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Beast Anon #2

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Thread replies: 247
Thread images: 39

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Last thread 404'd

Waiting for Devil

>You weren't always like this...
>You used to be a handsome man when you arrived in Equestria.
>You thought this was a place of freedom, peace, friendship...and acceptance.
>You had a lot of friends, but also a lot of enemys.
>They called you animal, ape, freak....monster.
>Your friends were always trying to help you and support you but they weren't able to save you...
>They broke into your house tied you up and beat the shit out of you until you passed out.
>They draged you into the everfree forest where nopony would ever find your corpse.
>Somehow you managed to get your hands free.
>You could have just beaten them up until they promised to let you alone...but you didn't.
>You killed them, all of them. Your whole body was coverd in their blood.
>You haven't felt stronger in your entire pathetic live before.
>Your old self died that night.
>You never left the forest.

>You hear voices shouting through the forest
>They are calling...a name...a name you haven't heard for a long time
>You don't respond
>It's not your name they are calling
>They are calling a ghost's name
>A name you don't deserve anymore, the name of a human
>You keep youself hidden until the forest gets silent once more
>Anon is dead ... you are ... THE MONSTER.
>You wake up to the angry call of a name.
>But this time...it is YOUR name.
>A smug smile crosses your face as you obey their command
>They want a monster? Well they'll get one...
>Time passes
>Seasons come and go
>You don't know how long you have been in this cave.
>Years? Decades? Centuries?
>You stopped counting a long time ago.
>You are hungy, you haven't eaten for a few months now.
>You should have eaten the three fillys who discovered your hideout and woke you with their screams.
>But you didn't...you don't know why.
>It's probably because you are too weak to move.
>You lay down again, hopefully this will be your last rest...
>You are once more woken by yells
>You should have killed those fillys.
>"A-Anon? Are you in there?"
>Wait a moment
>You remember this voice
>This is not good
>The voice gets closer...
are you dead already?
rather sleepy
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Anon reminds me of HotD.
Where are these pictures coming from?
Is there actually a drawfriend who likes these stories enough to spend time making art for them?
keep going u fag
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Actually, I m the one who wrote the prompt and draw the first pic alongside.

The second pic was requested by Devil
is dat sum new art
dat is sum new art
hope devil finds the thread
one bump before bed
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>this is a general now

>the old gods writefag never went anywhere
I hope MonsterAnon didn't kill him
I don't even come to this thread.
Holy shit, Devil's writing this?
Neat-O. I've been following him for a while now.
will... will this thread be deleted?
Nah, this isn't roleplaying
No but the story wont be completed the op never finished it
Last thing op said was part of the story yesterday he did say he fell asleep in it so he probably fell asleep and woke up to the thread 404'd
Last thing from op
>Also, I'm traveling today tomorrow and the next day so updates will be patchy
Rip i will never see ending
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Fuck off, I m the real OP
I m the one who drew the two pics and wrote the prompt, but since englisch is not my first language I m not able to write this story any further jet .

You are talking about Devil in the machine
He just picked the story up and I m glad he did.
He is a decent writefriend and I like his story
and I love him in person no homo
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>mfw he fucks up on English
>mfw this is probably bait
I havent slept for almost 2 days now
I can barely stand let alone write
At least I m trying
No choice or it would've been Scruffed.
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What a dumb idea. Don't bother replying I have better things to do than stay in this thread.
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where the fuck is devil?
>hello darkness my old friend
>He awoke from his ancient slumber with a hunger...
>A hunger for moar.
>And so he made a clever trap for the writefags.
>He placed a big ol' juicy bump in the middle of it.
>All he had to do now was wait to see if he'd have himself a writefag to feed off of.
>And so he lurked his trap.
I'm not sure if this is a lost cause, or if I'm not believing hard enough.
Its lost his last post was

>Also, I'm traveling today tomorrow and the next day so updates will be patchy
N-no, he would never leave us...
He has and we will never forget him
I belive in miracle
Since you came along
You sexy thing
You sexy thing, you
I believe in miracles
Where're you from
you sexy thing
you sexy thang you
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>You and your friends finally cought up to Anon.
>He turns around his gaze piercing through your very being.
>"Nightmare Moon, Discord and Tirek, none were spared the Masters wrath. Your lives will be no different."
>The Tree of Harmony vibrates with his very words.
>Tendrils of pure Power shoot out of its crystal bark and consume him.
>You can only tremble at the thought of the unchecked arcane energies which are pouring into his green body.
>Rending his flesh, twisting his soul, filling the air with an strange odor, which you would only describe as sweet-smelling incense.
>He became something more. He became a bump.
so devil is not writing because he escaped the machine right? we just have to trap him again
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>"What could you possibly hope to accomplish? To storm brazily into my domain, to employ the Elements against me?"
>"I am without limits here. The rules of your cherished reality do not apply. In this place ~I'm in control~"
>You desparetly hurl some magic bolts against that abomination.
>It was without avail.
>With a singe wave of its hand you and your Friends are grabbed by crystal vines.
>"I had hoped to reform you more quickly, but you have proven more resilient than I anticipated. Nonetheless your efforts are in vain ... It is you reckless careless ponies who are to blame for this bump!"
I see you started a new thread. I'm writing more but I won't be able to post today or tomorrow. If the thread dies again I'll make a new one.

Oh, thanks for the pic op, its exactly what I had in mind
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So, I'm going to drop this so you guys don't think I've ditched you. Still won't be able to post for a bit but I'm squeezing this in.

Okay, let's back it up a post, I don't like the Pinkie POV so imma redo that.

>You are Pinkamena Diane Pie, huddled under Twilights sheets.
>Currently, you try to make sleep come to you, but are only able to focus on the growing feeling of dread in your gut.
>Something is coming...
>But fortunately, your Pinkie sense tells you that Fluttershy and Rarity are OK, and that's good right?
>No, something tells you they were much, much safer wherever Anon had them.
>And you do know that thing is him, but you're not sure how.
>Its not his fault, you reason, but it doesn't make it easier to stomach.
>No, you worry what might happen the next time you see him even still, as the /other/ Pinkie wants to get out every time he comes up.
>You fear she might even go along with it, killing for fun and sport.
>Or maybe she'll snap and try to kill Anon.
>That /really/ wouldn't end well.
>You sigh and stand up, shuffling to the bathroom.
>The light comes on, and you view yourself in Twi's mirror.
Woops. That's me by the way.

>Straight hair, dull coat, lifeless, sunken eyes.
>You turn the tap on and fill a glass with water, tipping the cool liquid down your throat.
>Setting the glass down, you get the unstoppable urge to puke.
>Its not because of the water or anxiety though, this was your Pinkie sense talking again.
>Heaving over the toilet, you wipe your muzzle and face the door.
>An evil, hauntingly familiar laugh echoes about the bathroom, and all goes black.
>That's it then, you can only huddle into yourself and fight for control.
>Except when you hear the scream, that ear piercing shreik, you lose yourself to the other Pinkie...
>As you take your spot in the back of your own head, you pray to whatever deity will listen that all is not lost.
So this is what happened before Anon attacked the castle?
>You can feel how the vines slowly strangle your life out of your body.
>Everything starts fading black.
>You feel the frigid touch of death upon your heart.
>Until Darkness consumes you.
>Or so you thought.
>You can't feel your limbs and you can't even barely see.
>You lie on the cold cavern floor.
>The vines which used to strangle you lie next to you. They are withered and don't hold much life in them.
>You try to lift your head to get a better view about this scene, but you only manage to get glimpse of the horror which happened right before you.
>Anon who was imbued with the very energies of Harmony, is now plagued by sickly black-red crystal tumors.
>His dread is written large in his face, as his futile attempts to scrape of the crystals bare no fruition.
>"No wound will be left unanswered! You will pay with bumps!"
>With this words Anon focuses his last strength into an teleportation spell and flees.
>And you have no other choice to give into your exhaustion and sleep.
Good grief, he's naked
>Bump green
Shiiiiiit, Devil did really escape the machine
Okay, I may be able to drop a few posts throughout the day. I got this prolly

>Be the abomination, laying in wait.
>The little dragon bait cries to himself on the other side of the room.
>And under Sombras spell, you can see through the veil with a purple tinge in everything.
>Outside, you can hear Celestia talking.
>"Twilight, I want you to know, we are about to intentionally spring a lethal trap."
>And there she is, strutting right in as though this weren't your domain.
>The dragon calls out in the gloom.
>"T-twilight? I-is that you? I-I don't think it's gone, don't come in!"
>Celestia seems to locate him, and you slither up to her silently.
>"Its okay my little dragon, I am here now, you will be okay. Follow the sound of my voi- HURGKHH!!"
>You snatcher by the throat, and her horn lights up.
>Her taste is intoxicating, and you can't wait to have her to yourself.
>The light dies, and you get launched backwards from a kinesis spell.
>Celestia is already charging another attack, but you leap to the side, dodging and kicking her with savage force in the barrel.
>She slams into a table, almost hitting the dragon.
>As though she can hear your steps, she tracks your movement with closed eyes and blasts another spell at you.
>Gripping a test tube, you sling it at her and she dodges.
>She's tough, but you're one step ahead.
>You knew she'd dodge that, and you position yourself to catch her as she continues moving.
>Like a charm, she trots right into your open arms, and only senses you there at the last second.
>Your claws nick her cheek, throwing a sliver of blood away from you two.

>Celestia decides to do something you didn't expect her to, and charges you with her horn down.
>Clever girl, but you jump and grab her by the horn, landing on her back rodeo style.
>Twilight stops everything though, with her scream.
>You notice her horn glowing, and a thread of blood trail down her muzzle.
>"Twilight! I am fine! Take Spike and GO!!! GET LUNA AND CADANCE!!"
>Shut up bitch.
>You pop her in the eye with your free hand, to which she responds by kicking and bucking to shake you off.
>Her horn glows again, searing your hand with her pure magical presence.
>So you pull back on it, and keep pulling until she is looking you right in the eye, light from her horn reflecting your image.
>"Anonymous! Wake up! This isn't you!!!"
>You cackle your throaty laugh.
"Anonymous dead, am killed him hehehehehe."
>Her pupil dialates some.
>With a force you weren't expecting, she bucks up with her back legs and throws her head forward, sending you tumbling into the wall.
>Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Twilight escape with the dragon.
>Good, its you and her now.
>"I refuse to believe Anon is dead beast! The fact we're fighting is proof!"
>With another tackle, you and her both go down to the floor.
>It becomes a struggle for supremacy as her horn goes out again, pitching you in purple haze once more.
>You on top of her, her on top of you.
>She has your arms pinned with magic, and your lower half under hers.
>But she is awful close, and you reach up with your neck.
>Powerful jaws clamp shut on her slender throat, and Celestia recoils from her mistake.
>Her forehooves bat at you weakly, she gags and sputters for air.
>A thick, warm, velvety goo seeps into your mouth.

>Her magic stops again, and you grip her under the barrel and throw her to her back, still latched into her neck.
>All four hooves tap and swat at your abs, and you stop them with your arms.
>Your claws dig into the soft flesh at the base of each wing, and eventually break skin.
>There is a massive roar from upstairs, and a loud thumping that shakes the foundation of the castle itself.
>For all of a dying horses heartbeat, the black veil lifts and comes back down.
>Blood is everywhere in this room, coating you and Celestia.
>Her struggling slows, and her eyes become less and less focused.
>She's devolved into twitching motions, muzzle still opening and closing for air.
>There is a commotion from outside the door, and its blasts inward off its hinges by three pissed off alicorn.
>They storm into the room, and Luna's light projection falls onto you.
>All three of them stop dead at the sight of an unmoving Celestia caught in the maw of the monster.
>You pick yourself up from her limp form, and her blood causes you pain.
>A feeling like your blood is boiling makes you recoil, scrambling to a safe spot that isn't there.
>The three, still in shock, ignore you as you flip a table and writhe and scream in agonizing pain.
>Its unmanageable and unimaginable.
>Eventually, you notice the ponies move.
>You can't make out much, but Twilight was latched onto Celestia, Cadance attempting to coax Twilight towards herself.
>The pain is so consuming you lose track of Luna.
>Rolling back and forth, curled on yourself and screaming, Luna rips you up with her magic and pins every limb you have down.
>Her eyes are a sick serpentine, feline slit.
>The pain is slowly becoming bearable...

>"Wait! Luna stop!"
>Twilights gallops over, still crying heavily.
>You lay silent, trying to rebuild a little strength.
>You feel weak.
>Twilight takes to your side, safe for Luna's magic.
>"Anon can't control himself! The Abomination is making him do this! We need to cleanse him!!"
>Cadence trots over and lays a hoof on the little ponies shoulder.
>Its to note she's considerably more wary of you.
>"Twilight, I don't think that /is/ Anon anymore, look."
>All attention falls onto you, and you are starting to feel really fucking crazy.
>Luna notices too, and she scrambles to open a gate to tartarus.
>Unfortunately, she wants to send you to the ninth circle, and to summon a stable portal takes considerable effort.
>Your head gets thrown back and forth, and you feel your body winning over the struggle to corrupt Celestia's essence.
>Your tounge grows very long, with razor like fins at the tip.
>Your nose grows so much sharper that from this distance you can actually taste the three mares.
>And the strength you weild tenfolds.
>Curiously, the magic bands around your wrists and chest melt when you push against them, surprising all present.
>You bellow into Luna's face as she continues her chant, and Cadance doublebucks you in the jaw.
>It pops out of place, sending you sprawling, but you recover and slam you face into the wall.
>At this angle, your jaw makes a squelching noise at it comes back.
>You grab Cadance by her mane and break the magical grip on you when you barrel into her.
>Two vicious bites disable her foreleg, and she flares her mutilated wings in pain.

>With a wrist flick, you snatch the base of one and break it, ensuring her immobility.
>She's down, but Luna still works on the portal.
>A breeze picks up in the room, swirling around the blue mare.
>Twilight shreiks again and blasts you with magic.
>It hurts, bad, but for the most part passes around you.
>Thanks Celly, magic resistance is cool.
>You flick your tounge at her and it lashes her flank.
>The impact sizzles against your tounge, but Twilight seems to lose use of the muscles you 'licked' with your razors.
>Her back leg limps, and she steadies her weight across the other three.
>Again with the tounge, this time across her chest.
>It burns bad enough you won't try again, but the lavender pony drops to her face next to Cadence.
>Paralytic tounge...
>You can't wait to see what the others do for you.
>Luna finishes the portal, and it opens up to a barren land, sucking the whole dark bubble away into tartarus.
>You clash with her as she turns on you.
>Weak as she is from that spell, she's no match for your strength.
>Still, she's able to stand and push against you.
>She slides backwards on her hooves, and you see Twilight stand up against your venom.
>Sweat pours off her, but she joins Luna pushing you back.
>The added weight slows you down severely, and your frustration grows as Cadance uses her three good legs to push as well.
>Gritting your teeth, you manage to stalemate against the pile of ponies pushing you.
>Even with the added strength, its hard to focus on anything more than keeping yourself from falling backwards into the portal.
>In an unexpected addition of force, you feel the slick crystal slide under your feet, and you glance up.
>To see Celestia up is already a shocker, to see her pushing against the backs of her colleagues is nothing short of stunning.
>You are thrown backwards into the abyss, but before you fall, you rip up Cadences mane and drag her with you.

>You hit sand with her on top of you, and the portal begins to shut.
>Before it can finally disappear, Twilight jumps in after you.
>The portal shuts as Luna looks on, torn between her sister and the other two.
>That might be a problem.
>Though, the two who managed to find themselves here might make up for it.
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>You are Anon.
>You didn't manage to teleport far. You are still in the Everfree.
>Slowly succombing to your to the influence of the Crystals.
>You can't go back to Twilight to seek help.
>She probably thinks you are responsible for the disappearence of the Elements.
>In fact those belligerents who faced you wielded the Elements altough you don't know how they managed to even put one hoof on them.
>But who in their right mind would believe an towering monstrosity like yourself, even without these bumps lodged deep into your flesh.
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Ther more I look at this thread, the more I think of the night hunter from Dying Light.
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I don't know what you are talking about
*screams through the night*
>Thinking of green of Night Hunter in Equestria.
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I got a better one.
Edgy bmp!
Bumping this again.

>Life is great ain't it?
>You need to get out more, always cooped up inside.
>Be Pinkamena, the /other/ Pinkamena.
>You can't see through the darkness but that's okay, you'd remember Twilights castle after a thousand years.
>Oops, who left this knife here?
>Silly chef, knives go into a rack, this one was left out on the chopping block.
>You're just going to take it and make sure no one hurts themselves.
>Stumbling about with knives just lying around isn't safe.
>Come to think of it, it sounds like fighting coming from over there.
>Now who would be fighting in the dark?
>Sounds like somepony needs a time out.
>Strutting into the throne room, you can hear most of your friends playing a strange game with Sombra.
>Wait, Sombra?
>We told him never to play with us again!
>Trying to locate everypony is difficult in the gloom, but you can make out AJ and Rarity.
>Surprisingly Gilda is here too!
>What fun you'll have when Sombra goes away again!
>The dumb unicorn hurls spells at each of your friends, seemingly overlooking you.
>Little old you with a knife.
>His eyes glow in the dark, making it easy to spot him so long as he keeps them open.
>You bob and weave through the spells, around your friends, and onto the table.
>Sombra hovers a ways above you, casting an angry look and flooding the area with his black crystals.
>They merge with Twilights castle as they hit, but you dodge each of them as though you were dancing.
>Sombra backs away, closing his eyes and trying yo escape.
"No you don't silly!"
>So you punch him in the foreleg.
>It may or may not have been with the knife, but you certainly don't have it now!
>Sombra barks in pain, but his eyes remain closed so it does no good.
>A stray crystal buries itself in your shoulder, and you dig it out with your hoof.

>Out of curiosity...
>Your tounge slides across the slick crystal, giving you a taste of your own blood.
>A shiver of pleasure crawls down your back, and your back knees knock together.
"Ummmmm~ No wonder Nonny wants it so bad. How can he resist something so yummy?"
>"Pinkie? Is that y'all ah hear? Where are you?"
>That's AJ, you wonder what she tastes like...
>Except that when you try to sneak up on her, Sombra decides to fire crystal after crystal at you in a barrage.
>They scatter all over, and a couple catch AJ in the flank and back legs.
>As she screams in agony, you pass Fluttershy going towards that meanie Sombra.
>There is a commotion that draws most of the attention in the room towards the stairs.
>Twilight is bounding up with spike on her back, and comes right back down with Luna and Cadance in tow.
>Sombra, ignoring you, throws a shield down so they can't get downstairs.
>Its right then you grab the knife jutting from one of his forelegs and yank it out.
>Sombra bellows out a massive scream, and the darkness lifts for a moment.
>Long enough for the princesses to blast the sheild away with enough force to shake the castle.
>They hurry downstairs as the veil falls once more, the moment of weakness opening up a lot of opportunity.
>"Shit! I'm getting trampled here! The abomination had better do what we agreed! You can handle that beast, I'm out."
>Sombra becomes mist as he floats away from the battle.
>The darkness is total, but no more is it violent.
>For you at any rate, the sounds of a heavy spell being cast and loud fighting comes from the staircase.
>Sneaking around while its dark, you inspect the damage done to your friends.
Jesus Christ what is this? My name is acting weird.

>The only one really hurt was Apple Jack.
>And she was bleeding pretty badly...
>You tip hoof over to where you think she was last, chucking the knife over your shoulder.
>Just a taste, all you want is a little taste...
>There she is, whimpering in pain.
>As you approach, a gust of wind picks up the veil and casts it away, exposing you next to AJ and Fluttershy who is fixing her up.
>Damn it to Tartarus!!
>Luna bolts up the stairs, a horrendously mutilated Celestia behind her.
>She's got bite marks all over her neck, and her chest is little more than ribbons, but you can see the almost invisible halo of healing magic around her.
>Rarity stumbles over, and asks Luna what she means.
>"Simply infuse us with your magic, we had to expend a lot earlier, and Cadance and young Sparkle are trapped in the ninth circle with the beast!"
>The words 'trapped in the ninth circle' are enough to spur action throughout the group.
>AJ and Celestia will stay behind with Fluttershy to rest.
>Gilda, Dashie, Luna and Rares line up as the latter two form a portal together.
>The beast...
>Does she mean Anon?
>That jerk.
>You're going with just so you can tell him off!
>The portal opens and the five of you pile in, meeting a giant three headed dog.
>It recognizes Luna and takes up a puppyish look.
>The oversized mutt rolls around on its back, each head hanging its tounge and happy to see you.
>"Cerberus! We will scratch behind your ears later! We have urgent need of you in the ninth circle, take us there and hurry!"
>At that, the dog snaps to attention and holds a massive paw out to you.
>Climbing on, you are rewarded with a piggyback ride as Cerberus kicks up sand and dust sprinting deeper into tartarus.
>Anon is going to get a talking to when this is all done.
>You'll make sure of it.
Oh. I'm a dumbass.>>26947409
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Bumping once again.
I have no life.
Bumping for brutality
Brutality you'll have friend. The end is neigh, and I'm way amping the gore and horror for the semi-finale.


>Be Twilight, struggling to fight the weakness in your legs.
>The Abomination took Cadance into the ninth, so you jumped in after.
>Too tired to fly, you faceplanted into the sand, and land hopefully close to Cadance.
>A predatory clicking noise assails your ears, and you pick yourself up to-
>The beast is ripping into Cadances back, and it seems to play with her injured wing.
>Finishing what it started earlier, it rips the wing away with a sick squelching and a pop that could disturb even the most jaded fiend.
>Cadance bawls and screams her throat out, and is left to pass silent wind from her tired neck.
>The entire time you stare in shock...
>Bracing yourself for backlash, you puff your lacerated chest out and hurl pure sunlight at the monster.
>The bolts make good hits, and the abomination bellows, but the magic mostly breaks on it like water on a rock.
>Using Cadances wing, it attempts to put out the holy flames, but realizes its useless.
>In Tartarus, holy magics hold more potency, but won't hurt those who are of high moral standing, and you plan to make use of that fact.
>Eventually its shrieking stops, and you stare at the golden fireball for a moment.
>To your horror, the beast looks you dead in the eye, fitting most of your old babysitters wing in its mouth and tearing it free.
>You can hear its throaty laugh as its skin sizzles and blackens, loud cracking noises timing themselves with the motion of its jaw.
>It finishes the rest and throws it's tounge at you.

>You were hoping for that, and you stop it by levitating a ball of sand around it.
>With another bolt of sunlight, you ignite the sand and with as it melts into a sick glowing blue glass around the monsters tounge.
>The abomination howls in pain and retreats behind a larger dune.
>The burning gives him away, so you're not worried about keeping tabs.
>Right now its you and Cadance.
>Standings above her, you can see what all the beast did to her, and she looks up at you silently, tears flowing from her pained and dialated eyes.
"I-Its okay Cadey, I won't let you hurt, I promise."
>The first thing you do is null the pain with a spell aimed for her nervous system.
>An effect is immediate, and you watch her relax and huff a deep breath.
>Still awake, she watches as you perform more magic.
>The sound of the burning is fading, is it pulling back?
>No time to worry about that.
>For fifteen minutes, you focus on Cadence, fixing her leg and starting to seal a gaping hole in her flank.
>It's peaceful in this part of Tartarus, when you're not worried about death at that moment.
>You're /in/ Tartarus, so what difference does it make if you die?
>Is it even possible here?
>Suddenly, the sand around you explodes and a great burning abomination grabs Cadence and drags her back under the sand, a dark hole swallowing both of them.
>You can hear Cadances terrified, numbed moans trail off as she's drug deeper into the abyss.
>You barrel in after them, forgoeing your own safety for Cadances.
>The tunnel soon shrinks to a size too small for a pony, and you wonder how the abomination moved so quickly in here.
>Crawling through, you find yourself eating a lot of the sand, which seems to be loosely packed up.
>Another mystery; how did it make such a complex system in such loose sand do fast?
>And while burning?
>What is it really you have set out to fight?

>Your hope deflates rapidly when you remember the scare with Celestia.
>For a moment, you truly thought she'd died.
>A flickering glow radiates around the next turn, and you peek around with a spell ready.
>A burning chunk of sand?
>Chills roll down your back when you feel something grab your back hooves.
>The tunnel is too narrow to turn arou-
>The monsters jaws slam down on your flank, and you can feel a whole muscle separate from your leg.
>Hyperventilating, the only thing keeping you from passing out in pain and terror is a question.
>Why isn't your element keeping you safe from it?
>Bucking your good leg in instinct rewards you with a few severed tendons, the hoof landing square in its mouth.
>A sharp pressure pokes at the base of your tail, trailing down over your ponut.
>You bury your snout in the ground and shake your head, holding your ears down.
>The claw pushes forward roughly and deeply, and your insides twist and shred.
>In desperation, you cast the nerve spell on yourself, and a wave of nothing washes over you.
>Your horns light fizzles out, and you cease to smell the iron stench and dank earth of the tunnel.
>You can feel your backside being mutilated, but instead of pain you feel jolts of motion.
>Eventually, the beast must get tired of playing with a broken toy, because you see more then feel or hear yourself being drug backwards.
>There's a drop, and your eyesight takes a snapshot of the moment your head bounced off the hard rock, sticking there for a little bit before refocusing into the here and now.
>The monster cups your cheeks in its clawed hands.
>Right in your muzzle, about as close as it can get, and its tounge wraps round your snout.
>It handles you with a strange care, almost lovingly, caressing your neck and jaw and squeezing your muzzle.
>You'd imagine it'd feel... not terrible, if you could feel it to start with.

>It looks over you a ways, separating its tounge from you.
>Aiming your head over towards Cadance, who can see you.
>Your mind....
>Th-that was....
>This thing, a burning demon wreathed in holy flame, observed you cast that spell on Cadance, and put you in a position where you'd have to use it on yourself.
>J-j-just so it could have sick fun.....?
>Oh Celestia, its crawling towards Cadance!
>You watch desperately wishing you could look away, as the abomination rips her head back from behind and stretches his legs over her barrel.
>It hooks its arms up under the shoulders of her forelegs, making a sharp, swift, snapping rotation with its hip.
>You hear a soggy thump as Cadences most lower vertebrae are separated from each other, destroying the animal cord.
>Even through your nerve spell, she jerks with what body she can use, kicking in pain unimaginable.
>Meekly, her hooves bat nothing, mimicking a running pattern.
>You sorely overlooked this...
>The spell simply deadens the outer pain nerves, but the inner nerves remain functioning.
>Meaning she can feel, and quickly unfeel the pain every time thebbeast pops another vertebrae.
>Luckily, your vision blurs, and you can't see anything.
>The moment of bliss is shattered by your tears running over, revealing a very ragdoll looking Cadance.
>She's foaming and her eyes are rolled back, streaming.

>The abomination pops another, three fourths up, and you can see Cadance only react from the neck up.
>At this point every organ in her chest would've shut down, and despite the lowborns half-immortality, she is still alive.
>This is the horror of the ninth circle, isn't it?
>You were stupid for thinking it peaceful.
>Its the only thing you can manage to think.
>The beast has ripped Cadance apart, literally gnawing on an exposed bone.
>At least she can no longer feel that.
>Your eyes shut slowly, a blink stretched into infinity.
>When they reopen, your looking down your belly to see the abomination between your backhooves.
>He wastes no time sinking his teeth into the soft flesh just under the ribcage.
>You watch yourself be mutilated by the monster, wanting to scream.
>Wanting to feel the pain, even, to remove your mind from the psychological, primal terror you're experiencing.
>anything but this.
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>>No, you worry what might happen the next time you see him even still, as the /other/ Pinkie wants to get out every time he comes up.
>>You fear she might even go along with it, killing for fun and sport.
>>Or maybe she'll snap and try to kill Anon.
Dude, take it fucking easy on the exclamation point abuse.
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>cupcakes tier pinkie
And I'm out.
What is that?
scary bump
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spooky ghost cought on camera
warning: spooky
What's up, fellow anons? I just wanted to come and ask if anyone would mine some green involving a certain ferocious and cunning creature from Dying Light, the Night Hunter. This will, however, be my first green text that I've ever tried to write if y'all wish for it, so expect some mistakes from it...
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>ferocious and cunning creature from Dying Light, the Night Hunter

Holy shit, I'll try bud.
Might post later today, definitely tomorrow.

Write it friend, who gives a fuck if you're new? Gotta start somewhere, and you can see from my green it doesn't matter how bad it is, people will still read it.
your gonna get haters, but that's just the nature of the board. if you filter out the rant and take the criticism, it makes you a better writefag :^)
>You are... Unsure of your identity.
>However, you do not need an identity. You could be anonymous for the task in which you partake in with your brethern.
>The children of the Mandible race are at stake at any moment of any time of the night in this city the Living call... Harran.
>For much time, the Living have terrorized the Mandible race, stalking atop and between the countless structures of the land that Mandibles and you reside in and murdering the children of the Mandible race in cold blood.
>It is your job to defend these children from these ominous, heartless beings.
>And so, at this moment, as you perch upon one the towering structures, a loud noise has brought your attention to one of the distant areas of the unnatural wilds of the land.
>It is time.
>You stand up from your crouching position, and release a great howl into the night before leaping off the building. The ground rushes to meet you, but it never touches you.
>You extended your arm towards one of the Living's past structures before you release on of your tendrils.
>It meets its target, digging into its shell before it begins quickly reeling you towards it. You release before you reach it's end though, flying through the air and repeating the process.
>It's not long before you reach your destination: an expansive yard of metal tracks and cars with neighboring warehouses and an overhanging bridge.
>You skillfully land on the bridge before getting down onto all fours, sniffing the darn night's air and analyzing the scents you pick up.
>Amongst these scents, you pick up multiple of the same scent. A scent you've grown to despise over the time you've taken this job.
>The Living are here at a nursery.
>You don't even take a second to unleash a howl of rage into the night, picking up on the location of the group of Living upon doing so.
>The only thing that comes across your mind is the thrill of the hunt as you leap down into the train yard.

(There aren't any pones yet. That'll come soon, anons.)
>Your name is Nick, and right now, you're afraid for your life.
>As a newbie to the men of Rais, you've been chosen to assist in a task with a small squadron of his killers.
>Something about clearing some kind of Volatile nest, you think?
>It doesn't matter. You're out at night, and you've seen what those volatiles can do.
>They don't even bite! They just fucking kill anyone they find!
>You REALLY don't want to die like that...
>The gravel beneath you and your group's boots sifts in the night each of the 6 of you and the hostage you brought freezes right in their tracks.
>A monstrous howl just rang out in the night, and it sounded really close.
>Each of your group mates grasped their firearms with their sports-taped or gloved hands looking up and around with their shoulder-mounted flashlights. You couldn't see anything except for the faint train yard ahead of you, the strong smell of rotting meat radiating from it.
>That's definitely the place you were looking for.
>The leader of your group, dressed like the rest of you with a green hunting or fishing vest, yellow undershirt, white hockey mask, and yellow vertically striped pants, had turned to the group member holding the hand-tied hostage before motioning to the train yard with his hand.
>The member only nodded, slowly advancing with the hostage until he was almost right next to the train yard. He shoved the sobbing hostage onto the gravel before cautiously coming back to us.
>Now... We wait.

>You are now the guardian of the Mandible children, observing the scene from afar on another Living structure with contempt.
>These humans just threw one of their own kind into the Mandible nursery.
>They probably heard you and were just testing the grounds. Trying to lure you out.
>You can't be fooled that easily, but now you at least know how these humans behave.
>You stand up from your prowl before raising your right arm, its lower parts unhinging.
>The substance inside it builds up with greatening force before launching.
Go on
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Have this bump
>You watch the purple ball fly straight into the middle of the group before exploding.
>They've been caught off guard it seems. All the better for you.
>You launch from your perch towards the group, tendril-ing closer quickly before launching tendrils from both of your arms at one of the Living.
>They wrap around it's torso and pull you towards it with such ferocity before you slam into it, knocking it onto the floor and leaving you on top of it.
>You can see fear behind its masked eyes as it struggles to free itself, but that won't last for long.
>You pull your head to its throat before clasping your jaw onto it an tearing your head away to leave a great shower of its blood spray into the air.
>You quickly leap off of the lifeless corpse and slam onto the ground. The other five Living have taken notice of you, flinching at their lost member while shouting to one another and raising their metal contraptions.
>You know where this will lead, and leap out of the way of a barrage of explosions. You could've gone for another kill, but that would've led to death by the same barrage that fired upon you right now.
>Death would mean letting them murder more of the Mandible children like the rest of the humans, and you cannot let that happen.
>Instead, you charge up another one of your spit-balls and fire a different variation of your original one, a yellow, pulsing shpere that stuck itself to one of the Living group's members, who is now grasping at it stressfully while its friends try to back away from it.
>It explodes in a flurry of yellow liquid, coating the original Living's self and a couple more of its friends. The result is the sounds of screeching in the night.
>The Mandibles are coming now.
>Each of the remaining living have reached for their shoulder lights, activating their portable day rays.
>The suppressor spit must have worn off. Not that it matters now, with three of the remaining five being covered by your attraction spit.
>The Mandibles have drawn closer, their ferocious, bloodthirsty screams piercing the night.
>Speaking of which, three Mandables had just leapt from a broken down wall on the overhanging bridge, one of them being an evolved judging by the black fluid and rock-like plates covering its body.
>The remaining Living had taken notice of the Mandables and had already opened fire.
>The Mandibles never flinched as they charged towards the Livings, enraged and thirsty for blood.
>Meanwhile, you had decided to leap for the nursery in order to make sure no other Livings were around to take a Mandible child's life.
>The workings of the Livings' metal contraptions had finally stopped, replaced by bloodcurdling screams of terror and pleads of mercy that never came.
>It didn't take long for their yells to stop, and when you completed your inspection of the Nursery, the only things left of the group of Living were body parts, flesh, and blood.
>Serves them right to try and kill innocent children.
>The three mandibles were now trudgingyour way, one of them dragging the restrained Living that had been used as bait before.
>No doubt to increase their numbers and produce more children.
>You were about to take off once more before something occurred.
>Your body began to feel prickly and soon, your vision began to darken.
>It seems the three Mandibles were experiencing the same thing as you were, stumbling just as you were.
>Soon, darkness had completely taken over your nocturnal vision, and all you felt was nothing.
>Your name is Rusty Shovel, a unicorn archaeologist from the city of Canterlot. And right now, you're extremely excited!
>After exploring the cave system with your group of fellow archaeologists, you've finally found what you've been looking for!
"Guys! Get over here! QUICK," You yell out with anticipation and excitement.
>The clopping of hooves behind you and the additional light of torches filling the spacious cave signalled their arrival.
>"What is it!? What is it!?!"
>You turn to the light blue and white
earth mare and light and dark grey unicorn stallion behind you, levitating the object you've found in front of them while shaking from the feeling of accomplishment.
>They both looked to it quizzically before your unicorn friend spoke up.
>"Uh, Rusty, is that really what I think it is?"
>You give a wide smile.
"If you're thinking of a rune, Iron, then YES!"
>The two ponies had just gave a small sigh and face hoofed. The mare spoke up, agitated.
>"Really Rusty? I'm pretty sure that we've found all of the runes we could find. We've only been finding repeats of runes we've already seen for five years now!"
>You frown knowing you've never seen the mark on the time before.
"Trust me, Crystal, this one's new, I know it!"
>You start focusing magic into the levitating rune, the haze around it growing brighter and brighter.
>"Rusty, that doesn't mean you should use it right now then! We could-"
>A light blinded all of you in the cave, and a great bang sounded and threw each of you back.
>Yep, that bucking hurts like Tarturus. Just get up and get over it, you've faced worse Rusty...
>"Uh, Rusty? I don't think you were wrong about that rune..."
>You crack open one of your eyes and stagger to your hooves before your eyes grew wide at the sight being lit up via torch in front of you.
"What... What have I done? What in Celestia's name are those!?"

Alright, that's all I got for the night. Constructive critisism is welcome here and I'll try to get a name and write more tomorrow if y'all want it.

Stay good as always. Good night and good luck.
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So close...
>Night Hunter

I like it so far!
Off by one...

This hurt my testicles
You deserve those dubs poor anun,please no more crie
interesting and well written
go on
tj g
A heads up, this is taking a different pace for now, and I'm going to explain some things.
I know you like your gore but the story has needed this, keep your pants on


>It is a strange thing, you experienced.
>Be Anonymous, or his soul rather.
>Passing over into the eighth circle, you're met with a rather abrupt change in scenery, and this one is easily the smallest by far.
>The gate to the ninth makes up the horizon, and you only have roughly six or seven miles to trek before you're in the lowest pit of tartarus.
>Good, you can feel the other part of you there.
>The ugly thing that Sombra fucked you with.
>Oh yeah, you learned all about his role in this through your perilous fight into hell.
>Which is another thing, just cause this ring was small, doesn't mean it'd be any easier to cross, assuming the pattern keeps up.
>But that's another story for another time, and you need to recap yourself out of anxiety.
>Sitting down here where its calm, you rest you're tired, non-corporeal body and ponder the case.
>Fucking Sombra has been collecting magic through fear since his downfall, and exploited a rare rift in reality to pull you through with the express intent of feeding off the scare you'd cause.
>Trixie may have been the catalyst, but Sombra was the chemist orchestrating your persecution, and eventually the tension broke.
>The result opened the door to the abomination, which he then further exploited.
>Still unable to physically reform, he'd wait around the monster using your body and urge it to kill and get stronger.
>Then he used what was left, if any, to go towards a new body.
>Once he reformed, the nigger brokered a deal with the monster to get you out of the picture, and by extent your own body.
>So now you're in the only place an unnatural soul can go; tartarus.

>Oh and its worth mentioning, you can still hear and see part of what the monster does every now and then, because it really is you, just not together anymore.
>Part how you know you're walking right towards him, and how he's in tartarus too.
>You stand back up, and dust off.
>Before you is a valley between two mountains, and a single trail pushes forward through an entire village, city, castle, and into a third mountain.
>Just behind that mountain is the silver shimmering air that tells you where the gate is.
>You walk forward, and down into the village, in full view of everything.
>An obvious trap, all four obstacles are, but there is no way around.
>Can't just make tartarus simple could they?
>And you can't just worry about during either, oh no.
>Its gotta be 'get trapped here while we torture you for eternity.'
>You approach the village, and notice that a few doors open up.
>Was the eighth circle heaven or something?
>"Hey, hey mister!"
>A young filly runs up the trail to greet you.
>She stops though, and looks at something behind you.
>Turning around, you see what she fears so much.
>Cerberus, and he's coming through the gate.
>Mother fuck, you thought you'd slowed him down but he's back already.
>The filly screams, turning and dashing off.
>In fact, chaos ensues at his image, and you use its cover to duck away into a shed.
>Cerb sprints right by you, seeming preoccupied.
>There is a loud boom, and a liquid sound.
>That would be the gate to the next circle, so your guess is he might be trying to cut you off.
>Whatever it was, you track behind him, making you're way there.

This is the part where I tell you that I'm going to write a separate piece detailing Anons travel through tartarus. Won't spoil it here, cause the eighth ring is in there too.

>Slamming the large metal door shut, you flop down on the control panel, breathing so hard it hurts.
>It takes a few minutes to catch yourself, but you think you earned the rest.
>That really wasn't heaven, though you can see where some poor fool might think it was.
>Shit, when you pull yourself together, you look up to see the gate white and smooth but ripply like water.
>Means its open, and it confirms your suspicions.
>The only time anything can get in or out of this gate is with Cerberus' express permission.
>But, with him dead, oh god, the spirits have been acting out and the gates opened both ways, exposing each ring to its neighbor in entirety.
>The final stretch is laid before you, the last push to the end.
>You can see the finish, you just need to keep pushing.
>The gate bends around you as you walk into it, swallowing you and spitting you out in a desert of some sort.
>Turning around reveals more desert, instead of the gate.
"One way ticket to hell inside hell huh? Nice."
>There is an explosion of sand far off.
>That'd be your quarry.
>Trudging into the sand, you rip off a dangling cloth off your jacket sleeve, and wince in pain.
>Using it to tie up and around a bad cut on your shoulder, you feel the pain ebb away.
>Cresting the umpteenth sand dune, you're granted a view of the unfolding battle.
>Holy shit that looks rough, nearly no one is standing anymore, Cerberus' massive corpse lays next to the action.
>You need to get down there now...

Its not much but this part took too long to write. I've not hit a wall, just slowed down, so bear with me. I have a plan mapped out for the story, so it /will/ get an ending.
Page nine. Are we in hell yet
>You are Rusty Shovel again.
>And right now, your excitement has been turned into anxiety.
>Seven figures lay on the stone floor in front of your trio, a putrid scent and a chorus of heavy breathing, soft clicking, and whines emanating from them.
>Three of these figures looked to be balled up, but you could still make out pale white skin and dark red splotches covering their bodies in the light of a torch being held by your friend, Iron Ore.
>One of these three were different though, having a coat of completely black splotches and plates of armor of some sort.
>Two more figures had sat spaced apart from one another, each of them taking a similar appearence to the last three and seemingly sitting whilst stretching their bodies back, as if they were angry minotaurs. The only thing different with them from the last three were the various pale, flesh-like strings that spanned from their bodies to the ground.
>There was also another biped that looked to be bound by the dull claws clasped behind its back, but the last creature you saw struck fear into your heart.
( http://i.imgur.com/0tg0Jz2.jpg )
>Its body was pale, and spikes ran up its hardened, blistering back. Spikes had shown upon its arms and its claws seemed almost razor sharp, just like the teeth it bore. Evidence of cloth was seen on its body, but you didn't even want to get near this... Thing!
>You looked to your other friends, and both of them looked back with the same expression as yours: Eyes wide, body trembling, and jaw looking as if it would hit the cold stone floor.
>"Uh... Guys," Iron questions.
>You and Crystal turn to him.
"Yes, Iron?"
>"I'm not the only one who saw one of them move, right," He questions, pointing a hoof at the one that seemed to be restrained, who was in fact moving...
>Your name is Russel. Russel Benshki.
>And today was not your day.
>First, you had woken up to your Safe Zone being raided by Rais' men.
>Apparently, our group hadn't "payed our rent" for being protected by Rais' men.
>Fucking jackasses.
>If anything, you need to protected from his thugs!
>Then, after that shitstorm, you were brought to the man himself along side most of the others from your zone.
>The fucker nearly sent you to "The Pit," like the others before he recognized you as one of Brecken's runners from the Tower.
>That was when he assigned the role of bait to you for this task of sorts at night.
>You'd bet your god damn left hand that he never expected you to the only survivor of that failed mission with his men ripped apart limb from limb by those Volatiles.
>You would've been dragged off by them if it weren't for... Actually, what did save you from what ever those fucking freaks had planned for you?
>You think you've started to feel sort of awake at this point, but your ears are still ringing like someone threw jammed some fucking firecrackers in your ears.
>Still, you try to open your eyes to try to get a sense of your surroundings.
>It looks like you're in some kind of cave.
>You groan out loud. This is your end. Dying in a Volatile nest, forgotten in this shitstorm.
>Might as well see what it looks like before you're dead.
>Looking around, you see stone, of course, three adult volatiles resting (never thought those fuckers actually slept...), what looks like two more volatiles early in development, some technicolored horses standing with a torch, and some... Ugly fucking infected...
>Wait, did you just see fucking horses?!
>All three of those horsesare looking straight at you, trembling and wide eyed.
"Welp, that's it! I've finally gone insane!"
>You're Rusty Shovel again, and you can't believe what just happened.
>The one biped that was bounded just spoke!
>In equestrian, nevertheless!
>You don't even know what to feel now. Should you be feeling excited
or scared? Or-
>Crystal disrupts your train of thought.
>"Uh, what was that, guys," She says whispering to Iron and you.
>She thought one of you were talking.
>You respond in a hushed voice.
"That wasn't us... I think that was that thing right there."
>You point a hoof at the bound biped, who looked like he was squirming to get up with its dull claws tied together.

>You are Russell again.
>And these horse are talking.
>Talking about you.
>What kind of shit did Rais put you on?!
>You know what? Nevermind that! You're getting the fuck out of here!
>You squirm to your knees from the floor and try to stand up.
>The horses are looking at you still trembling.
>One of them speaks up, having a rusted orange and pure orange color scheme.
>"Uh... Hello?"
>Nope. Fuck that shit.
>At that point, you try to dash away from the Volatiles and the horses with out saying a word.
>They're only hallucinations, right?
>The same horse from before speaks up again.
>"Wait, come back! What are you?!"
>You don't respond with anything except your breaths as you run through this winding tunnel of rock.
>The sound of footsteps impacting stone fills the air behind you, and some kind of fucking spotlight trails you, illuminating the passage ahead of you.
>"Guys, help me out here!"
>You can see the exit not far ahead now. Just a little farther and-
>Darkness envelopes your vision once more.
>You are, once again, Rusty shovel.
>And after chasing that creature tothe near entrance of the cave you were in, Iron had shot a spell of sorts at the fleeing being.
>The three of you stop in your tracks, trying to catch your breath.
"Iron... Please tell me that was a tranquilizing spell."
>He looks to you as if you were insane.
>"Of course it is! Why would I kill some new creature that we've never heard of, one that didn't even try to hurt us nonetheless?"
>Crystal speaks up now.
>"He does have a point there, Rusty."
>You sigh, and look back to the creature laying by the cave entrance, and the cart you used to carry supplies and other such things sitting not far from the cave's entrance.
"Whatever, Crystal. Let's just get this... Thing back to Canterlot for the colts in the lab to see, and we better be quick. It's almost sunset, and it'll be dark by the time we get to the lab anyways."
>Iron and Crystal both voice agreement. There's only room on the cart for this creature only, anyways, and you'd rather be back in Canterlot as soon as possible. Time to move.
Hello again, Anons.
Sorry about the lack of bloodshed in this update (That'll come around soon), and sorry if this is starting to feel kind of rushed. I honestly don't have much time to do this shit, so... Yeah. Sorry.
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I like this friend, keep writing.
Thanks, bud. I honestly don't get much time to work with this, so it really helps knowing that what I do right now makes people happy.

Are you the same anon who said he was new to writing? It doesn't seem like it honestly. Solid punctuation, smooth structure. I can't really find anything to critique, save personal preference.
Why, yes, Indeed I am that anon. This was the first green text story I have ever actually written. To be quite honest, I actually was worried that people wouldn't like it when I posted the first portion, and I can say the same for the second.

I personally don't think its within my right to bitch about preferences specific to myself, when I can just skip the thread for something else really.

So when it comes to content, the effort made for punctuation and sentence structure is about as far as I'll go, and you got that down pat.

I'm looking forward to more.
>Feels good man.
Geezub. I knew I should've bumped earlier.
Thank you. I've been lurking on this for a while. It might mean much from a random, but your story is great.
Hopefully you can decipher my butchered mobile text.
bu p
Thanks mate. It always feels good to know I've actually satisfied someone.
If youre any good with your mouth you can satisfy me
bloody bump
>A loud booming wakes you up from your nap.
>You wish you could've had more time to digest, but its become irrelevant now that they're here.
>Good, in tartarus, YOU are king, not Cerberus, not that bitch Celestia.
>In fact, you might even go after that discord character when you're done with conquering the equestrian life and afterlife.
>Uncurling your precious catch from your arms, you gently lay Twilight next to the pink one.
>She seems to be healing much quicker than her older counterpart, but then again, you did rip her apart a bit more thoroughly.
>Her dried blood still stains your chitinous armor.
>The hard, dark green plates of flexible steel warp and shift as you crawl across the top of your cavern system.
>One more glance back behind you, to remind you the price of failure on any level in this circle.
>Infinite pain, infinite regeneration.
>Wash, rinse, repeat.
>Three echoing barks call out to challenge you directly, and what you'd assume is the bitch's sister follows up.
>Her tone radiates a feeling of lethal certainty, but fear stinks the atmosphere, even seeping down to your tunnels.
>In fact, the only taste of confidence exudes from the mutt.
>On some level, you are aware of the taste of seething hate, but you mistake it for your own.
>Finding a likely spot, you pop out of the sand and stalk around a few larger dunes, trying to get around the group.
>Cerberus won't let it happen,two heads sniffing the air and one on constant look out.
>The searching head has its face practically glued to you, and you observe as it tracks your movements awkwardly.
>Good, didn't want this getting too easy did we?
>You duck back and play with your new toys, getting a feel for your ever growing arsenal of weapons before putting them to the test.
>You concentrate on your open palm, and the holy flames from earlier spring forth and immediately blacken.

>The black inferno is the same as the holy fire, only corrupted.
>You feel like you can form more without your hands, and channel the force into your head.
>Grains of sand pick up around you with the effort of exertion, some of the tainted magic being spent on telekinesis.
>Finally, you hear the burst of flame igniting over your head, creating a black halo of fire.
>You find that the flame above your head channels magic much easier than your claws, and adds to your ghastly image.
>A king needs a crown after all, and Twilight was happy to supply.
>Finally, you feel a cold, slick feeling coat your eyes, and something tells you this came from the pink one in specific.
>You're not sure what to make of it, and it does nothing immediately, so you assume its strictly a combat attribute.
>Wonder what it does.
>Unfortunately, your rapidly increasing magical presence has alerted the mutt and the whorse to your location, and you don't think there will be much room to hide if you can't find a way to suppress it.
>Cerberus barrels over the crest of the dune, slamming back into the sand and turning to engage you.
>Luna flies overhead, and she's already begun charging up her attacks.
>Caught with your pants down?
>The air shimmers within your unholy halo, and a sandstorm kicks up large enough to swallow Cerberus and you, and winds make it so Luna will have to ground herself to bear it.
>A small bubble surrounds you, where the sand simply will not move past, but your visibility is just as bad as theirs.
>Over the roaring wind, three chilling howls call death, and you can sense him hurry to your location.
>It begins...
>With a bellowing shreik of your own, you bolt forward on all fours, making sure to dodge the sandtraps.
>You made so many after eating that you lost count and can't quite remember where all you put them.

>Cerberus' massive silhouette takes shape in the sand, headed right for you.
>So much bigger than you...
>The gap closes instantly, and three sets of jaws slam hard into the dust where you were, now climbing up the middle snout.
>The dog head whimpers, and its mates snap and attack you, causing you to have to leap from head to head and neck to neck to avoid the sharp teeth.
>There is no pause between the assaults, but a rythym that will turn lethal the moment its broke.
>Jump, bite, land, bite, climb, jump.
>You're blasted off of one of the heads by a beam of pure moonlight.
>It does to you what Celestia's solar beams do, only way more intense.
>The armor and magical resistance help, but you are nearly incapacitated in pain alone.
>The burning sensation causes your halo to sputter out, and your magical presence dips sharply.
>The sandstorm continues on its own momentum, but gradually loses steam, and Cerberus is forced to look around for you again.
>"There! To your left!"
>Luna calls your position and the dog viciously attacks you.
>Shit, you might actually be able to handle the mutt were it not for her.
>She's gotta go first then, after her then the mutt.
>You let the sand swallow you as you fall backwards into another tunnel.
>You can hear Luna's frustrated cries, and feel her land right above you.
>Reaching up, you grab her hooves and drag her down, but instead of hollering in surprise, she chuckles with victory.
>"I've found your little hidey hole~"
>Her eyes glow for a moment, and an all consuming aura builds before exploding violently.
>The sand around you in a giant circle is absolutely wiped away, and bare, ugly stone stands while the sandstorm kicks up in intensity.
>Son of a bitch, the other two alicorn are exposed.
>"Cerberus, now! He's got nowhere to hide!"
>She swoops down and collects the two in her magical grip, flying back to her small group.

>You wish you could go after her, but you need to walk the dog.
>Cerb stands before you on the stone, and the sandstorm shifts into a solid, circular wall of spinning sands, encapsulating the two of you in an arena of sorts.
>They bark, you shreik, and sprint towards each other again.
>Assuming the whorse doesn't show up again, this will be rather quick you think...

>Luna sets you down gently on the sand by your friends.
>Be Twilight, and you are in pain.
>The spell must've started to wear off, because its hard to move what little you can, and pain throbs severely from your belly and legs.
>In fact, as you watch the muscle slowly reconstitute itself, you see it creep up the bare bone of some of your ribs.
>At least its getting better, but Cadance looks like another story.
>Luna hovers over her, an intensely strong beam of healing magic shooting from her horn.
>That's a good idea actually, but you find you're unable to perform magic.
>The nerve spell should leave magic alone.
>A hoof comes up to your for head and presses into a firm, somewhat squishy stump, a jolt of pain coursing between your eyes.
>Rarity holds a hoof to her eyes, blocking her view of your eviscerated gut.
>"Allow me to help dearie."
>Her horn begins glowing as well, and her magic courses through your body, amplifying the natural regenerative qualities of the altered reality here.
>Dash trots over too, next to Gilda.

>"Is /that/ what you do to your prey when you go hunting?"
>Gilda looks at Dash.
>"No, I'm generally a lot cleaner. And merciful."
>Dash continues to stare on in curiosity.
>You're able to choke a question out.
"Aren't you guys worried about the monster?"
>Your speech is slurred and dry, but the message gets across well enough.
>"Darling, Cerberus is handling that situation for now. I think we should worry about licking our wounds while he distracts the thing."
>As if to emphasize her point, a low rumble and a quake come from the pillar of rotating sand.
>"Have you seen Pinkie? She just disappeared."
>"C-cant say I have d-dear, a little f-focused here."
>You're too tired to worry much more, and give into the temptation to simply relax and focus on getting better.
>"When did you lose your horn?"
>Looking to Gilda, you wonder the same thing.
>You'd been awake through most of the torture, but can't recall when the monster took your horn.
>Did it eat it?
>It doesn't matter too much, it'll grow back at this rate.
>Luna finishes with Cadance, as you see her stand up, still a wing shy of an alicorn.
>The both of them approach, sweat pouring off of the lunar mare.
>Cadance nuzzles into your neck and whispers her thanks to you, leaving a promise to pay it back.
>They join Rarity in healing you, and soon you feel ready to get up and walk under your own power.
>Most of your insides have come back, but you can feel the difference in weight.
>Wobbily, you make it to your hooves and hobble forward to test the stability of your legs.
>The back legs feel funny, and a little itchy, but you'll survive that.
>Suddenly, a grim howling snatches everyponys attention, and the pillar of sand explodes into a giant, sandy rainfall.
>Through the reflective haze, you see Cerberus on his side, only one head responding to the abomination on its back.
>The monster screams, a chilling, high pitched noise that forces you to pin your ears down.

>When you recover, the group collectively begins to panic, taking in the sight before them.
>Cerberus is dead, and the beast tauntingly lays on his side, flicking its tail back and forth, glaring at you and Luna in specific.
>Its the first real good look at it you've gotten since it layed down to sleep, and its seems to have only gotten scarier.
>A burning halo made of pure black crowns its green, armored head.
>Its new tail, likely from Cerberus, hangs behind it, swaying to and fro like a cat's whose spotted a mouse might.
>Its gaze cements each of you to the spot you stand in, and you watch it roll over onto its back, stretching out across Cerberus' body.
>It still stares your way, and it holds your attention until a little movement near the deceased dogs tail redirects it.
>That's Pinkie, what is sh-
>Oh no...
>She can't hope to defeat the abomination in a fair fight, but seemingly goes unnoticed to the beast.
>You whisper to anypony listening.
"Pinkie is out there! We need to make a distraction."
>You can hear the gears turning, and suddenly Dash takes off.
>"Hey pea brain! Eat this!"
>She builds speed and launches herself at the monster, who regards her lazily and without moving.
>She gets closer faster, and you see the color spectrum begin to warp around her.
>She's going to sonic rainboom.
>Well, you suppose that counts as a distraction....
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>Your senses are returning.
>Finally, you can think clearly.
>Who were you again?
>A foolish question. You're one of the few guardians of the great Mandible race's children.
>How could you forget of this?
>A sense of anxiety fills your body.
>How could you forget about /them/?!
>You jump up from your sprawl on the cold, hard ground, your eyes shooting open. Ready to scout the land for offenders to the nest, but you don't see the nursery you were in before.
>Instead, you observe a pitch-black spacious cavern of some sort surrounding you.
>You also spotthe three Mandables from before as well as a couple of their children.
>The sight of the children relieves you of a small amount of the dread from before.
>The remaining dread lies with in the unfamiliar surroundings of the dark, damp cave.
>That shouldn't be too much of a problem however, all it takes to become familiar with each and every crack an crevice of this area is...
>One of your powerful howls.
>You can already see the many surfaces jutting from the walls, each being usable as platforms in this expansive cavern.
>Not only that, you can see the point of exit for the cave not too far away.
>If you could communicate with anything besides your heavy heaving, you would've certainly expressed your relief.
>Wait a moment... What's this?
>The might howl you've released from earlier still travels on, but this is not the matters you are focusing on.
>What you /are/ directing attention to is the faint outlines of a moderate amount of Living and what appear to be... Trees?
>They're in such great clusters too! There weren't this many trees in the home land.
>There should be structures from the Living of the past! What is this?!
>The dread from before is coming back.
>The howl continues on, and what it reveals only strengthens that dread.
>You sense multiple structures, ones that are nothing like the Living's, but structures nonetheless, and you pick up multiples sources of life.
>There are more Living than you can even count around and inside these structures, it seems.
>You don't believe this. You simply will not believe this until you see this with your own eyes.
>You crouch down onto all fours before taking off into a sprint towards the exit of the cave, your feet and hands impacting the ground with wet slaps against the stone as you sprint, jump, and climb your way across the many stone obstacles.
>The sight you see near the exit only confirms what your howl informed you of: Trees and the slight sound of movement inside of the thick underbrush of the already thick groupings of trees.
>It's only now that you notice the creeping across the stone ground and falling on one of your hands.
>You reel back away from the burn of then light at the exit, but at least you've figured out that the time of darkness has almost arrived.
>You quickly sprint back to the resting Mandibles with their children.
>You still do not understand their slumber. No matter what, you've always observed them to be trudging the lands. Even when it is during the time of light, they always patrol their nests in case of any threats to the children they were nursing.
>Speaking of Mandible children, something had just struck your mind.
>The children currently with you and the Mandibles are squirming slightly, bringing attention to a terrifying discovery.
>There is no food around for them. They've been without sustenance for an unknown amount of time.
>This will not do. Not at all.
>You once again shriek into the area around you, directing most of the shriek towards the three Mandibles.
>Almost in a mechanical fashion, they unable themselves and rise from the ground, holding their usual wary stances and filling the air with clicking and whines of some sort.
>They're looking straight at you.
>You briskly trudge over to the Mandible children, indicating the lack of vital sustenance around for them.
>They understand almost immediately, and with a few of their own weaker howls, they take off for the cave exit.
>They've always been able to know their surroundings with that clicking, just like you with your howls.
>You tail behind the three, keeping up with their sprint easily.
>When the four of you arrive at the entrance, the sun is just done slipping below the horizon.
>The moon rises in its place, lighting the land around the forest with a considerably odd amount of light.
>There's no time to ponder this difference however.
>Now is the time to retrieve sustenance for the small colony you reside in now-for the children-, not to ponder the world.
>The four of you cautiously exit the new nest, carefully observing your surroundings.
>Not long afterwards, all you look over to one another, your pale skins giving an odd, milky glow from the light and a sharp, dark appearance to whatever blood has splotched on your bodies.
>You each howl mightily into the night before taking off alongside one another into the forest and towards the grouping you've detected before, determined on bringing forth the next generation of Mandible kind.
> The hunt.
Alright anons, I'm going to give all of you a decision here. I'm unsure if I should include the events of the hunt in this story, or if I should leave them out and return to Russel's POV when he wakes up. Make the call, fellow anons. And just in case anyone hasn't figure it out yet, the Night Hunter in this green has reached the third stage of mutations, the highest stage a Night Hunter can get to.
>return to Russel's POV
i would say this, but either is fine

If I may?

Why not both? Take Russels POV and lead him back to the dig somehow.

That way you get Russ' POV, the Hunter's aftermath and a good first encounter/initial struggle scene.

Or the opposite, and lead the hunter to Russ.

Whatever you do with the story I'm eager for more,
Perhaps I could use one of these... Thank for the input, good sir. I will make great use of it.
Alright, just gonna bump some life back into this thread and bring up a suggestion for more writefags.
What about the monsters from the game, EVOLvE? Each or all of those would be pretty interesting for a thread like this. Goliath, Kraken, Wraith, Behemoth, Gorgon: All of these work well for an interesting read. I'd do it myself, but I've got my Night Story, so... Yeah. Just wanted to throw an idea for any other writefags not currently working on something in this thread.
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good ideas
Bumping this again.
I like this thread.
Wee woo
Here's another bump
requesting the abomination rape luna. rape her good. like a couple posts dedicated to slapping her while fucking her ass while she cries
Regular Bump
delux bump

>That was fun, and with the mutt dead, you can focus on waiting for the bitch.
>She'll be here any minute now you're sure.
>Looking down at the fur of the dog, you contemplate the ramifications of this.
>The jail will not grant its prisoners the mercy of death, but the warden obviously has rights.
>Or did at any rate.
>So, with Cerb dead, you'd expect the convicts to get restless, and its only a matter of time before any lingering magic diffuses from him and all the locks in tartarus unlock.
>More prey, and the best part is you could literally be here forever in an eternal hunt.
>You roll over onto your back, feeling quite amused.
>The new tail is nice; you never really knew how off balance you were without it.
>A shame it comes with nothing more fancy than a sharp point at the end, but you'll take it anyway.
>Its a new appendage but it acts like you've had it from birth, passively expressing your emotions.
>Staring at Twilight and the Sister, you watch them whisper among themselves, too far for even your hearing to pick up.
>Until the blue pegasus cunt from earlier throws herself at you.
>"Hey pea brain, eat this!"
>My, she's a speedy one~
>Colors warp and distort around her until she takes a sharp turn at the last second and releases a shockwave powerful enough to make you dig your claws into the mutts flesh.
>Nice, you wonder what fast food tastes like in this universe.
>Once the blast of energy passes, you get ready to take after her.
>Building power in your legs, you push off the do-
>You jump, but something grabs your new tail and pulls back, and you go nowhere.
>The fall startled you, and you recover in a blitz, ready to strike down the fool who'd sneak up on you.
>The pink one.
>One hoof holds your tail in a tight grip, the other behind her back, and a wide eyed, psychotic smile plasters her face.

>Before you can register what's going on you feel a sharp stabbing in your tail, and see a large kitchen knife buried hilt deep into your armor.
>You hiss and swipe at her, watching her jump back before your tail hits her.
>Already on her ass, she continues her retreat with that face, then suddenly stops.
>Wary of the fact this one knows how to hurt you, you stop as well, sensing a trap.
>She lifts a hoof and points behind you, but you're not falling fo-
>A surge of moonlight crashes across your back, and you're struggling to recover.
>What is it with the moonlight?
>Using your halo to channel energy, you send a black spray of flames across the mutts back, singing flesh and burning fur.
>The pink pony dodge, but the sister caught a little on her hoofguard.
>With a yelp of pain she kicks the silver horseshoe off, giving you enough time to pounce up to her.
>She hovers with her wings, but you tackle her and come crashing back down into the sand.
>A slash across her flank makes her kick into you with both legs, launching you backwards.
>You fall into a circle made up of Gilda, the unicorn mare, and cunt.
>Twilight hangs back, ordering them what to do as they do it.
>You try to get to her first, but she coordinates the movements of the three to slow you down.
>In fact, you can't focus on all of them at once, and matters only become more complicated when Luna joins the fray again.
>She is taking orders from Twilight as well, but puts a nasty spin on her requests, making her the second biggest threat in this desert right now.
>You'll be sure to rip the lavender shits throat out and laugh as she gurgles for air.
>Moonlight spills over your feet and claws where you jump out of its way.
>Your leap drops you right into the trifuckta again, and you're face is bombarded by hooves and talons.
>Throwing your tail forward, it hits the cunt right in the leg, gouging a hole big enough to see clean through her limb.

>Her scream startles the flying pussy, and you exploit the distraction, slashing across her face.
>Four lines of blood coaleasce to drip freely from her beak, and you get a kick out of her grunt.
>She still hasn't stopped trying though.
>You take her momentary blindness and reach up to her throat, clamping down with your jaws.
>The unicorn barks something and foolishly runs up to push you off Gilda.
>Too late, you ignore her marshmallow hooves as the catbird's blood pools in your mouth, vibrating with her struggling.
>Oooh, you like this.
>Unfortunately, Luna decides to break it up.
>More moonlight, and you respond by sending a blastwave at her.
>The force pushes her and quite a bit of sand backwards.
>You're getting sick of her, and you decide to use an ace to put her down for now.
>Clutching your stomach, you dry heave, muscles in your gut contracting.
>The gathered ponies show disgust, backing away.
>Straightening your back, a lump forms in your gut and travels up your chest, into your throat.
>The bulge finds your jaw and you spit a purple blur at the Sister of Celestia.
>She's standing back up when her head snaps back, the blur finding its mark in her muzzle.
>You laugh for a moment as the reality of what you just hurled at her sets in.
>She looks back your way, and the others shreik.
>Buried into her snout is Twilights horn.
>The unicorn mare gags, puking into the sand next to her.
>You take notice and waltz over to her, tail swinging back and forth.
>The knife is still stuck in it but its too tender to rip out just yet.
>She realizes your approach too late, and you hang her upside down by her tail, bringing her muzzle to your face.
>A wide smile plays on your visage, and her's devolves into a horror struck mask.
>You look at the knee you'd broken not too long ago to see its healed just fine.
>Well that won't do...

>Gripping the hoof in your claw and her flank in the other, you rip the leg right out of its socket and beat her over the head with it, finally getting tired of waiting.
>Losing interest in her, you simply strut by Twilight, who does nothing to stop you.
>Even Luna, whose now freed herself from the macabre missile, ignores you to tend to their injured.
>This is getting boring, where is the real fun?
>Idly, you count the groups numbers while you wait.
>Gryphon, two alicorn, unicorn, pegasus...
>Where was the pink alicorn?
>For that matter, the pink earth pony?
>No, hell no!
>Spinning around violently, you turn to-
>Huh, you thought she'd try to sneak up on you again...
>"I'm over here silly!"
>Whipping your head to the left, you see the earth pony standing bipedal again, waving at you.
>Nigga wat?
>You panic and chameleon, trying to backpedal.
>It doesn't seem to faze her, and she follows you as though she knows exactly where you are.
>Soft sand leaves prints, right.
>Correcting that mistake and making a sudden shift in direction, you're surprised it still hasn't worked.
>What the hell?
>How can she see you!?
>Getting a little too close, you jab at her with your tail and realize what the giveaway is; the knife.
>She jumps up and attatches herself to your tail by virtue of her ridiculously powerful hind legs wrapping around it.
>You attempt to shake her off, but she only giggles.
>"That feels really good! Harder!"
>Before you can register that sentence, she tears the knife free from your tail and makes you drop the chameleon in pain.
>Wouldn't do any good at this rate anyhow.
>Shit, with that knife in her hooves you can't get within claw distance, but bucking your tail earns you a spurt of fluid from between her legs and a dopey smile.
>She's getting off on watching you try to handle her, and its really aggravating.
>Whipping your tounge at her, she grabs it with her free hoof and tugs.
>What the fuck?

>Your head is forced closer to your tail, and she puts her face right in yours.
>"Naughty naughty, tounge comes after foreplay~"
>The knife swings downward and severs the slimy member from your mouth.
>The pain is intense, little white spots appear in your vision.
>Screaming at the loudest you can go, you stop to suck air for another and the earth pony taunts you.
>"That's right, scream for me baby~"
>A frantic tossing about occurs, you panicking to get her off you.
>She opens her mouth and let's her own tounge loll out, panting hard.
>Your echoes of pain keep coming, involuntary.
>You see the knife come up and back down, right into your tail again.
>Bellowing out, the pony screams with you, sliding down your tail and impaling herself on the hilt of the knife.
>A torrent of gushing fluids sprays all over, and in the quiet after, you both lay trying to catch your breath.
>The pony looks over, her half lidded eyes gazing into yours.
>"Woah, that was exactly what I needed."
>The earth pony crawls in you your arms and curls up.
>You're too worn out to care or try and remove her, until you hear laughing coming from a ways away.
>Cunt and Gilda roar with laughter, rolling around in the sand.
>The others watch with varying degrees of amusement.
>"Hahahaha!! Pinkie just made you her bitch! Ahahahaha!!!"
>The back of your mind registers that they shouldn't be standing and laughing.
>Twilights horn has been reattached, Luna's muzzle and flank bear no mark, and the unicorns leg seems unharmed.
>What the hell?
>He pink Alicorn crests a distant sand dune, and behind her trots Celestia and the rest of the elements.
>So then, the pink one went to help make a portal so bitch could come through?
>The slick cold slides over your eyes again, and you focus energy into it.
>Your mouth and tail stings, but you can feel your tounge grow back and the knife being pushed out of your tail slowly.

>Standing up, you shuffle away from the growing cloud of ready combatants.
>Individually, these ponies would be easy prey, but you know your limits, and you were having trouble with four of them.
>Twilight is smart, she's likely figured out much about you, like your strategy to separate your target from the rest of the group.
>You'll have to up your game for this fight...
>And you think you know just how, though it'll be risky.

>The distraction worked, and Cadance was able to slip away and help Celestia open a portal from the other end.
>And while Pinkie was, for lack of a better term, hateraping the abomination, Celestia made sure to heal you.
>Be Twilight, and feeling confident in your strength.
>"Twilight, are you ready?"
"I-I think so."
>Okay you lied, you're nervous as is possible.
>You feel Celestia tap into your head, and shortly after the rest of your friends.
>A little mental chatter rings in your ears as everypony gets used to the feeling of telepathy.
>"Okay Twilight, its up to you. You know more about it than any of us, so you take the lead on this."
"Y-yeah. Okay, some things to keep in mind before we go into this, never let it split you from the group. If it does, remain calm and stay still, one of the others will grab its attention. Lastly, when you attack, make sure to coordinate your movements to line up at the same time, so he's guaranteed to get hit."
>The group chants their acknowledgements, and you gulp.
"Okay, Celestia, I need you and Luna to rush it for a few moments, make sure it can't worry about anything but the both of you, Dash, you and AJ go get Pinkie. The rest stay back with me."
>Celestia and Luna take flight, the other two hang back before sprinting towards Pinkie.
>Okay. Deep breaths Twi, you got this.
>Its like a large game of chess.
>Except that if you lose a piece, you'll be losing more than just a knight or pawn.
You guys seem to really like this green. I'm humbled honestly, and I want thank you guys for reading it.

If you stay in this thread after I'm done I'll be working on Anons Inferno (his travel through tartatus) and if the thread dies it'll be in my bin after this goes in.
you sir are doing gods work
or the devils
I m really enjoying your story, friend
Love the story, keep it up please! :D
Bump for best thread.
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I need this story.
Bump of truth!
Staying vigilant.
Special Bump
Bump, awaiting night hunter green.
Collector's Bump

>You are LOVING THIS!!!
>Super-adrenaline courses through your veins as you charge the sisters head on, tail and tounge in working order.
>This is what you've been waiting for, the ultimate challenge, the hunt to end all hunts!
>Luna stops short suddenly, Celestia barreling forward with extra speed.
>You take a leap and throw your arms around her neck.
>Apparently her sister wasn't expecting this, because she is talking to herself.
>"Its on her!"
>Hell yeah you are, its rodeo show round two bitches!
>Mounting Celestia by crawling up her back, you hold tight and ride her through the air
>She's doing everything she can to get you off: flips, rolls, sharp stops.
>Like a monkey on crack, you grab the base of either wing with your hands and jump with your feet.
>Celestia begins to fall, but you kick her in the back hard enough to dislocate a wing and blast a crater in the sand with her.
>Was going for ripping them off but that's fine.
>You'll get more practice from Luna.
>Hurling moonbolts at you left and right, you watch her backpedal hard.
>She's not easy to catch up to, and that's flying backwards.
>Much more agile than her sister, you winder if she can take the same punishment as bitch.
>Just as you're about to snag that pretty tail of Luna's, her sister gallops right into your side, throwing you down.
>She's completely ignoring her wing.
>Oh this is rich!
>She builds up a massive ball of golden fire and hurls it at you.
>Lunas warning comes too late, and your halo pops back into existence just in time to corrupt the magic.
>The giant black ball of fire goes into your mouth and down your throat, where you can feel it tingling your insides.

>Every exhale you take sends a little poof of smoke, and you feel like that's not the most of it.
>Sprinting up to Celestia, you watch her turn and gallop away.
>The pink alicorn divebombs you from behind, little red blobs of goo-gas peppering the ground behind you.
>You throw your legs to the side and belly up in a corkscrew, breathing out heavily.
>Immediately, there is a massive explosion and you're slammed into the glassed sand quite a few feet.
>You'd imagine she went poof or byebye one.
>Fire was what you were expecting but it seems you breathe explosions...?
>Digging up through the sand and then the glass, you get a look at the crater, a massive, molten glass pool with black flames dotting the sea.
>Your armor and halo protect you from the heat, allowing you to practically swim in the liquid.
>You don't want to but its a thought.
>Celestia pokes her head over the edge of the crater and you hurl another breath at her to see what happens at range.
>A magnificent black sphere covered in a corona of violent reactions literally sustains a constant explosion as it soars towards bitch.
>Heavy as it is it loses speed and impacts the edge of the crater and all hell breaks loose.
>The explosion has the intensity of a nuclear weapon of comparable size, the shockwave alone throwing you backwards before you dig into the sand.
>Even then, the granules not glassed vibrate away from ground zero as though the explosion hates the very existence of everything it touches.
>After two of those, you feel pretty cold in your belly and lungs, but there is still a tiny flame that slowly spreads.
>That shit is not something you're just going to play with any more, you're using that trick sparingly.
>You put considerable force in that last one, and the aftermath is just starting to settle.
>That was a doozie, and you shake the sand off and look around.

>Oh my god its a smorgasbord.

Sorry, that's the last line in beast POV, I left it out by accident

>It all happened too fast to comprehend really.
>Be Twilight Sparkle, buried under a patch of sand.
>As you climb out, you digest what you just saw.
>Celestia's voice talks into your head, "Is everypony okay?"
"Y-Yeah I think."
>The rest of the group responds and seem to be okay, except...
"What about Cadance?"
>For a second all is silent, and you pull your head from the ground, shaking to dust off.
>"Y-Yeah, I think I'm okay... Just... really tired. The barrier spell I used stood but holy cow."
"Are you good to keep going?"
>"I think so."
>Looking around, you see most everypony is completely scattered about, the only two together was Dash and Fluttershy in the air.
"What can you two see up there?"
>"You mean besides the crazy lake? Nothing really."
>"If you mean the monster, I can't find him. I can't even sense him, its like he's disappeared."
"Oh that's not good, everypony needs to get with a buddy!"
>"Uhh, I got blown pretty far away, I can't even see you guys anymore. I'm too tired to fly right now, but maybe in a few minutes."
"Okay, everypony else focus on finding it, and try to regroup on me."
>AJ is the first to find you, Fluttershy and Dash swooping down to Gilda and Rarity.
>Luna and Celestia return shortly after them, and the set up a sort of perimeter.
>Celestia charges a spell and shoots a white beam of light straight up.

>"Cadance, look around. Can you see the pillar of light?"
>"Y-Yeah! I'm walking that way now."
>There's nothing you can do until she gets back, save maybe send a group to get her.
>That'd separate your numbers even more, and you'd bet that's what the monster is wagering on.
>All of a sudden, the sands around all of you become restless, and begin to get kicked up.
>Luna throws a bubbleshield around your group to save the trouble of sand cuts, but the sandstorm is getting thick.
>By now its blotting out the light.
>"The fool thinks it can hide the beam of light! He'd need to magic the entire desert into unrest to do so."
>"Uhh, Aunty, I don't mean to alarm you but that's exactly what's going on. The storm is getting really, /really/ big, and its headed right for me."
>Is that coincidence or...
>Oh no, you should've sent a group but its too late now.
"Cadance hurry! Get here fast, its definitely targeting you now, and we can't go anywhere on account of the storm."
>"I'm trying, but I can't fly now because the storm."
>"Can you see the light?"
>"No not really, and I can't quite remember if I'm heading in the right direction."
>Luna steps next to her sister and adds her magic to the beam, making it intensely bright.
>"I think I can see glowing now, I'm moving that way."
>A few moments later the sand condenses even more, almost becoming solid.
>"I lost it, but I think I... What was that?"
"Cadance?! Keep walking, keep walking please. Don't look around or anything just keep walking."
>"There are shadows in the sand, but there are so many its not possible it could be him, what's going on?"
>"Damn," Celestia curses, "Cerberus' magic has faded, and now the gates are opening. Those are tormented souls, take extra caution."
>"They don't seem hostile, just curious really."
"I think its because of the abomination, they know it killed Cerberus, and they know its here. The hierarchy here seems to be the one who dethrones the top dog gets to be top dog."

>"So with Cerb dead that means they listen to him now too!?!? What is with this thing dude?"
"No, I don't think so Dash, they just recognize us as his to toy with, but want to watch anyway. Which brings up a really scary thought."
>"Yes, we think we've figured that out as well, sister?"
>"Yeah, the abominations maxismising the inherent attributes of Anons species."
>"What were those aunty?"
>"Endurance and adaptation. Have you seen how it seemingly never tires, and always has a new little trick up its sleeve?"
"Oh no. Celestia, that means he can-"
>"Possibly become strong enough to defeat even Discord in a showdown, I'm aware."
>"H-Hey! Where are the souls going? They just dissapeared into the sand."
"Oh no... He's close Cadey. Be careful!"
>"We'll see how he handles pure love."
>There is a few moments of silence, and you can see silhouettes form outside the bubble in the sand, surrounding your group.
>"THERE!! Ha! Yes! It can't stand the little blobs of love I'm shooting at it."
>"Sister, this makes sense, Nightmare was always weakest when you showed affection."
"Okay, keep that up Cada-"
>"Woah, Eat it! No you don't either. Yes, okay Aunty, I think its weakened under a pile of goo I covered it in, I'm going to end this."
>"Cadance no! Its a trap!"
>"Any other situation and I'd agree but you can't see it struggling, its like i- AAAAHHHHHHHH"
>Pinning your ears does nothing to stifle the screaming in your head, and for a fraction of a second Luna's sheild flickers, sand flooding in and stinging every inch of skin you have.
>She screams for the better part of what feels like eternity before stopping abruptly.
>You do so, feeling your magic intertwine with Rarity's.
>"Luna, has Nightmare been paying attention?"
>"Yes, we think so."

>"Let her out of your mind, I hoped not to do this but we'll need her and more."
>"Yes, I think she can manifest here independently."
>Luna focuses on a spot in the sand and her eyes glow.
"Celestia, what did you mean by more?"
>Her eyes begin glowing too, and a surge of magic powerful enough to feel flows into the area.
>"At this rate the only way to combat the Abomination is with another abomination, and I'm not sure Luna, Nightmare and I are powerful enough together. Its undoubtedly using Cadance as a trap or worse, and if I'm to spring another I'll have all the insurance I can muster behind me."
>Luna looks over to her sister, Nightmare having taken shape from a black cloud of magic.
>"Sister, we ill advise such a decision on the basis of experience."
>"You speak as though I'm not present Lulu."
"Are you forming an abomination?"
>"Yes Twilight, but it will be no more monstrous than Nightmare."
>"Do you even want our help?"
>"Hush, sister needs to focus. And for the record, we'd rather have you any day than...that thing."
>The magical presence becomes heavy, almost physically so.
>In a burst of light, a golden alicorn with a mane and tail of pure, gental light springs into existence.
>Her cutie mark is exactly like Celestia's, just white.
>Celestia huffs in exhaustion, her mane and tail turning into strands of pink hair, and the alicorn stretches her wings.
>"This is curious, where am I?"
>"Our sister broke her soul to make you, we require any assistance you can give us."
>The alicorn barks a sharp laugh.
>"And why would I ever help you?"
>Celestia picks her head up, her mane coming back to its glory.
>"Because if you don't you'll suffer worse than any of us."
>"Are you threatening me? I am Solar Flare, and I will use my namesake to obliterate you at the atomic level."

>"Not them fool, the human abomination threatens you and I extra simply because we are as unnatural as he is and likely the most powerful in the group."
"Save the elements." You almost hiss.
>"Yes, and them."
>Solar Flare looks around, and then nods her head.
>"Fine, it seems I've no choice but to aide."
"I'll link you to the telepathy spell."
>Momentarily giving the shield to Rarity, you think hard about talking to Solar.
>You feel her added to the web of connections in your mind, and some itching in your head.
>Turning back to Rares, you take the shield over, relieving her of the exertion.
>The four begin to channel magic together, sitting on each of their flanks.
>You can see the sandstorm start to lose momentum, and eventually stop entirely.
>"Oh man, y'all some ugly lookin thangs."
>The spirits around you are of all species you know about, and some you don't, mangled and mutilated from their tortures.
>However sinister they appear, they vanish from sight after a while.
>"Twilight, try to look through Cadances eyes. Hopefully we can see all what's waiting for us."
>The itching in your head comes back, and you wish you could scratch an astral itch.
>Pushing into Cadances mind, you hear her pained thoughts crying for mercy.
"Cadey? Its okay, we're coming. I need you to look around, I can see through your eyes."
>The black gives way to color, and shapes form but blur out as Cadance let's more tears fall.
>That itching is at its worst now, when Cadence's face is slapped into the sand violently.

>The world flips sideways, and you see the abomination move into view.
>It only shows its face, but twists into a disgusting smile as you hear its voice in your head.
>"Twilight, coming for you last, watch friends, hahahahaha!"
>You watch it direct Cadances vision towards your group, and you see your own tail in the distance.
>Slamming the mental link with Cadance shut, you cringe and make sure the beast can't hear you any more.
"No! Its been listening the entire time through Cadance. He knows your coming."
>All four royals grit their teeth and huff.
>"Figures. Still, we must act now."
>They each take off into the air, and an echoing, challenging, beastial roar rolls through the air from behind.
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Wew lads, I'm sorry about the wait for the addition of the Night Hunter story. The only one to blame here is myself because I'm a lazy bastard who's having trouble putting his focus into his own fucking story. So, updates could be back to back or just eons apart from one another.
In other words, my dedication to some things such as the Night Hunter story is unpredictable as fuck, sometimes spiking or flatlining w/out warning.

Sorry if I annoy y'all who are reading the story with this info. Just wanted to inform y'all about the situation.
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Brother, I'm the exact same way. Surprised I've gone this long on one story without flipping shit.

I think I speak for the thread when I say take your time, it seems worth waiting for.
I might as well post the new stuff I wrote now.

>Fucking hell, what just happened?
>You are none other RusselBenshki, once again, and your senses are finally coming back to you.
>It's about fucking time too. Is this nightmare about over?
>The sound of wooden wheels rolling across the ground filling your ears gives you a little hope.
>You peek out at the world surrounding you, observing that you've been sprawled out on a cart of some kind.
>A little more observation tells you that the people that put you under are...
>Not even fucking people yet.
>God damn it, if it weren't the fucking apocalypse you'd be fine with whatever drugs someone put you on.
>But now is not the time for this bullshit.
>"For Celestia's sake, how much does this thing weigh?"
>Whatever is going on right now, you need to get the fuck off this ride so you can get your bearings here.
>But those horses would see you with how they're positioned.
>One pulling, and the other two on opposite sides of this cart-thing.
>There's not much room to breathe here.
>Your only option is to try and...
>Yep, that's the way this is going now.
>The cart doesn't really even have any walls or so it shouldn't be that hard, right?
>You peek at your surroundings again, waiting until the two horses at your sides aren't looking at you.
>Then you make your move.
>You quickly roll off the cart, landing on the dirt ground below you, and make a break for it.
>The two horses beside the cart seemed to have frozen in surprise, judging by their faces you see whilst looking back at them.
>If those are the reflexes they have, you'll be off scotch-free in no -
>You just hit a wall.
>A fucking.
>Right where there was nothing a second ago.
>How the fuck does that even work?
>The horses have already caught up to you, laying on the ground.
>That REALLY fucking hurt, so now you know this isn't any kind of dream or hallucination now.
>Then what the fuck /is/ going on then?!
>You can't think of anything else now as the horses have surrounded you, so you do the first thing that comes to mind.
"Back off, you fuckers!"
>They look down as if they were shocked and offended.
>One of the larger horses, the one with the colors of rust-brown and saturated orange, speaks up.
>"You really are a trash-mouth, aren't you?"
"Well look here, freak, you're the one who's fucking dragging me to god-knows-where!"
>The horse looks off to nowhere in particular with a contemplative expression for a few moments, one of its front hooves bent towards its muzzle.
>How the hell does that even work?
>It looks back down to you with a sort of shy expression.
>"Maybe I should have taken that into consideration..."
"Yeah, you should have you horse-thing. Now, tell me..."
>Wait a second.
>It's night right now.
>And you know exactly what that means, if those volatiles and that... Thing weren't hallucinations.
"Please tell me you killed those things."
>The horse gives a confused look.
>"Uh... What do you mean? Why would we kill anything?"
>Your body tenses up, and the hairs on your neck stand erect like soldiers.
>A howl the likes of which you've heard many times before rings out through the night.
"Oh god... Hey, y-you knocked me out with some sort of shit not long ago, right?"
>"Uh, yeah. You ok there... Uh..."
>Now's not the time for this shit.
"Look, my name's not important now. What's important is that you get me out of my binds, right now."
>"If this is about the noises, don't worry. We always hear things from the Everfree forest-"
>All the horse just jumped because of your yelling.
>"Okay okay! Sheesh..."
>You feel the binds around your hands loosen and soon aren't even around your hands.
>You aren't even going to question this shit anymore.
>You spring up from the ground, taking your usual combat stance.
>You have to be weary of everything now until you can find shelter.
>Speaking of which...
"Do you horses have any settlements?
>The orange horse from before speaks up again.
>"Yes, Ponyville. And we're ponies, not-"
"Alright, take me there. Now."
>"Well then, you're certainly to the point, aren't you?"
"It's more that I want to survive those god-damn freaks. Now we need to get moving!"
We have so much time to spend just bumping a single thread for days. I'm sure no one minds you taking time.
>You are the guardian of the Mandible children.
>And you are certain that the great group of trees is a great enough source of food for the children.
>However, the Mandibles have expressed that the life the whole group of you had preyed upon simply will not do for breeding more of the children.
>They were only seen as food for both young and adult Mandibles.
>You could see the logic behind such a decision.
>Most, if not all of the prey you had encountered in the hunt, showed no signs of strategy in their offensive and defensive actions.
>In fact, some of them did not even care to deploy even the simplest of defensive actions, like dodging.
>The children must be born from a creature that has some kind of thought behind its actions.
>The only signals of life that you felt met such standards were the ones you detected in and around the structures you've sensed from before.
>So many structures and so many potential offspring in such a small area...
>The only other creatures you've seen organized in such a way were the Living you were oh-so-familiar with.
>These thoughts were what was leading the three Mandibles and you to the aforementioned structures, eager to put such a theory to the test.
>The great clusters of structures were already in your sights, so you let out another one of your howls.
>You can detect many life sources, nearly all of which were inside the structures.
>Fortunately, you could detect a small handful of life sources outside of the structures.
>Quite a pleasant surprise, knowing that attempting to gain entrance into any of the structures could alert all of their inhabitants.
>That last thing you feel is necessary would be bringing attention to yourself and the Mandibles.
>You've reached an optimal distance from the gathering of buildings to begin the hunt.
>You lowered your deep, heavy breathing and the Mandibles followed suit.
>Such a response would be expected with the symbiosis maintained between your kinds.
>With a natural grace, each of the Mandibles leapt from the ground onto the roofs of the various structures, the only signs of their landings being the soft slaps of flesh whilst they growled and clicked in a near silent manner.
>You on the other hand took to the air with your tendrils, scanning the various earthen pathways carefully for the exposed life forms.
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Is it just me, or are you Anons turned on by Pinkies scene with the monster too?
I don't know if you're alone on this.
I will disagree.
I mainly responded for a bump though.
Three bumps of myself.
I won't let you die.
I think he's more scared of pinkie than turned on
Not gonna lie... id fuck her. Shes properly kinky
Me too
I've always wanted to get stabbed in the ass while a bitch grineded her snatch on me
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Unfortunately, I will be unable to post until Saturday, possibly Sunday.

My writing may or may not be affected so you might get a dump when I come back or just what you've been getting.

Sorry for the disappointment, if the thread dies I (or more likely one of you) will start a new one.
9 bump
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Watch yourself there m'man
Bumping once again.
I'ma just say that I'm reliant on others to make a new thread, in case this one dies.
I hate to bump the thread for this, but please stop bumping guys. It's over. The thread is over. And 90% chance the awesome story is too. I've seen enough greentexts on here that I LOVED to know that this means he's almost certainly not coming back. Sorry guys. Please dont bump the thread to argue with me. Maybe Devil will come back, maybe not. Just accept he probably wont, and it was a nice story while it lasted.
woah WOAH

hotd... they are still in the arcade buildings
Fuck off Scruffy
Screw off man. If we want to bump then we will. There are plenty of other threads that exist. I could understand if this topic was being used to shit post all over the board but it isn't. Leave well enough alone.
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You forgot the 90% chance we won't give a flying fuck
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What? Why are you such a pessimist? I'm still in the thread I just don't have the time for more than a self bump at the moment.
Don't worry m8, I can bump too!
Anarchy bump
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