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Just accept that no other mecha, let alone mobile suit, even

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Just accept that no other mecha, let alone mobile suit, even comes close to the RX-93
But I already did.

I would certainly hope not. Nu Gundam is the epitome of bland.
Found the Strike Freedom/EX-S fag.
What about hi-nu?
Honestly, I don't like the funnels on the Nu.
They're half the size of the mobile suit.
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So it's underage assholes like you that would prefer this monstrosity to the simple ass-kicking authority of regular Nu.
Yea, the Nu's look is really improved by taking off the Fin Funnels. They're pretty obviously just slapped on there.
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True best Gundam.
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Those are also shit. Nu Gundam fags truly have no standards.
Any Nu is fine with me. Probably my favorite design.
>What is Turn A?
>boxy shit
In what sense? If we're talking power, I don't even need to leave the continuity to find one that outdoes it
>muh fanfic tier bullcrap
Does the fact that its canon make you rage? That's its firmly establishes animated canon? Hmm? That its never ever ever ever going to go away, its always going to hang over you like a spectre, always always always being a stronger machine than Nu? Hmm? Does it make you rage?
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I can't sleep at night.
Nu Gundam could defeat Ideon
Last I remembered Amuro didn't have Soul in Alpha 3, and Ideon had Prevail and Strike.
No, Mega Zeta could defeat Ideon.

>Nu gundam pushed Axis away from Earth
>Unicorn only blocked a half of the colony laser beam, probably at reduced power because they were just trying to scrape Magallanica off Inudstiral 7

Unicorn doesn't even come close
Unicorn is better since it's the Nu's son.
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>fanfic tier bullcrap

you seem a little upset.

It didn't though. At least, not on its own. Even discounting all the other suits there briefly, the major cause of it was the Nu and Sazabi's psycoframe's resonating. Nu couldn't have done it on its own even according to one of the two people at the epicentre in the film itself.
But anon, I'm already a Nufag to the bone
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Even if it wasn't that strong, I preferred the RX-178 aesthetically.
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Hi-nu in Nu colours is the true masterrace IMO.
But normal Nu is also fantastic.
Valzacard can defeat Ideon
Same here but they're very, very close to me. I think Victory beats them out though.
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Nu in rollout colors is superior.
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>best Nu variant
>not Shina Nu
Way to have shit taste.
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Hell no.
You can't fool me that's just Shinanju with a buster rifle.
The Mk. II is the choice of patricians but I wouldn't expect any of you to understand
>doesn't recognize the Sinanju Stein's High beam Rifle
>doesn't realize it's a refined version of the Nu HWS's rifle.
It's just a Sinanju Stein recolored with a new Gundam head.
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Praise SU-Cord for the newest and truest best mobile suit.
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>standard Victory
>not 2nd Victory
>not Victory Hexa
>not even V2
Shit taste.
Victory I is fine. It doesn't need your shitty greebles and gimmicks.
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>V2 being better than Victory
I consider Hexa and Victory to be the same thing and 2nd V depends on how much extra stuff you like on your MS but don't you dare diss vanilla Victory like that, I'll fuck you right up.
It already has shitty greebles and gimmicks though.
Yea Victory is really about on par with V2, probably a bit cooler, but exaggeration means I can talk shit about people's taste over the internet more.

greebles are the core of /m/ my man

That chest vent always triggers me. It's literally shoved in there because it had to look like a gundam
>It already has shitty greebles and gimmicks though.
Fucking no. Compared to mobile suits that came before and after, it's smooth as an ipod.
But fin funnel is a pretty shitty weapon, senpai

>Way bigger than regular funnel, so it's easier to get shot down
>Can only carry 6, MSV doesn't count
>Its only unique feature is generating a weak ass beam barrier
>Can't be recharged like Qb or Kshatriya's
>Doesn't score any fucking kill in the movie unlike Gyunei
This. V2 is absolute shit.
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Not even close. And you can talk shit on shit taste but talking shit on Victory just makes you look dumb.

That's outright false.
But that's just Impulse's retarded brother

mechanical surface doodads aren't in your animes because studios are cheap. Look at manga and models and you will see the truth. even your pic has notches on the vfin thing? Why omg so necessary!
>when >>14240308 exists
Well that's going a little far. It's alright, but not nearly on the same level as Victory.

Greeble isn't the same as detail.

kill yourself my man
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>Not liking the blingiest gundam

Haters gonna hate
It's the wing-shields, man, I just don't get what they do.
>Minovsky Craft
>Core Fighter
>Top and Bottom Fighter modes
The only reason its not more of a gimmicky piece of shit than the ZZ is because it actually works.
theyre wings you tasteless bitch
Wings for what? They don't appear to be loaded with thrusters... I guess they might produce I-fields but do you need two of them? Why aren't they more wing-y? Why are they basically repurposed shields? Why can't they be more bespoke and actually look like wings? Banshee got unique equipment.
such a simple and elegant design, it doesn't need fancy wings or boosters or giant mega particle cannons, just good ol beam rifle and funnels.
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the shields are thrusters and they double as guns. plus if a newtype flies the thing they'll be thruster/gun funnels.
Interesting, im going to attempt to make this in Gundam Breaker 3
asymmetric gundams are best gundams.

for example, exia repair.

any other opinion is false.
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moar liek Dork Gundam
Did...did you actually think that looked cool? I mean, I actually like G Gundam, but even I won't try to defend the looks of the Devil Gundam.
Liking Exia Repair is suffering. It only it hadn't jobbed so unbelievably hard during its only outing, maybe it'd be more popular.
You're absolutely correct and a man of the finest taste

but a Nu is fine too
I love the Unicorn but I can't stand this thing.
Perfect form is better, but it's my favorite in all of its iterations.
I thought OP was talking about the suits strengths, though, not how it looks.
I don't like how most regular gundams look anyways though.
TerminExia is best (S)Exia.

R2 is a close second.
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kill yourself
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Well to be fair it was at a huge disadvantage both technological and physical. It's amazing to think about how Setsuna managed to even keep it working on his own for 5 years.

>You will never watch/read a side story about Setsuna and Exia's 5 year honeymoon
You'll never see how he managed it because he couldn't have, it was a retarded asspull.
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Did you say something bitch?
Can Nu Gundam kill servants?

Could Shiki kill Ideon?
I prefer nu in Hi-nu colors actually.

My mom likes this a lot.
Really? She's never told me.
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I guess she was never that close to you in the first place.
She said what we had was special ;_;
Why does it keep getting bigger? And the Evolve version is hideous.
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2nd Victory has better A E S T H E T I C S
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Needs more funnels
But they are all three excellent designs. Throw in the GP03 stamen and we have a party.
We would be friends in real life.
6/10 salvageable taste, it's not great but at least it isn't total shit.
Why are it's V-fins so fucking obnoxious!!? Why is every unicorn model so fucking obnoxious!! The design is overcrowded, and there really isn't any debate to be had here. It simply is too overcrowded. Pointless panel lines and flaps make the unicorn and every one of its spin offs/varients absolutely DISGUSTING to look at.
Which design do you like, anon?
He won't answer..
100% true
This nigga knows what's up. Blue and white is the superior mecha color scheme.
Tbh as a kid playing that ps1 gundam fighting game I legit thought some of the units looked like that
's gud.
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Other Gundams just can't compare.
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Devil was badass.
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Some OC straight from my DA page.

Who here /earthengine/?
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Objection, the G Self is not only cool looking, it's also moé!
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Needs Nu Gundam's blocky shoulders, then it'd be perfect.
>Doesn't score any fucking kill in the movie
Well it killed the Sazabi funnels at least.
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Nu Gundam sucks. Not even as good as the original Gungun.
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Probably my favorite Nu pic.
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Obari as fuck.

Donald Trump!? Oh shit, when did he get a gundam?

The worst part is that Unicorn itself is pure sex until the NT-D activates.

Easily the comfiest gundam ever.

Love conquers all, asshole. It's like when a mom lifts a car to save her baby.

God, that's hideous and laughable.
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You're a monster, by the way
>Obari shit

Pick one and just one
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SON. Albion a sex as well.
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Set fin funnels to max
You know. I really, really want to see this but with him slightly above the centre of the circle, as though they were his Glory. Probably have to upsize the kit, or downsize the funnels though to make it look better.
Nu Gundam with Cross Gate Paradigm System.
Imagine what Amuro would have done if he have that enough funnel during the Axis drop

Could probably snipe every Neo-Zeon pilot and the ship from far away
Can anyone tell me if mobile suits in general are capable of Beyond Visual Range combat? Or is that capability neutered in favor of rule of cool?
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I know anon
Minovsky Particles made it difficult for targeting systems, IIRC. That's why they often had to get close and personal with their beam sabers.
Forgot to add, that is why bits/funnels are useful for long range attacks
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Gundams without face vents are a true patrician's choice
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This thing ages like wine. The more I look at it, the more I like it.

Kind of funny because I thought it was hideous initially.
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Some are, like the Gengaozo and Zanneck, capable of orbit-to-ground attacks

But the closer you get, Minovsky shit starts to fuck up your sensors, so almost all engagements are at extreme close range

Hence the importance of beam rifles being able to firefast
Aren't they making a RE/100 of this thing?
>Some are, like the Gengaozo and Zanneck, capable of orbit-to-ground attacks
Those only worked because of Newtype sensing though.

Can't the G-Self use some guns/missiles beyond visual range regardless of Minovsky particle interference using something or other? I can't even remember what kind of guidance it used.
I wish
Exia is the best mobile suit in existence. Prove me wrong.

Ok maybe the rx78 or nu gundam is better.
Photon eye sensor on the assault pack.
Personally I love the Nu because it recognized the need to go back to basics.

While all the Zeta and ZZ suits were nice and experimental, later era suits just started to become really impractical. (The ZZ itself being WAY to bulky and power hungry for its own good.)

I really liked the return to basics of the CCA era onward. It recognized the core elements of mobile suit combat and that even gundam tier suits didn't need all the bells and whistles (aka transformation gimmicks)

To be fair, the Nu had it's own gimmicks in the form of a psycoframe and funnels. Both of which are short lived, and one of which never appeared on another suit again for 26 years our time and thousand of years their time. Everyone else thought them more trouble than they were worth by the looks of things.
Not better than Victory for sure.
True, I guess I refer more to transformation gimmicks.

I see the psycoframe and funnels as just logical extensions of already base systems. (The funnels in case of newtype pilots)
fucking everything
But weren't both used 3 years later?
What dis?
Unicorn made a huge deal about the psycoframe but since that's when Zeon was destroyed for good, there was not any need to develop MS technology for a long time. They even forgot all about the newtype theory decades later since everyone thought it meant "a naturally competent pilot" over the years and the term fell out of disuse due to the lack of demand for pilots and innovative technology.
*fell out of use
*fell into disuse
Fuck me.

I agree with your overall point that the Nu kind of simplified the Gundam trend prevalent to that point, just pointing out that it's possible to view it in a different light.


> Unicorn

I said only one didn't appear on a suit while the other was short lived. Congratulations on identifying which one was short lived I guess.

> Funnels.

I should have said Gundam. Even then I meant only UC ones, since Strike Freedom and AGE-FX use them too.
Y'all 2 my niggas
Hi-Streamer ν, codenamed as such because it looks like a stream of shit that just came out of a meth addict. I still can't tell whether it's a meme or if people actually enjoy it.
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I never realized that how big that thing is.
For some reason, the two v fins on the Nu Gundam's head made it look way cooler than the Hi-v to me.
Going full-red is best route for Burning, but Shining is the best G Gundam.
>nigger you don't UNDERSTAND
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posting my Nu, I'm really happy with how it turned out

Under-Rated Post.
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Bow down to the most superior mobile suit of all time!
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I-I don't need to justify myself to you...
that's strapping a lot of stuff to a single robot
hi nu kicks ass suck a chode fuck face
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>what's that domon? your wings make a circle?
>that's cute
It's just the fin funnels, booster, and fuel tanks. Compared to many other designs such as the Penelope, Perfect Strike, FA Unicorn, Banshee Norn, Ex-S, etc. etc., it's not really an especially significant amount.
Ah, then we have nothing to quarrel about. Move on, dashing gentleman!
Banshee Norn only has one edgy Shield, one beam rifle, and one edgy backpack

Ex-S is just a fatass. It really only has a rifle and a huge backpack

FA Unicorn and perfect strike is a perfect example of over-equipping an MS, though. Also, Thunderbolt Units
I find Nu very plain besides the fin funnels.
Even as far as more military looking take on the RX-78-2 go, i think I prefer the MK II and Ground Gundam.
>no other mecha


Hope white glint don't hear you saying that shit
The only punishment White Glint could give the Nu is some design tips.
>only punishment
>not also spanking nu's naughty mecha ass with beam blade while blitzing around the battlefield mocking that nu's are never be this fast and fabulous

You're too kind, anon-kun
No matter what suit you have it all comes down to who you face in battle.
>implying WG could deal with fin funnel barrier bondage while taking a giant beam saber from the rear with beam dagger in the other hole and then leaving it in Shock
Highly doubtful
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The RX-94 is superior.
>Impliying WG can't wreck them with ease with assault armor
>Impliying fin funnel could ever hit WG moving at match 1 sidestepping
>Impliying Nu's can ever reach WG in CC without getting spanked first
>Impliying Beam Gun can penetrate Primal Armor

Ha m8

Do you even know what WG capable of?
Or even NEXT's and Lynx in general?

We talking about mecha that tear down a fucking battle fortress the size of small town and have weaponry that will put Wings to shame.
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This, to the max. It's such a sleek and athletic design, along with having the benefit of being so unique when it comes to design motif.
Its look like spaniard version freddy mercury in 80s disco outfit to me
UC would be 100% better if the RX-94 was Riddhe's ride instead of edgy Unicorn.
No other suit has that much backstory built into its design. Closest thing to an X1 that has ever been animated, PLUS that much battle damage? Taking down 5-year newer suits? It's always disappointing that people who complain about how OP gundams are and grunt suit fans don't like R1.

Reborn Cannon > Ideon
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