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Does /m/ like battletech?

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Does /m/ like battletech?
I do.
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I love battletech
I love using it to shit at regular tan/k/ wank threads[/spoier]
I like it up to 3060ish
No we dont
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Hell to the yeah!
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I think the premise of Battletech is cool, but 95%* of the 'mech designs are awful.
I'm moderately excited for the new video game.

*the only good ones are King Crab, Atlas, Locust and Mad Dog.
>I think the premise of Battletech is cool, but 95%* of the 'mech designs are awful.

Pretty much. The series is basically extended Dougram with some Dune to top it off.
It's just mishandled by the companies that own it.
All I can get is lurking /tg/, /m/ and srana dot net and running some mechawarrior games time to time.
And from what I got, I like it.
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I think the MWO redesigns look okay. Most of them anyway. There are some designs that just can't be salvaged
Fuck you

I love my walking brickwalls with ductaped guns and greeble
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>95%* of the 'mech designs are awful.
To be fair, there are like a million mech designs. It also depends on who's drawing the mech. For example, the Kodiak looks like hot garbage on the table but it's one of the most intimidating designs in MWO.

>the only good ones are King Crab, Atlas, Locust and Mad Dog.
>No UrbanMech, Shadowhawk, Highlander, or Adder
Your taste is different from mine and therefore bad.
I need a good Battletech game for pc, which one would be best for a new player?
Mechwarrior Online
streak srm2 spam

dont bother with ecm

you're welcome
Also, Megamek.


Mechwarrior: Living Legends has seen a small revival, though it's a bit buggy. You can also find the original Mechwarrior games floating around somewhere.
Find the MechWarrior 4 Mercenaries release +mektek add-ons on pirate bay or something. Not lore heavy, but fun stompy robot action
[Spoiler] Fafnir is best, Atlas can eat a dick[/spoiler]

Can also grab MechWarrior Living Legends, which is now a standalone title from clan jade wolf.

If you don't mind shit graphics, there's also MechWarrior 2 via Dosbox
wait for http://battletechgame.com/
Anyone here looking forward to BATTLETECH?
Anyone here play MWLL?
Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat
Mechwarrior 3
Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance
Mechcommander 1

Those are all good starting points. I think MW3 and MC1 are the best starting points because their plots, though very basic, coincide with each other and are easy to follow. The text dumps in MW2 feel directionless and are hardly relevant to what you actually do in the missions. MW4 has a clear plot but it's a personal story which you might find corny.

MW2: Mercenaries and MW4: Mercenaries are often regarded to be the best games because of their non-linear campaigns but I wouldn't recommend them to new players even if I did like them. The former is very buggy (hit detection is a constant and significant issue, and its missions are prone to crashing), has a cumbersome UI for mech customization that will confuse anyone who hasn't played a MW game before, and has complex and very difficult missions but doesn't give enough details about them to the player. On the other hand, the latter just has very tedious and boring mission design. Both games are also bad for new players because they throw too many different types of mechs at him before he gets a chance to be familiar with them.
Please tell me that's new footage from the BattleTech game.
>95%* of the 'mech designs are awful.
To be fair, a large fraction of them were drawn in the '80s when they still wanted the game to be knights and squires in the far future, instead of the combined arms space opera that's emphasized today.

>King Crab and Mad Dog
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>To be fair, a large fraction of them were drawn in the '80s when they still wanted the game to be knights and squires in the far future, instead of the combined arms space opera that's emphasized today.

This. Not to mention that it wasn't exactly a big money production at the time. The mechs were probably drawn by whomever Jordan Weisman happened to personally know who could best handle a pencil.

All those old 80s pen and paper games have some pretty silly art.

meh, not really
>special attack: hug
MW2 and 3 are legit. 4's console trash.
After it lets you go, the loneliness does 3D10+6 crushing damage.

>Duke Asshat keeps spamming our private number to talk shit
>So we keep wrecking his shit
>So he makes us fight in the city where friendly AI pathing is an absolute fucking trainwreck.
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Fuck yeah! Battletech!
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Yeah boy
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I enjoy Mechwarrior Online, only recently started reading into the lore.
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There's a lot. Not all of it necessarily good, but it's a damn interesting setting
Yeah, but only a few gifs of meele.
The skirmish beta should be out soon, then footage amount will explode.
>try to get into Battletech
>not shitty intro box set is $150+ (MSRP is around half of that)

Jesus, what's with minis being so expensive

Because CGL are retarded idiots who can't into marketing.
>you can actually find BattleTech boxes where you live
See, the best I could ever find at the local shops were the manuals, and even then the selection wasn't great. Thus why I mainly played via MegaMek.
I liked it enough to back a game that at the time, we had no idea when it was coming out.
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See, the original King Crab design looks bloody ridiculous, but any halfway decent redesign is cool as hell, so it really is down to the artist.

Anybody got any love for my own assault mech of choice?
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I have vanilla tastes, although I don't really like it in MWO.
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God have mercy on your soul. Hope you like geopolitical power struggles and no one ever being happy, with a healthy dose of space-autists.
Mechwarrior: Living Legends. It's better balanced, more free and more fun than MWO. Come play it with us. Now.
I am playing MWLL. It's great fun and better than MWO
Someone post more rad battletech art
Anyone else use the tech manual to build really off the wall /m/ designs. I've mostly got a 55t TSM worked out that holds a hatchet and two one ton lots of hand-held reloads for hand-held weapons that range from a one-handed lac/5, a heavy rifle with targeting computer, and all the way up to an 11t multishot thunderbolt launcher.

I'm working with three house rules for "setting fluffiness":
>TSM is always on, regardless of heat
>each hand on a mech can load half a mech's total handheld weight limit
>all missiles must be IOS launchers but deal triple normal damage
>holds a hatchet and two one ton lots for hh reloads in side torso cargo bays
It's early and discussing my bt-zaku conceptual fundeavors gets things racing that shouldn't.
Sounds neat. Care to share?
>TSM is always on, regardless of heat
You don't need to houserule that one. Prototype TMS does that already.
Yeah, gimme a couple hours, at work.
I never saw the rules for it bursting into flame when catalysed.
Suzerain, Prototype BACOP Bipedal Assault Command Platform
Gross Weight: 55t
Chassis: Composite
Powerplant: Compact 220 Fusion
Actuators: Prototype Triple-Strength Myomer
Walking Speed: 64.8kph
Cruising Speed: 97.2kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6kph
Jump Jets: Standard Jump Jets [1 TL/1 TR/1 LL/1 RL]
>Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Crew: 2 (Operator + Commander) in standard torso pilot stations
Heat Sinks: Standard (4 Integral, 3TR, 1TL, 1RL, 1LL)
Armor: Grade 5 Standard Composite Battleplate (Standard Commercial)
HD-8 // TC-18/12 // TL/R-14/8 // L/RA-9 // L/RL-16

>2 M-Pod "anti-vehicle ballistic assault panel"
>2 HMG-Array, 100-burst drum, Mod 2 Cellular Blowout Stowage Magazine (CASE II)
Internal Hardpoint Armament:
>Secondary Armament Stowage [4T, TL]
>>1 Hand-Held Hatchet
>>M8A2 LAC/2 "Gunslinger Systems 'Desperado' Autocannon" (4T, OH)
SCB Armored Framework (12pt, BAR5)
22-Burst Fixed Rotary Magazine
>Primary Ammunition Stowage [2T, TR]
2 1T Blowout Cells (cargo is destroyed when the bay is damaged, even ammunition)
Primary Hardpoint Armament:
>1 Hand-Held Cannon (11T limit) w/2T reloadable ammunition:
>>Mk.I Heavy Rifle (11T)
15-Shell Fixed Magazine
500kg SCB Armored Carrier (12pt Commercial Armor)
>>Mk.II Mod0 Heavy Rifle "Suz Type 1 Battle Cannon" (9.5T)
Reload System
6-Shell Magazines
>>Mk.II Mod1 Heavy Rifle "Suz Type 1 Marksman Variant" (11T)
"Haley Tier 3, Low-Light High-Resolution" Targeting Computer
Reload System
3-Shell Half-ton "Short-Snipe" Magazines
>>Mo.3 LAC/5 "Modular Assault Autocannon" (7T)
500kg Modular Fitting Point, typically carries an underslung IOS-SRM2 or an SCB Armored Carrier (12pt, BAR5)
Reload System
20-burst staggered-shell Magazines
>>Mo.7 LAC/2 "Modular Service Autocannon" (5.5T, One-Handed)
500kg Modular Fitting Point
Reload System
22-burst staggered-shell Magazines
11-burst linear-stacked Specialty Magazines (AP or Precision ammo)
>>6 IOS Thunderbolt 5 (15T)
It's meant to establish a baseline ceiling of how the mechs are designed in-universe rather than be out-and-out the most effective 55T Single-Weapon Platform a mech can be. More or less a literal Zaku stand-in.
Oh, P.S. This also mounts a Heavy Duty Gyro to give it that "old reliable" and "packed like a sardine" feel if my players get to mucking about in the innards
Interstellar Ops got you covered. P 104.
P.P.S. Reload Systems are half-ton pieces of equipment that allow a hand-held weapon to load lots of ammo without invoking the loss of cargo rules when re-arming the weapon and allow multiple tons to be loaded with a single rearming action. The lots have to be dedicated into a "magazine box" and are technically limited to the weapon's listed weight, though you could argue for extendos, the weight would have to be recalculated up to account for the additional tonnage, using smaller boxes poses no problem, especially if you decide to recalculate for actual weapon weight.

>inb4 each specific model of weapon has proprietary magazine design features despite being in the same caliber
those speed values are for regular TSM, proto doesn't get the speed boost
I see. so that'd bring her back down to 4/6(8)/4, still a dependable bracket.
so... it provides backup to more conventional elements?


Not to shit this thread up any further with my woobie house rule alterniverse shit, but I'm stalled on what sort of design philosophies to follow and what other mechs of a similar tech level might be built around.

The first few rules I've come up with:
>quads are easier to design and are more common than bipeds, Suzerain is actually one of the only bipeds in existence and the most advanced mech to date, and quads are still extremely rare and small compared to Vees
>Commercial Armor (i.e. BAR5) is top-end for modern materials science
>Composite Structure is the only kind mechs can be made from because more materials science limitations in strong load-bearing structures under maneuvers that are also resilient to combat damage
>"Modern" MBTs use Medium Rifles as top-tier technology, autocannons don't tend do go above 5s, missiles are always IOS and x3 damage outside naval, installation, and capital space-based platforms, and energy weapons/exotic ballistics are in the rare prototype/field test stages
>if there's a version that's bulkier, it's probably the cheapest and oldest example of the tech (i.e. Heavy Duty Gyro)
>Proto TSM is standard top-end myomer material
>Jump Drives only exist as heavy gate-based installations, sitting at jump nodes and transiting anything within their zone of control when triggered; new colonies have to build a jump-ring via start-up tech brought in on their end before two-way transfers can be managed- linear jump drive cores have yet to be developed or even theorized
I can't wait. Melee looks like it'll be really fun.

it's a terrible franchise run by criminals who blatantly stole their mecha designs from actual talented artists and refused to pay them. Everyone who has helped develop or who has ever played the game should be shot and their estates given to Shōji Kawamori as a statement of apology.
2 Nukes weren't enough.
>not shitty intro box set is $150+ (MSRP is around half of that)

MSRP is supposed to be one-THIRD of that. It's $50 for the Intro Box. If you're seeing $150, it's from speculators who moved in once the box went out of stock.
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Keep supporting thieves, then. You belong in America, along with the rest of the world's human garbage.
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Huh? If you're talking about the Macross stuff, they got the rights from Studio Nue. In fact, they had Nue make new art for the Japanese release of the rulebooks. So Kawamori did indeed get his money from FASA, chill out.
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The Japanese ones were pretty damn cool.
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Blogpost ahead

So check it, when I was a kid I used to go to this place called the Boy's Club which was a glorified day camp for boys. Anyhow I grew up in the hood yada yada so my nerd interests were never really entertained (shoot this basketball, jump that fence) except for the few hours a week we were allowed video game use. There was this one cool guy that ran the computer room that got my 9 year old self into Doom and Warhammer and CCGs and board games. His favorite game of all time was Battletech, and to see another black guy speak so passionately about something so nerdy is what got me into mecha and PC games and 3D modelling and all that good shit. Something so simple had such a profound impact on me, thanks dude for showing me that you can be a geek and still cool at the same time
Here's MW4 with all the addons

Weird licensing between IWM and CGL because they have to get an exception to IWM's exclusive mini rights everytime they print plastic minis
Pillager is fantastic.
especially the stealth one
A lance of Pillager Anvils is just absolutely hilarious if the other guy decided to bring a bunch of lights.
Or vees.
Or infantry.

My current record is eleven units wiped out with a single LT shot, though admittedly eight of them were infantry squads.

inb4 davy crockett fun time
Nope, standard rounds.

Large scale team battle. One opponent, for god only knows what reason, had a blob of around 10 APCs he was moving around in a cluster. Once he got them near a relatively uncontested section of urban terrain with an objective in it, he decided it was time to unpack and turn the place into hell for anybody who stepped near. Only thing really in position to do anything was my Pillager Anvil, so he pointed at it and asked if it had LRMs or LBXes. It didn't, so he disembarked in the open.
My first LTAC shot went wide and flattened a light building. My second LTAC shot though, hit dead fucking center in vee and gropo paradise.
Between the damage multiplier for infantry in the open, the damage his APCs had picked up getting there, and just sheer number of things in that seven hex area, my Pillager Anvil dealt more total damage with that one shot than any other player did that entire turn.

It then got alpha'd off the board over the course of the next couple turns, but hey that's what happens to star performers.
fuck Battletech
bottom left
Coordinator, the fox is dangling yet more bait in front of us.
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...you know its the same franchise, right?

No it's not. One is Battletech and one is Mechwarrior. if they were supposed to be the same franchise they'd have the same name.
this is bait, right?
Why do some of the mechs have heads and are basically humanoid while others are that weird design where the cockpit juts out and it basically looks weak and flimsy compared so the humanoid ones? I tried getting into Battletech but goddamn there is just a lot of history behind it and I just don't where to start.
Any good franchise-related fiction books? I've only read Thurston's "Legend of the Jade Falcon" trilogy.
Wolves on the Border is just good fun sci-fi.

Warrior trilogy has good mech fights, but suffers from stackpole falling into his stackpole habits

Don't read Far Country
>wolves on the border
It's good, but not the happiest book. Go with Star Lord for good fun sci-fi.
he didn't specify fun, just good.
Decision at Thunder Rift is a good starting point. Tiny scale. Little to no major overarching plot. Lots of needless planetary science-babble, but granted it's one of the first Battletech novels, they weren't quite sure which direction to take things.

Also suggesting Wolves on the Border. Crunch heavy and very What-hollywood-in-the-80s-thought-samurai-are, but an entertaining book that is one of the few examples that doesn't constantly show the Draconis Combine as moustache twisting villains.

Bloodname was my first Battletech book, I bought it back in middle school when I found out that MechWarrior 2 was based on an existing franchise.
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>Crunch heavy
Edit this to fluff-heavy. Bounces in and out between small scale mech battles and discussions between heads of successor states. Also, setting in the Draconis Combine means things get weird and difficult to relate to.
Also Wolf's Dragoons.

Luckily, the time setting means you don't need to know huge swaths of lore, just the 3025 batch of personalities from that area of the sphere.
>Can't find the minis
>Play megamek at home
>No players at the LGS
>No motivation for LGSes to stock the goods.

It's in part why I always made it a priority to play at the LGS and buy whatever new BT product they'd sell me.
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I mean, he has a point somewhat.

You license these things separately and the robots are completely different.
Battletech is very much another 80s anime setting.
Mechwarrior is a reskinned tank game crossover over with a generic space arcade but without the 3rd dimension.

There's so little fan art of these it's almost criminal.
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I love how the new designs follow basic anime principles (plus a bit of Pacific Rim) and makes the designs MUCH better than the shit pushed out by the old artists.

It could still get better, though. For one, the variable geometry fucked up a lot of designs with bullshit tacked on when it shouldn't.
The cockpits are far too small to fit a mouse inside, let alone a person.
And the things are designed without any articulation in mind.
Atlas can't even throw a punch without clipping (parts phasing through each other), a lot of mechs cant raise their arms or turn them, etc.
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Mechwarrior is called Mechwarrior because they based it off the RPG supplement.
This is something people at HBS mentioned, that even when working with the newer MWO models many of them still need work to make them melee animation compatible.
I don't.

For me, it lacks personality, too much same-y faction, unlike Warhammer 40K.
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Oh you mean that setting where everything is about only one faction and you're fucked six ways from Sunday if you play anything that isn't the author's favourite?

>House Davion

I mean... As you were... Carry on...
They still clip.
If you look at Atlas' animation, you'll see his arm is phasing through the shoulder pad.

But at least they're trying. The inspiration for those comes from all kinds of sources.
Atlas punch is from Haruko's attempts at making that work.
Hunchback is inspired by SirDubDub's great animation (where the thing punches a Mad Cat in the face to throw it off a cliff).

I'm just kinda bummed they didn't add animations to movement since that is really lackluster in the original rigs (locked 90 degree arms that look abysmal and stupid, no running animations, just algorithmicaly sped up walking that is extremely silly once you get to the faster chasis, and so on).
I'm not talking about the gameplay, but the lore.

40K has much more personalities and zeal.
The 4Z stealth Pillager is a creation of Satan himself. The only thing they could have done to make it meaner was add TSM...which there's totally space for, if you don't mind jacking the BV up even further. Seeing as the guns are all in the torso and thus both arms are always free...

You have to respect the insanity of packing two of those things on a mech, heat be damned.
>play MW3 on High difficulty
>a salvo of LRM20 is enough to knock down my Thor consistently

wew lad
>punching instead of kicking
remove legs REMOVE LEGS
Davion is currently getting their face pushed in by Liao, actually.
The Gray Death Books are pretty good.
Legs are almost always extremely heavily armoured, you run the risk of falling on your ass (which is a lot more likely if you're jumping around like a mad bastard as you should in a Pillager), the battlefists make landing hits even easier and tearing into another mech's torso like you have a pair of AC20s on the ends of your fists is never not exhilarating. But yes, you can kick legs clean off with it too if that's your thing.
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So who wants to play the CCG in Tabletop Simulator?
I played that a bit when it started. That's the one with the d6, right?
Seemed pretty fun from what I remember.

Yes you use d6s in it. I'm not sure there's another Battletech CCG
It's my fav and what got me into /m/ stuff in the first place.
I still have my battletech ccg cards that they gave away in the mechcommander boxes

Never played the actual game but I still cherish my hunchback IIc and redline pilot cards nonetheless
Pretty cool guy.

I liked the concept of the Word of Blake. I even liked the mech designs. Never got why BT fandom hated it, bar that BT fandom seems to hate everything past 3025.
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>bar that BT fandom seems to hate everything past 3025

It's pretty much that.
The setting's lore is frankly all over the place except people accept stuff they grew up with.
So you have the original players who ignore everything wrong with Dougram X Mad Max that is 3025.

Then comes the next generation who got in with the Klingon-like supersoldier folded 100 times Clans and are cool with the new toys which go against the whole Dougram/Mad Max school of thought.

At the end you have the MW 4 people who are in for the newer, Civil Era stuff with Fafnirs and Sunders and Uziels and all that fun stuff, and again they're hated by the other two groups because "Get off my damn lawn, kids!" and because they also piss all over the superhero feeling of Clans by making it kind of fair. They also tend to not give a fuck about the story because they see it for a massive heap of bullshit built up over 20 years that it was back when Mechwarrior 4 was big.

Battletech as a TT game died before MW4, hence why there's no TT equivalent of the Civil War likers, at least not in a big number.
After MW4, even the games died out so there was no medium to pull in people who'd like the newer parts of the setting.
And yeah, Celestials are definitely the high point of original designs in the setting before they settled back to recycling the old designs again like the cheap talentless hacks they are.
>Implying the Jihad wasn't great
Neither of us even suggested that.

Unless you count the rant about the lore being so-so at best but that goes for all of Battletech indiscriminately.

Dunnow. The BT scene in my country was dead since the mid-90ies (sometimes you still see bunch of old miniatures and books in some forgotten corner of an old shop) so the only exposition I had to BT were the games. When, years later, i approached BT as a TT game for a friendly bout with pals, reading up the lore I found the Word an interesting opponent: unethical, uncompromising, built on the "transhumanism-with-tech" opposed to the Clan eugenetic program. Plus the designs were awesome.

Checkin' on the Net, BT fans react to the Jihad like it murdered their mother. It's the books? It's similar to what everyone felt with Age of Sigmar (TORCH THE SETTING AND RUN)? Dunnow.
Battletech is more similar to a "historical" wargame than what Warhammer does, and you can still fight those 3025 introtech games if you so desire.
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>It's similar to what everyone felt with Age of Sigmar (TORCH THE SETTING AND RUN)? Dunnow.

You're better off asking on /tg/ but IIRC it went along the lines of hem going into the Jihad, but then got bought out by someone else who swept the era under the rug to create Dark Age and a new game to go with it (Mechwarrior Clix).
This was set after the events of teh Jihad and explained much of the stirring up the status quo as a direct result of the Jihad without ever explaining in detail.

So Dark Age is the Age of Sigmar whereas Jihad was supposed to be the End Times that never were.

I, ironically, agree wholeheartedly the setting should get mauled and remade to get it into a presentable state for any hope of a future.
But the way it was handled was hardly satisfactory and even good ideas would get torn apart by the nostalgia-driven fanboys (who hate change above all else as per >>15139406
) that compose most of the fanbase left for the IP.
The Jihad as an era was tainted by the need to make the results match up with the Dark Age fluff from the clickytech game, combined with some lol grimderp moments and CGL abandoning past lore as necessary to make things work.

Wars of Reaving (the Jihad-era sourcebook for the Clan Homeworlds) was fucking amazing, though. New factions, great designs, plotlines get tied up instead of vanishing, great fun.
I like mechcommander.
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Friendly reminder that not all mechs in the actual Battletech universe aren't as slow and ponderous as they are in the Mechwarrior video games. In actual BT the majority of them are fully capable of running and jumping, and melee combat is a thing, including having a large variety of mech sized melee weapons.

The video games always seem to have colored the universe the wrong way for a lot of people, and that's not how things are.
>not all mechs in the actual Battletech universe aren't
not all mechs *are
Anon, /m/ is the first place that would drive that message in.
It's the other fans, insecure about the Battletech's anime nature more than kids on /b/ are about their masculinity, who try to cover it up and paint it with all kind of ridiculous bullshit like saying that Battletech is in any way shape or form a realistic setting.

Basically, it's like this.
>/m/ is the first place that would drive that message in.
Past incidents of Battletech appearing on /m/ have proven otherwise.
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You mean the /btg/ shitposter who loves to jump into /m/ and /v/ giant robot discussions and tries to stir up shit?

It's just /m/ is not one of the boards that can riposte bait very well.
Case in point, >pic related.
I hated Clint Langley's CCG art. Most of his mechs looked like guys in padded suits with wires hanging out.

I miss playing mechcommander, I loved that game so much. 2 wasn't as good but still fun. I always remember this one mission in 2 where the last thing you do is capture a base. By the time I go after the base, between my team and salvage (including a Timber Wolf and a couple of Mad Dogs), I've got a dozen or so mechs with the smallest being a Shadow Cat. I get to the last enemy which is a Kit Fox and always think poor little bugger as I blot out the sky with LRMs.
I'll never get over the fact that the Draconis are Japanese and Liao are Chinese what with their logos and all. I almost feel that it was done on purpose and not by some oversight.
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You trollin, right?
Dracs are WW2 Japan, full stop.
Liao are cold war commies/Fu-Manchu asians.

The game's really not subtle about any of that.
>The game's really not subtle about any of that.
Quite the opposite, pretty sure it's outright stated.
>playing the second mission of the expansion campaign
>objective is to defend a base
>Mad Cat shows up in the final wave of attackers and dashes past my heavy and medium mechs to destroy the base
>my heavies and mediums are all IS slow pieces of shit and fail to catch up
>try imitating the intro movie and order my Raven sitting in the back of the base to "get its attention" to buy time
>Mad Cat turns around and fires a volley of PPCs
>Raven pilot screams to her death as one of the PPC shots lands squarely in her mech's cockpit

That was a real "holy shit" moment. MechCommander is way more intense and exciting than the MechWarrior videogames. MC2 is as dull as dishwater though.
>sending a Raven to fight a Mad Cat
You must have really hated that pilot.
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>droppers burning towards the planet as they approach
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lyran scout lance.jpg
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Loved Battletech and Mechwarrior. Wish I had a computer with the specs to run MWLL or MWO.
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