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I'm at episode 17 and I like the artstyle, but this

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I'm at episode 17 and I like the artstyle, but this is sorta boring
Feel free to drop it. No one is forcing you to watch it.
Watch the movies.
Watch the movies.
How better are they ?
I got kinda discouraged from watching all of gundam now because people always said 0079 was the best
>How better are they ?
The pacing is improved a lot.

The recap movies are half the reason the franchise is alive to put it into perspective
Do you actually like Mecha? What's your deal? You one of those Muv Luv faggots or something?
Slightly better animation, sick insert songs
Movies are the best way to condense it and nawl thru the shit. Just like one episode of TFS Abridged DBZ is the perfect way to surpass 8 episodes of slow paced normal DBZ
There's a scene or two at the end of the last movie with new animation. Not better, just new.
Character development and crucial subplots are absolutely gutted though. If you have ADHD or you don't actually want to watch Gundam but have to have it on your MAL or whatever list for bragging rights, just watch the movies.
Or, you know, maybe it's not for you.
>Character development and crucial subplots are absolutely gutted though
What character development is gutted?
Everyone on the White Base. You get absolutely nothing of them, and at the end of the third movie the ending is cheapened drastically because you haven't been given any reason to care for any of the characters.
>Each of the three movies is largely composed of old footage from the TV series, however Tomino felt that some things could be changed for the better. Tomino removed several aspects of the show which he felt were still too super robot-esque for the real robot series he intended Gundam to be, such as the Gundam Hammer weapon. The G-Armor upgrade parts were also completely removed and replaced in the narrative by the more realistic Core Booster support fighters, and Hayato receives a RX-77 Guncannon at Jaburo to replace the disadvantaged RX-75 Guntank. The third movie also includes a substantial amount of new footage expanding on the battles of Solomon and A Baoa Qu.

Tomino agreed they're better don't argue about it
Just drop it and watch the movies. Pacing in the series is horrible..
>he felt were still too super robot-esque for the real robot series he intended Gundam to be, such as the Gundam Hammer
Yeah sure. When did pre-Gundam bots ever use a bloody hammer?
It is the best. Gundam, as a whole, isn't a good franchise. We're all in it for the cool giant robots.
I feel like the movies are only good for when you want to rewatch the original series, but only if you've rewatched the original series.
If you Gihren's speech didn't get you sucked in then you probably just might not like Gundam. Nothing wrong with that though you can't enjoy everything.
No I liked that
It's just that I'm now at episode 22 and they're still just trying to get to Federation territory, char who was the most interesting part of the first 10 episodes hasn't appeared in forever, and basically I feel as if the last 6 episodes might have been condensed into one. I am really not liking this 50 episode format for shows, as it doesn't seem to make it bigger than 26 episode shows, it just drags them out
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Go watch SEED instead. It's basically 0079 but better.
Technically it's 43 episodes. But like everyone's saying, give the movies a shot

50 episodes of SEED is probably not going to help OP
But I NEEED it to watch other UC and turn A

Kek anon you are on bath salts if you think the horrendous SEED is even better than the original Mobile Suit Gundam. SEED is so bad that 00 second season is better.

Absolute trash should be put on a pedestal.
>But like everyone's saying, give the movies a shot

Doesn't it take like six hours to sit through all the movies? It'd probably take around the same time for OP to just finish the second of the series.
You don't need UC to watch Turn A.
Zechs and Tallgeese
Amuro and Nu
Kamille and Zeta
Ral and Gouf
Char and Zeong

its all about dem aces
Don't drop it, keep going.
It's true that the earth arc can feel a little sluggish at time, but it also has some of the best episodes.
If you think 0079 is boring, you shouldn't even continue watching Gundam
They aren't.

I personally took over a whole year to watch MSGO, and it was the fastest I did on the original series. It's actually not that hard to drop and then pick up again. It just differs from modern entertainment quite strongly.

As for the movies, they're just truncated, rushed squeezes that do not really capture the spirit of the show.
If they don't capture the spirit of the show, why have I been able to be in full MSG conversations on /m/ with nobody knowing I've only seen the movies
It gets better when they go back into space.

The only thing you gain from watching the entire anime series is some characterization, honestly you are just fine with the triology. No point in painfully going through all 49 episodes.
you are sorta boring
Anybody would be able to be in full MSG conversations if they spend,like, two weeks on /m/ and just go by the memes.
Though assuming most people are like that it does actually explain the general quality of MSG conversations.
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>but this is sorta boring

why are you watching it then
Yeah,it's just some characterization,guys!Who cares about what anything means as long as you get to see giant robots punching each other.
MSG is really slow. I could understand if OP was talking about Zeta or Turn A being slow and I'd rightfully call him an impatient faggot but MSG had movies made so that Tomino could take out and rework the slow shit.

I got the main idea and so it didn't matter to me anyway. I am following the events of Zeta to a tee without any trouble whatsoever. Fuck off with your "muh characterization".
If you just want the main idea go read a wikipedia summary.
>people always said 0079 was the best
It really isn't. People are retarded and equate oldest = best without anything to back it up. They use the same arguments as the G-Reco shitposters, bullshit like "you just don't understand" or "it makes sense for its time." It's complete crock and you fell for the incessant cocksucking that /m/ perpetuates for older series'.
Yeah it really isn't. Its the first, but by far not the best. Even 08th MS team has a better overall story and most UC fans hate it.
>. Even 08th MS team has a better overall story
No. At least say 0080
>Tomino removed several aspects of the show which he felt were still too super robot-esque for the real robot series he intended Gundam to be, such as the Gundam Hammer
>then he gives it to Turn A
Tomino is just an absolute madman
>hello i skipped 0079 because it looks old: the post
watched every episode, not the movies.
There is literally no way a human being could think 08th is better than 0079 and not be mentally damaged to the point where you wouldn't be able to make a post on 4chan since that requires motor skills so you're lying
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Well, take it from my point of view

I'm in the military, so a bunch of teenagers with the magical ability to pilot bazillion dollar machines doesnt beat trained soldiers who are kinda bad at their jobs barely getting by.
I don't see how being in the military makes you unable to have good taste but whatever you say
Do people in your military go AWOL in the middle of an armed conflict to go bang some chick on the side you're fighting against?
>clearly knows nothing about the military
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I'm sorry you were born with bad taste, no need to get mad about it.
G-Reco shitposter

tell me your favorite anime and i can tell you why you dont like 0079

nigga then watch the movie trilogy
i really want to punch 90% posters on this thread. There is nothing that can pissed me off more than early 20 years old attention deficit disorder.
I want to passionately kiss you and watch your favorite anime.
I guess we couldn't hold the /v/tards off forever, /m/ had a good run
>There's a scene or two at the end of the last movie with new animation

half the damn movie was reanimated
Why are you even on this board when something like Gundam triggers your military OCD so much? 0079 is low tier compared to other mecha anime in terms of that
>I'm in the military

no one cares about some inbred hick out of High school who joined the military cause he knocked up his land whale of a gf
>wah 0079 is slow
What the actual fuck? Plenty of shit happens in 0079. Try watching Ideon. That one is actually slow.

>Backs away slowly from the autism.
Hey OP if 079 is too slow for you I highly recommend you watch Iron Blooded Orphans instead. An episode is never wasted when it comes to carrying on the well thought out plot and the characters are extremely compelling.
0079 is shit. I understand that you and your therapist are still trying to work past it. Its okay, once you let go, you will realize that better exists.

Stereotype much?
Just because you are too chicken shit to fight wars, doesn't mean you gotta be a hater.
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Well if you need to prove your manhood by dying for some rich guys who not only dont give a shit about you but also their kids don't have to enlist , but by all means anon do become a casualty
Ever heard of someone who loves fighting? Because I fucking love fighting.
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>im in da militawy whres da wealism1!!!!

Well, good news! 0079 is about as good at the franchise gets. There are a couple of shows that are a little bit better, and a whole bunch of shows with the Gundam name of it that are significantly worse, despite having better production values.

The thing you have to understand is that a lot of Gundam fans are suffering a sort of franchise stockholm syndrome, so desperate for something good about their franchise that they are willing to overlook flaws. Most people who watch Gundam agree that 50% of the franchise is dogshit, 10% of it is good, and the rest is watchable. But no one can agree which is the dogshit half, and if you have any standards at all the 'good' Gundam shows clock in at 'average' anime as a whole. A 'good Gundam show' just means that it is "good for a Gundam show", which is a pretty low bar to set since lots of Gundam is just downright terrible. Popular, yes. But terrible.

The original Gundam was something special for its time, but other franchises have done its trick better since then, with less autism. There really isn't any reason to watch the original Gundam, or indeed UC in general, other than out of franchise loyalty or curiosity.
I legitimately think most of the gundam shows before SEED are good. Afterwards, it's a mixed bag. Am I the only one?

I think that the AU's are the only things worth watching, and even some of those are bad, but that anything UC is cancer.
0079 is the best on rewatch or after you sit on it for a while after watching.

Or that's how it was for me, anyway.

I watched the tv series, but it was the movies that made me love gundam.
go back to /a/ and never come back
The movies are better regardless.

It's only 43.
42 if you skip Doan's Island.
>if they spend,like, two weeks on /m/ and just go by the memes.

Which is how stupid shit like 'Kamille only got in the Mk-II to get revenge on the MP', 'Nina prevented Kou from stopping the colony drop' and 'The Ideon destroys the entire universe' get started.

Never let /m/ watch your stuff for you. If we're not being deceitful in the interests of comic oversimplification, we're bluffing to cover for the fact we haven't bothered watching either.

Then name them, that we may judge your taste.
If you're gonna put yourself up there as the higher standard, have the balls to step all the way into the crosshairs.
>too chickenshit to fight wars

son have you ever actually been in the shit, because you sound like a tech
I watched the movies few years back. Recently released that I don't remember anything about them, and decided to start to watch the series proper, hoping that something sticks from that.
No, it's not.
OP here
Doan's island was one of the good ones for me actually, it had a nice character and shit
Guess I just love episodic series
what franchises are you talking about? Macross?
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I just stayed up to 4 in the morning telling myself. just one more episode. OP sounds like a spoiled brat.
In a "this is so good I can't stop" way or in a " Come on I gotta push myself" way ?
We can probably blame OP's short attention span on the misfortune of his birth.
>people always said 0079 was the best

No, we say it's a classic. Zeta is the best.
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In a "show me more fly mantras" kind of way
Zeta is nice but some people,and I am one of those people,like 0079 better.Can we agree it's a matter of taste?
Isn't Zeta one of the direct sequel series, in which case, you'd still want to have 0079 background to go with it.
Thank you for reminding me how much I hate those asinine redesigns of the Turn A.
But it is you retard.
I thought Zeta had more flaws but I also enjoyed it more overall than 0079.
Not everyone can be blessed with autism.
Wow fuck off
Feel free to drop it. Gundam really never gets better, so the others will probably just waste your time
Sounds like he hit the nail dead center on the head.
what has /m/ become?

Different anon. Personally I almost think of 0079, Zeta and CCA as one series. That whole story is masterful and I think many people can agree on that, some like certain parts better than other parts is all. It doesn't need to be a big deal.
08th MS Team is monumentally better than 0079, the animation is fucking old and it gets so damn dull. I mean holy shit there's episodes where the cook ran out of salt so they had to go find a fucking lake to extract some?

Maybe it gets better but I'll take jungle fighting any day.
Yes, how dare any episode have a plot other than "We need to kill the enemy HERE today for some reason I guess."?
>today our supplies are running low so we have to get to X, fights will happen, wish our corrupt government would fix these shitty supply chains, logistics is a bitch
>08th MS
>I mean holy shit there's episodes where the cook ran out of salt so they had to go find a fucking lake to extract some?
literally bait the post
Now now, everyone. Let's not get so salty.
now that's what I call epic
/v/ 2.0 with some neo-/a/ mixed in for good measure

It was nice while it lasted
this OP
>Character development and crucial subplots are absolutely gutted though.

What crucial subplots?

It's been years since I've watched 0079. After watching the movies, I don't think there were any subplots overlooked that would go on to matter later in the series or subsequent series.
Looks cool, but no mustache.
Why would you skip that episode?
Because Tomino said so.

That's really the only reason to do so.
Muv Luv has mecha.
Doesn't make it any less horrible shit by any standards, let alone mecha ones
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The original trilogy is pretty damn great. Maybe you're talking about the shitty spin offs.
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The first half of MSG is kind of slow. It gets better, keep watching.

Watching all of the original MSG should be a requirement for /m/ viewing just because of how much it has influenced mecha as a whole.
The newtype subplot gets raped, and you get it shoved down your throat instead of a nice, gradual foreshadowing.
At the beginning they win due to having superior machines
By the end they know what they're doing and are defeating superior machines due to experience
Makes sense to me
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