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https://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/kic kstarter-hit-mighty-no-9

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>"Well, it's better than nothing."

So what did we learn?

to not give shekels to con-,an for the second game
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That Kamiya might be rude on Twitter, but he's an expert judge of character
>Better than nothing

I may still be better about Legends 3, but considering how MN9 turned out, it may not be such a bad thing that it died. We now know that it could have turned out much worse.
>>"Well, it's better than nothing."
>So what did we learn?

Not to trust Inafune's translator? That's not what he said.
Let's be honest, there was no way this game was going to get a fair reception. I'm going to wait for a sale.
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>So what did we learn?

Something we'll forget really soon, since this exact scenario is a case of history repeating itself.
That game development is hard.
That just because you can port a game across all the platforms, doesn't mean you should.
That people take concept art to be indicative of the final product.

That poor financial management means not enough money to pay off game journos.
Don't touch any kikestarter projects that don't have a complete vertical slice, not with a 20-foot pole. I'm fucking furious that this shit made that much money when these two guys in pic related started out with a full 2-mission demo and couldn't even break half their goal.

Bloodstained produced this in a year, Inafune is a hack
literally who?
Go to /v/
Holy shit good thing Konami doesn't care about videogames anymore, this isn't a spiritual successor so much as a wholesale clone.
>That people take concept art to be indicative of the final product.
Fuck you, the initial look of the game, they said "someday we'll look back at this and laugh at how primitive it looked" when it looks miles better than the game we got
>Like 50% of the time, choosing a stage on the Stage Select screen would go to a black loading screen and then instantly freeze my entire system, forcing me to do a hard-reboot of the Wii U.
>PSN codes cannot be redeemed yet, and there are reports of the WiiU version destroying whatever storage you saved it and installed it to. Someone I follow said her external HD died right after trying to install the game, and there have been a number of similar reports around social media.
nigga how
What's the problem, exactly? Looks great to me, you're not really gonna tell me that the old MegaMan games are good today, are you?
>So what did we learn?
Not only is Inafune a business man and not a creator, he's not even a very good business man.
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Kamiya warned us, and we didn't listen.
Video games are wasteful and stupid, so don't bother trying to create one.
Why are Kamiya drones so noisy
Smear campaign by people who don't understand how storage devices work.
Billy, pick your fights better.
But the PSN codes really aren't working anon, I'm a backer that picked PSN and can confirm this.
no, you're clearly part of the vast right wing conspiracy
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Take you meds, Yoshi.
Yeah, it's not like PSO2 or anything's ever been known to wipe people's hard drives.

Totally impossible.
That's the point. It's a game made by two literally whos and it looks more professional than MN9.
On the PC, MN9 wants 4 to 8 GB of RAM.

The Wii U has 2 GB.

These facts might be related!
I miss the good ACE Games.
>The reality is they put everything into making this game. They didn't try to microtransaction it out, they didn't try to DLC it out for extra money.

Well they already got their money, and asking for more would just cause greater backlash. Also, wasn't there content that didn't make it into the game?
>Also, wasn't there content that didn't make it into the game?
yeah, little things like the Kirby rip-off gimmick that was the entire fucking point of the game
Everyone knew the game was going to be shit from the awful demonstrations to the shitty rap based themes they were using.
They were trying to make a kickstarter for fucking DLC weren't they?
There's a torrent or mega link?
guess it's so shit nobody even bothers to steal it
so much for my prom night
Don't we all. Good mecha action game died with ACE 3.

there was a second kickstarter for voice acting and "extras". which apparently was funded and then the VA was terrible.
>Suck it down, John Romero is about to make you his bitch

>Prepare to cry like an anime fan on prom night

God damn, it's like poetry.

At least Romero was an excellent level designer. And he's been pretty chill for years now.
you know this was all a big money laundering scheme, right?
>get money
>"pay" your cronies
>split the total money when it's all done

Romero is making a new Doom game or something, and released a bunch of new levels for classic Doom. He's learned and grown from his mistake.

Wasn't Romero, despite all his fuckups at the time, actually against the "make you his bitch" campaign? IIRC it was pushed because the marketing guy thought it'd be real cool for the famous dev to talk shit to his audience.
Romero had a pretty big ego, but yeah the "Suck it down" campaign was some marketing guys idea.

It was more of that he didn't find out about it until it was too late. God damn, why does it seem that Marketing and PR departments don't know what people really want?

He released his own take one E1M8 in April I think. And people were trying to bait him into trashtalking the new Doom, though he didn't take the bait.
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>mfw I spent the $20 I was going to back MN9 with on MMX Command Mission instead
Best decision of my adult life
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>post yfw you didn't spend money or removed your pledge from the game before it was too late
I hate to say Capcom was right, but...
mf is robotechx because I'm allllllllllll laughing
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>MMX Command Mission

Oh shit are you me? I just got that off eBay two weeks ago
>People throw money at things that may or may not exist one day.
>Even if they are made, chances are they'll never be as good as promised.

Why do people throw away their money like this?

Cause people only remember or talk about the bad marketing decisions, never the good ones.
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You guys wanted a good kickstarted Megaman tribute?

It already existed years ago
But anon, Shovel Knight is popular so it's obviously bad. Only obscure and old things are good.
Yeah, and it was called Gunvolt.
Why do people blow money on lottery tickets?
to be frank the project was way too Ambitious, Inafune could have started the series with modest goals instead of damaging his credibility
>PSA: Do NOT get Mighty No. 9 for your Wii U; it will brick it. Don't know about other consoles.
> I've restarted her Wii U about two times. Nothing.
so "better than nothing" means "may ruin your machine"
apparently the ambition of "successfully runs" was too much

gunvolt wasn't even kickstarted. it just came out and was good and now they're making another because it was good and people liked it.
catty old bitch Twitter Sonic is best Sonic
It must be fun being a companies twitter rep if you just get paid to shitpost all day.
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I hear that. Remember Earthbound's "This game stinks" promotional ads?

Who even needs a Kirby rip-off when the real deal exists anyway.

This. Some Kickstarter projects cut down on ports to readjust their goals.
You'd know, wouldn't you Sonic? Sonic '06 and the Sonic Boom games were "better than nothing", right?
They didn't brick consoles. For once, Sanic had solid ground to stand on.
>For once, Sanic had solid ground to stand on.
unlike in 06 when you could random fall through the ground

Because you're already funding a new mega man game when there's a ton of them anyway. at least it was trying to go for a new gimmick and evolution on the original MM's power stealing (why not just steal everything's powers). then it turned out they couldn't do that and it just became some crappy buff system you don't really need to beat the game.

Hell, buggy as Sonic 06, at least it ran.

...I mean you wouldn't Want to play it, but at least you theoretically could "play" it.
>Beating a disintegrated husk of a horse
The game came out a decade ago. Let it go.
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>let go of things
are there any other games that brick a wiiU?
In fairness, even doing that move is tactical suicide from the outset.
>when there's a ton of them anyway
You'd think people would talk more about the fan projects, like MMX: Corrupted and whatever it is that Tarbo-San is making (let alone the better hacks like Minus Infinity).
I think that can happen in Boom, too. At least before the patch that barely fixed anything.
Also, the Sonic Boom 3DS games were made the folks who took a dump on Sly Cooper's legacy.
Outsourced cheaper foreign devs, not even once.
It has games?
oh snap
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>Not playing one of the best /m/ games ever made
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To be fair, successful things have come out of Kickstarter, like pic related. There's also the new BattleTech game, which is being made by a tried and true developer with a proven background, and I believe at least a part of Skullgirls was crowdfunded (or at least a campaign to add a new character).

Of course it's still true that at least 90% of the stuff that gets successfully funded is crap (and there's plenty of other cases of people simply taking the money and running or mismanaging it and failing to deliver), but that isn't to say that absolutely everything that comes out of it is crap.

I smell potential lawsuits coming out of this one.
You're thinking of the PS4.
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Might be safe to wait and see if the NX has reverse compatibility (probably the case, since Breath of the Wild will get on that).
There are some great stuff from Kickstarter, like Shovel Knight
Damage control in full effect.
You might want to be sure that it gets games too.
Nintendo has been pretty poor with its console game library for these past two generations, especially if you exclude first party titles.

Anyway, it feels like backwards compatibility hasn't been a thing for awhile, probably because companies have realized that it's a poor business model.

>Want to get rid of your old console, but still want to play all your old games? Boy do we have the solution for you! Just download them all again off our virtual store!
>Anyway, it feels like backwards compatibility hasn't been a thing for awhile, probably because companies have realized that it's a poor business model.
Wii U has it and now Xbone does to a lesser extent.
There was that TruForce Mega Man X figure as well
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Funny you mentioned Skullgirls. If anyone's done crowd funding right it's been them. They explained what they were doing, were transparent during the process and delivered on everything they promised and then some.

They even threw in some funny little bonuses like Squiggly's "work in progress" colours.
>man is right
>people quote man to point out that he was right
>you cry
This is an accurate order of events
At least their portables can compensate for that, assuming they don't nix those entirely due to the mobile phone invasion.
>tfw I got a friend that'll keep buying consoles if they have the latest major Pokémon entries
I don't even like Kamiya for the most part and I knew he was dead on about this.
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I don't have an image that conveys my despair for backing MN9 so I didn't have the money to back Bloodstained. But at least I backed Shantae
Oh the NX will already have games, it will have Breath of the Wild and Dragon Quest XI.

lol, reminds me of when I was checking every update during Beowulf and Robo Fortune.
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>tfw you backed Bloodstained and Shantae and skipped MN9 because you were "eh" on classic megaman games.
Aw yeah, didn't back Shantae due to not trusting Kickstarter then but I back Yooka-Laylee which looks amazing, I backed Bloodstained looks great as well judging by the gameplay footage and I really want Shenmue 3 to be good seeing how I backed that as well.
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I wanted to back Yooka-Laylee but I did not have a job at the time.
The games that are confirmed for NX are Breath of the Wild and Dragon Quest 11 which I both be getting. Seeing how Square is releasing both DQ 7 and 8 overseas.
It's a perfect example of how a bad team and constant delays can ruin a project.

The fact they had a SJW community manager who banned people, even paying kickstarters, for asking legit questions was also a big hit. (All while pushing her gender bent designs and pushing crazy tumblir nonsense)
I hope the NX version of DQXI is just the PS4 version and its bundled with it. I mean I am already going to get the 3DS version though.

Yeah man that would lead to some good sales if they bundled it. At least in Japan.

Playtonic and IGA's team at Inti Creates are doing the right thing by looking and listening to the fans. The Toybox especially is a smart way for backers to get a feel of a game.
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Shantae will still be good right?
And don't forget trying to make a TV series, doing a bunch of ports not planned originally and making *another* kickstarter while this clusterfuck was happening in the background. What a mess.
What gets me is all the haters complaining about Shantae taking so long, even though WayForward and Inti Creates are reliable enough and the delays are due to the DLC having been added to their workplate.

I hope that man never gets fired
The community manager bullshit was the first real sign that things were in trouble. The fact she wasn't fired/replaced or even censured in any way was a BIG fuck you to backers.

But the delays really did it. It became a running joke and it should never have taken this long to complete.
From the trailer we got at E3? Fucking amazing.
I trust when the people who make Shantae say that they need to fix some things.

You see its like the difference between a crack whore (MN9) who charges way to fucking much because she has a fuck ton of problems and a call girl (Shantae, Bloodstained, etc.) who you will always be fond of after playing it, maybe you will play with her again.
Yooka, Bloodstained and Shantae all had great showings at E3.

Shenmue III wasn't there probably because it was still under work.
Oh boy yes they did, and I am pretty glad they got a actual speedrunner to play Bloodstained, at least to show it off.

I am not expecting another trailer for Shenmue 3 until like later this year.
I was one of those backers who she banned. All I asked was if the main character was still going to be male after she began posting all the sjw gender stuff and how male characters were inherently evil. She had just posted the famous gender bent picture.

I would have been fine with a female character, but it's shady as FUCK to imply the company is changing direction after the money has been gathered.

Had to contest the kick-starter charge with my back and got my money back. I'll never donate to another project again.
No idea why people here are still complaining about the delays. It takes a lot of time to create a game that's able to brick a console and get it on the market without anyone stepping in to stop you.
>poor business model.

It's not so much a poor business model as it is that they realise they can make people pay for a game they already bought so they can play it on their newest hardware. Not having backwards compatibility is a big fuck you in encouraging customer loyalty in my eyes.

You could make the argument that backwards compatibility is a smart business decision because people might be more likely to buy a console they know they can play their old games on while they wait for new games to come out.

I would've bought a PS4 day one if it had backwards compatibility. Now I have to wait for a few years for it to build a repertoire of ga,es I want to play on it.

That we will always cry like anime fans on prom night.
well there's your problem
how dare you question your betters

It might be at PSX but even then i'm not expecting anything huge.

bloodstained has always looked like MN9 done right. all of it's stretch goals seemed reasonable and they had active fan engagement to decide them, it had funding from other sources to add to it's backer money and seemed to understand what people loved about the older games and wanted to aim the game towards that on a more direct featureset level than just pandering to 80s nostalgia from a bunch of manchildren who are sad because they stopped pumping out 3 mega man games a year with no discretion.

This is a old video from the Internet Aristocrat that sums up all the fuck ups that MN9 went through. Posting so everyone knows what went down.
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>tfw backed Bloodstained
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Iga co-directed Symphony of the Night and knew how to produce some of the best games of the Castlevania era such of Aria of Sorrow and the whole DS trilogy. Hell he even directed some decent 3D ones.

What did it get a 5.6 on that there's been several pictures referencing it posted now?

Exactly, inafune's only credit as a designer is on MM4 (the first not great one) and only really ever worked as an artist. he may have been the producer for like every mega man since but that includes the not so good ones, at least iga's track record working as a producer on castelvania was pretty universally well received (his other games not so much) and his involvement and interest in the franchise seemed both hands on and genuine.
>MM4 (the first not great one)
It's the best 8 bit game. Fight me, faggot

>Hell he even directed some decent 3D ones
There is no good 3D Castlevania.
Curse of Darkness was not that bad. Laiment of Innocent or whatever is okay.
>It's the best 8 bit game
[citation needed]

Sorry, I find beating on the mentally ill to be beneath me.
>Better than nothing
Literally a potshot against real Mega Man games
clever girl
Though with this I would rather have nothing.
Considering the last 3 Shantae games were amazing, I never had any doubts about it. WayForward usually knows what they are doing.
>Nintendo has been pretty poor with its console game library for these past two generations,

Nigga, what, the wii had a pretty strong library
>kickstarting anything literally every
stupid people deserve to have their money stolen. Social Darwinism, bitch.
Hey if they actually have a solid track record why not donate to them?

Inafune didn't though. He was always just someone that worked at Capcom, he had never shown he can make a game without a company's backing before. But his video pulled everyone in through emotional impact.

At least with Yooka-Laley, they WERE the company's original members. They know how to make a game as a company, they've done it before.
Remember when Inafune was on top of a skyscraper talking about how much he loved Megaman?

>Better than nothing
That is why I did not donate to MN9 and instead donated money to games like Shovel Knight, Shantae, Bloodstained, and Yooka-Laley all of which had good backrounds in actually making good games.

Its the unkowns that are the huge gamble and should only be considered donating if they have some sort of video of a playable build.
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>Better than nothing

I guess we can also substitute "tight budget" with "better than nothing"
The Zero face always gets me.
To not hound people because they'll push out a game earlier and patch it later, but they won't get the funds to patch it because of the low reviews of the initial release and everything will be the fault of the people that complained about the release being pushed back?

But he's not rude on Twitter. He just doesn't have time for people's shit

They all laughed . . .
>MM4 (the first not great one)
MM4 was the first game to be pretty challenging and didn't fuck you over with something stupid.
How the fuck does a game get green lit for a system if it bricks consoles. I thought there was literally a process to run gold and one of the steps is the game would run without turning a system into cheese.
apparently it only needs a hard reboot or few
you know, better than bricking
>How the fuck does a game get green lit for a system if it bricks consoles. I thought there was literally a process to run gold and one of the steps is the game would run without turning a system into cheese.

There is a process, there is no evidence this game is bricking Wii Us. Megaman fans are shitty brats.
lot more reports of that than it being a good game
>lot more reports of that than it being a good game
It's easier to find bad news when that's all you're looking for.
that's how memes work, doesn't have to be true, just viral
I don't know or really care if it's good, but I certainly don't believe it is bricking consoles.
"Mighty No 9! It probably won't break your game console!"
Great slogan
I can feel another 4million rolling in already!
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Looking forward for both this and Bloodstained, kickstarters done right.
>There is porn of both of the sexy giant fish ladies
Fuck, muh dick. Is there more?
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Not really.
You faggots are what make me hope Shantae fails.
need them in a hijab you puritan shit?
No, I just hate people who talk about about HNNG MUH SHITTY FETISH WAIFUS FAPFAPFAP instead of the damn game itself. And let's be honest, this is all that Shantae has going for it.
>No, I just hate people who talk about about
then don't read their comments
wordfilters are for you, not for everybody else
lazy censorfags are the worst
I talk about the game when it actually comes out. Now though? I can respect the art and designs of characters in my own way.
Never kickstart a game.

Hey, I got just what I paid for with Wasteland 2.


The game isn't out yet and there's no drama surrounding it like MN9. If it has cute girls we might as well talk about them, people would with the Battletech KS if it had cute girls.

>And let's be honest, this is all that Shantae has going for it.

They're decent platformers. And from what we saw from the demo, the gameplay has been greatly improved from Pirate's Curse.
You mean only kickstart a game where the person has a great fucking track record with releasing AND helped developed good games or a demo ready to give right the fuck now.
Never fund a kickstarter.

Except for when John Carmack is involved, in which case dump money all over that man and his coding wizardry.
>If it has cute girls we might as well talk about them
Not to mention what Risky builds that year, since she's /m/ enough. Too bad that DLC chapter about her money scam sphere thing hasn't been funded, though. That could have been an amusing parallel to failed Kickstarters.

No fuck that, I won't help him purely becuase he's a cunt.
Fuck off John.
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I bet Inafune feels like an anime fan on prom night right about now
Using that 4million to wipe his tears
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Reminder that even DiGiorno got in on the Inafune Butthurt Express
Oh god. Someone needs to tell those two that the 18th Amendment makes it illegal to own niggas this hard.
More exclusives than the other two combined, not that I own any of them.
>"Mighty No 9! It probably won't break your game console!"
It hasn't broken anyones console
>talk about Battletech anything
That'd be the day
that's a review blurb worthy of the box cover
>It hasn't broken anyones console
It's literally the head of development of MN9 saying that Inafune said that.
That's because 3PDs don't know what the fuck to do with the Wii U Gamepad. The few that tried to do something cool with it made bad games, like ZombiU. Everything else was a port of games already available on other systems. Only Nintendo and some Jap developers made dedicated software for the Wii U that was good.
It broke a lot of hearts.

But yeah, not a single console.
>It broke a lot of hearts.
>But yeah, not a single console.
Can someone who understands moonspeak translate what Inafune said? Ben Judd was a translator for Capcom, so I trust that his translation was accurate, but I'd like to know whether Judd was speaking from his own opinion or translating. Either way Mediocre no. 6.5
>vertical slice

Do you mean finances/project management?

Well they won't give us much info aside from updates on progress
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>tfw I spent the money I was going to pledge on MN9 on a footlong chili dog w/ onion instead
The successes usually outweight>>14385620
No, he means actual demonstration of some sort of product instead of just concept art and wishful thinking.

It's actually mandatory as part of the Kickstarter rules these days, I think. You can't just show up with nothing but ideas and ask for funding.

Was it any good?
Chicken and the egg.

Without a big install base game devs aren't going to make exclusives for your console.

Microsoft solved this in 2001 with literally bribing studios and establishing relationships with them. But it cost them billions and it wasn't until the 360 that it finally paid off.

Have to wonder if Nintendo is even capable of closely working with 3rd parties at this point.
Absolutely. Definitely a better investment.
Not him, but as a software developer(not games tho) I'm strongly against the crowdfunding model. If it's an independent developer the people who give money have no guarantee the product will make it and if it's someone like Inafune, he already has the resources, know-how and contacts to be able to finance a project. Also, the stakeholders are more heterogeneous than an usual project so a failure would be even worse to handle. In my opinion, at least.
I hate to tell you this but Carmack is old and busted. Besides the Megatexture thing that never really took off he hasn't been behind any innovation in the field.
>Have to wonder if Nintendo is even capable of closely working with 3rd parties at this point.
Generally, no. Most third parties just want hardware that's easier to port to, and Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about that, they just want whatever they can get for cheap. It's a bit easier with Japanese developers since they're all so obsessed with handhelds or mobile games.
It's better than nothing
It is better than nothing you whiny cunt. Fuck off back to /v/ with all the other kids who just wanna bitch about great games instead of actually playing them.
Thank you Con Man
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Nah, Romero actually contributed to projects in the past instead of just taking credit for other's work and making a career out of it.
Developers have consistently said that the WiiU and NX are really easy to develop for.
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"Easy to develop for" doesn't necessarily mean "We can port our game to this no problem".
Its not that, they launched it as a celebration of their company and accidentally created a multimedia success with Drama, Music and Games, all while Inafune is flailing about trying to do the same with far more budget and time, dramatic irony doesn't even cut
X and Omega Xis too
>But it's hard to understand why someone there to translate the words of the game's high-profile producer would throw in such an opinion, where he does, right next to his boss, and nobody picks him up on it.

The western side of this project has shown themselves to be incompetent unprofessional fucks countless times before, this isn't surprising at all.
Yeah, MS had another advantage besides unlimited money: the original xbox was the most powerful console of the gen be and pretty easy to work with.

If Nintendo opts AGAIN for weak or exotic hardware they will fail.
The wiiU hasa ridiculously underpowered CPU that makes porting very difficult.

Add to that the non existence of an online network like PSN/XBL, no dual layer bluray format and no big internal HDD and the wiiU is nothing like the other consoles.

Nintendo always makes consoles for themselves. Sony and MS actually ask game devs what kind of console they want. Totally different philosophy.
Easy to develop for doesn't mean much when they have to work with that Gamepad.
The translation is fine, it's just that the second half is his own opinion and words, not Inafune's. He was supposed to be interpreting but butt in and just started to spout his own retarded shit.
I guarantee he wasn't the only english speaker in the room.

>The translation is fine
>He was supposed to be interpreting but
you literally said his translation was fine. If he finished translating for con man then there's no reason he shouldn't have followed up with his own commentary or moved on to the next question. The fact remains that someone intimately involved with the game said "better than nothing" and your asspain doesn't change that. I rate your comment 5.6/10
>the original xbox was the most powerful console of the gen be and pretty easy to work with.
And it lost to the PS2 which had the weakest hardware all because it was more affordable and had better exclusives.
If it were free THEN it'd be better than nothing. But since you still have to pay for it, it's worse than nothing.
Romero is a alright dude, even with the whole "Romero will make you his bitch" thing.
Ps3 has 512mb
Daikatana sucked, but they didn't rip anyone off to bring the product out, right? By the time it was available for purchase, reviews were available. Can't say that about MN9.
One could say that reviews of the demo, the numerous delays, and all the news about how shit the development was, is all that anyone interested in the game would need to know to steer clear of it now that it's been released.

Anyone who decided to crowdfund the game, it sucks that they got such a shoddy product after everything that was promised, but that's the perils of crowdfunding that everybody should know by now.
He ripped off Eidos, who had to invest 25 million dollars into a bunch of supercomputers so he and his team of random assholes from the modding community could spend days upon days playing Doom at their workplace instead of getting shit done on time.

Oh, also, a home cinema with dolby surround sound system. That was critical to the development of Daikatana.
See? Capcom doesn't need Inafune to make a good Megaman game. What the FUCK are they waiting for?
they're busy thinking of more ways to troll and disappoint

they clearly have no intention of making quality games
Still my favorite tweet.
18th was Prohibition, you're thinking of the 13th.

The making-of Daikatana story is amazing. It sounded like Wolf of Wall Street if the entire cast was anime and vidya nerds.
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Kickstarter is stupid anyways. Want to make something or start your own business? Get your own capital. Begging others to start your business is just shameless.
I am honestly surprised /v/ didn't fucking explode over that game, given it has a boss using xe/xir
>at least it was trying to go for a new gimmick and evolution on the original MM's power stealing (why not just steal everything's powers)

because everyone fucking loved Axel in X7/8
how's it any more shameless than begging investors, though?
That was only in the English 3DS version. PC version and Jap 3DS version never bring up Zonda's gender at all.
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Too busy making a million Street Fighter, Resident Evil and Monster Hunter sequels.
wow you're retarded
Investors at least is a company that could sponsor your business. If you screw up your promise, investors can sue you. The masses can't do that.
>I will bend backwards and crawl up my own ass to keep this meme
Looks like the specifics of who to blame have been cleared up.
Clearly Treehouse LOCALIZED Inafune's dialogue.

That's better for the investors maybe, but it's no different for you as a company. Worse even. And that's ignoring that suing often has a large up front cost, that investors are harder to ignore when they make demands and so on.
Ben Judd was from Capcom though.
>tfw they wanted to help Inafune crash and burn even harder than he did already
Hey they're not using assets from Symphony of the Night. That's good enough for me
Because investors actually gain something from their investment. It's not begging but a mutually advantageous arrangement.
You can't sue for gameplay mechanics and concepts. Capcom lost against some Street Fighter 2 clones back in the day, settling that matter.

If that's not begging because investors eventually get something out of it, then neither is Kickstarter, since it's equally true of their system. And I honestly have no idea how you wouldn't consider that before writing that post since its so obvious.
>Sony and MS actually ask game devs what kind of console they want

PS3 and its Cell architecture.
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>MN9 wants 4 to 8 GB of RAM.
Wut? fucking Mighty Unoptimized 9, how can such a joke of a game require that much?
>Sony and MS actually ask game devs what kind of console they want.

Blame 8-4 for their faggotry
>that makes porting very difficult.
Consoles are all considerable weaker than the processors used to develop games on its not just the Wii U. Problem is most developers are lazy and don't want to bother making a lesser port (see Ubisoft and the Wtach Dogs fiasco) and also as stated above can't work with Nintendo's touchpad faggotry. It was easy with the Game Cube since it was considerably more powerful than the PS2 but Nintendo piss away all their third party support with the Wii in favor of low budget gimmicky shovelware.
>can't work with Nintendo's touchpad faggotry

>somehow in the years between the DS and now, third party devs forgot how to do dual screen development

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>/v/ didn't fucking explode over that game, given it has a boss using xe/xir
Thats pretty much what the game threads were about a week or two after release, then the shitposters moved to a new thing and the whole xe/xir got forgotten.
Granted, is not really "explode over it" but thats because a lot of people overexagerate how much /v/ hates tranies, gays and blacks. /v/ hates the SJW pandering of "This is a trans character because come on, is 2016!" kind of crap.
I mean, fuck, some of /v/ favorite characters are traps and gays for fuck sake.
>and also as stated above can't work with Nintendo's touchpad faggotry

You put the fucking pause menu options on the touchpad. It's not hard.
>I mean, fuck, some of /v/ favorite characters are traps and gays for fuck sake.
>Who are Poison and Arcade Ganon?
I did.

Isn't Poison a weird case where the character can be a guy in drag, transsexual, futa or woman depending on what version you want to take as source? I'm aware the source character is set, but there was enough messing you can take anything you want as true from what I gather.
Yes, but that doesnt stop Poison from appearing in trap threads in /v/
Also in Stick of truth most of /v/ keep playing as a trap
I just assume general faggotry on their parts since the devs of Darksiders said it was incredibly easy to port their game and even the gamepad function was just a few lines of code
It's really a matter of how lazy the company is.

Not everyone is Capcom + MT Framework.
>It's really a matter of how lazy the company is.
Its frustrating how much truth there is to this, Konami will now proceed to use the Fox Engine for goddamn pachinko cinematics or their stupid soccer games while every other game rots because Kojima pulled a Inafune and made a bunch of braindead decisions killing a bunch of franchises
>Konami will now proceed to use the Fox Engine for (...) their stupid soccer games
Their soccer games have been using Fox Engine for 3 years already

She's a woman in the JP version and a tranny in the western version. Pretty sure she's never been a guy in drag or a futa, outside of fanart.
Yeah its easy to develop for. You forget that western devs are lazy fucks.
No it's not obvious. KS is a casino.

Look if you want to throw money at something in the faint hope of getting a decent game that's your prerogative.

I'm Dutch, I worship money. I wouldn't piss on Inafune. KS is the equivalent of a fucking teak plantation in Costa Rica. 6 op een schaal van 7 as the AFM would say.

So what you're saying is investors always get something out of a deal, where backers don't? Despite the fact investors don't always get something and sometimes have to either accept their losses or pursue court cases to get their money back. Just like backers.

Yes, Kickstarter is a gamble, and no-one said different. But so is investing. If you don't want to believe in one, more power to you, and all the Dutch you can summon for whatever its worth, but your disdain doesn't make it functionally different, especially for the person doing the begging, who has to do it either way.
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>it only crashes it!
aim high

According to the All About Capcom publication, she was originally planned to be a cisgender female but was changed to being a "newhalf" during development.

Nowadays, Capcom's official stand on Poison is that she's a newhalf in Japan and a post-op transsexual in North America.
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And Nishitani said a different thing.
>has all the standard buttons
>hard to work with

Nishitani doesn't own Poison.
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The "suck it down" campaign was a slight on multiplayer trash talkers of the time.
>KS is a casino.
So is the stock market
What's funny is Capcom could swoop in right now and make an amazing Megaman game and win back all the old Megaman fans IN AN INSTANT and at the same time destroy all of Inafune's credibility.

But they won't. They aren't quite bright enough to figure that out.

They also kinda don't have any of the people that made the series anymore. You can't just magically make a megaman game without anyone that's done it before.

That's why they're focusing on Dead Rising 4 and RE7. Because they still have people that made that series (In DR4's case all of them, since all the games since 2 have been made at Capcom Vancouver).
It doesn't help that Kitamura has apparently vanished off the face of the Earth.
I guess that's true. It's easy as a fan to say WHY DOESNT COMPANY DO X, but there is always more to it then that.

Still, on the outside looking in, it seems like a lot of the Japanese video game companies are making some dumb decisions these days.
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>tfw their market crashes, leading Westerners to handle things
Part of me is scared of that prospect.

Bandai-Namco is never going away. They're too big and they have their fingers in too many pies. It would take a complete global economic collapse to kill them.
So Futaba said it's a cool game, even if it has so many flaws.
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Punished Inafune.

A fallen producer.

Shovel Knight really isn't a MM tribute. It's graphics style, music is a bit MM like. But the gameplay is inspired by Duck Tails and Zelda 2.
At least the OST is nice right

It requires a HARD reboot to fix, not a soft reboot. This is where the confusion comes from.

It's a HUGE fuckup.
Man, it's been ages since anyone's ever had to fully reboot something to complete an installation.


He gave an interview in 2011. That has to mean he's around if you want to see him.

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>It requires a HARD reboot to fix
Will a Hard Reset work?
And I'm sure that the anime and/or movie sequel that you tried to set up before even getting a game out the door, had nothing to do with anything now that it's been picked up by shady Chinese investors. Right?
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Well, for one, SEEGA didn't ask for a bunch of money from the fans, and hype them up on hopes an ddreams of "Reviving a franchise that THE MAN! doesn't want you to play anymore!" and some how manage to squander the entire budget

Some how in making a Megaman clone, they've managed to waste the entire funding into making a subpar game. Now, I'm not saying this game should have been INSTANTLY GOOD, but Megaman games aren't that hard to design or get a concept of what makes them fun. Where did the budget go? Why were there so many delays?
WHAT HAPPENED? You could probably make a better game by gathering folks from pixiv.

When Sonic Team makes a crap game, you can go return it if you're not happy, or play it via some other means. The only thing you won't get back is your time. Sonic Team digs in their pocket, and doesn't ask the fanbase to support them.
The people who backed Mighty Number 9 aren't going to get their money back. I put in, and well, it wasn't a lot, but still. I was hoping for Megaman's spiritual successor to show CAPCOM that they were wrong. At the end of the day, CAPCOM can just laugh and sit on the franchise forever and say "well, we were right!"

Sonic 2006 was too ambitious, and it failed, to the point that they're still hearing about it. I never had any faith or interest in Sonic Boom in the first place (until the cartoon). But they didn't ask for my money to shit out those projects. If the next game is crap, they'll pick themselves up and make another game. I think they're being too mean, but they don't get some asshole to say "It's better than nothing!" when people are asking what happened. In this case, I'd rather have NOTHING!

There's never going to be another spiritual successor for Megaman. Not as big as this was
MN9 didn't just damage themselves, they damaged Megaman in a way as well.
Sonic's probably always going to be there.
This was supposed to be a big chance for a Megaman-ish game/franchise, and they fucking blew it.
>but Megaman games aren't that hard to design or get a concept of what makes them fun
They are when you are more busy making a FRANCHISE WITH TV SHOWS AND SPINOFFS instead of making the fucking game in the first place
I think the shady Chinese investors were for Red Ash and the cartoon was something else entirely. But yeah, just looking at the trailer for the cartoon it seems like a really bad idea. I don't know what they were thinking when they decided to go with it.
That was a stupid mistake, probably fueled by Sony's arrogance due to the success of the PS2.

You never know. Strider came back after being gone for years and years.

Maybe Capcom will hire the guy that made MMxSF. That guy actually knows how to make a proper megaman game, and Capcom liked it enough that they offered to host it, it's still available to download free off their site.


The PS2 was complex and it succeeded. They doubled down on it for PS3. And Sony insisted it had to have a BR player. It ended up being 599 US Dollars at laucnh.
If husbands would do their jobs and beat their wives we wouldn't have to deal with batshit feminists suing innocent game companies from Japan. It's their fault 3/4 of /v/ wants to be trannies or traps
>599 dollars

man, that was insanely expensive for just a console. a little over half a grand to play games like riiiiidge raacer

Twice the cost of PS2 and PS1. That's why it failed at first and didn't pick up steam until they cut the price to something reasonable.
>Strider came back after being gone for years and years.
Plus they supervised the resulting game, so that Double Helix wouldn't screw it up. Although they probably saw what happened with Front Mission Evolved.
Oh wow
>I own all the problems, it really is my fault because I tried to do something that capcom with all their many competent developers knew it was retarded
How much ego does someone like that have to try something like this and not think for a moment how much it will fail

Nope, teh ywere for MN9 too, especially since its one of the first games to be released on it
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>This was supposed to be a big chance for a Megaman-ish game/franchise, and they fucking blew it.
Nope, no matter how much people try to ignore, pic related seems worthy enough of continuing this kind of game, they didn't ask for your money to make, they made on their own time and are already going to release a sequel, the only thing Inafune managed to fuck up was his career, after this, he and Comcept will never get hired or be trusted again
>>I own all the problems, it really is my fault because I tried to do something that capcom with all their many competent developers knew it was retarded
>How much ego does someone like that have to try something like this and not think for a moment how much it will fail

He got greedy and too ambitious. He saw that the MM fandom was a nice cash cow, and saw that Capcom was ignoring them. So he wanted in on that action. To maximize profits he went for every god damn console around.

Notice that there's still no word when the 3DS or Vita ports are coming out. If ever.
Did they ever fix the PC port of Gunvolt?
My brother got a PS3, but this was many moons after the launch date, and he only did so because of the Blu-Ray player functionality. To this day I don't think we ever bought more than a half-dozen games for it (most were lent from a friend of his).

I'm sure they were selling the console at a deep deficit even at the time, like how MS's strategy was to lose money on the console and make it back with exclusive titles. Problem was, MS didn't make back their money on the original X-Box (read: break even) until just before the 360 came out, and I'm pretty damn sure the 360 followed the same pattern. Meanwhile, Nintendo launched the Wii and printed money with a gimmick console that most casuals just bought and played a handful of games for before shelving it.
mighty no. thanks.
When the PS3 was released it was the cheapest BD player on the market.

Sony sold the PS3 at a loss even at 599.
Not all investments are alike. Yes I laugh at all the idiots who backed this project and all the other failed KS trash.

Next time try your luck at the Chinese stock markets buying junk bonds.
I got the steam version because I'm not retarded. The game was merely okay, nothing horrible. But then I got to the final boss.

Yeah, fuck that.

Who cares if all investments aren't alike? That wasn't the original point - was that from a creator point of view the two options are alike in that you have to beg someone for money in both cases, with the rider added at some point that Kickstarter backers are taking a chance just like investors do. Which is true regardless of whether all investments are similar or not and regardless of your personal disdain for one of them.
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>"Well, it's better than nothing."
Is that his excuse to justify the lack of MML3?
To be honest, wouldn't mind them hiring Wayforward to do any of their old platformers again

Darkwing Duck maybe. No wait

Street Fighter 2010, with Double Dragon Neon visual style
It's pretty decent now. Full control customisation (even keyboard), you only have to have the dual screens in between stage intermissions which is fine cus it's only like a VN interface anyway, also the new translation is selectable. They added a whole ton of other modes too I've not even tried.

Good game overall. Gunvolt really is the Zero/ZX successor to MN9's (failed attempt at) classic series. Inticreates don't tend to make bad games.
That a shitty community manager and one poorly chosen line in a trailer can sink your whole project.

The worst part about this whole fiasco is that it's going to negatively affect Kickstarter as a whole and maybe even keep good projects that would get fulfilled from being funded.
>That a shitty community manager and one poorly chosen line in a trailer can sink your whole project.

If the game was great, these would be blips on the road that no one would notice. They were symptoms of a greater problem. It seems no care was put into who would be the CM, so they just went with one of the artists. They didn't work with Deep Silver to okay the trailer they were making.

>The worst part about this whole fiasco is that it's going to negatively affect Kickstarter as a whole and maybe even keep good projects that would get fulfilled from being funded.

No, this is a GOOD thing. It means people will be more critical of Crowd funding and seeing how it could all go wrong. People were warning people 3 years ago that Inafune was just a producer and illustrator, and had never directed a game ever. At best, an "ideas guy" who can draw. He never made Mega Man or was its "creator" as some mistakenly believed. That belief was a key reason why it got 4 million.

Inafune and others have been exposed as the bozos they are. This is GOOD.

Shovel Knight can show that Crowd funding can result in nice games. It means people will look closer at people's credits rather than just "hey, I was associated tangentially to this game you love, but never did any of the key work that made it a fun game. Give me millions".
>If the game was great, these would be blips on the road that no one would notice. They were symptoms of a greater problem.

Nigga what are you even trying to say here

If this was a 10/10 game no one would remember the problems with the Community manager or Deep Silver's shitty trailer.

But the game has been plagued by problems from the beginning and the end result is a mediocre 5/10 mess. It's just not a good game. And it has massive technical problems, including frame drops, and crashing the WiiU version. They gave out wrong codes as well. This release has been a disaster.
>If this was a 10/10 game no one would remember the problems with the Community manager or Deep Silver's shitty trailer.

I could guarantee you it'd get shit up for those exact reasons and a few more regardless of its actual quality.

It's all a bunch of narrative-manipulation bull perpetuated by people who want to feel justified in their zero-day impressions of a given work.

Nigga, the game is shit. There's nothing it brings to the table. Everything is outshone by better games. Hell, Mega Man 1, a game from 1987 by devs making their first game is WAY better than MN9. There's no excuse for it being this bad. And Shovel Knight is another kickstarter game from a new studio that blows it away.

MN9 fits right in with the later utterly forgettable bland or terrible X series games.
Better yet, the Magical Quest trilogy (especially 3, since it only got a GBA release in the West).

Probably the only thing it'll be known for is having credits that last 4 hours.

It's gonna be Inafune's Daikatana. His reputation is shot. Red Ashe has to be a god damn amazing game for him to recover. And that looks like another slow burning disaster in the making.
To set realistic targets?
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To be fair, Kamiya is an arsewipe.

You can be right all you want but if you are an arsewipe about it you'll forever be doomed to be unable to stop anything.

Or to put it another way, nobody likes the Cavalier.
X8 was good though
Let's not forget Recore (although Armature's track record is sketchy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armature_Studio).
But everyone loves Kamiya
I can't fathom why they had a separate name entry for every single "generous backer." They should have just listed the names of people who wanted to be credited with a "And thanks to all our anonymous backers/supporters" at the end.
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I don't get it
Indivisible is looking pretty slick too.
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