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EXVS General

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Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 53

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>Previous Thread

>Maxi Boost ON Main Site

>List of changes

>Dustloop wiki

>Beginner tutorials
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlJidOS8RIE
Text: https://sites.google.com/site/unlimitedbrettworks/gundam-extreme-vs/gundam-exvs-guide
Wiki: (above)

Nico database by suit: http://horibuna.web.fc2.com/EXVSFB/index.html
Vines: https://twitter.com/EXVS_Vine_bot

>List of main "clone" DLC differences

>Heine Destiny PV

>Extreme Vs. Force PV

>GOUF Ignited Heine Westenfluss Custom TGS PV
Where's her noise?
Invite jpmrmeat please
Tsubasa and Hibiki killed all the noise.
invite GUNDAMskrite por favor
ibis check your messages you dip
All hail the Heine
and thus Force was cast into the shadow realm
Lets be honest...no one was looking forward to Force. this Heine coming to MB is just the final nail in the coffin.
yeah that was pretty much my point. Hopefully this endeavor at least beefs up the single player aspect of MB when it gets ported.
Invite ExulusJP

i have to invite altairdooder too

i hate forgetting things
Was orange Destiny even canon within the context of SEED? I thought it was just some "what if" promo plamo.
>get back
>goes foward
martin i swear to god man
This has been said to me before, please Elaborate
don't try to eke out wins with less than 100 hp

it's k i just have odd expectations from everyone
Fucking Comcast curring out on Thanksgiving eve
oh and happy thanksgiving yall
same to you
What the point of getting exvs force if they are releasing the "exclusive units" on maxiboost as well?

Seems dumb as shit. They would usually make barbatos and heine's units force only, then add them to maxiboost on a couple of months later just so to add more stuff to the roster with minimal resources used.
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heine a shit
>page 10
dedder than ded
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you're a shit
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>coming soon to MB
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>amuro re-gz in force
does anyone wanna play tonight, it's friday
Maybe later, just about to indulge in my Skype group's weekly bad fanfiction reading not that you would want to play with my terrible ass anyway tho
don't be like that
play. game. please.
Why the fuck not? He's the only one that actually did anything noteworthy with that thing.

Kayra sortied only to job, and Chan only fired off a few grenades in an already damaged ReGZ
o was juss playing dude
but literally what is the point? The moves aren't even different.
>what is the point of a clone
I don't know why don't you ask bamco
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When Dearka going to get a suit?
chan isn't in force you dingbat
With Full Saber and Perfect Gundam, basically anything that has a spec and armament write-up can be on the roster.
Can we talk about the new Sthesia? Now that all of the dark Sthesia are out, who will be the next seasonal unlock?

I have started using the creepy green Sthesia and boy you can barely hear her voice in a noisy arcade
Outfits for them? Aren't they doing schoolgirl outfits for them right now anyways?
Err, scratch that, for some reason I thought the magazine scan had different outfits for them.
the other Sthesia don't have alternates? Regular has a shit tin so I figured the others would have some too.
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Whens this boy here going to be a navi or playable? he seems rather random to be nothing.
he's FB's final boss' younger version
how come I am the only one who plays while the rest of you guys are ugly
They better do, I really hate how they all have the stupid short skirt instead of them sexy pilot suits.

Ok the short skirt is not that bad but the screen is not big enough to show their legs too.
anyone down for a lobby tonight?
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>Force CM
>Has Psycho gundam in it as an boss/buddy
well I'll be.
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So thats who that kid is. I didn't know. Well I hope shota version becomes playable. EXA gundams are pretty cool looking, having a villain one could be an interesting design.
I play just not with you guys
at least i can have quin mantha as a buddy i guess
Most players on /m/ are either crazy or pussy corner so unless you don't mind (I personally don't), it's probably better to steer clear.
wait.. is it piloted by four or rosamia?! I NEED TO KNOW
I meant I've still been playing, just not with /m/ because there's only like 5 of us who have actually logged on in the past 2 months.
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Is this the first time vanilla Psycho showed up, or has it always been a boss in EXVS?

>caring about the pilot
Four I believe since shes the only one who piloted that version iirc
>or has it always been a boss in EXVS?
was never a boss in EXVS, Full Boost, or Maxi Boost. finally in Force its playable, probably going to be moved to MB-On as well
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duel me kiddo
>caring about the pilot
>not caring about the mech
Get out of /m/ fleshbag-lover.
damn I didn't actually realize it was vanilla psycho, nevermind.
>just not with /m/ because there's only like 5 of us who have actually logged on in the past 2 months.
yea it's pretty dead here

news about a console maxi or some dlc would revitalize interest but it doesn't seem bamco is willing to throw us a bone
I still would like to believe people haven't lost interest, they're just busy being in college and what not. I have no proof of this though so maybe it is dead.
i seriously doubt 30+ players are all college students
college student reporting in, havent been on in months cause I needed a break from salty lobbies

and cause I've gotten addicted to other things MTG is a helluva drug
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>00 added 6 units
>3 were Setsuna
when are they going to add one of those cool 00 manga gundams?
Has Tekka made a new tier list yet?
hey saviour

he's dead
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>Hey Athrun
>did you know I'll have 2 playable units
>how many do you have? probably a lot huh, because you're so popular and all
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>dat Athrun beatdown
poor little athrun. and now he's an assist for 2 characters that died for him.
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Slash Zaku when?
Why does all melee have to be stylish and backflip/issens these days? What happened to simple, yet awesome things like EZ8 hand-attack or BD01 dash attack?
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well Heine was a flashy dude, but didn't watch his hiney very well.
assuming the average gamer who enjoys mecha is in their 20s is not a stretch, and assuming the average 20 year old is in college is not a stretch, obviously not everyone stopped playing because of school but still. Besides, when did we have 30 players?
/m/ psn list bby
i'll play
student here + my tv is broken
active players? Players who joined more than one or two lobbies?
no one said anything about active.

why wouldn't those who joined more than one lobby count? what is the point of your argument?
if they aren't active then why would they be considered part of the community and more importantly why would them not being around be considered a contributing factor to us being 'dead'
>why would they be considered part of the community
holy shit, this is the /m/ community, anyone who browses /m/ is welcome, this isn't your shitty secret club you fuck

why wouldn't maxi boost bring in those new players too? they would contribute to us being not dead if maxi boost was around, which was my earlier statement
Not sure what you are popping off about, literally all I said was we don't have 30 players. Of course anyone is welcome and I never said they weren't.
we did in total at one point, you disputed we didn't, that's it.
Flashy stuff get more attention I guess
>a bad thing
having the guy fly across the screen it a good thing, less of a chance of getting hit when doing melees
Playable Sthesia Awar mech when?
Not everything needs to be viable. Things like Q[T]FS are lame because they're overly flashy, IMO.
Lame in design but not in prowess.
Gee that thing is overpowered
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>garma's force attack is his death
>char zaku has a freefall from it's sub
>2k Elle mk 2
i have no idea
The roster actually doesn't look all that bad now
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>young amuro voice on dijeh
Why is my waifu trying to kill me with her fuckboi?
>>2k Elle mk 2
nah that's emma
as long as you can cancel into his mg then you can freefall anything.
Pretty sure that was Emma. At the start of the clip you can see they basically made a mk2 squad.
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>Dat G-Self
looks good man.
>doesn't want the fuckboi to kill you
joking aside, I'm amazed Sesha isn't a playable character yet. a 2k EXA gundam doesn't sound crazy. She has what 20 boss units through clones and stuff. yet no playable Sesha's.
>no footage of kshatriya being playable
Getting nervous
Has anybody heard anything on how they're going to handle switching targets in this game? Because having to cycle through targets like in FB's mission mode would fucking be terrible for a game based entirely around fighting more than two suits at a time.
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>playing game with friend
>pick that suit from f91 with the shot lance
>destroy his ass
>say "git gud"
>"its just because you used a 1k suit and you had more stock!"
>"when i tried to block it wouldnt let me!"
>the salt in his eyes
>pick that suit from f91 with the shot lance
Berga Giros.

Quit being mean to your buddy!
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but im merely offering helpful advice anon
If I remember correctly you can cycle left and right with the right stick.
Don't listen to anyone anon, a real man bears lance and you are doing it right
I'm sure that it will be there. What suits do we know for sure won't be there besides cut series?
any maxi suits besides norn, fauc, and age
I miss virtue
Don't forget Re-GZ
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>doesn't know
anon you can still play as hooker puru
What makes you say that? How do we know what's been cut?
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The PSTV is region free right? So I can get a cheap US one and play Ex Vs Force when it comes out?

I still need a new router before i can play with you guys in Full Boost again.
>The PSTV is region free right?

>So I can get a cheap US one and play Ex Vs Force when it comes out?
i would've picked one up at black friday when they were going for around 30 but yes
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Disco Fever.webm
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Best Buy had them for $20, you'd need your own controller and everything though. Idk if Toys R Us is still doing that Lego Bundle for $50

I'll keep an eye out for a cheap PSTV then, thanks man.
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Why so Barbatos look like its only half done?
What do you mean?
probably the fact that it has next to no weapons
How much fresh blood is here for me to consider making another tier list.
>implying there is any
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So then we are still on the last update, gotcha.
Since I cant speak for the people who've been continuously playing, how has the progress been?

Actually, who is still actively here? How many?
this game is dead tee bee aych
might as well get that casual vita shit since there's no point in getting good at this one
but there are lobbies every day
ibis has regressed to a high-input retard
Regrettable, what pushed him over the edge?
playing against different people
Ahh he became drunk with the desire to play, I see.
He's making shit up. There's nothing indicating that any unit has been cut
Not him, but do you think they'd fit the entire Maxi roster in Force? Especially when they are using FB values?
pretty sure side stuff like astray has been cut
00 movie, Crossbone, EXA, Beltorchika, Hathaway's Flash, and Blue Destiny aren't even on the series list. Dunno why that guy thought nothing would get cut.
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Neetwaifu is finally out as a navigator in MB.

Where can I find the Arcade openings for Maxi Boost?
Is the series list final? Might it get updated as units get revealed? It'd suck to lose crossbone
The game gets released in about 20 days so most likely
Would anyone mind telling me the difference between the Premium and regular versions of fullboost in regards to the music?

Mainly is the extra music on the disc or dlc?
dlc code
Thanks you anon
Perfect, thanks.
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Heine looks pretty fun to use.
>vanilla ZZ gone before I could use him

Come the fuck on!
looks like shit, probably because it is from shitty seed
I keep forgetting how hype these are
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Slash Zaku when?
that jumpsuit is kinda hot

even got a leg view
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So why hasn't this EXVS series added Advance of Zeta yet?
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the world may never know
It's somewhat slow, itself and the whip both

A somewhat fast charging melee like Valiant Surface's shining breaker might not be stopped in time

Also ranged options are really limited. With BMG and assist only, it's almost like Sandrock
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yes everyone fears the sandrock.
I doubt it will be as silly though
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Barbatos gameplay video:

The latest update has dethroned Sandrock from demigod status
dash reminds me of red frame
still damn good
looks kinda boring.
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Full Boost DLC sale
Not really, if you go to a nearby MB arcade you will see its pick count has dropped from the previous top 5 to below 20 now

Same for blitz though to a lesser degree

Everyone's new favorite support suit is (obviously) TGII
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>It's just red frame with a cannon
Just like the show
His melee combos look pretty dull.
Would anyone care to partake in Extreme Versus Full Boost matches tonight?
Anyone fancy a game? I am still pretty new but eager to play.

My PSN is OCELOT0079
Would arcade mode be ok? I'll add your PSN.
Okay sounds good

Ready when you are.
I sent you a friend request, waiting.

You... are the same person, right?

Alright, sent the invite.
pure and cute
Roux Zeta is suffering.
Nippers sure love taking Epyon and Norn.

Well that was fun. I still have no idea how to play Cima but she feels obnoxious.
Her beam machinegun is really strong upclose, and her sub is better as a traditional one

Ah, so I need to play her more like a brawler than ranged harassment.
I'm going to leave open an /m/ room incase anyone wants to play tonight while I play Xenoblade X.

Well, she's just odd in general, but yea she's better as that.
what class are you in xenoblade son?
Galactic Knight
Ayy good shit Im blast fencer currently
Photon Sabers are fun
Yeah the funnels are fun pea shooters too, I do like the skills the class has though, pretty nice stuff for bonus damage
Anyone fancy a game tonight? Or we all Coolguy McAmuros with Real Lives and Things We Do On Weekends?
I was just playing but now I'm playing 0081
In any case I don't think anyone is gonna show up, so you might as well give

well shit

my psn is OCELOT0079
That's the second quads I've gotten in this thread. Wow.
I played with you earlier.

I think I'm the only remaining /m/ player alive. Everyone else must've died of a cold sweat or something.

It's probably a bit late but I just got home from work and don't have shit to do. I'd gladly play if there's still interest.
There's never been any, sorry.

Sorry, I got harangued into streaming gundam episodes for friends. I'll be around tomorrow night for more EXVS though at 6pm PST/GMT-8.

well okay



add me when you're ready
Ok, I'll finish this match up
I already have you added.
Thunderbolt FA Gundam in Maxi Boost when
If it ever gets added i'll be sure to have fun watching gameplay videos of it since i'll probably never get to play maxi.
I'm sure it will get ported but the suit will most likely be in Mbon rather than mb if at all
Because clearly this new Gundam game announcement on the 15th is going to be MB on consoles
There's a Gundam game announcement on the 15th?
famitsu will be revealing it at 12:00 JST
I'm crossing my fingers then.
inb4 it's another gundam breaker
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>Battle Operation Next Next
please no

i'm pretty sure next is mostly dead anyways
Are there any good 'how to' guides for the Gerbera Tetra or ZAKU Warrior?

That'd be a good thing though.
I wouldn't mind seeing FromSoft take another stab at Gundam. IBO is basically Dark Souls in Space anyway
>Gundam Breaker

I know.
I should have clarified that I was talking about two things.
Tetra: get up close, feign melee, step and fire main gun. If opponent pulls away, chase down with gelgoog assist and sub. You can't do much playing defensive.

Zaku (I'm assuming)Gunner: main for landing punishment and anti melee; don't be afraid to stay airborne longer just to catch opponent's landing because the main Cannon is that good. Lay down suppressive fire with assist, catch wake up and tight corners with grenade. CS if ignored.
I hope so, I wouldn't mind another gundam breaker but I would prefer MB.
>It actually was another Gundam Breaker
fuck you anon
Link plx
That glimmer of hope has vanished into the sky.
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Gouf...I bet when MB PS3 comes out we'll get Yzak Gouf
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Heine here to grace us with his presence
>not showing the ex burst last
I hate it when they do that.
To be fair, that burst attack would have been a really lackluster finish.
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>gets 2 destiny mepe things
>reloads pretty quick
Heine Stronk
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Do you have this set??
...so the only "exclusive" suits force has now are Barbatos and G-self. Barbatos isn't all that great either.
G-self and barbatos will be MB-On launch guys so they're really not "exclusives" maybe it'll have DLC and those will be something closer to exclusives? throw in a Zeta suit or maybe another GReco guy? mask or klim would be cool.
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>Force DLC
well I hope they aren't great but I hope they are. Since I'm a flithy westerner I doubt I'll be able to buy any of the DLC for Force.

but I wouldn't mind a Yzak Zaku DLC. doubtful considering Heine has 2 units for destiny and I doubt we'll get a third. but eh.
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Unfortunately not, sorry. Try checking some sites for it. I'll post another Luna as compensation.
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Mack Knife confirmed for Maxi Boost On as well as DLC for Force in Feburary.
Just correcting something, I think Mack Knife may be released for Force on the same day the update for Maxi Boost On with the Mack Knife goes live. So that means it will be sometime in March or after, and I think it may be free DLC as well but I could be wrong as I'm going by Google translate here.

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Crotch missiles, crotch missiles everywhere. You better be able to call in best girl
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whens my boy Klim going to show up?
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>mask is playable
>And force is going to get him.
kick ass. finally something from Force to look forward to.
Can't you just make the JP account on your Vita the main one/buy another SD card?

/m/ LOBBY!?

What is this travesty from?
G no Reconguista.
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>Mack Knife
how dare you. Its not Elf Bullock sexy but its awesome.
Absolutely not. We have to keep up our tradition of not doing /m/ lobbies anymore.

no /m/ lobbies allowed
I'll be down for it
No one else? I'll be hosting at 10PM CST.
Anyone around and want to get a game in?
What kind of game
a lewd one

I can do Arcade or Vs, w/e is good


No one? well okay. Back to practicing I guess.
Lobby's canceled. Lack of interest. Damn you all.
Im up for a game psn is Nosoupfaze
We'll need at least 2 more.
Alright, just send me an invite when ur ready im on
inivite me jpmrmeat
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Invite ExulusJP
inv GUNDAMskrite
I got a stream up if anyone is into that
Someone make a webm of that plz
losses cuz TG2 got pushed into it's own ex burst, by a ks-ing epyon
on it
who do I message for an invite

Oh I guess that means it's dead then. not surprising
Lobby ended a little while ago. We just found the body.
Sorry we played for a good 3 hours

It is pretty kill though
Do you need a japanese PSN to play online? What do the codes in the game case do?
we should be getting spills on vs Force within a couple hours right? That should've gone live in japan today
yes. one is for the online pass, some games also have a code for ex-s
So with Heine's Gouf and Destiny being added do you think they'll milk the chance to have T.M. Revolution doing voice work and add in Miguel's Ginn?
Having a GINN would be a cool 1k, but I don't see it happening
you guys down to try again tonight?
i might be down
Guess we are outta luck.
Quick question does the Online pass works for US accounts or only works on a JP account?
Only works for JP accounts.
Is anyone still playing?
no one will show up
if at least one dude show up we can at least do 1v1 or arcade mode
So how have these threads been? I've been busy the last few months and haven't gotten to play but it's nice to still see these threads are kickin
We can barely get a lobby going, it's been dead.
Not really any /m/ lobbies lately. There's not a whole lot to talk about regarding the game as of late either, since there haven't been any recent developments on more content for FB or a MB port.
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Speaking of which, anyone down for a few games tonight/now?

I can even do skype or whatever voice chat you want, talk about MB etc.
I do have access to MB so
I could go for some now but who is this
blightwood the permared guy
that may be a slight problem
Just message me if you decide you can give it a try. Can't blame you for not wanting to
What will we be playing?
Your call
We can do 1v1 or arcade run
Arcade run would be fine because 1v1s are not my idea of fun desu.
just toss me a message when you're ready
PSN: blightwood

You've got a third if interested.


I was hoping the presence of three would motivate a fourth to join.
Oh yes please
Desperately needs a fourth
That was slightly suffering but fun.

I bought a friend a copy but idk if his has arrived yet.

I'm still up for anything.
Shoulda bought digital.

it was suppose to be a christmas present surprise

alas, holiday shipping buttfucked that idea
Thanks for the run
Sorry about the bad connection

If you are still up for a game i'm down.

kek Force is officially coming here in the west
You want EXVS in america?
Bamco Delivers!
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you funny cuhh.gif
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I'm tellin ya, someone is actively trying to ruin gundam's chances in the west.
>You want EXVS in america?

Can't say I really did, I was pretty satisfied with imports.
I wasn't getting Force to begin with but maybe I will get the english release to show some support... Who am I kidding? This thing is going to flop isn't it?

It will with that attitude, Mister.
Maybe it's a good thing to vote with your wallet and let them know we only want MB port.
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250KB, 858x725px

Then in 2025, after another 10-year drought of non-musou Gundam games, they decide to localize an SD Gundam game, and the cycle begins anew.
Ya'll could get the Vita TV bundle thing for like $60 and grab Force. Not a great solution but better than buying an actual Vita.
this is what im probably going to do. I really hope this does well so we can get more gundam over here.
>Gundam Extreme Vs. Force is getting a real western release

I can't believe this is happening
fucking how
a what, 3 years later. wow..its not even the newest version wow
bandai did a countdown for a game thats over 3 years old wow lazy.....its not even "vs Boost"
but it isn't 3 years old
Anyone up for a game?
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