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Did the ID-0 thread die?

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Thread replies: 316
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Did the ID-0 thread die?

Let's keep this one up until the next episode comes out for ID-Anon to release the subs in, try not to post anything unnecessary but bump it every few hours
It had lasted for two episodes, after all
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>cg yurishit
Frame arms girls is yurishit. For now id-0 is 100% heterosexual. At most the girl will become androidsexual.
So, orichalt is a crystalised soul of a dead girl (or not so dead)
I totally thought the loli is the dog.
Hit the post limit and fell off.


But on the other hand, last thread someone asked the question of "what happens when the connection between the machine and the human breaks when both are still intact", and mask guy is totally Ido.
Well I didn't get to do it last thread thread before it died, so here goes...

Thank you anon who's subbing this, your efforts are appreciated
This is kinda like Scanners live in vain, minus the low-tec Kaizo Ningen-approach they're using in that story.
So is everyone on the ship but Maya and the daughter an "Evertrancer?" The end credits imply that Grayman's flesh body is "dead" and we have yet to see the other woman walking around in a human body outside of their virtual conference room.
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I'm kind of curious why Greyman would have the impulse to scratch his butt as a giant robot. Why would a robot even have an itch in the first place?
Phantom pain clearly is a thing for operators who're unprepared to cut the feedback, so feeling itchy might as well be how the user's mind registers material stress reports generated by making the machine hold wierd positions for a long time.
Because he probably did that a lot as a human being and still does as a custom.
I'd say chances are good that they're the only two with their bodies still intact. Well them and the girl they've just picked up.
A lot of threads suddenly died yesterday
Quiz episode 2 is finished.
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>CHANxCO chibis
Maximum cuteness
How good is the show? I haven't been able to download anything for a while.
The first two episodes were okay. The blue ninja robot miner bot mining stuff with exploding kunai might trigger you though.
It feels a bit like Ido's a slimmed down unused Active Raid design.
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Man this is garbage.
>Quiz episode 2 is finished.
Waking up finding this was very pleasant. Love it.
This and Atom are basically the only two shows I actually care about this season.
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You are the MVP, ID-anon!

Ido's design reminds me of equal parts Chamber and Gundam Exia. I dig it.
What about Layzner?
Could someone post the first one? I missed it. Thank you for everything, anon.
Thanks! These are really cute.

Now that you say something, yeah. I can see that.
Oh hey, looking at the futaba thread, they noticed that Grayman has "EXCAVATORS" on his chest and FA-Loser has "MT SYSTEMS". Rick has "FLASH BASHER" on his forehead.
Manufacturer names?
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Sounds like a quick masturbator
Different manufacturers and backgrounds is a likely explanation, with Grayman having the name of his own company.
It reminds me more of SPT Layzner on a diet and with more hot-blood (VMAX when?). Which is fine by me.
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>VMAX when

Soon, please

There is that bit in the opening where it's suddenly sketchy/ink drawings and Ido is on fire or something.

Isn't it said that the Escavators all use illegally modified models while Maya's is a stock civilian type? Maybe they're stolen/prototype military bodies?
>they noticed that Grayman has "EXCAVATORS" on his chest and FA-Loser has "MT SYSTEMS". Rick has "FLASH BASHER" on his forehead.

I actually noticed the FLASH BASHER because they had that shot that closed in on Rick's head for a few seconds in Episode 2. Didn't know the other ones though.
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maya a cute
That'd be kind of weird since it's established Ido loses his limbs fairly regularly and usually stolen military parts aren't so easy to replace. But I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
So Ido = ID-0? Whatever that means
He's probably ID-Zero, as in the very first person who Mind Trance was tested on.
Everything seems to be pointing towards that yes. And even though I never realized it at first, he's even on the cover >>15447554.
Huh, so if I'm reading things right, the full version of the OP song should be out on the 26th.
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>3 more days until the next episode
>inb4 Matsukaze Masaya gets his way again and ruins this show just like he did with IBO
What happened in IBO?
But his character was quite literally the only good part of IBO.
The character he voiced got betrayed by his best friend and his oneitis got killed (partly due to the betrayal by his best friend). He was the Garma of IBO but more suffering. In S2 he became the Char, mask and all, and got his revenge on McGillis.

People are already theorizing he's (somehow) the white haired dude in the mask, the first person to use Mind Trance, or the first person to become an Evertrancer.
Calm down, man. He's just a seiyuu. They don't get any says whatsoever about what their characters do. Blame Nagai and Okada for IBO, not fucking VAs.
Before Episode 2 came out, someone asked a valid question on the last thread - what happens if the link between the machine and the man is cut, and the man wakes up from the backup while the machine is still going?

That's pretty much how it would work. The mask guy was the first person to do it (which we saw for the most part in the flashback) and it glitched on him.
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I wouldn't be so sure about that.

After all, the system they use is called mind transfer and for better or worse, those pods backed up only your memories.
After all, at no point did Maya go "Well, it was nice to meet you and all, but I just need to plug out and the professor will take me out of the machine to save my ass."
Are we sure he was the first person to do it? I mean he was giving a presentation and we don't know much about the system's development.
>/m/ tolerates CGshit
Holy fuck you don't have any backbone anymore
It was stated that when the machine is destroyed the pilot wakes up with no memory of what they did in the machine. It really doesn't make much sense for a machine being destroyed to be able to transmit back someone's consciousness but NOT their memories. I think this is evidence that consciousness is being backed up in one form or another.

There's also the viewpoint that a person's memories are the main component of what makes up their consciousness. If the ID-0 is taking this viewpoint than it follows that backing up a pilot's memories backs up their actual mind.
I don't think Maskman is Ido. Do they share a voice actor?
No, but the implication is that Maskman was the first person to use mind transfer and his voice changed from then to now as well. If they want to save it for a twist it'd be too obvious if Ido shared a voice with someone we've already seen.
I think it has something to do with that Lady and man in white lad coat standing backstage in the mask man's flashback.
>busy weeks
>thought this wouldnt air til summer
>see thread on /m/
>start it
seems ok, but holy shit what an asshole

Isn't Ido the bishie guy in the ending credits?
Ido's likely to be the man in glasses and lab coat.
It's the cheaper way to produce mecha shows. It's just how it'll be for most studios from now on.
Don't respond to the troll.
The glossary updated, info on the MT system.
I'll translate it when I wake up.
I hope we find out more about the magic mineral soon.
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stupid hair
>Villain voiced by Koyasu
>Younger version voiced by Midorikawa
>Boss dad character voiced by Koyama
>English ED by Kageyama

What IS this show? Is this the power of Netflix money?
>>Villain voiced by Koyasu
>>Younger version voiced by Midorikawa
Fujos must be having a good time
Little catgirl out of nowhere ruined the setting
Why won't Maya put on proper clothes????
Probably doesn't have any. Unless she was in the habit of storing her spare clothes inside her pod the only clothes she'd have is what she was wearing when she got in.
Apparently Claire doesn't want to let her borrow some clothes.

At least we finally have an MC that gives zero fucks about walking around in minimal clothing.
New episode when?
5 minutes.
Wrong thread friend.
Well, there are some slight thematic parallels with that. Not quite as depressing yet...so nothing too dark until the second half, perhaps, which should be around episode 7 or so.
I'm sorry, completely forgot.
>Mind trance System
>A technique born from uniting highly advanced quantum neurology and Orichalt's spatial transfer abilities, it takes the consciousness of a human in question and transfers it outside via quantum teleportation where it is then reconstructed.
>Meaning, by transferring the consciousness outside, it can be then made to control I-machines (robots).
>While there has been criticism that in using observable probability theory (I don't exactly understand how "observable" is used here,
my apologies) it might perhaps just be creating someone else with the same consciousness, the creator has stated that "Consciousness itself is uncertain and ever-changing".
>Despite worries about its use, the fact it backs up consciousness and in the event of I-machine loss there is no danger of real death made it become widely used in jobs that involve extreme conditions.
>This technique was truly revolutional and to Escavate, it is absolutely indispensable.

Also, the subs might be a little late this week, going to be somewhat busy with uni stuff on monday and tuesday.

Pretty good episode this week.

That girl's laugh is creepy though.
Liked the episode, although gotta admit there is some weird shit happening
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I blame Range Murata.
[Ohys-Raws] ID-0 - 03 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4
Grayman is cool, but waiting for that delicious backstory episode.
>you've made two mistakes
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I really hope we gonna see her in some other clothes othervise the artwork is gonna get pretty boring.
Making new 3D models is expensive
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If you can make naked, you can do other set of clothes.
subs when?
After you sacrifice enough souls to translator anon
How many does he need?
According to >>15461875, may take a few days. I'd help out but don't have a lot of free time either.
Middle to end of the week, I hope.
>>15462642 I blame Range Murata.
If by blame you mean worship our god and maker of wide hipped lolis...
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Anyone TL?
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It's been a while since the last non-simulcast show, eh?
>Kuromukuro was one year ago
That went by fast
You better get ready for this to increase more and more
I for one welcome the return of the age of fansubs.
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Can't wait

And I assume the others should be somewhere around here too.
Only the first one.
LWA is netflix'd, Drive Head is not simulcast whatsoever (but thankfully /m/ is saving it), it's happening to a number of shows every now and then. Don't know what's worse though, this or being picked up by Anime Network or something.
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>not wanting retro subs
>picked up by Anime Network

This by far
water marked
yellow hardsubs

Only way to make it worse would be only available in 360p
ID-0 is a /u/ for american gay men
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>return of the age of fansubs
We both know that is a thing that will not happen
Not unless Netflix picks up like half a season and still doesn't stream them
ep 3 subs when? ;_;
Halfway done, looks like
I finally sorted the shit I need to sort out, the script will be done by tonight.
Thank you mate.
The script's mostly done, we just need to run QC on it.
Kissing you, ID-anon-senpai!!
The TLs are still going to do another pass at it later today, so there may be some errors here and there, but overall it should be okay.

For those that don't want to wait for the inevitable v2, here are the subs for episode 3:

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Thanks. I'll wait for the v2 but this is still good news.
which raw did you use? leopard 720p?
Yeah, Leopard.
Thanks m8
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Cool wall
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I can't get enough of the OP.
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ayy lmaos confirmed
So I wonder who turned it into an I-machine
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Am I watching a 90s porn?
They will release the full version tomorrow
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Loving dem grunt designs. Why do they even have regular infantry?
She vaguely reminds me of the sword lady from Outlaw Star
Well, the idea of shooting at regular humans with robots seems like overkill.
I don't think they gave any fucks about what were they doing.
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>weaponized tadpole saves the day
Probably has more to do with them being able to fit into human-sized doors and rooms on the ship.

From what I've gathered it;s quite unconventional to have an entire crew made out of ever-trancers.

What's stopping them from making human-sized I-Machines, anyway? Then, at least, an ever-trancer could move to something easier to accommodate and live in.
Man, the army is fucking evil holy shit
The anime has a really dark background beyond the fun adventure they present with the army being bought by a corporation and having no problem killing people
Thanks anon
It's that weird creature doing the Lion King pose at the ED
ID-0's past also seems rather depressing from that brief reference in episode 3.
Okay, I think the QC is done, the v2 should be releasable now.
Or manipulated as hell.
Here's the v2 guys, enjoy.

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Ido is cool, I like him. Can't wait to see what his backstory is.

Thanks a million.
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Ayy fags


I'm actually really intrigued with what's going on. I already really like the main cast and I'm hoping we get to learn more about them.

His eyes can emote, but I really like how they use the clear parts on his head to give his face more expression. Here, the way the clear parts cover his eyes make him look like he's glaring in defiance/annoyance.
Would've been an interesting turn of events if she lost connection in the Miguel Jump and was forced to become an Evertrancer.
Yeah. It was one hell of a missed opportunity.
>nearly 4 weeks later
>still mad about IBO
wew lad
Considering 3/4s of the team already was, that might be excessive.
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>full version of the opening

Fuck yes, thank you anon.
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>some people complaining about the speed of the subs

Man people have really been spoiled by simulcasts huh.
Yep. If there's a positive to me following the trash that was Arc-V from start to finish is that it gave me patience for fansubs for non simulcasted shows
And those same people spoiled by simulcasts pine for the age of fansubs. Reinforced bulletproof rose-tinted glasses, I tell ya.

Makes the people who step up to fill in the gaps extra appreciated, though.
I guess they don't remember the part the "age of fansubs" that involved mailing VHS tapes through snail mail.
You the man, this song is good.
Love you. No homo.
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she shoud sing with Angela.
I-machines are designed for work that benefits from their size.
You argument about ever-trancers moving to something easier to live in doesn't matter because being an ever-trancer is highly illegal and unethical.
So do Evertrancers have some backup bodies? It's hardly immortality if the robotic body can die ez.
>can die ez.
The mining on Delta 9 in episode 1 left Ido in an state that, had it happened to a human body, it would mean certain death.
There's also the fact that "inmortality" doesn't have to mean "invincibility". Being in an I-machine body, you don't have to worry about aging or stuff like that.
So yeah, not literal inmortality but much closer than a human body
Thought it was a little too perfect that not only was she the only one that jumped, but somehow her body did too.

Yeah, I posed that question before I watched the episode and found that out for myself.

I suppose someone accidentally becoming an ever-trancer is so rare that the discussion never really comes up in universe.
That's about the only thing I didn't like about the episode, Maya is explainable to an extent, but this was just random.
You can see the MT pods are located quite close to where the captured ship was brought, so it's convenient yet not impossible.

Show me an anime without coincidences and I'll show you a liar.
Honestly, few stories get by without happenings that could be classified as coincidences.
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The suits are erotic as fuck.
Range Murata did the designs, so Taniguchi knew exactly what he was doing when he picked him.
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>already captured

>a nerd and a child vs a trained soldier

Not exactly a stretch.

>that scowl on the soldier lady desperately trying to hide that she's enjoying herself

She'll either warm up to the group while keeping a cold exterior or die after expressing how much she's grown to like them. There is no other option.
code geass.
everything was part of his keikaku one way or another.
Anon gonna do the subs for quiz ep3?
Maybe later, I hope.
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wasn't Maya's memory archive a meter across by itself? I'm guessing miniaturization only goes so far. Also the power requirements might be significant

Thank you for your efforts Anon
Including the fact that his Geass would spontaneously activate while he was telling Euphy to become Euphinator? Damn, Lelouch is cold.
yeah and then you have a magical loli appear
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She's a warp demon.
Signs sure aren't fun to do.
This isn't related to the show, but I hope you lads are watching Seikasuru Kado.
I am watching Kado too. Different show, but also good.
Surprisingly sound show. Well, space neko-loli and adamant are pure magic, but everything else just too well-thought for such "budget" project.

1) No artificial gravity. All ships with gravity simulation, use spinning wheel/drum design.
2) More or less sound zero-g/no atmosphere mobility. Note how that shinobi mech turned around in 3rd episode. No gundam-like pose striking - rigid pose and work of vernier thrusters.
3) Sound military depiction - I mean the tendency of shifting combat load to unmanned vehicles. I-frames are glorified drones, after all.
4) Sound I-frame design. Yeah, that isn`t `your "gundamu", but standard frame looks cheap, easy to modify and ready to house a lot of additional equipment.
5) No AI on sentient or near-sentient level.
6) A lot of political and social background, that really make sence.
>aylum drops trinkets on the table to cover for the fact that it can apparently wirelessly transfer electric energy anywhere at zero to very low computation cost

Clever girl. I wonder if they'll notice that they're being rused hard.
The AI part seems unclear at this point.
I don't think this is any lower budget than any usual airing anime.
Well, it's certainly not a high-end anime in terms of looks. I think it's probably middle of the road.
Is something wrong with my brain if I have no problems with the CGI in ID-0, but can't stand the one from Seikasuru Kado?
Each is by different studios. Kado uses a lot more shifts between 2D and 3D in ways that can be jarring at times.
>5) No AI on sentient or near-sentient level.
If you can build machines that house human consciousness you can build AI. Under such circumstances not having AI would be unrealistic.
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I didn`t say it was QUALITY or pure shit. It is well-done animation, with the capabilities they have at their disposal. However, the whole rendering system is somwhere in the middle range.

The AI Can happen in the story, but at least it is not officially present, as of yet. Otherwise, using autonomous frames insteed of mind-linking to them would be a better option. A lot of other applications, like spacecraft navigation, fire controll, etc, comes to mind too. In addition, discrimination of non-biological entities seems to be at large. The world "robot" is spelled like a curse. Maybe I am overestimating the story wrighters, but it looks like that in the past, something close to "Terminator" scenario happened.
And no, not having an AI is not stupid. Building huge machines is definitely an easier task. There is literally nothing we don`t know how to do, in case of the walker construction. On the contrary, we literraly have no viable knowledge, of how sentience work. It was supposed, that processing power will somehow convert to sentience, but no, few years ago, processors that have more processing power than human brains were developed. Yet, they are still glorified calculators. So, attempts to develop sentient "true" AI are sort of try and error process. If humanity by some miraculous chance stumble on correct process - AI will happen. If not, we won`t see "true" AI in 10, 100, or even in 300 years (if humanity will even last that long).
Please tell me where she's from litteraly no reverse search is doing anything
Dog Days
Why is Rick so best?
He is the sort of character type that some will find annoying and others charming.
Only gurl suits are that sekushi, though.
Guy suits are all bulky and extra protective.
Using warp missiles filled with the unobtainium mineral that makes space warping possible to get rid of obstacles was quite a nifty idea.
But I do wonder where those rocks would be teleported.
Surely they weren't the rocks that suddenly appeared around the military ship and started pelting it, right?
>But I do wonder where those rocks would be teleported.
The universe is a big place with a lot of empty space.
Guess that just goes to show that girls are worth less protection because they matter less.
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Now that's what I call a ghost in the shell.
And a zoid.
Perhaps magic loli is the sacred miguel loli who can make space rocks appear from the miguel dimension thingy.
I don't understand
I hope we will be spared any cyberpsychology.
New ep is out
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>being so insignificant for plot that you are only in 2d
>the ships have shields
>they're fucking space umbrellas
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>I'm ID-0
Are you fucking serious
That was a good titledrop.
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This GoPro camera was pretty good.
Apart from the warp drive the setting is pretty lowtech.
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How long out of your human body do you have to be to be able to control this?
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Warp loli is watching you hibernate

If you didn't realize Ido was an alias pulled from ID-0 from the outset, maybe this isn't the anime for you. Try Aldnoah Zero, that might be more your speed.

It's not the autistic space loli so much as the fact that she's dressed like a catgirl going to a rave. It's really jarring.
If you didn't realize this is a meme, maybe this isn't the board for you. Try reddit, that might be more your speed.
It makes perfect sense.
Not the guy you replied to, but that meme was always extremely obnoxious and retarded to me.
sounds like kado.
>she's dressed like a catgirl going to a rave. It's really jarring.
Same. I don't mind magic space warp lolis but I'm not a fan of their implementation. Although part of that might just be the 3d.
I found it just a bit to convenient
>Only one who jumped with them
>Only one whose pod survived the jump
It's Taniguchi Goro, you'd expect some though to be put into it.

And then be completely silly by the end.
>>And then be completely silly by the end.

We`ll wait and see. Right now almost everything looks more or less ok for me.
Script's done.
Thank you, anons
how longer till subs out? any way i could perhaps be of help?
Do you know how to time?
So, seeing as how nyaa is down and we don't know how soon it'll be back: where should I check for subs during the next few days? Tokyotosho?

Thanks for the subs, by the way. ID-0 is AOTS, and my japanese is too poor for the technobabble.
Anon puts them on mixtape usually.
So, just get Ohys from tokyotosho and the ass from this thread?

I can do that. Thanks.
I got Leopard from their own site.
Yeah, get >>15487895
Leopard instead, they're better. Just enable thread watching and wait for Anon to post them ITT.
So the timing is the same for leopard/ohys?

OK. Getting leopard instead. Thanks.
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Its a bit worse than that
Guy that usually does the timing here, I got some stupid personal shit to solve so I'll probably only be able to get to the script tomorrow night. If anyone else wants to tackle it, be my guest.

Sorry anons.
What's Leopard?
Yeah, that's understandable. I wish you good luck dealing with the problems.
this is worth waiting for.
Take care of yourself
>The leopard (Panthera pardus) /ˈlɛpərd/ is one of the five "big cats" in the genus Panthera. It is a member of the family Felidae with a wide range in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia.
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Gundam Leopard.jpg
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So magnet links now? do we make a thread in /t/ for this?
Decided to time it myself since timer-kun is busy.
Look for the raws over at Tokyotosho. I'll upload a muxed version in a bit.
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Thanks anon
Thank you and sorry once again!

Thanks for saving the day dude, great work!
God's work
Arigatou gozaimas
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And here's the muxed episode.
Can't upload a torrent because I'm still running ADSL, this way is better for everyone.
>tokyotosho down with cloudlfare bullshit
>timing (translator?) anon delivers mega
Boy, are you doing god's work.

By the way, any other site that aggregates raws? I can only think of animetosho, and they only aggregate subs.
Translator here, timer said he's busy today.
And I don't really know either.
Also, here's the magnet to Ohys-Raws if anyone needs it, since TT is down.
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95KB, 1920x1080px
>since TT is down.
It's back up.
Doesn''t leopard have their own site?
They do indeed.
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304KB, 680x518px
And the day is saved.
I really needed something to pick my mood up too. Wonderful.
>TokyoTosho is back, so create a torrent for the new release
>torrent linking is down due to cloudflare

Anyway, if anyone would rather have a (slow as fuck) torrent, or if anyone who downloaded the mega link would like to seed it, or if anyone would like to try and upload it somewhere, here's the magnet. Using the working tracker that HorribleSubs currently list at the top of their torrents:

>we're going back to the days where people share DDL links on shady sites hoping to grab them before they disappear

It's a bittersweet, somewhat scary feeling.
Tokyotosho still exists and some sort of solution will spring up eventually if Nyaa stays down.

Maybe this and Bakabt will be the one to make people realise they shouldn't put all of their eggs in one basket.
Maya's pretty badass in her own way.

Thanks for the subs, by the way.
>Bakabt went full private

At least I've got the full LoGH collection safe on my portable drive.
Man I love this show, does such a good job with its lighthearted and serious moments.
Will seed it.
Also just adding the magnets for the previous episodes.
DHT should still do its job.
ep 3 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C2C101220556C42F2CDC45BD7DA3D49BBD215FDA
ep 2 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C7E9E5221513A80EE00AD6F14DD8C292A3BE914E
ep 1 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BE49A1CC4B67A809A8254B972BA2ADF4F7EF7318
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Rick's body has a jet mode, which you could argue probably feels stranger.

Then again, the way they portray the whole MT System makes it seem like the machine body feels totally natural when you're using it, so it probably doesn't bother them at all.
It's a relatively minor thing, but I can appreciate that for the most part, scenes in space are silent. The only time anything in space scenes makes sound is when we're really close to it or if a Miguel Jump is happening.
I like how the show remembers that there's no sound in space.
Ah shit I posted this without seeing the post above me. At least someone else thinks the same.

Also, what does "FAMF of FAMF" mean?

"Fast-Ass Motherfucker?"
I think it was supposed to be CHAMP of CHAMPS. But given by the engrish in the ending theme, I can see how they'd mess that one up.
>Rick Ayer, Fast-Ass Motherfucker of Fast-Ass Motherfuckers
I can see him saying that.
Am I missing any major writing on anyone's bodies?

"Rick Ayer The FAMF of FAMFs" (shoulders)
"FLASH BASHER" (forehead)

"Excavators Actual" (chest)

"MT SYSTEMS" (chin, shoulders)

"UN Forces" with an emblem (shoulders, chest)
Some writing and a large number 1 (left shoulder)

There's also something under the symbols on Maya (a cross with a slash through it) and Karla's (a cyclone) chests, but I don't think we've gotten a clear look at them.
I dont see this is posted yet, episode 4

Yep, I find that REALLY great too. Even "Expansion" couldn`t drop the "rocket sound in spaaaace!" misconception.
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It'd be pretty weird watching a scene with no sound
>bully space loli
>teleports a fucking moon at you
Nothing personnel
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Amanza has "PAC" and a numbers on the modules on her chest. Center one has what looks to be "CAUTION" printed on it
She has some illegibly small text on her back and back of head as well.
She as well as Rick have some illegibly small text on the front of their hips. Rick has an extra logo there as well

It's possible she may not know she capable of that. Her intelligence doesn't seem to indicate much forethought so far.
Those are magazins/batteries for her gun, I think.
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I quite like it when multi limbed characters do multiple poses at once
>3 1 2 4
>FIRST you grab the inside ones
>THEN the outside ones
>we gonna repeat that until you get it

Welcome to the Army.
For normalfags - maybe. For me, listening to "piu-piu...vrrrrrrr" during space scenes is more weird.
Is based anon gonna sub this?

Yeah, I'll get to it tomorrow.
Seikaisuru IDO thread where?
That show is pretty shitty though.
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The passengers were all changed into data and have to be given new material body to go out of Kado. The mind-body problem is the same as IDO.

You mean "The Expanse?" Yeah, for all the "realism" that show has, sound in space is kind of disappointing. Even fucking Firefly was usually pretty good about keeping it silent or at least muffled out there.
How the show delivers the story is boring though, I'd rather stick to ID-0.
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They all have a unique logo somewhere. Maya has her cross, Karla has her cyclone, and Amanza has her Army logo. Rick has what looks like a vertical rectangle with a diagonal slash on his pelvis, Fa-Loser has three horizontal bars stacked on top of each other on the shoulder, and Ido has this symbol here that you can almost read as "Ido." I haven't been able to find one on Grayman yet.
So rewatching the episode, it gets me how it seems to actually - at least mostly - understand that you don't need to constantly gun the thrust in space to move forwards. Like when Rick transforms near the end, he does so maintaining his speed. Most of the time people do gun thrust it's because they actually need to be faster.

It's the little things.
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I liked the bit near the end where Maya fell into a spin. And kept mistiming her thrusters and just kept spinning.
Additional note on this scene - Drilling rig moves, Maya is spinning, while not being connected to the rig. However, she remains stationary compared to the rig, since there is no acceleration, since when she disconnects. So, yes, that`s the small things.
Yes, my bad, misnamed it. Its "The Expanse", of course.
that's because you're brilliant and everyone else is ignorant
Ido's real identity has also been erased so it's a triple entendre.
Man, I fucking love Rick with his carefree way of living

Honestly, all characters we have been show right now are interesting, even the Koyasu dude and the 2D oldman
I wonder if Rick's character arc will be him wanting a flesh body back since he's got the hots for Amanza. He did say he was fine just with the way he is, but I wonder if that was merely to show how he starts out in the narrative.
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happy little space boxes :3.png
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They did end up addressing that topic in the next episode, at least

I think all of them are going to go through that. From what we've been able to gather so far, none of them are Evertrancers out of choice. There's also the mystery of how an allegedly endangered alien animal ended up in an I-Machine at all, much less became an Evertrancer.
>the albino mask guy is Dio

No fucking wonder he sounded so familiar.
I find that "thrown into it" kinda convenient too.
It's obviously 01.
It even says "DAS ICH" right underneath.
Why not both? Man, that's some damn good type design actually.
well there's something fishy going on in the military according to Greyman, so they may have been trying to conveniently dispose of her in a similar way that the professor tried with Maya.
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