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University/College thread? Just got accepted to pic related.

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University/College thread?

Just got accepted to pic related. Any other i/lit/eratti here?

I'm excited for the small classes and academic rigor, but a bit worried about being surrounded by vocal homosexual vegans for the next four years.
University of Delaware.

Not much, but it's cheap, rural, and more so conservative. Hoping to go to Duke for grad school
>tfw chad's already got women clamoring over themselves to get on his dick but nobody wants to be your roommate
I'm going to Oxford in October
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>I also use he/him pronouns

Pedro you are handsome, but nobody would mistake you for a girl.
What college?
Reed is literally a meme college. A good friend of mine dropped out of there.

The good news is you'll have all the designer drugs and gay sex you could possible want.
Why on earth would i mark myself out as a 4chan browsing shitposter before I even start? I might run for office some day.
what college ?
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>but a bit worried about being surrounded by vocal homosexual vegans
Hohoho that's cute
Check out where I'm headed

I'm genuinely excited for the academics which they thoroughly sold me on during my visit but holy fuck, man, the students. I'm from Cali and it was still more than I'm used to
>going to college in the PNW
How are you going to be identified by posting the name of your uni on an anonymous imageboard
p paranoid, brother
UChicago fag reporting in
Miami University (the OG one)... Kill me
Holding out for Cornell Law
As someone from Hyde Park but not living there currently, I'm always jealous of how many of you there are on here

someday when I'm home for break I'm going to post that I'm from UofC and we should meet at the Reg to shitpost the night away in the stacks together :3
That is the most normalfag man I've seen yet.
Well shit.

I'm torn. On one hand, it seems like a very reputable institution, with good academics, and nothing would make my parents prouder than going there.

On the other, part of me would rather join the army and try to live authentically as possible, instead of going into debt studying the thoughts and adventures of people who did.

Google already has a file on you dude.
Tell me, is it easy to enter any industries exiting Reed? It seems like its mainly academically focused, which is great but eventually I have to get a job.

The girls love him though. I should have been more "dude weed lmao" in my introduction
>that girl suggesting watsky
get out while you still can
Stay away from the anthropology and psychology departments. Probably English too. Ideally go for science or math as your major. I'm physics and never have to deal with those type of people. They also tend to be cliquey overblown assholes that nobody likes.

Don't take biology for your Group C, because it'll be filled with whiners and it's hard. Take physics if you've a bit of math in you, else take chemistry because it's pretty easy.

Don't bother trying out for the nuclear reactor, because it's fucking broken. Like actually. It hasn't been operational in six months or something. Plus it's a lot of work your first semester for no pay, and no guarantee of actually getting the job.

Welcome to Reed. Enjoy the confetti.

>Tell me, is it easy to enter any industries exiting Reed?

Yes, a lot of the firms in Portland and the greater Pacific Northwest like to hire Reed graduates, especially math and science majors because there are a lot of startups around here these days.
I think it's the same two people desperate for human contact who keep posting again and again, not an actual surplus of UChicago students.

Here, have some local flavour to remind you of home:
>At approximately 12:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 19 – A University student while at home in an off-campus private apartment on Ellis Avenue between 54th Street and 55th Street heard a noise in the kitchen and went to investigate. The victim was confronted by three unknown males who had entered the apartment via an unsecured rear door. One suspect displayed a handgun and ordered the victim to lay on the floor. The three suspects took property from the apartment and fled out of the rear door. The victim reported no physical injuries. Chicago police are investigating this crime.
I knew a guy in college who got thrown out of Reed for dealing weed. I still marvel at his accomplishment.
Georgetown fag here, English major
I got in with a 35 ACT but was asked to pay an ungodly amount of money. I asked their financial office what they could do for me, and the total cost went from like $56000 to $48000. I was a middle class minority trying to go this school. I was surprised by how little they accommodated me, especially given their ideology and track record. Now I just go to a good-not-great Midwestern Uni, though I have a weird suspicion this is for the best and that I would've hated Reed.
Hey, my best friend goes to Evergreen. He loves it (we're also from California) but he says there isn't as much of a punk scene as he hoped for/ expected.

I go to Fordham, I'm graduating with a job in exactly a month. Pretty got dang spooky.
Is Robert from KY gay? I can't tell
Last name? Probably never met him. Especially if he's an incoming freshman.
different guy, but my class size is like 200
if anyone saw me post my school/year here they would know its me cause im the only person with non-generic yet right-wing political opinions
I'm planning on majoring in mathematics, so that's a relief. I was considering trying for the nuclear reactor, but I'll avoid that if it's not even working. It's great to hear that firms like to hire from Reed, I know they've got a good reputation for academic placement but I wasn't sure for actually getting hired.

Thanks for taking the time to type this all up. I really appreciate it.
No problem.
Oh nice! I'm not a huge punk fan so that won't be too much of a problem for me

Has he ever said much about the social scene there? That's the only part that my friend (who'll also be attending) and I were concerned about because we didn't get a good grip on it on our visit.
irvin, should be a sophomore and I think he's a physics major
Sorry, never met him. My guess is that if you think he's gay, he probably is.

Not him but as someone who went to Evergreen for 2 years the social scene is pretty good.

In the first year it seems really small because you mostly see the other freshmen everywhere around campus but then eventually you move out of the freshmen dorms and you realize that there are actually a good amount of people at Evergreen and Oly in general.

There are not many massive parties with kegs and beer pong etc but every weekend there is always a bunch of stuff going on. It's easy to meet people if you just start going to all the random events that are advertised for all the time around campus and downtown.
did you post this from the reg
not as good as when they robbed the place when the kid was in the shower and held him hostage

I browse 4chan in public because I'm a manchild and I've just accepted it

That was amazing

Didn't they hold him hostage in the apartment for hours while one of them went out and used all his credit cards around town or something?

Have fun completely burning out and leaving school in your junior year with a major stimulant-and-opioid addiction and, like, 70k in student debt.

Hey, I just graduated.

Very seriously: take the INS to M2O underclassman route. Evergreen has a surprisingly comprehensive and high-quality undergrad natural science program, and for what you're paying it's a total steal.

The alternative is history and political science, or maybe philosophy and literature studies with Marianne Bailey and get cohort, but she's probably leaving very soon. Everything else is a joke.
Reedie here, ama.
I'll admit the on campus politics are pretty damn ridiculous at times, and the school is way too expensive, but I do think the education I'm getting is fantastic, better than I ever imagined really. I'm sure the school used to be chiller than it is right now, but if you live off campus you can avoid a lot of the student body bullshit. It's not a smart hippy school anymore, which sucks. There are certainly some pretty cool social scenes here, but they're far and few between, most people are nice but kinda obnoxious, desu

The humanities departments are pretty great, though a lot of the old guard is starting to leave. I hear the sciences are still great, they're what got Reed big in the first place, but I don't have any interest in them at all. My big issue with the academics is that the philosophy department is strictly analytic, you can only get continental philosophy in the political science and history departments, which is a bummer.

Basically, if the academics weren't as good as they are, I'd never recommend this place to anyone.
University of Edinburgh
are you in the humanities or a csfag

>I browse 4chan in public

i've seen some miserable fuccs on other boards before in the cubicles, though never outside the reg.

do it in harper

>Didn't they hold him hostage in the apartment for hours while one of them went out and used all his credit cards around town or something?

Something like that. quality content, glad im subscribed to the alert list
Any suggestions for humanities classes? Specifically, how are the legal studies courses?

That's a shame about the student body. Most of the incoming freshmen seem fairly intelligent, but sometimes someone will make a comment (for example, one girl complaining about "white anarchists" not showing up to humanities 101 protests) that make me pause.

How're the networking opportunities there?
Bailey is offering a freshman course this year called Life as Literature; I've been split between that and Madness & Creativity but if she's a great professor I may have to take her class. M&C seemed a little more "play-time" than I had hoped at the open-house presentation

Mainly I'm interested in language and political philosophy, so I'm most focused on setting myself up for the Barely Modern spring course on the shift from modernism to pomo which greatly interests me
Honestly you can't go wrong with the Humanities 110, 210, 220, and 330 programs. There are a few professors to avoid, but largely I've never encountered a humanities course that wasn't interesting. The Shakespeare classes are dammed amazing. One of my favorite professors also teaches classes on Dante and chaucher every year that are good.

As a general rule though, just try to avoid intro courses as much as you can. Upper level classes have requirements, but usually if you just talk to the professor teaching it, and promise your effort, you'll be let it. This works for humanities courses at least.

Legal studies are largely based around international law, because that's the focus of a couple of the political science professors here, but I know this year there was this hard core constitutional law course taught by a retired professor.

Overall though, at least from what I've taken, that political courses tend to be theory, the higher level ones being history/impact based.

I can't really tell you about networking, I've been lazy about it. But it seems like there are actually some really great opportunities if you search for them. There are usually a handful of successful people who come around every month for students to talk to, but I've never really gone and can't say anything about its quality.
You don't like Miami? I'm going there in the fall for my masters
Linacre College - Oxford

Where my Oxonians at?
Chiming in here, I'm a Math senior and Reed's been pretty good to me so far. My professors have been fantastic for the most part. I'm a fucking nerd so I can't tell you much about the social scene other than that it's avoidable.

One thing people will say about Reed is that it's tries a bit too hard to be rigorous, to the point of pretentiousness. It's kind of true but I honestly feel by now that the professors just treat students with respect and expect them to care about the material as if they were already grad students. It's intimidating at first but I've grown to appreciate the attitude.

If you just take things seriously and pay attention you'll probably do great.

>tfw posting on 4chan instead of working on thesis
I'm a PhD student in the Humanities. Are autistic CSfags common here? Everyone I associate with is way too socially adroit for me. I keep trying to find autistic anime anarchists or something but all I ever find is really affable Princeton graduates with perfect hair. It's nice but I kind of miss my own people.
not doing anything related to literature though
kinda want to go to somewhere like st johns for grad school because great books program sounds comfy

can anyone comment on it?
I hear Regents Park is the true patrician postgraduate college
based Marlon Lynch

thanks, I unironically missed this
>tfw Princetonfag

I make sad posts here all the time but no one ever responds

Just for the record, not everyone at Princeton has social skills

I wish I had gone to UofC to be with robots like me
CUNY Baruch

This place is utter misery. If it wasn't for all the /tg/fags to hang out with outside class I would've tried transferring. Here for Finance, because that's really the only thing this school is good for.
who /Sarah Lawrence/ here
who /Fairfield U/ here
who's in Harvard here?

What a depressing school.
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My uni is void of any literature
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Holy shit bro I go to Baruch too
Accounting major represent
How's Finance? Where would you transfer too, if you could?
>implying that postgrad colleges differ from each-other

It only makes a difference when you're an undergrad
Going here in the fall, under a major I don't think I want to do, and I have no idea how or if I can change it.
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Forgot pic related
My undergrad, fucking loved it. What's it like these days? Super-cliquey with binge drinking in small groups Thurs-Sun every week?
Gl being unemployed for the rest of your life with type of shit degree.
i'll be there too. transfer to get my BS. what program are you in?
haven't started yet ;) excited though
I'm at u of Michigan right now but i'm super depressed and i think that i'm going to transfer to lewis and clark college in Portland because if not i'll probably kill myself with sleeping pills. this said its not as good of a school and i probably couldn't sell out as hard at L&C. anybody else fall for the big state school meme? also if anyone reading this would be so kind as to give me their thoughts you could make an anonymous stranger very happy
they're not lying when they say you wouldn't be able to sell out as hard. You could get into better small LACs (even Reed in portland like OP) transferring out of u michigan but ultimately just go somewhere where you wont kill yourself.
it really isn't that much fun. i dont spend much time on here but still havent met many people who are public about their autism at UofC.
autism is most concentrated in the cs/math set. the problem with the math autists is that they only talk about math. cs has the best autists, i guess; plenty of guys/gals on plebbit anime boards or browsing MTG cards or playing hearthstone in lecture. but there's a bit too much cross-pollination of 'nerd' in there. sadly im too much of a shut in to have connected with most of them.
Pre-med. Thinking about changing to Comp Sci or maybe Physics
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>tfw enrolled in community college
>tfw I'm an English major

At least I've been published. Is there any hope for me, chaps?
i'm also at umich stay strong friend hmu if you need anything
>English major at a community college

I sincerely hope you're taking the course as a hobby
I'm transferring to Berkeley soon. It won't be too bad.
>not bad
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Anyone go here? Just confirmed attendance. My major will probably be philosophy.
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Getting kicked out of this miserable shit hole after next week. I changed majors almost every semester for 3 years before realizing I have no interest in any of it and generally don't care about or value anything. Probably going to work just about anywhere until I can talk myself into suicide.
Don't go there, but live in San Diego. Can't beat the weather, and we're the sanest large city in California as far as politics go (which is damning with faint praise, but...).
Radford University. I must have the highest IQ out of all the students who attend here. This is what I get for fucking my life up.
Getting stuck somewhere you hate is terrible (happened to me, and I feel it ruined my life), but you should see if the problem is with you and not your environment.
that's too bad

It kind of helps my regrets though, so I'm glad to hear it
The problem with depression is always 'you' no matter how you construe it. I'm not saying the environment and other people don't affect you, but these can't be the real problem in the end.
I attend the University of Copenhagen. It enjoys some renown, the professors I've had experience with were mostly top-notch, and I've never had real problems picking out interesting courses, but I fucking this bureaucratic hell-hole, 70-80% of my classmates, the city it's in, and I don't really talk to people or get out (because I hate it). I don't think a week passes where I don't stop to think if it's all worth it and if I should just make that exit bag already, but it's pretty obvious that most everyone else gets on just fine here. On the other hand I don't see how the 'problems' above could be resolved by going somewhere else.
Didn't intend this as a blog, just wanted to point out to the other anon that it's possible to suffer through. I get by with sublimating my feelings into reading and forgetting them on the weekends with drugs.
Keep your options open. In hindsight all this will seem a lot less serious than it does now. Sometimes the rockiest and shittiest roads still go to high places.
Anytown Community College, Eagleland, USA
Lit is just a hobby for me. I'm studying mathematics
i'm in comp sci. i like the school so far, nice campus at least.


fellow jesuits

i know like 5 people this happened to at Reed
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