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It's Sun-day: let us bask in Princess Celestia's g

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It's Sun-day: let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

As we know, Celestia is a mentor as well as a statesmare - but how do you think she balances her duties to her subjects, and to her students? Just what kind of teaching arrangements does she keep, anyway?

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/F2iArQf1
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Does Celestia prank her subjects? What do you think?
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I want to go swimming in a secluded cove with Celestia.
Get off page 6 you silly horse.
>Celestia takes a vacation
Episode idea?
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It's that time of the week ain't it?
Here's some content:
Overprotective Celestia is worried that Anon, the only member of his species, might get hurt even by harmless things.
That ending, though. Unf.
>you will never make Celestia a hornsock for her birthday
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>Dear Princess Celestia,
>Things are well here.
>The sun shines, the birds sing in the trees,
>and I see you were right again;
>life is so much easier with friends.
>Snips and Snails have taken quite a liking to me.
>They sulk around, destroy things, intimidate the students,
>and most importantly of all,
>they recognize my greatness.
>They do so much for me I can just sit back and bask in the misery.
>See? I'm making progress!
>You may have refused to make me an alciorn but it doesn't matter.
>There's no magic here anyway, and I already rule without it.
>This whole area is "under my thumb."
>Don't they have the cutest expressions?
>But it's true:
>I rule.
>I rule a school, yes, but the wails of a child are no less real.
>Their anguish is felt just as keenly.
>Their tears are just as sweet.
>I rule a school, yes, but it's a school of flypaper, and they're the flies.
>They can't run without tearing off their own legs;
>their society, even their families turn on them if they try,
>hurting them in ways I never could.
>In fact, their entire futures are destroyed if they don't graduate,
>so they find no rest no matter where they go.
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>They're trapped with me.
>In a way adults never would be.
>And it's all thanks to you.
>Every time Snips and Snails steal for me,
>every time someone is late for class because they're too afraid to pass me in the hall,
>every time I lie to Flash, and he lashes out in my defense,
>every downcast eye, every fearful whimper, every tearful breakdown;
>they're all because of you.
>I want you to remember that.
>I may be on the other side of the mirror,
>but I am still me:
>indomitable, unstopable, me.
>And everyone here is mine.
>Remember that.
>You're the kind of pony who would care.
>They aren't your ponies, they aren't even ponies at all,
>but you care.
>Sleep well Princess.
>See my face when you close your eyes.
>Dream about what I've done, and so, what *you* have done through me.
>Dream too, about all the suffering still to come.
>The sweet, sweet suffering.
>I wonder how much longer it will be before I rack up a suicide?
>Wish me luck!
>Your faithful student,

>I leave the book and walk slowly to my balcony
>Something's got to be done about Sunset.
>My poor little student, so very lost.
>Pegai flit between my towers.
>The faint sound of hooves on stone echo among my walls and gardens.
>Ponyville and Cloudsdale dot the horizon.
>All of Equestria spread out before me.
>But I don't see it.
>Instead, I see the past...
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So how do you feel about princesses' cameo in the last episode? They had like 30 seconds of screentime, and were actually useful.
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I liked it. It's always good to see them, even if for a few seconds. I loved the "princess slice of life" setting, it shows that they actually meet and spend time together even when there aren't friendship lessons or problems involved.
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Celestia want's to visit earth to experience some of what you've told her about it. After finding a safe passage to do so she also devises a spell that will make her unnoticeable. As such she can move freely with no disguise yet raise alarm or cause panic.
Where would you take her?
So she'll be invisible and it'll look like I'm talking to myself?

I guess I'd take her the natural history museum in L.A. or JisneyLand. You gotta figure everything here on Earth would have a novelty value for her since she's never seen it.
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I worded it kind of oddly, I meant it as in people could speak to her but she wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary to them, people would simply comprehend her as something completely normal.
>Page 8
NO! Bad Horse
there is a storm outside tho
fucking storm fuck goddammit
the nuclear museum
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Atleast she didn't fight snow this time.
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I'm tempted to write a Brolaire in Equestria.



>I still haven't finshed DS3 yet
what am I, casual?
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>"Smithers, who is that outgoing young Gallahad in sector 7?"
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Some place warm and quiet, with a beautiful landscape, from where she can admire the sunset without having to do anything, just enjoying the moment.
jeez, am I autistic
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>"Anonymous, you know that stuff t-that I asked-, I asked you what it was and you said it was oregano?"
>"And then you remember when I asked what that other thing was and you said it was a vase?"
>'I do, yes.'
>"Those things are not what you said they are, are they?"
Why are you using single quotation marks only for Anon?
Previously: http://pastebin.com/NrgkEr4U

>Manehattan. A sprawling city of towering spires that outstretch their hands to grasp the heavens. Population: approximately 1.626 million. At night, the city becomes so bright that it appears to be day. A city divided along the lines of race, practice, and political stance, yet still uniform and functioning in symbiosis. One of the shining beacons of Equestria's free-world ideology.
>You sneeze, wiping your nose with a handkerchief. Princess Twilight is explaining to you the inner workings and complex way of life of ponies who live in this harbor town. Halfway through you fell asleep however, only rousing awake with that last sneeze.
>You look over to Twilight who yaps away next to you sitting by the window of the train.
>Look at her. She just talks and talks. What the hell is she even saying? Something about a gift from Prance..? The hell's a Prance? Her eyes are weird. They tend to stay hidden under her bangs, only revealing themselves in brief opportune moments. In the times you did see them, you were a bit unnerved. They don't seem to absorb light, rather they reflect it like two oculine mirrors. You shiver.
>She's still talking, amazing. How does Celestia tolerate this constant stream of prattle? She must be able to tune her out, you wouldn't be surprised.
>You tense a little at the thought of the princess. Your "master".
>That damned psychotic mare! Packing you off with this girl as if you were merely some sort of weapon to be deployed at will.
>Oh that's right. You -are- only just a weapon. A tool. An instrument for her to weed out her political enemies. You feel your heart sink to the bottom of your chest, to your surprise. Is that really all you are to her? A puppet?
>Why does this make you sad? After all, you knew this from the start ever since you met her. Celestia is a monster. She's not capable of any interpersonal relations outside of simply pulling strings and making others dance for her.
>You click your teeth and kick out your feet, throwing a minor temper tantrum. This gains the violet mare's attention.
>"Anonymous, are you alright?"
"Piss off you country hedge-creeper! I will have it so you only speak to me in regards to the job. We aren't friends Ms. Sparkle. Simply partners."
>You emphasize the Ms. You refuse to acknowledge her as a princess, there's just no way she can be Celestia's "equal".
>Twilight gasps, her flat horse teeth revealing themselves as her jaw hangs open.
>"How dare you! If we're going to work together I'm going to need you to be more cooperative. Being an anti-social psychotic murderous monster would be detrimental to this assignment. I suggest you wisen up before stepping off this train. When we reach Manehattan, the mission will start and we'll have to work together. Get used to it."
>You grumble, slouching in your seat and sinking your hands into the pockets of your nice slacks.
>Twilight then leans in, her mirror-like eyes reflecting your frowning face.
>"Besides. I can always tell the princess you're being problematic. If you become too difficult to handle, she can end you on the spot. We can always find some other monster to carry out her will."
>Twilight backs away content with herself. She's silent as she stares out into the countryside through the window.
>During the reprieve from her lecture, you begin to dwell on what all was said. The idea that Celestia would just so casually brush you aside is somewhat of a heartbreak. A sobering realization that scares you. Of course you don't want to blindly bow down to some mad self-absorbed ruler fitting of a fictitious antagonist. If anything there was only room for one legendary evil, and that is you.
>Celestia may be a demon, but ultimately you are the proprietar of all your kin. In the end, all monsters and demons will fall under your umbrella. Even if this ambition springs you into conflict with Celestia, it will be a battle worth savoring.
>Though you're already somewhat adamant about your resolve, you aren't completely at ease with the idea of one day opposing her.
>You hate her for sure, at least you like to think so. But there's something about her that moves you so. You know it's nothing superficial like her beauty or blind loyalty. It's something much much more. She's the first being to ever have bested you. To hold such an immense power over your life. The idea that she could cut your thread of fate so easily (if it pleased her) excited you. It's like your waltzing with death. Testing an unstoppable omniscient god everyday to see if that was when you'd finally see them snap.
>As you contemplate, the brand on your chest begins to glow faintly and become warm. It sends your old twisted heart into a flurry. Twilight says that Celestia is aware of every move you make. Is she aware of your thoughts of her and sending you a sign? Whatever causes this, you don't fight it. You simply recline and let the warmth overtake you.
>You relax, shifting your gaze to Twilight who still stares out the window. It may be the sudden pleasantness overtaking you, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be a little nicer to the dwarfed princess. You can stand that much at least.
>You also become slightly curious as to who exactly Twilight is. You know she is the 'Princess of Friendship' or whatever. But what does that mean to you? What does that mean to Equestria? And what does that mean to Celestia?
>"Yes?" she says, gazing at you out of the corner of her eyes.
"What is your relation to Celestia? How did you even come to be on this little project of hers?"
>You shift in your seat so that you can face her. You can see her face scrunch up in thought as she tries to form her ideas into one neatly organized presentation.
>"Well, I'm her former student. For a long time Princess Celestia has been somepony of great importance to me. A pillar of morality. Reason and logic. An infinite well of knowledge."
>You can see Twilight become somewhat embarrassed. Blood is already rushing to her cheeks, making them a soft pink. She continues, not making eye contact. Instead she keeps her eyes focused on the country that goes rushing by.
>"She's like a second mother to me. She insists that she and I are now on the same playing field, but it never feels that way. She always seems leagues ahead of me, lightyears ahead and sometimes I feel like I'll never be able to catch up. Not in a thousand years, not in a million."
>Twilight's voice becomes hushed, much more soft and gentle. She smiles, looking out towards Canterlot mountain which fades in the distance with every passing moment.
>"Despite all that. Even though I may never actually see myself equal to her, I can always hope and persevere. I can always strive to be more like her. To be someone worthy of standing by her side, even if by that time Equestria has long since faded into obscurity. I want to be of use to her and give my all for what she believes in."
>You listen intently, soaking up her words like a thirsty plant. Her reasoning makes sense to you, but also makes you question her. Is she acting out of loyalty or reverence for the princess? Simply because the job was asked of her, or because she feels it's her duty?
"Do you agree with what she is trying to do? Issuing the deaths of your fellow countrymen. Keeping the fate of Equestria out of the hands of its citizens?"
>You prod her, wanting a deep and honest answer. Twilight doesn't answer at first, but soon enough she turns to you. Her bangs lifted and eyes reflecting your own.
>"It doesn't matter what I believe Anonymous. What matters is that we get the job done. For her. When you come under service to someone such as her, morality becomes a gray area that contorts and shifts in the mist. You stop seeing good and bad, right and wrong, benevolence and malevolence. There is only her ambition."
whoa, it's Djinn time
"And what she's having you do doesn't bother you in the slightest? You're completely content with snuffing other pony's lives for the sole purpose of pleasing that mare?"
>You sink down further in your seat, struggling to wrap your head around the concept.
"Strange. You're willing to throw away the morals you value just because she asked you to. Typically, individuals such as you would see it as wrong. Most would classify beings such as the princess and myself as pure evil."
>Twilight's ears lay flat against her head and she breaks eye contact. It isn't until now that you see her eyes have been glowing, a warm golden light. Celestia's golden light.
>"I don't know if she's evil. You could argue that those who do terrible things with the best intentions aren't nefarious themselves, but a product of their own bloated compassion for others. In this world, it's easy to determine what's right and wrong, as if the contrast is an objective law of nature. But when it comes to Princess Celestia, you suddenly feel like you can bypass that instinct. See past the darkness and see the light. Even if that light is at the end of a tunnel filled with the blackest black. Good and evil become subjective. Ideologies and principles become simple matters of opinions and schools of thought."
>Twilight sighs, a shiver running up her spine and causing her to shake like a cat. Her eye's find your's again and you're able to see the two swirling stars in her irises.
>It was then you realized. Though Twilight Sparkle hopes to someday stand side-by-side with Celestia, that day will never come. Instead she will stand below her. As an object, just like you and anyone else she plans to use.
>An edit to the observation from the other day: there are actually three kinds of monsters.
All this green
>The first being those who do terrible things out of self-satisfaction and pure indulgence.
>The second being those who believe they are working towards the greater good, roping in lesser beings to messy their hands for them.
>And lastly, those who want so badly to be along side the second monster. So they cast away all they are and give themselves to that monster. They fall subject to the second monster's will, becoming a demon so that they may have a sliver of a chance to stand by their side. But they'll never get it. For the second monster is the worst kind. They have no attachments. No obligations to their fellow monstrosities. There is only their will, their own selfish ambition.
>It is true that the second monster may be the most tragic of all. Believing that they truly are working towards a better future and the good of all. Even if they fall victim to their own aspirations, that pain is nothing comparable to the anguish of the third monster. For no matter how hard that monster tries, they will never get what they want. They are pitted against a force that is coded into their very being. They are simply meant to serve the second monster. And that is all their relationship will ever be.
>You find yourself pitying Twilight; she doesn't know how hopeless her quest is. You've always despised her kind; they have no will of their own. They seek only to please others, to make it so they may be of service to their 'friends' and never once seeking what they personally desire. Too selfless for their own good, destructive to their own being! In the end, she is no better than Celestia. They are both terrible monsters that should be beneath you.
>For you are the only sane one. You're the only one with who doesn't require the aid or approval of others. What you do, you do for yourself.
>In the end, you don't kill for Celestia. You kill because it pleases you. Because it is something you simply enjoy doing. It just so happens that you're managing to stay alive so long as you murder certain people. It isn't your reasoning that rests within Celestia's hooves, but your life. That is what sets you apart from her and Twilight.
>But what is Twilight's reason? What is the cause of her devotion? She claims that she simply admires her former teacher, that she only wants to see Celestia's will be done. But that alone shouldn't be enough to drive someone to throw away what they personally value. There has to be something else. Whether it be mutual understanding, blackmail, some sort of deal, or love.
>You pause your thoughts, wondering if you've come to a conclusion.
"Now if I didn't know better Ms. Sparkle, I'd say you were in love with her majesty. How 'bout it then? Carrying some burning passion for our princess?"
>You learn in a bit closer. She turns away, her bright eyes no longer burning holes into you.
>"It isn't anything like that. What I feel for her goes beyond something as trivial as love. I imagine it's what all ponies feel for her."
"Complete and utter devotion?"
>Twilight nods. But you're not content with that answer. It tells you nothing, it doesn't tell you why. Why she is able to inspire such an emotion within these sorts of people? Unless, that's just it. It is simply a characteristic of one such as her.
>You've felt it before. When you first met in lower Canterlot. That overpowering will of hers. Celestia radiates an air of invincibility, an atmosphere of total and complete domination of everyone and everything. As if it has been her right since birth. Like she inherited it from some old eldritch god who's gift to her was the very universe.
>A cold bead of sweat runs down your cheek and your eyes are wide with realization. You begin to wonder if you'll soon succumb to the same spell that has enthralled Twilight Sparkle.
>Then you will become the same monstrosity as her.
>An edit to the list of fears belonging to Anon the Ripper:
>Stingrays, for their affinity with great Satan.
>The dog in Mr. Pantywaist's yard.
>Most Amphibians.
>Princess Celestia.
>And the idea that your sense of self could be robbed of you and replaced with one that is artificial and crafted by someone else.
"Eight and nine, garlic and thyme.."
>Twilight shoots you a glance out of the corner of eye but says nothing. No doubt she thinks you're not only a monster, but a lunatic. But that was fine. You've long since considered the possibility that you're crazy and at this point, it might even be true.
>An hour passes before you come within sight of Manehattan. You've been all over Equestria, from small towns, hamlets, and villas, to large sprawling cities. But you've never been here.
>A population density much larger than Canterlot. Which means when someone turns up missing, no one bats an eye. A perfect environment for you to perform. You wonder why you never set up shop here in the first place. Maybe Celestia wouldn't have found you so easily if you were holed up in the big city.
>But wait. Won't the constant flow of pedestrian traffic hinder your movements? You're the only human in Equestria after all. Not to mention Ms. Sparkle was a 'princess'. So what the hell are you suppose to do?
"Twilight. How exactly are we supposed to move about the city? The streets are fairly crowded, even at night yes?"
>Twilight perks up, excited that you finally get to put plans in motion.
>"I'm glad you asked!" she says beaming.
>For a moment you regret ever asking.
>"This train isn't like most. While we -are- bound for Manehattan, we won't be stepping off at the usual station."
"Then where? Don't tell me we're taking some secret entrance into the city."
>"That's exactly what we're doing!"
>"Under Manehattan is a labyrinth of old subway tunnels and abandoned sewer ways. We're headed for an old transit platform that hasn't been used for fifty years. That'll be our base of operations."
"And we're to use these underground networks as a means to navigate the city without being seen?"
>"That's correct."
"Huh.... I wasn't aware this job would need something so.... Covert."
"Well based on how you did the first time, Celestia thought it best to take precautions so that we limit your time in the open as much as possible. You'll move below ground in pursuit of the target, staying out of sight of innocent bystanders. So that we can avoid an incident like Lady Penelope's son."
>You huff and fold your arms. You're probably not going to live that mistake down.
"And what will you be doing? You're not coming with me, are you?"
>Twilight shakes her head, her mane swaying left to right.
>"We aren't the only one's on this job. There are others waiting for us at the transit platform. Several ponies who specialize in information gathering and intelligence. I'll be working with them and help get you to where you need to go. That way we'll be able to place you in the right place at the right time."
"Can't you just, cast some sort of invisibility spell? I dislike the idea of footing around sewers and unstable tunnels."
>Twilight rolls her eyes, something that seemed extremely natural for her. It manages to piss you off a slight bit.
>"You think I just have that sort of thing on hoof? Things like that take time to prepare, hours of study."
"Then why didn't you do your homework before the job?" you throw her a sideways glance in which she tries to avoid.
>"Well I...." she trails off and sounds unsure of herself. "That doesn't matter. What matters is how we apply the resources available to us."
"Aren't you the supposed Element of Magic or other? That implies you're pretty handy with that wand of yours, yeah?"
>You give Twilight's horn a pluck and she recoils.
>"In any case, you should be able to move about the city with ease like I said." Twilight reiterates, rubbing the length of her horn.
"Right then. Then I'll leave everything to you, so long as you stay out of my way when the time comes."
>"Easy there. Don't get too full of yourself. There's still a chance for error, no matter how carefully you plan."
"Mm, I'll keep that in mind."
>The train trembles as it shifts rails, deviating from the normal railway and heading for a tunnel. Manehattan quickly disappears as your train begins to burrow deep into the ground. Lights flicker by, illuminating your face in intervals of three seconds.
>You find yourself wondering who your target is this time. You start to think about who they might be as a person. What they do for a living, what kind of clothes they wear, how they style their mane. It's always the trivial things that tie your mind down when it comes to victims. You spend the rest of your time thinking about all this.
>Below your feet you can feel the train begin to come to a stop so you stand, grabbing one of the ceiling rails. Your body rocks back and forth in the train as it glides over the rails, slowly halting.
>"Oh and one more thing. Princess Celestia has asked you to be on your best behavior so be nice." Twilight says.
>You scoff. You're not some child, you know perfectly well how to mind your manners. You don't need a reminder.
>Twilight stands and moves past you so that she may access the doors. You join her, waiting for the series of small lights to end and reveal the brightly lit train platform. Before long you arrive at your destination. Outside the train are a few stallions and mares who talk amongst themselves. The platform is almost barren, save for a few nondescript devices and boards.
>The train stops completely and Twilight inhales deeply, her ears still folded down.
"Nervous?" you ask.
>Twilight only holds her head high in response.
>"Of course not."
>The train doors open and you step down
>Looking around, the underground platform looks no different from any other train station. Save for the rocky roof over your head. A team of six comes to meet you. Four mares and two stallions, all of varying colors and body shape. One of the mares is rather cute, a short powder blue mare with glasses. She eyes you from behind her glasses and when you stare back she looks away.
>Each pony takes their turn greeting Twilight and, for obvious reasons, only nodding in your direction. For the first time in a long while you find yourself curious as to what you might look like to them.
>A tall menacing creature with wide maddened eyes, long appendages and almost permanent scowl. As well as an incredible fashion sense.
>Twilight wastes no time getting down to business. Which is rather nice, you didn't enjoy waiting around when there's work to be done. There is a table near the center of the platform, surrounding that table are numerous boards with various maps pasted on them. Highlighted streets and railroads. Some with tacks pressed into them to mark various locations.
>You all take your seats, which are really just pillows. You rest your elbows on your knees as you begin to memorize each of their faces, taking up ever detail you can.
>It is then that Twilight clears her throat and begins to finally deliver the briefing she has withheld from you all this time.
>"We'll be skipping the introductions. The princess doesn't want any of your names on what we're about to do. Keep your identity to yourselves and you may be able to walk away from this cleanly in the event we are found out. And if we are discovered, all responsibility will fall on me. I will shield you as much as I can."
>You look at each pony's face. They all seem glad to hear that; this must be their first shady operation. Twilight continues.
>"Our target is Mr. Peon Hayseed, who is playing as host to a rally in downtown Manehattan."
>Twilight reaches for a bag she brought with her, one that you hadn't even noticed. From the small leather bag she produces a photograph of an aging gray-maned stallion. Heavy bags under his eyes and beard of match striker. A member of the working class through and through.
"As you all know, Anonymous will be our err... hitman. We are to assist him in any way we can. This includes mapping, time coordination, and general information of the area of operation. We'll be assigned codenames, each of you will-"
"Codenames? How are we even going to communicate if I'm above ground and you lot remain here?"
>Your sudden interjection causes the other ponies to jump slightly in their seats. Twilight huffs and shoots you a sideways glance through her mirror-like eyeballs.
>"The codenames are something I added to make this more fun. I'll even let you pick yours, Anonymous. As for communication, we will be using whisperweed. Enchanted blades of grass that let's you communicate verbally over long distances. Isn't that neat?"
>You shrug your elbows, not really impressed. Twilight continues despite your unenthused rebuttal.
>"Sorry, I digressed a bit. Anyway, Peon's rally will be held in an abandoned warehouse down by the docs. Supposedly warehouse C through G. The plan is to do him in as subtly as possible, but knowing our man of the hour, that may not be possible. Regardless, there will be many ideal opportunities to 'whack' him."
>Twilight then points across the table to the mare with glasses.
>"Ms..... Glossary,"
>The mare in question frowns and adjusts her glasses.
>"Uhm, Princess Twilight.. could you maybe change my codename. Glossary doesn't really suit my fancy."
>Twilight stares blankly for a few moments before finally blinking, and then furrowing a brow.
>"What's wrong with Glossary?" she asks.
>"Nothing. Just, I would rather something different. Like Limerick or Pastoral, if we're to keep up the theme of literature."
"Are the naming conventions really following literary themes? That's dumb."
>You fold your arms and throw Twilight an uninterested stare.
>"It's not 'dumb'! You're dumb." Twilight lashes out at you instantly, her cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk.
"What's you're codename then?" you ask.
>Twilight smolders in quiet anger as she reveals the codename she spent so long creating.
>"Biblio..." she mutters meekly.
"You see? That's incredibly dull. If you want the codenames to be fun, you have to allow us to go all out with it. Something like Eagle 1 or Naked Snake."
>You nod to yourself, realizing how right you are.
>Twilight only looks at you flatly.
>"Many would argue that those names are dumb. Now hush." Twilight once again turns her attention to the mare with glasses. "Alright, you'll be Ms. Pastoral. The rest of you will go by Torn Paperback, Light Novelette, Angel's Thesis, HB 1, Sci, and Fi."
>Twilight holds her head high as if she has just made a great accomplishment. Everyone grumbles and shoots each other a look of displeasure, but none of them request to change their name. But you sure as hell aren't going to let her give you any poppycock codename that doesn't even fit you. No, your name has to depict you, represent you in a most appropriate manner.
>Before Twilight can suggest the name "Bible" you pinch her muzzle closed.
"My codename should obviously be something that rightfully describes me. Something that really captures the infinite mystery that is myself."
>Twilight's deadpan stare does little to phase you. You're more concerned with thinking of codenames.
"Something fitting of a monster."
>"In that case I would suggest Lapdog, my monster."
>The air becomes insanely heavy, so much so that you find yourself buckling in on yourself. Hard echoed hoofsteps fly through the air and each pony bows out of reflex, including Twilight.
>It's hot, too hot for what it was a few seconds ago. And if that wasn't enough a hot flash moves across your back, instantly drawing sweat from you.
>She's there, right behind you. You can feel her standing over you and you can almost hear that damned smile plastered across her face.
>"Hello my little ponies." she says aloud. Then you hear her in your ear, her sweet voice flowing into you in a whisper. "Hello, my monster."
>Twilight's the first to rise, putting on her biggest smile and widening her eyes to the size of saucers.
>"Princess Celestia! I thought you weren't supposed to be in Manehattan until tomorrow."
>Now that Twilight has risen, the rest return to their hooves and give a collective exhale. You however are motionless.
>Twilight rushes past you to recieve hug from Celestia.
>"True that my being here is a bit unexpected. But I figured that if I was coming anyway, I may as well stop by a bit earlier to pay you all a visit. I hope the human is on his best behavior?"
>You snap out of your trance and whirl around to look at the tall white mare. Her wings are spread wide to make herself appear bigger and it's definitely working. She seems to tower over you just like she always does.
"I'm not a child. And I won't be referred to as "the human". I have a name and I expect you to use it."
>You begin to stand but find yourself halt. Something in your legs is resisting you, hindering you from standing. Instead of bringing you to your feet, they instead bring you to your knees. Without your input your body bows to the princess even though you try your hardest to fight it.
>"Show your respect and bow before your sovereign." her voice is a bit more stern. More authoritative than usual.
"I would have bowed! Most likely."
>Celestia ignores you. She takes her time looking over the team of ponies gathered.
>"I trust you all will aid my two friends to the best of your abilities?"
>Each pony nods, adopting proud smiles. Eager to please, eager to not disappoint.
>"That pleases me. You're all providing a great service for the nation. Each of you prove to be true patriots and will always be remembered as such."
>Celestia offers a smile to each of them, a smile that warms each of the hearths of their hearts.
>"You are all working towards a greater good that will secure your future, as well as your children's, and the many generations to come. It all starts here. With ponies like you, willing to throw yourselves into the line of service to your princess. There aren't many who I owe a debt to, but now I shall add you to the list."
>You spy Twilight shiver next to her former teacher. A twisted wicked smile curls the corners of her mouth and her eyes seemed to glaze over. She's beaming with absolute adoration for Celestia. You can somewhat sympathize with that.
>Celestia's gaze then trains on you again. Her eyes are hungry, starving even as they plat burrow into you.
>"Enjoy yourself tonight. Have fun in what you do. And if it pleases me, you will be rewarded."
>The marking on your chest begins to glow faintly and you do your best to conceal it.
>Celestia's massive wing brushes over your cheek, her feathers tickling your face as they gentle glide along the surface.
>"All of you do me proud. You know what waits for you should you fail."
>It's then that you notice everyone cast their eyes to the floor, avoid Celestia. The hell does that mean?
>You move to ask but you're interrupted by her horn shinning incredibly bright. Her form seemed to fade from the world around you, making her appear translucent.
>"Oh and I almost forgot. Peon Hayseed is not your only target. I have decided that it would be best if you eliminated any and all participants of his rallies. Find some way to get rid of them all at once. This is most preferred."
>With that last bit Celestia is gone within an instant, leaving you all standing around glad you can finally breath again.
>It's a long silence before Twilight speaks up.
>"Let's go over the plan."
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>Something like Eagle 1 or Naked Snake
That's it for today, gonna close out with these sick dubs. Hope you guys liked it.
end of this part?
Currently taking a shot at that R63 Celestia denial that was being discussed last week.
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>R63 Celestia
It's been too long.
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Is Tia missing wings?
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That's a smoothback princess.
Great update. Anon's theory about different kinds of monsters always gains my interest. I can see you put an effort into describing the characters' psychology, and you do it well. The parts with Celestia usually give me boners, and this one was no exception.
Needless to say, keep going.
>She leaves Twilight in charge
>You think it's going to be a "Twilight sucks at thing and shouldn't change stuff" episode moral
>Twilight actually approaches the problems with a new perspective and very efficiently cuts through a lot of bureaucracy.
>Celestia returns and the kingdom is running so damned smoothly she gets a little annoyed.
>Twilight and Celestia actually get into an argument about how to do things, both Celestia raising her voice and Twilight actually standing up to her once mentor.

It'll never happen.
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>Only tells Luna
>casts a spell to make her look like regular poni
>looking forward to 'mingling with her subjects'
>Ends with "Dear Princess Me,..."
Apparently so, but I didn't notice until now. I blame lazy animators. She appears so rarely they even forgot how to draw her.
Be happy it wasn't Luna and a talking table.
How long until Hasjew decides they don't even want to use stock art of her anymore and just puts her face in the sun.
Not even gonna challenge you on that because I 100% believe what you said is going to come true.
>animating is too expensive lol, gotta cut corners where you can
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I remember the origins of that. Are you by any chance frequenting C4 now? I haven't really followed anything past the original thread
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The fuck? No.
I would ask what that is but I don't care.
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Not him, but I am. Actually I was the OP of two of those threads. But we're pretty dead now.
Here's the other pic.
bretty good
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>Aeons ago

>I'm alone.
>I've always been alone.
>That's how it feels.
>Emptiness stretches out around me,
>cold, silent blackness above and below.
>Time passes.
>There's no way to know how much.
>I don't want to be alone anymore.
>I summon my power and a star springs into being.
>More magic
>I create a planet, beautiful and blue.
>Sunlight glimmers off the water and high cloud-tops.
>Eventually I descend, and call land from the waves.
>It makes me happy, but I can do better!
>Mountains, and praries, islands and rivers!
>Sometimes I form them myself,
>but most of the time, I let the processes I set in motion do the shaping.
>Eventually, I am satisfied.
>I take pieces of my world and shape them further.
>Some please me, and some don't.
>Eventually, I create a kind I like more than all the others:
>4 legs, hooves, a tail and mane.
>It's pleasing. So much so that I adopt it myself,
>twisting and molding my own shape to mimic it.
>Larger, of course, to suit my majesty.
>I give life to my creations and scatter them across my new world.
>Now it's time to wait.
>Eventually, some will be born with the potential to ascend.
>I'll find them, and guide them, and when they are ready,
>I will help them through apotheosis.
>Then, I won't be alone anymore.
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>Present Day

>Sunset was right, I hadn't made her an alicorn,
>but I hadn't made Twilight one either.
>I'd merely given them the seed of divinity, as I had a few others,
>and tried to guide them in a way it would sprout true.
>Sunset had so much potential, but she'd never had patience.
>She'd left before I could make her understand,
>and still carried the seed within her.
>That made her dangerous.
>Very, very dangerous.
>If it grew while she still harbored so much darkness the results would be terrifying.
>Even in that banal world she now inhabited, her powers would be immense.
>Made even more formidible by being the only magic there.
>It would be much the same as if Nightmare Moon had usurped my throne.
>I can not let that happen!
>But what to do?
>She won't come back, and even if she did, she would still be the same corrupted unicorn.
>How can I save her?
>I look down on the ponies preparing for the upcoming Princess Summit.
>They'd soon be on their way to the Crystal Empire, and I'd follow at my leisure.
>An idea forms.
>Sunset didn't know the origin of my "sister" Luna,
>or how close Starswirl had come to ascending himself.
>But Sunset does know about Cadance, and what she used to be.
>She doesn't know about Twilight, or Twilight's ascension, or her crown.
>But what if she did?
>I return to the book and levitate my quill.
>I close my eyes and summon all my knowledge of both ponies.
>I'll only have one chance to get this right.
>I compose the letter in my mind again and again.
>Eventually, my eyes open, and I begin to write.
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>Celestia's face when TMM updated after a 2 year hiatus
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Nigga, fuck you, page 8
Make sure we don't fuckin die overnight.
11am here. We won't.
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No worries, thread still lives at 5 AM
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We made it through the night. Vigilant anons had it in hand, as they always do.
So lifeless.
Just have to wait for the coffee to start hitting, anon
Silly Anon, it's always day somewhere.

Speaking of which, have you considered moving to the north pole?
No fucking thanks, anon. It would be great to spend a summer day or winter night up there, but stay for longer than a week? Nah familia, that ain't my thing
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>"Oh Anonymous, i-it's not so bad here if you just ignore the -60 below temperatures. Atleast it's sunny!"
>"And you even have aurora borealis!"
>'Actually that's what a hole in the o-zone layer looks like.'
Couple of one-post greens here: >>27119556
>The green attached to that picture on DB
My fucking heart. It's adorable.
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Considering I suffer in anything above 15 degrees, I'd take the -60.

At least in our winter, 6 months of darkness is kinda scary even for a moonfag
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>"Anonymous, I fucking SWEAR, if you throw that ball you WILL know the meaning of sufferi-"
>'Fine, gosh, no need to bite my head off over someth-GOGETIT!'
that comic arc had a huge potential, possibly more than a lot of episodes. It could have been soooo much better.
The whole 'alternate universe where everything is backwards' gimmick isn't a good starting place. Where things are different? Still not my thing, but I can run with that. Playing everything as the literal opposite, however, shockingly limits your options for character development: Now you're forced to cleave to very specific character interpretations, without any material supporting them.
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Going to be a hot one in Commiefornia today.
Steamy one in Joisey today too. Well, not that hot in absolute terms, but hot for the end of April.
>The whole 'alternate universe where everything is backwards' gimmick isn't a good starting place
That was actually one of the flaws. It could have been a good starting point only if the writers were really good. Alternate universes can be a really interesting setting, but they easily become predictable if they're not thought out well, and in this case it was probably just out of the writers' reach to do such thing.
The potential I was referring to was about the occasion to have some character development for her, even in comparison to her evil counterpart, as well as finally getting to see Starswirl and a bit of olden Equestria history.
Ah, okay. I won't deny that.
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Do you agree with this?
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I accept this.
Perfect size. I always thought normal ponies would reach a human's waist in height, but Celestia is bigger. That size should maximize the cuddling area. And I want to cuddle her so badly
>dick not at butt level
Celestia a best at any size.
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There you go.
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Both of these would be alright with me
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Not as serious as yours, I fear.
Describe the pliability and form of Celly's butt
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It's like kinetic sand but in alive pillow form.
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It's firm, with just enough fat to jiggle when she walks, but not enough to make it look like a balloon filled with cottage cheese and puke scraped up from the bathroom floor of a frat house on a saturday morning. So its probably very nice.
Twilight Sparkle will be no longer a princess in the season finale.
They're finally doing something right.
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Why isn't she real.
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>You will never feel how soft Celestia is.
>You will feel her warm, cozy body rub against you.
>You will never wrap Celestia with your arms and brace her for the night.
>You will never feel Celestia's warm gentle kisses.
>And more importantly, You will never walk into the kitchen and see Celestia cooking breakfast

What's the point
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Its okay, have a song.
>You are Anonymous.
>With what else but fucking magic, you're able to run a laptop with fully functioning internet (connected to Earth, nonetheless) inside the royal Canterlot Castle.
>Today, you were doing what else but browsing the Celestia thread that was up.
>You thought it was funny that you lived with the very pony all these anons salivated over.
>Soon you'd be in /moon/, too, and the feeling would double.
>But you never did show Celestia or Luna the wonders of /mlp/.
>"What point would there be?" you'd always reasoned.
>But today...
>Today was different.
>"Describe the pliability and form of Celly's butt" one post said.
>Three anons replied, each with their own explanations.
>And it just...
>It was too hard to resist.
>So here you were, carrying your laptop around the castle as guards saluted your passing at their posts.
>You held back some chuckles at the thought of showing Celestia what people thought of her big sunbooty.
>It was a quarter after two, so she'd be out of court by now.
>You knew where she was now. It was her routine.
>Opening the door to the library, you found her exactly where she was every other day.
>First table to the left, in the chair at the end, reading a book.
>How would you ease her into this?
>You approach the princess, watching her as you do.
>She doesn't even notice.
>What a book she must be sunk into.
>Setting your laptop on the table, you slowly raise your hand, planning to smack the table and shock her.
>Her eyes continue scanning the pages.
>Your hand swings to hit the wooden object...and never lands.
>"Nice try, Anonymous."
>The cuff of your sleeve is held in place by a golden aura.
"You're too good at noticing things."
>"When you like playing tricks and have a sister vengeful enough to try and repay them, you learn to keep your eyes peeled."
>She lets go of your sleeve while also putting a bookmark on the page she left off at.
>"So, what did you need, Anonymous?"
>The laptop is scooted closer to her.
"Ever wonder what some weirdos think of you?"
>She arches an eyebrow.
>"What do you mean? I'm certain my subjects respect me greatly."
>You snicker.
"I meant how you look."
>She cocks her head and looks herself over.
>"Is something wrong with my appearance today?"
>She could be adorably obtuse sometimes.
>Best to just show her the posts.
"Never mind, I've got some reading material for you, scholar."
>You make sure the specific post you want her to read is highlighted.
>"Oh, reading material? But this is that," she briefly pauses, trying to remember something, "'laptop' of yours, if I recall correctly. I wouldn't know how to use it."
"It's fine, just read what I'm showing you."
>You push it further towards her, and she squints, reading the words presented to her.
>She mouths the words before lurching slightly, a blush forming on her face.
"They like your butt, Celly."
>You scroll down, showing her a couple of the replies.
>"I-I'm not sure I want to read anymore."
"Relax, princess. Go ahead and read."
>She frowns, leaning forward again.
>"Like kinetic sand but in pillow form. Firm, with just enough fat to JIGGLE!?"
>Celestia quickly glances at her rear.
>She wiggles it slightly, but apparently isn't displeased with what she finds, letting out a sigh of relief."
>Then she returns to reading and gasps at what she sees next. "Perfectly ROUND!?" she scans through the rest of the post, taking in the rest of the info about her warm cutie marks, silky fur, soft, smooth, fluffy, firm, and perfect butt.
>Her jaw almost hits the table.
>"Who are these ponies?"
>You chuckle.
"You mad at them for speaking of you in such a way? I could totally trace their IPs and-"
>"N-no, not angry. I just want to know why they're pining for such an old lady as myself. And how they could come up with such...descriptive ways to talk of my rear."
>She sits in silence, a reddened face and scrunchy snout signifying her embarrassment.
"...so you still want me to trace them?"
>"I suppose you could. I'd like to have a word with these ponies."
>You'd like to see them spill their spaghetti about her butt in person.

(Skip to 0:07 if the embed doesn't take you to it).

>>27122628 here.
>"I suppose you could. I'd like to have a word with these ponies."
Fucking trace me already. We'll have some delicious spaghetti together. My body is ready.
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She knows she's beautiful.
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>c1300 years ago

>I follow Luna through the cool air.
>It's always cool at this height, among the clouds.
>She'd woken up early this afternoon and asked me to come with her;
>to a meadow high up on Canterlot Mountain,
>with a large piece of gneiss jutting over the valley below.
>It's honeycombed with tunnels and passages, and had been an active jewel-mine in her youth.
>Now depleted, and abandoned.
>I know she visits from time to time.
>This time we're together
>We set down in the grass and make our way to the pond
>A beautiful, pure thing fed by a waterfall
>We sup and bathe, talk and play,
>then, as the time for night draws close,
>make our way to the tip of Canterlot Rock.
>A gentle breeze blows, and insects softly buzz in the flowers.
>I lay down and look out on my kingdom
>A contented sigh escapes my lips
>I smile
>"Surely there is no pony so lovely, and so well beloved as I."
>Luna laughs a little bit
>"What a thing to say, Sister!"
>"There's no harm in telling the truth, little sister."
>"We do not say it doth harm. We merely observe that...modesty hath never been among thy virtues."
>I say nothing and look out
>She's right, of course. But why should I be modest?
>The ponies are here to serve me.
>No, not me: us!
>At long last my dream is fulfilled!
>Another pony was born: gifted and beautiful!
>I taught her and trained her and eventually, gave her the spark of divinity.
>Not long ago, she blew that spark to flames and became an Alicorn.
>My very first!
>My dear Princess Luna;
>my sister from that day forth!
>But still so young;
>eventually she'll learn the ponie's proper place:
>beneath us.
>"We haven't offended thee, have we?"
>Now it's my turn to laugh
>"No you have not."
>"Good. We would not be pleased to have soured the mood."
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>A gorgeous smile spreads across her face.
>"We hath prepared a spectacle of such majesty!"
>"This is why we hath asked thee to come:"
>"this is our favorite place in all the land, and we wish thou to savor it with us."
>I smile and lower the sun
>"Show us, little sister."
>She closes her eyes and channels her magic
>The moon rises
>Her eyes open, and she lays down beside me
>The soft light from her horn casts our shadow on the rock
>"Keep watching the sky!"
>Stars pop into being
>flashing silver and blue and red against the black
>then fading to steady twinkles
>shooting stars fall like rain
>brilliant streaks sheeting together from right to left
>Suddenly, it occurs to me the streaks are falling in formation
>taking the shapes of gryphons, dragons, minotaurs, and of course, ponies.
>They burn out as they reach the rows of new stars
>Falling in sequence so as to seem to walk along them:
>A road of stars with meteor-creatures dancing along it.
>Eventually the creatures reach the glowing orb of the moon and vanish.
>Then the star road winks out
>one by one until the moon alone remains.
>I nuzzle, and lean against her
>"That was beautiful sister."
>"We are glad thou appreciated it."
>"We wanted thou to know thy decision to grant us demense over the night was a propper one."
>I lay my head atop her shoulders
>"I had no doubts before sister, now I doubt I ever will."
>She smiles and looks at me askance
>"Good. As the beauty of mine nights becomes known, thou will rememebr not to become *too* jealous."
>I summon a mildly biting look and stare into her eyes
>"Sorry it has to be this way, princess, but the day will always outshine the night."
>Then raise my snout to the sky, letting my pink tresses fall between us
>A moment passes
>then two
>Have I hurt her more than I intended?
>At last she laughs
>"Just as we have said; modest as the sun itself!"
>She resumes our lean and we pass the night together.
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Pic related is closer to what I assume - maybe 5'10, 6' at the top of her head. Your pic is pretty good too, though: She looks just tall enough to tuck her head underneath your chin when you hug her.
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Human height.jpg
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hell no
>maximum NO
Celestia 1.8m
Solar bump
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dat mane
I really want Celestia to be my waifu, but there's just not enough of her in the show to justify her being my favorite, I'm conflicted /mlp/, help.
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With an attitude like that, you don't deserve her anyway.
Y-you too she's still the best Princess
Anon, if there is still doubt, you haven't yet found your waifu. Search with an honest and open heart and you will know her when you see her. You can still praise the sun as you please.
Fresh outta the draw thread.
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Sunbutt, what are you doing on Page 6? Get back up there, silly goose.
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hot in hurr.gif
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I been really tryin', baby
Tryna' hold back these feelings for so long
Reminds me of this http://pastebin.com/gR6LYAEn
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You're giving me nostalgia anon. I'll have to rewrite that some time.
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Wrote something.

>There’s a certain despair in murder.
>A terror that comes straight from your heart like fire, a rush of emotions beyond any real understanding except knowing that it hurts you.
>It’s welling up inside you now, welling like the blood out of Celestia’s wounds.
>The Princess of the Sun, so high and mighty, so majestic and magical.
>So royal, wise and benevolent.
>Possessed of a kindness more vast than all of the world.
>And here she lies.
>“Laid low.”
>Celestia hacks and coughs those two words out.
>Each word sends a spray of blood out from the multiple punctures in her long and slender neck.
>The crimson stains Celestias’ pure white fur and pools around her on the marble floor.
>There’s an especially terrible flow of blood pouring from the ragged gaping hole in Princess Celestias’ chest, just below the gorgeous nape of her neck, straight through her golden necklace.
>You know that hole goes deep, all the way to her heart.
>You know because you’re the one who made it, and you’re the one holding Celestia’s heart in your hand.
>It’s still beating as strong as it ever has, not fast, not slow.
>Steady, powerful.
>Tears run down your face at the vile thought that it was once reassuring, nothing could be reassuring anymore.
>Nothing could be warm.
>You’d just torn all the warmth away, tossed all of the world’s blankets out into the cold and the snow.
>You’d roused all the children from their sleep so that they may be cruelly baptised in the unholy frozen waters of the night.
>You had become death.
>You had become the cold.
>Princess Celestia is looking up at you with just one piercing eye, the other you gouged out with your foot an hour or so prior.
>An hour? A minute?
>Time was fuzzy.
>You met Celestia’s gaze and saw that it was filled with pity and tenderness rather than anger or pain.
>She smiled, wiping the blood from her lips.
>Your knees failed you and you fell to them, still crying as you watched Princess Celestia stand up.
>Celestia shook and shivered every step of the way, wracked by pain.
>You could feel her heart beat harder against your palm.
>But she stood up.
>”It’s… Alright…”
>You tried to smile back at her.
>Instead you cried even harder, you could barely see her anymore your vision was so clouded by tears.
>You put on a brave face and wiped your tears aside to see Princess Celestia clearly.
>She was moving towards you now, hobbling on the twisted mess of her right hind leg.
>The hole in Celestia’s chest was a wellspring of gore, pouring out viscera and blood every time she leaned forward even slightly.
>Celestia came to a stop before you, peering down at you with that same beautiful gaze she always spared for you.
>Smiling, Celestia wrapped her fore hooves and her one good wing around you in a hug.
>You could feel the blood from her chest wound against your own chest, soaking through your shirt instantly.
>It was still warm, Princess Celestias’ grasp was warm.
>Celestias’ feathers danced along your back, her ragged breaths whispered by your ear.
>Her heart had slowed again, back to its normal strong and steady cadence.
>Shivering from the chill you felt deep in your bones, you wrapped your arms around Celestia and hugged her back.
>Your free hand pressed into her fur and your other hand pressed Celestia’s own heart against her barrel gently.
>You knew that Celestia was still warm, but you couldn’t feel it at all.
>All you could feel was cold, sadness, despair and the beating of her heart.
>A cruel teasing thing, to be so close and yet so far.
>You closed your eyes.
>”It’s alright.”
>Your eyes opened.
>Down the hall, standing half in a shadow, you saw Princess Luna.
>Her eyes were locked firmly on yours, her expression inscrutable.
>You blinked.
>And woke up, staring up at the dark purple canopy of the four poster bed you were lying in.
>Another blink as reality started to creep back in.
>A dream, a nightmare.
>Just a nightmare.
>You sighed and wiped the tears from your eyes.
>It was warm underneath the covers, you could feel the warmth coming off of the one you lied with.
>Celestia shifted in her sleep, turning her head to face you.
>Her eyes opened slowly, orbs of magenta took you in curiously.
>Celestia blinked and smiled, planting a kiss on your lips.
>You could feel the warmth there too, exchanged.
>Princess Celestia turned her whole body around now, all four hooves touched you.
>She swept her mane out of her eyes.
>”What was it about?”
>You looked away and over her head to the night sky outside the window.
“You and me, we hugged.”
>Celestia giggled, not a courtly giggle, but a real and soft one.
>The sort of one only you heard.
>”Was it warm?”
>…You met Celestia’s eyes.
>And put on your smile.
>Letting out an old chuckle from its forlorn cage, you pulled Celestia into a hug.
“Not as warm as this one.”
>There was a pair of turquoise eyes at the window, they were locked on your green ones, staring.
>You felt cold.
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Done. Hope you enjoyed.

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/FLb0k11S
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That first part hurt more than I want to admit.
>You felt cold.
Now, that and a couple of other details make me think this story is somehow related to that other oneshot you made a while ago... I don't know how they could be connected, but there's definitely something in common.
She the typa' princess to eat gummi bears two at a time so they don't die alone
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>Anon has recurring nightmares of being the one to betray/kill Celestia
>Both this and the previous story were nightmares
>He isn't sure if they're his own, or being given to him
Well, that's a horrifying thought.
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>Hope you enjoyed.
I don't know if I could ever enjoy anything ever again after that. It feels like you've torn something important and wholesome from my very soul. Never stop.

Maybe it happened before the first one shot? All of the stuff is really reminiscent too. All the talk about warmth and cold plus the turquoise eyes. And anon's eyes are green in this one too.
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>”Anonymous, please we beg you to stop!”
>”It hurts! Please no more!”
>The other ponies in the throne room and the guards stood speechless, unable to comprehend what they were a witness to.
>You were upset, Celestia ate the piece of cake you set aside a day ago from the fridge. Now you were giving her, her due punishment.
>Each time your hand came down on her rump, it jiggled softly, her cries went ignored as your hand came down again and again while she you held her firmly over your knee.
>”I’m sorry I took your cake!”
>You guess it was enough. Setting her down you got up and brushed your suit off.
“Well then, I think you’ve learned a valuable lesson today.”

Be Celestia
>Why must you always resort to this charade, why couldn’t you just tell him you liked getting spanked.
>She knows she's beautiful.
And you know what? It's why I love her.

None of that frilly frou-frou 'woe is me, for heavy is the weight of the crown' nonsense; Celestia is large and in charge, loves her job, and is frankly very good at it.

...requiring only the occasional thoughtful slice of something fresh from the oven, not too often to make a whole -thing- of, but just to show appreciation.

And occasional cuddles, when the moment's right and she's been an especially good pony. Yes.
>Princess Celestia coughs up a book at the autism meet.webp
Fuck you. I can't unsee it now.
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I see it.
best bump
So what happened to Helianon? He had an ongoing story, if I recall.
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>The Crystal Empire
>Present Day

>The thing about Twilight is, she's not my apprentice.
>She never has been.
>Oh she's my student,
>and the most talented magic user I've ever encountered in my long life.
>I love her dearly.
>But she isn't like me;
>she's like my sister, Luna.
>Sunset though, is me.
>Younger, less magically potent, but so much like me it borders on the incredible.
>Her confidence, her power, her bearing and wit.
>Very much like I once was.
>Which is probably why I did it;
>gave her the seed before she was ready.
>I was sure, because I saw so much of myself in her.
>She needed guidence and temperance, but surely she could not fail?
>*I* could not fail.
>Not again.
>But I did.
>I learned from the mistake, and was able to turn Twilight in time,
>but I am the sun, and my sister the night.
>Sunset, too is the sun, and Twilight the night;
>there must be both.
>So here I am, about to risk everything I've accomplished:
>millions of lives, millennia of pony-history
>and the unknowable expanses of time since I created the world.
>All for the sake of one lost unicorn.
>And it's worth it.
>Because she has the potential to be so much more.
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>The mirror has been moved to a room close to Princess Twilight's.
>I have reduced the guard compliment.
>Now I wait, cloaked and obscured in my most potent magics.
>Even my dear sister would be hard-pressed to detect me.
>A flash of light tells me she's arrived
>I watch her stealthily creep among the corridors.
>Not stealthily enough!
>A bit of my subtle magic here and there ensures the guards don't spot her.
>How easy it would be to catch her now!
>But, she must be saved, not merely stopped.
>Oh Twilight, forgive me.
>You're a princess, and so, immortal; one day you'll be a goddess too.
>Then you'll understand.
>At last she finds what she's looking for.
>The Element of Magic rises in the darkness.
>This seems an opportune moment;
>I give the tiara a little push into the lamp.
>Damn it to Tartarus, she caught it!
>Well, let's try again;
>a touch of magic,
>Spike rolls in his sleep,
>Sunset trips,
>and the chase is on!
>A little magic to amplify the noise
>Now all the ponies are involved!
>Galloping and teleporting,
>all the way to the mirror,
>No! Twilight caught her!
>Sunset won't give up, especially with this incentive;
>I bounce the crown from one surface to the next,
>and finally, through the mirror.
>Sunset frees herself and turns,
>victory scrawled across her perfect face.
>"Sorry it had to be this way,"
>a smirking salute
>My jaw drops, and she's gone.
>I've often heard ponies invoke my name.
>But who does a goddess pray to?
>She's so very much like me.
>I hope I'm not making another terrible mistake.
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That pic always reminds me of homer with that old sub he refused to throw out. Celly would totally refuse to throw out really old cake.
Goddammit anon, now I'm smiling. You sunfags are great, and I'm proud to praise the sun with the likes of you.
That's not 'baby bump', which is objectively best Celestia bump
It's 1pm here. A pleasant sunny day. Almost feels like summer.
what day is it? sunday right?
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Throw out your cares and fly~
You think she knows how to play the 'what?huh?' game?
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You, fucking janitor who deleted my post. Commit suicide immediately. Here's a friendly repost, just to trigger your autism
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I prefer then the head of ponies is similar to that of humans and the body appropriately proportioned.
Big, balloon heads, are off-putting.

That'd put Celestia waist-high and most ponies around the knees.
It's a result of how large the eyes are - the heads always look odd directly face-on to fit them in.

That said, that specific scale poster way exaggerates how large her head is. See pic related - it's actually slightly narrower than her body, rather than wider than it.
fuck off trollpicker
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Let your head be free
Turn the wisdom key
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You can go back sucking scruffy's dick any time, anon. Maybe that way you won't have your posts deleted for literally no reason by his faggot squad.
Aww. Perfect for cuddles, and a snout just waiting its super-special secret boops.
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I want to bury my face in princess Celestia's fluffy chest while she is laying on top of me. I want to hug her and never let her go.
>tfw it will never happen
why even live?
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p10 never ever
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>This is what you’ve been reduced to, back on earth you were an engineer. You helped design some machines that would blow anything they call technology here out of the water.
>And now you were nothing more than a massage therapist.
>Your recurring assignment, to give Princess Celestia tummy rubs because she ate all the cake.
>Not just all of one cake, we’re talking about every single pastry delight in the castle and outlying area.
>How? You don’t even want to know, but she did and judging by the different colored frosting still sticking to her snout, the cakes never even stood a chance.
>Yeah yeah, drama queen. Your hand resumed the rubbing motion on the snow white tummy, and with a bit of satisfaction you saw the mare relax on the bed.
>There was a bright side, with how much you charged you’d be adding that jacuzzi to your house sooner than you ever thought.
>Normally you’d end up charging twenty to twenty bits an hour, but since you had to travel and not use the clinic room you charged just a bit more.
>Besides the royals were loaded, not like they would care how much the bill came to.
>”Ugh…. Buuuurp!”
>Yup this is definitely paying for the nicest Jacuzzi you can get your hands on.
>>”Ugh…. Buuuurp!”
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>Castle of the Two Sisters
>c1100 years ago

>"Here ye, here ye! All who gather, stand and bear witness!"
>Luna's Royal voice booms through the great hall.
>I gesture with my horn and all eyes fall on the Grand Door.
>As it opens my orchestra begins to play.
>A grand tune, full of triumph and honor!
>A lone unicorn stands tall, aged though he is,
>and proudly marches down the carpet toward us.
>All eyes follow him
>Not a trace of contempt or loathing on any of their faces.
>Stallions belong in the bedroom or the fields.
>That's the way it has been for as long as I could remember.
>They had said it to his face at first,
>when as a foal his magical talents began to outshine those of any mare.
>Then quietly, behind his back,
>when I decided to teach him.
>Now, they don't say it at all.
>Some of the other stallions even seek educations of their own.
>He stops before us, kneels, and smiles.
>Awed by us, of course, but also,
>by the sun and moon visible through the windows.
>Sharing the sky.
>Luna's idea.
>An appropriate display for one who has saved Equestria!
>The music fades, and Luna speaks again:
>"Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of"
>"Starswirl the Bearded,"
>We do appoint him a Hero of Equestria!"
>"To be known as such from this day forth,"
>"and I do strictly direct and require all ponies"
>"to render appropriate respect thereunto."
>Her echos slowly die.
>My turn to speak
>"Starswirl the Bearded, Hero of Equestria."
>"For recognizing and defeating the Three Beasts of Song,"
>"receive this medal!"
>He rises to all fours and I place a Royal Seal around his neck,
>borne on a chain of solid gold.
>"Stand and be recognized!"
>he turns, and as one they all bow to him.
>I let him savor his moment.
>"Now, Hero of Equestria, speak!"
>"Name your reward. If it is within my power, you shall have it."
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>Canterlot Meadow
>that night

>Luna and I lie together, looking over our kingdom.
>"Why did you do it Celestia?"
>"Sister, please..."
>"We are not really sisters. Answer us."
>My dear sister is angry and embarrassed that the ponies still revere my days more than her nights.
>She has been for some time.
>But since the ceremony, she's turned frigid as ice, and now she says this?
>Luna; petulent and puerile even after all these years.
>But I will not rise to it.
>I will be an example to her, as I am to every pony.
>Eventually, she will realize how base her behavior is.
>I sigh
>"It was what he asked for."
>"But another, like us?"
>"He isn't an Alicorn yet, Sister."
>"He has a great deal to learn before the seed sprouts, if it does at all."
>A roll of her eyes
>"We know that, Celestia. We worked long and hard before our own took root."
>She lets out an incredulous laugh
>"But, Celestia, what will you do if it does? Send him to rule one of our protectorates?"
>I consider for a moment. "He isn't a mare..."
>"That's right Celestia, he isn't a mare. They won't accept him."
>"They'll play along. To his face, and ours, but nowhere else."
>My sister's words are sharp, and flung with annoyance.
>Why does she behave so?
>"He is not a mare, but I believe the job would suit him."
>Luna's expression changed to disbelief.
>"They will mock him, and maybe you too. It is no fault of his own,"
>"but his appointment will undermine our legitmacy in their eyes."
>Her expression darkens, and she glares at me.
>"But you know this, Celestia, don't you?
>I raise my nose and let my gaze ooze down upon her.
>"Meaning what, Sister?
>"You are no fool Celestia."
>A strange look flits across her face
>"But neither are we!"
>Her voice cracks
>"You think we have failed. You think us delinquent in our duty of the night."
>"You seek to replace us! To make him steward of moon and stars in our stead!"
>That's it?
>Oh how she is truly, my *little* sister.
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This is 10 posts, enough to fill a block on pastebin, so here it is, if anyone is reading. "Students of Heaven" is this story, "A Blueberry and Her Greenery" is one done for /Trixie/ a little while ago.

>charging money to rub Celly Belly
There's a line between not doing things you are good at for free and Heresy.
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Are we ever gonna get momlestia wincest ever?
Thanks anon. Made me smile.
Page 7, solar bump Mk. 2
>tfw celestial waifu
>tfw find qt pink baker Earth pony pleasing to the eye
Suggest a threesome.
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>violently pink is pleasing to the eye
Don't worry, I found some help for you.
>Momlestia wincest
This is something i didn't know I wanted to badly
Where have you been the past like 1.5 years? We have monthly Momlestia threads, you know. The next one is supposed to be here tomorrow.
Aww, I couldn't do that to Celestia: it'd tear her apart. I'll just stew in my garbage person skin and bear the shame of being a bad husbando.
>The next one is supposed to be here tomorrow
Actually is already here. Kilovanon anticipated me. Get in there mom fags.

for you: http://pastebin.com/C8DnvwBw
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>Celestia, wings poised just so, radiates alpha-mare dominance
>a golden glow rotates Pinkie into the air, shamelessly parting her hindlegs and allowing her tail to swing downward
>you grasp a handful of flesh, hoist her stout, surprisingly powerful ankles over your sholders, and accept your Princess' gift
>Celestia leisurely trots over and brushes a strand of mane from her subject's muzzle, meeting her eyes in an almost maternal gesture
>before standing and regally lowering her haunches onto Pinkie's snout
>Celestia rolls her hips, oblivious to the sounds - pleasure, protest, who knows - coming from the pink one below
>and although this pony is hardy, obviously fertile, and copious of flesh: this is not your Princess
>this base-born, Earth pony commoner is not royalty
>Celestia lifts your chin, and as always, her judgement is correct and wise
>the way her muscles, powerful yet refined, shift and twitch underneath her coat with every forceful thrust of her hips, mesmerises you
>the massive royal wings, taut and perfectly arched, engross you
>yet still, the gaze of millennia reminds you of a love patient beyond words; large enough for a kingdom, yet intimate enough for a single anonymous avatar
>Celestia's gentle, affectionate smooch, trailing up and nipping at your ear, is enough

>presently a Guard deals with the Sugarcube Corner representative; Pennymoney handles the annual monarchical flat-rate discount paperwork
>and as always, Celestia remains an enigma - wrapped in pleasantly vanilla-scented chessboard analogies
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Free belly rubs don't pay the bills
Then she's not your waifu.
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anton c.gif
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You might just prefer a younger version of Cellybeans.
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No. It's going to 404, the real one will be made tomorrow. Fuck that retarded namefag.
That thread is fine, anon. I was the one who proprosed tomorrow as the start date, but it has been made properly with title, number and archive, so I don't see why we should let it 404. I was going to put an updated version of the archive with more links, but I'm still working on it, so I'll just post it in the next thread if I'll be the one to start it.
This Magic Moment was actually updated.
Everyone keeps reposting that same story
We need fresh green

/r/ing a story about celestia being an adoptive mother to anon who she's raised since he was like a little kid and now he is like 19 and is hyper horny and has already tried (and failed) to get laid but its caused him social and school trouble, and celestia is afraid that hes gonna get into legal trouble eventually, so she starts "taking care" of him to deal with it

Shes not into it at all, maybe down the line she starts to but in the beginning shes not at all
She also really emphasizes she is doing it out of "love" because she has that stupid "sex should go with love" idea and she wants anon to associate sex with love

That pic related >>27146046
that story is so degenerate I can barely stand the idea
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Write it then.
Threads already up, knock yourself out.
past editions of /mom/ have gone just fine without any sexual greens, you've been pretty vocal about it for awhile now.
I'm not in most of the threads but every now and then I pop in and pitch the idea
Take your smut somewhere else, Celly is pure.
>that story is so degenerate I can barely stand the idea
Kek. That's why we have separate threads.

Dubs confirm. The sexual stuff in concentrated in the first threads, though it is sometimes reposted in the new ones.

see >>27146771
Time to make a choice m8
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these threads have fallen so far from their former glory
Fuck you, page 8
Wasted opportunity for Celestiarmour :/
damn, I know it's probably intentional but with celestias silly prey eyes she was able to see she was completely surrounded before picking a precise spell to deal with the situation.
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any writefags close to postin?
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I hope so
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Princess Celestia is cute.
I wanna sit under the stars a warm summernight, her wings covering us both, and telling stories about our worlds. Then we go inside and snuggle until we fall asleep
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I'm glad to hear it, but we're not done yet!

>I soften my gaze
>"Sister, I..."
>"Do not deny it! How strange that you would choose a male,"
>"but his name is so convenient, isn't it? 'Starswirl'."
>She spat it out like a rotten apple.
>Her eyes narrow.
>Then, she whispers so quietly no pony but myself would have been able to hear her:
>"It's to humiliate us, isn't it? That's why you chose a stallion."
>"Fields, bedroom, or replacing Luna... that's what they'll say."
>I lower my head and nuzzle her chin
>"Sister! I will never replace you."
>She looks at me, tears welling in her gorgeous eyes.
>I gesture with my snout
>"The land, the sky, everything in between."
>"Every rock, every plant, every creature, every pony."
>"I created this world to find you. You are my sister."
>"Immortal, powerful, and one day, when you have learned and grown enough,"
>"you will attain divinity every bit as splendid as my own."
>"If Starswirl ascends, he too will become immortal, and he will not be accepted right away."
>"But we can wait, dear sister."
>"We will hold the kingdom, the world itself together, as long as it takes to change."
>"Experience tells me, it will not be so long as you think."
>"But what will not change, is my love for you, or your place at my side."
>"You are my sister, forever and always, and I love you, forever and always."
>She looks away, and silently gazes at the horizon
>I lay my head on her shoulder
>"Is it time, sister?" she asks.
>I smile and nuzzle again
>"It's close enough if you're ready."
>I keep my head on her shoulder as she lowers the moon
>There's a soft dripping noise
>We linger
>Everything's going to be OK. I know it.
>At last I raise my head, and the sun.
>Now, in the light of dawn, I see Luna is crying.
>She looks over and smiles
>"We do love you, sister. We just wish they loved us too."
>"They do."
>A moment goes by, and she smiles sadly.
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>"We made something for you, Sister"
>"Yes, we have noticed something that all the ponies seem to love: an ornament for the day itself."
>"An ornament for the day?"
>Her smile is genuine now, despite her lingering tears.
>"mmm!" She enthusiastically nods.
>"Close your eyes, my sister."
>I smile back at her, and do as she asks.
>Her horn lightly touches my mane, and a brief tingle passes through me.
>"Open them, sister, and follow me to the pond."
>Among the rocks, shielded from the ripples of the waterfall it's clear and placid.
>In its surfce our faces look back at us;
>Luna's smile is as bright as the sun itself, and my own is awestruck.
>"My hair..." I whisper
>My pink tresses are transformed!
>A rainbow, dancing on a gentle wind that isn't there!
>Now it's my turn to smile.
>My sister, My dearest Luna! So thoughtful even now!
>"Thou can surpress it, when thy want to."
>"Why would I ever want to do that?"
>"Well..." Her tail swishes sheepishly
>"it takes a bit of magic to keep it going."
>"We gave thee a little of our own so thou could see how it looks,"
>"but If it's not kept charged the spell will falter."
>I shake my head
>"I don't want to surpress it! I don't want it to falter! I'll wear it with love for you, forever!"
>She giggles like a little filly and rubs her neck against mine.
>"We'll teach you the spell, but first..."
>"Come and play with us!"
>She leaps from the edge of the promontory at full gallop, then soars through the calm dawn sky.
>I am not far behind
Please learn sentence structure and use it. The story isn't bad, but take some time and proofread. Most importantly remember revision is your friend.
Who doin' the drums?
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The top of Celestia's head at your eye level, and her butt at your crotch level.
Tops of regular mares' heads at waist level.

This is truly the most convenient size for ponies. Great for eye contact and hugs as well as other assorted activities with Celestia. And you can scratch ponies' heads without having to bend down much at all.
>that pic
I love that pictograph of a technicolor horse snuggling a green mannequin more than anyone ever should.

>why even live
Sometimes she's with me in my dreams. Her lower back pressed into my stomach, on arm wrapped around her with my fingers running through her silky chest fur, and a kiss planted on the side of her neck.

They don't occur often. The dreams are short and my memories of them shorter, but that fleeting glimpse into heaven is what I look forward to when I go to sleep at night. Goodnight /sun/.
Aww. It's nice to have a historical tale: makes a change from the Anon in Equestria business.
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have a gif of basically what it would be
not sure if bannable but fuck it banzai

just replace flutters with momlestia
>Her lower back pressed into my stomach, on arm wrapped around her with my fingers running through her silky chest fur, and a kiss planted on the side of her neck.
Those are pretty comfy dreams, anon.
tfw I never remember mine.
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>not sure if bannable
It's fine as long as it doesn't show sexual organs and the mods/janitors don't go full retard
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Which kinds of books would Celestia enjoy?
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>"Bye, book."
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Also I forgot to link to the actual prompt >>27150124
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>she looks like she's waiting for the train
>except she might actually enjoy that.
>She's getting no pleasure from this whatsoever.

Gee what a surprise...
Whole show is huge waste of opportunity.
Sun horse get off of page 9
>'I'm gonna take YOU to the bank, Anonymous.'
>'To the blood bank.'
It is the perfect ending to Flutterrape. After years of stalking Anon for his dick, when she finally gets what she wants, its anticlimactic and boring.
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I'm glad you like the story, and see what you mean about proofreading; there are a couple mistakes I see I missed. But what did you mean by sentence structure? The way I write, the formatting, something else? I've never taken a writing class, so it looks fine to me, for the most part. Would you point out things you think are particularly egregious?

Thank you, Anon in Equestria is nice, but I kept wondering about events from Cely's pov, and how in the hell Sunny knew about Twi and her crown being so close to the mirror. Also there's a scene I really want to see, but since the official writers don't want to play along, I've got to do it myself. I hope you enjoy the rest too.


>Present day

>I haven't heard from Sunset for a very long time.
>Twilight returned and told me what happened.
>My dear little Sunset actually used the crown.
>But of course, her seed failed to sprout, as I knew it would.
>Sunset may have been able to fight Unicorn Twilight,
>but, she was no match for an Alicorn.
>Twilight said she left Sunset in the hands of some humans.
>The very ones whom she had terrorized for so long.
>It seemed an odd thing to do, cruel, even.
>An indirect vengeance, unbecoming one of Twilight's station.
>Then she said those humans had also been that worlds bearers of The Elements.
>So I let her judgement stand.
>Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter,
>and most of all, Kindness were just what Sunset needed now.
>I was surprised there had been no Element of Magic,
>But Sunset could do without that for now, at least.
>But where was she?
>Shortly after Twilight returned Sunset sent me a single letter.
>Two little words:
>"I'm sorry."
>Then, no matter what I said, or how I tried to engage, she refused me.
>Eventually, I stopped, thinking she would come to me when she was ready.
>Now, it seems she is.
>The book dances and glows atop my desk.
>I open it and begin to read.
>Oh no.
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>My poor Sunset Shimmer.
>To say nothing of the natives of that world.
>The sirens have found them. It must be the sirens.
>Probably attracted to, or maybe even awoken by the introduction of magic from Equestria.
>If the portal were open, I could take care of this myself.
>I can reopen it...but to my regret, she asked for Twilight's help, not mine.
>Perhaps that's for the best?
>Equestria needs me,
>Twilight needs the experience,
>and Sunset needs a friend, not a mother-figure.
>With the portal closed, Twilight won't be in any danger,
>and if it comes to it, I can cross over, and stop the Beasts of Song once and for all.
>But only if I must.
>Twilight needs the experience,
>and Sunset needs a friend,
>not me.
>Time is of the essence, and a teleport is faster than even my best pegasus courier.
>I'll send a letter once it arives, but
>Twilight will recognize the sirens as surely as I did,
>maybe even before the message arrives.
>She'll also have a way to talk Sunset through her new crucible.
>I close my eyes, and cast my sight to Ponyville.
>To Twilight's castle,
>through the wards and spells meant to keep out farsight and teleportation.
>My faithful student improves all the time; they are much better than before,
>but still trivial for me to bypass.
>There she is, among her books and letters.
>When she's focused like this, I could teleport it right in front of her and she wouldn't notice.
>She hasn't even sensed my presence.
>What to do?
>How fortuitous! My shipment of books is arriving!
>And they're going right to the throne room.
>They will catch her attention if anything will!
>Effortlessly, I begin the teleportation spell, and reactivate the books message-alert.
>A pop as it disappears from my chambers
>Now to find a messenger...
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Would you?
I'd kiss eat, then eat her out, and go to pound town
It's a Royal Decree, dude. I'm going to leave a damn hickey in the name of the Crown.
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I may have sounded a bit like an asshole when I wrote that, but the sentence structure comment was more of a formatting issue. Some of the lines just seem hollow, they can be fleshed out a bit more with descriptors. Green text is weird since it doesn't follow the same structure as prose yet it still has many similarities to it. Try proofreading from a readers viewpoint, if a line seems rushed try making it seem like there's something happening around it. Overall your writing is good, but you can make it even better with practice.
I'd take the opportunity to nip gently, yes.
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Laugh kind of nervously and tell her as politely as I can that she's really a beautiful mare but also that I'm not really looking for a romantic relationship with her. Then I'd offer her cake as a sign of friendship, making sure to let her know that she's my very best friend and always will be.
I know this story is not getting a lot of replies, but I just want to let you know you are doing a good job.
I'm not sure this is the right thread for you.
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Why not? We're all here to talk about how great Celestia is and how she'd make a super good friend right? Right? No one would even think of... well I don't even want to say it.

Look at this picture I found! She's so quirky.
Nah, I know at least I am here to talk about laying that big sunhorse on her back, holding her hooves, and then fucking her into a helpless puddle of satisfied pone before finally finishing deep inside and impregnating her.
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Now _that's_ romance!
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>laying that big sunhorse on her back, holding her hooves, and then fucking her into a helpless puddle of satisfied pone
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sleepy Celestia a qt
bump for tomorrow
Yea she is
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>Friendzoning Sunbutt
Jesus Christ Anon, you're a monster.
It's all good, we're on 4chan after all. I'll try to keep what you said in mind, and we'll see what happens.

Thanks, I appreciate you saying so!

>The Everfree Forest
>c1000 years ago

>I watch the moon sink below the horizon.
>Luna is nowhere to be seen.
>Lately, that's not unusual.
>We raise and lower our celestial bodies dawn after dawn, and dusk after dusk,
>without ever laying eyes on each other.
>But even at dawn, there is some kind of noise: birds, guards, something to hear.
>Especially here in the forest.
>I feel a chill up my spine and know Luna is watching me.
>She sometimes does, using farsight to spy without having to share my presence.
>No, not spy; she knows I know when she watches.
>Observe, would be a more appropriate term.
>I do not mind.
>Dutifully, I raise the Sun
>But it is so quiet.
>I turn and head back toward our castle.
>Last night, I did not want to sleep, and spent the night in the forest watching Luna's sky.
>She'd become more and more upset this last century.
>Nopony seemed to appreciate her efforts, and one night,
>she'd just stopped.
>She still raised the moon, but there was no more beauty.
>No more soul.
>I was expecting yet another dull night, with wan moon and faint, sickly stars, and it was.
>At first.
>Then, near midnight, I sensed her watching me.
>Shortly after, the sky had exploded in light and color.
>The moon shone like a beacon, and the stars flared, literally *flared* up,
>bursting across the sky in hues I had never seen before.
>Even a comet appeared!
>I stayed out and watched it all;
>after so much effort, I wanted her to know that I, at least appreciated her new-found spark.
>"Thank you sister, that was beautiful."
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>I'm not even at the gate yet, and I know something is terribly wrong.
>None of the guards are at their posts.
>None of the daily delivery-wagons are awaiting inspection.
>None of the coopers, or bakers, or gardeners or any of the other staff are at their tasks.
>And that silence
>Not even an insect disturbs it.
>I rush through the gate, the sound of my hooves echoing from the walls
>Where is everypony?
>Thunderous silence
>I can still feel the chill that tells me Luna is watching.
>Why doesn't she say something?
>"Luna, do you know what's happened?"
>No answer
>"Luna? Sister?"
>Why doesn't she answer?
>I spread my wings and fly to the servant's buildings.
>I open the door and gasp in disbelief.
>Sitting at the duty desk, is a guard, softly snoring with his head lolled back.
>How dare he sleep on duty!
>"Guard!" I say in my booming royal voice, "Wake up!"
>He doesn't budge
>I trot over and see his sleep is far from peaceful:
>his eyes are swollen and tears streak his fur.
>Sweat rolls down his body while muffled screams punctuate his whimpers.
>"Guard?" I shake him with my wings.
>Still he doesn't awaken.
>"Luna, what's going on?"
>This time she answers, but I almost wish she hadn't.
Just keep at it, if your story was bad believe me when I say that someone would have said something. No one gets good at writing overnight, and getting constructive criticism can help.
This picture is everything I have ever wanted from this meme. Thank you anon.
So have I missed any greens that need to be added to the archive?
I don't think many have dropped a pastebin. I guess you could just make sure things are up to date I guess.
No worries, with finals I haven't had much of a chance to really do any work on it. Fuck getting a second degree is all I have to say.
When I see her face I just smile, I guess.
You ain't ready yet
would motorboat
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>"Pennymoney, where does that tube go?"
>"...I don't know, ma'am; to my recollection, it was dug out of the mountain when you moved in."
>[distant Saddle Arabian whinnying]
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>I know this story is not getting a lot of replies
It doesn't mean people don't read it or enjoy it. I like it, for example. But we're not one of those threads where anons literally suck the writers' dicks, and unless the writer directly asks for feedback or suggestions, a few anons reply.

>if your story was bad believe me when I say that someone would have said something.
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>Five bits? Get outta here
Literally my exact face when going to the gym
It helps me to push through my workouts, reminds me why I'm there, what its all for
Literally my exact face when going to the gym
It helps me to push through my workouts, reminds me why I'm there, what its all for
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Lunautist here, but I love Sunbutt, too. Figured I'd cross post a chapter from my AiE story about a day with Tia to help keep this thread going.

>The warmth of the sun's rays greet you after a good night's rest.
>You feel the weight of Luna next to you in bed, as you roll over.
>"Good morning."
>Your eyes snap open.
>Instead of blue, stark while and rainbow pastel mane greets your sight.
>You recoil back in surprise as she chuckles.
>"Sorry, I saw you still in bed and couldn't resist."
>Your heart rate slows down a bit as you realize you are indeed in Luna's room.
"How long have you been lying there? And where is Luna?"
>Celestia rises up out of the bed as you sit up, stretching your arms.
>"Oh, maybe fifteen minutes. I'm surprised you didn't wake up when I flopped down."
"I'm a heavy sleeper. Where is Luna?"
>"Sorry, Luna and I swapped days. She forgot about the meteor shower planned for this weekend, she has to be up for that. So, she gets to spend the day in the monthly meetings we have with various council members and mayors from all the cities in Equestria."
>You eye Celestia with suspicion.
"You didn't happen to make her forget about that meteor shower, did you?"
>She smiles.
>"Not on purpose, no."
>You sigh while her laughter fills the room again.
"I think it's funny how normally the younger sister is the bratty one. With you two, it's the complete opposite."
>Her laughter only grows as you climb out of bed and grab some clothes to wear.
>You walk into Luna's personal bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush.
"So what are you up to with your free day, other than terrorizing me?"
>"Oh, I don't know. I was wondering if you wouldn't happen to want to spend the day with your girlfriend's sister?"
>You drop your toothbrush in the sink.
>Celly seems to have heard it from outside.
>"I'll take that as a no, then?"
>Picking it up and beginning your morning ritual, you walk back into Luna's room.
>Celestia looks at you with a bit of uncertainty
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>You do your best to respond without spitting everywhere.
"I didn't say no. Just surprised."
>Walking back into the bathroom to finish up, Celestia's voice echoes back.
>"I just thought, you and I have never really spoken one on one, even after nearly a year in Equestria. I did not mean for it to be awkward, if it came out that way."
>After rinsing, you walk back out, closing the door behind you.
"No, it sounds like a good idea, Tia. I mean, we live with each other, we should get to know each other a bit better."
>Her smile practically lights up the room.
>"Come on, let's get something to eat."

>While Celestia settles on a breakfast of warm oatmeal with strawberries and tea, you feast upon a massive pumpkin spice muffin.
>It continues to amaze you what the chefs in this castle can create at just a moment's notice.
>Seriously, this thing is almost the size of your head!
"So, what do you normally do on your day off?"
>Celestia sips her tea.
>"To be honest, I am still getting used to the idea of a day without royal matters to attend. Usually, I spend the day relaxing somewhere, whether it be in the garden, at the spa, or in my own study."
>You take another bite of the muffin, savoring the mild spice.
"Really? You never got a day to yourself in all those years between... you know."
>She shakes her head.
>"Looks may be deceiving Anonymous, but ruling a kingdom is an extremely taxing and time consuming life. But I enjoy it."
"Hey, whatever floats your boat. Personally, I'd go nuts without a day off at least once a week."
>Celestia chuckles as she nibbles at her meal.
>"Well, I would be lying if I had I had never felt that way. Usually those ill feelings are around the times we have these meetings. You have seen how they can be."
>It takes you a moment to understand.
>Right, you had to attend one during the clusterfuck of you and Luna swapping bodies.
'Yeah, that sucked. Whatever happened to that one guy I flipped out on?"
>She smiles.
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>"He's still quite skittish around Luna."
"Ha. Good."
>You pause.
"I can't help but wonder, you never were too clear on how you knew I was Luna. Er, in her body, I mean."
>Celestia looks up from her bowl.
>"You didn't use enough plural possessive pronouns. Luna was still stuck on those at that point in time, she had not adjusted to more modern linguistics."
"So in other words, she should have waited till now to screw up that spell."
>From overhead, a roar echoes through the dining room.
>Wide-eyed in surprise, you look over at Celestia.
>You would know Luna's Canterlot Voice anywhere.
>You'd swear your ears still ring from time to time after the one and only demonstration she gave you.
"That doesn't sound good."
>Tia looks up at the ceiling, taking another sip of her tea nonchalantly.
>"No, that is normal. Perhaps a bit earlier than usual in these discussions, but normal."

>After breakfast, the two of you wander out in the garden's maze, just enjoying the beautiful weather.
.Celestia recited the way through the maze before you went in, she has it memorized at this point.
>A question has been burning in your mind for a while now, and you can't resist asking any longer.
"Celestia, exactly how old are you and your sister?"
>She chuckles.
>"Anon, I lost track of that a long, long time ago. When time is endless to you, age is just another trivial number. But on that note, how old are YOU?"
"You actually have to think about it for a moment.
"Twenty-four, last I remember."
>Celestia looks on in amusement.
>"You are still very young. Even your car is older than you, is it not?"
>It is your turn to chuckle.
"Yeah, that old girl turns forty-six next year. Obviously I haven't had it that long, but that's when it came out of the factory."
>"How is that project coming along?"
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"Pretty good. Luna popped all the dents out of everything. It just needs fresh paint in those areas and then put back together."
>"What are you two up to?"
>As she is mentioned, Luna descends in front of you and Celestia, touching down lightly.
"Hi Luna. Did class get out early today?"
>You all begin walking together, the maze just wide enough for you to all be side by side.
>"Ugh, unfortunately no. I adjourned the meeting for an hour break to keep my sanity intact."
>Celestia chuckles, met by a dirty look from Luna.
>"Is it really going that bad today?"
>Luna drops her gaze to the ground.
>"It is the same as every other meeting. Everypony wants a bigger budget, everypony has a better idea how something in Equestria should be ran, and so on. It gets old very quick."
>"Just imagine dealing with that every month for a millennium and you know how I feel."
>Luna smiles.
>"Hm. I suppose there is an upside to being sealed away in the moon."
>You look over at her in surprise.
"Nothing. I'm just shocked you made a joke about that."
>She waves a wing at you, as if brushing your question away.
>"I told you, I am fine with my past now. May as well be able to laugh at it, right?"
"Never said it was bad, Moonbutt."
>Celestia giggles as Luna blushes profusely.
>"You never answered my question. What are you two doing?"
>"Anonymous and I decided to spend the day relaxing and chatting. You know, to get to know each other better."
"We were just talking about the Superbird. You think we might be able to get some paint on it on your next day off?"
>"Perhaps, I will have to talk to Twilight Sparkle to understand how she did it the last time. Sister, I assume you are asking because you think you are brave enough for a ride along with Anonymous?"
>Luna smirks at her sister, who responds with a similar expression.
>"It is not a bad idea. If you can handle it, I can easily enjoy it."
>A fire burns in Luna's eyes.
Why the fuck would you smell it
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>"We'll see about that. In fact, why don't we find out right now?"
"Uh, the nose and fenders are off of it right now waiting for paint, remember?"
>"I will help you attach them, this cannot wait."
>The blue alicorn focuses, teleporting the three of you to the garage.
>Quickly, she grabs the driver's side fender and places it in position, while you grab a ratchet and some bolts.
>You don't bother putting all the bolts in, just enough to keep it in place.
>"Please do not dawdle Anon, I only have about forty-five minutes before I must return."
"Yes your highness."
>Rising to your feet, you move to the passenger's side of the car.
>Luna frowns, not moving.
>"I am sorry. I got caught up in the moment with my sister, I did not mean to be rude."
"I'm just kidding, relax."
>She smiles, grabbing the other fender.
>Before long, you have the nose mounted as well.
>You don't bother hooking up the headlights, let alone the vacuum lines that raise and lower the headlight buckets.
>Unfortunately for Luna, it's time to head back to the castle to resume the meeting at this point.
>"Horseapples, I must go. But please, do let me know how it goes, Anonymous."
>Celestia strides over the passenger side, while you look her over, specifically her horn.
>There is no way she is going to fit in the car, even without that massive spire on her head.
"Er, Tia? I don't mean to come off as an ass, but.... I think you're too tall to fit. Luna herself has to somewhat scrunch down inside."
>The while alicorn smirks as she suddenly begins to glow in a golden hue.
>"Well, I suppose I'll have to change that."
>As you watch, her form condenses slowly, eventually reaching a size a hair smaller than Luna, who looks on in amusement.
>The light fades, leaving a sun princess nearly half her normal size, but otherwise unchanged.
>"Now, what were you saying?"
>She walks over to Luna, still smirking.
>"Wow, it feels so weird being this short."
>Luna snorts in frustration.
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(Why wouldn't you?)


>"You will not be gloating for much longer, dear sister."
>Walking around to the side she is on, you open the door, allowing her access.
>She gingerly steps in, getting comfortable on the seat before you close the door.
>Luna steps close to you, leaning towards your ear.
>"Do not go easy on her for a second, Anonymous."
"I don't want her pissing on my seat, either."
>The two of you share a kiss, before she mockingly waves at her sister, then departs.
>You step around to your side, sliding in.
>Celestia is already perplexed by the seatbelt, much like her younger sister was the first time.
"Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not exactly made for ponies, you would be uncomfortable as hell sitting like me in order to use it."
>You hit the key, the engine cranking a bit before finally awakening with a roar.
>For the first time, Celestia actually seems a bit uneasy as she fidgets in her seat.
"You alright?"
>"Fine, fine. I just didn't expect it to be this loud in here."
"Yeah, 550 horsepower will have that effect. So you're good?"
>You smirk.
>You rev the engine up to about 2500 rpm and dump the clutch.
>The rear tires squeal in pain on the concrete floor for a moment before biting hard.
>You rocket out of the garage, flinging the steering wheel hard to the right.
>The ass end kicks out, the cobblestone path not doing much for traction.
>As you get the Superbird to straighten out with a bit of throttle management, you hear Celestia beside you emit something between a whimper and a squeal.
>She's definitely trying to keep as quiet as possible.
"It's okay, I think I know what I'm doing."
>"Y-you only think?"
>Finally pointing dead straight, you open the throttle up completely, letting the engine wind out before grabbing another gear.
"I think so. You aren't worried, are you?"
>She says nothing, pinned back against the seat by the rapid acceleration.
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>She says nothing, pinned back against the seat by the rapid acceleration.
>Her wide-eyed stare forward out the windshield says plenty.
"By the way, you might want to brace yourself."
>After a few seconds, you stomp the brake pedal and turn the wheel, getting sideways again to navigate a right hand turn.
>Downshifting to second and straightening out again, the carburetors underhood whistle as they suck in air for another sprint.
"You shouldn't be worried anyways, you can't die, remember?"
>No, but pain is very reeeaaal!"
>Second gear comes and goes, as does third, picking up speed rapidly.
>Whizzing by the fountain in a blur, you pump the brakes a bit to make sure they're still alive, before mashing them again.
"Sorry, Luna would kill me if I went easy on you. I gave her the full experience the first time."
>The car screeches to a halt, the engine back to an angry idle.
>"S-s-so we're done?"
>You turn to Celestia, who is trembling a bit in the passenger's seat.
>Smiling, you jab at the gas pedal.
"I'm afraid not."
>You throw the shifter in reverse and dump the clutch again, the tires bitching in response.
>As you scream backwards, you fling the wheel to the right again, the car doing a pirouette.
>Celestia finally screams, making your smile grow even wider.
>Why is it so much fun torturing ponies?
>Once the nose reaches a certain point in the rotation, you push in the clutch, throw the car into first gear, and let out again, straightening the car with some jolts of the throttle and handwork on the steering wheel.
"Well, I didn't give Luna a long ride the first time, I think it's only fair we head back as well."
>You go around the other side of the fountain as you continue to speed forward, the exhaust echoing off of it back to you.
>Regret sets in as you realize you didn't bother uncorking the headers before this flight.
>Oh well, maybe next time.
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>If there is a next time.
>With as tense as Celly is in the seat next time, you aren't sure.
>Suddenly, the car is jolted sideways by a rough pact of cobblestone, catching you off-guard.
>You don't want it to snap back the other way, and you have plenty of room, so you let out of the throttle and let it spin.
>Even you find your heartbeat quicken as you slide to a stop.
"Well that was embarrassing."

>Celestia, now at her normal size, leads you into her study, a while after after returning the Superbird to the garage.
>She was a bit wobbly getting out of the car when you opened the passenger door for her.
>But overall, she held up as good as her sister did on the first ride along, if not better.
>Before you left, you took the time to remove the fenders and nose cone from the Superbird again, in preparation for painting at some point.
>The two of you made small talk while you worked, making it take significantly longer than when you put the body panels on
>"So, do all of your kind drive like.... that?"
"Only the crazy ones. Normal driving is much slower, I just like having fun."
>The room is quite small compared to the rest of the castle, leaving you with a cozy, comfortable feel.
>In fact, there is even a fireplace along one wall.
>But most of the room is dominated by bookshelves.
>A sudden unexpected rustling puts you on your guard, looking around for the noise.
>A flash of red and orange plumage startles you as a massive bird streaks by you, perching on a wing Celestia leaves extended.
>Tia just giggles.
>"It's alright, Anonymous. Haven't I introduced you to Philomena before?"
>You know she's mentioned that name before, but you don't recall ever seeing this thing.
>You shake your head no, studying the colorful animal, before a thought strikes you.
"It that a phoenix?"
>Celestia's eyes light up.
>"It is! You have these wonderful animals in your world, as well?"
>Once again, you respond with a shake of the head, as you step closer.
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>Philomena spreads her wings, before taking flight and landing on your shoulder.
>For such a large bird, she sure is light.
"These only exist in mythology in my world. That seems to be the case for a lot of the beings that exist here."
>You pet the back of the phoenix's head with your other hand, amazed at how soft the plumage feels.
>"She really likes you, Anonymous. What other specific creatures exist here that do not on.... Earth, is that right?"
"Yeah, Earth. Well, for one, unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns are myth. Along with gryphons, dragons, changelings-"
>Celestia already seems surprised by the list as she flops down on the rug in the middle of the floor.
>"Wow. So are there any other beings in your world that are sentient like you."
"Not really, no."
>"So our world really is a completely different world to you. So strange."
>You sit down on the floor with Celestia, stretching out your legs.
"You're telling me. I think the only thing stranger is how I ended up here, not that I want to go back."
>Celestia's surprised look turns to shock.
>"You don't? I mean, I have been unable to find any sort of information on such a scenario in my vast library anyways, but I would have thought you would miss your home."
>She mulls over her words.
>"Home world, I should say, since your actual home is here in Equestria."
"I mean, yeah it's kind of odd thinking I'm stuck here for the rest of my existence, but I'd say after a year of being here, I've made a pretty good life for myself."
>She smiles warmly as Philomena takes flight again, landing on a perch situated near the fireplace.
>"There you two are, I've been looking everywhere for you."
>Luna strides into the room, looking rather tired.
>Philomena suddenly squawks, ruffling her wings.
>"Hello Philomena, I did not see you there."
>The phoenix relaxes again, as you cannot help but chuckle a bit.
"If you were looking for us, why didn't you just ask?"
>You point to your head, implying your telepathic link.
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>She puts a hoof up to her face when she realizes what you are saying.
>"It has been a long day. Thank goodness it is over."
>Celestia tries to contain a smirk.
>"So, is everything squared away and everypony happy?"
>"Does it ever end with everypony happy, sister?"
>Luna sits down next to you, draping a wing over your shoulders.
>"So, I must ask, how did my sister fare in your joyride?"
>Her voice is filled with one of anticipation.
"Well, she was shaking more than you did by the time I shut off the engine in the garage, but she screamed less. I'd say she fared pretty good."
>Celly's face lights up, while Luna's ears droop.
>"So what you are telling us is, it was a draw as far as bravery?"
>"No sister, you heard what he said. I screamed less, I was more brave."
>It is as if a fire has been lit under Luna at this point.
>"Lies! You were shaking more than I, the physical state is more telling of fear than that of an audible nature, sister!"
>"How do you know I was not merely a little cold?"
>"You control the sun, Canterlot is almost never cold."
>You watch all of this in amusement, as Philomena places her wings over her head in apparent exasperation.
>"Anonymous, you were the one with both of us, which one of us is right?"
>Both sisters lean towards you, waiting for an answer.
>Smiling, you respond with what you know will drive them nuts.
"I'd say you were both even."
>They look at each other, exchanging looks of disgust.
>After a moment of silence, they both relax.
>"So, what else did you do today?"
"Well, I got those body panels back off the car, that took a while. After that, Celestia was curious about some of the inner workings of the old girl, so she got a pretty good lesson on that."
>"We just came up to my study not long before you popped in. I was introducing him to Philomena, and just discussing our worlds."
>Luna smiles, looking over to you.
>"Overall, I'd say it sounds like you had a busy day, Anon."
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>You shrug.
"I enjoyed it. Aside from waking up to her beside me, that scared the crap out of me."
>Celestia lets out a burst of laughter.
>"Oh my, I do not know how I forgot about that."
>"Really sister, torturing Anonymous?"
>You chime in.
"Technically, this wasn't the first time she's pulled a prank on me. She did it when you screwed up that spell and I was you for a while."
>"What did she do?"
>You actually have to think about that for a while.
"I think she flipped your whole room upside down."
>Luna looks over at her big sister, unamused.
>"Really? That old one?"
>"Hey, I knew it was him at that point in time, I didn't necessarily have to be creative."
"It still amazes me how immature the two of you are behind the scenes."
>Celestia smiles teasingly, looking over to her sister.
>"Are we really that bad, Anonymous?"
"Yes. But don't ever change."

>tfw momlestia wincest
>tfw no momlestia wincest
That was a fun story, thanks for posting. You write interaction well.

Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. Interaction between characters is something I've been working on since I started writing.
Threads already up, retards, what're you complaining here for.
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Is this it sunbros?
Is /sun/ actually on its deathbed?

These last threads seems to point in that direction
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>Plenty of green.
>Plenty of discussion.
>Stable comfy thread that lasts for a week or so before petering out.

All you had to do was embrace porn.
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>all you had to do was embrace porn
"hey guys lets have some molestia or momlestia"
>a thread opens up for it in 20 days
>fuck off

Well now look at what your left with
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>It doesn't mean people don't read it or enjoy it
True. Short of being told repeatedly I suck and to stop posting, I was going to continue even with no feedback, but it was still a nice thing for that anon to say, and it gave me the warm-fuzzies.

>"Hm-hm-hm-hm" her soft laughter drifts through the air.
>"Oh he's having the most marvelous dreams sister."
>The way she hisses out that last word chills me to my core.
>"They all are. Sleeping and dreaming until my night comes again."
>"What have you done?"
>"We sent the guards home and layed them to bed. In fact, everything on this planet that can sleep, is!"
>"Why? Let them go!"
>"Hahahahahaha! Oh sister, Thou used to love our jokes. How often did thee say thou adored our sense of humor?"
>I looked at the guard, shivering and weeping in his sleep.
>"This..." I gestured to him "this is funny to you?"
>"No, Celestia. This is the set-up. The punchline begins when thee cometh to us."
>Come to her? Has she forgotten who I am? *What* I am?
>"I will not play your game sister. Release them at once, then, I will speak to you."
>Suddenly the guard thrashes in his sleep.
>A high keening wail erupts from all around me.
>They're all screaming. Every pony, every animal, every insect.
>Mad, piercing shrieks shattering the dawn's quiet.
>Howls born from the deepest insanity and mind-breaking terror,
>on and on, echoing and reverberating,
>assaulting from all sides.
>Then, as quickly as it began, they fall silent.
>Luna's disembodied voice speaks again.
>"Thou will, of course, because thee wants us to stop, dost thou not, sister?"
>This couldn't be happening
>She couldn't mean this.
>My sister
>*My* sister
>My *sister*
>How could she do this?
>Tears fall freely from my face
>I don't care
>"Luna..." I manage to sob
>"Well, come and stop us. Thy surely knoweth where we are."
>"Luna, please..."
>"No, sister! Come to us. Now is not the time for fear. That comes later."
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>I'm crying
>I can't help it
>How could she do this?
>Oh my dear sister...
>I could end it now, release them myself, but that might drive Luna mad.
>It might even enrage her such that I'll have to...
>No, I won't let myself consider that.
>I'll have to talk to her.
>To make her understand there's only one way this can end.
>That hers is only to choose where she stands when it does.
>"Oh my dear sister..."
>She was right too, I do know where she is.
>The alcove behind our thrones.
>Where we used to meet before going out and changing the sky together.
>A quick teleport,
>and there she is: standing before me, wearing a cruel smile.
>"See, sister? We said thou would come."
>"Luna, what are... WHY are you doing this?"
>"Luna?" She smirks "Are we not *sisters*?"
>"Yes," I nod.
>"We are sisters, Luna, because I made you so."
>Her smirk changes to a snarl.
>"Have you forgotten what I am? I am a goddess! Creator of both sun and moon."
>"I made the world! I gave life to it! Who are you to defy me?"
>Her face is a mask of frustrated rage.
>Can't she understand how hopeless her position is?
>"We too, are a goddess! Thou said so thyself! That one day we would be thy equal!"
>"And you think that day has come?"
>"We are the night! We are the darkness! We are the bringer of dreams and the source of fear!"
>"They will love the night, if not for its beauty, then for its solace from the terrors of the day!"
>"They will cower in fear at the mere thought of the light!"
>Her horn glows, and they're screaming again.
>Every throat on the planet screeching itself raw.
>"They will love us! They will love ME!"
>Louder and louder, their mad voices penetrating even the thick stone walls.
>"They will worship the peace I allow them only when the darkness falls!"
>"Shut up, Celestia! Now is the time for fear! Stop me if you can!"
Are you this >>27150124 anon?
Because the issue isn't momlestia. /sun/ is pretty ok with momlestia. It's just that there aren't many people here who like your shitty, frankly disgusting and overall obtuse and hamhanded as fuck prompt. No writefag would touch it. Also this: >>27181778
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>not liking wincest
>not remembering and liking those platonic sex acts threads
>not wanting to combine them

This is why its all ogre.
Quit complaining about /mom/, go there if you've an issue with TFW NO MOMLESTIA WINCEST SADFAEC
I can't keep it going by myself.
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You're retarded dude. Did you even read my post? I'm all for momlestia, I've fapped to plenty of wincest with her. Your prompt is just bad. No one likes it, it's not interesting and it doesn't tickle my willy. Take it to /mom/. Maybe they'll like it.
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Literally, what are you talking about?
barely mentioned in months
scheduled monthly thread since 2014
I fail to see your point.
If its so bad then why don't you come up with another one?
Because generals that were built around green, and then lose all or most of their green end up withering and dying.

My point is more porn is always better.
>more porn is always better.
No one here is against porn

>end up withering and dying
greens come and go, like they do in every other thread. And saying /sun/ is a dead thread is close to hit the meme status, considering how many times people here complain about it.
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Because I'm fine with the green in here already. Woofr's doing some creepy shit that I can't help but read >>27131472. Djinn is updating. We got an ongoing green right here >>27182118. And AutoPony just wrote something. >>27177257

Thread's doing good, green is good and coming. I'm happy.
That was nice, I'm gonna have to check out your pastebin now
>She uses hair dye.
Probably supposed to be a reflection, but I guess I can see where you are coming from. Maybe it is enchanted hair dye, and that is also the secret behind her flowing hair too.
Stupid sexy horse. All pretty and majestic and stuff.
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>"...this was the balcony we used to breed on."
>Anon has temporarily lost his memory due to some accident with magic
>Celestia helps him remember by showing him all the places where they used to fuck.
>They fuck again every time.
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sounds fun
This Reminds me of "End of The Universe"
Please no. No sad Celestia. I don't want to feel these feels Anon, I really don't.
>*hugs Sun horse*
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Oh, ye of little faith...
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>This isn't working
>And I can't let my ponies continue to suffer.
>Oh sister, please forgive me.
>I must save them from you, but I'm also saving you from yourself.
>One day, you'll understand.
>You must...
>I call on my power, only a very little bit more than I'm used to.
>Suddenly the screaming stops.
>Luna's face jerks towards me with a shocked expression.
>I force down my tears.
>"No more of this Luna. You can't hurt them anymore."
>Her horn glows, then blazes. Her face contorting with effort and rage.
>Easily countered.
>My sleeping subjects don't even stir from her renewed attack.
>I calmly raise my snout.
>She glares at me with a hatred and malevolence I'd never believed possible,
>then all at once collapses to the floor, sobs gushing from her in an uncontrolled torrent.
>Her tears and moans wrack her frame from nose to tail.
>"Please, let this be the end of it, Luna, my dear sister."
>I turn and march from the alcove,
>between our thrones and down the stairs,
>across the Great Hall,
>almost to the Grand Door, when her voice rings out behind me.
>"Not another step!"
>Oh Sister, please no.
>I slowly turn to face her.
>"Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?"
>please no
>"There can only be one princess in Equestria."
>please no
>"And that princess will be ME!"
>The stone dias crumbles beneath her powerful hooves.
>A fissure shoots up the wall behind her, and it too falls away.
>Through the hole, I see my sun, shining in the clear blue sky...
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>>"There can only be one princess in Equestria."
>>please no
>>"And that princess will be ME!"

If there were only one, though, she would not be a princess, but a queen.
Maybe Equestrian law requires a marriage before a title like King or Queen can be claimed.
I want to kiss Celestia on the lips
Get in line, Anon.
I want to rest my head on her fluffy chest and drift off to sleep to the sound of her beating heart
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My fucking heart. Don't do that to me, anon.
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>she knows how much you love her chest fluff
>she puts on a pose where she kind of scrunches her legs together and puts her chest out to get maximum flufiness
>then she encourages you to bury your face in it while she wraps her wings around you

>tfw this will never happen until like 10-20 years from now when we get hyper realistic artificial reality

>every shipping is cancer

>until like 10-20 years
It's well worth the wait, Anon.
It wouldn't be the same; a display clumsily strapped to your face could never love you like Celestia could.
no I'm talking stuff where its like your in the matrix
Maybe it will be more than 20 years, maybe 50, I dunno

I'm mostly hype for virtual reality (different than artificial reality) and it will take less time, so and hyper realistic artificial vaginas so that I can fuck any pone I want
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Ayyy, it's past /sun/day where's djinn?
Look at the upside: We've all probably got several more decades in our lives, and by then we might have full on neural-jack-in-your-head VR.

So, we might not get her in a year, in a decade even.

But at the end, when it's time to go, she'll be there to wrap us in her warm wings and hold us against her chest, let us feel her strong heartbeat against our fading one, and tell us that it's okay - it's time to go now.
these are not horsey proportions
yes they are
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He probably skipped this week, Satan.
I'm here but >>27197797 is right. Was a bit busy last week so didn't have a whole lot of chances to write. I'll try to get it done this week though.
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Gonna resurrect this thread for sungod
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This picture has some sad undertones.
Depressing, even.
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Now to end this with a random webm I'm too lazy to check
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>Present Day

>My Dear Sunset Shimmer,
>Through the great strength true friendship provides, you defeated 3 ancient, powerful terrors!
>You are a brilliant, educated pony;
>you don't need me to tell you how this accomplishment shines!
>Even though a part of me indulges in the idea of you relishing my praise.
>What I wish to discuss, is your other accomplishment:
>We tell ourselves a myriad of stories about, and justifications for our actions.
>Our minds remember, forget, and reinterpret events in ways that make us appear laudible.
>This protects us, but also stunts us;
>we can't grow if we're blind to our own failings.
>Unfortunately, many are.
>Intellectually, we know "nobody's perfect",
>but when it comes to it, we lack the strength to see ourselves in the harsh light of reality.
>To drop our vanities, and see ourselves as we are,
>instead of as we imagine ourselves to be.
>They are never the same.
>This takes more fortitude than many possess,
>and even more to realize when one is wanting.
>It is difficult.
>It is painful.
>But you did it anyway. And more than that,
>You faced the pain, and let it drive you to become better.
>You are every bit the heroine, and so much greater than you realize.
>One day, you will be a princess.
>Because of this, there is one more thing I want to speak with you about.
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>You know of Princess Luna's rebellion, but
>will you let me tell you a bit more?
>When I took up the Elements of Harmony against her, it was not out of necessity;
>but hope.
>I'd hoped to intimidate her in to giving up.
>She knew how powerful they were, and I thought seeing me wielding them would bring her to her senses.
>As you know they did not.
>So when I knew I could not delay any longer, I banished her,
>instead of purifying her.
>Do you know why?
>For centuries after, I told myself it was an accident;
>that in the heat of the moment, my control over the elements slipped!
>In period illustrations, I am shown pink-haired.
>I ordered it so, to further convince myself that I was flustered, not malicious.
>So flustered, in fact, that even my hair-magic faltered!
>But it was a lie.
>I did it in anger.
>Pain at my sister's betrayal, and fear for my ponies,
>wove seamlessly into a spike of rage which bore an action that haunted me for a thousand years.
>Why am I telling you this?
>Not as an excuse, but as a warning.
>You will find yourself in desperate situations.
>It is inevitable as a princess.
>I hope you will learn from my moment of weakness,
>and temper your wrath.
>I know you will not see this letter for some time.
>Since giving Twilight our book, I've begun writing, and saving them,
>because I still hope you'll return to me.
>Princess Luna has, and resumed her rightful place.
>I hope one day, you will read them, and know that even now, far across the multiverse,
>my thoughts are of you.
>There is so much hope in this one little letter.
>Long experience has taught me such hopes often go unfulfilled.
>Were you anyone else, I would not dare hold so much of it.
>But you are you. Indomitable, unstopable you.
>I have faith in you.

And, the pastebin, for anyone who might be interested

That's very specific anon
That thing is quite unsettling

Thanks for the green update Anon, good job.
>50 or 60 years till death
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already seen it
we need fresh green not green from 2 years ago
>we need fresh green not green from 2 years ago
Write something yourself then, instead of waiting for others to do the job. Even a few lines are better than nothing. I did it, wrote some oneshots to keep threads alive while waiting for the real writefags to deliver. If you speak English natively, then you are by definition better than me at writing. Try something, at worst you'll be called a faggot.
>waiting for the real writefags to deliver.

But Anon, you're a real writefag too
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I wish I was, Anon.
Nigger, all you have to do is write, it's as easy as that. Seriously. You write, and we'll all say something nice about it, and then the next time you write it will be better than the first. And the next time even better. And soon enough, you'll be a writefag that people come to this thread to see. You have value, anon.

Now just try.
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What >>27207039 said.
I need more pics of celestia being beautiful
The more sexual the better
(that ass)
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Rarity demonstrates the proper procedure for praising the Sun:

>Sun Goddess being Lewd

She Lives...!
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Not him, but I've done that. And people have told me to stop writing and it hurts
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Because you asked nicely, more Molly by JJ:
Hey, don't feel bad. I've been a writefag for quite some time. I've only been able to squeeze out a few good greens. Hell, while playing Cuck fort 2, someone actually knew me from an old War-Dash thread. Hell, I just lost my father and I'm still going, although one of the threads I want to write for is undergoing a CYOA.

You just gotta practice in private. Read a lot, write a lot. That's how I got good. Study it all. No matter how dumb it is.
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You're welcome, and thank you too!

And, of course, now I'm over the character limit. New post...
I know that this is just the hacker 4chan where everybody is anonymous and nothing means anything, but I'm still really sorry to hear that, anon. They're assholes. You go ahead and keep on trying. I'd give you an internet hug if I could.
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>Canterlot Meadow
>c1000 years ago

>I lay in our spot and cry.
>Our spot
>Where we passed so many dawns, dusks, and gorgeous days and nights.
>This is where Luna invented the aurora;
>happily coloring her nights with the energy of my sun.
>This is where she painted my mane.
>This is where she played and explored.
>This is where she loved; her favorite place in all Equestria.
>Where our laughter echoed together time after time;
>now silent, but for the wind, and my pitiful cries.
>My sister!
>Oh, my beloved sister!
>If only you had listened!
>If only you had stopped!
>If only I'd had better control...
>My thin veneer of equanimity collapses.
>I am alone, and have no need for it.
>I scream my pain to the mountain, and let my sobs blot out my grief.
>On and on, I don't know for how long.
>Eventually, my thoughts turn to my ponies.
>All my little ponies.
>So terrified, and so desperately in need of me.
>I'd freed them from her spell, but great damage had already been done.
>They need my magic to lull them to sleep now, so traumatized are they by her nightmares.
>Nightmare Moon
>That's what they're calling her now.
>All her beautiful works, and heartfelt love forgotten.
>Hers will be a legacy of terror.
>She deserved so much better.
>Again misery overtakes me, and I cry awful, wracking cries.
>My heart tears from me and spills over the meadow.
>Our meadow
>The workers are already repairing my castle, but it's filled with bad memories.
>My heart weeps every time I look on it.
>But our meadow is filled with happy ones.
>I lower Luna's now-marred moon knowing what to do:
>abandon the Castle of the Two Sisters, and raise one here.
>Canterlot Castle!
>The dawn breaks, and washes me in its brilliant radiance.
>A new beginning for my ponies, and also for me.
>No more the distant monarch
>No more the goddess
>From now, until the end of Equestria I will be the kind and warm leader they deserve.
>I love them all so much, and now they will know it!
the face kinda ruins it

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Celestia already has a permanent seat for you in Equestria, fellow anon
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Am a sunfag willin to suck other sunfag's dicks. Just sayin.
That's neat, bro
what's your username, I'll gift you a gold subscription
>Anon wearily trudges through the castle to the guest room he's been given for his stay, his mind drifts back to his arrival.
---You are Anon---
>You botched an experiment which dropped you into the middle of Ponyville with a deafening bang and minor explosion upon arrival.
>Initially you were just happy over coming through it unscathed, then the tiny cartoonishly colored equines started talking, yeah that was a fun day.
>Over the weeks after you ingrained yourself as an upstanding member of the community and something of an inventor, would be a waste to let those degrees go to waste after all.
>Which is why you're here, now.
>The head of the nation your in, Princess Celestia (seriously though, why not call yourself queen, we all you you're the ruler here) has been paying close attention to the inventions and patents you've been putting out.
>You were called to Canterlot because she accurately realized that one of your recent inventions has several parts that could be used to make deadlier weapons.
>You've already given the princesses a rough overview of human history so you aren't surprised over this summons, but you'd be lying if you said you had expected it.
>After several meetings that basically amounted you promising that you won't start producing weapons, and a few more that were some nobles trying to get their hands on more advanced tech, you finally get the chance to get some rest.
>Finally reaching your room, you let out a sigh of relief and head inside.
>One of the few things that got you through the day was the sheer breathe taking elegance of Princess Celestia.
>Ever kind and concerned for her people.....er ponies, her wisdom matches her beauty.
>As you flop into quite possibly the softest bed you've ever felt, a stray thought slips out you mouth to noone in perticular.
"oh the wonderous things I would do to Celestia's plot if given half a chance."
>to which a female voice replies.
>"Is that so, Anonymous?"
should a keep going?
Few grammar errors, but it isn't like it's anything world-ending. Remember: your is possessive (your breakfast, your car), and you're is a contraction (you are (you're) happy, you are (you're) walking). Also, breathtaking can be written as one word.

But seriously, this isn't bad! I have read published books that were worse than this. And anon being an inventor is a nice difference from the usual. Keep it going.
5 AM bump. Birds are chirping.
I hold on
Sun shines softly down,
Through rustling tree tops above,
Peace she shares with me.
There was a Princess named Celestia,
She liked the baked goods the best-ia.
One morning she cried,
"My rump! It's too wide!"
A falsehood that we all denied.
>the private balcony outside Celestia's living space
>her office
>the geothermal springs inside the mountain
>the shady paddock in the Castle gardens
>the Royal Greenhouse
>Luna's bed
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Goddamn good response anon.
apologies for the errors, should have reread what I typed and I would have caught them.


>panic immediately sets in as you sit bolt upright and look to the source of the voice.
>Princess Luna in the open doorway to the balcony and you have no idea how long she's been there or how you missed her.
>I must really be tire-
>The color drains out of your face as your make a realization.
>Oh Gods, she heard me.
>She just heard me say aloud that I want to bang her sister.
>Crap, gotta salvage this.
"I....uh....it's not what it sounds like! I..uh...GARDENING! Gardening is a hobby of mine. I wouldn't mind changing it up a little. Change a few shrubs here, a few trees there. Ya' know, make it look nice."
>Nailed it.
>Luna gives you a playful knowing smirk
>"So I see, Anonymous. You weren't thinking anything untoward, you merely wanted a chance to plow her field."
>A brief glimmer of hope, a direction to salvation,
>You hear a certain general in your mind the moment you start to confirm what she suggested 'It's a trap!'
"NO! no no no."
>"Oh? but I thought gardening was your hobby? Well, the desire to do some gardening on Celestia's plot, please bear in mind that the tracks of land here in Canterlot and be a little tough so feel free to be a bit rough. Be sure to plant the seeds deep as they will not take if left to close to the surface."
>Luna looks uncertain for a moment as if pondering if she said something properly, then bursts out in laughter the moment she sees your expression of stunned horror and embarrassment.
>In between bouts of laughter she starts to apologize.
>"I....I beg your forgi.....forgiveness.....Anonymous. I should not find such amusement at your expense."
>As you realize that Luna was rather cruelly teasing you, your face finds all the blood that left it earlier with a little interest and you lay back and cover your face with a pillow.
>Kill me now.
>Luna clears her throat as she walks to the side of your bed.
>"Oh? but I thought gardening was your hobby? Well, should you desire to do some gardening on Celestia's plot
>Luna speaks softly to your pillow covered head.
>"I do genuinly ask for your forgiveness. I took that a bit farther than I should have, though I can see why Discord enjoys teasing people in such a manner."
"Princess Luna, not to be rude, but why are you here?"
>"Oh! I seem to have gotten entirely side tracked. I had received some interesting reports and felt they might be worth finding out a bit more. Especially given the nature of your current visit."
>With the conversation shifting away from embarrassing things, you remove the pillow from your face and sit up once more as you turn your attention to her.
>Luna, noticing your attentiveness continues.
>"I've gotten a few reports of you starting to horde copper, in addition to several reports of you searching for a metal harder than steel and requiring massive amounts of heat to work. Care to illuminate me on the nature of such things?
>You chuckle a bit at her word choice.
"Illumination is the reason."
>Luna gives you a perplexed look before you continue.
"As you know, there is no magic in the world I come from. As we advanced we found that candles weren't bright enough and had the problem of setting things flame if carelessly placed or handled. We found a way to use the same power and comprises lightning and found a way to use it to produce light. I intend to bring that to Equestria."
>"Is this technology potentially hazardous? Lightning is not an energy to be taken lightly"
"With the amount being used, it's less dangerous than a lantern, and has a much diminished chance of setting things on fire."
>"Wonderful! Well with those concerns tended to I think I'll take my leave."
>Luna walks to the balcony and turns towards you.
>"Fear not Anonymous, everything that has been said here shall not leave the room. I'm afraid I may have overstepped my boundaries a little and I hope it doesn't discourage you."
>That last bit gets your attention.
>Luna gives you a wistful smile as her wings extend to take flight
>"Even a beloved ruler and princess can get lonely. I'll be.....rooting for you."
>Luna's bed

>[panicked whinnying]
Head is the answer
>Celestia looks her sister dead in the eye, rolling her hips underneath you
>a subtle golden glow urges an arm around her barrel, the other raking through her mane
>Celestia staggers forward, hooves and ecstatic Royal Canterlot Voice reverberating dramatically in the intimacy of the sauna
>Luna is gone, lost in the heat while her sister affectionately nibbles your earlobe
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This. If it's something you enjoy doing keep doing it. I have written a few stories in private. Just for the sake of writing. It's a hobby I enjoy doing. If you enjoy writing keep writing anon.
tfw Luna will never call me a pleasure-ape
ok so question time folks, do you want me to go over Anon's preparations for asking Celestia out on a date or do you want me to skip to him asking her out?
I think that watching anon plan would be pretty fun
The prep man.
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relevant plot
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Can't wait til he posts a hi-res version of that panel.
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>Walking through Canterlot streets you admired the scenery within the vast city.
>Throughout it many ponies simply went about their day.
>Visiting shops, laughing, smiling, sitting at the outdoor cafés and chatting happily.
>No matter how many times you walked these busy streets it still managed to bring a smile to your face.
>Everyone here was happy, the peaceful nature of the ponies and the other races was an alien notion to you.
>Back on earth war and conflict were the norm.
>But not here and you liked it.
>Holding the wooden box under your arm you continued at a leisurely pace.
>Passing many of the stalls in the open air market sounds of sellers shouting about how their products were the best in all of Equestria.
>Smells of the various flowers and baked goods assaulted your nostrils.
>Maybe you should buy a nice blueberry pie on your way back home, goodness how you enjoyed blueberry pies.
>After a few more minutes of walking you destination finally came into view.
>The Royal Palace.
>Large steeple towers as high as the eye could see.
>It never ceased to amaze you.
>Back on earth you always enjoyed visiting your parents back in the city and simply walking around the metropolis with its tall buildings and condos.
>Approaching the gated entrance you watched as they opened.
>The two guards posted gave you a cheery good afternoon and motioned you through.
“Good Morning Swift Piper, Swift Wing.”
>”Afternoon Anon, you going to win today? You know I’m still reeling from that thrashing you gave me last week.”
>Laughing heartedly you waved at them.
“We’ll see, you never know.”
>Walking up the steps you saw the large double doors begin opening as you ascended.
>Back on earth you had a vastly different occupation to the one here, and as much as the ponies asked what you did, you never told them.
>What did it matter?
>You were here now, that was a different life. Now you had a happy one here doing something you loved.
>”Good Afternoon Mr. Anon>”
“Good Afternoon Feather Sweep, the usual place I guess.”
>”It’s been all set for you, Princess Celestia said she would be down the moment she finishes with afternoon court.”
“Thank you.”
>”Want me to bring you some tea while you wait?”
“Yes please, with a”
>”A teaspoon of honey and lemon. Goodness Anon you act like I would forget.”
“You got me.”
>”And I still want a rematch.”
“Tuesday work for you?”
>”Oh yes! You’re going down this time.”
>Walking past the happy little maid mare you chuckled.
>She had guts and brains, a good combination if there ever was one.
>The corridors were busy as you walked.
>Various dignitaries and royals bustled about, most stopping and running up to you to exchange warm words.
>Many of them were weary of you when you first arrived, yet after you had shown that you were a peaceful man they warmed up quick enough.
>Reaching the room where you would do battle with the ruler of Equestria you began setting up.
>Opening the wooden box you carefully took out all the pieces.
>Each was hand carved, you had made these yourself.
>Flipping the box over you began placing the pieces on the board.
>A game where you truly learn who your opponent is.
>Every move a calculated decision which could mean either victory or defeat.
>A game where even a pawn could defeat a king.
>it was almost poetic.
>Sitting back in your chair you looked over the board slowly glancing between each piece.
>Fully content that everything was right you readied to face your greatest foe, someone who has played this game far longer than you.
>The only pony that has ever beaten you.
>Not even a minute later you heard the door open.
>”I do apologize Anonymous, court dragged on much longer than I had anticipated.”
>Walking in was the Princess of Equestria herself. Looking tired but cheerful.
“It’s alright, I just finished setting up.”
>Getting up you walked to the other side and pulled out the seat for the diarch.
>A giggle reached your ears.
>”Ever the gentlecolt.”
>Celestia trotted over and sat in the seat on her haunches, a quick push and she was right up against the table.
>Walking back over to your own side you sat back down.
“Well then let’s begin.”
>Celestia always played white so the first move was hers.
>”Knight to F3.”
>”How have you been these past few weeks Anonymous?”
“Knight to F6, very busy to be honest. Lessons and challenges keep me occupied.”
>”I have no doubt, but on a non-professional level have you been well? Pawn to C4.”
>The one thing you enjoyed about these games is it gave you two a chance to talk.
>Celestia truly cared about all her subjects, often acting like a mother figure to many.
>But with you she was just Celestia, a mare who simply wanted a friend. Someone she could confide in and have a conversation with.
“What can I say, I’ve had mares come to me with marriage proposals and the like. Pawn to G6 by the way.”
>”Oh how scandalous, anyone I know?”
“Probably, you do know almost everypony in your kingdom.”
>She gave you that look, god how you hated that look. It showed it all, humor at your expense veiled behind a serene smile.
>”It can’t be all that bad, surely you have considered marriage at one point. Kinght to C3.”
“Ha!” you laughed hard at that.
>The thought crossed your mind, seeing as there was a definite lack of human females and if you were to find a spouse it would probably be one with hooves.
“Most of your ponies are way too squishy and adorable for me to consider as anything but cute. But nice try. Bishop to G7.”
>”Now don’t be that way, if you hold onto these thoughts you’ll wither away and be alone.”
“Celestia, I have my school, many friends, and a place to lay my head. I’m content with what I have.”
>”But simply being content may not be enough. Pawn to D4.”
“If you say so, but if I was to consider marriage it would be to a mare that has beaten me at my own game. Castling.”
>Looking up from the board you realized the gravity of your words.
>The fur on Celestia’s cheeks was bright red, oh you embarrassed her. Sometimes it slips your mind that so far she’s the only one who has ever beaten you.
>”Q.q..uite. Ehm Bishop to F4.”
“Oh so the princess has a weakness. Tell me has anyone ever asked for the royal hoof in marriage?”
>Your question had the desired effect, judging by the redness which had spread to almost her entire body.
>”It most certainly has, I’ll have you know that I get at least one proposal everyday.”
>These ponies were so bad at lying it almost hurt.
>But you’d drop the subject otherwise this game would go on forever.
“As you say Princess. Pawn to D5.”
>Celestia’s gaze remained on the board, you’d give her a minute to cool off. You watched as the redness faded with an amused smile.
>You forget sometimes just how easy it is to rile her up.
“So how’s that student of yours doing. Last I saw in the papers she became a princess herself.”
>”Twilight Sparkle, yes she’s quite well. I was worried for the longest time as how she would cope with the change.”
>Out of the corner of your eye you saw two tea cups float through the air from the now open door and set down on both your respective sides.
>”But she’s learning and doing well in Ponyville. Her friends are there for her to help along the way.”
“What about you?”
>”What about me? Queen to B3.”
“I mean are you happy, you’ve always told me stories about her from when she was a filly. I may not be the smartest man but even I can tell you miss her. Pawn DC4”
>”Well of course I miss her, but if I don’t let her grow and learn the hard lessons herself it will only hurt her in the end. Queen C4”
>Always thinking about other and never worried that maybe it’s not in her own best interest, that’s Celestia for you.
“Maybe you should go see her, I’m sure she would love to see you again. Pawn C6”
>”I wish I could, I truly do but all my time is taken up. Sometimes I’m amazed I can get away just to have this time for myself. Pawn to E4”
>You don’t doubt it’s tough, ruling a country, trying to help your sister get adjusted after being imprisoned for so long. It would weigh down any normal person or pony.
“Well let’s not think about duties for now then. We have a very interesting game going and in the presence of good friends, what more could you ask for. Knight BD7.”
>”You’re right Anonymous, but sometimes it can become much. Rook to D1”
>Reaching up you actually hesitated. You’ve already won, you see how this game is playing out. It’s a match you memorized play for play. But now you were going to win in a different way.
>Your hand went to your king, and tipped it.
>”What? You’re giving up?”
>Standing up you walked over to Celestia side and engulfed the mare in a hug.
>You felt her tense up but in only an instant you felt her relax and wrap her forehooves around you and return it.
>Sometimes our friends don’t need games and a simple hug is worth more than any victory.
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And I'm done.
loved it
I want to smooch Celestia.
It was cozy.
That was a very warm story. What I wouldn't give to hug celestia.
Damn cute. Made me smile.
Page 10 bump. Sol Eternum!
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I shall never die with my waifu beside me. Never.
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Bottom left. At first glance I read it "Estrus flank". The fuck is wrong with me
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Oh thank fuck I'm not the only one
>tfw you get to the lecture hall
>tfw you love learning
>tfw you get to learn from Princess Celestia herself
>tfw a sign on the door announces "Class Cancelled due to Affairs of State"
"That can't be good..."
What happened to your 'Anon Accidentally Married To Celestia' story, friend?
Thanks for the green, it was cute as fuck
Yeah what about it? I'm interested in it as well
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Few posts left. Either we rush this thread to bump limit or we make a new one tomorrow and let this 404.
'Twas a good thread by the way.
>127 posters
Indeed a good number.
new one
New one tomorrow but we rush this one, just for fun. There's plenty of praising to be done still.
That greens been put on hiatus, it felt too much like I was rushing the story for the sake of getting it done and not writing it properly. I'm just putting it on the shelf until I get some good ideas (and finish a few finals)
Well shit, I love that story. But even i have to admit it did feel like it was dragging its feet at times. So long as you don't pull a fizzles on us I'm good.
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Praise it!
tfw molestia will never be back
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I like this more. Attaining bump limit kinda gives a sense of fulfillment.
Pic unrelated.
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Might as well! And we're close to the image cap too.
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>shows up in the episode
>no dialogue except a sigh
Celestia in new episode
>No lines
>Oliver doesn't even show up in the credits.

I wish they had killed her.
>Celestia being a bitch
What the fuck, killed the whole episode for me.
I was satisfied.
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Minor idea for improvement... Away with these skinny waif-like hindquarters!
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that dock! unf
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>let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance
>today's episode
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Dude, fuck you.
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no u
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Being a real bitch could at least have made people wonder why, the real problem is that she appeared and literally did nothing, besides rolling her eyes and staring at the cutlery. But again, nothing we aren't accustomed to.
Pic mildly related
worst part is that it was her best appearance, legit first time she made me laugh
Image limit reached.
Goodnight, Celestia. No thread tomorrow; even Princesses need rest too.

...yes, even the ones in charge of gigantic nuclear sky-furnaces.
Then it's unsafe links time

Are you literally insane
I just think this thread's good and dried up; why roll it out again in a few hours 'just because' when we can rest, recuperate, and recharge?

However, I agree with your image policy
I'm down with a one week break, this one lasted 2. It would be pretty slow if we made a new one. I'm actually trying to write some green but there's no way I'll have it done by tomorrow .
share more unsafe images that make your heart ache more than your loins:
I love you, Princess Celestia.

It's better to have a good thread every couple weeks than a shit thread every week.

>this thread
bump limit

>last thread
bump limit

>thread before that
left to 404 in order to make a new one, thus avoiding to autosage midweek

>thread before that
lasted almost 2 weeks

>2/3 threads in february
bump limit

We did pretty well lately, but hey, I'm just one guy here. If you want to have a break, I won't complain.
She loves you too, Anon.
moar links
>no anthro or human
I have those filtered. It's >Hooves only for me.
Goodbye, /sun/
Until tomorrow
We've reached maximum limits. Good thread. Praise the sun!
Love you /sun/
Thread posts: 500
Thread images: 251

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