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>There are people who thought Starlight's redemption

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>There are people who thought Starlight's redemption was done well

These people are what's wrong with the fanbase. They think the writers can do no wrong.
We've been eating shit for so long that we're just in it for the pieces of corn scattered within the turds.
I think the redemption would have been better if she was bullied because of her unusual cutie mark.

Granted, I'd rather she didn't get redeemed at all, but that would have been better than what we got.
I mean, I'd argue it was done well, it was good, it was satisfactory. Obviously it wasn't great or amazing, but it was well.

>It was good, it was satisfactory

No, it really wasn't.
Discord's redemption sucked, Sunset Shimmer's redemption sucked, Trixie's redemption sucked, Starlight Glimmer's redemption sucked. The writers can't do redemptions for shit, which would be fine if they didn't do it all the fucking time. The show's much better at creating villains than destroying them.
>there are people who have different opinions from me
Gee, OP, what an astounding revelation
How so?
I wasn't against her redemption
I was against see it so rush like the scene of sunset crying
The worst is when she started to sing, i got out of the stream
That was as bad as the rapper dog in the animated titanic
It could have been better if we actually saw her being friends with someone, for more than just a passing mention.
Worst of all, it was a colt, and one who never bothered to get in touch with her, and vice versa. It couldn't have been a real strong friendship, so yeah, her reason was bullshit.
That makes her redemption from a 8/10 into a 5/10, and while I don't especially hate the finale, they really blew it up with not giving an extra minute to her reasons.
Show related thread?

Leaving then?
Ok, bye.
It wasn't done particularly well, but I think there's an angle with Sunburst yet to be explored.

Imagine what Starlight will feel like if it turns out Sunburst never considered her a friend at all, something that seemed pretty implied in the flashback.
Never trust colts.
She fucked up not finding a filly friend instead.
wut :?
Not his fault that his parents made him have playdates with the local retarded girl.
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>there are people here who watched the show
I dont fucking believe you.
Colts are shit, or hardly tolerable at best, while fillies are amazing.
Yeah, Starlight made the wrong call being friends with Sunburst.

This too much
But now that the hype is gone we can see s5 by its true face
I cant believe theres people that think this was the best finale
>There are people who thought Starlight's redemption was done well
There are?
>Trixie's redemption
Her redemption was sadly rushed.
That finale desperately needed to have another 10 minutes (maybe even a 3rd episode, but then it would have needed a B story I think).

Three bigs things that finale was lacking
>enough time in the alt histories
>Starlight's redemption being better than a quick Twilight speech
>Starlight's flashback to her as a filly needed more time. It was done so quickly it made a lot of people feel her that her motivation was poor. I think it did prove her motivation there abouts, but that scene needed a bit more substance to really show us why

Hopefully since we're gonna be seeing more of her in season 6 we might find a little out about her cutiemark and powers.
I didn't find it particularly satisfying.

I wasn't against her having a redemption and realizing what she was doing was bad for ponies.
But it was incredibly disappointing that it turned out it was just her throwing a fit over some shitty childhood memory that she ought to have gotten over years ago.
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>There are people who think Glim Glam is shit
And they're damn right
I think there can be more done with it.

I don't think we are finished with her yet.
>There are people here who enjoy the Sambra timeline
There is nothing wrong with it. This is still a fucking family show, and you can't make MLP realistic like our judgement system or whatever.
You guys who are wrong. You criticize every fucking thing on every fucking episode, instead of enjoying the show.
I still don't think Trixie was actually redeemed.
>There are people who thought any of the antagonists' redemptions were done well
>There are people who think Crusaders of the Lost Mark wasn't a shitty rushed episode like Magical Mystery Cure
>Not liking the Sombra timeline

I liked that the Sombra timeline focused more on what was happening on the homefront than on the battlefield.

I love it when writers actually acknowledge that civilians are affected by war.
it sucked m8, Starlight was portrayed as smart, prepared, someone who would rival Twilight on both friendship AND magic, but the finale fucked everything up by giving her a shit motivation, Starlight is the last person you would see throwing a fit over such a small issue, that was really out of character

Also to be added, her personality was also affected after her redemption just like with Shimmer in the first/second movie, she seemed a lot less confident and more vulnerable, even if she was wrong about her vision of friendship why would Starlight blindly follow everything Twilight says without questioning that once? It just takes away part of what made her a good character in the first place
I'll agree that Starlight's redemption was bullshit, but it was a god-tier finale otherwise.
>enough time in the alt histories
Fuck that, how did the alternative universes even affected the main plot? That was just "muh lore" wank that went nowhere, they should have just balanced the time between them and make Twilight make a quick visit them fuck off, they could have used those 10 extra minutes of dialogue and exposition on something else
>Starlight's flashback to her as a filly needed more time. It was done so quickly it made a lot of people feel her that her motivation was poor. I think it did prove her motivation there abouts, but that scene needed a bit more substance to really show us why
They should have removed that all together, or maybe use the scene with the as base for her research rather than the main reason, like Starlight realizing that as a filly after looking around her and realizing other ponies also suffered from the same thing, them she would spend the next years researching and improving herself, which would explain her solid ideologies, ability to manipulate the others (she can see what makes them tick after all) and most importantly, how the fuck could she 1x1 an alicorn
It baffles me how anyone can like Season 5
Every episode was trash and loaded with forced feels and cringe
I guess we really have been invaded by reddit
I think they shouldn't given it so much screentime, that scene barely affected the rest of the episode, if it was a "what if" episode on its own maybe but even them it would feel out of place on FiM
>how dare you to talk about this show, why aren't you enjoying it like we do, you're not true fans
I think you belong on Equestria Daily
Ever since Cadance came out of nowhere Nyx would've been more lore friendly to have been brought in.
the CMC episode wasn't so bad, its only mistake was introducing a new character just to be used as scapegoat for all the issues related to DT, if before that they made an episode showing Diamond Tiara's life so they could properly introduce and show her relationship with her parents offscreen, them it could have worked a lot better
>Every episode was trash and loaded with forced feels and cringe
Could you name examples please?
The saddest part is that you're right, Nyx fits the lore more than "oh yeah, i also have a brother i never talked about who is the captain of the royal guard who is getting married to my old babysitter, she is also the princess of love and is an alicorn princess"
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>Could you name examples please?

The Cutie Map revolved around Starlight's retarded ideology that she somehow convinced ponies to follow (which is never explained) and makes the Mane Six look weak and retarded through just for the sake of making Starlight look better.

Castle Sweet Castle is one big snoozefest in which the show staff appeal to autistic bronies' hurt feelings over the treebrary and force the shitty eyesore castle down the audience's throats. Not to mention how the M5 are caught up in a blatant Idiot Plot with the whole decorating shit as if they haven't been working together for four seasons prior.

Amending Fences is just pure shit that is of course gobbled up by the happy bronies here on /mlp/ because it's not only a 22-minute circlejerk for the Twifags, but it has the fandumb's favorite ebin meme characters getting speaking roles and of course callbacks to "muh solid gold and flawless Season 1". It makes me shutter to think that we've fallen so far to think that an episode that does nothing but make it look like every character's lives revolve around Princess Suelight would be considered the second best episode of all time.
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Eh, I agree. I still love Starlight Glimmer, but I feel like they rushed her redemption. I had no sympathy for her with that quickened backstory.
I feel like they should have had several flashbacks, to show the two meeting, becoming friends, Sunburst leaving, and Starlight not receiving letters from him or something. I also think that Sunburst leaving should have a more serious consequence, like, let's say Starlight was an orphan and Sunburst was her only helping hoof.
Finally, these multiple flashbacks should occur throughout the episode, not just stuffed at the end. This makes Starlight's redemption more gradual, and the audience is more likely to accept it.
Or, at the very least, did what they did with "The Honourable Ones" from Star Wars Rebels, where Kallus wasn't fully redeemed, but it sowed the seeds of possible defecting for him.
You wanna bet that if Sunburst appears in S6, he'll be an asshole?
>male character
>not an asshole or retarded
I bet that he'll rail Starlight with his massive cock onscreen for an entire episode
>which is never explained
Except it was? Ponies found village, Starlight showed them the light, they stayed there, Double Diamond even had that scene that implied this
>and makes the Mane Six look weak and retarded through just for the sake of making Starlight look better.
Can you explain this? They seemed pretty on character to me

Agreed with CSC, it was a big waste of time

What made Amending fences shine was its message, all the reasons you stated are real but for most people the episode really hit close home, believe or not /mlp/ is filled with antisocial shut ins and the message really hit some people hard around here, its was also fairly well done and had a satisfying ending
>But Twilight was right about her self centered assumption
Yes, but if her assumption was wrong the episode couldn't work in the same way, Moondancer would need to get asshurt for the episode to work, i dunno maybe make her get asshurt over all her friends rather than just Twilight would help
He will probably be "okay", forgettable but not hateful, like the village ponies
>Except it was?
No it wasn't
Sure they said how they met Starlight and found the village, but they never said anything about how she convinced them to subscribe to her beliefs
>Can you explain this? They seemed pretty on character to me
Except when Twilight, who is supposed to be immensely powerful, and the rest of the cast get overwhelmed by a single unicorn
>That comic
The episode showed removing the M6's marks made them incapable of doing ANYTHING. The Authour clearly wasn't paying attention.
Personally, I wanted her to remain a villain.
I thought the backstory was pulled out of the writer's ass at the last minute.
I thought her suddenly turning around in 3.5 seconds didn't make sense.
But hey, now I can like her as a good guy.
it's retarded, but how would the plot progress if they just captured her right there
>but they never said anything about how she convinced them to subscribe to her beliefs
Judging by how she introduced the mane 6 she probably did the same with them, this is how cults usually start, one person gathers a group of people, they make a small community somewhere, and as other people enter in contact they slowly introduce new members to the community and show how nice it is, outsiders find it interesting and decide to give it a try, them it ends how it ends
>Except when Twilight, who is supposed to be immensely powerful, and the rest of the cast get overwhelmed by a single unicorn
it was an ambush, even if they tried to run they wouldn't be able to escape, and Twilight was hit by the spell before she could do anything
> They think the writers can do no wrong.

Who gives a fuck?

If the writers do a shitty job, then they squander good potential material, and the show loses viewers. If the show's decent, people keep watching for as long as it can hold momentum. Bitching that a show is bad because you didn't like it, instead of ignoring it and resigning it to the waste of oblivion 99% of all human culture is basically proof you're a sperg.
Discord's redemption was good.
I notice you don't mention Luna, even though she was redeemed in the exact same way as Sunset.
I never thought of Trixie as a villain. The mane 6 were talking shit and she got run out of town, which understandably pissed her off.
At least Starlight had a good redemption montage.
>They think the writers can do no wrong.

They own it, they do what they like with it.
I'm starting to think you're all just crazy capitalist bitches who can't see someone that says equality is good without getting dead or punished.
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>I'm starting to think you're all just crazy capitalist bitches who can't see someone that says equality is good without getting dead or punished.
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>Discord's redemption was good
There really was no reason why Starlight couldn't just visit her friend after he had moved. The CMC themselves traveled from Ponyville to the Crystal Empire on their own by train and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich as kids, left their homes and traveled across Equestria all on their own, following or finding their destines. So what is Starlight's excuses? Something that was out of her and her friends control happens and she decides to get mad at the world and everyone else and declares revenge. Seriously, who does that?
Again, make the breakup seem more important, like have her dependent of Sunburst's family because she is an orphan, so when Sunburst leaves her, she being homeless or something.
And yeah, they would need to explain why there was no messaging between them.
And because of this, she turns against friendship again and stays an antagonist.
Discord's redemption was more gradual and uneven (re: Tirek), and thus a bit more realistic. Fluttershy is a great counterbalance for him.
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