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Thread replies: 487
Thread images: 87

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Not going to watch the preview, but which is her brother?

Tranny at door? Tranny in air?
skinny fag at door
dad it's in air
you know who's mom
/mlp/ on suicide watch.
The blonde one.

Sweater pone with stache and the glasses mare are her parents.
Not sure how to feel about this...
Fluttershy's mom and dad are pony versions of Freddy and Velma?
the yellow one with the pink mane?
huh, interesting parents of fluttershy, not as much resembelece as i thought there would be
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So what's the buzzword/argument for this episode going to be, I wonder? Cringe? Comfy?
probably cringe
He's more of a stereotypical new age hipster than anything resembling a brony though.
You know, it may not be a cringe fest after all.
the dad's mane looks like a pink anime turd on it
the son has a neckbeard and a loose "samurai bun"
not sure about the mother, but she has nice hair
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Does her brother have a man bun?
so any fag that you see in the line to checks-for-hobos?
we are going for a great start
Kill yourself
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>the shit I put up with
Dad's pretty much how I imagined, but I was hoping her mom would be the complete opposite, probably pegasus military, and the one she inherited the Stare from.
>That beta as fuck dad meeting the Lord of Chaos that destroys his daughter's crotch every Tuesday with his multiple dongs.

Why couldn't we get this instead of horsebun?
need porn with it.
is there another preview?
that cap was not from the EQD
She looks nothing like any of them, is she adopted? Why did they go with such an ugly green for the males? Also flutter brother looks like Matt the Radar Technician.
fuck off, nobody cares about you

Oh god this is gonna suck
she looks like she already gave up in life.
like if you tell her "your kid it's a neet, and your daughter an animal fucker" she breaks on spot. i though she would be more happy knowing that her daughter plays an important roll in equestria
Season 6 has been the cringe season so far, so yes.
It is, first second before it cuts away.
has got it going on
I see it now
your life must be extremely sad if you think that way of S6
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oh god
> wants to build a studio / meditation garden
> is a dirty hippie when I thought we were getting a cute shy nerd
Hasbro fuck youuuuu give me more Sunburst
God damn you Capper.
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If this sucks will Fluttershy episodes become the new Spike episodes?
Honestly, he is exactly what I had imagined. Dorky hair, beta as fuck, border line adorkable.
Please please please let them clean him up and get rid of his gross shadow beard it looks awful
Yes, her track record is pretty terrible.
God dam that's one tallfag.
Is this her first episode this season? I feel like she has been absent the entire season so far.
Your life must be beyond salvation if you need to defend S6 every time someone uses the word cringe to (accurately) describe it.
it is
Yeah, it's her first. Last episode where she played a major role was Hooffields & McColts last season.
fluttershy looks pissed
>tall and good looking
waht the fuck
Can we will out the Bingo now?
oh god, hasbro is taking the MAS fluttershy into consideration
Fluttershy has become completely devoid of character progression. Her personality resets to doormat every time she learns to be more assertive and she has no character arc. Her only purpose is to be a foil to Discord, and Twilight is more efefctive at that and Discord gets no more than 2 episodes a season to begin with.
Where's that faggot with the bingo chart, we can cross off mane 6 parents now.
>cringe to (accurately) describe it.
bullshit, quit using buzzwords you fucking mongrel
Thank Josh Haber.
>All the gay porn is going to be with Flutters' dad.

Well, it seems like Sunburst still reigns supreme as the ultimate fuccboi this season.
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Again, why do the fans make almost everything better?
We have not seen RDs mother.
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Not yet, we only mark them off after episode has aired, we could get more from the same episode after all.
That one is a given now though.

S06E11 - Flutter Brutter
When Fluttershy’s self-absorbed brother starts freeloading off their parents, she encourages him to move out. Unfortunately, he moves in with her instead, forcing Fluttershy to stand up to her brother and help him get over his fear of failure.

S06E13 - Spice Up Your Life
Pinkie Pie and Rarity are called to Canterlot by the map to solve a friendship problem. They discover a father and daughter whose relationship is strained as they struggle to keep their restaurant open.
S06E?? - Fault In Our Cutie Marks
-2 Discord episodes (possibly twoparter)
-2 more Spike episodes
-2 more villain songs
-Gabby the Griffon (can griffons have cutie marks?) episode
-Daring Do returns
-Possible Babs Seed return
-Possibly Felicia Day and William Shatner guest-starring
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Is that voice actor channeling some Steven Magnet?
but we saw her dad
it's good enough
I liked the idea that he was going to be building robots.
if that's the case, cross "FS learns assertivity again" while you are at it
i bet that's going to happen in the end of the episode
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>muh Newbie Dash

>don't feels like a MLP episode

Probably cringe or the parents stole the episode
eh, not what I was expecting

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They had to try really hard to make these designs worse than the worst fan work.
Sorry, the next time I use the word cringe, I'll spoiler it and use trigger warnings to respect your safe space, don't worry.
the porn, anon

think of the porn

He will probably change his hairstyle at the end of the episode

He will end like a pussy magnet or just another gay stallion for the gay thread
fuck off shitposter
what makes you think that this season has been cringe?
the season has been great so far
expected a basement dweller, got a hippie. Not what I was really looking forward to. Plus it's a Fluttershy episode, no high hopes.
her mom only goings to cover that quota
my incest fetish will have to do with lesbian daughter/mom action instead of shota/milf impregnation
trust me man, this episode made me lost a lot of good content
But the episodes get to both sides of the rating dramaticaly. Just look the change from SR&R to last week's. It's truly a mixed bag

>It's another fluttershy need to be more assertive episode

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>all the incest porn that will come of this


Rainbow is our last hope for any shota incest fanart
she already has a dad
and i bet next time they talk about her family, she will have an older brother
game over, man. game over
What about Twi and Spi?
Nothing will ever EVER beat TwilyxShiny. The definitive BrotherxSister relationship.

Rainbow look more like the type "daddy girl" that want to get married with her father.

I bet that she is girly as fuck with her dad around
>what makes you think that this season has been cringe?
I have these thingies.
Why not throw Spiky in for an incest three-way?
spike it's adopted!
doesn't count
either take the discussion seriously or fuck off
isn't that too fucking cliche?
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>halfway the season and haven't been able to mark off "just friends" yet
Velma is Fluttershy's mom.
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>Expected disgusting neckbeard basement-dweller
>Got failed hipster extraordinaire
Interesting, at least.

>Wanting to see Fluttershy fucked by something with a mun
Her mom is top unf tho.

Nigga, you're asking for him to re-hash arguments that made their way around the board not too long ago. It's kind of a waste of time, assuming you know what those issues were.
Maybe, but at least it'd be funny and not humdrum boring like this reveal.
Pfft. Wonderbolt episodes.
I'm not interested in that after seeing what they look like.
Do you expect me to write AGAIN everything I said in every fucking discussion thread so far? Fuck off. No, really, fuck off. FUCK OFF.
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God I hope they fix his hair. He looks like he's getting ready to crossplay as a geisha.
Is he the first sibling/old friend that isn't going to be loved by the fandom?
Why are you here?
I really wish he was building robots.
Do you expect everyone to have a file on your posts and arguments you've made?
If it's such a bother for you, link the guy the posts where you wrote out your what I'm sure are thoughtful opinions and criticisms. Can't take more than a couple minutes in an archive.
>all those animal figures

At least this means that Fluttershy did regular visits
These fucking colors. This fucking beard parody. The designers, they have no mercy.
Because corporate lawyers and marketing departments keep urging the writers to play it safe than risk offending anyone and losing profits to the resulting boycotts.
Sure, http://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/ FUCK OFF.
pegasus are so fucking rich they all have wealthy looking house
People didn't exactly love Shining Armor when he was introduced. Of course, that's probably just because Twilight hadn't mentioned him for 2 fucking seasons and then suddenly he was getting married. The surfer speech didn't help much either. I think people are mostly okay with him now, though.

It would be without all of that rainbow colored shit. Completely unnecessary; it almost feels like background designers have a color quota to meet with pony buildings, sometimes.
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i actually was wishing he'll get in the fucking robot
Are you perchance 15 years old or did your mom say that you won't get any chicken tendies for dinner today?
Shining Armor is popular with the target audience from what I have seen.
what is this robot meme?
Shining was just a "groom for the wife" type of character at the time. To be honest all his appearances so far have reinforced his character a bit.

Cadance is still meh-tier, tho
I thought they were gonna be tiny robots if anything.
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You know who flutter dad reminds me of...
shit man
his face is hitting my bells like crazy, but i can't remember
i know i saw him somewhere
Mr Harvy from the Lovely Bones
I posted a decent idea for an idea on how her brother could have been really great which involved him building and maintaining robots.

time to make some creepy fanarts
He's "generic pedo guy" from every piece of media containing a pedo.
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It's probably a reference to Evangelion. The male lead in that show was such a whiny spineless faggot (with a canonically small dick to match) that others around him had to repeatedly pressure him into piloting the title robot before he actually did it.
>"I'm not gonna hurt you Sweetie"
>"I have to go"
>"I don't want you to leave..."
Its a shit idea 2bh

Someone make this pls
>decent idea
He's the killer from The Lovely Bones, that movie about the little girl who gets killed and goes to heaven or something.
now i remember. he was a guy who kidnap, rape and murdered young girls, and kept their bones in safe boxes
i loved that movie
Alright, recreate this scene with Flutterdad and Sweetie Belle. Quads demand it
Helps that they can build whatever they want out of literally thin air.
What would you suggest instead? I mean what is wrong with it?
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We don't even know who's the writer. And it's already shit.
Took way too long for this to show up.
>fluttershy looks pissed on

maybe that would explain why flutter is shy as fuck.Her dad rape her daily and probably rape another fillies with the help of his daugther.
>"Would you like a refreshment Shweetie?"
Why does this look like an OC fest and not a well thought up family of Fluttershy?
>in a fantasy setting

It would be better for him to do something pegasus-related and not just do what fluttershy does with animals, but with robots. Something something clouds, weather etc
What is the point of introducing family members this late in the show? Shining Armor and Cadence weren't bad enough?

Especially Fluttershy who fell out of the fucking sky and never bothered to go back
It would explain a lot given the synopsis, it would also make it easier for Fluttershy to help him.
Current staff doesn't give a fuck about the show anymore. Lazy designs, lazy stories and even lazier writing. Literally they only care about the backgrounds, it's the only thing that has improved.
simbly ebin XD
>No mechanically inclined engineer brother

I am disappointed he is a hippie.
Just wait for the inevitable episode about Dash's parents we're probably going to have later this season.
Shining Armor and Cadance are show staples now.

A better complaint would be Maud Pie.
>"Do you have a coltfriend, Shweetie?"
>"See, I knew it, I knew you weren't like those other fillies"
why do they have ice cream manes

it pisses me off
Show staff aren't that creative, Anon.
It was specifically engineered with the purpose of pissing you off.

We saw Dash with her Dad or something early in the show


PInkie has always had a big family with multiple sisters, Maud and Co. were just putting more definition to them

Shining and Cadance literally broke Twilight's established character of being a sort of introverted person that never had deep relationships
She knew Moondancer and co. in the first episode.
>multiple sisters
"I've two sisters!"
"No, wait, I've three sisters!"

To attract fillies to rape them
Oh god, he's a dirty hippie.
Atleast they look better than fan creations.

Calm down satan, we don't need to ruin another character with creppy/edgy shit

Look like the type of milf that like to turn colts into stallions
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>"It's nice down here, isn't it? Shpecial"
>"Y-yes, it's very special"
You better learn to like him, siblings tend to be turned into secondary characters.
Flutterbrother design is quite shit

This episode will bring shitloads of gay pony porn
I'm calling it
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Usually I couldn't give a fuck if my headcanon turns out wrong but for some reason finally seeing Fluttershy's family is making me disappointed.
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>all those unfitting colours

Christ, the whole family look like they were coloured in by some kid with crayons.
We need those arts darn it
Can we all agree that we disappointed ?

better to be quick because derpibooru want to turn him into that icecream dude from doug Mr. Swirly and they have the artist to make that happen.
I can't wait for this episode.
This is going to be great.
Basically this >>27535651
I want to disprove it, but I can't.
there's art of her mom if you want
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>icecream dude

You know that is easy as fuck to relate the icecream with rape and serial murderers?
it's gonna be one of those painful to watch episodes which is bad because i waited for some decent Shy episode
but maybe i'm wrong, who knows
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I wonder if this will just be boring again.
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Oh fuck! He's green and DOES have a neckbeard!!

Forget the incest porn. I want porn of Fluttershy's mom.
Heh, nice
I hate you guys and your fucking negative attitudes.
>no wimpy robot building mastermind brother

I am disappoint.
Yet another bunch of ugly disgusting OCs for the sake of humour.

Just like Rarity's hilly billy parents.
It's been cringeworthy and empty since season 2.

The fact this fanbase is only noticing now is a clear fact of this 90s+ generation full of double standard retards.

Plus I've tried making a bunch of rants before about how terrible the show was since the beginning and how it became as bad as Adventure Time after Faust left, guess what they did: they still vomit it like it's shit. They still bitched back and told the "haters" to fuck off their pony show, including /mlp/. This fandom is retarded.
We got some great episodes like Saddle Row Review and Gauntlet of Fire.
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>doesn't like the show
>posts in a show discussion thread
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summary of this episode
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This is more accurate.
In that people will refuse to intelligently discuss them until she gets an episode that has nothing to do with her personality and she's thrown into a shallow generic adventure? Maybe. Her episodes aren't bad, though.
Why in the fuck are you here then?
>leaving out all the Dash episodes
Fuck off Dashfag!
This thread needs more HarveyShy
The opposite kind of happened with Spike.

Dash episodes aren't a meme.
I just wanted a fat depressed NEET to be able to relate. What is this shit?
She's hot.
I think someone predicted that Fluttershy's brother would be some kind of hippie which would explain why she became such good friends with Tree Hugger, since she reminds her of her brother. Judging from the preview that prediction was pretty spot-on.
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Sides over the sun by the look of Fluttershy's brother
Fluttershy's brother and Tree Hugger end up hooking up. Calling it now.
None of them look related.
>le Moe face
its shit already
>she became such good friends with Tree Hugger, since she reminds her of her brother.
Did she actually say that?
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>who pooed on Papashys head?
No this is all speculation either on the part of another anon or some comment on derpibooru, I can't remember which.
Oh gawd, I want to punch him in the face, so hard right now...
Imagine if they were stuffed animal figures...

It's over (same writer as Newbie Dash)
aw jeez
Well then go back to your fucking porn generals and stop talking about the show, fucktard.
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Alright, the ONLY way they can save this personality and design for her brother is if Fluttershy introduces him to Tree Hugger and they hit it off.

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Then it's not half as bad as I thought, I was dreading it would be Knack cornleaf.
So it will be okay?
Fluttershy episodes are always shit, this is nothing new.
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Newbie Dash wasn't so bad, it had me laughing at the time. But still not a good sign.
Maybe Discord will come to the rescue
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>just solve everything with shipping
That's your answer to everything shipfag and it never happens.
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hype intensifies.
There wil be more gay porn than incest or straight with this design
I personally had no problems with Newbie Dash except for the part where Dash decides to change her image by imitating the rest of the Mane 6. Everything else was almost spot-on about military life, which Josh Burner aka joshscorcher aka The Fiery Joker aka Commander Firebrand from FOBEquestria served in the US Marine Corps confirmed in a panel he shared with Silver Quill at Everfree Northwest that I attended.
>*who served
It's hard to proofread on a phone.
I don't see that much pr0n being put up for new character tb h

welp, just gonna to be a cringe as fuck episode that will be "good" become some tryhard faggot will cerrypick some context from his ass to "save" this episode.

At least this episode don't have something important for a main character
at least its not dusedau

there is still hope that his second episode may be good
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Fuck, I've been obsessed with the alicorn characters lately I've almost forgotten the character that I've liked from the beginning when I first started watching. She was my FAVORITE character for three straight seasons.

God damn is Fluttershy cute.
>future episode has them get married
>they elect to have a non-standard wedding involving some obscure tribal ritual
Theres going to be double date with them and FSxDiscord
Sounds fun.
Also RD trying to steal the spotlight at her first performance.
So what are we going to say about fluttershys hair?
The fucks with that?
Is she adoptimicated
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Hopefully we'll be alright then.
I'm just hoping we'll get to see him with his hair down before the ep ends.
Nigga, that shit needs a kun after anon
>he shaved
>he bathed
>he stills needs to lift
If he has his qtmark then he's probably already have a job, I guess?

Maybe he's just a huge sperg
B-but it's mint green.
Oh hey my favorite book back when I was in kindergarten
Congratulations, Fluttershy! You're the new Spike.
Why has he got Applejack's high society hairstyle?
I'll second that. It just seems safe and generic.
ND was a lame way for Dashie to become a Wonderbolt, but otherwise it wasn't awful.
she has her parents curly hair, her mothers yellow fur, and her pink hair is a combination of red(mother) and white(father), of course, in equestria hair and fur color is not determined by genetics, only the style of hair

though one has to wonder, why did fluttershy as a filly and her brother have such long legs, while every other filly and their parents look normal pony-ish?
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Episode is not even out jegus crist.
Doug and MLP already has a weird connection, with the humans being multicolored and all that, we don't need more
Will he mention tendies?
fucking normies
Since he's a hipster faggot he'll probably complain and maybe get a little violent when Fluttershy brings him popular brand products when he expressly demands only the most obscure brands sold only by a few select stores.
Thanks for confirming that it will be "Literally nothing" tier shit.
Fluttershy's bro is a weeaboo just like her. Soon he will live in Japony where they have real honor.
dont lie anon, its still your favorire book
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No no anon! You must breathe with your asshole!
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their mane styles kinda do look similar, but clearly not the same
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I don't know why Flutterdad dropping that freshly-caught cloud on the ground mad be feel sad.
Look how fucking disappointed he looks. Coupled with that voice, it's fucking heart-wrenching to me for some fucking reason.
This will be the only episode of the whole season where Fluttershy has a starring role, I predict. Maybe a few more episodes where she has a minor role, but this is it. Pity on the Flutterfag.
made me feel sad*
What the fuck did I type there? I am idiot please rape my facehole.
that's so you won't have to think about where Fluttershy got her...traits from for too long
The weird thing is they will introduce him and if this episode is bad they will just pretend like he never existed which will just be more awkward than it is now.
It's called "pity". It's weird when it's not used for an insult yes?

Birch Bucket/NEETbro when?
>Man bun
>It looks cute imo
Eh, I'm not mad/10
Shy's brother should be a reflection of every /mlp/ fan that suffers from autism, social anxiety, mental disorders and other issues. and Fltutershy should help him get out of shis shell, in her own way. a direct message to all of us to deal with the world as it is instead of hiding. a dedicated episode with a clear message, from Hasbro
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Jesus Christ. I just wanted a nice, respectable, semi-normal brother to fuck my little pony's pussy while she begs for him to give her a foal, and THIS is what I get? Some liberal hippy douche bag? Even her dad is kinda gay (at least he just seems like a sweet little beta, there might actually be more potential for gentle, passionate, and sincere loving between the two of them then that other queer)! The shit I put up with man... Fucking A. Sometimes I really wish the ride would end... God dammit.
wew. i meant mlp
Most of the fan works throughout the years were just shoddy recreations of Butterscotch, so this official design is probably the first case of being DOA despite only being known about for around a month and a half.
He wouldn't be expected to just man up and deal with it, himself, though. He has an adorable and kind sister to help him.
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There remains one missing mom. That we know may still be alive.
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>it's another Newbie Dash episode
it been like this since season 3
well, not just straight up. more like baby steps
He looks hot with him shaves and bath. Too bad it will not happen in canon.
Well, shit. There goes my "Flutterdad is basically pony Bob Ross" headcanon.
>i bet that's going to happen in the end of the episode
m8, did you not watch the preview? She's being assertive right there at the start. If she doesn't reach her breaking point until the end, that's just her getting fed up with bullshit like any sane person of limited patience.
I bet he has a Bernie poster in his room.
Anthro footsies between Fluttershy and her mom when???
Rainbow Dad raising Rainbow Dash alone might explain her Tomboy-ness.
i know that the writer it's going to just forget her assertiveness, and just write whatever comes to his head
before we know it, it's going to be "flutters learns to be assertive, episode #394"
>there are people who honestly thought he was gonna be a brony parody
>there are people who are disappointed he isn't
you don't bite the hand that buys your merch
porn isn't everything
You're an idiot.
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So basically a fucking jobless neckbeard brony episode. With an actual neckbeard. So basically babyboomer/genX using my favorite show to be condescending shitheads to the generation who's jobs they sent overseas, who's college savings they spent on themselves during the good years and who are going to fucking giggle at you when you walk away from grad school with $125,000 in debt and no real prospects for a job? Because they fucking took culture and pissed all over it with their fake pissing and whining about an economic recession that was 100% their own fucking fault?

Gee, maybe I could have one of the three jobs I was laid off from? Gee, maybe I could have the fucking job I spent 6 months trying to get and then an SJW decided a black girl needed more than me? Durr uh, we go be SENIORITY so since UR THE NEW GUY that means we gotta lay U off first.

You're a fucking cuck if you so much as finish the episode. Juts, genuinely, fuck this. No. Get fucked. Fuck your culture, you're a fucking cuck, fuck you.
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How tragic.
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>read synopsis
>be looking forward to the incest porn
>preview comes out
>the brother has an eyerape colour palette and the dad looks like Mr. Swirly

And I fully expect you to seize on the first instance of her being shy or quiet, just so you can confirm your preconceived ideas. Because that's the kind of person you are.
Now that's what I call projecting.
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Impressive memes, very nice. I am spending one of my hard-earned (You)s for this.
remember these words man
the neet it's going to ba an asshole for the sake of the episode, their family just are going to pass the problem (the moment the guy says "hey mom, i'm living with shy", they are just going to drop him with her, and never coming back til the end of the episode where we are going to have a shitty lesson that was badly explained for 30 minutes), and fluttershy will be like "he must go, but he is my brother" til everything will be rushed, and it will be out of place. before we know it, we will have a shit episode, and we are just going to pretend that we never watched like princess spike

that is what is going to happen
In a way, I'm sad and disgusted with myself.
I don't see a beard on his neck.
I don't even have to watch this to know it's a shit episode. Insert Moe image here.
t. Sociology major
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He's salvageable. They won't, because it's too tied to his personality, but he is salvageable.

Well... the mother is hot and cute.

She would be perfect for the mother/daughter incest fanart
It's not a brony stereotype targeted episode, it's a failure to launch targeted episode.

But a great percentage of bronies fall under it, so that way they can lie and say the episode isn't targeted towards bronies / 4chan users even though it really is.

I wish the writers would remember that the show probably wouldn't have lasted past season 2 if it wasn't for all that dirty NEET money and attention.

Maybe he's screwed up because he's expected to be something, because of his famous sister, and he's failed / never lived up to expectations and just gave up trying. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's a lazy, whining slob who sits in his "studio" all day eating hay tendies.
Poor Flutterdad.
It involves her brother moving back in with his parents though, that's slightly different.
There's a lot of people that move back in with their parents because they didn't "make it" in one way or another. So there's not a lot of difference between that and never leaving home at all, you've still failed.
Then comes the time when others try discussing the episode around you. You try to fit in, but you know.

>"Haha, yeah! He was kind of a loser, huh?" you say, forcing a smile
>the crippling pain in your chest creates that sinking void down into the pit of your stomach
>you know better
>you related to him far more than you wanted to admit
>you even suspect everyone else you talk to knows this
>the feeling of that episode's lesson has left an emotional and mental scar you'll carry with you
>you sympathized with a cartoon horse
>and they all told him to change his ways
>much like you need to
>maybe it was the creator's way of telling their adult audience to better themselves
>maybe it was just dumb 'luck'
>it doesn't matter
>from that day forward, you will constantly remember how worthless the show made you feel
>they may not be real
>but you are
At least you tried.
Lesbian incest just isn't the same. But I agree, she is cute.
The problem with any media dealing with social issues is that it's written by normal people, who do not and will never understand what they write about. Especially when it comes to children's shows.

Fluttershy will eventually give him a pep talk and he'll immediately agree to "make his life better", there will be a minute or so of him moving out of Fluttershy's house and then the episode will be over. He'll probably never be seen or mentioned again.

Real life does not work this way. You can't just tell someone with a problem to get over it, because at their cores people who do have problems are afraid. People that say stuff like that come across as wanting to make themselves feel better, that "they tried" to help them, and then get mad when their words of wisdom don't work.

It takes a long, long time to even BEGIN to work through fear and anxiety. A half-hour cartoon horse show is not going to do this or even come close.
That's why they're not real
The premise of this episode tears like every single brony in equestria story to shreds.

If you were a loser on earth, you'll be just as big a loser in equestria. You won't be friends with the mane six or go on grand adventures. No, you'll be like this guy.
I never had such delusions in the first place. Expecting to be friends with the Mane 6 just because you're in Equestria is like expecting to be friends with your favorite band just because you live on Earth. Maybe if I were still human while in Equestria I might be a scientific curiosity for Twilight to study (or would be if she didn't already have experience with humans from going through the portal in Equestria Girls), as a pony I would just be another face in the crowd.
Sorry, meant to reply to >>27538566
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That's a condom.
300+ posts and no one pointed that out? This board is pathetic.
do your family a favor and twist your neck until everything becomes black
it will hurt a little but it's worth it believe me
NO, only sick minded creeps like you see something sexual like a condom in a little girls show.
That's a bell jar, you fucking dip.
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>That's a condom.

You might have a chance since many of them tries to be pals with everyone.
I wish he actually DID build robots.
If you go to the front page of FimFiction you're almost guaranteed to find a self-insert story. They almost always go like this:

>Young brony, late teens to early twenties (even though a lot of the authors are much older, this is to put them near the age level of the mane six)
>They get sucked into a portal, or die somehow. 9 times out of 10 it's due to getting hit by a car
>They wake up right next to Ponyville
>9 times out of 10 they're a unicorn or alicorn, because since it's a wish-fulfillment story they need to have godly powers
>Meet the mane six one by one
>The one they fall in love with is last
>A bunch of shit happens, he saves her life
>If it's a "mature" story, porn happens here
>More adventures, usually word for word from the actual episodes but with the douchebag shoehorned in
>More porn if it's a "mature" story
>Repeat until the author gets tired and ends the story, most are never really "complete" but just die

But the fact is, the actual series has shown that Equestria is far from perfect. If any of these fanfic writers would actually end up as a pony in Equestria, they'd quickly be rejected and shunned just as they are in real life because their underlying problems (and creepiness) would still be there.
Blood moons, why haven't you killed us all when you had the chance?!
we have pacifier strippers,black tentacles,cum bottles and underage pantyshots on a TV-7 show.
I think you mean 90% of green.
Those were ravers, not strippers. In fact, opening a strip club in Equestria would probably be a straight and narrow path to bankruptcy. Ponies don't normally wear clothes, after all and due to having estrus rather than menstrual cycles stallions don't find mares sexually attractive unless said mares are in heat and they can smell the pheromones their pussies give off while in said heat.
so, how long before incest pics of her and her brother with her calling him oniichan?
>having estrus
That's just your headcanon.

>cloud bone
>those wings
pegasi are weird
It explains why they don't have a nudity taboo outside of estrus since they would have little to no sex drive outside of mating season. Some speculate the reason why we humans have a nudity taboo is because we can breed anytime we want and use clothes as a barrier to focus on other things than breeding and the eventual child-rearing that follows it.
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Are each of the m6 going to have a shitty episode this season?
So the horn is just a point flab of flesh?
I've seen it deflate and get smoothed again windows so its not actually a horn.

>those wings

They can't keep getting away with this.
That's Rainbow Dash, not Twilight. Did you not watch S06E07?
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I suppose this is some karmic justice for enjoying Newbie Dash solely for all the abuse thrown at dash.
Is anyone surprised? Fluttershy episodes are usually bad Iike Spike episodes.

Serves ya right!
Though most of the people who enjoyed it seemed to have been Twifags
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>usually bad Iike Spike episodes
I'm sorry, I don't conform my opinion on episodes from memes.

I'm not a twifag but seeing rainbow crack under the same kind of bantz she usually gives to others gave me endless pleasure.
"And one of them is my twin sister!"
Butter Burger.......

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>it's a redpill episode
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>It would be without all of that rainbow colored shit.
You're right. This does look nice.
6 hours late
Spikefags are cancer.
damn that looks cozy. Also, cloud cushions on the dining room chairs. Must be comfy
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all those g1 logos...
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It would make so much sense to make her Firefly, but Hasbro lost the rights to that character.
Well I guess that's another tile on the Bingo card we can cross off. We got new Mane 6 parents complete with designs, dialogue and everything.
Hey, I was wondering. What exactly do we have to get for it to count as "Background Pony Dialogue".

As in, what classifies as a background pony? Because we've had plenty of background characters speak.

I'm guessing that you actually mean "Fan-Favourite Background Pony Meme Dialogue" because otherwise we should be able to cross that one off by now.
Also, firefly was a general from 1000 years ago.
>Unless starswirl tossed her through time randomly
Those aren't figurines...they're animals that were too affected by 'the stare' and are permanently frozen in place out of fear.
I actually think her brother is a cutie. The dad looks weird, tho. Her mom is also a cute.
Octavia, DJ Pone-3, Dr. Hooves, Derpy, Lyra, Bon Bon. I'm guessing Berry Punch, Screw Loose and Carrot Top (Golden Harvest) would count as firsts as well.

Colgate (Minuette) and Bulk Biceps don't really count anymore as they're no longer background ponies: they had episodes of them interacting with the Mane 6 in dialogue outside of Slice of Life.
get help
Chill out faggot. It's just a show about ponies.
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>For kids
happy now?
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I need so much more though. I have a mighty need.
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That course isn't even worth wasting a minor in, a step up from the SJW bullshit classes in terms of worth.
The ceiling clouds make it look like there's a house fire or something.
They could name her Fyre Flye.
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Teh ebil Miggin McCaffries!!!!!11111
It looks so promising like this but they made him way too much of a new age hipster rather than, well...

Well, there's already Maud for that archetype.
Oh my god they have a shed.
I always liked the headcanon about Fluttershy's/Dash's parents knowing and liking their daughter's friend back in Cloudsdale. And now we got a confirmation.
inb4 their parents ship them
>Mr and Mrs Shy
oh come on at least give them a fucking name
>calm attitude
They never have names in the scripts. That's why I hope Firefly is Dash's mom. They can use the colors and not refer to her by her name (and confuse her with the Wb founder). That's one of the questions I'd like to ask the writers. Is such a thing possible.
Ah, so this is going to be an episode about feeling inadequate and useless.

They point out everyone's interests and that Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt, and then "oh yeah, this guy who sits on his ass all day doing nothing and has never accomplished anything".

And by the looks of the script, he was like that BEFORE the series even started (if Rainbow and Fluttershy's actions are any indication), so the fact his sister is now a famous hero of Equestria doesn't exactly help either.
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Now the question is whether Fluttershy, and probably Rainbow, are going to give him a life-changing speech, or if they're going to become interested in what he does. Is the lesson going to be "Help your friends and family improve themselves if they aren't happy." or "Everyone has different interests, just because you and the popular crowd don't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't important to someone else."

Or maybe Fluttershy will TRY to give him a speech about how he should improve himself, but Rainbow will come in and ruin it, making things worse. And then they'll really look at what he does and finds that he puts a lot of work into it or some shit and comes to respect him a bit more. And helps him get noticed.
That'd be nice, but it looks like from the preview clip and this script that he doesn't actually do anything. We've already had Maud Pie for being both odd and having oddball interests compared to everyone else.

No, he's a lazy loser living off his parents and then Fluttershy. Not that he's blameless (far from it), but having a famous sibling probably didn't help much.

Plus he's male, which in this series by and far makes him pretty useless by default. Unless he manages to marry someone powerful and / or famous.
>Unless he manages to marry someone powerful and / or famous.
So RGRE is canon now?
I think it's always been canon in Equestria to some extent, at least when it comes to ponies.

>Matriarchal society
>Most, if not all the truly important positions of power are held by mares
>Starswirl was an exception, but he didn't "understand friendship" and it took Twilight (a mare) to complete his unfinished work
>No male alicorns or any indication there ever were any
>Males in general tend to be subservient (farmers, guards, Spike), and don't get to be prominent unless they attach themselves to someone who is, romantically or not

So yeah, Equestria is like what our world was like hundreds of years ago but with the genders reversed.
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>I have never in my life seen a bell jar

How long did it take to get Rarity's parents canon names, never mind Pinkie's entire family?
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This can either go down as the best or worst episode of the season, no exceptions.
Fuckin' kek
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>Zephyr Breeze
I think it's going to be the worst episode, so much so that last week's episode will look like a masterpiece in comparison.

Only 30 seconds and already I've been more enraged by a new episode than ever before.

>Younger (I think, by the way Fluttershy was talking) loser NEET brother
>Wants a "studio / meditation garden" which is a way of saying he wants to do nothing
>The shed he wants to move into is the equivalent of a basement, since it's Cloudsdale
>Has a stupid accent the rest of the family does not
>The moral I get from this is that some people are useless, even in Equestria
No it isn't. Equestria in the show is quite clearly gender-egalitarian. There's no evidence whatsoever that either gender is advantaged or dominant in any way, not socially, not culturally, and not economically, and there's no real gender roles. This isn't the case now, and there's no evidence it's ever been the case at any point in Equestria's past. What little we do know about Equestria's past, both recent and farther back, has mentioned characters of significance of both genders.

There aren't many positions of power in the show in the first place, of either gender, so I don't know what exactly you're attempting to insinuate there. And Starswirl came pretty damn close to becoming an alicorn, but yes, he did not understand friendship. That had nothing to do with his gender, though. If you believe the comics, he was pretty close to Celestia, too. And ultimately, being an alicorn is a completely gender-neutral thing, for obvious reasons.

The show is focused more on female characters, but you're a deluded moron if you think it's portraying one gender as superior or subservient.

RGRE is garbage and contradicts just about everything in the canon. It'll never be even remotely canon.

Anyway, back to the episode... I'm afraid what they'll do with the moral of this one, honestly, but we'll see. There's just a lot of ways they can screw it up.
This anon got a point, but it's a children's show, so I'll assume children learn that you can't live off your parents.

Fuck the boomers, I'm studying a field with so few people in it and which is virtually sine qua non for the States.
still with the WEEB fad.
The only Royalty we ever see are Princesses.
it's plainly a matriarchy.

>comics are canon

>Alicorns can be male
Now you're just making shit up.
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Post something you'd rather do than watch tomorrow's episode
The term NEET didn't originate in Japan. It's an acronym that stands for "Not in Education, Employment or Training" and originated in the UK.
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The alicorns aren't the only royalty or government related ponies, though government ponies aren't a focus and we don't see many other than the princesses, princes, and a few others. Anyway...

The current alicorns being female means you can technically refer to their government as a matriarchy, at least at the top level. But by the same definitions, you could say the same about the UK. The definition in question is basically simply that the current head of state is female, which doesn't mean much.

And the comics probably are indeed canon, but whatever.

And yes, I'm certain that either gender can become an alicorn. The primary method of becoming one is merit-based, by being a good and benevolent leader, and obviously either gender can do that. It would be incredibly offensive, not to mention it would completely destroy their legitimacy, if it was restricted by something as irrelevant as gender. I don't expect to see a male alicorn in the show itself because of Hasbro's marketing department, but it's delusional to suggest that alicornhood would be at all restricted by gender, as that goes against a lot of the good things the show stands for.

Anyway, it's clearly not a matriarchy, it's gender-egalitarian. Female characters receive more screentime, but it's pretty clear that they have perfect gender-equality, both de-jure and de-facto, and no real gender roles to speak of.
As much as I don't want to see it, I'd rather see it than do this, was he kill?
Most likely those were male wasps who, unlike females, don't have stingers.
>Comics are Canon
>I'm certain there could be male Alicorns, even though there's nothing to support me in canon


Verbose Moron, yet still a moron.

Your Fanon =/= Canon.

That is all.
Oh really? Weew, I was cringe and shudder incarnate there for a moment... but if they weren't, would he have died from that?
Not unless he was allergic. Although even if he wasn't, his hand would still swollen up like a balloon.
It's not explicitly and directly stated in canon that things like rape or murder are illegal in Equestria either, but Equestria is a pretty damn nice and benevolent place that is civilized, so it's common fucking sense that it would indeed be illegal, and anyone suggesting otherwise is a batshit insane moron. Likewise, after five and counting seasons of watching the show and observing ponies going about their lives, Equestria clearly has gender-equality, and that extends to things that we haven't seen onscreen directly, which is a lot because the show's scope is quite limited. Alicorns being a gender-neutral position is just pure common sense, based on the nature of the setting, the nature of how most alicorns earned their position, and stuff like that. Could probably go on ranting about this, but you get the idea, and technically this is off topic to the original thread topic.

And I won't spend time fighting you over the comics, even if I'm leaning towards them being canon, but considering your stance there, I'm sure someone will come along who will. Your position is likely to be controversial, I'm sure.
>If you don't agree with me, you're saying rape and murder are legal in Equestria.
I'm lost for words.

Truly, you are autism unbound.
Comics aren't remotely canon dude except to themselves.
>inb4 he shaves by the time the episode ends.
Holy shit that flew right over your head. That isn't the point I was trying to make, the point is that things don't have to be stated or shown directly in canon for it to be common sense. It's technically an assumption, but anyone suggesting otherwise is probably batshit insane nonetheless because Equestria is a nice place and not some grimdark fanfiction that doesn't make any sense.

If you want to argue that alicorns are restricted by gender, you're going to have to pull some serious bullshit out of your ass, because the show has consistently portrayed gender-equality, and even from a meta perspective, one of the goals of the show is to oppose gender inequality. And when it comes ot a merit-based leadership position, it's pretty damn clearly common sense that something as irrelevant as gender isn't going to stop you from achieving it unless the place you're in is a total shithole.

That's been a matter of significant debate, my friend.
That's got me wondering, how do ponies shave and not shave off the fur coat underneath?
What you're failing to describe is "Fanon".

What you're calling "common sense" is just your interpretation, your Fanon. Nothing more.

>Still attempting to infer disagreeing with you is equivalent to legal Rape / Murder

How about you show me a Canon Male Alicorn that isn't Big Mac dreaming.
Nah mate, it's true. Comics are the Cartoon are different continuities that share similarities. Show writers won't give a shit about comic stories.
You know what else is fanon? This idea that male alicorns cannot exist.
>still misinterpreting what I'm saying

ayy lmao

I'm not in any way attempting to imply that disagreement with me = rape and murder are legal or anything like that. I'm suggesting that there are some things that should be simply obvious without being stated directly, especially when there's a clear precedent.

>How about you show me a Canon Male Alicorn

Hasbro's marketing department is gonna need some serious convincing before we see that in the show itself. In the meantime though, there's no reason whatsoever to assume that it couldn't happen.

You haven't actually made an argument for why it's not common sense that alicorns wouldn't be for both genders, which is exactly what I'd expect, as I don't feel a convincing argument exists for gender restriction. It would be wildly inconsistent with the rest of the setting and the themes of the show, and in general there's no reason or justification for it. The show has consistently portrayed ponies of both genders as having equality and being in all sorts of walks of lifes, careers, etc. I'm certain that the equality that clearly permeates the show does not magically stop at alicornhood of all things.
There are zero canon male alicorns. None, and there probably will never be. This is a show about girl power, front and foremost, despite a large portion of the audience being adult men.

And the show has never, ever been about gender equality. More like, the message has been "girls can do things just as good as guys, if not better", from the very beginning. Not about being equal to guys, being better than them. It's the ultimate tract for feminism.
>This is a show about girl power, front and foremost

It's never portrayed them as superior or dominant. At best, the show focuses more on them screentime-wise, but there's no agenda of gender-supremacy or anything even remotely similar being pushed here. Male ponies don't tend to get as much screentime (albeit with side characters, it's actually pretty even), but they are clearly the equal of the female ponies. To suggest otherwise is to suggest that you don't watch the show, honestly.

Lauren Faust doesn't believe in female supremacy or anything of that sort. Not that it matters at this point, but it's clear that the message of the show is a variety of morals and such, and one of the big goals of the series was to tackle and eliminate gender roles and stuff like that. Male characters aren't getting as much screentime overall, sure (though it's certainly evened out more in more recent seasons), but they're most definitely not being portrayed as inferior or anything of that nature, and it's clear that they are equals to the female characters.
>I'm certain there's no magical restrictions on turning into a magical uberhorse
Autismo, we're done.
I don't have the strength to educate a retard so profound.

Enjoy your fanon, I guess. Sorry, I mean your "common sense" that is clearly indisputable. Fucking autistic cunt.
If that is the case then why do male feminists such as Hayao Miyazaki and Tom Hardy exist? Wouldn't them being feminist be as paradoxical as a Jewish Nazi?
>You don't watch the show if you disagree
You really are autistic aren't you?
>magical restrictions

Nice nonsense, and quite the copout from giving me an answer. If that's your argument, it's not looking so hot for your camp.

>I don't have the strength to educate a retard so profound.

Suit yourself, buddy. Retards like you are common enough that I'm having to constantly fight people over this nonsense. I should probably take a break, but I fear that if I do, the bullshit will spread. :^( WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Oh, cut the crap. We've had a whole five and counting seasons to observe the ponies, and at this point it's pretty clear they have gender-equality and no real gender roles.

I'm sure there aren't actually people arguing with me who haven't watched the show though, yes. Perhaps a better way to put it is that they don't pay enough attention or simply don't put enough thought into it. :^)
>something as irrelevant as gender isn't going to stop you from achieving it unless the place you're in is a total shithole.
Gender and more accurately Sex is not irrelevant. Not in real life and not in fantasy pastel horse land. There is no positive portrayal of males in power in FIM. None. The one and only pony Prince by his own virtue is a foppish doof with no importance, and the only pony Prince by marriage has essentially no royal authority and is entirely outshined by his sister and his wife. Filthy Rich is successful but ultimately parasitic off of the Apple Family's real successful contribution which is given greater credit for the founding of Ponyville. The one and only pony King is a slave-driving evil piece of shit. The most powerful pony-esque male in the show is a dickhead only reigned in sufficiently to be tolerable by females. In the initial episodes of FIM Soarin was the only Wonderbolt with a different emblem on his flanks, which would logically denote him as lead in rank, but that was tossed and Spitfire was given primary importance. All parties at the table, leadership and associates, during the events described in Hearthswarming Eve were female. Ponyville's mayor is female, Canterlot's Princesses are female, Equestria's champions are female.

The militarized class is the only functionally male-dominated field, almost entirely composed of male ponies on observation.

Equestria is not "gender neutral" and though it isn't grimdark it's darker than you'd care to observe it to be.
I'd prefer to think you're a dedicated troll, I'd really want to give you the benefit of the doubt and say "no one can be this autistic" and yet there you are.
Well said.
But you know he'll just say that's because of target market but that it's "common sense" that it's not the whole story, right?
>Gender and more accurately Sex is not irrelevant.

Any differences that exist are relatively minor and exist in populations, not individuals. If you looked at a large population of males and a large population of females, you'd notice some differences between the group on that scale, but there are no traits that are exclusively male or female, and there's no need for gender roles.

>Apple Family's real successful contribution which is given greater credit for the founding of Ponyville.

It was never implied that they were more important. Ponyville's founders worked together, and Applejacks' family gets more focus because Applejack is a main character. Filthy Rich on the other hand is a pretty minor character with very little screentime. His families contributions to Ponyville are significant, his contribution to the cartoon itself not so much.

>The one and only pony King is a slave-driving evil piece of shit

Kings and queens don't seem to be very big in the cartoon in general, but there's a pretty even number of villains of both genders, so you can't frame the villains as being a sexist aspect of the show.

>reigned in sufficiently to be tolerable by females

I don't think anyone would have tolerated pre-reform Discord, regardless of gender. He was kinda, uh, pretty evil back then. Gender has nothing to do with this.

>In the initial episodes of FIM Soarin

Spitfire is the captain. Soarin is probably second in command though, or at least high-rank. Plus, it's been stated that there have been male captains in the past, such as in Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3.

>All parties at the table, leadership and associates, during the events described in Hearthswarming Eve were female

This isn't any sort of guarantee, considering it was a play and thus the genders of the characters have no confirmation. And if you want to believe the books to be canon at all, Hurricane is actually confirmed as a male.

1/2 :^)
Called it >>27549702
>Ponyville's mayor is female

Gee, does it matter? It's one (small, relatively rural) town, there's no trend of mayors being restricted by gender.

>Canterlot's Princesses are female

I've already addressed the alicorns in an above post. Again though, the current alicorns being female means you can technically refer to the top of their government as a matriarchy, but this is indeed a technicality and you could just as easily apply that same defintiion to the UK because it has a queen.

>Equestria's champions are female

The Mane 6 and Spike (as well as the CMC, perhaps) are the protagonists of the show. I'd expect them to be the ones doing much of the stuff onscreen regardless of their gender.

>almost entirely composed of male ponies on observation

On observation the military looks like an army of clones, but that doesn't make it so. DHX has only recently started showing differently colored guard ponies, and it's not at all unreasonable to suggest that they haven't made female guard assets yet. There's certainly no reason or justification for them not to exist, as the differences in physical strength between mares and stallions seem to be much less than with humans. Ponies like Applejack would have no problem fighting, and in the alternate timelines we saw ponies of both genders fighting.

>Equestria is not "gender neutral"

Yes, it is. The show is focused on female characters, but the setting is clearly gender-egalitarian.

>it's darker than you'd care to observe it to be

Not really. The show constantly hammers homes all sorts of lessons the ponies are taking, the ponies clearly value friendship and love very much, and in general it's a nice and benevolent place. Not perfect, but still pretty damn nice.

The only 'dark' things in the show are things that you'd expect from any fantasy setting, like the monsters and such, but Equestria itself is clearly kept safe one war or another and there's nothing mass slaughtering ponies. It's peaceful and happy.
Called it 2: Electric Boogaloo >>27549702
You don't have a counter-argument, so I could deal with less of your shitposting, if you please.

Not that we need to be extending this conversation. It's technically off-topic, this is supposed to be a thread about the upcoming episode.
How do you cope in the real world?
>All that stuff in the actual show isn't relevant
Nigger wut?
One ad hominem after another with you, huh?
It's a genuine question.
Equestria *is* a very nice place, but it's one where females rule. The whole thought of it can be hard to wrap your mind around, but there's no doubt that it's true.

The only one to really rise to prominence, that wasn't evil, was Starswirl. But it's noted that he's ultimately seen as a failure, despite all his accomplishments, because he "didn't understand friendship". Which Twilight somehow did in the time span of only a year, compared to the entire lifetime he had.

Now, you can say that it's because of the upbringing she had and the friends she met, but the fact there's never been any male alicorns kind of speaks volumes. Not to say it's impossible, but in this world males just "don't get" the magic of friendship or whatever is needed to ascend.

Now when it comes to Zephyr Breeze, while I don't hold him blameless for being a whining, NEET piece of shit, the fact is he hasn't received the same opportunities (by destiny) that Fluttershy has and never will. He'll have to work like ten times as hard to get even a fraction of what she and her friends have. I hope the episode deals with him being jealous / feeling inadequate compared to his sister and her friends (which his own parents and probably everyone else he knows sing praises of), and actually trying to deal with it aside from moving out of Fluttershy's house in the last two minutes and then never being seen again.
What do you mean? I'm refuting the points that >>27549630 made, and I'm using points about the show both in-universe and out.
Nigger everything you say you refute comes down to saying
>just cause we see it that way, don't mean it BE that way
Fanfiction is fine, but show isn't fanfiction. See?
>The whole thought of it can be hard to wrap your mind around

I'm wrapping my head around the fact that you're arguing for a conspiracy theory with no basis in reality. There's no female dominance in MLP.

>But it's noted that he's ultimately seen as a failure, despite all his accomplishments, because he "didn't understand friendship".

Not a failure, but perhaps not fit to be an alicorn of friendship, for obvious reasons. Twilight did understand friendship, and we saw that she went through a lot with her friends before she fully qualified. Being an alicorn is apparently much more than being a powerful magic user and all, and friendship is a pretty central theme of the series for obvious reasons, so you can't exactly deny it's importance.

>the fact there's never been any male alicorns kind of speaks volumes

Maybe if there was a large number of them, but there are very few we've seen, and Hasbro's marketing department has an obsession with selling princesses to their target audience.

>in this world males just "don't get" the magic of friendship or whatever is needed to ascend.

Now that's just ridiculous, not to mention unimaginably offensive to suggest. The whole powerful wizard with no friends is a fairly common trope, and one example of that in a show with fairly extensive mythos does not suggest some sort of widespread and terribly sexist phenomenon. Ponies of both genders can clearly enjoy friendship and love equally, and those things are a big part of ponies values, especially since the founding of Equestria.

I will agree with you though that I'm a bit afraid of what the moral of this episode is going to be, but I'll wait and see before I judge it.
>There's no female dominance in Equestria
What I just say? >>27549870
I've already gone through explaining my arguments pretty extensively in posts further up, and what you're saying there is a oversimplification. Do you intend to make me repeat all of that stuff? Because I'm pretty tired desu senpai.

And I feel I gave pretty damn solid refutations that don't exactly reflect what you're suggesting there, but whatever, suit yourself.
It's been five seasons, if you think that female dominance is a thing at this point, you simply haven't been paying attention or something. Maybe you've been too busy on /mlp/ worrying about other stuff. Who knows.

But it's pretty clear that neither gender in the show is advantaged or dominant, and there's no real gender roles. We've seen ponies of both genders in all sorts of positions, including normal careers, celebrities, politicians (we see very few of these though, slice of life and all), shop and business owners, and so on.
It's not making shit over simple, you just make shit over complicated, but that don't make it right.
If it's so clear, why we all disagree with you? Is all the world dumb but you? Get over yourself.
>over complicated

Seems to me like you just don't understand. I do make some pretty major walls of text to get my points across though. Not necessarily more difficult to understand, but perhaps more annoying to read through.

>If it's so clear, why we all disagree with you?

If climate change is so clear, why do people disagree with scientists?

That or any other number of facts could be used as an example, but if you think something being true stops people from trying to argue against it, you're delusional. Having an advantage in the number of people who agree with you is not an indicator that you are right, that should be obvious.
So you really do think it's just we're all dumb and you're the only smart one here...?
Ain't you figured out there's more than one way to look at things...?
Or is it it two ways to you?
Your way VS Wrong way?
I don't like to say this, but I don't think you're as smart as you think you be.
>So you really do think it's just we're all dumb

I don't think you're dumb or anything, but I am quite confident that, at least when it comes to this topic, you're in the wrong.

>I don't like to say this, but I don't think you're as smart as you think you be.

I'm sure that there are some topics I'd be wrong about too, I'm not perfectly knowledgeable about everything or something, and I'm not some sort of super-genius or anything.

This one however, is not one of them, I'm quite confident in my assertions, and I think five and counting seasons of both direct content and precedent gives me more than adequate proof.

Either way, this has gone on long enough, perhaps we should get back to actually discussing the upcoming episode. Since we're all here, what are your expectations? I think there's a lot of ways they could screw it up, but we'll have to see.
You take a lot of words to say nothing.
You don't have seasons of proof, you have one bad argument...
>Just cause we SEE it that way don't mean it BE that way
...that and a whole mess of ego. Hope you grow out of it, or the world's gonna be rough on you.
Keep telling yourself that buddy, you have no argument, and I have plenty of proof and precedent. I've gone through a pretty large variety of arguments and points in all these posts I made.

We're clearly done here, though. We'll see about that episode tomorrow, but it's time this conversation comes to an end.
Just cause I interpret something different to you, doesn't make me wrong.
Just cause you think you're smart, it doesn't make your subjective reading objectivve truth.
I hope you do grow out of this silly behaviour, truly.
>Just cause I interpret something different to you, doesn't make me wrong.

No, not usually, but in this case your interpretation goes against the facts that should be clear at this point in the show, and as an added bonus doesn't at all fit the setting of the show.

>Just cause you think you're smart

Never said I thought I was super smart or anything of that nature, but I am damn confident that I'm right about this stuff in particular, and I've given tons of reasons why.

>I hope you do grow out of this silly behaviour, truly.

I hope you grow out of those baseless ad hominems.
Heres the problem.
You're confusing Your Opinion for Fact.
That's what you need to grow out of.
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>Fluttershy tries hard to get Anon to notice her.
>Anon nails her pathetic NEET bother over her.
This stuff is clearly observable in the show, and we've had a whole five seasons to do so, soon to be six. There's plenty of proof and precedent, and there's no indication whatsoever of either gender being advantaged or dominant.

Quite bluntly, this isn't a matter of headcanon at this point, it's pretty damn clear that Equestria is gender-egalitarian, and if you think it's a matriarchy or patriarchy or whatever, you're wrong. Plain and simple. When observing the show, there are plenty of things you can call subjective, sure, but Equestria's gender equality and lack of gender roles is not one of those things because it's clear and can be observed in all sorts of things and little tidbits.

Now, how long do you intend to keep this conversation going? I've got all night if I really have to, quite frankly, but I do believe I've made my points and so have you, and it seems pretty clear we won't be reaching anything resembling an agreement.
>he believes in climate change
ayyyyyy lmao here we go, should have used another example just to avoid this

>thread devolves into climate change argument

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I want to cum inside flutter brutter
>It's facts, it's facts, it's facts!!!
And yet so many disagrred with you. See, a fact can't be disputed. What you posted are opinions. Interpretations. I agree with other anons, you must be autistic.
>Thinks there's one anon.
Maybe just one left, but I came in later. But it's pointless to stay. You're too stupid and stubborn.
No one disagrees climate is changing. People argue as to the cause.
>See, a fact can't be disputed

I already refuted that little myth. Look around you, there are people everywhere in real life who attempt to dispute things that are facts. There are still people who believe the earth is flat for fucks sakes.

>What you posted are opinions.

I already made quite a number of walls of texts explaining why they are facts, but it seems those flew over your head. Oh well.
>No one disagrees climate is changing

Some people most definitely try to.

I do agree that there's still some legitimate debate as to the source, though. It's no doubt that humans contribute, but how much exactly is debatable. I do think we know the consequences are gonna be shit either way though, so we should be doing something about it. Perhaps nows the time to start investing in things like more nuclear energy and indoor farm skyscrapers that would be much more efficient and much safe from climate changes.
>Facts CAN be disputed
No, retards like you just deny facts

You backed up opinions with more opinions you deluded little shit.

Kill Yourself.

You won't be mourned.
Now you're just being a salty little shit. My conclusions are from observing the show and actually paying attention to things. It's a fact that Equestria is gender-egalitarian, end of story.

Whatever though. I'm going to assume you're from RGRE, and if so, can I suggest you return there and stay? It wouldnt be right to let that nonsense leak into the rest of the board, after all.
No, genuinely kill yourself.

The gene pool will be better for it.

That is a fact.
>Darker pink and yellow
>Loves gardening
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so glad im done with the show
>fan of the fandom
i hate the fandom
Here's that reply you wanted.
Oh god, he looks awful. I had really high hopes too.
I really think the only thing that could save him as a character is if he and Treehugger become a thing.
It doesn't matter because they've already used both the name and the color scheme. They don't name the parents in the script anyway. And it's not like there can't be two ponies named Firefly especially if the first one lived long ago and was a famous figure.
It will proably be someone else but it would make me so happy to see her as Dash's mother. Similar to her, with the same hairstyle and a bit wild but of course older and wiser.
I just... why the man-bun? Why the piss-like coloration? Why is he lanky as fuck? They couldn't have saved the body-type experimentation for some background pone instead of using it for character people have wanted to see for ages? Everything about him is gross.

And what's with dad? It's like someone ate five gallons of strawberry frozen yogurt and took a shit on a neutered Walter White. Was it not thought of for a single member of Shy's family to have a personality unlike her own?

There may be hope for mom, but she just looks boring.

God, I really hope this ep ends up better than it looks. I hope it surprises me. Synopsis "Fluttershy must convince her deadbeat brother to move out of their parents' house." I thought they couldn't possibly fuck that up! I thought there was no fucking way. Maybe it'll look less terrible after I've gotten some sleep.
This looks like a shitty OC
Hoped for the clip to redeem the screenshot, but the voices are awful. I'm so goddamn disappointed.
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Well, there's kind of a precedent. Fluttershy was a lanky filly, and Trenderhoof has his body type. It's not actually an experimentation. The only weird thing is the hairstyle.
You're right. I think the mane, the nausea-inducing colors and the voices just put me off. I should calm down. Haven't been anti-hyped like this for a new episode since MMC.
My hope for the episode is he moves in with Fluttershy really early in the episode, and then because Fluttershy's sort of dealt with this sort of thing before, she'll tell him to get a job so he can afford his own place rather than mooching off her kindness and trying to ruin her home for his stupid studio/meditation shit. He goes out on the town and tries a bunch of jobs, but kind of sucks at all of them, and finally he and Treehugger hit it off and she brings him into her line of work with artsy stuff and animal conservation. He's happy, has his own place/occupation, and it's a pretty decent message about finding a living that suits your interests and temperament.
Some more Treezy would be great. I'll be happy if they find some way to involve her.
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>you will never have your >headcanon of Pigeon Pony being her brother confirmed
>instead it's a hippie
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>insanely high amounts of debating over whether the guy is a NEET
>loads of people relating who are actually neets
>loads of fucking normies trying to talk shit to them instead of offering constructive advise that people should have fucking given me years ago instead of me having to figure it all out on my own in the past 6 months
>in the video clip fluttershy and the guy explicitly mention him moving in
>he says its for his garden so we can assume its some kind of hipster shit
>real life equivalent is a guy who lives with his parents and commutes to college and hes late teens early 20s which is a perfectly reasonable set up for someone his age
You all need to calm your fucking tits
Also he doesnt even have a neckbeard thats a chin beard, horses have different anatomy his fucking neck is that long thing underneath his head and oh look no beard

Get your shit together people
That filename just shows how out of touch this board is with reality
Where are all the white women?
>Gender and more accurately Sex
What? Those words mean the same thing.
Most green seems to have moved past the "I died by getting hit by a car so now I am here" trope.

Either it is random magical disturbance or isn't brought up because it is rarely relevant to the story.
>thinking filenames are serious
calm down m8
I was wrong. I fucking dig it so far thank god.
Well, no Treehugger, but overall it went very similarly to this. Didn't anticipate his special talent being hairdressing, but him being so afraid of failing at it that he started acting like a jerk and trying to be all eclectic and shit. Dash resisting his advances was pretty funny
It was pretty good
Fuck off, shill.
Congratulations, you missed the point of the whole show.
It was a bad episode.
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