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FiMFiction Thread - Now with 55% more generic taglines!

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Thread replies: 503
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ITT: reading, reviewing, recommending, refusing Futaloo's gets, turning your fic into manifestos about suicide, we're at least comparatively more active than the Writefag's Guild, it's alright to talk about an underage girl's developing body as long as you're not a creep about it, Pony Verbs a Noun, gore doesn't have to be shit, to humanise or not to humanise, lore and backstory infodumps, someone posts the entirety of these threads on some forum for some reason, fond remembrance of LtD, Voiceguy's narrations will end up being his downfall, general General discussion, Mary Sues, and deep pondering about the nature of edge.

Burnt out after reading that terrible retelling of a real world tragedy? Still waiting for your hardcover copy of Pirene to arrive? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

>FIMFiction Starter Kit (recommended fics):
List of nominees by category:

>How do I write fanfiction?
Ezn’s guide - http://eznguide.neocities.org/
Politics and the English Language - http://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - http://pastebin.com/g4VpEg4f

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs with inline comments enabled and give us a link. Keep in mind that we’re too lazy to review more than a few pages at once, and it may take some time for someone to respond.

>Reviews and riffs:

>Voiceguy's readings:

Old thread: >>27176030
First for Futaloo. Also get.
Eternal ponies get
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The new episode really felt disappointing. Starlight's personality change is way too brutal from her old revengeful self. I think they really missed out on a good opportunity for actually showing a selfish person learn about friendship, instead of going from "Fuck you all, I'm bent on revenge and myself" to "I'm a huge friendship slut pls be me friend" in a week.

Also quads captcha
The day has arrived!
Bloody fuckin' hell
>It wasn't a futaloo get but a futaloo and a get.
Oh. Everything's fine.
OOT but I've had this very annoying wrongnes sensation all day, when I type my fingers are always too far from the center of the key and even my teeth feel as if they were slightly misadjusted. I hate when this happens.

Maybe Starlight suffers from an obsession disorder that makes her take extreme stances on compartively minor issues. Thus swinging her personality wildly.

>lose a friend because he finds a special talent?

Noone must have special talents again!

>local government hit squad takes down your communist utopia?

I must change time so they never meet!

>leader of local government hit squad convinces you you're a bitch?

Perhaps in time she will become obsessive about becoming the best friend ever.
Riding on the coattails of one of last thread's arguments, there's something I've been thinking about for some time.

There's this Spanish song, "Thursday", it's about a young woman who takes the train one day and falls in love with someone on the other side of the train cart. They take the train several times, but neither of them make the first move until eventually the guy tells her he likes her, and decide to go out.

The song ends with them kissing in the darkness.

The Thursday in the title refers to Thursday, March 11th. The day a terrorist group bombed four trains in Madrid, the 'darkness' at the end isn't a tunnel, but rather the remains of the train. The song is based on the diary of a woman who died in the bombings.


For a while I thought about making something similar in a fic, If only due to my nagging need of making tragic romantic stories. But the problem I find would be that I can't think of any big catastrophe happening in Equestria that would fit the kind of disaster I'd need
I like the weird bits of her personality we are getting. To me, it seems like her being fleshed out. Her will to get a certain place in a setting that's unfamiliar is somewhat amusing, and I liked most of the parts in the "looking for quickie friends" montage.

I mainly liked Twilight being wrong. I don't dislike her, but I want her to be wrong more, and I enjoyed the previous finale mostly for Twilight getting utterly destroyed.
For now she's not really fleshed out to me. It seems like a regression, her going to totally determined time changer to a friendship slut telling "jokes" about her wanting to enslave Ponyville. Actually keeping her close-mindedness and vanity and slowly getting rid of it would have been much more interesting.
Yeah, those jokes were jarrying.
I mean, joking about your fuck ups it's normal when you've gotten over them, but she very obviously isn't. It comes of as if they try to depict her as being and not being over Our City at the same time,
Jokes just seem out of character for something she dedicated her life about. It's as bad as Bleedin making Celestia laugh about NMM. I think remorse or hard feelings/isolation from the M6 would had been more appropriate.
I'm truly beyond the pale.
Can anyone tell me whether this is a worthy read?
I heavily disagree. Her only purpose in life until now seemed to be war on cutie marks, and now that Twilight crushed that purpose, she has nothing else to do and instead decides to follow her advice.
And it's not like her personality and habits changed completely on the fly, even in this episode she used a spell to alter someone's behaviour to suit her preferences without thinking.
She went "I'm a huge friendship slut pls be me friend" because she had to show progress to Celestia. Imagine being a reformed villain who has to prove to the leader of your nation and a superpowered goddess that you're all good now. Of course you'd try to do something to appease her ASAP as well.
That was a close fucking call.
That reminds me of a fic about two ponies falling in love on a train.
The ones were they had actually just escaped an arrangement marriage with each other?
Uh, I don't think so? It was years ago.
And I've never read it.

A couple "catastrophes" come to mind:

1. The Canterlot Wedding. Either have them fall in love on the day of the attack, or have one of them be a replaced by a changeling right before the confession.

2. Disappearance of the Crystal Empire: Set it 1000 years in the past. The confess their love right before the Empire gets banished.

Both of these also give you the chance to not make it a complete tragedy. For the latter, the audience knows that they'll make it out okay in the future, and you could even write it taking place after the reappearance, with them having lost their memory and trying to piece together what happened or something.

For the former, you can still pull off the original intent if you let the Changeling Invasion have casualties. Alternatively, it can turn into an adventure where the not replaced one tries to track down the replaced one.
No page 10 jokes
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>7dsj book 4, chapter 12

The hurricane has finally hit Canterlot, and by "hurricane", I mean "tornado with extra rain". No more details because this is legit rustling my jimmies.

We finally get some real info on A.L.I.C.O.R.N. They're working against the SIRENs, and getting help from Les Scars. Their plan goes like this:
>1. shoot their way into the heavily fortified SIREN base, killing 100 highly-trained and magically-augmented SIRENs
>2. shoot their way out of the base, killing the other 100 SIRENs
>3. kidnap Edgelord and Celestia
>4. flee the country
You may wonder if step 3 is strictly necessary. It is not. The boss man wants to kill Edgelord and fuck Celestia. There is no other reason for step 3.

Sandalwood (no, the other Sandalwood) is unhappy because he's being blackmailed into having a 3-way with his stepsister and some random rich girl. Later, he is unhappy because he just walked in on the Mean Girls (SIRENs) killing both of the other two. And even later, he is unhappy because one of the Mean Girls is currently fucking him to death. Also, a SIREN eats a cat.

And now, the main event: Octavia finally snaps, and along the way, we finally get an explanation of why she's been going crazy in the first place.

You see, Octavia has been slowly taken over by the evil spirit of her unborn twin. And by unborn twin, I mean the cluster of ~250 cells that was absorbed by the other cluster of ~250 cells that eventually became Octavia. That unborn twin has its own spirit (somehow), its own name ("Melody"), it's very angry for some reason, and also there's an ancestral curse or some shit, idfk.

Anyway, Octavia snaps, Melody takes over. Then Melody puts on the sluttiest outfit she can find, and goes downstairs to hit on Twilight, hit on Bon-bon, try to kill Sunset, punch out Twilight Velvet, and try to kill Sunset some more. Fortunately, Night Light shows up just in time to stop all the chaos by telling "Octavia" to go to her room. Which she does, for some reason.
Please give extra details so I can wreck Chink.


>Les Scars


>Unborn twin

I think that's more of a mental problem than an unborn twin. If that happens, it's not a free spirit, it's a single being. Cell specialization doesn't even start that soon iirc.

Seriously, this gives me high hopes on how my first fic will be received if this bullshit is popular.
This is the hurricane bit, see how many errors you can spot:

>The wind buffeted the city of Canterlot and its suburbs as the unthinkable happened: a hurricane had made it onto land this far in with all its strength intact. Rain slammed into everywhere it could like bullets, breaking windows and scoring stone, concrete and metal. Winds howled with force that turned anything loose into missile hazards, pushing flower stems to the speed of missiles and embedding them in poles, throwing cars all over the place and the like. Five cities lay in its path and though the major one, Canterlot itself, would be mostly spared, the poorer suburbs to the south and east would be hit hard.

>Though the hurricane itself seemed normal despite its freakish strength and its sustaining ability so far from open water, there would be few that could discern its true intent.

>Seated in the storage basement of the building both their businesses and home were in, Harmonic looked at her husband. “I hope the girls are okay,” she said, her voice a lilt barely above the whistling winds outside.

>“I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Cashflow told his wife. “Besides, aren’t they staying in the part of town that’s not in the path? Trixie will be fine, don’t worry. So will Lyra and Bon-Bon.” He loved his only child, and was fond of Trixie’s lifelong best friend, but his wife thought of Lyra as one of their own as well; probably because Lyra wasn’t as close to her own family as his daughter was to them, he reasoned. And now with Lyra having a girlfriend, Bon-Bon now occupied a quasi-filial position in Harmonic’s heart.

>“Ah hope yer right,” Harmonic said, slipping into her native accent as she did when she was nervous. Oftentimes he had to remind himself that “Harmonic Convergence” was just an act and that at the end of the day, he was really married to Dixie Flower.

>“They will be,” he said, putting his arms around her. “Our girls will be.”
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>Wind buffeted

Happens all the time


A hurricane making it 2000 or so (my headcanon 4000km wide Equestria) into mainland. The fuck.

>Breaking windows
>Embedding flower stems into poles
>Throwing cars

Tormicane op

Looks like pic AJ is real after all.
Wait, isn't Canterlot in Equestria? Or is there a second Canterlot on Earth?

Where is it approximately?
>I think that's more of a mental problem than an unborn twin.
Nope, there's magical fuckery going on. All the info on the "unborn twin" and "curse of La Musica" and whatever other bullshit comes out during a long dream sequence, which briefly includes a statue of Sunset Shimmer's pony form. But Octavia doesn't know Sunset is secretly a horse, much less what horse-Sunset looks like. Therefore, magic.

>A hurricane making it 2000 or so (my headcanon 4000km wide Equestria) into mainland. The fuck.
It's magic, bitch. (The hurricane, that is.)

Also, in 7DSJ's version of EqG-earth, Canterlot is a city in California. In fact, last chapter they mentioned it's 73 miles northwest of Chico, CA. I assume there's a real-life city at that location which Canterlot is replacing, but I haven't checked to be sure.
Even if we discard range, there's still the fact that rain melts steel and concrete beams, and that we only had 2 hurricanes hit the west coast in 100 years.

Chink should give this a read.

>73 miles northwest of Chico, CA
Redding is around that distance from Chico.
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Chink, if you're here.

Please explain to me...

>there's still the fact that rain melts steel and concrete beams

>we only had 2 hurricanes hit the west coast in 100 years.
I'm okay giving this one a pass due to magic.

My favorite is this line:
>aren’t they staying in the part of town that’s not in the path?
A somewhat reasonable thing to say about a tornado assuming the path is predictable, which I think is not usually the case?, which is at most a mile or two wide. Not so reasonable to say about a hurricane 500+ miles in diameter.
>500 mile wide hurricane

hurr derr merguc hurr derr

There's also >>27234465
What? Hurricanes are legitimately 100s of miles wide IRL.
>While it was a Category 2 storm off the coast of the Northeastern United States, the storm [Sandy] became the largest Atlantic hurricane on record (as measured by diameter, with winds spanning 1,100 miles (1,800 km)).
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No, I mean them living in a part "not in the path", not it being 500 mile wide silly.

There's also this marvel if you like it. Typhoon Tip, largest ever.
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>Though the hurricane itself seemed normal despite its freakish strength and its sustaining ability so far from open water, there would be few that could discern its true intent.
>Though the hurricane itself seemed normal despite behaving abnormaly in every conceivable way.
So... how 'bout dem fimfictions, eh?
Found an interesting fic recently while searching the Sci-Fi tag for anything new (thanks, Knighty):

Broken Symmetry

It's all about Moondancer and Twilight doing experiments on antimatter and time travel. And I mean real experiments, as in setting up paradoxes on purpose to see what happens, in order to figure out the rules that govern Moondancer's magic-powered time machine. There's also several discussions of what appear to be real-world quantum mechanical phenomena. I don't know enough QM to judge their accuracy, but regardless, it makes this fic the hardest hard-scifi I've seen on Fimfiction.

There's a pretty major Moonlight shipping subplot as well. So far it's been portrayed pretty well, considering the fic is all written from Moondancer's POV, and it seems in-character for her to be largely oblivious.

One minor thing I like about it is the way the author makes the horses seem like horses. Better than the show's been doing lately in that regard.

The major downside is that the writing is honestly kind of bad in some places, particularly during the first 4-5 chapters. Those "discussions" of QM often turn into pretty blatant infodumps, with one of the earlier ones featuring multiple uses of the phrase "as you know".

Overall: Read it if you like hard scifi and can handle the sometimes awkward writing. Otherwise, probably pass, since the combination of detailed QM explanations and bad writing will probably not make for a good experience.
I'm looking at pictures of ponies in dresses and trying to figure out what dresses look sexiest on them. What happened to my life?
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You've made the right decisions.
You've achieved greatness.
>hard sci-fi
>romance is not obvious from the get-go
>long drawn out discussions

Seems right up my alley, Anon. On to the Tracking list it is.
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Another chapter posted for the masses. If you're inclined to read fictions involving new dragon, Spike and Twilight, let me know your thoughts.

Right, I still have that open in a tab. I need to be more organised...
Anyhoot, I liked the first chapter, so I'll give it a shot.
I've been trying to keep it good. Thanks for giving it a read.

I actually read that one. It starts off with some pretty heavy Warhammer stuff, and since I don't play, the prologue left me unimpressed. But they get to Equestria quickly, and after that, the story's consistently hilarious. The author gets a lot of mileage out of contrasting the grim darkness blah blah blah with ponies and their love and friendship, and the self-aware but not meta-faggotry way they're forced together was just a joy to read.

I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a mix of dark humor that puts the emphasis on "humor" rather than "dark," and fans of sci-fi action.
An idea of "all knowing elder" is dangerous tool if You ask me.
Despite that, it's alright. Let us see what happens next.
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It's May!

Now that a third of the year is gone, how have you fared regarding your writing projects for this year?
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I see what youre saying, but I hesitate to call her all-knowing. She knows dragon history, and is old. She's mainly there to help Twilight learn about draconic history and the reasons why they do what they do.
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I have written green for three months straight
And some non pone
It was okay. Would have been nice if they had played up the "Starlight sliding down the slippery slope" angle more. Celestia was really shit in it, though. It's truly an accomplishment they could fuck her up without a single line of dialogue.

Depending on the characters involved, canon's got plenty of choices. Tirek causing pegasi to fall out of the sky, Sombra and his edge, Chrysalis and the wedding.

>steam engines
>8 bit arcade consoles
What? Oh, hey, it's on my RL.

Badly. I want to get three fics done by the end of the year and I'll be lucky to get one out at the rate I'm going.
>Chink, if you're here.
...Are you being serious right now?
Sounds interesting. Does it have an actual focus on the story, or is the plot there as a justification for infodumps?
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Fuck, I didn't even touch anything I started last year.
>It's truly an accomplishment they could fuck her up without a single line of dialogue.
>implying she wasn't always a stuck-up cunt
just did my monthly shelf cleaning

45 fics gone to dead/hiatus
7 fics cancelled
17 fics resurrected from dead/hiatus
1 resurrected from cancelled

maybe horse shit really is dying. in my experience the shit going inactive is usually balanced out by dead/hiatused shit coming back
People lose interest in things they've been working on for a while! Gasp! FANDOM IS DYING
Remember when Twilight let Flash fuck every girl in the dorm, she herself fucked Cadence and then Pinkie became Flash's second girlfriend?

Twilight is now upset because Flash went to a pool party with Rarity and 4 lesbian girls and didn't even touch anyone.
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I somehow don't think this'll last and Twilight will go back to subservient and loyal within some chapters.
one can only hope
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So, this is in the Featured Box right now.

It's a _sequel_ to "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" starring the son of Eddie Valiant. Now that FiM is a thing, the characters live in Toontown, but Twilight has gone missing, and he's hired to find her.

I don't know what to make of this. It's creative, I can say that much, but I don't how to feel about it only being 3,5k words long. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this could have been longer, and it probably would've been a fun mystery/comedy romp.

Oh, well. At least Hoopy McGee is writing again.
>Oh, well. At least Hoopy McGee is writing again.
No idea who that is and what this means.

Either way, I think that WFRR? is one of the best things to crossover with, since it's established as a crossover thing within itself. Then again, replicating the beauty of the original might be difficult, but if this is fun, I am just happy for its existence, even if I won't read it. (I hate fun)
>only 3502 words
I don't know about this. How could you possibly develop a half-decent plot with what most people would consider a prologue?
Heck, the prologue I'm writing just passed 5k.
Yeah, I thought it was only the prologue when I first saw it, but when I clicked on it, I find that it's complete.

>>steam engines
>>8 bit arcade consoles
It's magic. The actual explanation is that Moondancer built some sort of enchantment that produces a magical field capable of turning matter into antimatter (or something like that).

>Does it have an actual focus on the story, or is the plot there as a justification for infodumps?
There's a story, but so far it's mainly the story of two scientists trying to understand a new physical/magical phenomenon. The characters encounter obstacles like in any other story, but their problems are things like "a dress appeared out of thin air in the test chamber, now we have to figure out how the hell this happened". I don't want to spoil anything but it does look to be getting more and more high-stakes from here on out.

There's also a romance subplot, which is handled pretty well, though it's definitely not the primary focus of the fic.
Sounds good enough for me. Added to RL.
Short stories exist. You can write a good short story in just a couple of pages, it's nothing that hasn't happened. Some of the nominations were super short, with sub 5k words.
>what is a short story
Goddamnit, could you at least write an actual reply? This is it, I will shoot up a bank now.
And they were either experimental or simple SoL stuff.
You can't set up a proper plot, especially something that has a drama tag and seems to be a mystery story.

Did you just see the post above yours and decided to ride on his back?
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Alright lads, post a review of the last fic you read.
"It Doesn't Work That Way" http://www.fimfiction.net/story/325714/it-doesnt-work-that-way

An interesting attempt to establish dragon lore outside of what is traditionally considered in fantasy lore in most books and movies involving dragons.
It's an interesting concept that doesn't lack creativity, but having both males and females lay eggs, but only females able to actually hatch the eggs, seems dumb. Why would males even exist in the first place if females could continue to propagate the species without them?

as far as characterization goes, everyone was as they should be. Not a bad read, but the lore established in it seems to be either love or hate.

Also, throughout this story, I couldn't help but picture Morbo the news monster from Futurama shouting "Windmills do not work that way! Goodnight!"
>You can't set up a proper plot, especially something that has a drama tag and seems to be a mystery story.
*You can't set up a proper plot, especially something that has a drama tag and seems to be a mystery story, in 3000 words.

Whenever I start making a point, I always forget to finish my sentence.
>Did you just see the post above yours
Last fic I read, or last fic I've finished?
I found whole 6 stories under 5344 words in the Sad category, which is the only one I checked (because I had read most of those).

Now, I didn't like most of those stories, but stories can be done in under 5k words. Most books I read are short story books, and there is often good stuff in under 20 pages, which comes down to sub 5k words with A5 pages.

You can't do something longer than 5k words in 5k words, and that is one of the few absolute limitations. In fanfiction, things can be set up incredibly quickly, since the setting and characters are already there, so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. I mean, sure, you won't have a lot of mystery if you are done in 10 minutes, but from what it seemed, the story wasn't supposed to be some sort of neo-noir thriller, just something fun and silly like WFRR? was.

Also, I still hate you. You are sleeping on the couch tonight.
either or. Just keeping the thread alive with horsewords.
>just something fun and silly like WFRR? was.
Its only tags are Human, Crossover and Drama.
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>You can't do something longer than 5k words in 5k words
I've never seen anything good below 5k. Anything that short usually has a rushed plot, or barely any plot at all.
I've never said stories that short can't be done at all, I said they can't be done well.

If you have truly never read a good story of less than 5k words, then either you have the most incredibly shit taste imaginable, or you've actively avoided reading short fiction for most or all of your life.
Okay, give me three examples and I'll read them.
Not that anon, but Zaid's Scootaloo fic was decent for under 5k words.
>review the last fix you read

Yea I enjoyed that story about nothing. It was enjoyable because I didn't read anything.
I don't even remember the last fic I've finished.
According to my Finished shelf, it was a oneshot with 1043:27 like ratio about Starlight that I disliked so much I actually clicked the dislike button.

I have a feeling this will all end in you saying "I read them all, they're awful, therefor all short fiction is awful." But whatever, here are three of my favorite fics that aren't just short, but that could not be stretched to novel format without completely destroying them. I'll even make a point to grab three very different genres and styles:




If you're looking for non-fanfic, I could point you toward some good public-domain examples of short fiction, too.
Hey, I remember this one. It was really nice. It got a laugh outo f me back in the day. I should read it again, sometime.
>I have a feeling this will all end in you saying "I read them all, they're awful, therefor all short fiction is awful."
I don't mean to, it's just that you have a much stronger stance on this subject than me, so I could just be wrong about it.
I'll read these when I finish this episode of that chinese basketball cartoon.
Very short, well-written, pretty funny, I liked it.

Reads like a weird kids' book. Very interesting, but not something I'd like to read more often.

Amusing little SoL piece, starring sarcastic season one Twilight as the main character, which is a big bonus in my eyes. Very well written, though the ending is kinda stupid in my opinion.

I stand by my opinion that only experimental or SoL fics can work with less than 5k words.
>I stand by my opinion that only experimental or SoL fics can work with less than 5k words.
Don't forget about short comedy pieces that can work with a good setup and payoff in a couple thousand words.
Honestly, I treat comedy as a subgenre of SoL in most cases.
Post 99 from page 9 bump.

Reading any fic right now?
Of course not. If I was reading a fic right now, I wouldn't be posting here right now.
>tfw you've written more in replies to these threads than actually writing any of your stories.
I'm 100% sure I've written more words while arguing about stupid, irrelevant shit in this thread than for my own fics.
Ain't that the truth...
Oh man, that's perfect
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I also have the one with Poultron's quote.
I'm so glad I've gotten a lot more tired of 4chan. I post a lot less, and I'm almost never caught up in pointless arguments anymore. Feels good.
I'm also more productive, but that's not because I spend less time here. Spending less time here just helps.
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Yeah, I have that one saved already.
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>That was in 2014
Man, time sure passes quickly.

I don't even.

It's a Displaced fic written bad Bad Horse, who I know is part of LessWrong. I've never read a Displaced fic before for obvious reasons, but I figured a parody of a Displaced fic written by a LessWronger about a guy dressing up as a Psychoanalyst and then getting zapped to Equestria might be funny.

I feel like there's a lot of humor in the story that I'm missing, and if I had a Ph.D. in Psychology I might be able to appreciate it more. As it is, all I can say is that it's somewhat amusing, at least that parts that I understood.
this reads like you had a seizure during typing
>LessWrong. I've never read a Displaced fic before for obvious reasons, but I figured a parody of a Displaced fic written by a LessWronger
what kind of jargon bs am i reading here js
Are you fucking for real?
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>mfw just finished my 130k+ fic while being mostly a lurker on /fimfic/
He's just new.
It's still really easy to understand. He's just an idiot.
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Pic related. Fimfic confirmed for dying. If only it were that easy to get off the fanfic ride.

Depends on the genre. Comedy, SoL, sad, dark--all can be done with short oneshots but I don't think you can do a good drama in 3500 words.

>fun and silly
>no comedy tag
>drama tag
Weird way to indicate it.
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Yeah all these charts show is that there are a generally finite number of horsefucking enthusiasts that will join a fanfic site. Not that it's dying just that you'll only get so many.

That said, I will concede that it seems more difficult to get the high levels of acclaim that younger stories got for being even slightly halfway decent (you can probably name a few). Whereas there are doubtless hundreds of very high quality stories that go unrecognized because of a tsunami of constant shit that clogs up the feature box, and the uncritical method that anything even slightly well put together will get a 95% up vote rate. Making it a numbers game, and that's the issue in the first place.

So fimfic could certainly use a better method of bringing decent shit to a readers attention who goes searching for it. Or some way for unappreciated horse words to get recognized.
What if they converted fimfic to a general fanfiction website? The site looks better and has more functionality than the other shitty fanfiction sites

Man, those blog posts. What the fuck is wrong with the fandom.
That's what knighty wants to do at some point.
Though I think it'd be a separate site working of the same functions FiMFic does.
you say that like bitching isn't everyone's favorite pastime in this fandom
This is the best idea
How do you decide paragraph lenght?

I often find that I get caught up in narration and my paragraphs are always either too long, or too short.
heard it was 5 lines for the ideal length, but also that it's good to vary, so long - short- long -etc.
I don't.

It just works.
>I stand by my opinion that only experimental or SoL fics can work with less than 5k words.

You really shouldn't. More authors should aspire to reach 5k words rather than 500k.


>I often find that I get caught up in narration and my paragraphs are always either too long, or too short.

A paragraph should be as long as it takes to get to the end of it.
One "idea" per paragraph.
>I stand by my opinion that only experimental or SoL fics can work with less than 5k words.
One of the people arguing about 5k being aight here, I think that claiming something to be "experimental" can be pretty broad and apply to an enormous portion of short stories, which is one of the most experimental genres. Because of that, I use "experimental" only regarding to things that are really out there.

Either way, Isaac Asimov had some sub 5k stories, but I can't think of any other works that are in English, so I lack examples because of a language barrier. Still, man, you gotta believe man, I totes have read good stuff sub 5k that's pretty non-experimental.

Who cares, really? "decreasing in numbers" is pretty far from being dead.

Don't stress over paragraphs switching lengths, as long as you don't have 50 lines in a paragraph, it is fine. Remember that really short paragraphs can give an emotional emphasis.
Anchor post, disregard me.
The fuck is an anchor post?
Movie information.

Are you ready for the worldbuilding?
Are you ready for the pathetic remains of fanon to get absolutely ripped apart?
whelp if the fandom isnt dead by then, this'll surely kill it
Remember when people were saying the fandom is fucking dead three years ago?
Hey look, it's me trying to keep the thread alive with stuff.


Come on and join the group. Were going to have a competition and Voiceguy is going to read the winning fanfic. Currently scouting for judges right now, and I've already sent two messages, need one more to who'd be interested in joining.

Working on a topic right now.
implying anyone involved is competent

I believe the word youre searching for is competitors
>The Joke
one never can tell when bleedin is involved
enough with this fandom is dead meme already ffs
at least describe what the competition is gonna be
The competition is going to be with one topic, three judges and one prize. The winner will have their story read and it will be at most under 20,000 words. The topic will be something interesting hopefully.
I don't know what you mean.
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Every time I get an envy to write, I'm either in class or in a bus.

I hate my life.
>I get an envy to write

You can always try writing on a phone.
Silly anon, pointing out the easy solution

I write like shit on phones, even when hitting 85w/m on my lagtop
So do I, but I still did it back when I still felt like doing anything productive.
Well, that apart, there's still the fact I want to pass my courses. Engineering's a bitch.
I know it may sound like a forlorn concept, but pens and paper are perfectly valid tools.
I had to spent most of my morning in a bus between cities, and magic just happens when you start doodling, regardless of quality.
You don't even need to carry that much, small notebooks that fit in your pocket are dirt cheap.
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>pen and paper

If you can type 100+ wpm like so many people, you know the problem isn't the speed with which you can write. In fact, writing too fast is actually a problem.

Pen and paper can be very good for actually forcing you to slow down and think about wtf you're putting down.
Well, since you put it that way... a phone would be even better :^)
I use pen and paper too. I find I'm more efficient when I'm ignoring the lectures at uni and spend my time writing about cartoon horses, instead.
This. There's a whole different vibe to writing on paper vs just typing.
>read Celestia Code
>it's fun
>get on Luna Cypher
>after three chapters it turns into nothing but TwilightxLuna shipping
please tell me it gets better I didn't sign up for romantic drama
I am sorry.
I'd have to wonder. How exactly would this work?
Would it be like the writeoff events? Deadline - Judging - Voting - Results?
The shipping is fucking insane for a while but calms down toward the end of Luna Cypher. In the third book (The Twilight Enigma) it's still there but toned down to reasonable levels, and not a huge focus of the fic.
What is the comp going to be about Bleedin?
There will be three comp ideas to choose from the three judges.
Deadline, then three judges will judge, then judges will display their score on how well the stories handled the premise. Then grades based on each judges preference.
I'm bored and have two days off work. Rec me some Vinyl/Octavia or Twilight/Sunset fics to past the time?
Note: I'm not guaranteeing quality, just that these fics have the content you want. I've tried to arrange then from best to worst (in my opinion), approximately.


http://www.fimfiction.net/story/95013/the-royal-ponyville-orchestra (the rest of the stories in the series are also wirth reading, especially The Unbearable Lightness of Being Sweetie Belle and The Diamond in the Stars)
I normally try to shamelessly plug something I've done, but since I haven't written a story with those ships, I'll recommend something a friend did:

>three judges will judge
kek we'll have more judges than participants
No... Don't be a meany pants...
I'm just being real, homie.

look to our regulars, the ones most likely to participate in your little game. If they cant be bothered with their own fics, and they generally cant be bothered with writing contests, and they cant be bothered with prompts, then what makes you think theyll be bothered with li'l bleedys game of pones?
Oh okay, I'll just keep voicefag to reading my fanfics.

I guess people just don't want a free reading.
>free reading
If I wanted him to read my shit, I'm sure that I could make him. No one needs help, least of all from you, to engage Voicefag. I can just contact him.
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Well, that wasn't a nice thing to say.
I finished doing some major editing to my writeoff entry.


I'm happier with its state than when I first submitted it. Either way, I'd really appreciate your feedback.
I mean, I don't ever write anymore, but I'd be willing to participate in something along with you guys.

Great! A little drawn out at the start, really tense in the end.
I would have preferred Nightmare Moon over Discord though.
I usually do about five lines worth on the 8.5 x 11 print view for some reason, I never bother with web view before I start considering shifting to a new paragraph.


If they actually canonize the Cosmic Council I'm gonna be really happy.

We already have the voting group. (http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204388/voting) That's been our de facto so far.

>need one more
I have experience with autistic fanfic review competitions. http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/350591/fanfiction-reading-update-twyrants-kingdom-special

Once you board the Twiluna ride, there's no getting off. Seriously, though that whole lovecraft portal plot is cast away near the end in favor of NMM being behind the ship via mind manipulation. More relationship drama ensues, followed by disappointment the main plot was wrapped up in favor of it.
Goddammit. You know, it would be so cool if instead of kisses and pussy eating they built the relationship more on getting to know each other better as friends and rulers, Twilight helping Luna open up and making her more familiar with the modern world while Luna shares her own old and forgotten wisdom, exploring the dynamic between her and Celestia from Luna's PoV and so on. I was actually excited in the first few chapters before and during the battle that I'd get something like that, maybe even a bit more comedic approach.
But the horse pussy game too strong. Well, I'm not going to drop it now, might as well finish reading the whole thing.
It's not that we can't be bothered, most of us have things to do and other stories to write.
>and other stories to write.
yeah? and hows that going for you?
I spend most of my free time telling stories in some way or another.
cool, who are you? So I can contact you on fimfics.
Yes, I like this fictional story of yours in particular >>27257940
Your eyes see but a reflection of self.
God, I hope not.
It's funny, I first thought about making the voice NMM, but then I wondered if that would create continuity issues, seeing how Twilight knew little about NMM at the beggining of the show. Then, when I was halfway through it, I realised the same applied to Discord, but I had to finish my submission soon, so I just ran with it.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it. I'll see what I can do to make the beggining more engaging.
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And let's not forget Applejack the conservative bible belt christian who as the only one has a problem with Twilight being a lesbian
of course
also this is mostly just a page 9 bump
Whelp. It's up.


Now to go and work on the other half a dozen or so fanfics I've got to write.
>Now to go and work on the other half a dozen or so fanfics I've got to write
how about 205416?
Only she acts maturely about it. "I wouldn't do it myself, but it ain't my bussines"
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>when shitfics keep getting featured, but your works get like 40 views each
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Yeah, I'm going to focus entirely on the big B from now on.

If I could bleed 6k words in three days for the writeoff, I can finish this goddamned chapter.
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What should I read?
Read "Believing Stories"
Then Lost Cities.
CiG is top tier, bro.

Just going through the ones I've read:

Twice as Bright is good if you want some light shipping- almost friendshipping, really- with a nice sol/comedy veneer

Language Barriers is fine as long as you don't expect it to be super deep or anything

The Numbers Don't Lie is pretty predictable, but it's surprisingly interesting despite that

The Last Tears in Tartarus was 2edgy4me

Dearth of a Salespony was pretty low-key sol, and I didn't find it memorable, but it's fine for what it is

Lost Cities is great if you want something "literary"

Small-Town Charm is hilarious, and I like that it has an ending that can be read multiple ways

Lyrid is basically just Orpheus with ponies, but it's a nice retelling nevertheless

The Star in Yellow is a good comedy/light horror, as long as you don't mind wild mood shifts

Yours Truly is amazing if you can handle a bunch of main-six shipping, and still not bad even if you can't

Ponies Protecting Ponies has relatively weak writing, and I hated the ending, but it was pretty fun up until then

The Empty Room was okay, but pretty disjointed. The author's slowly rewriting it- I'd wait until he's done

The Witch of the Everfree is great snarky adventure- if you like The Dresden Files, you'll probably like it, too

Equestria From Dust I really loved, but keep in mind it's very much a mythology rather than a conventional story

Stardust is one of the better crossovers the fandom's produced, and can be an enjoyable first contact fic even if you've never played XCOM
Thanks guys.

Isn't that one of those depressing fics where the protagonist is (possibly) crazy and Equestria is (possibly) just a figment of their imagination?

Yeah, at some point I need to go through his stuff and just read all of it.

>The Empty Room was okay, but pretty disjointed. The author's slowly rewriting it- I'd wait until he's done
I've actually already read it once, and I'm waiting for the rewrite. But given it's been over a year and still only four chapters in, I might be waiting a while.

>The Witch of the Everfree
I've already read it, guess I forgot to take it off the list. It was pretty good, though I wasn't a huge fan of the ending.

>Stardust is one of the better crossovers the fandom's produced, and can be an enjoyable first contact fic even if you've never played XCOM
I've also already read "Stardust". The one on the list is a completely different fic, "Star Dust", which looks to be some type of Twiluna thing.

I think I'll go with "Small-Town Charm" first.

Why can't I make my dreams come true? Why can't I write a 40k word long fic that will sparkle and dazzle and amaze people to the end. Why why why, why am I so useless to be able to create something absolutely worthwhile?

Why can't I become a god of writing, surpassing all the sad little woes of others.

What have I become!?

What is left for me...

I am alone, cold and forgetful. The pain driving me to insanity. What could be worse than not being great?
>Isn't that one of those depressing fics where the protagonist is (possibly) crazy and Equestria is (possibly) just a figment of their imagination?
For a given value of "depressing".

It's still very well written, and it's engaging. Even if the sequel is dead.
Twice is Bright is one of the best romance fics in the fandom and has really great characterization.

The Arbitrage of Moments is a pretty good read, although some may find it a bit pretentious.

Lost Cities is my favorite CiG story, and considering that it's CiG, that's really saying something. I definitely recommend it.

Salvation is also by CiG, which makes it a must-read as well. I personally it's one of his better works, and deals with some very mature themes in a mature manner.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Throne Room is a short, funny read. I'm actually really sad that there aren't more chapters; it had the making of nice series of short stories. Still, the two that he did write are funny and worth reading.

I haven't read the Dusk Guard side stories (Carry On, Definition of Strength, Old Habits), but the main Dusk Guard stories, so I assume these will be at least worth reading.

Court Musician is a pretty nice character piece, and I like the twists involving the romance aspects. If you have a bit of free time I'd recommend it as it's only 10k words.
Ponies Protecting Ponies made me so mad, even though I have to admit it was executed in a clever manner. It just felt like it was crapping all over the central themes and messages of the show, moreso than any grimdark fic ever did.

It wouldn't have bothered me as much if the rest of the story had been like that too. I can handle a cynical story, or even one that feels a little like a "take that" against the show's morals. But when the very end of a story that's been very much in the tone of FiM suddenly pulls out actual spoilers a "friendship is stupid, only an idiot would think it can solve anything" ending that completely invalidates everything we know about Twilight and her friends- or at least, about how magic and harmony- then yeah, I hated that too. But until then, I was enjoying where the story went.

The same author has another story that just got recommended by the RCL, so I'll probably check that out sometime and see if I like it better.
Oh, and I did some heavy rewrites to the first four chapters.
There are an additional 5k words now.
I wound up reading "Small-Town Charm" and "The Last Tears in Tartarus".

I didn't realize this was by CiG until about five paragraphs in, when I noticed how incredibly well-written it was and scrolled back up to check the author. I'm not sure I would call it "hilarious", but the humor was definitely very well done throughout.

Literally the edgiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.
>2012 SSnE
Yeah, that'll explain it.
>beksiński cover
>on a pony fic
Great artist, red flag.
>though I wasn't a huge fan of the ending.
oh no. I'm actually halfway through it now. its not that bad is it? I could see it going in several directions, but its not really tagged for any of the more plausible ones I can visualize

>What could be worse than not being great?
being great. and then having to live up to it.
whiny bitch
It's not bad, strictly speaking. But it is mediocre. Entry level shit, you know?
Mediocre would be someone who has no interest in improving. It isn't really aplicable who is just starting.
Okay, let me clarify. The ending of the story is mediocre. The writing is fine, but the ideas and execution are boring.

The ending is also entry level shit because it's literally the "rewrite the pilot" crap that every new writer seems to want to do.
Since I have a lot of urgent responsabilities, I did the sensible thing and started to go through my Read Later list to see what I could find.


Explain, Soldier

> https://www.fimfiction.net/story/303281/explain-soldier

> 1,8k words

> Alternate Universe, Comedy, Random, Slice of Life

Shining Armour is running late, and fears the reprimand of his drill sergeant. Unfortunately, he's forgot to change back to his pony form.


- For a bite-sized, SoL one-shot, it's somewhat entertaining.
- Does a good job of weaving Lovecraftian elements into its narrative.


- The hints at a larger story really make you wish this was more than a one-shot.
- It's ultimately really bland. It lacks any sort of bite, and any positive point the story has is never explored beyond a few short paragraphs worth of jokes.



Nothing to write home about and barely above average. It's only strong point is the entertaining use of body horror and eldricht abominations.
And one more because why not.


The Night Before Again

> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/59556/the-night-before-again
> 1,1k words
> Slice of Life

On the eve of her second marriage, Cadence confides in Luna.


- It's entirely a personal matter, but I enjoy short fics that can deliver a solid melancholic feel.
- Despite the story dealing with Cadence thinking back to the time she spent with Shining Armour back when they were maried--He passed away at some point--it's never overtly sad, nor does it try to assault the reader with forced feels.


- The story is presented in a first person narrative by Cadance, with no breaks for other character's dialogue, even though she's supposed to be talking with Luna. This could be a turn off for some people.


I don't have much to say, the fic is very straightforward, and accomplishes what it sets out to do in little over a thousand words. If you're feeling like taking a small, intimate look into Cadance remembering Shining Armour, you'll probably enjoy this one.
>writing a 200 word review for a 1000 word story
for what purpose?

I mean dont get me wrong, Im grateful to have something beyond my own inane ramblings to put in the pastebin, but you shouldnt have to convince others to read a 1k shortfic. especially by writing 1000 words about said 1k word shortfic.

All you really need to say about a quick one shot is 'ey its bretty gud'
you know what you have to talk people into reading? 700000 word monstrosities. self insert, humanized retellings, blooming moon chronicles. that sort of thing
Well, taking my crack at this. I hope you guys don't mind.


A Oneshot comedy involving Trixie and Starlight, doing silly things.

There are some days Starlight Glimmer knows she made a mistake.
As she breaks into Canterlot Castle at the whim of her new bestie Trixie Lulamoon, Starlight realizes today is going to be one of those days with plenty of regrets.

That's it in a nutshell.
I'd love a review, and well,if you guys want something funny to read, this is right up your alley.
Hey, I remember you from the writeoff.
Did you heed the advice of the commenters?
>7k words
Sure, I could probably read that.
... Wow, either you have short attention spans, or your ideal book is the Cat in the Hat! Guess it is time to pull out some oldies






and I have never even watched the show!
You're going to have to try harder.

Hopefully. There's some things that confused me in some of the writeoff comments, but I think I took most of them to heart.

It's been doubled and goes past the original ending (And the major difference from the writeoff (That, and Phil Collins).

Awesome dude. I'd love that.
Try harder at what? I honestly wasn't trying at all so it is hard to work harder at nothing. Here are some more greats.




and, something pertinent to you

>Empty Room
Quite enjoyable, but it sags down near the end with alicorns based on the seasons popping in as villains for some reason.

>The Star in Yellow
A comedic lovecraft kind of thing that's done a lot better than you'd expect it to be.

Can I /r/ a fic?
Looking for Human in Equestria, but they throw him in a zoo. I think that'd be a fun read if pulled off correctly.
>Human in Equestria
You are more likely to get help regarding that over at the writefag's Guild.
writefag's guild is more for having your own content judged, I'm just seeing if anyone's already made one.
a zoo? not that I can think of. closest I can get would be circus/traveling act, prison, or an arena.

maybe one of the YHaY permutations? since thats apparently all planet of the apes-y, then maybe one of those is zoophylic enough for you
He was saying you should ask some thread where they bother with greentext. And it looks like the HiE general is dead now.
Actually he was saying writefag's guild has shit taste so they might know some HiE fics.
Maybe try "Misunderstandings" or "A Stranger among the Voices". In both of those, the human gets grabbed by a traveling circus, and spends the first couple chapters trying to escape.
what >>27265876 said.


an entire story about a human sitting in a zoo doesnt sound all that interesting, so generally youre going to get a handful of chapters of a human in captivity, then escaping and doing other shit
bump the plump rump
And might as well do that again.

Bumpy bump
Slow week, huh?
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Can't speak for everyone, but I'm besieged with stuff at uni, so I can't spend too much time reading/writing fanfiction.

What the first said desu. Exam session is almost here in most places.
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emergency bump
Anyone know why a all of one author's stories' new chapters on fimfiction would never show up in the "unread" section? Did the author piss off the admins?
'unread' section? is that new?
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When the story updates it looks like the top one, whereas it should look like the bottom one.
oh that. double check your settings? you sure its just one writer thats not updating?
Just that one author. Not just one story, but any story by that author just do not show up for some reason.
weird. no idea then
>an entire story about a human sitting in a zoo doesn't sound all that interesting

And yet Slaughter House Five is regarded as a classic. Go figure.
Send me a PM.
Your user profile under the same name?
Ah it is.

Here we go!

TSG and Zaid, whenever you can. Post your prompts as soon as possible.
which, on googling since Ive never read it, also involves aliens, wars, time travel, knocking up movie stars, and optometry. its not like dude was just sitting in a zoo being stared at by hundreds of random passersby.

now if otheranon had mentioned a story about a guy who was briefly in a zoo that went time traveling, met aliens, served in a war and became an optometrist before knocking up a celebrity, well, then he could have been talking about nearly any random HiE
And I was having such a good day too

>oh look its a 'Mythril Moth' shoehorns his 'waifu' into a story episode
That's... That's actually a decent prompt.
>I think that'd be a fun read
It'd be very, very hard to pull off as a comedy, which is what I'm assuming you'd be going for, as the ethical and moral issues would act as a lead weight that would sink a lot of the humor.

If it's something more serious, I'm sure there are much better plots that would fit an ethical/legal structure than "zoo."

Here's mine:
>Rainbow Dash is Equestria fastest flyer. She's broken countless speed records. She's performed death defying tricks. She's forgotten her flying license was about to expire. Oh dear. With only a day left, Equestria's fastest pony must now take part in the slowest race in Equestria: renewing her license at the local government office.
TSG posted his prompt, where Zaid at?

I think I'll get started on TSG's prompt tomorrow or the day after. Today is time for Overwatch open beta and Persona 5 stream.
humpu bumpu
Scrambling to get a presentation done for Friday.
I'll post my prompt when I get back home later today.
>doing school shit when theres horsewords to be worded horsely
sometimes i dont think you have your priorities straight
Link me the last story you've written.
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I don't words, but I'm saving that pic.
Have some stale greentext in exchange.
Saw a fic in the feature box titled "Catherine the great".

So disappointed to see the E rating.
I was more disappointed to discover that it wasn't actually about Catherine the Great.

The world needs more Historical HIE.

I agree. Are there even any decent ones other than- maybe- The Sun and the Rose?
The one with Voltaire was okay. "Best of All Possible Worlds" I think was the title.
What the fuck.

A little bit of context: Flash went to a pool party with Rarity and four lesbian friends from the music club, Twilight got upset at him despite allowing him to fuck the entire dorm before, now she's spending a few days somewhere else and Flash is helping Trixie out with a new trick.
Then this shit just comes out of nowhere.

MM continues to somehow make his own characters act out of character.
And so, Flash "Pussy Smash" Sentry gets another effortless fuck from one of his friends.
Looks like Twilight might not go back to being his cocksleeve just yet.
Hey everyone, I wanted to know again what you guys thought of TrixGlam.
Did you guys take a look at my comedy? I hope you don't mind me asking again seeing what you guys thought of it.



Also, I didn't notice the guy who wrote "A faint and curious voice" was here. Zaid, That one was awesome. I really, really liked yours. You should have at least made finals.

*shrugs* Taste I suppose. I'll need to get around reading the FaCV 2.0 of your story.


Also, if you don't mind, Zaid, I'm kinda annoyed about how our stories came out on Fimfic. It came out so late at night. Both of our stories just got pooped out and then quickly overwritten, (Mine came out at 1 am, and was gone by morning). Waited over a full day and a half (resubmitted sometime after that 24 hour mark, it came about 4-6 hours later)

Even coming out at a bad time, I'm glad yours did get some heat, you deserve that praise.
>Equestria Girls
This makes my brain wet


My brain just went limp.
>You should have at least made finals.
I had to rush the ending just so I could make it in time, plus there was a whole scene I didn't write due to time as well, so I can see why it didn't get a higher spot. I rewrote it and put it up on FiMFic with the input the commenters gave.

>I'm kinda annoyed about how our stories came out on Fimfic

You could have stories posted at the highest traffic hour, and it's still meaningless if people aren't interested in your story concept/title/cover art. It has happened to me.

>Did you guys take a look at my comedy?
I'll read it now. Hopefully you improved it.
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I summon thee, autists of /mlp/, for a quest of finding

I am looking for a clopfic of Applebloom, who is suffering from heat, is tricked by Discord and turned into a colt. Fucking each of the CMC + Silverspoon and DM.

I can't remember it's name
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Was cleanning my librarry and saw that


Faggot has not finish it yet
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Yes, this one. Thank you
No problem. Here's hoping Carccy updates again this year.
>Last Offline 19 weeks ago
I meant online.
Anyhoot, may as well try to start some discussion.

What's some dead fic you wish would update?
>What's some dead fic you wish would update?

Not because it is good or bad, but it was the start of reading fanfiction for me

Fucking for years on hiatus

Alright folks! All three judges have posted their Prompts! Good Luck on the competition and may the best writer win!


As a rabid fan of slow, organically developing romance, this story hit all the right spots for me.

And then one day, the author died.
>What's some dead fic you wish would update?

inb4 EoP

itd be nice if TDA ever finished futaloo. though he hasnt even stopped by here in 100 threads. is tda kill?

looking through shit ive been tracking for years
http://www.fimfiction.net/story/132779/onto-the-pony-planet (its been five fucking months. fucking biscuit and his collegepone pillowcase knockoff bullshit)
>offline for 2 years.
yeah he ded, so forgivable

>offline for 3 hours
yeah fuck that guy.
>is tda kill?
He's only been offline for a week. Maybe he got a futa filly all for himself.

>though he hasnt even stopped by here in 100 threads
He was here when we reached our first 100 threads, and the one following, so he's only been gone for 55 threads. ( ;_;)7

>yeah he ded, so forgivable
What hurts the most is that he made a blog post about being about to finish chapter 7 and starting chapter 8 not too long before disappearing.
>What hurts the most is that he made a blog post about being about to finish chapter 7 and starting chapter 8 not too long before disappearing.
shit happens. maybe he really is dead. maybe he realized that he was writing fanfiction for a cartoon aimed at 6 year old girls and decided to either an hero or go out and get laid with adult humans instead.

people that disappear forever dont bother me really. the ones that irritate me are the ones who dont disappear, continue logging in every day, work on other things and completely abandon something without cancelling/hiatusing/blogging/commenting about it

fuck you, skirts
This Platinum Crown. I like to compare the story to Game of Thrones, and at this point, it's starting to look like the update schedule might be following in Martin's stead.

At this point, I just want to know how it ends. And what Brass's plan actually is.
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/178765/no-bucks and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/60052/upon-a-falling-feather

love those two want to see more so bad. The later was one of the first fics i really got into.
>shit happens. maybe he really is dead.
You ever wonder if any /fimfic/ poster died? We'd never even know.
>You ever wonder if any /fimfic/ poster died?
I do, yeah.
I mean, there's really no way of actually knowing. We don't even know who all the people who post here are, save a few regulars.
But I'd still miss you guys if I thought you were gone.
You're welcome. Glad you like it.

I knoowwwwww, sorry, I'm a snail sometimes. A snail with ADD.


Unrelatedly, apparently I am twelve because I laughed way too hard at this shamelessly immature tomfoolery:

tl;dr Sunset Shimmer discovers human euphemisms don't carry over to pony world and entertains herself immensely by abusing this fact. A nice quick read, blatantly dumb and immature and revels in it, so it actually kinda works.
Better to have a great chapter every six months than an average one every few weeks.
I tell myself this with every day that passes without updating my own fics...
Have fun reading 100,000 words of bat ponies and weird fetishes.

>would update
The answer is and always will be Night's Favoured Child (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/5523/nights-favoured-child).

>really is dead
I'm always worried this'll happen to me and no one online will ever know or care what happened. I'm not ready to do a will and even if I was, I don't think I could actually put my Fimfiction account information in it.
>I'm always worried this'll happen to me and no one online will ever know or care what happened
now I've got this idea for a subscription based web service, where if the subscriber doesnt check in periodically it releases information to the service admin, who will log into all your accounts and post that you dead
>lose internet access because you can't afford to pay the bills
>lose access to all your accounts online, everyone thinks you're dead
if you a deadbeat, then you might as well be dead.
besides thered be alternate points of contact. sms, an 800 number, etc
>work two shifts a day to pay alimony, buy food and meds for your sick mother and pay rent
>decide to sacrifice internet again for the fourth time in a row
>anonymous poster on the internet calls you a deadbeat
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Technically the last thing I've written isn't up yet, but it's sitting there tempting me with the submit button while I decide whether to give it one more read-though. It's a--

>it's literally the "rewrite the pilot" crap that every new writer seems to want to do.

its been done a lot, and its never been done well.
I don't think he was saying otherwise.
though he seemed to be implying that was the plot of the thing he was writing.
which would further imply that he was not aware that episode rehashes are shit
Just publish it anyway, faggot.
I have read maybe one fic that's not a oneshot or my own stuff, in well over a year. Despite this, I still follow these threads closely, and have since the very beginning.
>Its another fiction with a voice inside the head of the protagonist episode.
>It's another latest meme that was somehow born from an ancient /co/ inside joke episode.
>It's a "Absolutely fuck all happens' episode

Fork Everything by Casca

First recording with a new computer.
Bleedin, and then Delicate Soon.
>Its a another fiction where the protagonist its orphan/abused/hate the world episode.
No worries.

J... just you wait, anon! I'll show you all! This will be the most amazing episode rehash, you won't even, man, you won't even even! You're going to eat so many words you'll be pooping thesaurususus for a week!
You mean thesauri
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So a while ago I asked for a compelling story, that's wrote in such a way it grips the reader.
Someone recommended "The Last Human: A Tale of the Pre-Classical Era". Finished it just recently and I have to say I was positively surprised.
-Gripping story, doesn't feel dragged and every chapter serves a purpose
-Diverse character personalities
-The writing style isn't bland and boring
-Romance didn't feel forced or unnecessary
-The way the writer describes something is amazing. E.g. "In a syrupy voice one normally reserves for toddlers or wiggling kittens she cooed." Shit like that is good!

It's a story I'd recommend for others, but what now, you guys have any other stories with good character building? Fuck the genre, everything works.
>good character building
>everything works
MM said in a blogpost every reader should read the LTE version of the latest chapter of Persona EG because it contains vital dialogue that had no context in the clean version, so here we go.

Here's how sex works, ladies and gentlemen. Just slam it right in.

He's actually quite alright at writing descriptive smut.
Yeah okay, everything but that...
FoE has been done to death, read most of it and the universe ain't that compelling anymore.
Never picked up Murky Number Seven, as I like a story which progresses in the plot and doesn't end up feeling like the characters are doing the same meaningless things, simple for the sole purpose of the writer wanting to shit out another chapter or two.

I'm sure it's great and all to begin with, but I doubt I'd find it interesting through all
1,010,472 words
Your loss.

> as I like a story which progresses in the plot and doesn't end up feeling like the characters are doing the same meaningless things, simple for the sole purpose of the writer wanting to shit out another chapter or two.
That's exactly MNS, though. Everything they've been doing had either a purpose or lasting consequences.

>1,010,472 words
Didn't even notice. I've been following it for a long time.
>Less than a paragraph of sex
>Immediate ejaculation
Well. Can't say MM isn't realistic.
There's a few more right below that, don't worry. Flash "Forceful Entry" Sentry would never leave a girl disappointed in bed.
Did anyone crack a joke about his name? Or is MM above such obvious jokes?
Nah, all everyone does is jokingly say he's got a harem.
Don't you tell me what I mean!
mythrilmoth is a tard bump
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Ermegerd, Fimfic! Didn't you change the rules so I wouldn't have to wait for story approval if I've got two stories published? Did I just hallucinate all that?
>Didn't you change the rules so I wouldn't have to wait for story approval
Yes, but you still have to wait for it to actually get published. The approval is automated but then the story goes into a queue, and IIRC only 2 fics get posted every 10 minutes.
I'm desperate for quality literature here
>quality literature
I've just finished rereading Through the Well of Pirene (reading a paper copy of a fanfic feels so weird but nice at the same time), and it definitely had good character building, in addition to amazing worldbuilding.

The Gentle Nights: Audience of One (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/213853/the-gentle-nights-audience-of-one) had some really good character building too.
Just finished reading Cold in Gardez's latest story, Completely Safe in the Reference Section. (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/326496/completely-safe-in-the-reference-section)

It was, in my opinion, not up to his usual standard. It's well-written and funny, but it's very in your face about the political message/debate it's trying to send. It reminds me of some of RealityCheck's stories, where characters are repurposed to act as mouthpieces for various ideas, only in this case, we get a mouthpiece for both sides, though you can tell which side CiG tends to lean more against. This, I feel, takes away from the story and makes it less comedic and entertaining.

If it was anyone else writing it, I'd say it's a good story, but with CiG, I hold him to a higher standard, and this just doesn't quite cut it.
page 10
How do I get over my autism that causes me to internally cringe whenever I read or write something? I had a great streak of writing and reading stuff all the time that ended about six months ago because I suddenly realized that I'm reading and writing fanfiction for a cartoon aimed at 7 year old girls along with a bunch of other people on a turkish embroidering forum.
Accept that you have to suck first in order to get better.
I mean, the fact that you cringe at what you write means you can see it has problems. Focus on that and how you can improve.
Hey, guess who updated.

why do i like this fic so much
>doing a "show/episode rewrite" plot
For what purpose?

>it's a Twilight gets an evil dark magic book and doesn't take precautions episode

>still can't skip to the end to see which plot was picked
The wait continues.
>this fic will never finish in your lifetime
The slow updates are killing me
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>Its a fiction where the ponys befriends the protagonist without problems or doubts episode.
>Its a fiction where the protagonist buy a shit in a convention episode.
>Its a fiction where <insert tipycal copy&paste shit from the same 514.000 fictions> episode.
>For what purpose?

Luna's transition from Nightmare Moon to "Sister, I'm sorry" always bugged me for its abruptness, EofH notwithstanding. I hope to suggest more was going on with her, in subtle ways, in the hours leading up to that event.

Also, as a vehicle to play with all sorts of juicy head-canon, like fucking over your understanding of pic related a couple chapters down the road.

And then there's just the fun of writing Nightmare Moon.

Here it is:
It finally showed up late last night and has sunk like a stone, ahah... hah hah...

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>new writer for today's episode
>only ever wrote 2 episodes of some crime series
It's going to be either shit or amazing. I hope he's not as mentally challenged as half of the current writers.
I'm just hoping they go into Starlight way deeper instead of focusing on random adventures. She's really a character full of possibilities.
I agree with these trips. Introducing a brand new main character this late into the series is pretty refreshing, and it's looking pretty good so far.
>Introducing a brand new main character this late into the series is pretty refreshing
historically speaking, introducing a new main character late in the series is the death knell of that series.

congratulations. your waifu is scrappy doo
How? Starlight turning from an evil crazy horse to a redeemed friendship lover would make for a very interesting character, if it's done well.

Of course, it looks like Hasbro is going to fuck it up and just make her turn into Mrs. Friendship instantly.
Only because it's been done very badly, as a last desperate move to get some higher ratings and save the series and the staff's jobs.
See: Scrappy Doo, Fairy Godparents.

And she's not my waifu, the pink party pony will forever be my favourite.
Oh yes, she was very friendly, loving and forgiving in her episodes, wasn't she?
Just watch last week's episode, with her joking about what happened before like it was nothing and becoming a literal friendship slut. She's nothing compared to what she was in S5.
I already argued against you last week, and you provided no counter-arguments, so shut up.
Any good final fantasy or general vidya crossovers worth at least half a read?
Just compare her attitude before the S5 finale and after. Before, she's just hell-bent on revenge for selfish reasons, and doesn't even care about the rest of Equestria as long as she gets what she wants. After, in S6, she's just immediately super friendly with the pony that destroyed her lifetime's work, with no transitional phases.

I know she's been proven wrong, but I don't think she'd pardon Twilight so fast considering what she has done.
Speaking of Persona EG, it looks like even Mythril's fanbase thinks Flash was acting really out of character, while he's swearing it was all because Flash was angry and there's nothing deeper going on.
Of course, he still has whiteknights downvoting anything negative.
No transitional phases? Are you fucking high? She fucking timetraveled to get revenge, and only understood her wrongdoing when Twilight took her to the future and showed her the results.
When Twilight thoroughly destroyed Starlight's only goal in life and then proved that revenge was wrong, Starlight just had nothing left. She took apprenticeship because it was offered to her.

And I'm not sure, but I don't think we know how much time passed between S5 and S6.
We Wonderbolt now.
There could be that, but the time travel lasted at most a few dozen hours, maybe a few days.

Even if she was proven wrong, if ponies have a mentality anywhere close humans, she'd still need some time to recover from it.

Picture this; You're, let's say, someone with a religion. You're a priest level guy, and the religion is your entire life. Then, someone comes, and proves all that is wrong. He has extremely solid evidence to say so. Will you immediately forgive him and convert to whatever has been proven true?
>RD doesn't follow basic flight security rules like any pilot should
>Incident happens
>Blames other for getting a callname

It can't get worse, I hope.
There's a difference. Starlight only hated cutie marks because she had a strong opinion on them. It had nothing to do with faith, so it's not exactly as earth-shattering.
Besides, now that I think about it, I don't think anyone actually convinced her that she's wrong about cutie marks, just that it's wrong to control ponies to change the way they think. And she still did that to Big Mac out of habit.
Probably that. Hasbro could expand much more with Starlight and Twilight's relation as "friends" but having clashing mindsets on a certain subject.
Thought on the new episode? It felt like RD really acted like an overconfident cunt in this one, I can't do anything but agree with the Wonderbolt this time.
The Wind Thief is good. (Skyrim crossover)
Alos, Stardust. (XCOM)
I'm waiting for the HD uploads.
>internet shat itself and i lost the opening
>also happened at the very end
But I was at the very least able to watch all the commercials without problem.
Well, here's a sum-up if you want.

>RD becomes wonderbolt since one retired
>Gets shown around the place
>Gets recap of flight security rules
>Disregards them
>Falls into a trash can trying to dodge a pegasi landing
>Earns the callsign of "Rainbow Crash"
>Gets butthurt and blames wonderbolts

I just stopped after that point since it became so cringy.
so is she still a wonderdolt? cause thats a great way to write someone out of the show.
I mean unless they become based out of ponyville and only have airshows at ployville then this is a great way to never show rd ever again
>how to spot an actual retard
Think I spotted one right here.
Page 10 joke
kek, you should be a comedian
You could say I'm a come-ten
Is anyone actually creating a fic for the competition? The one with voicefag reading as a prize?
I wanted to, but then I forgot.
Exams, Anon.
What a save!
You guys better ace those exams.
Or else?
>TFW you update your fic after 4 months

Feels good, even though this is the only pony-related thing I've done during that time. Nice to see that /mlp/ has somehow gotten worse since I've been gone!

Is the show still any good? I bailed at the end of S5.
Post fic nigga, also it's ok I guess
>writing fanfiction for a show you do not watch

I just want to finish it man
>pretty refreshing
Not a big fan of it. You already have seven main characters fighting for episode plots. Adding another just crowds things even more and virtually guarantees secondary characters (princesses, Ponyville residents, flavor of the months, etc.) will never get their cut.

For me, it was 4.5/10. The "banter" was poorly done (let's show a flashback to remind the viewer how bad the nickname is for Dash and then not fix things until the very end) and cast the Wonderbolts as assholes yet again while the impressions were cringy and only there to pad things out.

Would have been nice if they had gone full SoL and done Dash learning the tricks and fleshing out the Wonderbolts instead.

It's also a little funny Miller decided to take a Twitter hiatus right before the episode aired, almost like he knew people would hate it.
>Not a big fan of it. You already have seven main characters fighting for episode plots. Adding another just crowds things even more and virtually guarantees secondary characters (princesses, Ponyville residents, flavor of the months, etc.) will never get their cut.
I'd rather have three Starlight episode per season than watch
>yet another episode where Rainbow acts like a fucking cunt
>yet another episode where Rarity has problems in the fashion industry, but everything resolves itself at the end
>yet another episode where Applejack learns not to do everything by herself
>Harvest Seasons updated
I guess it really is like Harvest Moon. It happens only once a year.
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u srs m8?
I wasn't completely serious. I like AgriAnon's story as much as the next guy, but he has a habit of long intervals between some updates.

That being said, looks like he's got another editor marked down. Maybe that's the reason.
You forgot

>yet another episode where Fluttershy learns to not be a shy sperg
I left that out because she seems to actually slowly progress. Remember when she was too scared to even open the door on Nightmare Night?
What's that supposed to mean, buddy? We have enough amateurs who watch the show regularly but can find anything remotely interesting to write about.
>writing fanfiction for a show you do not watch
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Your meme arrows mean nothing to me, friend. Obviously you would have to watch at least one episode to write anything relevant to the show, however, what that dank meme you're spouting implies is that we devote ourselves to every single episode so that we have a reason to write self-inserts and crossovers.
>writing something about something you barely know anything about
At least watch the episodes to get more canon characterization and lore.
>is that we devote ourselves to every single episode
well... there have been fics written about what were obvious glitches that lasted only a single frame. and then theres all of that shitty shipping done when two characters are seen on the same side of the screen so therefore they must be fucking

though I would be insanely curious to read a piece of fanfiction, well fiction at least, written by someone who had never been exposed to the original work just to see the end result
>Twilight becomes a supernice princess of friendship despite being a sarcastic skeptic from the very start
Oh wait.
>Starlight gets reformed immediately, CMC get cutie marks unrelated to talents the writer didn't see and Dash immediately joins the wonderbolt

Oh wait.
But it took Starlight an entire season and an entire two-parter dedicated to proving her to get reformed, and Rainbow Dash already joined the Wonderbolts Academy in like season 4 or something.
>writing fanfiction for a show you do not watch
RD quit it in that S3 or S2 episode, and hasn't been shown ever practicing since. Even if she's in the academy, her just joining up without any competition with others when a spot was freed seems a bit strange.
thats still better than writing fanfiction about a show you do watch yet still getting all of the details wrong
Comment removed by MythrilMoth.
Comment reported by a horde of white knights millions strong
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>writing something about something you barely know anything about
Yet countless virgins write about sex everyday, so what's your point? All I've said is you don't have to watch every episode. If you want to argue that the work won't be consistent with the show (which it seems like you are), I'd wonder why you were reading fanfiction in the first place.

Right, but the point I'm trying to convey to >>27303825 is you don't have to follow the show religiously to worldbuild (I think this is why there's a Alternative Universe tag, >>27303825). I'd rather read a oneshot that expands on a background character then read another one of the countless episode rewrites that are posted by people who think they know the show better than the writers with an actual show bible.

I understand it's b8, guy. I just wanted to bump the thread with actual discussion.

Personally, I'm content with having watched the first two seasons consecutively, all of the two-parters, a good chunk of season four, and then handpicking the rest of the episodes that actually expand upon the Equestrian landscape.
>using AU tag as a crutch because you refuse to watch the fucking show
Why do I have to share a general with this sort of an avatarfagging retard?
>writing fanfiction for a show you do not watch
I'm only one anon in those replies.

>Yet countless virgins write about sex everyday, so what's your point?
>What is porno giving at least basic info about it

>You don't have to religiously worldbuilt

You don't have to make up everything either. There are basic canon rules to abide to, and you will get fucked if you don't do so.
>caring enough to write autismwords, yet not enough to just watch a 20 min toy commercial
>implying there's any larger value in expansion than in rewrites
Please leave.
>implying there's any larger value in expansion than in rewrites
>implying there isn't
Avatarfagging is against the global rules.
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Not inherently. Any level of familiarity with fantasy literature will tell you this.
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Produce a decent example, at least.
>being pretentious
>in a my little pony fanfiction general
Keep going.
I'm not the one baiting with a genre that I can't even defend.
I asked you to keep going.
>>caring enough to write autismwords
>implying I don't shit out Bleeding-esque masterpieces every once and a blue moon
>Wah! AU is only a crutch when I don't use it!
That's some damn fine projecting. Very nice strawman, as well. Great double fallacy.
The fact that no had debated my other points without resorting to the same made me feel like an outcast, so I decided to follow suit.

It's not okay to be mean.
You're right. We're awful people, we have shit taste, and we're objectively wrong. No reason to talk to autists like us, right? Guess you should leave, because arguing with idiots is bad for our health.
>The fact that no had debated my other points
Fallacyfag? Did you return from /r9k/? It sure sounds like you.
*your health.

Woops! What an unfortunate misspelling, wouldn't you say?
Would your mom be proud if she saw you arguing with people over the internet?
I suppose I look the same almost regardless of what I'm doing on the internet. So I guess not.
Sorry if I interrupt yall, but I remember a green or a screencap or maybe even a fanfic about Pony Applejack calling EqG Applejack parents, who are still alive in their universe. It was super sad and heartwarming, and Im wondering if any of yall had any ideas about this story. Thanks a lot
I don't know, Anon. Can't help you, unfortunately.
But you should ask in the Writefag's Guild (if they're up), as they're usually better at finding green.
Thank ya kindly. I actually kinda forget about asking them. Still, it was an intresting premise nonetheless that I sometimes see in an EqG fic, where instead of Applejack parents that were dead, it were SciTwi's, which leads to her insecure self prior to the movies
I love Civilization V mods.
>You're right. We're awful people, we have shit taste, and we're objectively wrong.
And that's just it, I don't need to be right nor do I think anyone's opinion is beneath my own. Reading is certainly fundamental because none of my posts can even remotely be construed to support that sardonic tirade of yours. Hell, most of my responses have highlighted the inconsistencies that plague some people's thinking in this thread, it's not my fault that they couldn't explain themselves further than a single post. At no point in our discussion did I result to making inflammatory comments to make, defend, or attack anyone's point when I didn't necessarily "get it". I only resorted to shitposting when people thought they could circlejerk me into oblivion, hence the 'avatarfagging'.

>No reason to talk to autists like us, right? Guess you should leave, because arguing with idiots is bad for your health.
Believe it or not, I have a healthy amount of respect for all of you in this thread so I don't see that happening anytime soon. If I didn't, I'd probably spam the thread with unfunny bumps, namefag without warrant, or link straight to the latest chapter of my flattening fetish.

TLDR; I'm done, but save the meta-projections and cherrypicking for an illiterate.

p.s it was a joke, XtsgX. don't put your multi-replies in one salient post, pls
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Holy shit, all this garbage because you're upset by my joke? Did you expect anyone to read this? Because I didn't even bother to finish the first sentence.
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And yet you bother enough to reply.
It's seriously funny to me. I want him to know writing three paragraphs of text is not something he should do when he wants to show how CLEARLY NOT UPSET he is.
Any recomended EqG short story for me to pass some time?
Hey, man, you might be new here, so fair warning:
Greentext and anthro is generally considered garbage here, humanized is controversial, crossover and HiE are mostly shit with a few exceptions and EqG is accepted but nobody actually reads it.
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Greentext stories, ladies and gentlemen.
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I just caught up on the past 5 episodes and I was not expecting much, but turns out season 6 is actually pretty good.

Anyone seen some good fics building on the new episodes?
>Multi--reply anon
>1 reply per post

How bloody new are you
>Rainbow Cringe
I think he was joking about the flattening fetish thing in his post.
TSG has a flattening fetish? And where does he ever mention it in his post?
Oh cmon, that episode was good, it's only cringy if your crispy black little heart can't even enjoy pastel ponies anymore.

There was actual storyline continuity with Dash moving forward in her life, unlike all the other generic SoL episodes.
The flashback to flight school made sense, and I can appreciate that the new writers aren't suddendly forgetting what hapenned just a couple years ago.
And there was even a friendship lesson, even if they don't bother to write letters anymore.

What more do you want?
Well, RD just acted like a superior cunt when she got given a callname for not respecting one of the basic flight rules and endangering the life of another flyer. How is that not cringy? The whole episode isn't even development, it's barely her trying to prove how awesome she is with nothing to back it up, unlike before.
>TSG has a flattening fetish?
Yes, he has mentioned it several times. He even wrote an entire fic about that.

>And where does he ever mention it in his post?
Read the first spoiler in his post. Now read the whole sentence.
It was a joke.
>Well, RD just acted like a superior cunt when she got given a callname for not respecting one of the basic flight rules and endangering the life of another flyer. How is that not cringy?
What, that's your argument, DYEWTS? When has bluecunt ever not acted like a major cunt?

>he whole episode isn't even development, it's barely her trying to prove how awesome she is with nothing to back it up, unlike before.
She does have more than enough to back it up, clearly she can be a good part of the team if she just stopped trying to overdo it and impress everyone, that's pretty much the plot.
So yeah they had to make her act stupid to cram a lesson in it, but Dash trying too hard to show off isn't OOC at all, and it's not any worse than previous episodes.

And besides it's a cartoon, endangering cartoon characters is not cringy, nobody's ever in danger of anything worse that flying through a wall or breaking something.
Otherwise you're gonna get a face cramp with the shit that happens on the regular.

If actually making the wonderbolts proper – which has been her dream for the last forever – isn't development, I don't know what is.
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Reading any interesting fic, Anons?
Would I get in trouble for releasing my story to my subscribers before the general public specifically to get better reviews?
I know, just dont really care about it, so let go of that fair warning bullshit. Just like what you said, you are bound to acknowledged those fic, and you are surely will remember some of them that you personally considered good enough.

Thanks, but damn, I've read all of this.
Just finished http://www.fimfiction.net/story/326877/there-goes-the-neighborhood. It's a funny, sweet little story about Celestia and Luna moving into Mount Olympus. It's long enough to milk most of the humor out of the situation, but not so long that it overstays it's welcome.

There is a bit of barrier to entry in terms of background knowledge of Greek mythology required, but as long as you know the names of most of the major Greek gods and their domains, as well as a few of the more famous stories (the story makes passing references to Io and the death of Argus, the Golden Apples of Hesperides, Orpheus and his lyre, as well as a couple others you've probably learned in High School or through Pop Culture), you should be able to follow everything that happens.
Do you mean, as in sending each of them a PM with a link to your story?
More like a blog post.
>Thanks, but damn, I've read all of this.
Here's the rest of the EqG fics from my favourites list, then, which are longer fics but if you like EqG their still worth a read.


Also Seven Girls has a few sequels that are pretty funny.
>tfw I wrote a story called Sunlight that was way better
>everytime I saw the name in the feature box, I thought it was mine
>it will now forever be forgotten in the shadows
Not really, though. My story was shit.
The mods might call it vote cheating, but you're unlikely to get in much trouble as long as you don't outright say that you're doing it for the upvotes.

A while back there was a guy who was coordinating with his friends and subscribers to get as many views/upvotes as possible right after posting, with the explicit goal of making the feature box. Even he managed to get off with a warning.
What if I pulled some shit like, "Because you guys are so great, I'll let you guys read my story before anyone else"? Think they'd be cool with that?
Should be fine, just don't be too obvious about it (the fimfic mods do read this thread sometimes). Though anyway I'm not sure those extra votes will count toward getting featured.
I don't care about it getting featured. I just don't want the first people to see it to be some neckbeards who see the title and say, "That's not my fetish. Thumbs down."
Decided to bite the bullet and try out Willy's Little Wub. Couldn't even make it through Chapter 1.
That Vinyl and Dr. Willy fic?
What reason could you possibly have to do that to yourself?
>Huh. This story is really popular. Maybe it's good.

To be fair, the first three stories on the Most Popular-All Time list right now are all pretty good.

Of course, the fourth story on the list is Vinyl and Octavia: University Days, so maybe popularity isn't the best measure of good fiction.
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I'm trying to remember the name of a story I read awhile ago

It was named something along the lines of "Pinkie Pie sucks 100 dicks"

Pic unrelated
http://www.fimfiction.net/story/88780/pinkie-pie-sucks-a-hundred-dicks ?
That is a weird list of stories. How did The Brightest and The Best end up in second place? I always thought Pineta was a really niche author.
It's all about the ratio, man.
One downvote and it'll sink hundreds of spots.
Thanks, pal

I had searched up '100' instead of 'hundred'
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I do wonder why you would want to invest hours and hours writing about something you don't actually watch. It seems like there'd be a lot more enthusiasm and excitement in writing about something you're actually interested in.

Watching the show also ensures characterization is up to date, you don't blatantly contradict something (readers don't mind grandfathering in old fics that are no longer up to par with canon, but they're a lot less forgiving about new stories--especially if the contradiction is a key plot point), and you don't rehash episode plots.

>write about sex everyday, so what's your point?
That if you don't know the source material, it's very likely what you write will be shit, just like most of the virgin clopfics are terrible since they don't actually know anything about sex.

>this is why there's an AU tag
As has been debated before, the AU tag is for drastic alterations ("bad guy" wins, zombies are commonplace, mirror universe, etc.), not minor differences with canon.

You might get flagged for trying to manipulate the mysterious algorithm that dictates featuring.

Seems a little pointless since all your followers are notified when you publish a story anyway.
>>tfw I wrote a story called Sunlight that was way better
I mean, was it?
Some of your stories are really cancerous, Anon.
>The Witcher 3 script is 450,000 words (roughly equal to 4 novels). It took 950 voice actors and 2.5 years to complete the voice recording
You know, after reading pony fanfiction longer than this, it just really doesn't impress me.
I swear, cringe is the newest fucking buzzword. How long until it becomes a forced meme?
hey threads almost done. Id say commence ta shitposting, but with all the maymay arrows flying around and general retardation Id say weve already been shitposting for the last hundred posts
>Single pony fic
>Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand words
That's nearly half a million words.
Did you add a zero, two zeroes? Mix up words for characters?
Pony fanfiction nearly as long as War and Peace.
No way.
try searching fimfiction by wordcount.

100,000 words used to be considered a long story. not so much anymore. hell there are more than a few million word fics now
I am aghast.
How new are you?

Harmony Theory: 484k
Pirene: 369k
DOWAS + sequel: 488k
CSI + OTPP RIP: 385k
And of course there's the Austraeoh series which is currently pushing 3 million.
well if youre bringing series into it, then there are a fuckton in the 7 digit range and quite possibly a couple hitting 8 digits
I've personally read four of those. Fallout: Equestria (620k words), Piercing the Heavens (1.25 million words and counting), MLP Time Loops (1.8 million words and counting), and This Platinum Crown (848k words and counting).

FO:E is definitely longer than it needs to be. Piercing the Heavens should have been split into four separate stories (although part 3 is probably going to be longer than War and Peace all by itself). MLP Time Loops is special and 90% of it should never have been written. And This Platinum Crown really did need to be that long.
100kword is pretty much the average story I read these days, 10k is a short story, 1k is the bare minimum to even upload it.
>MLP Time Loops
Is it just a collection of random oneshot time loops? Worth reading?
Well, it's a collection of shorts written by quite a few different people. Some of them are very good. Most are absolute shit.
Heh, thanks but I think I'll pass then.
I generally enjoy time loop plots, but it would get old after 1.8 million words of mostly crap.
The first 50 chapters or so are pretty funny, with a few really awesome loops I personally enjoyed (CMC Ascension, The Wedding). Beyond that, it turns into a mess of memes, references, jokes without punchlines, punchlines without jokes, and wasted potential. At this point, I'm only following it because of Lyra, Sunset, and Nyx.
A story about Celestia and a fork
well dont keep us in suspense.

who forked celestia?
>spoilered Lyra and Sunset
>but didn't spoiler Nyx
You need to get your cancer detectors calibrated.
I spoilered Lyra and Sunset because they don't show up until late in the fic (after chapter 80, IIRC). Nyx appears in chapter 10 or 11.

That being said, Nyx really doesn't seem out of place in the cast. I can't tell if that means someone's managed to make her character not terrible, or if all the characters are Mary Sues.
>using spoilers the way they were meant to be used
What is this madness?
Maybe it's because Nyx was made to fit into the show canon?
3 posts left. who wants to start working on the new op?
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You do
nah. ive gotta work tonight so im off to bed.

next post kills the thread, so whoever does that must create its replacement.
Oh, fine. I'll do it.
Here's a pleasant OP picture for you to use.
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your pic gave me cancer anyway.
creepy and offputting.

we have several standard op pics traditionally used. that shits just wrong
"Hey, her nose looks a bit weird. I wonder how it looks full size--OH SWEET BABY JESUS!"
I'll use the FictionDrome pic.
Nü thred:
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