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"Umm....daddy...can I ask you something? if you don't

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"Umm....daddy...can I ask you something? if you don't mind."
I didn't even realize I was into this. I'm excited to see where it's going.
I have a green for this, and I will post it after some quick editing.

just wanted to post a prompt so others could write with the same general idea.

feel free to use other characters besides Fluttershy if you want.
Why did you post without posting content, then? I am interested, though.
so others Could write off of a prompt.

I'm almost done.
>You open the front door to your quaint neighborhood home, walked into the living room, took off your shoes and sat down.
>You needed a moment to relax your mind and body from a particularly rough day at work.
>You were about to turn on the television when you heard your daughter, Fluttershy, come down the stairs from her room.
>She walked up to your chair ans stood beside you with a slight smile on her face.
>"Umm...daddy...can I ask you something....if you don't mind..."
>You looked over to her with a straight face.
>She stood for a few moments, collecting her thoughts.
>"Well...I...umm...I was a-asked on a d-date this weekend, and I wanted to get a nice dress for it..."
>It took you a moment to register what she had just said.
>But when it did register it hit you like a ton of bricks.
>The strangest feeling you've ever had.
>It was a feeling of overwhelming pride...and at the same time great sadness.
>Your little girl was growing up, and there was not a damn thing you could do about it.
>You knew this already, but for some reason you hadn't been hit with the revelation yet.
>You got out of your chair and tightly embraced your daughter, eliciting a surprised gasp from her.
>You let go of her and looked her in the eyes.
"We can go today if you want, sweetie...but you've gotta tell me...who's the lucky guy?"
>"Oh...umm... His name is Pocket Protector, he's a boy from my Calculus class, He's helped me get a B this semester."
>You thought for a moment about what to say next.
>The kid sounded like a nerd, which eased your fears slightly, so you won't scare him too much...after all he did help Fluttershy in Calculus...which she was awful at.
"Do you like him?"

>Fluttershy looked down at the floor.
>"I-I'm not sure...I-I mean, he's been really nice...but I don't know...I didn't want to make him feel bad and...oh... what if I just mess this whole thing up? I've never even been in a relationship...let alone a date."
>She was beginning to get anxious.
>You put your hands on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes.
"You have nothing to worry about honey, just be yourself, that's all there is to a date. Now get ready and we can go shopping for a dress."
>You gave Fluttershy a quick hug before letting her go get ready.
>It was time to go dress shopping.
Wow, reading a second person past story is weird.
what? never read a green before?
>You had gone to the car and sat patiently inside, waiting for Fluttershy, who was getting herself ready.
>Within a few minutes Fluttershy opened the front door and headed over to the car.
>Once Fluttershy was inside, you started the car and headed toward the local mall.
>Fluttershy sat quietly with a content smile on her face for a couple of minutes before suddenly having an Epiphany.
>"Daddy, c-can we go to Rarity's house? She makes really pretty dresses...and I want to take a look and see if she has anything nice."
>You thought it was wasted effort, the mall would obviously have something of better quality.
>But what's the harm?
"Sure...where does she live again? it's been a while."
>Fluttershy began to give you some rudimentary directions and before long you were pulling into the driveway of an extraordinarily well-maintained home.
>Once you parked, Fluttershy got out of the car and walked up the nicely decorated pathway to the front door.
>You were a few seconds behind her, since you had to collect a few things.
>Once you had everything you got out of the car and briskly walked down the pathway, passing neatly trimmed hedges well maintained hanging flower pots.
>By the time you got to the door, Fluttershy had just rang the doorbell.
>It took a few moments, and a loud crash, before Rarity opened the door with a slightly embarrassed smile on her face.
>It must have been at least four or five years since you've seen Rarity, and puberty had done wonders to the girl.
>She was an absolute knock-out.
>She didn't even need a milkshake to bring all the boys to her yard.
>the differences puberty had made were jarring to say the least.
>However, even with Rarity being a knock-out, Fluttershy was still more beautiful.
>Maybe you were biased.
>You were totally not biased.
So is this biological father or kinky girls calling Anon Daddy? Because frankly I'd prefer the kinky option.
I'm doing biological father.

you can write kinky if you want to.

that's why I posted a prompt.
Isn't green usually written in present tense?
It's usually second person. but It can be either or.
>Rarity took one look at you and suddenly became very professional.
>"Oh, hello Mr. Anonymous....what brings you and Fluttershy here?"
>Fluttershy spoke up quickly.
>"Well...We were wondering if I could look at your dresses...if you don't mind that is, you always have the prettiest dresses, and I wanted to check here before going to the mall."
>Rarity went from professional to excited in an instant.
>"Oh my! I have a dress that would look just fabulous on you, darling...several in fact...what's the special occasion? If I might ask."
>Fluttershy became slightly bashful at the question.
>"Well...I-I wanted a dress because I'm going on a...umm...date."
>Fluttershy made a small half smile.
>With that, Rarity lit up even brighter and dragged Fluttershy inside.
>you followed them inside, took a seat on the sofa, and waited.
It is, but that doesn't mean he has to write it in present-tense too.
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>Proud Papanon - "Honey, you've got to be more careful with dresses like that!"
>Kinky Papanon - "Honey, you've got to wear sexier underwear with dresses like that!"
>About thirty minutes later a door to your left opened and out stepped Fluttershy and Rarity.
>Your daughter was wearing a well-crafted plain black dress with a pink ribbon tied around the waist, the dress looked to be a perfect balance of modesty and sexiness.
>Your jaw almost dropped.
>You were mistaken about Rarity's craftsmanship, she was just as good, if not better than anything the mall had.
>however, seeing your daughter in such a dress suddenly made you emotional.
>Why? You didn't know, you've seen her in pretty dresses before and you always thought she looked beautiful...but this was...different.
"That dress looks absolutely beautiful on you! But more importantly...are you comfortable in it?"
>Fluttershy smiled and nodded her head.
>"I think this is the dress I want, daddy."
>You looked at Rarity, who was still beaming with excitement.
"Rarity, I had no idea you were so talented, the dress is perfect for her. How much do I owe?"
>Rarity chewed over the offer for a moment.
>"Oh, don't worry about that darl...err...Mr. Anonymous, my pleasure.
"Are you sure? I could at least pay for the materials"
>"Oh no, I insist, I couldn't possibly ask you to pay for anything on this special occassion."
"A-Alright, if you insist."
>You didn't like accepting gifts very often, but you didn't feel like being stubborn about it.
"Well...thank you, and tell your father I said hello."
>"Can do dar...Mr. Anonymous."
>She made a nervous laugh at her mistake.
>She did it again.
>You thought it was sort of cute that she didn't want to call you darling, but you didn't bring it up.
>Fluttershy had already began to get dressed back into her normal clothing, and in a few short moments she was back in the living room.
>With the dress in hand, wearing her usual skirt and white tank top.
>You said your goodbyes, and got into the car.
>By the time you got home you were exhausted from the long day behind you.
>You told Fluttershy goodnight and headed to bed early.
>The next day went by pretty smoothly, work wasn't as draining as it was the previous day, but work was still work.
>Regardless, you were on your way home, hoping to relax for a spell.
>You made the last turn down your street, pulled into the garage and walked around to the front door.
>It was somewhat aggrivating when you opened the door to a disheveled living room, with makeup bags and random articles of clothing strewn about.
>Fluttershy was frantically putting on makeup on the edge of the sofa.
>She looked towards your direction when she heard the door open and made a sigh of releif.
>"Oh Thank goodness you're home! If you don't mind...Could you please look at my makeup and tell me if I look pretty enough?"
>It broke your heart that she was trying so hard to impress, but your annoyance at the frantic atmosphere was strong enough to keep you from completely sympathyzing.
>You decided to humor her and take a look at her handiwork.
>She never put on much makeup, with the exception of some minor work such as eyeshadow, but she was damn good with dolling herself up when she needed to.
>However, she really didn't need it.
"Sweetie, this is excellent work, it really makes your eyes pop."
>Fluttershy tried to keep herself from smiling at the compliment.
>"Umm...could you tell me if I should wear stockings with the dress?"
>She lifted her dress and showed you both her legs, one covered with a black stocking and the other without anything.
"Okay, back up and let me look."
>Fluttershy backed up until she was a few feet away from you.
"Alright...now put the leg with the stocking out."
>She leaned on her stockingless leg and casually presented her covered leg.
"Now do the opposite."
>She shifted until her stockingless leg was in full view.
>The stockings definitely added more coverage, and they still looked good.
>which made you feel a little better, but you didn't want her to think that her legs were ugly.
>On the contrary, she had her mother's legs, which were nothing to scoff at.
>God, you wish her mother were here...she could handle this part much better than you could.
"They both look good, but why don't you wear the stockings, the weather has been chilly lately."
>Good cover.
>Fluttershy went to putting on the other stocking.
>She began to get frustrated when her stocking bunched up, mostly due to her own haste.
>She was usually so quiet and sweet.
>But today she was uncharicharistically tense.
>You had to calm her down or the frustration will ruin her night.
"Fluttershy, when you're done, please sit down please."
>She straightened up her stocking and sat down next to you on the couch, waiting for what you had to say.
>You shuffled closer to her, and pulled her into a gentle hug.
>She put her arms around you in return.
"Fluttershy, sweetie, you have nothing to worry about, just try to have fun and be yourself, and remember...not everyone has your best interests at heart...so use your best judgement, okay?"
>Fluttershy looked down at the floor.
>"I know...but, I-I'm just so worried, daddy....What if...what if he doesn't like me?"
>She was beggining to get anxious.
>You let go of your embrace and looked at her.
"He asked you out didn't he?"
>She nodded.
"Then you already have his attention, but...if something bad happens or if you end up anywhere that makes you uncomfortable, just call me."
>Fluttershy nodded, but she still looked anxious.
>Your reminders that something bad could happen weren't helping...but she needed to know you were here for her.
>But now is the time to help her relax.
>You smiled and jostled her playfully, then pulled her into a tighter hug in an attempt to get her mind off of whatever anxieties were bothering her.
>She began to giggle as she hugged you back.
>"I love you, daddy."
>You loved hearing that.
"I love you too, sweetie..."
"So, where are you two going tonight?"
>Fluttershy smiled.
>"Well...he said he would pick me up by 6 and go to dinner....and then he said he had someplace special in mind."
>You were releived when you heard the excitement in her voice.
"Ooo, a surprise, sounds fun...well, how long until 6?"
>You took a look at your watch.
>You decided to put on a movie to pass some time.
>About an hour or so later, the doorbell rang, causing Fluttershy to jump up from her prone position on the couch.
>Fluttershy became frantic again, hastily straightened her hair, and headed to the door.
>You stopped her.
"Let me get it, trust me...it's much better if he sees me first."
>You stopped her.
"Let me get it, trust me...it's much better if he sees me first."
>Fluttershy smiled as she sat back down.
>You walked over to the door and opened it.
>The first thing you saw was his hair.
>Not really hair, more like a hardened shell because of all the hair gel.
>However, he did have a very nice suit, which was a bonus.
>"H-hello sir, you must be Fluttershy's father...is she ready?"
>Kid seemed nice enough.
>If a bit of a nerd.
"Yes, but hold on a minute son, I need to talk to you."
>You closed the door behind you.
>"Uhh...y-yes sir?"
"First off, Get her home by ten. Secondly, what are your plans for tonight?"
>Pocket Protector pushed his glasses up his nose."
>"W-well...sir...I was planning to go to the new Japanese restaurant downtown...I heard they prepare the food right in front of you...so I thought that would be pretty cool."
>You didn't really know if Fluttershy liked Japanese, but it sounded like an interesting idea.
"She told me you had a surprise for her, I understand you want to keep it a secret, but I need to know where you'll be taking my daughter."
>The kid seemed slightly annoyed that he had to explain his plans, but he seemed to understand.
>"Well, uhh...I was going to take her to the Bird Park downtown...she seemed to like animals...and they're having a nocturnal showcase tonight."
>This kid really put some thought into your daughter.
>And those thoughts better have stopped at good locations for a date.
"Oh, I'm sure she'll love that, she loves anything to do with animals...well...get her home by ten."
>"Y-yes sir."
>You thought about anything else you needed to add.
>You became very serious.
"And one other thing, You treat her with respect, Don't touch her anywhere that makes her uncomfortable, and if she tells me you did, I will glady foot your medical bills, understand?"
>Pocket Protector seemed to take the threat well.
>"Understood sir, I'd never do anything she wasn't comfortable with."
>You smiled.
>You opened the door and went over to Fluttershy who was sitting on the sofa.
"Fluttershy, your date is here."
>Fluttershy sprang up from the couch, fixed her hair and patted down her dress.
>"Do I look okay, daddy?"
>You made a playful smile at her.
"You look beautiful, honey, now go on."
>She smiled as she walked over to the door.
>You took Fluttershy's place on the sofa and tried to listen to the conversation at the doorway.
>You couldn't make out much, but Fluttershy hastily ran back inside.
>"Bye daddy, I'll see you when I get home."
>She gave you a tight hug, kissed you on the cheek, and made her way back outside.
>You called back to her.
"Be home by 10!"
>After a minute or so, you heard the sound of a car engine driving off into the distance.
>Alone at last.
Sorry if everyone finds this boring, but I wanted to write this.
This is a nice green you've got here.
Just one question.
When's the incestial lewd?
I'm not gonna write it.

I wanted to write loving single father anon.

not trailer trash dad-anon who molests his daughter all the time and has stains all over his wife-beater.

however, feel free to write it.
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Not boring, a pretty well written slice-of-life story.
I could go for more, but what I'm really in the mood for is some kinky, role-playing Fluttershy.
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>Only disgusting rednecks want to fuck their gorgeous, big-tittied daughters
>What time was it?
>You must have fallen asleep.
>You lifted your head up from the sofa and checked your watch.
>Well, Fluttershy should be getting home soon.
>You got up and checked the phone for messages.
>there were a few from bill collectors, but no important ones.
>You sat back down on the sofa and switched channels.
>After flipping through the channels a few times you finally settled on something.
>That's when you heard a car pull up towards the house.
>You looked at your watch again.
>Wow...he was early.
>Must have scared the kid more than you thought.
>That's when the door opened and Fluttershy stepped inside with a big grin on her face.
>You looked at her.
"Well? How'd it go?"
>She ran over to you and gave you a big hug.
>"Oh daddy! It was wonderful! We went to this Japanese restaurant and they made our food right in front of us! and then we went to an bird park! we got to see Whippoorwills and other nocturnal animals! And Pocket Protector was so nice to me the whole time!"
>You've never seen her this excited before.
"I'm glad you had fun, sweetie, now go get ready for bed."
>You gave her a kiss and let her go to her room.
This is truth.
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>I wanted to write loving single father anon.
Relevant to my interests.
Breaking news! Blacks love fried chicken, and Jews love money. More at ten
>Jews love money
Shhhh! The hook-noses will hear you!
That is not OP, he just a namefag, I've watched that faggot pop out in one of my threads
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Let me ask you guys something...

If your 10-year-old DaughterShy wanted you to give up meat and be a vegetarian (or even worse, one of those horrible fart-sniffing vegans), would you do it?

Could you do it? Could you give up meat for her forever? (Or at least until she goes off to college)
No...I am OP, of this thread.

Can't prove it though.
Who do we believe?
Not my fault I decided to tripfag for my story as OP.

I mean. I figured It would make it easier.

but anyone who payed attention to the Posters and number of replies when I posted >>25916920

they can vouch that there were only 2 posters.
As long as she takes her iron supplements. I don't want her to become anemic.
Nah man, I was hoping that Fluttershy would be coming onto Dadanon, who is unable to resist her mighty legs.
Rape is a turn-off for me.
On any case, yeah, I can get you not doing it.
>feel free to write it
>doing something
AHAHAHAHAHA.... I'm a lazy summabitch
The twist... the OC was only a cover for Flutters going on a date with a girl.

>in before homophob dadanon who can't accept her daughter rubbing cunts.
This is great
it's just a phase!
Yes, I'm still using whey though
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pretty much this...but less revealing and with a pink ribbon tied around her waist.
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I haven't picked up a pen for green in quite a while, so I might be a little rusty. I'd love to write up some fluttercest if a few people are actually interested, though.
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She can save >>25920085 for Dadanon's birthday dinner date.
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>Those hips
Fucking delicious.
no dub dubs will save you.

let the general die.
Hah! No. She's my daughter, she doesn't get to dictate my lifestyle.
I'm not your daddy... I just fuck you as if I were...
When did I click onto a shitty porn site again?
It was never confirmed that she was dead, she could have just ran away from her responsibilities to pursue her dreams... wait, that might actually be worse.

>4chan isn't a shitty porn site
If that dog shit in my computer again I swear to god its blood is going to be added to my watercooling loop.
her dreams as a porn star.
Moar when?
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Wait a second...

>>Alone at last.
>>What time was it?
>>You must have fallen asleep.

Did... did he just use her daughter's date time to jack off to his baby mama's pron videos and fall asleep afterwards?
whatever you wish to beleive Anon.
oh yes
that pic
"What is it dear?"
>"Well...Daddy, I wanted to visit Rainbow's home. If you don't mind, that is."
"Well sure dear, but on one condition."
>"What is that daddy?"
"I want to cum inside rainbow."
"I want to come inside rainbow's house!"
>Dadanon using Fluttershy to get with one of her friends.
sounds like something I'd do.
>fluttershy and her date just drove away
>you set the tv on some nature show, as an animal lover's father you always tried to keep up with the animal documentaries
>you loved her and that was why you tried to prepare incase she couldn't take care of one of her pets
>you would be heartbroken if you had to see her cry over a lost pet.
>your animal studies were cut short when you saw headlights flash in the window
>fluttershy should not be back this early
>thoughts of what that boy had done to make her come back so early came through your head
>you mute the tv so you can try to get some idea what happened
>listening closely you hear the sound of shoes on your cement porch, then a doorbell rang in your hallway
>so not fluttershy at the door, though she had rang the doorbell to come in a few times she had a key and knew that she never needed to ring the home's doorbell.
>so who was doorbell?
>not wanting to delay it any longer you go to the door to find
>you wondered why she would be here, but invited her in the house
>you both went into the living room, she sat on the couch and you sat in your easy chair
>the place was still strung with shy's makeup and apparel
>you didn't feel like moving her stuff tonight so you just left it for shy to do when she came back
>finally rarity spoke up
um, darling I have something rather, unprofessional to ask you if that is ok.
>you were intrigued, what could she want?
um, so when I gave you the dress for shy I was too embarrassed to say what the price really was anon.
>you were a little mad but you could give her any amount of money she wanted
>how much do I owe you rarity?
you see anon, thats whats so hard to say.
the price of that dress is not money, but a favor for me.
>a favor? what like you help her get material that she can't get Her parents to take her to get?
>what's the favor rarity?
>you never were much for small talk if it wasn't your daughter or wife, one was dead, and the other was on a date so you didn't want to draw this out too long
you see anon, its kind of hard for me to say, but I haven't been "getting any" lately so I thought if I made the price of that dress a "favor" maybe I could get some relief
>what she said hit you like a semi-truck
had she really just asked you for a quickfuck?
anon, ANON!
>you were broken from your thoughts by rarity
>she was wanting an answer but you had a few questions for her
>rarity, why would you not say something when fluttershy was picking it out? you know like this dress is not for sale, tried to get her into another dress, or maybe even tell her what the price was?
anon, I had put the price on there with the intention of having it be a WOMAN who bought it, not one of my friends fathers who payed for it, you see I thought that if a woman were to get it she would at least get why I need to have relief!
>But I'm not a woman, I'm boy, and a FATHER at that!
well yes I know and that is why I asked you instead of just repricing another dress
you would be experienced, you aren't a creep from how you treat fluttershy and also If my parents ever found out I would have shown them the price tag I took off when you two bought it, And told them that I put you up to it
>it's not that rarity, how would I explain it to fluttershy that I got her friend pregnant?
that's what this is for anon.
>she holds up a condom in front of you
>you couldn't deny it, she had thought it out as well as a woman her age would
>did you really want to even try?
>if word got out that you screwed a teenager no doubt you would be thrown in the slammer
with not even a trial
>I'm sorry rarity, I just can't do that for you, you are too young.
anon, you do know I was held back right?
I'm actually 19, and if my friends didn't keep needing to battle magic and she-demons I would be out of school and making a good bit on dresses.
>your cell rings, it's a text from one of shy's other friends that reads:
I'm not a GOD DAMNED she-demon, and I do take offence to you people bringing it up!!
>you ignore that text because more pressing matters need to be dealt with.
>fine rarity I'll do it, but don't tell a soul!
never dreamed of it anon
>no really DONT
What is this grammar.
Grammar is the woman who is one of your parents' mothers.
Not a kek, merely a lol.
>you go over to the couch and grab the condom she offered
>you unzips dick and put a rubber coat on it
>you're ready to get it over with and start pulling her panties down
>her pussy is revealed now
> you position yourself on the couch and let her take herself down onto you,
>as she sheathes you she lets out a moan
oh anon, I SO needed this!
>she gets all of your inches in her and starts pumping for oil
>she slows down and unbuttons her shirt, revealing her bra and her two full grown watermelons as you move your hand town to her clitoris, and start rubbing it as she keeps pumping
>she grabs your other arm and moves it to her breast, and you start to rub it with your index finger while resting it on her mound, moving in a circle very gently, and even squeeze it a little now
>she starts to moan louder and louder as each second goes by, you are pretty close yourself and you know it wont be long
>you two are finally there and you both come together
>she pulls off of you and starts to remove the condom still on your dick, being careful not to let any of the semen fall out and then she chugs it all just for you as you lay there about to fall asleep you manage to pull your pants up once your member settles down.
>you close your eyes and then hear the door lock and close a few seconds later before you give in to sleep.
>unzips dick
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>that newfag smell
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
Don't talk to satan like that Mr. Navy Seal.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
>when you wake up you see fluttershy's things still lying around the living room
you decide you might as well clean up what's in here so you start picking up her makeup and jewelry, wondering why she had to bring it out to the living room to try them on.
when you get everything back to her room, you go to turn on the tv when you see a note and a pair of panties taped to the tv
the panties are red and they are still really wet
you go to read the note:
dear anon,
I had a fun time and I hope maybe fluttershy might pick out a few other dresses like the one she got, hehe. just a tip, all of the black dresses are the same price so you might keep her away from those if you don't feel ok with this
and don't worry about returning these, they are a gift
best wishes,
as you take them both off of the tv you smell the panties
they smell of a really nice perfume, a little bit of your semen, and something else you can't quite place
as you put the note and underwear up in your room you think about buying fluttershy a few new dresses, then you think you must be out of your mind.
Dadanon constantly buying Fluttershy new dresses, she thinks Her dad is spoiling her.

but he's really just doing it to get that sweet poon.
bump for more writefags
dubs, dubs prove OP is the real OP
I expected a father anon using FS daughter to fuck one of her friends, but I got something way cozier. Thanks, OP!
I usually stick to writing cute/comfy greens.

I feel I do them well and I rarely do lewd.

not like it matters. I'll go back to being Anonymous for most of my greens.
Only in exchange for bending her over.
No. Stop calling me that and get out of my house. I locked the door for a reason.
This premise is really, really hot.
I will eat meat and she will eat meat too as long as she wants to live under my roof, not having any of this faggot vegetarianism.
>Not wanting a qt like Flutters to call you Daddy.
>Not wanting to see her embarrassed face when she finally musters up the courage to ask you to put her over you knee and give her a spanking.
>Not feeling that soft and tender butt as you pull down her panties and play with her shapely rump, cupping it in your hand.
>Not wanting to hear her whimper as she comes close to orgasm and then beg you to fuck her.
>Not wanting to use her as your own little cum dump as she holds you tight and says 'Thank you Daddy' when you're done.

Go enjoy your missionary sex for the purpose of procreation elsewhere pleb.
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138KB, 574x400px
Oh thats kinda hawt yo.
your premise is really hawt.
Did I do good anon?
Ya did good rook.
The spanking fetish is just kinda dull
Bump for paternal feels
what else would I do? I'm out of cute ideas.

First date.

I guess I could do an Uncle Buck knock-off...but that would be more funny than cute.
You guys, I like.
>making her eat meat
Beans and rice are cheap, mate. You don't have to buy & cook them, but if she does with her allowance, why not let her rely on them for protein and have more meat for yourself?
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