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Thread replies: 622
Thread images: 251

607- Newbie Dash
Written by Dave Rapp


A few growing pains getting used to it, but Rainbow Dash is finally officially a Wonderbolt - or at least, she will be again after a month is up. The team seems fairly accommodating to her existing lifestyle, even if she'll likely be called upon to take some time out to practice and perform at other locations in Equestria. It's not like they haven't seen and heard about all her other exploits, though, which is likely one reason to reassure her of her space.

Now she just needs to cool it on the grandstanding a bit.

Previous thread.
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603- The Gift of the Maud Pie

604- On Your Marks

605- Gauntlet of Fire

606- No Second Prances

New episodes promo:

608 - A Hearth's Warming Tail: Starlight Glimmer has a case of the holiday blues, so Twilight tries to help cure her by reading one of her favorite Hearth Warming's Eve stories, A Hearth's Warming Tale.

609 - Saddle Row & Rec: When Rarity opens her flagship store in Manehattan, a tell-all article threatens to expose how badly her friends almost ruined the Grand Opening.

610 - Applejack's "Day" Off: Rarity struggles to get Applejack to relax at the spa; when Twilight and Spike attempt to take over Applejack's simple farm chores, it turns out to be a more difficult job than they thought.

611 - Flutter Brutter: When Fluttershy tries to convince her freeloading brother to move out of their parents' house, he moves in with her instead, forcing Fluttershy to stand up to him and help him get over his fear of failure.

613 - Spice Up Your Life: Pinkie Pie and Rarity discover a father and daughter struggling to keep their family restaurant open, which is cause tension in their relationship.

Season 6 & 5 episode links

Season 5 summary video

MLPG Event/Activity Calendar!

The intro is finished!
HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hJTHC5Dp2c
VR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLD9GfAQeC4
Comic #42 isn't showing up on iTunes for some reason, but it should be out on the 11th according to Nook. Hopefully I can have it out by midnightish that night if you want to add it.
I've taken Scootaloo away from Dash.
She doesn't deserve her.
the next episode will be comfy as fuck
how can a carrot be so lewd
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high horse.gif
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>"I'm like, the wonderest bolt they ever saw, bruh."
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let's go gummy!.png
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>hearth comfy eve
>not overused bg pones
>colts are singing
did gon b gud
Wow this rainbow crash episode suck.
rainbow blaze is in that shot somewhere too.
Poor guy, it's been a while since we've seen him in the flesh.
I honestly thought he was ded
I liked it better the second time around after I got over the cringe.
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Take that long phallic object of orange into your mouth and guzzle down it sweet and tangy mustard sauce.
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Sounds of the Sun.png
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Celestia has a message for you.
pinkie please
i don't get it
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Alicorn Roseluck.png
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Cute horses.
It was okay
Well that was exactly what I thought it was going to be...
She has upgraded to Princess Hoe
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Mmmm... Mustard Sauce.png
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Compact pones.
I really like motherly Twilight.
Kill yourself.
pony has compacted next to you
I love Princess Roseluck
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Yep... j-just food.png
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pick up the pony and place the pony on the bed
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touches you.png
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Good. You've learned to accept your fate.
please don't choke the filly
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I want to touch Celestia.
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>It's a Shitlight Glimmer is depressed again episode
My waifu is getting an episode!
I've been dreaming of fillies.
They aren't pleasant dreams.
I can't hide from them, they always find me.
Please help, sleep is no longer an option.
The fillies own my mind now.
My waifu never gets episodes so I'm going to take it out on you
Compact around pony to maximize pony warmth.
I see bumblebee from transformer smiling with his arms out and shoulder rockets.
We should post/talk about motherly ponies today
I want a very unmotherly pony to become motherly after impregnating her
I would also enjoy this.
Limestone is so great. I hope we get to see her, and her sisters, again.
I'd say we may in the next episode, but we had them in focus so much with Hearthbreakers last season that I'm not sure.
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Newbie Dash is a good episode.

Especially the locker room scenes, unf.
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I'd massage both those horses.
>Rainbow Dash joins the wonderbolts.
>does a bunch of tricks and stuff.
>still a massive asshole to everyone
A completely forgettable, bog-standard Dash episode.
Reception for it has been really mixed. I'm curious how a poll for it would look in a few days after people get a chance to let opinions settle and/or rewatch it.
We should talk about cute creatures that are on the show.
Like ponies.
And fillies.
And princesses.
And gryphons.
And changelings.
How many of you faggots still don't understand that this is not Spitfire?
Fremdschämen is the word to describe this episode.
Correct, it's Blaze. Spitfire was in the shower.
Also, shared locker rooms...great greentext material.
The echo chamber is going to echo, and more people will hate the episode.

And justifiably, cringe humor is awful and only the Spike episode was worse.
I liked it even more on a rewatch.
Equestria Games sucked more than it should've for me because of that. This one for some reason was okay after seeing it twice. I laughed at it the second time.
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This is actually pretty lovely
watch the stars with fluttershy
>Oh god, she's pretending to be Pinkie Pie.
>fuuuuuuck is she going to do this for all 5 of her friends?
>goddamn it yes she is
>Rainbow Dash walks in and everybody is just lezzing out.

Really just writes itself.
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>rainbow dash joins the wonderbolts
>right off the bat
>right off the bat
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>right off the bat
>after two seasons of kissing their asses and then three seasons in training
>hey dash wanna join?
>when u try to stealthily fart but more than just air comes out.
I want to rub up and down her spine
>No sign of Cadance showing up with the babby
thank god.
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Build wall.
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Condense and Shiny should come and let their new sunhorse fuccboi babysit
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>this scene

kill me
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>this episode
empress satan, pls
How does Shining even protect the place?
He's practically useless outside one shield.

>This pic had 18 MB on DBooru.
I've already forgotten most of what happened.
Dash becomes a Wonderbolt, and crashes into a garbage can. Everyone calls her Rainbow Crash and she's all mad about it and stuff, then flys around some more, crashes again. Then she's not mad about being called Crash and just goes with it.
The end?
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Sure the episode had it's cringy moments, but it played to rainbow's personality. what did you guys want? her to fucking lay down and cry the entire episode? i bet you still unironically love faust too faggots
she learns humility you dolt, how can you improve yourself if you don't work through your faults? in this case it was Rainbow's pride that caused the trouble so she had to suffer a minor setback to put things in perspective
Pony is going to need you to take 10 steps away from her butt crack.
Just take out the impressions parts and devote more screentime to the end. Have the wonderbolts explain better that they wanted dash to take a slice of humble pie, maybe have some flashbacks to the other WB embarassing moments.
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The entire cringe section in which Dash emulates the other 5 personalities inappropriately is the problem with the episode.

They could have gone with a safer option like having her show off more with legitimately cool aerial acrobatics to try and clear her nickname and have the Wonderbolts just ignore her, for example.

It wouldn't necessarily have been good, but it would have been better.
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rainbow dash making family fun.jpg
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If they changed the impressions to actual flashbacks it would have sold the morale better.

But who are we kidding, the staff just wants epic meme points.
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the majestic pegasus.png
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Why does windows have to be such shit.
Note: she wouldn't even need to fuck up her tricks.
pony should have ensure that her buttcrack didn't smell like a delicious bowl of assorted fruits
that would've made it better yes. i was actually thinking along the lines of >>27301801 but unless the writers are going to start browsing 4chan for feedback i think we just have to be happy with what we got. last week's episode was weaker than this one so i call this a win.
besides isn't identity crisis sort of a trope? we were bound to see it sooner or later
Happy milfmas day, mlpg!
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>last week's episode was weaker than this one
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forty keks.png
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>Mary Sue
>Bitch Twilight/Celestia totally OOC
>suicidal cute pony
no yeah it was great
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no bullies allowed.webm
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Cute suicidal ponies showing up to your door to be eaten.
>last week's episode was weaker than this one
I still haven't watched the new episode.
it's true
you should
Anon, the sticky was still up by morning.
Not because it was so fast, but because of the mods themselves saw how shit the episode was and rather went asleep, letting the sticky on for an eternity and a half.
Do people only think the most recent episode was bad because they don't understand how a team operates or because they didn't like their worst pony waifu topcunt acting like the other 5 better ponies?
the latter i think, you can never know with autists
I felt bad that I decided to sleep through it because for some reason I thought it was the NEET episode and I wanted to be there for the first reactions

then I found out it was the rainbow dash episode and now I don't feel bad anymore
Just watched it, the start was really cringeous, but (if you skip the fact that the end isn't exactly what you could expect) wasn't that bad i'd say 6,5/10
Can someone explain the Mary Sue memer to me? As far as I know, the only legitimate complaint for No Second Prances is Celestia OOC.
Can we just send Starlight and Rainbow Dash to some other pony show and get replacements?
Because they're really REALLY fucking bad.
>An episode that proves she is the worst pony by having dash try to imitate everyone else
Dashfags on suicide watch...again.
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your tears are delicious, cry more
Starlight was great in last episode. what are you talking about?
I think she does plenty crying over her fucking past every episode she's in
What's up this Sunday, my pony bros?
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Starlight's one of the best things to ever happen to this show.
what crying over? she was even joking about her past.
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You know what would be an even better thing to happen?
More like the worst
>butthurted shimmerfag
If I just had a filly, all my problems would be solved.
I could sell her for millions.
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several glimmers.png
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Yeah, but you should really name your files better. I don't know why you even saved that one, it has Sunset in it.
Twilight, I need you to make one like this, but smaller.
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Why smaller?
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Applejack has silly faces.
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princess prettywings rain dance.jpg
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No, she's a big pony. She needs bigger utensils.
for you
For everyone
>that fork smells of Trixie AND Twilight magic
>what were they doing here behind my back?
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princess prettywings.jpg
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>not at home so I cannot start spamming wings
I want Princess Celestia to kiss _ my mouth
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motherliest princess.webm
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Happy mothers day MLPG
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This joke is ruined by the fact that Trixie wouldn't register on Celestia's radar for any reason. If she even recognized a magical residue from something Trixie interacted with, it would have been contaminated by the alicorn amulet.
Chew you havisfaction a single satisfact to snack that up?
>tfw your mom isn't a godlike horse
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princess pretty wings.jpg
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Trixie is probably pretty infamous all over Equestria. Remember her defaced wagon?
I got my mom a Swiffer.
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mane nine.jpg
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>Shimmer vs. Glimmer ITT

I think they'd actually be great together.

Two "reformed" villains who have had a change of heart and are now lovable rogues instead of potential world-ending threats. Sunset is still a power-hungry alpha bitch, Starlight is her devious and manipulative rival/buddy.

I swear it'd be a riot. Shame that Sunset carries EqG baggage…
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>Sunset is still a power-hungry alpha bitch
But she's not
She's just vaguely nice
Celestia wasn't even in the country when Trixie took over Ponyville.
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i mean, magical fingerprinting isn't even canon so I don't feel obligated to back this theory up.
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Just realized how much I like horse periphery.
Celestia know what magic is on what by licking it.
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princess prettywings 4.jpg
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If that was meant as a one-up, you'll have to try again. Celestia can do colors too, by the by.
>you can never get magic brojobs from Starlight because Celestia will find out as soon as she kisses your dick
>Oh, did you finally make a friend?
>I-it's not like that! It's for science!
>Oh, should I tell Twilight that you've got here some fascinating research material?
>This was her plan all along.
>Five seasons just for Anon to get a brojob.
Actually, for once it wasn't even the wounding of Dash's inflated ego that had her upset. The last time she was called that name was from a place of ridicule
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Was she happy about it?
the edge of her helmet still looks like a creepy smile to me
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That's her gorget. Either that or your facial recognition is fucked.
Now that Luna and the CMC are okay with themselves I'm wondering if we'll see much of her or Celestia in any kind of spotlight that isn't exposition.
Its a Wet Jet.
Moms love Weh Jets.
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No, I mean the edge directly nelow her eye
Who's the one in the middle?
Dunno, Glimmer maybe?
The hair doesn't look like Glimmer's, and the facial expression doesn't really fit her
She looks like Trixie, but then I'd have to wonder why the artist included her in a picture about villains
Mane looks like Twilight's
Which is why I assumed Glimmer at first.

Maybe it's an OC though
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babby Spike a cutie
That's her mane, I thought she was bald for some reason
Yeah, then it's Starlight
>Thinking Ember would hang out with a psycho like Gilda
nobby confirmed pleb for the 100th time
Necro Pone.
But they get to be shit characters in the shit fort together.
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I want Griffonstone to return.
I wanna see if Pinkie's and Dash's attempts at fixing it changed anything about their situation.
Probably not. Even if Griffonstone got moderised it would just become like the Congo and fall apart into a shithole over the next decade because griffons are a terrible species.
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I am not against this
Chrysalis looks rather silly but NMM is great
>playing dice games at the corner
Classic past time. Fun game, nice way to make money if you're lucky.
great way to lose your liver if you don't
>Chrysalis gets defeated by getting her antlers caught in something silly.
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circling purple.jpg
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you pass time with a pastime.
Well seeing how most of the people that do that usually do it with 20 bottles of beer near them can you blame them for wanting your liver?
You're pasttime, Sparkle.
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mint chocholate.png
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Right, because she certainly can't shapeshift.
>Chrysalis gets her antlers stuck in something
>now she has her head stuck in something
looks tasty
>ends up smugly walking away from the situation, a mass of debris stuck in various places in and around her head.
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spitfire ground pound.webm
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She really is a huge bitch.
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ecstatlic dash.webm
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Aww, I forgot she did a pull up right before landing. It was on track for an outstanding entrance, now it's merely good.
>it just gets stuck in all those holes in her body
>Dash spots another weather factory
We saw civil gryphons before they all got retconned to make Gilda look like less of an asshole
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>Super hero entrance!
fuck I actually laughed
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you're all retards, I'm going to bed.
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Why is Scoots the best?
Don't encourage him you idiot
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horse latin.webm
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Aww, come on, it would be funny to watch her try transform out of that mess and just make it worse every single time
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why is she so smug.webm
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On a completely unrelated topic, what's the going rate for Griffin liver in Equestria?
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stretchy dash.webm
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80 bits cold.
500 if still warm.
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I'm the trashmare.webm
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When are we going to get a reaction image of Penn putting Dash in the trash?
she looks kind of cute in that scene
It ain't wrong.
>there are like no trash cans in Equestria
>Dash managed to slam into them twice despite of that
It's like a sign from Celestia herself that Dash is shit
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party facial.webm
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b o o p.webm
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puppy dash.webm
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Wait, so why was she called Shit-Fucker?
>The rare and endangered trash-dash emerges from her cave, after hibernating for the winter.
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dash's earth pony impersonation.webm
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>no DF logo
sauce on episode rip
She got caught pegging Sauren.
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Fucking racist.
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How bad was this episode?
Please, Earthies are not an actual race.
>Twilight becomes a princess.
>Rarity now owns 3 fashion boutiques.
>Dash joins the wonderbolts.
>Applejack... performs menial labour on the farm. Living just above the poverty line.
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Requesting webm of the scene where Dashie acts like Pinkie Pony

Really fucking good
It was so bad that they made the Wonderbolts into the Marines.
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they're totally fucking.webm
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It's so good Spitfire lost her highlights.
that's a totally different pony
She totally is in the locker room, know what I mean?
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two cute ponpons.jpg
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Thanks mate
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Well, all she ever wante dto do was rake in money to fix the place but ever since season 3 there has been a regression in barn economy and she's free to just make new barns as they go down all the time.

Simply put, her motions were monetary but the series ditched any notions of economic concepts or struggles after S2.
So how long is it going to take Dash to realize there are a couple of carpet munchers that share the same compound as her?
>Dash had to mentally prepare herself to flirt with a stallion.
DHX, what are you doing?
Since ponies don't have pubes we should really use a different phrase to carpet muncher.
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dash abducts another filly.webm
3MB, 1920x1080px
Fur flitter?
Coat Consumer?
>the megaphone at the end
rip dash
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It still pains me that absolute best filly idolizes absolute worst mare.
>Since ponies don't have pubes
oh YEAH?
Well, she never really had any grand goals in life.
Neither do Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie.
You forgot
>Fluttershy:Can support as many pets as she wants.
>Pinky:Considered next-to GOAT party planner, used to be considered GOAT party planner.

You'd think the wonderful princesses with powerful and versatile magical powers would fix the glaring economic problems.
Fucking rich-bitch-mentalitied writing.
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why are fillies so stompy
There is nothing gay about giving your battle buddies a body massage.
>Hey little filly, where are your parents? .. you don't have any? Perfect!"
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r a d i c a l.webm
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>Why won't the gubmint fix all my problems?

Typical americlap mentality
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>Today is World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
She's never coming back.
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Why do you have to keep reminding me. That color scheme was perfect.
Which is a shame, I liked her a lot more than the other medical ponies we have
>Snips and Snails appeared in yesterday's episode
>Redheart will never appear again
Why is life so cruel
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spitfire whispers.webm
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This was just too much cringe in a single episode
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She is such a cute horse.
The Red Cross threatened to sue because of her but tattoo.
Do fem Shining and male Cadance have names?

Need to know for a fic
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When I first watched it i gave it 3/10, after a watching it again braced for cringe ill give it a 5/10.

The cringe was there to cover up the fact that nothing happens. Remove her pointlessly sneaking off to gather more cringe and Rainbow Joins the Wonderbolts, learns a routine in two days that she executes flawlessly.

There were two ways this episode could of been good; if the writers had balls Rainbow would have realized the Wonderbolts she idolized were no better than the asshole jocks from school she had spent her life trying to get away from, she could of decided that she wasn't willing to become thing she hates for the praise and leaves the Wonderbolts.

If they wanted to wuss out Rainbow should of realized that she had done pretty amazing things and has a lot to be proud of even when others don't see it, she could of learned to rely on her own self worth instead of trying to squeeze praise out of others or put on an exaggerated front to win them over. Rainbow performs perfectly and the other bolts get buttflustered when their name calling doesn't phase her anymore, Spitfire and Soarin help her chuckle off the teasing.
Griffonstone may have been an ancient seat of power, but the Olympian griffons were wearing armbands that made them seem militaristic. Compare Vienna vs Berlin just before WWII.
Gleaming Shield and Bolero, I think
Dash should have clicked her two brain cells together the second Spitifre called Saurin 'clipper'
Okay, Bolero is an awesome name
>her mark was staying on the family farm with family
>no more of her family have died yet
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I miss pre-EQG humanizations. I liked the films okay enough but they put a severe damper on quality art output. I haven't seen new AJ with overalls or tied-up shirt in forever.

That's actually a pretty rad name.
>quality art
Could you post some? The one you posted obviously isn't quality
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Yeah, it's one of the few r63 names I really like
At least she's not a hippy living in a shack in the woods with a bunch of animals like Fluttershy
or, you know, just what happened, she realizes that teasing each other some is not the end of the world, even when your name is rainbow cunt and you have the largest ego ever. Plus she relishes the fact that she made it into the wonderbolts like we have been set up for since the first fucking episode. What on earth is "ballsy" about just having her handwave it and go "oh no nevermind wonderbolts suck now", she's the super flying pony and they are the super duper flying pony team, nothing's changed about that no matter what names they can come up with for rainbow.

I mean she DOES need to get her ego stumped some after all, what's with trying to outperform everyone on a synchronized everyone-does-the-same-thing routine, how stupid is that, she better learn some humility stat if she wants to stay in that team
This. I miss seeing different artists' interpretations of the ponies as humans. Now it's just multicolored monstrosity shit.
At least she isn't Zecora.
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Eat me.

It was the best, it really was.
Unleash the fillies.
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This is pretty nice.jpg
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>That Twilight Pencils did when asked to draw "boring humans."
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Cute zebras.
>>Eat me.
I'd rather not, maybe I'd inherit your shit taste if I ate you
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Pixiv Ponki.png
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It's been a while since we've last discussed non-EQG (possibly non-anime) humanized stuff.
Any good artists still doing it?
Despite I fully agree good humanized art is superior to EqG shit, I will say that at least EqG ensures some level of quality. Their forms and looks are made static. Prior to that, most of the humanized we got were tumblr abominations.
Not to sound straight out of stormfront, but when the mane 6 were being made morbidly obese nigerian muslims with the burquas to match complete with red noses and knees. Yeah. When humanized art was at its peak, we got so much insufferable trash that's still used for shitposting to this day. So I don't really miss it all that much. I'll take blue skin over that shit most days.
Name the episode where the Wonderbolts weren't portrayed as a bunch of selfish, disloyal , unpleasant jerks. After all this time I would hope she realized her Idols were really just a bunch of cunts.
Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3.
Guys have a pretty decent legacy.
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I don't think so, the first few pages on Derpibooru are all either generic anime trash or just shit
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Can't inherit what you already got.

Not like there's much you can talk about.
I'm not the one who thinks horribly deformed balloon tits are quality, man
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Is consistently bad a good trade off, though?
>Not to sound straight out of stormfront, but when the mane 6 were being made morbidly obese nigerian muslims with the burquas to match complete with red noses and knees.

One, what the living fuck are you talking about?

Two, yeah, that shit makes you sound straight out of stormfront. Why don't you go shitpost over at /r/the_donald, instead? You'd feel more at home.
>Boobs that small in One Piece
Please. After the time skip Oda made sure everyone, even the flat chested girls, have an above average bust
(...jesus, this guy wrote out "-ould of" four times in one post...)
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pepe 86.png
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How can dashfags handle all these insults toward their waifu?
Well they are popstars, they've got a certain reputation to uphold.

But the first thing that comes to mind is when Rarity falls to the ground in Sonic Rainboom and they immeadiately chase after her. They didn't really have an "obligation" to, they were there as judges and there's a full fucking stadium of pegasi able to do the same, yet they're at the rescue the instant Rarity starts falling.

And they fuck up and get saved by Rainbow but if that doesn't make for morally sound characters I don't know what does.
You're kind of objectively wrong
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big cuz lil cuz.jpg
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The tumblr stuff was always overblown, there was very little of it ever

The problem is now all humanisations wear the same clothes and have those god awful skin colours.

>"stop having opinions I don't like!"
>"go back to [place I don't like]!"
Anon, do us a favor and stop posting
To be fair, that midriff looks anything but small.
I've never seen One Piece, though.
They've seen too many marvel flicks
>last week's episode was weaker than this one so i call this a win.

Last week's episode was the best this season by a garden mile. It had really great interpersonal drama fueled by conflicting motivations and desires that drove propelled the story forward and stuff.
Not him but c'mon, you don't remember all the shitpost images of the mane 6 being blackwashed and turned into things that basically looked like caricatures?
People have been posting that shit since the beginning, it was always guaranteed replies.

Seeing as you're obviously new, Tumblr had/has a habit of redrawing the ponies as disabled minorities in order to fit their worldview, even if it goes against established canon, like Zecora obviously being the blackest equine around.

Also, go be offended somewhere else.
Yeah, I remember occasional images of Twilight being black, or Pinkie Pie being overweight.

That...is about it? (excluding fetish art, ofc) Nothing on the order of what that /pol/ kid was talking about.
Anyone has that DIVERSITY! drawing made by Corwin?
Anon there were a lot of drawings of black Rarity, muslim Fluttershy and other things like that.
That's like a few hundred pictures at most, just because people shitposted with them doesn't mean it was all that prevalent
That's like saying most of the humanizations were Ross' abominations
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Now that EqG is bound to die after this year's movie, do you think they should try again with the humanization thing?
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There weren't very common, and even if they were, the dweeb above threw everything into the stew all at once. You're describing pictures where only one or two of those traits were present.
You simply can't be serious, anon.
EQG itself is awful enough they learned their lesson
Just give us a fucking humanized anime


We all know it's gonna happen eventually
>Stabbing ourselves didn't go great last time
>Lets do it again
Anon, think for a moment.
It was cp wasn't it
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Well, PPGZ was a thing... MLPZ might be a reality someday.
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>It's another "Twilight is doing a shit job mentoring her student" episode
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Why is Pinkie always after Dash so much
If you haven't watched it, just flip on Persona 4 The Animation. It's literally the closest to a MLP human anime as you're going to get.
Wasn't Persona basically Dimaond is Unbreakable told differently?

I'd say every episode sans Rainbow Falls and maybe Rariry Investigates. First one is obvious and the second was only one guy who got called out for being shit.
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boasting filly.png
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if only they were met early
I just went through the first 100 pages and there's maybe two to three pages worth of pictures that could possibly match your description, and even then it's only if you're being generous and count anything not 100% aryan and stuff like this
Please stop talking about of your ass
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you guys
it's mothers day
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>I just went through the first 100 pages

Just so we're clear on this, you just used filters, right?
You didn't go through 100 pages of images just to prove your point.
>Not doing extremely autistic shit just so you can be right on the internet

Where do you think you are

I once went outside and dropped a rock from a bridge just to win an arguement on /sci/
Contrary to popular belief, fillies are, in fact, real.
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There's autism and then there's stupidity, anon.

A very thin line you're walking in this case.
>muslims and jews are upset the red cross has a cross
>make their own red crescent and red star because people wouldn't accept stuff from the red cross and attack aid workers because it has a cross as their symbol

How trifling
Next episode is parents included!
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>fully geared Death Knight sleeping alone without his helm.png
I went through 100 pages of images because I was bored and to prove my point, anon
I can see it in a region where christians often ally with their enemies
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>heart eyes
filly is ready to breed
The muslims kidnapped your filly.
Oh no
Filly gets female circumcision
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>outrage at cute puppy
but why
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>death knight professional raid ui.png
And you are next, AJ
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Stretchin' those pony glutes.png
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I want to hold Applejack down and lop off her clitoris

Then I want to have her vagina stitched shut until the day I marry her against her will
That mouth seems so off wtf
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I want to snuggle this filly, lovingly
You're going to spoil her.
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I want to be her Panka Poe and make her smile
Can we have an adult version of her? F-for science, of course...
The filly has been kidnapped!
Are you a bad enough dude to save the filly?
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This can't be real
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I was happy that there will be 12 Wonderbolts but no. There have to be 11 for some reason.
I mean in general a lot of their countries are fairly western like jordan, kuwait, bahrain, lebanon, turkey somewhat and a few smaller ones and there's a few that have their shit together but are russia styled conservatives like kyrgyzstan
FILLIES >>> MARES (at least in the cuteness factor)
>DHX, what are you doing?
They're preparing to reveal >>27302603
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Human CTF.png
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Do you think the spot they first planted the Equestrian flag still exists?
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She's here!
Then where are all the highly-choreographed half-punching half-martial arts fight scenes?
Show writer guy watches episode review videos
Do you think your Senpony will notice you today?
Celestia's Proposal? Yes.
i had to work

how was the dashiesode

any new waifus
I would love it if we got to see both EQG world Shimmer and EQG world Glimmer, as we've not seen either of them yet, and they're technically not reformed. One thing I've always wanted this show to try is having two main villains who are working against each other, and the Mane 6/7/whatever are caught in the crossfire.
I think that human Shimmer and human Glimmer would be technologically advanced in the EQG world, and would be rival mercenaries or something.
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>working on Saturdays
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I used to work 6 days a week and my only day off was monday
it was weird
>no webcomics update
>phys.org doesn't have new content
>library is closed so I can't study
>already ate
>already jerked off
>already played vidya
>all shops are closed
>it's not even sunny outside
I've got like
eight hours to kill
yeah I mean I've seen puppies drowned by mexicans and farmer types because they had something wrong with them or just couldn't be cared for
Just jerk off like 8 more times.
Books are great.

>mfw I'm sometimes working Saturdays and Sundays
People here regularly drown puppies or kittens.

I find it barbaric but you can't argue against it from a moral point of view.
It's not like they haven't tried gifting them to other people or such.
The dog shelter won't take puppies alone (they need their mom, who happens to be family's dog) and most people already have a dog of their own.

It's sad but it is how it is and spaying is the only real option (which, of course, creates a ton of problems once you actually do want some pups).
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call your mother
I already jerked off thrice anon
After that porn doesn't do anything unless it's extremely nasty
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Ponyroyal Academy.png
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Except that one.

Maybe this one instead. It's got princesses and fairy tales and shit in it.
this is fuckin surreal what is even happening
did the dog just go after the horse or something I cant imagine the horse and some dude just like, attacked a dog
called her this morning.
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Marathon a series. Maybe one of those ~24 episode, half an hour per episode animu or something more interesting.
Larson, please.
go ride a bike or skate
go to a bar
go to the park
go to the animal shelter
Horses are dicks.

You know what, I'm gonna read a book
The sole idea of sitting 12 hours in front of a chair made me fat
>Horses are dicks.
horses are rad they're just not very trusting animals, you gotta get to know them
and if they get mad they get really mad
I blame the other animal in the video.
It's nice to see that the party cannon is gentle even if it shoots you in the face point blank with open eyes.
Oh neat!
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1MB, 1600x900px

me too
>how was the dashiesode
It was alright. Not as strong as the rest of the season so far but still enjoyable.

>any new waifus
Not really. But Fleetfoot is back.
who do you play dice with

Do you work in a call-centre by any chance?
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oh yeah lower spitfire.png
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Hell yeah she is
Pedro and Ivan.
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Why do ponies nazi salute so much?
I can't believe griffons are fucking russians
Haven't seen the Greeks get upset about puppies on a police officer cap
it was formerly just a patriotic/nationalist salute
still is in the east in some areas
They don't
Jews fear ponies
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Falling with Style.jpg
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Don't know but I can't complain.
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is it time
Fuck off
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Repeat after me Twilight "Seig"
I just cant watch this episode. Since RD started going PinkiePie style I just paused it and kept it in other tab. Writers pls
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Might be
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Who's the best CMC and why is it apple filly?
Have you people ever seen a nazi salute or are you just pretending to be retarded
Ride the pony
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I don't mind her theme, and she's a cute pony, but sadly it's still a controversial character to post.
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You are wrong.
>but sadly it's still a controversial character to post
I've never seen anyone raise a stink about in on 4chan
>Everyone learns about Nazi Germany
>People make fun of the nazi salute constantly
>you get assburgers mad
Are you a retard?
is that a fucking AK
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Because the other two have genetic issues?
Maybe you should stay less in /mlp/ and more in mlpg.

Actually, you know what?
Don't come by anymore.
Are you triggered or something
I don't really know why you think I'm mad
fleetfoot's voice is sexy as fuck

can you imagine that raspy voice saying your name over and over again as she cums
God damn.
They made her the most awkward, least mature pony to the point of spilling hay. In other words she's canonically -retarded- now.

That episode was cringe worthy.

Welp. That place goes into the bookmarks.

You could always play around with some code/drawing, anon.
Or dick around here, talking ponies.
Not very productive, but the best I could come up with for my endless 12AM to 10PM train journey today.

It would be so rad to get a real physics student at the dorm next year.
I was stuck with two law majors this year and it has been awful... they don't do anything related to actual study, never go to sleep before 3AM and listen to rap at high volume all the time.
Of course, every final is the same for them... go in dumb as a bag of bricks, copy some answers, pass with distinction.

I now understand all the hate towards humanitarian majors on here.
I misquoted, meant to refer to >>27303339
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look anon i brought you some oj.png
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>can you imagine that raspy voice saying your name over and over again as she cums
No, but I wish I could
>complain about the proper way to Nazi salute and ask if people are retarded because they make fun of the nazi salute

Your former post sure did implying it

Why is Sweetie Belle bringing me a jar of piss?
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dash is a faggot.png
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>S4 had an episode where she was a "special learner"
>"oh my god! This S6 episode made her a retard! Worst episode ever!"
Co-ed barracks
Co-ed locker rooms
Co-ed sinks so probably co-ed bathrooms
When do the conservative soccer moms realize Canada is trying to brainwash their innocent little girls into accepting men in the women's restrooms?

Honestly though, it's not even a hot concept in action. It's just practical. My Wonderbolt shower fantasies aren't harmed by it though.
She's been on a slow slide for a lonnnng time, anon.
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That's orange juice.
If your piss is orange, drink some fucking water.
Please talk to a doctor, Anon.
Why would a species that's naked 90% of the time need separate bathrooms?
Are you telling me that your sweetie belle doesn't piss orange juice
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Watch out for the boss of the gym
fuck you
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You will never have a filly daughter.
Fuck, I thought the symbol would show up.
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Did everyone's monitors shut down temporarily during the Flight Camp flashback where Filly Dash messed up her stunt and gets ridiculed about it by even her instructor and called "Rainbow Cras",' bringing her to the edge of crying?
So far all the posts that have ragged on Dash for "not being able to take an insult/"the banter" they keep forgetting how it Might Have Scarred Her.

but I can't blame them, even the fucking writers forgot about that part too, I guess.
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retarded OC overload.png
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I love this dude's stuff, why am I so autistic
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best country.png
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Because we must reflect all of our insecure cultural norms onto a fantasy race of cartoon ponies in order to relate to them. If people accept that things can be different than the way they are for reasons they might start reflecting on why they do things and why other cultures do other things and understand them.
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> If people accept that things can be different than the way they are for reasons they might start reflecting on why they do things and why other cultures do other things and understand them.
Sounds fucking gay
weird al married mai waifu

i-i'm ok with this
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>If you don't have separate locker rooms then you can't have a 'dick through the hole' scene like from PORKY'S.

And that's terrible!
I love how the team at disney actually revealed that they made nala sexually appealing.

i was just talking about my lust for nala in a different thread on a different board

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Where she belongs.jpg
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Not Spitfire
>cucked by weird al
what a world
Their daughter looks like the sugar star oc.
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i belong here.png
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No, I think that made Dash freaking out about the hazing actually make sense because of ALL the nicknames they picked, instead of just Dash being a thin-skinned little bitch.

It definitely rationalized why Dash was so insecure about the nickname. But she got over it after they explained it to her like she should have. She didn't tell them it hurt her feelings and tell them to stop and they didn't respect they hurt her feelings and stop doing it. That's the PC shitty ending MLP from the 80's would have taught. I liked that they showed she was able to get over they were calling her Rainbow Crash because it was in hazing and not mean-spirited like it was in her childhood.
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Fillies are cute. But who's the cutest of them all?
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>tfw I actually enjoyed the impression scenes
I thought they were actually pretty funny and spot-on
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I'm sorry.
I'm torn between her and Scootaloo
My only concern was that they were going to get dragged out way too long until the final scene of the episode where Dash has to find her spot on the team by acting like herself or some bullshit.

I'm going to enjoy those scenes much better now that I know that's not the case.
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I forgive you.
i've wanted to make love to her big warm furry kitty body since i was a kid
I want to kiss her.
Don't fret anon. It just means you like fun, unlike all the sticks in the mud in MLPG.
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They were good
Was it the 1st time episode ended with actual ending music instead of random song from the show?
sometimes i forget scootaloo is a girl
Uh oh
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>you will never have a filly fangirl
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soarin is confused.webm
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Yeah, I thought they were fun, especially the Twilight and Rarity ones
Oh, sorry. What was her nickname again?
where is anon fan filly when you need her
that filly looks like ayylian
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Yeah, Nala was babby's first WHYBONER?!
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They were pretty bad within the concept of the episode.
Plus, RD already did this joke once already, Rarity did so as well.
This kind of felt like that "quieter" spoof they had at the beginning of the Breezisode.
A joke is great but repeating it over and over again is lame as heck, besides the fact it stopped being funny ages ago.
Can you take your furry lust literally anywhere else?
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She's too little.
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i want nala to be my mom and for her to lick me all over
On the cheek.
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05-07-16 Apple.png
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I disagree
It was still pretty amusing
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You calling my waifu a slut?
Alright, new personal head canon: Spitfire was a model before she got into the Wonderbolts because she was so fit and sleek. It paid the bills and gave her a lot of free time.

And after she got into the Wonderbolts she was used heavily in advertising and promotional posters because "holy shit, look that's Spitfire." It'd definitely help attract a new audience and more attention.

So if not "Centerfold" then a tamer "Poster Pony".

Not at all. She could just be a pony known for her good looks.
Your Waifu has been drinking, and she doesn't plan on sharing any of it with you.
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Is Starlight bipolar? Sometimes she's gloomy about her past, and other times she doesn't even mind about her whole 'enslave and mind control an entire village' thing.

Which side of her are we going to see in the next episode?
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a berry tiny tongue.png
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What a bitch.
I understand though. I usually don't share either.
hopefully the ass side
twilight why
Is Spike okay?
twilight is an asshole
Great horse!
Doctor pone gonna smell spikes feet
You're just saying that so she'll bake you a pie
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>Model turned athlete

I think "athlete who looks really good," takes a lot less mental hoops to jump through
Could I get a cup of cider with that?
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Well who wouldn't want a pie?
Does anyone have the gif of Siler Spoon extracting pie from peachfilly's mouth?
How am I supposed to walk you with a jump rope
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look at that huge fuckin' bug butt under the covers
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I wish Twilight was my surrogate mother
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Why is this pone so cute?
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The lack of sweaty sexy porn from the scene is disconcerting
I want to poke that pony's frogs
Those are hoof BUTTS, anon.
Pet the fillies. Pet them!
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I can't do that if they're not real.
Jeez Fluttershy was real naive eh
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Keep your health meter above zero!
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why lib
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ded trixie.webm
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>filly teats
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That is a colt.
I want to have DoM's babies
I want to boop that snootle.
Are you sure?
Is that why it's so insecure?

Maybe someone should fix his eyebrows then so everyone stops making that mistake.
She's a filly
Or a very trappy colt
I was referring to >>27303921
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Well, now I feel dumb. I get what you were talking about now.

What kind of talent does banana filly even have?
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sweetie sits down cutely.gif
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>ponies actually wear clothes everyday
>turns out Ponyville is a nudist town
Can you do that? Can your special talent be a noun?
A lesbian nudist colony at that.
There's typically way more male ponies in other towns.
>The cringe was there to cover up the fact that nothing happens
It didn't even feel like a 20 minute episode, it was so short
>Rainbow Dash realizing the Wonderbolts are shit
never gonna happen
>if the writers had balls Rainbow would have realized the Wonderbolts she idolized were no better than the asshole jocks from school she had spent her life trying to get away from, she could of decided that she wasn't willing to become thing she hates for the praise and leaves the Wonderbolts.
I was made fun of and called names too, Anon. But I realize the difference between hazing and namecalling.
>lesbian nudist colony
The best kind of colony
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traveling pony.png
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I love hitchhiker pone
she should go to griffinstone
hanging out in Dash's house
They specifically used Dash's trigger phrase. It's understandable in this context
ponies go missing in griffonstone
I like oppp's less alcoholic globetrotting sister too
Filly breached your house.
Filly stole your underwear.
she's just as alcoholic
That would end badly for me. I'm a very boring person and I'd probably bore her, too.
The other ponies are sure that you are filly's property now, since she's walking around in your underwear.
>someone drew the shitty IT Crowd joke I made

They had no idea it would set her off.
She didn't try explaining why she didn't want that name, either
The fact that THAT was the whole conflict of the episode was really cheap. The moral was alright, though.
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bap her on the snootle
The thing is that Rarity was trying as hard as she could to be a hick to insult AJ.
Dash was just trying to act like AJ.
Did Applejack think her friends actually respected her?
Twilight probably says defends she's not racist to her Canterlot pals because she has an earth pony farmer as a friend.
Yeah the episode fucking sucked, but I mean it wasn't just Dash's ego. It was a stupid misunderstanding that got out of hand
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With Rarity it was a back and forth between her and Applejack taking the piss out on each other.

Dash was just being a cunt like always
Dash can't handle the bantz.
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It's okay when Rarity does it
She's a hard working mare. Puts her back into her work and has a lifetime of accumulated practical knowledge and work experience. Knows damn well that her friends wouldn't last a day in her position.
When they treat her like she's just some dumb hick behind her back, does she feel hurt, or scornful?
She deserves to feel however it makes her feel
She's laborer, she has no place being scornful to her betters
It's okay Anon.
Having a Princess as a friend assures you that you'll get off scoot free.
These things put Merriwether's FS outburst in some decent perspective.
Though it is kind of weird since they often do acknowledge her work and also help out.

Yet each time they try and impersonate her, they go with a stupid hic/redneck stereotype.
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>I love breeding covered in mud
Happy Mother's Day
>Celestia being Celestia.png

Anyway, have you talked to your mom today?
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motherly celestia young anon.png
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>sunhorse will never be your mom
She is not a mother.
Just because she's infertile doesn't mean she can't be a mom.
Maybe it's time I turn her into one
Filly wants to visit Pyongyang someday.
Wonder if the Wonderbolts would've made her clean up that too if they knew
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is ponewords like arabic
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what am i remembering
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fluff them up.gif
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I'll never forget
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They found the Wonderbolt!
>tfw you'll never surprise Fleetfoot in the unisex locker room
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