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Garo Thread: Leo Edition

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Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 102

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>Download Links
>Figuarts/Makai Kadou + HnK Boxset Links
>Watch order for series
>Garo: Divine Flame PVs
>Biku Movie Trailer
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The summoning of Garo.webm
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I've seen a lot of people say they want Kouga to return as the main protagonist, and while I appreciate the sentiment I wouldn't want that one bit. Kouga's saga/storyline is pretty much perfect as it is, and I wouldn't want to them to make it worse by trying to add on to it
They've already made it worse by having something that major happen without doing anything to resolve it.
I agree with you in that his story is pretty much over, but they need to resolve the "story line" they opened for him in Makai no Hana. Not doing so would be a disservice to the character and to the fans.
Fair enough
Divine Blade will be included on JAM Project's new album that releases June 29
Nawabari from that album is pretty sick
Is that Hong Kong?
Rodo is sexy as fuck
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Flash Knight Rodo.webm
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Leo has improved a lot since Makai Senki
Now I look at it
It doesn't have any makai words written on the armor
Konishi pls.
You know you have to return, so, do it now.
He'll probably show up in Raiga's movie.
>Raiga and pals open up a portal to rescue Kouga, Kaoru and Rei
>They haven't aged much because the flow of time was distorted or some shit
>After a heartfelt reunion they all team up to whoop some ass and get back to the real world. The end.

Now is it supposed to be Lord or Rodo? Apparently the way it's spelled makes both technically correct.
Garo and Zero are the only armors we know that have them anyway.
The only "official" spelling that I know would be "Roudo" from Makai Kadou's box.
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>that version of the first ending where Kouga, Kaoru, and Rei sing it

It has a certain special quality that an ending theme hasn't managed to capture since.

I wouldn't mind if a Retsuden featured Giru. That armor's pretty neat for only being seen a couple of times.
Why did the Makai Kado line give red eyes to armors that didn't have them? It's extra weird with Zen since he's already got loads of red.
I actually really like Howlite that Divine Flame is using, more than any of the other anime EDs except for maybe Chiastolite
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The way the light bounces off the suit is glorious. Especially for areas with lots of etched lines.

I like Sho, but (and I don't know if this is just me), the way the helmet and body look like they have different shine levels bothers me a bit.
>the way the helmet and body look like they have different shine levels bothers me a bit.

It's the one thing that makes me dislike it, and I say this even when I believe that Sho is an excellent design.
Can somebody explain what Yaiba is exactly? I thought women couldn't become Knights?
A knight who has the ability can gender change when not using his armor.
He is waaaaay better at this than he used to be, I'm proud of him
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which is odd because the grip of the sword is also the handle of the brush
Episode 5 was probably the only full episode I really enjoyed so far of Retsuden.

Wataru's half episode was cool and all but Episode 5 really captured the spirit of Garo again without even having to be high budget.

I really hope Yuna gets her own armor eventually because she was near useless in Black Blood, but she's probably become my favorite potential female protagonist as of this episode because there wasn't any derpy fanservice.
Only knight whose figure weapon looks worse than the tv show one.
This is like the second time I read people implying they implied Yuna could eventually get to summon an armor. It really wasn't like that. She even told Leo that she was a "half-assed knight knock-off" or something along those lines to which he answered that "The armor isn't what's important, but the knight's pride" (words from Kouga). That pretty much serves to validate the fact that she doesn't need an armor to get shit done, and so she doesn't have to feel bad for not being able to summon it.

>I really hope Yuna gets her own armor eventually

According to the established rules of the Garo universe, she won't. Ever. Women can not become Makai Knights. Yuna has to jump through hoops just to even lift that sword for a few minutes.
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Giru gets no love.
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Established rules of a setting were made to be broken
Nasu didn't break his own rules, he just added on, retcon, or uses different rules.
muh diversity
When's his Retsudan? I totally love him just from his title. "Heretic Bone Knight" Fucking awesome.
>but Episode 5 really captured the spirit of Garo again
Are you saying we're back to more plotlines about reviving legendary super Horrors?
So, to recap...

Enuma Elish destroys worlds

Excalibur is equal to Enuma Elish

Solomon's Ars Almadel Salomonis is billions of times more powerful than Excalibur and Solomon himself transcends spacetime and has the power to destroy history itself

Solomon is one of seven grand servants, and being the grand caster is probably the weakest or second weakest

Together, the seven grand servants are strong enough to stand up to... Arcueid's sister's pet dog

What gives?
I still like the Zinga/Amiri one just a bit more but this was great. Maybe I'm too generous but the only episode I haven't liked so far was the Rian one
Sho's helmet is far more extravagantly designed creating more pockets for shadows to be created. That ornate detail makes it appear dull in spots versus the shin whereas the rest of the armor has a more solid, smooth plate look to it catching more light and reflecting it.

You can see the effect more closely on parts of the arm where it becomes more ornate.
>Leon has been raising Roberto with Ximena
>Roberto probably sees him as a father figure
My heart
>there wasn't any derpy fanservice
>the director spent several minutes focusing on Riria's legs

You can't really expect Amemiya to break his women-in-armor phobia. The guy loves the female body so much to put those curves under a bulky armor.
Does anybody else not really give a shit about the pervy camera? its slightly distracting, but nothing worth getting worked up over
What about partial armor? Like maybe just boots, a gauntlet, and a chest plate on top of a weird Makai Priest skirt?

That's because Rian is boring as fuck. Even Mayuri has more personality than her.
Mayuri a cute

I think Biku gets... something in her movie. It's not Makai Knight armor, more like some extravagant magical girl deal.
I don't think it's supposed to be resolved. It was just a way of passing the torch and leaving the stage to the next generation without having to kill Kouga or Kaoru.
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It's weird. Actual Giru just has what looks like a big knife. They probably gave him that fan sword (or whatever you call one of those) for the figure because it's more interesting?
Plus, the idea that Kouga is fighting an endless war against monsters in another dimension to save Kaoru is both tragic and METAL AS FUCK
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I'm gonna marry Ryume
And Raiga took his damn sword. What a dick.
Kouga gave him that sword because he doesn't need anything other than his bare hands to rip and tear through the demon beast hordes
As in tradition dying Garo dads pass down his sword to their sons to continue the legacy.

Ryuga and Leon are exceptions (for now).
Rian's episode was pretty nice, I enjoyed it more than the one for Rekka.
All that perfection in a pocket sized package.
People are excited for Divine Flame
But Kouga wasn't dying.
Angle of that shot makes the sword look much smaller than it really is.
Fuck Momoko looks gigantic, how tall is she even?
>Crow with Zero
It's out
Yuna and Cain play off each other pretty well
>Cain tries to suggest that he and Yuna could have a kid to pass down Claude's armour
>Yuna immediately cuts him off to talk about Leo
Not bad Leo, not bad at all
>not even a couple
>hey let's fuck
Real smooth
It started weak but last episode and this one were very cute and enjoyable.
Yuna fights just like I expected Leo to do, with both the sword and the brush. I hope they give her some kind of combat suit not made of crystallized Horrors.

Who's this guy?
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This works just fine.
>Who's this guy?
You don't remember him from Makai no Hana?
I want a Ryume episode where she struggles to take things off of a high shelf.
Wouldn't she just magic them down?
I want an episode when she call someone, that person can't see her anywhere because of her height, and her reation after that...
Ah, that guy. I didn't remember the shape of the armor. His fighting style was cool, I wish we had seen more of him.

>Hey Yuna, stand in front of that light so we can put some lightbeams around you, will you?... Perfect.
This is starting to sound like the Symphogear general.
I've never known for sure if the thing about women being unable to become makai knights is something social, (the makai organization is very old and rooted in the way of the warrior, that used to be always men) or there's an actual physical limit that makes imposible for them to wield the armor.

Is this explained in a data book or somethin?
It's something about women having more yin energy than men or something and the armor actually physically burns them when they come into contact with it. There is an example in HnK when Octavia grabs onto one of the knights armor near the end to stop them and her starts burning and even giving off smoke.
her skin*
I'm not if sure if that tekki is running wild without his master or Leo found it and let it loose just to rest yuna?
If I remember correctly, everyone who touches the armor, men or women, would suffer the same. Kouga explains that to Kaoru on the first season without mentioning any particular genre.
Were Yuna & Cain this over-emotional back in Black Blood? Fun episode overall though.

Pretty much the Wataru of MnH. Old man knight who gets brainwashed (or something along those lines) into helping the antagonist.

Has the potential for a cool Retsuden story but the actor for this character is pretty prolific by toku standards, might not be too likely
Full version is out now too its super different from most Jam Project stuff I kinda love it
Physically unable. I have never read any clear explanation (that yin thing is just fan speculation), but Zaruba says so in the book Youseki no Wana. Plus, the way they phrase it in Japanese even in the live action sort of implies a natural impediment rather than a made-up restriction.
I forgot how much I liked Yuna. I want more of her now.
That's what I think because of the "I can wield a makai sword because I have my dad's bone", but sometimes the debate is more on the moral side. With Rekka, for example, is like she could be a Makai Knight but they don't let her.
Which is why there is another statement made early in books.
Makai knights are well trained enough to deal with horrors without their armors. They will only require it in "special situations".
That's only how you took it at the moment, but they really didn't imply that. Since the moment they mentioned women can't be knights they meant that they simply aren't naturally able to.
So did Yuna and Cain fuck or not

The song gives me vibes of Honoo's "Focus".

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>those fucking boar tusks
>bird motif forced onto what is supposed to be a wolf-themed armor
Zen is the worst armor ever.
>bird motif

Obviously not. That nigga is uncle-zoned.

No armor so far is bad, but Zen is definitely the least good.
It's a little similar to the ancient drawing from Hagane no Houkou. I can see a head, legs and a right arm holding a sword, but I don't get what's going on with the left arm (ro lack thereof) in either of them.
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>No armor so far is bad
Not even these?
Hey, if I can get an armor like that just for being a grunt knight, I'd give my left nut
i wonder how one acquires more unique armor.
also does a title come with a unique armor or do you have it always as a knight?
are there a limited number of unique armors just passed down though the ages or can a grunt knight acquire a new set?
>i wonder how one acquires more unique armor.
by being a main character and not background filling, duh
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Considering we never see anybody make or acquire a totally brand new armor, I assume it's not something that happens often.

A sheep dressed as a wolf is like some twisted metaphor.
I don't know what's worse, the bad acting or the CGI.
Fuck off
that's the best armor
They should release toys of these.They must be cheap to produce and the mold can be reused three times. Imagine the army-building posibilities.
Where's this?
1080 Kiba Gaiden and the making of
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This should make a nice wallpaper
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Who's next

(Crow's actor filmed something earlier)
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Its nice that people are talking about Garo again, these threads were fucking dead during Guren no Tsuki
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Damn it Char. I get it. I understand. The gold paint is anti-beam coating

They did both endings.


Which Garo should I watch if I'm new to the series and I want something good?
The first one
Is that fucking Shawn the Sheep dressed as Garo? That's awesome.
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Hands down to people who recognized that....

Oh course it's p-bandai. Of fucking course.
Price is surprisingly low, I was expecting it to be around 10kyen or something. I might pass on it though, I was expecting to grab him and Seimei but the latter is so fucking expensive to be a goddamn prize figure.
Everything is web exclusive now m8, that's how those fags roll.
10k yen would be a little ridiculous, considering that Leon is under 7k.
Still mad that he doesn't have a katana though
>prize figure
I get the feeling you have a wrong idea on your head. Little static figure =/= prize figure (not necessarily at least).
Nope, have you seen a figuarts Zero in person? I was going to pick up the Frozen ones as a gift but turned 360° and walked away from the store because they have pretty much the same quality of a $15 prize figure yet Bandai charges full price for them. I assume Seimei is going to cost around $80 if you get it via middleman, or $99 if you get it from one of the few retailers that's going to carry her.
If you turn 360 degrees you end up as if you didn't turn at all.
S.H.Figuarts Zero are hit or miss. Sometimes it looks like they have teams of very different skills working on them. Some of the early ones are specially awful (Kuroko no Basuke line, Tiger & Bunny line), and some of the more recent are also below average in quality like the Frozen one. But some are also really cool looking, like their later Dragon Ball ones. If Seimei ends up looking anything like the protoype, she would be worth its price. By the way, you don't need to guess its cost, NY has the preorders open for her and if you chose Registered SAL shipping it would cost you around $65.

>Women can not become Makai Knights.

It's not like they could not, but they'd basically turn every time eventually rather than occasionally like the male knights do. It'd be a waste of talent.
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Nice to see they got something like this shot in there
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I need it
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>Leon giving Roberto a piggyback ride
My heart
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Would you buy a pair?
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Looks pretty spooky
More Bikuu clones can solve the problem.
She is officially dubbed as the strongest by Amemiya at the moment.
It'd be nice if her movie backs up that claim
>Ema using a Makai Gatling Gun
You're just making things up and saying them as if they were a fact.

I wonder what they consider "secret" taking into account all the information about the movie that they released by official means. Makes me hyped as fuck.

>mini Zarubas on the laces

Well that's pretty tempting.
90% of the sets for this show are pretty much the same.
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>Games Glorious
>google search for the brand
>enter JP site
>their male model is Ray
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Now whats all this about
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Doji-chan in Retsuden.
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My sides

I remember the looks but nothing about her.

Wait, was that the show about the NEET getting the harem of bitches from a magic bra or something?
Are they any good? Have you bought from them before? /a/ usually shits on them, that's why I said around $80 because of middleman fees and EMS.
Forgot to mention I was also genuflecting on my way out.
Yes and no
>Have you bought from them before?

I've been used them to get all the Makai Kado figures since Tokyo Hunter closed. If memory serves me right, I think that would be since Bado. Never had any problem.
That flesh I want to fuck her.
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Yin = darkness, earth, and is associated with femininity

Yang = light, air and is associated with masculinity

It's just the general motif carried over into actual world-building. Garo has a lot of female characters who are complete badasses who don't need to be knights.
If it was in the "actual world-building" then there must be somewhere that it's implied in the franchise rather than "well, that's how it is in other sources.
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The 2005 suit was really fancy-looking in a way the other versions of normal Garo weren't.
What did she mean by this?

Also this is after Garo Zero right? Where the dicks did that healing song come from? I completely forget her having such a hax skill
The song was something her mother always used on Ring, and she can use it too. I guess it's effects are the same for both humans and horrors
It was also incredibly heavy compared to other suits, at least according to the suit actor
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This DeepArt thing is pretty neat.
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This could be seen two ways
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Is there any chance we will have a Taiga's episode in this Retsuden?
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It's a pose Rei did when he was explaining his views on working with strange people before accepting to hear what Yuna and Cain had to say regarding Ring. The pose leave an impression on her, so she used it to refer to Rei. At that moment it even plays Savior in the Dark in the background and they also used that part as the last image in the ending. As a side note, both OT and TVN weren't able to grasp totally what Rei was saying. In japanese he says "ore wa ima made... koitsura to yattekita." The wrong part is that "koitsura" is plural, so in this case it should mean "them" instead of "her". Both groups probably were really confused by this, seeing as how he was showing Silva only. I was also confused myself as first, so I did a google search for the line, and the Japanese had some other ways to see it that didn't convince me either, like thinking he was talking about Kouga and the gang because of the BGM. After giving it some thought, specially thinking about how they show the pose at the end of the ending, I came to realize that he is showing not only Silva on his globe but also Shizuka on his back, so by "them" he meant those two.

Iyu previously used to sing the song to heal Claude during his fights and Yuna from the wounds she used to get during training before being abducted by Ring. Also, at the end of the fight between Rei, Yuna and Cain against Ring in the amusement park, they all were left unconscious and because of their bad injuries, but Yuna started singing the song instinctively. Later, Silva comments that the three were saved by Yuna's song, which helped healing them incredibly faster.
How about Elda what happen to her after Kiba.
So yuna's episode take place after zero.
Yuna and Cain's reintroduction of Yuna having daddy's sword is pretty odd.
>I guess that was to make the episode the bare minimum understandable/enjoyable for people who didn't watch ZERO.
Don't know how that green text mark got in there.
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Considering Leo's line sounded like they have a mutual acquaintance, it has to be. Unless this is hinting that somebody else from Kouga's era met Yuna even earlier.
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I thought she was going to use a firey sword attack here.
Why making unnecessary speculations? If you read the post that anon was replying to, it's more than confirmed this happened after Black Blood. They were talking about Rei.
Or Cain is too drunk to remember.

Seriously, the only possible way you could consider this as anything other than her referring to Rei you must have never watched Black Blood. It was pretty fucking obvious this took place after that.
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I wonder what the secret one is
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So obvious
My money is on a new form for Garo.
>Lara fags still delusional
>lara's VA recorded for the movie a couple of months ago
So who's the character of the week?
Shit I actually didn't know that
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>What Leon wants
>What Leon has to be
>What Leon has to be so other people can be what he wants to be

ftfy ;_;
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German gets the cover of the second Funi release pretty sure they're just using the first two Jap bluray covers. Which is a shame because the last one looked fucking rad
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and on a side note, the page for it on the website is completely fucked for me
We Biku now
Biku too strong
Next episode 「転校生」 (Transfer Student)
Jakuzure/Zen? He's young and he moves to a different city at the end of YnT
Many (include the comic artist) thinks it's Crow going to a female highschool
Many things it's Hiroki from Yamitera episode 10
Some thinks it's Daigo got a new student
Where's the Dan episode
Where's the Gonza episode
Where's the Taiga episode
Wait it's a biku episode?
for promoting bikuu's movie
I'd be fine with a Dan & Jabi shared episode, they live in the same village or some shit right

also a Gonza & Taiga shared episode would be cool
If it helps, we're almost out of Makai Priestessess. Apparently Jabi's actress wasn't called for filming on this show.
how many episodes do we have left even?
If the episode count is 13 like people have said, the second half will probably be a lot more focused on Makai Knights
assuming that characters won't get repeat episodes now that I've jinxed it we're getting 3 more Rian episodes that's plenty of time to cover everyone I think
Random street character from Black Blood
Some dead knight from Red Requiem
Part of me kinda wants this
That's sad. She's 2QT.
>Hiroki from Yamitera episode 10
It would be amusing to see him again after he had a bigger role as Ryugen.
Too bad he'll never meet Wataru.
con't >>14228148
Also new organization which hunts Bikuu and/or the others
See today's episode
What was Yukihime's deal anyways? She always spouted nonsense.

>Octavia just running a little lemonade stand deal
>is either asleep or drunk (or both)

I don't get it.

I figured it was just a quirk of the character, plus there was a bit of payoff because somewhere near the end she talks normally
Same actress that played Eiris in MnH
so the dumb-but-fun headcanon is that she's an amnesiac Eiris that D-Ringo found
Garm actually
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Post some of your favourite finishers
Call me a newfag but how can I order one of these? Middlemen?

Well, that makes more sense.

I think I mistook her for Octavia because they both have the straight bangs thing.

>Tusk of Thunder
Trigger of Crisis has a line saying "lightning that cleaves through the darkness", which O-T might have misheard during Yamitera itself.
You forgot the Barago episode.
>Gonza episode
I want another interview like the one from MnH but this time centered on him, a slice of life starring Gonza and only him.

I want to hug Momoko.
So there is new killer organization with priest(ess) as hit man
We got newbie killer #18 who could be Bikuu's new buddy
We got zombie like killing machines
We got some commander killer who got fried by Bikuu
and the organization seems to be big

Garo world is expanding into something completely different now
>Garo now has an equivalent to Shocker
>Emerge, Divine Flame, Trigger of Crisis, Waga na wa Garo, Savior in the Dark live
I need this fucking concert holy shit
Dual-wielding giant paintbrushes?
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What Garo wallpapers are people rocking in this thread?
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what happened to Biku just being someone who weeds out corrupted Makai Knights?
I dunno but its nice to have a villain faction that isn't "some stupid fuckhead is trying to ressurect an ancient horror"
Is it known what said organization's aims are? because if isn't, it probably does have something to do with reviving an ancient horror
Be fair now, sometimes they resurrect one on accident because they didn't think exploiting it while dormant would end up horribly.
That doesn't exclude him from the stupid fuckhead part
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Oh right duh. Have an account there.
Thanks a lot though.
And now i wait
Then how come jinga was able to control Radan?
Zinga was getting it to eat the city anyway, so maybe it didn't have any reason to object.
Ladan is by no means a normal horror, its completely different in abilities and power from anything else we've really seen. Its entire purpose in existence seems to be waiting for its proper master so it can kick things off for real.

Plus, Jinga is a horror himself anyway, so the context is a bit different than most villains
You say promoting the home release? I doubt so. They just wanted a Bikuu episode and they did it.
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It was said she is in the Order's hunting list after the movie due to reasons. This episode is just making things a bit more complicated, and to expand Bikuu's world further.
Akimoto got her 6-packs so she got the job instead of Nakayama.
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Smile Smile
>Akimoto got her 6-packs so she got the job instead of Nakayama
damn, someone needs to get that boy away from the qt chicks he keeps hanging around with already

when is the Biku movie coming out again anyway? Within the next few months?
June 2
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In all fairness I would also plough that all day instead of training
seriously that's not even an excuse
while other cast are still training hard at gyms after the show, nakayama stays home watching anime at spare times
he really deserves nothing even if he has inherited the talent to act from his parents
I've actually been enjoying the though whole thing, even the dud episodes like Mayuri playing around with a fish and Rian bumming at a dud's apartment. That said, this episode was the best. Only thing that would have been better is if they had allowed her to actually summon the armor.
Probably the coolest single image from this entire season so far. Yuna didn't make that much of an impression in Black Blood, but after 5, Yuna solo series when?
Definitely after Black Blood. Leo mentioned that Yuna and Cain were "exactly as he described you two." He, in this instance, can be assumed to be Rei.
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Not sure why people are speculating otherwise, its fairly obviously meant to be Rei
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I wonder what kind of shit Leon and Al have had to deal with during the four years between Honoo no Kokuin and Divine Flame? Leon clearly went through his trial of inner shadows at some point
The only episode I have seen involved some big titty goth girl getting killed by an evil mirror spirit thing.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Goldstorm
Post pics
Don't have any I'm afraid. If it helps I think it took place at some lolita bar.
Sounds like Red Requiem.
Looks like it is. Thanks.
I wonder when they'll announce the soundtrack release for Divine Flame, I need everything that Monaca puts out
Not yet announced just like Sayaka's song for it. Though the Concrete Revolutio The Last Song OST comes out June 29 and that's done by Monaca as well

I wonder if Al's gonna get his own Gaia theme. It seems kind of weird that there was no "Alfonso Gaia Shoukan" in the show.
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Yeah he only ever had "Alfonso Garo Shoukan" kinda odd actually
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Anything interesting in here? Google translate is almost worthless for articles like this
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Red Requiem.
Scouring twitter for movie info. They asked people to refrain from spoilers so there's nothing too juicy.

Everybody says the action and animation are incredible.
One guy said the movie is about 80% action scenes.
There is a new final form. The guy said he thought the story got a bit contrived in the end in order to force it in.
Also the movie starts with an "ero" scene.
Also horses are amazing.
Also said the story feels like a "Kobayashi Kamen Rider" thing.
Sounds about what I expected, looking forward to watching it. I am pretty curious about this "ero" scene
I've also been looking and yeah, that seems to be the general impression. Its being very positively received as far as I can tell
Has anybody ripped the bluray raws from the Funi release for HnK?
buy the fucking stuff to support the sequel in production
I'm going to, but its another 3 fucking weeks before I get paid
>Action and animation are incredible
I guess we know where GnT's budget went then worth it
Oh yeah I don't know if somebody mentioned this before, but Sunghoo Park, director/animation director of ep 18 got a shared credit for direction (enshutsu) with director Hayashi Yuuichirou. So he probably mainly choreographed the action scenes for the movie.
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>Horses are amazing
Well yeah
The other one is named Hayate, I think.
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Is it obsessive to have preferred versions of "standard" Garo?
Nah, I do too. First season suit is GOAT Hana version is also pretty good
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Jesus, the dub seems a lot worse after the first 2 episodes
I don't always expect dub actors to sound 100% like the seiyuu, but they could have picked a deeper sounding dude for Rafael.
His dub voice is pretty bad
>muhkaaai knight
That dub is terrible.
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>mfw German got a blowjob from a Horror and lived

That's... pretty bad.
So you're saying he's basically Garo Jaden Smith?
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