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Hey /lit/ You wanna come to the 4chan ball with us? ~/fit/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 54

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Hey /lit/

You wanna come to the 4chan ball with us?

Please respond.
We accept your invitation, maybe a nice date will get rid of our crippling depression
I don't date blockheads, I'm going with /mu/ he's much cooler than you
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>asking out a HTML document to a fictional dance

how many layers of spooks are you on?
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Ja, we already reached an consensus in an earlier thread
>tfw medfag
well... i have some stuff to read you know... thanks for the invite anyway.
Oh boy, meathead homo spaghettiman and quiet book-nerd passive agressive girl, confirmed!

/flit/ this year

eeaaaaarth angel, earth angel
will you be mine?
my darling dear
love u long tiiiiiimeeee
Hold it right there faggot, we need to decide

I change my mind. The ball is pure ideology.

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Results confirm
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p-please come with us /lit/

We'll treat you right baby, we can read anything that doesn't involve stretching.
Do you even have a car? /mu/ has a prius
/mu/ has a prion disease
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We got rid of it to pay for a hex-bar. It's better cardio to walk anyway.

If you want, we can princess carry you to the ball.
You're a bit too tall sorry

Oh honey, you have no idea.
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Confirmed, /flit/!

We'll pick you up at 8, wear something that shows off your ass ;)
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So /lit/ you ok with putting a strap on on and pegging us after the ball? No homo

*pushes dorky glasses back
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All my dreams are coming true
With a combination like that we could bring back paideia.

What is this? Can I eat it or lift it? Will it give me gains?
Gains and brain gains.
Grains? Bains?

This is why we choose you /lit/. You smart.
Don't forget the quiet book-nerd has both an incest and a pedophilia fetish.
>tfw no muscle milf gf
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The quiet ones tend to be the kinky ones.
I'm /fit/ and I'm only 5'5".

For once my manlet status pays off!
now we need someone to draw autistic anime art
/lit/ is a female board?

We can go dancing
I can probably press you overhead
I have a cute Labrador to hike with
I have a job a car and (almost) a double MSc

Pls respond
/fit/ is the worst board on 4chan, there is no board culture, it no longer produces any memes, almost everyone there is weak, nobody cites sources even though the topic of discussion is incredibly well-studied and understood
/fit/ is like an /r9k/ where all of the posters go to the gym three times a week and spend most of their remaining free time thinking about, talking about, and building their identities around those three hours during which they pick things up and put them down. "critique my routine," "critique my physique," etc. shut the fuck up--just do ss or texas method or sheiko or smolov or any of a huge number of routines that have worked for everyone who has done them. no discussion needed. which I guess you guys know, since you mostly post body rate threads and pictures of traps.

also, /lit/ has very, very few women
/fit/ here, can confirm non-trivial manlet population

It's okay bro, we understand. You can come home now.
>also, /lit/ has very, very few women

What are you basing this on?
Toyota 86/FR-S seems to be a common theme with /fit/zens.
That and Camry's.
Did getting called a manlet strike a nerve?
Oh you two
>non-trivial manlet population
I ain't ashamed of my height just because some chick says I'm too tall. Have a little self-confidence /fit/lets.
I'll do it if you'll help me get /fit/ and not hate myself for being out of shape in the meantime. I know getting in shape is a process and takes time, but I also feel pathetic for the way I look, and even progress doesn't make me feel good because I know I still have so far to go.

Please help.
since quad and tiny left, /fit/ hasn't been home. I know people say this about a lot of boards, but /fit/ really, truly, isn't what it once was. nutrition and training in the fitness community at large has moved forward miles: iifym, emphasis on volume, rpe-based powerlifting programs; on /fit/ it has stayed exactly where it's been. nobody has any idea what they're talking about, and so they spend most of their time jerking each other off.
the issue is that now, when someone moves past being a beginner, they usually leave /fit/, because it has no longer has memes to make up for its cancer.
Dyel manlet detected
5'11, 170, 170 ohp, 275 bp, 405 highbar sq, 465 conventional dl
are you upset because you don't have any real hobbies or interests and you don't want this one taken away from you?
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Manlet still detected
I can't really disagree with what you've said. But someone's got to keep up the fort, at least so the detritus the filtres across from other boards can engage enough maybe to pique their interest in fitness. It's CBT/FPH/tfw all day every day now, and we all know that, but I don't think that's the point. Maybe some DYELs will have a kek and end up taking it seriously. It's not about aiming for breadth of content, it's aiming for depth of penetration...

The programming and nutrition questions are pretty poor though, I'll admit.

C'mon breh, you should know better than to start pulling numbers out when someone calls you a DYEL.
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Like 5 or 6 right now, my dude.
>talking shit with those numbers

If you're going to estat at least try to make it impressive.
The /fit/ sticky is actually excellent.
You need to teach yourself the energy content (kcal or kJ) of foods, it's like judging the speeds of cars before you cross the road, eventually you get an idea of energy content just by the types of foods that go into a meal.

At that stage you'll be able to select foods responsibly. Had too much for lunch? Have a dinner that fits your macros, but doesn't have excessive amounts of energy from fats or carbs. Everyone knows 'bad foods' like deep fried fish and chips, but you gotta know why they are bad, in terms of your overall food intake for the day.

With a little exercise and a change in your approach to diet you can maintain a decent body m8.
It was too tempting, /lit/ doesn't give me a chance to pull out my lifts very often
why wouldn't you take that as evidence that I'm not e-statting? if I were going to e-stat, I would list elite exrx standards
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>Tfw /lit/ and /fit/ at the same time
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H-hey, /lit/, /fit/ here.

D-do you want us to carry your books some time?
You look too weak to carry them.
1. Read the damn sticky son, then read Sun and Steel
2. Spend the first month or two getting used to the basic movements then move on to a tried and tested routine, don't try writing your own at this stage.
3. Begin your /fit/ness journey proper!
I have a kindle.
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>Read Sun and Steel for fitness tips
>Get a bunch of stupid nip ramblings with occasional comment on the aesthetics of muscular physique
All that /fit/ stuff sounds too complicated, I have enough complex books to deal with.
if you get the hardcover version, it's a really beautiful book, but yes, it's only popular on /fit/ because /fit/ is the fitness board of an anime forum and, more importantly, because it's very short.
C-can you carry me to the dance?
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E-readers need not apply, nor audiobook listeners

Besides, large books are usually meme books on here, and now modern day genre literature stuff has the audacity to not only have a 600+ page book but also have like 11 sequels for it

Unless you're talking about DQ though, I think /fit/ would like it
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I can still carry it for you
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How much do you weight?
Are you fine with being Zercher carried because it's stronger than my princess carry?
>I'll do it if you'll help me get /fit/
It's not that hard practically, but the mental shift is a significant one.

Read the sticky, do SS and get an idea of what you should be eating on a daily basis. Just know that you can't be sloppy about it. Doesn't mean you have to belittle yourself after every attempt at training or eating well; it's just that you HAVE to be explicit about your training, and if you say you're going to do something, then you HAVE to do it. Not understanding that is what keeps most people from getting /fit/.

>even progress doesn't make me feel good because I know I still have so far to go.
progress has to be rewarding for its own sake. One of the first things you learn to do is not to look in the mirror every day and yearn for your ideal. Set some realistic goals months in advance and keep consistent track of your progress. Every workout you just need to get that little bit better, and that should motivate you.

>I also feel pathetic for the way I look
Another reason why you need to get used to tracking progress. Deep down, you'll never really be satisfied. I'm not even sure if you ever should be

speak of the devil

guys, this isn't the place for this. Let's not expose our date to stereotypical /fit/ cancer already.
My entire point was that the information is freely available, in lots of places, the sticky included; it just somehow doesn't make its way onto the board.
If 4chan was entirely based around serious discussion and meaningful posts we may as well remove 95% of the boards.
You already said it yourself, fitness info is already out there, it's good to have a kek every now and then and be part of a community.
Even after all the great trips that have came and went it's still the same board, the comradery is still there and of course there's still discussion outside the memes too.
Your perception of the bad aspects are magnified because you never left 2012, look at the rest of the site and tell me /fit/ is the worst board, 4chan as a whole has declined over the years but /fit/ is one of the few boards that has actually kept some of the spirit of the glory days.
Also, you really don't want to know how Tiny is doing these days, it'd probably push you over the edge.
>reading Mishima for unbiased objective information
It's just a nice supplement to the aesthetic and philosophy of lifting, before or after you mold your own.
Any carry would be lovely
Only if you're a girl.
Oh /lit/, why did I have to play out that rejection in my head.

Zercher carry still counts as being held. Can you Zercher carry tenderly?
I'm gonna need your weight to answer you right, also, give me about 7-12 minutes of stretching and warmups first.

If you sit in my arms like a chair, and sit upright, then yes it can be comfortable.
memes, fat people stories, etc., are great, I'm not saying that /fit/ should be a place for serious discussion alone.
the issue is that there is almost none, and the little there is consists almost entirely of really pernicious misinformation (>diet soda is bad for you, etc.). The issue isn't that the average quality is low; rather, it's that there is *nothing* of high quality.
I have looked at the rest of the site: I settled on /lit/ after a long walkabout. The comradery is not still there, this is one of the issues: there are no nice, thoughtful posts. You ask people a good question on another board, and, among the shitposts, you'll get one or two thoughtful responses, which will then be responded to and a dialogue will start.
On /fit/, a good question is almost always met with only shitposts, and when a thoughtful response is given (with sources), it's usually ignored.
If you're comparing yourself to /pol/ and /r9k/, you're not setting the bar very high, are you? but the difference even then is that /pol/ and /r9k/ both have some sort of cohesion; they're united by points of view, and not just by two or three memes. seriously, list what defines a fitizen in your head: he jokes about being a little bit gay, he hates fat people but likes fat women, he thinks a lot about height, and he gets mad when strangers don't squat to depth. is that enough to ground a community? I really, really don't think so.
/lit/ & /fit/ confirmed

I approve wholeheartedly
What defines a user from any board other than the two you mentioned and maybe /tg/?
Board culture is user-driven but it isn't defined by the users in every case. By your logic /a/ has no board culture.
There's also plenty of niceposters still around, a lot of questions are just usually asked in inflammatory ways or people neglecting the existence of the sticky.
/fit/ here. I didn't come for the women tbqph.
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Actually, I've done some reaserch, what would you prefer, Princess , fireman, or piggyback?
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>This entire fucking thread.
autism on this level shouldnt even be possible.
Princess dear
Well it pertains to the two most legitimately autistic boards on the site bar /r9k/
there are extremely, extremely few niceposters who are also thoughtful and well-informed--this is the issue--and when they do post, their posts are usually ignored
one of the things that defines posters on better boards is shared familiarity with a canon: nearly every poster whose home is /mu/ has listened to the money store, nearly every poster whose home is /lit/ has read infinite jest, but few posters on /fit/ even bother to read the sticky, much less starting strength or some lyle mcdonald.
accordingly, there isn't really a shared vocabulary, and so discussion doesn't go anywhere at all
again, five or six memes does not a board identity make.

I think part of the issue is that the skill that's supposed to bind the board is seen by posters as zero-sum: /ic/ isn't about who's the best at drawing, /lit/ isn't about who's the best at writing, /ck/ isn't about who's the best at cooking. /fit/, on the other hand, isn't a place where people go for evaluation or feedback; rather, it's a place where people go to compare themselves to other people.
>it's a place where people go to compare themselves to other people.
You are very wrong there, and it's more telling of your own mentality than ours.

You know, the fact that a number of /fit/izens are actually taking the time to post thoughtful replies to what amounts to your scattered personal polemic against a dated concept of a community with which you no longer have anything in common should tell you a little about /fit/ in general.

It was *you* who introduced this bitter note into what was otherwise a cheerful thread in which the two boards share in some light-hearted roleplay. Now /fit/izens swallow down our rising bile and have somehow compose disciplined responses to your whining. Precious.

Twice I begged you to show some form of restraint. Twice.

Could you both fuck off so we can get back to qt drawings?
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See ya. Good luck with /flit/bro, he must be a handful.
>nearly every poster whose home is /lit/ has read infinite jest
This is hilariously untrue
>few posters on /fit/ even bother to read the sticky
Once again not true, why the fuck do you think "READ THE FUCKING STICKY" is a meme? Every dumb question is referred back there.
A /fit/izen that hasn't read the sticky is probably one that doesn't need to and is already knowledgeable on fitness, ones that haven't and need to are quickly reminded when they make a stupid, misinformed post
I wasn't expecting you to denounce the place you call internet home. It's a polemic, it's personal, but it isn't scattered; it's just that there's so much to work with.
None of your points have held water, except maybe this last one: that I'm being mean.
A board with no redeeming qualities can house some decent people. And if you like standing in a circle with your internet friends and tossing old forced memes back and forth, it's a good place to be--I won't take that away from you--but /fit/ is broken: it doesn't produce things anymore.
looks like /flit/ is happening!
And I'm sure you're a quality poster that contributes quality content to much better boards like you're doing now with your quality, thoughtful posts.
Stop posturing you twat.
oop, pullin' out the rhetorical big guns now, are we?
Allahu Akbar
La illaha illah la wa muhhamad rasullu llah
You're really not selling me on your position to be talking down to the quality of content on a board.
>some non-high quality posting on /lit/ undermines the thesis that there is almost no high quality posting on /fit/
what are you doing?
...so is there any pictures of what /lit/ will wear to the ball? I want to start drawing.
Alright are there any drawfags here?
i lost my tablet, but i can do a sketch or two.
what the hell, i thought we weren't going with fit this year.
so is it confirmed? we're going with fit?
It's confirmed. /blush
Yes. The poll confirms.

So far nothing. Why not do what [s4s] and /c/ are doing with each other and spend the thread designing her dress?
We going bust out classy?
Formal, or smart-casual?
sure, i'll be up for that.
I'm personally leaning towards more formal (but none of those cringe-y "skirt made out of book pages" dresses).
First off, hair up or down?
Bronte sisters have their hair up,same with mary shelley, woof, etc.
I'd say hair up that eventually comes down as the ball goes on
Now this is what I want to see.

Greet and dance hair up, glasses, ball gown etc.
When the time comes, let it fall and make sure his hands are where they need to be.
I'm assuming her hair will be long, right?
Wavy, curly, straight? Brown, red, blonde locks?
Great minds think alike

Long hair, I prefer brown but red's not bad
I'm leaning towards a dark auburn.
Hey, will she have glasses? I don't want her to, but if her hair goes down at the ball, then maybe her glasses come off too?
Chestnut brown/red wavy.
The whole let down her hair/come out of her shell thing is too adorable to not add glasses
you're right, thats too cute.
Last thing on hair: bangs or no bangs?
Can't decide. Search your feelings anon
None. Trust me, neat tidy curtains with exposed forehead, until it's the right time to let them down.
I guess our character is truly going for an ugly betty theme then.
Anyone drawing right now?
I've got a lada 1500... hello? are you still there?
It's the classic qt librarian theme
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Ok guys, i have 2 drawings of /lit/ chan.
I can't tell which one should be her. Help decide, anons.
I like 1, but I'm a sucker for a girl who smiles.
>taking glasses off
w-what the hell
why this? glasses are objectively superior
2. gotta get those [internal spaghetti] so severe librarian qt points.
Can't keep them on all the time
Because they'd fog up during the dance from how hot her face is.
She'll trip and fall!
Dancing with /fit/ makes a girl pretty hot
Personally prefer 1
As a girl, I'm offended by this!
Shh, they'll notice us.
aren't you fucks too old for this shit already?
You're never too old for fun.
What are /lit/-chan's measurements? Do we go for the petite frame?
>tfw all the frustrated virgins act like women can't be /lit/
Shes a petite hourglass, because of turtlenecks and dress shirts.
What kind of dress will our /lit/tle librarian wear?
We'll derail the thread. Help us figure out /lit/tans measurements. I can only use myself as a ref for so long, after all.
I hope that doesn't imply anything more than a b cup. Also, less than 1.60 meters tall.

It'd be easier if we find a real life model.
Bust size is not breast size.
There are qt flat hourglasses, dont worry.
Only if you sit on me desu
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cant we model her after you-know-who?
Literally who
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Don't forget the fart fetish.

-My nigga Joyce
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/lit/ should definitely have Lucia Joyce's hair.
Morning. Have we decided on which /lit/ chan to use?
>also, /lit/ has very, very few women
what?!?? >:(

There are more here than any other board except for /adv/ and /soc/
Gosh I love that picture
OP pic is much better than both of these. Frankly these are awful they both look like ugly old women

I like this picture and then style of clothing

good lord no


Wtf is wrong with you. I like OP's pic better than anything that has been suggested in this thread.
Second. Literally everything about OP's version is better. Pink, black hair, skirt, qt body
t h i s
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This is how I imagine /lit/
>they rhyme

/lit/ has small tits
If you've ever had a penis it doesn't count
>/lit/ has no women

It's in the top 3 board in terms of women
Lucky us
i have a hard time believing we have a higher percentage of women than /cgl/, /y/, or /co/
>slouchy and homely

It's better if she has big tits. Kind of like a point of embarrassment. She's a nerdy shy girl but then she has big tits that everyone is staring at.
(The big tits are symbolic: one represent IJ and the other represents Ulysses; her big fat booty represent's Zettel's Traum; don't ask about The Tunnel)

Not /cgl/ or /soc/, but probably about as many as /co/. /y/ doesn't really get much traffic anyway.
>this thread
>nerdy shy girl
She's from /lit/ not /v/, she's not nerdy and she's not shy.

She's self confident and intellectually superior.
whatever as long as the tits aren't tiny
Shy is the new self-confident
>It's in the top 3 board in terms of women
meaning /lit/ has six girls compared to the rest of the boards, which have maybe two or three
So 6 of out maybe 15 total people. Not bad
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>not choosing Anna K as the female embodiment of lit
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Maybe with longer hair
>choosing Anna K as the female embodiment of lit
She's a qt just admit it
The /lit/ attitude reminds me most of Virginia Woolf. She should be our model
This board hasn't been that few people for at least a couple years.
only if there's bacon and cheese in there, i'm on keto
I second this tbqhfam. Also Woolf is a good writer
But she's not hot
>being an aesthetician in this, the year of our lord 2018-2

look anon you wanna be hot. I wanna be hot too. here's the thing though: both of us are doomed to die alone and husbandless with only our books for company.

people who think /lit/ should be hot are missing the point.
Beauty is truth, truth beauty
truth: you aren't beautiful
who the fuck was truth beauty and why should I care about any of what she says? baka senpai
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I bow before your memes
Then it's too bad that I had your mom's dick last night.
my parents died when I was 12 in a car accident.
Congrats on living the Primordial meme.
>outing someones mom
geez anon it's like you don't respect women
What's /fit/ look like beyond being built?
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Of course /lit/ is a female board, for some reason. It's just kind of how it worked out, it always has been.
Like a flatchested bitchnizzle.
We need some concept art to vote on.
so far we have
- big chested shy nerdy girl
- big chested librarian girl
- flat chested librarian girl
- Anna K
/v/ is the fat nerdy girl, /lit/ should be super thin, frail, and flat
like this
Post-Irony lit girl (she's not actually lit but this is the aesthetic I pictured)
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can't, she's always been an actress first

/lit/ would necessarily have to be french or russian, but I already decided for you ladies(gentlemen).
I know who /lit/ will be. Colette.
Let's get a drawfag to animify her
I still like the big chested librarian girl
>people who think /lit/ should be hot are missing the point.
No, people who think that a board tan should not be hot, but rather an accurate and subtly nuanced depiction of the depressing reality underlying our board culture are missing the point.

The POINT of this thread is to come up with a super cute anime girl who likes books
This pic is actually a pretty good starting point for /lit/-tan. I'm no artist, so take this with a grain of salt, but my suggestion would be to make her bigger.
seconding this.
lives off food for thought in stacks =/= stacked.

I totally agree, it's the best one so far
She looks too goofy
no, she looks librarian-casual
Do we actually have any drawfags?
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Some drawfag came here last year and asked lit to describe its personification, he used that information to draw this. It'll be in the archives.
Wow that's really good
>be robot
>invent pepe
>years later /pol/ make Pepe their own and win the US elections with it
>/pol/ decide to repay you by getting you a winter ball date
>have a /pol/ drawfriend redesign your drawfriend
>likely your only chance at your board-tan getting a date with another board-tan
>decide to ignore big brother /pol/'s advice to take /e/ and ask /pol/ to get you /int/
>/pol/ gets you /int/
>hold strawpoll confirming you want /int/
>be robot
>realize this is going well
>immediately form conspiracy from really shitty B movie about highschool bully victim
>find one post in /c/ thread where one guy from /pol/ asked about a double date
>immediately think that your conspiracy theory was not nearly accurate and decide that /pol/ just wants /c/ and [s4s] as a double date
>ignore the fact that no one has said anything about this to /pol/ or /o/
>shitpost yourself into autistic fit
>blame /pol/ bogeyman for trying to cuck you
>get legitimately scared of being cucked as an anonymous image board by another anonymous image board
>start to think "/pol/ was right to begin with lets just drop /int/"
>start shitposting civil war between those with balls and those who are genuinely scared over the 4chan winter fucking ball
>have second and third strawpoll and have /int/ win both
>sperg out over sabotage
>think /pol/ now want you to be cucked by /int/ and are rigging polls
>some people decide to go for /int/ anyway
>/int/ still says yes despite the raging autism but says the date is platonic and that their only rule is no lewds
>immediately decide to find a drawfag to make lewds
>get dropped by /int/
>have /pol/ give up on you
>apologize to /int/ and /pol/
>apologies accepted - /int/ even consider going to the ball next year (platonically)
>decide to sperg out and shoot up ball because you sperged out and lost your date
>be robot
>tfw no gf
fuck off cunt why are you here
How much of that did he actually draw, though? All I'm seeing is photoshop.
winner winner chicken dinner
Top keks

nice try
Dat ass
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Ok so rough sketch going off these:
>>8727080 #
>>8723851 #
>>8721095 #

& These pics sorta
>>8721657 #
>>8723385 #

Also modeled her face off Sylvia Plath cause she's qt.
/his/ literally got cucked by /fit/
I guess you're hallucinating then. It has clearly been touched up using illustrator or PS and made from a selection of separate images but equally clearly all the elements put together were hand drawn.
Whatever the personification, can we at least agree that they're called Kitty?
I feel like /lit/'s name would be something Like Charlotte or Catherine.
>female board

That being said, /flit/ would be nice. Even if it has homoerotic undertones, which is only confirmed by the name.
Charlotte or Catherine has a similar sound. It just seems right for some raisin
How about Charmain?
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1 is good I love it
Can we please not have a fucking ugly board-tan?
OP pic is the better than all this shit suggested
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George (Eliot)
Sorry, veto.
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>It no longer produces any memes
Look when is this fucking winter ball? I can draw some /lit/-tan prototypes this weekend
I don't know if it's solidified yet. Saw some posters suggest Thanksgiving. Another (newer) post said Dec 2-3.
/qa/ has a fairly central thread >>>/qa/835724
Might also check /tg/ and /pol/ as they have been the most active boards.
Literally invented no bully at the start of this year. /fit/ is a meme factory.

/cgl/ is the lady board. It's interesting since /fit/ traditionally would gravitate to /cgl/ and /fa/ and we'd get /mu/.

You're right tho, plenty of women come on here.
Does /lit/-tan have any nicknames? Who are her friends if she has any? Outside of books, which aren't friends.
Olivia is too common for our girl. She needs something more quaint.
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As opposed to big tits, I propose that /lit/-tan has a big butt. This is a matter of personal preference for me, but I'll justify it by saying that if she was really sitting and reading all day she'd probably have some secretary's spread.
Tried and true
awesome thanks breh
If you can, give her a design similar to this >>8723385

but with a stuck up, e/lit/ist attitude.
>pls respond
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Thanks fer giving it a go mate. 'er head is too big for the body proportions. I botched it up for ya, mebbe got it too small idk.
I have a bunch of lit qtp2t pics somewhere. Onionwrong also posts sometimes still.
This girl is fucking hideous, if we're going to be a girl we need to be attractive. At the very least we need to be "nerdy-cute" like /mlp/'s tan.
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Hey, /lit/, /pol/o/ drawfag here.

I'm kind of drifting around the other boards, seeing what they're doing.
Tomorrow, after my morning class, I may be able to throw together with a design for /lit/-tan, if you'd like.
wouldn't a little girl version of Gene Wolfe be the ultimate /lit/-chan?

I dare someone to draw this.
Anyone from the 4chanlit tinychat knows there are quite a number of qts here.
(blob come to me)
/pol/ack drawfags are the worst drawfags, though.
the comic of the gay /pol/ and /lgbt/ couple is pretty hilarious
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Just needs to be less old.
Wkihow is that you? Something looks a little off with the eyes and glasses but nice all the same.
>dfw headband

>sylvia plath
almost as bad as mccullers
at least it's not woolf past her 20s

at least go with someone actually good looking edith wharton but she's a shit writer
>almost as bad as mccullers
You are not kidding.
could she be the sffu?
>dubs shit
No, she also looks derpy.
pixiecuts is CUTE
>national bestseller
The eyes anon. The things you should have open when looking at the pictures.
but they are open
Good, now wear no disguise and tell me Emily 'four names' St. John Mandel doesn't have weird derpy eyes.
>that pic
I didnt know Cliff was a nazi
We're not exactly oozing with drawfag talent anon. Only 2 have posted so far.
I could go for this.
First year here little man?
You make it sound like we should accept less than decent scraps as well. The one you like is the best one outside of the concept one in the op
I don't understand your attitude. There's no reason not to be grateful for anything that gets drawn for us. It's not gonna get tattooed to our collective foreheads or anything. If we don't like it, we won't use it...
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>Sylvia Plath is ugly
Charlotte is nice, what about Burnadette? What's the most /lit/ female name out there?
Was your pic suppose to prove something?
She's a horse-faced mouthbreather
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>/fit/ is really big, warm, and cute
>perfect for snuggling while reading
>Perfect Yaoi fantasy material with other boards
>/fit/ can protect us and carry our books
>We can explain to /fit/ what certain big words mean, explain the meaning of certain books
>/fit/ is really shy despite being so in shape, in a very cute way that we admire
>/lit/ is so much smarter than /fit/ that he can be the perfect hubby while we make all the important decisions in the relationship
Proposal accepted, but remember who's really in control. Make sure to bring that sweet ass with you.

But would she still be referred to as Kitty?
What I'm saying is I don't think the poster drew any part of it.
Y-yes ma'am.
>reading books
I can, and I definitely won't.
I honestly love Bernadette.
Just make her a nice, docile, well kept girl with black hair that has a very dark, cruel, and sadistic inner self that comes out sometimes. I imagine her to look like OP's image except a little less generic, and maybe acting like a Yandere girl at times.
Would she use books in the same way Yanderes use knives?
Like lightly cutting /fit/'s shirt/skin with a copy of mein kampf when he doesn't follow directions or using a very thick book as a bludgeon.
With a big ass.
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Ok since everyone hated my first sketch so much...
She needs to be well dressed -- it is a ball.

>>8732656 # Thanks anon, but I did mean to do that. I guess I thought narrow shoulders were fitting.
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Not too big (She's not a "thick" whale) but fucking this and maybe give her a/b sized breasts, pear shaped
Beauty's in the eye of the beholder I suppose.
Better but still too old

>>8732855 and >>8732302 are more in the right direction IMO
Well, no, she shouldn't be a fatty. I do think she should be a PAWG, though.
It would autocorrect for some raisin.
small tits big hips white and a turtleneck
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This, but with long black hair in a hime cut, with black or clear glasses
>hime cut
>shit meme glasses
Piss off wanker. A messy bun would be better, and she should only have reading glasses.
>black or clear glasses
how the fuck are they memes?
Messy bun is perfect
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So Akane Yonomori but with better hips and smaller boobs?
Style of dress is a little too modern
Let go of the glasses, people, these are the main hindrance that made the drawings look fucking ugly so far.
Well being reading glasses instead of all the time glasses, would give us the option and artists to freely choose when she has them. Cause they are, you know, reading glasses.
looks like an old bitter librarian, what the fuck /lit/ I'm cute this doesn't represent me.
let's do this instead
I think the small kind of glasses make the character look too old but the wrinkles and weird old, fat faces don't help.
>I'm cute
Sure you are honey, but you aren't anime cute. >>8735955 lacks character outside of slight nerd tones with the glasses, making her a pretty terrible example to use as a base. If the idea of glasses are causing this much trouble why don't we just say she has contacts, it'd avoid having stupid conflicts over frame style.
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None of you have decent taste in hair. Hair should be loose and put in a clip, slightly messy, like this.

Glasses should be large without being hipster, not secretary slut glasses.

Dress should be flattering to (our) figure, down to just above the knee OR a full length, none of this 3/4 shite.

Comfy hairstyle and clothing is the obvious choice, at least as to what our usual style is. For the ball we should just dress in a way that shows off the different places where muscles and bones create shadows on the skin, like an off-the-shoulder kind of dress and hair either lifted up or behid the shoulders, to show off that aesthetic sense of contrasting dark shadows with white skin.
C'mon, people.
Also, we have green eyes with darkened eyelids. Kinda like Zizek, but sexier.
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>Glasses should be large without being hipster, not secretary slut glasses.
Please reconsider your choices and never suggest that again. Those are beyond shit in any form. We might as well go with something similar to beatnik glasses that are constantly halfway down her nose then.

She could sign out my books anytime.
secretary glasses are awful and will make us seem like ugly losers, we should go with the flow and try some larger glasses even if they're "normie" or "hipster" or whatever.
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>tfw not over /mu/

W-who is he taking this year? I-is she prettier than us?
/mu/ is disgusting though, the guy's favorite book is reddit tier!

Anyone who wants /fit/ or /mu/ is a squatter.

Sadly this board is >50% squatters from /r9k/ and /pol/.
/lit/ should go with /his/ or /sci/

Let fit pity fuck pol and feel bad the morning after

>implying we shouldn't go with /pol/

>implying you shouldn't go back to /pol/
>Anyone who wants /fit/ or /mu/ is a squatter.
We've had /mu/ p much every year (I'm not totally clear on why, it's just how it is) and we have so much cross traffic from /fit/ it's ridiculous, so not surprised. /sci/ a shit and /his/ is incest with a retard.
Any /lit Qts in Va?
Tall /fit guy here
>Ok since everyone hated my first sketch so much
So you just decided to draw exactly the same thing?
/flit was already decided long ago sorry you missed the bus
>incest with a retard.
lit x his r34 where find?
Anon is going off all those B/W photos you autists posted.
I think I can do this
Don't forget bangs
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