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Who would win?

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Let's say all the Ultras, Riders and Sentai Teams came together in a big war
Who would win?

>All the Ultras are normal
>Sentai can't use their mechs
They realize the war was started by a misunderstanding and team up to fight the real villain together. The winner is the everburning soul of Justice.

Toei can send me my check for writing the new Superhero Taisen whenever they're ready.
yeah we're done
pack it up boys
Ultraman fires his Specium Koshin and both Ichgo and Akaranger blow up


But seriously about the topic, I can't say for sure since I don't know anything about the Ultras, but the Rider's would probably win in the end. The Sentai are strong, but without their mechs a massive chunk of their combat ability is taken away, and when it comes to their personal arsenal they lack a lot in terms of weaponry, where as Riders possess a massive plethora of weapons and forms for a variety of situations, not to mention a big handful of Riders have powers on the scale of world destroying and above. Kuuga can blow up a planet with his kicks, Agito has monstrous power and can fight on par with god-like beings, Gaim is a literal god, Riders 1 and 2 are powered by something like nuclear reactors and can fight armies alone, Black and RX are even more powerful than that, Blade can't be killed, and Decade is a monster on a whole other level compared to other Riders. I just feel like Riders have too many individuals with insane degrees of power.
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You don't know fuckall about Ultraman
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The only survivor
Reddo fight.
>Riders 1 and 2 are powered by something like nuclear reactors and can fight armies alone,

Why do /krg/ posters only care about those two and the rest from that era only when it's convenient?
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This guy would win.
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Dude, the ultras are basically superman/green lanterns who fight cosmic level shiy on the daily! KR is just a guy who kicks really well and sentai have cannons.

No contest in pure power, skill, or experiance. The ultras mop the floor.
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I know you say you don't know anything about Ultraman but in that case you shouldn't be talking. Ultramen for all intents and purposes are not just giant but are godlike alien beings to whom death nor time mean anything and there's exactly one million strong of them across the galaxy and now the multiverse ready to spring into action at any given time. And unlike Riders all of them are close comrades and family with one another and act as a unified front towards a common goal of maintaining peace and justice across the universe. You kill or incapacitate one and chances are at least two more will show up to help him and beat your ass.
>No mention of Sun Vulcan
They have the Vulcan Stick. Sentai wins.
Link to source?
God Ultra 7's face is always so fucking derp...
go back to tumblr

Can't find full video though
A /krg/ poster wouldn't even post in this thread out of umbrage that Rider 1 was even in the picture
Except nobody hates rider 1 dumb showa troll. What exactly is you end game by trying to convince everyone they hate showa?
what are you doing outside your containment thread?
Honestly? Hyper Kabuto can just go back in time to prevent the Plasma Spark from ever being created
To stop faggots like you spreading the "/krg/ hates Show because i said so !" meme ?
God help you if you piss off Zero.
All the Ultramans would just combine into one Super God if they actually needed to.
Hell in the newest Ultraman just ONE of them fused with the entire universe to keep it from being destroyed. I love Rider and I love Sentai but this is really no contest.
Good job faggot, you're fake news made fucking flesh if you want to damage control for as thankless a taskmaster as /krg/
If you hate him so much why are you even replying to him.
Because when we try to ignore /krg/ posters they scream louder, self reply and otherwise do everything in their power to bludgeon you over the head with how right they are about toku and you're a big dumb nostalgiafag if you dare try to speak against them.
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It's just the same thing as this but with different bait. Stop replying to it if you hate it. You won't change their mind and they'll do it regardless of what you say.
Yeah, if he can traverse the vastness of space.

He can't.
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Not only that, but Ultraman Zero ALSO has time traveling powers and it's even MORE broken.
Ultraman would win no questions asked
But they would provably just team up
But is it based on going really fast? Because if not he won't have a chance to use them.

I mean he pushed a giant asteroid full of bugs in the movie, which is implied to connect to the TV show, so...
It's based on "if something bad happens this automatically turns back time" hence why I consider it more broken.
I was under the impression that all Ultramans were as fast as the speed of light since they are light and each power up just makes them faster.
Ultraman Zero has like, what, six different power ups or something like that? Including two, maybe three that just makes him faster?
How far can he go back and what constitutes bad? Automatic can be strong but useless against certain types. Hyper Kabuto goes back to MC's childhood in the movie and the hyper zector comes from the future so both Kabuto and Gatack can use hyper form in some special.
He used it to bring friends back to life after he killed them under possession. He only had to go back that far but he wasn't drained after it so I have no idea how long he can go back.
You have to remember that Zero is the writer/studio/fan favorite modern Ultra, anon. The level of crossover plot armor this affords him is immense.
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It's been awhile, I remember him getting time travel because he UNLOCKED THE TRUE POWER OF THE LIGHT or something like that. Does that mean if they all unlock it they can all do bullshit or is it just because Zero already has so many forms his body is abnormal?
Zero for whatever reason is like Ultraman Jesus who has no limits as we'll see in the next episode of Geed so I'm pretty sure he's one of a kind in that respect
>But is it based on going really fast? Because if not he won't have a chance to use them.
Tough luck try to outrun Zero
Nigga crossed universes in seconds through pure speed
Hell, his old man flew to another universe to beat up the bad guys before they could even start invading his universe. That same old man flew to the sun for a snack and came back to Earth in seconds. Hyper Kabuto ain't shit to the Ultras
The best answer is here: >>15793681

But if we're just talking a straight up fight, the Ultras win. The others simply aren't in the same league. The Ultras are naturally more powerful in every sense, work extremely well as a unit, and can answer to any "hax" with their own.
Well, someone here is definitely baiting. Maybe the shitters who brings up /krg/ unprompted to derail the thread in response to a normal comment like >>15793816 and >>15793996

Just maybe.

But whatever keeps the boogeyman in place, I suppose.
Why not add metal hero's in the mix?
So Ultraman fans actually like shounen MC mary sue like Zero ? What a suprise
Nobody would pick Geed as their first Ultraman so your filename gives you away. And even if it was you liked it enough to get to episode seven.
Kids love characters like Zero.
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>he thinks being revived is a zero exclusive thing
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Wow, rude. Yeah, I said I didn't know anything about the Ultras, which I why I didn't include them at all in any of my examples. I know if a fight the Riders would win against the Sentai.

The Riders aren't completely out classed though. Ex-Aid is literally invincible, and like I said, Gaim is an actual god, but I won't say anymore, since I can't argue against things I don't know.
>Nobody would pick Geed as their first Ultraman
Not him, but we had plenty of people asking if it was ok to start with Geed in ultraman threads.
How does the filename prove anything? its only a screen cap.
>Gaim is an actual god
But not in any meaningful way towards a fight outside of his own series though.
Cause going "THOSE ULTRAMAN FANS AY?" while the filename gives away that you're a Ultraman fan is very funny.
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Ex Aid can be thrown into space.

What the fuck did OP even mean by ULTRAS ARE NORMAL. Like normal size? Or they have their time limit? No power ups? It's too vague to be fair to Rider and Sentai.
Ex-Aid is immune to any attempt at relocating him to somewhere that can render him powerless since he comes with an instantaneous teleportation system. You throw him into space and he just uses Level Select to come back.
>So Kamen Rider fans actually like shounen MC mary sue like Ex Aid ? What a surprise
Wrong, you throw him into space and he uses level select to go somewhere else where he can breath assuming the suit isn't air tight, but as soon as he takes off the belt he's back in space.
It's not a teleport, they don't actually change locations, it's an ACTUAL level select.
Only Bugsters can actually travel using it and even then it's vague about how.
>Ex-Aid is literally invincible

Okay the ultras just pick him up and take his belt off. Next.
Honestly I don't know why they keep auguring that instead of bringing up PAUSE I mean it's even from the same show.
The Ultras aren't allowed to grow big, OP said so. And even if they did, I think picking up an invincible, super powered Rider is a bad idea.
>You can't criticize a fanbase you belong to
>If you watch a show it means you're a fan
These two assumptions are wrong.
Technically OP just said ULTRAS ARE NORMAL which doesn't actually mean anything but whatever.
Regardless Ultraman have been shown to shrink to human size in show and their power stays exactly the same.
I assumed we were only counting hero Riders. If we bring in any Rider, even villain ones, then the Riders get a pretty big boost in their combat ability, since multiple Rider villains can control time. Cronus and Odin can both rewind time and undo events. Can any of the Ultras bypass time manipulation?
Thats fine, I'm just mentioning that since at normal size the Ultras wouldn't be able to just pick Riders up and pull their belts off. Well, at least for the super class Riders, a good handful of the low grade Riders can just get taken out right away with that method, like Ryuuki, or Faiz for example.
I think only Zero but there's lots of Ultra villains who can so we should probably just stick to the heroes.
Well they would still be as strong as their giant forms so if you could accept them picking them up as giants I don't see why you can't accept it when they're human size with the same power.
King can, or at least he's more broken than that
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Well whan I say Rider villains I don't mean villains from the series, I mean actual Rider's who are villains. Odin and Cronus are actual Kamen Riders. Unless you mean villains from the Ultraman series who are Ultramen themselves too.
>Thats fine, I'm just mentioning that since at normal size the Ultras wouldn't be able to just pick Riders up and pull their belts off.
Uhm, they can
Even an Ultra's human hosts are superhuman, left alone Ultras in human form. Which isn't normal size by the way, a normal size Ultras is 40-50m tall.
King was able to combine with the entire universe he's all sorts of broken.
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You know, if it wasn't for the cursing, these types of threads remind me of when I was a kid arguing about Marvel vs DC on the playground.

I feel bad for Sentai though. OP made a poor choice.
Well I said the super class Riders. Which means any Rider that has incredible physical capabilities and can physical match an Ultraman and not just get manhandled. Plus there are some Rider's whose belts are part of their body, like Kuuga, Agito and practically all Showa Riders
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Most important one I can think of enslaved an entire universe and then almost blew up another.
I forget what the Evil Ultramans in Nexus could do.
Again, as I said to the other fellow, I specified they can't do that to Riders who can compete physically with them or whose belts are part of them. To any Rider who can't meet those requirements, theres a very real chance the Ultramen can just yank the belt off.

Just a question, how fast are the Ultramen, on average? I ask since a few of the Rider's who can lose their belt also possess super speed power ups and could possibly evade them.
>An Ultra throws Ex-Aid into space
>Fourze just opens up a space hole and gets him back
They are made up of light, so your guess
As fast as light, because they are light.
It's kind of cheating.
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Ultron, is that you?
Fourze wouldn't be invited because he would want to make friends with the Ultras no matter what.
I see, then if we do take that as base for their speed then the only possible Rider who could keep up with them, as far as I can think of, is Kabuto, since Hyper Form can move faster than light, but Kabuto isn't really physically powerful, so that kind of gimps him against them
Yeah it's really not fair.
Also they're said to be able to move as fast as light in their giant forms as some weird Japanese logic for them to not be moving slow because "big things move slow???", so they might be even faster if they're human size
Cronus isn't exclusively a villain Rider, did you forget already?
Well you can't really move faster than Hyper Kabuto, he can move fast enough that he can travel back in time (somehow) so moving faster in human size doesn't really change things, Kabuto still can't really hurt them. Only way I can see to even the scenario out is that Hyper Kabuto sees this shit go down and travels back in time and gets all the other Rider's some tech to move as fast as the Ultramen, but that's kind of a stretch.

Maybe have Decade just go into the Ultraman universe and bring all their villains in to help the Riders take them on.
I don't know what I'm forgetting, I took a break from watching after Hyper Muteki was introduced, I'm waiting to get the urge to get back in and continue, it happens with every Rider series I seem to follow, I keep up with it till like the last portion of the show, then drop off, even if I was enjoying it.
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All the Ultraman villains DID team up and actually combined into literally the devil in one of the movies.
Why not just settle this by having Fourze and Cosmos fight each other then ?
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That'll work.
Who would become friends with the other first?
Well... Zero still killed it...
It'll work as a distraction while the Riders figure something out.
For the unfamiliar: There are some respect threads that neatly catalog the feats of some Ultramen. You can find them with a Google search.
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Another thing that's unfair that the OP should have said they couldn't is that all Ultras can combine with each other. And when more then two combine it isn't like a stat boost it's more like
>>Oh God showed up to fix what happened
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The lord of friendship himself will be friend all Ultras, Riders and Sentai !
>Power level thread
It was so perfect, the thread should've ended here >>15793681
Yes your post was very nice and it's true that's how things would happen but sometimes adults like to do childish things like talk about power levels. It doesn't hurt you honey so please ignore it if it bothers you.
>When they all join their power together, that's the strongest Ultraman
Was Mebius trying to imply that Mebius Infinity is more powerful than King or Noa?
That's some bullshit man
Are we ever going to see Ultraman crossover into Super Hero Taisen? even if it's shit? He's just missing.
Maybe? Ultra and Rider have crossed over in games before so it's not completely impossible.
It even has a wikipedia page. How does no one remember it?
Different companies I guess.
The Ultras would win, the weakest of them are like demigods while the strongest are literal gods like King and Noa.

Note that even a goddamn "scientist" Ultraman, motherfucking Ultraman Hikari, could keep up with a properly combat trained Ultraman like Mebius.

Also, they don't fucking die, ever. They just run out of energy and pass out. Another Ultra shows up, give em a quick recharge of energy and bam, they are 'revived'.
Time travel is fucking stupid.
>Lucky, Tendou, Daigo, and Souichi are the last four standing
>I guess two Ultramans are there too I don't know shit about Ultra
>Lucky's YOSHA LUCKY is keeping him alive
>Daigo is being Daigo
>Souichi keeps evolving
>Tendou keeps pulling shit out of his ass
>Lucky gives a speech about friendship and heroes, they decide to work together.
>Everyone else comes back
>Fight final boss
Best answer.

But in a fight, Ultras would mop. Literally cosmic level superbeings that fight world ending threats regularly. The original Ultraman literally took an atomic explosion point blank and reformatted constellations just to make some kids happy, and he's not even the most powerful one.
I am going to set this up as a question becuase I don't know shit about ultraman. Do the ultramen have anything that can deal with
>literal invincibility
>time traveling
>time freezing
>directly destroying the universe
If they don't have answers to all of these the Kamen Riders win due to bullshit.
Zero so broken that Decade looks reasonable.
I'm an enormous Ultrafag, and I hate Zero. He's every shitty new "WOAH GUYS HE'S SO POWERFUL" character in a nutshell. I also think Ultra Galaxy The Movie wasn't very good, and I think Belial is lame despite a cool gimmick.
These are small feats compared to what the Garrison deals with once in a while, anon

>literal invincibility
Jobbed 2 times even with his strongest form TVseries form within his series is not exactly called "invincibility" anon
Well first, the Ultras are 140 feet fucking tall.
Why does all the Ultras are normal but Sentai can't use their mechs ? it's not fair
>Ultras are alien beings that live on a planet brighter then the fucking sun and fight nuclear abominations on a daily basis, some can even walk on the fucking sun
>against some people in armor.
>with his strongest form TVseries form
*strongest TVseries form
The hell is wrong with my keyboard
>Ultraman in his second fucking episode wiped out an entire race of aliens.
Should have ended here >>15793767 it was funnier
By normal, the OP meant they can't grow to giant sizes.

I understand that Ultramen are more powerful, but Riders are more than just some people in armor. Kuuga is a constantly evolving demi-god of power who can destroy planets with his kicks, Blade is an immortal, unkillable undead being whose very existence can wipe out entire worlds, Agito is the next step in evolution who can fight on par with god-like beings, Gaim obtained the Forbidden Fruit and transcended to godhood, Den-O is a master of travel, Decade can traverse dimensions and pretty much do anything as he gains new cards even in dimensions that aren't based on Kamen Rider, and the Showa era is full of ludicrously powerful individuals, Black RX being broken three ways from sunday.

But again, I understand the Ultras are stronger across the board than most if not all of the Riders, but they aren't just people in armor.
It really doesn't matter, riders just can't win against immortal beings of light.
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>This one desperate Rider faggot bending over backwards to somehow justify a Rider victory against enemies that can just fucking step on them
I guess the only fair fight would be against J
>People who keep ignoring the one rule for Ultras in that they can't be giants.
I imagine you're talking about me though, since I'm the only one talking about Riders, and if you read what I posted I admit Ultras are stronger. But I suppose reading comprehension is just too difficult of a skill for you to grasp.
I'm pretty sure, if not 101%, that their norm is at giant size, any other size less than that is actually considered abnormal and rarely seen
Well, unless they intentionally do it to disguise themself of course
If Sentai aren't permitted mecha, I think it's clearly implied that Ultras aren't permitted to be giants.
I agree, but OP still fucked up.
Sentai are barely permitted a mention in this thread

Is there a SINGLE Sentai that could put up a fight?
The problem is if sentai were allowed to use their mechs things would get wonky fast.
>every sentai crossover they fuse mechs
>41 sentai fusing around 400 mechs
then each one being exponetally stronger then the last fusion form you have a mech that is at least 61078381404x10^8 times stronger then any individual mech. and that is s a pretty small estimate.

Then you have the fact that there are also around 450 sentai and agian they get exponentially more powerful the more of them there are. So don't count them out because none of them are individually strong
Pretty sure they did that, well, not exactly all mechs combined, the finisher with 45 logo at the background, must be from space pirate or zyuohger
Why even have Ultras involved if they aren't allowed their main characteristic.
Tell that to Jack, 80, Zoffy, and Zero.
Sentai has episodes of fighting Motw without their mech
Ultraman literally has to be giant in every episodes
Not to mention when you get all Sentai together, they suddenly gain some unique power to combine all their Sentai strength together into an instant win attack.
Those words describe the Ultras themselves.
I mean the original SHT was Rider vs Sentai and SHTZ was Rider vs Sentai vs MH(or sherriffs more specifically but there's the MH gokai change). It'd be the next logical step if Toei owned Ultraman. But its as >>15794960
says. Bandai does own part of both but movies are more Toei's territory than Bandai.
Pre-Geed Zero would fit in the first group.

You're supposed to post examples though.
Belial literally destroyed the whole universe and actually won againt the space garrison.
>asks for the anwsers that the ultramen have agianst certain abities
>uh well ultraman is good and ex-aid jobbed twice in my head becuase he got pushed back
Why you guys say that ultras moves at the speed of light just because they are giants of light? It sure looked to me like regular humans could watch their battles just fine without anything like dbz's bullshit "of shit, they move so fast i can't see them!"

I have to admit that my only experience with Ultraman is Orb, but they didn't really look that powerful to me besides being giant sized and the huge area of effect attacks that comes from being huge. There's also the fact that for what I read, most of them have a time limit when in ultraman form.
The time limit is only because they're on Earth if I remember right, something to do with our atmosphere.
Is there actually a person here who is suggesting Rider could win that has actually watched a lot of Ultraman.
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Time limit is "three minutes" which in the show can mean anywhere from five minutes to twenty two

Hey maybe you should watch the Zero movies or Mebius. Unless the torrents are gone forever. Isn't there a mega?
Them moving at the speed of light was a really old thing said ever since Leo. It's weird dumb Japanese logic because Japan thinks giant things should move really slow, and since the Ultras move like normal humans some guy just said "uhhh... he's... MOVING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! SO IT LOOKS NORMAL TO US AT GIANT SIZE!" and it stuck.
By this logic of course, OP saying they're normal human size just makes them impossible to deal with.
They could fly at those speeds

They usually don't do that in a battle because they want to avoid collateral damage.
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You see them fly away at that speed in almost every single episode.
Yeah because the battle ended.

On a ground fight they stick on reasonable speeds.
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>Avoiding collateral damage
How did he do it?
> small feats compared to what the Garrison deals with
Learn how to read before looking for answers
>I want specific answers
Read the thread, your keyword is "Zero" and" shining" or "king"

The others already wrote it up there
Isn't that 3 minutes thing is usually based on the endurance of their host?
They normally don't have time limit
>no mention of Tenkuji "killed 5 times" Takeru
He can open up portals to the Ganma world (hell) and there are a bunch of guys there who can turn souls into destructable balls.
Its due to the atmosphere.
Iirc the sunlight is filtered by the ozone layer and this doesn't let em recharge via sunlight so they basically fight under a 3 minute limit before they run out of juice.
Camera trick. He's actually really close to the camera while Ultraman is far in the backgorund.
Yet they can still run out of juice in space when using too much energy during fights.
The endurance time frame in space is simply based on their age.
Also they can simply cheat by turning into light and fuse with another Ultraman. Not only the they get power up after the process but the weakened Ultra can get his recharge right away as shown in movie Ultraman Story.
>muh vague non-anwsers
>r-read the thread it's allthere
>why are you complaining about this thing
Lazy retard
Give me one fucking reason why I have to spoonfeed a fucking retard coming to a power level thread while knowing jackshit about ultraman and calling others retard at the first moment he got what he deserved then?
>responding to bait
gullible retard
Infinity is 7 of them combined. Super Taro was already pretty powerful, so maybe it's a number boost
Well, to be fair, that was King, the OP Ultraman on purpose. I doubt someone like Gaia is able to keep a whole universe together
Well, Noa is implied to be slightly less OP, if not as equal, but we will never know....

>ultra of murder
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How would his brothers fare?
>Yet they can still run out of juice in space when using too much energy during fights.
SOMEONE didn't watch the Zero movies
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