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Ponies in Earth #77

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 472
Thread images: 128

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Previous thread: >>26905801

> What is PiE?
1. Take Ponies
2. Place them on Earth
3. ???
4. Profit

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! While AiE (Anon in Equestria) involves a human entering the magical world of Equestria, PiE (Ponies in Earth) takes the opposite perspective. A single pony or multiple ponies is/are transported to a much less magical place called Earth. Here, the pony/ponies must struggle to survive in an unforgiving (and sometimes dangerous) world where friendship isn't magic. Every kind of theme is welcome. If the pony/ponies are on Earth, you're doing it right.

>What genres are written here?
We write a variety of genres: Slice of Life, Romance, Sci-fi, Comedy, Adventure, etc. We use different writing styles and points of view. Our stories center on the ponies, with humans serving as protagonists, antagonists or observers. The point of view can be from both a pony or a human (or even a mix of both).

>Got an IRC?
Yup! Head on over to www.rizon.net/chat with the channel name #PoniesInEarth (not case-sensitive)

Useful links
FAQ: pastebin.com/RjGxp6Mn
Recommended Stories for new readers: pastebin.com/m8YWvb4k
PiE Stories by Author: pastebin.com/p1fjaLha
PiE Image Archive: derpy.me/PiE_Pictures
BP Authors: pastebin.com/KMbc65Zk
BP Image Archive: derpy.me/BrowserPonies
Thread Archives: pastebin.com/0gSR4BcY
Thread Template: pastebin.com/uEAS5hTs
Writing guides:
pastebin.com/g4VpEg4f (clop specific)
I got some green that might fit here.

>Another day, another shift at the cigar factory.
>Pride of the island's economy.
>Known the world over for its high quality, pony made cigars.
>At least, that's what the guy on the radio says.
>The year is 1962.
>Again, at least, thats what the exciteable fellow on the radio says.
>This entire world is kind of strange to you.
>At least for now, you can head home.
>Surprisingly, your place here on this island is bigger than where you lived back in Equestria.
>Our Town didn't have the biggest homes...
>And your place here was designed for humans, not ponies.
>Something about redesigning the tenements for ponies would be a waste of money, when we still fit fine.
>The food's pretty good too.
>Not so much hay and oats, that stuff has to be imported.
>It doesn't grow so well on the island.
>But, you pretty much got all the corn, papaya, bannana, and pineapple you could ever want.
>While you are walking down the street, you hear some commotion around the next corner, in a dark alley

>Out of curiosity, you peek your head around the corner.
>Before you stands two humans.
>One, dressed in something the humans call 'camoflauge' with a red beret, the other dressed in a fine light colored suit with medals covering his chest, wearing sun glasses, and a fancy hat.
>With his hands raised in the air.
>Oh shit.
>It's El Presidente!
>You'd recognize him anywhere, from all the statues around.
>And the other human is holding a gun in his direction.
>Oh double shit.
>One of the rebels is holding El Presidente hostage!
>And the rebel hasn't spotted you, it seems.
>El Presidente has noticed you out of the corner of his eyes.
>"Revolution will come, 'Presidente'! You will be forced to answer for your crimes against the citizens!"
>Filthy rebels...
>Carefully, you sneak up behind the distracted rebel, while he shouts off absurd charges at El Presidente.
>Wich a quick buck to the back of his legs, the rebel is knocked over, and El Presidente quickly draws his own weapon, pointing it at the rebel.
>"Filthy rebel! El Presidente has many loyal citizens whom love him. You made a mistake, trying to take me out in the midst of the city!"
>With a quick swing of his arm, El Presidente pistol whips the rebel right in the face, knocking him out.
>"You there, pony! You have saved El Presidente's life!"
>El Presidente, leader of the greatest nation on this 'Earth' you find yourself living on now is speaking right to you!
>And he is grateful for your help!
>"You will come with me back to the palace! You shall become my pony personal assistant and body guard."
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>The palace!
>Very few ponies ever get to visit the palace.
>And now, you've been personally invited there by El Presidente to work for him!
Thank you, El Presidente! I would be honored!
>"What is your name, pony."
I am Double Diamond, sir. I work at the cigar factory, pride of the Tropican Economy!
>"Not anymore, you don't. Remember, you work for me, at the presidential palace now."
>El Presidenty nods, as he pulls out a cigar and lights it up.
>"Your first job is to help me carry this dirty rebel to the guard post, the next street over."
Yes, sir!
>El Presidente grabs the man, and lifts him over your back.
>Being a strong Earth Pony, you are plenty strong to carry him, even if he drags quite a bit.
>Come pony, to the guard post.
>The sun gets lower in the sky, putting a brilliant orange glow across the capital city.
>Kind of odd how they don't have someone like Celestia to move their sun...
>It just kinda does it's own thing.
>As you move along, the guard post comes into view.
>As soon as the guards see you, along with El Presidente, they come running to meet you.
>"Is everything OK sir?"
>"Is that unconcious dude a filthy rebel?"
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>El Presidente holds up his hand, and the two guards who have come to meet you immediately are silenced.
>"Yes, everything is fine. This filthy rebel tried to capture me, right in the middle of town."
>He then motions to you.
>"This fine pony citizen came upon me and assisted me in my predicament."
>After pausing for a moment, El Presidente continues.
>"Please take this rebel scum, and take him by the pub down on Santiago Street. The fellows there will know what to do with him."
>Both guards give a sharp salute to El Presidente, and relieve you of your burden.
>"Come pony, the palace awaits. It is not far."
>Quickly and quietly, you fall in just behind El Presidente, and you walk to the presidential Palace.
>The closer you get, the more common the beautiful statues of El Presidente and other Tropican heroes become.
>Brings a slight tear to your eye...
>Those who died spreading the Tropican way across the world.
>All the wonderful things El Presidente has done.
>Sure, you miss equestria, but this place is nice.
>The food is all free, as is the housing, so all the money you get from your job goes towards whatever luxury goods you decide you want.
>Things like imported oats.
>Soon enough, you reach the front gate of the palace, and the guards greet El Presidente, and move to stop you.
>"Sir, there is a pony following you into the Palace."
>El Presidente stops, and turns to speak to the guard.
>"Yes. He is with me. He is my new advisor and bodyguard."
>The guard salutes El Presidente, and allows you to follow behind, into the beautiful gardens of the Presidential Palace.
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>"So, Double Diamond, was it? You are the first pony to show me true loyalty by saving me from that rebel."
>El presidente continues strolling through the gardens, you following behind.
>"For that, you shall be given residence here at the palace, and you will be my personal assistant, advisor and guard."
Th-th-thank you, El Presidente!
>Wow! You will get to live in the palace!
>AND advise El Presidente.

El Presidente... What of my belongings in my old home?
>Your glorious leader waves his hand dismissivly.
>"Tomorrow, once you have proper identification, and a uniform befitting your new post. You can go collect your belongings."
>Oh man.
>You are gonna get a swanky uniform too!
Uhh... What kind of uniform is befitting my post?
>"You shall wear the uniform of the top military officers of Tropico! White, with gold trim..."
>El Presidente pauses for a moment.
>"It shall be glorious."
>You almost think you see a single tear falling down El Presidente's cheek.
>But, you can never be sure.
>Soon, you find yourself in a place very few creatures ever find themselves.
>Inside the Tropcian ruler's palace.
>Inside are many humans, working to keep the place secured, cleaned, and full of delicious food.
>They eye you strangely.
>After going up a few sets of stairs behind El Presidente, he stops in front of a large, ornate wooden door.
>"Pony. These shall be your quarters here at the palace."
Thank you, El Presidente.
>"Take some time to get settled, and I will send my tailor to get your measurements for a uniform."
>You bow before El Presidente, and proceed push to open the door to your new residence as he continues down the hallway.

>Before you is a very large room, furnished with many variety of fine things.
>On the far wall, is a balcony, that overlooks the capital of Tropico.
>There are two doors on the left wall.
>Hot diggity, this is amazing compared to the unit you lived in in the tenement.
>A patio, and two whole doors leading to other spaces.
>Man, you best check those doors out.
>First, you move towards the closest door.
>Upon opening it, you find an impressively huge closet.
>You don't own much in the way of clothing, but it's still sweet to have.
>Moving to the second door, you open it as well.
>Inside, you find a bathroom.
>Your own, personal bathroom.
>Shit, it's twice as big as the one you shared in the tenement.
>And you wont have to share it with half a dozen other ponies.
>Here, in the palace, you will have the sweet life.

>After a time of checking out the rest of the details of your new home, and resting on a big kamphy chair, a knock at the door rousts you from your siesta.
>You move over to the door, and open it.
>Beyond is a human.
>A tall, thin human who greets you with a slight lisp.
>"So, you are the pony I am to fit for a uniform."
Yes, El Presidente wished for me to have a new uniform. You need to take measurements?
>"Yes, sweetie, with a few measurements, I can get a fabulous uniform made for you real quick like."
>The man pulls out a measuring tape.
>"Stand with some good posture, and hold it, and then I can work my magic."
>You take a deep breath, and assume the most elegant pose you can.
>Then, the tailor moves to work, taking measurements all over your body.
>Some of them, you think can't be necessary for fitting a fancy uniform...
>But, he knows best.
>He IS El Presidente's personal tailor, afterall.
>"Alright. I should have a wonderful jacket ready for you by tomorrow morning. Ta Ta!"
>El Presidente's tailor heads back out into the main all, leaving you alone once again in your new home.
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>A thought crosses your mind.
>Your new place does not include a kitchen.
>And, after a long day of working the cigar factory, and saving El Presidente, you are getting rather peckish.
>You peek out the door into the hallway, and look around.
>To the left, near the stairwell you came up, is a fellow dressed in green camoflauge, wielding a large, impressive rifle.
>Surely, he knows where to find the food.
>You move down the hallway towards him.
Uh... Excuse me, sir... Where is the kitchen here in the palace? I'm kind of hungry.
>The fellow looks down at you.
>"You are new assistant to El Presidente, yes? Dining room is downstairs, second door on left."
>He then salutes you.
>"Hail, El Presidente!"

>Soon, you find what appears to be a dining room.
>It is... quite fancy.
>This looks like the kind of place Princess Celestia might have eaten dinner.
>Well, before...
>No need to think about that.
Hello? Anyone here? I'm wondering where I can find dinner?
>From a small door off to the side, a petite human woman sticks her head out.
Hey, I'm looking for where I can get some food.
>"Shoo, pony shoo! You get food at the market. No pony in palace!"
>The lady goes back into the other room after waving her hands at you.
But... I'm El Presidente's new assistant...
>Humans can be wierd.
>And it seems this lady didn't get the memo.
>After your additional comment, she sticks her head back into the dining room.
>"Oh, you new assistant? Me so sorry. What food you want?"
>It's been a long time since you've had a good bowl of oats.

Ummm, do you have any oats?
>"Yes, oats. We have oatmeal. You want oatmeal?"
>That sounds like a good option.
Yes, please. That sounds tasty.
>"You sit down at table. Me bring you oatmeal quick."
>With that, the lady heads back into what you assume is the kitchen, and you grab a seat at the large, ornate table.
>A few minutes later, the lady returns, with a large steaming bowl of oatmeal, with an additional tray of fresh fruit, sugar, and syrup.
>The kind of fruit they don't grow on tropico.
>Blueberries, grapes, strawberries...
>Man, this might be even better than you thought it would be.
>You put some blueberries into your bowl of oatmeal, and proceed to dig in.
>A great way to finish the last day you had to work in the Cigar factory.
>As you are finishing, the lady from the kitchen comes back out.
>"You done pony? Need do dishes."
Yes, thank you. The oatmeal and fruit was delicious.
>"Good pony. You go now. Need clean table."
>You step out of the chair, and head back towards your room.

>Upon arriving back at your chambers, you flop upon your large, human sized bed.
>It is as comfortable as you imagined the pegasus cloud beds felt.
>You never got to try anything like that.
>You couldn't afford one enchanted for an earth pony to sleep on, and in the village...
>Well, everyone slept on a simple hay stuffed mattress.
>You miss living there, simple though it was.
>But, Tropico was a great place too.
>Even working in the Cigar factory.
>It's much nicer than the Equestrian factories.
>Everypony in the Cigar Factory was happy.
>Especially considering the fate most of the ponies here in Tropico were facing when the humans opened the portal.
>You shudder at the thought of what might have happened.
>After laying for an indeterminate amount of time, a knock comes at the door.
>Outside, the orange glow of the sunset colors the edge of your room.
"Yes, I'll be right there."
>You stand up, and move towards the door.
>A human in fine dress stands before you.
>"Mister Double Diamond, your presence is requested by El Presidente in the meeting chambers.
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>off by one
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>The human who knocked upon your door has taken you to what is labeled as "The Cabinet Meeting Chamber"
>It appears to be two stories below the ground level of the presidential mansion.
>Within is a large table, surrounded by many chairs.
>Currently, they are filled with a number of humans, with El Presidente sitting at the far end, with an empty seat next to him.
>"Welcome, friend!"
>El Presidente warmly greets you as you step in, and motions towards the empty seat next to him.
>Some of the humans look at you strangely...
>Others, angrily.
>By Celestia, what kind of adders nest have you walked into?
>You move to the empty seat next to El Presidente, and sit down.
>"Welcome to my Cabinet. Around you are the greatest minds and movers of Tropico."
>El Presidente moves his arms about the room, motioning to the humans sitting around this large table.
>"Ees gut to see one of zee ponies making such a... nice impression on Herr Presidente."
>The man who spoke in a strange accent, wearing a long white coat, looked and sounded slightly familiar...
>Suddenly, it hits you.
>This is one of the human scientists who created the portal between Equestria and Earth.
>"Why do you bring one of these... creatures into your inner circle, El Presidente?"


That's it for tonight.
No one is ever going to find this.

Given time, people will come.

Especially if not so subtle nods are given.
It begins
Heroes never die.
It seems they haven't.
> Anons being subtle
What could possibly go wrong ?
Not much, if it weren't for the fact that janitors can disguise themselves as us.
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I support this thread.
it wasn't that hard
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Go away
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This is not related to PiE or MLP
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but I live here now!
this is now my thread
>>Got an IRC?
>Yup! Head on over to www.rizon.net/chat with the channel name #PoniesInEarth (not case-sensiti
When did we get an IRC? I thought we had a skype chat
Why? I'll make a nice picture out of this sketch.
Great, now I have to filter a bunch of stories I don't give a shit about AND watch another thread.
Slave pony stories are allowed as long as they take place on earth and are PiE related. Just don't assume this thread exists solely for you guys.
You made Pillow Case cry...

You are right about the thread not solely existing for SP writers. We still encourage stories that are still PiE related.
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That's cool, she is not crying anymore.
>in this thread
two dead generals are better than one living one
stick to your principles, even in the face of oblivion
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...But the whole point of Rorschach's story arc is that sometimes sticking to your principles can cause way more trouble than compromising.

And cause spontaneous tomato sauce-ification.
Perhaps I was too subtle, because that was exactly what I was getting at.
How would pegasi no-fly zones be enforceable?
Heat seeking missiles.
>inb4 people actually take this seriously.
Let this thread die please.
no u
>heat seeking
>rocket-propelled colourful flying dildos looking for suffering mares
>a mare that's been 'hit' slowly glides to the ground, flexing her body with overwhelming pleasure
People running under those pegasi with pillows and matresses and asking them nicely to land on the ground
>estrus seeking missiles
I mean I guess that's a pretty effective way to take out the species
Oh god. I didn't even realise what I said until just now.

Still, that would be pretty awesome. I'd pay to see it.
Floating signs asking to not to fly there!
>Pegasi fly in the air happy and care-free
>but one day... the flak and the cannons roar and the bite of the things reaches the flying horses
>pillows making direct contact to soft, pegasi bellies causes the birb horses to fall from the sky like leaves in the wind
>most recover, some... get boo-boos
>pony clinics have been overflowing with patients
>boo-boos... so many boo-boos...
>the horror
>then they ask
>why does this happen to us?
>then they find out
>no-fly regulations have been imposed
>storms of feathers and fur all over human cities due to constant pegasi-air presence
>many a sneezing and stuff-nosed human
>the Equestrian military has been brought in in order to subdue the pegasi
>with force if need be, as seen earlier
>PIPIPI cries one pegasi
>in the pega language, PIPIPI is a cry for freedom from oppression
>the PPP was then formed
>the Pegasi Prohibition Party
>to combat the provisions set
>the storm of feathers makes way for a storm of pillow fights and no-mid afternoon snack hunger strikes
>riots by the pegasi everywhere
>the battle for PIPIPI starts now...
>yfw that pillow dragon from last week was behind it all
little do they know that every feather they shed goes straight to fuel our warmachines!
Their own downy softness will be their ruin.
I'm sorry mate.
>you walk down the street
>hands in pockets
>whistling some silly tune
>a dozen of pegasi surround you
>they all look angry, some of them are even scrunching and stomping their hooves
>you know they are from PPP
>you know you can't escape
>all of them attack you with their soft hooves
>soft pafpafs attack your legs and angry squeaks flood your ears
>you can't take it anymore
>you drop on your knees and spread your arms as wide as you can
>you hug all of the pegasi and snuggle to their warm, soft bodies
>they snuggle back
>you can't stand up
>the next thing you remember is waking up in a hospital room
>the sugar level in your blood kicked you unconscious for 2 hours
>and on your body...
>a note
>a message to other humans
>done in the fiercest of red crayons and black markers, in the most oppressive of mouth writings
>all on a piece of pad paper
>taped on your forehead
>you are sent home after a few insulin shots and with an armed escort of conscript dog groomers
>they've been outfitted with horse care products and materials
>keep the PPP down with brushies and state of the art gloves that prevent one from being seduced by the softness and velvety feel of pegasi fur
>to prevent more disasters concerning downed humans full of sugar and diabetes by the PPP gorilla warfare
>it's gonna be a long week
>one day you wake up early in your bedroom
>you hear taptap
>you look at the window
>there is a pretty pegasus mare
>she looks at you
>you look at her
>she places a tiny top hat on the top of her head and scrunches
>after several hours you wake up again, feeling very weak
>you take an emergency shot of the isnuline
>after 5 minutes you can breath normally
>you look on the bed
>there is some kind of document on it
>you didn't drop it here
>"Petition to remove fly-zones"
>how the?
>you sign it up and dive under the covers
>you are scared
>you replay in your mind some of the most bad ass scenes from Terminator, Rambo and Kung Fury to stop thinking about how cute are those ponies and how fucked you are
>you fall asleep
>the next day, the petiton is gone
>everything will be fine, right?
>The Department of Health has condemned the PPP
>the pharmaceutical companies have been booming in business due to the massive upward spike in demand for insulin
>some say they're the ones funding the PPP so that they could continue to sell the insulin in higher prices and in massive amounts, as well as allergy medicines and other such things
>the President has called for the Equestrian diplomats in order to help them curb the pegasi revolts and PPP gorilla warfare tactics
>Human-Equestrian relations at an all time low in years
>air battles between the Equestrian armed forces and the Army's drones versus the PPP forces rage in the sky to a stalemate
>no to the no-fly zone petition reaching its quota of signatures at a break-neck pace
>the country is on its knees
>Useful links
>This is a private paste bullshit on most of them

Good job OP.
That's kind of rad, I'd just put a little collar on a pegasus with a GPS localizer and a small speaker, so every time the pon would enter the nofly zone, the speaker would say: dingdingding, it's a no fly zone! Please land on the ground or return to the fly zone!
OP backed out because a few negative feedback comments.
The PPP is not affected by requests, they're hardcore! They wrote a strongly-worded letter on the city mayor's building in chalk! Such graffiti would be tantamount to an hour long time-out in Equestria a high level crime.
See >>27236366

So PiE is OPless then? It's been ages since the last time I looked around here.
Mien Kampfy Pony
I don't know. Our guy didn't give it more than a few hours to decide he thought it was a bad idea. To SP's fault, we DID basically do it without talking to PiE, but in our defense, we had originally wanted to but PiE had been dropped as we understood, so there was nobody thread to post in to pitch the merge idea.

I still think merging/reviving PiE is a good idea, but I put my weight behind unity more than deciding what I personally think is best, so it's back to instability for us I guess.
Hitler arrives in 2016 and finds ponies in earth.
What happens?
He goes back to art school and becomes a pussy liberal.
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The best possible thing.
We wanted to make a new PiE thread in a few days
I want to stick my finger inside Strawberry's ponut
Basically nothing if he doesn't have/take power.
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>"Hi Micheal, how was your day?"
>"O-oh, someone is naughty~"
>"Mmmm... I love your hands... they're sooo-ooh yes, down there..."
>"Ooooh, yeah... s-slowly, I-I'm sens-sitive toda-aahh.."
>"already t-the second f-finger? So ho-orny~aaah"
>"w-what's the matter? Why did you stooooOOOOOAAMICHAAAEL!"
>"Michaaa-ael, o-out, it's, w-weeeeird!
>"huff....hufff... w-what the h-hay, Michael! I d-didn't say y-you can st-ick it thee-ere! L-Let me... rest... a bit...hufff... n-now, slowly pull your f-finger out...."
>"t-thaaah! That's r-right, s-slowly, y-yyeeees, don't s-stop, don't stoooOOOH
>"oohhh.... oooOOH....M-MiichhaeeeE!...mmMMM!... mmMMM!..."
>"aaah! aaaah! n-no! sl-low! down! I! can't! I-I !caa-an't! I ! n-need! t- I-I-IeeeEEE!"
>"n-neeext time.......... use........m-moree........l-lube.......s-sweeth-eart......"
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>hand is now covered in poo
No, this is stupid.
You know, your ass is not filled with shit all the time.
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Shhh, she is naked!
wow lewd
I wonder if catfucker still lurks here
Is Aching still dead? I haven't seen anything new on his pastebin since last year.
He appeared a few days ago in the Skype group
Just looked this comic up on e621. It's fucking great.
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Why are the pastebins private?
i like this pony
> What is PiE?
1. Take Ponies
2. Place them on Earth
3. ???
4. Profit

> That doesn't really explain much...
While AiE involves a human entering the magical world of Equestria, PiE takes the opposite perspective. A single (or multiple) pony is transported to a much less magical place called Earth. Here, the pony must struggle to survive in an unforgiving (and sometimes dangerous) world where friendship isn't magic.

> So what genres do you write?
We write a variety of genres: Slice of Life, Romance, Sci-fi, Comedy, Adventure, etc. We use different writing styles and points of view. Our stories center on the ponies, with humans serving as protagonists, antagonists or observers.

Useful links:
>PiE Author List:
>Recommended stories for new readers:
>PiE Thread Archive:
>PiE image archives:
>Ideas and Requests:
>PiE Skype Group:
>Rules of Writing Guide:
>Grammar School:

>Browser Pony Author List
>Browser Pony image and story archive (cloud)
>Browser Pony Ponychan thread
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Should I make a tumblr ask blog for her?
But maybe send a note to Mr.Blue on fimfiction if he is okay with it and if he will continue his askblog
Why do you waifu circlejerking faggots still claim to be Ponies in Earth?
Pillowcase is Everything would be a more accurate name for your thread.
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Pillowcase and Strawberry Jam are Everything
This doesn't work!
WiP no shading.
It's easier to shitpost than to write. Skeleton thread.
Human prisons are too hard for ponies.
That's why bad ponies just get sent to child day cares.
Or you just say "you are a bad pony!"
And they feel bad about it
lemme slheep...
she'll just cuddle by you until you wake up
Ask Mr. Blue, cuz he had one earlier.
I want Mr.Blue to write more Pillow Case
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That's right, this is Strawberry's final form, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaio-Ken x10
I'm only as dead as I usually am.

I actually did make a new thing back when we were part of AiE. It's at the bottom of my oneshots paste. I could post it here if you'd like.
Please post it!

I pm'd him on fimfiction.

Kill me but, I don't think I have ever seen a Pillowcase green. Is it a series? Is it a character that some random people write about? Was it 1 good greentext?
Pretty much the second one. There's quite a bit of green about her. The original story featuring her can be found in prose form here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/112663/pillow-case
I don't know where the greentext version is, but you could probably find it lurking in the pastebins somewhere.
Well would you look at that, second story in the "recommended stories for new readers".
That could probably use an update.
Who will jump over that stick?
Strawberry actually did it! The absolute madmare!
I can't believe it!
Pillow Case did it too. Kinda
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Which stories have the ponies taking on human disguses?
I think I've read something like this months ago, with Rainbow Dash maybe?
Ponyville Apartments has this.
Habeeb it!
I want to trace my finger across her tummy
>horse dad reading newspaper
>pony daughter walks in
>"Hi, honey!"
>pony turns around
>"Jesus H Christ. What. Is. That!"
>pony daughter has tattoo on both asscheeks
>"I'm expressing my individuality! All my friends have tattoos!" says daughter
>"How the hell are you gonna get a job when you grow up? You think a law firm or a bank will hire you now? I don't think so."
>"Yee-ah," said the snarky pony. "The First National Bank of Dad-Can-Kiss-My-Ass. My youtube channel is blowing up, okay? I'm famous!"
>3 years later
>pony daughter working as bank teller
>"Are twenties okay?" she asks a customer
>manager standing behind her
>"Cover your ass," he angrily whispers at her
>she pulls her shirt down over her tattoo
>this is why little ponies listen to daddy
Had a kek
But ponies have butt tattoos
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Do ponies cosplay?
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Gentlemen, I have made a horribly offensive but hilarious thing. I call it...


>Be Anon
>"Hands off, don't boop!"
>Live in the city, a few blocks from city hall
>"Hands off, don't boop!"
>Attempting to sleep
>"Hands off, don't boop!"
>It's not working
>Jesus Christ, these ponies been chanting ALL NIGHT
>Ponies who have moved to Earth do not like when strangers cuddle, pet, or otherwise snuggle them when they're just trying to live their horsey little lives
>They would like if stronger harassment laws were in place
>The message got across hours ago, thank you
>Freedom of speech isn't so great when it infringes on your freedom of sleep
>This is what happens when being chronically adorable becomes a social issue
>Hashtags and protests with the locals caught in the crossfire
>It all started a couple years ago
>Stallions tend to think they're less likely to be snuggled, but statistics vary
>When a stallion was rolled onto his back in the middle of the street and forcibly belly-rubbed for hours, something snapped
>Protests flared up out of nowhere
>It took several weeks and the goddamn National Guard to get things under control
>A wave of widely-reported snugglings last summer and an opinion column from some reporter pony set it all off again
>Hungry protesters buying out entire supermarket produce sections
>Public parks full of picnics and frolicking
>It's best not to talk about what happened to bakeries and candy shops
>You're almost at the point of resigning to not getting sleep tonight
>Unless you do something
>Not entirely sure what, but something
>"Hands off, don't boop!"
>...Yep, there it is
>You don your bathrobe and bunny slippers and march your groggy ass out onto the steps of your apartment building
>It's a chilly spring night
>Not too unpleasant except for the obvious
>The street is packed with protesting ponies and lined with snow from that other pony protest
>A bunch of pegasi who want plane-free airspaces rented a ship and have been tossing snow showers in from international waters once every few weeks
>They've been at it since February, and it's getting less and less effective
>It's a day away from being Cinco de Drink-o
>The weather's been a bit colder than normal, but most of their snow melts before it even comes ashore
>The ponies here seem content with chanting and picket signs with slogans against non-consensual cuddles
>Some of them are floating or flying their signs above the crowd to make them easier to see
>All of them are chanting
>"Hands off, don't boop!"
>All of them
>There are a few police officers scattered around
>None of the pony officers seem to be on duty
>Go figure, there are probably a few who've joined the crowd
>They probably feel like nobody takes them seriously because of how cuddly they look
>Time to make your opinion known
>Literally none of them are looking in your direction
"Hey, I'm trying to sleep over here!"
>Still nothing
>You probably ought to buckle down and get ready to shout all night
"Goddammit, don't you believe in that 'Magic of Friendship' stuff? I'm trying to sleep!"
>A few of them actually glance towards you this time
>An earth pony mare with a blue coat and a disheveled mane that's a crayon-like shade of yellowish green is even walking towards you
>More progress than expected
>She stops at the base of the apartment steps and starts shouting to you
>"The Magic of Friendship is what this is all about! It's being twisted and abused! You can't just go straight to physical affection without anything before that! If you wouldn't do it to a human, you shouldn't do it to us!"
>She turns back to the crowd, giving you a look at her cutie mark
>It looks like a gray rod with a really droopy peach on the end
>She shouts to the crowd from her new position
>"Isn't that right?"
>A cheer erupts from the crowd behind her
>It should be noted that none of the ponies who are paying attention to your little sidewalk debate were cheering
>The mare faces you again and smirks
>"See? My friends back me up on this."
>Oh, great
>It's one of the delusional ones
>Even so, there are a few ponies stopping to watch
>You don't take the time to count them, but your shot-in-the-dark estimate is something like 16 or 17
"Lady, you have the right to protest and all that but I have things to do in the morning! Show some damn sympathy!"
>Her smirk unfurls into a scowl
>"I'm not getting any sympathy from humans for what I have to put up with! I can't go a week without someone trying to tousle my mane!"
"Well maybe you would get some sympathy if you weren't keeping the whole neighborhood up!"
>A few of the protestors who'd stopped to watch the argument shrug at your words
>The mare simply stomps her hoof
>"You don't get it! I've never met a human that has any idea how..."
>You tune out the pony's tirade as you notice a pegasus mare stepping out of the crowd behind her
>Huh, looks like the streets are starting to clear
>That hasn't stopped any of the chanting
>The newcomer has a wavy, brown mane and a dull red coat
>At first it looks like she's going to join in with the mare who's already yelling at you
>Then you realize she looks strangely happy, and she seems more focused on the yelling mare than she is on you
>Meanwhile, the oblivious blue mare is still ranting
>"Then there's the way you look at me! Always looking down at me, fawning over me like I'm a foal. I'm a grown mare, darnit! Is it too much to ask for you to take me seriously?"
>The red mare says something to the blue one beside her, but you can't hear it over the ranting
>The blue mare also doesn't seem to hear it and just keeps ranting on
>"I stopped wearing makeup because of that! I feel self-conscious and ugly all the time, and what does that get me? Nothing! Nothing changed!"
>The reddish mare speaks up a little
>"Blue, they passed the bill! We ought to go celebrate."
>Not sure if the pegasus was calling the ranting pony by name or color there
>Either way, the ranting mare will not shut up
>"And the kids! Sweet Celestia, it's like personal space isn't even a thing to them! There's no excuse not to keep them on a tight leash if they aren't going to keep their grubby little hands to themselves. I know humans make leashes for their young! I've seen them!"
>The red pony reaches over the blue one's back and pulls her into a side-hug
>For whatever reason, this is the one thing that stops the blue pony's tirade
>And from the looks of it she's stopped breathing and frozen in place
>The red mare snuggles in a bit toward the blue one
>"C'mon, Blue! Leave this guy alone and let's go get some donu-"
>The blue pony screams and flails in a panic, catching the pegasus totally off guard
>She bats at the pegasus with her front hooves and all but throws the mare off of her
>You cringe a little as you hear one of them smack across the pegasus mare's nose
>She stumbles and trips on an ankle-high snowbank in an attempt to back away from the onslaught
>"Blue! Blue Marble, stop! It's me!"
>Oh, so her name IS Blue
>The now-named mare relaxes from whatever panic attack she was having
>"Honeybunch? Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I-I just felt something grab me and I-"
>A police officer pushes through the crowd of onlookers with his badge out and cuts her off
>"Officer Anon, MLPD! What's going on here?"
>The pegasus is too busy trying to un-boop her nose to reply
>This leaves Blue to plaster on a fake smile and respond
>"Nothing. Nothing happened."
>"Are you sure about that?"
>"It was just a misunderstanding. Everything's fine."
>Another, older-looking officer walks up and casually flashes his badge
>"Sergeant Anon, MLPD. Ma'am, if anything violent happened, you'd do well to tell us now."
>"It was an accident. There's nothing wrong."
>"Rrright. No charges against you, but we're going to have to detain you until we can get everyone's story straight. Officer Anon, watch her while I go get some background."
>There's a simultaneous "Yes sir" and "Aw, crud" from the officer and pony, respectively
>Seargeant Anon starts walking up the apartment steps to you with a notepad and pen in hand
>Well dammit
>You really should have just stayed inside
>"Sir, you were involved in this, correct?"
>Half of the street must have at least glanced in your direction at some point
>Probably best to keep the BS to a minimum
"Yeah. I didn't punch anyone, if that's what you're asking."
>"You're not being accused of anything. Is this your place of residence?"
"It is. Apartment 33."
>He glances up from his notes
>"Nice dubs."
>"Spell your name for me, please?"
>"I honestly don't know why we bother doing that when tripfags are so easy to spot. Tell me what happened here, from the beginning."
"Alright, so I'm trying to sleep and I can't because the crowd is keeping me up. I go outside to shout at no one in particular to keep it down, which catches her attention."
>You motion over towards Blue
"We get into a brief debate about what the point of this march is, it devolves into her ranting at me while I wait for her to finish, and then the one who got punched tells her the march is over anyway. Go figure."
>Sergeant Anon nods in sympathy
>"Shitty timing. What happened next?"
"Well, the blue one doesn't hear or doesn't care, so the other one hugs her all buddy-buddy and says 'hey, no reason to bother that guy anymore' -me, I mean- 'let's go get some snacks or whatever!' Blue has some sort of fucking panic attack and starts slapping at the pegasus, and then you guys come over."
>Sergeant Anon mutters to himself as he finishes taking down your testimony
>"...'some sort of fucking panic attack.' Thank you. Stay there a minute, we might need to talk with you again."
"Shit, standing around with my dick in my hand is how I spend most of my free time anyway."
>"Amen to that."
>Sergeant Anon tips his cap to you (thank fuck that fedoras aren't standard issue) and rejoins his colleague
>They start speaking a little too quietly for you to hear, but you can tell they're talking about the pegasus from the way they keep pointing to her
>She's bleeding pretty heavily from her nose
>Officer Anon pulls a roll of gauze from his belt and approaches Honey-what's-her-face
>Just as he kneels down by the pegasus, the blue earth pony jumps him and shoves him to the ground
>"Keep your hands off her, you dirty ape!"
>It's probably worth mentioning that Officer Anon's skin tone could be described as 'somewhere between Nestle and Hershey milk chocolate'
>Some purple pegasus mare in the back of the crowd whips a smartphone out of her hoodie's belly pocket, seemingly by reflex, and points it at the scene unfolding before her
>A packet of Skittles is dislodged by her quickdraw and begins to slide out of her pocket
>Officer Anon throws himself off the ground towards Blue, who's gone slackjawed at how much she's fucked up
>He pushes one forehoof out from under her with a kick, pulls the other one out with a swipe from his hand, and pins her spread-eagle by kneeling on top of her spine
>The Skittle packet hits the ground after a moment that seemed to pass in Zack Snyder-esque slow motion but happened faster than you can say "Kunta Kintae's severed toes"
>"AGH! My back! You're hurting me!"
>"You have the right to shut your GOD DAMN MOUTH. What you just said and did WILL be used against you in a court of law."
>Sergeant Anon facepalms and squats down to join in restraining her
>"Aw, hell. Let me get the zip ties on her. Ahem... you have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one-"
>"I can't breathe!"
>Sergeant Anon reaches up and shakes Officer Anon by the shoulder just hard enough to interrupt the soulful R&B cover of 'We Shall Overcome' playing in the younger policeman's internal soundtrack
>"Ease up on her, would you? –you will be provided with a public defender. You should be given a fair and speedy trial but in this day and age we can't really promise anything."
>The squirming mare finally has her front hooves tied
>Both officers hoist her up and walk her to a nearby patrol car on her rear hooves
>Officer Anon glares at the mare with her smartphone out as he passes her
>"I didn't spend years in academy for some ignorant asshole to shove me and call me an ape!"
>Unbeknownst to the camera-mare, her bag of Skittles is scooped up by a red earth pony mare
>Once Blue is inside, Sergeant Anon pulls his junior aside and talks to him for a moment
>It doesn't take long before he turns away to leave Officer Anon stewing and guarding the car
>He briskly walks back to the still-bleeding mare and starts bandaging her nose
>"We ought to take you to the station too, if only to get you patched up. Do you know that mare?"
>The injured pegasus nods
>"Do you want a ride in a different car from her?"
>She shakes her head and smiles
>Sergeant Anon helps her to her hooves and walks her over to the car
>He makes eye contact with the pony filming on her phone as he walks by
>"Turn that damn thing off."
>With the crowd that had gathered to watch your little front-porch drama dispersing, she complies
>You decide to stick around just a little while longer to see if anything else happens
>Putting the smartphone back in her hoodie pocket leads the purple pegasus to realize her Skittles are missing
>She looks around for a couple of seconds before the red earth pony taps her on the shoulder and presents the unopened bag of candy
>The red mare pulls a pair of earplugs out of her ears as the pegasus is thanking her
>Red, if that's her name, drops her earplugs in the street and they both trot off, chatting about who knows what
>Some beige unicorn mare in a hat notices the ear plugs lying in the street and stops to take pictures of them with an old-looking film camera
>...Ear plugs
>You could have avoided this whole thing with a cheap pair of foam earplugs
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Damn, I had a kek. Good story.
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No, that's gay.
That's fantastic
Was the purple pony pillow case?

Casey is too cute to show up only in stories about her.
what if I gently boop and snuggle?
Pony must give permission first, otherwise it's hape.

You can get sent to pony-jail for that.
Thoroughly kek'd.

Maybe our OPs should have a prompt in them from now on? Something to at least try to get the conversation flowing or the writefags thinking. As it stands our threads are just "bump" and the occasional memetext with no real substance. I like green as much as the next guy, but if we're only getting one-shots once every three days, we might as well not exist.
I burned myself filling up the last thread all on my own.

Reminder that stores about established ponies are as good if not better than stories about OCs. They appeal to a broader audience.
Aero and Rainbow Dash
I endorse this.
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>at AirVenture airshow
>checkin' out all the cool shit
>motha' fuckin' Thunderbirds
>motha' fuckin' BLUE ANGELS
>you think Aero wet herself sexually when they screamed over
>you think her ears popped
>yours did
>next up was the Wonderbolt show by the flight team from Equestria they did your standard loops and formations while carrying smoke packs.
>after the show the two of you saunter over to one of the jets where the crews were hanging out and talking
>Aero was drooling over the F-16s and hadn't noticed the rainbow Wonderbolt walk over
>"Hey, you guys enjoy the show?" she asked
"Yeah, it was cool," you said
>Rainbow looked over to Aero, expecting an answer
>she got upset when she noticed Aero wasn't even looking at her
>no response
>you nudge Aero with your knee
>"Huh? Wuh?" she said, coming out of her trance and looking around
>"How'd you like those tricks?" Rainbow asked again. "Pretty cool, huh?"
>"Oh. Yeah, sure," answered Aero as she went back to admiring the jet
>Rainbow scowled and tapped Aero on the shoulder
>"You got a problem?" asked the offended Wonderbolt
>"I... No?" answered the earth pony before going back to her thing
>another harder tap
>Aero sighed, "What?"
>"Do you know how much time the Wonderbolts put into their shows? Alot! It takes a lot of skill and coordination to do what we do!" berrated Rainbow
>Aero cocked her head to the side
>that set Rainbow off and she woulda lunged towards Aero had two of her squadmates not grabbed her just then for some pictures
>as you both walk away, you look down at your buddy who was happily trotting along
"I thought those guys were famous where you're from?" you ask her
>"Yeah they are, but jets are cooler."
"So why'd you pretend you didn't know who she was?"
>"It was funny."
>you chuckle to yourself
"Yeah it was."
Rainbow horse got rekt, kekd
I love you, guys.
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Poni can drive a racing car!
Ain't got no time for pegasex
I wanna fly~
Anon and Pony do Something together greentext number four-thousand seven hundred and twenty-two:

>Be Pony
>And today is going to be a fantastic day!
>Your best (um… only) human friend finally agreed to do that special something you keep asking him about!
>It’s only been four months of asking
>But your insistent nagging finally paid off
>As your mom used to say:
>”In the right doses, whining and cuteness can get you anything.”
>Or maybe she didn’t say that.
>Who cares! Today’s the day!
>You swish your tail as you keep pace behind your pal Anon
>He keeps glancing back and smiling at you.
>He must be just as excited as you are!
>Be Anon
>You’re fucked
>It’s been four months since your best (um… only) pony friend asked to visit your family farm.
>And until three days ago you could easily dodge the question.
>But then your dad called
>And as fate would have it, Late Bloom picked up
>You didn’t know the ins and outs of the conversation, but you could pretty much guess how it went.
>”Hi Anon’s dad! I’m your son’s best pony friend ever! He’s never talked about you, but I’m sure you’re a pretty swell guy!”
>”My son’s got a fuckin’ talkin’ horse in his house?”
>”Sounds about right. Fuckin’ queer. Kid wouldn’t touch a teddy bear if it didn’t have a 6-inch cock sprouting out of it.”
>My dad probably put down the receiver at this point and commemorated me with a hefty wad of spit.
>”The horses we got here stay in the god-damn barn where they belong.”
>Immune to the profanity, Late Bloom’s ears probably perked up.
>”You have horses at your barn? Anon never told me! Can I come meet them?”
>”I don’t give two fucks about what you do. Now put my loose-assholed son on the line so I can cuss him out and get back to work.”
>”Okey-Dokie, sir! One Anon coming right up.”
>The rest I actually remember.
>Bloom brought me the phone, looking about ready to explode.
>After the call (It was about me getting a real job or something -- I didn’t really listen) Late Bloom leapt up and grabbed the phone in her mouth.
>She ran it back into the cradle and then returned to me, out of breath but still trying to wheeze out English.
>”Dad… says… you have… horses! Have to… meet!”
“Slow down, girl. Take a breath and tell me what you want.”
>What she wanted was to see the farm. And no amount of nay-saying could shut her up.
>So that’s what landed you here, on a dirt path a half-mile away from any roads that actually mattered, almost at your childhood home.
>The Anon family farm.
>You glance back at Bloom nervously, and her smile seems to glow.
>You force a smile in return, but the moment your eyes returned to the road, you grimace.
>This is going to be an awful fucking day.
>An awful, awkward fucking day.

>”There it is! It’s your house!”
>You nod impatiently to her as your old home comes into view.
>You aren’t really in any mood to respond.
>But she continues, undeterred by your silence.
>”What’s that up there? Is it a flag? It’s not the American Flag and it’s not the South Carolina flag which means… Anon, is your farm its own country?! That would be crazy!”
>As she speaks, she points to the grandiose confederate flag your dad loves to fly on the weekends.
>You grimace.
“Yeah. Sure. Let’s go with that.”

>She beams at you and runs past, falling into the meadow surrounding the farm.
>Her dark blue tail bounces behind her.
>Her tan, almost yellow coat blends perfectly with the wildflowers poking through the grass.
>And you can’t help but crack an actual smile now.
>Your horse friend is obnoxious, but she’s still cute as fuck.
>And maybe having her around will make meeting your dad almost palatable.
>Your smile falls away as quickly as it came.
>Nah… NOTHING can make dad palatable. Except maybe death.
>But maybe you can postpone talking to him a little longer.
“Yo, Bloom, get out of those weeds! Being named after one doesn’t mean you have to roll around in them!”
>After one last flop, she rushes back to your side grinning
>You pause to smile at her before talking
“So, you wanted to meet the horses, didn’t you?”
>Instead of responding she just nods between pants
“Alright, well we don’t keep the horses here. They’re a little further on in the barn. How about we keep moving and meet them, first?
>”That sounds great! You never told me their names, though! What if they think I’m mean because I don’t know who they are?”
>You sigh before responding.
“I told you, horses on Earth aren’t like you guys at all. They don’t talk, they don’t laugh, and they’re absolutely massive. Mostly they just lumber around and poop all over the place.”
>”I know, but maybe they’ll like me a lot because I’m a pony, too! I should be ready to talk to them”
“Alright, fine. I’ll entertain your delirium.”
>As you work your way towards the barn and away from your dad, you begin to explain to her who your horses are.
>You have two, one is a roan stallion named “Buckwheat”, who you have a… special relationship with.
>The other is a yellow filly creatively named “Oats”... though she is probably a full-grown mare by now.
>You barely put a dent in Late Bloom’s steady stream of questions before you get to the barn, and you manage to shut her up as the two of you approach.
>You open the barn door and step inside. It smells like… well, it smells like fucking horses. You wrinkle your nose.
>Bloom seems totally unperturbed by the smell. She marches right in and approaches the first thing on four legs she sees.
>That thing is Buckwheat the stallion.
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>”Hello there, sir. ‘Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
>She rises to her forelegs and bows deeply.
>At full bipedal height she barely made it to his knees.
>You can practically see her fedora tip.
>The only response her display gets is a quick snort.
>Looking perplexed, Bloom turns to you.
>”Did I say something mean to her?”
>You shake your head.
“I told you, HE doesn’t know what words are.”
>Her eyebrows furrow and she pouts as she looks at you.
>”I thought it was a she? Her nose is round just like any other mare’s.”
>You have to stop to think before realizing what she’s talking about.
“All horses are like that here. He’s definitely a stallion. The mare’s over there.”
>You point across the barn, but she’s already darted behind him.
>She stares at every inch of his coat, and you can practically see the questions fermenting behind those green eyes.
>As she approaches his backside she begins to respond.
>”There’s no way she’s a stallion, the way her body is...”
>She stops dead as she reaches his hindquarters.
>She sniffs at the air.
>A blush seeps so far across her face it looks like it’s about to turn her hair purple.
>”That’s um… yeah. You’re right… He’s definitely a… erm… a stallion.”
>tfw you're trying to find a relevant pone-related picture and all you have is porn
Hopefully I didn't fuck up the formatting too badly, ruined the post this guy >>27278129 responded to
>inb4 horse rapes pony
That's all for now
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>>You have two, one is a roan stallion named “Buckwheat”, who you have a… special relationship with.
Last time I wrote I swore not to write porn. The story turned into a 6-post long orgy between five different characters. So honestly, I can't promise anything.
Shut up, dad.
more like
>makes a surprising sexual intercourse with a pony
Anon's dad is smelly
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Shh, Ponka Pe, it's sleep time
>iMac G3
>has a stand from an eMac
Why am i bothered by this?
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Because you're a NEEEERRRD!!!
What if humans start walking around naked when it's warm outside? Ponies can do it too.
Ponies meet nudists. What happens?
>clothes wearing ponies are confused as hell
>naked ponies are happy and create a party that fights with the nudity taboo
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Pillow Case pic tomorrow.
You aren't welcome here, page 8.
wait, wait, wait, wait, back the fuck up.

I thought PiE had merged with AiE. Since winter it's there that I've looked for my PiE greentext fix.

How long has PiE been a thing again?
2 threads? Maybe 3.
The board is slower so we can survive.
Clothes/shoes/deodorant/etc are good things.
Imagine springtime in New York with naked ponies.
Not to mention the AiE thread has been dead for several days.
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who here /humansupremacist/?
>not wanting ponies to successfully integrate
Fuck outta here.

this is my new fav pony pic

> making pony feel sad and unwanted
You disgust me
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Can browser poni still post here?
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holy FUCK that's cute
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Chrome is not for sexual.png
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Holy shit, that's one I haven't seen before. I really like the background style.
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Poppy Seed coming tomorrow/after tomorrow.
Damn, that's true.A general with >1000 threads is not alive.
> all those flustered mares
"Hey Applejack. Wanna do something that rhymes with truck?"
>she looks at you with bedroom eyes and a smile
>10 minutes later you're riding her bareback as she tries to buck you off
>finally you fall on your ass
"Six seconds. I'm getting better."
>"My turn!" she says as she jumps on you
Poni a cute
that's adorable
Zebras on Earth? They're not like niggers, they work hard and write poems
tell that to the NYC police, they won't be as happy
>Useful links
Strange... None of pastebin links, except writing guide ones work. Is it supposed to be that way?
How to beat the heat?
im drinking cold water and avoiding sunlight
>"I-It's not h-helping, mister h-human..."
Oh, I have no idea how i could help you then.
Spray bottle like a cat. Bad pony.
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>it's hot...
>you sit sweltering in your living room with a fan on
>it wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have 3 ponies hugging your fucking air conditioner and blocking all the cool air from circulating around the fucking house
>your house smells like a poni
It's not that bad
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Hand her a cucumber.
Good idea. Some carrots and refrigerated dip in a scooped-out cucumber would be pretty refreshing.
That could actually be nice on a snack tray at a party. Ranch dressing dip, maybe?
Too complicated for appul horse, give her appuls
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made a few changes
I know this is like the third time I've uploaded it, I keep noticing stuff I want to fix
Why would you eat veggies with anything else?
Nice! Very pretty pics.
bump a rump
Good work
It depends on the veggies, I suppose.

Steamed brussels sprouts are good with a little drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper, for example.
>ponies learn to swear
"Hey, Anon! How the *dolphin noises* are ya?"
"Nice *dolphin noises* day, isn't it Anon?"
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Ponies don't swear! Even meanies!
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I can't say it's shit-taste because it isn't, but it's no F-5 either.
>Pony works in a restaurant
>"B...but why?"
>"You're unsanitary
>"Wear panties so your butthole isn't exposed everywhere."
That's racist!
>specifically panties
that manager has LEWD intentions
azer is that you?
>pony talking to your boss at work
"So me and Anon want to become managers," he says. "We've even come up with a catchy slogan to convince you."
>"Alright, let me hear it."
>pony clears his throat and stands on his chair.
"We are so good, we will DP you!"
>manager stares blankly at pony
"DP stand for 'Double your Profits," he explains
>manager "wuts"
"What's that? Are you thinking about getting DP?"
>about an hour later the two of you are walking home
>"Wasn't a fan, huh?" you ask
"Apparently not. Now lets brainstorm a catchy slogan for getting our jobs back."
>"We are so good, we will DP you!"

Suddenly I am thinking of Flim and Flam.

>"Will this really be beneficial for me?"
>"I'll say! We're gonna give you the works!"
What would be the best job for a pony on Earth? Getting paid for cuddling?
Walmart greeter
It looks like Pillow Case likes preening.
Easily this.

"Can I get you a buggy?"
>"Aw, thank you, you sweet little thing."
>pony happily pushes a cart over for the little old lady
>"Thank you, sweetie."
>a beach whale appears
>she slowly wobbles over to the electric scooters, stopping every couple of steps to catch her breath
>another ten minutes are spent watching the gelatinous mass squeeze itself into the tiny seat
>her barrel rolls hang off to the side, halfway to the floor
>finally pony has to walk over and say something
"Um, excuse me miss. You can't use those. Those are for disabled people."
>the fatty flips out
>her rant is lost in translation when she starts speaking her native fat
>pony is lost and don't want to be yelled at
"N-no ma'am. Those are the rules," pony softly says
>land whale continues to thrash about and squeal
>so much so that the cart tips over and her bulbous ass spills out over the carpet and she starts flopping around some more
>"I'll sue you!" she screams
>pony starts to back away, frightened
>manager finally walks up to the commotion and sprays the beast with a fire extinguisher
>the she-walrus starts horking and rolls out the front door
>"That'll do it," he said, placing the fire extinguisher next to pony greeter
>"This happens at least twice a day. Just use that."
"Okay! Thank you sir!" smiled pony
>manager walks away
>pony now standing at attention with her extinguisher at port arms as she guards the Walmart from the hordes of fatties
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those always make me depressed

At my local Walmart, there used to be this really old (probably 80's or 90's) veteran that always greeted me at the entrance. He was extremely sweet, and always said hi to me and my mum/siblings.
I still remember him calling me pretty one day when I was leaving even though I'm actually a guy. he's not the first to make that mistake though, and it still warms my heart when I think about it.

One day he stopped showing up though. Never saw him in person again, but I did see him in the obituary not long after.
I don't really go to that Walmart anymore.
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Fucking buzzkill, man.
That's adorable...
That's nice.
>Takes a big sip of tea
Doodles are to be made!
I figured how to tumblr so if there's blu and lux why not I!?
Disregard the mass and go with it. I have reached the new age and am here to stay (dun die pls)
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Cute! PC with a scarf gives me diabetes
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If lux and m. Blu keep norm pillow then ill make ashen PC.
How is she holding the sword?
She's not
If I writefag for you cunts can I do it in blacktext?
All links in the OP are private. How do I view?
here >>27246208
What a qt!

>You're walking past the bathroom and hear the shanty coming from inside.
>Knocking twice on the door, you hear Aero from inside.
>"Don't come in! I'm naked!" she calls.
>You walk in anyways.
"You're always naked," you tell her as you stand in the doorway.
>"Yeah, but now I'm naked in the tub so that makes it personal."
"That makes sense."
>You still don't leave.
"So what's up with the sea shanty?"
>Aero lifts her toy boat out of the water along with her sailor rubber ducky.
>"You will address me as Catalina now!" said the pony.
"A'ight. So does that mean we should scrap your model airplanes for a ship in a bottle?"
>Aero stares blankly at you.
>"Don't even joke about that."
"You know they have carrier ships for aircraft, right?"
>You stand around for several seconds.
>Aero goes back to playing with her bath toys.
>"Oh rubber ducky! You're the one!" she sings.
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>tfw no Science Portal
Maybe one day, Anon.
Are you still working on Long Distance? Yes, I've been living under a rock.
Zebras on Earth? What if they're not like niggs?
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Poppy seed.png
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Shading and lights tomorrow.
He's just taunting us. Long Distance hasn't been updated since 2013.
Who dat bitch?
your mom
So wait, did you make a tumblr blog? Or are you saying your going to?
Adorable as always, anyway.
Her name is Poppy Seed.
I see that, but WHO is she?
I want to but unsure where i stand in what i can do.
What would your tumblr blog be about?
She is PCs and Strawberry's friend from the childhood
To start:
Pc n friends
PC dank souls
PC n friends dank souls
ANYTHING PiE in vidya gaems.
I'd probably make somethink fun like a banjo-kazooie somethin. All up in the air
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More lights and shades later.
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She is the best friend of Strawberry Jam and Pillow Case.
Before bed hug
What a lewd pon, please cover her
Plump butt
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Because naked ponies are lewd!
You are too sexual
Is sex still a taboo on Earth?
PiE is asleep
On and off. I've been doing too many side projects and generally procrastinating. Re-establishing the Minutemen in Fallout 4 probably should have been lower in my priorities, but settlement building appealed too much to the autist in me.

I've got a wind farm at Coastal Cottage, a hotel/market on the abandoned overpass at Finch Farm, patched the walls at The Castle, reconstructed the settlement on Spectacle Island, crammed a three-story bazaar into Hangman's Alley, given Somerville Place over 350 defense and begun colloquially referring to it as "Fort Step Up If You Wanna Get Hurt," and made this memorial to the way I ended the game.

I am such a faggot.

I haven't started a new chapter since 2013. I've been updating the current one every half year or so, though.

I'm about to post one of the side projects I mentioned earlier. I was going for something creepy and feelsy, and AiE seemed to like it for that.
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A legitimate business.png
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>Be harvest drone 458
>This number is to be displayed on the flank of your carapace at all times
>Identities within the hive
>How strange
>It is an adaptation for a strange time
>The Queen has relocated the hive to a planet called 'Earth' that the ponies discovered
>Many caverns have been excavated from the dusty soil of a country known as 'India'
>A central location on Earth's largest cluster of continents
>The Queen is wise
>Feeding is easier than it has ever been
>Humans are the primary inhabitants of this planet
>They are a strange species
>Few other species would give their love willingly
>And yet thousands of humans do so every day
>Drones need not even leave the hive to make their harvests
>Humans have created devices that can carry sounds from one location to another instantaneously
>The hive has acquired many of these devices through commerce
>A large chamber of the hive is dedicated to their use
>The humans who are paid for their installation and upkeep refer to the chamber as a 'call center'
>India has many call centers and can support them well
>If the hired humans continue to complain that the hive is odorous even by their standards, other humans with similar expertise will not be difficult to find
>The Queen is wise indeed

>You are seated at one of the 'North American English' harvesting stations
>The harvesting device has been placed before you on a slightly elevated platform with another device beside it for financial transactions and record-keeping
>You are tethered to the device by a plastic implement that clamps over your head and extends toward your mouth
>The chatter of hundreds of drones speaking dozens of languages pervades the chamber
>Some impersonate estranged romantic partners and forbidden relations
>Others impersonate the deceased or unavailable
>Little time passes before your station trills for attention like a needy larva
>You activate the harvest device and begin feeding, speaking in a gentle, female voice
"Hello, and thank you for calling Ring-a-'Ling. You are speaking with operator #458. Will you be using our free, standard service or our premium service today?"
>A female voice much like the one you presented replies through the device
>"I- uh... standard. Standard service, please."
>No delay while financial information is exchanged, and no pointless description of reproductive acts
>You can taste urgency in her words
>She longs for someone desperately
>This will be a good harvest
"Good to hear! Please be advised that your phone service may charge you for this call. May I have your name and a description of the person you would like to hear from?"
>"My name is- no. Please call me Laurie. I want to talk to a 5 year old girl."
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[bug horse noises].png
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"Gladly. I'll need a couple more details before we begin. What is your relationship with this person, and do you have any special requests?"
>"Yes, um, she would be my daughter. Call me mama, or something like that."
>There is clear mournfulness in the voice of this female, 'Laurie'
>You are engulfed by the bitter, unpleasant taste of death
>This harvest is quite uncommon
>Requests for deceased relatives are usually for elderly humans
>Perhaps the Queen would sympathize with this female; she mourned those who could not be found after the attack on Canterlot
>No matter
>The harvest continues
"We're almost ready. I'm going to start with some test phrases and you can tell me if you want any adjustments made."
>You clear your throat, mostly for effect
>When you speak again, it is an imitation of what Laurie's voice may have been years ago
>You add a slight lisp to simulate a young human's dental development
"Is there anything you want to change?"
>"Yes! I mean no! That's perfect. Please, I just want to get started."
>You switch back to the voice of an adult female
"Okay. Before we begin, I am legally obligated to tell you that if you suddenly feel ill, fatigued, or get a strong headache, you should hang up immediately. Shall we begin?"
>"Yes. Please."
>Quite uncommon
>How coincidental it would be to perfectly impersonate a voice without instruction
>Some other factor may be at work
>It shall be determined later
>This female is eager to begin feeding you
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>You alter your voice to the one which pleased Laurie
"Hi, mama! Can you hear me okay?"
>There is an immediate, intense rush of love
>It is purer and sweeter than any you have ever tasted
>You were not prepared
>"Hi sweetie. It's so good to hear from you. How's my Meggy?"
>Conscious effort is required to maintain your facade
>Too much love
>There should not even be such a concept
"I'm okay. I used some crayons to draw Santa! I'd show it to you, but the phone doesn't have pictures."
>"That's okay, dear. I'm sure it looks great. Maybe I could draw with you sometime."
>Already you feel as if you have taken five calls in a row
"That sounds fun! Promise to do that with me?"
>"I promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake..."
>You concentrate as best you can to calculate what words she will speak next
>With great effort, you say "in my eye" without breaking your impersonation
>The female speaks the same words synchronously to your own
>She laughs
>You giggle along with her
>The flow of love becomes bittersweet and begins to abate
>You hear a sigh through the harvest device
>"... Thank you. If I could have children, I'd want it to be like that."
>On cue, you return to the voice of an adult female
"We take pride in the quality of our service. Would you like to continue?"
>You are unsure if you are capable of continuing
>Excess love is beginning to seep from the holes in your appendages
>"No. I think I've had my moment."

"Very well. We hope you'll call back soon!"
>"Thanks again."
"You're welcome. Have a pleasant day."
>A click sounds through the harvesting device
>Love stops flowing into you
>You hastily set your harvest device not to resume harvesting
>The feed receptacle at your station is partly full from prior harvests
>You scramble to replace it with an empty one which had been set aside and hunch over it
>Green globs of jelly that are nearly the size of your head spew forth from your mouth, marked with pheromones indicating that they are to be delivered immediately to the Queen
>This process takes inordinately longer than usual
>You have never felt so full before
>That was a very odd harvest
>A female which sounded to be within breeding age had you play the role of a child she claims to be incapable of birthing
>Her identification number will be archived and designated for priority harvesting
>The hive will feed well today

And that's that. Now, back to being a lazy motherfucker.
Good story, thanks!
night, PiE
Damn, that was great and sad.
Wait a second. Is this mommy Lauren Faust calling?
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idk if this has been done before, or even wanted, but has there been a green about ponies going back to Rome before its fall? been brainstorming a green about it and was just curious if that would be wanted

>pic semi related
Needs soundtrack:

Definitely never been done before. tbqfh I think you're the only person in the world that would be legitimately interested in that kind of story, but if you think you can execute well, go for it.
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>tbqfh I think you're the only person in the world that would be legitimately interested in that kind of story
your description seems unenthusiastic but your image screams "oh yeah!"
not my description. just thought it was a bit harsh of a response
I like it! Now lets bet on the right horse this time!
I disagree.
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Double critical boop, secondary attack: belly rub
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>tfw you're trying hard to write a good story that doesn't sound like blatant wish fulfillment like My Little Dashie but failing at it
Damn, that's cute.
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Poppy seed2.png
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Now time to make a nice picture with them.
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>Recommended Stories for new readers: >pastebin.com/m8YWvb4k
>Set to Private
right here >>27246208
Ice Bear can build robot clones and reprogram a hostile roomba to be his bitch slave but he can't figure out a private pastebin?
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Still WiP
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Itty bitty pony!
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what a cutie!
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I'm loving this progress.
This reminds me, do we have pointy ponies of the rest of the PiE gang?
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Telecast pointy.png
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I've found only Telecast.
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PiE fillies.jpg
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PNG file here:
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Any stories where the ponies take on human disguises?
No, but there are lots of stories where Scootaloo disguises herself as a pony. "She wears a disguise to look like pony guys, but she's not a mare, she's a Chicken Boo"
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Is this a meme?
We got our first shitposter! We're a big boy thread now!
Ponyville Apartments has the Mane 6 scouting Earth in magic disguises.

>Ponies go to Earth
>Ratio of Poni to Humn is roughly 1:15
>Pony herd behavior is strong, they begin walking on two legs to fit in even though it looks kind of creepy
>Not all of them are very good at it
>Scrapes and boo boos everywhere
>Hospitals get entire wards dedicated to "kiss it to make it better"
Is that it?
Ponyville Apartments is the only one I recall. If you meant the greentext, you're right. We'd need whole hospitals dedicated to treating scraped pon-knees.
oh the pun
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Didn't even notice until you said something. That's funny.
>when poni very ill, it's only sleepy
>everything can be fixed with bandages and bandaids
>kisses make everything better
>see poni walking funny
>pick up poni and pat it on the butt
>poni too small to protest
>it's not as it seems
>get arrested for spanking pony
>charged with pony abuse and hurt feelings
But it was just patpat, not slapslap! And you told poni it's cute!
And you just gave poni PTSD because it mistook it for slapslap! You're a ponysogynist and a rapist!
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How can I show affection to poni's cuteness if I can't pick it up, hug and tell it's cute? This is ridiculous!
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I'm sorry, but this is stronger than me. If I can't hug a pony even if they live on Earth now, then let's make it the last thing I'll do in my life.
"Social Justice, 1-2-3!"
>"Woo Woo!" cheers Pillow Case
"I wanna be PC!"
>"Woo Woo!"
"It's just the way to be for me... And you!"
>"Woo Woo!"
"Your hateful slurs are through!"
>"Woo Woo` Wait, what?"
"We'll fight until you're PC black and blue!"
>"Woo... woo? That doesn't sound very nice."
"We are language police! Fighting bigotry! Hurtful words can suck our turds! 'Cause it's PC for me... And you!"
>".... Woo Woo!"
Pillow Case for the president!
>"We're gonna make America hopefully a little bit better than it is, maybe!"
>rounding applause
So, since Pillow Case's special talent is sewing, then maybe she can be a tailor on Earth? She won't just sit on her butt in Strawberry's house forever.
I wonder if Aero is ticklish
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Even the tips of her ears?
She is a seriously silly pony, potential cocktease, and total bro. Ain't none of that sissy shit be tolerated.
Then I send a rubber band missile aimed at her flank for not enjoying tickling
okay, that's interesting
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Aero shake.gif
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Protect little fillies
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subject delta.jpg
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Mission accepted.
that's a funny looking dildo
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But what if I want to protect little fillies on Earth too?
They don't need protection. Their cute is the ultimate defense.
>be Anon
>wanna cook dinner
>pony bro be pitching ideas
"How about Mexican?" you suggest
>"Tacos and stuff got meat in them," says pony
"Nonsense. I'll make two pans," you say
>pony snickers
>"You're cooking?"
"Sure. Just gotta ask my sister for the recipe."
>text sis
'are you mexican enough that you know how to make enchiladas?'
>'uh... yeah why?'
'well youve had so many white guys in you i was worried it might dilute the mexican in you'
>her response is a resounding 'fuck you'
'no but really, whats your recipe? i was gonna make some tonight'
>receive recipe
>run to grocery store
>push pony in cart as they swipe the ingredients from the shelves as they pass
>deliberately get the hot stuff
>out in record time
>get home and put everything to the stove
>you get ground beef and pony gets refried beans as filling
>pack 'em in a tin, toss 'em in the oven
>twenty minutes later, they're hot and ready
>you both take a bite at the same time
>cheesy, spicy deliciousness
>so spicy that you both have to stop eating, open your mouths to the ceiling to release heat, then continue eating
>you're both sweating like hell
>"Anon, this is awesome," wheezes the pony
"Yeah it is. I should take a pic and send it to my sister"
>and so you did

And that's the story of how I made dinner.
I want to push pony in cart too...
It's truly the best experience.
jffry pls
that actually sounds pretty good. cayenne pepper only, or do you add a little cumin?
Generic Mexican Chili Powder
Is it made with real Mexicans?
Just yesterday I bought baby powder and it wasn't even made from babies.

and don't even get me started about the Girl Scout cookies
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>taking pony hunting
"Tonight, you become a man."
>"But I'm a girl," said pony
>you pass her your rifle
>a deer stands not fifty yards from you
>pony quivers and raises rifle
>pony lowers rifle briefly before scoping in on the deer
>"Smile, you son of a bitch," she says
>then she scopes in on the deer's face
>"Wait a minute. She's smiling! You son of a bitch!"
"IT'S GONNA GET AWAY!" you shout from safely behind the pony and behind ballistic glass
>pony raises rifle
>she has a sudden change of heart
>raising the rifle to the sky, she fires
>deer turns to run
"You missed!" you shout
>looking up into a tree, she shot a buck through the heart
>why it was in the tree, you have no idea
>"Oh come on!" shouted pony
>buck falls from tree
>impales fleeing doe with its antlers
>"Ah!" screams pony

>later at dinner
"Holy shit, that was the greatest thing ever. I can't believe you got one of them tree bucks. Slippery motherfuckers, they are," you say to pony. "BAM! STAB!"
>you impale your fork into the venison steak on your plate
>pony sniffles
>"At least I know they're in a better place," she solemnly says
"That's right... Deer. Hell."
>ponys eyes go wide
>you take another bite of steak
... Can poni communicate with our hoof animals?
In EqG they're was a horse I believe
You monster
No. Because >>27278158 said so.
This story is extremely cute, if you're still here, please continue
Pony in socks is too lewd
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Because you make it lewd! They just wanna be comfy and cute!
The lewdness induction can't be stopped, it's a part of socks
Remember guys, if there will be ponies on Earth one day, don't treat them like pets or toys, because they're small. They're can be smarter than us.
Why are the pastebin links in the OP private, is this a sikrit club of soemthing?
So, this http://pastebin.com/tN2sQtNV is basically the best stories you guy have written?
I read the pillow case one, but these sound pretty eh, any recommendation in particular?
>basically the best stories you guy have written
our archiving nigga is slacking
We need to whip his ass to archive last stories
Read some from Eppy and jffry

That hasn't been updated in like 3 years. Whoever's running it now needs to get on it before the next thread.
Hey guys. You might have never heard of me before but I was the guy who tried merging SPG with PiE sorry about that. I made a post regarding the issue a few weeks ago apologizing. This anon (>>27236572) posted it here already so I didn't bother making a post here too. (obviously the post is too old by now and can no longer be viewed)

Archive of the post I made : desustorage.org/mlp/thread/27225719/#27236366

Anyways, onto a different topic, I've been lurking here just to see how things are going and noticed many anons complaining that the links in the OP are private. That is indeed true since I backed out of the merge but I was wondering, would you guys like them back up? Everything is much more organized and clean than the old paste that hasn't been updated in ages. I've obviously removed all SP content from it.
Post the new paste please.
Pastes are back up.

Did you make new pastes for recent stories?
Looks pretty good. We need to go through all threads and check if every story is archived.
The old pastebin doesn't have that.

Every story that was listed in the old list is here.
Oh, okay, you did great.
Slave pony general.
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>delicate boop
Don't know where to go with it. It was literally just midnight thoughts I threw together into an overly-long bump. The next chapter of the story is as unknown to me as it is to you.

Given the fact that I have a really hard time motivating myself to write, I can't promise a continuation. There's always the chance that I come up with some great idea to keep it going, but I don't think you should keep your hopes up. Sorry, mates.
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Emergency boop
Princess of tail lifting.
>not princess of Softness
You are a new villain in S6 finale.
How dare you.
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Do you think ponies would make good babysitters and caretakers? Given their soft, cuddly nature.
But of course, but first there need be some rules before hiring a poni
>a kid can't be a spoiled brat
>no swearing
>no aggression towards poni
Teenage Princess Cadence in Earth?
I'd read it
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Teen Cadance is for sexual.
So write it, you faggots.
>Cadence babysitting and sexing shota Anon

Princess of nice meme
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Love Note2.jpg
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Jesus fucking Christ, this is pathetic. Let it die and try another day.
The last bump, PiE will be back June 2, it's time for a small hiatus for us.
And unless you use an enema it is never completely devoid of shit. So you won't be pulling out chucks but your figure will change color
there are a few PiE stories going on here >>27399904 if anyone is interested.

one by HS and another by Brit
Just copy/paste here because they're being a bunch of negative faggots.
i am insulted sir. we simply did not want to ruin your cuddly pone thread with graphic WWI gore.
>Fluttershy gets sent to earth
>anon is kind enough to give let her live in his apartment.
>while taking, flutters explains how back in Equestria she used to take care of animals and anon mentions he works with animals for a living
>she inquires about what he does and what animals and whatnot
>anon works at a slaughterhouse, and nervously tries to avoid the questions.
>Fluttershy asks if she could go to work with him to help out.
Anon turns down the offer saying company isn't hiring.
>one day anon's manager calls because an employee gets fired/quits/dies in accident and anon needs to come in early today but Fluttershy was the one to answer the phone,
>she asks for a job and gets hired on the spot.
>she tells anon that she just got hired and that they need to head to work.
>nervous anon drives vainly trying to convince her is a bad idea while trying not to let her know what he does for employment.
>fails and they arrive.
>que awkward ride home with a anon trying to think of what to say and a teary eyed Fluttershy with a soulless look on her face mixed with horror and regret.
You know what, I wonder if any poni would want to live on Earth. We have pain, killing and stupidity everywhere, they have the perfect world. What do we have that they don't have?
>What do we have that they don't have?

By PiE semi-canon? An industrialized economy. Fingers. Hot monkey dick. And SSSSSSSSCIENCE, BITCHES.

That and there's some question, at least in some people's headcanon, of whether the ponies are quite as innocent as one TV show, which might be the in-universe equivalent of a sitcom about a young woman (er, mare) moving to a small town after college and making friends with the eccentric locals. If all you knew about Earth was things you'd seen in "Saved by the Bell" reruns, how much would you know about Earth, or even 1990s America, and how well would it prepare you to live there?
Butt implants
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>implying the ponies haven't been implanting stuff in butts for a while now
If the whole world was like a light and funny American sitcom from 90s, then it wouldn't be a problem for poni, just avoid some cocky people and ignore sexual jokes.
>taking pony fishing
>find a good spot on the dock, but forgot the bait
>fake bait will have to do
>but it don't
>you can literally see 7 huge fucking fish floating just a few feet away in the calm part of the river
>some of them are even jumping
>you cast your line right in front of them but they look at it like you're fucking retarded
>you're getting upset
>pony doesn't seem to mind and just casually casts and reels in her line time and time again
>the two of you have been sitting here for the better part of two hours
"Come on!" you shout at the fish
>"I coulda bought some worms if I knew you didn't have any," says pony
>you finally toss your rod aside and say
"Fuck it, I'll be right back"
>you walk away to the car
>pony is bobbing her hook just above the fish
>"Fishy fishy fishy fishy," he says to herself
>when she hears you coming, she looks up in time you see you leaning over the railing with a charged bow
>you fire into the water and scatter the fish
"Did I get 'em?" you ask
>pony goes to speak when there's shouting from across the river
>A DNR agent is screaming at you
>looks like you done fucked up
"Time to go!" you say, grabbing pony and leaving the rods
>you keep the bow
>you race to the car and peel out of the parking lot before the fuzz can bag ya

And that's how I spent my afternoon.
goddammit, jffry
Well maybe if you write about your day then I wouldn't have to and we'd have more green.
>carving in wood with a owtheedge sharp knife
>your little vampony chilling on the couch, reading a book
>slip the knife, cut off the tip of your index finger
>blood is eveywhere
>run to the bathrrom to stop the bleeding
>pony panics and brings you bandaids
>the bleeding stopped
>you turn around to see vamponi licking your blood from furniture and wagging her tail
>at least one happy pony here
Thread posts: 472
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