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I think people have failed to appreciate IBO for its use of deconstruction.

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I think people have failed to appreciate IBO for its use of deconstruction. I really do mean 'deconstruction', and in the Derridan sense rather than the TVtropes bastardization. Let's look at just one facet of the show where this appears.

Child soldiers: typically Gundam series depict these as individuals in an adults' war, and they're often only fighting reluctantly. IBO cleverly spots the binary opposites here - child/adult and willing/unwilling - and deconstructs these arbitrary hierarchies by presenting us with a different set-up. We see that IBO's child soldiers have had military life thrust upon them but have accepted their lot, take pride in it, and are committed to Tekkadan. We also see that the child soldiers interact with adults as equals and even superiors, a self-determining force in their own right who could scarcely be considered 'children' on any grounds other than physical age. In IBO the lines between willing/unwilling and child/adult are blurred into non-existence. This is not a clumsy genre subversion that's being contrary just for the sake of it. It's a perceptive and nuanced employment of deconstruction's principles, and shows how deconstruction makes for richer characters and settings.

I could go on, there are many other aspects where deliberate deconstruction is evident. The protagonist, the role of the Gundam pilot, the Gundam itself, the tragic martinet, the lack of any clear good or evil faction - these are just some of them. I anticipate that future episodes will fully deconstruct loyalty/betrayal, themes the show has touched on but not yet brought to full fruition. I think Okuda is a very talented writer and I'm eager to see more.

It's definitely more battletech than gundam I'll give you that much. Switch out the equipment where appropriate and nothing has to change, right down to finding batshit powerful Star League mechs and refurbishing them, and you wouldn't notice the difference.
The only thing IBO is about is getting shredded.
I'm honestly looking forward to rewatching IBO once it finishes it's run and see if there were some underlying themes all along or they were just throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks.
>lack of any clear good or evil faction
That's a stretch
G-Reco did it better.
Look nigga all I care about is that IBO is boring.
I want to see someone cut S1 down to a compilation film, they had to sack a director thanks to how many episodes he wasted on cockblocking Okada's plan.
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I couldnt agree more. I love IBO, sure they have taken somethings like the quiet sullen main gundam pilot who is a beast at killing. people tend to see only the worst in the show when they should atleast try and enjoy the story.
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>The protagonist, the role of the Gundam pilot, the Gundam itself, the tragic martinet, the lack of any clear good or evil faction - these are just some of them
It's like you've never seen another Gundam in your life before.
The protagonists of the show do some pretty amoral shit as long as it's for the sake of reaching their goal. Even Kudelia ends up agreeing with that albeit thinking it's regrettable. Season 2 even starts with a monologue describing how while they won the world's actually going in a shittier direction for their actions.
Meanwhile giving antagonists like Gali and Carta really humanising characterisations, and tragedies on their side are given just as much if not more gravity than what the protagonists have. Then there's McGillis whose plans are as so shrouded I'm not even sure if he's actually gonna be the final villain.
So yeah, it's pretty unclear.
>Humanized characterization
Excellent joke

It maybe amoral to the audience to a degree, but framed within the setting its nothing compared to what Gjallarhorn there's no dispute there its grey and black. They might have some token good apples, but on the whole they're the bad guys.
IBO, at least season 1, had lots of good ideas but failed to execute any of them competently.

To borrow a metaphor, it's like taking all of the ingredients for your favourite meal and dumping them raw on your plate, and then going "well it has everything you asked for, why aren't you happy with it".
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>I could go on, there are many other aspects where deliberate deconstruction is evident. The protagonist, the role of the Gundam pilot, the Gundam itself, the tragic martinet, the lack of any clear good or evil faction
Is this your first gundam show?
Does not exist
You're looking into things that are not there
There's the standard: "I've decided I hate IBO so I'm gonna pretend everything good about it doesn't actually exist."
Gjallarhorn as a whole is shown as antagonists, they're responsible for a lot of the bad circumstances in place within the setting but they're also responsible for keeping the world in order. Most of the bad Gjallarhorn does can be shown through the lens of stopping a terrorist threat even if it's truthfully for selfishly maintaining the status quo and like I mentioned before, the world is a worse place now because the protagonists won. Even if you're looking at individual events of them doing bad things they're really not on the level of most other Gundam villains. Then there's how the characters on that side are shown as more privileged and ignorant than actively villainous, that's actually the main point of what the protagonists or more specifically Kudelia wants to fix.
If you add on the fact that the more villainous aspects of Gjallarhorn are what McGillis is opposing it starts to look even more grey.
>all this pointless vaginal dribble
No wonder Iron Menstruation catches on.
>I anticipate that the future episodes will fully
Didn't S1 teach you that expecting a payoff is wrong?
>the lack of any clear good or evil faction
>the lack of any clear good or evil faction
No that's only half right, Gjallhorn is a neutral party, but the space rats are evil
Zeta did it better
>I really do mean 'deconstruction'
>and in the Derridan sense rather than the TVtropes bastardization

No, you fucking retard. You ARE using it in the TVTropes sense. Deconstruction is a type of literary analysis theory that asserts that a story does not contain a single meaning and its meaning is completely up to the individual experiencing it.
why no rape?
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>Deconstruction is a type of literary analysis theory that asserts that a story does not contain a single meaning and its meaning is completely up to the individual experiencing it.
So Evangelion really is a deconstruction then?
>There's the standard: "I've decided I hate IBO so I'm gonna pretend everything good about it doesn't actually exist."
>strawmanning this hard
Carta was literally a joke character who was killed off for dramatic effect. She's among the most mishandled cast members in the show, and her only humanizing characteristic was her role in the shoehorned Okada-trademark love triangle cliche and killing fat Nicol. Garma and meme Char were much more well handled examples, but compared to characters like the real Char, the real Garma, Ral, Dozle, Kycilia, half the 0079 grunts, Jerid, Mouar, Sarah, Haman, even Scirroco, even Yazan, Mashmyre, Glemy, and almost every single character in Unicorn, IBO has nothing to be impressed by, and that's just early UC alone. Honestly, grey morality is something that's present in almost every mecha series these days. It's not a big deal. Even the morally questionable protagonists has been done plenty, and referring to McGillis as an antagonist is hard to swallow at this point. The only defensibly different part of IBO's morality is the depiction of the protagonists actions as bad things, but considering how inconsistently we're given the emotional perspective of the protagonists to an objective one, it's hardly worth acknowledging.

Meanwhile we have this joke.

>the characters on that side are shown as more privileged and ignorant than actively villainous
>who is Ein
>who is that one guy from the beginning
>who is McGillis' adoptive father
>that scene with Atra never happened nooooo
I know I'm being trolled, but just so that there's no confusion: Deconstruction is a point of view when analyzing a work, it has nothing to do with the work itself.

The fact that Anno just made up stuff as he went along and just put in random stuff with no explanation doesn't make it a deconstruction. It just makes it a piece of shit.
The point where this shitty Yazan wannabe showed up was the point I dropped IBO
Don't you dragged Ein into this, he was cool!

No OP, we failed to appreciate all of the shirtless boys because we're not gay.
Are you literally retarded? The guy who literally sacrificed his life to save Gaelio? The guy who wanted vengeance for his dead commander who was actually a decent person?
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>decent person
>what is tokenism
I always click on these threads hoping to see a reason to pick ibo back up. I never get it.
IBO isn't that bad when you binged watch it.
I got well behind Ein getting fucked over in the end but he's still a victim of circumstances. He's not inherently evil but he fucked up and fell arse backwards into villainy.
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OP /m/oe love shit like pic
>ANN Babby tries to look smart: The Thread Part #3454674

Stop. Just stop.
Most of the characters you list there are nonsense, the only UC gundam that does grey morality well as a core theme is Unicorn.
They all demonstrate a clear indistinct morality among the characters. The only reason any of them are depicted as villains aside from maybe Scirroco and Char is because they're the enemy of the protagonists. It's not a "theme" in IBO, it's just schizophrenic directing.
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>the only UC gundam that does grey morality well as a core theme is Unicorn.

Maybe it's because it's the only one you've ever watched from UC you stupid newshit.
I give you an A for effort but you're casting pearls before swine.
It's a real shame you can't have threads like this without the Gundam hate brigade marching in and ruining it.
Well there are prostitution even child ones. Sex slavery is pretty much implied with Naze's turbines being a women's shelter covertly.

He could be a pirate with standards. *shrug*
I think you failed to see IBO's true purpose - deconstructing A.Z.

Why Mars is central to the plot in both episode?
Why Kudelia resembles Asshime in terms of naivety, place of origin and appearance ?
Why Mika is essentially Inahao with browns with same stoicism, undefeated in almost every battle and identical handicap at the end first season?
Why IBO uses Low key of Solomon compared to A.Z's Norse mythological allegory?
Why they killed off Biscuit, voice of reason and fat in appearance and voiced by Inaho's VZ?
Why Atra and Eddiwetto(whatever), two underage lolis act as maid and later driver of humbee in the last episode?

Answer is - it is mirroring A.Z in order deconstruct the attempt to surpass Gundam.
By killing off biscuit, they not only tried to show that it is futile to reason with fandom who will cheer anything of their liking as it became evident in the next episode (and the reason why Merribet's pleas were ignored and even she gave in as they say - all is well when the end is well) but they also piss on Inaho by making the character's VA voice dying character so they will animate Inaho dying and laugh at it everytime.

What we are going to see is the complete deconstruction - showing what A.Z, did wrong and show us the true face of the fandom it comprises - inexperienced and experienced who made the mecha scene a hell.
>the only UC gundam that does grey morality well as a core theme is Unicorn.

so I take it you never watch any other UC gundam than Unicorn? I guess that's why you really like IBO eh

IBO is boring. That's it. You can throw Macbeth into it or goddamn Rambo II in the show if yow want it but if the show is that boring is boring.

This man is a genius.

IBO doesn't deconstructe anything. You sound like ANN when they're pontificating about Evangelion and how it deconstructs the mecha genre...
Doing something different doesn't fucking mean you're deconstructing anything.
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I think you might be onto something here, anon.
>talk about lack of clear good and evil factions
>link a faggot from one of gendum's least ambiguously evil faction's pointless remnants
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I watch it for Atra building Mikazuki harem.

Although, I deeply root for her to win Mikabowl, but she's a weird girl, but kind girl, because sharing is caring.
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>I could go on, there are many other aspects where deliberate deconstruction is evident. The protagonist, the role of the Gundam pilot, the Gundam itself, the tragic martinet, the lack of any clear good or evil faction - these are just some of them.

Go ahead.
>Go ahead.


I'm genuinely interested.
>IBO's child soldiers have had military life thrust upon them but have accepted their lot, take pride in it, and are committed to Tekkadan. We also see that the child soldiers interact with adults as equals and even superiors, a self-determining force in their own right who could scarcely be considered 'children' on any grounds other than physical age
So it's like Wing then
I don't hate IBO but it's hardly breaking any new ground
Most Gundam series don't do grey morality well at all. The 'grey morality' is mostly from the fans who believe their favorite character/faction did nothing wrong when their favorite character/faction did everything wrong.

IBO tries to be morally grey but then the writers come up with excuses to justify Tekkedan's actions.
Its like IBO is their first Gundam series
>typically Gundam series depict these as individuals in an adults' war, and they're often only fighting reluctantly
I don't remember this in Wing


Derridan deconstruction revolves around the idea that binary opposites impose false hiearchies on a text, and aims to break these down, i.e to deconstruct them. The aim is to produce a text that comes closer to representing the complexity of reality, one that isn't divided up by narrow signifiers.

Your definition is another bastardization I'm afraid, just like with TVtropes. What you're doing here is like if I said "X is objectively true, because it's something inherently pertaining to the object, the observed, rather than experienced only by the subject, the observer" and you replied "no you retard, 'objective' only means being unbiased!!!". Essentially you're saying that a highly oversimplified definition is more correct than the original one, without having understood the original in the first place, and then you're calling others stupid for not agreeing. All you've achieved here my friend is to make yourself look a fool in front of those of us who know better.

If you want to understand more you'll have to go ahead and read On Grammatology, but I suspect it will be beyond your patience to do so.


I'm afraid you may be correct anon. The sad part is I remember an /m/ when its stupidity was so much more endearing, like watching special needs kids having a blast playing with toy robots. These days it's more like watching a thousand Kanye West clones squabbling over the TV remote.
Way to miss the simple thing anime wants to show.
It is basically about how fucked up situation is that a child is a skilled killer and a professional soldier and how they are treated like tools when sold as salves. There is a reasojn why some called it "Space Somalia".

Sometime, things are way simpler than they are, pretentious hack.

I have always felt that talking about the show is always way more interesting than the dull slugfest it is on-screen.

I will give you benefit of doubt and assume you have actually seen previous shows instead of spewing the memes generated taken things at face value.
You glossed over a simple fact that at the end of the day, they are still child with pureness in their heart as they lack the "evils" of adults (backstabbing, false flagging, hypocrisy etc), which became more evident in the latest episode.
It's same Tomino wine in new glass/
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fuck off AnimeSuki anon
This is a joke right?

Amuro's character arc is literally going from a scared autistic brat to proud soldier with mental problems from the war.
Let me sum up Seasons 2 for you.

Omnipotent emotionless child solider will die at the end but his "faction" will win.
Child Generalisimo will live to "regret" everything hes done but the future is better same with PrincessMcRevolution
McBetrayel will betray some more people and then backstab some more until he is best backstaberier and then he will lead a big battle vs the "good guys" who will then win but some of them will die.

In the end we will see that the status quo at the start was th best and that everything has gone to shit because of some retarded kids and some princess wannabe.

Also we got Gravity Generators that produce infinite energy yet we can't 3D print and automte everything, the interenet and wikipedia don't seem to exist and growing plants artificially is also not a thing it seems.

Man that really pisses me off. There is LITERALLY NO FUCKING WAY children would be starving on a terraformed mars. Let alone not going to school. What a joke. Gundam writers seems to be living pretty much in the past and simply can't deal with the progress of technology and so the stories are the same shit. The have no talent to write about tech it seems.
Mars lacks several important elements required for long term agriculture.
Stopped reading there. I don't think you know what that word means.
>Solidus Snake
Stopped reading right there. I don't think you know what a name and trip code are for.
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Who gives a fuck? how is deconstruction a substitute for good storytelling?

"let's take something with a formula and shake up said formula. we'll call it a "deconstruction"

Stay mad, G-Rekto fags. IBO kicks your shitty show's ass.

Newsflash, moron. I hate G-reco.
It sure beats G-reco as the worst Gundam. It's an achievement no less for IBO.
Kudos for the elaboration of your post OP. It sounds as a good analysis of the series proposal, in pair with that anon that compared Mikazuki character with Tekkadan. But even if it fills me with joy to read someone trying to ratiocinate with the original usage of desncontruction, I still think that the series have many flaws, lot of them, in reality, in his execution that makes the show mediocre.
G-Reco is superior to Iron Menstruation in every way so this is incorrect
I don't think that the show has blurred the distinction between adult and children as some anon said it here>>14898607
Almost none of that is exclusive to IBO as a Gundam entry, if any.
Ok guys I'm going to come clean, I'm about 32 and I haven't been in to Mech stuff since I was 19. The og Gundam series and Wing were like the last things I was in to, and I came here since Titanfall 2 has brought back my interest of mech since it was good enough to be fun but just not good enough to be great.

Is it gritty or shinny, I disliked G because its when it starts to feel shinny and I rather like the Mechwarrior stuff back then but didn't have the time or money to get in to the table top stuff?
half assed grit
So like when your fucking a kinda chubby girl, like yeah she looks cute when she is in clothes that fit her, but she is kinda just kinda soft and easy to fuck but nothing great.
Sounds great, I can't tell you how superficial those hot shinny broads are and how quick it will get boring.
>Derridan deconstruction
He literally does not know what a deconstruction is outside of the traditional philosophical usage. That's his entire point. It means nothing.

>Derrida claimed that all of his essays were attempts to define what deconstruction is
> When asked by Toshihiko Izutsu some preliminary considerations on how to translate "deconstruction" in Japanese, in order to at least prevent going contrary to its actual meaning, Derrida therefore began his response by saying that such question amounts to "what deconstruction is not, or rather ought not to be."

Derrida is full of shit and doesn't even know what he's talking about. Additionally, his idea of deconstruction isn't even the original or widely accepted usage of it. So you fuck yourself.
So I Stopeed watching IBO when they got finally on Earth because fuck no battles. It gets better? SHould I finish first season?
Nope, except for Ein, he did what Setsuna couldn't.
Derrida is a fucking tool and a hack as are people who waste their time with philosophy.
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Watching Graze Ein in action which is probably the best battle in IBO so far.
The Carta arc concludes on Earth.

Also there's the Psycho-Graze.

Mostly though the first season's best material lies in the episodes where Carta gets her shit shoved in for trying to invoke Batchall against mercenaries.
C'mon man, if you managed to sit through 15 shit episodes you can endure 5 decent ones.

00 did it best.
>Mostly though the first season's best material lies
You mean where they waste time in the final stretch fighting a joke character, which ends up just making Tekkadan look like cunts, while we get more exposition and on top of that we get retarded moments like Carta somehow getting away from Mika while pinned down cause he was distracted by fatty dying when everyone wanks about how battle hardened he is

Oh and then Ein fails to achieve anything and most characters don't even know who he is
add herpes and yeah
>which ends up just making Tekkadan look like cunts

What did he mean by this?
>Oh and then Ein fails to achieve anything and most characters don't even know who he is

Undoubtedly the best part, senpai.
To me IBO is the best AU since After War. Characters are not anymore victims of adults war, they are the main engine of war. It's a very unusual paradigm for Gundam, to deal with protags who fight to elevate themselves, socially and in pride. There is a thin Dougram feel in that show, even if execution is somewhat lacking, the direction offers a more realistic approach than all of these stupid Innovators-super stuff.
Why are IBOfags so delusional?
Finished, and man it didn't top the first great episode but was alright to cool at parts, not like the slogfest after the second episode. I think I will wait for the second season to end and see if it's any good tough.
They took some lessons from the G-Recofags.
A lot more grit. Lasers are gone, and armor seems to be mostly ablative so while guns work and exist the method to win a fight is to blugeon the other MS until the pilot is crushed and dead.

Like 2/3rds of the MS that get destoryed don't even blow up. They just lay there with an obviously crushed chest.

Shits metal dude. No more "laser hits you you blow up into pink smoke game over no corpses or bloody bodies".
This shit is a freaking lie. The things this anon described are only minor details that are added to fights with bad choreography and animation. Guns don't work unless the plot needs it to, one hits, flinging enemies off screen and detailed close ups of them just shaking.
It's basically like having the finest steak meat served raw.
This show is confirmed to be the lowest rating view.
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Why are AnimeSukifags so delusional?
Shut up youre dead
still better than beamspam and things exploding all over the place.
How is it better in any way? It's doing the same thing with only visual effects changed. Change pink to sparks=physical + fly enemies off screen instead of animating smoke or explosions. In fact, those so called "beam spams" are better because they have to constantly reposition and dodge during shootouts which are harder to animate. Compare this to IBO constantly resorting to pulling the camera far away with blobs of colour bouncing off each other and super close ups of hands/weapons/heads hitting.
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>fly enemies off screen instead of animating smoke or explosions
what the hell are you talking about
> harder to animate means it's better!
no that just means that, when it flops, it'll flop way harder, like g-reco
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Don't talk shit about Carta-sama
because their admins literally cannot tell what posts have flaming and trolling in them

I agree that IBO does deconstruct quite a few Gundam tropes.

It's just too bad the result manages to be boring because of unengaging characters and storylines and a lack of struggle and general character development.
>It's just too bad the result manages to be boring because of unengaging characters and storylines and a lack of struggle and general character development.

That is deconstruction of the way fiction supposed to entertain us. By forcing us to tolerate boring characters, repetitiveness and dull atmosphere, it is challenging the way we enjoy plastic toy commercials.
>To me IBO is the best AU since After War. >Characters are not anymore victims of adults >war, they are the main engine of war. It's a >very unusual paradigm for Gundam, to deal >with protags who fight to elevate themselves, >socially and in pride. There is a thin Dougram >feel in that show, even if execution is >somewhat lacking,

IBO doesn't have a thin veil of Dougram in it. Dougram's main character Crinn is all through the serious frought with self doubt and never ever gloats about having to kill another human being. Mika is not like that. He is a fucking psycopath that doesn't care about anything let alone other human beings. He's his best friends killing machine. What the big guy asks he does automatically. No moral quandries, no nothing.
Dougram is about understanding that war never has winners or losers. We're all just losers because war brings nothing but pain and misery to all those involved. IBO has nothing of the sort, it's more like war is like a joyful ride in the park. Let's engage in it.

>the direction offers a more realistic approach than all of these stupid Innovators-super stuff.

Ah you surely meant newtype-innovators-super stuff. Don't go cherry picking. If you hate the super stuff you definitely hate Char, Amuro and Lala for being deux ex machina objects in the UC. Together with all the other newtypes. And frankly After War also has newtypes so you come across as pretty schizofrenic in your judgement of the other Gundam series.
That....would actually make a lot of sense
AZ was actually watchable though, not so much with Iron Menstruation
He already brought IBOfags so why did you bring up animesuki? Its redundant.
>war is a joyful ride in the park
If you're a child soldier who has no other worldview to conflict with it, sure.

But if it weren't for whomever was insisting that Tekkadan were a team of dindu nuffins we'd have had the entire first season reminding us how fucked up the situation is. Mikazuki may look cool, but he's far from a role model. Even in s2 where Tekkadan is looking out for the best interests of the new recruits, it's hard to call them role models in any sense of the term. They aren't people you really want to be like, their life isn't much of an enviable one.

Unless you turn a blind eye to all the fucked up shit and only focus on the GET RICH OR DIE TRYING borderline thug-lyfe side of things.
You're retarded. IBO's fight choreography and animation are still awful. Like that other anon pointed out, they just zoom and pan in or out and the same thing happens where Mika or someone else hits an enemy suit, it smokes and crumples then floats or falls away and it repeats itself like that ad naseum.

IBO's fights are god awful without beam spam in them. That's...almost impressive in how bad they are.
00 did child soldiers better then IBO does and it wasn't even the focus of the show.
>it doesn't have pixie dust in it that means it's shit
>he can't give a proper rebuttal so he'll just shitpost like the baby he is
>he thinks he had an argument to begin with

>pan, zoom and smoke clouds are somehow intrinsically worse than pan, zoom and speed lines

This is like complaining about how debris in anime always ends up being animated as cubes.
I think the fact you are posting one-liner shrek text is proof positive you don't have an argument to what others have said. Stay salty kiddo.

Or better yet post a decent combat sequence from IBO. Go ahead I'll wait.

Not even comparable, this is a really dumb red herring.
You're the salty bitch here, boi.

Maybe if you had an actual point instead of stringing dialog out of your cool mouth you'd be treated with more level headed discourse.

Garbage in, garbage out.
too bad the animation is so shitty and the pacing so fucked up I'll never care.
Dropped it at ep 16, never looked back.
Stay retarded, samefag.
i know i'm repeating myself, but that is still better than beamspam, a good thing executed cheapily is still better than a shit thing which simply has a lot of money thrown at it.
but i guess some people are just easily impressed by bright and flashy colors.
Wow, it's fucking nothing!
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>but they also piss on Inaho by making the character's VA voice dying character so they will animate Inaho dying and laugh at it everytime.

Pass me what you are smoking. Must be dank as fuck.
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Post a decent fight sequence from IBO.
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They both propose interesting concepts in the plot and don't follow through in their own ways

I like AZ a lot more, at least in hindsight it watches like a really basic Gundam sparknotes, hitting basic points in the plot without going into depth.

IBO is just boring and slow. It drags pointlessly. Somehow all the adults manage to be even stupider. With S2, all I can feel is the wonder of how they're going to fuck it up this time.
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A/Z Gave me a lot of silly shit to laugh at, at the very least. IBO doesn't have silly drama to laugh at.
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If I see "deconstruction" brought up in another IBO thread I'm going to kill this Acguy!
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>Hahahahahaha I'm watching a shitty show
A/Z was fucking awful.
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>The sad part is I remember an /m/ when its stupidity was so much more endearing, like watching special needs kids having a blast playing with toy robots. These days it's more like watching a thousand Kanye West clones squabbling over the TV remote.

That was a poignant way to put it.

Now I just want to sleep forever.
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>Expecting optimism and naivete on 4chan
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>I love IBO
>>I love IBO
Can't beat the trips, little girl.
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Where are the good fight sequences in IBO?
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Because Zeon's actions could be justified, right?
Because the Titan's actions could be justified, right?

Tominocucks can't be this deluded
We got a nascar fan here
CONFIRMED: /a/ censors anyone that bad mouths IBO.

Sign created because this needs to be called out

Lol if /a/ wasn't a shithole before it is now for sure.
>The shitposter gets his spam deleted.
>Runs crying to /m/ because /m/ has no mods to delete his shitposting.
the /a/ i know can handle the bantz

what went wrong
More like EPIC SUCCESS if you ask me...
Wtf, I love /a/ now.
Most were not shitposts, many shitposts remain
Censorshipfag detected
If the usual "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXXX!!! REEE!!!!"-spam we have here on /m/ is anything to go by I have my doubts that they deleted something that wasn't shitposting.
Every negative comment was deleted, not just that, /a/'s mod is currently going full censorship. In fact I suspect you of being a samefag.
>Thinking there's actually some value to "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXXXX!!!" being spammed into every thread even remotely related to IBO
You call it censorship, I call it janitors doing their jobs.
>Thinking that is what was censored and not legit criticism for calling out shit
Clearly /a/ is raiding us
>In fact I suspect you of being a samefag
Oh yes, accusing someone of being a samefag totally validates your point famfam.

Seriously thou, with the usual "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXX" quality of IBO criticism I genuinely doubt that the mod in question deleted anything that wasn't just shitposting.
>Seriously thou, with the usual "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXX" quality of IBO criticism I genuinely doubt that the mod in question deleted anything that wasn't just shitposting.
You're a numbskull for thinking that, every critical comment was deleted while plenty of shitposting remains
>Oh yes, accusing someone of being a samefag totally validates your point famfam.
I'm decently sure the mod just deleted everything posted from one IP considering that guy never bothers to use proxies
Burden of proof is on you to validate your accusation.

Give us examples of untouched shitposting and deleted legit criticism. The archive is up and running, yknow.
>"Clearly /a/ is raiding us"
>Always thought of /a/ as a shithole and have never spent any more than a few minutes there
Nice try, but no cigar.

Seriously thou, that "REEE!!! [ANN | ANIMESUKI | /a/] GET OUT!!!" spam we get whenever someone simply doesn't hate IBO enough really isn't impressing anyone. You moan about those places being echo chambers, but yet you're intent on making /m/ into an echo chamber of your own.
He didn't. There are still posts pointing out stupid shit in the series, calling it bad, etc. Most of the "iron menstruation", spammed images, samefagging, and blatant bait posts that the threads have been dealing with for 5 weeks now are finally being deleted.

It's the same guy we've been dealing with in the threads here, except here he's free to not only shit up the regular threads, but create multiple new threads to shit up the whole board without worrying about attracting a mods attention.
That would actually explain the whole thing pretty well if they did delete criticism that wasn't on the usual "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXXX"-level.
>show about people working on restaurant sells better than IBO
>show about ice skating faggots also sells better than IBO

it's a good day
Speaking of, what's the current archive? I stopped paying attention after like the third one in a year went down.
>non mecha shows sell better than mecha shows
>neo /m/ praises this

Ah shit famallama gr8 b8 I r8 8.8/8.8
I just use whatever 4x redirects to.
>shitposting this hard
shit show got shit rating

simple as that
>Point out shitposting that has been annoying people for weeks
>Must be shitposting
Right... Because messages written in all caps talking about how "iron menstruation" sucks are totally quality content, right?
>responding to him
Most of those posts didn't contain "Iron Menstruation", yutz. /a/ is heading down the path of censorship and we are next.
I would assume you were banned since you ceased shitposting on /a/. Should've been global tbphwyf.
you assume wrong, shitposter
>Believing a false flagger is a representative of /m/'s opinion
Gonna make another post about how much you hate "iron menstruation"?
Holy shit you people are fucking worthless this thread is so fucked "spoken like a true shit poster shit poster we're discussing shit posting this board is shit fuck /a/ sh&6ahowjtnsnq"
False flaggers generally don't spam threads for weeks on end with essentially the same post. If it was just a few posts over a few days I could believe it was a false flagger, but not when it's been posted into every IBO related thread for weeks, often multiple posts per thread.
What, that's exactly what they do. The longer they post stupid shit, the more it discredits a real negative opinion.
You do realize that requites a shitload of dedication and I genuinely have a hard time believing that anyone would have that much of a dedication just to discredit an opinion. If my experience with the G-reco shills, who were completely insufferable even as the show was airing, is anything to go by this kind of dedication to shitposting is exactly up their alley.
Jesus, stop sperging you fucking autists. 4chan has been normie tier for years, did you guys really think they wouldn't defend IBO by censoring comments?
Now y'all know how /pol/ feels.
>/m/ supports censorship
You guys are never allowed to whine about hugboxes ever again
Point out where I said that, go on I'll wait
the mod still censored criticism no matter how you dice it
Wow /a/ stooped to a new low
Anon, Zeon's action are a retaliation for having spacenoids rights trampled and ignored, both the Federation and Zeon had "noble" ideals and used dirty horrible means to realize them.
The Titans might be despicable, but if they managed to have a total victory we would have a Pax Romana kind of situation with no more victims.
No he deleted shitposting with that guy literally replying to himself multiple times.
Federation doesn't have any noble ideals aside from we own earth, we own the colonies too hahaha!

It's Zeon who have noble ideals but the leader is space Hitler.
To repeat myself, there's a difference between actual criticism and spamming "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXXX" into every even single even tangentially related thread for weeks on end.
The Federation doesn't need lofty ideals, they're defending themselves and their way of life from an aggressor.
actual criticism was deleted
>The rogue mod disagrees.
Knowing the general quality of "criticism" relating to IBO I have a hard time imagining that
of course someone that supports censorship would say that
Then post some evidence actually backing that up.
Thus it's not fair to say Zeon vs EF is gray.

Tomino isn't fucking subtle.
Wow, he is really assblasted he finally got all his comments deleted isn't he? Too bad it was just a janitor and not a mod or else he could have had his ass banned.
go to desuarchive, it isn't that hard
Once again, I don't see any issues with constructive criticism, but I really don't see the problem in deleting the usual "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXX!!!" shitposting we've been dealing with for weeks.
Even if. It would only be an /a/ ban which is why he's posting here mostlikely
My posts were deleted too, I got a ban for thinking /co/ should be invited to poles.
No, you go there and give me some evidence because you're the one claiming that they deleted more than the shitposting that has been plaguing every IBO related thread for weeks.
>Once again, I don't see any issues with constructive criticism
Then be against the obvious censorship because more than iron menstruation refs were deleted there.
So it was a completly earned ban?
Not at all, plus the random deletions prove that censorship is going on over there. /a/ is becoming a safe space.
Wow, never thought /a/ would go into censorship, but then again it is /a/.
If someone gets banned all their posts get deleted you fucking retard
Once again, I have a hard time imagining that the deleted posts were actually constructive criticism and not just shitposting. We've been asking for evidence that they deleted constructive criticism and nobody has yet delivered on that, which does contain certain implications.
>/a/ comes over to taunt us
Go back to your containment board
You really think we're idiots, huh? Just wave the magic c word around and everyone will eat out of the palm of your hand right?
>/a/ is going to police state status
>Kyoani threads ofany sort full of shitposting
>Shaft threads of any sort full of shitposting
>YOI threads full of shitposting
>Yen Press made another shill thread
>Re:zero fags still won't shut up about the waifu and the trap
>Umaru thread where crossboarders come to literally do nothing but spam and shipost still getting regular threads that only reach like 50 replies and 12 IPs
>One piece threads full of bitching all day every day

Yeah, total police state.
Already complaining about it at /qa/, /a/ going on full censorship mode will be called out on
>Pointing out basic things about how 4chan works
>Must be a poster from another board coming over to taunt you
IBO criticism is being censored, that is true
/a/ confirmed for IBO fan safe space
>Shitposter got banned and his posts deleted
/a/ is censoring up too
Not even being subtle about the samefagging is he?
>Doesn't allow "IRON MENSTRUATION SUXX!!1" spam
>"Safe space"
Whatever lets you to sleep at night...
hey look it's /a/ supporting their safe space censorship! I checked the archives, there was no Iron Menstruation spamming.
>people agree so it must be samefagging
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Wait, you think this is worth bitching a fit?

Son, come back when you get banned for reporting shitposters like yourself, I've had to deal with jannies literally protecting Valvrager's shit fits from reporting.

You're just being a salty bitch right now because no one's putting up with your astroturfing.
except there was no spamming of iron menstruation so you fail miserably, shitposter
He never was.
He just tries to overwhelm with number of posts
I'm not a shitposter, /a/
Whoever got banned for that deserves it.

/co/ is cancer.
If you're so sure about there not being any shitposting, then why haven't you posted any evidence to this? Also, you do realize that when you get banned all of your messages get deleted? Even if you're right this could also be someone who spammed the thread being banned over posts in another thread possibly on another board.
hilarious because I see a ton of shitposting still in that topic, the mod that did that failed to look into the topic and deal it out with more people

I'm making some popcorn. Anyone else want some?
no they did not, /a/.
just go to desu
/a/ is being censored and /m/ fails to realize it is next
Not going to waste my time doing your job for you. Post your evidence or admit you don't have anything to back up your claim.
>Comments on a subject known for a lot of shitposting get deleted
>People get hysterical and claim censorship with no evidence as to what the deleted comments were actually like
I thought you were joking when you said you made a /qa/ thread. Get a proxy and keep shitposting on /a/, retard. The more threads you're in, the slower you are.
/a/ is going censorship happy, this is undeniable
Depends, what brand/flavor.
>Not one guy pretending to be multiple people.
Try reporting stuff instead of playing the victim.
how the hell do you proxy on 4chan?
I reported shitposting and got warned for it, a mod on /a/ is going full censorship for IBO.
>more than one
Oh you
Nice lack of evidence you guys got there
Well I will admit that I should probably have used singular form for that one shitposter. It's obvious it's only one person after the thread on /qa/ got made and the samefag rate has gone down significantly.
I knew they were censoring call outs!
Prove it.
Dumbass's Salty Tears. It only uses the saltiest of salts.
I have a heart condition, can't
Yuck, I prefer Calling Out Fascist Butter
this cements /a/ safe space conversion for IBOfags, /m/ can never whine about hugeboxes ever again.
checked the archives, legit criticism is censored
When /m/ tries shitposting, it's really worse than /pol/.
Post this legit criticism.
/m/ shitposting is legit. I salute the brave men who won't quit the /gunpla/ general even though it's flooded with the same brand of shitposting from the same person every thread.
I dunno, Black_Knight has my respect for the absolute mastery of his craft.

But then again he's an old dirty /b/astard.
it is on desu, a lot of shitposting was not deleted, the conclusion of censorship is a reasonable one
what if /a/ is not after censoring IBO critics but rather any mention of /co/?
Valvrave divided /m/, IBO might divide the fucking legacy of gundam and 4chan itself
it probably has what with /a/'s censorship beginning to play out
>I got away with shitposting about Valvrave, I got away with shitposting about Reco, and now I'll get away with shitposting about IBO

Really makes you think now that the dust has settled. What went wrong? Find a flaw, protip you can't.
divided tumblr safe spaces!
I never shitposted, let alone around those three, now get over yourself
>valvrager boogeyman
quit spreading fairytales
that did not deserve a three day ban
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Fucking hell, you lazy mouthbreathing retards.

Yes, it was probably one poster.

Yes, they shitposted. Yes, they were the only shitposter whose posts were deleted. Yes, they had worthwhile posts as well the mods deleted.

No, "Iron Menstruation" was not spammed.

No, no one replied to oneself.

Considering how the mods ignored so many vastly worse shitposts and other criticisms from other posters, if they banned more than one poster, I'm going to assume that they were just too lazy to realize that there were people who would agree with critics of IBO and to read any posts longer than half a line. They also seemed to have a lot of Tekkadan apologism in deleting posts that criticized their morals or quality as characters. In any case, banning one person for making a large amount of posts, all of which were critical of IBO and were largely shitposts (but not always) while ignoring many others is Reddit-tier incompetence.

Yes, IBOfags are still always the ones who bring up G-reco.
Not to discredit the work you put into compiling these posts and to try to put them in context, because I do appreciate the effort...

...but there's quite a bit of fillerposting amongst the deleted posts, and that shit has consistently been noise rather than signal.

It's easy to forget that low post quality goes against the global rules. Yes there were some baitposts targeting recofags in that thread but to act like there's always a narrative behind the apparent onesided enforcement of the rules just aims to distract from the fact that posts were deleted for being garbage that only a fool would confuse for honest attempts at discourse.

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Of course. The main purpose of the post was to discredit the baseless accusations of both sides by letting the evidence speak for itself. Perhaps acknowledging the filler spam in place of "Iron Menstruation" would've been a good idea.

>to act like there's always a narrative behind the apparent onesided enforcement of the rules just aims to distract from the fact that posts were deleted for being garbage that only a fool would confuse for honest attempts at discourse
>It's easy to forget that low post quality goes against the global rules
This is what makes the mods incompetent. Almost the entire thread was trash, but only perhaps one person was targeted. Any possibility of targeting particular ideas was clearly speculation based on the slim possibility of the mods having banned more than one poster. This is just a problem with /a/ becoming too big, honestly.
>/m/ has thouroughly degraded

best posts this thread
so after getting your shit deleted from /a/ you run to /m/ to resume your shitposting huh
Bullshit. My posts criticising IBO were untouched. It's only that one persistent muh space rats/ muh ann & animesuki shitposter's (probably you) posts that got deleted.
The mods didn't manually delete every one of his comments one by one. No one would do that. Instead, the moment he was banned, the system removed all his posts. Shit post or legitimate post.

Basically everyone reported him on a few posts that were shit posts, and then he got banned, which deleted all other posts he made even if those were normal.
I remember when that system wasn't localized to a given thread.

You end up vanishing off of a completely unrelated thread because you gave into the shitposting demon.
"Deconstruction" isn't valuable. Recurring tropes in art recur for the reason that they are meaningful and contain significant symbolic content. Things mean things. Any time something is labeled as "deconstruction" it's basically a sign that it's worthless posing rather than actual meaningful art. This is why French philosophers are so obsessed with the term; they are all intellectual poseurs.
lol IBObabies got rekt so hard they create a safe space to discuss a shitty show.

Even agefags or rektfags don't go down this low.
That's a lot of text.
The average IBOfag is that desperate for validation of their show.
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IBO wishes it has good animation and characters as pre-2015 Sunrise shows like Code Geass does. No point changing to physical and melee focus if it's going to be one hit curbstomps as if it's Beam in every fight.
Try Reco, you'd shit up a hundred time this amount of WOT.
More then 2/3rds of the fags defending IBO on /m/ are from ANN, animesuki, MAL, gaia, reddit, its not really surprising.
A beam hits a grunt and dies.
Mika one hits a grunt and dies.
Same shit.
If a character is going to fight another important character they will most probably get a detailed fight be it a beam or physical fight.
People say that IBO is good because of no beamspam. It doesnt make a difference because it does the same shit with a different medium and it's not even animated well.

>Okada is a good writer
Yeah, no.
>It doesnt make a difference because it does the same shit with a different medium
>it doesn't make a difference because it does the same shit in a way that looks and works completely different
your argument is that the amount of hits and the duration of the fights is the same so the difference is irrelevant
that's retarded.
New info on Mossa from the Gerail kit's leaflet.
> ex Ghallahjorn soldier
> friend of Rustal since their training days (so Rustal might be a pilot too)
> cunning and smart and strong and awesome and shit
> retired a couple of years ago, became a merc and started quietely supporting Rustal
Gerail kit to release halfway through november.
>>Okada is a good writer
>Yeah, no.
Not an argument.
Geez, IBO fags are more autistic than Reco fags. A simple change of pink to yellow spark is better than actual animation to them.
No it's a widely known fact.

Like gravity being a thing that exists.
The saddest thing is that even then, none of what OP said points to actually demonstrating why IBO is good. I mean, all he does is argue that IBO has good concepts and themes. That doesn't mean much if by the end of the day, those concepts and themes aren't properly executed.
>Gerail kit to release halfway through november.

In like 3 days. It's out on the 12th in Japan.
> diffeence between melee and beamshit is just a change between sparks and beams
i want some of whatever you're smoking
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Watch more of her shows then.
>melee and beamshit
So range is the defining factor?
The "melee" isnt even well choreographed. A badly animated one offhanded strike and the opponent retires. But i guess that's better than beams that do the same shit because muh grit.

>your argument is that the amount of hits and the duration of the fights is the same so the difference is irrelevant
No my argument is that the melee fights that are so praised actually dont deserve it. Melee fights on fodder are as uninspired and as a character doing a few dodges and landing a beam hit.
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That graze upgrade.
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