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Help me win an argument, /lit/. What is more elitist; to study

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Help me win an argument, /lit/. What is more elitist; to study economics at a ivy league school or study applied maths at some unknown university?
I don't know what's more elitist, but I know what's more useful, and that's all that really matters. Your argument is pointless.
To study on ones own, esoteric subjects with no relevance or utility to the modern world in a place totally isolated and alienated from the world, yet also totally comfortable.

That, OP, is elitist.
Obviously the one that involves prestige and a future salary.


And this is exactly what I want to do because I'm aware of my own incompetence. I know there is little I can do to change my circumstances, so I shouldn't feel bad for wanting to pursue my interests, no matter how useless, but the guilt always stops me dead in my tracks anyway. "I shouldn't be doing this. I should try to do something more productive."
Feels ennui man.

For me ennui is synonymous with suicidal ideation. Can't fucking do it. Gotta keep busy.
And given OP's question, which is more useful?
Useful to whom? Yourself? The world? Your family?
But he doesn't want to know about which is more useful. He wanted to know something quite useless, which is more elitist?

The answer to your question is applied math.
Studying economics at Ivy League school will get you a one way ticket to Wall Street and 100 hour work weeks. You'll make a few hundred thousand if you survive till 30 and bonuses but you'll probably be miserable.

Millionaires and billionaires are always forgotten by time.
I like this. Can you please elaborate?
All of the above.
They are forgotten because that is what they want. Being seen is just an impediment to the power their wealth affords them.
Study that which no one cares about, which has no utility, or purpose or meaning to anyone but yourself. And do it comfortably and in isolation and do it without the pretense of showing off, but do not hesitate to present your knowledge if the opportunity presents itself (which it shouldn't if the subject is sufficiently far removed from the concerns and interests of society).

Probably applied maths since you'll be able to get a decent job which doesn't require many hours of work (as >>8845964 does). So you'll be able to support your family and yourself without sacrificing time with them. As long as you choose a job which benefits other people in some way (not difficult for applied math) you are also benefiting the world.

There is a lot of happiness to be found in family, in relationships and in marriage. But elitism is not happiness, in some ways it is the antithesis.
>Study that which no one cares about, which has no utility, or purpose or meaning to anyone but yourself. And do it comfortably and in isolation and do it without the pretense of showing off

But how is this different from a NEET "studying" computer games 24/7?
It isn't. Video games are a kind of modern elitism.
>study applied maths at some unknown university
Hey, that's exactly what I'm doing. Is there something wrong with that?
the more i re-read this, the more i like this
>video games are now what passes for elitism
god help us all
>PhD in math
>any job you want
>$300k starting

You know what you must do, OP.
Can any one explain how to achieve >>8845910, but at the same time becoming financially independent? Should one dedicate oneself to learn math and patterns and move to a remote luxurious villa and trade the markets?
bump for interest
Most of us will die in a bath tub alone in some microapartment, and our bodies won't be discovered until weeks or even months later, when they have almost completely decomposed. What are you talking about?
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how financially stable are you trying to be? because your best bet for living like that is to eschew modern comfort in favor of more intrinsic pleasures
i'm talking about making money so that i dont have to live in a microapartment and being free from common society.
>Literal eltism about elitism

You've reached new disconnected zeniths anon, truly you are king of all
i want to be ahead of the bell-curve. i want to buy time by having an assistant, maid and cook, and never again having to queue in the bank, hospital or at the airport.
Well, god speed
>I read Foucault
That's beyond stability—that's entering into cushioned comfortability—you bougie fuck—start accruing assets bitch—broke ass motherfucker
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>tfw you'll never work a job on wall street
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i am
Of this there are two kinds:

That which we call "freedom" and that which we call "conquered conquering." The latter we can call "conquerism".

To be free is to be unhinged from every trapping of society, of the self, even of nature. Death must be by gradual suicide, life by gradual enlightenment. To do this, you must sacrifice for the sake of one thing, an art, a god, a family, a woman, a whale. Yet, you must never tangle yourself in the object of your sacrifice. You achieve comfort by negation. This is one way.

Conquerism arises from the embrace of the material, using it only as an instrument for rejection of the material. Thus conquered, we conquer. Comfort is attained by position, death is sudden and uncontrolled--a car crash, a heart attack, god permit a bolt of lightning--therefore natural. Life, likewise is comfortable, isolated physically, nothing is attained. No goals fulfilled, no spiritual matter resolved, no great work completed, no rest. Discontinued continuity is the essence of conquerism. This is another way.

Freedom is to subsist outside of the system, not even touched by it; conquerism is to exist through the system, and use it to negate the system.

Both are elitism.
greenwich, CT
nice, anon

but if i where to view market analysis as an art, and sacrifice other ambitions (kids, loving family, many close friends) for it, but still have to goal of earning lots of money, what would that make me?
Why is every post on this board pretentious pseudo-intellectual garbage?
but is lacanian monism and but so?
A Jew
We are all pretentious on 4chan, but in /lit/, at least, we don't pretend to be retarded
I did not read Foucault, in fact. I intuited it myself, just as he did.
economics = applied math. Pure math is the only patrician option
I think we have a winner.
with that logic, everything is equal to everything.
none of those acts are elitist
Sooo..... economics?
I hope you know that unless you're in some degree of an executive position, those jobs aren't exactly fun. It's competitive as fucking hell and everyone treats you like shit until it becomes clear that you're actually valuable to the firm.
>implying I haven't been a member of WSO since eighth grade planning which ecs I should take depending on which targets I want to get into.
>implying I haven't been gunning to get into PE since sophomore year of HS
>implying I'll do anything not homosexual to get this job
>implying there are things in life better than models and bottles

get rich, pleb
Elitism has nothing to do with knowledge.
The elitist thing to do is to fuck your exams up, get a place at Oxford anyway, get a Third and still be in the top one percent of earners on graduation. Polly Toynbee has one A-level I think, Toby Young benefitted from a "clerical mistake", David Cameron got 80k a year (when that was like 200k USD today) on graduation because his mum made a phonecall etc.

Note names, Toynbee (as in the historian), Young (as in Lord Young) etc.

Americans and their fairy stories. Try real hard and I'm sure they'll let you join their club. Not.
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