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A Succubus Pony Thread

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Thread replies: 391
Thread images: 72

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What sorts of niches do you think these creatures found their way into in the time before Discord or the rule of Celestia and Luna?

Previous Thread: >>27091861

Succubus Anon, Lilith, and others stuff is good too.

drawing and writing encouraged!
(remember that the spoiler functions for text and images are a thing.)

NotTheOriginal - http://pastebin.com/BLH9fRXY
Never - http://pastebin.com/PngTMrCJ
Leiffer - http://pastebin.com/u/Leiffer
Captain Conundrum - http://pastebin.com/Eu8XrdcL
Edgy demon story - http://pastebin.com/UfpZnyfz
AngryWino - http://pastebin.com/u/AngryWino
Summoner Trixie story - http://pastebin.com/Yteybzpn
Carpenter - http://pastebin.com/u/Thy_Carpenter
Disappointment - http://pastebin.com/JhDP831R
(warning: starchy) http://pastebin.com/GhtVw67B
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> be anon the succubus
> the train clatters down the tracks
> some of the ponies talk, some watch the scenery go by.
> Your finishing the last crossword in your paper when you feel the train begin to decelerate.
> Your first stopover on your journey, a little town called ponyville.
> The air is alive with sound and smell. Soon the bustle of ponies and luggage and the intermittent hissing of the engine give way the the buzz of insects and smells of trees and plants in bloom.
> Warm and muggy, spring is giving way to summer.
> You spend about an hour sorting out which lodgings offer the best balance of comfort and affordability and getting your things settled, then another 30 minutes freshening up.
> Now you're in the mood for a nice treat and just down the street appears to be the perfect place to satisfy your sweet tooth.
> The building looks like a sweet and the sign reads "Sugar Cube Corner".

Dream eaters and stuff.

> The door opens with a jingle and you step inside.
> from the looks of things a mixture of locals and fellow travelers are patronizing the establishment.
> As you approach the counter the customer in front of you turns to find a table where they may eat their cruller in peace.
> The Pony waves goodbye to them before turning to face you.
>She is.. very energetic, and very pink.
> from the tip of her frizzy mane to the wide and shifting flanks down to her effervescent tail she radiates an energy that would feel nervous and come off as grating and not quite right were it not tempered by the genuine air of joy and self aware conviviality flowing from the blue eyes and lively smile.
> "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, I'm Pinkie Pie, What can I get you?"

> Most ponies don't put out this kind of high frequency positivity. No she was special and you could already tell she would remain in your memory for some time, as unusual ponies often did.
> "A pleasure to meet you, Pinkie. Yes, I would like...
> You proceed to place your order and strike up a conversation with Pinkie Pie.
> A confectioner by trade and a party planner by passion. She had, in her own way, adopted this town and it's population as her own.
> You could be a good listener when you wanted to be, and Pinkie was reeling you in on every word.
> With her attitude toward life and that body you couldn't help but imagine what spending some intimate time with her would be like.
> As you sat down to eat your meal, you considered how to go about coming to sharing a bed, or other space, with Pinkie Pie before your next train.

tired now.
might pick this up tomorrow.
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>What a belly.png

I want to rub it so bad.
You and me both.
I might try and drop some green at some point during this thread.
If it stays alive, that is.
Why isn't she real?
I'd cuddlefuck her every morning and night. Loyal to her and only her.
Even if she needs to go out and feed off of other males and/or females, I wouldn't mind. As long as she comes home to me.

>inb4 cuck

Since pony politics are dominated by mares I would think succubi would have wide open prospects in the old times in the old lands, so long as they kept their true nature under wraps.


Oh cool. Looking forward to it.
The old writefags are dead, which is a shame. Serveral of the old greens were good.

I'm the person writing the green on this current thread but I'm doing things with friends IRL at the moment.
having fun?
He probably is.
Cool plush.
Though I think her rump is a bit small.

I am.
Thank you.
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> bed
> you are in your bed wrapped in a comforter and snuggling the side of your face into something soft and breathing that gurgles softly as your forelegs tights around it.
> You realize your nuzzling into your lover's wonderful soft belly and open your eyes to look up.
> She's wide awake and looking down at you with a smile on her face.
> She reaches down with a fire hood and begins scratching your scalp. Sweet Celestia that feels good. You press into her hoof a little as it works.
> "go back to sleep" her sultry voice whispers to you.
> "I need you well rested and ready to feed me come the morning."
> you give her another squeeze and close your eyes, giving her a kiss on the belly as you drift back into dreamland.
Is this bumpland? Did scruffy scare away all writefags?

Yeah, I think the recent scruffening scared some of them away. There is SOME green here though so I guess new write flags are taking root?

More plushies and dolls plz.
I like this.

> The food is delicious and full of those flavors and textures that you love so very very much on a warm day like today.
> After you finish you return to the counter, an easy sway in your walk.
> Pinkie Pie sees you coming and smiles brightly. Pleased that her customer is in such high spirits.
> You thank her for the meal and ask her if she would like to spend some time together after her shift is over.
> She gives you a careful look for an instant before passing you a note.
> you read it.
> "be here 30 minutes after closing"
> She's grinning.
> You return it.

Thank you.

Got any pics or crude drawings that are on topic?
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The only ones I have have already been posted.
I wish I could bump with content, but my lazy ass won't get around to writing already.
I'll get to doing this.
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Actually working on this green now.
Wait do you mean it is going to be a continuation of one from a previous succubus pony thread?
Nope, this is a brand new green by a somewhat brand new writer.
I wrote this if you were here for it that one time.

I wasn't. Will read now.

That was funny.

She is watching ants crawl around in the hair of her tail.
>The door to your taxi opens with a creak, the "driver" patiently waiting for his pay outside.
>Rifling through your pocket, you grab a few bits and hand them over.
"Bit of a tip, too. You're the only driver who was willing to take me up here."
>He swipes the coins a bit too quickly from your hand.
>"Y-yeah, uh, anything for the c-customer."
>He quickly scurries off, the rattling of the cab behind him signifying his haste.
>You turn around to the gate of your destination, looking through the bars at the building on the hill.
>Surrounded by spooky looking trees and with a dark coat of paint, the manor you were slated to work at for the next few months was looking like it came straight out of some old horror movie.
>The dark clouds above rumbled, and before you could push the gate open, a few droplets of rain plopped down on you.
>As you got into the front yard, the rain picked up, gradually becoming more than a slight shower as you walked.
>Lights from inside the manor seemed that much brighter, almost causing a glare in the darkness.
>You waste no time getting to the front door, trying to stay as dry as you possibly can.
>Thunder and lightning crackled against the sky, while the wind picked up and blew the trees around you.
>Leaves rustled and rain hit your face as you pressed on, the path almost coming to a close.
>The entrance, lit by two gothic-looking lamps, awaited you.
>The pavement below you stopped, the door being all that separated you from a dry interior.
>And your employer.
>A quick rapping on the door was all it took for the occupants inside to come and answer, the sound of hooves moving around inside becoming louder as time passed.
>You were appreciative of the small roof above the entrance, held in place by a few archaic looking pillars.
>The door opened to a rather younger looking mare than you were expecting.
>Her red eyes scanned you intently, and she wore a rather curious smile.
>The pony's eyes panned up to yours.
>>You turn around to the gate of your destination, looking through the bars at the building on the hill.
>>Surrounded by spooky looking trees and with a dark coat of paint, the manor you were slated to work at for the next few months was looking like it came straight out of some old horror movie

Oh no. Alphus Pennyworth died and now an certain billionaire playmare needs a new servant.

>"You're our new servant, I take it?"
"And you're my employer?"
>She chuckles.
>"How observant. Come in, please."
"Gladly," you tell her, walking through the entrance.
>The first thing you notice is the rather odd lighting inside the foyer, as all the candles and lamps are lit with a blue flame.
>Complimenting this oddly colored fire is the room itself, appearing a light gray amongst the few pieces of furniture placed in it.
>It was almost as though all color in the room was sucked out and put inside those flames.
>"So, do you remember the details of your job here?"
>It's tough to remember, considering you'd only read through that letter once.
>Really, the word "job" was enough to get you to sign on.
>Cash was a little tight, after all.
"Uh, not really, no."
>"Perfectly fine. I can give you the details as I show you around."
"Alright. Uh, before we go, though, what's your name?"
>She turns around and gives you a coy look.
>"Oh, right, I seemed to have forgotten about introductions."
>Her hoof is held out, tilted down somewhat.
>"Ponies around here like to call me 'Nana'. You're free to call me whatever, though~"
>Now you remember why you thought she'd be old so much.
>Not that the creepy manor and high class feel of the place wasn't enough already, though.
>Her hoof is still held out, but you aren't sure what exactly it means.
>Through her lidded eyes, you can see a hint of irritation, as if she's waiting on something.
>Her smile falters for a moment, and she clears her throat.
>"It's usually polite to kiss a mare's hoof if it's held out to you, dear."
"Oh! Uh..."
>You awkwardly kneel and take her hoof, planting your lips on it.
>A quick smacking sound is produced as your lips leave it, and Nana's smile returns.
>She turns back around, moving forward.
>"Come along, now. We've got an entire manor to tour."
>As you follow, you notice her flanks visibly sway.
>A high class pony such as her didn't seem like much of a flirty type.

>"So, your name is Anonymous, correct?"
"Yep. At first I thought it was weird to have this name, but then I came to the world of ponies somehow, and now I don't feel weird anymore."
>"We're all a little 'weird', Anonymous. Don't feel singled out."
>You're out of the foyer and into the hallways, which are about as dark and spooky as the outside of the manor.
>As you expected, blue candles help illuminate the way around the dark home.
>She stops in front of a door and opens it.
>"First and most importantly, this will be your room."
"My room?"
>She looks over to you, a sly grin still on her face.
>"Did you not read that part about living here as you worked? That if you did a good enough job, you'd stay longer than your initial time here?"
>Man, that "job" part really did grab all of your attention span.
>She giggles.
>"It's fine if you didn't pack. We can send you home tomorrow to grab your things."
>With the shock out of your system, you look inside at the bedroom, and are almost amazed that you'd be staying here.
>A large, ornate carpet lies in the center of the room, accompanied by a small fireplace, a king sized bed with velvet sheets, a dresser, vanity table, and closet.
>Nana once again giggles.
>"That's what they all say."
>You close the door, ready for whatever else Nana has in store for you.
>Nothing could top that, right?
>"Further this way, we'll come to the dining room and kitchen. Your job doesn't involve any cooking as of yet, but it's best to get you acquainted with it regardless."
"What about the rest of these rooms we're passing?" you ask, noticing all the other doors you're walking by.
>"The rest of those are bedrooms for the other servants. There's no need to look through all of them, especially since most are asleep right now~"
>What time was it again?
>The dining room is proceeded by a doorless entrance, but the space is wide enough to accompany maybe three.
>The room itself...

This reminds me a game I played where a vampire had a fuckton of servants with nice quarters so that they always had more than enough blood and were able to entertain guests.

Which green on here is yours?

I do with Thy_CarpenTer would come back.

I really want a part 3 to conniving cultists.
Vampire the Masquerade?

The one currently being written. :^)

>"This is where you'll be eating, Anonymous. You'll hear the meal triangle each time the food has been prepared."
>A huge dining table sat by a window that was probably half the size of the manor walls.
>That is to say, ginormous.
>The other half of the room not occupied by the table looked to serve as a dance floor of sorts.
>You could only imagine the kind of balls they held here.
>Nana was halfway across the room before you came to and hurried to catch up.
>"I was wondering when you'd notice my absence."
"Sorry, got a little lost in my thoughts."
>She hums.
>The noble pushes open one of the double doors leading to the kitchen, letting you take a look inside.
>This room, oddly enough, has a brighter palette than most of the manor itself.
>While the utensils and appliances all had something of a silver sheen, the walls were a palish peach in color, and the tiles on the ground were of a bright brownish.
>"As I said, you won't be doing any cooking as of current, but that may very well change in the future."
"Why's that?" you ask as the two of you leave the kitchen.
>A mischievous expression remains on her face.
>"Sometimes our servants just can't handle the work. Sometimes they simply vanish. Nopony ever knows what happens to them."
>"Don't worry, Anonymous," she says, stopping and turning around, "I like you, so I'll make sure you don't get hurt~"
>She walks by you, then turns back quickly, her tail brushing against your legs.
>Somehow you think that contact was on purpose.
>"Now, we're getting behind schedule. Let's continue."
>Vampire the Masquerade?

>A long walk and an awkward silence later, you're brought to a backdoor.
>Nana opens it to reveal a grand garden on the other side, being pelted by rain.
>"This is where one of your jobs will take place. You'll be trimming hedges and cutting the grass. We've other servants to care for the flowers."
"What if it rains, like right now?"
>"I did say ONE of your jobs, didn't I?" she asks with a grin.
>It's then that you're able to get a look at her teeth.
>Were those...fangs?
>"Our next stop is going to be over here," she tells you, pointing in front of her.
>At this point, the traveling between rooms becomes a bit of a blur, passing as quickly as it starts.
>The general rooms were things like bathrooms, a couple storages, a wine cellar, yadda yadda.
>There was one last room to check out, according to Nana.
>"This is the lounge, Anonymous," she tells you, opening the door, "You're free to come here when you're off-duty."
>In the room sits a mare that looks just about as young as Nana.
>However, her hair is styled differently, being one big flow with pointed ends instead of put together in an ornate bun.
>The few pieces of clothing she has on differs from Nana's sort of frilliness, giving this pony a sleeker, more modern look.
>Goggles, stockings, and a choker.
>This new pony hops off of the stool she sat on, coming over to you and Nana.
>"Ooooo, is this a new servant?"
>"Yes, dear. Anonymous, this is my daughter, Lilith."
>You kneel down, expecting Lilith to demand a kiss on her hoof.
>Instead, she puts her hoof under your chin, bringing your face to hers.
>"Well, he's quite a handsome specimen."
>You can't help but feel your face flush a little.
>Nobody's ever complimented your looks before.
>"Be gentle with him, Lilith. He is new, after all."
>"I'll be sure to break him in nice and easy, mom~"
>She licks her teeth, which are revealed to also contain a couple fangs.
>Was this normal for ponies?
>Whatever, not like it was important.
>"How's your tour been so far, Nonny?" she asks, squishing your cheeks.
>Not even a minute and she already has a nickname for you.
"Dish plashe ish big."
>She lets you go, putting a hoof under her chin.
>"You'll get used to it, Nonny. Everypony does."
>For such a little mare, she sure could squish cheeks pretty hard.
>"He will in time, but for now, he has to be sent to his room, Lilith. He's got a busy day ahead of him tomorrow."
>Lilith puts on a mock pouty face.
>"Awww, and here I was hoping I'd get to know him a little better."
"Uh, maybe after I'm done with work tomorrow?"
>She smiles, her eyebrows arched in content.
>"I'm looking forward to it~"
>Nana leads you out as Lilith gives you a coy wave goodbye.
>Once you reach your room, Nana stops you.
>"Now Anonymous, you're either going to get up at eight o' clock sharp, or one of the servants will have to force you awake. After that, report to the foyer at nine for your duties."
"Sure, I'll do that."
>"Good. You're already looking to be a very good worker. Pleasant dreams, Anonymous~"
>Nana leaves you to your room, heading to places unknown.
>Without someone else around, the halls of the manor suddenly get a little more scary to be in.
>You close the door to your bedroom, allowing the light of the candles inside it to illuminate your way around.
>Without any pajamas, your only choice is to strip down to your underwear and sleep in that.
>Slipping under the covers of the bed, you find yourself comforted by the silky smooth sheets and their warming embrace.
>Despite the uncertainty about tomorrow lingering in your mind, you're able to put it to rest, along with yourself.

Stopping here.
It'll be put in my pastebin which will be updated each time I write a new part.
I kind of wished it continued.

I'd love to hear more about the weight conscious succubus pone.

Especially if she relapsed into binge eating human affection.
But Satan

Doesn't she work for you?

This is cool.
I'm guessing this is an alt universe (nothing wrong with that) Lilith or one a different succupone with the same name since she seems rather different in appearance.
Well, actually, it is still the Lilith we all know and love. I guess I'm just no good at describing her properly.
I'm basing a lot of this story on stuff Zajice has told me.

Oh ok.
Well either way, still looking forward to more.
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Ah, Sleep.
The most powerful low level spell in Labyrinth Lord
Don't make me want to write more when I already have two other ongoing stories.
I'm already considering continuing that now.
But chubby and oh-so-cuddly succubus pone.
>Don't make me want to write more when I already have two other ongoing stories.
>I'm already considering continuing that now.

I'm honestly fine with that one shot staying a oneshot. I enjoyed it and don't feel like it needs more.

>I already have two other ongoing stories.

What ongoing story is the one that isn't the one you've been writing on this thread?
One involving software ponies.
You know, Chrome, IE, etc.
You know, this might just be my own love of chubby pones coming through, but given all the resources Chrome tends to take up, I can't help but see a pony based off it would be quite round.
It's shit like this that makes me regret not waiting until later to write stuff.
Anons suggest cool ideas all the time.

At the same the posting of greens often seems to provoke anons posting more thoughts and ideas.
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>succubus pony
So... changeling thread?

If you want to talk about or post textual or visual media relating to the portrayal of changelings as beings that feed on desire or sex in a way commonly associated with beings called succubi then please go ahead.

Not all portrayals of changelings fit the above stated description and so do not exactly fit here.

That story scared me and made me feel very uncomfortable.

(If you want to read it it is one of the stories listed in the AngryWino pastebin linked in the OP post of this thread.)
That, and succubi pone are more bat-like than insect.

Also, I'm unsure, but isn't the jury still out on changeling genders?
Bumping before I leave.
I might continue this as soon as I get back.

Oh shit, yeah, I forgot, I'm terrible with coming up with pony names. Before I continue, I was gonna ask you guys in here for help coming up with names. If necessary, I'll try to come up with some myself.
All I need are names for a butler, a male servant, a male cleaner, two maids, and a female chef.
So the good news is that I came up with names myself.
Bad news is that my internet decided to die for a good hour, and now I'm too sleepy to write anything.
I'll definitely try to get something out tomorrow, though.
>Needing an Internet connection to write
Write your stories in some kind of note or document program, preferably one that auto saves progress. No fun when your stuff gets deleted.

>All I need are names for a butler, a male servant, a male cleaner, two maids, and a female chef.

Just woke up. Will try to think of some names when brain is fully awake.

Other anons come up with names too plz.
Sorry m8.
Already got some names.
Didn't consider that, but keep in mind that a good amount of that hour was also trying to come up with those names.

>Your eyes open, and you're met with an unfamiliar room.
>Gone was your plaster ceiling, replaced by an old, wooden one.
>As you sat up in the bed, you started to remember where you were.
>The fireplace was a great reminder.
>Working for Nana and all that good stuff.
>Instinctively, you looked at the clock above the fireplace.
>You were up earlier than you needed to be, but you could never go back to sleep after a long night of it already.
>Best get up and prepare for the day.
>Your walk to the dresser is cut short by you almost tripping over something on the ground.
>Looking down at you feet, you find yesterday's clothes sitting on the ground.
>You had no other clothes.
>Rolling your eyes, you pick up the strewn clothes and put them back on, feeling a tad gross as you did.
>Hopefully they'd get you a ride home. You weren't exactly inclined to pay for another cab.
>Provided any drivers were even brave enough to come up here.
>The door clicks, and you're back out in the hallway.
>The sun shone through the windows, a huge contrast from the downpour last night.
>Nana said to be at the foyer at nine, but it wasn't even eight.
>Maybe you could get some breakfast?
>A quick walk later, you were entering the dining room, which was full of the other servants themselves eating.

Bumping with what I have.

My first instinct was to say "see what the others are eating".

Then I remembered this isn't that kind of story.

Looking forward to seeing more.
My first instinct was to swallow the gem in my inventory.

I was working on a green about a pony who abducted colts and stallions to sell to reclusive a family of succubi but now all I can think of is Bane memes.

They were supposed to be a despicable in case you were wondering.
I'll admit that writing this as a CYOA would put an interesting spin on it.
I've only ever written one CYOA.

>They stop to look at you.
>Having all those eyes on you at once...
>You could feel sweat forming on your forehead.
>One of the maids whispers to a big, buff servant.
>He shakes his head at her.
>"Wh-who are you?" a second maid asks you.
"Nana didn't tell you guys about me?"
>"Apparently not," a skinny, pale blue stallion pipes up.
>An older, light orange stallion clears his throat.
>"Are you a new servant of our fair lady?"
"Yeah. My name's Anonymous."
>"Of course. She always likes to 'surprise' me with new ones," he sarcastically says.
>He gets out of his seat to greet you.
>"I am Kingpin, the house butler. Lady Nana may be your employer, but you report to me for duties."
>He holds his hoof out, and you shake it.
>Once you let go, he points to each other pony as he introduces them.
>"This is Scale Tipper," he tells you, referring to the bigger, burly stallion at the table. "He performs most of the manual labor around the manor."
>Scale nods to you curtly.
>"This is Silk Weave. She and Dawnlight, seated next to her, are the maids of the house."
>Silk bats her eyelashes at you while Dawnlight shyly shrinks.
>"Another newbie. I'll help you up the rung, hun." Silk teases.
>"Our resident chef, Flour Flips, has cooked us this fine breakfast."
>The amber mare smiles.
>"Come and-a taste, Anonemoos! Is good, yeah?" she asks her fellow servants.
>"And our final servant is Spit Shine."
>"I do a lot of cleaning, if you couldn't tell by the name. Only been here a week, so we should stick together, bud."
>Ponies were quick to make friends.
>"As the clock has not yet struck nine o' clock, we're free to do as we please. Each day we usually eat breakfast together around this time."

I'm probably butchering the Italian accent. Anyone know a general guide to writing one?

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Meant to post this pic.

I do not understand.
Neither do I.
What's with the Bane memes?

Are you saying you don't know what baneposting is or that don't know something else?
No, I mean, why are they all you can think about?

because the idea of a pony selling others to a shady organization caused my mind to jump to the beginning of the plane scene.

and then the memes just started spiraling out of control.

"I didn't see the light until I was already a mare; by then, it was nothing to me but blinding!"
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"Sounds cozy. Eating together before working together."
>"Trust me," Scale Tipper says, "you learn more about each other as you work."
>Silk lightly smacks his arm.
>"That's because you focus too much on eating instead of talking, you big lug."
>It's then that you notice something distinctly odd.
"Hey, wait, where's Nana? Or Lilith?"
>The room falls silent.
>"Uh...." wonders Spit.
>"They never show up, actually," mentions Silk. "Doesn't mean they don't eat though, right?"
>"I suppose they sneak into some a' my snacks when nobody's lookin'." Flour suggests.
>Your employers were getting weirder by the minute.
>"It's not important enough to dwell on," Kingpin butts in, "back to your meals, everyone."
>As everyone begins to eat again, Kingpin uses his magic to pull out a seat for you.
>"Come, Anonymous. You're one of us, now."
>Odd way of putting it, but you wouldn't argue.
>You approach the chair and sit in it, a bowl of soup being poured in front of you.
>Kingpin gives you a spoon, then continues with his own bowl.
"Soup? For breakfast?"
>"I call it-eh breakfast soup! I guarantee eet's good, Anonemoose. Taste it!"
>She jovially watches you, waiting for the soup to meet your mouth.
>Obliging her request, you take the spoon and dunk it in the soup, bringing some up to your lips.
>A light sip is all you take, and you're instantly hit with a sweetness unlike anything you've tasted before.
>Like a mixture of cinnamon and raisin, but with something else...something that adds a sugary texture to the mix.
>You give her a nod of approval.
>"Ah, what did I tell you? Nopony yet dislike my deeshes!"
>You gladly take in the rest of the soup, the rest of the servants finishing their meals and talking with each other.
>Kingpin leans over to you.
>"We still have nearly a half hour before work," he whispers, "I'd suggest you go bathe. I will leave you a uniform to dress in."
>At least that solved the dirty clothes issue.

Sorry for a short update.


When did if become popular to bump with periods instead of the word bump or variations there of.
Hell, I don't know.
I just find it easier to do.
To be honest, I only notice this thing happening in this thread.
Probably because I'm the only one doing it. :^)
I'll admit, it's less bothersome than constantly seeing the word bump.
Is there an incubus horse?
I'd call that an R63 Lilith.
>Is there an incubus horse?

probably. They just haven't caught on as much.
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So, I'm writing a piece for this thread now, finished the prolouge. I wanna know if the demon anon in question has to b a pony or if I can use a humanoid anon as my demon.

Would you read it? If someone is already doing something like that pardon me but I don't watch the thread outright.
Well, you could go with Ponon, but if it's to be a demon doing succubus/incubus stuff to ponies, I'm sure a humanoid anon would be acceptable.
Do whatever man. He can even be just a regular guy but ponies assume hes a demon because hes so different.

All green is good, especially here in this abandoned ghost thread.
"Gasp, he's so tall, clearly he's a demon!"
"Just look at how he walks on two legs with complete ease, so unnatural!"
Where did you get that?

It's not mine.

someone posted it on an old thread.
you can probably tack down the source and learn more about it by doing a reverse image search

Baby dragons walk around on 2 legs and use the others for manipulating things. So do some apes if you ask fluttershy.
That was the joke.

sounds interesting. I'd like to read this.
Whatever happened with that story about Ambassador Anon and his appointment to Tartarus? I remember reading parts of it a while back, but did it die or has it continued?

Okay, I'll post my prolouge then.

>You throw the chalk off to the side and strike a match, igniting several black candles at once, in a ring around your newly made pentagram.
>What faint light peeks through the gaps in your thick curtains seems to shrink away in fear, leaving the only two sources of light being the candles and the screen of your computer.
>Several windows are open at once: one for instructions on how to perform a summoning ritual, one displaying your favorite fanart of your waifu, and the last set up as a webcam window, streaming to the entirety of /mlp/.
>Your writing for them dropped out at some point, and they begged for the resurrection of the Devil-in-the-Machine.
>Well you came back, and you brought a Devil, though not the one they were expecting.
>The little chat log keeps updating, urging you to hold your promise to make it to equestria for them.
>You would fulfill their fantasies for them if it cost your soul, and it likely will.
>With a deep breath you lean back and hum.
>Immediately, you lose control of your body, which makes a T-pose and gyrates in circles at the hip.
>You were expecting that, and continue simply humming.
>The humming starts to take sound, despite your minimal effort to produce the strange noises.
>The sounds turn into chanting, and your lips move all on their own, forming strange languages which you instinctively know is being vocalized backwards.
>The chat explodes with Anons taking to typing their disbelief and urging you to continue.

>Unphased, you press forward as one of the candles flames flit out and the wick smolders angrily.
>There is a slight breeze picking up in your little living room, and another candle dies.
>The other three are short behind, and there is a loud bang from the ceiling, with an impact hard enough to crack it and spew drywall dust down on you.
>Despite the breeze gaining momentum, the candle smokes trail straight up, but their progress seems to slow before freezing in place entirely.
>Just as there is another thumping, closer and on the floor, the smokes seem to reverse in time, being pulled back into the wicks.
>By now the chat is in a frenzy, and the sole focus is you.
>As the tail end of the smoke trails file back into the candles, tiny black flames of darkness more pure than the shadows in the corners ignite.
>The you on your computer breaks character, ceasing his chant and standing up.
>You keep on, knowing you've already passed the point of no return; whatever you were about to summon, hopefully Lucifer, has already arrived.
>The you on screen approaches the camera, his eyes rolling back and darkening, and his lips curling into an unnatural smile as his teeth seem to sharpen and yellow.
>He gets right into the camera, blocking view of everything else.
>The chat is going hard as ever, but you see a few messages of what seem like gibberish come up, static playing across them before they prematurely delete themselves.
>The screen tag posting the messages is your own: Devil-in-the-Machine.
>Another jolt of static as the screen name morphs, turning into "Devil-and-the-Machine."

>The virtual you spins his head in a manner that let's him keep smiling at the screen, and you watch his chin make a full vertical rotation before resting where it originally was.
>There is no audio in the stream, but you clearly hear the laughing coming from your speakers, as a white-noise hiss plays in the background.
>The demon removes himself partially from the view of the camera, giving a look over his shoulder to show you you still chanting and gyrating.
>Watching him walk towards you and brush a finger over the over you, you physically feel the nape of your neck get cold and your hair flitz out of the way.
>His finger turns into a blade and he etches something into your neck, and you can feel the searing pain and blood roll down your back.
>He's trying to make you break the chant so he keeps your soul for nothing, and your determination causes you to redouble your focus, closing your eyes and working through the pain.
>You are doing this for them, the Anons you love so much, and you won't be deterred!
>The chat watches the demon frown, even scarier than his smile, and approach the pentagram you laid out for it.
>The moment it passes over the salt circle, everything stops.
>The chat goes silent, the pain ceases, your chanting halts and your limbs come back to your control.
>You breathe deep through your nose and smell sulfur, opening your eyes to see a man in a suit much like yours within the pentagram.
>His hair is black, his eyes are black, his tie is black, and his skin is a milky, almost paper white.
>He looks at you with a mixture of light disgust and hidden intrigue, but you see no one in his spot on the stream.
>You can't hide your fear, but you can swallow it, and stand up, staring him dead in the eye with an elevated heartbeat and the fire of passion only a mortal can muster.
>The 'man' smirks.
>"You've summoned me mortal, so I'd assume you know my name?"
"Who doesn't know about the great deciever? Lucifer, then."

>The man nods and brings a hand to his chin, resting the elbow in his other palm.
>"So then, what's /your/ name? I see you've made a following using my identity, the least you could do is introduce yourself as more than 'Devil.'"
>Your turn to grin, and Satan takes notice.
"I'm not stupid, I know how important names are in this sort of thing. So, Lucifer, time for my pact."
>He raises an eyebrow.
>"You think /my/ name holds power over me? You obviously haven't done enough homework..."
>You keep from showing your dissapointment.
>"However, a deal I /am/ interested in. What did you have in mind?"
"Oh no, you tell me your price first buddy, I know that game."
>Satan chuckles and stuffs his hands in his slacks pockets.
>"Then you'd know that /you/ summoned /me/, which means that I get the luxury of setting the price. Its not my priority to broker with you, its yours."
>Damn, he's got you there.
>You point towards the screen, the image of your love staring back.
"Her, I want to go to equestria. I want to go to magical pony land. For her."
>Satan's mouth curls into a sick smile.
>"Nope, too mushy. I want better motivation."
>You respond without thinking.
"For them, I promised I'd make it there. Whether I can prove it to them or not I made a promise."
>"Nadda. Too charitable for my tastes."
>You have to think a moment.
"I want it for me..."
>Lucifer's eyes bulge slightly before returning to normal.
>"Bingo~ Now, what are you willing to give up is the real question?"
>Easy, you were ready for this.
"My fucking soul."
>Satan chuckles.
>"Don't think so there, see the amount of energy I'd spend on opening the portal would outweigh the energy I get from your soul. That's not good business on my part."

"I have nothing else to give you..."
>Maybe you've been chasing a pipe dream all along.
>"Its not so much what you can give me as what you can get for me."
>You raise your eyebrows.
"Really then?"
>"I'll still keep your soul, obviously, but that works in your favor see? I will grant your wish, hell I throw in a few perks, and you bring me the virginities of twenty little ponies and we'll be even. Sound good?"
>That seems like a steep price to be sure; you aren't so sure how you'll accomplish this, but fuck if you won't try like a mufuka.
>You jab your open hand into the circle, and Lucifer looks giddy as he takes it into his hand and shakes, pulling away with a ball of gentle light.
>You feel a little nauseous, and it doesn't help that the Devil blows into your face, causing you to pass out.
>Satan adjusts his tie, looking at your limp figure, and kicks the salt at his feet aside.
>Casually striding towards the computer, he types into the chat.
>"Wish granted. Enjoy the show my little horsefuckers."
>The last comment in the chat before the feed cuts is as follows:
>"Anonymous: >Rape time!"

I'm working on the first part now but it

Is still in its infancy (damn auto post)

Devil in the Machine (the character in the story , not you the writefag)
Is crazy as fuck. I'm not sure if they are supposed to be an example of what happens when someone with a tenouous grip on reality spends too much time with an insular group like /mlp/, or 4chan in general, or something else but they are loco.

I guess it stands out more in this case instead of "anon" which could be anyone (or a representation of a portion of the "hive mind" or a fusion of memes given a body and so and so not a normal human to begin with)
the character is named (even if it is a pseudonym adopted for the sake of conversing online) and seems to very much be a real world human.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It makes me feel uncomfortable, but at the same time it makes me think, and makes me curious to see where you go with this.

now I want to see twerking lilith.
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suddenly, lilith's ass

I tried
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If I were to upload this to Derpi, what name should I credit you as?

>Your meal finished, you set your bowl aside and scooted away from the table.
>"So, does someone like leaving extra work for me and Dawnlight?" Silk asks you, pointing at the bowl.
>You can't help but feel embarrassed at her comment.
"Uh, sorry, I'll-"
>She waves her hoof.
>"I'm teasing, sweetie. Go do your thing," she says with a smile.
>Spit chuckles.
>That just made it worse.
>Best leave now so you can have some of your dignity intact.
>You exit the room, Kingpin following so he knows where to deposit the uniform.
>A random bathroom is where you end up.
>Not like that wasn't expected.
>"I will leave the clothes at the door," Kingpin informs you, turning around to leave, "Be sure to be quick with your shower."
>You hoped you'd be able to shower with pony-centric hygiene products.
>The clothes come off and you're in.
>Luckily, the soaps and shampoos don't discriminate.
>Gone is the feeling of grossness, replaced with a satisfactory cleanliness.
>Just like a servant should be, you figured.
>Grabbing a towel, you dry off before wrapping it around yourself and cracking the door open.
>Neatly folded in a pile on the ground is an outfit befitting of a humble servant.
>A tuxedo and dress shoes, suspiciously fit for a human to wear.
>You weren't complaining, though.
>The tux itself wasn't hard to get on, but the bow tie was a different story.
>You'd only ever done this once for some relative's wedding.
>Needless to say, your tying skills were rusty.
"Come on..." you muttered, fiddling with the untied bow.
>It'd make a bad impression to come to Kingpin with an untied bow.
>At the same time, how close was it to nine?
and you did well
the perspective and shape of her tail are off, but other than that it's good
>As you make a quick trip back to your room, you continue messing with the bow, trying in vain to tie it together.
>The clock in there says...
>The bow could wait, you needed to get to the foyer!
>A quick jog later, you arrive in time, everyone else having lined up and waiting on Kingpin for orders.
>Lilith was here, too, for some reason.
>Kingpin's arranging some papers in front of him, so none of the servants are paying too much attention to him.
>Spit especially, who's getting special attention from Lilith.
>Her hoof is under his chin, and she looks to be licking her lips.
>Then she notices you.
>"Ooo, you were almost late, Nonny."
>She ditches Spit, who looks rather disappointed.
>She reaches you and lets her bushy tail brush up on your legs, the hair tickling you a little even through your pant legs.
>"I didn't like that we weren't able to talk much last night, Nonny. How about we change that today?"
>She shoots you a sultry look.
"Okay, sure. What do you want to talk about?"
>It's not very noticeable, but she frowns for a moment at your answer.
>She turns around, tail continuing to brush on your legs.
>"Oh, you know, hobbies, the weather, maybe some old flames and some 'fond' memories of them?"
>She raises her butt slightly, seeming to aim it towards you.
>"Hope you don't mind me doing a morning stretch, though~"
"Not at all."
>Her sultry expression leaves in favor of a somewhat dumbfounded one, as her butt goes back to a balanced level.
>All the servants eye her awkwardly.
>The white pony clears her throat, regaining her composure.
>"Anonymous, are you-"
>"Excuse me, Miss Lilith."
>Kingpin walks by her, papers in his magic grip as he prepares to speak to all the servants.
>Lilith glances at you.
>"I'll...catch you later."
>She shakes her head as she walks away, heading out towards another hallway.

Getting kind of sleepy, guys.
I definitely want to try and put out more tomorrow morning, because I'm going to be busy for a while after.

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what kind of succubus would live in here?
Why, a bunny succubus of course.

But I'd watch out, just look at those razor sharp teeth.

Will Lilith have fun with the new help?

Will Anon find a rewarding place in his new job?

Will Nana return?

Are bow ties magic?

You'll just have to stay tuned to find out eventually!
>Everyone else stands at attention, awaiting orders from Kingpin.
>He clears his throat before speaking.
>"Silk, Dawn, you two are to dust all of the bedrooms."
>Silk nods, and Dawn grabs a feather duster in her uniform.
>The two maids head off to do their job, Kingpin moving on to Spit Shine with his list.
>"Spit, the windows on the upper floor need to be wiped down."
>"Gotcha," he responds with a quick salute. Like the maids, he heads off to prepare for his job.
>Kingpin now stands in front of you and Scale Tipper.
>"Scale, Anonymous, you're on outdoor duty. Scale, you'll care for the garden and Anonymous," he stops, looking at you. A quick burst of magic comes from his horn, and you find your bow tie is fixed. "It's not exactly professional to work with an incomplete uniform."
"Uh, sorry."
>"Anonymous, you'll be trimming hedges. Do a good job today, and I'll reward you with a good word to Nana."
>Interesting incentive, but maybe it meant you'd be paid more.
"Sure, I'll do what I can."
>Scale is already gone, so you hurry out while Kingpin gives Flour a list of meals to prepare for the day.
>You never did hear a triangle this morning...
>Maybe you slept through it.
>Regardless, you're outside now, and ready to trim some hedges.
>Scale hands you the trimmers, having apparently anticipated the moment of arrival.
>"You don't want to go too crazy with them. The goal is to make the hedges evenly leveled. No bumps or overcuts. Not that hard."
>His tutorial over, Scale goes to uprooting some weeds in the garden.
>So apparently he's not accepting questions.
>Fine with you; you're confident you won't mess up.
>As Scale uses both his raw and earth pony strength to take out weeds, you walk over to the hedges that stand taller than even him.
>How lucky these trimmers were so long.
>The snipping of hedges commences, and while you make a couple mistakes, they aren't impossible to fix.
>If anything, the trimmers are just a little clunky to work with.
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>The cool breeze blowing keeps you from frying in your tux, as otherwise the sunlight would be melting you.
>*snip snip!*
>A little work here, there, nothing too extreme.
>Man, this was boring.
>You flinched, turning around to see Nana walking out with a fan in her hair and a towel in her hooves.
>"Don't mind me, boys," she states with her nose in the air, "Just going to do a little sunbathing."
>She moves to a spot near Scale and rolls out her towel.
>With a sly grin pointed at Scale, the lady of the house turns around and slowly sinks her upper half down to the towel, her rear wiggling in front of Scale.
>The odd thing was, Scale Tipper, a stallion you'd so far thought to be reserved and focused on the job, is immediately drawn to the sight, his eyes glued to her backside.
>She chuckled, knowing she was getting his attention.
>He dropped the weed he was pulling, absolutely mesmerized by her.
>She licked her lips.
>The rest of her body hits the towel, and Scale is brought out of his trance.
>The ashamed look on his face tells you he didn't exactly want to be broken away from his work.
>Must have been a weak moment for him.
>He mumbles something under his breath and gets back to work, uprooting weeds once more.
>You never really stopped your job, yet somehow you didn't mess up while you watched that incident.
>*snip snip!*
>"Anonymous," Nana drones.
>The shears are lowered.
>"I hate to take you away from your job, but I'm in desperate need of someone to rub lotion on me. Think you could do it? Those hands look useful~"
"It beats trimming hedges."

Sorry, keep getting sidetracked.
>Setting down the trimmers, you approach the shapely mare and get on your knees next to her.
>Out from somewhere, she grabs a bottle of sunblock and hands it over to you.
>Taking it, a couple squirts are followed by a cool sensation on your hands, the cream already working on an unintended user.
"Where do you want me to start?"
>"Anywhere you want, Anonymous. I just hope you aren't such a cad as to take advantage of a little mare~"
>Your hands find themselves slowly pressing against her back, the mare letting out a light moan of satisfaction.
>It wasn't even that hot out.
>What gives?
>"Such a soothing feeling."
>She relaxes her body, giving you full control.
>The soft coat of Nana mixed with the smooth lotion gives your hands a bit of a massage themselves.
>She shivers as you rub circles on her sides.
>"Maybe I should promote you to a masseur, Anonymous. I guarantee it'd be a happy ending for both of us~"
"Hey, if it pays more, I'm up for it."
>She lightly huffs in response.
>"Well, it certainly WILL pay very well~"
"How much?"
>Her face falls into her folded hooves.
>A sigh escapes her before she comes back up.
>"More than you're being paid now, and then some~"
"Sounds good."
>She stays silent as you continue your work.
>Your hands reach her neck, and she lightly tenses.
>"Careful, Anonymous. I'm sensitive there~"
>Heeding her warning, you cautiously rub against her neck.
>She didn't tense up at all, so you must be doing it right.
>Crisis averted.
>The massage moves down to her shoulders, and she sighs in content.
>Then the last part remaining of her is...
"Uh, so you wanted me to get everything back here, right?
>"Of course."
>You look down at your last spot.
"Okay, well, are you okay with me touching your butt?"
>"Pfffft!" she breaks out into laughter at your comment.
>Scale looks over at her again, this time confused with what he's hearing.
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Princess Molestia would make a good succupone
>"Y-ye-he-hes!" she chokes out. It takes her a minute, but she calms down and catches her breath, wiping away a tear. "Yes, it is okay if you 'touch my butt'. Never have I had anyone ask such a thing."
>She took that question better than you were expecting, at least.
>With trepidation, you slowly move down to her bottom, rubbing the cream onto the round body part.
>She didn't exactly have a butt the size of her daughter's, but it was still kind of big.
>While you didn't find it awkward that you were basically rubbing someone else's butt, Nana seemed to be enjoying it a lot more than you.
>If her little coos were any indication, at least.
>Nana chuckles. "Careful, Anonymous. You're getting close to my lady bits~"
>Her butt shifts towards you, as if she were trying to guide you...
>Maybe not.
"Alright, I'll look out for them."
>You move away from the center of her butt, instead rubbing more lotion on her cheeks.
>Her forehead hits the ground.
>Once her whole back is covered in lotion, you wipe the rest off on your pants, the lotion luckily not staining that badly.
"Need me to do anything else, Nana?"
>"No, just go back to hedge trimming, Anonymous."
"Can do."
>Nana stays where she is, looking a tad irate.
>You wouldn't know why.
>The hedge trimmers are right where you left them, and you get back to work.

Stopping here for now.
I might squeeze out a little more later.
Sorry that I'm slow as fuck.
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I wonder if this is some interspecies problem.
succupones didn't develop to deal with humans so their powers don't work as well on them, so not Nana and Lilith are going to have to put some more work and thought on how to enjoy their new exotic meal source.

Haha, well, I was thinking it was more Anon's just dumb, but you know what, I like this idea.
Really diggin this
Like that there trying to seduce him but it isnt working
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Lilith's Butt.png
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This was colored.
I read this expecting to find a sexy story, and instead, I have to find my sides.

Well done, writeanon.
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Courage gives the thumb.gif
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Also bump.
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bumping before bed
just got back from a nightmarish night at work(what should have been done in only eight hours took close to eleven...), and I've read the new chapters.

I love the oblivious goody-two-shoes that Anon's being, do keep it up.

[spoilers]Although, maybe the mother tries to increase her posterior through chocolates, or some other decadent method, you know, so she won't feel shown up by her daughter[/spoilers]

There are more ways to be seductive or desirable than having a big fanny.

Also Nana seems to take a somewhat different approach to seduction then her daughter though there are definite simulaties

Some nice green can be great to come home to after a hard day or to get you out of the funk of a bad morning huh?
Writefags come back

Got writers block.
Its a bitch aint it

Dah. Is true.
is like a Homunculus?
>is like a Homunculus?

what do you mean?

nah, i'm retarded, sorry

Oh man, I'd missed these threads. Good to see it back. I'm really liking the green we've got at the moment.
>Oh man, I'd missed these threads. Good to see it back. I'm really liking the green we've got at the moment.

how much?
Will probably continue this later tonight.
Hopefully the thread stays alive until then.
Fuck yeah, cant wait mang
I'm loving oblivious anon. Frustrated succubi are hilarious.
Glad you guys like it as much as you do.
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>*snip snip snip!*
>Like cutting hair except on a plant, really.
>Nana sighs, then mutters something under her breath, shaking her head.
>It probably wasn't important, though.
>As you continue your work, she does as she said she would, lying in the sun and taking in its warmth.
>*snip snip!*
>Not a lot of hedge left to trim, actually.
>Was this really all Kingpin wanted you to do?
>Didn't seem like a lot if this was all there was to it.
>Trim a little bit off the top there...
>How long had it been since you started, anyways?
>You look behind you to find the same scene as earlier.
>Nana looked almost like she was sleeping, while Scale Tipper continued tending to the garden, watering the flowers.
>Who knows, maybe time was flying while you were working.
>It wouldn't be the first time.
>*snip snip snip!*
>If this was what you were slated to do most days, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
>Just kind of boring for the first hour or s-
>"Hi, Anonymous~" came Nana's voice as her hooves wrapped around your midsection.
>"You know, you look absolutely exhausted from all this work. It's a good thing you're done now, right?"
>*snip snip!*
"Yeah, I think this is all the hedge I can trim."
>Looking at the surrounding area, you found that all of your hard work paid off, the hedges looking neat and even.
>Pretty good for a first-timer.
>"Perfect," she purred. "If that's the case, how about I pay you back for rubbing me down, hm?~"
"But I'm your servant. This is my job, and you're already paying me."
>She's quiet for a moment before laughing sheepishly.
>"Oh Anonymous, such a kidder! Come now, I give very fine massages. Wouldn't you like that?"
>An interesting offer, but you never really trusted others to touch you while you were naked.
>That was one Hell of a Christmas party.
"Sorry, Nana, but I think I'm gonna have to pass on that."
>Her hooves start to rub your chest ever so slowly, sending chills down your spine.

Now anon, don't be rude. Your new boss is wants to spend some personal time with you. This is a great opportunity to get better acquainted with them.

Also she did mention promoting you to masseur, maybe you can pick up a lesson or two from her massages that would help you in that new position.
>"Are you certain? Those who've taken them never regret it~"
>A light, wet sensation is felt on the back of your ear, and for a second, you're sure she's licking you.
>That'd be ridiculous, though.
>You set down the hedge trimmers before calmly taking her hooves off of you.
"Sorry Nana, but maybe some other time."
>An unamused scowl crosses her face.
>"Very well, Anonymous. If you insist, you will not receive one of my tantalizingly relaxing massages. I'll be sewing if you need me."
>The lady rolls her towel up with magic, trotting to the entrance of the manor.
>But not before letting her tail brush on Scale's leg.
>She shoots him a wink before going back inside.
>Scale shivers.
>"I don't know about you, Anonymous," he says, "but it's hard to resist her charm. She's quite a beautiful pony."
>You shrug.
"I mean, you WERE staring at her ass earlier."
>He looks away and scoffs.
>"Just unfocused on my work was all. I won't do it again."
>Easier said than done.
>She was a pretty friendly pony, but she didn't seem to know the concept of personal space, either.
>Maybe Lilith would be different.
>You pick the hedge trimmers back up to finish what little work you had left, thinking of what you should do afterwards.
>Would Kingpin want to know you were done?
>Was Nana already going to tell him?
>Maybe you could ask Scale.
>You go back towards the entrance yourself, setting the trimmers down next to the garden.
"Hey, Scale."
>He finishes watering a plant before replying. "Hm?"
"I'm done."
>He looks confused.
>"Done? That fast? I doubt that."
>You point to the hedges you trimmed, his eyes following your hand.
>His eyes scan the perimeter, looking at your handiwork.
>Scale's lips twitch in curiosity.
>"Well, you certainly knew what you were doing."
"It was my first time trimming hedges."
>He arches and eyebrow, as if in disbelief.
>Walking over to the hedge himself, Scale feels the top of it with his hoof, squinting.
>Then he's confounded, if his expression told you anything.
>"Like you were an expert...Just go tell Kingpin I said you were done."
>Into the manor you went, finding it odd that you somehow trimmed the hedges this well.
>Beginner's luck?
>Maybe, but whatever it was, you hoped it'd stay.
>Now where was Kingpin at?
>Wandering the halls, you were beginning to regret not asking Scale where the butler was when not giving out orders.
>Maybe the foyer?
>A bit of a walk later, and you're there.
>But he isn't.
>"Looking for something, hun?"
>You turn around to meet Silk, a feather duster tucked into a pocket on her maid outfit.
"Yeah, actually. Where's Kingpin?"
>Silk begins with a clicking of her tongue. "Poor guy's always holed up in his room working if he's not out here or eating."
"That...kind of sucks."
>"Mm-hm, tell me about it." The maid grins slyly. "You gonna ask for a raise already, Anon?"
"Uh, well, Scale told me to go to him and say that he said it was okay if I was done with the hedges."
>The grin becomes a confused frown.
>"Done? I guess you deserve that raise."
"It'd be nice," you add, "But would you know where his room is?"
>Her hoof points towards a hallway. "Down that way, last door on the left."
"Thanks, Silk," you tell the pearl-colored maid, heading in that direction.
>After a couple minutes, you get to the door and lightly knock on it.
"Hello? Kingpin?"
>"Anonymous, is that you? Why aren't you outside?"
"About that...I talked to Scale, and he said to tell you I could be done with the hedges."
>That's the third time someone's said that.
>You can hear him move around in his room before the door clicks and opens to reveal Kingpin.
>"I certainly hope this isn't some initial joke from the new servant."
"Not at all. You could even ask Scale himself."
>He taps his chin.
>"So if I were to go out and inspect the hedges now, they would be just fine?"
>You nod.
>Kingpin stares in disbelief.
>"I've never heard such a thing. And on your first day?"
"I'm in as much shock as you, sir."
>The stare doesn't falter.
>A quick sigh escapes his lips.
>"Very well. While I doubt you would have the audacity to fake something like this, on your first day, no less, if that is the case, you will face consequences, Anonymous." The old butler begins his trek to the garden, his head turning over his shoulder. "You are relieved of duty today. You will still be paid, however."
>Getting paid to do whatever you wanted.
>Sounds like a good deal.

Hard to stay awake.
Hate to stop here, since Lilith shenanigans are coming up, but I might fall asleep at my laptop if I keep up.
Get some sleep yo, continue tomorrow friendo
Cant wait for more mang

Get some sleep dude.
Boop, back.
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>Those numbers
Apparently both Heaven and Hell are arguing over who gets that succubooty.

I'm imagining Anon just standing there obvious while Nana is futily trying to jab a straw into him over like an obstinate juice box.
If only a drawfag were here.


>So...what now?
>The whole manor was open to you, so it's not like you didn't have anything to do.
>Your feet took you around as you thought to yourself.
>They really did have a mind of their own sometimes.
>The only noise you heard was the sound of your shoes clacking against the floor.
>Maybe since you were off-duty, you didn't have to wear this tux anymore.
>But all you had were dirty clothes.
>Light bulb.
>You could ask Nana about getting your things from your house.
>Remembering where her room was, you made your way around the winding halls to find the lady of the hou-
>"Hey, Nonny," a voice tells you before a great weight settles on your back.
>Your feet stop.
>It's not hard to guess who's talking to you.
"Lilith? What're you doing?"
>"Getting a pony ride."
>Her hind hooves tap against your sides.
>"To the lounge. I still want to get to know you~"
>Hey, maybe Lilith had some authority around here, too.
>She could probably work out a deal to get your stuff here.
"Alright, I'll take you there, little miss."
>"I figured you'd say that."
>She squishes your cheek, something she seems to have become fond of doing.
>They were still a little sore.
>You roam the halls with the cargo on your back, never once encountering any of the other servants.
>Not like that was an issue.
>A light pressure is felt on your neck before a quick popping sound follows its departure.
"Uh, Lilith?"
"Was that you?"
>She giggles.
>"Not sure who else it'd be, you know."
"It's not polite to pinch your ride, you know," you tell her mockingly.
>"I can do much better than that, Nonny."
"That sounds painful. Maybe I'll pay you back with a noogie."
>As you reach the lounge, she sighs, then gets off of your back.
>"I'm sure we'll be better acquainted in here~"
>You enter first, and she follows, a quick click of the door signifying its locking.
"What are you locking the door for?"
>She grins.
>"So nopony bothers us, Nonny."
>She walks over to the couch, her hips swaying as she does.
>Very slowly walking, too.
>No need to rush her.
>When she finally reaches the furniture, she spends a long time actually getting onto it, leaning over and letting her butt hang out in the open.
>She sure did like to take her time.
>When the pony finally gets on top of the couch, she lies on her side, presenting her somewhat plump belly to you.
>You'd never noticed before how big it was.
>She gets fed well enough, at least.
>"So, you're done with work pretty early."
"Yeah, it's crazy. I was able to trim the hedges well enough that Scale Tipper said I could be done."
>The white pony chuckles.
>"Wanna know why that is?"
"You mean I was helped?"
>Her horn glows, and so do you.
>Yet you feel nothing.
"How did you-?"
>"It's magic, Nonny. I ain't gotta explain shit."
>The glow fades away from you.
"Did you just take it away?"
>She scoffs.
>"Why would I do that? I need you to be good at your job, you know."
>That's...an odd thing to say.
>But hey, she was helping you out, so there was no reason to complain.
>She begins to slowly rub her belly, eyeing you the whole time.
>"You know, some ponies say I'm a little chubby, and that hurts poor ol' me's feelings."
"Uh, I'm sorry."
>"Think you could come over here and make me feel better?"
>Her tongue presses against her lips, giving them a slow lick.
>Her rubbing hasn't stopped.
>It'd probably increase your chances of getting your stuff.
"Sure. What can I do?" you ask as you get up from your seat.
>Her smile widens as you approach.
>"Just rub my belly for now, if you could."
>Her hoof leaves the plump area to leave room for your hand.
"Man, you and your mom make really weird requests for my first day," you tell her, your fingers now contently gliding around her tummy.
>The mare watches as you work, never once dropping the smile on her face.
>"That feels pretty good," she purrs, "but how about you go a little lower?"
I love this oblivious anon
>Your hand goes past her navel and down to the lower section of her torso.
>She hums.
>"Liiitle lower."
>Suddenly, your hand cruises to the danger zone, creasing the area between her inner belly and that shiny, black thong she was wearing.
"This is starting to get a little weird."
>"Oh come on, Nonny. Just go a little bit further down. It's not going to hurt~"
>Your fingers find themselves rubbing on the strap of her thong, the rubbery material producing a tiny squeaking sound as you rub.
>"So, do you have a girlfriend, Nonny?"
>She gyrates her hips, seemingly trying to get your hand inside the thong.
>Was she really trying to do that, though?
>Maybe she just liked this spot rubbed was all, weird as it was.
"Nope. Never really thought about it, either."
>She hums contentedly, bringing a curled hoof to her face.
>"That's good. Relationships are boring. I'd rather just play around with others as much as I want, you know."
>Her hips move again.
>Your hand slips back onto her belly.
"Hey, I won't judge. Do you do it often?"
>"Oh, you could say that..."
>She turns around, her back now facing you.
>"Give my backside a little love too, Nonny."
"You mean just rub your back?"
>"Or anywhere else you want~"
>Your hand brushes against her back, inciting a relaxed sigh from Lilith.
>And then she moves again, your hand ending up on her butt.
>This was an odd trend today...
>"Oh whoops, your hand seems to be right on my big tush. I'm sure I wouldn't mind if you kept going on it, though~"
"You and your mom are really weird. She was fine with having her butt touched, too."
>"I guess you could say it runs in the family," she tells you with a light giggle.
>One thing that didn't run in the family were these thunder thighs. Geez, she had a big butt.
>And it was a little squishier than her mom's, which was probably attributed to Lilith's extra weight.
>Not to say that was a bad thing...
>"So, do you like my looks, Nonny?"
He can't be this oblivious, can he?
He is a beautiful cinnamon roll Too pure for this world.
Spoiler alert (and I legitimately mean it):
At some point he's going to catch on that they're making advances.

>"Maybe it'd be better if I asked what you like to look at it when it comes to mares."
>You furrow your brow as you think.
"I...haven't really thought about that."
>She turns back around, looking you right in the eyes.
>Your hand ended up back on her thong.
>"So tell me, when you look at me, do you like what you see?"
>Her hoof presses down on your rubbing hand a little.
"I...guess? I mean, you aren't bad looking."
>Her hoof is still on top of your hand.
>"And I'd bet a handsome boy like you would love to experience what a mare can really do~"
"What can they do that everyone else can't?"
>And just like that, she's suddenly frowning at you.
>It was a genuine question.
>"Anonymous, do you feel at all attracted to me right now?" she asked, sounding impatient.
"Uh...well, actually, I had a question for you."
>Her smile's back on.
"Do you think I could get a ride back home for my stuff? I forgot it and I really need it."
>Goodbye, smile.
>She rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, I'll go talk to my mom," she says in a frustrated tone, getting off the couch.
>The door is unlocked, and the white pony is out of the room.
>Nice, you're gonna be able to get your stuff today.

Stopping here for the night.
That made me laugh
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Goddamit anon
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Super scrunch
Made me laugh too.

I wish I hadn't spoiled the surprise for myself. Oh well. Still enjoying the story
Need to fight temptation better anon

That is true
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>fighting temptation
>browsing a thread about succubutts

pick one
I half expected Lilith to follow Anon to his place to wrap her head around this wierd being. Then again she may not be that invested in cracking this bipedal green riddle yet.
Basic seducing is all she and her mom want right now.
They want to taste this exotic being first.

this time I'm not going to read the spoiler.
I'm going to wait and read it in the story instead.
Dats a cute twi

And then Lilith tries to "show her mother how it's done" but only succeeds in sucking on the staw so hard she almost passes out.
Fuck that made me laugh
Now I can only imagine the two with dueling banjos in the background as they try and suck milkshakes through straws.

And then massive ice cream headaches.

that made me cry a little.

I wonder if Lilith could just curl up with Nonny and feed on his desire for the comfort she was providing by being his soft snugglebuddy, pillow, and bed/couch warmer?
Perhaps, but that's the boring way out.
While it would be boring, I can see her becoming even more chubby due to this.

As she becomes the perfect pony for cuddling.

I wonder if that would be the succubus equivalent of eating a salad when you are used to gourmet meals and meat.

or maybe it's like a stirfry when you are used to Sheppard's Pie. Different but still filling.
lel, keep it up
I thought I was the only survivor for a while...
I shouldn't have lost faith.
Have a smol update.

>Now what.
>You had no fucking clue where to go from here.
>Maybe Gallo should show you around.
>”Gallo, show me around so we can come up with a plan.”
>Your demon voice may be sexy as all hell, but it also comes in handy for speaking far more confidently than you actually are.
“That makes sense. I welcome you to Chanam, Anonymous. Follow me.”
>He opens the tent and you follow him outside.
>Damn, those guards are stubborn.
>They’re waiting for you outside, spears still pointed at your neck.
“At ease.”
>They back off a bit, but still follow you.
>As much as you’d like to remove your cloak and swing your big thighs in front of their faces, tail moving aside so they’d get a glimpse of your drooling cunt…
>Now is not the time for this.
>Gallo shows you around Chanam, showing you the various huts in charge of different duties.
“We make our potions in that hut; you’ll find no better potion maker than Ranim for leagues around, except maybe Rulan… if he got off his hide and do something for once
>Said potionmaker nods sagely in your direction.
“And Kukuna takes care of the mushroom hut. Any rare plants that thrive in the dark grow there. Suffice to say, she is very close to Ranim, and she is considering taking him as her third husband.”
>”What do her first two do?”
>Gallo looks down sadly.
“Utapu is doing quite well as a forager, but Nil was taken by Rastazanfulbaracha’s first raid a few weeks back.”
>You should feel happier about polygamy, but that later bit brought you down a tad.
>”Taken? As in the demons picked him up and scrambled?”
“Correct. Nearly a dozen of us were foalnapped in the first raids, and we’re desperate to know their condition.”
>This doesn’t sound good.
“Gallo! I’ve been looking for you!”
>A pretty zebra mare, a bit on the smaller side walks past you and up to Gallo.
>You take your time to appreciate that gracious badonkadonk.
“What’s this I hear about letting a demon in the village? I work very hard to keep them OUT, thank you very much!”
>A guard?
“I drill my men day after day to get the best zebra warriors in the plains!”
>A captain.
>A captain who thinks throwing sticks, stones, and spears is Delta force material.
>Considering what the other zebras were doing at the time, it might as well be.
“And then you just let one WALTZ in here?”
>She scrunches her muzzle and puffs out her cheeks.
>She’s so short she has to look up to meet Gallo’s gaze.
>You could taste the DESIRE coming from her, directed at Gallo.
>This would be maximum cute if you didn’t pick up on her subconscious desire to jump his bones then and there.
>As fun as it would be to induce the pheromones that could make that happen, you’ve got a job to do.
>”Excuse me? I’m right here.”
>The captain turns around and stares at you with wide eyes.
“I’ve never seen a demon like you before. How do we know you’re a demon and not a sorcerer like Rastazanfulbaracha?”
>Gallo sighs and points to the mare.
“Anonymous, this is Keli. She’s the one who’s trained the guards and used to be our best forager. Now we’re just trying to keep ourselves together. Keli, Anonymous is going to help us.”
>”Yeah! And to answer your question—”
>Your tongue shoots out of your mouth and sloppily licks the side of Keli’s face.
>Keli stands there, stunned, as the aphrodisiac gets absorbed through her skin.
“Umm, I-I ha-ave to g-go!”
>She runs off, blushing.
>”Make sure to think of Gallo!”
“Sh-shut up!”
>Gallo shrugs, oblivious.
“Sorry about that, she can be a tad…prickly.”
>Tsun, tsun.
>You wanna see dere.
>Preferably while you stick your tongue deep inside her.
>”That’s fine, Gallo. Is there a blacksmith or a fletcher here?”
>Gallo cringes and rubs the back of his head nervously.
“Well, there aren’t enough trees in the Plains to make bows and arrows, and our blacksmith…well, he’s a bit…special.”
>So like a savant?
>Gallo leads you to a hut furthest away from the center of the village.
>A column of black smoke drifts off into the sky from inside the stone hut.
“AYO, Gallo, where the big booty bitch at?”
>You recognize that voice.
>You see a zebra with dreadlocks come out of the building.
>Oh geez.
>There’s a spearhead in his noggin.
>His skin seemed to have healed around it.
>You didn’t notice that last time.
“Hello once more, Trepidik. I trust you are doing well.”
>Trepidik grins.
“Mah zigga, you know you could call me T-Dawg! Sheit! Where’s that small mare with that fine rump that always hangs out with you? Keith? Kraykray?”
>This is a small town.
>So this is ‘special’.
>You’d still ride him until the sun set, but you’d be scared your Miss Bone’s Wild Ride might do even more damage.

Fucked up my name. Lemme get my pills and the story shall continue.

welcome back.

remember to spoil your lewdie-bits

r u n-joi'n da otha big green on here Dis?
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I think you are my favorite author in this thread, and maybe in all the succubi threads. Devil in the machine has potential as well. But the third writefag in this thread seems like a legitimate dumbfuck.
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Spoil the text? Damn, there's going to be entire barcoded sections. Good to be back, I was running about during the scruffening, every thread I touched dying.
Hopefully. Twenty minutes ago it felt like my body was trying to digest itself outside in and inside out, but now I'm buzzed. Thank the rum.
That makes me feel good.
I'm half debating whether or not I should put on my name that I use in /sun/ and /moon/.
it is best that you keep different board names separate. Unless you're pissdrunk. Or you already have an active pastebin and don't want to hassle another.
/sun/ and /moon/ are generals on this board. Not other boards.

Still, yes, I'm pretty sure my pastebin's been posted here with my only other Lilith related story.

I'm a dumbass. I thought /sun/ and /moon/ was referring to pokemon. Well, I guess Wiggy is a much more memorable name than Anonymous.
You know, I'm not sure why I ever went with the name Wiggy for my pastebin.
I actually go by Chuck.
Here, where crazy is normal, something as mundane as Chuck definitely stands out.
>”Trepidik, is there any metal that seems to be most effective against the demons?”
“Ayy, I know you’ve got some sort of deal, goin’ on here, but I ain’t gonna tell you that.”
>Smarter than he looks.
>Considering he looks like he should be dead, that’s not saying much.
“But naw, all metals hurt em. They just fast as sheit.”
>”Alrighty then. How many spears and shields do you have?”
“Pshaw, I’ve got like, twenty of each, but only ‘bout four of each in prime condition.”
>So that makes four zebras plus you, to lead the charge.
>This is going to be a toughie.
>And asking Trepidik for a weapon would be too cumbersome.
>You’d be better off with shadow constructs.
“So you may be a demon, but you’ve got dat phat behind that just won’t quit. How ‘bout I give you a ride.”
>This ride is not safe for those with head injuries.
>Sex is good.
>Killing is bad.
>And if he dies before he climaxes, then that’s even worse.
>Like teasing a puppy with a bone before shooting it in the face.
“Demons spotted! Ready your weapons!”
>Thank God.
>Or, well, fate, since you’re basically out of God’s reach.
(Optional theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkTYXF0_d-w )
>You rush over to the north end of the village and spot a horde of imps and shambling bodies making their way to you.
>These imps look like tiny zebras with horns are glowing eyes.
>Gallo is by your side, atlatl in hoof.
>With practiced ease, he swings a sharped rod into a faraway imp, skewering him into the ground.
>Other zebras follow his lead, a swarm of arrows and rocks crashing into the feral crowd.
>Imps fall left and right, too stupid to avoid the fire.
>The zombies just tank the hits.
>You mentally command your own imps to avoid fire and attack the others.
>Maybe they’re more than just for fucking.
>They’re actually quite useful, pecking the eyes out of other imps and even throwing back zombies four times their size in their base form.
>You see that Tropo used his massive dick to knock another imp to the ground.
>You’re so proud.
>They’re getting a bit close.
>Better actually do something.
>You concentrate on forming a black ball of destructive energy.
>It forms in front of your muzzle, about the size of an apple.
>You will it to shoot forwards into the crowd.
>The pellet zooms into a zombie, immolating it in a burst of black flames.
>It takes a lot more energy than transforming, or even making clothes or mirrors.
>Maybe it’s an affinity thing?
>You’re quite literally a lover, not a fighter.
>An imp gets a bit too close, and you kick it with a foreleg in the head.
>It goes flying into another imp, and they both collapse into a pile of broken limbs.
>So what?
>You’re basically a bard with super-strength?
>You could work with this.
>You will a giant, heavy dildo into existence.
>Technically, as your affinity, it’s not a weapon, but an instrument of sex.
>The line of demons finally clashes with the zebras and chaos reigns.
>You slam zombies and imps alike with your dildobat.
>For some reason, abusing a technicality fills you with bliss.
>Demons are weird.
>Oddly enough, when you look into the eyes of the imps, they don’t look at all like Cloth, Tropo, or Latch’s.
>These are empty, devoid of emotion.
>Your own spawns’ are more animalistic, but still had a bit of a spark.
>So maybe souls are an inheritable trait?
>But why do they obey you?
>Questions for another time.
>Finally, the clash slows down and stops.
>Your imps are a bit bruised, but fine.
>The zebras had suffered only a few casualties, and four deaths.
>You had a few bruises and scratches, but a bit of energy healed them.
>The villagers got in the motions, carrying away their wounded and igniting the dead.
“That was the worst wave by far, yet we managed to beat them off without having any zebra foalnapped.” Gallo approaches you.
>”Then now is the best time to strike back.”
>”We gather a small team. Trepidik told me that he had four good shields and spears. So me, you, and three others go to where Ranst—That jerk is and we kick his shit in.”
“I hate to say this,” Keli says as she trots over to you, “But the demon is right. We have the best chance now, even if her weapon is…such a strange club.”
>They both look at your club.
>Right, they’ve probably never seen a human penis before.
>Maybe you should skirt around the truth.
>”This is a cast iron mold of a penis.”
>Their reactions and residual DESIRE from eavesdroppers is enough.
>”But yeah, looking at you, Keli, I know you want to come along. The question is who the other two will be, while sixteen others guard Chanam until we come back.”
“I, Eguoretsev, wish to avenge my brother, Trih’Sder.” A zebra approaches with no injuries.
>Keli nods.
“Eguoretsev is quite capable. A pity your twin died, he could have been our final stallion.”
>Another zebra comes forwards, with only a few scratches on his sides.
“I wish to aid you as well. My skill with a shield and spear is only second to Keli’s.”
>”Alright, let’s go suit up.”
>Five minutes later, Eguoretsev, B’Maliaicifircas, Keli, Gallo, and yourself are galloping north to a cave in the side of a plateau.
“In the time of my grandfather, a great dragon slept here.” Gallo said between breaths. “But when Rastazanfulbaracha eloped, he took the dragon’s lair as his own. It is there he discovered an ancient necromantic book. Whether he used it to slay the dragon or it died of other causes is unknown.”
>Okay, fighting what was basically a demon summoner slash necromancer already put you ill at ease.
>But a dragonslayer…
>You swear, if he’s a lich, you’ll fuck…something.
>Honestly you’d probably do that anyways.

Small update before bed.

more green plz based Chuck.
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I was physically and emotionally drained last night.
Trust me when I say I want to get back to it, though.


Okie dokie.
Get well soon.

Shit's getting real.
writing now bump
bumping this question
>The plateau towers over you.
>The cave entrance looks like it could fit a Boeing airplane.
>Already, you feel scared about what used to live there.
>The five of you cautiously trot inside, darkness surrounding you.
>You could see just fine, night vision and all, but your companions seemed to be less capable.
>You call upon a light, and the prickling sensation on your skin confirms that light is not really a demonic spell.
>They nod in thanks as the light hangs above your head, right between your ears and you continue onwards.
>The tunnel leads downwards, getting steeper and steeper.
>A light at the end of the tunnel glows brighter as you approach, and you turn off your own light.
>Slowly you approach and the five of you gasp at the sight.
>You stand on the edge of a cliff, a cavern extending before you.
>The dark is chased away by rolling hills of gold and jewels.
>This landscape extends far into the cavern, bigger than any stadium you’ve ever been in.
>You feel a burning DESIRE next to you.
>But this DESIRE, you can’t consume, can’t use.
>Eguoretsev’s eyes are filled with greed.
>”Eguoretsev, no.”
>He starts walking down a set of stairs into the piles of gold.
>He’s going to Scrooge this up!
“Eguoretsev, get back here!” Hisses Keli.
“Just a second. With a satchel full of gold, we can become the richest zebra village in the Plains!”
>This idiot.
>Doesn’t he know how many tropes—erm, traps he’s going to fall into?
>Keli tries to follow him down the stairs, but your grab her.
>”If it’s a trap we might lose the both of you.”
“Then you save him!”
>Ugh, contracts!
>Sure it says ‘You will not intentionally harm a member of this village’, but you’ve got to cover your bases.
>You begin walking down the stairs.
>You cringe as Eguoretsev’s hoof makes first contact with the gold, but nothing seems to happen.
Also, just as an FYI, I'm going on an international flight tomorrow, so I won't be able to contribute.

>Walking faster, you try to stop him before he tempts fate any further.
>He starts scooping hoof-fulls of gold into his bag.
>Just as you’re about to step onto the gold, a loud thrum echoes throughout the cave.
>In an instant, some sort of red circle of text appears above Eguoretsev.
>Everybody freezes as the circle turns faster and faster. You shed your cloak and fly towards him, but in a flash, it’s all over.
>Some sort of neon blue liquid falls upwards out his nostrils, eyes and mouth, collecting into some sort of stream flowing to the back of the cave.
> Eguoretsev just stands there.
>Eyes sunken in, flesh clinging to his emancipated frame.
>He slowly turns his head towards you.
>You flap just out of his reach.
>”Hey buddy…are you okay?”
>Stupid question, you’ve got a feeling that he’s not really Eguoretsev anymore.
>He moans.
>Maybe he’s okay.
>His jaw drops.
>Quite literally, the sinew and skin just tears and it drops to the ground, tongue still writhing about.
>”Don’t quote me on this, but I think Eguoretsev’s undead now.”
“What?!” Keli cries out. “What makes you think that?”
>”Did you not see his jaw fall off? I can’t rekill the poor sod because it might breach our contract!”
>The zebras looked at each other and sighed.
“We expected to lose somebody, but not before we faced Rastazanfulbaracha!” Gallo says.
>So obviously, the cavern is trapped.
>Very trapped.
>Luckily for you, you’ve got wings and three imps that are quite strong by themselves.
>Before anybody could raise the question on how they’re supposed to find Rastazanfulbaracha, you will your imps to pick them up by the barrels and follow you.
“Woah! What are you doing?” Gallo asks.
>”We’ll fly over the gold. I’ve got a feeling that if we follow that stream of blue stuff it’ll lead us right to him.”
>The flight over was about as comfortable as any other flight.
“Umm, I think his thingy is rubbing against me.”
“Did he just lick my ear?”
“If I put my hoof in his mouth will he stop breathing so heavily?”
“Are there peanuts on this flight?”
“I don’t know how, but I hear a crying baby and an irresponsible mother.”
>After ten minutes of trying not to fuck them via your imps mid-flight, you landed on the lip of another tunnel, much smaller than any before, yet worn down by countless hooves.
>The four of you plus the imps continue on your way, until you turn a corner.
>”Fried fuck?”
>The zebras don’t even acknowledge your strange exclamation.
>All along the walls of this room are green pods.
>They look as if they started out biological in nature, but then had metal bits added on.
>Most notably, tiny tubes, about the size of IV’s, plugged into each of the pods.
>The same neon blue streams float from the pods towards the end of the hallway.
>Gallo approaches a pod and wipes away a layer of grime on a window that seems to have been forcefully installed.
“There’s someone in here.”
>But you couldn’t sense their DESIRE.
>Soulsight showed them as merest flickers.
>What’s going on here?
“He seems to be in a coma. There’s a bunch of strange tubes connected to him, and a good part of him is balding.”
>You trot forwards and look around.
>This is really foreboding.
>There’s way more than a dozen zebras here.
“I found a minotaur!” Keli calls out from another pod.
“And I think I found Nil! He’s balding as well, be he looks recoverable.” B’Maliaicifircas says.
>He readies his spear to cut open the pod, but you rush over and grab it.
>”Not until we’ve defeated Rastazanfulbaracha. For all we know, all of these pods are trapped.”
> B’Maliaicifircas frowns, but remembers what happened to Eguoretsev.
>He backs off and you fly up to the glowing blue IV’s.
>It seems to be flowing towards the big door at the end of the hallway, all the IV’s merging together into a basketball-sized tube.
>The others follow you and you push open the door and gasp.
>”Audible gasp!”
>Like that.
>A massive glass flask filled to the brim with this weird blue liquid.
>You know that fact about being able to swing through a blue whale’s aorta?
>Well a blue whale could swim in that, along with her three best friends, on their way back from a McKrills.
>The zebras are stunned into silence.
>Tearing your eyes away from the receptacle, you fly around the room, examining each of the doors in turn.
>You concentrate on your senses, spreading your awareness and soulsight in a considerable radius.
>Your soulsight picks up a very bright presence far behind one of the doors.
>But your other senses pick up a large amount of somethings moving towards this room…
>The zebras jump just as a door burst open, a dozen zombies and imps scurrying towards them.
>You soar down and knock two into a wall, and they fall back to the floor with a thump.
>They try pathetically to get up, but their bones are too broken.
>Imps jump onto Gallo, but he pushes them back with his shield before shish-kebabing two of them.
>You try to use your pheromones to ‘turn’ the zombies, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect.
>In fact, most of them are aggroing you now!
>Maybe the lack of blood flow stymies their ability to get aroused and you just pissed them off.
>Erectile dysfunction is a real problem among the undead, it seems.
>If you know an undead that suffers such problems, support them the best you can with Viagrana.
>Viagrana! It works even for rotten corpses!
>Prescription required.
>After beating in many undead skulls with your dildobat, you look around to see the others in good condition.
>But you hear more shuffling.
>Coming from all the doors but three.
You guys still alive?
>”We’re in trouble, guys. They seem to be coming from all directions, and there’s a lot more than we’d anticipated.”
(optional theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V9zxXN1rx0 )
“What should we do?” Keli asks Gallo.
“I’m…I’m not sure.” Gallo is crestfallen.
“I am.” B’Maliaicifircas states. “Where are they not coming from?”
>You point to the two doors that aren’t where you came from.
>B’Maliaicifircas nods sadly and opens the door closest to him.
“I’ll lead them away, while you three hide. If I’m quick enough, I’ll be able to strike them as I run away.” He stands resolutely. “May we meet again.”
>He has so much potential character development!
“Thank you, B’Maliaicifircas. May the lions cower.” Gallow bows.
“And the crows fly.” B’Maliaicifircas bows in return. “Now go.”
>Gallo pulls Keli and you towards the other door and you all rush inside.
>From inside you can hear doors being beat down and B’Maliaicifircas howling as he banged his spear against his shield.
>Slowly, the sounds faded and you all released your breaths.
>You took your time to look over the room.
>Cursing silently at the lack of any other exit, you investigate further.
>Beakers and tubes everywhere, but nothing near the level as what was seen on the pods.
>Gallo and Keli somberly look through sheets of paper and strange devices.
>You come across a large book, bound in zebra leather.
>Before, it would have been cool, but in this realm, that’s just messed up.
>And equally tacky.
>The book was laying on a bunch of papers that, once cleared, revealed a bed.
>There’s thumping at the door.
>Your heart(?) leaps in your throat and you attune your senses.
>The bright soul is still far away, but there’s a huge crowd outside the door, trying to beat their way in.
“Oooh, this is bad.”
>Thanks for stating the obvious, Keli.
>The three of you, plus your imps, inch yourselves until your backs are to the wall.
>The wood splinters.
Thump! Thump!
>The nuts in the door come out a bit and you all grip your weapons a bit tighter.
>A bit of the door falls off, revealing a roiling mass of dead zebras and minotaurs banging on your door, more than you’d ever seen before.
>Sort of obvious now that Chanam was just one of many, maybe even less hit because of sentimental attatchment.
>The zombies snarl, spitting rotting blood and pus everywhere.
>Finally, the door gives, and the swarm of necrotic flesh rushes towards you.
>You close your eyes and wish you were anywhere but there.
>You feel an intense pull in your gut and darkness consumes you three.
I honestly hate cliffhangers, but this is a good stopping point. Small lewd incoming. I'll barcode it.
Where you headin m8

u old bro?
or are you visiting your olds?
Visiting my olds. Family is very important, even if they scattered across literally every continent.
I'm liking the plot this has in addition to lewds.
>Succubus ponies
We have changelings, which are basically succubi.

please see.

File: IMG_20160430_155511.jpg (1MB, 2448x3264px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2448x3264px
Just got off my plane. I felt really tempted to use the intercom to say something stupid: "this the co-pilot speaking. Congrats to the guy in the back bathroom who just joined the mile high club" or "hold onto your seats folks, this hostess bet that I couldn't do a barrel roll in the bitch and I'm about to get $10 richer".

>achievement get: writing a lewd in public!
>achievement get: writing a green over 3000 feet above the ground.
>and write a green across 2 countries.
I don't think that's an intercom
I think it's so you can order food or drinks from the attendants
The hostess used in front of me to talk about what they're passing as food nowadays.
Shit, forgot name on computer.

Also, finishing up bump.
You know what? I'm going to try and finish most of the chapter before I post them all at once.
>Hello darkness.
>Your eyes are shut, and when you open them, you expect to be in an elevator again.
>Luckily for you, the absence of the same three ascending notes disproves that notion.
>Elevator music in purgatory has the creative majesty equivalent to a soggy piece of toast.
>Or a canvas painted white.
>Fucking Post-Modernism.
>You slowly open one eye, feeling two zebras hugging you for dear life.
>You’ve still got that tacky book in your hooves.
>”Umm, Gallo? Keli? We’re not in the same place.”
>The two open their eyes and quickly let go of you.
>The three of you walk around the enclosed room.
>It’s very spartan: hardly anything but a rug, a very familiar desk, and one doors.
>Cloth, Tropo, and Latch fly about, before finally settling on the desk.
“What is this place?” Keli asks, poking at the carpet.
>”I honestly don’t know. The desk reminds me of something, though.”
>You walk over to the desk and sit down in the red chair.
>It seems as if it would fit your human frame better.
>You tap your hooves on the desk, hoping for an answer.
>A blue screen pops up, hovering above the desk.
>Familiarity increasing…
>Gallo and Keli trot to your side to watch the hovering screen.
>You jump back as the other two hop in place.
“Did I scare you?” His deep voice calls out from the screen.
>His vapid smile stretches further than a human face should allow and even from the other side of his aviators, you could feel his piercing gaze.
“What is that thing?” Keli asks. “And why do I feel so angry and…”
>Keli doesn’t need to say it.
>You could feel her DESIRE well up, against her own will.
“Now you’re probably wondering what I’m doing. After all, I promised not to interfere.”
>He seems to be ignoring the zebras.
“Well I’m not actually here per say. This is a recording.”
“If you’re seeing this, then you’re a lot farther away than I would like. Good thing is, if you’re out of MY influence, then you’re out of THEIRS. So congrats, you beautiful slut, you truly are independent. And doubly congrats on coming here! That means that you’ve managed to finally create your own spawn!”
>Cloth was licking his matted fur when He mentioned him and his brothers.
>He and the other two stop to stare at you.
“I knew you had it in you! So the general rule of this place: This is Hell. As in, your own hell. Normally demons are summoned to do their deeds and return when it’s fulfilled. Won’t go into the specifics, but there’s a little link to Hell in all of us. But since you’re far away, maybe not even in this cluster of the multiverse, you’ve got nothing to get back to. So you planted a ‘seed’. This seed will grow depending on how many spawn you have. After all, you can’t be walking around wherever you are with an army of demons at your side. Or you can. In fact, you should.”
>You roll your eyes as Gallo and Keli get more and more uncomfortable.
“Of course, there are some serious limitations. Nothing that is created here can be brought to the Outside. If you go to Hell of your own will, you can only reappear in the spot you disappeared from. Unless you create portals, which is long process that I’m sure you’ll figure out on your own when you become powerful enough. If you’re bringing in mortals, they UNFORTUNATELY have to be just as willing as you to go to Hell. Unless they break a contract. Then their ass is yours.”
>You stare at Gallo and Keli.
“Honestly, I just wanted to be anywhere by there.” Keli shrugged.
“I felt the same. But why do I have to give you a donkey if I break the contract?”
>”Erm…Cultural difference in language. Ass means something else.”
“Now I’m sure you’ve noticed the glaring problem about coming here: You’re basically trapped.
>No shit, Sherlock.
>You’re very aware of the situation you’re in.
“Which is why, after having lost a load of demons during the Crusades, we installed a surveillance system so you’d know when the coast is clear. You should find the shortcut easily enough.”
>Wow, that’s actually quite useful.
>Wait, shortcut?
“And Anonymous?”
>The Devul pulls down his glasses, revealing a pit of darkness that you could lose yourself in.
>Two distant coals float, burning with ruby fire.
>His eyelids close and you realize that they aren’t just eyelids, they’re mouths, complete with needle-point teeth.
“Don’t disappoint me. When the Rapture comes, you’re either with me, or against me. I’ve already given you a great many gifts, and I expect to be paid back. With interest.”
>He puts his glasses back on and the three of you release breaths you hadn’t realized you were holding.
>His face blips out of existence and the screen turns on the a particular interface.
>Oh, fuck no.
>It’s like Windows 10, except Macified.
>This is a sin against nature.
>You have to change this.
>Your hooves are poised over the ethereal keyboard that suddenly appeared when you realized the futility of your actions.
>Hooves can’t program for shit.
>You turn around to ask Gallo and Keli if it’s alright for you to change.
>It’s practically your house, and they’re guests.
>But you see them staring at you.
“Who was that? What was he talking about?” Gallo asks.
“Are you really going to raise an army of demons?” Keli frowns.
>You raise your hooves placidly.
>”Woah, woah. I’m not aiming to raise an army of demons. As for that guy let’s just say I’m a demon with a history.”
>Not really.
>You were a very boring person, a true neutral.
>Then you died.
>Then you became a pawn among billions for two great powers, among a billion other games, argued over simply over a matter of principles.
>Actually, that’s a great summary.
>”I’m just a pawn between two great powers. That creepy guy is one of said powers. Both powers gave me gifts so they could choose which side I would end up on.”
>You demonstrate your healing power by ridding Keli and Gallo of their bruises.
>Strangely enough, there’s a greater drain on your mana when you do it here.
>”Do you two mind if I change so I can monitor the outside?”
>You nod.
>The two look at one another.
>They reluctantly nod and tense up.
>You shift back into your human demon form, relishing the changes into something that can actually use a computer.
>Gallo and Keli stare at your luscious breasts and pert nipples.
>Their eyes trail down to your glistening sex, DESIRE welling up inside both of them.
>You will some clothes onto you, something comfortable.
>This is basically your mobile home, after all.
>Sans crack pipes and questionable products.
>A black tank top forms over yourself, hugging your tits, erect nipples still visible through the cloth.
>Panties form over you, accentuating your tight ass.
>The two are speechless.
>You start navigating the desktop, absorbing residual DESIRE from the two.
>After finagling with the interface, you manage to change it to a far superior operating platform.
>Keli clears her throat.
“Is that your…true form?”
>You pause.
>Technically, it is.
>You may like the minotauress form.
>Free milk and all.
>And the zebra form was nothing to scoff at.
>But you’re most comfortable in this form.
>”Pretty much.”
>You find a bunch of weird options from ‘weather’ to ‘day/night’ and even ‘time distortion’.
>All of them were listed as Not Available.
>Fucking DLC.
>Or maybe it’s unlockable content.
>Something to think about.
>Gallo steps forwards.
“You seem far more approachable and…easier on the eyes than the other one.”
>You could sense him trying to repress his length.
>You smile and rub his mane.
>“Thanks, Gallo, that means a lot to me.”
>Keli puffs out her cheeks, but you lean over and giver a nice rub too.
>Now she’s blushing and looking away, still frowning.
>You turn your attention back to the computer and open a shortcut called ‘WatchR’.
>Instantly, a window pops up with rotating footage of the lab you were just in.
>It worked like streetview, but in real time.
>Zombies still littered the room, but in far less than you had seen try to burst in.
>You pushed the window to the side and another desktop opened up for the footage, floating right next to the other one.
>You click on another link labelled ‘WikiHell”.
>Might as well pass the time learning, instead of exploring the folder labelled ‘Best P0rn of 3000 B.C.E. to 2000 C.E!’
>Blah, blah, blah…
>Demons have blah blah balh…
>Be careful not to indulge in sexual acts with the same demon for too long else you’d become immune to what they feed you…
>yada yada yada…
>Wait, what?
>You scroll back up and read the section carefully.
>So apparently demons CAN feed on one another’s DESIRE.
>Just not for long with little breaks in between.
>That changes things.
>You look to your imps and smile.
>Sensing your desires, their flaccid lengths start to rise.
>But you’re in company right now.
>You may feel tired from the fighting and the healing…
>But you don’t seem to have a private place.
>Well, except for that one door.
>”You two keep a lookout on the undead…I’ll be, ah, resting awhile.”
>The two look at you curiously but hop on your chair once you’ve gotten up.
>Your tail wags sensually as you open the door, and you let out a small gasp.
>This room…
>It is pretty small considering, but that’s not what takes your breath away.
>Sure there’s a round, Emperor-sized bed against the far wall.
>But an entire wall is nothing more than shelves.
>Shelves full of toys.
>As you walk into the room, the lights turn up and the wall opposite to the arsenal turns clear until it becomes reflective.
>There are sex dungeons…
>And then there are sex CHAMBERS.
>This was definitely the latter.
>You usher your imps inside.
>This promised to be good.
>You close the door and saunter to the racks of toys.
>”So many choices~”
>You sigh as you trail your fingers along a massive rubber dong.
>The rods of your imps harden as you peruse through your collection.
>You settle for a collapsible stripper pole.
>Might as well milk it for what it’s worth, right?
>You set the thing up as your spawn sit on the bed.
>Smiling coyly, you smoosh your breasts around the pole, cheered on by the yips of the imps.
>Somehow, maybe through instinct, you dance on the pole with amazing acrobatic ability.
>You slow down and advance on your imps, hips shaking, until you stand right in front of Latch.
>Their DESIRE grows as you bring your arms to your tits and grope.
>You groan and slide our hands down to your hips, taking of your panties slowly.
>Turning around and shaking your ass at them cause them to reach forward and grope you.
>Tropo tries to stick his muzzle in your rear, but your tail pushes him back.
>Despite how wet your own nethers are, and how tasty their cocks look, you know you have to drag this along.
>This amount of DESIRE trickling into you isn’t much, but could snowball if you play your ass right.
>Slowly, you coil off your tank-top and whip it about.
>You dance around slowly, just enough so your tits and ass swerve about hypnotically.
>Your prehensile tongue wiggle between your breasts, leaving a trail of saliva all over your chest.
>Your own saliva dribbles down until it reaches your cunt, aphrodisiac engorging your sex.
>You walk towards Latch once more, and lean down.
>You open your mouth and meet his with a passionate kiss.
>As your tongues warred in our mouths, her kneaded your jugs, making you moan in his mouth.
>You pull back and smile.
>You could sense their DESIRE grow more and more.
>They want to mount you, to do you.
>But your will is superior.
>You slowly make your way back to the rack, making sure to sway your hips.
>Picking up a vibrator and smiling, you face the imps and lick it sensually.
>Their cocks throb harder and you get closer o you can give them a good view of your snatch as you teased them.
>You turn on the vibrator and stick it near your snatch.
>This feeling…was unlike anything else before.
>The quivering, teasing…
>You bite your lip and exhale loudly.
>Your fluids are flowing freely down your inner thighs, drip dripping onto the floor.
>You get closer and closer to them.
>Finally, you can feel Cloth’s breath on your snatch, and feel his DESIRE skyrocket.
>Just as you felt yourself coming, you pulled away.
>You turned off the vibrator and put it on the bed.
>Did you have to clean them?
>Was that a thing in this plane?
>You get back to the rack and your eyes light up.
>It’s a suction cup human dildo!
>But it seems to have sort of button near the balls…
>You squeeze it and a jet of gunk shoots onto your breasts.
>You look back at your imps and they stand at attention.
>Licking off the gunk, you smile as you realize it’s real semen.
>You’ve got an idea.
>Licking off the remains of the spunk, you put the dick on the mirror.
>The imps watch attentively as you get down on your knees and caress the fake dick.
>At first, they’re mere touches and caresses.
>Then you start stroking it.
>Licking it.
>You stare at them in the eyes as you take the cock from the side and wrap your tongue around it.
>You jerk it off with your tongue, staring at each of your imps in turn, even winking at Tropo.
>Their DESIRE flows into you like a river.
>It’s steady now.
>Not nearly as much as with the minotaurs.
>But more than you’d initially expected.
>Of course, this still hasn’t replaced what you’ve lost so far.
>You smile at the thought of finishing it off.
>You look in the mirror and give the dick a blowjob.
>One hand on the base, one on one of your erect nipples, massaging it.
>It pops out of your mouth and you moan sensually.
>”Oh, if only I had someone one who could give me the deep dicking I need~”
>You let go of the dick and start rubbing your breasts as you looked away from your imps.
>”I’m just so-o h-h-horny!~”
>You get on all fours and back up into the dong.
>It rubs between your ample ass cheeks a few times as you bashfully bite your lip and look away.
>”All I have is this plastic toy” You whine, “And it isn’t even close to the real thing~”
>The imps’ ears are perked up, but they know you don’t want them yet.
>You slowly take the length in your snatch, rolling your eyes back and licking your lips.
>The sight of yourself in the mirror, fat ass spread across the mirror with each thrust, turn you on further.
>”At this point, I’d even take it up the ass~”
>You pull out and position the dick over your tight cavity.
>Perks of being a lust demon: tight as a virgin, every time.
>You slowly push it in, and hang your head so you can watch two sets of voluptuous red breasts swinging with each thrust.
>The DESIRE grows, but this time it’s not coming from your imps.
>It’s coming from the door.
>Internally, you smile.
>The thought of Keli or Gallo spying on you makes you want to take it further.
>Be Keli.
>Be suspicious about that demon, Anonymous.
>You had just lost two good stallions to undead, and while Anonymous may have saved your life, you don’t get her angle.
>As Gallo looks over the strange floating rectangle, you make your way to the door, carpet muffling your hooves.
>You push the door open slightly to see…
>Your cheeks redden at the sight.
>You should probably close the door and forget you ever saw this.
>But this Anonymous knew her stuff!
>She had already seduced Gallo, and you had to learn her tricks.
>So, well, a better mare could seduce him.
>Not any other reason.
>Not because the way her exotic body moved made you tingle in ways only Gallo could make you.
>Not because she was taking that /thing/ in her special place so well.
>Not because of her delicious moans…
>Not because of the way her massive teats bounce about as she takes it up the ass.
>…Maybe you should…
>Attune yourself to her?
>You slowly start to move your sticky rear on the carpet.
>Hairs tickling your snatch just right.
>Oh, she’s stopped.
>She’s approaching the dick now…
>She swallowed that thing in one gulp!
>No wait, she’s going back and forth…
>Sucking, as she tugs at the base?
>Maybe you should take notes.

>Be Anonymous.
>Be sucking massive dick.
>So just another day as OP.
>Original Penisucker.
>Thanks to Keli, you’re almost back at the level you were when you first came to Chanam.
>Time to go finish this, and become more powerful than you ever have been.
>You give the cock a few more tugs, winking at yourself in the mirror.
>There’s a puddle of vaginal fluids at your knees, and it’s about to no longer be the gunk on the floor.
>”Oh if I only a male would fuck me~”
>You look over to the imps and they seem eager to go.
>”Oh, but that would be so wrong!~”
>You bring a finger to your lip as you continue jerking the dick off.
>”After all, you are my children. Even if you have such thick, virile cocks!~”
>You raise your ass to them, slobbering cunt in full view as you suck the dick.
>You pull it out of your mouth with a loud pop and a smack of your lips.
>Clenching down on the trigger, a sea of splooge comes bursting out of the dildo all over your face.
>It must be magical, because as long as you hold the trigger, it keeps shooting.
>It gets all over your breasts, your stomach, your thighs, and some even shoots onto your back.
>Still on your knees, now more white than red, you look over yourself.
>”Oh, what a mess~” You sigh “If only there were some way to clean it up…”
>You turn to the imps and smile.
>”Cloth, Tropo, Latch, why don’t you come lick Mama clean?~”
>They’re upon you like jackals.
>Cloth licks your face clean, hard dick nestled between your breasts, until you two started kissing.
>Tropo trails his tongue down your back licking up semen until he gets to your butt, when he starts massaging your tush as he licks up your fluids off the floor.
>Latch climbs up from your legs licking up the rivulets of fluid and cum until he shoves his muzzle into your wanting cunt.
>The sensation of being cleaned by your own children lights a raging fire in you.
>You were going to stop here, their DESIRE flooding into you.
>But you just had to reward them.
>You angle your ass towards the door, tail swishing to and fro.
>Your head is on the floor and Cloth is licking the spunk of your flattened breasts as Tropo licks in the crevice of your shoulder blades where your wings meet your body.
>Latch climbs onto your ass and leans upside down to clean out your vagina in front of Keli.
>The DESIRE mounts further until you say the words.
>”Oooh, my children! Don’t! I don’t want to be fucked!”
>But you do.
>And they know so.
>You flip over and Latch teases you by rubbing his dick against your labia, hit the clit with each gentle glide.
>You grab Cloth and Tropo’s dicks and start jacking them off.
>Latch enters you in one swift motion, his thrusts shaking your body to the core.
>”Oooooh yes!~”
>You kiss the tips of Cloth and Tropo’s rods as each slap against your cunt sends your tits flying into your face.
>As Latch’s tandem increases, you continue teasing your other two sons with small kisses and licks to their cocks.
>”Yes! How could Mommy have been so wrong?~”
>You start jacking off ferociously, and you could feel them about to cum.
>But you’ve got one more trick for Keli.
>Their bodies are yours to control.
>Cloth and Tropo try to cum, but your control over their bodies won’t let them.
>Latch bottoms out in you and fills you with his seed, and the sensations overpower you.
>You moan and cum, the force of your orgasm ejecting Latch’s load in a massive spray.
>You stand up, cum still leaking out of your pussy and look at Cloth and Tropo, who are frozen mid orgasm.
>The feeling of cumming fills them, yet they can’t ejaculate.
>”Ooh, poor things…Do you still need to cum?”
>They don’t respond, their eyes are rolled back.

>”Personally, I’m exhausted. Maybe you should help each other out?~”
[gets gay here]
>They nod, shuddering and move to one another before grabbing each others’ dicks and jacking them off.
>”Poor things~”
>You shake your head.
>”Now they’re all alone…I know, we should join them!”
>A massive cock explodes out of your inner folds and grows to be as tall as the imps.
>It touches the bottom of your breasts as you lay down for Latch to sixty-nine you.
>Cloth and Tropo begin sucking each other off as you and Latch start to vigorously facefuck each other.
>He’s too short to fully take your length, but that’s why your dick is so big anyways.
>His drool drips onto your tits and you watch with a smile as Cloth and Tropo star deepthroating each other.
>It’s time to end this.
>You slither your tongue up Latch’s dick and into his ass, where you massage his prostate.
>You release your control on Cloth and Tropo and they ejaculate like hoses, releasing each other’s dicks from their mouths only to drench one another in semen.
>Latch cums in your mouth, filling your stomach with enough cum that it looks like you swallowed a basketball.
>He slides off of your distended belly and onto the sticky ground.
>You look over the collapsed imps and smirk.
>Making sure Keli has the perfect view of you from the side, you start jerking off over your imps.
>Your tongue dances over your face, licking of the precum as you rub your swollen belly sensually with one hand, jerking off faster and faster with the other.
>Your errant hand curves up your distempered abdomen and gropes a nipple as your tongue collects the drool on your jugs.
>You jack off faster and faster until both your hands have your mast, arms squeezing your massive tits together.
>You cum and whine in ecstasy, semen covering your collapsed imps further.
>Maybe your own DESIRE could fuel them as it did you?
>If so, demons are truly overpowered.
>”Clean this up, okay?”
>The three of them nod and your dick recedes back whence it came, like the mighty loch ness monster.

>You clean yourself up, not caring that your belly was still swollen.
>You will the same garments to appear on you, and walk out the door as your sons lick up the mess.
>”I’m back!”
>Keli is taring at the ground, flustered.
>You skip over the wet streak in the carpet and walk over to the computer.
>Here’s hoping there’s soundproofing.
>Gallo turns to look up from the screen.
I sincerely hope that scruffy presence I sense is mere paranoia.
“Welcome back, Anonymous. A few more of the undead have left, but there’s still too much for us to handle. Wha—”
>He stares at your distended stomach.
“What’s with that?”
>Soundproofing, yay!
>”I’m just a bit bloated from a demonic meal.”
>He nods.
>”I’m actually thinking we should wait a while until Rastazanfulbaracha gets back. I found this—” You hold up the tacky book “—On his bed. So that’s his research station, and where he sleeps. I say we gack the fucker while he sleeps.”
“There is no honor in killing a foe while he sleeps.” Gallo mumbles.
>You roll your eyes.
>”And less so in wading through a legion of undead former friends and family.”
>Gallo raises a hoof to say something, but stops.
“You are right.” He sighs dejectedly.
>Keli is still red-faced, staring at the ground.
>You gently pick up an annoyed Gallo and put him next to her.
>You retake your seat and swivel around with a mischievous smirk.
>”You okay there, Keli? Feeling hungry?”
>Keli’s blush deepened.
>”My strong children would be eager to serve you. Once they’re done cleaning up.”
>Keli meeps and Gallo is oblivious.
>You lean back in your chair, tacky book in hand.
>”We might as well read this, to see what’s going on with our dear nemesis.”
>Keeping an eye on the monitor you open the book and start to read.
>”Right here looks interesting…”
>You clear you throat and begin to read.
shit, the formatting was off.
Anyway, as the more astute of you have guessed from >>27234167 there will be more demons. I'm not creative enough to come up with descriptions for incubi, succubi, and imps of varying species (like how the imps are minotaurborn), and conceptions (insemination(like the imps) impregnation, or conversion) so the more immersive of you guys can come up with demons while I write and I'll most likely include them at some point. Imps are animal-ish, succubi/incubi are sapient, and shoggoths are out of the question for now. Points to those who actually come up with personalities.
Also, trips decides what I call the plane where Anonymous' demons live

Nice work on the spoilering.
That must have been tedious but is worth it to have this stuff without it killing the thread.
those trips don't lie, I especially liked how you warned about the gey stuff so I could skip it, cheers for that.
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Gotta love that cute succubus chubby belly, it looks so soft and squishy.

I bet it'd make a nice pillow.
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Page 8?
Come on, summon other writefags.
Dubs for another guy to help.


>"Thank you oh so much for coming all the way out here, sweetie~"
>Nana squished the taxi driver's face in her hooves, the stallion entranced by her love and affection.
>You stepped into the taxi, ready to go back home.
>After she was done playing with the guy, Nana waved to you curtly.
>"I'm expecting you back soon~"
"Shouldn't take more than an hour or two."
>As the door closes, the cab rocks and you're on the way back.

Posting this to show I'm alive.
Need a bite to eat before getting back into it.
Thanks, friend. Enjoy your meal.

My pre-bed update.
>”Ahem…’I was born on the twenty-fifth day of spring, and when my mother first laid eyes on me, she wept, for she knew that she would never do any better in her life.’ Oh lord. ‘It may be true that my father later died in a foraging accident, but I suspect that he wasn’t able to take the pressure of raising a superior being.’
>”’When I was two, my mother decided to recreate my conception, but failed miserably. My sister—blah blah lah, yada yada…’”
>Pages and pages went on about every aspect of his early life that he could remember, and every perceived slight against him.
>”’—And that is my life until now. So begins the narrative of my life.’ Wait, did Rastazanfulbaracha write a prologue for his own /diary/? And was any of that remotely true?”
“I remember him when we were foals.” Gallo says. “He kept mostly to himself. He had some mildly impressive alchemy abilities, but nothing that hinted of genius.”
>You nod and keep reading.
>”’Sister is nothing but a meathead…Elder knows nothing…Keli rejected my offer of becoming wife to one such as I?’”
>You and Gallo stare at Keli.
“He offered me what was obviously a potion that smelt of crushed Heart’s Desire and…musk. Obviously a love poison.”
>Both of you grimaced.
>First time you’ve seen Gallo legitimately angry rather than calm and accepting.
>Seriously, he’s got the mental sanctity of a saint.
>You flip through the pages, trying to find a marker, a fold, ink blots, SOMETHING.
>Until you find it.
>Anywhere else, it would have been non-descript.
>But in this guy’s journal, it stood out like a sore thumb,
>”’I’ve found someone that is smarter than I. More powerful than I will ever be.’”
>Gallo and Keli perked up as you read that passage.
>A potential ally?
>A weakness?
>”’I decided to go to where the dragon is said to be sleeping. I had prepared a few deadly poisons that I would toss in its nostrils—‘”
>Keli scoffs and mutters something about suicide.
>”’When I saw him, I was in awe. He did not care about the gold at his hooves, but at the scales and bones in front of him. His creations swarmed the carcass as blood shone still on his metal-clad hooves.’”
>Cool, so he isn’t the dragon-slayer.
>”’In one unnatural motion his head swung towards me. And for the first time in my life, I was afraid. In but a blink he was before me, face hidden behind that emotionless maks. His blue eys shone like suns, boring into me. One of his creations, mimicking a fly landed upon my neck and I could feel it’s stinger start to bore into my skin.’”
>Wait a second, this isn’t how it ends…
>”’But he saw something in me. The fake bug flew away to join its millions of other metal brethren, and he passed the book to me.’”
‘Read this. I will be back in a few days with Changelings to make pods. You will collect nearby villagers into these modified pods and I will come collect what the pods extract. Work for me, and you will have power and longevity beyond your imagination. Fail me, and you will serve me the way that dragon and her hatchlings did.’
>”’I couldn’t help but swallow at the implications. I sat there, dumbfounded, for what seemed like days. When I came to, the dragons were gone, and not even blood stained the gold I stood upon. So I read the book. I learned. I became smarter, more powerful than ever before. True to his word, he came back, with strange black creatures with insect wings and horns. They dug passages and formed ‘pods’, which he then modified. He personally built a study and a mushroom farm using his ‘bots’, and I stood by, enamored.’”
>You really don’t like these implications.
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>You really don’t like these implications.
>”’So I will do as he says. And one day, centuries from now, I will surpass him. I will become superior.’”
>The three of you fall silent and stare at the book.
>yfw this isn’t even the final boss.
>You skim the rest of the pages and see it’s nothing more than runse, equations, and occasional tirades.
>And apparently he still hasn’t given up on his desire to bang Keli.
>And he’s completely okay with doing it with her while she’s dead.
>You know you’re a hypocrite, but this is all types of wrong.
>The dead aren’t just rotting corpses.
>They’ve got no DESIRE, no will.
>Just puppets.
>So he basically wants to stick his dick in a rotten puppet that looks like Keli.
>Wait, no, this passage amends that, realizing that she’d be a puppet.
>Now he wants the zombies to pin her down as he impregnates her with a ‘perfect child of body and mind’.
>This guy is like Satan’s poster child.
>No wait, the Prince of darkness is actually capable of charisma.
>You sigh and lean back in your chair.
>One thing’s for sure:
>When either you or Gallo snap this fucker’s neck, Keli isn’t going to be in his sight.
And that's it for now.
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Hope you don't mind me posting this pic, Zajice. :^)

So I am.

>As you're now alone, you're given time to think on the events of the past day.
>Why exactly were Lilith and Nana so weird?
>Was work going to be harder tomorrow?
>Was Kingpin going to be mad at you?
>These and other questions plagued you all the way back home, to the point that you'd reached your destination without noticing.
>Hopping out, you turned to the driver to speak.
"I shouldn't take too long."
>"Doesn't matter. I can wait all night as long as I get to see that mare again..."
>His eyes looked blank and empty.
>You proceeded into your house, welcomed by the familiar carpet of your living room.
>No matter how long you stayed at that manor, you'd happily claim this place as your home.
>You headed into your bedroom, grabbing a suitcase and opening your dresser and closet.
>Within a good ten minutes, clothes filled your suitcase, along with essentials such as your toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap, and shampoo.
>Boy, that was faster than you thought it'd be.
>Doing a double check on everything, you make sure nothing is forgotten before making your way back out to the cab.
>The driver hasn't moved an inch.
"Uh...you alright?"
>"Perfectly fine, buddy...perfectly fine..."
>That dead look was still there.
>You got back into the cab, and the rocking of the outside told you the trip back to the manor had begun.
>This time, different thoughts came to mind.
>What would you do after this manor job?
>Would you be paid enough to not have to worry about money for a while?
>Were you really going to get that masseur promotion?
>It would be preferable to the garden work...
>And just how did these ponies get all this wealth?
>Nana was a seamstress, but was that really enough for an entire manor?
>What did Lilith even do?
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how does it feel to be noticed
Gosh golly, you're back! More pls
Pretty sure Zajice is as approachable as one can get.

>You never actually "got to know her" as much as she seemed to actually want.
>Maybe you could try again in the coming days.
>She seemed pretty nice, after all.
>The cab stopped.
>You're back.
>Hopping out of the cab, you walk over to the driver, rifling through your pocket for bits.
>A hoof stops you from getting any closer.
>"Don't worry, Anonymous. You're covered."
>Nana walks by and locks eyes with the driver.
>"You don't mind him getting a ride for free, do you?"
>Her hoof held his chin up.
>"Of course not, ma'am..."
>She giggles.
>"I thought you might say that."
>Is she...into him?
>You didn't think you'd see it, but apparently your employer's found love.
>Which makes you wonder where Lilith's dad is...
>Who were these ponies?
>"Run along now, sweetie."
>The driver nods, then speeds off.
>Nana looks at you.
>"Enjoy your trip?" she asks with a grin.
"Yeah, I liked being back home."
>She walks to the gate, using her magic to let her and you in.
>"Of course. And I'm sure you'll feel the same here in due time."
>The manor has the space and the fanciness going for it, but it just can't capture that homely feel.
>"Do you have an issue with my home, Anonymous?"
>Despite the question, Nana didn't sound angry.
>In fact, she spoke in a kind of playful tone.
"N-no, of course not. I just haven't really settled in, I guess."
>"Certainly. I'll help you settle in all you need, Anonymous~"
>Her tail flicks against your leg for a moment.
"Thanks. I'll take all the help I can get."
>The dinner triangle rings, and you realize just how late in the day it is.
>Nana smiles.
>"Well, aren't you going to go eat?"
"Yeah, I'm hungry," you tell her as you start your trek to the dining room. Then you stop and turn back to see she isn't following you. "Aren't you going to eat?"
>She looks up, as if avoiding eye contact with you.
>"Oh...I'll be fine. Go. You should get something after all the work you've been doing today."
>Something tells you to prod her further, but hunger compels you to keep moving.
>Maybe next time when you aren't starving.
>It just seemed odd that she and Lilith didn't show up at any meals.

Hate to end it here, but I'm getting tired.
I'll try not to die for a few days again.
Sleep tight lil' nigga
Ive been waiting for you to come back
Cant wait for more
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thanks for the content you autistic blueballing faggots.
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Zajice is lurking this thread? Now I've got performance anxiety...Pls don't hate my writing senpai...
Just imaging you happy faces at a writrfag's work fills me with joy. I'm a very entertaining commercial break.

This is starting to get frightening.

Whether I think I know what's going on or not, Anon starting to work through the unusualness of the situation and his employers is starting to vicariously give me that feel of "things are not quite right. When the curtains fall what's going to be on the other side? Is is going to try to eat/kill/harm me?" Feel that I got when reading the first parts of The Shadow over Innsmouth.
What happened to devil in the machine?
I enjoyed the bit that he wrote
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To do list:
[ ] Very lesbian sex
[X] Orgy
[X} Gay sex
[ ] Fucking convoluted plot
[X] Convoluted fucking plot
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O shit page ten.
Imma stop slacking off after dinner. Keep it alive if you want some, folks.
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bang bang
So when will someone make a cyoa where the MC has to save the world from demon ponies all the while avoid being seduced and/or corrupted by them.

Poor poor moondancer.
Maybe you should?
who /tg/ here?
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I want more action dammit
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She knows what you are.
She loves you anyway.

this is a compliment.
I'm glad it is.
Also trips.

So I'm not gonna lie guys, my motivation's been extremely low, and at this point, going any further would just be forcing myself to write. I might be burnt out. I wouldn't expect anymore of my story in this thread unless something turns around.
You tried. 8/8 m80

Nice dubs.

Also thank you for what you made. I hope you come back to it in the future.

Have fun with what else you are doing, get some good sleep, and have a nice tommorow.
Fuck, that's too bad. I really enjoyed your story.
Oh geez. Sorry about that. It was great while it lasted, though.

As for my story,I'm pulling my hair out trying to write a legible fight scene. Also forced social interactions are slowing me down.
One last life-support bump.
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just in time.
>You turn back to the monitors and smile at the sight of an empty room.
>Then you frown when the door opens.
>The smile returns as you see that it’s a living zebra.
>And the frown is back when you realize it isn’t B’Mala, but Rastazan.
>Those names are so much easier as nicknames.
>He sighs and sits down on a chair, looking for something.
“Where did I--? Ah, never mind. Other than yet another group of idiots trying to kill me, nothing of note happened today. Ironic that their attempts simply give me more bodies to reanimate, and more blood to summon demons from Niflheim.”
>His very voice bled some sort of nasally arrogance.
>You considered popping back in and snapping his neck in one fell swoop, but you decided to wait until the time was right.
>The door opened again, with two imps carrying someone into the room.
>”Its B’Malaicifircas! He’s all right!”
>Keli and Gallo lean in to stare.
>pic related.
>”There’s nothing left!”
“But you said he’s alright! How could you know if there’s nothing left?”
>”No, I mean he’s literally completely right. The left side of his body is missing.”
“What? But he…there’s time to grieve later.” Keli’s face set into a frown.
>You turn your attention back to the crazy guy.
“So that’s what’s left of him? Pity…he would have made a fantastic undead. Oh well. Throw him in the pile, I’ll use his blood later.”
>The imps nod and drag the corpse away.
>Rastazan hums a jaunty tune and clears his desk.
>He picks up some sort of amulet and begins cleaning it and writing notes on a paper on the side.
>He’s interrupted by a strange mechanical bumblebee glowing neon blue flying down a pipe.
>It bops him in the nose, and you could see a vein throbbing on his head.
“What is it, sir?”
=“ Rastazanfulbaracha.”
>The voice is distorted, but you could sense a hint of giddiness.
So I wrote a bunch of fight scenes, and I was never happy, so the last one I wrote will be the one. Also, do you guys actually want me to continue, or is interest for succubi in general waning?I suspect it may be because it's finals for a lot of people, but let me know.

Please don't let me be the last guy supporting this thread, that'd be lonely.
“It is time for my quota, isn’t it?”
=“You are correct, my little zebra. I’m so…proud isn’t the word for it. Disgusted, mostly. But in this case, the ends do justify the means.”
“Don’t the ends always justify the means? The victors always write history, after all. Sir.”
>You could feel the venom in that last word.
=“I don’t intend to write history, my little zebra. I’m not like you, someone who desires power for the sake of it, or worse yet, for prosperity.”
> Rastazanfulbaracha snorts, but the bug flies around him, ignoring the derisive sound.
=“Nevertheless, letting you live and use the book I found to fulfill your wishes while paying me a tithe in that deliciously potent life force has to be one of my most efficient decisions yet.”
> Rastazanfulbaracha shifts uneasily.
“What is it even for? I’ve seen what even a small amount can do…The amount I’ve given you so far could fill a large lake.”
=“You needn’t worry. It’ll be enough to satisfy my goal, according to my calculations. Soon, all of the wrongs will be righted. I need only one or two more shipments. Then you are free from my yoke, free to do as you like until the end of days.”
>This is way more than you expected.
>You’re in over your head.
>Gallo and Keli are trying to piece together what this guy means, but you know just from the way he talks.
>This guy isn’t afraid of looking at the world like a chessboard where entire villages are pieces.
>And what’s all this talk about moral superiority?
“So this shipment…?”
“I’ve just finished collecting it. See you next month, Rastazanfulbaracha.”
Shit, forgot the last '='
>The bot flies back up the pipe and disappears.
> Rastazanfulbaracha collapses in a heap and sighs.
“Even from far away he scares me. This was exhausting, I need to get some sleep before I can properly study this amulet of unawareness. Far superior to an invisibility rune. Too bad it’s powered by the wearer’s magic rather than ambient magic…”
>He yawns and clears paper off his bed and…
>Oh geez.
>That’s a doll.
>A doll with Kei’s manestyle and green buttons for eyes.
>There’s even a pocket vagoo.
>He cuddles up to the doll and falls asleep.
>You wait a few minutes as his breathing starts to slow and get into rhythm.
>”Now’s out chance.”
>You grab a pair of zebras and close your eyes.
>You will yourselves back into the room and feel a small tugging sensation.
>The tugging grows and you’re back.
>…And your breasts feel really warm.
>You look down to see the two zebras squeezed against your ample chest.
>Anything created cannot be brought back.
>Since it’s time for business, you will your suit back on.
>The two are blushing, trying to find something to talk about.
>Unfortunately, Keli found something.
“Does he have a doll of me?”
>She leaned in for a sniff.
“It…he cut off a chunk of my mane for it!” She hisses.
>You grab the amulet Rastazanfulbaracha had been observing and toss it in the air before catching it.
>It’s super convenient.
>Like its only purpose is to prevent plot holes…
>Sorry, assholes from find you.
>Their funny language quirks are catching on.
>You grab the longest wire you could find and make a necklace.
>You put it on, and Keli and Gallo jump.
>Taking it off you ask them a question.
>”Did I go invisible?”
“More than that. I couldn’t smell you or sense your soul.” Gallo whispers.
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Never mind the = I forgot my name! Damn it. It's so relevant.
>”Both of you should wear this, and get to the pods. Free the prisoners. I’ll finish Rastazanfulbaracha.”
“But…There’s only one necklace.” Keli stammers.
>You smile widely.
>”Then you’ll have to stick real close to each other.”
>The two of them stammer a bit, but they get close as you drop the necklace around their necks.
>They disappear.
>You turn around to a completely unaware shmuck, just waiting to get his shit wrecked.
>Morally speaking, you know it’s very wrong to kill.
>But this guy has a lot of power, is key to an even bigger plot, and has done reprehensible things.
>So you’ll meditate on your actions later, when everyone’s out of danger.
>Plus, you could always point to the Crusades or something if this comes up on your record.
>Moral quandaries, even simple ones like this one, are the worst.
>You make a fist and loom over him.
>With one swing and a really loud cracking sound, you break his neck.
>”That was easy.”
>You slapped your hand against your mouth.
>Why did you have to say it?
>Almost instantly red runes formed over his corpse.
>But more than over Eguoretsev.
>Like a lot more.
>His body was completely obscured by rune circles until they all vanished.
>There stood Rastazanfulbaracha.
>Eyes burning red.
>Shadowing smoke clinging to him.
>Did you miss the decomposition?
>Because he went from full flesh and blood to skelezebra in about ten seconds.
>If he wasn’t a lich then, he is now.

So who can guess my inspiration for the big bad?Also, I'm going to have some dinner. Ciao.
I'm still here... Lurking
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Oh Silentanon...your silence and creepy eyes make writing these greens so worthwhile. No sarcasm, I'm glad I'm not shouting into the dark, but shouting to a bunch of people, some of whom have their pants down.
A writer's dream.
>You two stare at one another.
>It’s starting to get awkward.
>”So are you upset that I killed you or—oof!”
>Diplomacy failed when he sent a spectral bone into your gut.
>Lucky for you, it didn’t pierce you, but it still hurt like hell.
“You are a strange demon…No doubt summoned by some village to be rid of me.”
>You summon your trusty bat and fling a few dark beams his way.
>Papers explode all around the lich.
>Bones and beams of dark energy are exchanged.
>When the smoke clears, the both of you are still standing, but the notes and experiments are suitably destroyed.
“What did you hope to accomplish, demon? Most of your shots missed.”
>There’s some miasma that seems to stick to where you hit him, but it clears up slowly.
>Far slower than your own regeneration.
>And you’re still full of energy.
>You chuckle.
>”Don’t mistake me for an imp, Rastazanfulbaracha.”
>He tenses, somehow, at the mention of his name.
>”And did I really miss? All those notes, those plans…they were worth something right? You just helped me erase your presence further.”
>The fire in his eye sockets burns brighter.
>He blitzes towards you and you brace for impact.
>Both of you collapse in a pile, exchanging blows.
>It’s hard to hit his bones, but you could feel them cracking.
>He hits you, and your own suit protects you.
>But where he hits your skin, you start to rot and it takes longer to heal.
>A swift uppercut sends his head flying.
>His body collapses in a heap, but then follows the body piece by piece.
>You stand at a distance, room thoroughly destroyed.
>Both of you have healed your injuries.
>This has become a war of attrition.
>And as nice it is to take the heat off of Gallo and Keli, you don’t know the limits of his power.
>Old Grandma Masque’s words ring to you, in her weird, French-Hungarian accent.
>>”Don’t truhst a mahn who geev you smyle and rhye bread. For eet ees either poisonedt ohr ohld.”
>Not those words.
>>”Nehvah geht eento war of attrrishteeion weet Leech. Leech always ween.”
>She could have been talking about leeches, but you were in the Parisian catacombs at the time, and Masque dragged you around with her gypsy friends.
>So you have to end this quick.
>And since you weren’t a moron, you decide to go for the glowy bit that acts as a core to his body.
>His skull.
>You smile and rush at him.
>Smiling as you grab his skull with both hands, you begin to squeeze them together.
>Before he delivers an oddly powerful punch to your abdomen.
>You look down to see some sort of rune on your stomach.
>That isn’t good.
“It seems you weren’t as lost in thought as I’d believed.”
>Rastazanfulbaracha moves his cracked skull around.
“You’ve found my emergency phylactery. Quite clever of you. But I’ve also been preparing. I’ve placed a kinetic rune on your stomach. When I will it, the ambient magic surrounding you condenses and pushes against the rune, ergo, you. You will be sent flying until your body can no longer take it. Your internal organs will be crushed, your bones ground to dust.”
>You get to your knees before you’re sent flying backwards again.
>You’re against the door now.
“You can no longer do anything. Every time you get up, I will put you back down. This is an indisputable fact. It makes me wonder; when you die, will there be a body that I can use? Can I even use an undead with a hole in its abdomen? Answers I am willing to find out.”
>Where the fuck are your imps?
>Oh right…
>Cleaning up your mess.
>You raise an arm to fire a bolt of energy.
>There goes the door.
“I just repaired that door.” He tuts.
>You know.
>You slowly get up and summon a shield around you.
“A good effort, but futile nonetheless.”
>You’re sent flying through the shattered remains of your own shield.
>Your suit has a hole now, showing off your cute belly.
>Cute if it weren’t bruised.
>Regeneration is slower.
>He’s whittling you down.
>You look behind you and see the giant flask is almost completely empty.
>Tiny rivulets stream to the bottom, already having filled a couple gallons.
>You’re sent flying once more, bowling over a few innocent undead bystanders.
>The undead slowly move out of your way.
>Obviously, Rastazanfulbaracha still wants you for himself.
>Wait a second…
>You concentrate on his own DESIRE.
>Surprisingly enough, the lich did have DESIRE.
>Twisted as it may be.
>You feel your form shift to that of a small zebra mare.
>”You wouldn’t hurt me, would you, Rastazan?”
>You flutter your eyelids for good measure.
>He pauses.
>You smirk, you’ve got him—
“Don’t you DARE mock Keli’s image!” He bellows and sends you flying.
>You did get a spike of DESIRE.
>But you instantly lost it to regeneration with that strike.
>You’re still sliding across the floor, in fact.
>Three skips has to be a record.
>You’re directly underneath the flask now, staring at that glowing blue above you.
>The crazy bastard rushes over to you and begins hammering you with his hooves and his rune.
>A small crater forms under you from the amount of times he’s activated the rune.
>You decide that shifting to your human form is safer for now.
>Rastazan eases off of you.
“You see now how futile this is? How useless you are before my might?”
>Great, he’s monologuing.
>While he’s on your naked chest.
>You tune him out as your eyes drift behind him.
>The blue…
>If he’s undead…
>And that’s life essence…
“And that is why your kind will always be to my beck and call, as mere thralls!”
>”Yeah,” You grin with a cough. “But there’s one thing I have that you’ll never have.”
>He raises an eyebrow.
“And what’s that?”
>You wiggle your fingers as your tail his spine.
>He looks behind him to see what hit him, and you take the opportunity to grab his cranium and hurl it towards the flask.
>Instantly, you’re punted back down again, but not before he is sent on his way.
>His teeth lodge into the glass and it cracks slightly.
>He seems to frown at you, but the fires in his orbitals grow smaller as he realizes what’s happening.
>His own bones rush up to him to attach themselves, sealing his fate.
>After a lot of boring and clanging against the thick glass, the bones puncture, causing gallons of life liquid to cascade onto him.
>You wisely decide to avoid it, hoping it did not make him stronger.
>He reassembles himself and screeches.
>Thankfully his ungodly screaming was interrupted by a tree.
>Namely, a tree that sprouted under his hooves and quickly surrounded him.
>You watch in awe as the wood envelopes the bones, crushing them to pieces.
>The last you see of Rastazanfulbaracha is the dying flames in his skull as the branches close around, extinguishing the flames forevermore.
>The zombies stop moving about and simply freeze in place.
>You let out a sigh of relief.
>You shift back into your more ‘normal’ zebra form and prepare to leisurely make your way to the pods.
>Until you notice a branch from the still growing tree snag up an immobile zombie.
>The zombie quickly becomes one with the branch, feeding it further.
>The tree still seems to be growing.
>Maybe even faster.
>You should probably hurry.
>A trot becomes a gallop as you hear the intense creaking of a tree growing exponentially.
>You’d be okay with increased girth and length, but not in this situation!
>The cave rumbles as the roots burrow through the ground.
>You high tail it out of there, rushing into the pod room.
>”Dammit Cloth, Tropo, Latch! Where are you?!”
>With bursts of shadow, your three imps appear.
>Woah, looks like you can summon your demons instantly.
>You burst into the room where a bunch of balding minotaurs and zebras are helping each other to their hooves.
>”No time to explain!” You yell as you will your imps to release the rest out of their pods. “We’ve got to get out of here, NOW!”
>Keli and Gallo’s eyes widen and they nod.
>You fly to the uppermost pods, freeing who you can as the rumbling increases in intensity.
>Finally, everyone’s one their hooves and you all start hoofing it towards the exit.
“Is Rastazanfulbaracha dead?” Keli asks as you gallop.
>”Yes! Eaten by a very fast tree!”
>She stumbles.
>Roots burst from the ground behind you and some zebras scream.
“A tree!” Gallo confirms.
>All of you stop by the lip of the cavern, overlooking all the gold.
>How are you going to get across?
>The cavern rumbles and massive stalactites fall from the ceiling as roots rope around them.
>There is now a clear path to the exit.
“Convenient!” Agrees Gallo.
“Trap?” Cautions Keli.
>The three of you look back to the rumbling wall of wood.
>”Worth it!” You yell as you lead ahead, leaping from stalactite to stalactite.
>You make sure to will your imps to carry the weaker, slower ones head and come back for others as they make the crossing.
>Everybody rushes out into the tunnel and after a few terrifying seconds of running, you all reach the outside, welcomed by a sunset.
“Well, it was a rough going, but we’ve accomplished our mission. The necromancer, Rastazanfulbaracha, is no more!” Gallo declares.
>A few people listening to us cheered, but the rest were too busy catching their breath.
“It’s too bad about the cave. I could spot quite a few ores, even discounting all the gold.” Keli grumbles.
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>The rumbling starts again and a massive tree burst out from the plateau.
>Gold coins and blue liquid rains from the skies, healing the emancipated zebras and minotaurs somewhat as the grass around you grows greener and denser.
>A massive root bursts out of the side of the plateau, and water flows after it.
>Makes sense: A mother dragon and her babies lived there for a while, and there was no massive reservoir of water in sight.
>The newly formed river gushes forward, disappearing into the horizon.
>The tree slows and finally stops growing, touching the sparse clouds.
>Everyone is just too dumbfounded to react.
>Seriously though, you are considering yourself super lucky that it ends so well for everyone.
>Even if you don’t know if there were more pods in there.
>You don’t want to think about that, but you think you know.
>Gallo smiles, oblivious to the possibilities.
“Let’s return to Chanam, shall we? We can escort these others to their villages once they’re in top form.”
>You nod, silent.
>You may have accidentally slaughtered a bunch of people in your stupid attempt to kill Rastazanfulbaracha.
>Keli pats your shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
>You try a smile.
>”Nothing you need to worry about.”

Bedtime, see ya folks.

Oopdat ur pastbin plez.
Ta da
Also, I may be absent for today, gotta look for temp job.
“Come on, Anonymous.”
>You frown but you decide to talk about your problems.
>”Keli…I don’t think I saved everyone. There were more hallways, but I couldn’t check them all. With that stupid attempt to kill Rastazan, I may have caused a lot of collateral damage. I’m just thinking—”
>You are interrupted by a hug.
“Anonymous…thank you. You went above and beyond your duties, and have shown me there’s more to seeing things as easily as zebras and demons.”
>A nearby minotaur huffs.
“And minotaurs. Good and evil isn’t restricted to species. As for the collateral…I have a feeling that as long as they aren’t in Rastazanfulbaracha’s hooves, their souls can rest easy.”
>The minotaur approaches you.
“You are the one that defeated the necromancer?”
>You nod apprehensively.
>The minotaur bows low.
“Thank you. Being in those pods was a fate worse than death. There were no dreams, no awareness. Just moments of lucidity filled with panic and pain. If there are others you couldn’t save, they are in a better place.”
>He looks over the now green plains.
“Not to mention how fertile the Plains look now. Our villagers will be sure to return to harvest the gold from the plateau.”
>He chuckles.
“In fact, we may even move there!”
>The rest of the way to Chanam gets progressively louder as the sun disappears.
>The air of despair that once hung as heavy as the harsh sunlight dissipated, leaving a crowd of happy zebras and minos.
>Not to mention the cheering that rose up when you all trotted into Chanam.
>You, Keli, and Gallo are taken up by the zebras and carried about.
>That’s when Trepidik broke out the liquor.
>The celebration escalated from there and you got swept up in the giddiness.
>Your previous doubts wash away and you begin to look at the good.
>You’ve saved a hundred and sixty prisoners, as well as countless villages.
>You’ve brought life back to the plains.
>You’ve brought riches and resources.
>All in all, ya done good kid.
>So you go a little crazy.
>Not too crazy.
>You let yourself get groped, kiss a few stallions and mares, and rub yourself provocatively.
>But nothing like public sex or masturbation.
>The DESIRE from this celebration seeps into you.
>You spot Gallo, completely sober, milling about nervously.
>Keli is trying to inch her way towards him.
>Maybe you should just let them be.
>Or you could accelerate the process.
>You trot over to Gallo and pull him into a tent.
>”Time to discuss payment. Remember the clauses that said you’d pay me in both wages and DESIRE lost?”
“I can get the gems ready. But how do I pay you in desire?”
>You lean close to him and smile.
>Your cloak drops away, revealing yourself to him.
>”Through sex.”
>Gallo blushes and stammers.
>All the while, you keep track of the increasingly aggressive soul outside the tent.
>”Of course it doesn’t have to be with me. It can be with any mare (or stallion) willing to do the deed with either you or I.”
>Keli hesitates.
>You turn your head towards the tent flap and smile.
>Gallo follows your gaze quizzically.
>”Of course, if you do it with me, it will be absolutely amazing. No other mare would satisfy you.”
>Keli burst through the flap and stumbles.
“Heeeeey…”Her voice cracks as she tries to strike a casual pose. “Do you two need me for anything? After all that mess, I could do, erm, anything as a thank you.”
>”Well, there is one thing…” You say as Gallo’s face burns red.
[Extra bit here maybe? One lewd per chapter guys. I’ll write it later as an extra or something]
>The three of you are enjoying the afterglow.
>Gallo pulls you and Keli closer and sighs.
“That…went well.”
>”Thank goodness I was here, else your first time would have either been super awkward, or you’d both been old.”
“Hey!” Keli scrunches her muzzle. “You…you’re probably right.” She huffs.
>You smile.
>This is nice.
>You wish you could end every night like this.
>But something lingers.
> Rastazanfulbaracha’s boss is still lurking like many anons with their hands wrapped around their dicks.
>Out there.
>Up to no good.
> Rastazanfulbaracha’s boss as well.
>Your smile falls.
>It seems like you’re the only one with the potential to face him.
>But you know so little…
>He seems to be collecting ‘Aura’ for some purpose.
>He believes he has the moral high ground despite all the terrible things he’d orchestrated through Rastazanfulbaracha.
>He is in contact with strange, bug-like creatures called Changelings.
>And he has control over robotic bugs.
“Anonymous? Are you all right?”
>You blink yourself out of your reverie.
>”Sorry…I was just thinking.”
“About what?” Keli asks, nudging you.
>”About Rastazanfulbaracha’s boss. I have to find him. I have to stop him.”
>Gallo and Keli’s expressions fall.
“Do you have to go?” Gallo asks. “You’re welcome to stay. In fact, I’m considering uniting all the nearby villages so we can live on the plateau.”
>Keli leans over Gallo’s stomach and boops your snoot.
>You scrunch and Keli looks at you with sad eyes.
“You’re a good demon, Anonymous. You’ve saved us. Stay here, and the three of us can herd together.”
>You shake your head.
>”If he continues to roam, others like Rastazanfulbaracha will pop up. That’s bad not just for you guys, but everyone else in the world. I have to stop him.”
>You look at the couple as they stare at you with loving eyes.
>”Furthermore, I may have my own soul, but I’m still a demon. An unbelievably sexy, awesome, amazing demon, but a demon nonetheless. I can’t chain myself to you two. I’ll only bring you down.”
>And they might be against your plans to raise a demon army against thee big bad, but that’s best left unsaid.
>You lean forwards and give Keli a kiss.
>Then Gallo.
>”To you two, I give the blessing of fertility. May your children grow fast and strong, so your line will be assured.”
>You feel the prickling sensation of a blessing taking hold.
>You get up and start walking out.
>”I’ll be back one day, when this threat no longer threatens the world.”
“Wait.” Keli trots up to you and presses the amulet of unawareness in your hoof. “A gift in return. Please come back to see the city you helped create.”
>She hugs you.
>You return her embrace and you walk off into the sunrise.
>Gallo catches Keli’s eye and they blush.
“Some night, huh.”
>Keli trots back to his side and lays next to him.
“Some night.” She agrees.
>The two stare at one another before leaning over to form a passionate kiss.
“What should we call this new city?”
“Hmmm…how about ‘Ral’Ktan’?”
“’Heroic Traveler’? It fits, oddly enough. What a perfect place to get married.”
>Keli smiles and nestles further into Gallo’s warm body.
“I think so too.”

So ends chapter 2. As you can see, I've got quite the adventure ready. But I'll wait until there are more writefags to start posting chapter 3. I suspect that it's because it's finals season and not everyone had exams early like I did. I'll write the extra lewd sme other time, I've kinda put a self imposed one lewd per chapter limit. In the meantime:
>Send me your demons!
If you've got an idea for a personality/name/etc, I'll take it. There's an army after all.
>Guess who inspired my big bad!
I'll write something special for the first one who guesses correctly. Namely, a lewd of their choice. Or a story of their choice.
>Should the thread end here until interest for succubi is higher?
I really want a war demon. Personality? Well:

Badass, he's impatient, rash and isn't afraid to take what he wants but has a deeply ingrained respect of authority. His temper can get him into trouble sometimes but if shit really hits the fan he uses his strategic mind to get himself out just in the nick of time.

Is this cliché? I have no idea, I just really want to see a war demon.
Perfect, though that's more late game. I'm working up the demon scale, though you've got first pick on the war demon.
I'm enjoying this thread quite a bit, shame we lost the other guy, I was liking his story.
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yeah, he was awesome. Any lilith story is welcome. Rip in peace, Chuck.
I love this story. Using the powers of a succubus for good gives me a fuzzy feeling inside.
Concerning war demons. I'm wondering what their primary function is. Since Lust demons feed on 'DESIRE',specifically on other people's sexual desires, what then would War Demons feed on? What would be the source of their power? Is it just war on the grand scale? Or do they also draw their power from any kind of strife and turmoil in general?

Furthermore, what specifically is it about war that gives them power? Do War Demons need to engage in battle in order to survive? Do they perhaps need to inflict pain unto others? And what is their overall status within the larger hell hierarchy? Are they generals and commanders in an army? Or are they rather lone wolves and rookies whose primary function is to bring about strife and destruction wherever they can, whenever they can, purely to satisfy their own needs and desires?

This may seem pedantic but I really think that fleshing out the details of specific demons' positions can help with the creation of individual demon characters and their development later in the story. Your thoughts?
I mean, it's not like I'm dead forever and for eternity.
I'll be back with more in time.
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Yeah. Rest in peace. Do not disturb. You're just sleeping, honey.
'War demon' is a bit of a broad term. They don't necessarily feed on strife and pain, but they can. Their 'DESIRE' is actually 'DISTASTE'. If people dislike each other, or think negatively of others, the war demon can grow stronger. Similar to lust demon, they feed on bodily fluids, but more along the lines of blood, angry spitting, and sweat. So a War demon doesn't need to be a barbarian, but a crafty little prick that drives people against each other.

War demons are equal to hierarchy to lust demons, but are considered more powerful because they're generally more noticeable. And similar to people, demons are different from one another; sapient ones can have different M.O.'s, more so if they actually have souls. So there can be generals, barbarians, rogues, internet trolls, as long as there is a flow of 'DISTASTE' around them or in their direction.
however, since they are equal to Lust demons, Anonymous cannot make them until she ascends to a Lust Archdemon. Like a pokemon evolution.

So in summation:
>Lust demons need to be liked.
>War demons need to be disliked.

That isn't necessarily good or evil.

Example: an evil lustful act would be rape. A benign one would be seducing someone, sexing them, and teaching them to be a better lover, like what Anonymous just did. The latter takes longer, but there's emotional DESIRE added in.

As for War demons, an evil act would be to start a war or kill someone while their loved ones are watching. A benign one would be forming a rivalry with someone, forcing them to try and become better than you Gary Motherfucking Oak , or some friendly teasing. The second one is a slow burn as well, but works out better in the very long run.

Which is why the lowest tier demon, imps, have potential to gain power from both: they're a very weak blend, strong blend being Lucy, normally.
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Thank you. I just love irony.
Am I completely deranged, or was there a story in one of the previous threads with royal sisters summoning Anon as a demon to defeat Tirek, and in return he got to spend an hour each night with them? I can't seem to find it across the pastebns.
No, I remember that too. I just have no idea where it is.
How about a civil engineer?
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I found it

No name, no pastebin. Last post 21st March. It was my favourite green in this whole thread.

Also, Never died around the same time. Fuck you scruffy, you are guilty of this
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I have compiled what I found of it into a pastebin http://pastebin.com/fFEwMtcq

If you wrote this and are reading this from beyond your grave, write more faggot. I need this
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Why am I among the survivors of the Scruffening? I'm pretty sure I had written my lewd by then...I may have even been the one to get his attention. Any idea why Scruffy b& everyone around me, leaving me to watch as it burnt? Is he that sadistic?
I saw a lot of people give up on writefagging because green 'is ban now'. Which is bullshit, because even if that autist had any coherent idea of what he was banning, that would be """roleplaying""" (so not CYOAs obviously) and greentext prompts. The latter being now foreboden, but for some reason some people stopped writing altogether. I doubt anyone got banned for long, even the Fingerbang (EQG) OP got the hammer for a day (for a non-show related content, which made me kek) only.

On the other hand I have lost track of this thread for a while, since it didn't resurrect for while. So they might come back.

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Why can't we just have what we want?
Thread posts: 391
Thread images: 72

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