packets he's smuggling via his anus
>His turn comes up
>He walks into a nice, sterile room with a pony in a labcoat and a big chair
>After sitting and spooking the doctor with his sharp predator teeth, he's given a tube of toothpaste and told to brush more often
>Hfw it was a cavity search
>too bad ponies that were handling them called in sick today, hope they'll get better
And now I'm sad ...
>not keeping your canines shiny and clean to flash all the easily spooked ponies
Nigga, ponies think not brushing after every meal is neglectful. And don't get me started on showering...
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>Be Anonymous
“I accept your offer Mr. An- Anon.”, Ember corrects herself, “I will take your flower, we can bind our magical essence, and then we shall be wed, just as you wanted.”
>As she stops speaking you note two things
>One; the Blood Rose was now transparent with a smoky pink liquid flowing through its petals
>Two; Soft Cotton was more effectively piercing you with her gaze than any knife ever could
>Even worse she was very slowly trotting towards you
“Are you alright Anon? You look a bit faint.” Ember comments
>”Fucking flower.” You whisper, as an inaudible chaotic chuckle echoes behind you, carried on an unfelt wind
>Giving someone a flower counted as a fucking marriage proposal!? What have you done?
>Soft Cotton was stalking closer, each slow step bringing forth waves of terror
>If you hadn’t recently been to the toilet you very may well have wet yourself from fright
>The look on her face was stripping you bare, down to your very soul
>She moves closer. Ember was yet to notice her, still focussed on you
“Are you alright Anon? There’s no need to swear.”
>She puts a hoof on your thigh in comfort
“You know it’s alright if you need to cry, this is a joyous occasion! There hasn’t been a magic fusion for over a half a decade.” She says with a smile, letting her own tears of happiness flow
>Oh God.
>Soft Cotton suddenly sprints the remaining distance between you
>You thought she was going for Ember, up until she takes to the air on a mighty leap, soaring straight for your face
“ANONYMOUS!” she roars ferociously as her small form collides with your head
>As small and obscenely light as Soft Cotton was, she could still pack one fuck of a punch
>You go flying back, crashing through the small door behind you into the tiny back office
>The extraordinary momentum transferred to you by one angry pony keeps you rolling back, slamming into the office desk, knocking down a stapler, book and paper weight, each one comically falling upon your head in succession
>You hurt, you hurt real bad, all over, inside and out
>And you’d just had an emotional wipe out
>Dear lord you felt like you were being swallowed up in a pit of darkness
>Dazed and confused you look up and struggle to focus your eyes
>You can make out the blurry form of Ember Heart running in the room after you
>Soft Cotton was floating in the doorway, saying something to the gym patrons before flapping into the office with you and Ember, the door closing behind her
>You make an attempt to get back up but get slammed back down when Cotton lands on your chest, your head crashing back into the desk, one of her hooves painfully poking into your stomach
>Why did everything have to hurt!?
>Ember tries to get to you but one of Soft Cotton’s wings keeps her at bay
“ANONYMOUS! WHAT DID YOU DO!?” She screams, flecks of spit flying in your face
>Y-You don’t know! You don’t know anything anymore. You were hurt, your head was throbbing and confused, everything was a haze
>You felt useless, there was nothing you could do, drowning in a sea of hopelessness
>Your adorable and precious mare looks down at you with such /anger/, Ember still struggling to push her off
>Overwhelmed beyond belief, emotionally, mentally and physically drained, you’d reached the end of your tether
>The fragile and tangled psyche you managed to hold together after the trauma of being torn from your entire world finally breaks under the phenomenal stress these tiny creatures and their fucked up world had put you under
>Her angry breath blasts over you as a stinging heat builds in your eyes
>You try to blink it away, but it just makes things worse, and before you know it a stream of hot tears slowly roll their way down your face
>You take in a rasping breath, barely able to see through the watery blur that was your vision
>It was a pitiful sight to behold. You felt deplorable
>But with your pent up emotions finally set free you were reaching a peaceful tranquillity; drained of all your pains
>The angry breath ceases blowing over you
>Struggling to rub your eyes clear you manage to make out Soft Cotton, the rage that drove her aggression had fled at what was before her
“Wha-What have I done…?” she cries bleakly
>Her legs buckle and her tiny body thumps onto your chest
>With the resistance of Cotton’s wing gone Ember trips up and falls onto your gut, knocking the wind from you
>Good god you hadn’t been beaten like this since you stained femanon’s prom dress
>Cotton curls herself up as tightly as possible, covering her face with her hooves, her body shuddering with each of her sobs, ears flowing as freely as your own
“Anon I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please I don’t know what happened! I was just so angry and scared.” She whimpers into your chest
>Suddenly she looks up at you, fur damp from tears, and shouts out
“Ple-e-ease Anon! Please don’t leave me! Don’t leave our herd!”
>She dives forward, not in attack but a desperate hug, burying her muzzle in the crook of your neck, nuzzling against you all the while sniffing back twin trails of snot
>Nevertheless you end up covered in the poor mare’s mucus. (Sad pones are very messy)
>Having let your emotions go you’re feeling a fuck of a lot better, your mind had cleared itself of the fog that had obscured your thoughts, and with one of your girls in such distress the need to comfort her overrode all else
>No longer could you wallow in the pit of self-pity from your own foolish, all be it accidental, actions
>It was time to be a man. Plus if need be you could just cry yourself to sleep tonight
>Your arms wrap around Cotton’s diminutive form, holding her tight
>It would be best to let her cry herself out; it worked for you
>Ember struggles up from your gut, utter betrayal plastered over her features
>Fuuuuuuck. It never ends!
“…Herd? Anon what does she mean? What does she mean!?”
>You cop a fresh spray of angry pony spittle
>But her rage was unable to sustain itself as Cotton’s had; it quickly melts away as she tumbles back down in despair, knocking the wind from you yet again
“How could you do this to me Anon? You have a herd? … Why would you trick me like this!?” She sobs
“To think I thought I was falling in love with you! This was all just a cruel joke to you! Wasn’t it? I’m such a fool… You truly are a beast Mr. Anonymous.”
>She ends with a pathetic attempt to smack you with her hooves
>Her words cut deep. Having these two mares bawling upon you was heart breaking
>And it was all your fault…
>You don’t know why, but for whatever reason, that damned flower was some alternate proposal method
>And was she saying something about fusing magic before you’d been hurled through the door? The hell was that about?
>You’d be getting some answers about this once these two had tired themselves out
>This whole thing may have been an accident, but that didn’t change the gravity of the situation you’d created
>Taking a consoling arm from Cotton you reach down and use it to scoop Ember from your stomach up to your chest, beside the other weeping mare
>She seemed too preoccupied with crying to even notice your adjustment
>For the longest time you hold the two, their quiet whimpers and sniffles intermittently breaking the silence
>You make the resolve then and there to fix this, any way you could
>Soft Cotton’s tiny body finally stops shaking and she take a few sniffs
>Slowly her head rises, hear face a mess of snot and tears, eyes red and puffy from crying
>Ember wouldn’t be fairing much better
“Why would you leave us? For her!”
>Cotton’s wing would have flung out to bat at Ember had your arm not been around her, keeping it firmly in place
>Ember lifts her own head at being mentioned and pleads to you
“Why would you play with my heart like this? Why Anonymous?”
>Both mares look at you with such despair and desperation
>”I… I didn’t know, oh my god girls I’m so, so sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any of this. I had no idea what the flower meant. I’m sorry, Cotton I would never, /ever/, leave the herd! Never leave you.”
>She doesn’t say anything, instead digging her muzzle back into the base of your neck, her soft breath tickling your skin
“Thank you.” She whispers near inaudibly
>You take your arm from around her and she lets you slowly and tenderly run your hand through her mane, gently rubbing along her scalp
>Direct conformation that you weren’t leaving her for another pony had satiated her immediate worries, but no doubt she’d have you back in the firing line soon enough
>Ember had been listening intently to what you’d said too
“You didn’t even know? Oh Celestia what have you done to me? All this and you didn’t even know!?”
>Her anger rises once more
“How actually DARE YOU! At least before I could hate you! But you didn’t even know...? Of course you didn’t know! How could you?”
“What in Tartarus is wrong with me? How could /I/ have been so blind? You’ve only been in Equestria for a couple weeks… Oh Celestia.”
>She slumps back down, several more tears emerging
“Did you have to steal away my one consolation? I can’t even be angry at you anymore… you ignorant bastard Anon… How could you cause such /chaos/?”
>The exhausted mare closes her eyes and sniffles quietly
“…Sorry for swearing.” She tacks on with a mumble
>After all this she was apologising for swearing? What a pony, she deserves her own head rub for being so adorable
>You notice Platinum attempting to peak through the door’s little window at the scene within
>God who knows what they were thinking out there. What had Soft Cotton told them?
>Platinum swiftly backs up after spotting the two mares huddled against you
>By her intense blush she’d clearly gotten the wrong impression, but you’d rather her think you a cuddle perv than the abhorrent beast you’d truly been
>”Ember, I’m sorry. What I did may have been by accident, but it was detestable. I deserve to rot in this prison forever…”
>She stops sniffling but doesn’t look up, rather Soft Cotton does, emerging from her nuzzle
“Anon?” She asks, looking almost her normal self again
“Where did you get a Blood Rose?”
>Where did you get it again?
>Oh yeah that’s right!
>”Some goat lizard snake dude. Discord was the name. He was a cool guy.”
>Thanks to him you had cash money and great gifts for your mares. Gosh you hope Silver likes her dress!
>Jesus listen to you. You’re going soft with these ponies around
>Wait, if he gave you the rose did he know you would give it to Ember?
>He did seem kind of omnipotent to you so you should ask him about that next time you meet
>Lost in thought you hadn’t noticed both mares upon you freeze in place, both going deathly silent
>Ember very slowly looks up
“D-did you say… Discord?”

that's all I've got so far.
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Also in my procrastination I made this with my phone and the household's one pencil.
That's not bad actually. Bretty gud.
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Nighty boop
zew you glorious writefag
how do you keep delivering such awesomeness?
Is it actually alright so far? Cuz I wasn't too sure if I'd gone about dealing with the situation the right way.
Could you be more of a god with those double dubs
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More when?
No update yet but idea

Be Anon
>You are a police from Manehattan
>In a mission to search for something the chief told you it was "Illegal and loud".
>You had permission to shot at any cost... not like you have a gun of your world, you have a water gun... you are not sure of why these ponies have stuff like this
>Is like, your first week. It was peaceful at the beginning but then this mission started out
>Your partner, miss White Shot (Way lewd name tho) is covering you as you two enter the big establishment
>Literally, she's putting a blank over you for some unknown reason...
"Why are you doing that?" You ask her out of curiosity
>She eyes you and then the door next to you
>"I saw you shiver for a mere second, can't risk your health, can't we?"

continuing later, i'm at school and teacher catched me.

"But I only"
>"Keep your voice low! We're close... I can feel it in my ears..."
>Fluffy pony ears you'd say
>Wish the Chief gave you an exact information about what the fuck is going on here, but seems like they don't give information about the missions because it'll ruin the "surprise"
>Now you are no police expert and in Earth you were just a delivery guy, but this seems... a bit... wrong
>Mission, illegal. You got that, but the chief not telling you the information but the place? Totally wrong!
>Well you two, or at least you, maybe your partner knows about this... you are going to know what illegal act is behind this door
>You two get positioned near the door and your partner gives you the signal to knock out the door
>You kick it with your foot and yell at the top of your lungs as you point your water gun at anyone that is inside the appartment
>Everyone inside had faces full of horror, surprise... heck, even your partner was scared! But she told you to knock over the door!
>And what were the ponies inside doing? Nothing more and nothing less but... having a tea party
>They... are starting to cry
>Your partner tries to give you a pinch in the arm but does nothing, but it was to call your attention over her
>"Anonymous! What was that?!"
"Well you told me to knock over the door! Is a police thing, right?"
>"Knock the door Anonymous, as any normal pony or creature would do! We are no animals!"
>Well actually...
>Oh good the ponies having the tea party now are crying
>The radio of your belt sounds with static, meaning your chief is calling you... great
>"Anonymous, White Shot, what's the color of the mission?"
>Yeah about that... ponies say color instead of the severity of the mission...
>"Slightly yellow ma'am"
>And the colors work as a traffic light...
zew you really nailed down the breakdown and the realization anon has been stripped from his home, the touch of melancholy, and wrapped up discords shenanigans

I honestly wasn't expecting the slight breakdown but god damn you nailed it.
I would love to see more talks about earth with his mares and the scientists, including a bit of shockers, maybe comparisons with human prisons including nutraloaf

Regardless you're doing a damn fine job, a DAMN fine job zew
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I love it.
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>Anon's waifu finds out about his fetish and reports him to Princess Cadence
>She's never seen a case of perversion this bad before
>He's sent to the Crystal Dungeons until he can learn to love like a normal pony
>He just wanted to kiss her nose and call her a pretty pony
Nutraloaf doesn't even taste that bad...
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>Unbeknownst to everyone, including the prince-consort, Candance now keeps Anonymous as her personal nose-kisser after she discovered that they both share many of the same depraved fetishes.
I could try but i'm right now a bit beer
I had ideas but they gone
Might might write when possible
I'm talking about the prison nutraloaf, the kind that's used for punishment for inmates, the one that's had multiple lawsuits against it for being cruel and unusual punishment
THAT nutraloaf
Honestly doesn't taste that bad...
So...why were they there?
Good morning fellow inmates!
Today's breakfast is a hearty dish of migas, orange juice, and a fresh fruit cup!
The warden would like to remind you, if anon begins to cuddle you, please do not take it as an invitation to herd with him, nor is it considered lewd to his species.
As always have a pleasant day here at Second Chances rehabilitation center!
Illegal tea parties
Aka private tea parties
Someone reports the private tea party (someone who didn't get invited to the tea party or any private event reports it)
You know? Wouldn't you be sad if you didn't get invited to a party? That would suck. This is why Pinkie Invites everyone she knows to a party, ponies that don't go and are busy is okay, but if you say you're doing a party and this pony wants to go and you say no, then he or she calls the police.
In this case, a filly called the police.

"The shit I have to put up with..." Your say under your breath as you sigh, the chief scolding both your partner and you for the trouble in the private tea party
>It's been an hour and she doesn't stop talking about how bad is to irrumpt to private parties, but still isn't the way to enter, polite speaking
>Seems like you have a lot to learn in this pony world
>...How do they reload the water guns with hooves?
Posting from school again.

Be Anon
>Be in the office of the Chief getting the scolding of your life
>You were just doing your job man, ponies were doing illegal stuff and it was your job to put a stop on it. …not like, put a stop sign or something like official Derpy does, just… stop them for doing things that are against the law
>But seems like this world has plenty of different world rules, starting for tea parties. Those? Very illegal for some reason, even more if they are private… but you heard in the corridor something about two cops talking about past year “Green tea incident”
>This job can’t get weird enough
>When you got your job with Chief Spitfire, you thought it would be serious. She had the character of a colonel, heck, you think she wouldn’t give you the job… but she did
>Maybe it was because you were one in a million chance to be the first primate police in the history of Manehattan… or Equestria. Since your last job wasn’t the best of choices (street singer isn’t your thing), you gave this a try
>The free donuts and good salary is good, but you wonder if you are ever going to catch a criminal and send him to jail… or her, no one knows who could be the next top criminal
>”Anonymous! Did you listen to what I said?” Chief Spitfire interrupts your thoughts, almost sending you jumping from the chair you were sitting. “Are you day dreaming again? You got issues buddy…”
>Well shit
“Ah, no. I was listening, I was just thinking about the tea party and… police stuff”
>She gives a light ‘hmm’ and taps her hoof on the desk
>”What I was saying then?”
>Great, wonder what punishment you’ll get for not only failing a mission with five ponies crying… including your partner, but to not listen to what she says

“You… were talking about how bad is to irrupt to an apartment without knocking the door the normal and steady way and about… how yellow was a bad color…?” You say guessing, wishing that you at least did nail it half way through
>U wot
>”Not only yellow is a /bad/ color.” She then looks down and whispers to herself. “Although it doesn’t look bad in me…” She looks up and raises her voice. “BUT STILL, what you two did was savage, uncontrollable, unrealistic, totally not the police way! Anonymous, what you have to say?”
>Hell you don’t even know what to say… you’ll just say a random color and see what happens, it’ll probably makes things better
>Her mane was like a flame… besides the yellow she had orange, so…
>”Come again?”
>You stay with a stoic expression and look at Chief Spitfire while crossing your arms
“I said orange”
>Your partner is with her mouth open and Chief Spitfire doesn’t look like she’s approving that… maybe you did fuck up
>”I totally agree with that”
>Or maybe not. What the hell is up with the colors in this world?
>”You two only get a warning, a tiny one. Don’t do that ever again and act civilly to criminals, even they don’t have those manners, do they?”
>Your partner, White Shot looks with a scrunchy face to Chief Spitfire
>”Actually ma’am that-“
>”Don’t answer that!”
>White Shot quickly gets shut up by Chief Spitfire. Maybe some criminals /do/ what you did…. Hopefully, well, you want some action! You just don’t want to irrupt in tea parties and all that stuff… you want a criminal that at least gives you a true challenge
>…Or just get your pay and get along with it

>”You two are dismiss, carry on. Go for some donuts or I don’t know what you’ll two like.” She did a turn in her chair and from one second to other, she changed her chief outfit to an outfit blue and yellow, looks like latex… and aerodynamic. “I’ll be in my second job, those neewbies in the Wonderbolt academy aren’t going to train themselves”
>She took fly… through the ceiling. Well, there was a window up there for some reason, you always wondered why that was there, now you know. Problem is… we are in the first floor of the police station… it has two… how does that even…
>You know what, you aren’t going to ask that
>You stand up from your chair and so does your partner
“So, wanna go for coffee and donuts?”
>She eyes up and then gives you a cheeky smile
>”You are going to pay. After that incident… I need something to make me forget how rude you were”
>Ah come on…
>She eats like a monster, you’ll get poor eventually…
>Well… since you have the police cart, you could try something different this time
“How about we eat the donuts at my place? I have my wallet there after all”
>”My mommy always told me to not go with strangers to their place…”
>What stranger? We know you little cute son of a bitch!
>She starts laughing as she gives you a light hit on your shoulder
>”I’m joking, don’t worry. We’ve been as partners for a week and the only time I’ve seen you act like a crazy animal is tonight, I don’t think it’ll happen twice, right?”
>Her eyes suddenly go a little wide
>”No seriously, you’re not acting like that again, right? I don’t want another visit to the therapist”
>Damn she sounded all scary of the sudden

“Don’t worry; I was just… over acting there. I guess I watched too many movies of cops…” You scratch your back of your head as you force a tiny laugh at her. “Well, what do you say if we take this time together as to, I don’t know, talk about stories? Maybe you got something cool to talk with”
>”Who? Me? I’m not that adventurous cop, Anonymous. I prefer the peaceful life of a cop… but I had moments I wish criminals weren’t so… you know… criminals!”
>You two start exiting the police apartment while talking, one or two cops waving goodbye to you two in your way
>You finally arrive the police cart. Yes, a cart, you read that correctly. Technology isn’t a pony thing yet, unless you fly as a dragon police, but that’s not the case of Manehattan polices sadly
>And of course, the manly, alpha ape has to pull the cart
>At this point if there is a police chase in these carts… you’ll pay to see it or be in there
>Well this police cart at least had the colors of a… well, the police car in your world. But we don’t have a siren, your partner or you got to yell “WEEE OOO WEEE OOO” at the air to make everyone notice there is case…
>It was a fun ride when you two were going to the apartment where the tea party was. White Shot siren noises were the best

>Tfw cant write more cause teacher is again here.
gotta go
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I miss the old days of this thread
which days were those?
The beginning
I would love to write for this thread, but I've got terrible skill at writing, and I mostly write what I know, which is nam, so I'm worried any story I write wouldn't be well written and would get a bit dark

hell the only reason I love mlp is because those adorable cuddly ponies help with my flashbacks better than a service dog

so if you guys want a vet anon in pony prison I guess I can give it a try
Do it. No writefag starts off good.
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>I would love to write for this thread
There you go, a good start.
If you have ideas and want to write em, do it. Don't stop so, no one starts big in the beginning.
I write because I have ideas and want to share it, of course some get modify in the past of time cause the reader needs to like the story too.
But my point is, if you love something like writing, I don't see why you shouldn't try.
Just look at me, i'm a mexican that a year ago needed help on editions, confused words and stuff.
And today? I write more, I get less fuck ups and I still love to write.

Also can't anyone else be as positive as this glorious bastard? >>28521991
That is the way of the bump.
all right I'll start writing and hopefully have something soon, and the morning bump was mine

I think I'll also be doing more small worldbuilding morning bumps

for now I need some name ideas for a nurse pony and a mad scientist pony for possible love interests
actually if you guys would be so kind as to add some name recommendations for a silent spetsnaz type pony (think fuse from rainbow six siege)
Just in case bump
Solid Pone
The thread feels more alive than usual
Good afternoon fellow inmates!
I hope you all had a wonderful lunch!
The warden would like to remind you to please wait at least 30 minutes before attempting water activities. On that note, the warden asks that inmates please stop pretending to drown while anon is acting lifeguard.

The afternoon weather is currently a cool and breezy 75 degrees horsenhite, so we encourage you to go outside and have fun with the outdoor activities clubs!

As always have a pleasant day here at Second Chances rehabilitation center!
>weather is kept at a cheery climate most of the year to facilitate rehabilitation
>solitary confinement is a large room all to yourself with a large picture window facing out into an empty area with no buildings or ponies available
>it's got a constant massive thunderstorm going on that you can't hide from seeing or hearing while in the room
>On that note, the warden asks that inmates please stop pretending to drown while anon is acting lifeguard.
Now that's cute and a nice idea
anon is the only inmate to come of out the thunderdome perfectly fine after a whopping FULL HOUR

in his own words: 'I like thunderstorms'
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Hope you guys don't mind but I'll be namefagging from now on since I'm working on my story and doing some worldbuilding with these announcements
You. Zew, and at least 50 anons are still here, including me.
emergency bump
Celestia is still on the run.
Glad to see you're still alive!
And don't forget Rat
Why is the concept of cuddly pones in prison so adorable?
Good morning bumpo (even if I've been up since Thursday morning)
Because who in their right mind doesnt find overly innocent, super kind, fluffy and sentient pones who love to snuggle and are amazed by the most basic things cute?
Page 10 bump
Come on Zew I'm still awake and waiting on you
sorry kids nothing today, had to get vision check, feeling tired, cranky and not up to dealing with bullshit

I'll try and get something tomorrow for y'all
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Looks like someone's getting too old for this shit.
bump general
Come on guy, post a thing so we can judge you. Jk referer to: >>28542204
We're desperate for green, especially new fresh green
so long as you post anything there wont be judgement
Someone give a prompt
Anon is in prison for making a joke to twilight about how she's alone, sent to prison for making the princess of friendship cry. He is then tasked by celestia to actually make a friend, but no pony wants to befriend him due to his past.

IDK, I drunk as fuck.
Don't know why I did this but...

>Be Anon in Equestria
>You weren't sure how you'd gotten here but you do know that you'd awoken cold, shivering and naked in a small field beside a purple unicorn
>She'd essentially abducted you, forcing you to stay in her massive crystal keep for your "protection"
>What you needed protection from was her!
>Twilight was her name. She was simultaneously a princess of... Friendship? and some kind of wizards scientist
>It only took two days of non-stop questioning for you to start searching for a way out. But the place was so large you could never seem to find the exit
>Unless Twilight had cast a spell to stop you from seeing the door
>Without a physical exit from the torture of living with the mare you tried the next best thing
>Making fun of her
>From what you could tell she was very innocent and sensitive and the only other creature you'd seen her with had been that tiny dragon waddling the corridors (probs another abductee)
>So you'd made fun of her for being the only friendless princess of friendship in existence
>Her reaction was... strange
>She'd cried fiercely after you'd said that and before you knew it you found yourself in prison
>Literally before you knew it too. You'd been teleported there before Twilight had even stopped crying
It's better than a bump that's why I did it

>Now in prison you'd met the warden
>A fucking god. Celestia, all white and glowing
>Apparently another princess too. This one you would not be making fun of, or you might suffer a worse fate than prison
>As it turned out such a fate was actually quite cushy
>It was less a prison, more a day spa
>You'd been sentenced to an indefinite detention until you'd made a friend
>That had seemed very odd, until you remembered it was the princess of friendship that put you here in the first place
>And so you went about making friends
>A task you actually found near impossible
>For having been kept trapped within Twilights castle you'd never been exposed to their ludicrous, childlike, society
>Consequently everything you did came off as aggressive or mean in some way
>You even had to start tip-toeing because your footsteps were so heavy and loud they would scare the other inmates
Sorry it's in 3 small segments

>Not even the evil black suits wanted to be around you after hearing you'd made the princess of friendship cry
>Apparently she'd saved the world half a dozen times and was coveted as some sort of worldwide hero
>That, according to the one guard who'd talk with you (Cookies 'n' Cream), made you a worldwide not-very-nice-person
>You'd asked her why she, out of everyone else, was willing to speak with you. Apparently no pony could out tough, out scare, or out care her, so upon hearing of your crime and subsequent lack of friends she'd taken it upon herself to set you straight
>Weeks end up passing and you still fail to make any friends
>Well, that's what you tell Celestia, for if you admitted you and Cookies had become so close she'd let you have a crack at rubbing her fluffy little belly, you'd be set free! Cookies was all you had in this world, you couldn't leave prison now!
>You were also not too sure about the belly rubbing thing in this society. It all seemed very... lewd?
>You and Cookies had been chillin' in your room when it happened
>She'd lazily rolled over while reading a book and you just absent mindedly went for it
>You hadn't realised anything was up until you saw how cherry red she'd become and that she said you were to never tell anypony about what happened as such relationships were not allowed between guard and inmate
>You hadn't questioned it. But hey, you got to stay in prison and even better, she said you could pet her whenever you liked, so long as it was private
>You'd readily agreed to that. Nothing more therapeutic than petting a little pone
>As an added bonus your lack of apparent friendship was driving Twilight crazy, something you took endless pleasure from
>You are Anonymous, the fake friendless
Because they're already cute. The fact that they're in their own version of prison only makes them cuter.
stay alive bump
Were are my pones?
Good evening fellow inmates!
I hope you had a tasty dinner!
The warden would like to remind you to not drink caffeinated drinks past this time.
Also, thanks to Princess Luna we now have a new late night club, the anon nightmare prevention cuddle team! The warden would like to remind you once again that to anon's species, cuddling is NOT lewd.

As for the reason this new new club is being created, to quote Princess Luna "If I have to hear 'House of the Rising Sun' and smell napalm in the morning again I will skullfuck anon".

On that note, please welcome our new inmate Princess Luna!

As always have a pleasant evening here at Second Chances rehabilitation center!
>House of the rising sun.
Fuck yeah, I would've expected fortunate son.
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Anon in Pony Prison who happens to be a crazy WWE enthusiast.
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funnily enough, fortunate son actually put us in the mood for killing gooks
we were all in the shit together, so the sooner we killed em the sooner we would get home

rising sun just reminds me of all the villages on the trail we had to make sure weren't there in the morning

anyways my sleepless night is y'all's benefit, so hopefully I'll have something done soon
>Uhh... so, Mr. uhhh...Anonymous, your arrest report says you 'Held a schoolhouse hostage, threatened to hug the life out of one of your hostages, and traumatized over 50 ponies'. D-does that sound correct s-sir?

>You give a huff of air as you stare at this too cute for words pony dressed in her utterly adorable guard uniform

Yes, ma'am, I confessed to all of that already, I take full responsibility for my actions, so just tell me the length of my sentence and I'll get out of your hair ma'am.

>Well sir it says here you're also receiving a drastically reduced sentence for 'throwing yourself on top of military grade frosting grenades in order to save your hostages', but you'll still be serving a rather lengthy time of...

>You feel your heart sink like a stone as the guardsmare begins to sniffle and tear up.
>You knew already what you did was a serious crime, and you still feel terrible for doing all that while suffering a severe flashback, but considering your age, you may have just shown up on a new planet only to get thrown into prison for the rest of what life you may have left.

>'O-o-one year here in Second Chances!' the guardsmare sobs out

>...Or maybe you'll be spending much less time here than you thought.
>You turn to your silent companion, a mask wearing pony dressed head to dock in what you guess is tactical padding and saddlebags.
>Despite your companion's silence you could tell he was just as scared as you were, shaking a little bit in his boots
>You both had been thrown into the paddy wagon, and from what you could overhear, mister mask here had activated some kind of grenade launcher, the same one that fired all those grenades you gathered up and thrown yourself on.
>Apparently that was worth sharing a jail cell with you.

So how long is my friend here gonna have to spend with little old me?

>Both ponies stiffen up a bit, while the guardsmare flushes a bit before shuffling through her records
>M-miss Solid Fuse here will also be spending a f-full year here at Second Chances, for traumatizing over 50 ponies, and using military grade equipment against her superior's orders.
>The poor pony starts to bawl her eyes out in earnest now while trying to lead you towards the prisoner check in
>It's gonna be a very long day
>You take that back, it's gonna be a very long year here.
>These ponies operated with a rather lenient system of 'rehabilitation'
>Nice cozy rooms, crying ponies, activities, field trips, a full buffet of actual good food, lots of crying ponies, rewards for good behavior and participation, suggestions and complaints box, music rooms, job finding, more crying ponies

>Christ it's like someone took a look at a Swedish prison and said they could do better
>Still all the ponies that started crying when they heard you were serving a year sentence you could have done without
>You're too damn old to comfort crying females that barely reached mid thigh
>You have to admit you were pretty shocked that Solid was going to bunk with you
>Something about not wanting to separate friends
that it for tonight you little bastards, my shaking finally stopped, so I'm gonna try and get some beauty sleep

solid romance possible, upcoming possible romances are the mad scientist, luna, a guardsmare, and a nurse
let me know what you think, and feel free to add some suggestions
here's to you, you little bastard, for making me get off my tired ass and writing

glad you're enjoying my little snippets
Romance with luna not sure why but I feel like that could be interesting
This is nice. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes
This is an amusing read
It's feeling lively again in this thread
Why does she have a beak?
I can provide only a small update; I've been rather busy playing with life. Also sorry if I wrapped this up too quickly, I just want it to be over so I can move on with the story with a 1-UP on sexy cuddle mares.

>”Yep, god of chaos he said.”
“Chaos and all thing evil! That fact he gave you the rose makes this all the worse!”
>”How so? He said he’s reformed and besides, he held no control over what I did with that flower, you shouldn’t shift the blame to him. It’s my responsibility to make things right.”
“Reformed or not you can’t trust him. Heck how do I he wasn’t just controlling you!?”
>Soft Cotton looks up and recoils back, looking at you as if you were possessed, which they now thought you were
>”Calm it there girls, it’s only me up here.”
>You rap at your head emphasising your words
>”Trust me, Luna tried to get in and regretted it.”
>The mares ease back down and you resume scratching their ears
>”I’m not sure how but I’ll make things up to you Ember… And for what it’s worth if I wasn’t already hitched I’d marry you in a second, you’re a lovely mare.”
>She looks at you with the hints of a smile on her muzzle. Some pony must be feeling a better
“Thank you Anon, but-“
>Cotton jumps in before Ember can finish, a knowing grin on her face
>She was up to something
“But, you’re not married Anon!”
>The grin would seem contagious as it moves to Ember
“No… no you’re not! You’re in a herd! Anon you’re in a herd! Why didn’t you tell me that!? Oh wait… eheheh.”
>Cotton takes over yet again
“So!? So you can let Ember join our herd!” She bursts out “You said you wanted to make things right, this is how to do it!”
>Ember looks at you with tremendous hope in her eyes
>”Wait, I’m allowed to just add ponies to our herd? Don’t you girls have a say?”
“Well yeah we have a say, but also no. The stallion makes the final decision on these matters.”
>”And you’re fine with a new mare? A moment ago I could have sworn you thought something a little different.”
“Because I thought you were /marrying/ her. As in leaving us! I honestly couldn’t give two feathers if another mare joined our herd, Silver Linings and Krystal Shear might be annoyed but there’s nothing they can do about it, and like you said, you need to make things right.”
>You look over to Ember, who’d been patiently waiting
>”And would this really make things right? Would you honestly still join me after all I’ve done?
>She nods vehemently
“And W-would you truly allow me into your herd?”
>”Would I? Hmm? Do you remember all those wonderful things I keep saying about you?”
>She nods
>”Well then you should know my answer.”
Three small chunks, I have a bad habit of that. This wasn't grammar or spell checked either, not a lot of my stuff is actually, sorry for that

>Craning your neck forward you boop your nose against her muzzle
>When you pull back her white cheeks had blossomed a crimson as bright as her mane
>”Welcome to the herd.”

<| °_° |>

>The mood had been elevated to an all-time high in that tiny back office
>Fittingly you enjoyed yourself a romantic, and enormously happier, snuggle with your old and new mares, and yet another check-up from Soft Cotton to make sure you weren’t permanently hurt
>You had no idea how but out of the darkness a light had emerged and from the most mortifying, distressing, situation of your life you’d come out of it better off
>Eventually the three of you excused yourselves from the gym and set out to find Silver and Shear
>Those two should hear the news right away
>Before leaving you’d asked Platinum what Soft Cotton had said to everyone after attacking you
>Apparently you had a very large spider on your face and were allergic
>A good enough lie to fit her overreaction and one you’d gladly go along with
Getting some domestic abuse up in this relationship lol
>Ember had told Witlick she’d joined your herd and the researchers cut short their study for the day in lieu of preparing a celebration back at the university for her
>She informed you however that when she was around, the study never true ended
>There would be a lot of explaining in a future with her
>She’d also informed them of your contact with Discord
>That had sobered them all up and you’d been instructed to not meet with him again
>The dude was a god though, if he wanted to talk with you there wasn’t much you could do to stop him
Satisfying conclusion
good end to a good arc, nice job
better than captain planet.
so now that its over, tell us why do you use the Lone Digger thingie as a transition?
I just like the band Caravan Palace
Would Maud be into Jailhouse Rock?
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do you even have to ask that?
seriously, it's got 'rock' in the song title
>Currently you found yourself plodding across the prison grounds in search of your other mares
>Much to Ember’s delight you were carrying the two you had with you, she was in your arms and Soft Cotton rode over your shoulders and head
>Other ponies would look on with jealousy as you passed
>Maybe being carried was a status thing?
>Your first and obvious destination was your room, as far as you knew Silver was still in bed
>It had been the right choice
>Approaching your cell door you overhear the unmistakable sounds of two excitable ponies in the room beyond
>Pushing the door open you walk in on the two mares
>Silver was twirling through the air, dressed in the near royal looking regalia you’d gotten for her
>Shear had her muzzle buried in the small pile of enchanting books you’d stolen from the forbidden library. The zebra jewellery you’d purchased was wrapped tightly around her slender neck
>You were planning on giving her those with a bit more ceremony than what had happened, but a curious pony’s no match for your plans
>Silver stops flying once she notices you, looking away embarrassed at having you watch her unknowingly
>She lands beside Shear and prods her into awareness

>They both focus on the red and white unicorn in your arms
>”… Surprise?”
>Silver’s hoof smacks into her forehead
“Must have been some gym session Anonymous.”
>Shear just shakes her head at you
“This is why I can’t leave you alone.”
>”So neither of you are mad?”
“Disappointed.” They reply in unison
>”That’s woman talk for mad.”
“Disappointed.” They say again
>You crouch down to let Ember and Cotton get off
>”Do you forgive me?”
>Shear looks over her books and Silver her dress
>They nod curtly
>Hah, you’d pre-emptively gotten apology gifts for them
“I do so hope you girls don’t resent me for this.” Ember says
“I don’t know what happened but I’m sure it’s not your fault, err... What was your name again?” Shear replies awkwardly
“Ember Heart.”
“Well then welcome Ember.” She turns upon you “And Anon?” She says with an evil look in her eye
>”No more mares in this herd, cross my heart. But you two would get along, you both dabble in magic and are super adorable!”
>You get angry stares all round
>Whatever, you think they're adorable
“We should celebrate then.” Soft Cotton proposes “This is typically a happy event after all and I’m sure Ember’s overjoyed.”
>”That’s a great idea! Ember do you want a party?”
>Her hoof strokes at her chin
“Well my colleagues are giving me one back at the university, so maybe something a bit more low-key, so we can all get to know each other.”
>The four of them get to thinking and all burst out at the same time
>”Isn’t dinner soon?”
“We can skip it tonight.” Cotton answers
>That worked for you and apparently everyone else
>”I’ll go make some food at the cafeteria for us then.”
“I’ve told you before Nonny! You’re not allowed to do that!” Silver scolds
“Besides I have a weeks worth of sandwiches from Cookies ‘n’ Cream.”
>”Let me guess? Hay and sunflower petal?”
“How’d you know?”
>”Sheesh. You can bring those but I’m still going to have to make food, food I can eat.”
“But, but…” She sighs “Fine. They’ll be preparing dinner though, there won’t be room for you to cook.”
>”I’ll figure something out.”
>You look about at the eager ponies
>Such an odd society
>You’d just accidentally proposed to a girl, then gotten her to join your weird polygamy ring and all you had to deal with were a few peeved mares you could console with food
>Life here was getting easier
>”So girls, this wonderful family of mine, who’s up for this picnic?”

<| °_° |>

>Sure enough they were cooking dinner, or, /he/ was cooking dinner
>It was just one pony, a unicorn stallion slaving away at a “Hot-but-not-hot-enough-to-burn-you-because-that-would-be-dangerous” oven as he put it
>He’d refused you entry until he’d finished preparing dinner
>That had disappointed you, until his horn flashed once and the piles of raw ingredients scattered about the kitchen transformed into perfectly cooked and presented food
>Watching that you can only imagine the reason ponies have any technology is because of Earth and Pegasus ponies
>Why would a unicorn need such things? They could do almost anything
>With his job complete he couldn’t care less what you wanted or why you were in the kitchen or if you were even allowed; much to Silver’s annoyance
>For the first time she was seeing the inadequacies of the prison’s security

>With the kitchen free you look about for what’s available to eat
>You start with grabbing various fruits, tossing them into a basket letting each of your mares roam around your feet as you went along
>It wasn’t long before you had to put a stop to that however
>They’d each gotten themselves worked up over the new girl and were excitedly dashing to and fro, attempting to beat you to your destination as you prepared, constantly asking what you were doing, telling you to be careful with the knives
>It had rapidly become too hazardous for you to work with the imminent threat of stepping on an excited pony ever looming
>So you picked them up one by one and made them sit on one of the benches
>With them out of the way you could get down to business
>You’d never had so many ovens and ingredients available to you at once, you could make so many things!
>By the end you’re left with a reasonably sized vegetarian quiche, half a dozen chocolate chip and half a dozen banana and oat muffins, fried veggie balls and some meat variants for yourself, grilled peach salad with lime juice, and you’d scored some salmon, cheese and, crackers
>It was times like this you were glad you’re mother had been a chef, and that for whatever reason this prison had an inordinately expansive selection of available ingredients
>For refreshments Ember zapped several lemons into a jug of ice cooled lemon juice
>God magic is so fucking amazing!
I did it again :(
That's all for today

>With everything ready to go, Silver’s sandwiches included, you all shamble from the kitchen
>You were last out, having snuck to the pudding fridge, scooping a dozen cups into your picnic basket
>Heheh, you were a master thief and it would be a neat surprise for the girls
>”So where do you want to set up?”
“I have a place in mind.” Replies Silver

<| °_° |>

>The place she’d had in mind had been the top of the small hill where she’d first met you; you know, after having fallen in a pond and mistaken you for a dragon
>Such a silly pony
>It was the perfect place, private and yet it provided a near perfect view of the entire prison grounds
>The place was god damn huge! It was essentially a small town
>But by the number of ponies put in here for sneezing without covering their mouths it made sense that the place had to be big
>You’d never really considered the crime rates in Equestria, 90% by the look of it
>Spreading out a blanket you set up your dinner/picnic
>The basket and utensils had come from the guards lounge
>According to Silver they had several ready-to-go emergency picnic baskets at all times
>This world just seemed to provide solutions to all those little things that made life so hard back on Earth
>It being her celebration Ember was placed beside you, Shear managed to claim the opposite side before either remaining mare, so they sat opposite you
>They scooted so close in the end that it didn’t really matter, everyone’s plates colliding in a centre point around yours
>You dig in, spending a few minutes in silent bliss, the sounds of fervent chewing and slurps a testimony to your cooking skills
SOON you little bastards
till then just hold your horses
Just trying to keep the thread alive till then

>After a long day of being shown around the various clubs and activities that were mandatory you finally get some peace and quiet in your new cell suite
>Breathing in deeply you digest everything you learned about the color coding system and glance down at your red armband
>Red for 'Aggressive and Dangerous'
>You look over to Solid, sleeping soundly in her much smaller bed, still covered in her tactical gear, wearing a purple armband
>Purple, for bringing harm to others through negligence or disobedience

>One year, that's all you have to survive
>All things considered, it's not so bad since the cafeteria serves meat

>You stare up at the soft blue glow in the dark star painted ceiling you feel your mind drifting and a few tears in your eyes

>You quickly clamp down on your emotions, just like you were trained to do
>Tomorrow, you have to get as much intel as you can about this strange new world you've stumbled into
>Giving a small thanks for the lack of pain in your limbs tonight, you slow your breathing down and pray for a dreamless sleep
Canterlot 03:12 Hours
Royal Castle

>A large figure sits on a chair, draped in a warm blanket and surrounded by empty mugs of hot chocolate
>She tries to get the horrible images of war and death out of her head
>Camouflaged ape like soldiers entering a hut with a crying baby, picking up the baby and exploding into pieces
>A flying metal beast filled with more ape like creatures, smoke spewing out of it as the beast spiraled towards a jungle
>Songs about bad moons, pigs and no one to depend on accompanied by strange high pitched guitars and zebrician sounding drums

>The figure wails for the things she's seen, and the things she knows she will keep seeing
>She will have to track down the source of those horrible nightmares
>But she knows she can only pinpoint the dreamer by visiting their dreams a few times

>She knows sleep will not be an escape from what she's seen
>But she has to find this Alice, who seems to know
this one was very tough to write, and I had to do a lot of rewriting

I'll probably have to comeback and rewrite this someday

hope you little bastards don't mind but I think I'm done for tonight

have fun guessing/listening to all the songs I sneak in through the story
call the ponice, I don't give a fuck
Keep it up then.
warden pone is not for sexual
Purple is a sexy colour
>high pitched Guitars
>nigger drums.

No doubt, it has to be Sympathy for the devil-Rolling Stones.
If not, damn.
Citation needed
Implying linguistic skills, kek. tfw I have a lot written but there's just a few lines here and there that I'm not really feeling. Really stubborn to post when it comes to that, I'm sorry.

It's on hiatus for now. Having too much fun whit current story.

pre-sleep bumperino
What's your current story?
That's so fucking cute. I wish I had friends too.
keep this alive till tomorrow for green
>Having friends
Hey, do you have original Equestrian Inmate story somewhere? On your pastebin all it says is "due for a rewrite".
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green later today
Where they at doe
>implying lightning would be the rape-ee and not the Raper
u wot
I'm tired as shit mate.
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if you're pretty sure you're beak, do NOT look in any mirrors. Some people's beaks switch to nightmares because of that and they lose lucidity.
Anyone has the original Equestrian Inmate green? I suspect it will never be rewritten..
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"The words aren't coming, they just aren't there!"
>my fingers are tapping but the paper is bare.
>i'm wracking my brain, hoping to find,
>some small little snippet or inspirational line
>but oh to my woe and despair I have found all my words and phrases are nowhere around!
>My soap has run off, my characters gone on a far off vacation, somewhere in the celestia sun.
>I'm not quite sure where, but one thing is clear Wherever they are that wherever's not here!
>So I sit and despair and lament my woe, I've nowhere to look and nowhere to go!
>Without my plot, editor and script, this night is a bust, a real sinking ship.
>I wish you'd come back, you darn little things you've stranded your Author, now a bird without wings.
>But one thing is true, despair awaits when you return'cause you can't stay gone forever...and now i'm too tired to rhyme the end.

>Hatefully yours, the tired trash author

I was actually thinking Santana, anyways thanks for keeping it alive, have some late green small update

>You feel yourself slowly awaken, sun shining gently on your face, and a warm body next to you
>Yawning softly you notice a distinct lack of aches and pains in your limbs
>Strange, the last time you felt so healthy was back in your 20's
>You quickly put it out of your mind to focus on the bigger picture

>Namely, intel gathering
>You already know you're in a new world, one with magic, adorable and rather cuddly ponies, and a rather... lenient punishment system.
>The prison guards actually didn't bother patting you down or checking for weapons, instead just asking if you had any sharp objects or files in your pockets
>You said no, but they forgot to ask if you had anything anywhere else, so technically you weren't lying about the bowie knife/CW9 you had stashed in your boot
>Your tablet was still in your inner vest pocket, so at least you've got some entertainment in the form of SD cards filled to the brim with movies and books

>Then again, after having seen the relative tech level you doubt you'll be getting a recharge anytime soon, so the keyword for the damn thing will probably be conserve.
>At least you've got your vices too
>1 small flask of fireball whiskey, 2 packs of cigarettes, and a small tin of expensive cigarillos

>Which you'll probably never be able to obtain again once gone

>You knew you were going to hell for the things you've done, but you never expected it to be this...cute.
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>First Pony Porn: Human edition
The tragic finale
Beware, feels might break your sweet tender little hearts
10/10, I cried.
> 10
Who wrote the one about humans being elder gods? With Discord having brought Anon in to deal with some horrible evil amalgamation of evil thoughts and emotions?
Is that story still alive?
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Hey guys. It's me again. I'm back I just koved in to my new home at long last!

Also I just had surgery on my dick! Isn't that wonderful?!
>surgery on my dick
But seriously, stop being turds.

Yea tho. Had a lump that needed to be removed.
Holy tit waffles there's lots of blood.

I'll write more tomorrow I hope. I'll finish the demonic prison green I had going with the sexy skelepones
That was good shit.
Offer up a tribute to take the position of little spoon in my bed and I'll update tomorrow after I've had breakfast.
I mean, I ain't gay, but I will totally play cuddleslut and take one for the team.
The best I can offer is some green later today
horse is ded
bein ded is a crime
to the prison you go
Fuck me. I didn't even realized I did that. May or may not have been shitfaced. Hold on. I have a copy of everything on google docs.

Being the little spoon would allow me to curl up into a ball so it can't be th-that bad. You'd be gentle, right? I'd be my first time.
Careful, you might end up with a whole bunch of Anons curling up with you in bed all snug-like
N-not that I'm jealous of that o-or anything!
Who's Anon gonna stab?
Both of you get in the bed, so long as you're 5'10" or shorter. I could go 5'11" Gentle is intended but not a guarantee, I'm known for the occasional bear hug
I'll take it.
Come join us

Btw this is more of an interlude arc now.

“This is amazing anon. I wouldn’t have pegged you for a cook. What’s your secret?” Ember asks
>”Like I told Silver a while ago, the secret is love… and salt.”
>She ‘daws’ at you, rubbing her head into your side, poking you painfully with her horn
“No wonder they’re so good.”
>Oh yeah, love was an actual ingredient used for cooking in Equestria
>Silver had been fidgeting the whole time you’d been eating, and at Ember’s initiation of conversation it was clear she was about to burst, but Ember had yet to finish, cutting her off before she’d even opened her muzzle
“Speaking of love that reminds me of something.”
>Her horn glows and the Blood Rose appears, its petals still swirling with pink smoke
“We have to do something about this.”
>”Really? I kind of thought we’d gone over this like half an hour ago.”
“We did, but the rose is still active. We can’t just leave it.”
>”Can’t we?”
>Shear pipes up
“You gave her a Blood Rose Anon!? No you can’t just leave something like that! This is super serious, especially if it’s active.”
“There’s a reason they’re worth more than a house.” Silver comments
>… More than a house? Good fucking god it’s a wonder Ember didn’t have a heart attack after you gave her that
>”What were we meant to do?”
“Eat it at our wedding, but herds don’t have weddings.”
>”Right… Could we just eat it now?”
>She looks stunned
“I’d never really thought of that as an option, there’s usually so much ceremony with these things.”
>”Cool.” You look around at your mares “So, who wants to eat a living fortune? Err, I mean flower.”
>You’re met with shocked silence
“You can’t share a Blood Rose between more than two ponies!” Ember shouts
>”I say this a lot, but, why not?”
“Because it’s powered by the love between /two/ ponies.”
>”Why can’t it be powered by more? I love you all equally.”
“Because, because… uh?”
>She looks around for help among the other girls but no one has an answer
>”… So then, who want’s some rose?”
>Still no one speaks so you take the rose from its cylinder of goop, which dissipates into the air, and pluck out five of its petals
>You place one in each of their drinks, including your own
>”Well… Drink up then!”
>Before they can object you down your glass of lemon juice, petal and all
“Anon wait! What have you done!?” Ember cries
>”What you wanted me to do, I ate the flower.”
“I haven’t told you the risk yet!”
“The rose may need love to work, but it also needs actual magic, something you don’t have. For all we know it could induce your chaotic magical effect /indefinitely/.”
>A mighty rumbling comes from your stomach
>”You know I am feeling a bit light headed, and I feel something strange happening inside me.”
>”Oh god, oh Argh! It hurts!” you yell out in feinted panic, drawing the anxious attention of your girls
>You release you’re ‘strange’ feeling
>A mighty belch that echoes across the grounds and leaves you grinning
>”You know what, I think I’m going to be fine. Come on everyone, drink!”
>It takes a while before any of them make a move for their drinks but eventually, after waiting to see if you’d go magic crazy, Ember takes her glass from the ground and moves it to her lips
>She sips up the petal and chews it before swallowing
>With an odd puff a soft golden shimmer flies out from her body as if she’d levelled up, dissipating to nothingness a short distance into its flight
>”So what’s this meant to do exactly?”
“Well aside from the whole magic fusion thing it um… I can’t quite remember. I think it was something about giving couples confidence during their wedding, which is strange considering most eat it at the end or even post wedding.”
>Strange indeed
>Shear excitedly downs her drink with Silver and Cotton following
>Each time it has the same sparkling effect
>Nothing much else happens
>”Was that it?”
>It would seem you’d spoken too soon
>Your vision is overcome by a blinding light as you feel some ethereal part of yourself being torn away
>It was as if part of your soul had been removed leaving you feeling resoundingly empty
>But the feeling passes as four foreign fragments move in to perfectly fill the empty space
>An overwhelming happiness passes through you but it quickly fades
>Your vision returns from whiteness to reveal your mares had been through the same ordeal
>Everyone upon the hill was grinning ear to ear
>That was some good magic flower
>”What was that?”
“Magical fusion Anon… we’re together, forever, all of us!” Ember answers you
>”Well it felt amazing, we need more of these roses.”
“You can only do it once I’m afraid.”
>”So then what happened to me not having magic?”
“I’ve no idea, hopefully Princess Twilight will be able to shed some more light on your… condition.”
>”Good to know. Anyone feeling more confident yet?”
>Heads shake
>Aside from the fusing part this was a little underwhelming. A wedding really would have given the moment more flare
>”No me neither… So, who wants muffins then?”
>Four little hooves shoot into the air and you distribute your sweetened bread treats
>They were well received and suited the pleasant mood around you
>Once you finish you lay down, close your eyes and stretch out contented
>So good!
>A soft tickling at your legs gets you to look up
>Soft Cotton had positioned herself lengthways between them, resting the back of her head on your thighs
“Is this alright Anon?”
>”It’s perfect.”
>That would seem an invitation to the others, as Ember curls up beside your hip, patiently awaiting your hand
>Silver swoops up and flops down between the crook of your arm and the side of your chest, her leathery wings stretching over you
>You look around for Shear to find her still noshing upon her muffins, simultaneously struggling to keep her face clean
>She had her priorities straight
>”This is wonderful girls.”
>A dreamy sigh from each is your only response
>”Hey Silver you looked just about to burst before, what did you want to say?”
“OH YEAH! Wait, it’s a bit private…”
>She leans into your ear and whispers
“I figured out you were an alien from our dream last night.”
>A brief chill of fear runs through you
>She senses your sudden worry as your body stiffens and immediately sooths your fears by lovingly burrowing against your neck with her muzzle
“I’m happy you’re an alien Nonny it doesn’t bother me. But I just wanted to get your permission to tell the other girls.”
>She looks at you guiltily
“I may have already told Shear though… She said she was fine with it, promise!”
>”That’s alright, you’ all had to find out sometime I suppose.”
“Nonny’s an alien!” Silver semi-shouts, bolting up from her laying position
>Jeeze you’d barely finished speaking
>Soft Cotton remains calmly laying between your legs
“Oh really now?” she says
>Silver looks disappointed by her reaction
“That’s it? Nothing else?”
>Cotton rolls onto her stomach to look up at Silver and yourself
“I already knew that, I did his physical remember. Also come on, there was no record of his species anywhere in any culture or history books.”
“So why didn’t you tell anypony!” Silver complains
“Doctor patient confidentiality. Anon hadn’t told anypony so I assumed he wanted to keep it a secret.” She states simply
>Daw, what a sweet pony
Fuck! Every goddamn time! I'll think about updating more someday

>You lean down and scratch behind her ears, drawing forth a satisfied sigh
>”You’re such a nice pony Cotton.”
>Silver looks over to Ember, still curled up beside your hip
“And what about you newbie? No reaction either?”
“I was told by Princess Luna this morning before arriving.”
>Silver rolls her eyes
“Sheesh, this is old news then isn’t it?” She asks rhetorically
“Why was I the last one to find out then? I met him first!” grumbles Shear, who’d finally cleaned off her face and gotten her plate away
>”Luck of the draw dear, but I know how to make it up to you!” you chime in happily
>To Silver’s annoyance you take your arm from around her, sit up, and use it to snatch up Shear as she begins to approach the lazy pile
>You cradle her in your arm and she stares up at you, innocent of the imminent violation of her exposed belly
>In dive the fingers from your free hand, tickling furiously at the fluffy stomach
>Voraciously they move lightly along her body, eliciting a stream of giggles and wild struggles to free herself
>Stirring at you side alerts you to Ember’s furious blushing and awkward twitches
“Oh my. We’re in public Anonymous!”
>You continue tickling at Shear’s belly, just grinning
>Ember looks back and forth between Cotton and Silver
“Is he always like this?”
>They both nod as you finally relent your attack on Shear, who flops against your chest, panting heavily from her escape efforts
>”Forgive me for not telling you?”
>She smiles
>That’ll do
>Come join us
O-okay... I'm 5'7'', so I guess I qualify for little spoon
>tfw suddenly part of writer's herd
You must be adorable
I'm 5'7 too nigga.
S-st-stop it you...
>[flustered human noises]

One of us can be little little spoon
I like to turn around occasionally so I could get one either side and alternate spooning. I'm 6'4" so I could comfortably rest your heads under my chin.
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y'all niggas are a bunch of small cuddlesluts
tfw i will never know what it feels like being the little spoon being 2 meters tall
You're a beast. work out much?
tfw 6'1
I-I'll just curl up at the foot of the bed then ;_;
You can lay over the middle of everyone
Yeah, nah. I have no interest in being the little spoon. Ever.
meanwhile I'm over here guarding the front door with my trusty lever action rifle

green in a few hours
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What are you fucking gay?
>tfw mexican.
>I don't know, that's like 5,5 or something.

I want to die.
Wait, I'm 173 and google says that's 5'8
I counted wrong by an inch here >>28589700
So at least your a liiiiitle bit taller than me, fampai
when i can, just anything i can get done at home, and just enough to stay healthy
video games are a hell of an addiction and even worse now that i want to get into table top gaming
Tabletop games are amazingly fun with the right gaming store/group of people
I've still got my custom inquisition army and chaos space wolves for 40k
Skaven and Lizardmen for fantasy
German, Greek, UK, US armies for flames of war
Heavy Gear and Battletech for mechs
Star Wars X-wing miniatures
Infinity for cyberpunk games
Malifaux for steampunk games
I pretty much only play with my son and some of his friends these days, but that's because many of the shops nearby have closed down
Fucking manlets.
fucking hispanics you mean
how many of us are there anyways?
it feels like most of this thread is mexican/hispanic/latino
6'6 nord lurkin'
>“You can only do it once I’m afraid.”
S-So. No more marelet horses for Anon?
Spot on

I'm 4'1, i hate chair.
What about them? Also what baby? Honey Cakes'?
I think he is just sour that the entire prison won't be a part of this herd and the entire place won't become anon's love&cuddle castle.
That would be a terrible story
You can still join if you let me rub and squeeze your belly. Also you may have to put up with the occational possibly accidental boob fondle.

I still want to know about the baby. Anon can't get lewd with a babus.
S..shut up.
I will stab you I swear on me mum.
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>Anon can't get lewd with a babus.
>Anon goes to prison for getting lewd with a babus
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> Anon can't get lewd with a babus
Someone forgot the "I want to ____ princess Flurry Thread" ...
What is this, a sock for ants?
>"She said she was legal!"
This has taken a strange turn
"Goo goo gaga." Goes the babus
>it turns out she's been running a milk-smuggling operation out of some tunnels in the underside of Cloudsdale's cloud foundation
>Anon and mob boss Flurry "Baby Princess" Heart get thrown in the same jail-cell.
The adventures of Anon and babus Flurry the milk smuggler.
The premise is Anon's attempting to redeem himself for his crimes by being good and staying out of trouble while taking care of Flurry. The trick is she's still evil and constantly comitting crimes and dragging anon along with her, forcing him to foil her plans. I'm thinking they have a pinkie and the brain kind of relationship
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>Police pone: "We've got a tip about a smuggling operation, what's going on here?"
>Flurry Heart (mastermind and babus extraordinaire): "Mind your own busine- I-I mean... Gaga goo goo?"
>PP: "Aww. aren't you just precious!"
>Suddenly, wild henchman Anon appears.
"Boss Baby! You've got to try this minotits milk that I found! It's the bomb!"
>PP: "Minomilk? b-b-BOMB!"
"Oh, you've got a friend over, didn't see her there. Don't worry, there's more than enough for everyone. The whole basement is loaded with the stuff!"
Fucking genius!
meanwhile Anon is hoping that by having all the milk confiscated by the ponice, babus will give up her life of crime
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Wiggle eyebrow.gif
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I want minotit's to suckle at
Zew is so amazing
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That feels a bit blunt. This is some kind of conspiracy.
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>no changeling
>no minotaur
>no dragon
I had to bump with something true we were on page 9 only statistics and facts would save us
You already knew there wasn't going to be minotits. As for dragon I regretfully made the choice to have a straight Anon so dragoonus couldnt join. There will still be lewd with changelings... Eventually.
I have what I want overall for the plot but I'm not sure how to progress to the point of actual plot stuff happening, so there's probably going to be a lot of faffing about with horses until sudden plot heavy arcs and the story ends.
Checked bump
bandit pone when?
I've got to find something better to cuddle than a pink llama... so lonely
Watching on CRT TV or something.
>Ch-cheeki b-breeki?..
"Shhh... only cheeki breeki"
9 again
>officers Rarity and Applejack were some of the best cops that Ponyville had every seen
>but even they couldn't escape the long arm of the law
>now they're in prison with the same ponies that they'd helped lock away
>that's what happens when your boss catches you nose booping and rubbing bellies in the workplace.
No sane or at least relatively sane villain should EVER employ Anon.
Who needs heroes when your own tall green fool can effortlessly put an end to your ingenious evil scheme?
Anon should be blacklisted by the entirety of villain population of Equestria.
>Anon should be blacklisted by the entirety of villain population of Equestria.

>In Equestria, villains have a union
>Anon is blacklisted for inadvertently thwarting the schemes of several major villains
>Poor Tirek is still in therapy
>So much pasta... So many rubber ducks...
>Also, he failed to pay his dues for like five years in a row, so eventually they had to put their hoof down
They employ him for his monkey dik hands and their sweet rubs
Did that say pg.10?
Where all the writefags at? Is it a holiday 2day?
sorry, got busy with a painting commission
I'll get back to writing soon
It's Columbus Day
Bumplumbus day
Someone draw me a phish and I'll do a thing once I've finish playing fallout
A what?
a phish
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T-too lood.

I just had salmon and water spinach. So this is the kind of fish you're getting.
>Be Anon in Equestria.
>Ponies keep misbehaving.
>You decide to do something about it.
>You build a wall.
>You make the Equestrians pay for it.
>Mailed them an invoice and everything.
>You put on the final touch.
>A very special sign.
>"Equestria Prison"
>You have attached it to the side of the door facing inwards.
>Now the rest of Equestria is a jail.
>Ponies begin carving shivs and harmonicaing.
>A few ponies try to escape, but you have prepared for that too.
>A second sign on the other side of the wall's door reads "No escaping".
>Their pathetic pony plans are pfoiled.
>That was a silent p by the way.
>When they arrive at your wall they see the sign and return to their cells in despair
What a master piece. I love it.
>You lay down, wrapping Silver back in your arm, letting her draw close
>Your other hand drifts back to scratching Ember
>This was getting to be one complex snuggle operation
>You couldn’t scratch them all at once ;_;
“Ah, that feels amazing Anon.”
>For her previous objections Ember was certainly getting into it, pushing back harder and harder against your palm as it slowly moved back and forth along her back
>Actually, all your mares were really getting into it; each appeared desperate for your touch and all conversation had died away
>They held their small bodies tightly to yours, gently rubbing themselves against you
>You yourself were feeling compelled to cuddle up with them, you know, more than usual
>Their coats felt so silky smooth, soft, and warm to the touch, it was irresistible, never had you felt something so amazing
>Neither had they felt anything so pleasurable as your hands rapidly move between the tiny horses, each of their little chest tufts bursting out
>The supernatural joy that had overcome you early builds back up in your mind
>You could hazard a guess as to the other effect of the Blood Rose and why ponies ate it towards the end of their marriage
>It was some kind of toned down aphrodisiac for cuddles!
>Hehe ‘confidence enhancer’ indeed
>You certainly weren’t complaining, instead embracing the compulsion, delving into the depths of cuddle depravity
>No longer able to restrain yourself to just two puff balls you drag Soft Cotton and Ember Heart up beside Shear and Silver, forming a bundle of tiny ponies all squished up on your chest
>”I love you all so much.”
>This was the best god damn picnic
>With your arms around them all you squeeze tight in a loving hug
>Their phenomenally soft bodies squirm in your arms, each vainly struggling to return the embrace
>But you needed more. Having them mewling in your arms like this had made you ravenous
>Rolling over you release them, leaving them laying on their backs
>You loom over them with their small hooves reaching up for your contact
>God you would give it to them
>One hand darts to Embers belly, your fingers pushing down firmly on the thin layer of pudge, you move your hand up then back down, repeating the movement
“~Ah harder~” She cries out, pushing your hand down with her hooves
>Your other hand moves to Silver’s grey tummy, looking swollen and satisfied from the recent feast
>Repeating the same action as with Ember, only lighter to compensate for her fragile Pegasus body, yields you a much less commanding, yet visceral reaction
>She cries out in a disorienting mix of whinnies and bat screeches as your fingers show her heaven
>Even with the rose’s magic flowing within her the outburst still makes her cower behind her hooves in embarrassment
>It only fuelled your unusual form of arousal
>In response you pull out her one available wing and just barely press your fingers against the tough membrane, dragging them down the width of it like a feather's touch
>Her cowering ceases and her head lolls back, broken, rasping grunts and whimpers escaping from her drooling muzzle
>You could feel the skin over her wing tightening as it stiffened out
>Her other one had burst out from between her and Shear and was poking awkwardly in the air
>Thankfully it wasn’t too in the way of your activities
>The strange sensitivity of Pegasus wings gives you a wicked idea for Ember
>But your two sweet mares squished in the middle weren’t to miss out either and they came first for now
>Leaning down you begin placing light fairy kisses all over Soft Cotton’s chubby little stomach, eliciting a stream of laughter and moans all the while torturing Ember and Silver
>Your kisses move over to Shear
>Unlike with Cotton it wasn’t enough to satisfy
>Her hooves rise up around your head and force it down onto her gut, crying out in pleasure as she does so
>The position was a little too… suffocating for you
>Silver’s jutting wing slaps at the side of your head as you struggle around Shears naked and exposed belly in a vain effort to pull away
>You only succeed in making Shear moan and hold you tighter
>In the end you free yourself by blowing a raspberry, her laugher convulsing her body and weakening the vice grip of her hooves enough for you to slip out
>Whimpers from Cotton alert you to her lack of attention
>In an awkward manoeuvre you take your hand from Ember and move it to Cotton, while using your elbow to remain stroking the unicorn
>And you thought this was getting complex before!
>All the worse you still wanted more, god you /needed/ their soft warm bodies against you
>An idea sparks in your mind
>Stopping your hand from teasing Silvers delicate wing you push it under her and continue along until it was under the small of Shear’s back, holding the two mares with one arm
>You move to reciprocate the action for Ember and Cotton, but first…
>Your free hand sneaks up Embers body and hovers tentatively around her horn
>One by one your digits slowly wrap around it, your thumb gently rubbing its peak
>The whole thing fit nicely in your hand and was cool to the touch, not to mention smooth beyond belief, whether you were on Blood Rose or not
>With a technique you had mastered over your teen years your stroke up and down, massaging the tip with your thumb
>You did have two hands and in this state couldn’t let it simply rest under Shears back
>As you stroke with one hand your crawl the other up to Shear’s nape and rub at it as gently as you’d Silver’s wing
>It was as sensitive as you thought it would be, sending cool pleasurable chills down her spine, causing her body to quiver with tantalising ecstasy
>Your focus returns to the hand you’d left stroking Ember’s horn
>She’d gone quiet and her leg was twitching but that had not been what got your attention
>Her horn had gained a sudden warmth, it almost felt moist
>She cries out as a flash of light shoots along the length of her horn, covering your hand in a clear, sparkling and glowing liquid
>You figured something like that would happen
“Oh Gosh! I-I’m sorry Anon, that doesn’t usually happen so quickly.” She stammers, attempting to hide behind her mane
>She knew just what to do to invigorate your peculiar lust
>Actually anything sent you crazy right now
>”You naughty pony you.”
>You finally resume your plan and, after wiping off your hand, scoop up Ember and Cotton with your other arm
>With all your mares in your grasp, looking up at you with such wide eyes, and having manoeuvred Silvers wing out of the way, you push all four of their bellies and your face together
>What followed would best be described as motor boating, just with fluffy bellies
>Blowing raspberries into each stomach as you go leaves your girls in hysterics, but none resist the assault
>Eventually you pull yourself out of the comfort wonderland you’d created, your arousal finally dulling, and look down at your panting and exhausted mares
>Now this really was lewd!
>”Do you girls need a rest?”
>They shake their heads vehemently and struggle to raise their hooves up but they collapse with exhaustion
>It didn’t take a lot to tire these ponies out, poor little things
>”I’ve got an idea.”
>Lifting the basket and dishes from the picnic blanket you wrap you and your mares up together
>To the very few onlookers in the prison grounds you would have looked a human-pony burrito
>You lay in the glorious afterglow of what was essentially an odd form of dry humping; four little ponies stacked on top of you, their tired panting breaths puffing over your chest
>Bliss, it was the only word for both how you felt and the looks on their faces
>You can cross a five-way snuggle with ponies off the bucket list now
>”Are you girls feeling alright?”
“W-was that the Blood Rose?” Shear struggles to ask
>”I’d say so, what do you think Ember?”
>The poor girl just whimpers and retreats beneath the protection of the blanket
>”What’s the matter with you?”
“Did you not just see what we did? I can’t let you see me right now.” Comes a muffles reply
>You reach under the blanket and pull the flailing mare back up, getting her to look you in the eyes
>”There’s nothing to be ashamed about. Not to boast but I think you enjoyed yourself, we all did to be sure, that’s no reason to be ashamed. Besides.” You say, brushing her mane from her face, “You’re not allowed to hide such beauty from your stallion.”
>She looks around, quite flustered, much to the other mare’s amusement
>”And like you told me, if you’re under the effects of magic, it doesn’t count, right?”
>She smiles and nods
“O-okay. There’s nothing to be ashamed about because it never happened.”
>”Whatever does it for you.”
“Hey I want it to count!” complains Shear
>”Well if you want it to, then it counts.”
“Does it really work that way?”
>”If you want it to.”
>She sticks her tongue out at you
“Your rules make no sense Anon.” She grumbles, before disappearing under the blanket
>By the look of the lump now traversing back and forth along the burrito you’d say she’s gone cave exploring Nyte Kroolers

beep boop
>>”And like you told me, if you’re under the effects of magic, it doesn’t count, right?”
>>She smiles and nods
You know. That almost sounds like rape. Britbong horse confirmed for nonconsensual snuggler. Such a qt
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563KB, 861x990px
You mean when we had good writefags?
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I'm 5'6". I fucking hate being short, chubby, and having a disproportionately large butt. I want to be the big spoon and such.
Tbh I wanted Platinum, a griffon, a diamond dog, a breezie and all of the changeling 'queens' to join Anons herd, as ridiculous as it might have been. Gotta get at least one of everything, and you can't split up the sisters.
Not sure if it's related but I gave each mare kink when I made their characters.

This story is increadibly long as is and I've only just got all the ponies in there, anymore and I'll never finish this
What are we going to name our edition?

How about
Op here, fuck you.
idk, let me done my story.
We could use some more writefags, or consistent posting
Zew your writing makes me wonder if I can fuck words, is that weird?
Fuck you we have Zew
You'll have to imagine this for yourself.
>Anon in Pony Prison #45: Police Edition

Oh, goodnight #45
Anything is possible
I like big butts.
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