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>consistent pacing >constantly manages to one up itself

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>consistent pacing
>constantly manages to one up itself
>complex but easily followable plot
>literally no unlikeable characters

Why do people try and attack G-Reco?
It's mostly homosexuals and Tomino haters, op.
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Do we really need two threads for this?

This is now a bulk thread. Post bulky mecha.
It's weird, people are just determined to shitpost about Tomino because he's a big name, yet, I doubt anyone outside of /m/ actually knows who he is. It's just so pointless.
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Skinny >>> bulky.
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Hell yeah fat mechs.
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Bulky, fat, whatever: post them.
I think for a lot of people, G-Reco is just their first Tomino show. You never see so much shitposting about Zeta. Probably because the people who actually watch it know what they're getting into.
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Fat is love
People binge watch Zeta and usually reserve their criticism for when it's finished or stop at a point where they want to drop it and ask /m/ if it's worth carrying on. The former usually leads to people forgetting the shows faults like the first Earth arc(In reference to people complaining about battles over nothing)or overlooking certain things like Kamille's development, Katz motivation and Rosamia being utterly insufferable.

Reconguista is the first Tomino Gundam show we can watch week by week, which is going to lead to arm chair anime critics arguing over opinions inbetween each episode. Which is just going to be a shouting match of who can scream "NUH UH, YOU HAVE SHIT TASTE AND ARE PRETENTIOUS, RETARD" the loudest.

Fucking oddly enough the General here and threads on /a/ usually have the most tame criticisms and discussion.
Jesus christ, give it a rest already. Why do you care so much if people like the shows you watch or not? Do you need your opinion validated that badly?
>threads on /a/
Those are filled will shitposters more so than the ones here.
Maybe its a timezone difference, I usually only browse /a/ late at night but the threads were surprisingly civil outside of the sales threads or dedicated fanbase war threads(what's the fucking point of these is it like anime console wars?).
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Never really got why Shin Getter 3 is so off-color compared to 1 and 2's standard red/white/yellow.
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Completely separate from this argument, or any argument for that matter, but that is, in fact, the entire point of arguments in general. That is, as social creatures, humans (and higher-order primates definitely, and some other animals arguably) argue not for the content of what they're arguing, but because doing so establishes a social hierarchy. (Source: pick up any peer-reviewed sociology or endocrinology journal. It's a pretty central theme)

This is precisely why people refuse to back down from heartfelt positions, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. They'll deny the evidence, call into question its legitimacy, divert the question, dip into ad hominem, etc. etc., anything to justify that their position is correct, because the alternative is unthinkable: being "wrong" and tumbling down the social hierarchy meant, sometimes quite literally, that you were bred out of existence.

So the ability to argue well is a trait that is highly selective for social organisms like ourselves and thus it persists despite silly things like logic or science or whatever.

That's nice, but the reality is because people feel butthurt about shitposting.
(If you don't see the irony of defending your post about a post made about the rationale of defending a position, I don't know what to tell you).

Also, buzzwords, anon.
>faults like the first Earth arc
Earth is literally the most interesting part of Zeta.
Karaba >> AEUG

I'm not defending it, I'm just saying. Because unlike that post, I honestly don't care if I'm proven wrong. I'm not a woman.
Karaba is largely irrelevant and wouldn't be nearly as cool without Hayato and Amuro IMO. Also the fights on Earth(outside of Psycho Gundam stuff) mostly spurred out of and amounted to nothing.
>I'm not a woman.
Go to bed, Wufei.
Why is Buriki Daioh called "Blik the Great" in that image?

Well if you wanted to, I suppose you can translate it as The Great (even though it's Great King).

Blik though...it should at least by Bliki if that's the case.
As someone that's been rewatching Zeta, I'd say that Zeta is far, far more interestingly written and better paced than G-Reco has been.

Yes, I realize they're different shows with different tones. I do get (and agree with) your point about criticizing a currently airing series, but I don't think the "B-b-but Zeta has the same shit!" argument really applies here.
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>I'd say that Zeta is far, far more interestingly written and better paced than G-Reco has been.

I watched it all the way through, and I....SORTA liked Zeta.

It had interesting plot and all, but the characters all acted so cosmically stupid.
For serious. Did you see the current /gbft/ thread? Were some anons going at it, one purports he went to a party and came back, and responders as having no lives for replying so quick on a message board. Despite, you know, feeling the need to continue an argument on same message board right after getting back from a party.
Good job showing me how wrong I am with a cereal mascot.
They did. But they generally acted in ways that were understandable if not rational.

I'm not denying that Zeta has flaws. I'm denying that all of Zeta's problems are comparable to G-Reco's.
>But they generally acted in ways that were understandable if not rational.
Top fucking kek
>But they generally acted in ways that were understandable if not rational.
>Reccoa's entire character arc
You're full of shit
yeah dude there's no such thing as slutty women that love the cock.
Kamille is one of the best Gundam protagonists because he's so hot-blooded.
Same with Bellri. Love that guy.
>unlikeable characters who can do no wrong
>invincible MC with gimmicks and add-on that would rival Steel Jeeg
>no charismatic villain
>hell no clear villain at all
>awful pacing

yep so perfect.
So when G-Reco is finished I guess those people will shut the fuck up and it'll be treated more like Zeta, and loved by many. I can live with that.
Right, because a show needs a cartoon villain to be perfect, and because people need to die for a show to be "good." You just want to see people dying because you're super edgy and get off on that. That's not how things work in real life, and G-Reco is meant to parallel real life, in the future. Just go back to Transformers or whatever stupid shit you like.
>But they generally acted in ways that were understandable if not rational.

Well, yes and no.

Like, I understood where the mindset before their actions came from, but it didn't change that they basically let their emotions run amok and made stupid decision after stupid decision.
Just like real people.
If anything it will be like TTGL: people don't actually dislike the show, but the fanbase is so goddamn obnoxious that they'll end up hating it anyway.
Reading through /m/, Greco doesn't really have a rabbid TTGL type fanbase, nor is it the "Everything robot aspect is like TTGL" mentality

If anything the only reason why /m/ will hate the show is because they keep making threads designed completely for shitposting which were most likely caused during the early episodes of the show. Seriously, I think there's at least more than 5 Greco bait/shitpost threads currently running
People don't die in real life war? Also, nothing he said suggested that he wanted the characters to die. Why are you so upset? And so wrong? Is this post satire?
>because they keep making threads designed completely for shitposting which were most likely caused during the early episodes of the show.

I'll vouch for this, I am beginning to get sick of seeing these threads everyday for such a fucking non-controversial show. The board is making mountains out of mole hills over plot points they won't care about once its over.

Yeah certain things could have been done better but do we really need 8 threads? Each of which last about 2 days at least? Does it really need it's own thread or do people really believe this circlejerk somehow differentiates from the supposed circlejerk in the general?

There are in fact people who can act using emotion without letting it control them.
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The characters in G-Reco really aren't much less stupid.
They're just not colossal jerks about everything.

But that also kinda makes them less interesting.
The Argama was a powder keg of extreme characters hauled up with each other. And whenever Kamille opened his mouth there was going to be some huge argument followed by extensive slapping.
I have nothing against the people on the Megafauna, but they just don't elicit much emotion from me.
They seem nice is the best I can muster, while there are people in Zeta which I love and others which I fucking hate.

There's also a real lack of tension in G-Reco, which robs it of a lot of staying power.
More like people with massive brain problems. The Argama is an asylum, plain and simple.
Do you know ANYTHING about war? Obviously not, or you wouldn't be so stubborn.
You have to realize that the people you call the "obnoxious fanbase" aren't actually fans of the show. Yeah, TTGL does have a fanbase like that, but you're completely exaggerating about G-Reco just because you see a lot of shitposting on this board and I guess even after all these years you aren't used to shitposters.
Agreed, so much drama about an all-around good show just because it's Tomino.

Between you and me, I think this is the fault of Valvrave somehow. It just brought all manner of trolls here and they won't go away. Every new mecha anime, regardless of what it does, because they're looking for the next wild ride.
>There's also a real lack of tension in G-Reco
Oh look it's this retard again
>The characters in G-Reco really aren't much less stupid.
But they are, for one thing the characters in G-Reco outright avoid needless confrontation and learn from their mistakes.

The characters in Zeta weren't interesting just really annoying due to how inane their actions were and their justificationa for it, it was an excerise in patience since I have no idea how anyone can relate to any of them.

Yeah nah, those people never left /a/ for the most part, because the majority of them don't even like mecha.
Objective Zeta Arc Tiers:
Malestrom>Rosamia>Neo Zeon>Dakar>Von Braun>Hong Kong>First Space Arc>Winds of Jaburo>Karaba&Hayato
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>Rosamia that high
>Rosamia not last
Sarah is young, she's just Katz but with Sirocco instead of Amuro
Reccoa was just dick-crazy
It had a great buildup to the Psycho MK.II's appearance, and that fight was great.
>he liked Rosamia
what's wrong with you
Outside of a handful of moments, though, he's generally right. I don't even see how this is a particularly controversial statement.
I'd say they were plenty interesting. Diff'rent strokes, I guess. Zeta is my favorite Gundam series along with the original.
I mean it brought the really dedicated ones that maybe like something mecha-related so they're here specifically to troll mecha.
He does say that a lot, doesn't he? I'm sure it's the same person because it's the same weak argument every time.

Not only does he not understand what qualifies as tension, but he acts like "tension" is the end-all when plenty of things are excellent without the need for that. Ever read a fucking Tolkien novel? That's why his statement is problematic.
Furthermore how the fuck does anyone find G-Reco's characters to be stupid? Pay attention to the fucking show.
>he acts like "tension is the end-all
It's a fundamental part of storytelling. It's basic narrative construction. I could be wrong, but I don't think that guy's suggesting that G-Reco should be a Tom Clancy thriller.

And I generally dislike genre fiction. I've only read The Hobbit--which had tension.
Yeah, The Hobbit has tension, but it doesn't rely on it. And most of the time they're safe because Gandalf's there to protect them, but it's still an excellent book. Both Tomino and Tolkien do this with G-Reco and The Hobbit - they have tension without relying on it. It's hardly fundamental.
By the way, if you dislike genre fiction, doesn't that mean you dislike mecha anime?
Tension doesn't necessarily relate to the safety of the characters. It doesn't even necessarily have to relate to a conflict (though it often and usually does). Even slice-of-life stories--decent ones, anyway--have some kind of tension that keep the reader/viewer interested and ideally invested.

Yes, tension is fundamental. Otherwise no one could care.
I meant in terms of literature. There are exceptions, though.
It's pretty boring for the most part.
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