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Star Wars/MLP Salute to Veterans Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 470
Thread images: 194

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Welcome to MLP's official Star Wars general. We have a very dedicated group of writefags and artists to serve your every Star Wars fantasy.

You can find them all in the list below.

Here's our previous thread: >>25248650

Plus, ceremonial thread music.
I find the lack of bumps disturbing.
Seriously, is the board more populated tonight, or is it lack of people on our thread?
I have a bad feeling that we are losing people as this general goes on.
I suppose that's to be expected of any general, but I would have thought we would have garnered a list of more strict followers.
Plus, the more recent amounts of green should have helped that, so I have no idea what to think.
Everything seems to be moving pretty slow so I'd say just not very many people here.
You fuckers are just insistent upon getting out of my filter
But, but we just sitting here posting happy little green.
There is no need to be so moody. Lets just sit down and help you feel some joy.
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My dumb ass saw that we were on page 10 yet I didnt think to bump our thread for some reason
Well, I said it in the last one, but I'll say it again: I'm back and will update soon, I just need to get settled in a bit.


Just wait until December; this thread will be alive and well once half the living world goes to see the new movie. Plus, I'll be back to producing green by then.

I brought about this thread originally and I'll see it through to the end, damnit. At least until the end of my story, anyway.
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>War veteran
>Good under pressure

>Tendency to kill/harm advisers
>Intimidating appearance
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>War Veteran
>In touch with other cultures
>Deep Thinker

>Established in the system
>Hard time making lesser-of-two-evils type decisions

Who do you vote for?
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Going to dump some fresh green soon for ya'll.

Vader certainly looks like a winner to me
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The story of Inquisitor Anon continues now!


>This prototype Tie Advanced was amazing in terms of speed
>You zoomed across the forest moon of Alaris Prime at full throttle, passing over massive forests, mountain ranges, and seas in practically the blink of an eye
>Your eyes remained closed as you focused hard on your destination until suddenly you opened them and slammed on the breaks
>Convulsing forward, you looked down and saw your destination before you
>A massive stone complex sat upon a hill, with many of its battlements having collapsed over time and much of its edifices having been overrun with moss and vines
“It’s just as it was in my vision! A Jedi Temple...”
>There was absolutely no record of such a place in your dossier on Alaris Prime, and your sources were supposedly gleaned from the Jedi Archives themselves
>Which begged the question,
“How did Midnight know of this place?”
>You quickly lowered your ship down upon a weather beaten landing pad
>Quickly climbing out of your hatch, you hopped down and beheld a massive dark opening before you that led into the temple
>It was quiet all around, with only the sounds of birds crying and insects chirping in the distance
>However peaceful this place seemed though, you could sense something great underneath the surface
>You sense Midnight here, just as clearly as you could before but now another presence was clear to you, one quite unlike hers
>Midnight’s vibrant and chaotic aura was clashing against that of someone far more collected, someone who maintained an air of stillness that masked a great power underneath
>It was as if you were gazing upon both night and day all at once, with either side struggling to overpower the other
>You glared fiercely into the opening
“It’s all true. They’re here!”
>You sprinted off into the temple
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>This place was even larger on the inside, but was also far more decrepit
>In your haste, you nearly ran directly off of a catwalk and dropped into a deep abyss below
>This massive chamber seemed to stretch down into the planet, for how long you could not see
>What you COULD clearly see and hear though, was the clashing of lightsabers up above you
>Perhaps twenty stories higher, on a long stone walkway in the distance, you could see a bright blue light combatting a bright red light for dominance
>You were so close, and yet still too far
>You snarled at the display before looking out across the chasm
>Part of the walkway had collapsed some time ago, creating a gash in your path roughly thirty feet wide
>You ran back over ten steps then slid across the ground as you turned around and broke into a sprint
>Just as you neared the chasm, you pounced forward through the air
>Your feet just barely touched down on the other side of the chasm as you continued to run
>Making your was across the walkway, you noticed another catwalk above you that was slightly closer to where the duel was taking place
>Leaping straight up, your hands clenched onto the edge of the walkway roughly thirty feet above you
>You hurriedly lifted yourself up as you began to trek across this walkway as well
>Seeing no jump that you could feasibly clear, you were forced to exit the chamber upon running across the rest of this catwalk
>Searching desperately for a clear path, you ran along through a number of narrow hallways
>You could sense that you were growing ever closer with each step
>However, in your relentless determination to find Midnight and Luna, you failed to sense what was just beyond the corner
>Rounding said corner at full speed, you made a head-on collision with someone else in a rush
>Tumbling forward, you and the stranger clumsily rolled across the ground
>Your frustration abated as you looked up and saw this stranger
>The figure before you groaned as she lifted her upper body off the ground and shook her head
>She wore a zipped up black leather jacket and a tight set of accompanying leather pants and boots, almost resembling what you imagined a swoop bike racer might wear
>A hand of hers reached up and rubbed her bright auburn forehead as she grimaced in pain
>When she opened her teal colored eyes and looked at you, you both froze in place
>You could see a set of two tendril appendages, adorned with red tribal tattoos that stretched down to her face, hanging from her smooth hairless head
>You remembered that these parts of her head were called Lekku, and realized that this must be a Twi’lek girl
>The two of you stared at one another for a few moments, words having failed you both
>The two of you quickly rose up to your feet as you both reached for your belts
>She whipped out a Heavy Blaster Pistol and stuck it directly against your head as you ignited your lightsaber and swung it at her throat
>The two of you froze once more and stared at each other with wide eyes as you held weapons at one another
>”A lightsaber? Who are you?”
>You could see the hesitation in her eyes as she wrapped her head around what was happening
>You on the other hand, were trying to figure out why you had stopped yourself from chopping off her head
>There was something distinctly odd about her, and it wasn’t just the fact that she was an a roguish looking Twi’lek on a savage planet of Wookiee tribesmen
>The wheels in your head turned as she stared at you, yet you did not feel you were in as great of danger as it seemed
>Perhaps you should have been more worried, but a part of you arrogantly enjoyed such danger
“I, am…"
>You fumbled with your words before developing a devilish idea
“I am Anonymous, and I am a Jedi Knight!”
Is this some AUTISTIC crossover or do you just like star wars?
>”A Jedi Knight?”
>You earnestly watched as she mulled over your response
>”Why are you dressed up like a Stormtrooper?”
“It’s a disguise… I used to slip by the Imperials.”
>”Then what are you doing here?”
“I’m searching for Master Luna, she’s in grave danger!”
>She exasperatedly chuckled at you
>”You can say that again.”
>You lowered your lightsaber and she similarly pulled back her pistol and aimed it away from you at the ground
>It took a great deal of effort to keep a straight face through all of this
“And you are?”
>”I’m Sunset, Sunset Shimmer. I guess you can say I’m Luna’s… student?”
“You mean a Padawan?”
>”Yeah, that. How did you know to find us here?”
“I… sensed Luna through the Force.”
>”Oh, okay then…”
>She warily scratched her head as she looked you over
>You held onto your poker face as tightly as you could
>Now that you were up close to her, you could definitely sense the Force in her
>It was like a well of untapped potential that laid dormant just beneath the surface
>”I don’t really… just hold on!”
>She scowled and raised her gun up, pointing it back at you as you held your hands up in surrender
>”If you really are a Jedi Knight, then prove—“
“I was born on Taris and taken in by the Order around the age of 7. I was trained by them for years before being taken as a padawan by Master Celestia, I fought by her side during the Clone Wars at Atraken, Nar Shaddaa, Corellia, Chandrilla, and other worlds. I escaped death when the Empire rose up and have been searching for other Jedi, which has led me here.”
>Sunset kept her blaster trained on you for another few moments before sighing and putting it back into her holster
>”i-I think I heard Luna mention a Celestia a few times… sorry about that. I guess I really didn’t expect to see a friendly face around here.”
>You grinned
>You were proving to be much better at lying than you previously thought
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“No problem, it can be hard to trust people these days. Nice to meet you Sunset.”
>You raised up your hand and shook hers, a sense of confidence having returned to you
>”Yeah, nice to meet you too. We could really use some help right now Anonymous.”
“Exactly what’s going on around here?”
>Sunset nervously looked back behind her down the hall, the faint sounds of lightsabers clashing echoing over to you both
>”Luna brought brought me here a little while ago to start my training. She thought we’d be safe here, but one of the Wookiees sold us out. We were just about to get out of here when SHE showed up.”
“Midnight Sparkle. She’s an Inquisitor, a Dark Jedi who’s been trained to destroy the last of the Jedi.”
>She clenched her fists as she turned her back to you and stared down the hall
>”This is insane! I can’t believe I just left her behind with that— that witch!”
>You raised an eyebrow at her
>You could sense Sunset’s anger fairly clearly, but there was little fear in her
“Why did you leave your master behind?”
>Sunset sighed, her hand reaching over her jacket pocket
>”Luna said that Midnight was after something, and that we couldn’t let her have it. So she gave it to me and told me to escape.”
>You frowned at her while staring at the bulge in her coat pocket
“What was Midnight after?”
>”i-I don’t really know what it—“
“Show it to me.”
>Sunset stared at you uncertainly before slowly unzipping her pocket and reaching inside
>In the palm of her hand, she held a small black and red pyramid
>”Luna called it a Holocron.”
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>You eyed the pyramid curiously as she showed it to you
>Midnight had never so much as mentioned this strange object before
>Slowly, you were able to piece together an idea of just what she was planning behind your back
>You held out your hand and beckoned for her to give it to you
>”y-You want me to—“
“I just want to see it.”
>She looked back and forth between the holocron and you as you struggled to maintain your facade, no easy feat considering how huge of a surprise so much of this was
>Slowly she stretched her hand out and dropped the holocron into your grasp
>You didn’t notice anything odd about it at first, but as you examined it further you felt something strange come over you
>It was not obvious at first, but after a few seconds you realized that this little trinket exuded the power of the Dark Side
>Huge amounts of it
“So this was what she was after this whole time…”
>”Anon? Are you…”
>Your eyes widened as Sunset’s voice faded away and you began to hear a new voice, one speaking in a strange alien language
>The same language you had heard Midnight speak in your vision
>You became acutely aware of the sound of your own heart beating as this pyramid apparently shook within your grasp
“w-What power is this?“
>You turned your head up and glared at Sunset, who looked taken aback by the intensity of your stare
>”a-Aren’t we going to do something? Luna’s still fighting that Inquisitor! She needs our help!”
“Oh, I haven’t forgotten about them…”
>Her jaw dropped as you pocketed the holocron in your cloak
>”Hey what the Hell are you—“
>Her words became stuck in her throat as you ignited your lightsaber and pointed it at her
>She grit her teeth as she took a step back from you, her hand shakily hovering over her pistol
“I’m afraid Midnight didn’t come here alone Sunset.”
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>You watched her curiously as you sensed her shock and fear began to dissipate, overpowered by her growing anger
>”i-I want that Holocron back!”
>You chuckled at her as you stared at her from behind your saber
“Then come and take it from me.”
>Sunset whipped out her blaster and rapidly fired at you from the hip
>Your grin fell apart as you quickly moved to deflect her blaster bolts
>She was a damn good shot, had you been a second too slow then a single one of those blasts could have ended you
>Hurriedly deflecting each of her blasts aside, you raised up your hand to her
>Calling out to the Force, you wrenched the blaster out of her hand and summoned it toward you
>With a quick slash, you sliced the blaster in half, its smoking pieces clanging to the floor
>Sunset’s eyes widened in fear as you glowered at her
“You’re not much of a Jedi yet are you?”
>You began to slowly walk toward her as she stepped back
“Are you sure you wouldn’t consider changing sides? I think you’d fit in well amongst my kind.”
>Sunset sneered at you as she reached a hand behind her and snapped something off of her belt
>She tossed a small beeping sphere through the air at you and sprinted off in the opposite direction
>Your eyes widened as you shoved the thermal detonator away from you with the Force, sending it straight up toward the ceiling
>It exploded up above and away from you, but to your surprise the explosion ended up taking out much of the ancient ceiling
>You swung your saber upwards and hastily sliced apart a large stone just before it could collapse on you
>As more debris rained down, you shut off your saber and raised both your hands up to catch the ceiling before it could bury you
>With no small amount of effort, you tossed the pile of stones and rubble aside, just in time to see Sunset’s outline disappear down the dark corridors
“Not bad. Let’s see how far you get.”

Captcha sign: Sunset Rd
>Your first instinct was to chase after her, but then you instantly remembered that your true prize laid just beyond the corner
>You could sense Luna and Midnight’s battle raging still, neither of them having yet to overcome one another in their intense struggle
“Blast it!”
>You broke out into a sprint as you ran down the hallway after Sunset only to disengage and run up an adjacent staircase
>Whilst heading upwards, you reached into your cloak and took out your comlink
“Flash can you hear me?!”
>”Loud and clear!”
“Have Taskforce Bravo and a squadron of Tie Fighters converge on my position! Have your men secure the area whilst I engage Luna. Also, there is a second Jedi who is currently escaping and I need your men to deal with her!”
>”A second Jedi?”
“Merely a padawan, she shouldn't be a problem. Just don’t let her get away, she’s a slippery one!”
>Coming to a halt on one of the floors, you ran out back into the massive chamber and saw the two of them facing each other down
>Midnight had her back turned to you as she raised her saber menacingly at Luna, who defiantly stood with her own saber pointed out at her
>Neither of them had apparently noticed you yet
>”As much fun as it is catching up, I think its time we stopped fooling around Luna.”
>You could see Luna’s eyes narrow at her through the blue glow of her saber
>She was adorned in an almost tribal looking set of obsidian armor, no doubt of Thrysian origin
>Her outfit, along with her cold demeanor, gave her a much darker and intimidating appearance than you expected
>You could barely contain your excitement
>”Twilight Sparkle, I am so disappointed in you. If your master could see you now, it would break her heart!”
>Midnight’s battle stance faltered as her shoulders slumped and her lightsaber shook in her hand
>”My name is—“
“Midnight Sparkle.”
>Her body jolted up
>Slowly, she craned her head back and stared at you with a sinister smile
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>”Anonymous! I’m so happy you could join us!”
>You stoically stared at her as she beheld you with an amused grin
“Midnight, would you care to explain to me what you are doing with MY target?”
>Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open as she looked to you with an exaggerated look of shock
>”I’m just as surprised as you are that things turned out this way! With you bogged down in the battle against the Wookiees, I thought it best that I come here and investigate this strange place.”
>You sneered at her
“The Wookiees should all be blown to ashes by now.”
>”Blown to ashes?”
>You adopted a small smirk as you looked past her at Luna
“I was told that the Revengeance was originally an Acclamator mark II. A ship specifically designed for orbital bombardment. I imagine it’s been quite a while since it got to train its guns on a planet.”
>Luna’s scowl broke as her jaw dropped
>”y-You didn’t!?”
>Midnight bent her head back and raised a hand up to her mouth as her cruel laughter echoed around the chamber
>”Wow Anon, I wasn’t sure you had it in you. You just keep surprising me again and again.”
>You glowered at her as you stepped past her to face a distraught Luna
“Stand back, I am taking what is mine.”
>You felt Midnight’s hand fall over your shoulder
>”I have a counter-offer. Luna has an apprentice, why don’t you let me—“
“I know, I just had the pleasure of meeting her. She’s an interesting one.”
>Luna’s gaze hardened as she took a step toward you with her saber raised
“Don’t worry Jedi. Your student still lives, for now.”
>Luna heaved a sigh of relief as Midnight raised an eyebrow at you
>”You just let her go?“
“My mission is to hunt down and deal with Luna. YOU may go after her student if you so desire. In fact, I believe she had something on her person that you are quite interested in.”
>Midnight’s eyes widened as she lowered her saber to the ground
>Her body shook in anger as she gave Luna the dirtiest look you had ever seen from her
>You chuckled
“Not so fun being on receiving end is it?”
>Midnight bellowed in frustration before turning her back to both of you and stomping away
>Before she completely disappeared into the shadows, she shot one last look with her eerie red eyes
>Her eyes narrowed as she scornfully glanced at Luna
>”Make it hurt.”
>With that she sprinted off into the shadows
“Well then, it looks like I finally have you all to myself.”
>You smiled at Luna, who gave you a cold stare as you brandished your lightsaber
>You raised its red beam and pointed it directly at her
>”and who are you? Another one of the Emperoer’s obedient dogs?”
>You scoffed at her
“I am Anonymous, a loyal servant of the Sith Lords and a warrior of the Imperial Empire. In many ways, I am the Jedi of the new age.”
>She sneered at you
>”You are no Jedi, just another butcher. Killing innocent people and—“
“I only kill those who stand in our way. The Emperor’s will is my command, but even so I am only too happy to hunt down the Jedi on his behalf.”
>Your expression darkened as you raised the saber vertically in front of yourself
“I have no idea how long I have waited for this…”
>You quickly slashed your saber in an X shape, issuing your challenge to her
>Luna maintained her stoic demeanor as she raised her own saber vertically in front of herself
>She slashed her saber in an X shape, returning your challenge
>You stared at one another for another moment, before charging each other
>Your sabers clashed, sending a bright flash of light throughout the ancient temple’s chamber that illuminated your excited grin and her grim scowl
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and that's all I've got for now! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I got to introduce a new character, reveal a bit of Midnight's schemes, and when I resume the story next I'll be able to dive right into Anon and Luna's duel!

Any feedback or criticism would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone had any questions about my story then I'd be happy to answer them!
Es gud m8
Thanks senpai
Keep doing the thing. I like where it was going.
I am surprised that this wasn't a thee-way free-for-all. I truly thought Midnight was trying to screw him over.
Bump desu sempai
Will do m8, glad you're liking it!

>I am surprised that this wasn't a thee-way free-for-all. I truly thought Midnight was trying to screw him over.

At this point, it'd be pretty safe to assume nothing is going quite as planned for anyone.

A three way free for fall sounds like it would have been fun to write now that you mention it, though I still think you'll like what I got planned for Anon and Luna's fight
A few repeating words and misuses of grammar, but these things always happen to the best of us.
The story is very fluid, and the scenarios are riveting.
I say keep up the good work.
Thanks man, I'm happy to hear that the story itself is going over well. I'll try to review my grammar a bit more in future updates.
Forgot name
I'm here guys. I'm writing some more and I'll update later today. Don't you call me a liar, Killer.
I'm going to need to step off for a while.

I've been doing my best to write, but unfortunately school has become super busy, and because of my activities I'll be working essentially non-stop for the next month and a half.

I hate to disappoint you guys, but I will get back to writing as soon as I can finally take a break.

Goodbye you magnificent bastard.
Best of luck to you m8
We'll be around once you get back
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So I decided that since I left my last update on a cliffhanger, that is start my next one today. I'll likely have more Inquisitor Anon ready to go tomorrow night
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I like this.
I've been writing all day and I'll be ready to post an update within the hour. Stay tuned.
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Finally got this to the same level as the other pics.

>Resting in the middle ground between Adagio's skill in the Force and Aria's martial prowess, Sonata is relatively equal in both aspects; what she lacks in strength however, she makes up for in unpredictability and manic, gleeful sadism. These, combined with her use of the acrobatic Form IV and the two-saber Jar'Kai style, makes her a very dangerous opponent.


"Be careful, Anon!"
>"You too!"
>You face forward again and continue running down the hallway toward the rear of the ship with Applejack and Big Mac.
>You look down as you run and find the red line painted on the ground. It will lead you straight to engineering.
"Applejack, contact Fluttershy and Angel again. Let them know we're alright and we're on our way."
>You nearly trip as you step on your injured foot wrong, but you quickly catch yourself and continue running down the hallway. The pain isn't much, so you'll be fine as long as you watch your step.
>"Fluttershy? Angel? Can you two hear me?"
>"Applejack! Thank goodness! What happened?!"
>"We ran into some trouble, and Sunset got a little hurt, but we're okay."
You quickly speak into your comms before Fluttershy can start worrying. "It was nothing, I'm fine. Angel! Are you there?"
>A few seconds pass before you hear the familiar Wookie growl in your ear.
>"Angel, just sit tight! We're on our way now!"
>Angel growls again before he's followed by another voice. "Is that them?"
>Applejack becomes ecstatic. "Twilight! You're okay!"
>Fluttershy also squeals in delight. "Twilight! We were so worried!"
>"It's so good to hear you girls again! Don't worry, I'll be-"
"Alright, shut up! All of you! We'll have time for sentiment later! I need you all to focus! Twilight! How many survivors are with you?!"
>She stammers for a moment before answering. "Uh... Hang on a second..."
>The comms cut and you bring up your probes' scanning results on your HUD.
>There's only one probe still active now. Rakghouls must've got the others.
>A good deal of the ship has been highlighted. There are a few dark spots though, which are likely walls or closed doors that the probe just flew past.
>"You didn't have to be mean, Sunset..."
>You take a quick glance at Applejack before looking forward again.
"We don't have time to be nice. We're in a rush."
>You look back at your position on the map. The hallway continues for a ways before branching out as smaller hallways that lead to different parts of the ship.
>You look back at the line on the floor and continue running.
>Your comms come on a few seconds later and you hear Twilight's voice.
>"There are five of us now... We lost two others..."
>That's unfortunate.
"Anyone infected?"
>"No... Not anymore..."
"Are there any Rakghouls where you are?"
>"Last I remember, there were a few right outside in the main corridor. I don't know anymore."
"Alright, hang tight and be ready. We'll be there soon."
>"We're in the innermost engine room, in the control center. Once you get inside, turn right."
>You shut off your comms and turn back to Applejack and Big Mac.
"Be ready for a fight."
>After about thirty seconds of running, the red line leads you left and heads into another hallway.
>Upon entering, you see a single Rakghoul just standing idly by the left wall.
>You raise your blasters and charge forward, gritting your teeth as you open fire.
>The Rakghoul turns to face you, but is caught off-guard as blaster shots plunge into its flesh.
>It yelps and cries out as it turns to run, but you keep on firing at it until it falls to the ground.
>Satisfied, you turn on your helmet lights and proceed down the hallway with Applejack and Big Mac right on your tail.
"Stay alert, you two."
>Big Mac speaks up behind you. "Probably best not to shoot any we see unless they're right in front of us."
>That's a good idea. You don't want to provoke them.
>You follow the red line, scanning the darkened hallway branches for Rakghouls as you do.
>You pass one branch on your left that has a couple of them, but you continue forward.
>You'll have to remember them just in case.
>The line leads you down a right hallway and you scan ahead, seeing nothing but flickering lights and destruction, like all the other hallways.
>As you continue, you hear the low hum of the engines gradually get louder. You're getting closer.
>You zigzag right and left a few times as the line directs until you finally reach a large doorway. "Engineering" is written above it.
>You enter into a spacious corridor that extends far to your right.
>The hum of the engines is much louder now. You'll have to speak up more than normal to communicate.
>A few dim lights flicker on and off from the ceiling and you can see all the way to the other end.
>This is a very large ship...
>Up ahead, you see around seven Rakghouls walking around one area near the center.
>That must be where you need to go.
>"There they are..."
"Let's give 'em hell!"
>You pull out your blasters again and charge forward with Big Mac.
>You growl as you point an individual blaster at the two nearest Rakghouls and open fire.
>The Rakghouls all look over as you alert them and they roar.
>You stop firing and remove your blaster rifle from your back.
"Applejack! Gun 'em down from back here!"
>You throw your rifle at her and she catches it.
>You face forward and continue firing at the Rakghouls, who are now charging directly at you.
>Leaping into the air, you activate your jetpack and fly ahead, firing at the group of monsters from above.
>You begin to strafe around in circles near the ceiling and continue firing at the Rakghouls below, a lucky shot to the head killing one of them instantly.
>You barely hear the familiar whir of Big Mac's minigun for a second before he unleashes a barrage of blaster fire into the group.
>Most of them were so focused on you that they paid no attention to him and they yelp and cry in pain as three more of them fall.
>Applejack has her rifle up and she picks off a stray.
>That's four down now.
>You shoot at or around the remaining three as best you can as they run around in circles, doing their best to avoid both you and Big Mac's assault.
>You think you've got this in the bag when all of a sudden, you hear a loud roar from behind you.
>Turning around, you see another group of Rakghouls come charging through the far left doorway that leads back up to the rest of the ship
>The leader skids to a stop and turns to face you three before screeching and charging toward Applejack and Big Mac.
"What?! No!"
>You fly down beside Big Mac and fire into the new group of Rakghouls.
>There's about ten more now and they're all converging on your location.
>"Fall back!"
>You hear Big Mac growl as he continues his assault on the advancing monsters, which zigzag around the place, evading most of the blaster fire.
>You're able to get a few shots at two of them. One goes down while another falls to its side and cries in pain.
>You and Applejack also continue firing as hard as you can, but only a few of them drop down dead. You're afraid you're going to have to retreat pretty soon.
>Their snarls and roars only intensify as they get closer.
>Suddenly, from your right, you hear a loud thud. It sounded like thunder.
>A couple seconds later, you hear the thud again as the door that leads back into the ship goes flying to your left and hits two Rakghouls in the head.
>You all stop firing as you see a blue streak of light come flying out the doorway and decapitating another Rakghoul.
>The light hums as it flies around the room and moves back toward the doorway.
>Just then, you see Maud move faster than you thought possible out of the doorway and leap into the air, catching her lightsaber and pushing the Rakghouls back with the Force.
>"Master Maud!"
>What is she doing here? She's supposed to be back at the ship!
>Eh, it's assistance. Don't question it, Sunset.
>Maud falls to her feet with her back to you.
>You all run up to her, but she doesn't acknowledge you at all. She waits, staring at the group of stunned Rakghouls with her lightsaber poised and ready.
>"Lieutenant. You and Sunset go retrieve Professor Twilight and the others. Macintosh and I will deal with the Rakghouls. Make haste."
>You and Applejack look at each other for a moment before turning around to face the large bulkhead door that leads to the innermost engine room.
>"You got it, Master Maud! Come on Sunset!"
>You and Applejack run toward the bulkhead as fast as you can.
>Applejack runs to the terminal on the left and hits a few buttons while you turn around to shoot at the Rakghouls getting to their feet.
>They screech and roar again as they charge toward Maud and Big Mac.
>Big Mac lets out a war cry of his own as he fires his minigun again at the monsters.
>A few seconds later, the bulkhead behind you rumbles and creaks open.
>"We're in! Come on!"
>You turn around and follow Applejack inside.
>This room is huge. The largest you've seen on this ship yet.
>You walk onto a large balcony that overlooks the entire back side of one of the engines. Both the floor and ceiling are about a hundred feet up or down, respectively.
>The engine's reactors are still active, making it very loud in here.
>You face the massive engine for a moment before turning right and following the walkway.
>Up ahead, you see a relatively small room that extends outward and overlooks the entire room.
>Beyond the few cracked glass windows, you see a Republic soldier, three scientists, and a large white Wookie looking back at you.
>"There's Twilight and Angel!"
>One of the scientists moves over to the door and opens it. "Applejack! You're here!"
>You slow to a stop while Applejack keeps running toward her friend.
>"Twilight, I'm so glad you're safe! We were worried sick!"
>Twilight runs out and meets Applejack to give her a hug, laughing and crying the entire time.
>"It's such a relief to have you here, Applejack! I thought we weren't going to make it out of here alive!"
>The other two scientists, the soldier and the Wookie all run out to join Twilight as well.
>After a moment or two of hugging, they move away from each other and Twilight turns to you.
>"And... you must be one of the Mandalorians, right?"
You nod at her. "Sunset."
>You now get your first good look at her. She's a purple Twi'lek, she's got a noticeable bruise on her head, and she's a bit shorter than you.
>She sighs and smiles at you. "Well, thank you, Sunset... We would all be goners if-"
>The ship's intercom cuts her off and you all look around for a second before Twilight's smile fades immediately and she stares at you.
>Anon just activated the ship's self-destruct.
"Don't thank me just yet..."
>He's not gonna just blow the ship now, is he?!
You quickly activate your comms. "Anon!"
>He talks frantically in your ear. "I'm setting a timer! Where are you?!"
"We just reached engineering! Maud helped us when we got to Twilight and we're just about to head back to the ship!"
>"How much time do we have? Uh... Twenty-five minutes. That should be good."
>Suddenly, all the lights in the room go out and parts of the engine quickly power down, the loud humming quieting with a whir.
>A second later, the humming whirs back up again and the lights come back on. Now, however, the lights are flashing red and an alarm is blaring with it.
>The whirring in the room slowly rises in pitch as the engine core begins working harder.
>"Get back to the ship as fast as you can! I'll meet you there!"
>Your comms cut and you whip around to face the group.
"We need to move! Now! Come on!"
>You turn around and run back to the doorway.
>From behind, you hear everyone's footsteps as they begin running after you as well.
>You make a left and lead everyone out of the engine room, meeting Maud and Big Mac where you left them, surrounded by dead Rakghouls.
>Maud turns around and runs into the doorway she came from. "Everyone, this way!"
>You all take off running after her.
>The lights in the corridors and hallways ahead flash red as the alarm continues blaring on and off.
>Your comms activate again and Anon's voice comes on. "Sunset, stay sharp. All the doors in the ship are oopen now, so expect some trouble."
>Probably a safety precaution.
>Your comms shut off again and you continue following Maud down the corridor.
>You sprint ahead so you're right behind her.
"Why did you come to save us?!"
>"Anonymous instructed me to provide support if I could. He said he would lock down his ship remotely to keep Fluttershy and Nurse Redheart safe."
>That's thoughtful.
>You dont say anything, but you continue to run.
>Maud makes a few lefts and rights until you reach the main hallway once again.
>She leads you toward a damaged door that's been sealed shut and she thrusts her hand forward.
>The Force makes the door collapse backwards and you all proceed through it as fast as possible.
>Upon entering, you see a Rakghoul on the left just ahead.
>It screeches and begins to charge toward you all.
>You're just about to grab your blaster when Maud thrusts her hand forward again and hurls the Rakghoul back against the corner of the wall.
>It hits the wall with its back, breaking it with a disgustingly loud crack and it falls to the floor.
>Maud leads you down a right hallway that extends for a long ways.
>She puts her hand to her ear and activates her comms.
>"Fluttershy, be ready. We're almost there." She looks back to you. "Can you unlock the ship?"
>You go to your gauntlet and press a button, remotely unlocking the ship.
>You continue running for a bit further until Maud leads you left.
>Up ahead, you see the light from the hangar and a sense of complete joy comes over you.
"We did it!"
>"We're here!"
>As you run through the doorway however, your comms turn on and your happiness immediately vanishes as you hear Anon's voice.
>"S-S-Suns.... S-Sunset! H-H-Help m-me!"
>Your eyes go wide in horror as you skid to a stop.
"Anon?! What?! What is it?!"
>"I-I-I... I w-was... I g-got bit...
>"I-I-I... I d-don't... d-don't have... H-Hurry... P-Please..."
"No! NO NO NO NO NO!! Oh my gosh! Anon! Stay with me!"
>You hear him breathe hard and fast as he continues mumbling shakilly in his comms.
>You start to hyperventallate and panic as you look back in the hallway you just came from.
>You keep him on your comms and sprint back down the corridor.
>"Sunset wait!!"
>You ignore whoever that was and just run as fast as you can.
"Where are you Anon?!"
>"Uuugh... I... Iwas..."
"Anon focus! Don't you dare die on me! Don't you fucking dare!"
>He groans and murmurs some more as you reach the end of the corridor.
>"M-Med... M-Medic-cal... C-Cen...ter..."
>The Medical Center.
>You turn left and sprint down the hallway as fast as you can.
>You retrace your steps from when the Rakghouls chased you down here before and continue toward the main hallway.
You contact Twilight and Fluttershy. "Anon's been bitten by a Rakghoul!"
>You hear a collective gasp over your comms. "Oh no!"
"How long does he have?!"
>"Uh... We don't know for sure, but it could be minutes!"
>"His heart will be pumping the venom through his veins faster if it's beating quickly!"
>That probably wont slow down any time soon.
"How long before the serum takes hold after he gets it?! I've got it with me!"
>Twilight and Fluttershy stammer over your comms for a moment before Twilight speaks up.
>"Well, if he's staying still, the serum will counteract the venom faster, but if he's moving, there's still a chance that he'll change, even if the serum has been administered!"
>You need to move him to get back to the ship!
>You hang a right and continue running toward the main hallway.
"He needs to buy himself time then! What can I do, or what can he do!? Anything!"
>"The only option I can suggest is that you remove the limb, Sunset..."
>You gasp as her words hit you.
>He's going to have to remove his own hand? Shit...
"So... his hand, huh?"
>Twilight gulps and clears her throat before answering.
>"At this point, your best option would probably be to remove his entire arm..."
>You stay silent as you ponder the reality of the situation.
>Twilight continues "...The injection point will be severed and it will slow down the transformation long enough to have the serum take effect while you get back here."
>You do nothing but think for a bit longer as you run.
>Finally, you contact Anon again.
"Anon? Did you get that?"

>Your entire forearm is stinging like hell.
>The pain... The agonizing pain is unbearable...
>What's happening? What's going on?
>There's... a voice... Like, a little voice inside your head...
>It's minor, but it's angry...
>And it's getting bigger.
>How long has it been?
>Been since what?
>You don't know...
>Probably best not to think about it... You should just sleep...
>There's another voice now... It's in your ear...
>It's... familiar...
>You don't like it...
>But you do... You do like it...
>"..non...ake up...Anon!"
>It's her...
>Your eyes shoot open and you take a quick breath as you see the familiar shape of Sunset's helmet directly over you.
>"Anon! Oh thank the Force! Anon!"
>You see as she reaches for something and pulls out a small green vial...
>What is that?
>That's right, it's the serum!
>You just mumble and breathe shakily as your vision fades in and out.
>You think you see her do something to it, but you aren't sure... It's all fuzzy...
>You feel her grab your cheeks and squeeze as she lifts your chin up.
>You feel a pinch in your neck followed by a burning sensation that begins to work its way through your nerves and veins.
>You groan again as the burning reaches the back of your head. The angry voice begins to slowly fade and you start remembering everything that happened again.
>The ship, Mandalore, Sunset, the Rakghouls...
>The Rakghouls...
>That's right, you were bitten!
>Sunset just saved your life.
"Sus... Sunset... Y-You..."
>"Anon, listen to me. I need you to lay down and hold your arm out for me, okay?"
>Your arm?
>The one that was bitten?
>Sunset pushes you down to the ground and lays your infected arm out to the side.
>Your senses start returning and you feel your body begin to work again, but you're still way out of it.
>Your arm still kills too.
>Just then, you hear a crack, followed by a loud hum and everything goes all red.
>Your eyes focus enough to see Sunset looking down at you, holding a red lightsaber... Your lightsaber....
>It comes down next to you.
>Suddenly, the pain in your arm intensifies one thousandfold.
>Your senses are definitely awake now as you grip your left arm.
>Or, at least you try to...
>You look over to see your left arm on the ground and you command it to get up and away from the lightsaber, but it doesn't move.
>It's only then that you notice that it inst connected to anything anymore and the realization sets in.
>Your breathing quickens and you hold your left side tight.
>Sunset gets down and grabs your cheeks, forcing you to look at her.
>"Anon, I need you to focus! You have to stand up now! We have to leave NOW!"
>You keep panting as you stare back at her.
"L... Leave... Right... O-Okay..."
>She grabs you by the right arm and hoists you up.
>You look down at your legs... You have legs... Do they work?


>You frantically try to get Anon back to his feet.
>It's quite the process. He's gone into shock.
>You cut off his arm...
>You feel absolutely horrible, but you fight back your feelings and try to focus.
>You made sure that his lightsaber was on your belt and you grunt as you hoist him up.
"Come on Anon... Work with me here!"
>You feel the ship boom and rumble beneath your feet as the ship's engine cores begin to exhaust themselves.
>Finally, you get him up and he leans against you.
"You okay?! You good?! Can you stand?!"
>He gives a few more shaky breaths, but he nods.
>"Y-Yeah... I'm... I'm okay..."
>You release him for a moment and bend down to grab his discarded helmet.
>You put it on his head and lock it in place.
"Come on, Anon! Use those legs and let's get back to the ship!"'
>You tug and pull him along, making him nearly fall down, but he catches himself and begins to slowly move his legs to keep up with you.
>You lead him back into the hallway you came in from and proceed back down the darkened corridor once again.
>It's a grueling process and you're moving so much slower than you'd like to, but you keep on going.

>You walk down the hallway as fast as you can and turn left.
>The ship rumbles and creaks once again and you both lean up against wall to support yourselves.
>You grunt and push off the wall, dragging Anon along with you.
"Come on! We'll make it!"
>"Yeah... Yeah we will..."
>He's starting to snap out of it.
>He moves his legs faster alongside you and you lead yourselves back toward the hangar.
>Twilight comes on through your comms. "Sunset! Where are you?!"
>You make another right followed by a left as you continue.
"Nearly there! Start up the ship!"
>You and Anon continue running down the corridors as fast as you can go.
>You see sparks fly around you as something explodes just ahead, but you push through it.
>You finally reach the hallway that leads back to the hangar.
"Almost there... Almost there..."
>You're panting hard and your legs are killing you from all this running, but you press onward.
>Anon is now awake enough to pull most of his own weight and he runs alongside you, still gripping his left side.
>Everything inside the hangar is rumbling and creaking. Support beams fall from the ceiling and onto the ground beside you as you run out the doorway and toward your ship.
>You both run to the exit ramp as fast as you can and see Applejack standing there.
>"Come on!"

>The lights in the hangar flicker on and off for a bit until they burst and shower the hangar in sparks.
>Applejack runs off the ship to meet you both and pull you aboard.
>You practically throw Anon on board and collapse onto the ground next to him.
"Go! Get us out of here! Now!"
>The ship whirs to life and hovers off the ground.
>The exit ramp slowly shuts behind you and you remove your helmet, dropping it on the floor next to Anon, both of you panting hard.
>Once the ramp is completely shut, you hang on as the ship flies out of the hangar and back into Mandalorian Space.
>Seconds later, you hear the loud boom as the cruiser's engine cores overheat and explode in a massive fireball.
>You stay still, panting hard as you roll onto your back on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.
"We did it... We're alive..."
>Redheart and Fluttershy come over and help Anon to his feet as they lead him into the makeshift medical bay in the main hold.
>Fluttershy looks back at you. "Are you going to be okay Sunset?"
>You just nod at her, but you don't get up.
"Y-Yeah... I'm fine..."
>No you're not.
>You know you needed to do it, but you hate yourself for cutting his arm off.
>His whole arm...
>So many thoughts and feelings are spinning through your head right now...
>You just need to rest for a while...
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Alright, that's it for today guys. More to come soon.

Loved it
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stop dying
There is no death. There is the force.
This might be the thirtieth time someone bumped with that
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This is a big thread
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Will likely have more Inquisitor Anon in a few hours m80s
I've been writing, so I should have an update over the weekend.

Does anyone have the other two?
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I have the Aria pic right here, don't think I saved the Adagio one unfortunately.
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Inquisitor Anon continues!

>You and Luna threw your weight against one another as your sabers locked together, the light from your struggle nearly lighting up the entire chamber
>Then in an instant, the two of you broke apart and pointed your sabers at one another as you both stood just out of each other’s reach
>You stepped forward and quickly thrust your red saber at her chest, only for her to parry it aside with her blue saber and stab at you
>You sidestepped her strike with surprising speed and attempted to encircle around her, only for her to match your movements
>You and her circled one another, exchanging a series of quick strikes that you both managed to parry or dodge with seemingly little effort
>Despite having no clear advantage over her, you found yourself smirking at her and just barely suppressing a laugh as she coldly glared at you
>You idly thought that from a glance, your duel might have looked much like a perfectly choreographed dance
>You were absolutely delighted to finally find an opponent whose Makashi style matched, or perhaps even surpassed your own
>In your eagerness, you decided to more thoroughly test her defenses
>After making a complete circle around one another, you charged forward with your saber, unleashing a flurry of stabs mixed in with various feints designed to throw off her off
>You pushed her back several steps, yet she parried aside all your strikes and did not fall for any of your feints
>Her perceptive grasp over your style was amazingly accurate, but you believed that in the midst of her focus she had neglected her surroundings
>With each step you forced her back, she was pushed closer to the edge of the broken bridge
>You relished to see just how well she could defend against you when she had no room to manuever
>However, just when you thought you had her cornered she surprised you
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>Shifting backwards, Luna took to the air and summersaulted over the ledge
>Your eyes widened in shock as you ran to the side and saw her plummeting downwards through the dark abyss
>You grit your teeth and shouted downwards
“You can't escape!”
>You shut off your saber and dived off the edge of the bridge after her
>Your black cloak billowed as your body hurtled through the chasm, the cold wind pelting your face
>It became darker the further you fell, but your target remained clear
>Luna’s blue saber shone out through the darkness like a beacon, calling to you as she fell
>Keeping your body straight, you pushed yourself toward her with the Force and bolted through the chasm
>Few thoughts of self-preservation clouded your mind as you closed in on your prey
>Just as you approached Luna, you reignited your saber and viciously swung at her
>Luna cried out in shock as the tip of your saber landed a glancing blow against her obsidian armor’s shoulder pauldron
>Hastily knocking your saber aside with her own, she blasted you back with the Force
>Twisting through the air, you barely managed to right yourself in time to see the ground rushing up to meet you
>Swinging an open palm at the ground, you pushed off of the floor with the Force as hard as you could, narrowly converting a meteoric impact into a rough landing
>You tossed your head back and glared as Luna’s bright blue blur rushed to the ground ahead of you, only to slow down considerably as she gracefully landed on her feet
>She stoically scowled at you as she stretched her arm and brushed a hand against her shoulder
>This display elicited a coarse laugh from you
“Why are you so gloomy? I can’t possibly be the only one enjoying this!”
>”I can see the Dark Side has thoroughly addled your mind.”
>You stared at her gleefully before glancing around at your new surroundings
>The bottom floor of this chasm had a huge amount of rubble lying about it, but in a more prosperous time you imagined it was quite grand
>Cracked up statues of ancient Jedi Knights were strewn about, and a number of burnt out torches lined the walls
>You could just barely make out a few series of words etched into the ground above smooth stone slabs
>After looking about for a few moments, you were infected once more with a coarse laughter
“A graveyard! How fitting, perhaps if we looked hard enough we could find a tombstone with you name on it.”
>Luna scoffed as she stepped forward whilst pointing her saber at you
>”Death holds no power over me Inquisitor. Can you say the same?”
>You grinned as the two of you approached each other
'There is no death, there is only the Force.’
>Your jaw dropped as those old words resurfaced in your mind
>They were the words of a true Jedi, the greatest you had ever known
“No, not now…”
>You anxiously stepped back as Luna closed in on you
>She let loose a series of fast strikes that you struggled to defend against
>You parried aside several blows as she forced you back across the chamber
>In the midst of your harrowing state of mind, it was all you could do to maintain your defensive posture and turn aside her attacks
>Then, as if it were happening in slow motion, you raised your saber up to parry a thrust that never came
>She feinted a blow against your side, turning it into a saber thrust to your face
>You leaned your body back, and not a moment too soon, as the saber flew just past your face and narrowly missed skewering your head
>Knocking her saber aside, you hurriedly ran back and put some distance between the two of you
>Luna eyed you coldly as she stood with her saber raised high
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>Luna was not about to give you a chance to recover
>She raised up a closed fist to you, and you watched as a number of tiles and stones rose up from the ground and hovered around her
>Releasing her fist, the tiles and stones began to fly towards you
>You raised up your saber and slashed a stone, which exploded into dust
>You weaved your saber through the air as you charged her
>Another stone exploded against your saber, while one stone crashed against your chest and another against your thigh
>Your Stormtrooper armor absorbed much of the impact, but they served to slow your advance on her
>You growled at Luna as more of this debris flew your way, your growing frustration blinding you to the danger you were in
>Just as you were preparing to sprint in and stab at her, a tile from the floor swooped your way
>You grunted in pain as the tile crashed against your forehead, stunning you
>You could feel blood dribble down your face as you clenched your eyes shut and stepped backwards
>You opened your eyes in time to see Luna’s blue saber flying towards you through the air
>Raising your saber up, you blocked the blow right before her saber could slice you in half
>The saber flew back into Luna’s hand as she ran out to you and rained another series of stabs at you
>With your head still dazed, it became even more difficult to keep up with her as you were forced back by her offensive
>Seeking to use her own tactic against her, you called upon a life-sized statue of a an ancient Jed Knight that loomed across the room and tossed it at her
>She grit her teeth as she sidestepped the statue and slashed it in two
>Hoping to catch her off guard while she dealt with your statue, you ran up from behind her and tried to stab her in the back
>Her upper body twisted to face you as she narrowly parried aside your lightsaber, which grazed across her armor
>You sneered at her as she glared at you, a single strand of her dark hair falling over her face
>As your anger grew, you began to strike at her with far greater ferocity
>She parried and blocked the first several blows you threw at her, but as your anger intensified so did your barrage
>You began to push her away as the two of you clashed, eventually forcing her to disengage entirely and retreat up a mound of rubble
>You refused to let up as you chased after her up the mound, only for her to immediately turn about and strike at you again
>You fought just as viciously as you did only a moment ago, but found that Luna was resisting your attacks with much greater ease
>You realized too late, as your two blades became interlocked, that by chasing her up the rubble you had indadvertedly given her the high ground
>You looked up in disgust as her saber slowly inched closer too you
>”This is a battle you CANNOT WIN!”
>In desperation you raised your hand up and clenched it into a fist
>Luna’s eyes widened as the breathe was choked out of her throat
“Shut up and DIE!”
>You grinned manically as your saber began to push back against hers, her stance slackening as you tightened your grip on her
>Just a little more pressure, and her neck would snap
>You could sense your victory close at hand, when Luna’s gaze darkened into a fierce look of defiance
>She swung her free hand through the air to you
>The rubble below your feet exploded as your body was jettisoned off of the mound
>Before you could so much as react, your back collided against another statue
>You gasped in pain as you tumbled to the ground along with the monument, dropping your lightsaber as the statue crashed to the floor
>You rose to your knees and grunted in pain
>Luna resumed her glaring as she stepped down from the mound of debris and slowly approached you
>You fiercely stared back at her as you forced your body to its feet
>”I will give you but one more chance Anonymous. Leave this place before I am forced to take your life!”
>You spat at the ground and called your lightsaber back into your hand
>Igniting it, you raised a hand at her and beckoned her forth
>Her eyes narrowed
>”So be it.”
>You both charged each other and exchanged blows
>Your anger was burning brighter with each strike that was thrown, and while she maintained a facade of calm you could sense that she was being pushed to the brink as well
>You were beyond determined to defeat Luna, or die trying
>Ducking under her wild saber thrust, you charged into her and slammed your head against her chin
>Jerking your head up and raising your saber high, you closed in for the kill
>Luna regained her composure and swung her saber at you
>Just as your sabers were about to connect, her lightsaber dissipated and she ducked to the side
>She swung at you as her saber reignited, but her swing seemingly missed as you stumbled past each other
>You saw another opening as you violently twisted about
>You lunged at her and ferociously stabbed your saber directly into her chest, your saber hilt slamming against her chest plate
>Her jaw dropped as you violently thrusted against her
>The two of you stayed fixed in place like this for several moments as you shoved your weight against her
>Luna’s scowl returned as she took a step back
>Your eyes widened in horror as you took a step back as well
>No more than a few seconds ago, Luna had disarmed you
>The top of your lightsaber had just been sliced off
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>You stood there in shock as you stared at what remained of your lightsaber in your hand
>You then felt the air get knocked out of your chest as Luna kicked you off your feet onto the cold stone floor
>You struggled to raise your body up as Luna blasted you across the ground with the Force, your body rolling away over the stones and graves
>Your wide eyes stared up at her as she approached you, her saber hanging low near the ground
>You lifted your upper body off the floor in time to see Luna raise her saber up to your chin
>Your heart raced as you shuffled away from her, placing your back up against a large pedestal that supported another Jedi’s statue
>Your anger had abandoned you, only your fear remained as she marched toward you like a specter of death
“I have failed.”
>You glowered up at Luna as she held her saber to your throat
>Tilting your head away from her, you stared forlornly at the various graves surrounding you
“You’ve… you've won Jedi, now get it over with.”
>As Luna raised her saber up, you forced yourself to look directly at her in one last show of strength
>Gritting your teeth, you awaited your foe to deliver your death
>Your heart threatened to burst as you glared at her, the realization of your failure and the fear of death overwhelming you
“DO IT!”
>At that, she swung her saber down at you and—
>She hesitated
>She dispersed her saber and stepped away from you
“What are you waiting for?!”
>”I am no executioner.”
>Your jaw dropped as she frowned at you
>”Goodbye Anonymous.”
>She turned her back to you and began to walk away
“Wait! Come back!”
>She walked off down a dark hallway, leaving you alone in the shadows of this graveyard
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>Luna was gone
>You picked yourself up off the ground and solemnly beheld the remains of your lightsaber in your hand
>You were so proud when you had built Predator, proclaiming that you would dedicate your life to destroying the Jedi with this very weapon
>Yet here it lied, broken in pieces, shattered after its first real taste of battle
>All that time you spent hunting Luna, all the blood you had spilt, the years of training…
“All for nothing.”
>You snarled as you tossed the remainder of the hilt aside and dropped to your knees in anguish
“Why didn’t you just kill me!?”
>Your heart ached as your body shook
>Memories of the past began to flood your mind as you recalled the pain you had inflicted on others and on yourself, and you wondered what was the point of it all
>Then, as you hit the lowest point in your life, you felt your mind fall under assault
>The graveyard and the temple disappeared as you gazed upon visions of the past
>Once again you witnessed the fall of the Jedi Order
>Countless Jedi fell before your very eyes
>Cut down in the heat of battle, murdered in their sleep, shot in the back
>The destruction of an entire age
>Then you saw a boy
>This boy whimpered on the ground as the galaxy collapsed around him
>And thne you saw her standing before him
>Outnumbered, outgunned, and unstoppable
>The clones were slaughtered en masse as Celestia cut them down one at a time
>Her skill with a lightsaber was perfected, her mastery of the Force unlike anything you had known, her bravery unparalleled
>Watching her protect the boy you once were was like looking upon the wrath of a vengeful goddess
>In your eyes, she was everything a Jedi was supposed to be
>She had the power to make a difference in people’s lives, and the power to protect the one’s she loved
>And then, it was all gone
>You returned to the ruins of a forgotten temple
>Surrounded by death and reeking of failure
>Your screams echoed throughout the temple as you cried out in rage
>Your course was clear
>Luna was out there, you could not let her escape
>You were no boy anymore, you were an Inquisitor
>A Dark Jedi molded by the Sith into a warrior
>You would not let fail again
>You stood up to your feet, your chest rising and falling with each breath you took
>The power of the Dark Side was coursing through your veins
“I need… a weapon…”
>You looked upon Predator’s remains, sighing as you looked upon your ruined lightsaber
“Goodbye friend….”
>You wondered what course of action you should take next
>Taking on Luna unarmed was foolhardy, even for you
>As you twisted about in the darkness, wracking your mind for an answer, it suddenly dawned upon you
>You looked over to the broken statue that Luna had tossed you against
>By its side, lied a massive stone block that had been placed in the ground
>Stomping over to it, you raised both your hands in the air
>Calling upon the Force, you slowly lifted up the giant stone slab and placed it aside as you gazed inside the grave
>No body remained, not even a skeleton
>What did remain was a simple brown cloak, and an ancient looking lightsaber
>You called the Lightsaber out from the grave and it slipped into your hand
>Dusting it off, you could see that the hilt was made almost entirely from a smooth stone material, like marble
>It was very simple in design, having little in the way of accessories or even any obvious way of turning it on
>You shook it about in your grasp
“How am I supposed to…”
>Closing your eyes, you focused on the saber with the power of the Force
>Suddenly a bright yellow beam shot out and illuminated the chamber in its radiant glow
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>You made your way up the chamber, rushing through various passages and corridors until you found yourself outside in a massive courtyard
>You quickened your pace as you heard blaster-fire and screams of pain in the distance
>Jumping up atop a stone terrace, you looked out and saw over a dozen stormtroopers strewn out across the ground, many of them missing limbs
>”s-Sir! Please help me!”
>You saw a stormtooper limp over to you, his left arm missing
“Taskforce Bravo I assume?”
>”m-Med Evac, please…”
>You narrowed your eyes
“Where’s the Jedi?”
>The wounded soldier pointed up at a raised terrace off in the distance before collapsing to the ground
>Sitting atop the terrace lied a red and white starfighter
>You sprinted off in its direction, coming across many more dead and wounded Stormtroopers as you closed in on your target
>With the starfighter in sight, you sprinted up the staircase past several more bodies
>You ascended to the very top of the terrace just as the starfighter began to take to the air
>You raised up your hands and grasped onto the starfighter before it could zoom away from the landing pad
>You struggled viciously to maintain your grip over it as it rolled about in the sky
>Tossing and turning in the sky, the starfighter twisted about and faced the landing pad
>Its blaster cannons fired upon the pad, knocking you to the ground and slackening your grip
>The starfighter sped away as it ascended into the sky
>Tearing out your comlink, you rose from the ground and shouted as you watched her slip away
>”I can see you Anon.”
>You heard the roar of more engines as several Lambda shuttles flew in over the horizon, accompanied by a squadron of TIE Fighters
>The TIEs zoomed overhead as they raced up into the atmosphere after Luna while the shuttles began to land across the courtyard
>You rushed toward one as it began to land directly in front of you
>You sprinted up the ramp as soon as it was lowered and made your way inside
>Flash stood up to greet you, but you nearly knocked him aside in your haste to reach the cockpit
>”Anon what’s—“
“The Jedi's escaping! Take us to the opposite side of the temple where I parked my starfighter. NOW!”
>Flash walked up to the cockpit by your side as the shuttle hastily took back to the air
>“I take it things didn’t go quite as planned?
>You scoffed at him
“I have everything under control.”
>”I’m sure you do. So where’s Midnight? Please tell me you two didn’t—“
“She went off after the padawan. We are still on speaking terms for the moment.”
>”What Padawan?”
>You sighed
“Twi’lek girl, lots of tattoos, good shot. Hard to miss."
>Flash shook his head and pointed his thumb back away from the cockpit
>”We need to talk.”
>You anxiously glanced back at the cockpit before following Flash down the shuttle
>He took off his helmet and scowled at you
>”What is about to go down between you and Midnight?”
“Hmph, once the Jedi are dealt with, then her and I can settle this."
>”Define ‘settle this’.”
>You smirked at Flash’s hardened expression
“You look worried.”
>He folded his arms over his chest
>”I’m going to be very upset if you two end up killing each other.”
“I’m touched, really I am, but I doubt it will come to that.”
>”You sure about—“
>The two of you looked toward the cockpit as the co-pilot stepped back
>”We’re just over your TIE sir!”
“Open the hatch and let me out!"
>You marched toward the exit hatch, Flash following close behind you
>”Shouldn’t Midnight be—“
“She’s off in her own little world at the moment, best not to bother her right now.”
>”What’s so special about this Padawan she’s after?”
“Midnight’s not interested in the Padawan, it’s what she thinks the Padawan has that interests her.”
>”What she has? What’s so valuable that Midnight would go to all this trouble just to keep us in the dark?”
>You absently patted the holocron in your cloak’s pocket, mindful of the dark energy emanating from it, as the hatch slowly opened before you
“I’ll explain when this is over. Wish me luck!”
>Flash rolled his eyes at you
>”May the Force be with you. Now go kill that Jedi already so we can get off this dirtball.”
>You chuckled and saluted him before hopping out of the hatch and dropping onto your ship
>Sliding inside the cockpit, you fired up your ship’s engines and quickly thrust yourself into the sky, zooming under the Lambda before it could clear away from the pad
>You sped up through the sky at full throttle, the whole ship shaking as you began to make your way through Alaris Prime’s atmosphere
“Get ready for Round 2 Luna!"
That's all I got for now! I hope you guys are enjoying it! I'm not sure when I'll have the next part ready, but expect plenty more action, close calls, and Dark Side shenanigans when it does come!

Also, continued feedback and criticism is appreciated!
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>get ready for round 2 Luna
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Is it Cheney approved?
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I really like where you're going with this, but I have one question.>>25430257
Where the hell did that second lightsaber come from? Was this a Jedi Graveyard or something?
> Jedi Graveyard or something?
Ah. Are you sure you didn't read his posts?
After looking back, I did find it. I didn't process that the statues were Jedi. Small details make big differences...
>Nearly 100 posts
>Only 22 unique posters
I'll give you a free bump and another poster to make you guys look good.
Glad to hear ya'll liked my last update. Next one won't likely be for kind of a while though.

Speaking of lightsabers, I'm actually pretty proud of how that little scene went down and I really like the design I came up with for Anon's new weapon.
>Old as fuck
>Hilt made of stone marble
>Symbolic color
>Took it from ancient grave

Aside from that though, I still haven't thought much about what Anon should name it. Would any of you guys have any suggestions for me?

Found in old temple filled with old marble statues.

I vote for Sentinel. But that's just me.
desu that's how the Sith Warrior in SWtoR finds his lightsaber.
Fuck I forgot about that, and I even played a Sith Warrior back in the day too

I could work with that.
I was actually imagining that the saber's original owner was a Jedi Sentinel cause of the yellow beam.

I figured in a way, an Inquisitor is like the inverse of a Jedi Sentinel. Instead of patrolling the Galaxy searching out and destroying the Dark Side, an Inquisitor patrols the Galaxy hunting the Light Side. That's why I figured Yellow would suit Anon. Also gave me an excuse to let him have something besides red like pretty much every other Darksider
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Goodnight bump
Currently writing bump.
Wooooo, hold there lassy...
What if Jedi are just unicorns in disguise and the Force is simply space magic?
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I don't want that.
What if the Force was actually caused by microscopic genetic material called Midichlorians?
What if none of it ever happened, and it was the fever dream of a dying slave named Annie.
Do any of these stories involve ponies, or is it all humanized?

I could read a decent force anon in Equestria story.
In pretty much all these stories except sepanon's, all pone characters are all species from the star wars universe
Wait, none of the stories are Anon in Equestria with the force?
Is this shit all eqg/humanized?
>Wait, none of the stories are Anon in Equestria with the force?

>Is this shit all eqg/humanized?

I share you disappointment.
Feel free to contribute. I personally tried one, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it.
If you start one, you may lay the path for more to come. If not, at least you get your ideas to people who would appreciate it.
we did have a CIS commander anon in equestria once
I would hardly call it humanized when many of the characters running around are members of various aliens species.
Looking back I realize now that Fluttershy would've made a perfect Ithorian

I wouldn't mind seeing more ponies though. I think one of the last stories that featured them was the Imperial Commando one, that took place pretty much entirely in Equestria. Not sure if it was finished though
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Writing is going pretty slow. Have to get the creative juices flowing again.

You two obviously haven't read any of the stories in the thread pastebin. If you had you would both know that there are stories with Anon in Equestria featuring Star Wars.
I admit the lack of those stories from Star Wars in the mlp universe is disappointing, but the writers do what they want. And what they want is to write stories featuring mlp characters in the Star War universe.
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Emergency bump.
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Wrong version brah
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Go post on fucking /tv/, this is not pony.
Obvious bait is obvious.

There's maybe 3 pony images in the thread and no pony discussion. This is off topic.
And yet you're still here.
If want a discussion so bad we'll make one.
Which species in the Star Wars universe best depicts your waifu?
Geonosian, Celestia
Zeltron, Pinkie Pie
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Pantoran, Rainbow Dash.
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What the fuck did I just watch.
Update coming later tonight. I promise.
I wondered why I couldn't find the thread in the catalog the other night.
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>mandos with light sabers

>that fucked up hand position on that light saber
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Let it begin. Again.

Part V (The Unseen Enemy)

> Be Anon

> It's been three days since your battle on Bothawui, and your fleet has just joined up with Master Cadence’s forces on Kashyyyk. You were told to prepare for imminent attack, and that you were to be a part of the Wonderbolts. The group led by Master Spitfire during the battle.
> That was all well and good, but you wanted to catch up with Twilight and Applejack. Unfortunately, Applejack had to depart before you got the chance to speak with her. You asked Twilight about the details, but she was only able to tell you that she and Master Scorpan were leaving for Nar Shadda.
> Apparently someone was hunting the Wookie populous and selling them into slavery. On top of that there was a turncoat in your midst. Offering help to the slaver, and possibly the Empire.
Fluttershy: “That’s terrible. I know Wookies aren’t the nicest species to be around, but actively hunting them. That’s just cruel.”
> “Slavers aren’t exactly known for their humanitarian values Fluttershy.”
Twilight: “Even so. The Wookies are going to have a hard time fighting back the Empire if they make it to the planet’s surface. It’s imperative that we prevent that from happening.”
> “Agreed. The Republic is running out of time to come back from this war. If we don’t stop the Empire here. Who knows what will happen.”
Twilight: “The Empire probably know that too. They’ll be throwing everything they have at us.”
> “Yeah, and trust me when I say that you’re both in for a rude awakening. The Sith I faced on Bothawui was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. We can’t hold anything back.”
Twilight: “What was she like? You said she’s fought my brother several times before, but what else can you tell us about her?”
> “Honestly, there’s only one word that comes to mind. A monster.
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> Shining Armor said that she has the ability to nullify a Jedi’s greatest strength, and make that power her own. When she did it to Master Redheart she was able to regenerate serious wounds with little to no effort at all.”
Twilight: “Then how are we supposed to defeat her?”
> “I don’t know. I guess we just have to rely on the masters for the time being. Until we can get strong enough to fight her ourselves.”
Fluttershy: “I think that’s for the best. We’d just get in the way if we tried anything now.”
> “Yeah, thankfully I don’t see us fighting her one-on-one this time around. If we can keep the battle in space we won’t have to worry about that at all. Which means we’ll be relying on you Twilight. Now that you’ve learned to use Battle Meditation.”
Twilight: “Yeah, well... I haven’t mastered using it... exactly.”
> “What do you mean?”
Twilight: “Since that time on Tython I haven’t been able to duplicate that feeling I got, and every time I try to think back to it I end up with nothing.”
Fluttershy: “I’m sorry Twilight. I know it can’t be easy, but I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it eventually.”
Twilight: “But I need to know now! The fate of the galaxy literally depends on it.”
> “Twilight.”
> You place your hand on her shoulder.
> “Whatever happens I want you to know that we’ll be here for you. Even if you can’t find the strength within yourself. Look to us, and believe in the friends that believe in you. Because if anyone can do this it’s you.”
Fluttershy: “Wow Anon. That was beautiful.”
Twilight: “Yeah, where did that come from?”
> “You think so? Heh, I guess I have my grandfather to thank for that. He always had these great sayings of wisdom that would make you feel better about yourself. I guess that part of him just rubbed off on me.”
Twilight: “Well regardless. Thank you. I’ll do my best.”
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> As the hours go by you spend your time in the hanger bay getting ready. Adjusting the power settings, testing the engines, checking the G-diffusers, recycling the shields. Everything you can think of.
Soarin: “Hey Anon got a sec?”
> You poke your head out from underneath the starfighter.
> “Sure what is it Soarin?”
Soarin: “I just wanted to tell you that if you find yourself in trouble out there don’t hesitate to call me. We’re bros. We’ve got each other’s back.”
> You can’t help but laugh at what he said.
Soarin: “Did I say something funny?”
> “No. It’s just that I told Twilight almost the exact same thing a little while ago. Only cooler and more mature sounding.”
Soarin: “You think so?”
> “I know so. If there’s one thing I know Soarin it’s how to be mature.”
> Soarin just snickers at you.
Soarin: “If you’re mature than I’m a blasted Jedi Master.”
> “A Jedi Master with his shoes untied.”
> He looks down, and sure enough his shoes are untied. Not only that, but they are tied to each other.
Soarin: “Very funny. What would have happened had I decided to take step forward?”
> “Well more than likely you would have face planted right into the port side of my starfighter here.”
Soarin: “A brilliant deduction oh wise one.”
> “Why thank you my dear flying jockey.”
> It was nice that you were able to take it easy in this time of crisis. Even though the galaxy was in peril it didn’t change who you were.
> Still, you knew it was important that you took this seriously, but not some much so that it prevented you from being yourself.
> You didn’t know if that would be the case for all your friends, but you would be sure to be there for them if they ever needed you.
> Then suddenly.
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???: “Attention. Enemy fleet has just come out of hyperspace. All personal man your battle stations.”
Soarin: “Guess that’s our cue.”
> “Wait Soarin.”
Soarin: “What is it?”
> “May the Force be with you.”
Soarin: “And you too Anon.”
> As soon as the siren went off the entire ship came alive. Pilots rushing to their fighters, gunners manning their turrets, and everyone else prepping for battle.
> Masters Shining Armor and Luna would be joining you in the firefight. While Master Cadence would remain on the bridge with Twilight to oversee the battle.
Spitfire: “Listen up boys and girls this is Bolt one ready for take off. All wing leaders check-in.”
Soarin: “Bolt two ready when you are master.”
??? “Bolt three standing by.”
SA: “Bolt four ready and waiting.”
> “Bolt five waiting for mother bird.”
Luna: “Bolt six standing at the ready.”
???: “Bolt seven standing by.”
???: “Bolt eight standing by.”
???: “Bolt nine standing by.”
???: “Bolt ten standing by.”
Cadence: “Good hunting out there everyone. May the Force be with you.”
Spitfire: “Thanks, you too. Alright fellow Wonderbolts today’s a good day to die, so let’s bring the thunder.”
Soarin: “Roger that.”
> You liked the sound of that. No wonder Soarin wanted to be her apprentice so much.
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> One by one the fighters leave their hangers. Gathering in groups of five with their respective wing leaders. The enemy fleet was just as large as the one on Bothawui. In fact, you think it’s the exact same one. If that’s the case then Darth Nihilus would be aboard one of those ships.
> Both fleets were roughly the same size. Meaning it was going to be a close battle.
Spitfire: “Tighten up everyone. Wait until we’re within range of their cannons before we-”
Cadence: “Bolt squadron we’re receiving a transmission from the planet. Chieftain Iron Will has just been assassinated.”
Soarin: “What!? How!?”
Cadence: “There was a bombing at his personal quarters.”
> Out of the corner of your eye you are able to see a Republic transport drifting through space. Slowly making it’s way towards the enemy fleet.
> “Master there’s a Republic transport out here. What are they doing?”
Cadence: “I don’t know. We’ve tried hailing them and we aren’t getting a response.”
Luna: “It is undoubtedly the traitor we’ve been looking for.”
SA: “Even if it is the coming battle is more important than capturing one spy.”
Spitfire: “He’s right. We can’t risk breaking formation. The first strike is the most important.”
Cadence: “Agreed. As long we keep their bombers away from the capital ships we will emerge victorious.”
Spitfire: “Roger that.”
> You sit there in silence as you continue watching the ship slowly crawl closer and closer to the enemy fleet. Before it docks with the capital ship. At the same time Sith fighters of all classes begin pouring out of all the enemy ships.
Spitfire: “Here they come.”
> Just then, everything you see becomes a flurry of red laser fire. With explosions taking place all around you.
> The comlink becomes overwhelmed with chatter. Superiors barking orders. Pleas of help from fellow squad mates. Screams of dying soldiers. All encompassed together.

> Be Darth Nihilus

> Aboard your personal flagship the Ferocious. In the middle of a meeting with the Dark Council.
> “I understand your concerns, but our losses at Bothawui were minimal. I shall be able take Kashyyyk without any assistance.”
??#1: “You still should have waited for us to come to that decision beforehand. You are commanding nearly seventy-five percent of our forces in that sector. Any losses you incur will have devastating repercussions.”
> “You should have more faith in me Lord Scath. I did liberate half of the Mid-Rim from the Republic by myself. Did I not?”
??#2: “Your accomplishments are not what concern us. It is your overconfidence that we wish to keep in check. It is true that you amassed great power in a short amount of time, but that does not put you above the Council’s decisions. As a member you should know this.”
> “But of course Lord Tercept. You speak as if I wish to overthrow the Empire itself.”
Tercept: “Do not try and fool us into believing you have not considered it.”
> You just chuckle to yourself.
> “You flatter me my lords. However, I know that such a task is out of even my capabilities.”
??#3: “Your honesty is noted. Still, the fact remains that you are taking a great and unnecessary risk.”
> “Who said I was doing it alone Lord Dross.”
Dross: “What?”
> “I placed a worm on Kashyyyk many years ago. Waiting for the perfect time to use it. That time has come, and it’s mission success is guaranteed.”
??#4: “One of your ‘experiments’ I presume. You place too much faith in those things for my liking.”
> “Do I sense a hint of jealousy Lord Alssla?”
Alssla: “Do not insult me! I am above using such weak tactics to win in battle.”
> “All tactics are viable in war my lord. To believe otherwise would be foolish.”
> She was going to burst at you again, but the opening of the blast doors behind you silences any comments.
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> “Did I not explicitly tell you that I was not to be disturbed admiral?”
???: “Yes my lord, but we have a single Republic transport attempting to hail us.”
> “Ah speak of the devil. My pet has returned to me. Allow them to land in the main hanger bay. You may also commence our attack. I shall join you shortly.”
???: “At once my lord.”
> After he leaves you are filled with a feeling of overwhelming joy.
> “Such marvelous things come to those who wait. My agent has successfully infiltrated the Republic’s defenses and effectively neutralized the great Chieftain Iron Will.”
Dross: “Impressive, but you still have the Republic fleet to contend with.”
> “Their power is nothing compared to the Dark Side. I shall use my Battle Meditation to invoke fear into our enemies hearts. Allowing my forces to kill them in droves.”
> “A fitting tactic for one so ‘weak’ such as myself.”
> Looking at Darth Alssla in your peripheral vision.
Tercept: “Then we shall not keep you. Contact us immediately once Kashyyyk has been taken.”
> “Of course.”
> The blue holograms slowly fizzle out. Leaving you in your private chambers alone. With darkness all around you. Such an invigorating feeling to be embraced by it.
> It’s siren song humming to you in the back of your mind. Telling you of things to come, and events that have already been. Such a gift was wasted on those unworthy of heeding it’s call.
> As you make your way to the hanger bay you witness the excitement of your troops hustling their way to their designated stations. Soaking in their emotions like a sponge. Fear, anger, hate, and the insatiable hunger to kill. It was intoxicating.
> Upon entering the massive hanger one starfighter after another flew through the deflector shields into the void of space. Until a single ship remained. The one you’ve been waiting for.
> A Republic transport with it’s boarding ramp lowered with a single person.
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> “Welcome home my child. Your mother is so happy to see you again. Congratulations on completing your mission.”
Roseluck: “Thank you mother. It is good to be home again.”
> “A rather interesting disguise you chose. Who was this female you took the place of?”
Roseluck: “Her name was Roseluck. A rather stern and strong woman. She put up quite a fight.”
> “I assume you tied up any loose ends.”
Roseluck: “Of course there’s nothing to worry about.”
> “Excellent, return to the hive. Your brothers and sisters are waiting for you.”
Roseluck: “Thank you mother.”
> With that said, the once beautiful woman in front begins to transform. Her red curls fall to the ground, her uniform vanishes into thin air, and her smooth pale skin turns into a mix of moldy brown and green.
> When it’s finally done a roughly five foot tall anthropomorphic Geonosian stands before you. Letting out a soft clicking noise through its nose.
> “Run along now. I be sure to come feed you personally afterwards.”
> The creature obeys and quickly makes it’s way through the ship.
> Such an incredible accomplishment. To be able to use your knowledge of the Dark Arts and a mixture of science you were able to create the perfect infiltration unit. You called them Changelings.
> Geonosians taken from their home and infused with the power of the Dark Side. Completely undetectable even for most Jedi, and the fact that you had hundreds of them seeded across the galaxy made the fact all the sweeter.
> It wouldn’t be long now before the entire galaxy was kneeling at your feet. At any time you could have your children tear down entire societies, infrastructures, planets even. All at the drop of a hat. It was good to be a queen.
> One day soon it will happen, and then you alone will be on top.
(Evil maniacal laughter)
> “All according to plan.”

See now you're just asking "What is your Star Wars race waifu?"

Just admit you have no pony content.
Well there you have it. The Battle for Kashyyyk is heating up, and the plot thickens with the reveal of the Dark Lords.

Tune in next time to see who will win the coming battle.
As always your comments on the story are greatly appreciated.
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I would just like to point out that these threads have been going on for almost a year, and just now is when you start complaining
Ayy imao fuccboi. U so mad brah u can't have it a pussi cyka.
Why are you fags taking the bait?
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Basically, an excuse to bump, I guess.
Doing well m8, looking forward to the big space battle

I'm guessing the Unseen Enemy title is either a reference to the Changelings or Flash
Fluttershy looks so concerned right now.
"What am I doing here? Why is this scary... thing holding me? EEP! It talked!"
Love you all
Guess who'll be posting green in the next hour or so?
So my power went out. I can't post without internet. Yeah... fucking weather
You Midwest too I'm guessing
good show old chap the public library is still up...
Not anymore it isn't. Besides, I had other things to do. Like candlelight homework.
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>mfw two possible writefriends might live somewhere within driving distance of you
I'm going to be writing and updating more of my story this weekend. I'm planning to finish this part up pretty quick and start a new "chapter" or "episode" (or whatever you want to call it; different pastebin link either way) that continues the adventure.
I want to introduce more characters in this next part. I've got a bunch of plans for more secondary characters, but as far as main characters go, I've already got a great idea for what I want for Pinkie Pie, and a good role for Rainbow Dash is impossible to figure out because she's terrible in every single way. This is an undisputed and unobjectionable fact. Maybe I should make her a Gungan...No, but seriously, any suggestions for her would be helpful.
I also want to put more focus on Anon being a grey area character who is loyal to himself first, and then to whoever is richest next. I want him to do good stuff, and I want him to do bad stuff too.

How's everyone liking Bounty Hunter Anon so far? Did my long break away from writing ruin the excitement (if there was any)? What would make it more exciting?
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Rainbow Dash could be a smuggler, spice runner, pod/swoop bike racer, mercenary. In terms of species you could go Pantoran, Chiss, Togruta, Falleen, or even a Twi'lek.
If I had more to go on I'd be able to help you out more.
Also, Don't talk shit about my waifu.
Sorry. These facts and opinions look so similar.
I was thinking something like that as well. A swoop bike racer was the first idea I had, but because she's so versatile, a bunch of other ideas for her popped into my head afterward that also seemed perfect. It's that classic scenario where any option would be perfect, no matter which one I chose, but regardless, I still can't decide.
She could really have almost any role in the Star Wars universe, and I could find a way to tie it into the plot somehow.
I think she'd look pretty good as a Togruta.
Sounds good
I'm surprised no one's written Rainbow Dash yet as a fighter pilot yet. I could easily see dogfighting being her thing.
My thought process was with Churro. A fighterpilot could be slipped in, or you could make her another bounty hunter. A rival for Anon or Sunset maybe.
As for feedback, I finally am caught up with your story and I really like where it's going

Also my power is back, so I'm going to post things now.

>”Execute Blaster Deflection Simulation 4-6. Restriction: Signalled.”
>As the last sword droid falls to your training saber, you fly around and barely block the first shot that flies at you.
>It’s been six months of grueling training. You’ve already passed your first of three tests.
>Summoning your pent up anger to counter your exhaustion, you assume a sturdy soresu barrier against the droid’s barrage.
>You feel a slight ripple in the force as Pandem waves his hand to the side.
>Your legs are thrown to the side and you start falling to the side.
>Switching your saber to your left hand, you block another shot. You catch yourself on your right hand and swiftly throw yourself upright.
>”Good, good.” Pandem says with a satisfied tone. “Restrictions removed.”
>Upon hearing this, you leap into action. Switching from Soresu to a more offensive Shien, you send the next shot back at the droid that shot it.
>The droid deactivates and falls to the ground.
>You chop down and deflect shots until all four droids are on the ground, deactivated.
>You hold a ready stance for a second, waiting for something else to jump at you. After waiting for a moment to confirm you’re safe, your arms fall to your side and you nearly collapse.
>Pandem folds his arms and says “Very good. Run three laps around the pyramid, then you can get a bite to eat and get some rest.”
>You bow and exit the room wordlessly. Your stomach growls angrily as you leave.
>This constitution training really takes it out of you. You wake up early and get a light breakfast, then you train for 18 hours straight, using nothing but the force and your own emotions to sustain yourself.
>Pandem says it’s important that you can rely on yourself and your skills, and that this training can fight off hunger, disease, and, so long as it isn’t built to screw up your senses, even drugs.
>You leave the the pyramid through the front doors and begin jogging.

>Between the sleep deprivation and the raw emotions you’ve been honing, it isn’t that difficult to push yourself as fast as you would normally jog. That time has steadily been decreasing as your training progresses.
>Your eyes catch the scare that goes diagonally across your right forearm.
>During your force kinetics training, you accidentally shattered a glass pane. A large short nearly took your arm off as it fell. Pandem never let you forget it, telling jokes like “That effort definitely won’t CUT it” and something about being glass half full.
>At least it set your mood for the day and made it easier to channel the force.
>You make it around the second time, and re-enter the pyramid. With your emotions pretty much used up and your body nearly to the point of collapse, you grab a bite to eat and head for bed.
>You wake up from a nice, calm sleep to a soft rapping on the door.
>One of Pandem’s servants enters the room with a large tray of food.
>”I apologize for waking you, but Lord Pandem is requesting your presence in an hour, and he wanted to make sure you were well fed beforehand.”
>You will indeed be well fed. The platter has a large plate of scrambled eggs, a bowl of cereal, some fruit, and some juice.
>You scowl in suspicion. This isn’t like Pandem. One of his lessons was “be wary of the unordinary”.
>The servant notices your hesitation, and says nervously “Lord Pandem said that you must be well fed for your next test.”
>Wait what. “I thought my test isn’t until next week.”
>”I know, my lord; however, Lord Pandem said that there was a change in plans. He didn’t say much in detail, though he did say he would tell you in person. Will all due respect, it doesn’t really matter why seeing as he is still requesting your presence.”
>You scowl again. This servant doesn’t seem to know his place.

>Before you can continue down this thought process, your stomach quakes again.
>Maybe some food isn’t bad after all…
>You dismiss the servant and shovel down your food, enjoying the sweet fruit and the well prepared eggs.
>After you finish your meal, you call the servant back and give him the platter. With a bow, he leaves.
>Now that you’re stomach is full, you begin your walk to the courtyard in the middle of the estate, where Pandem is awaiting your arrival.
>You leave the pyramid and find yourself in the middle of a classic Dromund Kaas thunderstorm. Bolts of lightning split the sky overhead, and rain pours through the environmental shield.
>You always wondered why the rain could get through. It can’t take that much more energy to force the rain to just roll down the shield, could it?
>Ahead of you, sitting near the pond that surrounds the shield generator, Pandem meditates.
>Without breaking his meditation, he invites you to sit. As you do, he begins speaking.
>”I apologize for the change in schedule, but an opportunity arose for you to begin the third phase of your training early. First, let’s start easy. What is the rarest part of a lightsaber, the hardest to find?”
>Easy question. The knowledge you studied under Pandem’s tutelage taught you many things, from types to species and planets to history to technology. This includes lightsabers.
>“The crystal that makes the heart of the blade. It can only be grown in very specific conditions in areas powerful in the force. It can also be made, if the smelter is skilled enough.”
>”And if they are strong enough in the force to guide the process” Pandem corrects. “Now, what makes a lightsaber different from any other weapon in the galaxy?”
>”It can pierce most defences, and each one is unique to the builder. It also has a psychological aspect to it, seeing as only force users carry them around.” Where is he going with this?

>”Exactly.” He opens his eyes and stands up. You follow suit.
>”Hold out your training saber.” He says with a motion of his hand. You hold it out and he takes it.
>”This is little more than an over glorified stick.” Pandem says as he drags it along the ground, showing it’s lack of power.
>”This,” he continues as he pulls out his lightsaber, “is a real weapon.” He activates the twin crimson blades. “A tool that conjures fear in my enemies and competitors alike. Now, it is time for you to make yours.”
>Really? Already? You thought it was going to be at least a week before this. Projecting an outward calm, you try to keep your excitement from bubbling over.
>”Thank you, master. When do I leave?”
>”My associate will be landing shortly. You won’t be flying Imperial ships this time, seeing as Ilum is in conflict right now.”
>This strikes you as odd. “Why not just make my own crystal, like most of the Sith do?”
>”To put it simply, timing. It takes a week to learn specifically how to forge red crystals, and then another week to actually make one. Mistakes are easy to make and very time consuming to fix.”
>Alright, fair enough.
>Of in the distance, you hear a noise. The humming of ship engines.
>A ship phases through the shields near the landing pads, and sets down on one of the unoccupied ones. It is clearly a D5-Mantis ship, a notorious favorite among mandalorians and bounty hunters.
>Pandem motions for you to follow him. “Let's not keep our guest waiting.”
>As you near the landing pads you can see the ramp of the ship lowering. Out from the belly of the beast steps a lone mandalorian female.
>Her armor is a dark grey. Stripes of red line the ‘T’ shaped visor, as well as the plates on the shoulders, elbows, and knees. Yellow paint trims the armor. On her chest plate lies a crest of some sort. It looks like a sun, with a red and yellow yin-yang in the center and red and yellow rays.

>Pandem gives her a polite bow in greetings. “Welcome to my estate, mandalorian. I’m assuming your journey went well?”
>”As well as it always goes.” She says in a slightly robotic voice. Must be the helmet.
>Her head turns slightly towards you. “This my cargo? Huh. Doesn’t really look like much, does he?”
>You narrow your eyes at her. What is she implying?
>Pandem says “You’re right. He isn’t anything worth noting. Yet. He does have some of the greatest potential I’ve seen in years though, and that potential needs to be honed. Hense why he needs to get to Ilum.”
>She points at Pandem. “You’re just lucky I already have business there. Do you realize how far Ilum is off the beaten path?”
>”Well, I am giving you a decent payment, and I’m resupplying your ship as we speak. A little bonus, if you will.”
>”Hmmm…” The sound comes out staticy as the helmet tries to pick up the quiet noise. “Either way, I’m setting off as soon as my ship is refueled.” Pointing to you, she says “Get on board, and don’t touch anything, ok?”
>She reenters the ship. You sit there in irritation. Turning to Pandem you say “Why her? Is she always like this?”
>Pandem chuckles. “You’re lucky she’s speaking with you instead of gazing at you through a scope.”
>He continues on. “Clan Shimmer has been a very good aid to my various plans, mostly thanks to that woman you just met. She is considered one of the best hunters in the galaxy, and is the heir to the clan’s leader.”
>Well, if there is anything you learned from Pandem, it’s know who and who not to piss off. For your sake, you’d better put up with her.
>Pandem turns to you and says “Now remember, don’t be seen. Get in, find the crystal, get out. You won’t have any backup. Sith don’t fail.”
>You nod, and turn towards the Mantis. Time to get yourself a crystal.

>As you exit the ramp and ascend the stairs, you notice that this ship is more industrial than the imperial ships you’ve been on. Seeing the difference in buyers, this makes perfect sense.
>Instead of a meditation room, you see a cage formed by a shield wall of some kind. The bottom levels include an engine room, while the upper levels are where most of the crew occupy. You continue your way to the cockpit.
>You find the mandalorian waiting for you in the pilot’s seat, legs crossed and arms folded.
>Her helmet crackles slightly as she says “Now that you’re here, take a seat. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.”
>Not really waiting for you, she spins around and starts hitting buttons. You manage to grab a seat near a console as the begins taking off.
>The ship rumbles as it rises. You pass though the energy shield and fly off through the slowly calming thunderclouds.
>The atmosphere begins to thin and the dark, dreary sky fades to black. You sit there, bored as your pilot flies further away and jumps into hyperspace.
>She puts her heavily armored feet up on the terminal and turns her head toward you. “So, why is a young dar'jetii like yourself going to a wasteland like Ilum alone? It isn’t a place for the inexperienced.
>The question kind of surprised you. She didn’t seem to be the type for conversation.
>”Darth Pandem didn’t tell you? I’m retrieving my lightsaber crystal. What what does dar’jetii mean?”
>”It means ‘no longer a Jedi’; basically a Sith. Seeing as you aren’t a Jedi, then you’re a Sith.”
>Well, that’s a pretty black and white view of things.
>”It’ll be a few hours before we reach Ilum. Downstairs, first room on the left if you want.”
>You see no point in sitting around, so you may as well meditate. You’ll need to prepare yourself for Ilum.

>Leaving the cockpit and walking down the industrial stairs, you walk down the hallway she mentioned. The first room on the left is a room filled with bunks, so you assume this is what she meant.
>You sit in the middle of the room and assume your meditation stance. You sit and relax your body before retreating into your mind.
>You haven’t had any visions since your first day on Dromund Kaas, but you still feel anxious as you meditate. Shaking this off, you start to focus your emotions.
>Pandem explained why meditation is important. Unlike Jedi meditation, which centers oneself and stagnate one’s powers, the Sith use meditation to hone themselves.
>Within the dark corners of your mind, your conscious rests in the midst of a mist. You can see your anger. Your fear. Your joy. Your sorrow.
>You have learned that every emotion is fuel for your internal fire. Emotions are what illuminate the force, what make it change and improve.
>You take this cloud of emotions and bring it closer. In order to use it, you must embrace it.
>You sense snippets of memories, linked to these emotions.
>The anger you felt from Shining Armor’s apathy to the Balmorrians.
>The fear you felt when the factory exploded and you first met Pandem.
>The joy you felt with your friends before the war became so real.
>The sorrow you felt when you had to leave it all behind to protect them.
>You begin to spin it around you like a twister. The past distracts; the future is distant. The present is what matters.
>Like a blacksmith at his forge, you bring the swirling clouds into your hands. As it swirls around and around, it begins to funnel into a sphere.
>You grip it, focusing it into a mental weapon. A blade. A lightsaber.
>Still, one thing is missing.
>The crystal. Your blade is missing it’s heart.
>You begin to use your honed emotions to form the heart when you feel something tugging at your conscious.

>Returning to the ship, you hear a beeping. Your eyes open.
>The intercom in the room flashes for a second, and a click signals it’s connection.
>”Come back up to the bridge, we’re about to come out of hyperspace.”
>You sigh, irritated that you couldn’t finish your meditation. “I’ll be right there.”
>At least you feel slightly reinvigorated.
>You stand up and leave the room, ready to face the challenge ahead.
>Leaving the room, you navigate your way up to the cockpit. You pick a seat and wait for Ilum to appear in your view.
>The blue of hyperspace melts away and is replaced by black void speckled with stars. Ahead of you is a cold, white ball that must be Ilum.
>”I’ll drop you off as close to these caves as I can, but the mountainous terrain makes it hard to land too close. Combine this with the fact that this is contested Republic territory, you’ll end up walking a little over a kilometer to the cave entrance.”
>You turn to her. Your training included intergalactic geography, and she was right when she said Ilum was a wasteland. “Are you sure you can’t land any closer? Even a relatively short distance like that can be deadly, and the terrain only makes it more difficult.”
>She sits there silently for a moment, then sighs. “Ok, I’ll see what I can do. Just remember that I have business here too.”
>You exhale as she starts descending. Hopefully she can shed a few hundred meters off the distance.
>The ship breaks atmosphere and continues to the surface. The closer you get, the more you realize exactly how correct your data was on Ilum.
>The ground is covered in snow. Where there is none, rocky peaks jut out from the frozen landscape.
>The ship begins touching down in a clearing, sending up a mini blizzard as it settles down.
>The mandalorian gets up out of her chair and exits the cockpit. You get up and follow.

>She picks up a backpack and throws it to you. You catch it and nearly lose your breath. This thing weighs a ton!
>”Pandem had me prepare this for you. It has rations, a tent and sleeping bag for the cold, and a flare.”
>She picks up a heavy winter coat and throws it at you. “This is the jacket that goes with it.”
>You catch it and put down the backpack. She continues as you put it on.
>”I’ll pick you up here tomorrow. Use your comlink if you get done early or are going to be late, or use the distress beacon if you need a fast extraction. While I can land in front of the cave, every Republic ship will know about it and I don’t want two squadrons of fighters on my ass unnecessarily.”
>You look through your backpack and inspect all the gear you were given. Sure enough, it’s all there. You also find chemical heaters. Reading the instructions, all they need is to mix the two packets together and it’ll produce room temperature heat.
>”Oh, those? A personal addition.”
>You look up at her, grateful. “Thank you for these, Mandalorian Shimmer, and for finding a closer landing spot.”
>She chuckles. “Pandem pays me too well not to. Besides, I don’t get paid if you wind up dead. I do have a name though; call me Sunset. K'oyacyi!”
>You nod and gather your things. The landing ramp opens and you get a face full of sharp Ilum air.
>You walk out and put on the jacket’s face mask. The ramp retracts behind you.

>After you get a safe distance away, the ship begins taking off. You cover the exposed parts of your face as snow billows away from the landing point.
>The snow begins to settle and you take out your datapad. You pull up the map of Ilum and set coordinates for the Crystal Caves.
>You also set a point here so you can find your way back.
>Your datapad loads for a little bit as it calculates your position, then creates a path to the caves. One boot in front of the other, you start walking through the snow.
>The wind is relatively calm, though small breezes feel like arctic razors cutting across your face. The snow isn’t too deep, though it still comes far enough up your legs to inhibit your progress.
>Just 500 meters to go… damn it.
>Just 100 meters to go… damn it.
>The cold is starting to affect you now. Your fingers are numb despite heavy gloves, your toes are numb despite heavy boots.
>The sun reflects of the snow like a mirror, creating a blinding surface of light over the cold snow. Too bad you don’t have shaded goggles.
>You hit a patch of ice and slip onto one knee. The movement throws up some snow and gets it into your face.
>You never should have come here. This desolate world is no place for someone like you. This is where Jedi train and search, not some kid who wants a lightsaber.
>Maybe you should turn back.
>No. Never!
>You call upon the force around you. This is no Dromund Kaas, but the force is still present and strong on this frozen wasteland.
>You feed your anger and desperation. You will not let an inanimate object beat you, even if you are a flake of snow among the blizzard.
>This flake won’t be tossed around.
>Feeling returns to your fingers and toes, and you feel a new strength fill your body.
>Putting one boot in front of the other, you stagger forward. Off in the distance, no more than a couple dozen meters ahead, is a cave entrance.

>You trudge through the snow to the entrance, the only darkness against the blinding light.
>As you cross through the entrance, you feel a presence wash over you. It was like moving from a dry desert to a humid jungle.
>This cave is rich in the force. Not like the shadowy tendrils of Dromund Kaas, but primal and untamed.
>You stow your datapad in your backpack. There’s no need for it; it can’t help you find your crystal anyway.
>You slowly walk down the passageway, your boots crunching on the snow and ice.
>The tunnel entrance slowly begins to broaden into a cavernous room. It’s fairly dark, so it’s hard to see details.
>You scan the walls for another branch further into the caves. You finally spot one. It is a tall opening, but it is covered with about 10 feet of icy debris.
>At least it’s in chunks so you can climb it.
>You start crossing the room when you hear a deep, animalistic moan.
>You freeze, scanning the room. Something is stirring off to your left.
>Whatever it is, it’ll have a hard time following you over the debris. You begin to slowly creep towards the inner passage.
>You hear something moving behind you. You have a strange feeling that you should…
>You throw yourself to the ground and roll to the side as a massive creature swats where you were just standing.
>You turn to look at the thing and quickly realize it’s a Gorgodon.
>It open’s it’s beaked mouth and howls at you. To your right you hear more howls in response.
>You walked right into their nest!
>You stand there, unarmed, as three more of the beasts start sulking towards you.
>Remembering your books, Gorgodon are strong and kill through suffocation. They are also practically invincible unless you have some heavy firepower or you aim for their necks.
>Those are no good. You’re unarmed. No fight; just flight.

>You turn tail and sprint to the exit. The beasts roar and charge after you.
>Tapping into the Force, you push yourself faster. The cavern is relatively small; only 20 meters wide in a more or less circular shape.
>You slowly push ahead of them.
>Come on, just a little further.
>Suddenly ahead of you you see another gorgodon emerge from a small den. It stands right in front of your path.
>Gritting your teeth, you push yourself faster.
>You can’t go through it. You can’t go around it.
>Why not go over?
>Channeling your panic and determination, you launch yourself into the air.
>The gorgodon whines in confusion as you sail right over it’s head. You hit the ground and roll, keeping your momentum.
>The exit is just ahead. Now how are you going to climb over it quick enough?
>Wait, why not just jump it? It’s only a little higher than the gorgodon.
>You call out to the force again as you prepare yourself for the running jump.
>You size it up as you run, and give it your best leap.
>You sail up, up, almost!
>Not quite.
>You hit the top of the pile and knock the wind out of you. Behind you the gorgodons are closing in.
>With one last burst of effort, you haul yourself over the ledge. You catch your breath for a second then stagger to your feet. If you can jump it, they can climb it.
>You push yourself once more and sprint down the passage. Behind you is the faint sound of claws on ice.
>The passage starts to split into branches. You try and memorize your route.
>Left, right, center...
>The ice blue flies past your face as you run through the frozen passages. You take a hard right and see something right around the corner.
>Too close, you’re going too fast.
>A THUNK emanates through the caves as you hit something… no someone!
>You bounce off each other and fall to the floor. You hear a surprised “Ahh!” as the figure falls.
>You look up and a terror grips your heart when you see the brown of Jedi robes.
That's all for now. Feedback is nice, and if you notice any errors, let me know so I can fix my Document.
Loving it.
>What what
Don't know if this is intentional, but if it is I would recommend putting some sort of indicator to signify that there is a break in speech here.

Pretty juicy cliffhanger there.
The pace of the story is a little faster than my liking, but that doesn't mean it's bad. I just think you could slow down at points where you need to draw attention to. Otherwise I have no complaints.
Is sarge dead?
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Sarge recently got back from deployment. He's acclimating.
I love me some Mandalorians, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of this Sunset. The Mandalorian lingo is also a nice touch.

I'm interested in finding out who this Jedi of yours is too. Keep up the good work
>Don't know if this is intentional
No, I'll fix it
>Slow down
That's something I've noticed I need to work on when I reread my stuff. Don't worry though, my next update has plenty of slow parts.

I don't have anything huge planned for upcoming events.
I do try to avoid making useless characters though, and I have some farsighted plans for Sunset.
I admire your dedication. It's unfortunate you need to do this.
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How about I post a Sunset Shimmer and give you a rest from bumping?
What Killer /b/ said
That's a very pretty Shimmer!
Holy shit. It probably isn't finished but I would so set that as my wallpaper.
Do you an album anywhere? Is it in the general pastebin?

Not at the moment - and my tumblrs are also sadly neglected lately.
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Inquisitor Hype.jpg
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Been a little unimpressed with out new Inquisitors on Rebels Season 2. Going to watch the new episode now and see if they can't be a bit more badass.

I still miss him

I don't recall any inquisitors in season 2. Closest I can think is Shining Armor but he's more Captain of the Guard than in inquisitor.
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Rainbow Dash Poster 10.jpg
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There weren't any even any fucking Inquisitors in last night's episode
I wish there was... that would have made the season very interesting.
Will this thread ever be good as it used to be?
You never know when the golden age is truly over until the next one begins.

Also it'll probably restart when Sarge finally posts his update.
hype intensifies
>Also it'll probably restart when Sarge finally posts his update.

That and we got the movie on the way
Who else is hyped for First Order? I saw a Stormtrooper with a flamethrower and another with a swordgun in the trailers
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Damn, the confidence is overwhelming. Update within the next few days.
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Gonna start writing more Inquisitor Anon soon.
More hot Inquisitor on Jedi action is on the way!

>Sarge updating with pages of content every single day

I miss those times

But I refuse to believe they cannot come back
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First Order Cold Assault ready
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>mfw Sarge says he'll post a single update in october.
>October passes
>Sarge says he'll post around the 16th of october
>The date has passed.
I should probably get back to writing Commando Anon.
That you Weezil?
Please do!
Moar green. Please?
Update almost finished! Hopefully ready in another few hours
Nice. I'll be working on mine. My next one is going to take more thought, so it might be a while before I'm satisfied.
Took me a bit longer to finish this than I thought it would. I had a sudden idea when I was in the middle of writing this one, and I loved it too much not to use it.


Cool! I'm excited to see exactly who it is that Anon bumps into.
Now that I think about it, whoever this Jedi your Anon meets, he will have met him/her in the same manner that my Anon met my Sunset. With a head on collision!
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>After a few minutes of flying through the sky at top speed, you finally break through Alaris Prime’s atmosphere and arrive above the planet
>You have had little experience with piloting outside of the simulations the Inquisitorious ran you through, and the process of flying from a planet up into space is disorienting to say the least
>You forcefully shake it off as your targeting computer locks onto ship signals in the distance
“Alright, let’s see what this prototype can really do!”
>You zoom in the direction of these unidentified signals until your com radio picks up on something
>”BLAST! We just lost Gamma 2!”
>”How the Hell is she flying so fast in that thing!?”
>”Gamma 3 and 4 form up with me!”
>It sounded as if the TIE squadron that went after Luna was having some trouble
“Gamma Squadron, this is Inquisitor Anonymous. What is the situation?”
>”Anonymous sir, are we glad to see you! This ship the Jedi is piloting is something else!”
“I recognize that ship design, its a first generation Jedi Starfighter. That thing is almost as old as me, it shouldn’t be a match for an entire squadron of TIE fighters. However…”
>You narrowed your eyes as your targeting computer locked onto and scanned the ship
“The woman piloting that starfighter is a Jedi Master, and a veteran pilot. According to my dossier she scored nearly two dozen confirmed kills over the course of the Clone Wars. Underestimate her and you WILL be disintegrated!”
>”Gamma 6? Gamma 6 please respond!”
“Hold on I’m coming!”
>You slammed on the the throttle towards the dogfight that was unfolding, eager to sink your teeth into your prey once again
>However, something felt distinctly off to you as you approached her once again
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>You slowed down your TIE as you got closer, watching Gamma Squadron struggle to keep up with Luna as she twirled around them
“You had a chance to escape, why are you still here?”
>Did she change her mind about wanting to kill you? Did she feel compelled to take down a few Imperial pilots on her way out?
“No, there has to be some kind of…”
>Your eyes widened as you stared at Luna’s Jedi Starfighter through your targeting computer
“You CAN’T get away! Your ship doesn’t have a Hyperdrive!”
>You remembered now
>The first generation Jedi Starfighters were designed to link up with Hyperdrive Rings in order to save room inside their hulls
>With all these TIE’s hounding her, it obviously wouldn’t have been safe for her to link up with it now
“If I can destroy that Hyperdrive Ring…”
>You smiled as you pulled away from the battle before you
>You quickly typed on your targeting computer and scanned the area
>It had to be floating up here somewhere in orbit
>There was a lot of space to cover, but it made sense that it would be somewhere nearby
>”I’m breaking up! AAAAAHHHH!!!”
>”SIR! Where are you!?”
>You ignored their screams for help as you glanced around in space
“Stay on target Gamma 1.”
>”She’s picking us apart out here!”
“Stay. On. Target.”
>You pulled back further as you scanned all around you
>You switched your targeting computer back on Luna’s starfighter
>You sighed in relief
>”Blast! Her shields are still up!”
>You chuckled
“That would have been very disappointing…”
>Your targeting computer lit up as it finally picked up on something new
>You twisted your TIE around and stared at your new target
“An asteroid?”
>The large rock drifted aimlessly in space
>You scowled at it as you intensified your scanners upon it
“Could it… YES!”
>The Hyperdrive Ring wasn’t orbiting Alaris Prime, it was orbiting that asteroid!
>”My blaster cannons are fried!"
>”GAMMA 2!”
>Your smile broke apart as you turned to face the space battle
>You sensed great anger
>”Jedi Scum! SEE YOU IN HELL!”
>You watched in amazement as Gamma 1 rammed his TIE directly into Luna’s starfighter
>Gamma 1’s right wing was torn off as he collided against her
>You quickly scanned Luna’s ship and saw that her shields had been disabled
>To your great delight, it also appeared that Gamma 1 had scraped aside Luna’s astromech droid
“Well done Gamma 1!”
>You looked aside and saw that Gamma 1’s ship was careening towards Alaris Prime, no doubt caught in its gravity as its engines shut down
“I suppose I’ll have to reward you posthumously…”
>You turned your head aside and watched as Luna’s starfighter zipped by you toward the asteroid
“I don’t think so!”
>You increased your speed to full throttle and went after her
>Her ship was fast, and she was already rather close to the asteroid, but the TIE Advanced was something else as it sped through space at incredible speed
>Your scanners lit up as they zeroed in on the Hyperdrive Ring
“You’re not as clever as you think you are!”
>You frantically glanced across your controls, messing with several switches and buttons until
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“How do I launch the damn things!?”
>You looked up in terror as Luna closed in on her Hyperdrive Ring
>In a few short seconds, your prize would be slipping into Hyperspace
>You gasped as she docked with the ring
>If you couldn’t have her alive, then you’d settle for her charred corpse
>You slammed your fist directly over a large red button
>Your sights were lit up as numerous missiles poured out of your ship
>Your jaw clenched shut as you watched them all close in on her
>Several tense seconds passed as they drew closer
>In that brief moment of uncertainty, where a few seconds would decide between life and death, she broke
>Luna disengaged from her Hyperdrive Ring as the missiles crashed against it in a massive fiery explosion
>Her ship was flung aside as the ring blew to pieces, and yet the missiles continued to pour on
>The remainder of your missile complement impacted the asteroid, igniting it in an even larger explosion
>Before your very eyes, the asteroid broke part into a massive storm of debris
>Your laughter ceased immediately, as your sensors lit up and flashed in warning
>A red and white blur was charging you
>You barrel rolled aside as a burst of blue blaster fire zipped past you, narrowly blowing you to pieces as Luna’s ship blitzed by
>You grit your teeth as you righted yourself and flew after her
>Your targeting computer desperately tried to lock onto her as you attempted to stay on her tail
>You had to slow down to avoid overtaking her, she definitely wasn’t about to outrun you in that old thing
>Still, she was a slippery pilot, such that even your computer wasn’t able to get a good bead on her
“Blast it!”
>You turned your targeting computer off and unleashed a storm of blaster fire upon her
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>You continued to chase after her, your cannons narrowly clipping her starfighter several times as you two dueled one another over Alaris Prime
>She was truly an expert pilot, and could pull off a number of impressive maneuvers to evade your blasterfire
>Even so, there was only so much she could pull off with what she had
>You held a distinct advantage over her with your TIE Advanced, a ship that was far faster and more agile than her Jedi Starfighter
>Luna evidently realized this as well, as she nosedived away from you
“Where do you think you’re going?”
>You followed after her as she flew back down to the forest moon below, crashing through the atmosphere as you fired upon her
>After an intense minute where you chased her through the upper layers of the moon’s atmosphere, you found yourself following her through the planet itself
>You balked at her as her ship flew into the upper canopy of the massive forests that covered the planet, just barely squeezing through a row of gigantic trees
>Your eyes narrowed as you fired a burst at the trees, blowing a hole large enough for your ship to fly through as you zoomed into the forest after her
>The two of you zipped back and forth through a huge maze of trees that stretched downwards for miles to the forest floor below
>Suddenly Luna ceased to be your primary concern, as it took everything you had just to avoid crashing into one of these trees
>Your ship shuddered as it brushed up against a tree
>Had you been much closer to it you could have nearly lost a wing like poor Gamma 1 did
>You started to realize that if you continued to go after Luna in here that you would very likely crash before she did
“Blast it all!”
>You desperately thought back to your training on Prakith
>You had only taken a handful of piloting simulations, and none of them really prepared you for something like this
>However, one lesson did oddly stick out at this time
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>You had been trained at several points how to fight in pitch blackness, and thus how to sense danger even when your eyes failed you
>Right now, you could only think how the hazards you saw now were only distracting you from Luna
>Knowing this, you did something that even those trained in the Force might find insane
>You inhaled a deep breath and closed your eyes
>You could picture the Jedi Starfighter in your mind, rolling around like the small blip on your targeting computer
>You lightly swiveled your ship through the forest after it, your thumbs hovering over the blaster cannon triggers
>Keeping your eyes closed and your focus on her, the image of the starfighter swished around before centering directly in front of you
“I have you now!”
>Your blaster cannons pounded through the trees in front of you, and as you passed by them you laid eyes upon Luna’s starfighter
>A thick trail of smoke emanated from its torn up engines as it quickly lost altitude
>You descended after it through the woods below until you both emerged from the trees over a vast sea
>You closed in after Luna, her starfighter lying directly in your sights as she fell downwards
>You briefly considered blasting her again and finishing her off once and for all… but you held back
“You’re not getting off that easily.”
>You still wanted to take her alive, and your sense of pride wouldn’t allow this to end without one last duel
>As the starfighter fell from the sky, you saw the cockpit crack open and a figure burst out of the top
>The starfighter dived into the water before a massive splash signaled it’s explosive demise
>You slowed your TIE’s descent and hovered over the floating wreckage of the starfighter
>Glancing aside, you saw that the ship had not fallen too far away from a small lightly forested island
>With no other landmass within kilometers, it was easy to predict where you’d find Luna next
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>You landed your TIE Advanced on the beach and quickly scrambled out of your ship
>You sighed, grateful to be back on solid ground once again
>”I gave you a chance to live Inquisitor. You should never have come back for me.”
>You jerked your head up and saw Luna emerge from the underbrush and walk onto the beach
>Her hair was disheveled, and droplets of water glistened off of her black armor
>Her fierce eyes glared at you as you haughtily smiled back at her
“That’s entirely your fault. You had a chance to finish me off in my moment of weakness. You’ll never have a chance like that again.”
>The two of you quietly stared at one another as the waters slowed lapped against the beach and the sun slowly began to rise up
>Your smile slowly began to fade the longer you stared at her
“Why didn't you do it?”
>”Excuse me?”
“Why didn’t you kill me? You had to know I would come back for you.”
>Luna stepped towards you onto the beach, her scowl slowly fading away with each step she took
>”As we fought, I came to understand you a bit better…”
>You raised an eyebrow at her
“I had nearly forgotten you Thyrsians can communicate through combat.”
>It was such an fascinating ability to you, one that you wish you could study in greater detail
>It could without a doubt offer numerous advantages in a fight, as well as offer an insight into your enemy’s personality
“Well then, it seems like I had quite the impression on you.”
>You folded your arms over your chest as the sea breeze lightly brushed up against you both
“Go on then, let’s hear it. What do you have to say about me.”
>You gave her a smug smile as you awaited your answer
>”I pity you.”
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“Come again?”
>Luna’s scowl faded completely as she sagged her shoulders and regarded you with a frown
>”I could tell as soon as I saw you that you were tainted by the Dark Side, like so many others, but as we fought I realized that it went deeper than that.”
>You stared intently at her as she pushed a strand of hair off of her face
>“You aren’t just blinded by ambition and a lust for power, you desperately want to believe that what the Empire and the Sith are doing is right. You’re a willing pawn, blinded by your fear and your anger… and your pain."
>It was as if she had completely changed somehow
>You could not tell at this point whether she was mocking you or being sincere
>”Anonymous, I don’t know what happened to you but if you would let me, I would like to help.”
“Help me? What are you talking about?”
>”It’s not too late Anonymous, you can be different from them.”
>She took another few steps closer to you
>You took a step back as she threatened to come within arms reach of you, your hand hovering over your saber as you prepared for her to strike
>Her body shuddered as your hand grasped your saber
>You nearly struck at her only to see that she was offering you her hand
>”Come with me and I can show you a better side of the Force. You can let go of your hate and find peace, as a Jedi.”
>Your eyes widened
“a-A Jedi?…”
>She was offering you something that you had only dreamed of before, something that you had strived for once before only to fall short
“I could become a Jedi?”
>She nodded her head as she stretched out her hand to you
“y-You must take me for a fool!”
>You ignited your saber and raised your yellow beam to her throat
>She stared at you unflinchingly, with a sad smile
“I won’t fall for your LIES!”
>”No, no lies. I don’t seek to use you Anon, I only wish to help.”
“How ARROGANT! You think just because we fought for a few minutes that you know me? That you can judge me!? I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP!”
>You grasped her shoulder as you threatened to decapitate her with your saber
>You gritted your teeth while she failed to react to your show of force
“You Jedi are all the same! So blinded by your pride that you couldn’t even see your own demise! It was the will of the Force that your order fell, and now the Force has called me here to destroy you as well!”
>”Then what is stopping you? You’ve had several opportunities to kill me now, so why do you hesitate?”
>You laughed at her
“I’m taking you in alive! You are my trophy, a prize for my masters to do with as they please. They will see just how powerful I am when I toss a Jedi Master at their feet.”
>Luna’s scowl returned as you grinned wildly at her
>”You’re lying.”
>You let go of her and took a step back
>”You’re lying to me, and you’re lying to yourself.”
>So great was your shock that you lost concentration of your lightsaber, and its beam disippated
>”What do you really want from me Anonymous?”
>You didn’t understand what she was getting at, and yet you felt terrified by her
“What do I really want?”
>You want power
>You want revenge
>You want glory
>You want… you want…
“Where is she?”
>Luna’s face fell
“Master Celestia, you must know what happened to her!”
>Luna’s face contorted in shock
>”Celly? Why would you?..”
“I have to know! TELL ME!”
>Luna gave you a crestfallen stare as she slowly shook her head
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“No, she’s… she’s dead isn’t she?”
>Your heart fell as you stared away from Luna into the sun
>”I cannot tell you.”
>You jerked your head back at her
>She eyed you with a stone-faced expression that betrayed little emotion
>”I cannot tell you where she is.”
>Your eyes narrowed at her
“You cannot tell me, or you will not tell me?”
>Luna remained silent as you awaited an answer that would not come
>With each passing second, you felt your patience waver thin
“Well, what is it!?”
>She sighed as she began to back away from you
>”I am sorry.”
>Your fists clenched tight as you glared at her, your lightsaber shaking in your grasp
>It infuriated you beyond any measure, that no matter how hard you focused on forging a new life for yourself, you could never let go of your feelings for her
>Something deep within you snapped
>You pounced forward through the air at Luna as you let loose a horrifying scream and ignited your lightsaber
>She quickly brandished her own saber and blocked a strike you leveled at her head
>You snarled at her and charged her once more with your saber held high
>Luna was forced back as your body moved with a deadly speed you had never demonstrated before
>You pushed her off of the beach into the wooded island, cutting a swath of destruction through the trees and underbrush as you stabbed and swung at her
>More so than at any point in your last duel, Luna seemed to be struggling against you
>She stabbed forward at you as you ran at her, her saber grazing your side through your armor
>You swept aside her saber with your own
>You felt no pain, only anger
“This ends NOW!”
>You hurled yourself forward once more, striking at her in the throes of your Force Rage
>It was all she could do just to keep up with you
>After nearly a full minute of this rampaging, you found yourself fighting her back across the beach on the other side of the island
>Your lightsaber struck against her chest, cracking the armor
>As Luna stepped away several fragments of her chest plate fell into the sand like shards of glass
>Without missing a beat you swung at her again, only for her to jump away on top of a series of large boulders that were sprawled out on the beach
>You jumped up after her and as you landed she struck at you again with a stab aimed at your chest
>You swerved aside, her saber cutting into your left shoulder
>You failed to register that the blow even connected as you thrust your hand out to her and pushed her back with the power of the Force
>You catapulted her through the air, her body crashing on top of a large boulder near the very edge of the sea
>She slowly picked herself up as you sprinted after her
>Your gaze locked onto hers as she lied in wait for you
>She wore a solemn expression as she held her saber directly in front of her
>Hurtling through the air, you pulled your arm back and stabbed forward at her as hard as you could
>Time seemed to stand still for a moment as the tip of your saber connected with her face
>And in that instant, it was over
>You stumbled forward, nearly falling into the sea
>Your chest rose and fell as you struggled to regain your breath
>Then you winced in pain, the reality of your injuries becoming all too apparent all at once
>Standing tall, you slowly turned around and—
>She was gone
“Where did she go!?”
>You looked at the spot you had just stabbed only a moment before, and saw that all that remained of Luna was her cracked obsidian armor piece, and her lightsaber
>She left no body
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“How can this be?”
>She was here only a moment ago
>You had just landed the killing blow against her, and then in that instant she vanished
>You closed your eyes and tried to sense her through the Force, but try as you might you could not feel her anymore
>Luna was gone
“Then… she must be dead! I… I have won!”
>You shuddered in pain as you raised up your injured arm and held out your open palm
>You summoned Luna’s lightsaber into your hand and ignited her blue saber
“It’s finally over, no one can deny my place in the Empire. Haha… Hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
>You raised up Luna’s blue saber and clashed it against your own yellow saber, emitting a rain of sparks over the sea below as you stared triumphantly at the rising sun
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Master Luna.png
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And that's all for now!

I hope ya'll enjoyed it! I threw around a lot of ideas with where I wanted to take this update, but I think the end result was pretty good.

I'd love to hear what you guys thought about it. Feedback and/or criticism is always appreciated!
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Notice the salute to Veterans Edition
Wait, wasn't Veterans' day over a week ago?
Huh, well I'll be damned.
Thanks for the sentiment, you get an one armed salute for managing to stay alive for 10 days on /mlp/.

Also before I head out.
>Sheev did nothing wrong.
and can I get a ponified Max Rebo?
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Goddess like hips bump
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Damn son. I didn't see that coming. Well played.

It's true we've been having some trouble staying alive the past couple of weeks, but we've been going strong for almost a year now.
Also thank you for your service. Wherever that is.

You know it brother.

Also, I just finished shoveling the driveway of snow, and I'm in the mood to write. I'll let you guys know later today if I have a sizable update available.
If I had any artistic skill I'd gladly crap out a Max Rebo for ya, but I'll at least give you an Imperial salute!
Thanks for your service man
Thanks m8, I'm pretty happy with how that ended up playing out. Now I just have to write up the aftermath of all this and play out Anon and Midnight's shenanigans
>prison school
My brother
are there any greens of like a sith in a situation similar to the shit that goes on in the anon filly threads?
what goes on there?
No. Republic Commando Anon.
Moar bump
I seriously doubt it, but you're welcome to look at our stories.

Also, no update tonight. Going to have to postpone it until tomorrow.
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Bumping with this cool Concept art from Battlefront 1. Not sure whether I'm so hyped about the new one yet, considering I don't even have a current gen console, but if it's as good as the original that might have to change.

Going to start working on more Inquisitor Anon tonight. Might take a few days to be ready though.
does anyone still have anon's lightsaber picture from sarge story ?
Both are good but I'm looking for the first one
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Got you covered m8.
Our second lightsaber looks like shit tb'h fa'm
thank you m8
Dat Rainbow Dash. Fucking unf.
Could someone post our new saber too? I'd actually like to compare the two.

We created the second one, but did we also make the first one?
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Hey guys. I'm going to update some more later tonight.
On page 10 again. Let's fix that.
Also update coming in the next couple of hours.
What went wrong guys? Why is this thread so dead now?
Real life happens, mang.
Double checked.

What he said. I'm in school, and I just got off for Turkey Week.
Writing takes a long time. Especially if you aren't sure what you want to write.
Nice Quads!

I'd hazard a guess that the thread might be hurting especially much because writefags and anons might be busy with school or some such right now.

I'd like to think that might change soon. I do enjoy this thread and the stories that get posted here quite a lot so I would like to see the thread keep going in the hopes that it will get a bit livelier soon. I also think that our state will almost certainly improve once the movie comes out.

It appears that we still have plenty of writefags at work >>25516822

I too am hoping to have an update ready within a day or two, so perhaps we will be a little bit more active in the coming future. In the meantime, we could really benefit from more discussion and less static 'bumps'
You know, I'll be honest. When I first came onto the board, I thought a Starwars/MLP general was the most stupid thing one could ever dream up. Although seeing as its on its last legs (and I've recently become more engrossed in the Starwars universe) it saddens me to see it in such shambles.

Gimme a couple of days to further enrich myself in the Starwars lore, and I'll see if I can squeeze some content for the general out. I've already got some ideas playing out in my head. I just wanna make sure all of my bases are covered.
its people like you that makes this general so great
Sounds good. If it's any help you could just make a story where the Star Wars universe comes to Equestria. Don't have many of those being done.

> Be Anon

> In the middle of the fight of your life. Flying around frantically in space in your NovaDive Starfighter.
> “I’ve got two on my tail. Bolt two see if you can try and swing around and get these hitchhikers off of me.”
Soarin: “Copy that Bolt five. Coming around now.”
> You make a sudden dive under an Imperial starship. Coming within a few feet of the hull. With the two Imperial fighters still hot on your tail. Continuing to skim across it; until you reach the edge of the ship. Immediately pulling up as hard as you can.
> As soon as your two pursuers make the turn they are instantly gunned down by Soarin as he zips by you.
> “Nice one Soarin. Thanks for the help.”
Soarin: “Don’t mention it Anon.”
Cadence: “Attention all fighters. We have three squadrons of Imperial bombers heading straight for us. We require assistance.”
> “On our way master.”
???: “This is Bolt seven. I see them now. They have at least a dozen fighters protecting them. They’re approximately five clicks out from our capital ship.”
Spitfire: “Copy that Bolt seven. Converging on your position now.”
> Breaking off from your initial attack on the enemy fleet. You slowly begin to make your way back. Avoiding enemy cannon fire along the way.
???: “This is Bolt seven we have the enemy in our sights preparing t-” (static)
Spitfire: “Bolt seven repeat. What’s going on?”
???: “Where did they come from? Break off. Evade! Evade! W-” (static)
Cadence: “We just lost squad seven.”
> All of them!? An entire squad was taken out in mere seconds? What type of fighters did they have protecting those bombers?
> “That was way too fast. Master they may have Sith escorting those bombers.”
Spitfire: “You may be right. All fighters are to proceed with caution upon contact.”
???: “This is Bolt three ready to make our attack run. What are your orders?”
Pretty much the setup I'm going for.
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Spitfire: “Wait for us. We’ll be there soon.”
Cadence: “Those bombers are less than one click out. Bolt three we need you to run interference NOW!”
???: “Roger that. All wings form up on me.”
Spitfire: “Be careful Bolt three. Report to us what you see.”
???: “We’re closing in. Almost locked on. Just a little-” (static)
> Damn it not again.
Spitfire: “Someone give us an update!”
???: “They’re all over me. Fighters came out of nowhere. They just aagggghhhhh!” (static)
> Not good.
Cadence: “Those bombers have broken off their attack, but they’re coming around for another run.”
> “This is Bolt five. I’m almost within range does anyone copy?”
Luna: “Bolt six here. I see you. Let us take them head on so they cannot attack us from behind.”
> “Copy that master. I'm with you.”
> You both fly diagonally from each other. To prevent the risk of flying into one another, and to make it harder for the enemy to shoot you both down.
> The enemy ships soon come into view. You count roughly twenty in total. With fifteen of them being bombers. That’s way too few starfighters for escorting that large a group, so the question remained. Where did the rest of their forces go?
> “I only see a handful of fighters escorting them. Where did the rest of them go?"
Luna: "I'm not sure, but stay on your toes."
> Something was definitely wrong. Based on how fast your allies were destroyed this small contingency of fighters shouldn't be capable of taking out entire squads in the blink of an eye. Even if they were Sith.
> As you close in a cold chill begins to slowly creep up the back of your spine. Causing the hairs on your body to stand on end.
> “I have a bad feeling about this.”
If you need ideas, a simple one could be a Jedi on the run during Order 66 who finds the mirror to Equestria.
Tonight seems like a good night to start reading your story.
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> Without thinking you barrel roll. Narrowly dodging a stream of deadly laser fire.
> "They're behind us!"
Luna: "Affirmative. I'll focus on the bombers you keep them off me Bolt five."
> "Understood breaking off."
> It was good thing you were a Jedi. If you weren't you would definitely be dead right now. You didn't even see them appear on your radar, but there they were clear as day.
> However, these ships were different from the others. They were more elongated and slightly larger than your typical Sith Interceptor. They must be an elite group of pilots flying the best ships the Empire had to offer. Wonderful.
Twilight: "Anon are you okay?"
> "Twilight!? What are you doing! You're supposed to be supporting our forces with your Battle Meditation!"
Twilight: "I heard you were in trouble, and I had to know if you were alright."
> "I'm fine, but you shouldn't worry about me."
Twilight: "But Anon-"
> "No buts. Twilight listen to me. If you really want to help me the best thing you can do is focus what you’re supposed to be doing. You have to trust me. I can handle myself."
Twilight: “Okay, but one last thing. Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”
> “Come on Twilight this is me we’re talking about.”
Twilight: “Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about.”
Cadence: "Twilight please get back. You’re clogging up the comms. Sorry about that Bolt five. What's your status."
> "Currently in pursuit of the mystery fighters. They are definitely not ordinary enemies that's for sure. I think-"
> Then, as suddenly as the appear they vanish without a trace.
> "What the- how-"
Cadence: “Bolt five what’s happening out there?”
> "I've lost sight of them. They were just there a second ago, but they just vanished.”
I'm thinking about some sort of grand thing though.

The empire finds Equestria, goes to take it, find the ponies can shot magic from their horns, retreat and take Starlight with them because she's strong with the force and whatnot.

Still building from there.
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Spitfire: “I was afraid that was the case. Their ships must have cloaking capabilities."
Cadence: "That would explain why we haven't been able to track them. They must be remnants of Darth Malgus' stealth armada.”
Spitfire: “Probably. Which means they can’t fire their weapons unless they uncloak first.”
> “That’s good news I guess. Doesn’t exactly give us a big window of opportunity though.”
Spitfire: “Not for ordinary pilots, but for Jedi a few seconds is all we need.”
Luna: “The squadron of bombers has just split up. They’re attempting to bomb the rest of the fleet.”
Spitfire: “Crap. Bolt five head after the squad on the left. Me and Bolt six will handle the others.”
> “Right, I’m on it.”
> Accelerating to attack speed you plunge head long after your targets. While remaining weary of the inevitable ambush waiting for you. Still, you had five bombers you had to take care of. You couldn‘t afford to play it safe.
> Unleashing a flurry of laser fire into their ranks the two fighters escorting them break off. No doubt moving to engage you.
> You use your superior maneuverability to slip past them and gun down the left-most bomber. As long as you continued to strafe and evade getting locked-on to you should be fine.
> Unfortunately the bombers were beginning to start dropping their payloads, and causing massive damage. You were going to need to work faster if you were to save the fleet.
> Suddenly you get pelted from a storm of shots raining from above. Disabling your shields and dealing damage to your left wing.
> “Damn I’m hit. My shields are gone. I’m as good as dead if I take another hit.”
SA: “Copy that Bolt five I’m right behind you.”
> “Master!”
SA: “Having a little trouble there Anon?”
> “You could say that. Also, can you try to show up a little sooner please? This endangering my life and then coming in to save me at the last second is going to give me gray hairs.”
This. >>25519074 I forgot that my little brother's birthday was today, so I couldn't write as much as I wanted. I think I'll work on it all tonight until I go to sleep and post it here tomorrow.

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SA: “Hehe. We’ll do.”
> After taking a second to recharge your weapons boost yourself to catch up with your targets.
SA: “Watch my six Bolt five. I’m going to go soften them up.”
> “You can count on me.”
> As he speeds off you got to thinking about the battle so far, and something was bugging you. You were no great strategist or pilot for that matter, but something about the enemy’s movements seemed to; perfect.
> Even though you were flying one of the Republic’s most agile fighters you were finding it difficult to keep up and shoot down your foes.
> In the heat of the moment even when forces are perfectly communicating with each other there was still room for human error. It would make sense if the pilots were Sith, but you’ve been reaching out with the Force and haven’t been getting any sensations of fellow Force-users.
> “I don’t like this.”
SA: “Come again Bolt five?”
> “Something’s wrong. Doesn’t it seem a little harder to shoot down enemies than it should be?”
SA: “Yeah I noticed that too.
> “Why do you think that is?”
SA: “Well the fact that some of the ships are invisible does make it a little tougher, but it’s no just those ships.”
Spitfire: “Their movements are so in tune its like they’re robots, or synchronized swimmers. I’ve only seen this a few times, and each time the army has been assisted by someone using Battle Meditation.”
> “Wait, so is Twilight doing this?”
Cadence: “No. Someone else on the enemy’s side is, and if our intelligence is worth anything. It’s Darth Nihilus’ doing.”
> Great. Is there no limit to what that Sith can do?
Cadence: “Twilight is out of her league in this battle. Even if she was fully trained she would still have a hard time of keeping of forces together.”
SA: “Cadece put me through to Twilight. I know she’s trying to concentrate right now, but I need a word with her.”
Cadence: “Understood. Just give me a sec.”
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Well.... this is awkward. I had planned on writing more, but I'm kind of stuck.

I'd hate to leave the story mid-battle here, but that's what I'm going to have to do. Thoughts and comments are always appreciated.

Also, if anyone else is ready with their stories feel free to let them rip.
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am not amused.gif
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>girl in clone trooper armor
>filename calls it stormtrooper armor
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Shit my bad guys.
Here you go!

Cool! If you have any specific questions about the Star Wars universe you're welcome to ask them here.

> Unfortunately the bombers were beginning to start dropping their payloads, and causing massive damage. You were going to need to work faster if you were to save the fleet.

Looks good. Kind of getting flashbacks to that one Battle of Endor mission from Rogue Squadron III where it would open up with TIE bombers attacking the Rebel's medical frigate. I'd always fuck up that part.
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Holy shit. Caught this last night and I can't stop watching it. I am in tears of joy over here.

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...You're the same guy who used the filename "stormtrooper_commando" for a scout trooper, aren't you?
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Wait a fucking second.
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Hey best thread. Been thinking about you. Trying to get back into the rhythm of stuff.I'll be finishing this one between tonight and tomorrow.
looks more like it was used a reference then a complete trace.
I thought Pinky would know to keep Anon off the alcohol... or maybe that was the goal
I have a couple that come to mind.

First and foremost, does the Sith Order have an official name given to them for any post-Sidious members?

Secondly, what are some of the Jedi in the new order not super important, but who are capable in their own right?

And finally, do you lot generally embrace the EU, or is it something you mostly discard it?
I personally based mine off of Old Republic EU, as do a few others.
If you want yours to fit into EU, then go for it. If not, pick a time period where it matters less. The time before Episode 1 is a good bland stretch if you go back a few hundred years.
Thank you based drawfriend
built it from scraps on a junk planet
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That's.... ME!
That's hot!
>Sith Order's name after Sidious
Well I think the biggest Sith Order after Sidious was this group called the One Sith, but that came over a hundred years after Sidious died. A lot of the Darksider groups that came after Sidious were remnants of his Dark Jedi groups and not many of them were necessarily Sith from what I understand.

>what are some of the Jedi in the new order not super important, but who are capable in their own right?
Kyle Katarn comes to mind, although he may be a bit too important. He was always kind of a maverick/independent minded Jedi in the New Order but he also played a pretty important role in much of its conflicts. I tend to see him as a figure who, for much of the new Jedi Order's history, was important but tried to brush aside importance. I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with the New Order's history though.

>do you lot generally embrace the EU, or is it something you mostly discard it?
I suppose we are generally ambivalent to it, although none of us seem to abhor the new EU like some fans do. A lot of us base our stories around stuff from Star Wars video games like KOTOR, the Old Republic, or the Jedi Outcast series or some such. I've personally been trying to blend elements of both canons into my own story. You're pretty free to approach the two Canons as you see fit like >>25527982
Our old certainly looks a bit sleeker for something built out of a giant garbage can
If ponies existed in the Star Wars universe and could be force sensitive, would only unicorns be able to become Jedi?
Hm. Thanks for the input.

Another quick question. Do these groups have any political sway or command armies like the siths proper?

I would Imagine Unicorns being the least sensitive to the force, seeing as they've already got magic on their side.

I feel like Earth Ponies would be the most force-sensitive since they're the ones most in-tune with the world around them.

Plus it would give them the leverage they did to balance out the fact that they've got no special ability Iike Unicorns or Pegasai.
Well some people say that the Earth Ponies ability to farm so well and the Pegasi's ability to fly and create weather are as magical as Unicorn magic, so maybe you could make the argument that they are Force Sensitive as well

>Another quick question. Do these groups have any political sway or command armies like the siths proper?

I think it mixes and matches. After the Emperor fell at Endor, a lot of the Empire broke apart into pieces. I think you had some Dark Side factions that were pretty much independent and had their own military forces at their command, and at other times you had Darksiders teaming up with purely military forces. From what I understand, most of the Imperial Military fell under the control of the various Moffs and generals/admirals, but a few forces like the Inquisitorius and the Royal Guard became their own thing as well. They were likely to team up at times or join forces, but they could also become antagonistic against each other and it was this factionalism and infighting that helped the Rebels form the New Republic.

That's the way I understand it anyway.
Thanks m8. That should suffice for now.

I'll dig some more based on that.
No problem man, have fun!
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Lets pretend she tried, and after that decided that the best course of action was to tire, Anon, out.
Dont thank me just yet.

For a while there was Lady Lumiya but they were still called the Order of Sith Lords.
Luke Skywalkers grandson Idontrememberhisname Skywalker.
In my own fanfic I just mish and mash what I feel like.

Also haven't finished the lewd Pinkie so have some stuff that I did a while back.
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and one more that doesn't really belong anywere
More Inquisitor Anon is on the way guys!
Just going to proofread what I have first
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>Be Sunset Shimmer
>”Spread out and secure the area! Nothing get’s through!”
>You held your breath as you hugged the tree stump and glanced at the myriad of Stormtroopers fanning out across the forest
>You gripped your vibroblade close as you silently skulked through the underbrush, leaving almost no trace of your passing
>It looked as if you’d be able to bypass this squad without issue as well
>Then you nearly ran straight into him
>A lone stormtrooper that had broken off too far from the rest of the group
>His back was turned to you, but he was slowly twisting around
>”Huh? GURK!”
>You stabbed your vibroblade through the stormtrooper’s throat and tackled him to the tree
>He sputtered in shock and weakly struggled against you before going limp
>You let him slide to the ground as he bled out, nervously looking behind your back to see if his comrades were alerted
>Thankfully, none of them were any wiser. At least not yet.
>With some effort, you dragged the stormtrooper over to a bush and hid his body behind the foliage
>You sighed and shook your head
>You skulked back over to the tree and scooped up his E-11 Blaster Rifle before taking off through the woods
>It had been quite a while since you had killed anyone, and though it seemed likely that he would’ve done the same to you the experience still left you feeling cold and empty inside
>It also felt sloppy to you
>You should’ve been able to spot him, or at least take him out more effectively
>You had lost a little of that killing edge
>As you mused over all of this, you suddenly found yourself in front of yet another squad of stormtroopers
>There was no end to them
>You slid and crouched behind a large log with your back turned to the squad, your vibroblade still dripping fresh blood from your recent kill
>You so desperately wanted to be anywhere but here, and you hoped beyond hope that you would not have to kill again to get away
>As soon as you saw your chance, you ran out from behind cover and made your way further through the forest
>You could just barely smell seasalt in the breeze
>You were nearing the sea, where your starfighter was hidden
>You had to get out of here and regroup with Luna somewhere else
>She mentioned a few places she hid on and visited before, so even if you couldn’t leave Alaris Prime with her you were confident you could find her again
>You’re fairly sure you slipped passed the last stormtrooper patrol, just another mile or so and—
>Your jaw dropped as a tall figure emerged from the bushes not too far ahead of you
>It wore stormtrooper armor, but it only covered his torso and parts of his limbs
>You could see his scaly claws and legs, as well as his reptilian head
>He looked like a Trandoshan but with purple skin, and he carried a really big blaster rifle
>You rolled behind a boulder and remained as silent and still as you could
>You could hear him sniffing through the air
>A bead of sweat rolled down your forehead as you held your blaster rifle and your vibroblade close to your chest
>You heard him chuckle
>”You can run little Jedi, but you cannot hide because I can smell your blood.”
>Your eyes widened as a droplet of blood fell from your vibroblade and impacted the ground
>You bolted from the boulder as a burst of blaster fire blew it apart, sending rubble flying in all directions
>You sprinted as fast as you could, raising your blaster rifle and wildly firing in his direction
>The Trandoshan sprayed the entire area, cutting down several small tress and blowing up another boulder in the process
>You then heard a familiar sounding *boom!* and slid to a stop as a mini thermal detonator dropped to the ground a few feet in front of you
>You tumbled down a hill as an explosion rocked the earth behind you
>Rolling through the dirt, you fell perhaps 20 yards or so before gripping the ground hard enough to stop yourself
>You hastily dusted the dirt and leaves off of your jacket as you stood up
>It was then that you saw a red light over your chest, and looked up to see the Trandoshan aiming his large rifle at you
>Your heart beat quickly as you stared at him, your hand shakily grasping your blaster rifle as you considered your options
>You were running out of ideas
“Come on you big damn lizard. Take the shot!”
>You scowled up at him and prepared yourself for your last shootout
>Then, you felt something
>Luna’s training had taught you how to sense the presence of others, and how to discern emotional states
>Suddenly, you were distinctly aware that someone was coming here
>And he was very very upset
>”Heh, let’s see if you can dodge this…”
>A noise began to emanate from his blaster rifle, but it suddenly stopped as he lowered his rifle and looked up
>”What the…?”
>You looked directly above you
>It looked like a… meteorite?
>And it was getting bigger and bigger
“UH OH.”
>You and the Trandoshan both took off as a ball of flame soared overhead
>A massive explosion rocked the hill, sending you stumbling the rest of the way down as flaming wreckage and debris flew everywhere
>You stopped as one particular piece of white and purple wreckage crashed to your feet
>You looked at the Trandoshan in shock as he hissed in pain, much of his body coated in dirt and ash
>You swerved around and looked back up the hill
“Is that a TIE fighter?!”
>Luna once said that the Force works in mysterious ways
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>The Trandoshan coughed as he attempted to lift himself off the ground
>You glared at him as you set your boot down over his chest and raised your blaster rifle to his face
>He put up a fierce scowl before wincing in pain and falling unconscious
>You briefly considered finishing him off, your finger hovering over your blaster’s trigger
>Then, over the sound of the flames, you began to hear what sounded like the lapping of waves
>You stared into the distance and saw that the sea was right there in front of you
>Glancing down at the Trandoshan, you took your boot off of his chest and raised up your rifle
>There was no need to kill him, not when escape was so close
>You ran forward, mindful of the fact that if your blasters didn’t attract the attention of those Stormtrooper patrols that the TIE fighter’s crash most certainly did
>After another few minutes, you arrived at the top of a massive cliff, nearly 100 ft tall
>Looking down you saw waves crashing against the rocky shore, but you also saw a small path that led down to a cave
>Climbing down the path, you hurriedly made it to the large open cave where your starfighter awaited you
>You smiled, absolutely relieved to finally get away from your pursuers
>However, in the midst of your relief you realized that Luna was still out there
>You knew that she was something else, but you were still worried about those two Inquisitors…
>You sighed
“Please be OK Master…”
>You hopped down another few steps and slid inside the cave
>You could vaguely make out the outline of your starfighter on the other side of the cavern
>That Z-95 Headhunter of yours had been with you for quite a long time
>It was pretty beaten up, but even so it still managed to pull through for you even at the worst of times
“Boy am I glad to see you!”
>You hefted your blaster over your shoulder and strolled over to the ship
>”I’m glad to see you too!”
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>You stopped cold in your tracks as a chill went down your spine
>You turned your head and faced the darkness of the cave, and within it you saw a pair of glowing red eyes gazing into you
“h-How the Hell…?”
>You heard the her begin to chuckle
>Your eyes narrowed
>You won’t go down without a fight
>You whip out your blaster rifle and open fire
>A hail of blaster bolts stream toward her as a red saber emanates from the shadows
>With a swirl of her saber she swipes aside the first volley of your blasts, so you continue to shoot her with everything you got
>You take a step toward her as you intensify your barrage, while she takes a step toward you as she expertly blocks every shot
*click!* *click!* *click!* *click!*
>Without missing a beat, you drop the blaster rifle and raise up the hand holding your vibroblade
>You hurl the blade forward and it flies through the air directly at her face
>It sails forward and is just about to stab Midnight, when she pulls back her saber and points a finger at it
>The vibroblade stops only a couple inches away from her face and floats in midair
>”Look what I just caught!"
>She points at you and the vibroblade shoots back
>You nearly fall onto your back as your blade embeds itself between your shoulder and your chest
>The piercing pain distracts you from her approach, as she puts away her saber and walks forward
>You glower up at her as she approaches, your hand wrapped around the blade that’s stuck in you
“I. just. caught. YOU!”
>You’re about to rip out the vibroblade and rush her, but she raises her hand up first and you are sent flying back from her into the cave wall
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>Your body smacks against the hard cold wall of the cave as you groan in pain
>You try to reach for the knife that’s inside you so that you can have SOMETHING to defend yourself with, but your arms are pressed back by her command
>You gaze unflinchingly at her as she approaches you with a crazed grin, her dark countenance giving her the appearance of some like of monster
“Let go of me!”
>She laughs as she looks you over, standing only a few feet away
>”So, Luna chose to train you! It’s really an honor you know. She was a Jedi Master, and a general too! One of the Order’s best! It really makes me think, why would Luna go and train someone like you?”
>Midnight’s shoulders shook as she began to laugh harder
>”Desperation perhaps? Beggars can’t be choosers, and I guess she just had to find SOMEONE who she could train, what with most of the Jedi all dead.”
>You glared at her as she held you back against the wall
“You… don’t… know… me!"
>Your right arm slowly broke free of her grip as it bent across your chest and reached for the vibroblade
>Midnight rolled her eyes at you as her own hand reached for the blade
>With a flick of her wrist, she yanked it out of you
>”Well, why don’t I get to know you then?”
>She pushes you back against the wall harder as she raises her hand up closer to your face
>She closes her eyes and suddenly you began to experience a splitting headache as memories of your past were dredged up into your mind
>”Let’s see now… you’ve had a violent past. Were you some kind of pirate? A bounty hunter maybe? A… slave? Ha! How stereotypical! A Twi’lek slave. Were you a good dancer too?”
>You gritted your teeth and snarled at her as she tightened her grip on you
>She peered open one eye and glanced you over
>”You’re very ill-mannered for a slave.”
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>Midnight opened her other eye as well, and the pain she was inflicting on you was lessened as she examined your body
>”You have very peculiar tattoos. Do they signify ownership, or do they have a deeper meaning?”
>You tried your best to hold your tongue as she continued to analyze your face
“i-I got them because they look cool…”
>She smiled
“They’re actually quite impressive. They make you look fierce…”
>Your eyes widened as she unzipped your leather jacket and raised up the vibroblade
>She brought the tip of the blade up to your throat and began to slice open your undershirt
>”What are you doing!?”
>Further pressure was pushed against you, leaving you powerless in her grasp as she tore your undershirt in half
>”Ahhhhhh, I see now.”
>She traced the knife down across your chest before resting it on your abdomen, where your set of tribal tattoos led to a large red tattoo of a circular star like symbol
>”You belonged to Black Sun! My, you’ve had many interesting masters haven’t you?”
>You grimaced as her hand reached closer to your face and the pain in your head returned, more fiercely than before
>”Tell me, how was it that a member of Black Sun became a Jedi Padawan?”
>Your eyes clenched shut and your head began to feel as if it would split wide open
“I was… trained by them! Many years ago they bought me and trained me as… as an assassin.”
>”Go on…”
“My master sent me to kill Luna but… ARRRGH!… but I didn’t know she was a Jedi. She could have killed me, but instead she gave me a new chance at life. She said I could become a Jedi… and I believed her…”
>The pain in your head ceased and Midnight released her grip over you, dropping you to your knees
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>Your folded your arms over your stomach and grasped a hand over your knife wound
>Never at any other point in your life, even in all the years where you lived as a slave, did you feel so humiliated
>”What was your name again?”
“Sunset, my name is Sunset Shimmer.”
>”Sunset Shimmer, you actually are rather remarkable I suppose. I’m willing to cut you a deal. I will let you live, you can go free and I won’t follow you. Or you could even come with me, I could easily find use for an assassin who commands the Force.”
”I’d rather—!“
>Your felt an invisible hand clench around your throat as the air was choked out of you
>”Please let me finish.”
>And with that the pressure around your throat was gone
>”I will let you live, but only if you tell me where you hid that Holocron.”
>You looked up at Midnight and sneered at her
“You already have it!”
>She raised an eyebrow at you
>”Excuse me?”
“I said, you already have it! Your partner, Anonymous. He took it from me hours ago!”
>Midnight’s face fell as she backed away from you
>”Anonymous had the Holocron this entire time…”
>Midnight slowly walked away from you and absently muttered to herself
>”Of course… he sent me astray so that he could have Luna to himself…”
>You watched as Midnight walked away from you toward the mouth of the cave that opened up over the sea
>You glared at her as she kept her back to you, then your eyes fell upon a small boulder that lied a couple feet away from you
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>You always liked to think that you could tell when someone was lying to you, and right now Midnight was setting off all your warning signals when she said she’d let you go free
>You also liked to think that you could tell when your enemies had their guard down, and it seemed like Midnight was really out of her element
>You took your hand off of your wound and rose to your feet
>Midnight stood at the very edge of the cave near the cliffs, gazing out at the sea before her
>You raised up your hand, lifted the large rock into the air, and carried it with you using the Force as you slowly walked up to her
>Each step you took felt painful to your battered body, but you were still able to move silently as you ganged up on her
>Your eyes narrowed at her as you got closer
>She suddenly started to move again as she walked along the mouth of the cave and you stealthily followed behind her with your weapon
>Just a little closer… and… Now!
>You raised the boulder up high and—
>Midnight twisted around and raised up her hands
>A stream of blue lightning erupted from her fingertips and barreled towards you
>A far worse pain than before filled your entire body as you were catapulted off of your feet into the air
>When the pain finally ended, you opened your eyes to see that Midnight and the cave were gone, and the night sky lied above you
“I’m sorry Master Luna… I couldn’t get away…"
>Your broken body fell from the sky as the sea rushed up to engulf you in its icy waters
>Be Anonymous
>”Well the wounds are cauterized, and they aren’t TOO deep… I’d say you’ll get two nice scars out of it. Congratulations on your successful hunt sir.”
“Thank you Corporal.”
>You levitated Luna’s lightsaber above your hand, twirling it playfully in your grasp as the Medic tended to your wounds
>Several stormtroopers milled about around the medical shuttle behind you
>On the ground by your feet lied the torso piece to your armor, your now ragged black cloak, and Luna’s battered chestplate which you decided to take as a trophy
>Glancing around, you beheld the burnt out husk of the buildings before you
>Various huts and lodges, most of them burnt to the ground but a few still smoldering even now
>The medical team must’ve thought it strange that you ordered them to work on you here, but you insisted on seeing what the village looked like after your orbital bombardment
>You still weren’t exactly sure if you were satisfied with what you had done, but in any case you wanted to see exactly what the results were of your actions
>From what you could see, there were no survivors
>”All in all, it should take about a week for those wounds of yours to heal completely. You should try to take it easy until then so that they’ll heal properly.”
>You looked down the road which led deeper into the ruins of the destroyed village
>You could sense her approach
“I do not believe I have that luxury.”
>You stood up and stretched your body before putting your cloak back on over your bare upper body
“Thank you for your assistance, now I suggest you leave this place immediately.”
>”Sir? Would you like us to give you a lift back to the Revengeance?”
“That won’t be necessary.”
>”Then… you want us to leave you out here?”
“Yes Corporal. I think it best that you and your team leave here immediately. Trust me, this is the last place on Alaris Prime any of you want to be right now.”
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>The medical team abruptly left aboard their shuttle, leaving you alone amidst the flaming ruins of the village
>It was silent, save for the crackling fires and your echoing footsteps
>The farther you walked into the village the less even the terrain became and the less buildings were left standing
“Well over a thousand lives wiped out in a few short minutes… Huh?!”
>Your eyes fell upon the remains of a large wooden hut that was coated in ash
“Hey! You’re not going to get the drop on me. Come on out.”
>A pair of red glowing eyes materialized in the shadowy doorway of the hut
>Midnight walked out and gave you a cold look of contempt
>Seeing her give you that look made you chortle
“By the Force, you look so uncharacteristically dour. You always seemed so happy to see me before.”
>She speechlessly walked forward before stopping just 15 yards away from you
“Yes Midnight?”
>”You have something that I want.”
“Do I now? Do you mean this?”
>Midnight’s eyes widened as you reached into your cloak and pulled out the Holocron
“You went through so much trouble to make sure I never knew you were after this. It must be pretty important to you.”
>Midnight grit her teeth as she looked longingly at the object in your hand
>She was displaying a range of emotions you had seldom seen from her before. A moment before she seemed visibly upset, and now she appeared to be genuinely worried about what you might do.
>For the first time in your interactions with her, you felt like you were in control.
>”Anonymous, I will only say this once. Give me the Holocron, or else.”
>You gave her a smug grin as you brushed the Holocron against your chest like an apple
“Or else what?”
>Midnight’s scowl grew even fiercer for a moment, only for it to disappear as she smiled
>You found it amazing how she could look so much more intimidating with a smile than with a glare
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>” 'Grand Inquisitor, Anonymous fought valiantly but I’m afraid that, against the combined might of Master Luna and her apprentice, he was no match. He was so insistent that I stay out of it, but once he was struck down I had no choice but to step in and avenge him, killing them both.’ ”
>Midnight gave you sickly sweet look of pity
“ 'It’s a terrible shame. I thought he had potential, but at least his death wasn’t COMPLETELY in vain. Perhaps we should all take a moment to reflect on Anon’s idiotic pride!’ “
>You gave her a blank stare before chuckling
“You’d probably get away with it. I’m sure I wouldn’t have been the first Apprentice Inquisitor who got in over his head like that, or the last. However, there is one serious problem with your plan that you have overlooked.”
>You raised a finger at her and waved it back and forth
“You have to kill me.”
>”HA! If our sparring matches are anything to go by, then that shouldn’t be an issue for me. We’ve trained together quite a lot, and you still can’t overcome my Juyo style. What makes you think you can survive a real fight with me?”
“I’m very glad you asked that.”
>You slipped the Holocron back into your cloak and folded your arms over your chest
“It was actually only a few hours ago that I finally realized how to beat your Juyo style. Now I KNOW I can kill you.”
>Midnight shook her head
>”You can’t intimidate me with empty bluffs.”
“I’m not bluffing, I’m actually applying the lessons you taught me.”
>”You are?…”
>Your grin widened
“When we first met, you told me that sparring and practicing how to fight was no substitute for real experience on the battlefield. You were absolutely right. My first real taste of battle gave me the knowledge I need to overcome your unique fighting style. Would you like for me to demonstrate?”
>”Do you really want to die?”
>You walked over to the center of the path and stared Midnight down as you pulled out your new lightsaber and ignited it
>She tilted her head as she examined you with your new weapon before scoffing at you
>”I’m not going to hold back Anon. I can and WILL kill you, just hand it over.”
“Are you afraid of me?”
>She scoffed at you again
>”I’m astounded by your stubbornness.”
>Midnight pulled out her red lightsaber and then grabbed hold of the other saber on her belt
>She ignited them both, complementing the red saber with a blue one
>You had never seen her use two lightsabers at once before
“Well then, you really are getting serious now.”
>You tossed back you cloak, leaving your entire upper body bare save for the bandages on your arm and side
>She sneered at you as she assumed some strange variation of her usual opening stance
>”Anonymous, before you die, there is one last thing I would like to tell you.”
>You remained silent as you gripped your saber and assumed a Makashi stance with your saber pointed at the ground to your side
>Midnight’s countenance changed once more into something you had never seen before
>”I enjoyed our time together.”
>There was no malice or anger in her gaze, only a sorrowful frown
>You fell out of your stance as you stared at her
“What did you say?”
>”I said… I enjoyed the time that you and I spent together. I will remember it fondly.”
>Your jaw dropped as you listened to her speak
>Midnight’s mournful expression slowly dissolved as she adopted the manic smile you were all too familiar with
>She looked madder than ever
>”Now DIE!”
>She burst toward you with both sabers raised high
>Shaking off your confusion, you sprinted to meet her as well
>You raised your saber up in a horizontal block that took the brunt of both of her sabers at once
>She had the look of a grinning demon as she bared down on you, a look that could break some people… but not you
>You tapped into your hate, fueling yourself with the same emotions that guided you in your last battle with Luna
>Your wounds reopened and coated your bandages in fresh blood as your muscles contorted
>You brushed her sabers aside and struck her with everything you had
>She struck back at you with everything she had as well
>The space between the two of you was transformed into a killing zone, a maelstrom of lightsabers that clashed endlessly
>Her red and blue sabers swirled about you, looking for any sign of an opening, but by using your own saber and by pushing your body to its limits, you were able to meet her brutal assault with one of your own
>This barrage went on for over a full minute
>Neither of you could gain the upper hand
>Although you felt no pain or fatigue, you knew you couldn’t keep this up forever
>You had to take a chance, so you took a page out of Luna’s book
>For the briefest moment, you slackened your focus on your saber and its beam disippated
>As Midnight’s red saber passed through where yours was only a moment before, you reignited your weapon and slashed your saber at hers
>Your ploy paid off as you cut the tip of her red saber’s hilt off
>She adapted quickly, dropping her red lightsaber before it had even completely circuited out and intensifying her assault with her blue saber
>She attacked you as if nothing had happened, her styles seamlessly melding together in one fluid unified onslaught
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>Your sabers met again and again, with each of you narrowly dodging death multiple times
>Although it seemed as if this battle may go on endlessly, you sensed your end approaching
>Your wounds finally began to feel painful once again, distracting you as Midnight gleefully advanced
>It was now or never
>You gripped your saber with both hands and performed an overhead strike with as much strength as you could muster
>She raised her own saber with both of her hands and blocked it just before you could cut her down
>The two of you remained locked into this struggle, your strength quickly leaving you as she raised her saber up
>”It’s OVER!”
>You let go of your saber with your left hand and shoved it towards Midnight
>You blasted her back with the Force, causing her to stumble away from you
>You rushed toward her with your saber, stabbing at her as she clumsily parried aside your blow
>You pushed her away again with your off hand as she struggled to realign her stance whilst blocking your saber thrusts
>She finally regained her footing and attempted to stab you, only for you to summon the Force again and pull her toward you
>You grabbed ahold of her saber-holding wrist as she stumbled
>A loud *CRACK* resounded throughout the air as you slammed her in the ribs with your knee
>Midnight gasped as she dropped her saber to the ground and fell to her knees
>Your bloodied and exhausted body shook as you shakily held the tip of your saber up to her throat
“Now… it’s over.”
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>She slowly raised her head and stared at you whilst gripping her side with one hand and holding her body off of the ground with the other
>”How… how did you—?”
“Juyo, the Killing Form as you call it, is purely offensive with few techniques designed for the purpose of defending its practitioner. You bypass this fatal flaw by maintaining a never-ending series of attacks that forces your enemies to try to keep up with you, such that you don’t need to defend yourself. However…”
>You straightened your body up as you kept your saber to her throat and regained your breath
“As powerful as Juyo’s offensive is, it struggles against someone who uses the Force in combat. It can counteract saber blows easily, but when I use the Force to break up your never-ending offensive, the Form collapses.”
>As you spoke, Midnight forced herself to her feet, wincing in pain as her hand gripped her side where your knee had struck
“Every combat style has it’s weaknesses. Everyone has a weakness that can be exploited, and I found yours…”
>You took a step toward her, and she stepped back as well to avoid having her throat impaled
>You glared fiercely at her
“Midnight Sparkle… you are a maniacal, arrogant, sadistic WITCH! Nearly everything you have told me has been a lie! A pathetic attempt to manipulate me and keep me in the dark!”
>Midnight nearly fell onto her back as she staggered away from you
“Look at you now! You haven’t outwit anyone, and now your life is in my hands! You. Have. FAILED!”
>She looked as if your words had been hitting her as hard as your fists could
>She knew she had lost
>Finally she stopped in her tracks, and salvaged what pride she had left as she gazed back at you
>”Do you have anything else to add before you finish this?”
“Yes, I have only one last thing left to say.”
>She miserably met your gaze for presumably the last time
“I love you.”
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>You unceremoniously dropped your saber and embraced her, wrapping your arms around her body and placing your lips against hers
>Her red eyes widened in shock as you held her tight and kissed her
>She remained frozen for several seconds before closing her eyes and returning your embrace
>The two of you remained locked together like this for some time, it could have been ages for all that you cared, but eventually the two of you finally broke your kiss
>You continued to hold her close as she looked longingly into your eyes
>”I… I don’t understand. I thought you hated me?”
“Hate you? I think I do, but I also love you. Your cruel laugh, your condescending stare… everything about you drives me to the brink of insanity and back! You have infected me with your madness, I must have you. I need you!”
>She quivered in your grasp before placing a hand against your cheek
>”I… I will be yours, if you will be mine.”
>You grinned at her
“ 'If I will be yours?' Even now you try to resist me, to assert your own dominance.”
>Midnight smiled at you
>”I think… I think I need you as much as you need me, if not more.”
>Her words excited you as she sultrily looked into your eyes
“Very well. Let us love, and hate, and fight each other… forever…”
>The two of you locked lips together again, your arms gripping around her waist and lifting her up as she wrapped her arms around your neck
>This was your greatest triumph
>Luna dead, Alaris Prime in flames, your status in the Inquisition secured, and Midnight forever yours
>There was only one thing left to address
>You lowered her to her feet
>She nestled her head against your chest as the two of you walked through the apocalyptic wasteland you had created
>You surprised her by summoning the Holocron into your hands and slipping it into her grasp
“Show me what this can do.”
>Midnight smiled at you whilst cradling the Holocron
>”I can show you far more than that.”
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That's all for now ya'll!

Biggest update I've had for Inquisitor Anon in a while, but I think it turned out really well!

I hope you guys liked it! Feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated, and I'd love to hear what you guys thought about this. Act I is starting to come to a close, with Luna defeated and Anon and Midnight's dispute firmly settled, there's only a few things left that I'd like to cover. I already have a few ideas for an Act II in mind, but that's still kind of down the road at this time.
>soon they'll tearing up the star system Bonnie and Clyde style
Isn't true love just the sweetest?
>They're gonna fuck up a lotta shit
Awesome. That gives me a fantastic starting point. Thanks m8.
Well... I... um... I didn't see that coming
I like being surprised. Keep up the good work.
I'm glad! I really enjoy surprising people with my writing.
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Great. Now I'm excited and horny. There's only one solution to this dilemma.
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Finished. I need to better understand my brushes...
Yes you're welcome.
Sorry to be that guy, but I found some parts tedious to get through. A lot of descriptions followed by blocks of dialogue; That you did try to break up and that's good. But followed by more dialogue. Maybe I should try to read the rest of your story. Maybe I'm just a bitch. I dunno. Nobody talks to me now-a-days
>tfw no sith waifu
Dear god i love this thread. Any plans who you're gonna draw anon with next?

Maybe Flash?
By far the worst general on the board.
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Thanks m8, there's a lot more to come!
No, please be that guy. If you could tell me specifically what parts you thought were boring and how you think I could improve then I would really appreciate it.
Do you think I have too much description and not enough dialogue, or too much dialogue and not enough description?
That's a bad feel man
Bump on page 9 allowed bump?
Any news from Sarge after his furry adventure?
Last seen here: >>25412378

Diggin it. Are you back from the dead or just visiting for a while?
And that's how it all ends.
What you talking about Willis?
How are we are on page 10 again?
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Up next is Sunset but I can fit Flash after her. I just need to know top or bottom?
I re-read your update; In general, its good. BUT what made it hard for me to read was that a lot of your sentences began the same way.
>You let go of ...
>You blasted her back...
>You rushed toward her...
>You pushed her away...
It feels like reading a game log from a text based game, Its a bit hard to get into stuff with that.

Dialogue and descriptive action is balanced nicelybetter than my green. but you rushed it a bit, especially, when Anon holds Midnight Spergle you could have described some more, like their feelings or the sensation of holding her. Time is relative to the ones observing. Tell me how wonderful her sweat and hair smells while she nuzzles your chest.
All things considered, your stuff is decent, mad decent even.
Baby its not what it looks like! those other threads don't mean anything to me! You're the one that really gets me!.I'm here to stay kirrabee
Because some asshole shitposts on tv and gets the IP for cellular data user in my region banned.
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>Lose your way, you did once.

>Find it once more, can you?


>A Jedi's strength flows from the Force.

>But beware the Dark Side.
>what made it hard for me to read was that a lot of your sentences began the same way.
>You let go of ...
>You blasted her back...
>You rushed toward her...
>You pushed her away...

Ok I see. That does seem like kind of lazy grammar on my part. It sounds like something that should be easy to correct though, so I'll try to fix that.

>It feels like reading a game log from a text based game, Its a bit hard to get into stuff with that.
Sometimes I feel like when I'm describing things, it comes out like I'm talking like a GM to a player or something. I will try to improve on this.

>Dialogue and descriptive action is balanced nicely but you rushed it a bit, especially, when Anon holds Midnight Spergle you could have described some more, like their feelings or the sensation of holding her.

Looking back I might have ended my update a little too abruptly maybe in an attempt to gain more shock value I dunno. I intend to make up for it with my next update, where I'll deal largely with Anon and Midnight together.

>when Anon holds Midnight Spergle you could have described some more, like their feelings or the sensation of holding her. Time is relative to the ones observing. Tell me how wonderful her sweat and hair smells while she nuzzles your chest.
I will do my best to keep this in mind, especially for what I intend to write next.

>All things considered, your stuff is decent, mad decent even.

Thank you very much friend! I hope you find future updates more enjoyable.
You could draw something kinky with Flash since anon is going to torture him in sarge's story
does anyone have the drawing of nito with his robot arm?
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>tfw slowly starting to build a biker scout suit
>my XCOM instincts kick in
Fuck this shit
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I do.
>homosexual BDSM
Do you like hurting people, Anon?

had some technical difficulties with my computer So Sunset might take a little more while.
Hey boys and girls. I'm on my way home from visiting family, I'll have an update for you when I get back.
Yay. I really like your story and you left with Anon bleeding out and I NEED TO KNOW!!
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Hey guys, look what I found on /k/!
It's very pretty m8
He looks genuinely sad with his position right now.
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Fuck that drive. Update coming soon ish.
The woman next to him looks like she shit her pants
Has anyone noticed you can change your google stuff so there's lightsaber loading bars and stuff if you go to google(inset a singular dot here)com/starwars
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Jeez, I forgot about this particular part I wrote that contained food, and it's making me hyper aware that I'm starving.

Ironic, I'm currently visiting family for Thanksgiving right now. Have to fit 20 people into one house. Granted that house is basically a mansion.
I won't be able to post again until at least Saturday. In the meantime I'm definitely looking forward to your story.
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>darkness encircled you
>everything felt muffled, muted, almost as if you were wrapped in a large, black blanket
>you couldn't move, couldn't talk
>the only thing you could do was look, and there wasn't much to look at
>a bit of panic began to worm it's way into your mind, but was quickly forgotten once the sound of a quiet voice reached your ears
>you strained to listen, trying to discern where the voice was coming from
>a pinprick of light flared up, far away from where you were
>as you were squinting, trying to make out what it was, you were suddenly dragged towards it, at alarming speeds
>you shouted in surprise, but your mouth made no noise, no indication you were trying to speak
>consequently, you didn't hear your own gasp of horror as you neared the point of light and witnessed the scene before you
>the Rodian thug, beaten, bloody, and whimpering lay in a heap before a shadowed figure
>as they reached you, you realized that his whimpers were the sound of him begging with the shadowy sillhouete
>"Please, no, have mercy!"
>your eyes looked to the mysterious figure, and were drawn to the all too familiar sword resting at it's side
>your dread mounted as the sword was slowly, menacingly drawn up
>"No! Please! This isn't right!"
>a glint of white reached you as you realized the shadowy figure had started to smile, the sword raised high above its head
>"Please! This isn't the way!"
>your stomach lurched as the Rodian's voice morphed into Octavia's
>you tried to reach out, tried to scream, tried to do anything to stop the figure
>it was all in vain, however
>you made no sound, had no hands to stop it with
>a pair of yellow eyes cut through the darkness, joining the crazed smile, as the sword began it's descent
>you tried to scream louder, tried to get the figure to at least pause
>but the only sound that reached your ears was malicious, manic laughter
>your laughter
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>"Oh, there you are..."
>the scene before you froze, and began to fade back into the darkness
>a pair of blue hands breached your bleak surroundings, embracing you
>a feeling of warmth flowed through you, and your surroundings began to change
>the pitch around you began to brighten, and the familiar blue began to shine through
>you found yourself lying in the lap of a familiar, smiling figure
>"Hello, Anonymous."
>you smiled
"Hello, Saphina. Am I dead?"
>the pealing bell chime of her laughter rang in your ears
>"Afraid not, my dear."
>you sighed quietly, uprighting yourself and perching cross-legged in the air
>as you looked around, you realized your mindscape was a bit different, though you couldn't quite put a finger on it
>it wasn't the pale gray, never ending landscape, though you really should try and liven the place up a bit
>it wasn't your ethereal companion, who was as blue and as smiley as ever
>you scratched your head in confusion as Saphina brought her hands into view
>they were cupping a small, swirling blue orb that acted exactly like the sea of your inner strength
"Don't tell me."
>"I was wondering when you were going to notice. It was kind of a drastic, not to mention alarming change."
>you poked a finger inside of it glumly
"So is it gone forever?"
>Saphina tutted
>"No, you just need to rest."
"Why is it like that?"
>"Probably because you discovered that you could push a womp rat around, so you tried to throw a Wookie into a different planet's orbit."
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>you gave her a dumb look, and she pinched the bridge of her nose
>"You simply overexerted yourself in that little bout of yours. You just need practice, after you rest first."
>you nodded, leaning back slightly
"You've been quiet lately."
>Saphina twirled a lock of hair around her fingers
>"I've just been observing. I figured that, with everything going on, you didn't need a little voice in your ear."
>you chuckled at that
"Your input is always welcome, you know that."
>she nodded, setting the blue orb down on the ground
>you noted with interest that it was already expanding
>the two of you sat in silence for a while, gazing at the tiny maelstrom
"So, what do you think?"
>you didn't need to elaborate further
>"You make friends rather easily. I wouldn't worry as much as you do about your actions in that alley. You did what you could in a difficult situation. As for your cloaked shadow, all I can advise is to be careful."
>you nodded, leaning against her once more and sighing
>she began to hum a tune softly, stroking your hair
>her humming soon became a quiet singing, and you found yourself dozing off
>odd, you didn't think you could fall asleep here
>the last thing you thought as darkness closed in on you was that it all felt very, very real
>and you didn't notice the swirl of red and black escape Saphina's clutches and disappear into the blue orb
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>every single time you pass out, why do you have to hallucinate Octavia's voice calling to you?
>you opened one eye slowly, peeking around a bit
>you weren't in the speeder anymore, if the bed was anything to go by
>your injured arm was currently suspended in a tube of the bluest bacta gel you'd ever seen, so you could only assume you were in the Temple's infirmary
>the light wasn't overly blinding, either, so you opened both eyes, bringing a concerned looking Octavia to the forefront of your vision
"Huh, it's actually you this time."
>you grimaced as your voice was little more than a hoarse croak, and the dark haired Jedi cocked her head
>"What does that mean?"
"Uh, never mind."
>she sighed, leaning back in the chair she had pulled up next to your bed
>"How is it I send you on an errand to an old friend and you eneded up almost getting an arm chopped off? This was supposed to be a quick and easy task."
"I guess I have a penchant for trouble. What time is it?"
>"Early. I want the whole story."
>you rolled your eyes
"Vinyl does, too. How long was I asleep?"
>"Just a day. It's almost dawn."
"Explains why I'm starving."
>Octavia's mouth turned up in a small smile, and she gestured to a large tray of food on the table next to your bed, with an accompanying pitcher of water
>"Losing an egregious amount of blood might also have something to do with it. You're lucky you didn't die."
>you touched your pendant briefly with your free hand and smiled
"Maybe I wasn't as close as you think."
>"Hmph. I still want to know how it happened."
>you sat up straighter in the bed, pulling the tray of food into your lap
"Tell you what. Go find Vinyl and bring her with you so I don't have to tell my story twice. It'll give me some time to stuff my face and gather my thoughts."
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>it was her turn to roll her eyes, but she eventually nodded
>"Fine. Just try to remember to chew."
>you were in the middle of shoving an entire bread roll into your mouth, so a muffled grunt was the best response you could give
>fighting very hard to contain a smile, Octavia pushed her chair back and departed, leaving you to devour the sustainance laid before you
>you ate as fast as your good arm would allow, wolfing down enormous bites at a time
>after a moment's hesitation, you called on the Force to pour some water out from the pitcher into a provided glass, and to your great relief the cool trickle of power flowed easily from you
>ten minutes, an empty tray and a couple of pitchers of water later, Octavia returned with a very sleepy-looking Vinyl in tow
>she let out a huge yawn and scratched her head, giving you and your empty dishes a grin
>"Mornin' kid. Glad to see you've got some life in you."
"Mhm. I recall you being somewhat worried as we left."
>"Damn right, you passed out with that gash in your arm still bleeding. Fortunately, that sheriff guy was on point with that antidote."
>Octavia's face was contorted with worry and confusion in equal measure
>"Sheriff? Antidote?"
>you cleared your throat
"Maybe we should start from the beginning."
>so you did, telling them everything from the bus ride to the Rodian in the alley, to Applejack's generosity
>you left nothing out as you recounted the fight in the alley, including your mysterious shadow, and finally ending with the encounters at Carousel Bottique
"After I took her blood sample, we left, and I passed out in the back of the speeder."
>the two Jedi were silent for a while, with very different looks on their faces
>Octavia's face was a mask, but you could practically hear the gears in her head spinning, trying to process everything you had told her
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>Vinyl, with a very impressed look on her face, had no trouble coming up with something to say
>"You threw a metal pipe THROUGH the heads of one of those thick-skulled pigs, and then INTO the pavement beneath it? Holy shit."
>"Vinyl, now is not the time."
>"Oh, come on. You know I have no love for Gamorreans, and that's impressive, even for a Jedi."
>Octavia let out an exasperated sigh, which Vinyl took as the signal to give you an excited thumbs up
>"This altercation aside, I'm still concerned with this shadow that he's picked up."
>"Whoever it was probably went running with their tail between their legs after they saw what my boy Anon can do."
>"You mean what he almost died doing."
>"'Almost' being the operative word there."
>you sighed and leaned back, curling your fingers inside the bacta tank experimentally
>no pain, at least
>Octavia turned and looked at you, rubbing her temples vigorously
>"I'm glad you and Applejack got along well. She actually called me to make sure you were alright. And while I don't neccessarily condone you 'liberating' money from other thieves, I'd be a hypocrite if I condemned it."
>she closed her eyes and crossed her arms
>"In light of your injuries, the potential trauma from a fight you were not prepared for, and this mysterious shadow you have following you around, I think it's in our best interests to postpone your tests-"
>your quick outburst startled the older Jedi, making her jump
"I mean, I've worked hard and wanted this for a long while now. This shouldn't have to hold me back. If anything, I need to finish soon, so I'm ready for these situations and so I can protect people!"
>Octavia sighed
>"If I can't convince you now, I'll just have to take this to the Council. They'll side with me on this one."
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>Vinyl shook her head
>"I wouldn't be too sure of that, Tavi. He's become quite the favorite of Masters Discord and Twilight. Even the Grand Master herself is unusually proud of him. Besides, the kid has a point. He's more than ready to keep going, and holding him back doesn't do anything except agitate the both of you."
>"The Council still needs to know about this!"
>"Don't you think he's the one that should tell them?"
>you reached over with your free arm and touched Octavia lightly
"I already planned to talk to the Council as soon as I could. Please?"
>she sputtered slightly, looking between you and Vinyl before letting out an exasperated groan
>"Ugh, there's no denying you two. Fine. I'll let you talk to the Council yourself before we do anything else. I'm just worried about you, Anon."
>you smiled and withdrew your hand
"Thank you, but I'll be fine."
>you could practically see the sarcasm drip from Octavia's lips
>"How reassuring."
>Vinyl laughed, hopping up
>"C'mon, Tavi. Let the kid rest. You're way too tense anyway. Let's go spar!"
>Octavia gave her friend a playfully foul look as she was dragged out the door
>"How about you take your lightsaber and stick it up your-"
>and the door slid shut behind them
>you chuckled as they departed, before making yourself comfortable and drifting back to sleep

Kind of a short one this time, I'm exhausted after my drive and super hella hungry. I'll try to have more typed up soon.
Sarge is MIA bump.
I've been a fan since I started reading, and let me say that you still got it. Keep going.

Meanwhile I'll continue on mine. I should have a post for the weekend (maybe even a Thanksgiving update)
Way to keep the story going Konseiga-kun.
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You guys are pretty sweet.
Fuckin Checked Quads confirms we're pretty sweet

I'm currently going through and editing my update. it will be ready in a few hours.
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Here I come! Update in a few minutes.

>”Ugh…” you hear the robed person moan. They reach out and hold their head with a yellow hand.
>Gotta think fast. Be concerned.
>”Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going. Are you alright?”
>The Jedi looks up from under the hood. You see a feminine yellow face, and her eyes are wide with fear.
>She scoots back a little and curls up defensively. “Y-yes… Are you lost? It’s dangerous in here. Gorgodons, ashari panthers, imperials!”
>You ignore her question and offer her a hand up. She looks at it like you stuck a knife in her face. After a few seconds though, she accepts and you lift her off the ground.
>Now that she stood up you can actually see her face. She is a younger yellow Twi’lek with blue eyes; she is slightly younger than you. She glances at you nervously before looking back at the ground.
>She’s a Jedi? Maybe they’re getting desperate.
>She is cute though. She has a young face and a petite form, and is probably good looking under the Jedi’s concealing robes.
>Anon, snap out of it! What are you thinking; you have a task at hand! And she’s a Jedi.
>”Well, I have to get going now, so good luck with whatev-”
>”Wait!” The girl shouts in panic. “Please don’t leave. The Republic hasn’t been able to break through to the caves yet, and I can’t get off planet until tomorrow.”
>She looks at the ground again, her face flushed with embarrassment. “I still don’t have my lightsaber crystal… that’s why I’m here.” She looks up at you, her eyes wide and pleading.
>She’s just an initiate. You could have avoided this whole situation by just running. Hell, nothing is stopping you from just leaving her now.
>You can’t just abandon her though. You can barely survive on your own in here; how can she?
>Besides, she seems to know more about the caves than you do.

>You sigh. “Fine. Let's get going before one of those beasts you mention find us.”
>”Oh, thank you so much, mister.” She says with a cute little bow.
>You chuckle a little at her reaction. She really is something.
>You hold out your hand. “My name is Anon, by the way. What’s yours?”
>”Oh, I’m Fluttershy.” She takes your hand and shakes it politely. For a moment she looks confused, but she quickly shakes it away.
>”Is something wrong?” you ask.
>”No, no. I thought I recognized your name, but, well, I could be wrong. The galaxy IS a big place after all.”
>You shrug your shoulders. Like she said, it’s probably nothing. Now that she mentioned it though…
>You feel like you’ve seen her before. You don’t recognize her voice, but her face looks familiar.
>Either way, you have a task at hand, and apparently Fluttershy knows her way around. ”Alright Fluttershy, lead on. Where are we going?”
>”Uhh, oh right.” She looks around the junction you’re at and thinks. “Uhh… hmm… I think.. this one.” She motions to one of the routes.
>”Alright, off we go then.” You start walking down the path, and she follows behind you.
>The icy passages look like a maze to you, but Fluttershy seems to know where she’s going. With only a moment’s hesitation, she keeps you on track.
>You can sense something in the force. The primal feeling is growing stronger. The Force is pure here, and you’re getting closer to whatever is creating it.
>The cave also begins to feel warmer. The temperature can’t be all that different, but you feel invigorated.
>Eventually you get to a junctions where Fluttershy stops. You turn to her and ask “What’s the hold up?”
>”I… um… I’m not sure which direction to go. Is it left… no right… we could go straight… ohhhhh…” despair starts crawling across her face.
>You walk over to her and say calmly “Relax, you’ll be fine. You have to remember something.”

>”No, no I’m not sure. We’re lost, and it’s all my fault.” She falls to her knees and pulls her hood over her face.
>You lean over and put a hand on her shoulder. “Ok, let’s think this through. Are there any passages you know are NOT the way to go?”
>Still burying her face, she says “I think the right path leads outside… there’s a mandalorian camp there… lots of ashari panthers…”
>”See? We’re making progress.” you say optimistically. “Now, if you HAD to choose a path, which one would it be?”
>Fluttershy looks up at each of the passages. “I think… well… maybe… I don’t know!”
>She throws her head back down. Patiently you say “Come on, you’re a Jedi. Follow your senses.”
>You hear her trying to calm her breath. She lifts herself up and thinks for a moment. She points to a passage and says “Th-The left one. It’s the left one.”
>”Alright. Let’s go!” You say enthusiastically.
>”Wait! What if I’m wrong…”
>”Then we come back here and try again. Either way, we won’t make any progress just standing around here.”
>She sniffles a little then looks at you with a smile. “Alright. Thank you.”
>You smile back. “For what? It was all you. I just helped you get there.”
>The two of you start down the path again. Nothing will stop you two.

>The two of you continue down the icy caves. Eventually, you see a light ahead.
>”Oh, that’s it!” Fluttershy says excitedly. “That’s where the crystals can form.”
>The two of you break into a run, eager to complete your mission. You’re nearly there.
>The cave opens up into a large crevasse, with sunlight streaming through. The edges of the crevasse are sheer ice, which wraps around most of the room. Ahead of you, you can see where the passage leads to the cave. Or at least where it should be.
>Blocking the way is a steep slope of ice several meters tall.
>Fluttershy scowls in thought. “Hmmm… this shouldn’t be here.”
>You look up and scan the top of the ravine. Sure enough. You point to several jagged parts on the upper areas and say “I’ll bet part of the wall collapsed. With the way the sun streams in, it’s melting the debris, making the pile smooth.”
>Fluttershy stares down at the ground crestfallen. “We were so close… now what will we do? It will take hours to go around.”
>You scowl at your inanimate opponent. You refuse to be beaten by a half-melted pile of ice. “We can get through it.”
>Fluttershy glances up at you. “How? We can’t scale it.”
>You take a few steps back. “Watch me.” You push yourself into a full sprint.
>You hit the wall and try running up it, using all your momentum. You get a meter or so off the ground before sliding back down.
>The cave is filled with the sound of scraping ice as you try numerous attempts to scale the wall. All of them end in failure.
>You can feel yourself tiring, but you need to give it one more shot.
>You push yourself into a sprint, your legs aching after your attempts.
>You catch the wall and throw yourself up, making it almost halfway up. Unfortunately, you feel your speed slow, and you start sliding back to the ground.
>You hit the ground and a sharp pain lances up your ankle. You wince as your leg collapses and you fall to the ground.

>Fluttershy runs up to you. “A-are you ok? Did you hurt yourself.”
>Grinding your teeth, you nod in confirmation. Damn this hurts…
>You grip your ankle and she kneels next to you.>She takes off your boot and examines it. “Hmm… it doesn’t look too bad. It’s swelling a little, but that’s easy to fix.”
>She reaches into her robes and pulls something out of one of her bags. A medpac.
>She opens it up and starts applying some of the medicine. You can feel the cool kolto absorbing into your skin and the pain dulls even more.
>After she applies bandages, you slip back on your boot. Nothing can replace good old kolto.
>You try to stand up, but stumble as you try.
>Fluttershy says sternly “Don’t walk on it and make the injury worse. Take a little break from your stunts.”
>You chuckle at her sudden change in tone. “Yes, mom. I’ll stay off the playground.”
>You do agree with her though, you do need a break. “Let’s take some time. Work smarter, not harder.”
>She smiles and sits down next to you. After a few minutes of silen
ce, she says “I meant to ask you… why are you here? I haven’t seen you at the temple before, and you don’t seem evil like the Sith.”
>You swallow nervously. Do you tell her the truth? No, you can’t do that. Although, you could always skew things a little.
>You look at her and take a deep breath. “I may as well start from the beginning. I lived on the planet… Dantooine. I didn’t really know my mother, and my father worked at with the local mechanic. One day, everything changed. There was a blast at the shop, something bout a reactor exploding.”
>You pause for a moment, debating how to spin the truth. “I was picked up by the local governor. Apparently he knows the ways of the force, and sensed it within me. He hated what the Sith have done to Dantooine in the past, but he also shares his ancestor’s dislike for Jedi. So instead he taught me from a more neutral standpoint.”

>”Huh.” Fluttershy looks at you with amazement. “I didn’t know there were non-Jedi or -Sith in the galaxy. I mean, I guess it makes sense.”
>You feel a little guilty about your deception, but you can’t really avoid it.
>”Yeah, it was cool though. He told me that if I want the full training I needed a lightsaber. So that’s what brought me here.”
>Taking things off topic, you ask “How about you? What’s your story?”
>Fluttershy’s expression melts away into somberness. “I-I was born on Ryloth. My parents didn’t have much money, and were indebted to a mean group of criminals called the Exchange. My friend Twilight was in the same situation, so we became friends when no one else would. Her brother escaped to the Republic to become a soldier, and he promised he would come back to save us.”
>She looks back at you. “He was too late though. One day, when I was 12, the Exchange got fed up waiting for our payment. They took the most valuable thing our families had, the children. Twilight and I were forced into slavery.”
>A tear falls down her cheek. “Our parents tried to stop them, but they were pushed back by the Exchange bullies. They beat our parents and left them in our houses. Twilight was always smart, so she became a translator for one of the Exchange bosses. I became a different type of slave…”
>What, did she mean physical labor? She isn’t that strong. What type of slave… oh shit.
>Fluttershy is sobbing now. Her body is shaking, and her hands are curled into fists as she digs her fingers into her robes.
>You bite your lip, contemplating. How do you comfort someone on something like this? You’ve never had anything like this happen.
>Instead, you follow your instincts. You shift closer to her and grab her hand. You give it a comforting squeeze that causes her to look up at you.
>She suddenly pulls you into a tight hug. You hug her back, rocking back and forward slightly.
>Fluttershy holds herself in the embrace and tries to catch her breath as her tears stream down onto your shoulder.
>With her sobs reduced to sniffles, she says “Th-thank you for listening. It’s funny, I could never tell anyone at the temple this, but I-I feel so much more comfortable with you.”
>You smile at this. “I’m glad to help. You’re a great person, and you didn’t deserve what you went through. At least you aren’t there anymore.”
>Fluttershy wipes away a couple tears still on her face and smiles back. “Yeah. I remember the day I was rescued. Twilight and I were both in the slave quarters when a team of Republic soldiers broke in. Leading the charge was Twilight’s brother, and he took us back to Coruscant. It was nice to be lifted out of our problems.”
>She quickly pulls herself away from you, blushing slightly. “S-sorry. Now, uhh, what about our current problem.”
>Yeah… too bad you can’t be lifted out of yours.
>Lifted out… lifted. Wait.
>”That’s it!” you shout excitedly. “We can use the force to lift each other up the ice!”
That's all for now. Comments/Concerns/Questions are always welcome.
Fuck, accidentally hit enter there
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>Fluttershy is like a sugar alien that sweats sugar and leaves sappy trails were ever she goes.
I cant wait until we betray her.

Also, trying to get up to date with all the stories.
Fluttershy the sex slave. How dark and evil.
I like it.
Hope we come up on a Sith encampment and forces Fluttershy to relive those days of old.
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What faction is Anon with again?
Sith empire my friend. The best
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Killer /b/ and onii chan are doing god's work bump
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Thanks babe.
Right back at you.
Don't sell yourself short. I think your story is one of the best on the board.

What do I have planned for Fluttershy? The answer may surprise you.
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Yeah, but you guys stuck around as I traversed through my dark ages. I fear the thread may have died without you.
You have my thanks. Ich liebe dich.
Poor Flutters.
I want to see her go full Dark Side with us and get some sweet sweet revenge
It's going well, please carry on bro.
Also going well. I'm honestly still not completely caught up with your story, but I enjoyed the update and look forward to seeing Anon's trials.

Might have an update ready later tonight. Going to do some proofreading and shit first though.
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>It was nearly a week ago that you first left Prakith, with a thirst for blood on your mind
>Years of training, a week of planning, the mobilization of thousands of soldiers
>All over one single Jedi, in a duel that lasted no more than a single tense hour
>Now that it was finally over, it was time to move on
>Luna was defeated, Alaris Prime was pacified, and you would now become a true Inquisitor
>What would the future have in store for you now? How many more Jedi would you hunt, and how many more battles would you fight?
>More importantly, what would the future hold for—
>”What are you thinking about?”
>Looking down in your lap, you gaze upon her
>Midnight playfully levitates the Holocron in her hand and examines every inch of it as she lays contentedly in your grasp
>Your hand, stained red with dried blood, begins to caress her long dark hair, which has been stained with dirt
>The holocron lowers into her hand as she focuses again on you, a devious grin plastered on her face
>Her smile is truly infectious, as you find yourself returning her look of manic joy with one of your own
>How strange the two of you must’ve looked, the Emperor’s Dark Jedi romantically holding one another amidst piles of corpses in a burning village
>Her hair had become a tangled mess , her clothes had been torn, her body reeked of blood and smoke, and even now as she lay docile in your grasp you could sense something truly vicious lying beneath the surface
>She was beyond beautiful
>Such passion and fury, it was as if Midnight Sparkle was the Dark Side made flesh
>And she was yours now, and you were hers
“You still haven’t told me what this ‘Holocron' does.”
>She rested her head against you as she laid her hand on the ground, turning her gaze toward the holocron in her grasp
>”It’s better if I show you. Come to my chambers tonight, and I can explain everything. There’s so much you need to see.”
>You could still sense the power emanating from within it, as if she was holding a flame in her hand and its heat was washing over you
>All this time you had been working toward hunting down Luna, but all the while Midnight was working just as hard to obtain this holocron
“What’s so important about this little thing?”
>She chuckled as she slipped it away into her cloak
>”You’re going to have to wait and see.”
“Ha! I don’t think I can wait much longer.”
>Her hand rose up and softly cupped your chin as you looked down at her
>”Trust me, it will be worth the wait.”
>You shook as her touch electrified your body, causing your breathing to quicken and the hairs on your body to stand on end
>Midnight giggled, seemingly pleased with the influence she had over you
>Not to be outdone, you deftly traced a hand over her body and caused her to shudder as you traveled up to her chest
>”What do you think you’re—AAH!”
>Rising up to your feet, you held her lithe body in your arms and smirked at her
“I’m taking what’s mine.“
>Midnight cooed in your grasp as you—
>The roar of an engine resounded overhead as a Lambda shuttle zoomed by, escorted by a pair of TIE fighters
>You groaned as you glared down an adjacent field to see that it was landing
“Not now!"
>”Anonymous, put me down! We can’t let them see us like this!”
“WHAT? You can’t be serious. Send them away!”
>Midnight rolled her eyes at you
>”Down. Now.”
>After briefly considering slaughtering everyone in that shuttle, you put Midnight back on her feet
“This isn’t over.”
>”I would certainly hope not.”

>”What gives Anon? I figured you’d be happy after finally killing Luna.”
>The memories of you wanting to horribly murder Flash were back in full force as you and him stared each other down in the back of the shuttle
“Did it ever occur to you that Midnight and I might like to be alone for a while?”
>”Yes it did, because for the past few hours it really seemed like you two were going to off each other. I made it clear I would not let that happen.”
“That’s no excuse! I told you I would handle things and I did. You disobeyed a direct order to STAY AWAY!”
>Flash’s hands grasped over his blaster pistols as you summoned your lightsaber into your hand
>The two of you glanced down the shuttle to where Midnight stood with the pilots in the cockpit
>”Don’t kill Flash! He’s the only good officer I have and I’m rather fond of him!”
>Glaring into his visor, your lightsaber reluctantly slipped back inside your cloak
>Flash glanced up at the cockpit, then back to you, then back to the cockpit and then you again
>”Did I miss something?”
“No… no you did not.”
>Flash slowly tore off his helmet, displaying a look of utter confusion as he stared directly at you
“What are you looking at?”
>Flash took another long look at Midnight up in the cockpit before slowly turning his head around to you
>His helmet fell to the floor and suddenly you were lifted off the ground
>The breath was squeezed from your lungs and your eyes bulged out of your skull as his arms wrapped around your body in a tight bear hug
>”You RASCAL! I knew you had it in you!”
>”What, and risk sleeping on the couch?”
>He looked genuinely overjoyed as you seethed in rage
>You could hear Midnight’s mocking laughter echo down to you as Flash happily lifted you about in the air
>Maybe you could make it look like an accident?
>”The Hell?”
>Flash dropped you back onto your feet and your hands immediately fell to your side
>Your bandages were falling apart as your wounds reopened yet again, and you could see that Flash’s armor was dripping in your blood
>”Er, sorry sir. That was a bit inappropriate.”
>He gasped in pain as you lifted him off of his feet, his hands scratching at his throat as you crushed him
>”ANON! I said NO!"
>You gripped him tightly for another few moments before dropping him to the ground at Midnight’s command
>Overwhelmed with exhaustion and pain, you fell to your knees next to Flash as he coughed and sputtered all over the floor
“You… are a buffoon.”
>”And you’re *cough* you’re completely nuts.”
>The two of you took a long moment to glare at one another
“Heheh Hahaha… HAHAHAHA!”
>Although it hurt to laugh, you simply couldn’t help it
>It was all too absurd
>Flash agreed
>He rolled onto his back, gripping his sides as he laughed at you
>Your Lambda zoomed through the air over the forests below as you shared a long and painful laugh together
>Flash was possibly the most insufferable person you had ever known, and you two had come close to killing one another more times than you cared to remember
>Despite wanting to tear him to pieces, Flash was also somehow your best friend
>You were starting to see a pattern here as you stole another glance back at the cockpit where a certain Chiss beauty was sitting
>Several more minutes passed as the shuttle flew toward the Revengeance
>You picked each other off the floor together as Midnight and the pilots exited down the ramp
>”Come here you! Let’s get you to med bay so they can fix you up a little. Maybe they can load you up with something to help you relax for once!”
“And maybe they can put this old man out of his misery so I don’t have to!"
>Following Flash down the ramp, you both walked over to med bay together
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>”How in the… Inquisitor Anonymous, these wounds look even worse than they did when I first saw them a few hours ago. What happened?”
>Flash shrugged his shoulders as you gave him a dirty look
“I suppose a few of us got carried away is all.”
>Your scowl disappeared quickly as you broke out into a chuckle, the imperial medic raising an eyebrow at you
>”Well, I’m going to have to clean this all up again to make sure it doesn’t get infected. It’ll take a few minutes at least.”
>You sighed as the medic went to work on you, hissing slightly from the stinging solution he applied to your body
>While he worked on you, your eyes wandered over the medical bay
>The area was quite busy, as numerous doctors and medical droids checked up on the casualties from the previous battle
“Flash, exactly how many men did we lose on that blasted moon?”
>”Just over a hundred and fifty dead, around three hundred more injured. Maybe a handful or so MIA.”
>You scowled as you gazed around at the various bedridden men and women
“That seems like quite a lot.”
>”Those Wookiees were tough. We could’ve lost twice as many men if we ended up attacking the village like we originally planned.”
>He wore a grin as he looked around at the casualties
“So why do you look so happy?”
>”For the first time since I’ve become commander of this division, I’m proud of my men. They fought hard, and now they know what it’s like to see real action. I only wish I could’ve gotten my own hands a little dirty out there.”
>”Sir, I’m finished.”
>Standing up, you experimentally flexed your arm and stretched your body before throwing your cloak back on
“Thank you doctor. Say Commander…”
>”Yes Anon?”
“Isn’t there a medal or something that soldiers earn after getting injured in battle?”
>Many of these soldiers stared at you with wide eyes and open jaws as you and Flash traveled around the medical bay
“Damn, that’s quite the bruise.”
>”It looks a lot worse than it really is. I’ll be back on my feet real soon!… uh Sir!”
“I should hope so, the Empire needs more men like you.”
>”t-Thank you Sir!”
>Smiling, you left this stormtrooper and then walked over to speak with the injured solider who lied across from him
>Wherever you went it was much the same; a look of genuine surprise and at times worry, followed by a conversation on how the battle went or how badly the injuries were
>Most of the these people looked to be in much better spirits after you were finished talking with them, and you were quite glad to see this
>Perhaps it was your fascination with all things military related, or maybe its because you spent so much time with Clone Troopers back when you were in the Service Corps, but in any case you could not deny that you had a soft spot for soldiers
>Of course, you also had an ulterior motive
>It was likely that, given your relationship with Midnight, that you would be spending more time on the Revengeance in the future
>You wanted these men to remember you and to become loyal to you, and what better way to do so than by rewarding them and praising them on a job well done?
>Looking down the hall, your eyes fell upon the bed of one particularly mangled soldier
>There were wrappings across much of her left arm and torso, as well as many smaller bandages across the rest of her body
>Her face was partially obscured by a piece of medical wrapping that covered her eyes and part of her forehead just below her short golden blonde hair
>She appeared to be completely out of it, and several machines were hooked up to her
>Something was distinctly off about this one, although you couldn’t quite figure out what
“Excuse me.”
>You stopped a skeletal looking medical droid as it was walking by
“Who is in this bed here, and what happened to her?”
>”That is patient #301, Flight Captain Lightning Dust. She suffered extensive 3rd degree burns, a fractured arm, damage to her optical nerves, and a severe concussion when her TIE fighter made an emergency crash landing from orbit.”
>It slowly dawned on you who exactly Lightning Dust was
“Gamma One...”
“How likely is she to survive her injuries?”
>The droid’s eyes stared unblinkingly at you as it processed an answer
>”Patient 309 has a very low chance of survival.”
>You sighed as you walked up to Lightning Dust
“I suppose that’s to be expected, it’s a miracle that she’s alive even now.”
>Scowling at her, the wheels in your head turned faster and faster
“What can be done to ensure she not only survives, but is still capable of serving in a combat role as a fighter pilot?”
>Although this medical droid had little in the way of facial expressions, you got the feeling that your question surprised it
>Or perhaps, intrigued it
>”Patient 309’s chances at being able to return to a combat role given her current treatment is abysmally low, roughly 4-5%. However…”
>He paused as he looked back and forth between you and her
>”If significant cybernetic restructuring was authorized, Patient 309’s chances of surviving and returning to a combat role as a fighter pilot increases significantly to roughly 60-61%.”
“Very well, I authorize it. Perform the surgery immediately.”
>”Yes Sir.”
>No ordinary pilot could have gotten the jump on Luna like Lightning Dust did
>Saving her life felt like an appropriate reward for the service she had rendered you
>More importantly, you and Midnight could only benefit from having an Ace pilot like her in your employ
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>Feeling both physically and mentally exhausted after dealing with the medical droid and Lightning Dust, you decide to finally return to your room and get some rest
>Flash seems engrossed in a conversation with a handful of injured stormtroopers, so you weakly wave him off as you stomp out of the medical bay and travel down the halls
>It’s technically morning now and Midnight told you to come see her at night, so that gives you ample time to get some sleep and prepare for whatever she has in store for you
>Stumbling into the elevator, you arrive up in the private dormitories
>It’s as eerily cold and silent as you remember it, although it’s eeriness has become welcoming to you in a way
>In a very short span of time, the Revengeance has become like home to you
>At least it feels much more like home than Prakith, or even the Jedi Temple, ever did
>A short walk down the hallway and you stand before your room
>You walk inside and hastily lock the door behind you before collapsing on your bed
>Lacking the energy to remove your cloak or take off the lower half of your stormtrooper uniform, you simply lie on your bed as sleep begins to take you
>Rolling to your back, your hand brushes up against your belt and you end up absently grasping your new saber in your hand
“I almost forgot about you.”
>You raise your hand up in the air and concentrate on your saber, its long yellow beam shooting out
“That’s a very impressive design, needing the Force to activate you. Whoever built you must’ve been quite the Jedi.”
>You chuckle as you lazily wave the saber in the air
“I wonder what your old owner would think if he knew what became of you?”
>The lightsaber felt heavier in your hands than Predator ever did, as well as somewhat clumsier
>Even so, when you fought with this lightsaber it almost felt like your stabs and swings had more force to them
>The beam seemed… stronger
>Deactivating your saber, you passed out with your new weapon in your hand
>Over twelve hours pass before you wake up
>A quick glance outside your window reveals that the Revengeance is in the midst of Hyperspace, most likely back to the Citadel on Prakith
>Your wounds ache and your bones creak as you force yourself out of bed, but despite all of that you feel stronger than ever
>For so many years you dreamed of fighting and killing a Jedi, of actually fulfilling your duty as an Inquisitor
>Now that you’ve finally done it, you feel as if a massive weight has been lifted off of your shoulders
>And yet, it’s also somewhat saddening to know that it has ended already
>You begin to wonder, had Luna escaped Alaris Prime would you still be searching the galaxy with Midnight and Flash aboard the Revengeance?
>What if Sunset had managed to get away with the holocron, what then?
“Must it all end so soon?”
>Staring at the lightsaber lying on your bed, you wondered if any other mission would ever push you to your limits as this one had done?"
>You could only hope that there would be other Jedi like Luna still out there
>As you ruminated over this, a much greater fear took root in your mind
>Now that you would become an Inquisitor, you would be expected to hunt the Jedi alone
>How would you be able to justify seeing Midnight without drawing attention?
>It’s true that you would be granted a much greater degree of freedom now on, but if your superiors were to learn of the feelings you and Midnight had for one another…
>You snarled as you summoned your lightsaber into your hand
“If anyone stands in our way, we will destroy them! What force within the Galaxy could stand against us, save for the Sith themselves?”
>That raised a good question
>What would the Emperor or Vader do, if they learned of you and Midnight?
“Enough of this!”
>You couldn’t stand these thoughts any longer
>Throwing on your cloak over your bandaged body, you marched out into the cold hallway toward Midnight’s chambers
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>Your anxiety diminishes greatly with each passing step you take toward her
>As you approach, you see that Spike is not standing guard at her front door as he normally does
>Now that you think about it, you haven’t seen much of him at all since the battle on Alaris Prime first began, although you really don’t care about that right now
>It’s time that Midnight finally showed you what she’s been hiding from you, and it is time that you and her made plans for the future together
>You walk into her vast quarters and find that they seem quite empty
>Chuckling, your eyes scan through every shadowy corner in the area
“Are you hiding from me again Midnight? Come on out.”
>When no answer came and it remained silent, you started to feel that perhaps Midnight wasn’t just playing around with you
>Closing your eyes, you began to sense for her
>What you immediately discovered caused you to recoil
>There was a presence, something truly vast and insidious, emanating from Midnight’s sparring chamber
>In your excitement, you broke out into a run
>Quickly passing through her hallway, you entered her sparring chamber and again recoiled in shock
>At the center of the room lied the Holocron, its top having been seemingly opened
>The device glowed a fierce red glare that washed the chamber in a Hellish red light
>Like a roaring campfire emitting heat and smoke, this Holocron emanated an oppressive dark side aura over the room
>On the opposite side of the room from where you stood, kneeling before the Holocron, was Midnight Sparkle
>She smiled as you took a few cautious steps into the room toward her
>It was amazing to see her simply sitting there so calmly right in front of it
>”Get enough sleep?”
>She stood up and loomed over the Holocron
>Each step closer you took felt more difficult than the last, as the energy this Holocron exuded distracted you
“What is going on in here?”
>”I am meditating.”
“Meditating? How can you even hear yourself think with this… thing here?”
>She giggled as she raised her hand over the Holocron, using the Force to close the top of it
>The red light that permeated the room immediately disappeared, allowing you to walk about freely
“Such power… is this a weapon?”
>Her eyes rolled as she continued to maintain her haughty smile
>”It’s a book Anon.”
“A book? About what?”
>Midnight raised a finger up toward you
>”ah ah aaaah. First things first…”
>Your eyes widened as she grabbed you by your hand
“What are you—“
>She jerked you back as she led you out of the sparring chamber and back down the hallway into her central room
>”Come on! We need to report back that your mission is over.”
>You scoffed at her as she led you before the Holo-terminal in the center of her chamber
“You seem to be in a good mood today.”
>She quickly turned her head back and grinned wildly at you as she stuck her face near yours
>”I’m in a VERY good mood today.”
>You stuck your own face against her’s and adopted a manic smile of your own
“Happy to see me?”
>Raising up your arms you attempted to embrace her, only for her to slip away from your grasp
>”Not yet~ First, business…”
>Turning her back to you, she began to rapidly type on the terminal
>Cracking your neck, you kneeled before the machine as it came to life
>After a minute of waiting, a familiar looking gaunt figure clad in slim black armor emerged above the Holo-terminal
>You perked up your head and gazed into the cold yellow eyes of an Inquisitor
>The Inquisitor
“Grand Inquisitor, my mission is complete.”
>Reaching into your cloak, you brandished Luna’s lightsaber
>Holding it aloft in both of your hands, you presented it up to him
>”Most excellent! Another Jedi Master dead, and a very prestigious one at that. This is a great victory for the Empire, and a great victory for you Initiate.”
>You raised your head and stared into his eyes
“I am not an Initiate, not any longer.”
>He chuckled, clearly finding your behavior amusing
>”No… I suppose you aren’t. What should I call you now then? Well, we can discuss that once you get here.”
“We are on our way back to Prakith right now Sir.”
>”Well then, that simply won’t do.”
>The Inquisitor folded his arms over his chest as he looked down on you
>”I am not currently on Prakith, and I won’t be returning for some time. However, I am thrilled to hear that Luna is finally dealt with and I wish to congratulate you personally. You are to come here and meet me then…”
>He showed you his cruel fang-like teeth as he smiled upon you
>”At the Emperor’s Palace on Coruscant.”
>Your jaw dropped
“The Emperor’s Palace? Coruscant?…”
>”That won’t be a problem will it?”
“n-No sir! I will arrive as soon as possible.”
>His smile faded as he wore a more serious look, its severity heightened by his naturally intimidating appearance
>”Come to the palace and meet me here in no earlier than 3 days.”
“Yes sir!”
>His eyes left you and fell upon Midnight, who stood silently behind you
>”Inquisitor Sparkle, how did Anonymous perform?”
>Midnight walked up by your side and smiled up at him
>”Anonymous did well. He required little input on my part, and he made good use of the resources I allotted him. I would say for his first mission he did… slightly above average. Certainly much better than expected.”
>You raised an eyebrow at her
>She appeared to be suppressing a much wider smile as she offered you her lukewarm praise
>It was difficult, but you had to hold yourself back from laughing
>It was clear as day that she was trying to get a rise out of you
>”I see… was there anything else you wanted to add Anonymous.”
“Yes, there was.”
>Your eyes locked with Midnight’s for a brief moment before focusing on the Inquisitor’s
“When I was on Alaris Prime, I discovered something quite odd and I honestly don’t know what to make of it. Something strongly related to the Force.”
>Midnight gasped, causing the Inquisitor to eye you both curiously as he awaited your answer
>You could very clearly sense Midnight’s fear
>”Don’t keep me waiting, what did you find on Alaris Prime?”
“I discovered…”
>The tension in the air was so thick you could slice through it with your lightsaber
“… A Jedi Temple! An ancient Jedi Temple, hidden deep within the forests on the planet.”
>The Inquisitor’s malevolent eyes widened
>”An undiscovered Jedi Temple? That is truly quite the find. Inquisitor Sparkle, can you attest to this?”
>”YES! i-I mean yes, Grand Inquisitor. I saw the place with my own eyes, it was quite old. If I were to make an estimation, it dates back thousands of years. Perhaps as late as the Great Sith War, if not further, although I had little time to examine things.”
>Midnight spoke quickly as she attempted to deflect any suspicion laid against her
>”Most interesting, this could be a great find for our Order, and for the Empire. I may have to investigate this personally… well if there is nothing else then you are both dismissed. Inquisitor Sparkle, you are free to do as you please after you transport Anonymous to Coruscant.”
>”Thank you Grand Inquisitor.”
>The Holo-feed quickly shorted out, leaving the two of you alone
>You chuckled as you stood up and turned around to face Midnight
“Slightly above avera—?”
>Like a bolt of lightning, Midnight’s hand slapped your face
>Speechless, you raised your hand up to your stinging cheek
>As you stared back into her fearsome glare…
>You began to laugh
“Was it something I said?”
>In an instant, your laugh became a snarl as your hand became a fist
>Your fist slammed into Midnight's ribcage, precisely where you had kneed her several hours ago in your last duel
>She doubled over, her hands over her injury as you glowered down at her
>The chamber remained silent save for Midnight’s groans and heavy breathing, but slowly those sounds were transformed as well
>Midnight slowly rose up, and as she did her cries of pain were turned into a giggling laughter
>Smiling from ear to ear, Midnight tackled you against the holo terminal, your injured side colliding with the hard metal
>Wincing in pain, you looked up into Midnight’s alluring eyes as she straddled you
>She mesmerized you as her face lowered towards yours
>”Want to spar again? Already Anon?”
>Before you could speak up, she silenced you with a kiss
>The touch of her sweet lips against yours overloaded your mind, drowning out your pain with pleasure
>Everything else seemed to slip away as you were captivated by the smoothness of her dark blue skin and the intensity of her glimmering red eyes
>Her beauty had become more dangerous to you than her lightsaber could ever be
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>Suddenly she broke apart from you, far too soon for your liking, and slinked away
>Staring at her as she glided back across her room, she stopped before her sparring chamber
>Beckoning for you to follow her, you picked yourself up off the floor and walked after her
>When you had arrived, she was waiting for you on her floor, kneeling before her inactive Holocron
>”Anonymous, I wish to ask you a few things before I… reveal myself to you.”
“Reveal yourself?”
>That could mean a number of different things, and you knew precisely what you wanted that to mean, and yet you felt she was speaking about something else
>”What are your feelings toward… our Emperor?”
>You jerked your head up, your passions subsiding slightly as her question caught you off guard
>Standing in silence, it did not take you too long to come up with an answer
“Palpatine opened my eyes to the Jedi, to their hypocrisies and their evil. It was by his instruction and his guidance that I became what I am today. I would have never been able to slay Luna if not for him. I would have never met you, if not for him….”
>Your hands tightened into fists as you stood tall and proclaimed
“Long may he reign.”
>Midnight’s expression remained unchanged as she looked you over
>”The Emperor is truly great, someone that should be respected. However, I don’t think you are giving yourself enough credit. You were the one who killed Luna, and it was not his by his hand alone that we had met and became what we are now. Another question…”
>She rose up and walked over her holocron to you, placing a hand on your shoulder
>”I noticed in our last spar that you had developed a new ability, a Dark Side power of the Force.”
“I’m not sure I follow you.”
>Giving you a patient smile, Midnight raised up a finger and began to explain
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>”When we last fought, you entered a state of pure emotion and drive. One where your anger and hate propelled you to new heights. You became stronger, faster, and I am sure pain was no longer much of an issue for you, all at the cost of straining your body and mind to its limits.”
>Eying her curiously, a hand of yours fell over your bandaged side
>The wound that had reopened almost instantly when you called upon the Force to fight Midnight
>The same wound you had gained and promptly ignored during your last bout with Luna
“There is a name for what I did?”
>She closed her eyes and nodded her head
>”The technique is called Force Rage.”
“Force Rage… I had never heard of such a power.”
>Turning her back to you, Midnight strolled across her chamber as she continued on
>”What of my preferred Lightsaber style, Form VII? Even though you managed to overcome Juyo, you must admit that it is quite impressive.”
>You began to scowl at her, unsure of where she was going with all of this
“Yes, I suppose it is a very powerful fighting style…”
>”Oh and that reminds me, I am sure that there are some other profound abilities you have seen before at the Citadel on Prakith. Powers that were never expressly taught to you by our instructors...
>Thinking back to your time on Prakith, you instantly remembered your last duel with Fluttershy
>She summoned bursts of lightning from her hands and unleashed a devastating scream attack against you
>It was these powers of hers that made her so feared and respected amongst your peers, but it always begged the question just how she had managed to learn to do all of that
>She had apparently manifested such power on her own, as none of your teachers could train you to do such things
>Midnight turned to face you again
>”Anonymous… how is it that I know all of this, and you don’t?”
>You could not come up with an answer for her
>Watching her skip over to the wall, Midnight placed her hands upon the portrait she kept hanging of the late General Grievous
>Removing the portrait, you saw that a number pad had laid behind it on the wall
>She quickly dialed a set of numbers, and suddenly a series of loud mechanical noises erupted behind you
>The wall itself had split apart, giving way to a dark hallway you had never known existed
>Midnight’s cool hands caressed your shoulders as she spoke softly into your ear
>”Follow me.”
>With that, she began to walk ahead of you into the darkness, and after a brief moment of hesitation you began to march after her
>Your combined footsteps echoed across the cold stone floor as the two of you walked down the shadowy corridor
>The dark hallway’s walls were lined with various tapestries, suits of armor, dusty old blades and blasters, as well as other stranger objects
“You do seem to enjoy collecting these artifacts. Some of them are quite pretty.”
>”Thank you. Most of them are very ancient, some would even call them priceless.”
>Midnight stifled a chuckle
>”Most of them mean fairly little to me though. What is truly important, is up there.”
>Her finer pointed up a long metal catwalk that lied ahed of you both down a separate passageway
>You followed her up this catwalk and saw that, below the metal grate you two walked over, was a massive drop
>It was hard to see how far above you the bottom lied, what with the lack of light
>Before you realized it, you stood before a large door that appeared to be made of stone
>Raising her hand, the gate gave way and allowed you both to enter into the dark chamber within
>Gazing inside, you could not make out anything at all, but you sensed something…
>Midnight’s hand slipped into yours, and you looked up to see her gazing determinedly into the chamber
>Bolstered by her presence, you walked inside with her
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>Fear overcame you as the door behind you wrenched shut, and Midnight’s hand left your grasp
“What is this?!”
>”Calm down Anon. Listen…”
“Listen? Listen to what?…”
“What the Hell was that!?”
>You stepped through the darkness, away from whatever it was that just shouted at you
>Unsheathing your lightsaber, you pointed it at wherever that new voice had just come from
>Your yellow saber burned brightly in the darkness, but it could not light up the entire room
>Twisting through the shadows, you turned around and aimed your lightsaber at a figure that stood ahead of you
“Midnight? What is going on here? Why did you bring me here?!”
>”I brought you here, to show you what you could become. What WE can be together.”
>The figure stepped forward, and you saw that it was not Midnight
>It was wreathed in a dark shadowy substance that melded with the darkness of the chamber, but its terrifying visage was clearly visible
>Suddenly, a metal blade appeared in its shadowy grasp as it floated towards you
>A red lightsaber materialized in the darkness to you left, followed by another to your right, and another from behind you
>Raising your lightsaber high, you bolted through the shadows toward the demon before you
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>Despite the fear that overpowered your senses, you were able to stop at her plea
>You halted just as you were about to enter close range with the ghastly phantom, and you realized now that Midnight was here with you
>Her arms were draped across your body, desperately holding you back
>“They can’t hurt us Anon! They can only serve us now…”
>Your chest rose and fell with each breathe you took as the dark figure before you began to dissipate into smoke
>At the figure’s feet, laid what appeared to be another Holocron
>Looking around, you saw other Holocrons where the other phantoms once stood
“I don’t understand!”
>”These are Sith Holocrons. I have been collecting these for years so I could study them and learn from the Ancient Sith Lords.”
>Deactivating your lightsaber, you turned toward her and gazed into her fierce eyes
>”Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader. It’s because of them that we are now Dark Jedi. They are Sith Lords, and we are their personal warriors. That is all they ever intended us to be… but we could be more! It’s not too late for us to become like them!”
>Her words ignited a fire within you as you finally began to understand exactly what she was getting at
“You’re saying that WE can become Sith?!”
>The voices began to return as you were hounded by the dark bellows of long dead Sith Lords
>Stepping back from Midnight, you gripped your head as their monstrous voices roared inside your mind in languages you did not understand
>”There was once a time, where there were far more than just two Sith Lords. Those times could return. We could use the power of the Dark Side to usher in a new age!”
>Your legs began to tremble, and you nearly fell only for Midnight to catch you in her arms
>”Don’t you see Anon? We could become far more powerful than they could possibly imagine!”
>The voices were intensifying all around you, filling you with fear, doubt, and anguish
>Letting your lightsaber drop to the floor, you gripped onto Midnight as tightly as you could
>Then the visions began to assault your mind once again
>The darkness enveloped you, only to be replaced with flashes of light
>You saw your past, a young boy struggling to survive on the streets of Taris only to be brought before the Jedi Temple
>Then you saw the carnage of the Clone Wars, the complete destruction of entire worlds and countless people, including the Jedi whose deaths you were only too familiar with
>Celestia appeared before you as well, and you saw her standing side by side with Master Luna as they charged into battle together
>It was beyond surreal, like a nightmare
>New visions darkened your mind as well as you saw many strange things
>Jedi and Sith you had never seen or even heard of appeared before you and clashed on worlds you were not familiar with, aided by truly massive armies
>Your body shook uncontrollably as these visions overwhelmed you, and all the while the voices yelled incoherently at you
>”Anon please!”
“The voices! THEY WON’T STOP!”
>”Listen to me!”
>Midnight’s arms grasped around you and held you close as she spoke softly into your ear
>"My voice is the only one you need to hear. Now repeat after me…”
>You lifted your head up and looked into her shining eyes
>With the cacophony of voices, lightsabers, blasters, explosions, and screams flooding through your mind, Midnight’s cool voice and compassionate gaze were the only things keeping you anchored
>In that brief moment where everything else was pure chaos, she was the only constant
>”Peace is a lie, there is only passion.”
“Peace… is a lie, there is only passion…”
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>”Through passion, I gain strength.”
“Through passion… I gain strength…”
>As you gazed into her eyes and recounted her words, you felt yourself begin to stand up again without needing to lean on her
>Remarkably, one or two of the voices that had been haunting you had seemed to have been silenced
>”Through strength, I gain power.”
“Through strength, I gain power.”
>”Through power, I gain victory!
>The image of you standing on the beach of Alaris Prime, gripping your lightsaber and Luna’s together as you howled triumphantly at the rising sun, began to dominate over that of the various visions fighting for control in your mind
“Through power, I gain VICTORY!”
>Midnight looked into your eyes and smiled as she let go of you and let you stand on your own
>”Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.”
>A new vision appeared in your mind, but not a vision of the past
>You saw the future
>A future where you and Midnight were together, and where countless foes lied broken and defeated at your feet
>No one could stand in your way
>The two of you were unstoppable, and had the power to do whatever you wanted
>You were like gods
“Through victory, OUR chains are broken!”
>You grabbed ahold of Midnight, and the voices ceased
>There was no more visions blocking your gaze, there was only you and Midnight, and the chamber of Holocrons containing spirits that would serve as your new teachers and guides
“The Force shall set us free!”
>The two of you held each other close and embraced one another
>”Nothing will stand in our way.”
“We will be together forever.”
>The two of you spoke as one
“We will be Sith!”
>”We will be Sith!”
That's all I got for now! I hope you guys like it! Any feedback or criticism or questions you might have for me would be greatly appreciated!

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!
>That's all I got for now!
You say that like it was a short update. Just keep up the great work and I'll keep eating up all this delicious green.

Also a while back someone posted a link to all of, or most of, of the Yourfriends drawings, I was wondering if anyone has it.

Also working on some green about a starfighter anon. Should hopefully have something worth posting by the weekend.
Hey, it happens. Just keep it going until the new movie comes out. By that point, we should expect more people jumping in.
Alright, I'm intrigued to see where this goes.
I'd be interested in that. I need something to read.
Dooku looks so uncomfortable in the pic. "Please... get off... plz?"
Your writing feels more fluid, churro, and the bit where Midnight starts to hype up Anon, was really good. Alasthere can only be two I didn't like the youtube clips plopped there trying to tell me what the voices sounded like. I know that you wanted to give it some unf but you're better off using words. The issue isn't so much that there was recorded media, but that the YouTube link was a bad choice.
Oh wow someone actually has that link.
would you like a drawing?
>tfw when your sick but it's not really an excuse to do nothin
The link! Someone add it to the master pastebin!
Done and done my friend.
Made the adjustment once I realized I didn't have it.
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progress on flash is slow. Flu is stronger than I anticipated.
Also, Bumping for discussion: If your waifu was a ship from the star wars universe which ship would she be?
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Did I mean something like this?
I almost feel bad for not liking your story now
Oh well, nothing goes for everyone i suppose
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why dont you keep that to yourself?
The Force is strong with you my friend. As for a ship. Rainbow Dash as the Millennium Falcon. She's rough around the edges, but still one of the fastest ships in the galaxy.

What he said >>25563421
Not english, I fail to see, is this offensive ?
Also, since when did /mlp/ turn into such an hugbox ? Not everyone is going to like what you do, that's a fact.
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It's quite alright. Is it the content, or the writing style, or something else? Is there something I can work on that you'd like to see?
Tell me how to tickle your fancy anon.
It's more of the fact that they don't expound upon why they don't like Konseiga's story.

If they listed a specific reason why they don't like it that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The fact that they don't say is why he/she is catching so much flack.

An example would be if the author is constantly changing perspectives and the reader has a hard time distinguishing who is saying what.

Also, love and tolerate have you heard of it.
So you guys got me thinking about where my story is going a little bit. You guys (and probably others that haven't spoken their thoughts) have a very different thought process of where you think this story is going when compared to mine.
How would the board like it if I took polls on certain situations? I have multiple endings in mind, some good, some bad.
Anyone interested in this?
If you're okay with us changing your story than by all means.
Keep posting octavia being adorable,
And you'll win me.
This thread is coming to a close, and I'm running out of Title ideas. Anyone care to help?
Dark side edition?
We had Something, Something, Dark side in the previous thread. So any other ideas?
Created ourselves a little strawpoll to help decide on the next thread.
I'll take the winner at the end of this thread to the next one.
I think I'll do it. My next update will include one, just to test out the concept.
I would harass you if you didn't after giving us the option
>not the green awakens
>not a new green
Cmon cmon!
Your gonna have a bad time >>25563841
It's not about being a hug box but giving something more substantial than : "I don't like." also you objectively have bad taste
We had the 'Green Awakens' long ago in a galaxy far far away.
Plus, A New Green sounds too similar to that, and A New Hope. Which is also the title of a previous thread that we had.
I'm just trying to be creative with these names. Like I said >>25566403 if you have an idea feel free to share.
I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying it so much man. I will definitely continue!
I got a few more surprises planned down the line for Anon and Midnight!
Dooku looked much less upset to me when I posted that. Poor bastard
>Your writing feels more fluid,
I'm very glad to hear that! i'm going to try to make sure I keep that up with my future updates.
Rule of Two a shit
That's too bad about the youtube links though. I'll keep that in mind and try to lay off them for now on.
Thanks again for the input man, I is grateful!
For some reason I imagine Pinkie Pie as pic related.
I'd be down with this as long as you were comfortable with it
Return of the writefriends?
The Sarge awakens?
Konsiegas revenge?
Lords of the green side?
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Konseigas revenge sounds like I had something horrible to eat and...well....
Damn you cheap Mexican food, you ruined revenge for everyone!
im sorry I didn't talk to you
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Mexican food has no effect on me!
it's okay bb I forgive you
Early morning bump! Should we still think about new names for the next thread or just wait for someone else to do it?
I think I have enough material now to choose one.
If the strawpoll doesn't turn out a decisive winner I'll just use one of our many lovely suggestions.
Good because I'm all out and Flash is not nearly finished
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All them dubs though.
>You will never know if Sunset and Anon will come back together
>You will never know if Anon will learn to balance the Force
>You will never see what will become of the Force Hunters
>You will never know if he will become Anon or remain as Nito due to falling
>You will never

Sarge is dead.

May a flight of angels sing him to his rest.
Jeez guy, it's no big deal.we'll just write our own.
Ye of little faith. Shut up and wait.
It won't matter this thread died a long time ago
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>>You will never
Not with that attitude you won't
In a galaxy far far away?

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

I will return soon.
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Fucking told you so. He said he would finish what he started.
Sarge said he would finish what he started.
we are all equal signs for some reason wtf?
The season finale
Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?
Is it because we're all equal?
I'm the most equal
Anyone got a file extractor for the new Battlefront? I gotta get my hands on some of that imperial officer dialogue
Hey guys. I'm going to post an update here tomorrow.
Nice can't wait to read about the adventures of one armed mando anon
Are there any anons that are subbed to SWtoR that can take over as Guild Master? My sub ends tomorrow night.
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>tfw you'll never torture your bro until he loves you.
Any suggestions on the next one?
Great filename. Coco?
Yeah ok. I was trying to sketch out Fluttershy but then alcohol happened
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Yeah ok. I can digg it. Which outfit though?
Which ever one is easiest or which ever is your favorite. It's your art.
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But, but I don't know which one would have more appeal! Would you rather have some sweet loving From a fashionable girl-next-door girl-next-junkyard? Or hate-fuck the brooding femme fatal? I gatta know what you want!
How about 'Star Wars/MLP: This'll Still Be Up for the Premiere edition.'
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indicated sensations.jpg
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I don't know how to feel about this

Especially since I was literally seconds away from starting to write the torture scene

Now it will be on my mind the entire time

What have you done

What have you done
Jesus fuck.
That's gay fAM
Just have Anon keep kickin' him in the dick the whole time.
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at least anon isn't homo in your story
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Pokemon (GIF) 1.gif
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We got plenty of passion out of Sunset.
Give the brutal angry sex.
Guess what guys?
It's time for...
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a new thread.

Close but not quite.
Thread posts: 470
Thread images: 194

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