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Daring Do and the search for Santa Claus by /mlp/

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We need more christmas.jpg
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It was a day before christmas
daring do was resting after rape anon 5 times, brutally damaging his anus forever
she look at the window, and though "does ever santa had a present?"
anon would reply, but when he has butthurt, he shitpost on 4chan
daring do, beign a writer, decided to read some xmas stories
she found out that santa never had a gift on christmas, so, with conviction, had one thing in mind: give santa the gift of fuck her right in the pussy.
she grab some maps, a dragon dildo, bottled cum, spaghetti, doritos mountain dew, hentai books, and partake in the biggest christmas adventure

Just like the other Books, anons create the story. Lets create an amazing book where you guys go and do what you want. Not like all the shitty CYOA where I decide.

One more thing Try to follow the story. We need lots of really shitty content but we need to have a pace for this book.

Now lets create this fucking book
before Daring leaves she packs a few extra dildos just in case. She travels out side in the snow to begin her journey
She then begins to eat snow until she's too bloated to move
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Still willing to put a cover together if the project pans out; would be happy to incorporate whatever the drawfag who did the image in the OP winds up coming up with.
God what a fucking fatass piece of shit horse. Who the fuck is gluttonous enough to eat so much snow that you literally cannot move? Isn't know just water? What the fuck Daring Do, get your goddamn shit together. Fuck.
While engorging herself on snow, Daring noticed some of it was yellow. She begins vomiting for the next five hours. After she recovers, she heads out on her adventure hoping ol' St. Nick it ready to get his candy cane licked.
Daring Do arrives at the train station. When trying to buy a ticket, she realizes she has no bits. She has her dildos, but she forgot her bits.
She then proceeded to fly on top of the train before it started moving, making sure to bring her dildos with her.
I love it.

One thing is that this thread seems to be running really slow. Not many anons coming here
The vibrations of the train started to turn her on.
Daring can hear screams coming from inside the train. When she looks inside the train car, she sees a massive orgy going on. She oils up her dildos and head in.
Once inside she finds out that all the participants are dirty earth ponies. She finds it vile, but kinky.
All 20 of the participants pause their mindless dirty work to lock gazes with her, thoroughly confused at how she even got back here. They all stare at her with devilish, lidded eyes that don't relent as she begins to twirl her dildos like nunchucks.
This is what we have so far.
Keep on posting Anons. We need it
The passengers stared at Daring just like niggers watching chicken fri would
Suddenly Daring Rushed out and raped every single p0ne. Not one anus was left un touched. She suddenly hears clapping behind her. It was Glimmer
Glimmer talked to Daring about how she was impressed by how she equally anally devastated those 20 p0ne
but she wondered if Daring wouldn't mind giving her anus a slightly more equal devastation.
Glimmer said she would help track down Santa but only if she gets an equal share of his sweet sweet dong
And so daring do ravaged that anus with the force of a thousand suns and then glimmer proceeded to face fuck daring until they both came
Both had an equal fucking on the train until they arrived at canterlot
Where daring do and glimmer proceeded to eat snow until they were both to bloated to move
>>25814256Daring and glimmer arrived at Moondancer shitty house. They asked her if she knew where the jolly fat ass is. Moondancer says she dosent know and Daring and glim rape her for it
Upon opening the doors to the train, a torrent of cum burst out and flooded Canterlot. It would take months for it all to be cleaned up. Looks like those unicorn snobs will be getting a white Christmas after all.
After the rape they roll out of her house. and travel to the castle
Eating more snow and facefucking one another all the way there
They Ask the white whorse if she knows where santa a is again no. But she said they might have a book about that person they ask of.
Hoo boy, I'm really loving this novel so far fellas. Absolutely top notch! I mean, the anal wreckage?! That's some literary gold guys. I couldn't possibly imagine this story going in any other direction it's that good. But you know, I was thinking...and stay with me here but what if...this is just a teensy tiny itty bitty suggestion but
Maybe....Possibly...If you can imagine it for ooooone second...Daring Do...
Didn't rape anyone.
Glimmer then remembers that Santa's probably in the Frozen North, but information cucks Daring so they can "explore" the castle first.
I will make your wish come true.
Daring searches through the castle archives, and after throwing away a few useless books on things like time travel and magic mirrors, she finds one on Santa.
Glimmer kept trying to tell Daring that she knows where he could be. But She didn't listen. Instead Daring insist that they look for the book
the book doesn't have enough pictures. who wrote this garbage what a cuck. so she finds a stack of old playboys and flips through to the december issue looking for more intel.
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The book had A full sized pic of Santa ding. Was about 50 pages long. The company that made it was playpony, and it was made in P0ne ville. of course. They must have where to find santa.
Daring Do and Glimmer then proceed to literally fuck the playboys until thier sweet mare juices run dry
Fuck they don't have any bits to get on the train how could they pay?
So Daring and Glimglam went to Poneburg using one of the Indiana Jones map transitions because we still need some filler but not enough to waste an entire scene.
"fuck we don't have any bits to get on the train how could we pay?" daring Do says as she nears climax's sweet embrace. Suddenly spike the dumbfuck baby dragon walks into the library loudly complaining about the smell.
They arrive to p0ne ville 12 hours later and they make there way to playponys headquarters
Welcome to playpony headquarters how tough are ya
Im going for the night. Make sure to keep posting more of this shit. Ill make sure to add the rest if thread dies.
Try to get some people anons this is taking a lot longer to get content than it should
How tough am i. Glimmer used her magic to make the guard testicules into something like a balloon dog.
"Go right in" whispered the guard in a high pitch voice
Daring and glimmer rape the guard and walk into the semen filled building
As they walked Glimmer spent the next seventeen minutes explainging to DD how funny it was because she made the balloon into the shape of a weiner dog. Do you get it DD? Because it's called a weiner and i used magic on his weiner. Do you get it?
Glimmer then proceeded to shove the ballon dog into DD's marehood
Daring being the Autist she as never got the joke .when they enter the building they both slip from the semen on the floor
Glimmer and daring decide to clean the place up and filled their bellies from the semen
They make their way up the staircase to make there way to meet the boss
They meet the boss of the company and it was the semon demon Donald Trump
They are then grabbed, tied to the same chair then raped not entirely in that order
in 9 months one of them will birth a Trump baby and then leave it on his doorstep with a note saying 'thanks for the grub bub'. who will it be? only time will tell.
But for now they needed information. "Tell us everything you know about Santa or no wall will stop the army of beaners from immigrating to your asshole."
Trump spits in their faces, determined not to give in to their demands. Demands were for loser. "Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make."
As per my solemn vow given in /cyoag/, I will now bump all eighteen CYOAs currently in the catalog to keep them alive through the long night.
Infuriated that his response didn't involve >rape
Daring shoved 10,000 penises into his anus. He somehow took them all. "This man would make a great president," Daring thought to herself.
Seeing how amazing Trump was with dildos, Daring had no choice but to extract the information another way. She began to sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ, and Trump was immediately filled with pain. It took butt seconds for him to spill the beans. "SANTA'S IN THE FROZEN NORTH! THE FROZEN NORTH! YOU STUPID BITCH HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS" Satisfied with his answer, Daring tortured Glimmer as well so things were =. "If I ever lead a country," Trump said in spite, "I'll be sure to deport all ponies. I bet your brothers and sisters were cheering for my misery."
>Daring tortured Glimmer as well so things were =
i keked
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Before daring and glimmer left he handed them a book. If someone like you wins a whole awful lot. Call me up and we can talk in my yacht.
I'm back

For the cover we need to put glim glam in there. And I guess now are president TRUMP.
shit! i'm empty!
someone shitpost something!
Trump sent Godzilla back to mexico.
Daring and Glimmer were reading the book as they walked to the frozen north. Glimmer dident like it so much because not everyone was equal
So then equal pone ate the unepual book and then raped DD to make her equal
The trek to the Frozen North was long and hard, much like an erect penis, which Starlight so desired for when you placed two erect cocks next to each other, they made an equal sign proving once and for all that dick is the most equal of body parts.
And then glimmer and daring do ate more snow
Realizing that there was more snow than they could possibly eat, they stored what they could in there asses and moved on. Before long, they finally came to the hidden valley where Santa and his ethnic helpers lived. This was also around the time they arrived there too.
But realizing they went south instead of north they had to go across the world to get there.
Being stuck in the Frozen South, Daring and Glimmer had to SEXUALLY huddle up to stay warm. And while embraced in each other's hooves, Daring had a moment of brilliance only seen once in a thousand moons.
"Starlight, fuck you why don't you make yourself useful and just teleport us North?"
I have everything saved so far. Is the drawfag still here
Because that would be unequal Starlight refused. The very thought triggered her ptsd and she started convulsing in Daring's arms mumbling about her tragic past and some gross Orange oc unicorn that she used to rape as a child before he went off to Hogwarts and left her alone without even a goodbye dicking.
Daring then decided not to be a lazy bitch, picked upped the triggered Glimmer, and started to fly North. Glimmer quickly began levitating herself because she's a strong and independent woman who doesn't need no Pegasus.
Unicorn master race reporting.
And then a skeleton popped out.
But because they were flying, the skeltal simply fell to the ground below and landed in Ponyville. It began to terrify the local horses, but thanks to the efforts of their newly elected god/president Trump, it was quickly deported.
Trump could be overheard making a speech to his ponyville citizens as daring flew overhead. "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending skeltals that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re spoopy and none, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting. And what we're getting is Skeltons."
Its to late all the spooky skeltons hid themselves, watching and waiting to spook
Daring and Glimmer even tried to help get rid of the spoopy skeltals but they were no match to their master spooking.
Seeing as they had to get past the skeletons before continuing, the decide to use Anon as bait.
Anon manage to distract the skeleton
But he destroys his façade
He is a skeleton inside a person
Not wanting the story to end without seeing Santa, Starlight teleported herself and Daring to Santa's workshop. Once there, they took part in a massive orgy with Santa and all the elves (who were all just a bunch of midget Mexicans). Santa thrust his meaty member inside Daring Do while Starlight shoved her hoof up his anus. Santa had never before had such a jolly Christmas and was so pleased, he put everyone on the nice list and got everyone the finest dildos for presents. The moans of all Equestria could be heard all the way in Griffinstone where all the griffins began pleasuring themselves. And that kiddies, is the story of how Daring Do saved Christmas or some shit. Goodnight and keep the change ya filthy animals.

Too soon - Add it to the book
but wait, Daring's mission wasn't quite over yet. She knew something was off, so she began to masturbate with her new dildo to simulate the recent events. The truth came soon and so did she: she hadn't had an orgy with Santa, but Mrs. Santa, who was actually fat Moot the entire time! The massive cucking may have been her fetish, but she had to return to find the real Santa who, living with fat Moot, may or may not be a lvl25 meme lord. It was time to Search for Santa.
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