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Is Kei the least sexualized female mecha pilot? Post female

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Is Kei the least sexualized female mecha pilot?

Post female mecha pilots with dignity ITT NOW.
Yeah she was really unsexualized when we saw her naked.
Everyone was naked. Also, there was little to no actual nudity, just bare shoulders. Additionally, I said
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I'd like to give her some hamburgers, if you know what I mean.
I think they only lewd Noa that one time in the music video dvd.
Did Canary ever pilot a thing in Dougram or was she just guns and stuff?
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thats easy.
Never forget those magazine images.
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It's not like there was any reason to, since she's also the shittest Getter pilot by far. She brings great shame to Shin Getter 2 to the point where even Shin Jaguar looked ridiculous too.
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Bending the definition of a pilot a little.
What a qt
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Is Tomino the best writer of women?
I know Char was hitting that though.
shit taste, she's the worst gundam pilot of all time
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One thing is having a bf, the other is being sexualised
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Id say Izumi is the least sexualized I mean she's pretty much the ideal tomboy and I don't recall her ever wearing anything revealing.
>I think they only lewd Noa that one time in the music video dvd.
I need whatever this is.

I know he wasn't, since him not hitting it is why she left A.E.U.G. in the first place. Char was willing to sweet talk her to keep her happy and useful to the cause, but wasn't physically intimate. So she left, because she wanted to actually be more than a soldier and that's all she was to both Char and A.E.U.G.
https://mega.co.nz/#F!ZNYwQYqb!dAAtr6Wl7KunD8U5fKKOCA it's in pat rayburn music clips

Shit, sorry - my mistake. I thought it was pointing to Reccoa and not Lalah for some reason. Never mind.
I always loved Chris' "girl next door" design, it felt really down to earth.
Reminded me of an older girl that lived in my neighborhood when I was a kid.
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Give her a break. She was only a test pilot for for an experimental prototype Gundam meant for newtypes and fighting an enemy with more combat experience and the advantage from an ambush.

Don't ever listen to anyone who shits on Chris. Probably a bunch of Wing faggots who can't watch a series if the hero isn't invisible and slaughters enemies by the hundreds

They never stop to realize basic things like Test pilots are chosen for skill, the Alex was made for people with Spider-man reflexes and 0080 not being a plot armor action show

she was stripped naked and felt up by tentacles
Goddamit, what could happen if Char and Lalah both have survived OYW?
>Probably a bunch of Wing faggots who can't watch a series if the hero isn't invisible and slaughters enemies by the hundreds

>invisible Gundam Wing flying through hundreds of exploding Leos
Why does she have a motorcycle helmet? What's on her head?
Not Maria?
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>Not SvN Sho

I don't even think she shows any skin aside from the bare minimum

Manga Sho is a different story, however
Mika for sure
Looks pretty sexual to me
Have you seen the show? She's one of the few female mecha protagonists who isn't treated as a sex object at every single occasion

Shot-out goes to Ushio, though she's not exactly a "pilot" in the normal sense
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>Have you seen the show?
No, but I'd like to give her my geneshaft if you know what I mean
What do you guys mean???
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>not sexualized
>since him not hitting it is why she left A.E.U.G. in the first place
Char and Reccoa are both adults. Why wouldn't they have sex? Having sex doesn't necessarily signify being in a healthy relationship.
>Char was willing to sweet talk her to keep her happy and useful to the cause
If you would be willing to sweet talk someone to keep them happy and useful why not fuck them to keep them happy and useful? Too much effort?
Or is it too hard to imagine that someone would say something nice to make you happy because they actually care about how you feel? God forbid!
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> Why wouldn't they?

Reccoa obviously wanted to, Char didn't. Why not? Probably some hang ups over Lalah. Putting aside all your sarcastic rubbish about how two adults could have a relationship Reccoa left because Char wouldn't have more than a platonic relationship with her. They could have had one, healthy or unhealthy, sexual or romantic. They didn't though. And Reccoa wanted to be more than a soldier to someone, which was all she felt Char (or anyone else on the Argama) saw her as.
the best female mecha pilots are men, Alto from macross F, Loran from Turn A and Kamille from Zeta
Dude what the fuck is wong with your archives I'm gonna fucking break something
A lot of that grew out of me reposting a bunch of stuff that was on a mediafire I had, so that one has a bunch of multipart rars.
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Kei is pure!
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Granted, there was that one time in which she dressed as a witch, but aside from that she's surprisingly modest as far as Sentai girls go.
>Char didn't
Says who?
>Probably some hang ups over Lalah
You think he never had sex for seven years?
>all your sarcastic rubbish
What sarcastic rubbish? I'm perfectly serious. Most adult people have sex more than once an year.
>because Char wouldn't have more than a platonic relationship with her
Who? What? When? What?

Not all problems can be magically resolved by having sex or people would never break up or divorce. Any relationship can run cold. Physical intimacy is not as simple as "put ponos to vagoo".

> Says who?

Reccoa, given that she leaves because Scirocco made her feel like a woman and she complained how her room had no-one waiting for her during Zeta and obviously wanted Char but was frustrated with him when he wouldn't return her feelings.

> You think he never had sex for seven years?

You think it's impossible that someone would voluntarily forego sex because they have emotional problems? Or just don't prioritize sex?

> What sarcastic rubbish?
> Or is it too hard to imagine that someone would say something nice to make you happy because they actually care about how you feel? God forbid!

Ending that sentence with something like God forbid certainly makes it look like sarcasm.

> Who? What? When? What?

Char. Reccoa. Didn't become an item. Reccoa. Frustrated. Leaves when she feels like Scirocco will treat her as more than a soldier.

> Not all problems can be magically resolved by having sex

When did I say they could?

> Any relationship can run cold

Of course it can. That doesn't mean one between Char and Reccoa did. If it did then she wouldn't be complaining that no-one treated her like a woman or that no-one was that her room was empty, she'd be complaining about other things: maybe Char smothering her, or no longer feeling the same for each other or whatever. Just because people do have relationships doesn't mean Char and Reccoa did.
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What is Dai-Guard, OP?
Of course, we can come up with anything and argue that it is possible but possible doesn't prove anything. It's possible to be feel cold and empty whether you are in relationship or not.
Why would she be complaining that Char was smothering her? The problem is the opposite of that. Why would she say he no longer feels the same if she thought the relationship was cold from the start?
See, you keep repeating that "making her feel like a woman" as some sort of argument but what do you imagine this means? Just being in a relationship will make her feel like a woman? Having sex will make her feel like a woman?
Imagine every angry Beyonce you-are-taking-me-for-granted I-hate-all-men song. This is what we have here.

It is possible to not be interested in sex or to avoid physical closeness out of insecurity. It is also possible to isolate yourself emotionally but still seek out physical contact out of loneliness.

My observations are that Char and Reccoa are friendly and outgoing people. Their interactions and body language show me that they are in a relationship. Char's behavioral patterns are emotionally distant but physically secure, assertive and proactive. A quick overview of his history makes it clear he is interested in sex.

Char is the one who initiated his relationship with Reccoa. He was looking for companionship but didn't want to invest in a relationship that has no future. As someone who valued independence before anything, he felt that not meddling in Reccoa's affairs and not wanting her to meddle in his affairs was a show of respect between adults. As someone who was looking for real emotional connection and was tired of getting advantage of, Reccoa couldn't help but see this sort of attitude as arrogant and self-centered.

It's a juxtaposition between the typically male outlook and the typically female outlook. There are only two sexes in this world after all. Char and Reccoa pretty much walked out of "Men are form Mars, women are from Venus"
>Goddamit, what could happen if Char and Lalah both have survived OYW?

Lots and lots of little chars running around. All hell bent on doing colony drops on earth just for fun. Because daddy does it too ! The course of the universal century would have been radically changed.

> Lalah living resulted in UC becoming AW
What would the children of an Aryan man and an Indian poo loo look like? This question gives me no peace.
I mean, without memes. I have some thoughts but it would take time to type them down
Without memes, it would depend on a lot of other things.
And this would take a small brochure to describe
Give me an indian qt gf and a few years.

> Why would she be complaining that Char was smothering her?

As an example of the kind of complaints she might make if they were in a relationship but it wasn't working out.

> See, you keep repeating that "making her feel like a woman" as some sort of argument but what do you imagine this means? Just being in a relationship will make her feel like a woman? Having sex will make her feel like a woman?

For Reccoa, I think so yes. To both. You can replace the word "woman" with "human" if you wish, it works out the same. Do I think that holds true in every, or even most circumstances? No. I think it's true for Reccoa though, that she wanted to feel loved, physically or emotionally by someone to feel human/female and not just like a soldier and machine for war.

> My observations are that Char and Reccoa are friendly and outgoing people.

I'd pull you up on that, since neither are particularly friendly or outgoing. They don't rebuff people, but they don't go out of their way to befriend them either. They talk to people that talk to them, not try and make friends with new faces and go out of their way to experience new things.

> Their interactions and body language show me that they are in a relationship

It says to me Reccoa wants one and Char doesn't. It speaks to chemistry and frustration.

> A quick overview of his history makes it clear he is interested in sex

An overview of his history is Lalah at that point. And one person cannot make a pattern. He was interested in sex with Lalah. That doesn't mean he's interested in sex full stop, just that he was interested in sex with her. And years later with Nanai, who was also pretty obviously frustrated by his distance despite them almost certainly sleeping together.

> As someone who was looking for real emotional connection and was tired of getting advantage of, Reccoa couldn't help but see this sort of attitude as arrogant and self-centered.

If Char and Reccoa were sleeping together but her frustration was only that he wouldn't connect emotionally then why when she left the A.E.U.G. for the Titans was she happy with Scirocco who she very obviously knew was using her and her desire for support but also very obviously wasn't in an emotional relationship with her, but was at most in a sexual relationship with her? Why would she leave one group for emotional support, not receive it in the new group but be happy staying there despite knowing that they're using her?

> It's a juxtaposition between the typical male outlook and the typically female outlook

The major juxtaposition for Reccoa in Zeta is Emma, and to a lesser extent Fa. Emma leaves the Titans for A.E.U.G, Reccoa the A.E.U.G. for the Titans. Emma is happy being a soldier and to put off relationships, Reccoa wants a relationship so badly she'll screw over people she actually likes for one. They even make arguments about a woman's purpose along similar lines. It's why the two of them end up facing off in the finale. And why when Reccoa is killed one of her last line's is about how no-one will mourn her.
Could you shut up about Gundam?
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The flattest ass
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fan art not withstanding
One of the few to ever place on their series best girl and best boy polls.
>if they were in a relationship but it wasn't working out.
No, smothering is when someone gives you more attention than you want.
> think it's true for Reccoa though, that she wanted to feel loved, physically or emotionally by someone
Yes. And this is exactly what I'm saying. Intercourse does not equal feeling loved, either emotionally or physically.
>They talk to people that talk to them, not try and make friends with new faces and go out of their way to experience new things.
They are reserved to close relationships for obvious reasons but they are friendly,engaging and curious toward anyone they meet within socially acceptable limits.
They were the ones that were most concerned about Kamille and Fa and the crew as a whole.
>It says to me Reccoa wants one and Char doesn't
Yes. It's completely normal for an adult man to enter an adult woman's room, sit on her bed and casually put his arms around her hips. That is a regular indication of platonic relationship.
>He was interested in sex with Lalah. And years later with Nanai.
Of course, he was a pure virgin that just happened to be passing by a brothel and then suddenly his sexuality was awakened and then went to sleep for fifteen years and then was awakened again for inexplicable reasons. He never showed interest to anyone else and no other relationships were ever alluded to.
>who was also pretty obviously frustrated by his distance despite them sleeping together.
Unlike Reccoa?
>almost certainly
Yeah, because when a woman hangs out at a man's place in nothing but a robe and waves her breasts in front of him and they sometimes cuddle you can't be sure, it might be indicative of a platonic relationship.
In fact it would be too bold to assume that a healthy human being would have healthy human being interests. How can we know that he was interested in even Lalah or Nanai? Didn't he say Lalah was like his mother or something? Ah, yes. And Nanai was probably just washing his socks or something.

> No, smothering is when someone gives you more attention than you want.

Which is one reason people might be unhappy with a relationship.

> Intercourse does not equal feeling loved

For some people it does actually. Normally not the most emotionally healthy of people, but Reccoa isn't emotionally healthy anyway.

> they are friendly, engaging and curious toward anyone they meet

That doesn't sound like either of them to me.

> That is a regular indication of platonic relationships

Or, of the thing I said: that Char is only willing to have a superficial and pretend relationship with Reccoa and pretend to be interested in her, but not to actually go any further and have a relationship with her. Not even a purely physical one.

> he was a pure virgin that just happened to be passing by a brothel

The brothel bit isn't in 0079 if I recall, and even in the novels it's only stated he rescued her from a brothel - not that he was in a brothel and just happened to come across her.

> healthy human being

That's not Char. In any of the three Gundam entries he's in. He's never been a healthy human being emotionally.

I'm still interested in why you think she was only having a sexual relationship with Char and wanted more but was satisfied with a purely sexual relationship with Scirocco despite the fact she was quite obviously aware he was using her?
>who she very obviously knew was using her
No. What?


>the major juxtaposition for Reccoa in Zeta is Emma
It IS a juxtaposition, and if you insist so it might be THE major juxtaposition. This doesn't change the fact that the clash between male and female is one of the main running themes in all of Tomino's works and that is probably most prominent in Zeta and that Char and Reccoa are it's main representatives there.
As for Reccoa and Emma, don't forget that Emma was a free woman that joined the army out of conviction and had a loving family that supported her every decision.
Reccoa had no home, no family, went from place to place trying to find somewhere to belong to until in the end she had nowhere to go.
If there is a juxtaposition between them it surely is in that. Also note that Char in Reccoa are in fact very similar in this respect.
>and to a lesser extent Fa
There is no juxtaposition. The relationship is between a teacher and a student or even, if you please, a mother and a daughter.
>which is one reason people might be unhappy with a relationship
But not the reason Reccoa could be unhappy with her relationships.
>For some people it does actually.
Just like in my mind-break doujins.
The facts of the matter are that every time there is a cold note in their relationship it's because Char is emotionally avoidant and doesn't answer or answers obscurely or bluntly to her personal questions. At no instance at all does he reject her sexual advances.
Women like to talk.Women like to talk about their feelings.Char didn't like to talk about feelings. Scirocco talked about her womin rights and showed he understood her and how she felt.
>That doesn't sound like either of them to me.
Watch the series.
> Char is only willing to have a superficial and pretend relationship with Reccoa and pretend to be interested in her
Why in the world?
>He's never been a healthy human being emotionally
Sure. People with emotional problems are not part of the human species and don't have the same physical and emotional needs.
Are you kidding me? She's naked throughout much of the show and is an object of lust for Shinji AND Gendo.
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> No. What. No. What?

I've no idea what you're even asking here. Are you questioning that Reccoa knew that Scirocco was using her?

> If there is a juxtaposition between them it surely is in that.

Actually, it isn't, because that contrast can be used for something other than juxtaposition, like illustrating that different circumstances can affect people differently. So Emma, who grew up in a supported environment had a better life than Reccoa (or Char), who started out with that, but got lost in a war and eventually knew nothing but it.


> But not the reason Reccoa could be unhappy

If she were in a relationship with Char it's one reason she could be unhappy. As an example. A possibility.

> Just like in my mind-break doujins

Or reality. Just because porn likes to use an idea doesn't mean it doesn't exist in reality. No, I'm not saying every idea porn uses exists or is prolific, only that some of them are based in reality. And that people getting personal and emotional validation through sex is one such thing that does exist.

> At no instance does he reject her sexual advances

At no instance does he embrace them either.

> Scirocco talked about women's rights and showed her understood her and how she felt

He talked about women's rights, but at no point is Reccoa under the delusion he cares for her.

> Watch the series

I'd say the same to yo.

> Why in the world?

Why would someone lead another person on? I wonder.

> People with emotional problems are not part of the human species

I'll take "shit I didn't actually say" for 100 points. If you can't understand the difference between "Char has never been a healthy human being emotionally" and "Char has never been emotionally healthy and thus isn't human" then you should probably go back to school.
>two posters STILL sperging about Char's sex life
> Are you questioning that Reccoa knew that Scirocco was using her?
>because that contrast can be used for something other than juxtaposition, like illustrating that different circumstances can affect people differently
I actually think "contrast" is the very definition of juxtaposition. You were the one who said there was juxtaposition between them and I agreed.
>At no instance does he embrace them either.
Because at no instance have there been any sexual advances on her part.
>He talked about women's rights, but at no point is Reccoa under the delusion he cares for her.
Well, obviously we disagree on this point. She thought he understood how she has been mistreated by other men and she saw this as a promise that he was going to treat her fairly. That's why she was willing to sacrifice everything.
>Why would someone lead another person on? I wonder.
Then it's two of us.
>I'll take "shit I didn't actually say" for 100 points.
Please, don't be so touchy about my thoughtless "sarcastic" exaggerations. Here, I'll write it again without the offending phrase:
Do not people with emotional problems have the same physical and emotional needs as other people?
Are you implying I'm just one autist replying to myself?
No one in Fafner is sexualized.
The whole process of piloting a Fafner seems very uncomfortable and disturbing. The show is a great boner killer in general with how dour it is

Of course, I still haven't watched Exodus or RoL, so I may be putting my foot in my mouth here.
They're very realistic.
There is a slight bit of fanservice in Exodus, iirc.
He's implying everyone not stuck in the sentai thread is arguing about chars sex life in this Thread right now.
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At the very least she tore her own uniform off in one episode, and was constantly sexualized by opposites boy, whatever his name was.
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She showed up topless, along with the rest of the Xabungle girls, at the end of one episode.
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Kid, what do you think you're doing?
she doesnt even wear a dress in any of the anime. she did wear shorts though, that one time she went out with Asuma if i recall.
girls who won the bowl won't get any lewds

look at IGPX or Rahxepon
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Sheryl has lewds.
Yeah, but if you'll notice, girls who win a bowl are never pilots
Fa won a Full Retard Kamille.

Wasn't Roux a pilot? Luna too. Silvia and Mikono in Aquarion - probably whoever wins in Logos. Asuka in Evangelion, Eureka in Eureka 7, Anna in Godanner, Nia in Gurren Lagann, Sara (and Cynthia) in Overman King Gainer, Kei in Majestic Prince and probably a few others I'm forgetting.

And probably the progenitor of many of them, Sayaka from Mazinger Z.
How the hell is she the least sexualized female mecha pilot?
She is part of THAT image, and have Urushihara art of her.

I imagine it's confined to within the show and maybe official material. Then again, I have no problem dear what image you're on about, so she could be sexualised in an official image for all I know.
I got the impression that was the original intention of OP, but Chis is impossible not to sexualize, even if there would be no lewd art of her at all.
Tsubaki in Shin Jeeg.

Amusingly enough, Sayaka did lose to Maria in one of the Shin Zero universes.

Why is it called a bowl actually? There must be a progenitor anime, probably in the last 5 or 6 years, that it came from that I wasn't paying attention to.

Are you fucking with me?

No, I genuinely have no idea why it's called a bowl and am asking out of curiosity. I'm not sure why that'd be hard to believe.
Off the top of my head, a best girl "winning" a relationship/the anime/at life is greatly celebrated by people with good taste and is compared to a favourite sports team winning the super bowl (or perhaps a football bowl game in general?).

So when people talk about such victories they'll call it winning the superbowl, facetiously the superb owl, or just [love interest] bowl etc
None of those were bowls. Those girls had no competitors. I know that at least of the shows I've watched. Also Asuka's "win" is questionable and Nia wasn't a pilot in the series, only the dumb OVAs

Oh, I'm not American and don't care about sports in general, never mind American Football, so it's not wonder Superbowl didn't come to mind I guess.


Several of those were bowls if competition is the defining characteristic, since Mikono was in competition with Zessica, Anna was in competition with Mira Ackerman in Godannar, Sara with Cynthia in King Gainer, Kei with Teoria in Majestic Prince, at least during the story since near the end it's revealed she's the main character's maternal donor so can't be a love interest in reality and while the ending of Evangelion is rather open, Shinji is on a beach with Asuka in the finale if I recall, so it's not that open. Not to mention Rei is a clone of his mother, so not likely to win regardless.
>Anna was in competition with Mira Ackerman in Godannar
Not really. Not once did Goh ever look Mira's way. Mira's whole character was basically just her being butthurt that she lost before the series even began.

>Sara with Cynthia in King Gainer
This is a little closer, but everything Gainer and Cynthia did together could be interpreted platonically. Even if you see it otherwise, Gainer's romantic feelings weren't really resolved by the end of the show. He made it clear he liked Sara, but they never got together or anything

Haven't seen the rest.

Shinji and Asuka were still abusing each other and unable to admit they liked each other during the end of EoE. Hardly a win. And the way the Rebuilds and the manga look, Rei beat out Asuka in those anyway, so apparently Anno doesn't give a fuck about the incest subtext
> Not once did Goh ever look Mira's way.

It's actually impressive how little triangle drama there was from Go in that show. Yeah he was awkward as hell with Mira living with them as a retard but that's really an awkward position.

He loved Anna and was committed to her fully. Should have banged Shizuru
I love how the PS2 game outright gives you the option for polyamory with the two of them, because why not. Nah, Koji Tetsuya deserves to tap her ass more, considering the pain he goes through.

On the subject of triangle winners, I recall Vyse from Skies of Arcadia scoring all the love interest booty.
It's probably because Anna was the protagonist and not Goh, and thus she was the one that had wandering eyes, however briefly.
full lesbo
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Nothing sexy about this at all.
That's hyper sexualized, opposite of least.

And how! In fact that's one of the rare instance when they're not deep in each others tiger bots, if you get me. Super hardcore fisting fetishes. Konami's like a goddamn muppet.

> Not once did Goh ever look Mira's way

The competition was a perception on Anna's part if I recall. That she was friends with Anna, but also saw her as a rival because of her and Goh's past and that she worried it might happen again.

> everything Gainer and Cynthia did together could be interpreted platonically

That'd honestly be my read on it too, but the show almost certainly intended the audience to see it as a possible avenue regardless of that being my personal read on how things transpired.

> Haven't seen the rest

Mikono and Zessica are definitely in competition and Zessica even concedes defeat in the finale because of it. And there was definite debate in the fandom between Kei and Teoria in Majestic Prince, especially with Teoria's similarities to Lacus. It only ended when it was revealed Teoria was the maternal donor for the main character's DNA. There was probably a few who continued it even then honestly. The show was aware of it and played with the possibility at times too, even if only in ways that could be reinterpreted through a different lens once the reveal was in.

> Hardly a win

A lot of shows don't have the character's in a definite relationship by the finale, but only hint that two characters get together right in the finale. Also, mental or physical abuse isn't actual a definite sign two characters don't like each other or aren't in a relationship. Even in fairly healthy relationships people fight regularly. Teenagers especially. Haven't seen the Rebuilds to comment. Nor would I take apparent leanings one way or the other as definitive, since leanings can be misconstrued or simply put there as bait with no intention to follow through.
thats not sexualised unless she is doing an out of character pose or drawn with different proportions or some shit, just nude

thats like saying everyone is sexualised under their clothes, its depends on the presentation
someone post the OP

Possibly the most badass OST in mecha history

I use the first ten seconds of the OP as my alarm clock
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