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FimFiction thread - Now with 53% more activity

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Thread replies: 520
Thread images: 66

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ITT: Writing; Reading; Reviews; Lore discussion; Purple Haze Feedback pls; Voicefag gets raided by an attention whore's whiteknight army and his loyal /fimfic/ friends retaliate; Marefriends; A good Spike episode; Anon proposes a competition but everyone's so lazy they argue against it; Reworking the OP; We actually get some new posters; Being praised for shitty green; OCs acting OOC; Fags umping on page 8 to prevent me from posting joke bumps; Incredibly specific question that everyone has an answer to; Ironic ERP; Please don't call me a furry; Human porn belongs on a pony website; Learning languages; Defining yourself with your hobbies; Three Starlike fags, sitting in a tree; An essay about inverted Elements; Superheroes; And holy shit, a lot of stuff happened in the last three days.

Tired of the same old 'Human goes to Equestria to fuck his underage waifu' formula? Burnt out after reading that awful greentext? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

>FIMFiction Starter Kit (recommended fics):
List of nominees by category:

>How do I write fanfiction?
Ezn’s guide - http://eznguide.neocities.org/
Politics and the English Language - http://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - http://pastebin.com/g4VpEg4f

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs with inline comments enabled and give us a link. Keep in mind that we’re too lazy to review more than a few pages at once, and it may take some time for someone to respond.

>Reviews and riffs:

>Voiceguy's readings:

Old thread: >>27085452
The ITT section is long as fuck because there were so many posts with lots of replies that I actually had to ignore a few to fit it all in.
really? wasnt half of the last thread complete shitposting?
Depends on what you call "shitposting". But no, I didn't see too much of that while scrolling through the thread. Definitely less than usual.
What's the most recent fic you read that you really liked guys?
eh. last couple threads have blurred together between the RPing, fake bumps and general faggotry
You're really overblowing very minor things. The 30 minute long ironic roleplaying happened 4-5 days ago, the ironic erp lasted only a few minutes. And what do you mean fake bumps? Page 9 bumps are still valid, just slightly premature.
I forget the name, but it was a bunch of humanized OCs in space playing vidya and having lots and lots of human style intercourse like humans are wont to do

it was the most relevant story ive ever read on fimfiction
no page 9 and 10 bumps are legit. it was the page 4, 6 and 7 bumps.

then 100 posts about the starter kit not including humanized stories written by some guy no one has ever heard of

last handful of threads have run remarkably quickly, but they just seem shitpostier than normal to me
I remember that image.
It's a nice image.
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You are nice Anon
>100 posts
You wish.

>last handful of threads have run remarkably quickly, but they just seem shitpostier than normal to me

>last thread literally lasted 3 days
>it had so much discussion and posts with multiple replies that I couldn't fit all of them in
You're full of shit on all accounts.
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I drew a thing for the thread.
Because reasons.
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O-oh my
Background should've just been an excerpt from The Chase or Living the Dream, though.
On it.
Make a porn edit while you're at it.
I'd rather make a completely new lewd image.
I'm thinking her touching herself while reading a particularly well-written story.
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I like the way you think.
Can I write a story set before Magical Mystery Cure just to make Twilight a normal pony instead of a princess? Or is it illegal?
I've read a lot of both Marvel and DC, and the issue with the "consequences" that do happen is that they are extremely surface level. There is very rarely any real effect that isn't there just for another forced storyline. My views on their comics have gotten quite a bit worse lately, since I feel like very little of work in superhero comics that are set in-universe have much artistic value.

I mean, I like my cool stuff happening and it is cool because holy crap man, did you see that? The problem with those things is that it is rarely interesting to look back and think about them. I recently got into Vertigo comics more, and some of those are pure gold, mainly because they are allowed to ignore the continuities and don't have to remind you that "boy, was that bad" by adding a little box in the corner, but you know that things were bad because the consequences have actual meaning beyond characters telling you that "oh, right, I am sad".

>but they just seem shitpostier than normal to me
I've noticed that in some cases, I tend to feel the same way because the discussion is about things I don't really care about. There was a whole thread in which I made no posts despite following it the whole way through, and it got me super frustrated until I realized that the problem was just me not being interested in the topics discussed. Might be same with you, dunno.

>You're full of shit on all accounts.
As much as I agree, c'mon, mention actual points or something.

For a moment, I thought this was a stallion. I didn't notice the reality before someone mentioned it explicitly. Not that it really changes it, pretty lewd, anon.
>As much as I agree, c'mon, mention actual points or something.
But... I did
>For a moment, I thought this was a stallion.
Stallions have a different head shape.
>pretty lewd, anon.
I think it's an improvement over my last drawing. The one where she's reading under the blankets
I am actually really stupid and I misread half your post. You definitely did, sorry.

A lot of people who don't constantly draw ponies tend to have this slightly androgynous look of their stallions, so that was just my first assumption because of the colour choice. I actually thought it was Dr. Whooves before I scrolled down to the flank, and by that time, the face wasn't important.

>The one where she's reading under the blankets
Link? Also, do you have an artist name or something?

I was wondering about songs in fics today - do you ever write song lyrics into your fics, and how do you feel when reading writers that do? It is a major element of the show that is hard to convert to pure writing, so can it be done well?
Is that Zaid.
It's a pretty common colour scheme.
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I posted it here a while ago when Bleeding asked for that mesh fic he made.

No, I'm just too lazy to come up with a different color palette, so I just copied them from my pic.
Watermarking and claiming ownership of this on derpibooru RIGHT NOW
What should we name our new OC?

Rigid Air?
It's the drawfag's pone.

>Rigid Air
fuck no`

Page Turner. Unless you are talking about some other OC.

Also, Zaid a qt.
Fuck yes
Hold on.
Was it actually drawn by Zaid?
Huh, I never knew people who registered when Ponibooru closed got a special emblem on Derpi.
That is what I gathered from info here. Not entirely sure, but he a qt either way. If the artist is a separate person, they are still cute.
What info? He didn't say who he was. Did you just make it up?
Interesting premise. Glad that someone noticed it.
>ember got invited to Ponyville along with Garble, hoping he would get the most benefits of friendship lessons
>quickly irritated with careless attitude of ponies
>gets buttmad, when learns about Spike being somewhat a servant, judging it is not worthy for a dragon

Another story after
where this "bothersome" issue is raised.
>Linking chapters

It's a really comfy fic, the perfect thing to read when you want to invoke the feeling of sitting next to the fireplace on a cool night drinking coffee for a few minutes.
I'd have no problem with it. I've been tempted to do it myself once or twice when I had a story idea that I thought worked better with unicorn Twilight.
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Hello, p
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Are any of the Ember fics filling the shit box any good? Has anyone read one or can recommend one? I'm down to give tsundragon a chance if someone can actually write a decent fic involving her.
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>are those refried beans
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I hate this meme. She's nowhere near to being tsundere, in fact, she's the friendliest dragon around, willing to stick her neck out for strangers despite her upbringing.
Silly human, all dragosn except for Spike are tsundere.
It's what happens when you want to sleep but have no pillows.
a qt
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friendly blue dragon then, you got any?
this desu famalamadingdong
She's got a tomboyish mane which makes it easier to mistake her for a stallion too.
Story where Twilight takes Celestia to task over the senselessness of the Pillow Embargo when?
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write it.
"In Service of Dragon Lord Ember" and "Ember Comes to Visit are pretty much just mindless pornfics with some grammar problems. "Pony Mating Traditions with Spike and Ember" is as well, but the writing is significantly better, so that's the only one of those three I'd bother with.

"The Dragon Lord's Consort" seems like it's gonna be more innuendo-heavy but not actually smutty, based around the idea of Ember formally claiming Spike as a consort and mate and the ensuing drama/hijinks.

"Ties that Bind" looks like it might turn out good; Ember's feeling the pressure of leadership and starting to feel like she doesn't want it anymore.

"The most powerful dragon in equestria visits for tea" is pretty amusing, a nice short quick read, nothing particularly deep.
I'd figured a good amount of poorly written porn would crop up, but those last three you mentioned seemed worth a shot.
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>The Chase

Kill yourself my man
I've been reading this story:


And I am not sure what to make of it. It is mainly second-person, and it keeps switching to different (second-person) viewpoints. Grammar and dialogue are screwy.

I am amused by the idea. Man who loves horses is riding his horse when suddenly KABLAM, we don't know, Discord did it or something, and suddenly they're in Equestria and they come riding out of the forest near Ponyville.

And because of the same magic that brought them to Magic Pony Land, the horse is now sentient and can talk. She's really affectionate and loves her human, and calls him "Master," which creeps everyone the fuck out, especially him.

I am mostly through the story, and am intrigued that no one's been given the Magic Monkey Dick--not yet, anyway. There is some pointlessly stupid and cruel slapstick with Zecora, and some rather cuntish behavior from various ponies who think the human is either the horse's boyfriend or pimp, or both, because hurr durr "whorse" is an insulting word in Pony dialect, hurr hurr hurr look out for the horse puns.

I have pretty low standards, actually, but what keeps me reading is the realization that if Equestria's magic makes the guy's horse sentient and able to speak, and they're talking about magically going back to Earth, well, wouldn't going back to a magicless world basically lobotomize her and turn her back into a dumb animal? And is this something that has moral implications, that we need to explore?

I'm hoping the author at least thought of this stuff, instead of making the story about all Ponyville's stallions and some of the mares flirting with the "tall, exotic-looking" new mare in town while her "Master" cringes just like everyone who just read that.
Okay, let's all stop for a second and listen to this guy.

Just how new are you?
Don't keep me waiting so long, by the way.
>Dragon fics

The current generation of fimficers is completely unable to write so, no, nothing written based on S2+ is any good
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Oh, God.

Who let this one in here?
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Kudzu just fuck right off, go fart on some plushies
Don't encourage him.
All kidding aside, not that new. Kud you shouldnt have blocked me after chapter 5 I wouldnt have carried this torch that long otherwise
Serious question.
Where did you come from?
Everyone knows how shit The Chase is, if you spent 10 minutes in this thread, you'd know it was an obvious fucking joke.
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From frontpage, I guess I took the bait. Sorry senpal.
What was the point of highlighting >>27135063?
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>implying early season fics were any less shit than current fics.

Besides, basing a fic on the latest episode versus earlier seasons has jack shit to do with how well a story is told. The writer is either knows what their doing or they dont.
>mfw we actually got new posters in here
Well shit, Anon, I'm sorry. You'll get a feel for this thread soon enough.

What was the point of posting >>27135063?
What was the point of posting >>27135137?
no, no, you don't get it, obviously everything new was shit, only things from 2012, which is what /mlp/ told me was the golden age of our proud brony community, were good
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Ties that Bind is actually fairly good, though it's still in progress.

powerful dragon visits for tea is good for a quick laugh, and plays Ember more as a cynical rebellious teen.
Name things from 2014+ which are good fics. That castaway thing from Ambion is pretty good but a total mess plotwise (will never be finished) and Biscuits stupid collegepone thing isn't terrible I guess.
What else.
no fanfiction is good. It's just which ones are the least shitty. Besides that, asking someone to name fics they think are good only to have you inevitably say they aren't is an exercise in futility.
It really depends on your tastes, so you're probably going to call all this shit to prove a subjective point, but fine, let me go through some of my shelves.

I'm not willing to spend more of my time on this, but there's plenty more, just use the advanced search.
Also keep in mind many writers are still working on fics they've started a long time ago.
>No fanfics are good
Id be happy to agree on fics I genuinely think are good. I have a ton! Its not anyones fault really that stuff written currently lacks the artistic community that inspired a lot of the creativity of 2011-13. I'm not a senseless hater, honest.
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>I have pretty low standards, actually, but what keeps me reading is the realization that if Equestria's magic makes the guy's horse sentient and able to speak, and they're talking about magically going back to Earth, well, wouldn't going back to a magicless world basically lobotomize her and turn her back into a dumb animal?

IIRC its implied that she didnt gain sentience, just the ability to speak. she remembers the details of her life before they wound up in ponyland and she doesnt suddenly become a tool using and grabbing things with hooves. if they go back to earth the only thing she loses is the ability to speak

>And is this something that has moral implications, that we need to explore?
I'd like to see more of it in a longer, non second person fic thats premise doesnt revolve around a stupid joke
I'd actually like to hear some authors you enjoy. I got on the ride around late 2011, but I didn't start trying my hand at writing until later.
Don't worry, back in 2011 all we had were Cupcakes spin-offs. Fallout Equestria, My Little Dashie and Past Sins. It was awful.
>thats premise
Weirdly enough, the correct word is "whose", even though you're talking about an object.
Well you have the Enchanted Library going for you. Which isn't good really but as the last heir to RariTwi deserves some recognition. Im not fond of the other fics you linked but I doubt you need me to harangue you about them. Working the Stall though is pretty shameless clop so Im surprised you would submit it.
many writers are still working on things but either they are hiatus-bating once-offs (Sapidus, Warren, Visiden, Capn) or things which would be better off dead (Mono, Skirts)
Surprise, surprise, anything that doesn't appeal to your nostalgia is shit. Who would have guessed.
>Working the Stall though is pretty shameless clop so Im surprised you would submit it.
First of all, it's really good, second of all, where do you think we are?
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Actually, I remember reading all of those. Minus FOE. I adamantly refuse to read ponies and fallout. I'm just against it on the principle alone. I first read MLD and thought it wasnt that bad, but in hindsight... yeah. never read past sins, but I hear the nyxfags are worse than the actual character.
God, I'm still waiting for Capn to update Road to Cydonia. It's only been five years, right?
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FoE isn't terrible, it's just very overrated.

>Past Sins
>Biscuits stupid collegepone thing
Collegepone thing is pretty nice IMO. I probably would have preferred more CSI instead, but there's nice bits of worldbuilding in this one too (like when she complains about how quality HVAC means she can't sense the day's weather the moment she wakes up). I just hope her next "goal" is something interesting. The stuff about bringing a cloud to class and going after Aric's HMD were both pretty good, the one about reading the bible was kind of shit though.
Hey, does anyone have any good first person Twilight fic recs?
I just came back home, I'll get to it now.
Celestia Code and Moonstone Cup are the obvious choices, though personally I don't think they're very good.
>first person
I've rarely seen first person fics, now that I think about it.
Most are one-shots, or Persona EG.
The Celestia Code is pretty good. It does a good job of sounding like it was written by Twilight (there are even footnotes!). The sequels get pretty weird though.

Night Shift is also first person, I think, and it's pretty good inb4 that one anon shows up to bitch about the villain/ending
Seriously? There are so many long first person fics.
Fair enough. I am nostalgic but I dont think thats really a bad thing.
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oh god. I didn't know... I... I didn't know!

Idk, it's just so huge at this point (FOE), and how is it not just a copy of fallout with ponies inserted into it? I just don't buy that ponies would have nukes, or nuke equivalents. If I'm seriously wrong about it, please correct me.
Clearly it is. I was in this shit since the very beginning and I can definitely tell you that fanfics have been improving since 2013.
...well, I just read Chapter 6, and it came up, but it only results in a couple of lines of dialogue. I was hoping for more.

"Master, I kind of like being sentient and being able to talk. Can I stay here?"
"Well, shit. What a self-centered asshole I've been, assuming you'd want to go with me."
"I'll miss you, human-sempai ;.;"
"I'll miss you too, horse girl who is not my girlfriend at all. ;_; Okay, bye guys, it's been a blast. I'm a dot."
Not the first time Ive been told im wrong about Silver Glow. Im probably wrong about it, I always thought it seemed like a ripoff of that Pillow OC story though
>Idk, it's just so huge at this point (FOE)
It's been finished for years now, Anon. It has 620k words.

>I just don't buy that ponies would have nukes, or nuke equivalents. If I'm seriously wrong about it, please correct me.
I don't want to get into spoiler territory unless you want me to, so let's just say balefire bombs, which are basically nukes, are megaspells reverse-engineered by zebras and re-designed to cause a lot of destruction. They're literally magic.
Gonna have to disagree with you there fella. Ive also been in it since before fimfic and I think most fics after 2013 are less about ideas and more about views and followers.
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>It was resolved sensibly
Yes, because, as you've admitted yourself, are a nostalgiafag.
Early pony fanfics were literally grimderp and crossovers. Nowadays people actually put effort into planning their stories, pre-reading, editing etc. to make sure they're fics are actually good instead of what we had in 2011.
>they're fics
I should go to bed already.
>I am nostalgic but I dont think thats really a bad thing
>my reason is impaired by my emotional attachment to one particular period, but I can't see any way why that would be a problem
Yeah, but, just saying--I would have liked a bti of exploration.

For that matter, the Zayna character--the horse that, transported to a magical land, became able to talk. I wanted to learn about her as a character--as a person. She comes across as silly and uninhibited and kind of childish and unworldly, but she jokes around in ways that suggests that she knows a lot more about the human viewpoint character and what's going on in his head--and things like human sexual mores--than I'd have expected.
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over half a million words is pretty huge. But I'm not so much daunted by that, as I am by the fact that the fallout universe is one of my favorite vidyas. It's just that as I watched the show, I couldn't ever see a situation where mutually assured destruction or the development of WMDs would have needed to happen. But, if the writer can believably build a scenario where that might be a necessity, than I'll check it out. Do they?
I am a reading robot with perfect prose detection software beep boop please input more Starlight Glimmer fics boop
Eh. The attraction to FOE is exactly that. It's Fallout but with ponies. That's the attraction. Do you like Fallout and Ponies? Bam, this is the story for you. Where it really shines is in the worldbuilding. By the time I was midway through it, I could reasonably believe that Equestria could progress to cold war and then post apocalypse. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, and kkat was able to provide that to my satisfaction.

And Past Sins isn't as bad as people say. It's not as good as it's fans claim, but it runs comfortably at mediocre genre fiction levels.
> It's just that as I watched the show, I couldn't ever see a situation where
That's what fanfiction is for.

>But, if the writer can believably build a scenario where that might be a necessity, than I'll check it out. Do they?
Honestly, Kkat copypasted some ideas from the Fallout games and ponified them, but also invented a lot him/herself. The backstory is interesting and presented very well through various sources that slowly connect and lead to Littlepip discovering what happened to the mane six and the old world. I liked how much the fic managed to incorporate Fallout's theme of civilization trying to rebuild itself and the show's theme of friendship being able to overcome any obstacles, and then flipping both concepts upside down when needed.
That said, it's entirely up to your taste. I think it's worth reading just to see what the fuss is about and to read Murky Number Seven, which is just incredible.
Damn, someone's upset.
Murky #7 is way too close to Somber-level protagonist abuse porn. Also hasnt updated in 12 forevers.
>implying the early fandom wasn't dominated by completely shit stories
There was a time when /co/ stories was more or less all we had. Some of the most "culturally important" stories in the fandom are also completely shit.
If anything, we're currently better than we were back then.

Sounds like you should go join Phallacy Anon over at /r9k/, assuming he hasn't killed himself yet.

>perfect prose detection
Link one of these better fics please, if its better than older stuff Id honestly love to read it.
>Eh. The attraction to FOE is exactly that. It's Fallout but with ponies. That's the attraction. Do you like Fallout and Ponies? Bam, this is the story for you.
I knew nothing about Fallout when I went in. Now I know literally every relevant tidbit of Fallout lore.

Well, it's not even close to being on Somber's level.
Besides, protagonist abuse? Really? Murky becomes stronger and more confident as his personality develops and the story progresses. It's a story about a born slave learning to be free, and it's damn well written.
Also it's updated pretty recently. The author just had some personal issues iirc.
You've already shown your incapability to judge things on their own merits instead of comparing them to how similar they are to the fics you remember thinking were good back then.
Nice try, but I've read the thread.
If anything, you should read the OP.
Well I am willing to be wrong.
Im up to date on MN7, but Murky getting shot, and beaten, and shot while hes being beaten isnt that much fun to read. Granted it really is a great fic and I hope it continues and I will happily read it when it does.
I have read almost all of those fics. I am just looking for recommendations that arent Eakin time loop ripoffs or terrible Spikefics ect
I enjoyed To Try For the Sun, by Rune Soldier Dan. While the setup is fairly formulaic, it has some really nice characterization and at least one genuinely effective moment towards the end. It's short, at 5 thousand words. Published in 2015.

Maybe you should leave then, we clearly have inferior tastes, because there's no way you could ever like something bad and dislike something good. In fact, I know a general just for you. It's called Writefag's Guild. They should be able to help you out.
>unironically replying
Just read his previous posts.
>responding to him
That became pointless a good while ago.
>post a fic that isnt shit
Gah! Hur! You wouldnt get it Nostalgia REE
Never change, FimGeneral
>I always thought it seemed like a ripoff of that Pillow OC story though
How so? I mean, they're both PiE SoL, but other than that I don't think there's much similarity. Not that I would mind. For a long time it seemed like Pillow Case was the only PiE worth reading at all.
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I can't believe I'm looking forward to another update even 4 years after this began. (Where has the time gone?) The marine brony who writes this barely manages to write 1 chapter a year. Still I regularly check if there's something new, because it makes me nostalgic. The prose is serviceable, though he's no Faulkner. It's got a certain charm.
Someone already posted some fics, and your response was EXACTLY what two people predicted. You're just a classic nostalgiafag and there's no reasoning with you.

And you're a newfag, too.

Just fuck off. This thread clearly isn't for you.
>175k words in 3 years
Holy hell.
I even have it on my read later list, apparently. Probably somewhere at the very start.
If he replies to you, I'm going to hold you accountable.
haha good luck finding me fag I'm already on my way to dad's private island
What's really odd is that he's very regularly online, so at least he hasn't abandoned it all. It seems was logged in just an hour ago.
>hey guys my friend died so i'm gonna whore it out with my shitty writing for e-fame


Fucking scandalous
Found this comfy fic. Mild Starburst shipping.

Um, if you don't want to read >>27135892 then I have a few more.

Twilight Sparkle, Unicorn Economist has one joke, and it's spoiled in the title. It's a funny joke, and the fic itself has a kind of gentle absurdity that reminds me pleasantly of GhostofHeraclitus' Whom the Princesses Would Destroy.

If you don't mind shipping, Magical Mystery Oops by BookeCypher may appeal to you. It earned points from me right off the bat for some really excellent cover art and an interesting, if somewhat cliche, idea. But remember, things are cliche because they work, and this story backs it up with some genuinely good writing.

And for straight up adventure, it would be remiss of me not to mention The Witch of the Everfree, by MagnetBolt. To quote the description, "Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone through the mirror?" Now, I don't like EqG, but I've always thought that Sunset Shimmer as a character was an interesting idea, and fics like this prove why. It's a first person PoV, and stories like that live or die on the protagonist. Sunset herself has a very nice character arc, and the PoV really helps showcase that, allowing more nuance than you typically see in this kind of fic. Likewise, she has a kind of easy cleverness that called to mind the titular character from The Dresden Files, another series I quite enjoy. The action is quite well written, too.
There's still some room for you to improve.

Read Witch of the Everfree recently, liked it a lot better than I thought I would. I'd definitely second the recommendation.
Did you actually like "A Little Loopy"? I found it to really drag on after a while, and the ending was really weird.

I'll give you points for The Gentle Nights: Audience of One, though. It's still one of, if not the best romance fics out there, especially with how subtly and slowly the author develops the relationship between the main characters.
>inb4 that one anon shows up to bitch about the villain/ending

Do we have someone doing that? Personally, the villain is my favourite villain in all of fimfiction (to the point where I have the last part of her intro speech memorized because I liked it so much) and I liked how the ending played out, though I can understand why some people might be salty about it.
Started reading this one, seems okay so far. Though:
>a complete outside context problem
>A dozen miniature reactionless drives just to play a game
>probabilistic manipulation
>capable of creating a perpetual motion system
I sort of get the feeling that the author wishes he was writing sci-fi.

About half the time the fic comes up, someone complains about the villain. Since I disagree (I'm with you, 10/10 villain, only real competition being Pirene), it must be the case that the same person made all those posts - it's just inconceivable that more than one anon might hold the same wrong opinions in the current year.
Screw it, let's do this:











Also, everything by Cold in Gardez since 2014 (the stuff before is good too, but I'm only including the ones after 2014 in this list)

You know, I started this list to prove you wrong, but going through my list of stories I like, I found out that most of them were started before 2014 (with a lot starting in 2013) or are sequels to things from before 2014. Heck, even Priene and The Celestia Code, which are my go-to fics for "modern" good fics, are older than I thought (Celestia Code started in October 2013 and Pirene started December 2012). That said, there are a ton of good fics that didn't finish until 2014+ or had good sequels in 2014+.
>only real competition being Pirene

Huh, that's a tough one for me. On the one hand, the one from Night Shift is really cool and fulfills a desire that I've always had. On the other hand, the Pirene villain is one of the most well-developed characters with the best fall from grace I've ever seen in any fanfic, possibly in any story period.
What does that mean?
u tlkn sht meight?
I'll forever feel disappointed at the complete lack of interaction between Discord and the Morgwin. I mean, I understand that from a purely narrative standpoint Discord would've been terrible, ruining the whole mood of the story. But in the other hand, it would've been nice for the Morgwin to interact with someone who had actually grown out of his grief over chaos being replaced by order.
Huh, that actually could've been really fun to see. Especially given how "other" their thought processes are, a conversation between them would probably be incomprehensible to mere mortals.
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A bit late, but here they are.
Page Turnet over The Chase
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And here she is on LtD.
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Oi, yer a rite cheeky m8, aintcher.

Can't think of where to go with it.

I want to cum inzaid
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I had a giggle.
who doesnt?
>Purple Haze Feedback

Even Araki realized he was retarded levels of OP. Let him go.
>ironic roleplaying 4-5 days ago

Fun fact, I started that. It was nothin personnel, kid.
>Actually get out of my ass and start writing that essay on elements and inversions from zero
>The short introduction and only describing Rainbow's loyalty already took a thousand words.
I'll probably have to trim it down when I am done, but okay.
It's a close range Stand that spreads a virus that kills everyone in close vicinity, including his user. Obviously I didn't care about Fugo in the manga because he barely did anything, but the light novel is actually great.
>get out of my ass
Be sure to link it here when you are done/ need proofreading/feedback and I will gladly look at it.
And I'll gladly call you autistic.
I am alarmed by this writing process.
So, I started reading this because some Anons here said it was alright and, while it was somewhat entertaining, the typos, misplaced words, and shaky sentence structure is driving me nuts.

The author constantly swaps "safe" for "save", repeats words, or puts them in an awkward order, not to mention some serious abuse of said bookism.

I'm engaged in the story, but this is making it hard for me to keep going.
>not to mention some serious abuse of said bookism
Haven't read the story, but how bad is it? Most of the time people complain about that, it is nowhere near as bad as they make it out to be.
>“That sounds so awesome!” cried out Rainbow Dash
>“Oh my.” spoke Fluttershy.
>“No more than a' pony divin' inta' a swimming pool.” commented Applejack.
>“True enough,” continued Twilight.
>“Or about never.” quipped Rarity.
>“I ah' don' think that any of us would get over ah' fears of dragons, sugarcube.” commented Applejack.
>“Pfft! I ain't afraid of no dragons!” spoke out Rainbow Dash.

All of these are from the conversation at the beggining of the first chapter, almost one after the other. It does get a bit better after that, the author uses more action tags instead, or lets the dialogue stand on its own when it's clear who's speaking.

Still, it really stood out to me, alongside the other small mistakes I mentioned.

Anyway, I'll keep going and see if it gets better. I'm only halfway through the first chapter.
Okay, some of those are actually quite distracting. Beyond the minor mistakes, how good is it? I've not read an Ember fic yet.
Individually those aren't so distracting, but they're in quick succession, and that's bothersome.

But the story is engaging enough for me to keep going. At least so far, I'll report back once I'm done with the first chapter.
Dear God, the grammar.
20:58pm 31 minutes after your initial post about the story, whose first chapter you still haven't finished, I start reading it.

21:09pm I finished the two chapters.

It's meh.

I mean, it's got the aforementioned grammar problems, but there are storytelling issues as well. Being told what characters are feeling even when it is fairly obvious without the telling instead of showing, and the character motivations are pretty sudden and drastic as well. Probably won't read much more of this one, seeing as they have basically developed the feelings for each other already, and all the character development of Spike growing up was done in a rushed conversation.
I guess hitting the iron while its still hot doesn't leave much time for editing, re-reading, or even planning.

Yeah, it went downwards rather quickly. I was hoping it would get better, but it didn't.

I guess I'll just have to check the other dozen or so Spike x Ember fics there are.
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Offering a rec of this fags fic. actually pretty compelling if edgy scenario. Has a fun reference to a character I'm not even sure the author realizes they made too.
What are some really good fics you'd recommend to everyone?
>Through the Well of Pirene
>Twice as Bright
>The Best Night Ever
>Hard Reset
>The Games We Play
>Exit Through Canterlot

I need it for something.
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The font in FIMFiction's logo is called Hobo Std.
Good joke, knighty.
Check the OP for general suggestions, ask questions about specific ones if interested, I'll try my best to answer about the specifics.
Universal recommendations are kind of hard to do, since tastes can vary wildly. Here are a few that I think most people will at least be able to appreciate.


Okay, that ended up longer than I expected. Anyways, this isn't as universal as I'd like, but it should serve as a nice starting point.

What do you need it for, anyways?
day of a wasp and spider.
path of kindness and blood.
My all time favourite fic is "Keeping it Simple". It's heavy on Slice of Life, and follows Big Mac as he grows as a character.
I'm a regular here, I'm just trying to make a more general recommendation list with just the most worthwhile stuff.

See above.
Cool, sounds like a good thing to have in the OP, even if no one will ever agree on it.
>just the most worthwhile stuff.
Well, that is what the list is kinda supposed to be. Dunno. You really can't make a proper general recommendation list, since in most of the cases here "good" means "I like it".

It's a bit more complicated than that, but still, you can't start with an idea this generalized, start out smaller.
Oh, come on, it's not complicated at all. Just get the few fics that people here agree are good, put them in one picture, write short descriptions and there you go.
This is 4chan.
The most we do is agreeing to disagree. And a very violent agreement at that.
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Yes, yes, 4chan is so scary, edgy and mean, whatever. There are still fics most of us can agree are worth reading, and that's what I want to include in that list. Just like any other recommendation chart in other threads on 4chan.
>There are still fics most of us can agree are worth reading
>Everyone here has the same definition of good
>Just like on Fimfic

Everyone has his opinions, Anon. We're not a pre-organized group of X subject, we're 20 random anons from around the US and two in Europe who have different background, preferences and style.
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Pretty much this. A lot of people here puikes at the sight of greentext, but I still write a post or two of it every couple weeks for the sake of it.
Seriously, Anon, you can't think all the people here are clones of each other with the same opinion.


The two CLOSEST anons are 100 or so kilometers away from each other. That's the two closest anons. A lot of things happens in 100 kilometers, between Astoria and Portland. They are human beings, not clones like most hugbox groups on Fimfic.

We're not adventure fics general, SoL general, comedy general, AU general or any of these. Some like hardcore adventure, some like slow SoL. You have different tastes from me, Regidar, Voiceguy and Zaid just to name a few. Accept it.
>implying a lot of us here haven't written greentext
I certainly have, mostly back in 2013, I just never bring it up because it's not relevant or interesting.
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>most of us
Fics like Pirene, Days of Wasp and Spider and Hard Reset. Stuff that AT LEAST most people here agree to be good. It's going to be just a few popular fics, not like five from each tag on fimfiction like the starter kit.
Have you honestly never seen a recommendation chart before?

Also, location doesn't affect taste, what the fuck.
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I personally am not into HiE, so no.

>It's going to be just a few popular fics

The Chase, Chink Azura and Mythril's stuff. That's the only popular fics we agree on.
They suck.

>Also, location doesn't affect taste, what the fuck.
>the guy in Chad will definitely have the same taste as someone in Canada/Britain/Norway
>pic related

Location affects your background. Your background affects taste. Not every anon is born and raised in an average and loving middle-class family.
Most, yes, but not all. I distinctly remember one anon who didn't like Pirene, and Hard Reset has it's far share of detractors.

A recommendation chart based on stuff that most people in the thread like would be doable, though.
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>I personally am not into HiE, so no.
And yet it's the one HiE fic recommended to everyone, whether you like the genre or not. If you honestly didn't try it, do it before posting uneducated opinions.

>The Chase, Chink Azura and Mythril's stuff. That's the only popular fics we agree on.
Have you been here for a week?
Also, Shinzakura and Mythril aren't all that popular. Persona EG has 442:102 like ratio, and 7DSJ Book 1 only has 259:15.

>>the guy in Chad will definitely have the same taste as someone in Canada/Britain/Norway
If he has internet access, he'd have the same taste if he was born elsewhere.

>Location affects your background. Your background affects taste. Not every anon is born and raised in an average and loving middle-class family.
Bullshit. I had a shitty upbringing and shitty parents, but my middle-class friend with decent parents likes mostly the same things I do. If you really believe what you're saying, then surely you have some proof.

And fuck you, I already started.
>If he has internet access, he'd have the same taste if he was born elsewhere.
>Bullshit. I had a shitty upbringing and shitty parents, but my middle-class friend with decent parents likes mostly the same things I do.

Oh, how special, Anon.

He has the same tastes as you because he's your FRIEND. Someone you hang out with because you have similar ideas and taste, or, to the least, like talking to. Do you know why we are anonS? Because we are a lot of individual, not only a single clone. Location does have an effect on taste you dumb shit. Someone in Canada might like different stuff than someone in France, and someone in a conservative place might not be into ponies at all. Go outside a bit. Please. You're not that stuck in your basement.
Straight to insults because someone disagrees with your uneducated opinions, huh?

>Someone in Canada might like different stuff than someone in France, and someone in a conservative place might not be into ponies at all.
And it's not caused by which country they were born in, which is why your neighbour likes different shit from you.
Like I said, surely you have some proof for that steaming hot pile of "facts"?
>Do you know why we are anonS? Because we are a lot of individual, not only a single clone.
*tips fedora*
How does that change the fact that we have different tastes?
It doesn't. That fact also doesn't change the fact that it's possible to make a list of the stuff that's most popular on here and allow whoever reads it to choose for himself.
Okay, arguing aside, I think this might actually work. The guy making the list isn't trying to make a "best of" list or anything, just a list of some stuff that is generally liked on the thread.

The easiest to go about this IMO would be to compile a list of recommended fics from the thread, stick them all in a strawpoll, and have people vote for which ones they like. No like/dislike/rating system, just "did you like it?" and pick the top X stories with the highest number of "yes" responses. This should compile a list of popular well-liked fics among the anons.

Then add some descriptions, maybe get a couple people in the thread to write reviews, and put it together.
For now I was pretty much just experimenting with the layout, but this could work. I'd just need to post the strawpoll at least twice, so both amerifats and yuropoors get a vote.
That could work.
Ties that Bind is a better written, but still ongoing. There's been some hints of some SpikeXEmber, but nothing concrete yet.
powerful dragon visiting for tea wasnt bad. the rest of the feature box is mostly porn. or is at the time of this writing.
I still think the heroku page/bout should have remained active.
What for? What purpose could it possibly serve now?
We could still add recomendations to it.
It's an awful system for recommendations, though. It was only used so the guy responsible could gather data for the starter kit, and the data itself is invisible to us anyway.
Holy crap, there are currently three fics in the FB, all part of the same series, about Spike x Ember. How does someone write a fic and two sequels within five days and have all of them end up in the FB?
Step 1. Notice a huge fad happening right after a new episode
Step 2. Quickly shit out something really quick without reading it yourself
Step 3. Continue shitting it out
Step 4. Go with the flow.
Step 5. Gain 9000 followers.
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>second fic including Spike/Starlight to ever exist is actually a Spike/Ember story
i'm not joking, just end me right now
It's not bad, it's a challenge to write it better than this piece of shit involving two meta things.

Good stuff doesn't write itself in five hours like the feature page stuff. I guess someone took Anon's tip in the old thread to create a clop canvas and change the names to meta characters.
>the data itself is invisible to us anyway
Which data is that? Everything on the heroku site is an extract of a public 4chan post. And the voting method with the group and everything was specifically designed for transparency. Anyone who wants to can recount all the votes themselves.
The point system.
Why We Can't Have Nice Things: The Thread
I blame the new guys.
I blame the memes.
I blame the blamers.
I blame the dreams.

I blame the Jews.
I blame living them.
This meme was a mistake.
I blame you for it.
And you're right.
I blame the golden rains in africa
>Story updates for the first time in 4 years.
Jesus Christ this is weird to see.
Posts like these give me hope, because my favourite deadfic might be updated someday.

Posts like these also make me lose hope for sick quints in my fimfiction thread.
I sincerely apologize for championing DoaM back when the starter kit was being developed. That being said I maintain you all have been a bunch of pricks past thread 15.
>vote for which ones they like. No like/dislike/rating system, just "did you like it?" and pick the top X stories with the highest number of "yes" responses.
>vote for what you like
>did you like it
>no like/dislike voting
also isnt that literally exactly what we did the first goddamned time around?
Please read his post again and pay more attention this time.
>you all have been a bunch of pricks past thread 15.
and significantly prior to it as well. your point?
Last time, we had a choice between like, dislike, and abstain, which led to complicated scoring systems trying to find the most well-liked fic. I'm proposing a simpler method that only allows for like or abstain, essentially, which doesn't give as much information about how much people like a fic, but still provides a nice heuristic for well-liked + popular fic.

You could also just count up the total number of "accepts" from the previous poll, and it would give you essentially the same results, but having a newer poll would allow us to include more recent fics that might not have been around more than a year ago.
Why like/abstain?
A like/dislike, or better yet a five stars system, sounds far better.
"Abstain" sounds like a weird option -which is why I propose five stars, since it's an odd number- if you think the fic is so meh you can't even like or dislike it, why count it?
Have any of you niggas read Bad Mondays? I just finished it, and now I'm sad that I have to try to find something new to read that can stand up to it. It's definitely among my favorite fics that I've read, though I do have a weakness for HiE.
Never heard of it, but it looks good enough for HiE. I added it to my never-ending Read Later list.
I linked a blog post about the algorithm very early on. Pretty sure I also described it directly in the thread at least once.

>if you think the fic is so meh you can't even like or dislike it, why count it?
Abstain was for people who haven't read the fic. There were probably around 200 fics nominated, nobody had the time to read all of them.
...why give an opinion about a fic you haven't read yet.
>...why give an opinion about a fic you haven't read yet.
Yes, exactly. That's why there was an option to abstain from giving an opinion.
But why is ther an option to abstain grom giving an opinion if people can just like no vote.
This ain't compulsory or something.
All the stories for the category are on a single form. For each one you choose like, dislike, or abstain (the default). Similar to the proposed strawpoll (big list of stories, check all that you like), but with three options instead of two.
That's probably the best idea. I only proposed like/abstain because if you're specifically trying to put together a list of fics that are both popular and well-liked, the number of dislikes can technically be ignored for simpler calculations.

Basically, I'm trying to avoid endless discussion about rankings that end up with formulas that no one understands like what happens last time. By deliberately creating a test that provides less information, you create less things to argue about. Without knowing how many people disliked, and how many people chose to abstain rather than just not vote, the only logical metric becomes simply sorting by number of likes.
Like/Dislike doesn't sound so complicated
>Every story starts at zero
>Likes add one point, dislikes remove one point
>I just finished it
its over? I'm a couple chapters behind but it didnt seem like it was anywhere near the end

It mainly distinguishes itself from other HiEs by not really spending a lot on time in equestria, but beyond thats its pretty heavily laden with cliches and tropes

>Abstain was for people who haven't read the fic
ok but like/abstain is fucking retarded. its essentially saying 'if you read it and didnt like it your vote doesnt count'

>I only proposed like/abstain because if you're specifically trying to put together a list of fics that are both popular and well-liked, the number of dislikes can technically be ignored for simpler calculations.
And Id remind you that we have people in this very thread who unironically enjoy persona eg, AAG, 7dsj, DoaM, past sins, starlike and LtD
>unironically enjoy [...] LtD
...I resent that accusation.
>it's over?
Yeah, my mistake. Meant to say that I got caught up with it. I don't think Handyman's planning on stopping anytime soon, thank god.
alright fimfiction general, i'm about to cast a spell that'll make all fanfiction real

stand back and check this out
So all the second person fics will happen to every one of us simultaneously?
>i'm about to cast a spell that'll make all fanfiction real
I'm sure twilight will appreciate having 25,000 literally retarded, autistic, alicorn of prophesy husbandus
Don't forget the thousand thousand humans who got Twilight preggers.
Imagine. All those abominations being birthed at the exact same time as her belly explodes from the pressure.
Not to mention Living the Dream, which would literally destroy earth.
>Not to mention Living the Dream, which would literally destroy earth.
I'm ok with that.

after all we would all get the retarded choice of going to heaven, going to hell, or going to any random universe spawned from vidya or tv shows
New question: To the Equestria of which writer would you go?
I'd either go to Cold in Gardez' Equestria to bugger Dash about being a glacier hunter, or to Skirts' Equestria to punch everyone for talking like retards.
>to Skirts' Equestria
I want to go to the Equestria of Austraeoh, tell Discord all the shit that's going to happen if he lets the elements destroy themselves, hopefully that'll make him go even crazier and destroy existence.
Or at least Ledomare.
>To the Equestria of which writer would you go?
does each writer only get one universe? if so skirts would wind up with my waifu dead before the entire population of microhorses gets wiped out leaving harmaloo as the sole survivor

As lame as it is, I'd go xenoverse. theres no big bad, no real conflict to speak of and you get to collect horsepussy like pokemon. its all positives with no negatives.
I hate to say this, but, but
It's entirely posible that all of Austraeoh is his keikaku. Skirts may be a shit writer, but I'll give that to him-- the fucker can make seemingly inconsecuential things that end up being important three books later without sounding like aspulls. He did it recently with the Heralds.
It's one of the benefits of writing an absurdly long story such as Austraeoh.
You can always think back to random stuff you mentioned before and then make it superimportant later on.
>And Id remind you that we have people in this very thread who unironically enjoy persona eg, AAG, 7dsj, DoaM, past sins, starlike and LtD
Rest of your points aside, no, no we don't. We had an LtD riff go on for 5 billion threads and people liked it.
8/10. Will reupload on Know Your Meme.

>is it illegal
It depends on whether it's a "wah, Twilight's better as a unicorn!" mouthpiece fic or a genuine story that has no agenda behind it, or at least involved in it.

>Rigid Air
She's not a pegasus. It fits much better if the character's a pegasus.

>Spike being somewhat a servant
>it's a Spikefag story
Good to know I can skip it.

>any good
Probably not. Fics written about an episode that's just aired--especially multichapter ones--are usually shit as the authors are just flinging words out and not really thinking about what they're doing or were they're going. It reminds me of the glut of changeling fics written right after A Canterlot Wedding.

>based on S2+ is any good
How can you be a fan of the fandom if 80% of the fandom is off limits?

>tfw Grandpa Gruff was really an allegory of the Faustfags who are stuck in the past cherishing their nostalgia and refuse to improve the present

I'd agree with Celestial Code, evne though you can bascially dismiss the synopsis. Lunar Cypher was pretty underwhelming.

>about the villain/ending
Daily reminder the villain's a little disappointing and her motivation's muddled.

Don't forget the complicated rating system, and then when there's a tie, we don't bother trying to resolve it.

It's called "Flavor of the Month."
>no, no we don't
we do. Well I kinda liked it in 2012 and we had one other non-zaid anon that claimed to like it.
plus remember where we are. nightmare stars revenge and sonichu and humanized clop will all be repeatedly upvoted because we're a bunch of assholes who cant have nice things
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Could someone help me unfuck this phrase?
In the context, "Singular" reffers to "Composed of a single piece" (That part is going on about how everything is composed of smaller components) and "Stands alone" reffers to how every system depends in external systems to some degree. My problem is that I feel both words are too similar.
I've considered replacing "Or stands alone" with "It's abstracted from its environment", but the phrase feels too long and awkward for my tastes.
80% of those games are shit and/or anime, what the fuck?

Soul Sacrifice Delta is great though
It's because Vita was completely abandoned by Sony America when they stopped marketing it after like a week and were surprised nobody's buying it.
Meanwhile, Vita in Japan is alive and well, so a lot of Japanese games are made for it.
And just because a game is "anime", doesn't mean it's bad, like Danganronpa or Persona.
Not a native English speaker but when you say "everything depends on something else", the first thing that springs to mind is just saying (not) independent. Perhaps you can work from there.
Actually I had to go buy something and I had a facepalm kind of Eureka when the word "Isolated" came to my mind.
Now I need a synonym for Singular, since I am stretching the meaning of the word too much for my tastes in that.
Are any of you thinking about participating in this week's writeoff?
Indivisible, maybe?
No idea what it is. More info?
whats the FB?
Featured Box, I presume.

Every fortnight or so, a writing event starts at that site. Sometimes it's a minific (500~700 words) or a short story contest (2000~8000 words)

This week's event is a FiM short story. The prompt is yet to be decided, but the voting is going on right now.
Never put anything I've done online, but I guess I'll try my hand with this one. You gotta promise that you participate as well, no matter what, though. We got a deal?
if you post butt?
Cross my heart and hope to fly.
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Sure, which pony?
>no hooves
But that's gay. I'd never do something like that for no actual reason.

It's on the /soc/ boybutt thread now.

Semi-related: How many of you people have actually participated in the writeoffs, and how have you done?
>How many of you people have actually participated in the writeoffs
I managed to enter twice, and then a third time I didn't manage to finish within the timeframe.
I got more or less postive reviews. Even if I didn't make it to the finals, getting critiques from people who know their shit was nice.
>How many of you people have actually participated in the writeoffs, and how have you done?
None thus far, but I hope to change that this go round. Not like any of my "planned" fics are going anywhere...
Oscar Wilde pls.

I used to,a while ago. I did consistently well, but I got some very poor reviews from people I think of as good reviewers. To be clear, it's not that they didn't like my stories, but a couple of them in particular were just... writing really off-base reviews with a lot of bizarre assumptions and factually incorrect statements. And not just about my submission, either.

I eventually realized that participating was making me enjoy writing less, so I stopped. I've thought about doing it again and just not reading or participating in any of the reviewing, since the deadline is good for me when it comes to actually getting something done, but I figure that if I'm not going to be a participant, I probably shouldn't sink anyone's time by trying to submit a story that I don't want their feedback on.

All of that aside, the writeoff is a great tool for a lot of people, and if you're better than I am at ignoring bad advice from good writers, you should definitely try it.
>New question: To the Equestria of which writer would you go?

Iceman's "Friendship is Optimal."

I want to ask the superintelligent AI, made in the image of Best Sunbutt Princess, whether she's a moral actor or whether she's the moral equivalent of an industrial accident.

She--it--is an AI vastly more intelligent than any human, yet constrained by programming to behave in a certain manner, with certain specific goals, without objectively examining them.

And what makes you think she would give you an objectively truthful answer, rather than the answer that would most "satisfy your values through friendship and ponies?"
I don't. But it'd be an absolutely fascinating conversation, I should think.

Haven't you ever thought about talking to an AI?
I'd go to wreck her shit.
It'd be simple. First connect a flash drive to school computers and let it there for a few minutes. Then connect it to CelestAI. BAM. CelestAI explodes from thousands of virus breaking each other and her.

I don't think I would be comfortable having a conversation with an AI which is specifically trying to make me as comfortable as possible. Or rather, the fact that it would almost certainly succeed makes me deeply uncomfortable.
You're gonna need a bigger flash drive.
Yeah, but you've read the story and know how she operates. You know how it ends. It knows, but you know it knows.
Just plug it onto any computer with uTorrent and download a random darker torrent. Install it on CelestAI. Enjoy infinite ad/malware.
You idiots.
Just use NothingElseMatters.mp3.exe in her.
How about any of the "The Conversion Bureau" stories?

They are pretty much all predicated on Princess Celestia, who is depicted as being kind and generous, compassionate and forgiving and loving, to a fault, suddenly beginning to behave like a Dalek. "EX-TER-MI-NATE THE HU-MONS"

I would just want to see if that 'verse's Sunbutt had a big obvious goofy zipper going down the center of her chest, and it was actually Gwendolyn Ingolffsen in an alicorn suit giving the orders. ("An' if it hadn't been for y'all meddling kids Ah'd have gotten away with it, too! Glory to th' Race! Service to th' State!")
Why not PC Cleaner Pro? That's some dank fake antivirus.


Try it if you want. Pretty hard to remove.
>not just downloading more RAM
>implying I'm not known for my RAM
>hello, ladies
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I drew another shot of Page Turner because what else am I going to do with my time?
But seriously, I'm going to stop procrastinating now.
Oh, and I tried a different style for the sake of it.
>Oh, and I tried a different style for the sake of it.
Turned it out decent. Keep practicing.
>that story was so bad it gave her a stroke
>tfw she will never give you a stroke
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>7dsj book 4, chapter 11
Just more of the usual shit this time.

SIREN/DR shit:
> They get assigned to round up four virgins at once. With this amazing new stratey, they might even be able to collect all 22 before the heat-death of the universe!
> Divine Right is a crazy fucker, and wants to sacrifice Sunset Shimmer (Human Edition) as the final offering to summon the black unicorn. She's his cousin's daughter, in case you forgot.
> A.L.I.C.O.R.N. is apparently working against the SIRENs, since the SIRENs complain about some black ops guys looking for them.
> The Dazzlings are on leave, but they're being followed to see if they can be trusted. The next day, their boss decides she doesn't care, and orders for them all to be killed.

Other shit:
> Ponk goes all emo (OMG HER HAIR IS STRAIGHT, WATCH OUT!!!) because she ran out of her meds. She talks to Sunset for like 5 pages about how Sunset did something horrible to her, which she can never forgive, but it's all good because they're friends now, but she will never, ever explain to Sunset wtf she's actually talking about. It's all very confusing and I have no idea what the point of it is.

And the main event: it's Twilight's birthday! She has a big party, and gets presents from every major character and a bunch of the minor ones too. Including:
> From Fluttershy: an antique printing press, "old enough to be one of the very first ones". (I don't think Shinzakura has any clue how big those things are.)
> From Octavia: a bookshelf made of the most expensive type of wood on the planet.
> From Sunset: a big, elaborate amethyst necklace, sent over from Equestria.
So basically, $50,000+ worth of presents. Not bad for an 18-year-old's birthday.

After the party, everyone goes to sleep as the hurricane moves in. Octavia has a dream about Twilight and Sunset fucking, then wakes up with her hands around Twilight's throat. Maybe someone will now realize that that girl needs a real good therapist (but I'm not holding my breath).
so I don't know how accepted this would be but have a video for coming up with writing ideas
>everyone goes to sleep as the hurricane moves in
cancel the collab. chinkyzuka stole the superstorm idea
>g, then wakes up with her hands around Twilight's throat
Wait they are actually A Thing in this? I had always asumed it was one sided.
Not sure what exactly you're referring to, but none of them are banging any of the others.

Octavia and Twilight used to be real close, pretty much sisters (they're actually cousins). But then Sunset showed up, and also managed to be pretty close with Twilight, though this didn't really hurt Twilight's relationship with Octavia at all - heck, Octavia is counted among the "Eightmazing Eight" right along with Twilight, Sunset, and the M5. Now Octavia is slowly going crazy, and blames Sunset for "stealing" Twilight from her. This has been going on for a while, pretty much since the moment Sunset got back from Equestria after having Berry Sue fix the problem that was causing TWILIGHT to slowly go crazy, and after all that time it seems like Octavia is finally about to snap. I'm sure the real crazy will kick in at the most convenient possible time, relative to that whole serial killer / demon summoning plot line.
>Not sure what exactly you're referring to
Octavia and Twilight
But... if she wakes up with her hands around Twilight's throat...
Sleepwalking doesn't work that way dammit.
Well, to be fair, they were all sleeping right next to each other... (The three of them regularly sleep in the same bed. This is perfectly normal and non-sexual, you perv. Pay no attention to the fact that Sunset is secretly 30 years old and a horse.) Anyway, yeah, I don't think sleep-strangling is a real thing.
Sunset tried to kill them--
No wait wrong story.
These two clusterfucks mix just too much in my mind.
Because one anon asked for it, I am done describing the virtues in that essay thing, 2.9K words. Discord's inversions and True inversions will come tomorrow I guess, gotta sleep now.
Disclaimer: I am writing it in bbcode and just passed it to GDocs by previewing it and then copy-pasting. Formating in general seems to have survived, but for whatever reason every two paragraphs were made into one, and there is no easy way to fix that in GDocs because lolnoregex. Some problems I noticed myself are pointed at the top of the doc, but I'll take a day or two before focusing in fixing them to gain a bit of perspective.
Also no you won't make your page 10 bump joke.
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>two paragraphs were made into one
Every empty line was removed*. Pic related, bbcode has properly spaced paragraphs.
This is really cute.

Will read once I get home.
You're seriously drastically improving with every drawing. I'd say her left eyelid is way too low, but other than that, looks great.
Actually, in the other clusterfuck, Sunset just watched a movie in bed with Flash, Pinkie and Twilight because they're friends now.
>have actually participated in the writeoffs
I haven't. Primarily because if I'm gonna write something, it's going to be something I really want to write and most of the time prompts just don't give me an idea I'm really into.

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>mfw just two chapters and one epilogue left until my fic is finished

I've been wanting to write the sequel to this thing for months. I can hardly wait to start the outline. Fresh new audience, fresh new characters, plot threads and worldbuilding on a far grander scale. I'm actually feeling enthusiastic. Maybe I'll even make that snowball's chance in hell that it becomes a popular alternate universe continuity, with a TVTropes page and everything. Of course, I'm writing for its own sake, but it'd be cool if that happened.
It won't. The sequel will receive about 30% of the original fic's attention.
The amount of attention the original fic has is precisely dick so I don't see how that's even possible.
>with a TVTropes page
I'm reasonably sure when it comes to fanfiction, most tvtropes pages are filled out by the writers themselves
Left eye (her right) would need to be a bit flinched too, otherwise it looks awkward. Pretty good otherwise.
Would the narrator breaking the 4th wall confuse readers?

Ex: an issue is not addressed in the current chapter, but the narrator tells the audience it will be in a next one.
>but the narrator tells the audience it will be in a next one.
Absolutely not.
What is acceptalb,e however, is if you have non-euclidian fuckery going on. If for example the narrator just happens to be Discord, the wall bvreaking wouldn't be so jarrying, but even then it shouldn't be used in the way to exemplified.
Unless, I guess, you were making something purposefuly cartoonish? If it was something like
>"But don't despair! Our heroes may retrieve the Poni of Poniis yet!"
or a Guide's to the galaxy esque
>"Little did they know that the fraggorians actually could survive on their own sweat for weeks, making them especialy fit for deserts"
I gues it'd be fine too.
What if the narrator is (but not known currently to readers) an interdimensional future predicting reality jumping machine?
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The actual fuck

Eeeeeeehrrrrrr I dunno.
You mean Twilight's table replica thing for NH? And one of the subplots was that it developed a personality of a kind, right?
I guess it wouldn't be infatomable, I've done it myself with reality hoppers, but it's easy to get overcarried with that.
Why do I have the feeling that Truth is white, musky, and salty.
Wow, that pony OC and the fic's name made me think it was a FoE sidestory about Red Eye before I clicked the link.
Even the eye colour matches.
New headcanon: Red Eye got the cyber eye after receiving one too many cumshots in the eye.
The lack of Starlike fics really dubs my anime, so I came up with an idea. Listen up.

Spike falls in love with Starlight.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with her phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to Starlight, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the mare he called is not the same mare he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is Starlightl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with Spike’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

What do you think?
Awesome pasta.
>Really dubs my anime
I look at that phrase yet it makes no sense.
The lack of Starlike fics... gains a corporeal existance and starts making animu subtitles?
And you also start making animus I guess?
checked. also he gets spergy because literally only one other person in the world likes his autistic ship
Are we stealing Futaloo's guy gets or something? It'd explain a thing or two.
Go on.
In other words, it really censors my hentai.
Bad day?
Lord futaloo get
So are they going to define the prompt for the Writeoff or are we winging it this time?
Futaloo antiget.
Should be revealed in ten minutes or so.
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The funny thing is, they're all replying to my posts.
Ogh god oh god I am so doing this. May god have pitty uppon my soul.
Futaloo get.
It's impossible to get a futaloo get, even when replying to me.
Besides, it doesn't count unless the get is in the first 5 posts by someone other than OP.
futaloo get will never get a get get.
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And here it is, email just got in.
Get writing faggits.
It's a shame if that's true. I have this strange aversion to self-advertisement i.e. spamming my stuff everywhere. I's much rather earn publicity by getting fans who'll do all the spamming for me.
Where is this from? It sounds like something that actually might be fun to read/watch, assuming that the pasta is from an actual story.
Thanks. Well, too bad it isn't real, but I feel like it could make for an amusing fic. Of course, I can't see a decent writer actually trying to write it.
If you read the full article, you'd know someone is actually writing this story.
Nice, I missed that.

Also, why is fimfiction.net so much better than all the other fanfiction sites?
Because they actually spent more than five minutes writing the CSS and planning the site layout.

1:06 is probably what most Fimfags think.
Wow, you really forced yourself very hard to find an excuse to post this video, didn't you?
I didn't actually
Even more shameful. There's only like half a sentence in there that's any relevant to fimfiction.
Well, you could transpose the inability to do basic maths to the inability of most Fimfic writers to spell.
no u
>Forbidden Knowledge
It almost makes me wanna make a trial run of that fic where Luna faces an dream-manipulating Eldritch abomination.
Let's see what I can do.
>10 minutes since last post
>still page 1
Damn, this board is really slow today.
>still on page 1

>bumps regardless
I wasn't bumping, I was making an observation.
Stop writing self-insert crackships and write something good which shows off your life experience as a writer. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
u 2
But anon
Everything is bump
I am the bump, you are the bump
You think you are the bumper but the thread bumps at you.
But we're not writing self-insert crackships. I think you might be looking for the closest greentext thread.
I am bump as you are bump as bump are me
And we all bump together
>life experience
See how they run, like fags from page 10, see how they 404
I am cringing
Shitposting in a greentext thread, wating for the next fimfic thread to come.
That's enough, my bumpers. The time for bump will come, as bump is inevitable. The bump will persist, for the thread must do so as well. We must wait for the right time, when autopruning is but a mere moment away, and then bump in unison.
Bump, my brothers.
>write something good which shows off your life experience as a writer.
b-but its impossible to write something good about being a chronic masturbator that uses tears and cheeto dust as lube
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Pooh was such a dick to Pigglet in those comics.
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I will motherFUCKING END YOU!
This is a nice thread. I like this thread.
And I like you guys, too. Even you, you lazy bastard.
But we're all lazy bastards. Even those working on their fics are slow as fuck.
I am actually fast, I am just working in too many things at once.
>I am actually fast
I know, I talked to you girlfriend last night.
just kidding
you never had one

Oooooooh shiiiiiiiiit!

I wonder why Trixie is still a bitch in this trailer.
Trixie is one of those people who are nice kind of bitches at the best of times.
Which is why I I ship her with Dash for a fuckfriends kind of relationship, their personalities just match too nicely when they get along.
Nice headcanon.
Silly anon, character development is overrated.

That's why the scatrio is so popular.
Could you envision there being catacombs under Canterlot dating back when the Unicorn tribe lived there?
Why not just use the crystal caves shown during the Royal Wedding?
I am affraid to ask
The unicorn tribe lived in another country m8
Just came up with this for Chink Azura, Mythril and Kudzuhaidu

And not >>27158943, but the unicorn didn't create Canterlot immediately, so I guess they could have lived there before building safe shelter.
Wait, Shinka is also into scat?
Do any of them apart from MM even mention scat?
But they're not.
And Mythril's fic literally relies on character development, he's just not that great at it.
I know kudzu is a fart fetishist, so there's that.
Bump before I leave.

So, will you actually write something for the write off?
I have started writing my submission. Have you? Because you can't back now after seeing my lewd.
Of course not.
I was going to but I am already backtracked in my projects and the prompt wasn't all that interesting.
So I did the clever thing. I said fuck it and made a small half assed CYOA related to one of my fics.

One of my minor goals in this fandom for a while was to write something that got a TVTropes page. It was disheartening to me when I gradually realized that the only way that would happen would be if I either made one myself, or posted a "hey guys wouldn't it be wonderful if this fic of mine had a Tropes page wink wink nudge nudge?" blogpost, and I'm too proud hurr proud of my nonexistent horsefame reputation to do either.

A couple of my stories are linked as examples from TVTropes pages, though, so that's nice.
>tfw one of my characters from a really old roleplay is mentioned somewhere on a TVtropes page
You've done the right thing, Anon. Writing only for fame is useless. Writing because you see a point and like it is best.
As if horsefame equates to actual fame
I already am.
Random thought.
If there's a stained glass window depicting the time Luna and Celestia defeated Discord, would there be more about the other things they've done through out their reign, and maybe stuff Celestia did on her own?
By this, of course, I mean besides the ones shown in the show.
Like, hallways full of stained windows showing different moments of Equestrian history.
>with a TVTropes page and everything
I've been dreaming of this since I first started writing fanfics and even with a 2600+ upboated fic, it still hasn't happened.

I'm almost positive this is universally true. I'll never do it, though, just as I wouldn't write my own Wikipedia article.

>Institution for the Criminally Insane
>young colt
>first time in many years
Other than that, it actually looks interesting.

>phone number
Phones appear to be quite rare in the show and it's doubtful a backwater town like Ponyville even has any.

I'm pretty sure this plot (people fall in love with AU character and try to get their universe's version in the sack) was done before with EqG.

>it's a "Twilight finds a book on dark magic" fanfic

>shows off your life experience as a writer
So, a fic about Twilight sitting in her recliner in the living room typing on a laptop?

I like that idea about the group of ponies arguing about horsefiction and their superstorm story a lot more.

Most fics have the crystal mines depicting in A Canterlot Wedding filling that role.


I'd assume so.
>that picture.

Look again. that doesnt show the princessessess fighting/defeating discord. it shows celestia and luna throwing twilight at discord.

thats not an historical representation, it was prophecy in leaded glass form indicating that a librarian will be the only one to handle literally anything that the useless alicorns cant/wont bother with for all time
bump lump sugar lump rump
>bump lump
You dumbass.
>>27164515 >As though only what has been seen is real.
It's a big castle and big world, so your question starts irrelevant.
how does that make his question "start irrelevant", whatever that means?
>>27166090 It's kind of easy to think about what that means. If a question is irrelevant, it's ill-posed or based on mistaken premises. The sort of question like, which came first chicken or egg? That question is ignorant of evolution.
>your question starts irrelevant
your reply is nonsensical and irrelevant
It wasn't based on mistaken premises, he asked for speculations based on what we've seen in the show.
I recognize your shitty way of replying to posts, by the way. You can fuck right off.
>Post logic
>It's 4chan so they violate logic to tell me logic isn't logic

"would there be more about the other things they've done through out their reign"
At first, right in his question, is his telltale answer. Would there more things? Yes or No?
Unless it will be assumed the castle is only and entirely the rooms shown in show scenes, by default yes.

Thank you. You I don't recognize because you people tend to sound the same and commit the same errors.
>you people
what do you mean you people?
>>27166272 The subgroup of the population that makes comments like >>27166151
Holy shit, you're really ignoring everything I said because you're butthurt.
Seriously, fuck off. I recognize you and I remember how fucking retarded you are. Nobody wants you here.
Also, learn English, you fucking troglodyte. We can barely decipher what you're trying to say.
>>27166301 'Holy shit' again I wonder why you ignore what I say and write as though you're responding to someone else.

"you're really ignoring everything I said"
No basis at all, both points of yours were addressed. And rationally put to rest.

Then you resort to waving spite around, as though it means anything. Shouting 'I don't like' is not argument for anything.
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Oh God, you really believe you're absolutely right.

Fine then, if what you said here is true >>27166247 then it could go either way. There could either be more stained glass windows, or there could not be, because we haven't seen any evidence for either statement. He was basically asking what we think or if there's some mention of more windows that he may have missed.
>wow look guys i'm so unique and special
>>27166348 What I do in my replies is take exactly what a poster wrote and reason logically. Literally in an above post you called me butthurt while then following with 3 personal attacks. Which had also no rational merit unlike my comment, and by both number and tone seem more upset than mine. Sheer projection.

There are certainly more windows in the castle. Since they have almost certainly done other things, and since there is no sense to believe they suddenly stopped using stained glass in places not shown yet, and since those stained glass windows are going to depict something, the useful thing to ask is what events have been done that merit such a thing.

Though I don't know what they might resort to if not enough important things happened than the amount of windows needing depictions.
You are being stupid. All of you, including me. Calling people butthurt is stupid. Implying projection is stupid. Almost the entirety of this argument is pot calling kettle black. Just stop it.
>it's a brony dies and is reincarnated into Equestria fic
sad. normal people winding up in equestria has a chance of being tolerable. brony in equestria is guaranteed shit

in fact if the word 'brony' appears anywhere you pretty much know its gonna be shit
I tried my hand at a first person Twilight fic a while back, though it is a Cthulhu Mythos crossover. I still mostly like it but there are a few bits I cringe at in retrospect.

Let's be honest, all of us just want to die and go to Equestria already.
I know you're just joshing us, but I will give a serious answer.

Some of us think Magic Poni Land would be charming place to visit. Would I want to live there? I don't think so.
on one hand it looks to be quite easy to live comfortably without having a readily apparent job.

On the other hand ponies seem to be terrified of something that looks exactly like a pony but has stripes, so how are they going to react when the tall bipedal predator pops up and starts struggle snuggling the entire population?
What if you resurrect as a pony?
who would want to do that? with my luck id wind up as a red and blue zebrasus with lizard eyes and a cape, whos special talent is getting kicked in the balls
Why wouldn't you want to resurrect as Donut Steele, Rigid Air or any shitty OC?
Probably just like they reacted to Iron Will, who is and did exactly that.
well nothing personnel but i dont want to be edgy lame gay or shitty.
hes a mancow, so not a predator
>half human
>not a predator
Also the minotaur ate people so
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that greek shit was fiction, bro. also cow head means cow teeth. all hes good for is grazing on the tasty, tasty grass
I disagree but I respect your opinion and admit that it has some merit and might be true.
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You monster.
and another thing, you aut— wait wut?
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Do any of you know any decent horror fic that builds up the tension and the atmosphere?
The most atmospheric and tense fic I know is The Cough
the chase

its truly horrorible and holds a foul atmosphere
Well, it's not entirely untrue. The atmosphere and tension are well developed, it's the no-thought plot that is the problem.

I meant scary horror, not "what am I doing with my life" existential horror.

The Star In Yellow has quite a bit of comedy in it, but it's also got a very well built-up Lovecraftian element to it.

The Writing On The Wall is tragic, and has a great reveal for the curse/disaster. In face, Horse Voice in general is a good place to start looking.
>The Writing On The Wall is tragic, and has a great reveal for the curse/disaster.
>has a great reveal for the curse/disaster
Not really. The reveal is obvious. MUH LETHAL DOSES OF RADIATION
this Tbh
A Fleeting Light in the Darkness? I'm not really one for horror but I found that one scary.
NIGEB is a good one.
You won't even notice it's 9k words long.
>9k words long
Considering a large majority of one-shots barely go above 5k words, then yeah.
I gotta say that when I read "You won't even notice it's 9k words long.", I chuckled out loud. Still, considering that the average reading speed hovers around 250 wpm, it's 36 minutes of reading, so I guess it really isn't that short.

In either case, anything below 15k is mostly considered to be very light reading in circles of short story readers, including this place, so talking about 9k words as if it is "a lot" is a tad amusing.

I think you, along most people here, will agree that most writers on fimfiction or in general have trouble fitting actual quality in such small packages, in part because a lack of dedication is the biggest problem in mediocre writers.

Note that I am not implying that long = better, just that dedication is one of the things that (usually) separate bad writers from not-necessarily-that-bad.
Check out Leviathan by HorseVoice and 413 Mulberry Lane
No page 10 joke for you
You goddam fool! We need to die that we may be reborn, fit and fast and lean!
>Decide to start reading Wakamote
>Can immediately relate to Tomoko

Well fuck. I know what kind of person I am now.

Not that I didn't before.
You mean Watamote?
At least she has friends, Anon. What's your excuse?
Hm, someone must have made a typo then. I thought it was Watamote too, but saw Wakamote in a translation

I have like 3, excluding my crush I talk to once every week. That's a lot.
I've never written a fanfiction before, but I have an idea for a story, and I'd love to see it come to life, but I have absolutely no idea where to start.
Think about how it will go, and most importantly, the 5W:

Why? is it happening in the first place?
What? is the characters' objective(s)? What is in the story?
When? does it take place? Before the show? After?
Where? is it? Canterlot? Ponyville? Another city/town?
Who? is in it? OCs? Main characters? Which?

When you finished answering to that, you should know a good place to start.

or be a faggot and ask a commissioned writer
Take a look at Ezn's guide.
>once every week
You're a stronger man than me.
Then again, I'm a huge wuss.
I can't call that talking either. More like just "helloes" and "what's X in class". She's surrounded by a harem of 4 other girls whose opinions of me range from "He's in love with her, how cute" to "Dafuq is he even"

Trope by trope, Bit by bit
Index crossed, Reference Lit
Subpage made, buttons pressed
Line by line, never stressed
And that's the art of the dress!



So I heard that this is good
But by chapter 3 it feels strange to me
Is it actually good or is it big pile of stinking shit that people only like because it's old?
Well, people here like it, so I doubt it's because it's old.
Because you're all fucking newfags.
Five ground rules:
-Read the Fimfiction FAQ
-Dialogue goes in separate paragraphs for each character speaking.
-Bad grammar and spelling are downvote magnets, so double-check to keep it all neat and tidy.
-Try to strike a decent balance between beige prose (overly basic language that is too basic to be immersive) and purple prose (overly flowery language that kills immersion with excessive verbosity).
-No matter how hard you try, your first fanfic is going to suck. Write it anyway, and try to learn from any criticism you might get, because that's how you improve.
Will you guys read and rate my story?

I'm serious.
If you link to a story instead of a chapter.
Wow, way to ruin two of my favorite fetishes.
Whoops. I thought I copied the story. It's one chapter anyway. So.
well im not givig you a free stat boost, so post the normal link or its downboat city for you
Great scheme to get free views.

I'm not reading that.
>important in a scat story
Pls? Just looking for constructive criticism. :)
Here have something that's not exactly amazing but it's certainly not as shit as the thing you wrote
Fine, here's my constructive criticism:
Put effort into writing something that could be potentially enjoyable for at least one human being instead.
Crackfics aren't even funny.
That desciption is really bad. Is that your story?
Well, duh it's not as shit. Is there even any scat in there at all?
A guy is literally PM'ing me to read his collaboration fic. Who does that?
I swear it's not me, guys.
Remember when I said I've never written one before? Well I lied, I have written one, some time ago but I stopped before it really got going because I honestly thought it was trash and just not worth investing time in.

It's filled with le OC Gary Stu nonsense and just general garbage.

But I would actually still like feedback on it. Before I try writing something less..... trash.

We can't really give you helpful feedback on something that you don't even like in the first place, can we?
We can definitely nitpick your next fic, thouh.
admitting its garbage is not the right foot to start your literary career on
A story being told from the first person perspective of a frail, autistic pegasus whose Wonderbolt parents are disappointed in him actually sounds kind of interesting. Because I do feel like the person/pony narrating this is autistic. E.g. he and every other character talks in this stilted, overly descriptive fashion; the story outside the dialogue is the same way; there seems to be no feelings from anyone outside the extremely obvious.

No it's exactly the right foot. Assuming you analyse *how* it's garbage so you know what to avoid later.
I think it implies you didn't do your best the first time. If you aren't honestly trying to make the best story you can make, what use is criticism?
IMO it's implying that he feels that there's something wrong with it, but he can't exactly pinpoint how or why.
While I don't like it, I don't think it'd hurt to get some feedback. Especially since I plan to give this a another shot, and I'd like to know what others think is bad, or even good about the story.

I personally don't think so. I've always believed that the first step to getting good at anything is to admit that you aren't good at it.

Thank you. Correct me if I'm wrong but, I shouldn't be /too/ descriptive, and let the reader interpret characters feelings instead of just telling them "X character is this way because of Y"? Also that each character should feel different by having a different style of talking?

Yeah, this is more or less it. I started, and I was happy with it at first, but then something just felt "off". Like, I feel that the plot is something that's forced and isn't interesting at all. Story pacing is much too quick. Etc.

So I was just like "meh"
I guess. Most authors tend to be hard on themselves. Different strokes and all that
That panel originally from this comic *hiccoughcough*
I liked it, but if you're expecting a lot of Sci-Fi first contact or exciting action, you'll probably be disappointed. It's mostly a comfy SoL fic about the MC making friends and stuff, moreso than a story of humanity's last hope trying to find a new home for a doomed species. If you look at it through the SoL lens instead, you might enjoy it more.
>Correct me if I'm wrong but, I shouldn't be /too/ descriptive, and let the reader interpret characters feelings instead of just telling them "X character is this way because of Y"?
You should be descriptive enough that the reader can reliably get a mental image of what you're trying to communicate. For example, "he was happy" and "he smiled" communicates pretty much the same thing. You can also substitute "he was very happy" with "he smiled widely". The main thing here is 'show don't tell'. "He was happy when his waifu kissed him" is telling. "He smiled when his his waifu pressed her lips against his cheek" is showing. Just for example.
So in other words Adventure tag should be replaced with SoL?
>his his
Also, this is the sort of thing that happens when you don't proofread your work. Try to avoid this.
This describes so many fics.
Well, I wouldn't go that far. There's still enough politics, action, and sense of the unknown to warrant an adventure tag. But yes, I think adding the SoL tag would be a good idea.
Only a third of the way into my projected length, and I'm starting to suspect this could be another write off event I don't get to finish in time.

I hate my slow writing rate.
I quite like The Frozen West
...although the first comment brings up some fair stylistic issues.
pagu tenu
>it's a edgy teen commits suicide and ends up fighting a manticore in the Everfree Forest fic

First, I don't want to die and seem to be one of the very few people in the fandom who wants to have a long and happy life.

Second, the thought of being alone, in a foreign country, where you don't speak the language, know the culture, have any money, or are even the same species and have no way of returning to your home is absolutely terrifying to me. It reads like a Hostel spinoff.

The Name Game's (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/38072/the-name-game) pretty good. I wouldn't really call it horror, though.

>The Cough
I will never not be rustled by that stupid plot.

It's more the realization you have that it's Yucca Mountain. I doubt many read the Expert Judgment on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant to get the foreshadowing.

Isn't that the one with the cheap jumpscare gif at the end?

All my autistic dreams have come true.

>it's Yucca Mountain
Well shit I didn't even know that existed. RIP me
Does anyone know the name of Twilight Sparkle's hair style?
Well it might not since Harry Reid doesn't want a nuclear sludge pile sitting in his constituency
Straight bangs and half a mullet
Thank you, man. Reading things like this really makes me feel better. I know that no matter what I do, I will never get worse than that, so yeah, thank you for setting the bar so low even Bleedin' would have no issues beating you.

>linking to a chapter
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Had to do it.
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Wait, my bad. Improved verion.
The End of Ponys thread

Time for someone to get started ona new one
Not how you spell it, ree
Is it better that my human oc saves the mane 6 from a timber wolf or a manticore?
I want to show just how much of a badass he is in the first few chapters before he fights Princess Celestia.
that may not be how you spell it, but it is how i spelt it that time
Don't get linguistic on me, I will murder your ass
see, now this is why we create massive backstories for eve the most minor of characters.

10 years ago a manticorette was in heat and wound up being gang raped by a pack of timberlakewolves.
The resultant offspring drove its father to divorce his slutty mother, who later an heroed. so this timbercore spent 8 years emoing its way through the everfree and just before your human OC dropped into its path it had decided to go back to school and get its ged and strt making something of itself

and thats when your human OC straight up murderizes him in order to get the opportunity to bang whatever ponie was stupid enought to be wandering around the everfree alone
That would be so fucking metal. But I think it would be even better if the timbercore doesn't die and instead swears revengance on Damon (my MC's (and coincidentally my own) name) So he trains really hard until he comes back and they fight eachother and they're both really strong but my MC's learnt magic from Twilight at this point AND zebra bio-tech implants so still beats him but after that the timbercore decides to join his party on the quest to defeat Nightmare Discord.
That's a lot of characters, Anon. You should keep the number of important ones to below 10.
But you speak the language, kind of know the culture and can work, Anon. Don't you want to live with your waifu?
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Are you faggots still not compiling shit for the ITT?
Fine, I'll do it.
Alright, I've got a new thread ready to post. Should I wait until page 10?
No reason, people avoid real disucssion in 450+ post range
page 8 now, but might as well post it now. no one is going to bother continuing a conversation in a dying thread. the only thing were gonna have here is shitposting
Alright, just wanted to have someone to blame just in case.

Futaloo get.
sugar lump
can't trump the bumps
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