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MSGO General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 55

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>Basic Info
MSGO is a F2P third person shooter set in the Universal Century of the Gundam franchise. The game features massive battles of over 100 players as well as small scale battles 6v6.

NOTE: A VPN is required to play.

>Getting Started

>Guilds (Server 1)
Federation: Brightslap
Zeon: NEO-GOONSA, WhitePiggu

>Japanese Wiki (Use Google Translate)

>I'm having errors when trying to launch the game
Check the EN wiki linked in the "getting started section" to see if a problem you're having has already been debunked
Thanks for the new thread.

Gosh, the Qubeley is hard to kill, despite its size.
What are you using? Machine Guns seem to be really effective on them due to being so fat.
I've been trying with bazookas, shotguns and CBRs primarily. The resistance to CBR knockdown is quite something.
Yeah, I just avoid using beams on them altogether. That beam coating cannot be fucked with. I might try running Gundam unit 5 with that Gatling gun to see how well it works against them.
I've been trying to plink them with my shiny new Gunner Gundam. To my great surprise, they are actually harder to hit than most medium size suits. It's easy to forget that despite that size, they still have speed equal to a Kampfer.
when will dendrobium become playable so we can finally be rid of the zeek curse
The gunner gundam is extremely solid, a good match for the halfcannon, although its a little slow even untuned has great balance, was running a three weapon loadout with a type F zook. The chargebeam/cannon is fun and interesting, even the b3 version is fun to use.
You know I was almost curious enough to try this game.
But not again
Silencio! You know the rules. Do not pay attention to the Crix. Do not respond to the Crix. Do not READ Crix. Do not Crix.

You do not Crix. Ever.
Gatlings eat ABC suits, normal MGs work but kyoob has a ton of armor. You're gonna want a quickswitch BZF to lead into it.
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so how's your gundarium γ composite farming holding up?
Get a life
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fug :---D

I am one-fifth way into enough gundarium for a gold blueprint on all of my four characters.

This is not going fast enough at all.
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I got like 38 in a day or two of grinding
got plenty of time to get my gold Gomez Astalavista
I'm never going to make it out of fed bronze. These guys couldn't win a game to save their lives. Anybody else in the same boat?

wow caps lock pls

is feddy still OP piece of unfair shit cunt ??
Just get top 20 in matches, and you'll get promoted.
As >>13679626 said, score high. Your rank is re-evaluated every 7 games, so just build a good deck, use your items and bonuses, and play smart.
How does one buy BC? I tried using a prepaid mastercard leftover from when I went to moonland but it didn't work.
Judging by the fact that those are suddenly all over the fucking place I'd say you're about right. It's the same reason I'm still in love with my protokampfer. Everyone whined about Hyaku Shikis beam coating, I'm just over here like BRAAAAAAAP
I just use my Visa credit card. Shit works fine.
I should not be in silver and yet they keep shoving me in there. Just keep playing, if you're not shit you'll get promoted.
Can I get/use Hyaku Shiki as Zeon? I hate the feds.
fuck off
saw someone mentioned the fred efreet schneid on the last post the type D melee on it its pretty ridiculous only use this one if its combat custom since it gets the special dash weapon that gives it iframes. sadly its a 340 cost ur better off getting the 300 cost efreet and using the D type melee

and the marasai in china is 340 cost not 320 just putting that out there
use a shotgun. everyone atm wants to use the funnels even though they are complete shit because "cool"

3 burst machine guns also work well

almost every queb I've seen runs 3 weapons

shotgun N or M type
melee type T or D
KD beam or one of the beam machine guns it gets

the only ppl who still use the funnels are the baddies or ppl who just dun give a fuck

if u love sniping put on one of the explosive shell sniper weapons and just pop them out of the air all game
>>13672336 I cannot stand that ramming shit, especially when our ship has a ton of fucking HP and we a following the enemy ship from behind.
Yep for like 3 months, finally got out like 1 day ago with my WD jim and new mk2 bringing me enough points to get promoted pass bronze then all I got in silver is tetra spams
I'm usually in the top ten every match.

...Maybe I'll just stay bronze. Tetra spam sounds horrifying. It's hard enough to not get killed by just one of them.
>mastercard won't work because it has no 3d security

Can I activate this online or do I need to ring the bank?
>Playing like Normal
>Decide to switch to zeek front even though its basically fail city for them this weeks rotation
>mfw lag spikes
>mfw half of team is hiding in base doing nothing
>mfw feddies come in and rape as usuall
>arms go up in the air for hulksmash
>MFW I realize keyboard is under wrath of hulksmash
>keyboard backspace key is broken
>mfw i realize this game broke my ability to un-rage.

GG sunrise GG.
>medics that don't heal
Anyone wanna repost the event reward lists from last thread?
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Thanks a bundle.

Is of joke! Why did the Zock cross the road?
Trick question, it didn't. Its too fat to cross anything.
To get shot in the back with a charge beam.
Support class =/= Medic suits
Back when Deck Bonuses made sense, a suit like the Zaku II JC was great to have if you wanted the 4 different unit type bonus.
Wrong answer! It is because it was silver tier game, and the Zock was not of murder when show face in open. Happy end!

But then Zock die of melee anyway. Also no potato. Such is live in Zeon.
Anyone else get completely dominated past like 10 AM? Is the gap between neets and regular players that wide in japan?
where the hell do I download this game
from the internet
thanks retard
You are welcome :^)
It's the neet fleets, not just the neets. Groups of neets platoon, and then get together on niconico or something else, to time the moment when they search for battles, in hopes of deploying together against an unorganized opponent. They might run teamspeak or something else to coordinate too, but since they're neets, they're most likely just following orders from a commander and coordinating inside platoons or such, since you tend to run into enemies in groups of 6.

There's also other kinds of neetery. For example, there's this guy who's been farming gundarium and game wins by flying nothing but GT's, while his "friends" fly two flipper zakus to instantly revive him whenever he falls, so that he can keep an uninterrupted killing streak going.
That's probably a stupid question, but how I put this game in fullscreen?
>this salty about tactics
how do you know this, show proof pls.
I was speaking on the banana zakus/flipper zakus that place a radar down and leave, and the ones that dont carry repair guns, and the ones that do carry repair guns but dont use them.
The nipponese youtube guy likes to talk about it. You can ask them yourself.
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am i in trouble?
what's a good free VPN to play this with
>good free VPN
Thats a really good joke m8
you know what I mean.
what is on top of the shit-pile when it comes to free VPNs
Free VPNs are pretty much always shit unless your ISP offers them.
>mfw i only carry revive, radar + ammo on my nightseeker.
Well for bananabots, people might be using them for radar replacement then switching back to an offensive unit
VPNGate. Once Mudfish went out, had to use it and found one server that worked quite well. Still, it's free and the quality fluctuates, not to mention that it isn't always there.
So apparently you are guaranteed to get what you want from dx gashacon as the number of pulls is limites. I'm after an Act Zaku in vol. 23 and have about 10-20 pulls so far. Anyone know how many more it will take until it's guranteed?
Theres 150 units in each, the number of pulls still left is in the top right corner i think. The button in the middle of the rolls is the reset.
Ok thanks. Looks like I'll need 130 dx tickets.
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So what is this thing, radar mortars?
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>tfw missed my chance to get Quattro glasses
Whelp, guess there's officially no reason for me to ever reinstall this game.
>basic moon runes says smoke discharger
The gunner Gundam has the radar grenades
You are assuming I can read Chinese chicken scratch
You could always look it up on the jpwiki and run it through a translator.
Katakana is almost literally the simplest writing system known to man. Shut up and go spend the fifteen minutes it takes to learn it.
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no no no, how is this possible? explain.
unless like multiple people are playing on one account 24hrs a day.
So I'm relatively new to the game.

What does Gundarium γ do?
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Its an event item, that will be exchanged for items soon.
calling boting
Oh, rad, thanks.

I just need ten more for that Rick Dias. Gonna really gun for them, now.
Just rolled my gold bluedoga, the stats are looking very fun. Can't wait to try it.
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the hell is this
It's cancer. Jesus fuck the powercreep.
idk why bandi just doesnt put it out for everyone
Really? I guess everyone using it have been retards because they went down pretty easily for me. What's cancerous about them?
You can't, this game only works in windowed.
you underestimate the power of neet
>It's cancer. Jesus fuck the powercreep.
>blue doga

Haha, oh wow. Gee oh em gee. It's an overcosted copy of a suit that was overcosted at 320 already. It's a suit worse than a high-mobility gelgoog, something that's been available for ages now. Not saying himoge is bad, but what I am saying is blue doga is power creep downwards.
Have you ever seen the boost cap on the himoge
Everyone has. Still a better suit than bludo.
Well, that's disappointing.
I think you might have fallen into his cunning ruse.
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So, I've just managed to get the game set up and started playing. Done a few tutorial missions and the game FEELS really fun... but it feels like I'll never get a grip on how anything worse until I learn the language. Are there any guides I've missed, or is it literally just fumble about until I get the hang of it?
There's one on the wiki if I remember correctly. But its probably outdated now.
I'm fine with most of the actual gameplay stuff, It's just naviagtion that's the problem. That, and how to activate the blueprint stuff.
Much appreciated!
Don't worry about it. I hope you have fun.
its still 320 cost in china just better cus of the KD beam

has anybody ever had an error where the game refuses to start unless your resolution is 1024 x 768?
Why can every single one of my deaths be attributed to an edgy looking male using a melee beam weapon?
Back in the day it were smiling fucbois who used melee weapons to mess up everyone. But yeah, melee is ridiculous, try not to approach closely anything that's equipped with something better than a single beam sword.
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>Why can every single one of my deaths be attributed to an edgy looking male using a melee beam weapon?
So there is a way to put the game in full screen, could you tell me how?
Damn updating is taking forever
My game was always fullscreen. I think.


This has a rough layout of the options... when it still was the previous version. I can't be arsed right now, but once I start the game again, I'll look and see if I can find the right options.
try setting your desktop resolution to the one you've set in-game, instead of the other way around.
How many missions before you can start multiplayer?
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Gt better internet fuckboi
It's not a big lot. Just hang in there~

Once you've done that once, you can always skip future ones on new characters you create for the same account.

Behave, crackhead. Calling people names and using bad language is an SDGO, not MSGO thing.
Just started today im still so fucking lost I only play vs ai still
Until you rank up to a certain rank
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>decide to roll one ticket for the new year
>this happens
... what is that?
any active US clans?
US clans? No.
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How is this build?
I primarily used the beam machine gun by itself because it did everything I needed it to do, but I recently grew attached to the grenade launcher, and by recently I mean I didn't see it there earlier.

I think most of my concern is with the balance. Since my build was based around using only the beam machine gun, I kind of neglected adding extra load capacity. With both the machine gun and grenade launcher, I come to about a balance of 125.

This is also babbys first gold suit outside of the low cost ones.
It's going to be a small problem later on, but since you are still new how fun with it. Also, melee on it is good.
Looks okay. Although I do consider the low balance upgrade a pity.

I mean, you upgraded emergency homing more.
n/m, as long as your balance is above 110, I think it should be just fine.
Thank you.
Planning on doing a reset later,.much later.
Yeah, balance is the most important stat. I maxed that before doing anything else, and maxed duration as well. It's a very easy suit to keep airborne the entire time you're fighting, and you can get the recharge very high too. BMGM plus those stats keeps you flying and spitting beams all day, and then you can pick and remove any one MS you want from the battle with your fausts.
Any guide on getting better with melee?
get a zaku FS with nothing but shotgun and heat hawk. focus on the heat hawk.

use only that until you git gud, then any melee weapon will be cake
Combos. Bazooka hit a ground target as you approach him, change to melee, and dash melee while he is still unable to take off. Otherwise, apply shotgun or charging beam to enemy first, before meleeing.

The other is melee vs melee - become patient. Learn different melee types of different suits. Boost straight up if you're against a suit that has no vertical hit detection. In other cases, boost diagonally towards them. Most basic fed suits have a stronger detection on the suit's own right side, so head for their left, and try to get the enemy to miss their dash first. An enemy at the end of their dash combo is usually the easiest target at any time, since their shield is usually still displaced too.

Finally, learn to discern the opponents you can't take on in melee. First is Hyaku-Shiki and Gundam Mk. II. Their shotzooka will ground you like a schoolboy. Second is pixies and GM Strikers, who simply have unmatchable melee attacks. Avoid if you can. If you're playing Fed, though, then uhh... I dunno lol~¨

Bottom line is, though, becoming a calm and patient melee player. Overcome the initial panic and adrenaline rush of melee, and stretch the moment before you attack as much as you can, pursuing opponents patiently.
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>pixies and GM Strikers, who simply have unmatchable melee attacks.
>not humiliating every pixie and striker you see with a zaku heat hawk
I came here to laugh at you.
Practice alot and try to melee where the target is going to go rather than where they are mostly.
Use a suit that has a big melee weapon, heat Hawks won't get you anywhere unless they are the big kind.
Ok last thing it says no energy left from a blueprint gundam I have and now and I cannot find a way to recharge it
Green blueprints are rentals. You can't recharge it after it has been used up.
It's in the garage. When said suit is in the deck, it's the right-hand-most button on the top row.

You can't reload "green" blueprint suits, though, as those are 'rentals'.
Ah I see what would be a good one to purchase to get started then?
Which one were you given as a rental? If you liked it, go ahead and buy a silver blueprint of it. The original RX-78-2 has a nice assortment of weapons for different playstyles, so it's pretty well suited for a beginner high cost suit.
What side are you?

Hey guys, thought about playing. how's the free vpn or should I just forget about that altogether?
It's usable, you can play proper, but expect lag and there will be times when the non-banned hosts are down and you won't be able to play. nothing wrong if you just want to try out if the thing works or not, but I really recommend getting Mudfish if you want to sink some time into the game.
ah I see. Yeah damn 3 dollars for a friggin' year! that's pretty nuts
i can't understand the promotion/demonotion system in this game, been ranking in the top 20 and got two promotions, i go from corporal to master sergeant, then i got one demontion for losing 4 out 7 battles, and got dropped to corporal again.
At least with the old system i could rank up by doing the shit it asked.
At least the most recent update seemed to fix the balance a liiiitle bit.

It used to be a silly mix of gold, silver, bronze, and black ranks all in one match. Rank had no connection to skill level at all.

Even now it doesn't have too much of a connection. To me, rank isn't a big deal right now, so although it's confusing, it's best to be ignored.
There are battles where you are mixed in with people higher tier than you currently. I've started to think that doing better in these particular games seems to affect the score more.
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Aww, I lost a game! Now my promotion plan is ruined, forever! Alas, being fed is suffering. GT beam so imba, fun ruined forever, gonna complain to bamco.
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I want to build a Fed deck consisting entirely of cheap guys with spray shooter and shotgun type M.

What units should I get?
Cheapest would be the GM. Not sure what's next
Oh, right. The GM's shotgun M is of a weaker type.

I should have known better - what I wanted was the 850 damage type M-shotgun. That's the one that fires unexpectedly fast and still stuns and KD's fools.
Does the Land Combat type GM have one? I can't recall.
Unfortunately the cheapest would be the white dingo GM which is a EX gashapon suit. Everything else with a M is 300+ or space only
Oh. Well, that's too bad. Although it does show one advantage Zeon has over Feds. The FS spray M shotty is juicy.
Couldn't you just use the normal N type?
If you were playing during the last EX event there was the GM late production (assault equipment) that has a bsg M with 850 damage, though it lacks spray shooter and is 280 cost w/190 time.
M type shotguns fire faster due to having a shorter firing interval between shots and have a bigger ammo size.
The normal shotgun works fine though. Spray shooter LV5 GM or Zaku I are absolutely beautiful for a 200 cost suit. Definitely get a couple blueprints of the White Dingo GM whenever you can though.
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Hi !

I have a problem, this texture is black...
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try changing this setting
Why can't they ever do a balanced matchmaking, every match always ends up with one side getting a lot more long time players than the other.
Only time it ever does a somewhat balanced matching is for the massive tournament event.
for the tournament, everyone queue at the same time, so they have a good pool of players to be balanced around. on normal play, people actually avoid queueing with whoever they don't want to fight against (the actual good players) by seeing the livestream of the other party or checking the platoon list, which works both ways (hence why the bigwigs of feds and zeon almost never fight against each other).
also the removal of level/rank brackets on tournaments.
everyone can join in on a particular match provided there's another of that same rank for the other side, which leads to a bigger pool when matchmaking (although it's rather unfair for the lower ranks).
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I know, I know. But M-type with spray shooter doesn't work "fine", it works "oh my god what the fuck just happened". I learned this when I used my royal packard flush deck regularily. This is the kind of result it often produced.

I do think N-type GM/Zaku1 is great fun though, yes indeed.
Thx !!!! :)
Does anyone know if the Fast Repair module works with the Suppression Enhancement System passive?
I have been told so, but I have yet to get to try it.

It feels like an obvious combo though, so I'd expect it to work.
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>all these talk using various suits and weapons
>tfw no-fun zone
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>female avatar
>not wanting to be the little girl
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I do not understand your post. Halp.
fuck off, /a/
Gold rank is no fun zone. For example, using Norris Zaku I and getting 1st place is too fun for gold, so you can only do such a thing in bronze or silver.
Ah, right. I get it now. Rank.

Yes, gold tier is suffering.
So what will be the new Zeta map and how will Zeon get gimped again.
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It will be an open space map with small debris to hide behind. So small that only gundams can hide behind them, and arranged in a semicircle around Zeon spawn areas. Also, Fed base would have such a small entrance that a single Qubeley would choke the entire entryway. Furthermore, Zeon base should be a battleship standing out in the open, in beam rifle range of the cover circle.

Also, feds should have two normal aces and the ability to nuke, while Zeon has one ace, a Zock with a radiation beam gun that goes gradual damage, and space SFS that are actually slower than Kampfers.
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new blueprint type: "extra"
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is a zaku
What is a vpn?
Why are you even here
How the fuck do you get these?
Why are you a cock?
why do you lack basic knowledge
how did you even get here
Stop being cancer anon
Just explain what a VPN is
>stop being cancer

>now spoonfeed him
It allows you to bypass regionblocks.
Nice autistic attention whoring.
underrated post


future update
So, another farming event? On top of another farming event, right after a different farming event?

Could we finally get an event where you only get rewards by losing? Because otherwise it's going to be just an ongoing parade of pre-formed groups of permanently unemployed fed players deploying together over and over and over again against carefully selected noob-golds.
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Not this week, currently there's only GP item drops on matches and large scale tournament with rewards such as DX tickets and hangar tickets, on top of the gundarium composites given for participants.

where does this music play? do I have to buy the music pack?
Then what are those Haro-topped dango piles? They sell for a measly 1000 gp, so I can't believe they're sellfood.
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new year mochi
the most basic/common one sells for 1000 gp, while the rarest sells for 99999 gp.

Ooh. Well, I do suppose that's welcome, although my desire to play against the neet hiveminds is severely sapped.
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>get a few DX tickets from ranking
>spend one, just because
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Whossat? Hopefully not the Quibbly. That thing's stocks are dropping fast.
well it's a Xamel, but >>13693692
Oh, the Xamel? It's... well, it's doo doo if you aren't an artillery player. It's still a suit that is almost necessary in a team though.
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... what does that mean?


i was just surprised a Japanese player had actually had neet in their name.
Oh. I was thinking it was some particularily striking type of neet.

Neetdom is an issue that tends to garner a lot of self-irony in the internet culture these days. A lot of niconico uploaders at least seem to deride themselves regularily by calling themselves neets, with relatively unconcerned reception.
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Anyone play artillery here? I'm curious - how do I make arty work.
Explosion radius up.

Howitzer predictor

Shell around cap points.

Keep moving. If you sit still and keep shelling from the same location some sneeki breeki Jappo shitfucker faggot dog molestor boy fruit tossser fuckbasket shitstain shouldabeenaborted cock sucker will zoom on over and one-shot you with his OP P2W suit.
But comrade, Japonski cannot into breek of the cheeking! Is of no breeki or cheeki exist in Japon! Is truth, read in pravda!
so how does one play in the tournament?
>this buttmad about Unit 04
If you can get hit by a sniper as artillery you shouldnt be playing artillery. i'm pretty sure he's referring to melee suits.
Get on and be ready at 8pm nippon time and queue at the tourney option instead of solo/platoon. Oh in EST that's like 6AM
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only on 9-11 jan jp time though, just to note.
Some good low cost feddie starters and it'sgold BP cost 100k: are the normal assault GM (beam saber T+beam spreay gun M), the heavy GM with charge beam rifle and 8500 damage F zook and the desert GM with the charge zook.
You shouldn't pay for those. You get the gold prints from game end rewards, GP gasha, DX gasha consolation prizes, EX gashas, and pretty much every other source.

250k GP will buy you a silver print of a very large variety of suits. As such, you can purchase powerful stuff relatively early on. G-line Light Armor, Blue Destiny 3, Full Armor Gundam (especially good since its gold weapon is its least useful one), Night Seeker II which is similarily perfect with silver, and then some. There are many suits that are perfect even without gold print.
The downside is you figure out really fucking quick why having 30 upgrade slots is better than 20 though. I literally ignore silver prints completely for building after I started rerolling my golds and maxing stats out. Probably more important for Heavies and Assaults though.
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>having 30 upgrade slots is better than 20
not as much as you think it is.
probably more armor to withstand a single machinegun hit, 0.x seconds longer boost, reach certain places 0.x seconds faster, etc.
And then I actually played with them.
And nothing changed.
right, because the screenshot showing extreme case of comparison between normally upgraded silver and full gold ticketed gold suit where the numbers didn't actually differ that much obviously means nothing because the guy didn't have the suits and/or didn't play them.
>lv15 paintjob
>didn't play with it
Feddie here. Trying to decide what to do with my Exchange Tickets and considering WD Guncannon, Ez-8, or just smashing it all in for DX Gasha. What do you guys suggest I do?
I personally think the WD GC is the most powerful choice. At the same time, I also think that going for just DX tickets is the most fun choice, since it has a greater potential in rewards, as well as a strong random element.
The upgrade level between 20 and 30 is significant when you get into duels or active competitions of other sorts on the field. Suddenly that 2-3% more boost, boost charge or armor becomes a decision between a kill and a death leading to a long respawn timer during a phase of the game when the suit in question would have been most needed.
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>finally, at long last 10 GS tickets
>red box
>Fenrir Zaku J
Well, it's... ah... better than nothing, I suppose. It's not bad, but it's not good either. It has a very mediocre speciality.

It has good weapons in the F-type bazooka with bonus ammo, the excellent 3-burst MG type F, and the decent N-type shotgun. I suppose it could work as a bazooka-to-melee comboer. However... gee, I wish it wasn't so Zaku-y. Slow, fragile, bigger than a GM, beamless, et cetera. The weapons are good, but the Zaku is a Zaku.
but for fucking 280...
280 is the upper scale of cheap. It's the cost level where you actually start to get suits capable of doing their thing.

A standard GM can do bazooka-melee combos, and if it succeeds, it'll kill. The trick is in that the Fenrir can do the same, but better, and with fallback options.

All in all, I like the suit, but I dislike the fact that it's speed is below that of the FS. It just can't play the FS game, and that's all. It has to be sneakier.
I just can't see using it for what it can do when the efreet custom is the same cost with a charge zook.
FS is my single favorite suit, I just cannot use it on the front lines or it melts. Its probably my single best 1v1/ambush suit however.
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What am I looking at here, again? Just an ordinary neet's, or an MSGO dev's pad?
your typical fed general multiplatoon queue livestreamer
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Has anyone ripped all the load screens from this game? I quite like their compositions and are great wallpaper fodder.
I'm tired of being slow, what are some of the faster Zeon units?
here's some of them.

i don't know if there should be more, but i think it doesn't cover the earliest stuff (beta-launch) and the very latest ones (like op pic).
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Ah shit, I could've reverse image searched it.
But thanks anon, have a mudrock.
I really hope they put mudrock in the shop soon.
>G3 Gundam with Bigro
Shit has it ever been in-game?
Kampfer, Qubeley and GT are the fastest. But more accessible fast units are Char Zaku, Zaku II FS, Gouf, M'Quve Gouf, Zudah, Dom, all of the assault Gelgoogs, and the JR zaku. The last of the lot is the least though, as all it can do is move with some speed. It just has no balance to do anything but.
nah, i don't think it does, just there for eyecandy like the screenshot with apsalus 3 in it. or they might have planned it but cancelled, who knows.

its cousin the grabro exists though, on the earlier belfast map.
How the hell do you rank up in this game? When I started out I was two ranks above the starting, then suddenly dropped back to the default.

40 matches later and I'm still there, with no indication that I've failed any requirements.
Ranking system's been revamped. Time and again. The current system supposedly looks at your performance every 7 games and either, drops, hikes or keeps yours.

I suspect you have to play a whole lot, and succeed a whole lot, to raise or keep rank above silver. A great deal of this is due to the way admiral-level players band together and time their game-queuing in a way that avoids the other organized high ranking players, in order to keep their rank and reap the most rewards. They're literally keeping the rest of the gold tier treading water purposefully by avoiding challenging fights.
Try to rank high in all your games, by high I mean like top 10
If you think that's bad I've gotten two gold nightseekers. At least they gave it some silly gimmick bazooka.
What are some zeek units used in higher ranked matches? Asking because I don't know what other units are good aside from tetra / kampfer.
Tetra and Kampfer.
Also nacht.

Welcome to gold.
There's a reason the rest of us stay in fucking bronze where you can actually get good use out of your favorite suits.
Gelgoog Cannon with the new CBR setup is a common heavy to see. Juaggu and Zock are very viable if you're good. Zaku IIF2 and Zaku IIF w/ heavy equipment are also great low cost suits.

Assault suits are a different story, as nothing can mimic the power of the Gerbera Tetra/Kampfer/Efreet. The usual bazooka into melee works well, and can be used on a large number of suits.

Just a reminder that you can use those fun suits even in gold, just don't expect top 5 every single game. It's definitely possible to get top 5 even without super meta suits though. There's a reason you don't start the game in gold.

Oh, and if you want to still earn a lot of points, you can use Engineer and Artillery units. You don't need to get lucky to get good ones, and the normal grunts work fine even in gold. The challenge is staying awake.
Well no, Zock is not.

Charging beams are generally well-received, but you tend to really need an instant switch secondary weapons system. Without one, in groups you'll get assists, in duels you'll just get run over by units capable of seconds-killing you despite being staggered.

As such, our repretoire is pretty limited. Funny enough, but Juaggu are probably our most powerful defensive units.
Zock's beams are instaswitch, are they not? The Juaggu is definitely better because of explosions, but the CBR is comparable and the B3 beams can pack a punch.
The Zock is not capable of survival or positioning. Even at best, it can only do the same amount of stopping dudes as a normal charge beam rifle could. Plus it's 300 points.

I would prefer to use the remnant Z'Gok over it, as well as just plain Galbaldy Alpha or Gelgoog.
Seconding the Galbaldy.
Oh, of course there are plenty of units that are better than the Zock. But all of those units are completely different from the Zock. You play the Zock because you're a Zock. It's about style, not efficiency.

I mentioned the Zock because the Juaggu also gets points for being aesthetically superior. Main difference being that both Juaggu's are certainly better, but you can definitely do good in a Zock as well.
I do enjoy playing Zocks in Taklamakan Ruins. I just float around on top of B and do the Zock dance, occasionally vaping people who pass into the yard.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the Geara Zulu. Personally, I love this suit. Its melee is perfect in my opinion, decent BR, and that Sniper SturmZook is very nice as well, though takes some practice.

Also a big fan of the Gouf Flight Type and the Zaku Fz (Assault). Their charge weaponry makes them a force to be reckoned with. I know I always enjoyed going Full-Bernie on Alex's when they least expected it.
Melee is slow. Slow melees mean easy dodges. That melee's mostly for ambushes, as such.

I do think it interesting. Weapons choices being what they are, and the shield. The best thing about it, to me, is the boost gauge though.
Why was the game handing out second chances like candy again
Not that I'm complaining, it saved me a lot of GS tickets
Is there anything special about this new GM? Seems pretty generic desu
look at the beam gun

it's a very good suit for 260 cost, the new gellert's zaku doesn't even have higher stats than that and it costed 280.
Yeah. It's basically a 260-point GM Command, which makes it a rather powerful choice. Melee included. I don't know how the beam magella is, but if it's got a beam's properties in speed and thickness, then there's something very wrong with how good it is.

It feels a lot like the Nemo too. A suit with good stats, bazooka, magella and a good melee, at low cost. I do not know if it has beam coated shield though.
No beam coating, but that's to be expected from a suit of a rather low cost. I do think it's a fantastic suit though, the GM command is great for beginners and veterans alike.

The Zeon suit is pretty nice as well. It's basically a gold Gouf for 280 cost. Same bazooka and melee. On top of that, the stats are better, and you also get the choice of a shotgun or MMP-80.
>The Zeon suit is pretty nice as well. It's basically a gold Gouf for 280 cost.
>what is Zaku II FS
Gouf melee is better though.
It's exactly the same.
Really? I remember it being better than the basic heat hawk, but the motion was completely different from the Gouf's.
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>then there's something very wrong with how good it is.
yet it wouldn't be very surprising.
not to mention there's already something very wrong with how bad some suits are.
So the new Zaku I
How is it? I've only used it in training so far, and it seems really cool.
for the new ex suits, i think it's better to farm the whole gacha (get all 100 items without resetting) for the extra blueprint (purple), it has bonus stats and stuff if i read the notes correctly.

that said, on the zeon side the zaku 2f2 is still a better prize than the gellert's zaku. the cold climate gm does the same thing as that zaku with lower stats and 220 cost only.
>it has bonus stats and stuff if i read the notes correctly.
...Fuck now I feel like a retard, having built the Gold version. I got Combat custom too.
The Zaku screams zook>melee, I like the boost gauge. And the shotgun is a plus.

On the other hand idk why people are saying the GM is good, that beam gun is not great.
the high powered beam gun is a 180mm cannon clone
>get demoted
>suddenly matches become more difficult, can barely manage to get into the top 20 now.
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>that beam gun is not great.
you what now.
for a 260 cost suit that's the best thing you can get:
it's already better than charged beam rifles for units with <280 cost (1.5x damage modifier on fullcharge instead of 2x), and the f type is beam cannon level.

>I got Combat custom too.
i'd say the beam shooter passive is a lot better to make use of the beam gun. any other suits can do melee just as good.
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only thing unique to the new zaku is being the cheapest assault on zeon side that can do the raketen zook + grenade launcher combo.
otherwise, it really has no advantage compared to the zaku 2 fs, which is similar to it in many ways.

at least you can get it for free, i guess.
>i'd say the beam shooter passive is a lot better to make use of the beam gun
Zako doesn't get any beam guns tho
for some reason, i thought you were talking about the gm, my bad.
>they turned up the GS drop rate
Bout fucking time.
Zako 1 has a Gouf shield. That's better than Zako FS shield.

That aside, I believe this toy is a good 260 suit, all things considered. Too bad it weighs in at 280 points, but that's how event suits work. Apart from the F2 heavy, at least.

The Guinea Pig, however, is a tougher customer. Simply because it has a Jim Command's melee and speed, yet costs 260 points instead of 280. This is, again, a clear "this is what we think of Zeon players" indication, but to be certain, no-one's going to be surprised about it at this point.
Is of MSGO joke time!

What is yellow, brown, and really fucking stupid?
Uhhhh... South Burning?
The melee is the main advantage. It is definitely not the same as the Zaku II FS. Even the original Gouf's melee is not the same, but this heat sword has different motions than the original as well.

Not to mention the MG is better as well, but I'd say that's a minor difference, like the shield.
An ace pilot in a gogg
Your mom's taint?
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So what is this item I just got? Anyone know?
GP Item. Only use for it is to sell it.
Answer is: Taklamakan desert.

Fuck taklamakan really.

Also, you dare call Acguy stupid? I keel you.
Fucking hell the EX zaku is actually really fucking nice
The GM is great, too. That beam rifle is fucking nasty.
I would rather cut off my dick and play on Taklamakan desert then get stuck playing on Canyon or Antarctic base
And I thought I was the only one that hated that Canyon map.
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I've been playing with the rental. It has a crazy nice melee range honestly. I'm gonna get the bonus plan first, but man I just dig it.

I hope we get an Austin Zaku sometime with a fucking awesome rak bazooka and feddie shield. I just fucking love zeonic front so much.

Also Zaku I is love, zaku I is life. Giant bazooks and feddie shields look so damn good
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Zaku 1 banzai!
The map is fucking awful. Everyone is forced to fucking funnel through choke points that are easy as shit to hold, and because you can't use artillery on 3/4ths of the map you can't flush out the clumps of enemies camping down the next hallway. As a result matches are just a long ass push and shove back and forth with no one making any real progress for 20 minutes.
Not only that but there are no heal pods unless someone is playing medic. So if no one is playing medic you're SOL. Of all the time I've spent playing that map, I've probably spent most of it running around trying to get healed.
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Do you guys ever look at the chat window?

I did for once, and automatically spotted my first huehue BR on the server.
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>be first place and winning all match
>everything going perfectly, great fights
>fight fed #1 1v1 repeatedly
>getting mad streaks in galbaldy and EX zaku
>get to the last 30 seconds
>finish FIRST, 648 POINTS, 48 KILLS

be glad
Being demoted from Bronze sucks yo. Players in the sub bronze ranks are legit retards, matches will always last 20 minutes and its all around no fun.
Doing good in one match doesn't counterbalance for 6 matches of crap play anon.
>Being demoted from Bronze
wait, what? you can get demoted from bronze now? don't think it was possible in the old PP or challenge systems.
>you can get demoted from bronze now?
Yes if your team consistently jobs hard enough you can get bumped down to green, and it fucking sucks balls
What on earth? Did you seriously lose every single match? I have trouble ranking down in gold even with majority losses. This system is still pretty screwed.

Sucks to be at such a low rank though. I feel like fighting against noobies would really make the game feel pointless. At least gold is a nice challenge.
>Did you seriously lose every single match?
No, I lost 4 out of the 7
Jaburo is a really gay and unbalanced map, and getting stuck on it 5 games in a row will drive you to suicidal depression.
its really fucking weird though, because I was in the top 15 every game in bronze, but now that I'm back in green I have trouble getting above 25th place.
If you want to rank down, just sit on top of your base and watch a movie or something and occasionally move the mouse. You need to rank low on the charts like 41+ with a low score too maybe.
Jaburo is quite annoying up here in gold as well. It seems like the northern area is simply groups of Yongoki and the Act Zaku pussy footing while the rest of the players are engineers sitting in one spot. Same with the Canyon map.

I actually love the Canyon Map though. Yongoki made the top a lot less fun, but the middle is really entertaining for all kinds of suits if you ask me. It might be an endless slugfest for who can control it, but what's wrong with that? Assaulting the tower with a huge group after a forward base is spawned is fun.
>It might be an endless slugfest for who can control it, but what's wrong with that?
The fact that it takes so fucking long to end. Not all of us are NEETs who can play +20 games a day
I'm guessing it's the RX-78-4 Gundam G04
340 cost sniper with the one hit kill 30k damage charged beam.
Yeah, Yongoki = Unit 04.

20 minute games are definitely a pain during an event, no doubt about that.
You guys are complaining about 20 min games. Where 90% of all of your games are GOING to be 20 min. You are playing the wrong game.
It is more than possible to have 5 minute matches in this game. Just last week (or was it the week before that?) two of the maps in rotation were the one where you only have one base and a battleship. Those kind of games are over quick, are fast pace and lots of fun.
Right now Jaburo, Antarctica, and Canyon are in rotation, both of which are slow, grindy, and not much fun. If I wanted to run down one of three hallways with retards who can't coordinate with teammates for shit I would go play some assfaggot trash like Dota or LoL
How does one check their rank anyways? I think I'm around Bronze/Sub-Bronze since I get demolished by Zeeks most of the time.
Look at what colour the background behind your name is whenever a match starts. There are 5 ranks: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Black w/ orange lining, and green.
How long have you been playing? There are many maps that last less than 5 minutes due to rush distances. Sometimes a couple of these maps are in the same rotation.

People used to complain about these sorts of maps too. I still don't mind either though. Both have their merits, but it's important to have a good mix.
Since Mudrock

The maps that begin with a single battleship as a base are the "only" maps that are commonly short, and those maps are in the minority. Most of all maps in the game are like those in the current rotation. So no, I don't believe it's more than possible to have a 5 minute match on a regular basis. 90% will be timeouts. Esp in gold if not being rolled by a nico group.
Why are short matches fun? O.o
Personally I have to deal with an hour and a half queue times so I cherish the long matches I get to play in. Well I suppose for grind events yeah it's best to have short matches.
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there used to be a lot more "race map"s, even aside from those open space maps.
and it changed not only because of some map design modifications as well.
take california base and the taklamakan desert map, for instance. it used to be a race map where both sides spawns in one base and rushes the opposing bases while the other do the same without both meeting each other. those two maps just recently changed into a slugfest, just because people started to defend (mostly the feds) and it's easier to win if they defended instead of rushed.
Well that's what you would expect when one side (Zeon) got an overpowered dps machine while the other side don't have anything that can match up to it in base destruction
What are you referring to, the tetra? There's the GP04 gold weapon for that.
He's probably talking about the kampfer-e.
It never stops the moaners. Despite the fact that it's 20 points cheaper, has a beam-resistant shield to protect it from CBR's, and has a beamshooter-capable beam shotgun for KDing tetras.
Neither side should have the HUUUUAGH beam.
The vomitbeams are a trap for Zeon. It's easy killin', but it's 360 suits down the drain when the first CBR shows up. And these days, gold tier feds consist of nearly nothing but.
yes and no.
tetra can have enough balance to withstand cbr knockdown by only using 2 weapons. but the problem comes from gp01's long beam rifle and the guncannon 2's cbr+insta bc combo, and both are fairly common on gold tier matches.
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And the FAG's double-blap beamer, and the 3-burst CBR of Wolf GM Cannons, Gunner Gundams, Water Gundam's CBR underwater, the various sniper weapons, shotguns, shot-bazookas, bazookas, CBR's, sturmfaust-alikes, and a sundry of other weapons, many of which do not even need direct hits to cause stun or knockdown.

You'll also be glad to note that a great amount of these weapons are event suits, handed over freely and at a mind-bogglingly low cost on some of them. It sure would be nice to have all those charging beams on Zeonside too, and all~
So, the rick dias gold weapon. Is it even worth using. I am trying really hard to get it to work with something. But it's weapon switch is so slow, would having quick switch even help? I mean it's REALLY slow. I tried using melee w/ the stun, but I feel like that would work better if the rick was an assault. I completely maxed boost duration, speed, and balance but still.
Should I try using quickswitch with a zook?
Also the twin beam guns are cool but in all reality should I be using them?
Quick switch 2 is an absolute minimum requirement on the Rick D.
Sorry for double-posting, but on the subject of the beam guns - yes, you should be using them. They are among the most powerful short-range weapons in the game. They are a beam-version copy of the assault guntank's machineguns, and as such, beam shooter affected. This means they deal double-hits of base damage up to 700, plus upgrades, at a 1472 RoF - that of a fully upgraded alex gatling - and with a very generous magazine size.

In fact, doing the math, the F-type machineguns deal a base of 1400 damage at RoF 1472, so that makes it Alex gatling equivalent but with beam shooter applying and a larger magazine size. The other differences are that it has a higher lockon value for N and M, while all types suffer of a slower reload rate, comparable to that of a bazooka.

All in all, it's good enough to use as a primary weapon even, despite the 1k bazooka.
The tetra gun has a longer range and more ammo. It's barely comparable. GP04 also doesn't come with the absurdly strong dual vulcans. Cima gelgoog has one too and the ammo scavenging skill.

The three burst CBR is fucking terrible at knocking over suits down. Trying to snipe a tetra is nearly impossible unless they're moving int a straight line.

>many of which do not even need direct hits to cause stun or knockdown
you can run 2 weapons in tetra and still be able to kill anything and not get KDed easy.
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