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Why do they keep making shows where literally every other girl

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Why do they keep making shows where literally every other girl is better than the main girl?
Oh god I thought the terrors were over.

Stop. Just let the series go.
Is OP your boogeymam?
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This is nothing new in mecha genre.
A good example of this is Gundam franchise.
I'm just glad that her seiyuu went on to voicing Gundam
>literally every other girl
>forgetting the other schoolgirls the show kept wasting eps on

The cosplaying chick and the teacher were better than her even if they wasted episodes on them.

Id argue the blond ojou was worse if only because we never got a proper explanation about why a highschool girl was allowed to pilot a mecha. Came off a bit too super special snow flake.

Sophie was cute but she was probably the most pointless character in the show. She contributed pretty much nothing and didn't even get to pilot for most of the second half of the show.

Her samurai obsession also came off as a pointless detail. I expected them to use it to force a love triangle with Kennosuke but they went nowhere with it. It probably would have been crappy but at least it would have given her some more relevance.
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Shes a weeaboo who is obsessed with samurai culture
If you don't think Yukina was objectively the best girl, you have some kind of brain problem. But you're probably autistic newfag repeating shitty memes he has heard on the board.

Who even comes close to Yukina? Her clone? How? How the fuck was she better? Explain without meme arrows.
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Because you keep caring about girls in a format full of boys and giant robots.

You are not thinking like a marketing exec.

The main girl exists to be claimed by the protagonist. This makes her less pure, because her relationship is established. She might have a fanbase, but it is expected to be lower than that or other girls by the very nature of her role in the narrative, so she isn't worthy of any development as long as she meets the minimum requirements of something for the protag to win by the end.

But the side girls don't have designated partners, which leaves them open and pure for waifu obsessed otaku. That's why you get a large cast of female side characters with varying traits and fetish checkboxes, its a scattershot approach to make it more likely that you have something for everyone. Because these unclaimed girls are the ones otaku are expected to latch on to, they get all of the interesting traits and personality to make them more appealing and attracts as much attention as possible with as little screentime.

The main girl, by right of being the main girl, does not need to be interesting. But the side girls do.

The female character design in Kuromukuro was idol anime tier, same with A/Z. Why are their faces so round and full of pink shiny spots? Why do they have to be moe?

I fucking hate that country
Who is the main girl of Eva?

Hard mode: no Shinji
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can't argue with that.
Tiffa is just fine. Also, I'll fucking fight you if you're talking shit about Cecily or Chris.

They didn't package any girl explicitly as the main girl in the way modern anime normally hangs a lantern on it. But, from a narrative standpoint, Asuka is the one that most closely fits that role.

Misato was never really a romantic possibility for Shinji, so she is off the table.

Rei gets introduced like she is the main girl, and she manages to hold that title for about as long as it takes them to introduce Asuka. But as soon as Asuka shows up, Rei's screentime takes a hard dive. She has very few interactions with Shinji after Asuka shows up, most of her screen time is off doing plot stuff with Gendo silently.

Meanwhile, Asuka's social disorders mirror Shinji's perfectly. Its the opposite end of that sort of spectrum. Rei's problem, however, is "is an alien clone", which is hard to relate to. So they dovetail together better.

EoE is the thing that clinches it, though. Shinji and Rei don't interact at all until Rei becomes a full-on plot device, meanwhile Shinji starts the movie with Asuka and ends the movie with Asuka, and its Asuka's death in the middle that drives him over the edge.
>so she is off the table.

Not when Kaji's around

It bugs me this show is treated like radioactive shit, despite it being better than any currently airing mecha show this season.

>but anon there are now mecha shows this season
Misato is still basically the female lead.

She's the one that was there from the start. She's arguably the most complex character in the show. She's the one that influences Shinji's character the most.

Sometimes, there's actually more to being a female character than being a romantic object for the protagonist. Can't say the same for Asuka. Even Ritsuko had more depth and a greater effect on the plot than Asuka.

It was okay.

A lot of the cast felt really underdeveloped and the overall plot wasn't very interesting, but it had its moments.
Cecilly, Tiffa, Aina, Chris and Relena (unfortunately) are the best female choices from their respective shows for the MC.

The problem is if the series was better directed the cast wouldn't be underdeveloped and the plot could have been a lot better.

But instead of exploring ancient demons, aliens visiting samurai times, clones and all sorts of exciting shit they focused to much on retarded school bullshit and I don't know why.
This is a stupid way of writing.
>idot tier

Black Relic was just typical P.A. Works SoL with mecha stuff added on top of it, hence why no one resembled a typical mecha anime character, with the exception of Ken and the alien pilots.

>focused to much on retarded school bullshit and I don't know why

Oh, I know why they did it. They wanted to show that despite all the shit that was going on they were still teenagers and needed to enjoy themselves. They even kept making a point about how warriors would throw festivals before a big battle to unwind and shit.

It wouldn't have been that bad, but the problem was there was no reason to give a shit about the high school side because none of them were particularly endearing or developed characters. No one gave a fuck about cosplay chick, shy teacher, mexican virgin, and "muh viewers" dude. Not to mention Akagi who literally had no chance of getting with Yukina from the beginning.

What really set me off was when they where making it look like he was gonna have some growth by wanting to be a pilot. I mean ojou is one and a highschooler so why not him? It seemed like he was really gonna go through an arc and then...HAH HAH NO. He broke his leg immediately laugh at the cuck

To be fair, I actually like that he didn't become a pilot. Sophie was obviously a prodigy and had some special training even if they never fully expanded on it.

He was just an average high school kid who wanted to become a pilot mainly to impress his crush. It would have been really unrealistic if they just made him a pilot after one month of training. They actually realistically broke it down and told him that if he genuinely wanted to be a pilot he actually needed to graduate high school and join the military first and it wasn't going to happen over night.

At least in the epilogue they showed that he wasn't all talk and actually did join the military.

It's just that the whole flaw with his character was that his entire personality was pining after a girl he literally had no chance of getting with. If he had become a pilot he could have at least took the "heroic sacrifice" route which would have given him some relevance. It also kind of seemed like they were going to ship him with Muetta for a bit because hey if you can't get with your actual crush why not her clone? But that went nowhere too.
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>Not to mention Akagi who literally had no chance of getting with Yukina from the beginning
This is nothing new in mecha genre, see

Not to mention Riddhe who literally had no chance of getting with Mineva from the beginning.
Not to mention Glemy who literally had no chance of getting with Roux from the beginning.
Not to mention Bizon who literally had no chance of getting with Hina from the beginning.

Akagi is the cuck guy. Cuck guy is the character that's in love with MC's main love interest.

He didn't even have to be a sacrifice but maybe instead of having him constantly be a joke they actually have him see first hand the kind of shit Ken was going through. Have he learn what's really at stake and grow out of his crush and deciding to stay a pilot because he does want to protect not just her but all his friends and the people he's trained with and mature as a character. Have him realize that his crush was simple infatuation and give him something to not just do but a real motivation.

If you want to focus on how the highschoolers factor into things it would make more sense to have them mature as the situation worsens. Maybe cosplay wants to be nurse or something and help the wounded. Mexico defies his parents and stays behind to protect his home instead of just whining and camera shit needed to realize he was in the middle of danger. A soldier got seriously wounded protecting him and he was still obsessed with his youtube channel. You can turn these people into real characters quite easily. But the show doesn't.

This is my problem with Kuromukuro in general. I can get over a bad show, but what pisses me off is when a show with real potential shits all over it and ends up a mediocre mess becuase no one knew what they where doing when the obvious answers where right in front of them

The problem is less he's a cuck and more that he exists solely to cuck. you can have your characters on the loosing end of a love triangle but do something else with them at the very least.

The characters that got the most focus in KM where the characters who had no purpose but to waste time.

I hated camera guy so fucking much. I kept waiting for a scene where one of the soldiers tackled him for streaming classified information or just took his camera and broke it, but nope. That scene right there especially pissed me off.

>soldier saves your dumb ass from getting killed because you're too busy streaming and have no sense of self-preservation
>takes a hit for you and could likely be crippled for life
>"oh I hope that guy is ok....welp, back to streaming!"
Because japs have a different shit taste and they don't care about anyone else.
I actually just finished this the other night.
Like others have said it was okay but felt like a lot of wasted potential in the end.

Any other mecha anime from 2016 worth watching? I'm way behind.
The main problem was studio.
Gundam Thunderbolt
I remember thinking camerafag died in an explosion. I was so sad when he came back.
Okay is better than nothing. Which is what we have right now.

But Shinji is best girl!
The problem is you, not the show.
Heavy object
I never got past episode 3 of this show because of the MC being a pure, undiluted retard.

Samurai dude was cool, a pity he was stuck in a shit show.
Not always the case, the only times it was confusing was with Roux, who Judau rarely talked to, and when he did, they normally bicker.
>because of the MC being a pure, undiluted retard.
So this is the new retarded meme described by the anon from G-Reco thread, (>>15079759 - the new meme is: trying to force the main girl as the main protagonist the show)
For me it's usually because main girls tend to be dim-witted 15-year-old basic bitch with no reason for attraction their love interests because of course they always have a love interest. What it comes down to is the usual shitty lazy writing we typically see in the anime genre.

The reason why side girls are more appealing even though their writing is just as shitty is because by then the audience has already accepted that the show's writing is bad and they're just going with the girl that suits their taste.
That's real life for you. They sharted on the retarded mecha trope of kids being pilots.

If a younger girl wasn't already a pilot that would mean something

They mentioned that Sophie had special training though. It was never fully expanded on yeah, but, she had a reason no matter how flimsy it was. She was the standard ojou prodigy.

Akagi couldn't even get the high score in a video game and had to go home after a few days of training because he broke his leg. He was never portrayed as some kind of prodigy or anything either. It would have been a lot more unrealistic if he had become a pilot after only one month of training.
They were just leftovers.
There's a staff Q&A in a magazine from the time that says Judau wasn't meant to boink anyone to the main writer (unto whom people usually shove anything they have to say about ZZ) and Tomino changed his mind about Roux at a late stage.
So why did the female characters look like children while the male characters of the same relative age looked like adults? Did they want the pedo audience?
>So why did the female characters look like children
Have you ever watched a P.A Works or KyoAni series?
These female characters are called ''Moeblob'' (High School Girls doing moe things).

Note: excessive and pointless fanservice, yuribait and Moeblobs are registered trademarks of the P.A Works and KyoAni series.
Nothing wrong with some yuri
maybe because they're goddamned idiots
>muh yuri boogeyman
>fanservice and moe are the same thing
I dont get this picture
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>They mentioned that Sophie had special training though

Which he was also about to receive

>she had a reason no matter how flimsy it was. She was the standard ojou prodigy.

She had a samurai boner and that was the end of it

>Akagi couldn't even get the high score in a video game and had to go home after a few days of training because he broke his leg

Which is the entire fucking problem I was talking about in the first place

>He was never portrayed as some kind of prodigy or anything either.

Hard work and guts, bitch

> It would have been a lot more unrealistic if he had become a pilot after only one month of training.

It's not realistic to have a kid pilot at all even if they are a prodigy. There's labor and safety laws. Realisim is not an issue
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