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>why aren't ppl including digital media, social media,

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>why aren't ppl including digital media, social media, the internet etc etc in novels

because its throwaway and meaningless. its sole intention is to devolve yourself from yourself. Could there be anything more banal about reading about some prick posting on facebook? Its like why we don't read about protagonists having bowel movements or farting in literature (joyce is ok at it...im generalising)

>im going to write a novel about some autist shit-posting on the chans.....that'll werk.
we don't read about bowel movements or farting in literature because the literature itself is the bowel movement or fart
go to bed slavoj
>because its throwaway and meaningless. its sole intention is to devolve yourself from yourself.

Sounds like a pretty good subject to examine in a novel desu
The actual answer is that you need to be at least 30 to write a truly great novel (on average, there are exceptions) and social media has only been ingrained in western society (read: Burgerland) since roughly 2008. You need a generation that grew up on that crap (so Gen Z, Gen Y aka Millenials mostly grew into it) to write well about it.

So not until 2027 at the earliest.
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>why aren't ppl including digital media, social media, the internet etc etc in novels

Yes people are, you just dont read any contemporary lit

This is part of why contemporary literary fiction in America isn't that good.

>worked as a journalist, traveled the world and saw wars first hand

Thomas Pynchon and David Foster Wallace:
>went to a prestigious college and became published authors directly after finishing an MFA program without having any life experience

David Foster Wallace literally wrote about doing drugs in college. How exciting.

Where are all the great novels about terrorism and American involvement in the middle east? Where are all the novels about the resurgence of Nazi groups in Europe and the Syrian refugee crisis? Where are all the novels about the Great Recession and the subprime mortgage crisis?
Plenty of trivial and banal concepts are discussed in literature. Take Moby Dick as an example, it's about man's struggle with nature, trivial as anything. I stepped in dog shit this morning which I'd argue is a greater struggle and actually happened. If something as plain (for the time) as whale hunting can have a book written about it, so can shitposting. Think about exploring a semi conscious hivemind through a wrapping contextual metanarrative. Throw in some existential threat and descending madness you have an interesting book, right? Point is, you can write a novel about pretty much anything provided you actually have a grain of talent. Chances are you don't but I'm sure someone could self publish on Amazon and earn $5 along with all the other pseuds.

>Where are all the great novels about terrorism and American involvement in the middle east? Where are all the novels about the resurgence of Nazi groups in Europe and the Syrian refugee crisis? Where are all the novels about the Great Recession and the subprime mortgage crisis?

have you looked for them?
>Where are all the novels about the resurgence of Nazi groups in Europe
I doubt that people would be interested.
>Where are all the great novels about terrorism and American involvement in the middle east?

I'd be surprised there aren't. You should probably just look hard enough.

>Where are all the novels about the resurgence of Nazi groups in Europe and the Syrian refugee crisis?

This literally started a few years ago, give writers time to write it well mang.

>Where are all the novels about the Great Recession and the subprime mortgage crisis?

Nowhere. "Grapes of Wrath" was written in 1939, basically a few years after the shit died down and people could look at it rationally.
Submission has this, but the character plot line kinda went nowhere,
is this skeleton bike poster the worst user on lit? this is more obnoxious than a tripfag and you're a pseudointellectual faggot

>sartre and camus ruined my life i am le exeistentlaiste

why did that post trigger you so hard?
>Thomas Pynchon
>went to a prestigious college and became published authors directly after finishing an MFA program without having any life experience

>studied engineering at Cornell
>served in the Navy
>worked for Boeing
>lived among hippies in Mexico and California
the novel itself is a form that can no longer exist under the current media environment, at least not in the same way it did in the 20th century. compare 19th century serialised novels with the 20th century literary model and with the still unpolished and often metafictional/epistolary 18th century forms. Digital environments represent the greatest transformation in text content uptake since the printing press, we are yet to see most of their effects on literary production. Who knows if concepts like 'autorship' or 'permanence' are going to survive this shift?
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t. damage control

your generation's culture is throwaway and meaningless
Aren't you a part of that culture too?

You're on 4chan after all
I think those two concepts would flourish given how many outlets are provided for individual voice to perpetuate without being linked to something material
Let's wait a decade, then you will be able to tell.
>read novel from 1890s
>relevant politics, social etiquette, events, technology and other minutiae of life featured naturally and commonly
>new technology, social standards, cataclysmic war featured commonly and naturally
I swear to God, this is about the funniest thing I've read on /his/ today. It's just so absurd.

>the internet is limited to facebook/social media

are you for real? how old are you? the internet literally changed the world almost to the extent that the industrial revolution did and you're saying it's all meaningless? the biggest innovations happening in science and technology are directly tied to the internet and other digital shit. if you think there's no purpose in writing about it you're fucking retarded.
>are you for real? how old are you?
>your generation's culture is throwaway and meaningless

late capitalism annihilates meaning. The spectacle of 'literature' has been debased beyond recognition. meaning can only be found through the violent revolutionary negation of the existing order, definitely not by LARPing as a 20th century 'man of letters'.
>your generation's culture is throwaway and meaningless

all sensations and inputs are fit material for literary processing if you have the skill

pessoa never did anything with his life but rattle around in his fantasies, wrote one of the best books of the 20th C

theres some good stuff going on, just do work and find it


>the codex will die in your lifetime
>the Gutenberg mind has become eradicated

literature is already in the nursing home (academic institutions)
>definitely not by LARPing as a 20th century 'man of letters'.

oh so LARPing as a 19th century social theorist works better then
As a published author and literary Apollo (tbqfhm8), it's very difficult to write about. Trying to incorporate it into you work reveals the shallowness of the whole enterprise. Writing about your smart phone or social media is like writing about Pepsi products or a Carnival cruise. It's shit, nobody cares, and it's thrice removed from anything pertinent about our humanness.
dank burn
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Thanks for sharing this, got any more finds?
Half of The Northern Caves was writing in phpBB board postings, and that was the better written half of the story. So it can be done, just hasn't been attempted well yet.
How's that uprising of the common man goin for ya, fag?
It would also quickly date the book

A Fire Upon the Deep depicts a galactic real time Internet...based on the slash dot bulletin board system of the 1980s

Its cringy to read now.
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There is something oddly depressing about this picture. I could go on some highfalutin ramble about capitalism and the sacred but I think the real reason it's so depressing is that he's getting more female attention in that pic than I am lately.
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