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Happy Birthday Getter Robo (1974 April 4th)

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Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 83

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Happy Birthday Getter Robo
(1974 April 4th)
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>make getter a little girl
>no switching personalities/bodies to match the configurations

I've never been more betrayed in my life
I still like a complete dumbass for taking so long to realize she had the same hairstyle as Michiru.

Anyway it seems like we've got double /m/ birthdays this week with Gundam's being on the 7th
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Happy birthday, Getters sleep tight
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Happy birthday gitter

You'll always be my favorite mecha series
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Nice dubs
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When three hearts become one post
Happy Birthday Getter!
new getter ova when
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I share my birthday with Getter Robo? That's cool.
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Happy birthday, anon!
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What do you know, I'm on episode 39 of Exkaiser today, and fucking Getter-2 shows up.
Makes sense, since there's a lot of Gattai going on in that show. On a related note, Silver Castle got to the scary swole Santa episode, so they should be done soon.
>scary swole Santa
I saw the thumbnail for that episode and I'm kind of afraid.


getter rays evolve stronger dubs/trips
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You could have at least posted an image of a fucking Getter Robo.

Shitty series
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Devolution is terrible.
Let's hope for a new ova at the 50th annivesary, one that isn't shit and isn't directed by Kawagoe or Imagawa.
I'm not sure if there'll even be an OVA market for anything but TV anime and Gundam then.
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>tvtropes keeps going on and on about Ryoma being a sociopath
>finally read Getter Robo
>Ryoma fights for the honor of his father
>Hungry for battle but as a means to improve himself further
>Kills in a life or death situation. When someone he's acquainted with gets possessed by geckos, he refuses to kill them
>Gets embarrassed by being seen naked
>Sometimes cute

Really. Crazy sociopath who's bathshit insane. Really.
most people who edit tvtropes haven't actually read the thing they're editing or have but deform the truth because they think it's cooler that way
He ripped the head off a dog for no reason.
I dunno man I liked the ovas.
It was a wild dog trying to attack him. It was perfectly in line.
fuck dogs
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We need something that demostrates what kind of threat Getter actually poses to the universe. That'd require a director who actually read the source material instead of giving a generic ''good guys win'' bullshit ending. None of the ovas actually made an effort to explain anything concerning Getter rays.
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I really wish for just a straight, no frills bullshit adaptation of the manga.
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Imagawa was on his way to do something cool tho, not his fault he got kicked out of the OVAs for being a lateass
But that's entirely his fault.
>None of the ovas actually made an effort to explain anything concerning Getter rays
Which is a good thing. Getter Rays work best as nebulous bullshit force. That's the whole point of the "cosmic horror" you mangafags are always going on about. You're not supposed to understand it
>you mangafags
Oh great, it's you. Shitpost elsewhere.
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This is the will of Getter
Well he's got a point Lovecraft does the same thing with his cosmic shit
Irrelevant, now fuck off along with your shitposting buddy.
I've seen far too much shitting on the ovas in recent years.

They're not as good as the comics, but fuck it man, they're still one of the funnest adaptations I can think of.

Story and plot isn't everything. I re-watch pieces of the the Getter ovas every month or so, and they still manage to entertain.
>I've seen far too much shitting on the ovas in recent years.

Honestly, all I've seen is people who enjoy the ovas get really defensive. Like, so what if some guy posted that he didn't like the ovas and he wanted a new one directed by someone other than Kawagoe? Why do you have to get defensive about that and make the post I'm replying to?
Fuck off cuck, nobody cares.
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Invincible cosmic warrior, Getter Man!

Does anyone know any non-shady-as-fuck place to download this book?
I'm on the defensive because mangafags are always on the offensive.

And no, I'm not the spic above. I just happen to enjoy both manga and anime. Big fucking deal.

Take your new meme words elsewhere, newfag.
It happens because you've got people like >>14081782 throwing around shit like mangafags as if that actually means anything.
It kind of does, I've seen people talk about the Getter Robo manga as if it's some sort of masterwork of Lovercraftian literature that incorporates aspects of Buddhist philosophy into a sublime, enlightening narrative

The story is mostly just a series of excuses for a giant robot to hit things in various ways.
>sublime, enlightening
Take a tip, take a tip, take a t-t-t-ip from me, getter robo's alright but it ain't no ZZ
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Let's just ignore the shitposter, shall we?

Getter time
>It kind of does
No, it doesn't. Stop pulling shit out your ass.
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Can you blame me when I've seen posts like this?

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But all of that is true and can be backed up by examples. What don't you agree with?
I don't agree with specifically his last point about the manga. That shit is reading way too much into elements that barely mean anything in terms of the actual narrative, which for the most part is, as he puts it "mindless action and hotblood."

And I'm not sure what he's getting at with the OVAs not being logical and consistent either. If we want to take that approach, why not also include the huge differences between the 70s manga and the post 70s manga?
>That shit is reading way too much into elements that barely mean anything in terms of the actual narrative, which for the most part is, as he puts it "mindless action and hotblood."

Well that's just not true. All of those points are supported by the manga and you can look at the many threads over the years with detailed discussion of those elements of the manga.

>And I'm not sure what he's getting at with the OVAs not being logical and consistent either.
Because the ovas are full of plot holes, dropped storylines and handles getter energy to the point where people just say its magic ain't gotta explain shit.

>If we want to take that approach, why not also include the huge differences between the 70s manga and the post 70s manga?
Are you okay? That's a completely different subject from the ovas not having consistent plots.
>All of those points are supported by the manga
Really? At what point in the story did the themes of conflict between "proto-humans and modern humans" mean anything? In fact, how is that a meaningful theme in general? I don't see how "We were here first!" "Who gives a shit, we're here now!" helps give the narrative any more depth since that is the extent of the discussion. And if you're going to wank about it, you have to apply the same wank to SvN since they both touch on it at about the same level.

>plot holes, dropped storylines and handles getter energy to the point where people just say its magic ain't gotta explain shit
Which could also describe the manga. Need I remind you of the different versions of the same events presented in Go and Shin? The only real difference between how the OVAs and how the manga handle Getter Rays is that the manga give them more sentience, which it's able to do since it's a longer narrative (although New attempts it as well when adapting Shin). I mean, I don't know how the ability to swallow a nuke could be considered anything other than magic.
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Stop these pointless arguments. You can like one or the other, or both.

This is Getter's birthday thread, not the thread where we all act like spics for the hell of it.
Yeah, I'm just gonna stop. I enjoy all of Getter and I think it's silly that people call the OVAs inferior, but I admit that continuing on like this is pointless.
>Really? At what point in the story did the themes of conflict between "proto-humans and modern humans" mean anything?

Here's the problem with your argument: you're trying to assert that it doesn't have enough meaning. Well, fuck off. The simple fact is that those elements of the story do plainly exist and you are salty.

>And if you're going to wank about it, you have to apply the same wank to SvN since they both touch on it at about the same level.
They do not. At any point. You're welcome to prove otherwise.

>Which could also describe the manga
No, because getter energy has defined traits that are consistent in the manga.
>Need I remind you of the different versions of the same events presented in Go and Shin?
You mean Hayato's lie to Go? It would help if you relied on more than just vague nothings for your argument.
>The only real difference between how the OVAs and how the manga handle Getter Rays is that the manga give them more sentience
Are you sure you've watched the ovas and read the manga? Because I sure don't remember Ryouma forming a planet sized axe made of getter energy or "evolving" enemies until they explode in the manga.
>I mean, I don't know how the ability to swallow a nuke could be considered anything other than magic.
Getter energy, by that point, was already established to have the ability to absorb matter. Of course if you want to say that's unrealistic, then I point to every giant robot in every mecha series ever. The ovas are inconsistent and have no defined traits, thus it's magic. The manga has getter energy very well defined.

Again, it would be nice if you had an actual point to make rather than just flimsy attacks on the manga that is completely unsupported by anything. You could try to disprove the points made in the archive post that hurt your feelings by using actual proof from the manga. That would be intelligent.
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Getter thread?
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Getter is already here!
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>Sometimes cute
>only sometimes
Ryoma a qt

Not even Ishikawa knew what Getter Rays were, he would always come up with new bullshit ways to explains it every time, usually contradicting himself in the process. Anime adaptations are better without it.
>usually contradicting himself in the process
For all that "Ryoma is actually the Majuu Sensen dude" shitposting, Shinichi turned out to be... nothing, really. Just a vindictive psychopath who got screwed over by virtue of having a terrible father. Even while Imagawa had the reins Ryoma wasn't as singleminded, I doubt Shinichi would agree to make a truce with Genzo so they can fight alien demon dinosaurs.

I do like how he's called Shinichi and his asshole dad's called Genzo. I've heard the similarity with Eva is coincidental but it's still pretty interesting.
>I doubt Shinichi would agree to make a truce with Genzo
Are you comparing that with Ryouma making a truce with Saotome or Hayato? There's a difference between making up after an invader plot breaks up your team and forgiving your dad who murdered your mother for his furry experiments
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Happy birthday, Getter. Hopefully one day your fanbase will no longer be plagued be retards who can't even decide what parts of the series are or aren't good, and recurrent shitposters like >>14082615

I'm going to take a stab in the dark and assume they think New Getter's Ryoma is indicative of all of them
Damn, more dubs.

And even then New getter Ryoma isn't that awful either.
Think he's talking about how it they could be benevolent or malevolent.
There are two types of people in this world.
They literally just watch new getter robo 1080p final fight full hd on youtube and then act like they know shit

that goes for most of /m/ as well, see : the constant omg what happened to char CCA threads
>Sometimes cute
>Not wanting him to hold you in your arms like a teddy bear as you fall into snooze land together
wat a gay lol

Anon, that's the shitposter. Chances are he hasn't read or watched anything Getter and only listens to /m/'s recommended shit.

That dog must have been a dinosaur.
god, I've never heard a truer statement.

Yeah but he does kinda lose his fucking mind in the fight with the gods
Well, except for maybe the One Piece directory. But that's one of those things where everyone has read it and thus can call you on your bullshit.
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>Not wanting him to hold you in your arms like a teddy bear as you fall into snooze land together
Thanks for reminding me I'll never have this, jerk.
Post cute getter pilots.
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It's living energy that basically fuels reality.
Getter Rays are basically God.
It ain't got to explain shit.
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Might as well post this here. Ryoma's up for preorder, nothing for the other 3 yet. He's around 40- 42 bucks before shipping depending on where you buy.
Also a reissue of the apparently amazing getter figures they put out
I just finished Arc.
God damn it. I knew it was coming but still, god damn.
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Sentinel's black getter is getting reissued. They were selling for over 15k before, so now is the time to buy one.

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>be richfag
>ask scuptor friend if he will do a getter statue

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Artist-who-is-not-a-sculptor-but-has-made-sculptures reporting in.

Sculpture is really fucking difficult, so unless you were gonna cough up some cash for it, he probably made the right decision of not doing it.
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Robot Girls Z Online Poll results.
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>Z-chan and Grenda in first and second
>Gre-chan in 11th
Why is being Great always suffering? Well at least she beat Minerva.

Gecchan was 3rd by the way, if anyone can't read it.
Gure-chan used to be on top. Dunno what happened here.
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>5. Gai-chan 551
>6. Go-chan 502
>7. Sho-chan 448
Happyscans just finished Majuu Sensen.
Thanks anon
Nice dubs
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Newfag here. Opinions on the first Getter Robot manga ? Should i read it ?

why not?
What was the mecha that began to move by itself in the additional Getter Robo prologue in the Getter Robo Saga release?
It was Getter
Why didn't you read it already?
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>ywn cuddle and fall asleep with Ryoma after a night of wild, passionate fucking
>ywn wake up in his arms all snug and warm while he's still snoozing
>ywn wake him up gently with kisses and hair ruffles
That's pretty gar bro
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I fail to see any problem with that.
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It hurts to live
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Gai-chan is Gaiking.
Getter Gai was 40th.
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There's always our imaginations anon. And custom dakis.
though I need to get better at art to make that last one happen
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>Post cute getter pilots

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I wish we'd gotten more time with the Arc pilots.

I'm glad I'm not the only one here. I'm trying to keep shit varied so it didn't turn into a Ryoma thread.
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Getter 3 needs love
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Getter 3 is cute! Cute!
Your dubs are also cute!
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This voice is why I can never accept Armageddon Ryouma.

I need that 70's classic hot blood in my system that Armageddon just...lacks.
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That doesn't sound like Armageddon Ryoma at all
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that's what I meant. listen to that Glorious 70's hotblood. look at fucking Alpha 3 or Advance Portable. THAT is hotblood.

then move to Z2 or OE. Armageddon Ryouma simply lacks that classic hot-blooded feeling.
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Unfortunately Kamiya can't reprise the role anymore, since his voice is getting sore.
That face.
it truly is a shame. he was a god among men, though like Bright, I do firmly believe that a replacement for THAT Ryouma (and like 100 other roles) can be found if they try hard enough and are stingy enough.
Ishikawa Ideo is Kamiya's personally trained student.
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So I was thinking about where the name "getter" comes from the other day?

I came to the conclusion that maybe it was a shortened version of an engrish pronunciation of "together". Since the robot is about combining, they probably brainstormed English words that meant "become one".


And then you just take the "getter" part out. Makes sense yeah?
...who? the guy who's doing Al Van in OG Moon Dwellers?

a brief google-fu lead me there, so I may have found the wrong guy.
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...And this pretty much sums up my reading experience, as well. Ryoma had some off points, but he's nowhere NEAR the concentrated crazy that is Hayato Jin. This misconceptions is especially apparent with Armageddon Ryouma, whom is the most popular and is the most often considered "batshit Ryouma". All things considered, he's pretty down to Earth.


Off-topic, but seeing these posts makes me miss the Toei Robot Girls comic strips, where the cast was made up of a B-lister and two Z-listers, and it felt like an odd Japanese take on a Western-style comic strip rather than a fanservice vehicle (Though I do appreciate the slapstick of the animated cartoons)
No. Getter comes from the term Goal Getter. That's why its face is like a soccer ball. Not a joke. Also Gore = Goal.
That's him. He is the new Ryoma.
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This sounds so stupidly plausible that I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not. I have a hard time believing you made that up though, considering how absurd it sounds.
It's the truth. There are sources, but I'm too lazy to post them this second. You can probably find the info using the archive, anyway.
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Merry Gettmas
Why do you think they're playing football in the first episode of the anime?

So yeah, it's the truth.
Wasn't the face rather shaped after a turtle's shell?
You're good man. I found em.

Manga motif is a turtle shell, anime motif is a soccer ball.
Source: このデザインには、デザインに困窮するアニメスタッフのアイディアに対して永井が「サッカーがモチーフだから」と"「敵はゴールですからね。やっぱりサッカーボールでしょう。」等と云いつつ30分程度でゲッター1の顔のデザインを仕上げた。"と云う逸話が存在している。

岩佐陽一編『ゲッターロボ大全』双葉社、1998年10月発行、ISBN 4575288853
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and cute Getters?
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Of course!
Why not both!
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getter 1's unamused expression is great
I know Armageddon is popular... hell, I love it.
But this has to be the most inappropriate outfit to make into an action figure. He hardly does any ass kicking on foot in that outfit and the whole things just a visual callback to Maju Sensen. Hardly represents Getter or Ryoma.
I hope they at least make one of him in his pilot uniform.
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It is
I wish the robot girls were allowed to have multiple forms, instead of each form being a different girl.
Shinichi Kuruma's design is more famous. Deal with it.
didn't the original getter girl changed her clothes for each form?
Think of it like this. You get a figure from Majuu Sensen AND Getter Robo
>his getter form literally just shows up once to kill an ayy lmao then is never seen again

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It's the sad fate of Getter 3s
>the Getter 3 in underused meme
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>have coolest Getter 3 ever
>shows up for less than 10 pages

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New devolution dropped, we got a few color pages.
Musashi is still moe
check RR
What's RR?
normally I wouldn't tell you because this is what killed places like MT but whatever
>Your dubs are also cute!
Yeah. Just like Musashi. Dying and dead
Keep in mind this is /m/. It'll get like 4 hits from us tops. I understand why /a/ does it though.
Damn, I toally forgot about the 4 thing
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