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Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team

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Thread replies: 223
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the best gundam ova
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Blu-ray's coming to America, that's neat I guess.

Wonder if they would dare to do some color correcting, the JP blu-ray looks a little wonky.
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I LOVE him
Worst Gundam anime.
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It's a good joke.
Keep trying!
wasted potential
No pilot has had a fuckyeah moment like Norris did, at least to me. But I've only seen 0079, 0080, Zeta, ZZ, and CCA.
A lot of hype for one fight with Spider Gouf.
Ok show ruined by romance
Shiro has more plot armor than any newtype
>Shiro has more plot armor than any newtype
Loran has more plot armor than Shiro

>flying goufs
>stupid survival story
>stupid love story
>apsalus legs
Worst ova
Who's this handsome fellow?
Shit taste anon
Truly the best girl.
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Shes a tomboy
All I can say is Ground Gundams are pretty fun in Zeonic Front. Not OP like using Amuro in the RX-78, but good upgrade and combat gears also a great selection of weapons including full sized beam rifles.
Shame they weren't just like Romeo and Juliet; had they both died stupidly at least the ending would have been worth it.
Would have been better if Aina and Shiro weren't lovers and stayed enemies. Shiro is a dutiful soldier, not a pacifist. The theme should have been David vs Goliath, and Shiro should have killed Aina at the end.
>tfw you'll never kiki Kiki's kikis.
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I liked the concept of following the OYW on the ground from the POV of regular troops on back water fronts.

Sadly, the show focuses way too much on Shiro being a faggot and a particularly bad romance.

It at least did a decent job showing how fucked the upper echelons of both sides were.
>Shiro is a dutiful soldier
Shitty commander, though. How many times does he neglect his team to chase lone Zakus or ogle naked jailbait in the first few eps?
>Shiro is a dutiful soldie
But he's not stoic like Stsuna, Heero and Mika
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Michel a retard
>regular troops on back water fronts
Didn't it take place on the coat-tails of Operation Odessa?
Here is a quickie review if you want to find out if this is anime is Outstanding or Unwatchable.
Here is the one and only great 08th MS Team! This anime is awesome and leaves a satisfying ending! The story is great. It talks about a mobile suit pilot who is a captain of the 08th MS team! He then with his squad continues to jump to
missions to fight the Zeon menace. Pretty simple but it has a romance twist with the character liking another character from the opposing side. The sound is very good and no where near rubbish and the characters almost seems real with their personalities. It may be a bad condition for how they just suddenly like each other but that's no exception as it isn't too cheesy.

Overall, Great Anime and a great classic to watch.
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As far as I remember it was an insignificant sector of South East Asia.
>insignificant sector of South East Asia.
I'd agree, as I don't remember it being plot-relevant to MSG, but it'd be strange to field what's essentially your first mobile suit squadrons, several of them in fact, to someplace insignificant
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It wasn't exactly insignificant, it was one of the last remaining Zeon strongholds on earth. Sure at that point the space theatre was becoming more important, but they're ground-only MS. Where else are they gonna go? It's not like there was some place more important on earth that they could be fighting at.
Odessa is the main pinpointable location shown in 08th, but that's only in the final moments before Zeon pulls out and set off nuclear mines.

Yeah it's unlabeled spot in Asia, for the most part. The 08th seemed to be used as general Zeek hunters early on, tasked to a desert to follow rumors of the mobile armor, then sent out to dislodge a major (hidden) Zeek base in the finale.
Didn't Zeon still hold the majority of North America and huge pieces of Africa by that point? Both are far more full of resources than SE Asia.

The best idea I can think of is that Zeon had their R&D base there working on mobile armors.

Though now I'd really like to see an 08 MS team type show set in North Africa, following squads from both sides of the war.
Crossover with Tour of Duty when?
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Miller a cunt
Whoever designed/directed the aesthetic of the show was a fucking champion, whoever wrote it was a hack. The story should've been more like a grimdark Ohtagaki type story but instead we got cringus maximus Saturday morning cartoon bullshit.

To its credit though, The Shuddering Mountain might be the best episode of any Gundam series.
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What's so good about it?
it's kino as fuck senpai
Best bath scene. I remember torrenting the unedited episodes and beating my dick off to a week straight to Kiki's nudes.

Eps. 8 and 10 are some of the highlights of the whole franchise. They're seriously good shit.

The rest is okay.
>Would have been better if Aina and Shiro weren't lovers and stayed enemies.
The series would have been better if to deliver his message, instead of using some bad romance it used some situation of mutual respect between enemy soldiers.

Like, instead of being Aina, Shiro get stucked in the spaceship debris with some Zeon male pilot, follows the same situation of the original with Aina; they start trying to kill eachother, but end helping eachother to survive, and the episode foments a felling of mutual respect, instead of some badly excused romance.

Eps 8 and 10 are ok, the rest is alright.
I agree.
I'll never be able to understand the hate for the romance. I thought it was nice. I wanted them to wind up together in the end, and didn't want them to die. I was super happy with how the ending turned out, and it had emotional impact.
It was a swiftly developed romance, but that's suitable for such a short series.

It looks like she's limboing to check out dat ass.
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beam rifu standby ok!
Because the series aesthetic was basically fucking Platoon in Gundam. Gritty, down to earth, soldiers in combat and their experiences in war without all the New type space magic.

The really forced Romeo and Juliet story really held down the series.
>The absolute shittiest GM Sniper
>Also the only one to get 2 kills
GM Sniper jobbed less than the K9
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genki tomboy girl is pretty funny
00th 8MS is great show
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I'd consider Bernie giving the Alex a good run for it's money using tactics and the fights in Char's Counterattack a lot more interesting and fun personally.

I'm not a huge fan of the Gouf fight though, since it sets up a team fight against the Gouf, relies almost entirely on the 08th MS Team being idiots to make Norris look good and the resolves it in a 1 on 1 between Shiro and Norris, which Shiro wins mostly because Norris gives up rather than really earning it. Norris doesn't even come off as particularly impressive. And by the 08th MS Team being idiots I mean things like Karen only sending one shot at Norris when he's in plain sight, and only after half a minute monologuing, Shiro managing to hit everywhere but Norris when shooting several guns at him, Sanders not actually drawing any kind of weapon on him and so on.


Shiro and his Inviciball have a lot more plot armor than Loran really. The only instance Loran survives a lot of shots is when Gym uses the Bloody Siege on him, and even then he still loses and runs away from the battle in panic because he's being overwhelmed, with Merrybell taking the Turn-A because of it. It also ties in to the idea the Turn-A is a monstrous suit that the show spends a good bit of time implying throughout the show, since it can take so much punishment. It's a suit that even the Moonrace don't understand and it's kind of fitting that it can take a lot of punishment (though they really should have shown it was using it's i-field to do that). The same can't be said for the Ball, which is supposed to one of the worst units in the setting, even during 0079/08th.
Eh I get what you're saying but it was still really awesome.

>Shiro wins mostly because Norris gives up rather than really earning it
Norris doesn't give up, he took too long and wouldn't be able to get to the Kergeren in time so decided to tie up the 08th team from advancing after exhausting all his weapons
>Karen only sending one shot at Norris when he's in plain sight, and only after half a minute monologuing
Karen isn't really that good of a pilot to begin with. She also wouldn't have been able to save the Guntank since by the time she was slammed into the building and got sight of Norris he was already primed to knife the cockpit, plus she didn't have any weapons to use right away
>Shiro managing to hit everywhere but Norris when shooting several guns at him
I'll give you that, it was kinda dumb but I can believe having terrible accuracy after thrusting backward into a water tower and shooting while falling
>Sanders not actually drawing any kind of weapon on him and so on.
He made a damn accurate shot shooting THROUGH the open shaft building, he was also shown returning fire. You have to remember he was using a 180mm cannon with a small ammo supply against a fast moving target with friendlies nearby, danger close yo.
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Anon this is /m/, people want mechs not emotions.

> he took too long and wouldn't be able to get to the Kergeren in time so decided to tie up the 08th team from advancing after exhausting all his weapons

And once he was one on one with Shiro after they got away from everyone he talked about how Shiro was Aina's lover and then didn't even try and hit him - just to hit the thing behind him despite the fact he's clearly won every clash with Shiro so far, so sacrificing himself to kill the Guntank feels pointless since there's nothing to indicate he couldn't just have killed Shiro and taken it out.

> Karen isn't really that good of a pilot to begin with. She also wouldn't have been able to save the Guntank

Not what I was on about. I'm talking about when Norris initially appears near the water tower and scans the entire city for the 3 Guntanks while standing in the open. The entire thing must have taken at least 20+ seconds, but the only one to shoot at him is Karen. And she takes exactly one shot.

> I'll give you that, it was kinda dumb but I can believe having terrible accuracy after thrusting backward into a water tower and shooting while falling

It's not the terrible accuracy itself I fault, so much as that Shiro, a trained pilot who's already experienced several battles at that point just jumps backwards firing all guns with his eyes shut and while he hits all around Norris, even the next street if I recall, he fails to hit the one thing dead in front of him. And then fires so long his guns both run out of I recall.

> He made a damn accurate shot shooting THROUGH the open shaft building

Again, not the moment I was talking about. I meant when Karen and Sanders confront Norris while he uses Shiro as a meatshield (figuratively speaking). They both just stand there staring at him reloading behind Shiro's suit, Sanders doesn't even have a weapon out and neither thinks to actually circle around for a good shot at the guy since he can't target them both at once and loses his cover if he shoots Shiro.
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Before or after the change in direction?

While I love the Ground Gundams I feel like the series would've been better they been Ground GMs. Maybe only give Shiro the Gundam as the squad leader.
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It's pretty cool
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shes a genki girl
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How genki?
I don't think I would've been able to stand looking at GMs for the entire series. They're so fucking ugly. Although I would've been okay with a bunch of franken mobile suits, as in using pieces from a bunch of suits, kind of like the ez8
>How genki?
"Genki" is Japanese for "energetic" or "enthusiastic". The Genki Girl is a character—usually a schoolgirl, but not always—who acts like she's been mainlining Red Bull and crystal meth. She is possessed of an over-abundance of energy, such that she runs everywhere (often with arms waving wildly or outstretched like airplane wings), speaks quickly (sometimes unintelligibly so), and always does everything fast, fast, fast! She's filled with confidence and determination, regardless of whether she's competent or not. Although usually played exclusively for comedy, sometimes the Genki Girl slows down for a serious or introspective moment. But not for long—she lives her life full-throttle. To sum it up, a good way of telling whether a female character is genki or not is to see if her family and peers are exhausted, astonished, or even creeped out by her chronic outbursts of vitality. (A female character is by far the more common version, but this trope is not limited to females.)

source: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenkiGirl
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Best lad
Gm Sniper 2 kinda sucks ass though, especially compared to how great the other designs in 0080 were
>It was a swiftly developed romance,
That is putting it kindly, they go from meeting once where they sort of get along, not seeing each other for months and then we met again and are madly in love

They have no chemistry or anything really, but are suddenly willing to do anything for each other. With that most of the show basically goes out the window, the team aspect becomes way less important and you get so many stupid moments like dodging bullets at point blank.
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It's funny how all the aristocrats on Zeon's side fuck their own troops (and friends) over
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>Like, instead of being Aina, Shiro get stucked in the spaceship debris with some Zeon male pilot, follows the same situation of the original with Aina; they start trying to kill eachother, but end helping eachother to survive, and the episode foments a felling of mutual respect, instead of some badly excused romance.

Lost War Chronicles has something similar.
So I'm supposed to believe that the Federation had a dozen or two more gundams deployed during the OYW? Is that supposed to make sense?
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As much sense as a Gouf that blatantly defies Gundam's already shaky laws of physics, or a Ball that can facetank pointblank 120mm rounds with its cockpit glass.
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When Zeon was mass producing Gelgoog B/C/J types? Definitely.
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Aren't the RX-79(G) just GM retrofitted with the new gundam tech and spare parts?
Only watched the first episodes of 8th MS team so I might be wrong.
a good girl
They weren't on the same level as THE Gundam. They were pretty much just slightly better GMs with Gundam heads.
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Were there any other Goufs that replaced the cannon hands with more standard breadhooks?
No, the RX-79(G) models are built out of leftovers and spares from Project V. The GM early and ground types (and the GM proper) were slightly later.
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Even in 0079 there were some Goufs with normal hands. There were also the Gouf flight types in 08th MS Team.
Best fan made Gundam AMV?
Best fan made Gundam AMV
Huh. Seen that a million times and never though classic goufs didn't have finger-barrels.
RX-79 was a prototype
RX-79(G) was a PRODUCTION prototype
Ground Gundams are basically ground GMs used to test the assembly lines. Project V parts filled in the gaps until production kicked in proper.
think of Gundam as an X plane, with Ground Gundam being a YF
I mean, that's kind of how a lot of romances are in real life, particularly between young people.
A lot of romance in real life starts between two people of different warring factions meeting twice and being so in love they give up everything and live happily ever after?

Plus even if we pretend that is real, doesn't make for a good story
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>they go from meeting once where they sort of get along, not seeing each other for months and then we met again and are madly in love
>They have no chemistry or anything really, but are suddenly willing to do anything for each other.

This was the comment I replied to.
Reading comprehension, mate.
Yes, I am taking this piss out of you cause it isn't even close to realistic.

At best you could have a point without the madly in love part and the no chemistry but will do anything for each other (which in this case is what my second post said so you are responding to that)
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>It's funny how all the aristocrats on all sides fuck their own troops (and friends) over
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Ok. Let's analyze this:
>be the federation
>GM's are fairing well we got various types, but not for some reason we aren't gaining a upper hand on the dirty spacenoids

What do?
>Hear reports of a prototype MS striking fear in the hearts of the spacenoids everywhere
>can't replicate the same tech, because costs, inexperience, and we're still getting our asses kicked
>what if we cheaply mass produced this so called gundam and monitor these suits only to collect data and make better suits?
>sounds good.jpg

Enter the RX-79 Ground Type, EZ-8
It's ignorant to assume that only ONE sole gundam would be made during a high stakes war.

Zeon sure as hell didn't stop producing and researching Mobile armors and yet they have like 10

Even if the mass produced gundam are weaker, they still pack a punch
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loved Gund-nam 08th MS Team

RX-79s rolled out before the standard GM was deployed in numbers, the Ground GM was developed from the RX-79
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>they still pack a punch
It had less to do with the punch they packed and more to do with their survivability. The 79(G) packed the same weapons as the Jim, it could just take way more punishment because moon-metal or some shit.

It's actually a really good mass-production Gundam. Has a Gundam's survivability but the mobility and weapons package of the Jim (and it makes sense that the experimental unit would get experimental beam weapons early), what was serviceable in both those regards.
>It's ignorant to assume that only ONE sole gundam would be made during a high stakes war
I don't think so.
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08th ms team thread ain't what it used to be, man. This was always, always posted.

Damn it, /m/.
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What the fuck, mane
Excuse me, what did you say?
man why dont they make more 08 kits
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>tfw you realize The 08th MS Team was a crossover between the third Season of Tour of Duty and Gundam when you wanted a crossover of the first season of Tour of Duty and Gundam.
Gotta make the feddies look like shit somehow.
>Dat Zaku 1
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Aina was a mistake.
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The whole not-My Lai massacre arc was good

also, music
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What's the reason for many novelist who wrong gundam novels for some reason really hate and dislike the federation ? They always seems to like to make the federation evil rapist ,corrupt or incompetent and Zeon or Zeon related organization "heroic" and have "good" soilders that are not rapist.
Why do they want to make a nazi like
imperialism organizations who like to mess murdering good guys ?
I believe it has something to do with Japanese nationalism.
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>reaching fags who can't get over the ok romance that was going on
>people who don't enjoy pure real-mech KINO
So I didn't know there was a new(ish) mini episode for the blu ray. It was pretty good.

>It ain't me

Called it.
Yes it is.
>It's ignorant to assume that only ONE sole gundam would be made during a high stakes war.
It's also inaccurate.
There were three by the first episode of MSG, though the third wasn't assembled yet. And while Amuro had RX-78-2, the RX-78-1,3,4,5,6,7,and 8 are all accounted for by side material.
The RX-79[G] have some parts in common with the RX-78 series but are effectively a different and lower-spec machine and don't really count as mass-produced Gundams. Also given the fact that Shiro and friends watched Garma's funeral during their descent to earth, the events of 08th begin fairly early in the original MSG series and the Gundam doesn't have it's killer reputation yet at the beginning of the series. The later bits of 08th with the GM Sniper and all that would have to be after Odessa, so the White Devil would have it's rep by then.
>The RX-79[G] have some parts in common with the RX-78 series but are effectively a different and lower-spec machine and don't really count as mass-produced Gundams.
That's why the RX-79 is called the Ground Gundam and not "MP Gundam". It has the RX designation and they changed the number because they know it's a different design.

The difference is that it's *a* model of production Gundam instead of being *the* production version of the Gundam.

Anyway, this is all crap because no one complains about Zeon fielding 165 Gelgoogs and an extra fuck knows how many enhanced hi-mobility/cannon variants that were on par with or even better than the basic RX-78 in nearly everything except armor.
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tomboy girl has beautiful curves
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>full series
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>Snipers don't do well against targets that know their location and can bumrush them.
Holy shit, what a scope!
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>no one complains about zeon
It's because this fuckin board is ridden with Zeke Scum

Zeke scum will always try and complain about shit like mass producing gundams
Meanwhile, they're jerking off to 5000 variants of the same shitty Zaku/Dom/ Gelgoog or some bullshit nonsensical MA prototype
Space when?
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Shiro got mad bullet dodging skills
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have you see the one where he peeks his head out and ducks before the bullet hits him?
It was shit
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best team
>everything turns out okay
>the only people who died really had it coming
>that fucking atrociously sentimental epilogue episode

UC0079, UC0080, Zeta, Stardust, F91, Victory, and Greco are all much grittier (F91 and Zeta being the most so. Much as I love Victory, it's like the situations were set up to deliberately kill as many people as possible; too excessive). The battles in MS08th kept up a Vietnam-movie sort of tension but the outcomes were very inconsequential for its heroes.
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>outcomes were very inconsequential for its heroes

>On the run with broken bones, branded traitors and war criminals, lived in a cottage in some forest
>Became a wandering drunk, was already a loser
>Likely redrafted (Wasn't he in the 0083 manga?)
>Ended up in a relationship, but also likely redrafted

I'm not sure what you mean about battles though as most of them already seen a lot of shit, Sanders had his shitty reputation following him, Shiro witnessed genocide, Michel is forever a faggot
I thought they were sent off to live in different colonies because of the shit they witnessed
Why would you think that?
Didn't they mention something along those lines in the final episode? I specifically remember being bummed because Eledore and Karen likely didn't end up together because of unrelated Government intervention.

Dropped it at I LOVE YOU AINA completely out of nowhere.

After that the series was never the same again and everything felt rushed and hilariously forced.
I don't remember that at all.
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I think Aine a cute
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Although that Colonel did secretly threaten them with execution to keep tabs on Shiro, he and pretty much the whole base was blown away by the Apsalus III so any conspiracy stuff would be well swept under the carpet.
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It's been awhile bud
I haven't watched 08th Ms content in about 5-6 years
Not really

Good tier : Sanders
Competent tier : Karen, Eledore
Shit/Scrub/faggot tier: Michael

Fucking faggot Michael literally screws up nearly every operation

Sometimes, I wish Shiro actually developed into a "psuedo newtype"

Or like the half the team died

His love for Aina could have happened later. She was also a "shitty" pilot too
Female Wufei!!?
To bad she didn't have his same mannerisms
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>sander's reputation
>grim reaper
He snapped that after the team's 3-4 missions

After that it was as if nothing had happened.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him in more action
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It would have made no difference. You're delusional.

I think it'd be fun if someday there's a new Gundam show where it starts with mass produced Gundams with faces and two eyes for every unit and the special snowflake unit is a prototype with a visor called a GM Gundam or something.
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"Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me, DON'T YOU KNOW WHO DA FUCK I AM?!"
Imma beat yo ass, Zaku, shit I'll beat your ass with Zaku cuz I'm da Ground-Type, bitch!
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Oh no Charles dey fucking wit my gundam I got dat shit in da fourth grade
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A bit of an unpopular opinion, but, Shiro definitely has a lot of plot armor, he can take sustained fire to the main camera of a Ball with no significant damage and survives the blast from the Apsalus at the end with only one leg missing. And how he even survives losing a leg is beyond me, given he didn't have access to real medical equipment or treatment.
If it was instantly cauterized and there wasn't any concussive damage, it's not that much of a stretch. Still unlikely, but possible.
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This was my favorite Gundam series, seeing as it had 2 things I like in anime. Great action and great romance
Miller is a sort of Katejina

> great romance
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I heard much praise over 08th MS Team, i'mma check it out.
what else is grungy like this series?
Nothing really. Thunderbolt kinda goes along the same tone but with a different setting.
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